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The 1,000 Names of Bala--2

Auspicious Liquor. Very Beloved. Still and Joyful Nectar. Charming Limbed One
Rejoicing in Intercourse. Having Sweet Nectar.

Seated on a Great Pedestal. Satisfied. Wild. Beautiful in Bearing. Drenched in a

Shower of Nectar. Expanding Ocean of Redness.

Very Red. Fond of Moistness. Wearing Innumerable Earrings and Removing Fear.
[200] Excellent Oral Lore. Encircled by Countless Flowers and Fruit.

Dear. Auspicious. Beloved of Shiva. Shankari. Shambhavi. Powerful. Self Created.

Beloved of the Self. Partner. One's Own. Mother Matrika.

Vowel-Being. Refuge. Chaste. Highest Being and Origin of Wine. Fortunate

Gladdener. Respected. Devoted to All Good Fortune.

Lucky. Slender Thread. Maiden. Bright as a Fragment of a Half Moon. Beautiful

Slender Creeper. Dear One. Wicked Deed. Evil Spell.

Gazelle Eyed. Excited Eyed. Sharp. Intoxicated with Wine Nectar. Delighted by
Intoxicating Liquor. Beauteous as Madira Wine.

Pleased by Kadamba Wine. Handsome. Delighted. Rejoicing in Sideways Glances.

One with Slowly Turned Down Eyes Gazing Long and Sweetly. Destroyer of the
Family of Demons. Radiant Nectar of Sexual Desire. Suvasini. One with Rounded
Body. One With Breasts Heavy with Milk.

Truly Beautiful. With Teeth Like Little Pearls. With a Halo. Radiant Mouth. Her Lips
Like Tender Shoots. Her Nose Like the Tip of a Til Blossom. Her Forehead Shining
Like Gold. With a Face like the Full Moon. With a Young Moon as Her Shining

Her Lively Eyes Smeared with Orpiment. Her Ears Like Blossoming Flowers. Each
Ear like Half a Leaf and resembling a New Moon. With the Sun as a Gem in Her

Her Gold Earrings Studded with Gems. With Coiled and Begemmed Earrings. Very
Beautiful Cheeks. With a Shell-Like Neck. Wearing Alluring Gems.

Wearing a Pearl Necklace which is Like the Ganges in Flood and Her Voice Like a
Bird. Her Limbs Extending Like Many Lotus Roots. Carrying Noose, Goad and Bow.
With Bracelets Entwined Round Her Clothes. Adorned with Various Beautiful Jewels.
Her Lotus Hands the Colour of Copper and Her Lovely Nails Shining like Gems.

Her Fingers Adorned with Jewels with Beautiful Lines between Her Fingers. Her Two
Beautiful Breasts Like the Mandara Tree. The Hair of Her Pubic Region like a Line of
Serpents. Her Womanly Deep Navel Encircled by Three Lines. Very Slender of
Wearing a Breast Plate for Battle. Wearing a Beautiful Waist Cloth. Her Buttocks
Like the Brows of an Elephant. Her Two Thighs Close Together Like the Cheeks of
an Elephant. Her Beautiful Knees and Legs like Unworldly and Bright Paradise

With Hidden Ankles. Her Anklets Adorned with Gems and Making a Charming
Ringing Sound. Her Two Feet Meditated on by Yogis. Ocean of Wine Nectar.

Vermilion Ocean. With a Vermilion Forehead Mark. Adorned with Dishevelled Hair.
Perfect Nectar. Truly Wise. Intelligent. Most Beautiful of Divinities.

Like a Row of Scarlet Rays From a Dawn Sun. Beloved Cow of Heaven. Padmini of
the Essence of Nectar. Stream of Rasa.

The Beautiful and Ever-present Boon Giving One. Autumnal. Giving True Fortune.
Dear to Nataraja. Cosmic Dancer. Male and Female Dancer.

Brightly Coloured Yantra. Web of Consciousness. Knowledge Vine. Chief Thing.

Dwelling in the Forehead. five-Sectioned One. Panchami.

four-Sectioned One. Tripartite Primordial One. Six-Sectioned One. Worshipped in

the Vedas. Having 16 Sections. The Fourth. Supreme Kala. Shodashi. Goddess of
Mantra and Yantra. Meru Circle.

Sixteen Lettered One. Three Lettered One. True Form of Bindu Nada.

Above the Letters. Mother of the Letters. Great Happiness Who is the Absolute as
Sound. Consciousness Vine. Being with Sections. Kameshi. To Be Seen in Dream.

Goddess of Dream. Goddess of Awakened Intelligence. Refuge of the Watchful in

the Waking State. Abode of Dream. Deep Sleep. Free from Idleness. Spring Creeper
of Fragrant White Flowers (Madhavi).

Lopamudra. Queen of Kama. Daughter of Man. Worshipped by Lords of Wealth.

Shakambhari. Nandi Vidya. Garland of Light Emanating Blossoms.

Mahendri. Served in Heaven. Oral Lore. Refuge of the Best Sadhakas. Chaste. Truly
Good. Siddhi Cave.

Lady of the Three Cities. Worshipped by Conquerors of Cities. City Devata. Satisfied
Destructrix of Obstacles. Without Qualities. Worshipped by the Celestial Cow.

Golden Mother. Lady of Hosts. Secret Mother. With Beautiful Buttocks. Giving Birth
to All. Liberation. Initiation. Initiated Matrika.

Mother of Sadhakas. Mother of Siddhas. Most Powerful Wizardess. Deluding the

Mind. Youthful and Intoxicated. Exalted. Her Beautiful Buttocks Swaying Slowly.

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