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Village of Altona Board Meeting

Thursday, December 3rd, 2020

 The board meeting was called to order on Thursday, December 3rd, by President Derrick Appell. Board
members present: President: Derrick Appell. Clerk: Kelly Scott. Treasurer: Mark Compton. Trustees: Dale
Grawe, Shirley Kistler, Keith Holland, Nick Morris, Brian DeVito and Ryan West. Public Present: 1 guest.
 Minutes approved from November 5th, 2020 meeting with an addition under Streets/Garbage to read: Any
future residential work along Village streets, will need board approval. Motioned to approve by Dale and 2nd by
Ryan. All Ayes
 Payment of bills approved for December 2020 was motioned by Keith and 2 nd by Nick. Ayes: Dale, Shirley, Keith,
Nick and Brian. Abstain: Ryan. Passes: 5-0-1
 Financial report was reviewed by Mark Compton – there was an interfund transfer of $500 from Corp. to Refuse.
 Public Comment: Rich Wegner was asking if the $300 that was appropriated last year for website funding was
used or not. Derrick stated that it has always been allocated, however the board has never taken action to use

Old Business
 Code Book Revisions & Passage of Ordinances: No updates at this time
 Village Weather Warning System: Need to check to see if a second warning system would be compatible with
the one we have now. Table until next meeting.
 Mid Century Communications Fiber Optic Update: Jason stated that things are going well. The crew that is
doing the install, seem to doing well.

New Business:
 Announcements were read by Derrick: Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas!
 2021 – 2022 Appropriations: Need to start thinking of amounts for upcoming projects so they are appropriated
 Closed Session – Annual Employee Review (see below)

Committee Reports
 Water/Sewer:
 Booster pump that was discussed previously about having some issues, has now been repaired. Jason
worked on it and cleaned it; he will keep cleaning it on a regular basis.
 Streets/Garbage:
 Parks/Sidewalks:
 Park projects updates (mulch, shingling, painting etc.…): no changes
 Tree Removal at 205 N. Station: Tree has been removed.
 Employee Report:
 Closed Session: Annual Employee Review: Dale motioned to go into close session at 7:29 p.m. and Shirley 2 nd
the motion. All Ayes.
 Back into Open Session: Keith motioned to go back into open session at 8:06 p.m. Dale 2 nd the motion. All Ayes.
 Keith motioned a 5% raise for Jason to be back dated to November 10 th 2020, Dale 2nd the motion. Ayes:
Dale, Shirley, Keith, Nick, Brian and Ryan. Passes: 6-0
 Dale motioned a $100.00 gift card at Altona Food & Gas as a Christmas bonus to Jason, 2 nd by Nick.
Ayes: Dale, Shirley, Keith, Nick, Brian and Ryan. Passes 6-0
 Adjournment: Ryan motioned to adjourn at 8:09 p.m. and Shirley 2 nd the motion. All Ayes. The next scheduled
meeting will be Thursday, January 7th, 2021.

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