Writing Advance 06

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Dear Dan

I am writing this letter to respond to your concerns that have

been written in your letter. I understand the situation you are going
through and I admire your willpower to resist the latest trends,
especially the pressures from your friends. I congratulate you because
you care about your studies and your part-time job. I know that it is
difficult to deal with the latest trends since the world influences that a
lot. But you must keep in mind that keeping up with the latest trends in
technology is not bad, on the contrary it helps you solve your life. That
is, as long as you need it and you don't do it out of vainglory. In the
following lines, I will explain the possible advantages of being up to
date with the latest trends.

In my opinion, as I mentioned above, it is positive and useful to

be up to date with the latest trends in technology, music and fashion.
The problem is to buy just for the sake of buying, or for the pleasure of
buying, without really needing to or perhaps to surprise someone. We
must buy something if we are going to use it. It is necessary not to get
carried away by the advertising that day by day presents us. Many
times, we think that wearing branded clothing or the latest fashion will
make us better people. We must first think about improving as human

Furthermore, I think it's great if you're working for your

studies. I also remind you that your friends should respect your
opinion of not being up to date with the latest trends. You should also
respect their opinion of you. That shows a good friendship. Sometimes
you have differences in ideas or opinions but above all you must
respect and dialogue.

On the whole, the decision is yours. I recommend you in take in

good plan, the advice of your friends. If you consider it necessary,
accept what is really useful to you and not because of the influence of
advertising or the world.

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