UNIT10 Answer Key

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UNIT10 Answer Key

Lesson 1, pp. 76–77

1 Suggested answers:

Writer 1: He’s a little down in the dumps because he isn’t enjoying his job or doing the things
he wants with his life.
Writer 2: She’s at her wits end with worry because her daughter hasn’t been in contact with
Writer 3: She’s pleased with herself for becoming a mother.
Writer 4: He’s really wound up about not being able to get an appointment at the hospital.
Writer 5: She’s of two minds about whether to visit her friends or family.

3 1. We didn’t really need to bring all this equipment. 2. They are bound to find out sooner or
later. 3. I think we ought to look around the house first. 4. She is likely to do well in the race. 5.
There must be an easier way to do this. 6. I’ve asked her a hundred times already but she
won’t change her position. 7. They can’t charge that much for a service. It’s ridiculous. 8. We
might bump into you at the party on Saturday. 9. You are supposed to take your shoes off
before you go in.

4 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a 6. C

5 1. optimistic 2. tough times 3. work out 4. looking on the bright side 5. outlook 6. dwelling 7.
Chances are 8. Challenges

Lesson 2, pp. 78–79

1 1. It can’t have been Pete in that car. 2. There is no answer. They could have gone to bed. 3.
You weren’t looking where you were going. The car might have killed you. 4. I’m not sure that
they’re still in the city. I think they may have moved. 5. I’m glad you came. I couldn’t have done
it without you. 6. I can’t find it anywhere, but it must be here. 7. Rick and June might come to
the wedding reception. 8. Someone called and left a message. It may have been Carmen. 9.
You must be joking. 10. They’re still not here. They might have got lost.

2 1. thrilled 2. furious 3. taken aback 4. ecstatic 5. indifferent 6. miserable 7. uninterested 8.

terrified 9. flabbergasted 10. dumbstruck 11. outraged 12. delighted 13. livid 14. petrified 15.

3 anger ✓ contentment ✓ regret ✓ surprise ✓

4 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F

Lesson 3, pp. 80–81

1a Answers will vary.

b Suggested answers: 1. M ax really wants his bike back but feels scared when he has to ask
for it. 2. A aron probably feels proud that he helped his son learn to stand up for himself.
3. A nswers will vary. 4. A nswers will vary.
2 1. Aaron and Max would come to the park every Saturday. 2. Sometimes Max would ride his
tricycle while Aaron read the paper. 3. Often young men would play basketball nearby. 4.
Aaron would have gotten the tricycle back himself, but he wanted Max to learn how to resolve
problems by himself. 5. Would you give me my tricycle, please? 6. The girl wouldn’t listen to

3 1. He had always said that he would give me money. or He has always said that he will give
me money. 2. The teacher would never smile at me. or The teacher wouldn’t ever smile at me.
3. Would you like to follow me to my office? 4. The family moved to the countryside so that
they would have had a better quality of life. 5. She warned us that the job would to be hard. 6.
I’d have changed jobs earlier if I had realized how easy it was. 7. No matter how hard they
tried, the horse wouldn’t to leave the stable. 8. Would you to turn the lights off when you have

4 1. taking exams when she was younger 2. No. As a child she enjoyed them, but as she got
older she would feel stressed. 3. She would learn the information word for word, like the lines
in a play. 4. She needed to apply theory to formulate answers, rather than just rely on the
information she had memorized.

6 1. a sort of a geek—d 2. word for word – a 3. later in life—g 4. you can’t always get away
with—b 5. learning things by memory—f 6. stressed out – c 7. learned the lesson—e

Review Unit 10, pp. 82–83

1 1. I’m of two minds as to whether or not to go to the concert. 2. He’s been a little bit down
in the dumps recently. 3. She was at her wits end about failing the exam. 4. Try not to get so
wound up about life. Take it easy. 5. I’m feeling pretty pleased with myself for passing my
driving test. 6. Now all the tickets are sold out, so we’re kicking ourselves.

2 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. c
3 1. He has a tendency to dwell on the negative. 2. I’m sure it will all work out well in the long
run. 3. Try looking on the bright side. 4. Generally, I see problems as challenges. 5. There are
various techniques you can use to change your thought patterns. 6. I tend to trust people.

4 1. delighted 2. furious 3. taken aback 4. thrilled 5. indifferent 6. miserable 7. uninterested 8.

terrified 9. livid

5 When I was younger, my parents were always busy. They had just started their own
business, so they often had to go overseas and couldn’t take care of my brother and me. When
they went away on these trips, they would send us to stay with my grandfather, a fruit farmer
who lives in the foothills of the mountains. I was always happy when my mother told us we
would stay with Grandpa, since the time we spent at his house was always wonderful. The air
there was fresh and clean, and the scenery was beautiful. There was no pollution. In the
morning, I would wake up and smell the grass and the flowers, and hear the birds singing their
song. There is an orchard filled with fruit trees of many kinds, and we were always happy when
our grandfather would ask: Would you like to help pick the fruit? When the fruit was ripe, we
could pick as much as we could eat. And when there was too much, we would set up a fruit
stand, and make good money selling the sweet fruit to passers-by. My grandfather kept dogs
and chickens, and took us for walks in the forest. Here he taught us the names of the plants, so
that we would know which were good to eat, which were useful for medicinal purposes, and
which were toxic. He wouldn’t let us pick the plants until we could tell him what each one was.
We learned so much when we were with him, more than we would have learned by going to
school. I would have stayed there forever, if it were posible.

6 Answers will vary

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