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Which of the following is not use to Monitor and Troubleshoot Network Traffic? CORRECT
Select one:
a. Packet Sniffer
b. Network Analyzer
c. Packet Tracer
d. Network Monitor

It is a type of software that is used to analyze network problems, detect network intrusion attempts and network
misuse, perform regulatory compliance and monitor bandwidth utilization CORRECT
Select one:
a. Packet Tracer
b. Antivirus
c. Firewall
d. Packet Analysis

It is an Open source packet analyzer that is originally known as Ethereal and was developed in the late 1990's.
Select one:
a. Norton Web Analytics
b. Kaspersky Firewall
c. Backdoor
d. Wireshark CORRECT

Which of the following is not a common packet analyzer software?

Select one:
a. Cain and Abel
b. NarusInsight
c. Ettercap
d. tcpip

It is one of the OSI layer that is the beginning of encapsulation and known to be the responsible for the
transportation of data.
Select one:
a. Transport Layer
b. Session layer
c. Physical Layer
d. Network Layer
Which of the following is not a commonly accessed menu choice in the Wireshark Program?
Select one:
a. File
b. Capture
c. Statistics
d. Internals cORRECT

This are used when we have already captured some packets or are actively capturing packets.
Select one:
a. Preferences
b. Interface List
c. Find Packet
d. Display Filters

It allows a user to add a more complex filter.

Select one:
a. Expression Builder
b. Display Filters
c. Regular Expression
d. Preferences

It is a model that standardized each of the functions of data transformation by breaking it down into layers.
Select one:
a. Open Systems Interconnection Model
b. Rapid Application Development Model
c. Transmission Control Protocol Model
d. Prototyping Model

This helps us describe and understand how each layer breaks down data to prepare it for transmission and also
defines what shape the data is in as it passed down the layers.
Select one:
a. User Datagram Protocol
b. Transmission Control Protocol
c. Protocol Data Unit
d. Encapsulation
Which of the following is not a type of Query Message?
Select one:
a. Echo Request
b. None of the Choices
c. Time Stamp Reply
d. Subnetmask Request

It is a protocol that is used to share files and transfer data reliably and efficiently because it uses TCP based
Client/Server Model.
Select one:
a. Internet Control Message Protocol
b. Hyper text Transfer Protocol
c. File Transfer Protocol
d. Domain Name System

Which of the following Application uses User Datagram Protocol?

Select one:
a. Network News Transfer Prtocol
b. Trivial File Transfer Protocol
c. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
d. Telnet

Which of the following field is not included in the UDP Headers?

Select one:
a. Length Field
b. Source Port
c. None of the choices
d. Checksum

It is a simple transport layer protocol that provides connectionless transport layer services. Meaning there is no
handshake or connection process and no reliability.
Select one:
a. User Datagram Protocol
b. None of the choices
c. Internet Protocol
d. Transmission Control Protocol
Which of the following is not part of the sections of DNS Header?
Select one:
a. Additional Resource Records
b. Authority Resource Records
c. Answer Resource Records
d. Type of Service

It is an Application layer protocol that converts hostname to an IP Address, it usually uses port 53 over UDP or TCP.
Select one:
a. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
b. Internet Control Message Protocol
c. Domain Name System
d. File Transfer Protocol

Which of the following is Not an HTTP Response Status Codes?

Select one:
a. 200: Success
b. None of the Choices
c. 500: Server Error
d. 400: Client Error

It is an Application Layer protocol for web that uses TCP as the transport layer protocol.
Select one:
a. File Transfer Protocol
b. Domain Name System
c. Internet Control Message Protocol
d. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Which of the following field is not included in the IP Header format?

Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. CheckSum
c. Type of Service (QoS)
d. Time To Live (TTL)

It is a connection-less protocol that sends data in best effort and is commonly used for addressing and routing data
to get it to the final destination
Select one:
a. Internet Protocol
b. None of the choices
c. User Datagram Protocol
d. Transmission Control Protocol

It is an IP address and a port address that represent a socket and it is usually used by wireshark to help you track of
the data.
Select one:
a. FIN
b. RST
c. Stream
d. SYN

Which of the following field is not included in the TCP Header format?
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Sequences
c. Acknowledgement
d. Flags

It is a connection-oriented protocol that begins with handshake and data is sequenced and acknowledged.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Internet Protocol
c. Transmission Control Protocol
d. User Datagram Protocol

In what year did the TCP (Transmission Control Protoco) first conceptualized by Mr. Robert Khan and Vint Cerf?
Select one:
a. 1974
b. 2000
c. 1965
d. 1989
SDK for Javascript stands for:
Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Software Development Kit
c. Self-Development Kit
d. System Design Kit

API for Javascript stands for:

Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Application Programming Interface
c. A Pleasing Interface
d. Air Position Indicator

DOM for Javascript stands for:

Select one:
a. Digital Online Media
b. Drawn on Mandrel
c. None of the Choices
d. Document Object Model

Numbers, Strings, Booleans, Arrays and Objects are considered as __________ of Javascript.
Select one:
a. Objects
b. Functions
c. None of the Choices
d. Data Types

What do you call the developers tool for Internet Explorer?

Select one:
a. Internet Explorere Tool
b. None of the Choices
c. F12 Developers Tool
d. Web Inspector
What do you call the developers version of the Safari?
Select one:
a. Webkit Daily
b. None of the Choices
c. Webkit Nighthly
d. Webkit Desert

What do you call the developers version of the Safari?

Select one:
a. Webkit Daily
b. None of the Choices
c. Webkit Nighthly
d. Webkit Desert

It is considered as the programming language of the web and has an international standards name of ECMA Script.
Select one:
a. Subscript
b. None of the Choices
c. VBscript
d. Javascript

Google Canary

ARIA stands for:

Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Accessible Rich Internet Application
c. ActivMedia Robotics Interface for Applications
d. Amyloid Related Internet Abnormality

It is a type of Main Content Models that set-up the presentation or behavior of the rest of the pages content (head).
Select one:
a. Flow
b. None of the Choices
c. Metadata
d. Phrasing

It is a type of Main Content Models that is the text of the document within paragraph level structure.
Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Phrasing
c. Flow
d. Metadata

It is a type of Main Content Models that defines the header of a section which can be either explicitly marked up with
sectioning elements or implied by heading content itself.
Select one:
a. Heading
b. None of the Choices
c. Phrasing
d. Metadata

It is a type of Main Content Models that is included in the normal flow of the document (body tag) and considered as
parent content model.
Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Flow
c. Phrasing
d. Metadata

It is generally found inside block-level element and considered as text level and that means they appear in the
normal flow of the text.
Select one:
a. Meta Data
b. Inline Level
c. None of the Choices
d. Block Level
It is an element in HTML that occupy their own space within the normal document flow and can be used to group
content inside their respective blocks.
Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Inline Level
c. Block Level
d. Meta Data

It is the process of using web language & syntax-es to add meaning to the content.
Select one:
a. Web Analytics
b. Web Hosting
c. None of the Choices
d. Web Semantics

It is a type of Relationship design that are independent but relationship contains additional properties
to describe it.
Select one:
a. Independent
b. Associative
c. Dependent
d. None of the choices

It is a type of Relationship design that one resources cannot exist without the parent.
Select one:
a. Associative
b. Independent
c. Dependent
d. None of the choices

It is a type of Relationship Design that the resources may exist regardless of the other existing but
they may reference each other.
Select one:
a. None of the choices
b. Dependent
c. Associative
d. Independent
Which of the following is not part of the API Modelling?
Select one:
a. Create API Definitions
b. Break into Steps
c. Identify the Activities
d. Maintenance and Support

It is an API strategy where in you can take advantage of existing business systems, yet shape them
to what you prefer and need.
Select one:
a. Affordance
b. Bolt-on
c. Facade
d. Greenfield

It is an API strategy wherein When there's no underlying application or even necessarily business
logic that you have to interact with. You have complete freedom and flexibility to do whatever you
want, however you want to. This is a strategy behind "API first" or "Mobile First" and is the easiest
scenario to develop an API.
Select one:
a. Greenfield
b. Bolt-on
c. Affordance
d. Facade

It is an API strategy wherein when you have an existing application and add an API after the fact.
This is often considered as brute force approach, but is the fastest way to get value from the API,
since the underlying system is functional the whole time.
Select one:
a. Affordance
b. Facade
c. Bolt-on
d. Greenfield

It is a quality of an object or an environment which allows a user to perform action.

Select one:
a. Bolt-On
b. Affordance
c. Greenfield
d. Facade

API stands for:

Select one:
a. After Project Initiation
b. Application Program Interface
c. Application Process Instruction
d. Alert Process Improvement

It is a layer under the Internet Protocol Suite that defines how router will connect with each other.
Select one:
a. Application
b. Internet
c. None of the Choices
d. Link

It is a layer under the Internet Protocol Suite that handles the creation and sharing of data over the
Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Link
c. Application
d. Internet

In what year does the TCP/IP formalize?

Select one:
a. 1973
b. 1965
c. None of the Choices
d. 1982

URL stands for:

Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Uniform Resource Locator
c. Upper Reference Limit
d. User Resource Link

Applications that delivers web content or services to clients

Select one:
a. DNS
b. None of the choices
c. Client
d. Server

Devices that usually request and render web content.

Select one:
a. Server
b. Client
c. None of the choices
d. URL

It is used to refer to a massive network of millions of computer all over the world that are used to
share and transmit information.
Select one:
a. Internet
b. None of the choices
c. World Wide Web
d. Domain Name Server

It is a way of transmitting data over the internet using the HTTP protocol and HTML.
Select one:
a. World Wide Web
b. Domain Name Server
c. None of the choices
d. Internet

It is a folder that your web content is located on your web server.

Select one:
a. URL
b. Top Level Domain
c. None of the Choices
d. Sub Domain

It is a specialized string of characters that identifies the location of a desired resources.

Select one:
a. URL
c. DNS
d. None of the Choices

It is a layer under the Internet Protocol Suite which control how ports are assigned and communicate
with each other.
Select one:
a. DataLink
b. Transport
c. None of the Choices
d. Presentation

It is a layer under the Internet Protocol Suite that defines the addressing and routing structure for
data across the network.
Select one:
a. Internet
b. None of the Choices
c. Link
d. Application

Protocols are simple language that let computers share information with each other.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
Which of the following belongs to the 3 core languages of Web Designer?
Select one:
a. Assembly
b. Java
c. Python

Meta tags are tags in html that doesn't need a closing tag
Select one:
a. True
b. False

This are use to identify specific type of content.

Select one:
a. Head
b. Tags
c. Body
d. Title

In what year did Tim Berners-Lee, introduces the "HTML Tags"?

Select one:
a. 1991
b. 1997
c. None of the Choices
d. 1995

In what year did W3C (standards body that is responsible for publishing HTML) began the process of
trying to move HTML toward XML by publishing the XHTML 1.0 specification?
Select one:
a. 2000
b. 1995
c. None of the Choices
d. 1997

WHATWG stands for:

Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Working for HTML Application Technologies Web Group
c. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
d. World Hypertext Application Technology Working Group

In what year did W3C drops the charter for XHTML 2.0 and eventually abandons the move towards
Select one:
a. 2009
b. None of the Choices
c. 2000
d. 1997

It is the most stable specification of HTML.

Select one:
a. HTML 4.0
b. None of the Choices
c. HTML5
d. HTML 2.0

It tells the browser or user agent which version of HTML that you'll be using so it knows which
version of the syntax to use in parsing.
Select one:
d. None of the Choices

It ensures that your page is going to be rendered properly.

Select one:
a. Quirks Mode
b. Silent Mode
c. None of the Choices
d. Glove Mode

If HTML (Markup Language) is to Content and CSS (Style Sheet Language) is to Presentation then
Javascript (Programming Language) is to ______________.
Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Behavior
c. Structure
d. Nodes

3 Commonly used Node types in DOM documentation are Elements, Attribute and ___________.
Select one:
a. Behavior
b. Data
c. None of the Choices
d. Text

It is a general purpose javascript library that is easier to navigate and manipulat the DOM, easier to
add events, easier to work with animation and has lesser codes.
Select one:
a. Sandbox
b. None of the Choices
c. Lightbox
d. JQuery
It allows you to load Javascript run in the background regardless of what else is going in your page.
Select one:
a. Web worker
b. None of the Choices
c. Javascript Background
d. JS Idle

ECMA Script V.5 is published in what year?

Select one:
a. 2000
b. 2009
c. None of the Choices
d. 1997

What do you call the counter part of JavaScript for Microsoft or Windows Internet Explorer?
Select one:
a. VBScript
b. None of the Choices
c. CoffeeScript
d. JScript

Who developed the first Javascript in 1995?

Select one:
a. Rasmus Lerdorf
b. Brendan Eich
c. None of the Choices
d. Charles Babbage

Javascript is case insensitive.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

Javascript is whitespace sensitive

Select one:
a. True
b. False

What symbol is used to end a Javascript statement?

Select one:
a. None of the Choices
b. Period (.)
c. Colon (:)
d. Semicolon (;)

It is an English line of what you might want a script to do without worrying about syntax.
Select one:
a. VBscript
b. Pseudo Code
c. None of the Choices
d. Structure

// is to JavaScript comment and /* */ is to JavaScript __________________.

Select one:
a. Function
b. Statement
c. None of the Choices
d. Multiple Line Comment
CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is developed to control the presentation of Markup Language
Select one:

CSS 1.0 was released in 1994 and followed by CSS 2.0 in 1999.
Select one:

User Controls are allowed to give user the enhance accessibility, prevents rendering issue from
restricting access to content and allow user w/ disabilities can over ride smaller text size.
Select one:

CSS syntax is separated in to two part the Selector and the Declarators.
Select one:

Declarators are enclosed in a curly braces and it has two parts the property and the value.
Select one:

Element Selector is a global selector type based on individual HTML elements.

Select one:

Class Selector has an attribute based on the ID attributes applied to HTML elements.
Select one:

ID Selector has an attribute based on the class attributes applied to HTML elements.
Select one:

Element-Specific Selector is a highly specific selector that target elements based on their location
within other elements.
Select one:

Descendant Selector is a modified class or ID selector which limits application to a specific elements.
Select one:

It refers to the physical properties of an element's rectangular box. These are margins, borders,
padding and content width & height.
Select one:
a. Modelling
b. Box Model
c. Diagram Model
d. None of the Choices
This is the CSS Debugging tool that is available in both Google Chrome and Safari browser that looks
like firebug.
Select one:
a. Firebug
b. None of the Choices
c. DragonFly
d. Web Inspector

Term used to describe a collection of styles that are designed to neutralize a portion of a browser's
default styling.
Select one:
a. CSS Collection
b. None of the Choices
c. CSS Reset
d. Template

width: 960px;
margin: 0 auto;
background: #fff;
font: 90% / 1.6 baskerville, platino, 'platino linotype', georgia, serif;
Is what type of CSS template?
Select one:
a. Fluid
b. Responsive
c. None of the Choices
d. Fixed

It a type of CSS template wherein it respond to the size of the browser windows orientation of the
device / the height of it.
Select one:
a. Responsive
b. None of the Choices
c. Fixed
d. Fluid

It is a tool for web design that compare up to 3 different font to each other.
Select one:
a. Kuler
b. Typetester
c. None of the Choices
d. Media Query

It is a tool for web design that helps in the color scheme (max of 5 color at a time).
Select one:
a. Kuler
b. None of the Choices
c. TypeTester
d. Media Query

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