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Nickname First American/Schneider 1 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 8130/2018
Last charge 8131/2018
Last payment 8/31/2018 Amount

Date Attorney Rate

10 Markup%
8/1/2018 JWK Billable

8/1/2018 SM
- • - Billable

8/1/2018 SM

- • - Billable

- • -

8/1/2018 SM Billable

- -
8/1/2018 SM Billable

811/2018 SM
• Billable


FAB- Attys. Fees- 000001

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Total



8/1/2018 AMH
- • Billable

8/2/2018 JWK
- - - Billable


- • .. Billable

- -

• Billable

,.-- Billable
1\ 9694

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000002

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Total

- - -
8/2/2018 Billable

- - -
812/2018 SM Billable

- - -
812/2018 SM Billable

8/2/2018 SM Billable

- - -

8/2/2018 SM Billable

- - -..

- -
8/2/2018 SM Billable

8/2/2018 SM Billable

- -

8/2/2018 SM
119703 • Billable

- - - Billable

8/3/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

- - -
119744 Confer
Confer w;th co-counsel re:

8/6/2018 JWK Billable


FAB - Attys. Fees- 000003

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Arrount Total

10 DNB Amt - - - - -

8/6/2018 SM

- - - Billable

- • -

- • -
8/6/2018 SM Billable

8/6/2018 SM Billable

- • -

- • -
8/6/2018 Billable

8/7/2018 JWK Billable



- • .. Billable

- -

817/2018 SM
• Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000004

9/4/2018 Keller & Botz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

- .
First American/Schneider: Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup % DNB lime --..........D
8/7/2018 Billable


• Billable

8/8/2018 JWK
- • - Billable

- - ..
- - -
8/8/2018 SM Billable

8/812018 SM Billable

8/8/2018 SM
- • - Billable


- 22.50



22.50 v Billable '

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000005

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time - --=0'-'--N=B_,_Amt-=-= _ _ _ _ __
8/9/2018 JWK 350.00 4.00 1,400.00 Billable
119726 Receive and review
Receive and review emails from Mr. Gesten re: intention to file
motion for extension of time to file motion for rehearing, rehearing
en bane and/or certification; email to Mr. Gesten indicating Bank
IM>Uid not object to extension of time; receive and review Mr.
Gesten's reply email and a of the notice of norl-m>oositil>n

22.50 \_, BiHable ).

8/9/2018 SM
- - - Billable

8/9/2018 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable


8/10/2018 JWK 350.00 4.60 1,610.00 Billable

119741 Continue

8/1 0/2018


8/1 0/2018 SM
• Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000006

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

- -
Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

=ID:...,___ _ _ Markup o/o DNB Time - -- - --

8/1212018 SM Billable

119745 • - Billable

• .. Billable

8/13/2018 SM
- • .. Billable

8/ 13/2018 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

119760 Review
Review Order Granting Appellanfs Motion for Extension of Time.

g13/2018 22.sol ...



- -

• Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000007

9/4/2018 KeUer & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB lime -== -------
8/13/2018 SM
- - - Billable



8/13/2018 SM
- - - Billable

- - -

8/14/2018 JWK Billable


- - -
- - -
8/14/2018 SM Billable

p 781
8/1 4/2018 SM Billable

- - - Billable


8/15/2018 SM
- - - Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000008

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time -== =-- - -
8/15/2018 SM - • .. Billable

- • -

8/15/2018 SM Billable

- • -..

- -
8115/2018 SM Billable

- • -
8/15/2018 SM Billable

8/15/2018 SM Billable

8/16/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

- -
119804 Receive
Receive, review- Motion for Rehearing l FAB -

- - -
8/ 16/2018 HHB Billable

8/16/2018 HHB Billable


8/16/2018 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

119812 Prepare
Prepare Response to Schneider's Motion for Rehearing.

8/16/2018 JWK 350.00 5.30 1,855.00 Billable

119850 Receive and review
Receive and review Schneider's Motion for Rehearing ; review legal
authorities and prepare section of Response to Motion for
Rehearing dealing with proper standard to apply and prohibited
practices relating to (1) raising issues not preserved for appeal
and (2) re-argument of facts or of consult with
co-counsel re: finalize
section as to Response
to Motion for Rehearing.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000009

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First ArnericanJSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Hours Amount Total

1 824
L, 45.00 "\._..- Billable

1.60 360.00 Billable

8/16/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
119827 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

112.50 BiJa_21e
1 9828

6/2018 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

119830 Draft
Draft Appellee's Response to Appellanfs Motion for Rehearing.

6/2018 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

- -
119831 Review

119832 • Billable

8/17/2018 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

- -
119820 Re\Ase
Re\Ase to Motion for Rehearing/confer with

to FAB.
8/17/2018 HHB Billable

- . -


1_ 945.00 1 Billa le

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000010

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID llme Entry
8t1 f t2018 90.00 Binab

- -
8/17/2018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable
119834 Re\Ase

Re\Ase draft Response to Appellanfs Motion for Rehearing.

7/2018 Billable

7/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

119836 Email

2.25.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

'--" /{ Billable ,

8/20/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

- - -
119839 Receive and re\Aew
Receive and review email from FAB/review Responsive
Memorandum/file same.

8/20/2018 HHB Billable


8/20/2018 JWK

45.00 t_........ •


FAB- Attys. Fees - 000011

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup % DNB lime -== =
DN,_,B"'-A'-"mt'-!.!! -::;;==-- - -
- - - Billable

225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

8/20/2018 SM
- - - 292.50

Billable •

8/20/2018 SM

- • - Billable

- - -

8/20/2018 Billable

- - -

8/21/2018 HHB Billable

- -

8/21/2018 SM BiUable

- -

- -
8121/2018 Billable

• Billable


119894 • Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000012

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Aroount Total

10 Markup % DNB lime _ _ _ _ __ __

8/2212018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

119895 Recei-.e
Recei-.e, 4th DCA's denial of Motion for

- -
45.00 Billable ....

8122/2018 SM Billable


• Billable

8/22/2018 SM

- • - Billable

- -

8/22/2018 SM
• Billable

- -

8/22/2018 SM
• Billable

- -

8/22/2018 SM Billable

8/22/2018 SM Billable

8/2212018 SM
• Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000013

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

FirstAmerican/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time ==,..--- - -
8/22/2018 SM - • - Billable


8/22/2018 SM
119916 • Billable

8/22/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

119917 Review
Review Order Denying Appellant's Motion for Rehearing.

8/22/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

119918 Email

SM 22.50 l_ Billa61e
l 19919

8/23/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

119921 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: t...--
receive and review

8/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

119944 Review
Re\Aew email from Mr. Snow re:

8/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

119945 Email
Email Mr. Snow re:

8123/2018 22.50 Bill@ble

119947 • Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000014

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID ____________ Markup % DNB Time -===-DN
'"""r=nt ---==------

8/23/2018 SM
- - - Billable

- -

8/23/2018 SM Billable

8/23/2018 SM
- - -.. Billable

8/23/2018 SM Billable


8/23/2018 SM
• Billable

- - -

- - -
8/23/2018 SM BiUable

8/2312018 Billable

- - -..

- -
8/23/2018 SM Billable

- -
8/23/2018 SM Billable

8/23/2018 Billable

- - -

8/24/2018 HHB Billable


FAB - Attys. Fees- 000015

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours · Amount Total

ID ____________ Markup % DNB Time DNB Amt
8/24/2018 HHB - - - - - - - -- - - Billable

8/24/2018 JWK
- - - Billable

8/24/2018 SM

- - - Billable

- - -

8/24/2018 SM Billable

- -

8/24/2018 SM Billable

- - -

8/27/2018 HHB Billable


- • -
- - -
8/27/2018 HHB Billable

8/27/2018 SM Billable

- • -

- • ..
8/27/2018 Billable

8/27/2018 SM Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000016

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

- •
Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total
10 Time Entrv Marku12% DNB Time DNBAmt

- -
8/28/2018 HHB Billable

• Billable

- -

• Billable

- -

- -
8/28/2018 Billable
11 9980

120013 • Billable

- -
- • -
8/28/2018 SM Billable

8128/2018 Billable

- • -

- • -
8/28/2018 Billable

- • -
8/2812018 SM Billable

8/28/2018 SM Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000017

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID ____________ Markup% DNB Trrne --===DN:. : B=-Amt:. . : . :.: ----=----
8/28/2018 SM - • - Billable

- • -

8/29/2018 HHB Billable


- • -
- • -
8129/2018 HHB Billable

8/29/2018 JWK Billable


- • ..
- - ..
8/29/2018 SM Billable

8/29/2018 SM Billable


- • -..
8/29/2018 SM Billable

- •
8/29/2018 Billable

8/29/2018 SM Billable

8/29/2018 SM
120007 • - Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000018

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American!Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB lime - -==-- - -
8129/2018 SM
- • - Billable

- • -

- • -
8/29/2018 SM Billable

8/30/2018 I-H3 Billable

- - -

8/30/2018 Billable

- .. •
- - -
8/30/2018 SM Billable

- • -
8/30/2018 SM Billable

8/30/2018 SM Billable

- • -..

- •
8/30/2018 SM Billable

8/30/2018 SM Billable


8/30/2018 SM
• Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 0000 19

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Arrount Total

ID Markup % DNB lime ---===DN=B=-Amt=--=-= - = = - - - -
8/30/2018 SM - • - Billable

- -

- -
8/31/2018 HHB Billable

8/31/2018 JWK
120065 • Billable

- • -
8/31/2018 SM Biftable

- -..
8/31/2018 SM Billable

8131/2018 SM Billable

8/31/2018 SM
120074 • Billable

TOTAL Billable Fees 235.60 $65,097.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup % ---:--:-::---- ___,.--,-----
8/1/2018 0.10 16.000 1.60 Billable
120032 Photocopies

8/13/2018 FIRM 0.10 37.000 3.70 Billable

120033 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000020

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Exoense MarkuQ%
8/15/2018 FIRM 0.10 52.000 5.20 Billable
120075 Photocopies

8/16/2018 FIRM 0.10 85.000 8.50 Billable

120076 Photocopies

8/17/2018 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

120077 Photocopies

8/24/2018 FIRM 0.10 34.000 3.40 Billable

120078 Photocopies

8/27/2018 FIRM 0.10 5.000 0.50 Billable

120037 Photocopies

8/27/2018 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

120081 Photocopies

8/29/2018 Fl RM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

120039 Photocopies

8/31/2018 341 .20


TOTAL Bi liable Costs $365.80

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $65,097.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $365.80

Total new charges $65,463.30

Previous Balance
Current $13,320.00
Total Previous Balance $13,320.00
Accounts Receivables
DateiiD DescriQtion
8/31 /2018 PAY Payment- Thank You ($13,320.00)

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000021

9/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LL P
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total Accounts Receivable ($13,320.00)

New Balance
Current $65,463.30

Total New Balance $65,463.30

Funds Account:
Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorne:t Rate Hours Charges Sli 12 Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 25.90 $9,065.00 $9,065.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 72.80 $25,480.00 $25,480.00 0.00
SM 225.00 134.90 $30,352.50 $30,352.50 0.00
PARA 100.00 2.00 $200.00 $200.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000022


8/9/2018 KeHer & Bolz, LLP

1:30PM Pre-biU Worksheet Page 28

Nickname First American/Schneider I 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 8/1/2018
Last charge 7/31/2018
Last payment 8/6/2018 Amount $1 ,270.00

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB lime -..= ,. =D:. :. .;N=B'-'-A..: . mt=-= === - -- -
- • - Billable

- • - Billable

7/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

119324 Ascertain
Ascertain client.

7/ 12/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

l i i i l i i i l i tdale file/confirm
to First American

7118/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
119477 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/19/2018 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

119511 Provide
Provide FAB with advices

7/19/2018 HHB 0.30 105.00 Billable
119512 Review
Review treatise ..,/
7/25/2018 JWK 350.00 2.1 0 735.00 Billable
119568 Review

225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

8/9/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:30PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Total

10 lime Entry Markup% DNB lime --...!::.!..'F-f--'!.!.!! _ _ _ _ __
7/25/2018 SM 225.00 22.50 Billable
119581 Email - - -1
Email Messrs. Snow, Smith and
7/25/2018 SM 225.00 Billable
119582 22.50 '
) (fkl Pt,"
225.00 22.50 Billable /

- -
22.50 Billable

7/25/2018 SM
119585 • Billable

7/25/2018 SM 225.00 Billable

119586 Review
Review Orde!5Denying MotioR for Appellate Attorney's Fees
against Stepfianie Schnei e,r. - -"'-
225.00 Billable

22.50 Billable

___ ____J
22.50 Billable )
and Roush

7/25/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
119590 Participate


Roush re:

7/25/2018 Billable

7/26/2018 JWK 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

119610 Review
Review Appellate Court Orders ( 1) granting FAB's Motion for Fees

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000024

8/9/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:30PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

=10'----- - lime Entry Markup % DNB Time _ _ D=Nc..::.::B::....:Amt
c...=.= _ _ _ __ _

and Expenses on appeal against Mr. Schneider, (2) denying Mr.
Schneider's Motion for Fees and Costs against FAB, and, (3)
denying FAB's Motion for Fees Mrs.
case law

7/26/2018 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

119598 Draft

- ..
7/26/2018 Billable

- -
7/26/2018 SM Billable
119602 Determine

- - -
7/26/2018 SM Billable

- • -
7/26/2018 SM Billable

• ..
7/26/2018 SM Billable

7/26/2018 SM Billable


7/26/2018 SM
119607 • Billable

67. 50 Billable

- • BiUable

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000025

8/9/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:30PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time _ _.:D;.:..;N:.:B..:..A.:.:.;mt:.:: --- - - - - -- -
7/27/2018 JWK 350.00 5.70 1,995.00 Billable
119612 Continue

- • -
- -
7/27/2018 Billable

7/27/2018 SM
119615 • Billable

7/27/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

119625 Participate
- onference with Mr. Hagan re.

7/27/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
119626 Review
Review and corrment on draft
Smith and Roush re:

7/27/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
119627 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to

Smith and Roush re:

• Billable

• .. Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000026

8/9/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:30PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 ____________ Markup % DNB Time ---::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-'D=N
= ------------ --

- -
7/30/2018 SM - • - Biftable

- -
7/30/2018 SM Billable

119640 • Billable


- • -
- - -

7/31/2018 Billable


7/31 /2018
119663 • Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000027

8/9/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:30PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time ==-------
7/31/2018 SM - • - Billable

- -

7/31/2018 SM Billable


- ..
7/31/2018 SM Billable

7/31/2018 Billable


7/31/2018 Billable

7/31/2018 SM
• Billable

TOTAL Billable Fees 45.50 $13,212.50

Date Attorney Amount Total

/ 125.59 Billable

TOTAL Billable Costs $125.59

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $13,212.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $125.59

Total new charges $13,338.09

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000028

8/9/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:30PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Previous Balance
Current $1,270.00
Total Previous Balance $1 ,270.00

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __
8/6/2018 PAY Payment- Thank You ($1 ,270.00)
Total Accounts Receivable ($1 ,270.00)

New Balance
Current $1 3,338.09

Total New Balance $13,338.09

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney - - ------=-Ho=ur_,_s - - ---'C=h.:.::a:,:-;

rg:>.::e=s _ __ .....;S=I""ip-=V:...::a::.:
lu=e _ _ _..:....A::dciu::.:
stm:. :. :.: :.en:.:. :.t
HHB 350.00 2.20 $770.00 $770.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 21 .60 $7,560.00 $7,560.00 0.00
SM 225.00 21.70 $4,882.50 $4,882.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000029

7/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:21AM Pre-bill Worksheet
age 37

Full Name
Last bill
First American/Schneider 1 317.18
First American Bank
r L· \}

Last charge 6/29/2018
Last payment 5/17/2018 Amount
Rare $2,857.90 Hours
Date Attorney
10 Markup% DNB Time _ _D::.;N:..::B=-Amt:..=.:..:.: - - -- - -
6/7/2018 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
118759 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB

6/7/2018 JWK 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

118885 Review
Review file and confer with co-counsel re:

0.20 45.00 Billable

6/14/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

118936 Receive
Receive and

6/21/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

119047 Confirm

6/2212018 HHB Billable


6/26/2018 HHB
• Billable

- -

6/27/2018 HHB
• Billable

- - -

6/27/2018 HHB Billable


FAB - Attys. Fees - 000030

7/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:21 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider:First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB lime DNB Arnt
6/2812018 HHB ----..--Billable

6/28/2018 HHB

350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
119178 Advise

Advise FAB

6/29/2018 H-iB Billable


TOTAL Billable Fees 3.70 $1,270.00

Total of billable expense slips $0.00

Arrount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $1 ,270.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $0.00

Total new charges $1,270.00

Previous Balance
Current $5,452.10
Total Previous Balance $5,452.10
New- Balance
Current $6,722.10
Total New Balance $6,722.10

Funds Account Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00
New account balance $0.00
Amount to replenish account to $o.oo $0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000031

7/212018 Keler & Bolz, LLP
9:21 AM Pre-bil Worksheet Page 39

First AmericanJSchneider:Rrst Arrerican Bank (continued)

Attorney Surrmary

Rate ljours Charges SliQ Value Adjustment

H-tB 350.00 2.60 $910.00 $910.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 0.90 $315.00 $315.00 0.00
SM 225.00 0.20 $45.00 $45.00 0.00

FAB- At,ys. Fees - 000032

6/29/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP .
2:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet

Nickname First American/Schneider 1 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 6/2812018

Last charge 6/2812018 I"

last payment 5/17/2018 Amount


6/712018 SM 45.00 Bilable

118839 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/14/2018 HHB 0.30 105.00 BIKable

118936 Receive

6/21/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Bilable

"""''"'1't Garry

6/22/2018 BiRable

- -

6/26/2018 Billable

- • -

6/27/2018 HHB Billable

- • -

6/27/2018 HHB Billable


FAB- Attys. Fees- 000033

6/29/2018 Keler & Bolz, LLP
2:59PM Pre-biR Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time = = =-- --
6/28/2018 HHB - • - Billable

6/28/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

119178 Advise
Advise FAB

TOTAL BiRable Fees 3.50 $1 ,200.00

Total of biDable expense slips $0.00

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $1,200.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $0.00

Total new charges $1 ,200.00

Current $5,452.10
Total Balance $5,452.10

New Balance
Current $6,652.10

Total New Balance $6,652.10

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total reroowd from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Surrmary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 35o.oo
JWK 350.00 0.90 $315.00 $315.00 0.00
SM 225.00 0.20 $45.00 $45.00 0.00

FAB - Fees - 000034

6/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1 317.18 r.-

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 5/10/2018
Last charge 5/31/2018
Last payment 5/17/2018 Amount $2,857.90

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount ToJa

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt
5/1/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
118163 Receive and review
Receive and review 4th DCA Order striking Schneider's Reply
Brief (too long)/review email from FAB.

5/1/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 BiUable

118241 Review
Review Order Striking Appellanfs Reply Brief.

5/1/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118242 Email

• Billable

5/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

- -
118170 Confer
Confer with FAB Chairman (Tom Wells) re: -

118174 • Billable

5/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

118175 Receive and review

Receive and review "Corrected"

118246 • Billable

5/2/2018 SM
• Billable

- -

• Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000035

6/1/2018 Keller & Bolz. LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

Rrst AmericanfSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

ID DNB Amt - ----

5/2/2018 SM
- • Billable

5/2/2018 SM
118259 Review
Re\liew Appellant's Corrected Reply Brief.
225.00 0.40 90.00
) Billable

- ..
5/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118260 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smi1h

5/2/2018 SM Billable


118262 • Binable

5/3/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

118190 Receive and re\liew
Receive and review email from FAB (
Counsel)/confer with Attorney Snow re:

5/4/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 BiUable

118194 Re\liew
Review email exchange with FAB/confer with co-counsel.

5/412018 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

118195 Receive and review
Receive and review
\'lAth Attorney Snow.

5/412018 H-13 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

118203 Review

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000036

6/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB lime _ _...::::D:.:..N=B:..:.Aml.:.:.:: - - - - - - -
5/4/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

118204 Confer

5/4/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118297 Review
Review email from Attorney Gesten re: requesting a v.fitten payoff
and reinstatement aJroUnt

5/4/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Bilable

118298 Calculate
Calculate the post-judgment interest rate on the final judgment.

5/4/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

118299 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/412018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118300 Participate

5/4/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

118301 Participate
. a t e in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

S/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

118205 Receive and re\Aew
Receive and figure
review and respond to orney eler's
5/7/2018 1-1-iB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable
118209 Corn,>ute
email for Laurence Schneider.

5/7/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

118210 Confer
Confer 'Mth c toFAB.

517/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

118211 Confer
Confer with Garry

5/7/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

118216 Review
Review and a

FAB - Fees- 000037

6/1/2018 Keler & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-biY Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

- d
Date Attorney Rate Hours Am:>unt Total
10 1ime Entrv Marku12% DNB Time DNBAmt
5/7/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
118217 Telephone call
Snow (General Counsel) re:

sn12018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118326 Re-iiew
Review email from Mr. Smith re:
5/7/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
118327 Review
Review legal authorities ra:

5/7/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
118328 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/7/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

118329 Review

sn1201a sM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118330 Participate
... conference with Mr. Smith ra: -

5n/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

118332 Review
Review and comment on draft email to Attorney Gesten re:
providing payoff amount.

225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

5/9/2018 HH3 350.00 0.60 210.00 BiUable

118317 Receive and review
Receive review email from Attorney Gesten/-

5/9/201 8 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118356 Review from Attorney Gesten re: requesting a breakdown of
the attorney's fees incurred by the Bank.

5/9/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118357 Review
Review email from Mr. Snow re:

FAB- Fees- 000038

6/1/2018 Keller & Bolz:, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Atbrney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entrv Markup% DNB Time _ _. :.D:,!. ;N!.!: B'-'-A-"-mt=.! : - - -- --
5/10/2018 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
118362 Confer
Confer v.;th co-counsel re:

5110/2018 H!-13 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

118363 Perform

5/1 0/2018 HH3 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

118370 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Gestenlprovide breakdown of
attorney's fees (foreclosure Utigation v. appeaQ- Final Judgment
date/Ad Vabrem ta>es (2017).

5/10/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

118482 Confer
with co-counsel re:

5/10/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

118488 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Gesten re: the
breakdown of fees incurred by the Bank.

5/11/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

118387 Receive and review
Receive and review emails from FAB!attempt to contact Garry

5/11/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118497 Review

511212018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

118391 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

5/14/2018 1+1B 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

118399 Receive
Receive email from FAB/confer with Mr. Smith/prepare responsive

5/23/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

118469 Confer
Confer with FAB {Brian Hagan) re:

FAB- Fees- 000039

6/1/2018 Keler & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bil Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime - - -- -- -
5/31/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
118656 E>«:hange
i i l i i iemails/calls with FAB

5/31/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

118662 Email
Email Mr. Smith

TOTAL Billable 18.00 $5,425.00

Date Attorney Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense
4/30/2018 0.20 75.000 15.00 Billable
118358 Pacer
U.S. Court Search - Pacer

5/1 0/2018 FIRM 0.10 57.000 5.70 Billable

118608 Photocopies

5/31/2018 Billable

TOTAL Billable Costs $38.61

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $5,425.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $38.61

Total new charges $5,463.61

Previous Balance
Current $2,857.90
Total Previous Balance $2,857.90
Accounts Receivables
5/17/2018 PAY =P=ay=me""-'=n:-"
t _::.:Th=-a--:
:-:-o-u_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
Total Accounts Receivable ($2,857.90)
New Balance
Current $5,463.61

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000040

6/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $5,463.61

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney ------:-.!:-'
::: _ _ _ ___,_H==
s ___ _ __
HHB 350.00 11 .00 $3,850.00 $3,850.00 0.00
SM 225.00 7.00 $1,575.00 $1,575.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000041

517/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:14AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 4/25/2018
Last charge 4/30/2018
Last payment 4126/2018 Amount $3,536.00

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB lime ---=D;;..:..NB=-..;Arnt
...;;.;..;;: - - - -- -
4/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
117680 Receiw
Receiw, Fourth DCA Order denying oral
argument I ernails v.flh FAB.

4/5/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117725 Review
Review Order denying Appellant's request for oral argument.

4/612018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable


4/6/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

117745 Confer
Confer with Attorney Gesten re: Stipulation for Substitution of
CounseVReply Brief/oral argument.

4/13/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 BiRable

117830 Receive
Receive and review. . (recent 4th DCA opinion).

4/13/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

117831 Review
Review file/prepare folow-up email to Attorney Gesten re:
Substitution of Counsel pleading/prepare status email to FAB.

4116/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

117833 Receive
Recelw, Attorney Gesten's email I FAB
unfiled Stipulation or u ution of CounseQ .

4/18/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

117920 Receive
Receiw, "as-filed" Stipulation for Substitution
- ir ncan Bank - confer with co-counsel re:

4/1812018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117946 Review
Review Stipulation for Substitution of Counsel.

4/18/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

117953 Review
to Messrs. Smth and Snow re: •

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000042

5/7/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:14AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Arrount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime ---=D;.:. ;N=B...:..Amt
-"'= - - - - - -

4/30/2018 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable
118114 Receive
Receive, review and analyze Schneider's Reply Brief/identify
issues/confer wth co-counseVprepare and send email to FAB.

4/30/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

118115 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry

4/30/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

118127 Review
Review case

4/30/2018 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

118128 Review
Review Appellanfs Reply Brief.

4/30/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

118129 Confer

Confer with co-counsel re:

4/30/2018 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

118130 Review
Review and shepardize legal

4/30/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

118131 Review
Review and comment on draft email to Messrs. Snow and Smith

4/30/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

118132 Participate
- onferencewith Mr. Smith re: -

TOTAL Billable Fees 10.00 $2,850.00

Date Attorney Price QuanUty Amount Total

ID _ _ __ _ _ =-:::-::'7'::'--- --=:-=-::-- - - -
4/30/2018 FIRM 0.10 79.000 7.90 Billable

118094 Photocopies


FAB- Attys. Fees- 000043

5/7/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:14AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Costs $46.45

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Ttme Charges) $2,850.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $46.45

Total new charges $2,896.45

Previous Balance
Current $3,536.00
Total Previous Balance $3,536.00

Accounts Receivables
4/26/2018 PAY Payment- Thank You ($3,536.00)
Total Accounts Receivable ($3,536.00)

New Balance
Current $2,896.45

Total New Balance $2,896.45

Funds Account Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney - -- ---:--::-
R=:=-at=: =:e _ __ _ _ _ _ _C:: . ch:. :.:a: .:. rg"'-'e=s _ _ __;S:: .:I.:.t:iP:....:V,_,a,_,_,lu=e _ _ _..:...
HHB 350.00 4.80 $1,680.00 $1 ,680.00 0.00
SM 225.00 5.20 $1,170.00 $1 ,170.00 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000044

511/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-biD Worksheet 32

Nickname First American/Schneider 1 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 4/2512018
Last charge 4/30/2018
Last payment 4/26/2018

Date Rate Arroont Total

ID Markup% ----r=..:..:.:::.__:_:.:..::.= ------=D:..:..N=B'-'A
.:..::t .,...,------
0.50 175.00 Billable

4/5/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117725 Review
Review Order

350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

re: -

4/6/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

117745 Confer

Confer vllith Attorney Gesten re: Stipulation for SubstiMion of
CounseVReply Brief/oral argument

4/13/2018 HHB ( 350.00 0 .20 70.00 Billable

117830 Receive
Receive and 4th DCA opinion).

4/13/2018 HHB 350.00 0 .30 105.00 Billable

117831 Review
Review file/prepare follow-up email to Attorney Gesten re:
Substitution of Counsel pleading/prepare status email to FAB.

4/16/2018 HHB 350.00 0 .30 105.00 Billable

117833 Receive
Receive, Attorney Gesten's email I FAB (with
unfiled of Counsel) .

4/18/2018 HHB 0.30 105.00 Billable

117920 Recei\e

4/18/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117946 Review
Review Stipulation for Substitution of Counsel.

4/18/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

117953 Review
Review and revise draft

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000045

9:34 AM
Kaler & Bolz, LL
Pre-bill Workshee
fP 1
I Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued) /

Date Attorney Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry rku % DNB lime _ _..:::D::..:...N!-"'8'-!A_,mt= - ---- - - -
4/30/2018 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable
118114 Receive
Receive, review and analyze
with co-counseVprepare and send email to F A B - - -

4/30/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

118115 Telephone can
Telephone call from Garry

4/30/2018 SM '\-........._ 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

118128 Review
Review Appellants

4/30/2018 SM 2.25.00 0.30 67.50 BiUable

118129 Confer

Confer Vlrith co-.counsel re:

4/30/2018 SM 3.40 765.00 Billable

118130 Review
Review and shepardize legal authoriti

4/30/2018 SM 0.20 45.00 Billable

118131 Review
Re'Aew and comment on draft email to IVIQ<, .,r..,

4/30/2018 SM 0.20 45.00 Billable

118132 Participate
with Mr. re:-

TOTAL Billable Fees 9.60 $2,710.00

Date Attorney Quantity Arrount Total

ID Expense
4/30/2018 =
FI:-:=R':::::M=-- -- - - - 0.10 79.000 7 .90 Billable
118094 Photocopies

4/30/2018 FIRM 38.55 1.000 38.55 Billable

118138 Westlaw
Westlaw Research

TOTAL Billable Costs $46.45

5/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $2,710.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $46.45

Total new charges $2,756.45

Previous Balance
Current $3,536.00
Total Previous Balance $3,536.00

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD fuL _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
4/26/2018 PAY Payment- Thank You ($3,536.00)
Total Accounts Receivable ($3,536.00)

New Balance
Current $2,756.45

Total New Balance $2,756.45

Funds Account Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney _ _ _ _ _-!...:
R,_at=e _ __ _ _ _ _ - - --=-A=dciuc:::::st"m=e=nt
HHB 350.00 4.40 $1,540.00 $1 ,540.00 0.00
SM 225.00 5.20 $1,170.00 $1,170.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000047

4/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:24PM Pre-bill Worksheet 30

Nickname First American/Schneider I 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 4/3/2018
Last charge 3/30/2018
Last payment 3/12/2018 Amount $47,720.50

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amo t Total

ID Time Entry Markup % DNB Time - - - -- -
3/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
117057 Review
Review file/contact Attorney Gesten's office (he's out until March 8,
2018)/leave message.

3/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

117058 Telephone call
Telephone call to FAB (Garry Smith) re:

3/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

117072 Review
Review file/begin preparing demand email to Attorney Ryan
Gesten/receive call from Attorney Gesten's office.

3/6/2018 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

117138 Prepare
Prepare status report to First American Bank.

- -
3/7/2018 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable
117175 Prepare

Prepare email (with attachments) to Attorney Gesten.

3/8/2018 Billable


3/8/2018 HHB

3/13/2018 HHB l,<;


0.40 140.00

117276 Contact
Contact Attorney ten re: property ins c to receive oral
request for a extension file Reply Brief
(with explanation of leaving firm).

3/13/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11 7277 li
Attorney Snow) re:

3/ 13/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Bi llable

117278 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Gesten re: parameters of
30-day extension request - need for witten requesVassertion that

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000048

4/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:24PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First Arrerlcan/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

1D =----
..:..:: - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ---
no further requests will be rriade.

3/1312018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

- -
117389 Confer
Confer v.nth co-counsel re:

3/14/2018 HHB
• Billable

- -

• Billable


3/15/2018 SM

3/1512018 SM

0.10 22.50

117396 Review
Review email from Mr. Gesten re: requesting an extension of time
to file the reply brief.

3/1612018 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

117330 Telephone call
Telephone can to Attorney Gesten ("He's no longer v.nth the firm"} -
receive advices that Attorney Kurschner is now handling file/leave
for Kurschner/advise FAB (Garry Smith) I
3/19/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
117333 Review
Review file/prepare email to Shapiro-Blasi firm regarding
curren1/future representation of Laurence Schneider on appeal
(4th DCA).

3/19/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

117334 Telephone call
Telephone call from Attorney Daniel Kurschner re: Schneider's
choice of attorneys.

3/19/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117416 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Kirschner re: whether
the firm will continue to represent Mr. Schneider.

FAB - Fees - 000049

4/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:24PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time _ _ - - -- --------
3/20/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
Fred Snow re: - -
- update fileic'O"iiie'r'

3/20/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

117365 Review
Review Appellate Rules/exchange emails \\1th FAB.

3/20/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117426 Review
Review legal authorities re:

3/20/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117427 Review

3/21/2018 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

117578 Receive
Receive of P.A.) taking
over Schneider's 4th DC
ema1 o con er WI
unse rrange for second 30-day extension.

3/21/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117475 Telephone conference

£, ' J
Telephone conference \\1th Attorney Kirschner re: advising that
Attorney Gesten \\111 represent Mr. Schneider in the litigation.

3121/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

117479 Telephone confere e
Telephone confere ce Gesten re: request for
extension of time to file the eply rief.

3/21/2018 SM / 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 7480 Email
Email Attorney Ges re: reques or extension of time to file the
Reply Brief.

3/21/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Review email from Attorney Gesten re: agreeing not to seek any
further extensions of time.

3/22/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

117586 Receive
Receive, unopposed Motion for Extension of
lime to File Reply rie AS/confer with co-counsel.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000050

4/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:24PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider:First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time _ _ _,.D:. :.:N=B:. . :.A. : . mt:. :.: _ _ _ _ _ __
3/22/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
Appellant's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File
Reply Brief.

3/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Review Order granting Appellant's Motion for Extension of Time.

3/26/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

117589 Receive and review
Receive and review Order from Fourth DCA regarding additional
30-day extension (granted)/forward Order to FAB with status
report/update file.

3/28/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

117614 Confer
Confer with FAB's President re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 10.60 $3,535.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
3/20/2018 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable
117557 Photocopies
. .
3/30/201 •
• n
I Billable

TOTAL Billable Costs $3.71

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $3,535.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges} $3.71

Total new charges $3,538.71

Previous Balance
Current $25,373.62
Total Previous Balance $25,373.62

New Balance
Current $28,912.33

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000051

4/4/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:24PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $28,912.33

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

HHB 350.00 9.20 $3,220.00 $3,220.00 0.00
SM 225.00 1.40 $315.00 $315.00 0.00

FAB - Fees- 000052

3/6/2018 Keller & l:3olz, LLP
3:06PM Pre-bill Worksheet

Nickname First American/Schneider I 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 2/27/2018
Last charge 2/28/2018
Last payment 2/9/2018 Amount $16,113.30

Date Attorney Rate Hours __!g!91

ID::;..___ _ _ lime Entry Markup% DNB lime
2/1/2018 350.00 3.60 1,26.00 Billable
116583 Review
Review, revise and edit Brief/confer with co-counsel. )
At.)\."1' t
A 2.1o 94'5.oo

2/1/2018 JWK Billable
116605 Consult
Consult with co-counsel and begin to edit FA 's draft
on Appeal.

2/1/2018 SM __....---1 .50 337.50 Billable

116612 Revise
Revise Challenges to Motion for Summary Judgment section of the

2/1/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

116613 Revise
Revise Failure to Provide Appellant with Sufficient lime to Hire
Substitute Counsel section of the Answer Brief.

2/1/2018 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

116614 Review
Review and revise draft Answer Brief.

2/1/2018 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

11661 5 Draft
Draft T\\U Final Judgments/Election of Remedies section of the

2/1/2018 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

116616 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/1/2018 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

116617 Reorganize
Reorganize.atirff'Answer Brief.

2/1/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116619 Confer
Confer with

2/2/2018 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

116584 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: -

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000053

3/6/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:06PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First AmericanJSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entrv MarkuQ% DNB lime DNBAmt
2/3/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
116632 Confer
Confer v.;th co-. counsel re:

2/3/2018 SM 225.00 3.10 697.50 Billable

116633 Review
Review and comment on revised draft Answer Brief.

2/5/2018 HHB 350.00 3.80 1,330.00 Billable

116591 Confer
Confer with co-counseVre-organize Answer Brief argument

2/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

116592 Review

2/5/2018 JWK 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

116610 Consult
Consult with co-counsel and edit FAB's ·Answer Brief on


2/5/2018 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

116634 Confer
Confer v.;th co-counsel re:

2/5/2018 SM
116635 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

2/5/2018 SM
116636 Determine





2/5/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116637 Determine
l Determine

2/5/2018 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

116638 Review
and draft argument re: the delay tactics
employ y r. c ne1 er at the trial and appellate level.

2/5/2018 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

116639 Review
Review and revise the draft of Answer Brief.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000055

3/6/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:06PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup % DNB lime - --=D:..:..;
N=Bc.. A
:. -"-rnt
== - -- -- - -
2/6/2018 HHB 350.00 8.50 2,975.00 Billable
116599 Finalize
Finalize and polish Answer Brief/prepare Conclusion and
Summary of the Argument sections/confer with Garry
Smith/confer with co-counsel.

2/6/2018 JWK 350.00 4.70 1,645.00 Billable

116774 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and revise draft Answer Brief on Appeal.

2/6/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116643 Confer

2/6/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

116644 Re\Aew

2/6/2018 SM
116645 Confer
/ 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

C' e with co-counsel re:

2/6/2018 § 5.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116646 o the draft Answer Brief.

2/6/2018 M / 225.00 4.50 1,012.50 Billable

Re\11 aft Answe ri .

2/6/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable


216/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116649 Participate
conference with Mr. Smith re: -

2/7/2018 HHB 350.00 3.20 1,120.00 Billable

116659 Finalize
Finalize and cause Answer Brief to be filed.

2/7/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116660 Receive and review

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000056

3/6/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:06PM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 ______________ Markup% DNB Time ----=D'-'-N=B:;...;A-"mt= ------------
2/7/2018 SM 225.00 2.60 585.00 Billable
116710 Review
Review and finalize Brief.

2/7/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

116711 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/7/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116713 Review
Review legal authorities re:

2/7/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

116714 Draft
Draft Appellee's Motion for Appellate Attorney's Fees (Against
Appellant Laurence Schneider).

2/7/2018 SM 0.10 22.50 Billable

116716 Review
Review legal authorities re:

2/7/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116717 Calendar
Calendar deadline for Appellant to file a Reply Brief.

2/8/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

116665 Receive
Receive, review and respond to FAB emailslupdate file.

2/8/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116666 Finalize
Finalize and file Motion for Attorney's Fee Entitlement (on appeal).

2/8/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116667 Prepare
Prepare status letter to FAB.

2/8/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116719 Finalize
Finalize Appellee's Motion for Appellate Attorney's Fees (Against
Appellant Laurence Schneider).

2/8/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116731 Calendar
Calendar deadline for Appellant to file a response to Appellee's
Motion for Appellate Attorney's Fees.

2/21/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116843 Receive
Receive, review and agree to Schneider's counsel's request for
additional time to file Reply Brief/review "as-filed" Motion.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000057

3/6/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:00PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American!Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Arrount Total

.:..::ID"----- lime Entry Markup % DNB lime - - -=D-=-N=B-=-A-"-m=t _ _ _ _ __
2/21/2018 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
116844 Review

2/21/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116889 Review
Review email from . Gesten re: requesting extension of
time to file Appellanes Reply Brief.

2121/2018 SM ( ( Cl\"t''l. {1-Ci 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
116890 Email I 'J ,
Email Attorney Gesten request for extension of time}

2121/2018 SM - Billable

2/21/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116898 Review
Review Appellant's Motion for Extension of lime to File Reply Brief.

2123/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116928 Receive
Receive, 4th DCA Order time for
Schneider's filing o ep y rief to March 29, 2018) First
American Bank.

2/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116975 Review
Review Order Granting Appellanfs Motion for Extension of lime.

2/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

- -
116976 Email

2/26/2018 HHB
• Billable

2/26/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116978 Determine
Determine whether Appellant filed a response in opposition to
Appellee's Motion for Appellate Attorney's Fees.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000058

3/6/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:06PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First AmericaniSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent[Y MarkuQ% DNB Time DNBAmt
2/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
116585 Prepare
Snow) -

2/2/2018 JWK 350.00 8.20 2,870.00 Billable

_ ..
116606 Review
Review file, study case law, consult with co-counsel and edit FAB's
draft Answer Brief on Appeal.

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

116622 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

116623 Review
Review and revise TV\oQ Final Judgments/Election of Remedies
section of the dfilf:t'An5wer Brief.

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

116624 Draft
Draft language to include in the draft Answer Brief re: when a
cause of action arises under the FCRA.

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116625 Confer

225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

116627 Identify
- issues raised on appeal

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

116628 Identify
Identify delay tactics employed by Appellant in order to include
same in the draft Answer Brief.

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

116629 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116630 Participate
- ate in tei l l i i i i l i i ience with Mr. Smith

2/3/2018 HHB 350.00 5.40 1,890.00 Billable

116590 Review
Review, revise and re-organize Answer Brief.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000054

3/6/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:06PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entrv Markuf2 % DNB Time DNB Arnt
2/27/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
116940 Review
Review file/contact Attorney Gesten (leave follow-up message).

2/27/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116941 Exchange
Exchange emails with Attorney Gesten.

TOTAL Billable Fees 86.30 $25,355.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exoense Markuf2%
2/5/2018 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable
117075 Photocopies

2/6/2018 FIRM 0.1 0 4.000 0.40 Billable

117076 Photocopies

2/6/2018 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

117102 Photocopies

2/7/2018 FIRM 0.10 102.000 10.20 Billable

117089 Photocopies

2/8/2018 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

117091 Photocopies

2/8/2018 FIRM 3.31 2.000 6.62 Billable

117116 Postage

2/21/2018 FIRM 0.10 8.000 0.80 Billable

117112 Photocopies


TOTAL $55.46

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000059

3/6/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:06PM Pre-biU Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $25,355.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $55.46

Total new charges $25,410.46

Previous Balance
Current $47,720.50
Total Previous Balance $47,720.50

New Balance
Current $73,130.96

Total New Balance $73,130.96

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney _ __ _ _ _ __ __!,.H.::::o::=-ur=s - - ---::-'C""'h'!!:a:!..Crg::ce=s _ __

HHB 350.00 30. 10 $10,535.00 $10,535.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 17.40 $6,090.00 $6,090.00 0.00
SM 225.00 38.80 $8,730.00 $8,730.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000060

2/27/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:58PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider I 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 2/1/2018
Last charge 1/31/2018
Last payment 219/2018 Amount $16,113.30

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime _ _..::D'-'-NB
mt _ _ _ _ __
1/30/2018 SM 225.00 3.00 675.00 Billable
116557 Review'
Review and revise the Statement of the Case and the Facts
Section of the Answer Brief.

1/30/2018 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Bilable


1/ 30/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Bilable
116560 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/30/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45. 00 Billable


1/30/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116563 Participate
in . Smith re: .

1/30/2018 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Bilable

116564 Review and colllllE!nt on Argument Section of the draft Answer

1/31/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

116566 Continue
Continue to review and coi'TYTlent on Argument Sec1ion of the draft Brief.

1/31 /2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Biftable

116567 Confer
Confer 'Mth co-counsel re:

1/31/2018 SM 225.00 4.50 1,012.50 BiUable

116568 Revise
Revise Appellanfs Failed to Preserve the Majority of the Arguments
he Now Raises Section of the draft Answer Brief.

FAB- Fees - 000061

2/27/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:58PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup % DNB Time - - - - - --
1/31/2018 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable
116570 Revise
Revise Record on Appeal Section of the draft Ans'Ner Brief.

1/31/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

116571 Revise
Revise Appellanfs Affirmative Defenses Were Property Stricken
Section of the draft AnsVoJer Brief.

1/31/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

116572 Revise
Revise Appellant's Failure to Assert Defenses Based on Alleged
Conditions Precedent Section of the draft Answer Brief.

1/31/2018 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

116573 Revise
Revise Appellant's Failure to Raise Lack of Standing as an
Affirmative Defense Section of the draft Answer Brief.

1/31/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

116574 Revise
Revise Dismissal of Fair Credit Reporting Act Counterclaim
Section of the draft Answer Brief.

TOTAL Billable Fees 17.50 $3,937.50

Total of billable expense slips $0.00

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $3,937.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $0.00

Total new charges $3,937.50

Previous Balance
Current $16,113.30
Total Previous Balance $16,113.30

Accounts Receivables
DatejiD IYlliL_
2/9/2018 PAY Payment- Thank You ($16,113.30)
Total Accounts Receivable ($16,113.30)

New Balance
Current $3,937.50

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000062

2/27/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:58PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $3,937.50

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney _ _ _ __ _,_,R=at=-e _ _ __ __._Ho=ur=s - ------'C=h=a""""rg=e=s _ _ _ - ---=-A=d=ju=stm::.:..=e!..!..>.nt

SM 225.00 17.50 $3,937.50 $3,937.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000063

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35AM Pre-bill Worksheet Pag 20

Nickname First American/Schneider I 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 2/1/2018
Last charge 1/31/2018
Last payment 1/16/2018 Amount $32,636.\?

Date Attorney Rate HollrS- _ _Amo nt Total

10 ______________ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - - -- --
1/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
115994 Confer
Confer v.tith co-counsel re:

1/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

115995 Review
Review law.

1/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116049 Calendar
Calendar deadline for Appellant to file a response to Appellee's
Motion to Strike Portions of the Record on Appeal.

1/2/2018 SM 0.80 180.00 Billable

116074 Confer
co-counsel re:

1/2/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

1160n Review

1/2/2018 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

116079 Review

1/3/2018 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

116005 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
and review

1/3/2018 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

116081 Continue
Continue to review

1/3/2018 SM 225.00 2.60 585.00 BiUable

116083 Review

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000064

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time -----=D'-'-'N=Bc..:..Amt..::..:..!! - - - - - - -
1/3/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
116084 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/5/2018 HHB 350.00 2.50 875.00 Billable

116026 Review
Review Issues on AppeaVou11ine AnsYJer Brief
arguments/documents/case law.

1/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116027 Receive and review
Receive and review 4th DCA Orders/confer with co-counsel.

1/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116028 Review
Review case law re:

1/5/2018 SM 225.00 2.30 517.50 Billable

116115 Review
Review legal authorities re:

1/5/2018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

116118 Review

1/5/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116120 Review
Review CXder Granting Appellanrs Motion to Supplement the
Record and Denying Appellee's Motion to Strike Portions of the
1/5/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
116121 Review

1/5/2018 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

116122 Calendar
Calendar deadline to

1/5/2018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

116123 Review

1/8/2018 HHB
116140 Review
350.00 0.60 210.00
Review and approve Attorney Gill's changes/review Attorney Gilrs
211/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22
11 :35 AM

First Arrerican/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount
10 -TlTl'IEfEftti'f" - - Markup % DNB lime DNB /lm - - -- --
emaiVconfer with opposing counseVfinaUze and file joint - -
- --
submission of good cause. -

1/8/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00
116142 Review
Review Florida case law

350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

1/8/2018 HHB
116143 Confer
with co-counsel re·

0.40 140.00 Billable

1/8/2018 HHB 350.00
116144 Review

1.90 665.00 Billable

1/8/2018 HHB 350.00
116145 Re\Aew

350.00 2.60 910.00 BiHable

organize 12x issues on appeaVmarshall facts,

and law to rebut each point
0.40 140.00 Billable
1/8/2018 H 350.00
116149 Confer
a I f- ·th P I Bea h I pellate counsel re: Record on

225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

1/8/2018 SM
116128 Review
Review, analyze and comment on Index to Initial Brief.
225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
1/812018 SM
116129 Confer
Confer with
225.00 2.90 652.50 Billable
1/8/2018 SM
116130 Continue
Continue to review legal authorities

225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

1/8/2018 SM
116134 Confer
Confer with
225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000066

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID linie Entr.y Marku12% DNB lime DNBAmt
1/8/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
116138 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Ms. Serafin re: the
Court's Order Granting Appellant's IVIotion to Supplement the

1/9/2018 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

116167 Review
pleadings/case law/Order - outline
IVIotion or ehearing.

1/9/2018 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

116168 Continue
Continue efforts to identify materials/law for inclusion in FAB's
AnSI.Ner Brief.

1/9/2018 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

116169 Telephone conference
FAB)re:. .
prepare erna1 report to

1/9/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
116172 Review
Review Florida

1/9/2018 SM 225.00 2.60 585.00 Billable

116198 Continue
Continue to review

1/9/2018 SM 225.00 3.00 675.00 BIUable

116199 Review

1/9/2018 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

116201 Review

1/9/2018 SM 0.50 112.50 Billable

116203 Review

FAB- Attys . Fees- 000067

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entrv DNB lime DNBAn1
1/10/2018 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable
116186 Re\1ew
case law/rules - confer with

1/10/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116187 Confer
Confer with Tom Wells

1/10/2018 SM 225.00 3.10 697.50 Billable

116204 X

1/10/2018 SM 0.60 135.00 Billable

116207 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/10/2018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

116208 Review
Review legal authorities re:

1/11/2018 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

116216 Draft
Draft Motion for Rehearing

1/1 1/2018 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

116217 Confer
Confer with

1/11/2018 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

116220 Prepare
Prepare Answer Brief (Statement of the Case).
1/11/2018 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable
116232 Review

1/11/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

116238 Review
Review legal authorities re:

1/11/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 BiUable

116239 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/11/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 BiHable

116240 Review
Review and co!TV'11ent on draft AppeUee's Motion for Rehearing
from January 5, 2018 Order.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000068

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Atf!?rney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime EntrY: Marku12 % DNB lime DNBAmt
1/11/2018 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Bilable
116241 Revise
Revise draft of Appellee's Motion for rehearing from January 5,
2018 Order.

1/11/2018 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Bilable

116247 Review
- s r e:

1/1212018 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Bilable

116251 Continue
Continue to re\liew

1/12/2018 SM 225.00 3. 10 697.50 Billable

116252 Shepardize
- o rities

1/1 5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116257 Review
Review, revise and finalize Motion for Rehearing.

1/15/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

116258 Revise
Revise and expand Statement of the Case section of Answer Brief.

1/16/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

116266 Re\li se
Revise, e,q>and and finalize Motion for Rehearing on Order
{Record on Appeal) .

1/16/2018 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

116267 Re\lise
Revise and expand Answer Brief.

350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

1/ 16/2018 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

116313 Review

1/16/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116315 Re\liew
Review and comment on draft Motion for Rehearing from January
5, 2018 Order.

FAB - Fees - 000069

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % ONB Time - - --=D:..:..N=B'-'-Amt-=-= ----------
1/16/2018 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable
116316 Review

1/16/2018 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable

116317 Shepardize
- rities

1/16/2018 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

116319 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/1612018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

116320 Review
- sre:

1/17/2018 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

116276 Revise
Revise and expand Statement of
. ,expand Answer Brief outline.

1/17/2018 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

116277 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: review
- case law.

1/17/2018 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

116278 Prepare
Prepare Surrmary of Argument/Standard of Review/HELOC term
sections of Brief.

1/17/2018 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

116323 Review

1/17/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

116326 Shepardize
- ze legal authorities

1/17/2018 SM 0.90 202.50 Billable

116327 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - At_tys. Fees- 000070

2/1/2018 Keler & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-biH Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup % DNB lime _ __.e:D'-'-'N=B'-'-A_,_,_,
nt - - - - - -- - -
1/17/2018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable
116330 Shepardize
Shepardize legal authorities re:

1/17/2018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

116331 Shepardize
Shepardize legal authorities re:

1/18/2018 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

116299 Revise
Revise and expand Answer Brief (Summary of Argument/10 v. 20
year HELOC term) .

1/18/2018 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 BiUable

116300 Continue
Continue efforts to marshall case law/documents/argument for
Answer Brief.

1/18/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Bilable

116301 Confer
Confer with co-counsel.

1/18/2018 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 BiDable

116353 Review

1/18/2018 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 BiBable

116357 Shepardize

1/21/2018 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

116338 Review
Review Answer Brief/review case

1/2212018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116346 Telephone conference
l i l i i i i i i i i i i i i e with Garry Smith

1/2312018 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

116379 Review
Review and revise An!:mer Brief/confer with co-counseVreview
Record on AppeaVconfer with Messrs. Snow and Wells.

1/23/2018 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

116380 Draft
Draft usury/condition precedent sections of Answer Brief.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000071

2/1/2018 KeMer & Botz, LLP
11:35AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Alrount Total

ID Markup% DNB -----=D'-'-N=B--'Amt
--""-"' - - - - - - - --
1/2312018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
116433 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/24/2018 HHB 350.00 4.20 1,470.00 Billable

116390 Revise
Revise and expand Answer Brief (Affirmative
Defenses/Preservation of Issues on AppeaQ - confer \Mth

1/24/2018 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 BiUable

116391 Prepare
Prepare Appendix for Answer Brief.

1/24/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Bilable

116444 Confer
Confer co-counsel re:

1/25/2018 HHB 350.00 4.20 1,470.00 BiDable

116399 Continue
Continue drafting/editing Brief.

1/25/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Bilable

116400 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB (Garry Smith).

1/25/2018 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Bilable

116447 Review

1/25/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

116451 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/2612018 HHB 350.00 2.70 945.00 Billable

116409 Revise
Revise and expand Answer Brief {Standing section) - review case

1/26/2018 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

116410 OUtline
Outline Issues on Appeal (14)/obtain additional case law.

1126/2018 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

116411 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - At_tys. Fees - 000072

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 linie EntrY Markup % DNB lime ---=0"-'N=B_,_Arrt.= - - - - - -
1/26/2018 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 BiUable
116460 Review
Re'Jew and Staterrent of the Case and Facts Sections of
the draft Brief.

1/26/201 B SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 BiUable

116461 Shepardize

1/26/2018 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Bilable

116462 Confer
Confer YAth re:

1/27/2018 HHB 350.00 7.30 2,555.00 Billable

116412 Prepare
Prepare Answer Brief (5 Surrmary Judgrrent sections) -
revlew/ob1aln additional case law.

1/28/2018 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

11641 3 Review
Review and analyze Appellanfs Initial Brief/prepare Dst of follow-up

1/29/2018 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

116417 Confer
Confer with

1/29/2018 HHB 350.00 4.20 1,470.00 Billable

116418 Draft
Draft the Subs1itute Attorney/Counterclaim Dismissal/Election of
Remedies Argument sections.

1/29/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116421 Telephone conference
lilliilonference YAth Garry Smith re:

1/29/2018 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

116467 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/29/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable


1/29/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 BiUable

116469 Review

FAB- A!tys. Fees- 000073

211/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

Rrst American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Att<?rney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Ent!Y DNB lime DNB Amt
1/29/2018 SM 225.00 0 .20 45.00 Billable
116470 Email
Email Mr. Smith

1/2912018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 BiRable

116478 Review
Review email from Mr. Sll'lth re:

1/29/2018 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable


1/29/2018 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

116482 X
Verify interest accrued from March 26, 2016 to June 26, 2017.

1/2912018 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

116484 Review
liiiiiiliiorities re:

1/29/2018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116485 Participate
iilliiilliiililonference with Mr. Smith re: -

1/30/2018 HHB 350.00 6.80 2,380.00 Bilable

116508 Re\Ase
Re\1se and expand Ansv-er Brief - Arguments sections/Statement
of Case/Statement of Facts.

1/30/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Bilable

116509 Series
conferences wth FAB (Garry Smith) re:

1/31/2018 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

116531 Confer
Confer with

1/31/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116532 Confer
Confer with retired appellate judge about Record on Appeal.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000074

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Ttnie Entry Markup % DNB lime _ _ ...::D:..:..N=B:....:.Amt
-=-:..:.: ----::---:-::----
1/31/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
116535 Review
Review AnsVJer Brief "loose ends"/historical"to-do" lists - revise
Answer Brief.

TOTAL Billable Fees 151.00 $43,912.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID =E=xp=e"""n=se= - - - - - -- - - _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - , -- --

1/212018 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

116536 Photocopies

1/3/2018 FIRM 0.10 79.000 7.90 Billable

116542 Photocopies

1/5/2018 FIRM 0.10 13.000 1.30 Billable

116543 Photocopies

1/8/2018 FIRM 0.10 66.000 6.60 Billable

116544 Photocopies

1/9/2018 FIRM 0.10 122.000 12.20 Billable

116545 Photocopies

1/ 10/2018 FIRM 0.10 17.000 1.70 Billable

116546 Photocopies

1/11/2018 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

116547 Photocopies

1/1212018 FIRM 0.10 60.000 6.00 Billable

116548 Photocopies

1/16/2018 FIRM 0.10 78.000 7.80 Billable

116549 Photocopies

1/17/2018 FIRM 0.10 82.000 8.20 Billable

116550 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000075

2/1/2018 Keller & 13olz. LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

1/18/2018 FIRM 0.10 59.000 5.90 BiDable
116552 Photocopies

1/23/2018 FIRM 0.1 0 22.000 2.20 Billable

116523 Photocopies

1/24/2018 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

116538 Photocopies

1/25/2018 Fl RM 0.10 14.000 1.40 Billable

116525 Photocopies

1/25/2018 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

116553 Photocopies

1/26/2018 FIRM 0.10 38.000 3.80 Billable

116526 Photocopies

1/26/2018 FIRM 0 .10 19.000 1.90 Billable

116554 Photocopies

1/29/2018 FIRM 0.10 3.000 0.30 Billable

116539 Photocopies

1/29/2018 FIRM 0.10 16.000 1.60 Billable

116555 Photocopies

1/30/2018 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

116540 Photocopies

1/30/2018 FIRM 0.10 25.000 2.50 Billable

116556 Photocopies


/ 373.54 Bfilable

1/31/2018 FIRM 0.10 31.000 3.10 Billable

116541 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000076

211/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Aroount Total

TOTAL Billable Costs $454.04

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $43,912.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $454.04

Total new charges $44,366.54

Previous Balance
Current $z16,j p .30
Total Previous Balance $16,113.30
/ 1/
New Balance
Current / $ 0,479.84

Total New Balance

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00
New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to SO.OO $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Slip Value Adjustment

HHB -----'....::C= o;::..:,:.:
SM 225.00 71 .50 $16,087.50 $16,087.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000077


1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz , LLP

1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet age 19

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.1 8

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 12/29/2017
Last charge 12/29/2017
Last payment 12/8/2017 Amount $20,91 1.25

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt ------::,...,.,.,--.,-:---
12/4/2017 §M . 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
1155 B""Re..;ew J f/ J '
from Ms. Frank re: requesting an extension of time to file JJJ·YIJt J/£.51 \

225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

12/4/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 B illable

115592 Telephone conference

Telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

12/4/2017 SM Billable

12/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

115598 Telephon·e conference

- - -
conference with Mr. Smith re:

12/4/2017 SM Billable

12/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115603 Email J 0

Email Ms. Frank re: request for extension of time to filaiJlitial \iief.

12/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115604 Re..;ew
Re\1ew Appellant's Unopposed Second Motion for Extension of lime to
File Initial Brief.

12/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

115607 Telephone conference
Telephone conference wil i i l l i i le:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000078

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 ____________________ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt _ _ _ _ __
12/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
Order granting Appellant's Motion for Extension of lime.

12/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Re\4ew email from Ms. Frank re: whether Plaintiff has any objection to
supplementing the record on appeal.

12111/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115687 Identify

12/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

Re\1ew legal authorities re:

12111/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

115689 Email
Email Ms. Frank re: awaiting Mr. Bolz' retum re: whether Plaintiff has any
objection to supplementing the record on appeal.

1211 1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
115692 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12111/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115693 Re\Aew
email from Ms. Frank re: supplementing the record on appeal.

12/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

115694 Email

Email Ms. Frank re: Appellant's request to supplement the record on


12112/2017 SM Billable

12112/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115713 Calendar
Calendar deadline to file a response to Appellant's Motion for Appellate
Attorney's Fees and Appellant's Motion to Supplement the Record on

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000079

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Hours Amount Total

1012/14/2017 lime Entry _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ DNB lime DNBAmt ____
0.10 22.50 Billable
legal authorities re:

12/14/2017 SM 225.00 3.10 697.50 Billable

and snet>arcllze

12/14/2017 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable

and shepardize

12114/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115857 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115769 and
Receive and email from FAB/contact Garry S

12115/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

Review Schneider's Initial Bri case law.

12/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115859 Continue
Continue to and

12/15/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

115860 Review
Review and shepardize

12/15/2017 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

115861 Review

- -ze legal authorities

12/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115862 Participate
- e conference with Mr. Smith

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000081

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Markup% DNB llme DNB Amt
12/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
115863 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/16/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

and analyze Initial Brief/identify issues/needed case law.

12118/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115774 Complete
Complete initial re'view of Schneider's Initial Brief.

12/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
115775 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115776 Telephone call

Telephone call to Attorney Fred S

12/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

Re\Aew legal authorities

12/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

115872 Re..;ew

12/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115880 Draft
Draft Appellee's Response to Appellant's Motion for Appellate Attorney's

12/2012017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

file/contact Attorney Ryan Gesten re: extension of time to file
Answer Brief/confer with co-counsel/obtain extension of time.

12120/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115797 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and re\4se Response to Schneider's Motion for Appellate Attorneys'
Fees/confer with co-counsel.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000082

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _______
12/20/2017 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable
115891 Continue
Continue to draft Appellee's Response to Appellant's Motion for Appellate
Attorney's Fees.

12120/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115892 Re\4ew
Re\.1ew and analyze Appellant's Motion to Supplement the Record on

12/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

115893 Draft
Draft Appellee's Response to Appellant's Motion to Supplement the Record
on Appeal.

12/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115895 Re\.1ew p
Re\.1ew email from Mr. Gesten re: extension of time to file Pr;ef.

12/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115803 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew, revise and finalize Response to Schneider's Motion for Attorney's
Fees (4th DCA).

12/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115804 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to FAB .

12/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

115805 Confer
Confer with Attorney

350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

issues and opposing arguments/review -

12/21/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

115810 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew and analyze case

12/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115902 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000083

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz. LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Ent!:{ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
12/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
115904 Finalize
Finalize Appellee's Response to Appellant's Motion for Appellate
Attorney's Fees.

12121/2017 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

115905 Continue
Continue to draft Appellee's Response to Appellant's Motion to
Supplement the Record on Appeal.

12/21/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable
115906 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115907 Re-.4ew
Re-.4ew legal authorities re:

12/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115908 Draft
Draft Appellee's Unopposed Motion for Extension of lime to File and Serve
Answer Brief.

12/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115814 Re\1ew
Rel.1ew, revise, finalize and file Motion for Extension of lime to File Answer

1212212017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

115815 Review
Re...;ew, revise and expand Response to Schneider's Motion to Supplement
Record on Appeal.

12/2212017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

115819 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12122/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115820 Telephone conference
conference with Gany Smith (FAB)

FAB - Attys . Fees- 000084

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt ---------
1212212017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
115822 Receiw
Receiw, re\.1ew and forward 4th DCA's Order extending due date for filing
Answer Brief up to and through February 7, 2018.

1212212017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115823 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew, re\.1se and expand Motion to Strike portions of Record on Appeal.

1212212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115959 Re\.1se
Re\.1se Appellee's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File and
Serw Answer Brief.

12122/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable

115960 Re\.1se
Re\.1se Appellee's Response to Appellant's Motion to Supplement the
Record on Appeal.

12122/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67 .50 Billable

115961 Electronic filing
Electronically file and serw Appellee's Unopposed Motion for Extension of
lime to File and Serw Answer Brief.

12/22/201 7 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
115967 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1212212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115968 Identify
Identify documents

12/2212017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

115969 Draft
Draft Motion to Strike Portions of the Record on Appeal.

12/2212017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
115970 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

12/2212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115971 Re\.1ew
Re\oiew Order Granting Appellee's Unopposed Motion for Extension of lime
to File and Serw Answer Brief.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000085

1/212018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry o/o DNB Time DNB Amt
12/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
115824 Finalize
Finalize Responses/Motion to Strike in 4th DCA appeal proceedings .

12/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115825 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Schneider's Initial Brief/identify additional appeal issues.

12127/2017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

115835 Analyze
Schneider's Initial Bri

12/28/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

115947 Outline
Outline Schneider's issues on appeal/locate and identify
documents/arguments to asert in Answer Brief.

12/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
115948 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

12/29/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

115975 Re\iew
Re\iew Initial Brief/continue to outline issues/Answer Brief arguments.

350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

TOTAL Billable Fees 58.90 $16,040.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense
12113/2017 FIRM 0.10 68.000 6.80 Billable
115932 Photocopies

12/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 16.000 1.60 Billable

115950 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000086

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID _______________________
Markup % -----
12/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 103.000 10.30 Billable
115933 Photocopies

12/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 62.000 6.20 Billable

115951 Photocopies

12/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 83.000 8.30 Billable

115934 Photocopies

12/18/2017 FIRM 0.10 31.000 3.10 Billable

115936 Photocopies

12/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 3.000 0.30 Billable

115940 Photocopies

12127/2017 FIRM 0.10 20.000 2.00 Billable .

115953 Photocopies

12/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 5.000 0.50 Billable

115954 Photocopies


Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $16,040.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $39.10

Total new charges $16,079.10

Pre\ious Balance
Current $32,636.79
Total Pre\ious Balance $32,636.79

New Balance
Current $48,715.89

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000087

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz , LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $48,715.89

Funds Account: Default

Pre\iious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate _____

H_ou_r_s Charges ------,.S--'Iip'----V_a_lu_e ___A_d_,_ju_s_tm_en-.:.t
HHB 350.00 22.30 $7,805.00 0.00
SM 225.00 36.60 $8,235.00 $8,235.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000088

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 12/1/2017
Last charge 11/29/2017
Last payment 12/8/2017 Amount $20,911 .25

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup o/o DNB lime DNB Amt
11/1/2017 _H_HB
___ __!,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
350.00 1.50 525.00 - - - B - il-la-bl-e
115021 Initiate

--- • 22.50 Billable


22.50 Billable

11/1/2017 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable

115048 ReiAew
i i l i l i l l i l l i lies re:

11/112017 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable
115050 ReiAew
ReiAew legal authorities re

11/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115022 Receil.e and reiAew
Receive and reiAew email/Notice of Appearance (Shapiro Blasi law
to Continue E\1dentiary Hearinglprepare email response

11/212017 JWK 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

115109 Telephone conference
conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re:


11/212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115052 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Defendants', Laurence S. Schneider and Stephanie L. Schneider,
Motion to Continue EIAdentiary Hearing Scheduled on November 6, 2017.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000089

1212612017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Rate Hours Amount Total

DNB Time
- - -Billable
115053 Determine
eeteffilii're>whetheU Notice of Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45 was
published in the Palm Beach Daily Business Re\liew.

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115058 Confer

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115059 Email
Email Messrs . Snow and Smith

11/212017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

Re'view file and draft Chronology re: -

11/212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115061 Re'view

11/212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115062 Email

11/212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115063 Participate

11/212017 SM 225.00 3.80 855.00 Billable

115064 Re\.4ew
file and draft Response in Opposition to Defendants', Motion to
Continue Hearing Scheduled on Nowmber 6, 2017.

11/212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115073 Re\.4ew
Re\.4ew email from Ms. Lewis re: whether First American objects to
Defendants' Motion to Continue E\.4dentiary Hearing Scheduled on
Nowmber 6, 2017.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000090

12126/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Wori<sheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

.:.:ID:___ _ _ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ___ __ _

11/312017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115023 Receiw and review
Receiw and review FAB's Response Opposing Motion to
and review opposing counsel's email regarding Motion to
Continuelpre-.hearing conference to."narrow the

11/3/2017 JWK 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

1151 11 Review

Review and revise draft Memorandum in uoom;1r1cm
of lime; consult with co-counsel re:

2.50 Billable\

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
115081 Draft
Draft Notice of Filing Proof of Publication.

11/3/201 7 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

115082 Prep are
Prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for
Temporary Restraining Order.

11/312017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115084 Finalize
Finalize First American's Response in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to
Continue Evidentiary Hearing Scheduled on Nowmber 6, 2017.

11/312017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115085 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to First American's Response in Opposition
to Defendants' Motion to Continue Evidentiary Hearing Scheduled on
Nowmber 6, 2017.

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 3.20 720.00 Billable

115090 Continue
authorities re:

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115091 Electronic filing
Electronically file First American's Response in Opposition to Defendants'
Motion to Continue Evidentiary Hearing Scheduled on 6, 2017

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000091

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent[l DNB lime DNB Amt
and Notice of Filing Proof of Publication.

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115094 Re\Aew
Re\Aew email from Mr. Gesten re: resetting the hearing on Defendants'
Emergency Request for Temporary Restraining Order.

11/4/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

115024 Re\Aew


11/5/201 7 HHB 350.00 3.40 1,190.00 Billable

115026 Re\Aew

draft/proposed Orders/prepare for e\Adentiary hearing.

11/512017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 5120 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

11/6/2017 HHB 350.00 3.50 1,225.00 Billable

11 5038 Prepare
Prepare for e\Adentiary hearing/outline presentation/arguments - receiw
and re\Aew Memorandum of law from Attorney Gestenlconfer with
opposing counsel telephonically.

11/6/2017 HHB 350.00 3.80 1,330.00 Billable

115039 Trawl
Trawl to West Palm Beach/confer with witnesses (Messrs.
Jurgensen/Pische)/confer with opposing counsel/argue Motion to

Continue/Motion to Stay - obtain Order continuing hearing.

11/6/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

115040 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Garry Smith/Attorney Fred Snow

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000092

12126/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

lime Entry Markup%
DNB lime
115116 Re\iiew

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

115096 Confer

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 4.20 945.00 Billable

115097 Attend
Attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for Temporary
Restraining Order/Motion to Stay Pending Appeal.

11/6/2017 S M 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

115098 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Gesten re: the hearing on
Defendants' Emergency Request for Temporary Restraining Order/Motion
to Stay Pending Appeal.

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00

115099 Meeting
Meet with Mr. J

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 .fljllabl
1151 00 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Pische re:

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 -99!00-
115101 Participate
Participate in telephone conferences with Messrs. Smith and Snow re:

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115103 Re'.iiew
Re\iiew Defendants' Memorandum of taw in Support of Motion to Stay
Pending Appeal.

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115104 Re\iiew
Re\iiew Order on Defendants' Motion to Continue Evidentiary Hearing
Scheduled on No\ei'Tlber 6, 2017.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000093

12126/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt _ _ _ __

11/7/2017 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
115129 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

115130 Recei-,e
Recei-,e call from n••·"'"'""

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 2.70 945.00 Billable

115131 Re\1ew

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

115132 Telephone conference ,.s6
Telephone conference with W itness/re\1se outfteA. of issues/prepare for
hearing/confer with opposing counsel re- /confer with FAB /
(Garry Smith/Fred Snow).

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115133 Recei-,e
Recei\e, re\.4ew and analyze Supplemental Memorandum of Law - -

11/7/2017 JWK 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

115171 Re\1ew
Re\1ew file, study legal authorities
and consult with

11nl2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115139 Participate
Participate in conference with Mr. Gesten re: trying to agree on
a bond amount

11/7/2017 SM 225 00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115140 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

115142 Confer

Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000094

12126/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 11/712017 -=-s-:-'
Time Entry _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _____ _ __
225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
115143 Participate

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Order Granting Appellee's Motions to Set Briefing Schedule and to
Compel Appellant to Pay for the Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

i i l i i f il authorities re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115148 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115149 Participate
Partici in telephone conference with Mr. Gesten re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115150 Participate
Partici in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable


11n/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Defendants' Supplemental Memorandum of Law in Support of
Motion to Stay Pending Appeal.

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115153 Confer

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable


FAB - Attys. Fees - 000095

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup o/o DNB lime DNB Amt
11/7/2017 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
115155 Participate
Partie· in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re-

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115156 Email

11/8/2017 HHB 350.00 7.40 2,590.00 Billable

115134 Prepare
Prepare for hearing/travel to West Palm Beach/attend hearing/confer with
opposing counsel/acMse FAB m to Miami.

11/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115164 Re\4ew
Re\4ew email from Mr. Smith re:

11/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

115166 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for a
Temporary Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal.

11/8/2017 SM 225.00 5.50 1,237.50 Billable

115167 Attend
Attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for a Temporary
Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal.

22, 50 ,/ Bi able

11/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115169 Re...;ew

11/9/2017 HHB 350.00 2.1 0 735.00 Billable

115157 Re...;ew
Re...;ew and fi le/confer with co-counsel and FAB (Attorney Fred
Snow) re:

11/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115220 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

FA B - Attys. Fees- 000096

12/26/2017 Keller & Botz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Amount Total

ID DNB Amt - - - - -

11/9/2017 SM 225.00 3.00 675.00 Billable

115228 Re\.1ew

11/1012017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

115192 Recei-.e
Recei\'8, review and summarize

11/10/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

115231 Rel.4ew

11/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115233 Confer

11/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115206 Confer
Confer with co-counseVrel.4ew case law and treatises re: -

11/13/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable
115234 Rel.4ew
Rel.4ew legal authorities re:

11/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
115245 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115247 Review
Re...tew proposed Orders on Defendants' Motion to Stay submitted by
Defendants to Judge Small.

11/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

115209 Receiw and re\Aew
Recei-.e and re\Aew Schneiders' proposed Orders (Stay Pending
Appeal)/confer with co-counsel.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000097

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 ______________________ Markup o/o DNB Time DNBAmt ____
11/14/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

- •
115210 Re\1ew
11/14/2017 HHB

11/14/2017 HHB
- - - Billable

11/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115250 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

67.50 Billable


22.50 Billa e /

11/ 15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11 5276 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115277 Receive
Receive, re\Aew, forward and respond to Attorney Frank's email re:
extension of time to file Initial Brief.

11/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115286 Receive
Receive, re\Aew and forward Appellant's Motion for Extension of Time
(Appeal) to FA B.

11/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115287 Receive
Receive, re\Aew - Order re: Stay ($115,000 Supersedeas Bond)
- /confer with Garry Smith.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000098

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)



11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115302 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Clerk's Office re: the payment the Clerk's
fee and Online Sale Fee.

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115310 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Ms. Frank re: whether the Bank objects to Appellant
seeking an extension of time to file the initial brief.

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115315 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Appellant's Motion for Extension of lime to File Initial Brief.

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115316 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Order on Defendants' Emergency Motion for Stay of Execution of
Judgment Pending Appeal; Request to Extend Injunction.

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115318 Confer

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 5320 Re\1ew
Re\1ew - -

11/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115289 Receiw
Receiw, Fourth DCA's Order Granting Extension of
Time to file Initial Brief FAB.

11/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

115290 Confer

11/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115293 Re\1ew
Re..;ew Record on Appeal/determine
- possible issue.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000099

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable
115325 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Order granting Appellant's Motion for Extension of lime.

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115327 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115328 Participate

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115330 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court Clerk's Office re:
requesting a list of appro-.ed bonding companies.

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115333 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115354 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 B illable

115355 Receive
Attorney Gesten's email I FAB -

11/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 B illable

115356 Telephone conference
conference with

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115369 Review
Review legal authorities re:

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115371 Re\1ew
Review email from Mr. Gesten re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000100

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime MarkUQ% DNB Time DNBAmt
11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
115380 Determine
Determine whether Appellant has paid for the Record on Appeal.

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115381 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115382 Participate
conferences with Mr. Smith re: -

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 B illable

email from Mr. Smith re:
and analyze

11/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115389 Complete
lete Pre-Auction Checklist Onli

11/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115397 Re\Aew
Re\Aew the Record on Appeal.

11/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115406 Re\Aew
Re\Aew Appellant's Notice of Compliance.

11/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115433 Receiw
Recei\e advices of posting of cash Supersedeas Bond/confirm Foreclosure
Sale's cancellation/prepare status email to Record on Appeal.

11/27/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

115434 Re\Aew

11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115407 Re\Aew
Re\Aew docket sheet

11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115408 Determine
Determine whether the foreclosure sale of the property has been cancelled.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000101

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM PrEH.lill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Entry Markup% DNB lime
1112712017 7 s:-=:M;...:....;;;='------------ 225.00 0.10
DNBAmt ____
22.50 Billable
115409 Re'IAew
Re'IAew Receipt fi'om the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the posting of the

11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115414 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Clerk's Office re: whether the bond posted
by Mr. Schneider was a cash bond.

11/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable
115450 Re'"ew
Re\1ew Florida case law

11/28/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable
115451 Prepare
Prepare for receipt of Initial Brief/confer with

11/28/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

115477 Rel.1ew
Reljew legal authorities re:

11/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

115479 Confer

11/2812017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

115480 Re'view
Re..;ew legal authorities re:

11/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115481 Re..;ew

11/2812017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115484 Re..;9Vil

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000102

12126/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worl<sheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
11/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
115464 Telephone conference
olo•v.n.-.o conference with Attorney Fred Snow re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 111 .60 $31 ,535.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Markup%
11/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable
115531 Photocopies

11/6/2017 FIRM 0.10 153.000 15.30 Billable

115523 Photocopies

11/6/2017 FIRM 0.46 5.000 2.30 Billable

115552 Postage

11/7/2017 FIRM 9.00 1.000 9.00 Billable

115033 Parking
Parking- Palm Beach County Circuit Courthouse -11/6/17

11/712017 FIRM 210.00 1.000 210.00 Billable

115035 Publish Fee
Publishing Fee - ALM Media, LLC
Third Publication of Foreclosure Sale

11/7/2017 FIRM 25.16 1.000 25.16 Billable

115036 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-978-59616

11/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 44.000 4.40 Billable

115524 Photocopies

11/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 38.000 3.80 Billable

115532 Photocopies

11/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 21 .000 2.10 Billable

115534 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000103

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

11/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 66.000 6.60 Billable
115525 Photocopies

11/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

115535 Photocopies

11/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

115546 Photocopies

11/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 8.000 0.80 Billable

115536 Photocopies

11/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 98.000 9.80 Billable

115526 Photocopies

11/13/2017 FIRM 7.00 1.000 7.00 Billable

115177 Parking
Parking - West Palm Beach Courthouse 11/8/17

11 /13/2017 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

115537 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

11/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 23.000 2.30 Billable

115538 Photocopies

11/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

115541 Photocopies

11/21/2017 FIRM 0.10 1.000 0.10 Billable

115542 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

11/27/2017 FIRM 0.10 20.000 2.00 Billable

115527 Photocopies

11 /28/2017 FIRM 446.40 1.000 446.40 Billable

115398 Transcript
Transcript Cost -Julio A. Mocega & Associates , Inc.
lnv. 55926 - Hrg. Transcript 11/6/17

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000104

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID _________________________ Markup o/o -----,---,- _ _ _ _ _
11/28/2017 FIRM 746.03 1.000 746.03 Billable
115399 Transcript
Transcript Cost - Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc.
lnv. 55928 -Transcript/Reporter Hrg. 11/8/17

11/28/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

115400 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 11/6/17 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55906

11/28/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 30.000 3.00 Billable

115544 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $1 ,596.79

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $31 ,535.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $1 ,596.79

Total new charges $33,131.79

Pre..;ous Balance
Current $20,911 .25
Total Pre..;ous Balance $20,911 .25

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD .::.D.;;c;:.:..r:..c:.ip..:...tio.::..:n-=---=--=--=-- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - ------
12/8/2017 PAY Payment - Thank You ($20,911 .25)
Total Accounts Receivable ($20,911 .25)

New Balance
Current $33,131.79

Total New Balance $33,131 .79

Funds Account: Default

Pre..;ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\€d from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000105

12/26/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:51AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Sc hneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Rate Hours Charges Sli!2 Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 44.30 $15,505.00 $15,505.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 7.10 $2,485.00 $2,485.00 0.00
SM 225.00 60.20 $13,545.00 $13,545.00 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000106

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)



1 IJI/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00

- Billable
115021 Initiate

11/1/2017 SM
- - ..
- -

11/1/2017 SM Billable

11 /1/2017 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable

115048 Review

11/1/2017 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 B illable

11 5050 Re\1ew
Review legal authorities re:

11/2/2017 HHB 0.40 140.00

11 5022 Receiw and review
Receive and review email/Notice
El.1dentiary Hearing/prepare

11/2/2017 JWK 455.00 Billable

115109 Telephone conference
conference with

FAB- Attys. Fees- 00010L

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DNB lime DNB Amt
11/212017 SM - • - - - - . . ---B=i""""lla-:-bl-:--e

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115052 Re\Aew
Re\Aew Defendants', Laurence S. Schneider and Stephanie L. Schneider,
Motion to Continue E-v;dentiary Hearing Scheduled on November 6, 2017.

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115053 Determine
Determine whether the Notice of Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45 was
published in the Palm Beach Daily Business Re-v;ew.

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115058 Confer

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115059 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

file and draft Chronology re: -

11/212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115061 Re-v;ew

11/212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
115062 Email
Email Mr. Smith

11/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115063 Participate

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000108

1211/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet 39

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Hours Amount Total

ID _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ DNB lime DNBAmt _________
11/2/2017 SM 3.80 855.00 Billable
115064 Re\4ew
Re-Jew file and draft Response in Opposition Defendants', Motion to
Continue E\4dentiary Hearing Scheduled on o-.ember 6, 2017.

11 /212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115073 Re-Jew
Re-Jew email from Ms . Lewis re: whether k objects to Defendants'
Motion to Continue E-Jdentiary Hearing Scheduled on November 6, 2017.

11/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

115023 Recei-.e and re\4ew
Recei-.e andre-Jew FAB's Response Opposing Motion to Continue/receive
and re\4ew opposing counsel's email regarding Motion to
Continue/pre-hearing conference to "narrow the issues"l"resolw

11 /3/2017 JWK 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

115111 Re-Jew
Re\4ew and re-Jse draft Memorandum in

- - -

11/3/2017 SM B illable

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115081 Draft
Draft Notice of Filing Proof of Publication.

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

115082 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for
Temporary Restraining Order.

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115084 Finalize
Finalize First American's Response in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to
Continue E-Jdentiary Hearing Scheduled on November 6, 2017.

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115085 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to First American's Response in Opposition
to Defendants' Motion to Continue E\4dentiary Hearing Scheduled on
Nowmber 6, 2017.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000109

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 40

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
11/3/2017 SM 225.00 3.20 720.00 Billable
115090 Continue
Continue to authorities re:

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115091 Electronic filing
Electronically file First American's Response in Opposition to Defendants'
Motion to Continue Hearing Scheduled on November 6, 2017
and Notice of Flllng Proof of Publication.

11/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Re-view email from Mr. Gesten re: resetting the hearing on Defendants'
Emergency Request for Restraining Order.

11/4/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

115024 Re'oliew

11/5/2017 HHB 350.00 3.40 1,190.00 Billable

Re'oliew and

11/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

116120 Confer

11/6/2017 HHB 350.00 3.50 1,225.00 Billable

115038 Prepare
Prepare for hearlng/outline·presentationlarguments receive
and re'oliew Memorandum of Law from Attorney Gesten/confer with
opposing counsel telephonically.

11/6/2017 HHB 350.00 3.80 1,330.00 Billable

115039 Tra\el
Tra-.el to West Palm Beach/confer with witnesses (Messrs.
Jurgensen/Pische)lconfer with opposing counseflargue Motion to

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000110

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 41

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

.:.:ID:,___ __ lime Entry Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt _ _ __ __
Continue/Motion to Stay - obtain Order continuing hearing.

11/6/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

115040 Telephone conference
conferences with Garry Smith/Attorney Fred Snow re: -

11/6/2017 JWK 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

115116 Re'view

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

115096 Confer

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 4.20 945.00 Billable

115097 Attend
Attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for Temporary
Restraining Order/Motion to Stay Pending Appeal.

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

115098 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Gesten re: the hearing on
Defendants' Emergency Request for Temporary Restraining Order/Motion
to Stay Pending Appeal.

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115099 Meeting
Meet with Mr.

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115100 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Pische re:

11/6/2017 SM 225.00
.'fa 45.00 J3illable
115101 Participate .
Participate in telephone conference.7'ith Mr. SmitJ>, re:

11/6/2017 SM J
115102 Participate ,tJ 225.00 0.20 &.eO Bilta

teleQhon coofereoce with r. Snow te:


FAB - Attys. Fees - 000111

12/1 /2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 42

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Tlme DNBAmt ____
11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
115103 Re\1ew
Review Defendants' Memorandum of law in Support of Motion to Stay
Pending AppeaL

11/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

1151 04 Re\1ew
Review Order on Defendants' Motion to Continue Hearing
Scheduled on Nowmber 6, 2017.

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
115129 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

115130 Receiw
Receiw call from Attorney Gesten re: su'"'c":>cuca<:>

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 2.70 945.00 Billable


11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

115132 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Witness/revise outlien of issues/prepare for
hearing/confer with opposing counse- confer with FAB
(Garry Smith/Fred Snow).

11/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115133 Receiw
Receiw , re\1ew and analyze Supplemental Memorandum of Law --

11/7/2017 JWK 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

115171 Review
Review file, study legal authorities
and consult with .... V"\.vu•

1117/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115139 Participate
Participate in PIPnhr,ne conference with Mr. Gesten re: to agree on
a bond amount

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000112

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 43

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
115140 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re

1117/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

115142 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115143 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115144 Re..;ew
Re'view Order Granting Appellee's Motions to Set Briefing Schedule and to
Compel Appellant to Pay for the Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

115146 Re'view

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115148 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115149 Participate
p in telephone conference with Mr. Gesten re:

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115150 Participate
Part in telephone conference w ith Mr. Smith

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable


11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115152 Review
Review Defendants' Supplemental Memorandum of Law in Support of
Motion to Stay Pending Appeal.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000113

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 44

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - - - - : : - : --
11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
115153 Confer

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115154 Re\1ew

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115155 Participate
p in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re: -

11/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115156 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

11/812017 HHB 350.00 7.40 2,590.00 Billable

115134 Prepare
Prepare for to West Palm Beach/attend hearing/confer with
opposing counsel/advise to Miami.

11/812017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115164 Re\Aew
Re\Aew email from Mr. Smith re:

11/B/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

115166 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for a
Temporary Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal.

11/8/2017 SM 225.00 5.50 1,237.50 Billable

115167 Attend

Attend hearing on Defendants' Emergency Request for a Temporary

Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal.

11/8/2017 SM Billable

11/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable


FAB - Attys. Fees- 000114

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 45

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Mar1<up% DNB Time DNBAmt __________

11/9/2017 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

115157 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and file/confer with co-counsel and FAB (Attorney Fred
Snow) re;

11/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115220 Participate

11/9/2017 SM 225.00 3.00 675.00 Billable

115228 Re\1ew

11/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

115192 Receiw
Receiw, re\1ew and summarize

11/10/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

115231 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities

11/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115233 Confer

11/13/2017 HHB
115206 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/re\1ew case law and treatises re-
350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11/13/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable
115234 Re\1ew
Re\4ew legal authorities re:

11/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
115245 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000115

1211/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 46

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
11/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
115247 Review
Review proposed Orders on Defendants' Motion to Stay submitted by
Defendants to Judge Small.

11/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

115209 Recei-.e and review
Recei-.e and review Schneiders' proposed Orders (Stay Pending
Appeal)/confer with co-counsel.

11/14/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

11521 0 Review

11/14/2017 HHB
- - - Billable

11/14/2017 HHB
- • - Billable

11/14/2017 SM 225.00

- -
0.30 67.50 Billable
115250 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/14/2017 SM Billable


11/14/2017 SM
- • Billable

11/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115276 Confer
Confer with co-counsel to FAB.

11/15/2017 HHB 0.30 105.00 Billable

115277 Recei-.e
Recei-.e, review, forward and respond Ire:
extension of time to file Initial Brief.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000116

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
1·0:31 AM Pre-bill Wort<sheet Page 47

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Dale Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID11/15/2017 :-:H' Entry_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
:"':H-=8-=.;....;.....<.. Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
350.00 0.20 70.00 ----::B..,.,.il-la,-bl-e
115286 Recei'l.e
Receiw , re\4ew and forward Appellant's Motion for Extension of lime
(Appeal) to FAB.

11/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
115287 Receiw

Receiw, Order re: Stay ($115,000 Supersedeas Bond)

- /confer wmi"GaiiYSmlth.

11/15/2017 SM Billable

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115302 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Clerl<'s Office re: the payment the Clerk's
fee and Online Sale Fee.

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11531 0 Re\4ew
email from Ms . Frank re: whether the Bank objects to Appellant
seeking an extension of time to file the initial brief.

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Re\4ew Appellant's Motion for Extension of lime to File Initial Brief.

11/1512017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115316 Re\4ew
Re\4ew Order on Defendants' Emergency Motion for Stay of Execution of
Judgment Pending Appeal; Request to Extend Injunction.

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115318 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115320 Re'IAew

11/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115289 Recei\e
Recei\e, Fourth DCA's Order Granting Extension of
lime to file

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000117

12/1/2017 Ketler & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pr&-bill Worksheet Page 48

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!Y DNB Time DNBAmt
11/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
115290 Confer
Confer with co-counseVFAB re:

11/1612017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

Record on Appeal/determine
- possible issue.

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115325 Re\liew
Re\liew Order granting Appellant's Motion for Extension of lime.

11/16/2017 ·SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115327 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115328 Participate
Partie In tor.,,....,,"n<>

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115330 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court Clerk's Office re:
requesting a list of approved bonding companies.

11/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115333 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115354 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115355 Receive
Attorney Gesten's email I FAB -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000118

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 49

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 11me Entry Markup% DNB 11me DNB Amt
11/20/2017 350.00 0.50 175.00 ------=B:-:-:11:-Ia-:-cbl,-e
115356 Telephone conference
Tel conference with

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115369 Re\4ew
Re\4ew legal authorities re:

11120/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115371 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Gesten re:

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115380 Determine
Determine whether Appellant has paid for the Record on Appeal.

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115381 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115382 Participate
p conferences with Mr. Smith re:-

11/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115383 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

11/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

11 5389 Complete
Pre-Auction Checklist Online

11/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115397 Re-..ew
Re\1ew the Record on Appeal.

11/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115406 ReiAew
ReiAew Appellant's Notice of Compliance.

11/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115433 Receive
Receive ad\1ces of posting of cash Supersedeas Bond/confirm Foreclosure
Sale's cancellation/prepare status email to Record on Appeal.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000119

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 50

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _ _---=-::-:--:-:-
11/27/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115407 Re\1ew
Re\1ew docket sheet

11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115408 Determine
Determine whether the foreclosure sale of the property has been cancelled.

11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115409 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Receipt from the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the posting of the

11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

115414 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Clerk's Office re: whether the bond posted
by Mr. Schneider was a cash bond.

11/2812017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable
115450 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Florida case law re:

11/28/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

115451 Prepare
Prepare for receipt of Initial Brief/confer with

11/28/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

11/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

115479 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/28/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000120

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM PllH>ill Worksheet Page 51

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup o/o DNB Time DNB Amt - - - = - :::-:--:-.,....-
11/28/2017 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

11/2812017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115484 Re-view

11/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115464 Telephone conference
.......r,nnr'"' conference with Attorney Fred Snow re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 190.20 $52,120.00

Date Attorney P rice Quantity Amount Total

10 Expense Markup o/o
10/3/2017 FIRM 167.00 1.000 167.00 Billable
114913 Photocopies

10/412017 FIRM 0.10 9.000 0.90 Billable

114914 Photocopies

1015/2017 FIRM 1.82 1.000 1.82 Billable

114916 Postage

10/6/2017 FIRM 17.07 1.000 17.07 Billable

114546 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-933-79299

10/6/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

114548 Parking
Parking- WPB Courthouse 10/2/17

10/6/2017 FIRM 0.10 157.000 15.70 Billable

114930 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000121

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 52

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Markup%
10/23/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable
114851 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 10/2/17 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55846

10/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 97.000 9.70 Billable

114910 Photocopies

10/24/2017 FIRM 2.24 1.000 2.24 B illable

114923 Postage

10/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 63.000 6.30 Billable

114911 Photocopies

10/25/2017 FIRM 0.46 12.000 5.52 Billable

114924 Postage
Postage .......---.....
10/31/2017 - / 103.92
11/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable
115531 Photocopies

11/6/2017 FIRM 0.10 153.000 15.30 Billable

115523 Photocopies

11/6/2017 FIRM 0.46 5.000 2.30 Billable

115552 Postage

11/7/2017 FIRM 9.00 1.000 9.00 Billable

115033 Parking
Parking- Palm Beach County Circuit Courthouse- 11/6/17

11/7/2017 FIRM 210.00 1.000 210.00 B illable

115035 Publish Fee
Publishing Fee- ALM Media, LLC
Third Publication of Foreclosure Sale

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000122

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 53

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Markup%
11/7/2017 FIRM 25. 16 1.000 25. 16 Billable
115036 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-978-59616

11/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 44.000 4.40 Billable

115524 Photocopies

11/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 38.000 3.80 Billable

115532 Photocopies

11/7/ 2017 FIRM 0.10 21.000 2.10 Billable

115534 Photocopies

11/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 66.000 6.60 Billable

115525 Photocopies

11/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

115535 Photocopies

11/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

115546 Photocopies

11/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 8.000 0.80 Billable

115536 Photocopies

11/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 98.000 9.80 Billable

115526 Photocopies

11/13/2017 FIRM 7.00 1.000 7.00 Billable

115177 Parking
Parking -West Palm Beach Courthouse 11/8/17

11/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

115537 Photocopies

11/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 23.000 2.30 Billable

115538 Photocopies

FAB- Attys . Fees- 000123

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
·10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 54

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 _______________________
Markup % --------=---:- _______
11/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable
115541 Photocopies

11/21/2017 FIRM 0.10 1.000 0.1 0 Billable

115542 Photocopies

11/27/2017 FIRM 0.10 20.000 2.00 Billable

115527 Photocopies

11/28/2017 FIRM 446.40 1.000 446.40 Billable

115398 Transcript
Transcript Cost -Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc.
lnv. 55926 - Hrg. Transcript 11/6/17

11/28/2017 FIRM 746.03 1.000 746.03 Billable

115399 Transcript
Transcript Cost - Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc.
lnv. 55928 - Transcript/Reporter Hrg. 11/8/17

11/28/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

115400 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 11/6/17 Hearing
Julio A . Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55906

11/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 30.000 3.00 Billable

115544 Photocopies


Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $52,120.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $2,026.96

Total new charges $54,146.96

Previous Balance
30 Days $18,680.29
Total Pre\1ous Balance $18,680.29

FAB - Attys. Fees - 0001 24

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 55

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued}

Amount Total

Accounts Receivables
11/3/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($18,680.29)
Total Accounts Receivable {$18,680.29}

New Balance
Current $54,146.96

Total New Balance $54,146.96

Funds Account: Default

Pre..;ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remmed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB - --...,3=-=s:-=-o.o
o - - ----==-== ---=-$...,..19:::'-,2=5=-=o,... ., _ _ ____..._"""'o"""'
.NJK 350.00 $6,860.00 $6,860.00 0.00
SM 225.00 $26,010.00 $26,010.00 0.00

60 .2

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000125

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26 AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 10/30/2017
Last charge 10/31/2017
Last payment 11/3/2017 Amount $18,680.29

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
10/2/2017 HHB 350.00 4.40 1,540.00 Billable
114550 Trawl
Trawl to West Palm Beach/attend heart
Schneider/prepare Order/advise FAB to Miami.

10/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114551 Receiw
Receiw, reYew - 3x Orders I FAB.

10/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114552 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Appraiser Jergensenlprepare email to Laurence
and Stephanie Schneider re: Appraisal parameters/times-dates.

10/2/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

114553 Re'-Aew
fi le- prepare "t<Hlo" list- confer with co-counsei/FAB

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114618 Participate
in te

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114619 Calendar
Calendar deadline to publish notice of foreclosure sale.

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114620 Re'-Aew
Review Order Resetting EYdentiary Hearing on Defendants' Emergency
Request for Temporary Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal
filed on September 6, 0217; calendar deadline to submit supporting
materials to the court.

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114622 Review
ReYew Order Resetting Sale Date.

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114623 ReYew
Re'-Aew Order Granting First American's Motion to Compel Access to the

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000126

11/1412017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26 AM PrEH>ill Woi'Ksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry DNB lime DNBAmt
10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114624 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114625 Calendar
Calendar deadline for Mr. Schneider to allow access to the property in
order to conduct an appraisal.

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114626 Prepare
Prepare updated to do list.

10/212017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114627 Confer
Confer with ccrcounsel re:
10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114628 Participate

10/312017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114575 Determine

10/312017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114637 Draft
Draft Plaintiffs Witness list for the Nowmber 6, 2017 Evidentiary Hearing.

10/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114638 Dra1t
Draft Exhibit list for the No\E!mber 6, 2017 Evidentiary Hearing.

10/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114640 Revise
Revise proposed Order Denying Stay Pending Appeal.

10/312017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114641 Re\lise
Revise proposed Order Granting Stay and Setting Amount and Conditions
of Bond.

10/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114642 Draft
Draft tetter to Judge Small re: providing the Court with copies of all relevant
pleadings, legal authorities, proposed orders, witness list and exhibit list.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000127

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26 AM PrEH>ill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup o/o DNBlime DNBAmt __________
10/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
114643 Gather

Gather and organize enclosures to the letter to Judge Small re: providing

the Court with copies of all relevant pleadings, legal authOrities, proposed

orders, witness list and exhibit list.

10/3/2017 SM Billable

10/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

reiAew Mr. Schneider's email re: Appraisal I
Appraiser JurgenSe'iii'FA'I3.'

350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

10/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114578 Confer
Confer with co<ounsel re:

10/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114588 Telephone call

- - -
Telephone call from Dan
- update client

10/4/2017 HHB Billable


10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114646 ReiAew
ReiAew email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the
property and conditions to same.


10/412017 SM 0.1 0

22.50 Billable
114647 ReiAew

ReiAew email to Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/4/2017 SM Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000128

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Ent!Y Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt

10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114649 Participate
Participate in conference with Mr. Snow re:

1014/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114650 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
114653 Detennine

- - ..
10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114654 Email

Email Messrs. Snow and

10/4/2017 SM Billable


10/4/2017 SM Billable

10/4/2017 SM

- • Billable

- -

10/5/2017 HHB
114597 • Billable

10/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114598 Receive and re'>Aew
Receive and review email from Laurence Schneider re: residence
inspection/motion to compel.

FAB- Fees - 000129

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID -=TI:-:m:'-'"e....;;E;;.;_n=try..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Time -
----DNB DNB Amt - - - - - - - - -
10/512017 SM - Billable

10/512017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114667 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114672 Re\1ew
ReiAew email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal.

10/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114674 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet

10/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114679 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the property.

10/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114683 Review
Review Index to Record on Appeal.

10/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114609 Determine

10/9/2017 JWK 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

114614 Consult
Consult with co-counsel re:

10/912017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

114688 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
10/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114689 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the property.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000130

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attom.e y Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ___
10/10/2017 -S-M-'---.L---- - -- - - -- - 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114699 Reuew
Reuew email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the
property. ·

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114700 Email
Email Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0 .10 22.50 Billable

114702 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114703 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs . Schneider re: confirming inspection/appraisal will take
place on October 12, 2017.

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114704 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

10/11/2017 JWK 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114834 Receive and review
Receive and review appellate court order dismissi
Schneider; direct action

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114720 Re\Cew
Reuew Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part First American's Motion
to Dismiss.

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114721 Email

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114723 Confer

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000131

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!}: DNB Time DNB Amt

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114724 Re\iew
Review legal authorities re:

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114725 Determine

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

114726 Re\Aew

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114728 Telephone conference
l conference with Mr. J re: -

10/1212017 SM 225.00 6.40 1,440.00 Billable

114730 Re\iew

10/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114734 Review
Review email from Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114735 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

10/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114736 Re\iew
Re"l.iew email fiom Mr. Schneider re: granting access to the property to Mr.

10/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

114738 Re\iew

10/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114739 Confer
Confer with co-<:ounsel re:

10/16/2017 JWK 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

114839 Consult
Consult with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000132

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

10 DNBAmt __________

rs. reason of
dismissal of her appeal and seeking to appellate court set
briefing schedule and require transmittal of record on · telephone

- - -
conference with Mr. Snow

10/16/2017 SM Billable

10/16/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

- - -
legal authorities re:

10/16/2017 SM Billable


10/16/2017 SM Billable

10/16/2017 SM

- • Billable

- - -

10/16/2017 SM Billable

10/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

file and draft Appellee's Motio·n for Briefing Schedule and to Compel
Appellant to Pay for Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

10/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

114753 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000133

11/1412017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Atto""ey Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt

10/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

- -
114754 Participate
Participate In telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

10/16/2017 SM B illable

10/17/2017 SM
- • Billable

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114759 Re\1se
Re\1se draft Appellee's Motion for Briefing Schedule and to Compel
Appellant to Pay for Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114760 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

114762 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

114774 Review
Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

10/18/2017 JWK 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

114848 Receive and re\4ew
Recei-.e and re\1ew emails exchanged among Messrs. Snow and Smith,

- - -- - ---- - - - - - - - - -- -- - -

with Mr. Snow re:

- direct action to file and serve motions.

FAB- Fees- 000134

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID ..,..li_m_e_E_n_t r y " - - - - - -- - - - - - Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 -----=B:-::
114ns Re...,ev.r
Re.._,ew email from Mr. Snow re:

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
114777 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114781 Email

Email Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

10/18/2017 SM

- •

10/18/2017 SM
• Billable


- •
10/18/2017 SM Billable


10/ 18/2017 SM Billable

10/18/2017 SM
- • Billable

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114788 Finalize
Finalize Appellee's Motion for Briefing Schedule and to Compel Appellant
to Pay for the Preparation of the Record on Appeal; gather and organize
exhibits to same.

FAB - Fees - 000135

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: first American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _________
10/18/2017 ....:.S;:.:.M.;.;:,_;;=.L---------'----- 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
114789 Participate

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114790 Electronic filing
E I IY'1•rnnilf' !>II"

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

Motion for Briefing Schedule and to Compel Appellant to

Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

114793 Email



10/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 B illable

114815 Prepare
Prepare Notice of Sate Pursuant to Chapter 45.

10/20/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 B illable

114816 Email

- -
Email the Palm Beach Dally Busin·e ss re: publishing the Notice of

Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45.

10/20/2017 SM Billable

10/23/2017 JWK 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

114900 Recei\-9 and re\4ew
Receiw and re\4ew
- ; direct
to court order,

FAB - Attys. Fees - 0001 36

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attom_ey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
10/23/2017 ----:::-=--:-:-
225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114860 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114861 Re\4ew
Re\4ew email from Mr. Smith re:

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114862 Re\4ew
calendar deadline to send Defendants a copy of
the Appraisa eport.

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114863 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114864 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114873 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/24/2017 JWK 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

114908 Review
Review file and address items required by court prior to hearing on motion
for stay pending re\.iew and attendant bonding requirements .

10/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114885 Review
Review Proof of Notice of Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45 pro'vided by the
Palm Beach Daily Business Re'view.

10/25/2017 JWK 350.00 4.30 1,505.00 Billable

115003 Review
Review file and Finalize: (1) letter to judge Small pro\4ding items required
by court order for hearing on Schneiders' motion to stay pending appeal,
(2) proposed orders reflecting potential outcomes of hearing on Schneiders'
motion to stay pending appeal, (3) Witness and Exhibit Usts; review file
and confirm conditions which FAB should seek to include in requirements
for posting of Supersedeas Bond.

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114931 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and re\o1se the letter to Judge Small, Plaintiffs Exhibit List for the

FAB - Fees - 000137

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

_10_ _ _ _ lime Entry Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt _________
November 6, 2017 Evidentiary Hearing and Plaintiffs Witness List for the
November 6, 2017 Evidentiary Hearing.

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114932 Draft
Draft proposed Order Denying Stay Pending Appeal as to Defendant,
Stephanie Schneider.

10/25/2.017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114933 Reviev.t
Review and revise proposed Order Granting Stay and Setting Amount and
Conditions of Bond.

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

114934 Confer
Confer with co<ounsel re:

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114936 Revise
Revise draft letter to Judge Small.

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114937 Review

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114938 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach County Clerk's Office re:
requesting a list of approved surety companies .

10/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114951 Determine
Determine whether the Notice of Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45 was
published in the Palm Beach Daily Business Re'ofew.

10/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114970 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Jurgensen re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000138

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

DNBAmt __________
ID Markup% DNB Time
10/30/2017 JWK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
115015 Evaluate

10/30/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable


10/30/ 2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

Re\4ew file and prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Motion
for a Stay Pending Appeal.

10/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114987 Confer
Confer wit h co-counsel re:

10/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

114989 Re\1ew
Re'view legal authorities re:

10/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157. 50 Billable

114992 Analyze


10/30/2017 S M
114994 • Billable

10/31/2017 JWK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

115017 Consult

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000139

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :26 AM Pre-bill Wori<sheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ____
10/31/2017 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
114996 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/31/2017 SM 225.00 5.40 1,215.00 Billable


TOTAL Billable Fees 78.60 $20,585.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markue%
10/3/2017 FIRM 167.00 1.000 167.00 Billable
114913 Photocopies

10/4/2017 FIRM 0.10 9.000 0.90 Billable

114914 Photocopies

10/5/2017 FIRM 1.82 1.000 1.82 Billable

114918 Postage

10/6/2017 FIRM 17.07 1.000 17.07 Billable

114546 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-933-79299

10/6/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

114548 Parking
Parking- WPB Courthouse 10/2/17

10/6/2017 FIRM 0.10 157.000 15.70 Billable

114930 Photocopies

10/23/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

114851 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 10/2/17 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55846

10/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 97.000 9.70 Billable

114910 Photocopies

FAB- AtWs. Fees- 000140

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First AmericanJSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 _________________________ Markup % -----,.....,...,..,.. - ---=-:-:-:--:-:---
10/24/2017 FIRM 2.24 1.000 2.24 Billable
114923 Postage

10/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 63.000 6.30 Billable

11491 1 Photocopies

10/25/2017 FIRM 0.46 12.000 5.52 Billable

114924 Postage

10/31 103.92 Billable


TOTAL Billable Costs $430.17

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $20,585.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $430.17

Total new charges $21 ,01 5.17

Previous Balance
Current $18,680.29
Total Pre\1ous Balance $1 8,680.29

Accounts Receivables
DateliD Type Description
11/312017 PAY Payment - Thank You ($18,680.29)
Total Accounts Receivable ($18,680.29)

New Balance
Current $21 ,015.17

Total New Balance $21 ,015.17

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total from account $0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000141

11/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:26 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Rate Hours Charges Slie Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 10.70 $3,745.00 $3,745.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 12.50 $4,375.00 $4,375.00 0.00
SM 225.00 55.40 $12,465.00 $12,465.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000142


11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP

12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

Nickname First American/Schneider 1 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 10/30/2017
Last charge 10/31/2017
Last payment 11/3/2017 Amount $18,680.29

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
10/212017 HHB 350.00 4.40 1,540.00 Billable
114550 Travel
Travel to West Palm Beach/attend ho<>nn,ntf",nntoe>r
Schneider/prepare Order/ad-.1se FAB

10/212017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114551 Recei\e
Recei\e, re-.1ew - 3x Orders I FA B.

10/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114552 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Appraiser Jergensenlprepare email to Laurence
and Stephanie Schneider re: Appraisal parameters/times-dates.

10/2/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

114553 Re-.1ew
file- prepare "to-do" list- confer with co-counsei/FAB

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114618 Participate

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114619 Calendar
Calendar deadline to publish notice of foreclosure sale.

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114620 Re-.1ew
Re\Aew Order Resetting Hearing on Defendants' Emergency
Request for Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal
filed on September 6, 0217; calendar deadline to submit supporting
materials to the court.

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114622 Re-.1ew
Re\Aew Order Resetting Sale Date.

10/212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114623 Re-.1ew
Re-.1ew Order Granting First American's Motion to Compel Access to the

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000143

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB lime DNBAmt ____
10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114624 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114625 Calendar

Calendar deadline for Mr. Schneider to allow access to the property in
order to conduct an appraisal.

101212017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114626 Prepare
Prepare o do list.

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114627 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114628 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

10/3/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114575 Determine
with co-counsel.

10/31201 7 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 4637 Draft
Draft P laintiffs Witness List for the November 6, 2017 E\Adentiary Hearing.

10/3/201 7 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114638 Draft
Draft Exhibit List for the November 6, 2017 EIAdentiary Hearing.

10/312017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114640 Re\4se
Re..;se proposed Order Denying Stay Pending Appeal.

10/3/201 7 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114641 ReiAse
Re..;se proposed Order Granting Stay and Setting Amount and Conditions
of Bond.

10/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114642 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Small re: providing the Court with copies of all relevant
pleadings, legal authorities, proposed orders, witness list and exhibit list.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000144

11/6/201 7 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID -=
;;;;.;n. .;.,;t.J,r_
y _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt ____
10/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114643 Gather

Gather and organize enclosures to the letter to Judge Small re: prm.1ding
the Court with copies of all relevant pleadings, legal authorities, proposed

orders, witness list and exhibit list.

10/3/2017 SM Billable

10/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

Mr. Schneider's email re: Appraisal.

350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

10/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114578 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
114588 Telephone call

- - -
l i i l l i i l ill from Dan
update client with Brian Hagan/Dan

10/4/2017 HHB Billable


10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the
property and conditions to same.

10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

- -

email to Mr. Jurgensen

10/4/2017 SM Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000145

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/ Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date A ttorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt

10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114649 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114650 Confer
Confer with

10/4/201 7 SM 67.50 Billable
114653 Determ

- -
10/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22 50 Billable
114654 Email

- • -
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

10/4/2017 SM Billable

- •

10/412017 SM

B illable

- •

10/41201 7 SM Billable

10/5/201 7 HHB
- - - Billable

10/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114598 Recei-..e and review
Recei-..e and review email from Laurence Schneider re: residence
inspection/motion to compel.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000 146

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 __________ - DNB
- Amt
- ------,..,.,.-,--
10/5/2017 SM - - Billable

1015/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114667 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1015/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114672 Re\1ew
Re\liew email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal.

10/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114674 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet

10/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114679 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the property.

10/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114683 Re\liew
Re\liew Index to Record on Appeal.

1017/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114609 Determine

10/9/2017 JWK 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

114614 Consult
Consult with co-counsel re:

10/9/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billaole

114688 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114689 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the property.

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000147

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
10/10/2017 =s-:-:
M:---"'--- - - - - - - -- - 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114699 Re\4ew
Re\4ew email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling the appraisal of the

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114700 Email
Email Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114702 Re\tiew
Re\tiew email from Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114703 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: confirming inspection/appraisal will take
place on October 12, 2017.

10/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114704 Email
Eman Mr. Smith re:

10/11/2017 JWK 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114834 Recei\le. and re\4ew
Recei-..e and re\tiew appellate court order dismissi
Schneider; direct action

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114720 Re\tiew
Re\tiew Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part First American's Motion
to Dismiss .

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114721 Email

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114723 Confer

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000148

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 36

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _ __ __
10/11/2017 . .;.S:. :. :M.:. =. . .;::.:..:.:.J..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114724 Re-.;ew
l i i l i i i l l iuthorities re:

10/11/2017 SM 0 .20 45.00 Billable

114725 Determine

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

114726 Re-v;ew

10/11/2017 SM 225.00 0 .10 22.50 Billable

114728 Telephone conference
conference with Mr. re: -

10/12/2017 SM 225.00 6.40 1,440.00 Billable

114730 Re-.;ew

10/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114734 Re-.;ew
Re-.;ew email from Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114735 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

10/1212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114736 Re-.;ew
Re-v;ew email from Mr. Schneider re: granting access to the property to Mr.

10/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

114738 Re-.;ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

10/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114739 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/16/2017 JWK 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

114839 Consult
Consult with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000149

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 37

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

ID DNBAmt __________

rs. reason of

dismissal of her appeal and seeking to haw appellate court set
briefing schedule and require transmittal of record on telephone

conference with Mr. Snow

10/16/2017 SM
114745 • Billable

- ..
10/16/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

Re\4ew legal authorities re:

10/16/2017 SM Billable

- •
10/16/2017 SM Billable

10/16/2017 SM
- • Billable

- -

10/16/2017 SM
114750 • Billable

10/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

114751 Re-.;ew
Re-.;ew file and draft Appellee's Motion for Briefing Schedule and to Compel
Appellant to Pay for Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

10/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

114753 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Fees- 000150

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID10/16/2017 lime Entry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _______
225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
114754 Participate
llllllliiliiiiln telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:



10/16/2017 SM Billable

10/17/2017 SM
- • Billable

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114759 Re\1se
Re\1se draft Appellee's Motion for Briefing Schedule and to Compel
Appellant to Pay for Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114760 Email

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114762 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Jurgensen re:

10/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114774 Re\1ew

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000151

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Wori<sheet Page 39

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

_Ti_m_e_E_n_try....___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
DNB Time
- --_,.,..,....-
114848 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew emails
and Ms . Mesa,

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable


10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114777 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114781 Email

Email Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

10/18/2017 SM

- - ..
- -

10/18/2017 SM


- -
10/18/2017 SM Billable

10/18/2017 SM
- • Billable

FAB - Fees- 000152

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 40

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 1i:-:m:-e....:E;;.:,.
. n'-'-'try_.___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ --DNlime
B _ __;:;_;-'-i
10/18/2017 SM - Billable

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114788 Finalize
Finalize Appellee's Motion for Briefing Schedule and to Compel Appellant
to Pay for the Preparation of the Record on Appeal; gather and organize
exhibits to same.

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114790 Electronic filing
E file

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable


Motion for Briefing Schedule and to Compel Appellant to Pay for the
Preparation of the Record on Appeal.

10/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114793 Email
Email Appellants a

10/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114815 Prepare
Prepare Notice of Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45.

10/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

114816 Email

- -
Email the Palm Beach Daily Business re: publishing the Notice of

Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45.

10120/2017 SM Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000153

11/612017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 41

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt

10/23/2017 JWK 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

114900 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew
- ; directac
to court order,

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114860 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114861 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114862 Re\4ew
calendar deadline to send Defendants a copy of
the Appraisal Report.

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114863 Telephone conference
conference with Mr. Smith re:

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114864 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs . Schneider

10/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114873 Confer

10/24/2017 JWK

350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
114908 Re\4ew

Re\4ew file and address items required by court prior to hearing on motion

for stay pending review and attendant bonding require':!lents.


FAB- Attys. Fees - 000154

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 42

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ______
10/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114885 Re\4ew
Re\4ew Proof of Notice of Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45 pro\4ded by the
Palm Beach Daily Business

10/25/2017 JWK 350.00 4.30 1,505.00 Billable

115003 Re\4ew
Re\.4ew file and Finalize: (1) letter to judge Small providing items required
by court order for hearing on Schneiders' motion to stay pending appeal,
(2) proposed orders reflecting potential outcomes of hearing on Schneiders'
motion to stay pending appeal, (3) W itness and Exhibit Lists; re\.4ew file
and confirm conditions which FAB should seek to include In requirements
for posting of Supersedeas Bond.

10/2512017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114931 Re\1ew
Review and revise the letter to Judge Small, Plaintiffs Exhibit Ust for the
No-.ember 6, 2017 Evidentiary Hearing and Plaintiffs Witness List for the
No-.ember 6, 2017 Evidentiary Hearing.

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 4932 Draft
Draft proposed Order Denying Stay Pending Appeal as to Defendant,
Stephanie Schneider.

10/2512017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114933 Review
Review and re\.4se proposed Order Granting Stay and Setting Amount and
Conditions of Bond.

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

114934 Confer
Confer with co--counsel re:

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114935 Determine

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114936 Re\4se
Revise draft letter to Judge Small.

10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114937 Re\4ew

FAB- Fees- 000155

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 43

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Ttme DNB Time DNB Amt
10/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
114938 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach County Clerk's Office re:
requesting a list of approwd surety companies.

10/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114951 Determine
Determine whether the Notice of Sale Pursuant to Chapter 45 was
published in the Palm Beach Daily Busi.ness Review.

10/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114970 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Jurgensen re: •

10/30/2017 JWK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

115015 Evaluate
Evaluate potential arguments
I ..
10/30/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

10/30/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

114986 Review
Re'lliew file and prepare to attend e\Adentiary hearing on Defendants' Motion
for a Stay Pending Appeal.

10/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114987 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: •

10/30/2017 SM 225. 00 0.90 202.50 Billable

114989 Re\Aew

10/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

114992 Analyze

FAB - Fees - 000156

12:23 PM Page 44

Date Total

210.00 Billable

10/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114996 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/31/2017 SM 2.25.00 5.40 1,215.00 Billable

114997 Re\1ew

TOTAL Billable Fees 78.80 $20,630.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 MarkuE%
10/3/2017 FIRM 167.00 1.000 167.00 Billable
114913 Photocopies

10/4/2017 FIRM 0.10 9.000 0.90 Billable

114914 Photocopies

10/5/2017 FIRM 1.82 1.000 1.82 Billable

114918 Postage

10/6/2017 FIRM 17.07 1.000 17.07 Billable

114546 FedEx
FedEx- lnv. 5-933-79299

10/6/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

114548 Parking
Parking - WPB Courthouse 10/2/17

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000 157

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 45

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity A mount Total

10 _______________________ Markup % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __
10/6/2017 FIRM 0.10 157.000 15.70 Billable
114930 Photocopies

10/23/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

114851 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 10/2/17 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55846

10/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 97.000 9.70 Billable

114910 Photocopies

10/24/2017 FIRM 2.24 1.000 2.24 Billable

114923 Postage

10/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 63.000 6.30 Billable

114911 Photocopies

10/25/2017 FIRM 0.46 12.000 5.52 Billable

114924 Postage

TOTAL Billable Costs $326.25

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $20,630.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $326.25

Total new charges $20,956.25

Previous Balance
Current $18,680.29
Total Previous Balance $18,680.29

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type
11/3/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($18,680.29)
7601 °

Total Accounts Receivable ($18,680.29)

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000158

11/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:23 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 46

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

New Balance
Current $20,956.25

Total New Balance $20,956.25

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Rate Hours Charges SliE Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 10.70 $3,745.00 $3,745.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 12.50 $4,375.00 $4,375.00 0.00
SM 225.00 55.60 $12,510.00 $12,510.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000159

Keller & Bolz, LLP
Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 9/26/2017
Last charge 9/30/2017
Last payment 9/28/2017 Amount $37,443.80

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% ONB Time DNB Amt
9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00
114107 Revise
Revise and expand proposed Orders Granting Stay - confer with

9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 5.10 1,785.00 Billable

114108 Travel
Travel to West Palm Beach/attend hearing before Judge Breger/advise
FAB of hearing results/return to Miami.

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114132 Review
Review proposed Order re: Request for Temporary Restraining Order/
Motion for Stay of the Foreclosure Sale Pending Appeal.

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114135 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Request for Temporary
Restraining Order/ Motion for Stay of the Foreclosure Sale Pending Appeal.

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 5.20 1,170.00 Billable

114136 Attend
Attend hearing on Defendants' Request for Restraining Order/
Motion for Stay of the Foreclosure Sale Pending Appeal.

9/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114113 Review
Review and update file.

9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

114117 Prepare
Prepare for Friday's hearing/confer with co-counsel re:

9/5/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114118 Telephone conference
li conference with Ga

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114143 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000160

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable
114176 Recei-.e
Recei\e ad..nces of hearing (Friday} cancellation with Court's
directi\es/exchange emails with Schneiders/Attomey Tantillo re: hearing
cancellation/foreclosure sale status.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114177 Telephone conference
conference with FAB (Fred Snow/Garry Smith) re:

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114183 Recei-.e
Recei-.e, re..;ew - the Schneiders' Emergency Motion to Cancel

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

114184 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114151 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the status of
hearings and the foreclosure sale.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114159 Participate

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114164 Email
Email Mr. Smith

9/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114166 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the status the
foreclosure sale.

9/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114167 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith -re:

9/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114168 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the status the
foreclosure sale.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000161

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 ----:::B:-:-:il.,-
114169 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114194 Telephone conference
l one conference with Smith re:
- update file.

9/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114228 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

22.50 _. Billable )

9/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114201 Recei\€
!Oo Recei'.€, re\1ew - Mr. Schneider's "Exhibits'' in support of
' conspiracy I FAB .

9/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

114202 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow, Esq.

9/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114232 Determine
Determine whether the foreclosure sale has been rescheduled.

9/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114208 Confer

9/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114209 Recei\€
Recei\€ ac:Mces of court's pending case reassignment/Foreclosure Sale
Dte/e\1dentiary hearing/ad\1se FAB of de-.elopments.

9/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114213 Telephone conference
li conferences with Smith/Carlos Molestina re: -

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000162

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date A ttorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Ent!}: Markue% DNB Ttme DNB Amt
9/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
114214 Receive
Jorgensen re: -

9/18/2017 JWK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114222 Confer
Confer with co-counsel and revise strategy

9/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114252 Receive
Receive advices of possible Friday hearing date/prepare email to Laurence

9/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114253 Receive
Receive, Schneider's email/Judge Small Case
Reassignment I FAB.

9/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114254 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith

9/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114259 Receiw
Receive further ad'.1ces from Circuit Court re: hearing status/file transfer.

9/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114277 Review
Review Clerk's Notice of Reassignment.

9/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114278 Re\4ew
Re'view email from Mr. Schneider re: continuing the hearing on the
Schneiders' Emergency Request for a Temporary Restraining Order.

9/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114279 Review
Review background information

9/20/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

114265 Review

9/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114266 Review
Review Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure

FAB - Fees- 000163

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

ID DNB Amt -----
nfer with co-counsel re:
Motion to Dismiss Appeal.

9/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114273 Obtain
Obtain information

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114285 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114286 Re\1ew

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114287 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Clerk's Office re: that status of the record
on appeal.

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114290 Re\1ew

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

114291 Review
Re\1ew file and draft Appellee's Motion to Dismiss Appeal Due to
Appellant s' Failure to Comply with this Court's Order.

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114293 Calendar
Calendar deadline for appellants to file a response to the Motion to
Dismiss Appeal Due to Appellants' Failure to Comply with this Court's

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114298 Review

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000164

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90. 00 Billable

114301 Draft
Draft First American's Motion to Reset Sale Date.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114312 Finalize
Finalize and file Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale/Notice of Assignment of
Judge Small.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114313 Confirm
Confirm Motion Calendar date/prepare email to Mr. and Mrs . Schneider re:
Foreclosure Sale Date.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114314 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence Schneider re: property inspection
(FAB/Molestina) and hour-long e\identiary hearing.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114322 Telephone coni:lrence
conference with G

9/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114397 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

9/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114328 Confer
Confer with co-couns

9/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114329 Receiw
Recei-.e, Laurence-Schneider's email I FAB/confer with

9/2212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114404 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000165

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
9/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114406 Re'\Aew
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling a hearing on the motion to
reset sale date and inspection of the property.

9/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114407 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114408 Review
Review Order on Defendants' Emergency Motion for Stay of Execution of
Judgment Pending Appeal; Request to Extend Injunction.

9/23/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

114330 Receive
Receive, review - Court's September 22, 2017 Order 1
FAB/receive, re\1ew and forward Schneider's Motion to Reset
Hearing/confer with co-counsei!FAB/prepare email to Mr. and Mrs.

9/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114331 Prepare
Prepare revised/expanded email to the Schneiders/prepare Notice of

9/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

114332 Recei\e and review
and review Laurence Schneider's email regarding hearing
dates- FAB/confer with FAB .

9/25/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

114333 Confer

9/25/2017 JWK 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114518 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114415 Review
Re\ttew Defendants' Motion to Reset Hearing on Injunction.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000166

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 ________________________ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
- -----:=:-::-:---:-:--
9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114416 Re\4ew
Re\4ew email from Mr. Schneider re: the hearing scheduled on October 2,
2017, Inspection of the property and retaining counsel.

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114417 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and comment on draft email to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re:
continuing the e\identiary hearing and conducting an inspection of the

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114419 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114422 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and comment on draft Motion to Compel Defendants to Allow First
American Bank to Inspect Pr9perty.

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114423 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and comment on draft Motion Requesting the Court to Schedule
Hearing Dates and Enter Orders Relating to the Inspection/Appraisal of
Property in Foreclosure.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

114352 Re\4se
Re-v;se and expand Motion Seeking Court Orders/Scheduling of Hearings.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114353 Receive and re\iew
Recei..e and re\4ew Schneider's Motion for Extension of llme to File Initial

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114442 Re\4ew
Re-v;ew and comment on draft Motion Requesting the Court to Schedule
Hearing Dates and Enter Orders Relating to the Inspection/Appraisal of
Property in Foreclosure.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114444 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114445 Review
Re\4ew Appellants' Motion for Extension of Time to File Initial Brief.

FAB - Fees- 000167

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Dale Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNB Amt
9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114447 Email
Email Messrs. Smith and Snow

9/26/2017 AMH 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

114366 Draft
Draft Motion to Continue E\1dentiary Hearing.

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114355 Recei\e
Receive, review and respond to emails from FABre:

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114356 Prepare
Prepare Response/Objection/Motion to Strike Tantillo-signed Motion to
Extension of lill}e.

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114362 Telephone conference
Tele conference with Garry Smith re:

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114363 Obtain
Obtain hearing information.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 B illable

114457 Confer
Confer with co<ounsel re:

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0 .20 45.00 Billable

114458 Participate
in t

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114459 Confer

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114461 Review
Re"lliew legal authorities re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000168

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
114462 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and re\Ase Appellee's Response/Objection to Appellants' Motion for
Extension of Time to File Initial Brief.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114468 Email

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114469 Re\1ew

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114470 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Order on Defendant's Emergency Request for Temporary
Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal.

9/28/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

114367 Re\1ew
Re\Aew file/series of Court Orders/prepare email(s) to the
Schneiders/prepare Re-Notice of Hearing/prepare for Monday's
hearing/prepare email to FA B.

9/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

Recei'A3, re\Aew - Schneider's email (not available for hearing) I

9/28/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

114376 Receive
Schneider's Objection to Hearing I
FAB/discuss IIIIIWffilMessrs. Smith and Snow.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67. 50 Billable

114474 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114477 Re\Aew
Re\1ew and comment on Notice of Healing re: Defendants' Motion to Reset
Hearing on Injunction.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000169

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/2812017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 -----::B:-:-:il:-
114478 Review
Review and comment on draft email to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: the
October 2, 2017 hearing.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114479 Confer

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114480 Re\Aew
Re\Aew email from Mr. Schneider re: the October 2, 2017 hearing.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114483 Review
Re\Aew email from Mr. Snow re:

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

114484 Re\Aew
Re\Aew Defendants' Objection to October 2, 2017 Hearing.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114485 Re\Aew
Re\Aew email from Mr. Smith re:

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114486 Participate
Participate in telephone conferences with Messrs. Smith and Snow re:
_....-- scheduling a conference call.

\ 8/2017 SM 45.00
114488 Obtain
_ Obtain- background information

9/29/2017 HHB 385.00 Billable

114382 Prepare
Prepare for conference caiVassemble in
conference call with Messrs. Snow and Smith.

9/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

114383 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/contact Judge Small's chambers/confer with
FAB/prepare for Monday's hearing.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000170

10/6/2017 Keller & Botz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First AmericaniSchneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date AUomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - - -- -
9/29/2017 :'-:H:'-:H=s_.;..;_-'-'-- - - - - - - -- - - 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable
114386 Revise
Re\Ase and expand Motion to Strike Defendants' Qqection to
Hearing/confer with FAB -finalize and file same.

9/2912017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114387 Prepare
Prepare for Monday's hearing/confer with co-counsel.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114490 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re: .

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 B1llable
114493 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114494 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114495 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Capote re: a court reporter attending the
October 2, 2017 hearing; email Ms. Capote re: same.

9/2912017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114496 Draft
Draft Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114497 Draft
Draft Order Continuing Evidentiary Hearing.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114498 Prepare
Prepare self-addressed stamped for proposed Orders .

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

114499 Draft
Draft Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection and
Notice of Unauthorized Practice of Law.

FAB- A!tys. Fees- 000171

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
1:25 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

9/29/2017 SM
Markup %
ONB lime
- - -Billable
114500 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to the Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection
and Notice of Unauthorized Practice of Law.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114501 Electronic filing
Electronically file Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection and Notice of
Unauthorized Practice of Law.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114503 Re'vise
Re'Jise Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection and Notice of Unauthorized
Practice of Law.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114504 Participate
P in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/29/2017 SM 225. 00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114506 Email

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114511 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9!30/20 17 HHB 350.00 3.60 1,260.00 Billable

114391 Prepare
Prepare for Monday's hearing/outline arguments/collate documents.

TOTAL Billable Fees 59.60 $17,872.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense
9/15/2017 FIRM 43.41 1.000 43.41 Billable
114187 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-920-39542

9/15/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

114188 Parking
Parking - Palm Beach Courthouse 9/1/17

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000172

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup% - ----,----,-::-:----,.-:----:-:- ____ _ _
9/15/2017 210.00 1.000 210.00 Billable
114189 Publish Fee
Publishing Fee- ALM Media, LLC
Second Sale Publication Fee - lnv. 10000251062-0822

9/20/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

114261 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 9/1/17 Hearing

TOTAL Billable Costs $353.41

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $17,872.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $353.41

Total new charges $18,225.91

Previous Balance
Current $37,443.80
Total Previous Balance $37,443.80

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _
9/28/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($37 ,443.80)
Total Accounts Receivable ($37,443.80)

New Balance
Current $18,225.91

Total New Balance $18,225.91

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo-.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000173

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Attorney Summary

Attorne:t Rate Hours Charges Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 35.00 $12,250.00 $12,250.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 1.00 $350.00 $350.00 0.00
SM 225.00 23.30 $5,242.50 $5,242.50 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000174

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 9/26/2017
Last charge 9/30/2017
Last payment 9/28/2017 Amount $37,443.80

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
114107 Re\Ase
Re\Ase and expand proposed Orders Granting Stay - confer with

9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 5.10 1,785.00 Billable

114108 Tra\oel
Tra\oel to West Palm Beach/attend hearing before Judge Breger/advise
FAB of hearing results/return to Miami.

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 . - - Billable
114132 Re\Aew
Re\Aew proposed Order re: Request for Restraining Order/
Motion for Stay of the Foreclosure Sale Pending Appeal.
(c;... 2( \

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114135 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Request for
Restraining Order/ Motion for Stay of the Foreclosure Sale Pending Appea .

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 1,237.50 Billable

114136 Attend
Attend hearing on Defendants' Request for Restraining Order/
Motion for Stay of the Foreclosure Sale Pending Appeal.

9/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114113 Review
Re\Aew and update file.

9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

114117 Prepare
Prepare for Friday's hearing/confer with co-counsel re:

9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114118 Telephone conference
Tel conference with

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114143 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000175

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time DNB Time DNB Amt
9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable
114176 Receiw
Receiw adiAces of hearing (Friday) cancellation - comply with Court's
directiws/exchange emails with Schneiders/Attomey Tantillo re: hearing
cancellation/foreclosure sale status.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
114177 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB (Fred Snow/Garry Smith) re:

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114183 Receiw
Recei\e, reliew - the Schneiders' Emergency Motion to Cancel
Foreclosure Sale I FAB.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

114184 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114151 Telephone conference
ne conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: -

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114159 Participate

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114164 Email
Email Mr. Smith

9/812017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114166 Telephone c onference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the status the
foreclosure sale.

9/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114167 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114168 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Circuit Court re: the status the
foreclosure sale.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000176

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markue% DNB Time DNBAmt
9111/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114169 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114194 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:
- update file.

9/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114228 Telephone conference

Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/14/2017 SM Billable

9/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114201 Receiw
Recei-.e, review - Mr. "Exhibits" In support of
conspiracy I

9/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

114202 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow, Esq.

9/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114232 Determine
Determine whether the foreclosure sale has been rescheduled.

9/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114208 Confer

9/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114209 Recei\e
Receive advices of court's pending case reassignmenUForeclosure Sale
Ole/evidentiary hearing/advise FAB of de\elopments.

9/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114213 Telephone conference
Tol•=>nhnnc:> COnferenceS With Smith/Carlos Molestina re: -

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000177

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
ID ------=---:-:--
9/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.1 0 35.00 Billable
114214 Telephone call
v..t call from Appraiser Jorgensen re:

9/18/2017 JWK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114222 Confer
1 nd re'v1se strategy in light of delays resulting by

9/19/2017 ..: 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114252 Recei've
Recei've ad'v1ces of possible Friday hearing date/prepare email to Laurence

9/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114253 Recei\e
Recei\e, Schneider's email/Judge Small Case
Reassignment FAB.

9/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114254 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

9/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114259 Recei've
Receive further ad'v1ces from Circuit Court re: hearing status/file transfer.

9/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114277 Re'v1ew
Re'v1ew Clerk's Notice of Reassignment.

9/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114278 Re'v1ew
email from Mr. Schneider re: continuing the hearing on the
Schneiders' Emergency Request for a Temporary Restraining Order.

9/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

background information

9/20/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

114265 Re'v1ew

9/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114266 Re'v1ew
Review Florida Rules of Appellate Procedu

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000178

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bani< (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNB Amt
- confer with ca.counsel re:
Motion to Dismiss Appeal.

9/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114273 Obtain
Obtain information

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114285 Re\1ew
Re\1eo.v legal authorities re:

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114287 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Clerk's Office re: that status of the record
on appeal.

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114290 Re,jew

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

114291 Re,jew
Re,jew file and draft Appellee's Motion to Dismiss Appeal Due to
Appellants' Failure to Comply with this Court's Order.

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114293 Calendar
Calendar deadline for appellants to file a response to the Motion to
Dismiss Appeal Due to Appellants' Failure to Comply with this Court's

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114298 Re-view
Re'v1ew Order re:

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114299 Calendar
Calendar deadline to file Motion to Reset Sale Date.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000179

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

DNB lime
9/20/2017 SM
225.00 0.20
- --Billable

9/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114301 Draft
Draft First American's Motion to Reset Sale Date.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114312 Finalize
Finalize and file Motion to Reset Foreclosure Sale/Notice of Assignment of
Judge Small.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114313 Confirm
Confirm Motion Calendar date/prepare email to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re:
Foreclosure Sale Date.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114314 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence Schneider re: property inspection
(FAB/Molestina) and hour-long evidentiary hearing.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114322 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Sm

9/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114397 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114328 Confer
Confer with

9/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

Receive, laurence Schneider's email I FAB/confer with

9/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114404 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000180

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 36

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 llme DNB Time DNB Amt
9/2212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114406 Re\1ew
Re\.1ew email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling a hearing on the motion to
reset sale date and inspection of the property.

9/2212017 S M 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114407 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

912212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114408 Re\Aew
Re\1ew Order on Defendants' Emergency Motion for Stay of Execution of
Judgment Pending Appeal; Request to Extend Injunction.

9/23/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

114330 Recei-..e
Recei-..e, re\1ew - Court's September 22, 2017 Order I
FAB/receive, re\Aew and forward Schneider's Motion to Reset
Hearing/confer with co-counsei/FAB/prepare email to Mr. and Mrs.

9/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114331 Prepare
Prepare re\1sed/expanded email to the Schneiders/prepare Notice of

9/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

114332 Recei-.e and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew Laurence Schneider's email regarding hearing
dates- FAB/confer with FAB.

9/25/2017 HHB 350.00 2 .20 770.00 Billable

114333 Confer

9/25/2017 JWK 350.00 0.40 14 0.00 Billable

114518 Confer

9/2512017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114415 Re\.1ew
Re\1ew Defendants' Motion to Reset Hearing on Injunction.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000181

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 37

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.oo
114416 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: the hearing scheduled on October 2,
2017, inspection of the property and retaining counsel.

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 B illable

114417 Review
Review and comment on draft email to Mr. and Mrs . Schneider re:
continuing the hearing and conducting an inspection of the

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114419 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

11 4422 Review
Review and comment on draft Motion to Compel Defendants to Allow First
American Bank to Inspect Property.

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 4423 Review
Review and comment on draft Motion Requesting the Court to Schedule
Hearing Dates and Enter Orders Relating to the Inspection/Appraisal of
Property in Foreclosure.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

114352 Revise
Revise and expand Motion Seeking Court Orders/Scheduling of Hearings.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114353 Recei\e and review
Receive and review Schneider's Motion for Extension of Time to File Initial

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114442 Review
Review and comment on draft Motion Requesting the Court to Schedule
Hearing Dates and Enter Orders Relating to the Inspection/Appraisal of

Property in Foreclosure.

9/26/201 7 S M 225.00 -
0 .20 45.oo
114443 Review
Review and revise First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its
Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction Over this


fev Jc J -r:.rCf fl f!lt7

Ll S/)c_.. fr
FAB- Attys. Fees- 000182
10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time DNB Time DNB Amt
9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
114444 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114445 Re...;ew
Review Appellants' Motion for Extension of Time to File Initial Brief.

9/26/201 7 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114447 Email
Email Messrs. Smith and Snow

9/26/2017 AMH 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

114366 Draft
Draft Motion to Continue E...;dentiary Hearing.

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114355 Recei\E
Recei\E, review and respond to emails from FAB re:

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114356 Prepare
Prepare Response/Objection/Motion to Strike Tantillo-signed Motion to
Extension of Time.

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114362 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith re:

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114363 Obtain
Obtain information hearing information.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114457 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114458 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

9/27/2017 SM Billable
114459 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 0001 8

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 39

First American/ Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

ID DNB Amt _ _ _ __

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114461 Re\liew
Re\liew legal authorities re:

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114462 Re\liew
Re\liew and rellise Appellee's Response/Objection to Appellants' Motion for
Extension of Time to File Initial Brief.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114468 Email

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114469 Re\liew
Re\liew email from Mr. Smith re:

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114470 Relliew
Re\liew Order on Defendant's Emergency Request for Temporary
Restraining Order/Motion for Stay Pending Appeal.

9/28/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

114367 Relliew
Relliew file/series of Court Orders/prepare email(s) to the ·)
Schneiders/prepare Re-Notice of Hearing/prepare for Monday's Y\
hearing/prepare email to FAB. , \

9/28/2017 HHB 70.00 Billable

114375 Recei-.e "
Recei-.e, re\liew - Schneider's email (not availabl • AB.

9/2812017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

114376 Receive
Schneider's Objection to Hearing .
Messrs. Smith and Snow.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114474 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 0001 84

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 40

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt
9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50
114477 Relliew
Relliew and comment on Notice of Hearing re: Defendants' Motion to Reset
Hearing on Injunction.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11 4478 Review
Review and comment on draft email to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: the
October 2, 2017 hearing.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 4479 Confer

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114480 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: the October 2, 2017 hearing.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114483 Review
Review email from Mr. Snow re:

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114484 Review
Review Defendants' Objection to October 2, 2017 Hearing.

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
114485 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

,.l.C 22.50

9/28/2017 SM 225.00 &;!1-0> Billable
114486 Participate •
Participate in telephone conference.)vith Mr. Sm

- &.-1e 22.50 Billable ·

teptrorreconference with

9/28/2017 SM
114488 Object
background information
225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

FAB- At.tys. Fees- 000185

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Page 41

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID DNB Time DNBAmt __________
9/29/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable
114382 Prepare
Prepare for conference call/assemble documents_,participate in
conference call with Messrs. Snow and Smith.

9/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

114383 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/contact Judge Small's chambers/confer with
FAB/prepare for Monday's hearing.

9/29/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

114386 Re\1se
Rel.1se and expand Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection to
Hearing/confer with FAB- finalize and file same.

9/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114387 Prepare
Prepare for Monday's hearing/confer with co-counsel.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114490 Participate
ne conference with Messrs . Snow and Smith re: .

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable
114493 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114494 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114495 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Capote re: a court reporter attending the
October 2, 2017 hearing; email Ms. Capote re: same.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114496 Draft
Draft Order Resetting Foreclosure Sale.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114497 Draft
Draft Order Continuing E\1dentiary Hearing.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000186

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 42

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114498 Prepare
Prepare self-addressed stamped en\elopes for proposed Orders.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

114499 Draft
Draft Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection and
Notice of Unauthorized Practice of Law.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114500 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to the Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection
and Notice of Unauthorized Practice of Law.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114501 E lectronic filing
E lectronically file Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection and Notice of
Unauthorized Practice of Law.

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114503 Re'vise
Re'vise Motion to Strike Defendants' Objection and Notice of Unauthorized
Practice of Law.

9/2912017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

114504 Participate

9/29/201 7 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114506 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

9/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114511 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/30/2017 HHB 350.00 3.60 1,260.00 Billable

114391 Prepare
Prepare for Monday's hearing/outline arguments/collate documents .

TOTAL Billable Fees 60.10 $17,985.00

FAB - Fees- 0001 87

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3: 17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 43

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markue %
9/15/2017 FIRM 43.41 1.000 43.41 Billable
114187 FedEx
FedEx- lnv. 5-920-39542

9/15/201 7 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

114188 Parking
Parking - Palm Beach Courthouse 9/1/17

9/15/2017 FIRM 210.00 1.000 210.00 Billable

1141 89 Publish Fee
Publishing Fee - ALM Media , LLC
Second Sale Publication Fee - lnv. 10000251062-0822

9/20/201 7 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

114261 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 9/1/17 Hearing

TOTAL Billable Costs $353.41

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $17,985.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $353.41

Total new charges $18,338.41

Pre\iious Balance
Current $37,443.80
Total Previous Balance $37,443.80

Accounts Receivables
9/28/201 7 PAY Payment · Thank You ($37,443.80)
Total Accounts Receivable ($37,443.80)

New Balance
Current $18,338.41

Total New Balance $18,338.41

Funds Account: Default

Pre\iious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo-..ed from account $0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000188

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3: 17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 44

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Sli(2 Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 35.00 $12,250.00 $12,250.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 1.00 $350.00 $350.00 0.00
SM 225.00 23.80 $5,355.00 $5,355.00 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000189

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 8/25/2017
Last charge 8/31/2017
Last payment 9/1/2017 Amount $19,792.50

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time

ID DNB Amt - ----------
8/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
113412 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113479 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113483 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Clerk's Office re: access to the foreclosure

8/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113485 Complete
Complete Pre-Auction Checklist.

8/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113443 Recei-.,e and re\.oiew
Recei-.,e and re\.oiew Laurence and Stephanie Schneider's Motion to Stay
Pending Appeal (filed with Fourth DCA) -forward to FAB
(Garry Smith/Attorney Snow).

8/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113444 Telephone call
"''"'"h''""' calls from Garry Smith/Attorney Snow -

8/4/2017 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/5/2017 JWK 350.00 4.50 1,575.00 Billable

113474 Re\.oiew

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000190

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ - --'M'--a;;...rk--u...;Ap'-0.;,.;;
Yo..,.,_ _ DNBAmt __________
8/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
113450 Confer

8/7/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

113455 Prepare
Prepare email to Schneiders re:

8/7/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

113456 Receive and review
Receive and review Schneider's emaiVEmergency Request for Temporary
Restraining Order- foJWard FAB/determine Response/confer with Garry

8/7/2017 JWK 1,225.00 Billable

113507 Evaluate

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

113548 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113554 Review

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113559 Review
Review and comment on Appellee's Suggestion of Lack of Jurisdiction.

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

113560 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: the Renewed Motion for

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113561 Review
Review email from Mr. Snow re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000191

Jt2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First AmericanJSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
113562 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Emergency Request for a Temporary Restraining Order.

8/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113459 Receiva
Receiva, re\1ew, Laurence Schneider's email I

8/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113460 Re\1se
Re\1se, finalize and ftle Suggestion of Lack of Jurisdiction.

8/8/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

113464 Receiva and re\4ew
Receiva and review. Circuit Court Order cancelling August 10, 201 7
Foreclosure Sale date/s ial hour-line hearing - confer with
FAB representatives -forward IIIII
to FAB.

8/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113466 Receiva and review
Receive and review email from Laurence Schneider re: September 1
hearing/properly inspection/payoff demand -forward I

8/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113467 Prepare
Prepare draftfproposed "payoff/redemption" email to Laurence Schneider.

8/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113468 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB's in-house counsel re:

8/8/2017 JWK 350.00 2.40 840.00 Billable

113509 Review

cou ng stay
TOrl3Cic>sure sale date and setting hearing to determine
whether stay pending appeal should contin with or without bond
udi ial amount of same);

8/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

113564 Re\1ew
Re\.1ew email from Mr. Schneider re: requesting the payoff statement.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000192

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID ________________________ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
8/8/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 - - --:-B-,.il,,
113566 Review

8/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113567 Finalize
Finalize Appellee's Suggestion of Lack of Jurisdiction.

818/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113568 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

8/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113569 Review
Review Order on Defendant's Motion for Stay of Foreclosure Sale Pending

8/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113570 X
Calendar deadline to publish notice of sale.

8/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
113572 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

8/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113576 Review
email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling an inspection of the
property and Mr. Schneider retaining legal counsel prior to the September
1st hearing.

8/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Re\4ew draft email to Mr. Schneider re: payoff amount.

8/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113469 Finalize
Finalize email to FAB.

8/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113470 Receive and review
Receive and re\1ew Fourth DCA Order (re: incorrectly- conformed Final
Judgment Order).

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000193

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
8/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
113605 Recei\e and re-v;ew
Recei\e and re-v;ew request from Mr. Schneider/locate responsi\e

8/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113588 Re-v;ew
Re-v;ew email from Mr. Schneider re: request for copies of documents filed
with the Court.

8/10/2017 SM { 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113590 Re-v;ew 1 (f / j.
ROiiew Order re: Error.J:"'/ ( 0..1"'1
8/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
113592 Draft
Draft Notice of Sale.

8/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

113593 Re-v;ew
Re-v;ew legal authorities re:

8/11/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

-re-v;ew .
response/contact FAB.

8/11/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113617 Finalize
Finalize email to Laurence and Stephanie Schneider re: payoff- obtain
FAB's approval -

8/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

113622 Re-v;se
Revise draft email to Mr. Schneider re: Mr. Schneider's request for the total
outstanding mortgage debt due and owing to the Bank .

8/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113634 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: requesting copies of documents filed
with the Court.

8/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113635 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000194

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 36

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
8/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.4(} 490.00 Billable
113657 Re\1ew

8/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113665 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

ine- -
ne ponse to Emergency
Request for Temporary Restraining Order.

8/16/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

113668 Confer

8/ 16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113669 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew Fourth DCA's Order Ourisdiction/mootness}.

8/ 16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113679 Initiate
Initiate preparation of Response Memo.

8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113684 Finalize
Finalize Notice of Sale.

8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113685 Email
Email the Palm Beach Daily Business re: publishing the Notice of

8/ 16/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

113686 Confer

8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

113687 Review
Review file and draft To Do List.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000195

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 37

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!1: DNB Time DNB Amt
8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
113688 Re..;ew
Re\liew email from the Palm Beach Daily Business Re\1ew re: publication
of the Notice of Sale.

8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113690 Participate
conference with Mr. Smith re-

8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113693 Re..;ew
Review Notice of Moolness.

8116/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113694 Re..;ew
Review Order directing Mr. and Mrs . Schneider to file an Amended Notice
of Appeal.

8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

113695 Revise
Revise Chronology of E\Elnts re: -

8/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113701 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

8/17/2017 HHB 350.00 2.50 875.00 Billable

113706 Revise
Revise and expand Response in Opposition to the Schneiders' Motion for
TRO (Stay) - Sec1ion I - Stay -obtain and re-..ew case law.

8/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

113707 Prepare
Prepare Response- Section II- Bond Amount and Conditions for Stay.

8/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113708 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Attorney Fred Snow/Garry Smith re:

8/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
113709 Prepare
Prepare email1o FAB re:

FAB- A):tys. Fees- 000196

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _ _______
8/1712017 .,;.,
B:...=--L--- - -- - -- -- 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
11371 0 Confer

8/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113711 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Robert
finalize and send email to Laurence Schneider re: · al

8/17/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

113713 Review
Review legal authorities re:

8/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113714 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113718 Review
Re\1ew and comment on draft Response in Opposition to Emergency
Request for Temporary Restraining Order.

8/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113720 Re\1ew
Rel.iew and comment on draft email to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re:
conducting an appraisal of the property .

8/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113721 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/18/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

- obtain and re\1ew case Jaw

8/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113732 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith (FAB) re:

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000197

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 39

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
8/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382. 50 - ----=B,.,.,.il,--
113743 Re\1se
Re\1se draft Response in Opposition to Emergency Request for
Restraining Order.

8/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113745 Re\1ew
Reliew Notice of Sale Proof prolided by the Palm Beach Daily Business

8/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

« t\I
113749 Participate
Participate in telephone with Mr. Smith re:

8/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 ( ' 245.00 Billable

113742 Relise
Relise and expand Response in Opposition.

8/21/2017 HHB 350.00 f(j 105.00 Billable
113751 Recei-..e and re\1ew
Recei-..e and reliew email from 15th Judicial Circuit re: upcom in9{file
email to FAB

8/21/2017 HHB ( ' 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113752 Prepare - - -
Prepare Suggestion of Lack of Jurisdiction (Palm Beach Circuit Court).

8/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113762 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand Response/confer with co-counsel.

8/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113763 Exchange
Exchange emails with Laurence Schneider re: Appraisal.

8/21/2017 JWK 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113767 Meeting
Meet with co-counsel re:

8/21 /2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
11 3770 Reliew
Reliew legal authorities re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000198

9/S/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 40

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!Y Markup% ONB lime DNB Amt
8/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
113775 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/21/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

113776 Review
Review and revise draft Response in Opposition to Emergency Request for
Temporary Restraining Order.

8/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113778 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: conducting an appraisal on the

8/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113779 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113780 Review
Review and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider re: conducting an
appraisal of the property.

8/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
113781 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/22/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

113786 Receive
Receive, review and analyze promulgated by laurence
Schneider re: Supersedeas AppraisaUjurisdictlon - confer with

8/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113787 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry S emails to

8/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113789 Receive and review
Receive and review email from Laurence Schneider re: Attorneys'
Fees/confer with co-counsel.

8/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113790 Obtain
Obtain and forward information

FAB- Fees - 000199

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10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 41

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markup o/o DNB Time DNB Amt

8/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
113791 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow re:

8/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113792 Telephone conference
Appraiser Jurgensen

8/22/2017 JWK 350.00 Billable

113807 Consult

- -
8/22/2017 SM 90.00 Billable
113811 Re\1ew

8/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113815 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Schneider re: using the property's market value as
determined by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser as the fair
market value of the property.

8/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113816 Re\1ew

8/2212017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

113820 Confer

8/2212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113821 Participate
in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

8/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113823 Determine

FAB- Fees- 000200

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10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 42

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!Y Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
8/22/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable
113824 Re\1ew

8/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113825 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Schneider re: requesting breakdown and itemization
of attorneys' fees incurred by the Bank .

8/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113828 Confer

8/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113829 Re\1ew
l i l i l i l l iund information

8/2212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113833 Determine
Determine whether the Notice of Sale was published in the Palm Beach
Daily Business Re\liew.

8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

113795 Receive and re\liew
Receive and Mr. Schneider's email re: no appraisal/excange emails
with Mr. Schneider/confer with FAB/prepare email to FAB/prepare and file
Motion to Compel Appraisal/letter to Judge Ferrara.

8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

11 3798 Confer

8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113799 Telephone conference
li one conference with

8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113800 Receive
Receive FAB .

FAB- Fees- 000201

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 43

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry DNB lime DNB Amt
8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
113802 Begin
Begin analysis/redaction of Keller & Bolz LLP attorneys' fees/cost im.oices.

8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113803 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB re:

8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113804 Review
Review and revise Response/confer with co-<:ounsel.

8/23/2017 JWK 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113809 Consult

8/23/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

113834 Review
Re\1ew email from Mr. Schneider re:

8/23/201 7 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113837 Review
Review Appellant's Objection to Appellee's Motion for Lack of Jurisdiction
filed in the appellate court.

8/23/2017 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

113838 Revise
Revise draft Response in Opposition to Emergency Request for Temporary

Restraining Order.

8/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113840 Confer
Confer with ca-<:ounsel re:

8/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113844 Re\oiew
Re\1ew and comment on draft letter to Judge Ferrara re: requesting a
hearing on the Bank's Motion to Compel Access to Property .

FAB - Fees - 000202

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 44

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Hours Amount Total

ID -=-Ti-m
ry_ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ----'-'-'-'-"-"F__;__::_ DNB Time DNB Amt
8/23/2017 SM 0.30 67.50 Billable
11384 5
and comment on draft Motion to Compel Ace ss to Property .

8/23/2017 SM 0.20 45.00 Billable

113847 Participate

8/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113848 Confer

8/24/2017 HHB 350.00 3.80 1,330.00 Billable

and expand Response to Emergency Request for Temporary
Restraining Order.

8/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113851 Continue
Continue efforts to preparpe redacted attorneys' fees statements.

8/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113852 Recei-..e
Recei-..e, Schneiders' Objection to Motion to Compel I

8/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113859 Telephone conference
conference with Fred Snow re:

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

and comment on draft Response in Opposition to Emergency
Request for Temporary Restraining Order.

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

legal authorities re:

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

Re\1ew Defendants' Objection to Plaintiffs Motion to Compel.

FAB - At.tys. Fees- 000203

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 45

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup % DNB Time DNB Amt
8/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
113896 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113900 Rel.iew
Rel.iew and redact K&B's billing im.oices for the months of August,
September and October, 2016 in order to prm.1de same to the Defendants.

8/25/2017 HHB 350.00 2.70 945.00 Billable

113868 Redact
Redact Attorney -Client and Work Product pril.ileged entries
Bolz , LLP in\Oices to FAB.

8/25/2017 HHB Billable

350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

Rel.ise and expand Response to Motion for Stay.

8/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113871 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence Schneider re: Attorneys' Fees.

8/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

113902 Rel.iew
Rel.iew and comment on draft Response in Opposit ion to Emergency
Request for Temporary Restraining Order.

8/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113903 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

8/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113904 Rel.1se
Rel.ise draft Response in Opposition to Emergency Request for
Restraining Order.

8/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

113874 Rel.ise
Re\.1se and expand Response in Opposition to Motion for Stay .

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000204

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-hill Worksheet Page 46

First American/Schneider. First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
8/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
113875 Review
email to

8/26/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

113876 Prepare
Prepare Rebuttal/Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Objection to Motion to
Compel (ad hominem attacks/unsubstantiated allegations of
fraud/cons pi racy/misrepresentations).

8128/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

Judge Lubitz' Order
Renewed Motion for Rehearing IFAB

8/28/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

and expand Motion to Strike pejorative language.

8/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113879 Receiw and
and Fourth DCA's Order Denying Lack of Jurisdiction.

8/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113890 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/finalize and sign letter to Circuit
Court/file Response.

8/2812017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

113912 Re-Aew
Re..;ew Order on Defendants' Motion for Reconsideration on Amended
Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate Judgment of Foreclosure and Request
for Sanctions against Counsel for Plaintiff.

8/2812017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

and comment on draft Response in Opposition to Emergency
Request for Temporary Restraining Order.

8/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113916 Re..;ew
Review and comment on draft email to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re:
redacted copies of K&B's billing invoices.

812812017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

and letter to the AW DiiAsion re: enclosing a copy of the

FAB- Fees- 000205

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 47

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

0 -- Time Entry Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt
- -- - -
case taw cited in the Bank's Response in Oppos ition to Emergency
Request for Temporary Restraining Order; highlight case law cited in same.

8/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113924 Review
Review and comment on draft Motion to Strike Redundant, Immaterial,
Impertinent and/or Scandalo!Js Matter from Defendants' Objection.

8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113939 Re..;se
Re..;se and expand Motion to Strike/confer with co-counsel.

8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113940 Telephone cafl
Telephone cafl to Fred Snow/exchange messages.

8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113941 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/prepare for Friday's hearing.

8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
113942 Receiw
Receiw call from FAB (Fred Snow) re:

8129/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113947 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow/finalize and file Motion to
Strike/letter to Palm Beach County Circuit Court.

8129/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113948 Telephone call
call from FAB (Garry Smith)

8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113949 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Dan

8/29/2017 JWK 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113954 Review

FAB- Fees- 000206

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 48

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113968 Email
Email Mr. Smith

8/30/2017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

113972 Prepare
Prepare for Friday's eiAdentiary hearing/confer with co-counsel/identify
testimony/pleadings/law/issues for hearing.

8/30/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable
113973 Prepare
Prepare for and attend conference with Dan

8/30/2017 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

113974 Outline
Outline hearing presentation/locate documents needed for hearing.

8/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113975 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB (Garry Smith and Fred Snow).

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

114069 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114073 Participate
p in meeting with Mr. Eggland re:

8/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

reiAew - Defendant's Opposition to Motion to Strike I

8/31/2017 HHB 350.00 3.00 1,050.00 Billable

114048 Prepare
Prepare for tomorrow's eiAdentiary hearing.

8/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114049 Receiw
Receiw, re\4ew and respond to Attorney Snow's emails.

FAB - Fees - 000207

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 49

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime MarkuE% DNB lime DNB Amt
8/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
114054 Re"IAew
Review and highlight docket sheet (for Court).

8/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114055 Review
case law re:

8131/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114056 X
Implement Attorney Snow's input/gather information and documents.

8/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114057 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/31/2017 JWK 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114064 Consult

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114079 Review
Review Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion to Strike: Defendants'
Motion to Compel; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114089 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

114090 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on Defendants' Motion for Stay.

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114093 Draft
Draft Proposed Orders re: Request for Temporary Restraining Order/
Motion for St ay of the Foreclosure Sale Pending Appeal.

TOTAL Billable Fees 119.20 $37,070.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000208

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 50

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Markup%
8/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable
113999 Photocopies

8/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

114030 Photocopies

8/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 47.000 4.70 Billable

114001 Photocopies

8/11/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

114004 Photocopies

8/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

114034 Photocopies

8/16/2017 FIRM 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable

114005 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

8/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 9.000 0.90 Billable

114006 Photocopies

8/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

114035 Photocopies

8/18/2017 FIRM 173.60 1.000 173.60 Billable

113726 Transcript
Transcript Cost - Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc.
Hearing 6/26/17

8/18/2017 FIRM 16.90 1.000 16.90 Billable

113730 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-883-89048

8/18/2017 FIRM 0.10 42.000 4.20 Billable

114007 Photocopies

8/21/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

113986 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000209

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 51

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
8/21/2017 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable
114008 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

8/22/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

114011 Photocopies

8/22/2017 FIRM 0.10 39.000 3.90 Billable

114037 Photocopies

8/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 14.000 1.40 Billable

113988 Photocopies

8/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 100.000 10.00 Billable

114013 Photocopies

8/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

114038 Photocopies

8/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 71.000 7.10 Billable

114014 Photocopies

8/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

113992 Photocopies

8/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 107.000 10.70 Billable

114015 Photocopies

8/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 439.000 43.90 Billable

114016 Photocopies

8/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 32.000 3.20 Billable

114042 Photocopies

8/29/2017 FIRM 0.10 49.000 4.90 Billable

113994 Photocopies

FAB- Fees- 000210

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 52

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
8/29/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 96.000 9.60 B illable
114018 Photocopies

8/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 49.000 4.90 Billable

113995 Photocopies

8/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 316.000 31 .60 Billable

114019 Photocopies

8/30/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 184.000 18.40 Billable

114024 Photocopies

8/31/2017 FIRM 0. 10 26.000 2.60 Billable

114044 Photocopies

8/31/2017 FIRM 0.10 113.000 11 .30 Billable

114046 Photocopies


TOTAL Billable Costs $443.38

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $37,070.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $443.38

Total new charges $37,513.38

Previous Balance
Current $19,792.36
Total Previous Balance $19,792.36

Accounts Receivables
DatejiD Type
9/1/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($19, 792. 50)

FAB - Fees- 000211

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 53

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total Accounts Receivable ($19, 792.50)

New Balance
Current $37,513.24

Total New Balance $37,513.24

Funds Account: Default

Pre\lious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remowd from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Rate Hours Charges Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 68.80 $24,080.00 $24,080.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 13.20 $4,620.00 $4,620.00 0.00
SM 225.00 37.20 $8,370.00 $8,370.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000212

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

Nickname First American/Schneider 1 317.18 c. K tl 1l

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2017
Last charge 7/31/2017
Last payment 8/4/2017 Amount $23,761 .16

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 ----::B:-:-:il-:-la-:-bl:--e
112965 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with GarrySmith/forward
to FAB.

7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112966 Telephone conference
conference with

7/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
113041 Re..;ew
legal authorities re:

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112975 Confer

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112976 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Ron Gache

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

112977 Confer
Confer with co-counseVre\1ew Foreclosure Sale deadlines/contact FAB
(Gany Smith)

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113045 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113057 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
113060 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000213

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
112999 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0. 10 35.00 Billable

113000 Receive and re\liew
Receive and re\1ew Court Order (Judge Lubitz).

7/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113062 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/6/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable
113063 Re\1ew
Re\liew Palm Beach County's Administralil£ Orders re:

7/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable
113064 Re\liew
ReiAew Instructions

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113012 Prepare
Prepare status letter to FAB.

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113013 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

113084 Re\liew
Re\liew Administrative OrdersfStatutesfRules
- /arrange for publication/filing of costs/fees r
Clerk/Certificates/prepare correspondence to the Clerk of the Court.

7/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113086 Telephone conference
conference with

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000214

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre·bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ____
7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable
113089 Re\4ew
Re\4ew legal authorities re: draft Notice of Sale.

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113090 Draft
Draft Certificate of Sale.

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113091 Draft
Draft Certificate of Title.

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113092 Draft
Draft Certificate of Disbursement.

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113095 Confer

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113096 Draft
Draft letter to the Clerk re: enclosing the Certificate of Sale, Certificate of
litle, Certificate of Disbursement, addressed and postage paid en'l.elopes
and two checks CO'I.ering the clerk's fees .

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113097 Re\4se
Re\4se Deadlines Sheet.

7/11/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113111 Re\4ew
Re\4ew "to-do" list.

7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113130 Recei'l.e and re\1ew
Recei'l.e and re\tiew the Schneiders' Motion for Rehearing/Motion to Vacate
• re\4ew Florida/Palm Beach Rules/Local Rules - prepare email
to FAB.

7/1212017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113131 Recei\-9
Recei'l.e, re\tiew and respond to Laurence Schneider's email seeking copies
of Certificates pro\Aded to Court.

FAB- A.ttys. Fees- 000215

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNB Amt
7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
113132 Recei-..e
Receiw, re\1ew and comply with FAB's instructions/

7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113133 Recei-..e
Recei-..e, review and respond to
co-counsel re:

7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113134 Initiate
Initiate preparation of Response to Motion for Rehearing.

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113153 Review
Review and analyze Defendants' Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113155 Compare
Compare Notice of Sale pro\1ded to the Palm Beach Daily Business
Review with the proof provided by the Palm Beach Daily Business Re\1ew.

7/1212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113156 Telephone conerence
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Daily Business Re\1ew re:
proof of publication.

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113157 Determine
Determine whether the Defendants' Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate
Judgment must be set for hearing.

7/1212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67 .50 Billable

113159 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable


FAB- }\ttys. Fees - 000216

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup 0Al DNB Time DNB Amt
- --Billable

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50
113164 Review
Review legal authorities

7/1312017 HHB 350.00 0. 30 105.00 Billable

113148 Confer

7/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113149 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Atto Garry
Smith re:

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

113169 Review
Review legal authorities re:

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

113171 Review
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

113172 Draft
Draft Background Section of the Bank's Response in Opposition to the
Motion for Rehearing.

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113174 Draft
Draft pleading (Schneiders' Motion for Rehearing is Legally Insufficient
Section of the Bank's Response in Opposition to the Motion for Rehearing).

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

113175 Draft
Draft Defendants' Are Not Entitled to Relief from the Judgment Section of
the Bank's Response in Opposition to the Motion for Rehearing.

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113177 Draft
Draft Defendants Cannot Object to the Sale of the Property Section of the
Bank's Response in Opposition to the Motion for Rehearing.

7/14/2017 S M 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113306 Confirm
Confirm Notice of Sale was published in the Palm Beach Daily Business

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000217

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9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

7/1412017 SM
DNB Time
1.00 225.00
- - -Billable
113308 Re'IAew
Review and re'\Ase the Bank's Response in Opposition to Defendants'
Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate Judgment.

7/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113309 Review

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113186 Re'\Aew

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

113187 Re'\Ase
Re'\Ase and expand Response in Opposition to Motion for Rehearing/Motion
to Vacate.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113198 Telephone conference
conference with FAB (Attorney Fred Snow) re: -

7/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113200 Re'\Ase
Re'\Ase and finalize Response/Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for
Rehearing/Motion to Vacate Judgment - prepare correspondence to Judge

7/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113201 Recei\e and review
Recei-.e and review Notice of Appeal- FABfco-counseL

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113202 Review
Review Appellate Rules- law.

7/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113203 Telephone conference
conferences with

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113204 Re'\Aew
Review - letter to Judge Lubitz.

FAB - ,.;..ttys. Fees - 0002 18

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9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
113205 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Snow and (2) Garry Smith re: .
7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
113206 Finalize
Finalize and file Response in Opposition - letter to Judge Lubitz.

7/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113207 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence Schneider re: property Inspection.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113208 Prepare
p status email to FAB

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113209 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence/Stephanie Schneider re: incorrect (August 19,
2017) sale date in Final Foreclosure Judgment.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113211 Receoo
Recei-.e, review - Order Denying Motion for Rehearing .
FAB/confer with Garry Smith/Carlos Molest ina.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113212 Recei\oe
Recei-.e, review and respond to Laurence Schneider's email.

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113214 Receoo and re\1ew
Receive and review Amended Notice of Appeal pleadings .

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

113215 Receive
Receive, Laurence Schneider's Second (Renewed)
Motion for Reconsideration I FAB/prepare email to Laurence Schneider
(communicate only in writing).

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113220 Telephone call
1i call from Attorney Fred Snow re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000219

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9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID iime Ent!Y Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0 .20 70.00 Billable
113221 Exchange
Exchange emails with Garry Smith (FAB).

7/2012017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113227 Prepare
Prepare follow-up email to Laurence Schneider re: residence inspection.

7/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113228 Re\iew
and analyze Laurence Schneider's second Motion for

7/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 B illable

113229 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Le\.1n (HOA) re: Final
JudgmenUMotion for Rehearing.

7/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113233 Review
Re\iew scri'.ener's error pleading/series of "conformed" Final Judgments.

7/20/2017 AMH 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

113234 Draft
Draft Notice to Circuit Court regarding scrivener's error in Final Judgment in

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113236 Recei-.e
Recei-.e and forward Laurence Schneider's email re: property inspection to
Carlos Molestina.

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

113237 Prepare
Prepare Notice to Court of the Clerk of the Court's Apparent Scri-.ener's

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0 .30 105.00 Billable

113238 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113239 Continue

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113245 Forward
Forward to FAB/recei-.e and respond to Garry

FAB - Fees- 000220

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total
10 lime
- - - - Smith's email- confer Garry Smith re:
Time DNB Amt

7/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

113250 Review
Review case law re:. _ -re\1ew -

7/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113251 Telephone conference
<'>lcnt'lr\1"1<'> conference w ith

7/24/2017 I-IHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

113252 Prepare
Prepare Response in Opposition to Schneiders' Renewed Motion for

7/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

113255 Revise
Revise and expand Response in Opposition to Renewed Motion for

7/2512017 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

113258 Revise
Revise and expand Response to Schneider's Renewed Motion for
Rehearing/confer with co-counsel.

7/2512017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113259 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos Molestinalprepare email to Laurence
Schneider confirming residence inspection.

7/2512017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113261 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/receive email from laurence
Schneider- confer with co-counsel - prepare email response to Mr.

7/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 . 105.00 Billable

113262 Finalize
Finalize and file Response/letter to Circuit Court.

7/25/2017 JVVK 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113271 'Review

FAB - }\ttys. Fees - 000221

8114/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
7/26/2017 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
113264 Telephone call
Telephone call from Cartos Molestina
conference-in Gany Smith!Molestina

7/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

113265 Exchange
Exchange emails with Mr. Schneider/keep FAB ad\1sed of de\.elopments.

712712017 HHB 350.00 0. 50 175.00 Billable

113296 Prepare
Prepare Notice of Scriwner's Error to Fourth DCA.

712712017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113297 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7127/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113298 Review

7/27/2017 JWK 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113305 Consult
Consult with co-counsel re:

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113320 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113323 Re\liew
Re\Aew Notice of Appeal filed by Mr. Schneider.

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113326 Re\liew
Order Denying Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate Judgment.

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

Review Order requiring Appellant's to file an Amended Notice of Appeal.

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113328 Re\liew
Order requiring Appellant's to pay filing fee.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000222

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time DNB Amt
7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 - - --::B:-:-:il:-
I al authorities re:

7/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113336 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113337 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/2812017 JWK 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113349 Confer
Confer with co-counsel and Mr. Snow re:

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
113353 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113355 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Review and comment on Notice of Filing Proof of Publication.

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113358 Participate
Partie conference with Mr. Snow re:

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113359 Participate
Partie one conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re: •

7/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113367 Recei\A9 and review
Recei'IE! and review instructions from Smith/update

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000223

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9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

7/311201 7 HHB
DNB Time
- -- B-illable
113368 Telephone conference
ne conference with

7/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 B illable

113388 X

7/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113390 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Defendants' Motion for Reconsideration; Amended Motion for
Rehearing and to Vacate Judgment of Foreclosure and Request for
Sanctions against Counsel for Plaintiff.

7/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113394 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re: re\1ew and

TOTAL Brllable Fees 63.00 $19,175.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Exeense Markue %
7/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable
113376 Photocopies

7/6/2017 FIRM 0. 10 35.000 3.50 Billable

113379 Photocopies

7/10/2017 FIRM 70.00 1.000 70.00 Billable

112988 Clerk's Fee
Clerk's Fee - Sel\4ce Charge for Online Property Sale

7/10/2017 FIRM 60.00 1.000 60.00 Billable

112989 Clerk's Fee
Clerk's Fee - Online Auction Fee

7/10/2017 FIRM 0. 10 38.000 3.80 Billable

113279 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000224

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9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider.First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

7/10/2017 FIRM 0.46 12.000 5.52 Billable
113340 Postage

7/10/2017 FIRM 2.45 1.000 2.45 Billable

113341 Postage

7/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

113380 Photocopies

7/12/2017 FIRM 0.10 49.000 4.90 Billable

113382 Photocopies

7/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 38.000 3.80 Billable

113383 Photocopies

7/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 37.000 3.70 Billable

113385 Photocopies

7/17/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

113180 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at June 26, 2017 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55694

7/18/2017 FIRM 0.10 30.000 3.00 Billable

113285 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

7/18/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

113343 Postage

7/19/2017 FIRM 0.10 422.000 42.20 Billable

113286 Photocopies

7/21/2017 FIRM 30.00 1.000 30.00 Billable

113235 Clerk's Fee
Clerk's Fee- Certified Copies of Final Judgments

7/21/2017 FIRM 1.61 1.000 1.61 Billable

113344 Postage

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000225

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Expense Markup% _ _ __ _ -------:---=
7/21/2017 1.40 1. 000 1 .40 Billable
113345 Postage

7/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 19.000 1.90 Billable

113290 Photocopies

7/25/2017 FIRM 210.00 1.000 210.00 Billable

113247 Publish Fee
Publishing Fee- ALM Media, LLC
Notice of Sale Publication 7/14/17- 7/21/17

7/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 23.000 2.30 Billable

113292 Photocopies

7/31/2017 FIRM 68.04 1.000 68.04 Billable

113399 LexisNexis
Lexis research

TOTAL Billable Costs $617.36

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $19,1 75.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $617.36

Total new charges $19,792.36

Previous Balance
Current $23,761 .16
Total Previous Balance $23,761.16

Accounts Receivables
OateiiD Type
8/4/2017 PAY Payment - Thank You ($23,761 .16)
Total Accounts Receivable ($23,761 .16)

New Balance
Current $19,792.36

Total New Balance $19,792.36

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000226

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 38.50 $13,475.00 $13,475.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 1.80 $630.00 $630.00 0.00
SM 225.00 22.40 $5,040.00 $5,040.00 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000227

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9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2017
Last charge 7/31/2017
Last payment 7/10/2017 Amount

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Ent Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _____
7/3/2017 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
112965 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ga
to FAB.

7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

7/3/2017 JWK 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113141 Consult
Consult with co-counsel re:

7/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
113041 Review
Review legal authorities re:

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112975 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/ac:Mse Attorney Snow and Gany Smith re:

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112976 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Ron Gache

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

112977 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/review Foreclosure Sale deadlines/contact FAB
(Gany Smith)

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113045 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113057 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000228

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNB Amt
7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
113060 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112999 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

113000 Recei\le and
Recei\le and re'.iew Court Order (Judge Lubitz).

7/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113062 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/6/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable
Re'.iew Palm Beach County's Administrative Orders re:

7/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable
113064 Re'.iew
Re'.iew Instructions

350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113012 Prepare
Prepare status letter to FAB.

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113013 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

113084 ReiAew
Review Administrati\Ae
l l l ltarrange for publication/filing of costs/fees r
Clerk/Certificates/prepare correspondence to the Clerk of the Court.

FAB - At_tys. Fees - 000229

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 1ime DNB 1ime DNB Amt
7/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
113086 Telephone conference
Tel conference with

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

legal authorities re: draft Notice of Sale.

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113090 Draft
Draft Certificate of Sale.

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113091 Draft
Draft Certificate of 1itle.

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0 .20 45.00 Billable

113092 Draft
Draft Certificate of Disbu

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113095 Confer

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113096 Draft
Draft letter to the Clerk re: enclosing the Certificate of Sale, Certificate of
1itle, Certificate of Disbursement, addressed and postage paid en"velopes
and two checks co"vering the clerk's fees .

7/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113097 Re..;se
Re..;se Deadlines Sheet.

7/11/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113111 Re..;ew
Re..;ew "to-do" list.

7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113130 Recei"l.e and
Recei"l.e and the Schneiders' Motion for Rehearing/Motion to Vacate
- review Florida/Palm Beach County Rules/Local Rules - prepare email
to FAB.

FAB- At.tys. Fees- 000230

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 7/12/2017 Time Entry_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
350.00 0.30 105.00 - ----::8:-;-:il-:-la--:--:bl:-e
113131 Recei\e
Receive, re\Aew and respond to Laurence Schneider's email seeking copies
of Cert.i ficates to Court.

7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

1.13132 Recei\e

7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 . 0.80 280.00 Billable

113133 Recei\e
Recei\e, re\Aew and res
co-counsel re:

7/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113134 Initiate
Initiate preparation of Response to Motion for Rehearing.

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113153 Review
Review and analyze Defendants' Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

113154 Re...;ew

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113155 Compare
Compare Notice of Sale pro\1ded to the Palm Beach Daily Business
Review with the proof provided by the Palm Beach Dally Business Review.

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113156 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Daily Business Re\Aew re:
proof of publication.

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113157 Determine
Determine whether the Defendants' Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate
Judgment must be set for hearing.

7/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113159 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Fees- 000231

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ______ _
7/1212017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

7/1212017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
legal authorities re:

7/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113148 Confer

7/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113149 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with
Smith re:

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

legal authorities re:

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

Review legal authorities re:

7/13/2017 SM ff,u 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

Draft Motion for Rehearing is Legally Insufficient Section of
the Bank's Response in Opposition to the Motion for Rehearin? 1

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

113175 Draft
Draft Defendants' Are Not Entitled to Relief from the Judgment Section of
the Bank's Response in Opposition to the Motion for Rehearing.

7/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113177 Draft
Draft Defendants Cannot Object to the Sale of the Property Section of the
Bank's Response in Opposition to the Motion for Rehearing:

7/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113306 Confirm
Confirm Notice of Sale was published in the Palm Beach Daily Bus iness

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000232

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Altomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/14/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 --___,B..,.,.ill:-a,....,bl-e
113308 Reliew
Re\4ew and revise the Bank's Response in Opposition to Defendants'
Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate Judgment.

7/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
113309 Re\4ew

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113186 Re\4ew
Re.,;ew law

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

113187 Re.,;se
Re\4se and expand Response In Opposition to Motion for Rehearing/Motion
to Vacate.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113198 Telephone conference
l i i i i i i i i i i i i i iAB {Attorney Fred Snow) re: -

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113200 Re\1se
Re\4se and fi nalize ResponsefMemorandum in Opposition to Motion for
Rehearing/Motion to Vacate Judgment - prepare correspondence to Judge
Lubitz .

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113201 Receiw and review
Recei-..e and review Notice of Appeal- to FAB/co-counsel.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113202 Reliew
Re.,;ew Appellate Rules- law.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113203 Telephone conference
conferences with

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113204 Review
Review - letter to Judge Lubitz.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000233

8/112017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry DNBlime DNB Amt

7/18/2017 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
113205 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Snow and (2) Garry Smith re: •

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113206 Finalize
Finalize and file Response in Opposition - letter to Judge Lubitz.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113207 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence Schneider re: property inspection.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113208 Prepare
re status email to FAB

7/18/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113209 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence/Stephanie Schneider re: incorrect (August 19,
2017) sale date in Final Foreclosure Judgment.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

11321 1 Receive
Receive, Order Denying Motion for Rehearing I
FAB/confer with Garry Smith/Carlos Molestina.

7/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113212 Receive
Receive, re\1ew and respond to Laurence Schneider's email.

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113214 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and review Amended Notice of Appeal pleadings.

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

113215 Receive
Receive, re\1ew - Laurence Schne· er's Secon Motion for
Reconsideration FAB/prepare email to L urence Schneider
(communicate only In writing).

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113220 Telephone call
call from Attorney Fred Sn

B - At.tys.
8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 7/19/2017 .,.:..:H.:..:.H:,=B-=.:.;.::..L_
lime Entry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
350.00 0.20 70.00 - - - - =B,....,.,il.,-la.,...b,.--
113221 Exchange
Exchange emails with Garry Smith (FAB).

7/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113233 Re..;ew

Review scriw.ney's error pleading/series of "conformed" Final Judgments.

112012011 AMH
113234 Draft '-
1- 1 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

Draft Notice to ourt regarding scriwner's error in Final Judgment in


7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113236 Receiw
Receive and forward Laurence Schneider's email re: property inspection to

7/21/2017 HHB
113237 Prepare
. -l--c) 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

P[epare Notice Court of the Clerk of the Court's 4 parent )c riwner's

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113238 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

· 113239 Continue

140.00 Billable

7/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40
113245 Forward
Forward to FAB/recei\e and
Smith's email -confer with Garry Smith re:

7/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

113250 Re..;ew
Review case law re: -re..;ew -

7/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113251 Telephone conference
conference with

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000235

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
7/24/2017 _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __
350.00 1.70 595.00
113252 Prepare
Prepare Response in Opposition to Schneiders' Renewed Motion for

7/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

113255 Revise
Revise and expand Response in Opposition to Renewed Motion for

7/2512017 HHB 350.00 2. 10 735.00 Billable

113258 Revise
Revise and expand Response to Schneider's Renewed Motion for
Rehearinglconfer with co-counsel.

7/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113259 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos Molestina/prepare email to Laurence
Schneider confirming residence inspection.

7/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113261 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smithlrecei-.e email from Laurence
Schneider - confer with co-counsel- prepare email response to Mr.

7/2512017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113262 Finalize
Finalize and file Response/letter to Circuit Court.

7/25/2017 JWK 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113271 Review

7/26/2017 HHB 0.50 175.00 Billable

7/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

113265 Exchange
Exchange emails with Mr. SchneiCJPr'/Kto•Pn'II-AB advised of de-.elopments.

7/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113296 Prepare
Prepare Notice of Scri-.ener's E
8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time DNB Time DNB Amt
7/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
113297 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
113298 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Fla.R.Civ.P .

7/27/2017 JWK 140.00 Billable

113305 Consult
Consult with

7/27/2017 SM 135.00 Billable

113320 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113323 Review
Review Notice of Appeal filed by Mr. Schneider.

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113326 Review
Review Order Denying Motion for Rehearing and to Vacate Judgment.

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113327 Review
Review Order requiring Appellant's to file an Amended Notice of Appeal.

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113328 Review
Review Order requiring Appellant's to pay filing fee.

7/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable


7/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

113336 Confer

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000237

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 7/28/2017 lime Entry _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
350.00 0.40 140.00 - -----::B,..,.,il.,....

7/28/2017 JWK 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113349 Confer
Confer with co-counsel and Mr. Snow

7/2812017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113353 Participate
Partic ipate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113355 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

113356 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on Notice of Filing Proof of Publication.

7/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113358 Participate
with Mr. Snow re:

225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

rs. Snow and Smith re: II

7/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0 .40 140.00 Billable
113367 Recei\oe and re\1ew
Recei\oe and re\1ew instructions from Garry Smith/update

7/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113368 Telephone conference
ne conference with

7/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113388 X

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000238

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time MarkuE% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
113390 Re-.;ew
Re-.;ew Defendants' Motion for Reconsideration: Amended Motion for
Rehearing and to Vacate Judgment of Foreclosure and Request for
Sanctions against Counsel for Plaintiff.

7/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113394 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re: review and

TOTAL Billable Fees 60.90 $18,602.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Ex12ense MarkuE%
7/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable
113376 Photocopies

7/6/2017 FIRM 0.10 35.000 3.50 Billable

113379 Photocopies

7/10/2017 FIRM 70.00 1.000 70.00 Billable

112988 Clerk's Fee
Clerk's Fee - Service Charge for Online Property Sale

7/10/2017 FIRM 60.00 1.000 60.00 Billable

112989 Clerk's Fee
Clerk's Fee- Online Auction Fee

7/10/201 7 FIRM 0.1 0 38.000 3.80 Billable

113279 Photocopies

7/10/2017 FIRM 0.46 12.000 5.52 Billable

113340 Postage

7/10/2017 FIRM 2.45 1.000 2.45 Billable

113341 Postage

7/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

113380 Photocopies

FAB- Fees- 000239

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Markup%
7/12/2017 FIRM 0.10 49.000 4.90 Billable
113382 Photocopies

7/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 38.000 3.80 Billable

113383 Photocopies

7/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 37.000 3.70 Billable

113385 Photocopies

7/17/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

113180 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at June 26, 2017 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55694

7/18/2017 FIRM 0.10 30.000 3.00 Billable

113285 Photocopies

7/18/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

113343 Postage

7/19/2017 FIRM 0.10 422.000 42.20 Billable

113286 Photocopies

7/21/2017 FIRM 30.00 1.000 30.00 Billable

113235 Clerk's Fee
Clerk's Fee- Certified Copies of Final Judgments

7/21/2017 FIRM 1.61 1.000 1.61 Billable

113344 Postage

7/21/2017 FIRM 1.40 1.000 1.40 Billable

113345 Postage

7/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 19.000 1.90 Billable

113290 Photocopies

FAB - At_tys. Fees - 000240

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID _________________________ Markup% ___ _ _ _ ___ __
7/25/2017 FIRM 210.00 1.000 210.00 Billable
113247 Publish Fee
Publishing Fee- ALM Media, LLC
Notice of Sale Publication 7/14117- 7/21/17

7/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 23.000 2.30 Billable

113292 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $549.32

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $18,602.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $549.32

Total new charges $19,151 .82

Previous Balance
Current $23,761 .16
Total Previous Balance $23,761 .16

New Balance
Current $42,912.98

Total New Balance $42,912.98

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip V alue Adjustment

HHB 350.00 37.30 $13,055.00 $13,055.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 2.20 $770.00 $770.00 0.00
SM 225.00 21 .10 $4,747.50 $4,747.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000241

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

_____ R_at;__
e _ _ __ __ _ _C_h_a_,rg"-e_s _ _ _
'--'- - - ---'-A-'-'d.:.L.ju"-'s-"tm""=""=en:-'t:'
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000242


7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP

3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

o e ' \J 1 A3
Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18
Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 6/26/2017
Last charge 6/30/2017
Last payment 7/10/2017 Amount $27,432.58

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt __________
6/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112334 Telephone conference
l i i i i i i l i i i ice with Carlos Moles tina re:

6/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112335 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB

6/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112336 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112367 Confer

6/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112368 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Attorney Cruz re: preparation of
Stephanie Schneider's Disclaimer Deed.

6/1/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

112373 Re\1ew

6/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112374 Re\1ew
Re-.1ew legal authorities re:

6/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112360 Follow up
Follow up with Judge Ferrara re: June 26, 2017 hearing.

6/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112361 Finalize
Finalize status report to FAB

6/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
112363 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000243

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First AmericanJScnneider:Firsl American Bank (continued}

Date Amount Total

- ----

612/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112379 Review
Review Order Specially Setting Hearing.

6/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112415 Review

6/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112424 Review
Review Motions scheduled for hearing on Monday/prepare Court-required
documents/copies and en\€1opes/prepare for hearing- draft Court Orders .

6/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112435 Prepare
Prepare to Monday's
co-counsel re:

6/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112436 Receiva and review
Recei\e and review Laurence Schneider's "re1iled" Request for Production .

6/7/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

112454 Continue
Continue to review legal authorities re:

6/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112456 Review

6/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112457 Review
Review and comment on proposed Order Denying Stephanie Schneider's
Motion to Drop Party and/or Dismiss Case.

- ·
6/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112458 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Fees- 000244

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First AmericaniSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup % DNB Time DNB Amt
6/812017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00
112438 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence/Stephanie Schneider- attempt to contact
Schneiders (to comply with Court Order) - send follow-up email.

6/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112439 Recei-.e and
Recei-.e, review and respond to email from Laurence Schneider.

6/812017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112443 Recei-.e
Recei-.e advices nate responsiw email.

6/8/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

112444 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Laurence Schneider re: foreclosure
litigation/Monday's hearing/Tuesday-Wednesday
depositions/discovery/future handling.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112472 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: court ordered settlement discussions.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

email from Mr. Schneider re: requesting the Bank reschedule the
June 12 hearing and his deposition and Mrs. Schneider's deposition: email
Mr. Schneider re: same.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112483 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: filing a motion to reschedule the
hearing and depositions.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112484 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: meeting with the Florida Barre: Mr.
Trent's actions during the litigation.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112485 Confer

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112486 Confer
Confer with co.-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000245

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID_ _ _ _ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________

6/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112447 Receive
Receive ad-vices of Schneider's filing Motion for Continuance/determine

6/9/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112448 Recei-.e
Receive and re\4ew Schneider's Notice of Removal of Foreclosure litigation
to U.S. District Court- confer with FAB rry
Smith/Fred Snow) -determine

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112490 Email
Email Mr. Smith

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Re\4ew Defendants' Motion for Continuance.

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112495 Re\4ew
email from Mr. Smith re:

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112500 Re\1ew
Re\4ew Defendant's Notice of Removal and state court documents filed by
Mr. and Mrs. Schneider.

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112501 Re\1ew
Re\oiew legal authorities re:

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112502 Email

Email Mr. Smith

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67 .50 Billable

112503 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112504 Participate
Partlci conference with Mr. Garry Smith re: -

FAB - Fees - 000246

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
6/9/2017 SM 225.00 1 .00 225.00 Billable

6/10/2017 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 B illable

112452 Re'-Aew
Re-Aew, consider and analyze
- procedural

6/12/2017 HHB 350.00 3.40 1,190.00 Billable

112530 Tra-..el
to West Palm Beach/attend hearing/ad\Ase Court of
Removal/intention to promptly file a Motion for Remand.

6/12/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

112531 Begin
Begin drafting/prepare Motion for Remand.

6/12/2017 HHB 350.00 1.1 0 385.00 Billable

112532 Re\Aew
case law re: - ·

6/1212017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

112554 X
Calendar deadline to file a motion to remand.

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112555 Analyze

6/1212017 SM 225.00 3.10 697.50 Billable

112557 Review
legal authorities
- ; legal

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112559 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/1212017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112563 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000247

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markue% ONB Time ONB Amt
6/1212017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 ----::B:-::il::-la..,..
112565 Revise
Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Remand and
Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

6/1312017 HHB 350.00 4.50 1,575.00 Billable

112535 Prepare
Prepare Motion to Remand/re\.1se, amend and finalize Motion to

6/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112536 Confer
Confer with Attorney Snow/Garry Smith re:

6/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112537 Telephone call
Telephone calls to Laurence and Stephanie Schneider -lea\e repeated
messages .

6/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112538 Recei-..e
laurence Schneider's email -

6/13/2017 HHB 350. 00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112539 Finalize
Finalize and file Motion to Remand.

6/1312017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112566 ReYiew
ReYiew U.S. District Court's Order to Show Cause.

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112567 Confer

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112568 Determine

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

FAB- Fees- 000248

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!Y DNB Time DNB Amt
6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
112573 Determine

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112574 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet for.

6/1 3/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112575 Reiew
Re-..iew and comment on Appendix 1o the Bank's Motion to Remand.

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

112576 Re-..ise
Re-..ise the Bank's Motion to Remand and Incorporated Memorandum of

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112577 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112578 Re-..iew

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112579 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

1125 80 Review
Re..;ew email from Mr. Smith re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112581 Re..;ew
Re..;ew email from Mr. Schneider re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112582 Re..;ew
Re..;ew email from Mr. Smith re:

6/1312017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112583 Electronic filing
Electronically file the Bank's Motion to Remand and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law and Appendix.

FAB • Attys. Fees· 000249

7/1112017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID llme Ent!Y Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt

6/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112546 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow re:

6/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112547 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and update file.

6/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112548 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112609 Re\1ew
Review and update file - prepare status report to client.

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112672 X
Calendar deadline for defendant's to respond to the Bank's Motion to

6/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112630 Prepare
P repare pleading in Circuit Court responding to Schneider's Requests for
Production/lack of Jurisdiction.

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112729 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

6/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112737 Prepare
P email to FAB

6/22/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112738 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew Schneider's mailed Response to Order to Show
Cause/contact U.S. District Court/FAB/Circuit Court/prepare pleadings.

6/2212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112786 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Fees - 000250

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt

Time Ent!l:
6/2212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112787 Email
Email Mr.

6/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

112788 Re\Jiew
Re'\Aew Defendants' Response to the Order to Show Cause.

6/22/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

112789 Participate
hone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

6/23/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112754 Recei'l.e
Receiw U.S. District Court's Order of Remand/contact Circuit
Court/prepare email to Laurence Schneider/letter to Circuit Court - prepare
for Monday 's hearing.

6/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112755 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB (Garry Smith).

6/2312017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112759 Re'vievJ
for hearing/re'view draft Final

6/2312017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112760 Telephone call
Telephone call from Fred S

6/2312017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

112761 Recei\oe
Recei'l.e Laurence Schneider's email re: his unavailability.

6/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Order Remanding Case to State Court.

6/2312017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

112796 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Ferrara re: submitting a copy of the Bank's Motion for
Summary Judgment and supporting case law; gather and highlight case
law to pro'vide to the Court.

FAB- Fees- 000251

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt
6/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112799 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: not attending the hearing on the
Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

6/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

112762 Prepare
Prepare for hearing/assemble documents. correspondence and pleadings
for Court - re\oise/expand Final Judgment.

6/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

112764 Prepare
Prepare for Motion for Summary Judgment hearing/prepare Orders for
Court to enter.

6/26/2017 HHB 350.00 4.20 1,470.00 Billable

112768 Travel
Travel to West Palm Beach/argue Motion for Summary Judgment/obtain
series of Orders/return to Miami.

6/26/2017 .NVK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
112844 Consult
Consult with co-counsel

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
112800 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112801 Draft
Draft Order Granting Motion for Summary Judgment.

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112802 Review
Review and comment on proposed Final Judgment of Foreclosure.

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112803 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0 .50 112.50 Billable

112804 Determine
Determine interest accrued and revise
proposed Final Judgment

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000252

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
6/26/2017 SM 225.00 4.60 1,035.00 Billable
112807 Attend
Attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

6/27/2017 JWK 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

Re\1ew proposed Judgment requested by court after hearing; based on
contact with court assistant, direct action to Amended Jurinrr•ont

6/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112859 Telephone conference
conference with co-counsel re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112808 Confer

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112809 Draft
Draft Amended Final Judgment re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 . 135.00 Billable

112810 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Lubitz re: requesting entry of the Amended Final

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112813 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Snow re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112814 Email
Email Mr. Snow re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112815 Participate
Partie I

FAB - A.ttys. Fees - 000253

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time ONB Time DNB Amt

6/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 B illable
112863 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Fred Snow re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112819 Confer
Confer with ccrcounsel re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112820 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

6/2812017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112821 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112822 Re\Aew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

6128/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112823 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112824 Draft
Draft outline of

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112825 Review
Review legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112826 Review
Re'v'iew legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112827 Relliew
Review legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112828 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Daily Business Re\1ew re:
publication of the Notice of Sale.

FAB - Fees- 000254

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
6/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
112868 Determine
Determ procedures/ deadlines.

6/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112869 Re\liew
Re\o1ew and update file.

6/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112870 Recei-..e and re\liew
Recei-..e and re\liew Amended Final ns t Laurence
Schneider) - re'view - prepare email
to Schneiders/Home

6/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112877 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Snow re:

6/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112893 X
Calendar deadline to file motion for attorneys' fees, costs and expenses .

TOTAL Billable Fees 80.10 $23,497.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup %
- - - ---:-::--
6/1/2017 FIRM 0.10 25.000 2.50 Billable
112921 Photocopies

6/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 22.000 2.20 Billable

112924 Photocopies

6/7/2017 FIRM 0.46 8.000 3.68 Billable

112953 Postage

6/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 76.000 7.60 Billable

112909 Photocopies

6/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 34.000 3.40 Billable

112911 Photocopies

FAB - Fees- 000255

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider:First American Bank {continued}

Date Attorney Plice Quantity Amount Total

10 Exeense Markup%
6/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable
112912 Photocopies

6/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 93.000 9.30 Billable

112926 Photocopies

6/12/2017 FIRM 0.10 92.000 9.20 Billable

112927 Photocopies

6/13/2017 FIRM 28.83 1.000 28.83 Billable

112515 FedEx
FedEx- lnv. 5-825-22527

6/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 64.000 6.40 Billable

112928 Photocopies

6/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 1.000 0.10 Billable

112934 Photocopies

6/21/2017 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable

112950 Photocopies

6/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 11.000 1.10 Billable

112916 Photocopies

6/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 59.000 5.90 Billable

112936 Photocopies

6/26/2017 FIRM 0.10 214.000 21.40 Billable

112917 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

6/26/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

112938 Photocopies

6/27/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

112955 Postage

FAB - Fees- 000256

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Price Quantity A mount Total

10 ________________________ Markup % _______ - --..._..,.- _ _ _ __
6/27/2017 FIRM 1.61 1.000 1.61 Billable
112956 Postage

6/29/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

112773 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 6/1 2/17 Hearing
Julio A . Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55660

6/29/2017 FIRM 49.60 1.000 49.60 Billable

112774 Transcript
Transcript Cost - 5/1/17 Hearing
Jul io A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55654

6/30/2017 FIRM 0.20 43.000 8.60 Billable

112987 Pacer
U.S . Court Search - Pacer

TOTAL Billable Costs $263.66

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $23,497.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $263.66

Total new charges $23,761.16

Previous Balance
Current $27,432.58
Tot al Previous Balance $27,432.58

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type -::-D..:...
es ..:...c_r...:;.
ip_tio_n________________ ___ ________ _
7/10/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($27,432. 58)
Total Accounts Receivable ($27, 432. 58)

New Balance
Current $23,761 .16

Total New Balance $23,761.16

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00

FAB- J\tlys. Fees- 000257

7/1 1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total remo-..ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 41.40 $14,490.00 $14,490.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 2.40 $840.00 $840.00 0.00
SM 225.00 36.30 $8,167.50 $8,167.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000258

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

Nickname First American/Schneider j 317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 6/26/2017
Last charge 6/30/2017
Last payment 5/19/2017 Amount $28 836.27

Date Attorney Rate Hours .... Amount Total

10 ________________________ Markup o/o DNB Time DNB Amt
6/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 - - -B-il-la-bl-e
112334 Telephone conference
l i i i i l i i i l i l i ice with Carlos Molestina re:

6/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112335 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB

6/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112336 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112367 Confer

6/1/2017 SM A1./o( 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112368 Participate l J. 1 I
Participate in telephone conference with Cruz re: preparation of Q -; Vll ) rt I Wr d'J ' (
Disclaimer Deed. \'

6/1/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

112373 Re\Aew

6/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112374 Re\Aew
Re\Aew legal authorities re:

6/212017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112360 Follow up
Follow up with Judge Ferrara re: June 26, 2017 hearing.

6/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112361 Finalize
Finalize status report to FAB

6/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
112363 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Sm it

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000259

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre.bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

- - - --

6/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112379 Re\Aew
Review Order Specially Setting Hearing.

6/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112415 Review

616/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112424 Review
Review Motions scheduled for hearing on Monday/prepare Court-required
documents/copies and em.elopes/prepare for hearing - draft Court Orders.

6/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112435 Prepare
Prepare to Monday's hearings/revise draft/proposed Orders/confer with
co-counsel re:

6/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112436 Receive and review
Receive and review Laurence Schneider's "refiled" Request for Production.

6/7/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

112454 Continue
Continue to re-..1ew legal authorities re:

6/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112456 Review

6/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112457 Review
Review and comment on proposed Order Denying Stephanie Schneider's
Motion to Drop Party and/or Dismiss Case.

617/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112458 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- A_ttys. Fees- 000260

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry
DNB Time
- ------. ,.-,--
112438 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence/Stephanie Schneider - attempt to contact
Schneiders (to comply with Court Order} - send follow-up email.

6/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112439 and reiAew
review and respond to email from Laurence Schneider.

6/8/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112443 Recei-.e
adiAces oordinate email.

6/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

112444 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with laurence Schneider re: foreclosure
litigation/Monday's hearing/Tuesday-Wednesday
depositions/disco-.ery/future handling.

6/8/2017 SM 225. 00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

1124 72 ReiAew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Schneider re: court ordered settlement discussions.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

112477 Re\1ew
email from Mr. Schneider re: requesting the Bank reschedule the
June 12 hearing and his deposition and Mrs. Schneider's deposition; email
Mr. Schneider re: same.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112483 Review
email from Mr. Schneider re: filing a motion to reschedule the
hearing and depositions.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

email from Mr. Schneider re: meeting with the Florida Barre: Mr.
Trent's actions during the litigation.

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112485 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112486 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Fees - 000261

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Amt

6/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112447 Recei-.e
Recei-.e ad\1ces of Schneider's filing Motion for Continuance/dele

6/9/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112448 Recei\le
Recei-.e and Schneider's Notice of Removal of Foreclosure to U.S.
District Court -confer with co-counsel/advise FAB (Garry Smith/Fred
Snow)- determine res

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112490 Email
Email Mr. Smith

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Defendants' Motion for Continuance.

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

email from Mr. Smith re:

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

Re\1ew Defendant's Notice of Removal and state court documents filed by
Mr. and Mrs. Schneider.

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112501 Re..;ew
legal authorities re:

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112502 Email
Email Mr. Smith

- ·-
6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112503 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

conference with Mr.\ mith re: -

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000262

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First AmericaniSchneider.First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
6/9/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 - -- B-il-la-bl-e
112505 Rev;ew

6/1012017 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

112452 Rev;ew
Rev;ew consider and analyze
rev;ew procedura

6/12/2017 HHB 350.00 3.40 1,190.00 Billable

to West Palm Beach/attend hearing/adv;se Court of
Removallintention to promptly file a Motion for Remand.

6/12/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

112531 Begin
Begin draftinglprepare Motion for Remand.

6/12/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112532 Rev;ew
Rev;ew case law re:

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112554 X
Calendar deadline to file a motion to remand.

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112555 Analyze

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 3.10 697.50 Billable

112557 Rev;ew
Rev;ew legal authorities re:
. . re\1ew legal authorities re:

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112559 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112563 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000263

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider:First erican Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent Markup % DNB lime DNBAmt __________

6/12/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable
112565 Revise
Revise Ba ground Section of the Bank's Motion to Remand and
lncorpora ed Memorandum of Law.

6/13/2017 HHB 350.00 4.50 1,575.00 Billable

112535 Prepar
Prepar Motion to Remand/revise, amend and finalize Motion to

6/1312017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112536 Confer
Confer with Attorney Snow/Garry Smith re:

6/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112537 Telephone call
Telephone calls to Laurence and Stephanie Schneider - lea\e repeated

6/1312017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

Laurence Schneider's email -

6/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112539 Finalize
Finalize and file J1
to Remand.

6/1312017 sM t1\ h(f (c \ 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112566 Review
Revie Order to Show Cause.

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112567 Confer

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112568 Determine

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000264

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry DNB lime DNBAmt _ _
6/13/2017 0.40 90.00 Billable
112573 Determine

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112574 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet for:

6113/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112575 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on Appendix to the Bank's Motion to Remand.

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

112576 Re\Ase
Re\1se the Bank's Motion to Remand and Incorporated Memorandum of

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112577 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112578 Re\1ew

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112579 Participate
Partici in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112580 Re\1ew
Re\Aew email from Mr. Smith re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112581 Re\1ew
Re\Aew email from Mr. Schneider re:

6/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112582 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

6/1312017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112583 Electronic fi ling
Electronically file the Bank's Motion to Remand and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law and Appendix.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000265

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 6/14/201 7 _H_H_B___.;....;....,t..
Time Entry_ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
350.00 0.20 70.00 -----B-il-la-bl-e
112546 Telephone conference
- e conference with Fred Snow

6/ 14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112547 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew and update file.

6/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112548 Confer

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112609 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew and update file - prepare status report to c lient.

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112672 X
Calendar deadline for defendant's to respond to the Bank's Motion to

6/16/2017 HHB \. ( · 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112630 Prepare fe - -
Prepare pleadin • esponding to Schneider's Requests for Production/Lack
of Jurisdiction.

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0. 20 70.00 Billable
112729 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

6/22/2017 HHB ( 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112737 Prepare
- email to FAB

6/2212017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112738 and t'
and re\1ew Response to Order to Show Cause/contact
U.S. District Court/FAB/Circuit Court/prepare pleadings.

6/22/20 17 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112786 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Allys. Fees - 000266

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNB Amt

6/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112787 Email
Email Mr. Smith

6/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112788 Review
Review Defendants' Response to the Order to Show Cause.

6/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112789 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

6/23/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112754 Receit..e
U.S. District Court's Order of Remand/contact Circuit
Court/prepare email to Laurence Schneider/letter to Circuit Court - prepare
for Monday's hearing.

6/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112755 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB (Garry Smith).

6/23/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112759 Re\1ew
Review - _ ,prepare for hearing/review draft Final

6/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112760 Telephone call
Telephone call from Fred Snow

6/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

112761 Receit..e
Receit..e Laurence Schneider's email re: his una\ailability.

6/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112795 Review
Review Order Remanding Case to State Court.

6/23/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

112796 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Ferrara re: submitting a copy of the Bank's Motion for
Summary Judgment and supporting case law; gather and highlight case
law to provide to the Court.

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000267

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10;..___ _ _
..t._ __ _ __ __ __ _ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _ _ _ _ ___
6/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112799 Review
Re-..1ew email from Mr. Schneider re: not attending the hearing on the
Bank's Motion ·for Summary Judgment.

6/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1. 50 525.00 Billqble

112762 Prepare
Prepare for hearing/assemble documents, correspondence and pleadings
for Court - revise/expand Final Judgment.

6/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

112764 Prepare
Prepare for Motion for Summary Judgment hearing/prepare Orders for
Court to enter.

6/26/2017 HHB 350.00 4 .20 1,470.00 Billable

to West Palm Beach/argue Motion for Summary JudgmenUobtain
series of Orders/return to Miami.

6/26/2017 JWK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112844 Consult
Consult with co-counsel

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
112800 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112801 Draft
Draft Order Granting Motion for Summary Judgment.

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

and comment on proposed Final Judgment of Foreclosure.

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112803 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Motion for Summary Judgment.

6/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112804 Determine
Determine interest accrued and re-..1se
proposed Final Judgment

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000268

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

6/26/2017 SM
DNB Time
- -----
112807 Attend
Attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Judgment.

6/27/2017 JWK 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

112846 Re\4ew
Re\4ew proposed Judgment requested by court after hearing; based on
contact with court direct action to Amended

draft Co\er letter; finalize fonn of proposed

an it to court pursuant to instructions from
chambers; telephone conference with Mr. Snow

6/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112859 Telephone conference
Tel conference with co-counsel re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112808 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112809 Draft
Draft Amended Final Judgment re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112810 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Lubitz re: requesting of the Amended Final

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112813 Re..;ew
Re..;ew email from Mr. Snow

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112814 Email
Email Mr. Snow re:

6/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112815 Participate
p I

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000269

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Ent!1 MarkuQ% DNB Time DNB Amt

6/2812017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
112863 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Fred Snow re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112819 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112820 Relo1ew
Relo1ew legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112821 Relo1ew
Rel.1ew legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112822 Relo1ew
Review legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 0.30 67.50 Billable
112823 Review
Review legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112825 Review
Review legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112826 Review

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112827 Review
Review legal authorities re:

6/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112828 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the Palm Beach Daily Business Review re:
publication of the Notice of Sale.

FAB - At_tys. Fees- 000270

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
6/29/2017 350.00 0.30 105.00 - - --::B-il-la-bl-e
112868 Determine
Determine procedures/deadlines.

6/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

Re...;ew and update file.

6/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112870 Recei'.e and re\1ew
Receiw and re\1\ew Amended Final Jud inst Laurence
Schneider) - re\1ew - prepare email
to Schneiders/Home

6/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
1128n Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Snow re-

6/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112893 X
Calendar deadline to file motion for attorneys' fees, costs and expenses.

TOTAL Billable Fees 80.10 $23,497.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup o/o
- -- --
6/1/2017 FIRM 0.10 25.000 2.50 Billable
112921 Photocopies

6/7/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 22.000 2.20 Billable

112924 Photocopies

6/7/2017 FIRM 0.46 8.000 3.68 Billable

112953 Postage

6/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 76.000 7.60 Billable

112909 Photocopies

6/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 34.000 3.40 Billable

112911 Photocopies

FAB- A.ttys. Fees - 000271

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Expense Markup%
6/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable
112912 Photocopies

6/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 93.000 9.30 Billable

112926 Photocopies

6/12/2017 FIRM 0.10 92.000 9.20 Billable

112927 Photocopies

6/13/2017 FIRM 28.83 1.000 28.83 Billable

112515 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-825-22527

6/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 64.000 6.40 Billable

112928 Photocopies

6/21/2017 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable

112950 Photocopies

6/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 11.000 1.10 Billable

112916 Photocopies

6/26/2017 FIRM 0.10 214.000 21.40 Billable

112917 Photocopies

6/26/20 17 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

112938 Photocopies

6/27/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

112955 Postage

6/27/2017 FIRM 1.61 1.000 1.61 Billable

11 2956 Postage

TOTAL Billable Costs $104.46

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000272

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $23,497 .50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $104.46

Total new charges $23,601 .96

Prellious Balance
Current $27,432.58
Total Previous Balance $27,432.58

New Balance
Current $51,034.54

Total New Balance $51,034.54

Funds Account: Default

Prellious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

y_ _ _ _ _ _ - -- - --'--"
e _ _ _ _-'-:
s ---::--:....:'C;_h:-':a rg"'::e:-::-s _ _.....,-S_Ii,p_V
_ _a_lu_e _ __ __t
HHB 350.00 41.40 $14,490.00 $14,490.00 0.00
JWK 350. oo 2.40 $840. 00 $840. 00 0. 00
SM 225.00 36.30 $8,167.50 $8,167.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000273

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 5/1712017
Last charge 5/3112017
Last payment 5/19/2017 Amount $28,836.27

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

5/1/2017 HHB
DNB Time
1,295.00 - - ------
111656 Trawl
Trawl to West Palm Beach/confer with opposing counsel/argue Motions
before Judge Ferrara/obtain Order Allowing Attorney Trent to
withdraw/return to Miami.

5/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
111657 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

5/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

111661 Prepare
Prepare email (with Bates-stamped documents) to Laurence
Schneider/- -

5/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

111747 X

5/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111752 ReiAew
Review and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider re: attaching
Bates-stamped production of documents by Mr. and Mrs . Schneider.

5/2/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

111672 Outline
Outline status report to FAB/confer with co-counsel/prepare status report
to FAB.

5/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111673 Re\Aew
ReiAew and update • • • file/documents .

5/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111674 Revise
Revise, finalize and send status report to FAB.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000274

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt

5/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 - ---,-B..,,-la.,
111756 Prepare
Prepare report letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan re: -

5/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

111758 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
Messrs. Snow, Smith and

5/2/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable
111761 Revise
Revise Report Letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan re: -

5/212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

11 1767 Finalize
Finalize Report Letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan re: -
- ;email Report Letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan.

5/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111693 Review
Re'lliew, revise and finalize email to Laurence Schneider/FAB.

5/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

111780 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: noticing the case for trial and scheduling

5/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111782 Email
Email Mr. Smith

5/9/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

111727 Confer

5/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111729 Recei\.e
Recei\e, review and revise proposed Notice for TriaVattempt to contact The
Oaks' (HOA) counsel re: trial/second foreclosure.

5/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

111730 Notice
Notice Laurence Schneider/Stephanie Schneider depositions/arrange for
downtown West Palm Beach deposition venue/advise Schneiders of

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000275

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
unilateral scheduling.

5/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111738 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Lev;ne (The Oaks/HOA) re: The Oaks'
recently-filed foreclosure/trial date/future handling -finalize and file Notice
of Trial.

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

111818 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111819 Rev;ew

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

111820 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet re:

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111821 Rev;ew
Review legal authorities re:

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

11 1823 Draft
Draft Notice for Trial.

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111826 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling their depositions.

519/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

111828 Draft
Draft Foreclosure Trial Form

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111832 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Levin (homeowners'
association) re: noticing the case for trial.

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111834 Electronic filing
Electronically file Notice for Trial.

FAB - f,ttys. Fees- 000276

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

DNB Time DNB Ami
5/9/2017 SM
225.00 0.10 22.50
- - -Billable
111836 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

S/9/20H SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111839 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith

5/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

111849 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Attorney Fred Snow.

5/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable

111939 Review

5/1212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111969 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

111891 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry Smith re:
- /phone call to Laurence

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11 1892 Recei\e
Receive callfrom Clerk's office re: Request for Trial Date (time/length of

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111899 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Laurence Schneider re: residence
inspection/short sale/credit rating- bureau issues/tenant/representation by
counsel in future.

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111900 Conference
Conference call with Garry Smith/Sheyla Mesa re: -

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

111901 Recei...e and review

- /forward
Recei\e and review Schneider email with Request for Production (authored
by Trent?/Schneider?/dated April 14, 2017) - analyze
Garry Smith

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000277

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

(Garry Smith) -
- -- - -

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

111981 Participate
conference with Mr. Smith re: -

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

conference with Mr. Smith re: -

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111986 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: status of
for Production of Document; cursory re"l.iew

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111988 Participate

5/16/2017 HHB
111911 Receiw and review
- • - Billable

5/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

111912 Recei"IA9 and review
Recei..e and review Notice of Trial (20 days beginning June 28,
2017)/outline "to-do" list.

5/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111914 Prepare
Prepare email to Laurence Schneider re: Request for
Production/yesterday's email.

5/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

- -
111915 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry Smith re:

5/16/2017 SM Billable
111992 Re"l.iew

FAB- Fees- 000278

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 . .:. Ti:. :. :m.:. : e:. .:.:.
:E n.;..:;try
"'--- -- -- - - -- - -ONB
- Amt

5/1612017 SM - - Billable

111993 Draft

5/16/2017 SM Billable

111994 Confer

5/16/2017 SM
111997 Email • Billable

5/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111999 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Order Setting Residential Foreclosure Non-Jury Trial and Directing
Pretrial Procedures.

5/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112002 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/1612017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112003 Email

5/1612017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112004 Participate

5/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.30

67.50 Billable
112005 Re\1ew

Re\1ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider re: non-ser.1ce of

Defendant's First Request for Production of Documents.

5/16/2017 SM Billable
112008 Review

5/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

111922 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry ;th/Fred Sn- -

FAB - A_
ttys. Fees - 000279
6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 5/17/2017 Time Entry _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Mar1<up%
DNB Time
- - - Billable
111927 Outline
Outline deposition testimony for Laurence Schneider.

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11201 0 Email
Email Mr. Smith

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112011 ReView
Re'view legal authorities re:

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112012 Confer

Confer with co-counsel re:

5/17/2017 SM Billable

5/1712017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112014 Participate

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

112019 Re'vise
ReVise the Introduction Section and Statement of Undisputed Facts
Section of the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

5/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112028 Perform
Perform and re'view

5/1812017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

112036 Receive
Receive, work through and reVise d
Judgment - confer with co-counsel re:

5/18/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

112037 ReView
ReView documents/information on

r /\B- Fees- 000280

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

tD Marl<up% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
112048 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable
112049 Create
Create spreadsheet re:

5/1812017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112050 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22 .50 Billable

112051 Email

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67 .50 Billable

112052 Identify

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112053 Rev;se
Rev;se the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0 .20 45.00 Billable

112054 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112059 Continue
Continue work on drafting Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
112060 Conference
Conference call with Garry Smith re-

5/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
112061 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- A.ttys. Fees- 000281

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date AttomE!Y Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Entry Markup% DNB lime ONBAmt ___
5/19/2017 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable
112085 Create

5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
112089 Participate
conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112090 Re'v1se
Re\r1se spreadsheet re:

5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22 .50 Billable


5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112096 Confer

5/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112069 Re\iew

5/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112072 Re\r1ew

5/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112073 Prepare
Prepare for tria

5/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112074 Review
Review, re'v1se and expand Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable
112083 Re'v1ew
Re'v1ew and re\Ase Motion for Summary Judgment and Affidaljt - confer w ith
co-counsel and with Garry Smith - forward -
to FAB (Garry Smith).

FAB- A!tys. Fees- 000282

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - - - --
5122/2017 SM 225.00 2.30 517.50 Billable
112098 Re\ise
Revise the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112099 Confer

5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112101 Review
Review and comment on draft Notice of Una..ailability .

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112102 Review
ReiAew and comment on draft Motion for Specially-Set Trial Date.

5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112103 ReiAevv
Review and comment on draft Motion to Bifurcate Trial.

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112104 Review

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112105 Revise
Revise Mr. Smith's Affidavit of Indebtedness.

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

1121 06 Review
Review legal authorities re: draft Final

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112110 Revie\li

5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

11211 1 Draft
Draft Plaintiffs Expert Witness List.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000283

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American!Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 - ----::B..,.,.
112112 Participate
Participate in .... n.,. conference with Mr. Smith re: -

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112113 Email

5(22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112114 Confer

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

112118 Prepare
Prepare for conference with Garry Smith
/confer with co-counsel

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
112119 Conference
Conference call with FAB (Garry Smith)

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112122 Finalize
Finalize and file pre-trial Motions/obtain information on hearing
dates/attempt to contact Laurence Schneider.

350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

5(23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112124 Telephone conference
conl!lrence with Attorney Gache's
•nro•na•ra email to Attorney Gache - continue efforts re:

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112125 Consider

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112128 Prepare
Prepare email to Attorney Snow re: -

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000284

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry DNB Time DNB Amt

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
112129 Recei-..e
Receiw, Schneider's email with "no inspection
tomorrow" message FA -confer with Carlos Molestina.

5/2312017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

5/2312017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112148 Re\1ew

5/2312017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112149 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112150 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112151 Participate
Partie in conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112154 Re\1se
Re\4se draft Motion for Specially-Set Trial Date.

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

Re\4se the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112157 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and comment on draft email to Messrs . Smith and Snow re: .

FAB- Atfys. Fees- 000285

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10: 10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time MarKUQ% DNB Time DNB Amt
5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112158 Re\1se
of Mr. Smith

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

112161 Re\1ew
Re\1ew file and draft Exhibit List.

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112162 Email
Email Messrs.

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112163 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112165 Re\1ew
email from Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112166 Participate
Partie in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112167 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Review email from Mr. Molestina re:

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112132 Telephone conference
1i conference with Fred Snow

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 B illable

112133 Confer
Confer Wlth Garry Smith re:

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112134 Exchange
Exchange telephone messages/emails with Laurence Schneider re:
hearing/inspection dates.

FAB- A.ttys. Fees - 000286

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time
5/24/2017 0.50
350.00 175.00 Billable
112140 Receiw
Receiw, review Stephanie Schneider's Motion to be Dropped
as Party FA with Garry Smith/Fred Snow.

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112141 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re: - -

512412017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112142 Receh.e and re\1ew
Receiw and review series of four em ails from Laurence Schneider (re:
replacement counsel/upcoming hearing, depositions, trial)- prepare and
send responsive email.

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112143 Prepare
Prepare emails to F

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112145 Revise
Revise and finalize Motion for Summary Judgment- receive yet another
email from Laurence Schneider- email- FAB/confer with FAB
(Garry Smith).

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112171 Revise
Revise Plaintiff's Exhibit List.

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112173 Participate
Participate in t .. ,.,.......,,.,,..,.,.

5124/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112176 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112177 Participate

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112178 Review
Re\1ew Ms. Schneider's Motion to Drop Party and/or Dismiss Case.

FAB- ,t\ttys. Fees- 000287

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 - - ---=B"'""il.,,.....

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

112180 Re'IAew

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 B illable
112181 Email
Email Messrs. Smith and

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112182 Participate

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112185 Re\iiew
Re\iiev.t and comment on draft emaii to Mr. Schneider re: scheduling
hearings and Mr. Schneider retaining new counsel.

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22 .50 B illable

112188 Re\iiev.t
Re\iiew email from Mr. Schneider re: propounding Defendants' First
Request for Production.

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112189 Confer

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable
112190 Email
Email Messrs . Smith, Snow and Hagan re:

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112192 Re\iew
Re\1ew and update files

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112193 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand Motion for Summary Judgment.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000288

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

DNB Time DNB Amt
ID ---------
5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112194 Prepare
Prepare email to Garry Smith.

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112200 Review

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112201 Participate
P in conference call with Attorn

5/2 5/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112205 Re-.tew

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

112206 X
• •I obtain - -
for Summary

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112224 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Gache re:

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112228 Re\4se
Revise draft Motion for Summ

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112233 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Messrs . Snow and Smith re: .

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112237 Revise
Re\4se Mr. Smith's Affida\1t and draft Certification language.

5125/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112238 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to Mr. Smith's Affidavit.

FAB - Ntys. Fees - 000289

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112239 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to the Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112240 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112241 Draft
Draft Certifications for the Exhibits attached to Mr. Smith's Affidavit.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112242 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112243 Redact
Redact account number from each exhibit attached to Mr. Smith's Affida\4t.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112245 Rel.iew
Review email from Mr. Smith re: • • • • • • • • • • •

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112246 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

5/251201 7 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112247 Redact
Redact account number from each exhibit attached to the motion for
summary judgment.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112251 Calculate
Calculate interest

5/2512017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112252 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112253 Finalize
Finalize the Motion br Summary Judgment and Exhibits thereto.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000290

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
5/2512017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
112254 Electronic filing
Electronically file the Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112255 Email
Email Mr. Smith

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112209 Recehe and re\Aew
Recehe and rel.iew emails from Laurence Schneider - FAB

5/26/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112210 Arrange
Arrange for Tuesday Inspection of property by Mr. Molestina.-

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112211 Obtain
Obtain information on Motion for Summary Judgment hearing/contact Larry
Schneider/attempt to contact Stephanie Schneider (message).

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112218 Receh.e
Receive, review and - Laurence Schneider's email I FAB/confer with
Messrs. Snow and Smith/prepare responsive email.

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112219 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Judge Ferrara re: special-set hearing date on
Motion for Summary Judgment (June 15-23, 2017).

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112220 Review
Reliew repare presentation
for FAB.

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Bmable

112221 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112257 Reliew
Review email from Mr. Schneider

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000291

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
112259 Re..;ew
Review Judge Ferrara's procedures for requesting a special set hearing.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112260 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling a hearing on the Motion for

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112266 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112267 Participate

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112268 Re..;ew
Re..;ew email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling a hearing on Motion for
Summary Judgment.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

112269 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Ferrara re: requesting a special set hearing on the
Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112270 Re..;ew
Re..;ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112271 Organize
Organize enclosures to the letter to Judge Ferrara re: requesting a hearing
on the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112272 Email
Email Messrs. Snow, Smith and

FAB - N:tys. Fees- 000292

6115/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10: 10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider:First Ame rican Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID ________________________ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
5/2712017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable
112325 Confer
Confer with FAB representati' (Attorney Fred Snow, Tom Wells and
Brian Hagan).

5/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112276 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Mr. Molestina re:

5/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112277 Telephone conference
conferences with Mr. Molestina re:

513112017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112321 Receiw
advices with
Garry Smith.

5/3112017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112322 Obtain
Obtain advices
• - advise

5/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112326 Re\iew
Re\iew email from Mr. Schneider re: his failure to appear at the scheduled
property inspection.

5/31/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

112330 Participate

TOTAL Billable Fees 93.90 $26,777.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Expense
5/1/2017 FIRM 49.22 1,000 49.22 Billable
111548 Travel-Taxi
Tra'l.el - Taxi, Chicago 04/24/1 7

5/1/2017 FIRM 10.00 1.000 10.00 Billable

111549 Parking
Parking- Hrg. 5/1/17

FAB- A_ttys. Fees- 000293

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense
5/1/2017 FIRM 241.80 1.000 241.80 Billable
111550 Transcript
Transcript Cost - Hrg. 3/28/17
Julio A . Mocega & Associates, Inc .
lnv. 55561

5/1/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

111551 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at Hrg. 4/7/17
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55562

5/9/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

111630 Postage

5/9/2017 FIRM 1.40 1.000 1.40 Billable

111631 Postage

5/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

111653 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

5/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 43.000 4.30 Billable

112299 Photocopies

5/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 29.000 2.90 Billable

112302 Photocopies

5/12/2017 FIRM 78.12 1.000 78.12 Billable

111871 Transcript
Transcript Cost (Excerpt) 04/07/17
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55572

5/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 215.000 21.50 Billable

112305 Photocopies

5/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

112290 Photocopies

5/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 1.000 0.10 Billable

112307 Photocopies

FAB - Fees - 000294

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney P rice Quantity Amount Total

ID _________________________
Markup % ------,--:-::-::- ------=-=--=- - -- - -
5/18/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable
11 2023 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at May 1, 2017 Hearing
Julio A. M ocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55592

5/22/2017 FIRM 0.10 48.000 4.80 Billable

112309 Photocopies

5/23/201 7 FIRM 0.10 14.000 1.40 Billable

112310 Photocopies

5/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 195.000 19.50 Billable

112284 Photocopies

5/26/2017 FIRM 0.10 214.000 21.40 Billable

112312 Photocopies

5/31/2017 FIRM 0.10 47.000 4.70 Billable

112320 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $655.08

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $26,777.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $655.08

Total new charges $27,432.58

Previous Balance
Current $28,836.27
Total Previous Balance $28,836.27

Accou nts Receivables

DateiiD -=
D_e_s c_r_,_ip-ti_
:o n
- =-----:--:-:- -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -
5/19/2017 PAY Payment - Thank You ($28,836.27)
Total Accounts Receivable ($28,836.27)

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000295

6/15/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:10 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

New Balance
Current $27,432.58

Total New Balance $27,432.58

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

y_ _ _ _ _ _
;_A;. ;. t .o..;:,. :.rn.:. :e...... ____ Adjustment .
HHB 350.00 45.20 $15,820.00 $15,820.00 0.00
SM 225.00 48.70 $10,957.50 $10,957.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000296

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 5/17/2017
last charge 5/31/2017
Last payment 5/19/2017 Amount $28,836.27

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

5/1/2017 HHB
DNB Time
- --Billable
111656 Tra-.el
Tra-.el to West Palm Beach/confer with opposing counsel/argue Motions
before Judge Ferrara/obtain Order Allowing Attorney Trent to
withdraw/return to Miami.

5/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
111657 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Smith re:

5/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

111661 Prepare
Prepare email (with Bates-stamped documents) to Laurence
Schneider- IIIII.
511/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
111747 X

511/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111752 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider re: attaching
Bates-stamped production of documents by Mr. and Mrs. Schneider.

5/2/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

111672 Outline
Outline status report to FAB/confer with co-counsel/prepare status report
to FAB.

5/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111673 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and update • • • file/documents.

5/2/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111674 Re\1se
Re\1se, finalize and send status report to FAB .

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000297

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schne· er:First American Bank (continued)

Date Atto ey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID li Ent DNB lime DNB Amt

5/2/2017 s 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
111756 0 !line
report letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan re: -

5/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

111758 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
Messrs. Snow, Smith and

5/2/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable
111761 Re\4se
Re\4se Report Letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan re: -

5/2/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111767 Finalize
Finalize Report Letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan re: -
- ; email Report Letter to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan.

5/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111693 Re'v1ew
Re'v1ew, re\4se and finalize email to Laurence Schneider/FAB.

5/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

111780 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: noticing the case for trial and scheduling

5/4/2017 SM 225.00 . 0.10 22.50 Billable

111782 Email
Email Mr. Smith

5/9/2017 HHB · 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

111727 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

11 1729 Receive
Receive, re'v1ew and re\4se proposed Notice for Trial/attempt to contact The
Oaks' (HOA) counsel re: trial/second foreclosure.

5/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

111730 Notice
Notice Laurence Schneider/Stephanie Schneider depositions/arrange for
downtown West Palm Beach deposition wnue/ad'v1se Schneiders of

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000298

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
_ID_ _ _ _ - -- - -
unilateral scheduling.

5/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111738 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Le\Ane (The Oaks/HOA) re: The Oaks'
recently-filed foreclosure/trial date/future handling - finalize and file Notice
of Trial.

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

111818 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11 1819 Re\Aew
Re\Aew · · · · · · · · · · ·

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
111820 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet re:

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111821 Re\Aew
Rel.4ew legal authorities re:

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

111823 Draft
Draft Notice for Trial.

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111826 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling their depositions.

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

111828 Draft
Draft Foreclosure Trial Form

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111832 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Levin re: noticing the case for

5/9/2017 SM 2.25.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111834 Electronic filing
Electronically file Notice for Trial.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000299

611/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 33

First AmericanJSchnelder:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

51912017 SM
________________________ Markup%
DNB lime
- - -Billable
111836 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

5/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22 .50 Billable

111839 Re\4ew

5/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

111849 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Attorney Fred Snow.

5/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable

111939 Re\4ew
Review documents

5/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111969 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

111891 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry Smith re:
- /phone call to Laurence

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111892 Receiw
Recei\e callfrom Clerk's Office re: Request for Trial Dale (time/length of

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111899 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Laurence Schneider re: residence
inspection/short sale/credit rating- bureau issues/tenanUrepresentation by
counsel in future.

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111900 Conference
Conference call with Garry Smith/Sheyla Mesa re: -

5/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

111901 Receiw and review
Receiw and review Schneider email with Request for Production (authored
by Trent?ISchneider?/dated April 14, 2017) -analyze -
- forward Sm ith .

FAB- Fees- 000300

611/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

ID DNBAmt __________

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

conference with Mr. Smith re: -

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

conference with Mr. Smith re: -

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111986 Re'view
Re'view email from Mr. Schneider re: status of seN'ng Defendants' First
for Production of Document; cursory review of

5/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

5/16/2017 HHB
- • - Billable

5/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

111912 Recei...e and re'view
Receive and re'view Notice of Trial (20 days beginning June 28.
2017)/outline "to-do" list.

5/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111914 Prepare
Prepare email to-Laurence Schneider re: Request for
Production/yesterday's email.

5/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00

- -
111915 Telephonecall

Telephone call from Garry Smith re:

5/16/2017 SM Billable
111992 Re\4ew

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000301

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

- •
Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total
ID ___________ DNB Time DNBAmt ________

5/16/2017 SM - Billable
111993 Draft

5/16/2017 SM

- - .. Billable

- -
111994 Confer

5/16/2017 SM Bmable
111997 Email

5/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111999 Re...;ew
Re...;ew Order Setting Residential Foreclosure Non-Jury Trial and Directing
Pretrial Procedures.

5/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112002 Confer
Confer with re:

5/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112003 Email

5/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112004 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/16/2017 SM 225,00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112005 Rev;ew

Re'lliew and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider re: non-ser\1ce of
Defendant's First Request for Production of Documents .

5/16/2017 SM Blllable
112008 Re'lliew

............ -
5/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable
111922 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/Fred Snow, Esq. -

FAB- f,ttys. Fees- 000302

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 36

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
5/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
111927 Outline
Outline deposition testimony for Laurence Schneider.

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112010 Email
Email Mr. Smith

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112011 Re\Aew
Re\Aew legal authorities re:

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 0 .30 67 .50 Billable

112012 Confer

Confer with co-counsel re:

5/17/2017 SM Billable

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112014 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

5/17/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

112019 Re'oise
Re'oise the Introduction Section and Statement of Undisputed Facts
Section of the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

5/1812017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112028 Perform
Perform and re\4ew

5/1812017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

112036 Recei\e
Recei-..e, work through and revise
Judgment - confer with co-counsel re:

5/18/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

112037 Re'oiew
Re-view documents/information on

FAB - }\ttys. Fees- 000303

6/1 /2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 37

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt ______
5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Bill able
112048 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable
112049 Create
Create spreadsheet re:

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112050 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable


5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112052 Identify

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112053 ReiAse
ReiAse the Bank's Motion for Judgment and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

5/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112054 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 B illable

112059 Continue
Continue work on drafting Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
112060 Conference
Conference call with Garry Smith re: -

5/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
112061 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000304

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!:l DNB Time DNB Ami
5/19/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable
112085 Create

5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
112089 Participate
conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112090 Rel.1se
Rel.1se spreadsheet re:

5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112091 Email
Email Mr. Smith

5/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112096 Confer

5/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112069 Rel.1ew

5/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112072 Rel.1ew

5/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112073 Prepare
Prepare for tria

5/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112074 Review
Review, revise and expand Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable
112083 Review
Rel.1ew and rel.1se Motion for Summary Judgment and Affidavit - confer with
co-counsel and with Garry Smith - forward -
to FAB (Garry Smith).

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000305

6/1/2017 Keller & Botz, LLP
10:34AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 39

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
5/2212017 SM 225.00 2.30 517.50 Billable
112098 Re\Ase
the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112099 Confer

5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112101 Re\Aew
Re\1ew and comment on draft Notice of Unavailability.

5122/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

and comment on draft Motion for Specially-Set Trial Date.

5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

and comment on draft Motion to Bifurcate Trial.

5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable


5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112105 Re\1se
Re-.1se Mr. Smith's Affida\1t of Indebtedness.

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112106 legal authorities re: draft Final

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112110 Re\1ew

5/22/201 7 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112111 Draft
Draft Plaintiffs Expert Witness List.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000306

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 40

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time DNB Amt
5/2212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 - - --=B:-:-:il-=-
112112 Participate

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112113 Email

5/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

1121 14 Confer

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 31 5.00 Billable

1121 18 Prepare
p for conference with Garry Smith -
with co-counsel re:

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112119 Conference
Conference call with FAB Smith) -

5/23/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112122 Finalize
Finalize and file pre-trial Motions/obtain information on hearing
dates/attempt to contact Laurence Schneider.

350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 21 0.00 Billable

112124 Telephone conference
with Attorney Gache's
- - -prepare email to Attorney
witness/exhibit lists.

5/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112125 Consider

5/23/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112128 Prepare
Prepare email to Attorney Snow re: -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000307

611/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worl<sheet Page 41

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
5/2312017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
112129 Recei\2
Recei\e, re\iew email with "no inspection
tomorrow" messag FA -confer with Carlos Molestina.

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112147 Re\iew
Re\iew email from Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112148 Re\1ew

5/2312017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112149 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable
112150 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112154 Re\1se
Re\Ase draft Motion for Specially-Set Trial Date.

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

Re\Ase the Bank's Motion for Summary

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Re'w'iew email from Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

and comment on draft email to Messrs. Smith and Snow re: .

FAB- Fees- 000308

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 42

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 1ime Ent!Y Marl<ue% DNB Time DNB Amt
5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112158 Revise
Revise Affidavit of Mr. Smith

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

112161 Re'view
Re'view file and draft Exhibit List.

5123/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112162 Email
Email Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan

5123/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112163 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112165 Re'view
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

5123/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112166 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112167 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112169 Review
Re'view email from Mr. Molestina re:

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112132 Telephone conference
Te conference with Fred Snow,

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112133 Confer
Confer with Garry Smith re:

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112134 Exchange
Exchange telephone messages/emails with Laurence Schneider re:
hearing/inspection dates.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000309

611/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 43

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID -:'-:1i':'-':m'='e....:E=n-"try'"'------------ Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 - - -B-il-la-bl-e
112140 Receiw
Receiw, review Stephanie Schneider's Motion to be Dropped
as Party I F Garry Smith/Fred Snow.

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112141 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112142 Receiw and review
Receiw and re.,;ew series of four emails from Laurence Schneider (re:
replacement counsel/upcoming hearing, depositions. trial) prepare and

send responsiw email.

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112143 Prepare
Prepare emails to FAB

5/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112145 Revise
Re.,;se and finalize Motion for Summary Judgment receiw yet another
email from Laurence Schneider- email - FAB/confer with FAB
(Garry Smith).

5124/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112171 Re..;se
Revise Plaintiffs Exhibit List.

5124/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112173 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

512-4/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112176 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112177 Participate .
Part in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112178 Re.,;ew
Re\liew Ms. Schneider's Motion to Drop Party and/or Dismiss Case.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000310

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 44

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Time Entry
10 5/24/2017 ...:..S;.;.;.M.;,.;;;._;;
;...;..;.;..;....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ______
225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

112180 Re\Aew

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112181 Email
Email Messrs. Smith and Snow

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112182 Participate

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112185 Re\Aew
Re...;ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider re: scheduling
hearings and Mr. Schneider retaining new counsel.

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Bnlable

112188 Review
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: propounding Defendants' First
Request for Production.

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112189 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

5/24/2017 SM 225.00 0 .1 0 22.50 Billable
112190 Email
Email Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan re:

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112192 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and update files

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112193 Re\Ase
Revise and expand Motion for Summary Judgment.

FAB- f..ttys. Fees - 000311

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 45

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Mari<up% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112194 Prepare
Prepare email to Garry Smith.

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112200 Re'.'iew

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112201 Participate
in conference call with

5125/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112205 Re..,.ew

5/25/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

112206 X
obtain -
for Summary Judgment/sign

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112224 Re'.'iew
Re'.'iew email from Mr. Gache re:

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112228 Revlse
Re'.'ise draft Motion for Summary Judgment

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112233 Participate
Partie in telephone conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re: •

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112237 Re'.'ise .
Re\Ase Mr. Smith's Affida-...t and draft Certification language.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112238 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to M r. Smith's Affida\4t.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 00031 2

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 46

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112239 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to the Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112240 Telephone conference
li conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112241 Draft
Draft Certifications for the Exhibits attached to Mr. Smith's Affida\.it.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112242 Re\.iew
Re\.iew email from Mr. Smith

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112243 Redact
Redact account number from each exhibit attached to Mr. Sm ith's Affida\.it.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
112245 Re\.iew
Re\.iew email from Mr. Smith

5/2512017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112246 Email
Email Mr. Smith re:

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112247 Redact
Redact account number from each exhibit attached to the motion for
summary judgment.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112251 Calculate

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112252 Participate
Partici conference with Mr. Smith re:

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112253 Finalize
Finalize the Motion for Summary Judgment and Exhibits thereto.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000313

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 47

First AmericanJSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
5/2512017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
112254 Electronic filing
Electronically file the Motion for Summary Judgment.

5/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50' Billable
112255 Email
Email Mr. Smith

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112209 Receiw and review
Recei\e and review emails from Laurence Schneider FAB

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112210 Arrange
Arrange for Tuesday inspection of property by Mr. Moles tina.-

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112211 Obtain
Obtain information on Motion for Summary Judgment hearing/contact Larry
Schneider/attempt to contact Stephanie Schneider (message).

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

112218 Receiw
Receive, Laurence Schneider's email I FAB/confer with
Messrs. Snow and Smith/prepare responsive email.

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112219 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Judge Ferrara re: special-set hearing date on
Motion for Summary Judgment (June 15-23, 2017).

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

112220 Re\11ew
for FA

5/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112221 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
112257 Re\11ew
Review email from Mr. Schneider re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000314

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 48

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ____
5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
112259 Re\4ew
Review Judge Ferrara's procedures for requesting a special set hearing.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112260 Email
Email Mr. and Mrs. Schneider re: scheduling a hearing on the Motion for
Summary Judgment.

5/2612017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Bnlable

112266 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112267 Participate

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112268 RS'tAew
Review email from Mr. Schneider re: scheduling a hearing on Motion for

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

112269 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Ferrara re: requesting a special set hearing on the
Bank's Motion for Judgment.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112270 Re\Aew
Re\4ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Schneider.

5/2612017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

112271 Organize
Organize enclosures to the letter to Judge Ferrara re: requesting a hearing
on the Bank's Motion for Judgment.

5/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112272 Email
Email Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan

FAB- ,l\ttys. Fees- 000315

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 49

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
5/27/2017 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable
112325 Confer
Confer with FAB (Attorney Fred Snow, Tom Wells and
Brian Hagan).

5/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
112276 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Mr. Molestina re:

5/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112277 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Mr. Molestina re:

5/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112321 Recei-.e
Recei-.e advices with
Garry Smith.

5/31/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112322 Obtain
Obtain advices
• -advise F

5/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112326 Re.;ew
Re.;ew email from Mr. Schneider re: his failure to appear at the scheduled
property inspection.

5/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112330 Participate

TOTAL Billable Fees 93.90 $26,777.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Markup%
5/1/2017 FIRM 49.22 1.000 49.22 Billable
111548 Trawl-Taxi
Tra-.el - Taxi, Chicago 04/24/17

5/1/2017 FIRM 10.00 1.000 10.00 Billable

111549 Parking
Parking- Hrg. 5/1/17

FAB- Ntys. Fees - 000316

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 50

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markue%
5/1/2017 FIRM 241 .80 1.000 241 .80 Billable
111550 Transcript
Transcript Cost- Hrg. 3/28/17
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc.
lnv. 55561

5/1/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

111551 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at Hrg. 4/7/17
Julio A. Mocega & Associates , Inc. - lnv. 55562

5/9/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

111630 Postage

5/9/2017 FIRM 1.40 1.000 1.40 Billable

111631 Postage

5/9/2017 FIRM 0. 10 6.000 0.60 Billable

111653 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

5/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 43.000 4.30 B illable

112299 Photocopies

5/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 29.000 2.90 Billable

112302 Photocopies

5/12/2017 FIRM 78.12 1.000 78. 12 Billable

111871 Transcript
Transcript Cost (Excerpt) 04/07/17
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55572

5/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 215.000 21.50 Billable

112305 Photocopies

5/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

112290 Photocopies

5/17/2017 FIRM 0. 10 1.000 0.10 Billable

112307 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

FAB - Fees- 00031 7

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 51

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID 5/18/2017 .:::F::.,:IRJ:,.:M
Expense =..::.__ __ __ _ _ __ __ Markup% - - - --:- _ _ _ __
95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable
112023 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at May 1, 2017 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55592

5/22/2017 FIRM 0.10 48.000 4.80 Billable

112309 Photocopies

5/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 14.000 1.40 Billable

11231 0 Photocopies

5/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 195.000 19. 50 Billable

112284 Photocopies

5/26/2017 FIRM 0.10 214.000 21.40 Billable

112312 Photocopies

5/31/2017 FIRM 0.10 47.000 4.70 Billable

112320 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $655.08

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $26,777.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $655.08

Total new charges $27,432.58

Previous Balance
Current $28,836.27
Total Pre\1ous Balance $28,836.27

Accounts Receivables
5/19/2017 PAY Payment - Thank You ($28,836.27)
Total Accounts Receivable ($28,836.27)

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000318

6/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:34 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 52

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

New Balance
Current $27,432.58

Total New Balance $27,432.58

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

rn,;,;:e,Ly_ _ _ _ _ _ ---___,,-:-:R.:;:at'-=-e _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . :C:.:.h.:. =a:rgi!.::
.:.> e:.::.s Adjustment
HHB 35o.oo 45.20 $15,82o.oo $15,820.oo _ _
SM · 225.00 . . 48.70 $10,957.50 0.00

.. . ;....

FAB- f\ttys. Fees- 000319

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 4/18/2017
Last charge 4/28/2017
Last payment 4/21/2017 Amount $41,516.27

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt __________
4/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
11 0916 Telephone conference
conferences with ....

4/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110917 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: • • • • • •

4/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

11 0969 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with the FDIC re: status of certified Proof of Insured

4/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110975 Confer

4/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245. 00 Billable

110921 Receive and re\1ew
Receiw and review Schneider's discovery responses (Request for
Production, Request for Admissions and Interrogatories) - confer with

4/4/201 7 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

110922 and re\1ew
Receive and review

4/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110931 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith re:

4/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

11 0932 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11 0979 Review
Re\1ew email from the FDIC re: status of certified Proof of Insured Status.

FAB- Fees- 000320

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID -=li-=-m=-'e.....;E;;;.;n.....;tr y " ' - - - - - - - -- - -- - Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _
4/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
11 0981 Re\1ew
Re\liew Mr. Schneider's Response to First American's Request for

4/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 0982 Re\liew
Re\liew Palm Beach
- ;re\1ew

4/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110983 Email

4/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110984 Re\liew
Re\liew Defendants 1 Response to Plaintiff's First Request for Production.

4/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

110990 Re\4ew
Re\1ew Defendants' Objections and Responses to the Bank's First Set of

4/4/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

110991 Re\liew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

4/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

11 0936 and re\1ew
Receive and re\liew Schneider's pleading withdrawi
Counterclaim (FDUTPA)- ad\lise FAB (Gany Smith)

4/5/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

11 0937 Prepare
Prepare for Friday's hearing.

4/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110938 Prepare
Prepare and file Notice of Filing (Fla. Stat. §57. 105).

4/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110947 Telephone conference
li conference with

FAB- Fees- 000321

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!Y Markup% DNB Time 01\JBAmt
4/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
110948 Outline
Outline - issues for FAB (Brian Hagan- Fred Snow, Esq. -Garry

4/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110993 Review
Review Defendant's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal.

4/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110996 Participate
Participate in telephone conference With Mr. Smith re:

4/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110997 Review

4/5/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

111001 Re\Aew
, review legal

4/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111005 Re\Aew
Review and comment on Notice of Filing Motion for Sanctions.

4/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111006 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re·

4/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111009 Participate
Participate in telephone conference With Mr. Smith re:

4/612017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110951 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Dan Eggla

4/6/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

110952 Re'\Aew
Re\iew legal positions/case law re:

4/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

11095-3 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000322

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _____________
4/6/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111012 Draft
Draft proposed order granting the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Amended Counterclaim with prejudice.

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111013 Draft
Draft proposed order granting the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Amended Affirrnati-.e Defenses with prejudice.

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111014 Draft
Draft proposed order granting the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Amended Affirmati\.e Defenses without prejudice.

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111015 Draft
Draft proposed order granting in part and denying in part the Bank's Motion
to Strike the Schneiders' Amended Afftrmati-.e Defenses.

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

111016 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Amended Counterclaim and the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Amended Affirrnati\e Defenses.

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111017 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Valladares re:

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111 022 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111023 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

FAB - Fees - 000323

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

4/7/2017 HHB
DNB Ttme
---- --

Smith/obtain information .
lize proposed Orders.

4/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111036 Recei\oe and re\1ew
Recei\oe and re\1ew Notice of Withdrawal of Counts 1, 2 and 5 of Amended
Counterclaim- FAB .

4/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

111040 Telephone conference
,-; conferences with

4/7/2017 HHB 350.00 4.30 1,505.00 Billable

111041 Tra\oel
Tra\el to West Palm Beach/confer with Dan Eggland/re\1ew case
law/arguments for hearing - attend/argue before Judge Breger (Ret'd.)-
obtain Orders (1) Striking Affirmati\oe Defenses and (2) Dismissing
Counterclaim (with prejudice) - confer with Garry Smith - return to Miami.

4/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

111042 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Brian Hagan re:

4/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111044 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

4/7/2017 SM 225.00 Billable

111027 Determine

4/7/2017 SM 22.50 Billable

4/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111030 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Counts 1, 2 and 5 of Defendant's
Amended Counterclaim; confer with co-counsel re: . .

FAB - Fees - 000324

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB lime DNBAmt __________
4/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

225.00 1,035.00 Billable

Affirmative Defenses and the Bank's Motion to Dismiss the Schneider's

Amended Counterclaim.

4/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111 034 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

4/8/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

111 046 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and update file - prepare "to-do" list - re\1ew

4/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

111051 Confer

4/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

111052 Outline
Outline Motion for Summary Judgment Affida\1t.

4/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

111055 and re\1ew
and re\1ew

4/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111056 Continue
Continue efforts on judgmenUrequest for trial date.

4/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111202 Re\1ew
Re\1ew local rules re:

4/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
111203 Re\1ew
Re\1ew local rules re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000325

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB llme DNBAmt __________

4/1 0/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable
111204 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111205 Participate

4/10/2017 SM 225.00 3.30 742.50 Billable
111208 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re: - •••

4/11/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

111065 Re\1ew

4/11/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

111066 Participate
Partie in brainstormi

350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

email to Attorney Fred Snow re:

4/1112017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 BiHable
111220 Continue
Continue to re\1ew I authorities re: -

4/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

111224 Confer

4/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111227 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on draft email to Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000326

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ___ _ __
4/1212017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
111070 Arrange
.... rr,nr•.. conference call

4/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable


4/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111076 Prepare
Prepare for conference call with FAB.

4/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

111 077 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/participate in conference call with Garry Smith.

4/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

111232 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/1212017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

111233 Re\4ew

4/12/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

4/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

111237 Participate

4/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111238 Re\4ew

4/13/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

111086 Re\4ew
case law/prepare for and
Snow and Smith).

FAB - At.tys. Fees- 000327

519/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 4/13/2017 ..:..:H:.:..:.H.:=B-=.:.;:.:.:..L...
Time Entry
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
111087 Outline
Outline "talking points" for conversation (or email) to opposing
counsel/confer with co-counsel.

4/13/2017 JWK 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

111343 Meeting
with co-counsel re:

4/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

4/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

111246 Participate

4/1 3/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111247 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

111191 Re\1ew
Re\1ew rules/parameters
outline issues to discuss

4/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.1 0 35.00 Billable

111192 Contact
Contact opposing counse!/leao.,e message.

4/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

111193 Prepare
Prepare email to opposing counsel re: disco\ery/depositions/trial

4/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111200 Telephone call
Telephone call from Attorney Trent - discuss disco\ery
responses/Schneider depositions/trial date/Attorney Trent's Motion to

FAB - A!tys. Fees- 000328

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Marlw,e% DNB Time DNB Amt
4/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
111201 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand email to Attorney Trent re: foreclosure disco\ery/trial.

4/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111268 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

111269 Draft
Draft Introduction Section of the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111271 Draft
Draft Statement of Undisputed Facts Section of the Bank's Motion for
Summary Judgment.

4/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111276 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Trent re: noticing the case for
trial, production of documents and deposing Mr. and Mrs. Schneider.

4/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
111277 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
111278 Review
Review legal authorities re:

4/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111286 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
- Rules.

4/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111287 Telephone conference
Te conference with

4/18/2017 SM 225.00 3.00 675.00 Billable

111310 Review

FAB - A.t tys. Fees- 000329

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

111311 Draft

- -
Draft Judgment Standard Section of the Bank's Motion for


4/19/2017 HHB Billable


4/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0. 70 245.00 Billable

111303 and
and Notice of Hearing/prepare email to FAB/prepare email
to Attorney Trent.

4/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

Undisputed Statement of Facts Section of the Bank's Motion for
Summary Judgment.

4/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

111318 Continue
Continue to draft Summary Judgment Standard Section of the Bank's
Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/19/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable


and draft Count 1- Foreclosure of the Mortgaged Property

Section""'F"the'1rank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/19/2017 SM Billable


4/19/2017 SM
- • Billable

4/19/2017 SM
- • - Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000330

5/9/2017 Ketler & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry DNB Time DNB Amt
4/19/2017 - -----

4/19/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

111324 Re\tiew
and draft Count II Breach of Contract Section of

4/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

111328 Draft
Draft email to Mr. Trent re: requesting Mr. Trent correct all deficiencies in
his Motion to Withdraw and Notice of Hearing.

4/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Bil lable

111353 Confer
Confer with co-<:ounsel re:

4/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

111425 Re\tise
Re\tise the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111426 Re\tiew
Re\tiew and

4/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

4/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

111430 Draft
Draft Rebuttal of Affirmati..e Defenses Section of the Bank's Motion for
Summary Judgment.

4/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

111432 Re\tise
Re\tise the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

FAB- Fees - 000331

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney
10 lime Entry

4/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

111378 Recei\.e and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew draft/proposed Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
111379 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

4/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111439 Review

Re\4ew and revise the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment and

Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

4/21/2017 SM Billable

4/21/2017 SM
- • - Billable

4/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 2.2 .50 Billable

111447 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

Re\4ew and revise Motion for Summary Judgment -confer with Gany Sith

4/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

111389 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111457 Confer
Confer with co-co•msel
5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt

4/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

111463 Review

4/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

111393 Recei\e
Receive ad\1ces
- - arrange for FAB to be notified - discuss with

4/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111467 Review
Review and analyze Defendants' Motion for Rehearing.

4/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111470 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Mermelstein re: dismissing Mr. Herman
from the litigation.

4/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111473 Review
Review legal authorities re:

4/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111474 Draft
Draft Notice of Voluntary Dismissal as to Defendant Jeffrey Marc Herman.

4/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

111475 Review
Review legal authorities

4/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
111476 Email
Email Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan

4/2512017 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable

111477 Review
Review legal authorities re:

4/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

FAB- Fees- 000333

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!Y DNB Time DNB Amt
4/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
111405 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith/Sheyla Mesa re:

4/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

111406 Telephone call
Telephone call to Attorney Trent- leaw message/prepare and file Notice of
Hearing on Motion for Rehearing.

4/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
111407 Re\Aew
Review and summarize

4/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

111409 Locate
Locate potential

4126/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111482 Confer
Confer with co-<:ounsel re:

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

111483 Revise
Re\Ase the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
111487 Determine

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

111488 Determine

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

111490 Confer

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable


FAB - Fees- 000334

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime DNB lime DNB Amt
4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
111492 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Capote re: ordering an excerpt of the April
7th hearing; email Ms. Capote re: same.

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0 .1 0 22.50 Billable

111493 Email
Email Mr. Smith

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

111495 Draft
Draft the Affida\lit of Mr. Smith In support of the Bank's Motion for
Summary Judgment.

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111496 Re\liew
Re\liew legal authorities re:

4/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111497 Re\liew
Re\liew email from Ms. Capote re: ordering an excerpt of the April 7th

4/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

111513 Re\liew
Re\o1ew file/attempt to contact Attorney Trent/prepare email to Attorney
Trent re: "open" issues.

4/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

111514 Recei\e and review

- - -
Receh.e and re\liew Attorney Trent's emailed Response - FAB -
confer with Garry Smith re:

4/27/2017 SM Billable

4/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable

111532 Continue
Continue to draft Mr. Smith's Affida\1t.'

4/27/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

111534 Re\liew
Review email from Ms. Capote re: status of the April 7th transcript.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000335

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 29

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNB Am t
4/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
111537 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Trent re: Monday's hearing and
pending paper disco\ery.

4/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

111538 ReiAse
Re\4se the Bank's Motion for Summary Judgment.

4/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111544 Review
Review email from Mr. Trent re: Monday's hearing and pending paper
discowry .

4/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
111547 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

4/28/2017 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

111524 Confer
Confer with co-counsellre\4ew for
Monday's hearing.

4/28/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

111525 Receive and review
Receive and review Attorney Trent's proposed Order re: Motion to W ithdraw.

4/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111562 Review
Re\iew email from Ms. of the Apnl 7, 2017 hearing;

4/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

111564 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

4/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

111565 Review

4/2812017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111566 Email
Email Mr. Smith

FAB- A.t tys. Fees- 000336

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 1ime Markue% DNB 1ime DNB Amt

4/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
111567 Determine
Determine -

4/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

111568 Determine

4/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

111569 Draft
Draft Notice of Filing the April 7, 2017 hearing transcript; electronically file

4/2812017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

111570 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Smith re:

4/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

111575 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Mr. Trent's proposed Order Granting Motion to Withdraw.

TOTAL Billable Fees 104.40 $28,627.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
4/17/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable
111102 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at 3/28/17 Hearing

4/17/2017 FIRM 16.77 1.000 16.77 Billable

111104 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-752-30086

4/17/2017 FIRM 28.90 1.000 28.90 Billable

111105 FedEx
FedEx- lnv. 5-758-16204

4/17/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

111106 Parking
Parking - Hearing 4/7/17

4/28/2017 FIRM 154.88 Billable

111578 LexisNexis
Lexis research

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000337

5/9/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Costs $300.55

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $28,627.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $300.55

Total new charges $28,928.05

Prev;ous Balance
Current $41,516.27
Total Prev;ous Balance $41 ,516.27

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD .=D..::e.::.:sc::..:.n.:.r:
·P:..:.:ti.:::on:..:..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __
4/21/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($41,516.27)
Total Accounts Receivable ($41,516.27)

New Balance
Current $28,928.05

Total New Balance $28,928.05

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remm.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 40.50 $14,175.00 $14,175.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 0.60 $210.00 $210.00 0.00
SM 225.00 63.30 $14,242.50 $14,242.50 0.00

FAB- Fees - 000338

4n12o11 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Full Name
First American/Schneider 1317.18
First American Bank Ok I'?( '
Last bill 3/30/2017
Last charge 3/31/2017
Last payment 4/7/2017 Amount $12,708.10

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 3/1/2017 _H_
___..._ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ Markup o/o DNB Time DNB Amt
350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110240 Rel.ise
Rel.ise and cvn,.nn

3/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110241 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/finalize and file Motion to Compel.

3/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110242 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110305 Re\.1ew
Rel.iew First American's draft Motion to Compel Defendants to Comply with
this Court's Orders .

3/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110306 Participate

3/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

3/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110291 Confer
Confer with opposing counsel re: discovery responses/confer with

3/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110335 Re\.1ew
· Rel.iew email from Mr. Trent re: requesting a copy of the discovery
requests in word format; email Mr. Trent re: same.

I FAB- Attys. Fees- 000339

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider:First American Bani< (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Ent!:l DNB Time DNB Amt
3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable
11 0350 Recei\e
Receiw, Amended Answer/Affirmatiw
Defenses/Counterclai FAB.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
110351 Receiw
and report to FAB •

3{7/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

11 0354 Re\Aew
Re\1ew serie- law files
-commission follow-up/update law tasks .

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

I' 110355 Re\Aew
Re\1ew - sub-file/contact Carlos Moles tina/prepare email to
opposing counsel re: follow-up property inspection.

317/2017 HHB 350.00 0 .50 175.00 B illable

110359 Re\Aew
Re\1ew- - -outline issues
raised by Amended Answer.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 B illable

110360 Receive
Receiw email from opposing counsel re: follow-up inspection/contact
FAB/confer with Attorney Trent.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

110362 Telephone conference
conference with

317/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
11 0363 Receiw and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew emaiUdocuments from FAB (Garry Smith) re: -

3/7/2017 SM 225. 00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110339 Re\1ew
the Schneiders' Third Motion for Extension of Time to to

FAB - 1\ttys. Fees- 000340

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider:First American Bank {continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNBAmt
3/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
11 0340 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3n/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110341 X
Calendar deadlines to respond to the Schneiders' Amended Aflim1ati...e
Defenses and Amended Counterclaim.

3/7/2017 SM 225.00 4.80 1,080.00 Billable

11 0342 Review


3n/2017 SM 225.00 0 .40 90.00 Billable
11 0343 Participate

3/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110373 Review
Review Attorney Trent's request for FAB's "Inspection Report" -review
report - confer with co-counsel.

3/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

11 0374 Determine

3/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110378 Telephone call
Telephone call from

3/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110379 Prepare
Prepare/draft email to Attorney Trent re: Molestina Inspection Report.

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

110388 Review
Review email from Mr. Trent re: requesting a copy of the inspection report;
review ; analyze

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000341

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worl<sheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

10 DNB Amt - - - - -

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

email from Mr. Smith re:
email from Mr. Smith re:

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

110391 Continue
Continue to re\Aew legal authorities re:
- re\Aew legal authorities re:

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

legal authorities re:

3/9/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110400 Finalize
Finalize and send email to opposing counsel re: follow-up property

3/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110401 Confer
Confer with FAB (Tom Wells) re:

3/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110402 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Re\Aew and comment on draft email to Mr. Trent re: Mr. Trent's request for
Mr. Molestina's inspection report.

3/9/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

110422 Re\1ew
Re\few legal authorities re:

FAB - }\ttys. Fees - 000342

4/712017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Page 5

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAm t __________
3/9/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

3/10/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

110438 Confer

3/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110439 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Gaey Smith re:

3/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

11 0558

3110/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

110561 Re-.Aew
legal authorities re:

3/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable


311012017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable


3110/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
110564 Confer

3/11/2017 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable


FAB - Fees - 000343

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Wori<sheet Page 6

First American/Schneider:Frrst American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB DNB Amt
3/12/2017 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 -----=8:-::il:-la.,
11 0566

3/12/2017 SM 225.00 2.1 0 472. 50 Billable
11 0567
legal authorities re:

3/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

legal authorities re:

3/1312017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

110447 Confer
Confer with co-counsellre'view additional case law/participate in conference
call with FAB Smith) re:

3/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

11 0448
cause of
problem .

3/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

11 0449

3/1312017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

110450 Prepare
Prepare and draft Motions for Sanctions (Fla. Stat. §57 .105).

3/1312017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

Revise and expand Sanction Motions.

3/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110454 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attomey Fred Snow (FAB/General Counsel).

3/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable
110569 Continue
Continue to reliew legal authorities re:

3/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110570 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- f\ttys. Fees- 000344

4/712017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
3/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
110571 Participate
Participate in t""'"•nh,...n,.

3/13/2017 SM 225.00 4.60 1,035.00 Billable

110572 Draft
Draft Background Section, FDUTPA Does Not Apply to Banks Regulated
by Agencies Such as First American Section, and The FCRA Contains
Preemption Provisions that Operate as an Absolute Bar to the Claims
Asserted by Schneider in Counts 1, 2, 4 and 5 Section of the Bank's
Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended Counterclaim.

3/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110574 Participate

3114/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

110463 Confer
Confer with co-counseVfinalize and serve Motions (2x) for Sanctions

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

11 0464 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:
- prepare

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

110465 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB .

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
110466 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos Molestina re:

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110467 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and re\4ew em ails from FAB .

3/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

110643 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and re\1se Motion for Sanctions Pursuant to Fla. Stat. §57.105 re:
violation of FDUTPA.

FAB - Fees - 000345

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider:First American Bank {continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
3/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 - - - ---=87-ill:-a-:-:
11 0644
Review and comment on Motion for Sanctions Pursuant to Fla. Stat.
§57.105 re: FCRA preemption.

3/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

11 0647 Review

3/1412017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

11 0649 Draft
Draft Ex Parte Motion to Compel Discovery and proposed Order Granting
Ex Parte Motion to Compel Disco'I.E!ry.

3/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

110476 Revise
Revise and expand Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim/confer with co-counsel.

3/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110477 Prepare
Prepare Motion to Strike Affirmative Defenses.

3/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

110478 Prepare
Motion to Inspect Property/obtain hearing/advise FAB I
arry Smith Carlos Molestina).

3/1512017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

Revise the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended Counterclaim
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

3/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 0660 Draft
Draft First American's Motion for Inspection of Property.

3/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45. 00 Billable

110662 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

3/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
11 0663 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Molestina re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000346

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
3/16/2017 .,c-;H7':-HB::-=:..:...;.;;.;..' - - - - -- - - - -- - 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
110490 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Judge Barkdull (for March 28, 2017 hearing).

3/16/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

110491 Re\Ase
Re\1se and expand Motion to Dismiss Amended Counterclaim - confer with

3/16/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

110492 Initiate
Initiate preparation of Reply to Affirmati\e Defenses.

3/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
11 0494 Recel\.e and re\1ew
Recei\.e and review email from Hylton Wynick re:

3/16/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

11 0666 Draft
Draft Failure to State a Cause of Action for Negligent Misrepresentation,
Defamation, Violation of FDUTPA, and Negligence Sections of the Bank's
Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended Counterclaim and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

3/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

3/16/2017 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable

11 0669 Draft
Draft the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Amended Affirmati-.e
Defenses and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

3/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 0670 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Barkdull re: pro\1ding copies of case law in
accordance with the Court's Order Special Setting Hearing.

3/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

110500 Revise
Re\1se and expand draft/proposed Motion to Strike/confer with co-counsel.

FAB- Attys . Fees - 000347

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB DNBAmt __________
3/17/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable
110672 Continue
Continue to draft the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Amended
Affirmative and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

3/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110673 Review

3/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 0676 Confer

3/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110677 Email
Email Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11 0504 Finalize
Finalize and send letter (with enclosures) to Judge Barkdull (Receiver

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

11 0505 Review
Review, rel.ise and finalize Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

110506 Rel.ise
Rel.ise and finallze Motion to Strike Amended Affirmati..e Defenses.

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11 0509 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110510 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

110511 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB.

FAB - A.ttys. Fees - 000348

417/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
3/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 - -.........,.8-ill-a-bl-e
110685 Re\1ew
Re\1ew letter to Judge Barkdull re: copies of case law in
accordance with the Court's Order Special Setting Hearing; highlight legal

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

11 0687 Draft
Draft proposed order Granting First American's Motion for Inspection of
Property .

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110690 Finalize
Finalize the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Counterclaim and
Incorporated Memorandum of Law; gather and organize exhibits to same.

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

11 0691 Finalize
Finalize the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law; gather and organize exhibits to

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110692 Electronic filing
Electronically file the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law and the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Amended Affirmative Defenses.

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110696 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Trent re: scheduling the Bank's Motion to
Dismiss Amended Counterclaim and Motion to Strike Amended Affirmati'IA'a
Defenses; schedule hearing on the Court's Online Scheduling System.

3120/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11 0698 Re\1ew
Re\oiew and comment on draft email to Messrs. Smith and Snow re:

3/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110522 Telephone call
Telephone call fran Fred Snow, Esq. re:

3/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

110523 Telephone conference
Te conference with FAB (Gany Smith) re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000349

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!Y Mari<up% DNB Time DNB Amt
confer with FABre: -

3/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
110707 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

3/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110710 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

!: 3/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
11 0711
Rei.Aew emails from Mr. Smith re:

3/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

11 0527 Rei.Aew

3/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Bmable

110528 Obtain

3/22/2017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

110534 Receh.e and
Recei-..e and re..,;ew Trent's Motion to Withdraw/obtain and re..,;ew
Rules materials for hearing/confer
with co-couns (Attorney Fred
Snow/Garry Smith)/prepare for hearing on Motion for Re-lnspection.

3/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110713 Re..;ew
Re\4ew the Court's Order Special Setting Hearing.

3/22/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

110715 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Inspection of Property .

3/2212017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110718 Participate

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000350

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
3/22/2017 SM 225.00 0 .30 67.50 Billable
11 0721 Partie i pate
lone conference with Mr. Smith re:
l i i i l l i i i i l i i lh

3/2212017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

11 0722 Review
Review Motion to Withdraw and confer with co-counsel re: -

3/2212017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110724 Participate

3/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110725 Partic ipate

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110536 Prepare
P repare for t ra-.el/hearing in West Palm Beach .
. ....
3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 4.40 1,540.00 Billable
110537 Tra-.el
Tra-.el to Palm with to
lnspecUobtain Court Orders/advise client /return to

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110539 Telephone conference
conferences with Attorney Fred Snow/Dan Eggland re:

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110540 Exchange
Exchange emails with opposing counseUschedule Mr. Molestina's
follow-up inspection of property.

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

11 0541 Prepare
re for hearing/obtain documents/outline testimony -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000351

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!Y Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
3123/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
11 0542 Confer
Confer with Dan Egg land/obtain and re...;ew
- confer with Garry Smith.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 4.00 900.00 Billable

110726 Attend
Attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Inspection of Property.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110727 Review
Re...;ew Defendants' Notice of Filing Affida\At and the Affidavit of Mr. Lemus.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0 .10 22.50 Billable

110728 Determine

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 11 2.50 Billable

11 0729 Draft
Draft Affidavit of Mr. Smith re:

3123/2017 SM 225.00 0. 20 45.00 Billable

110734 Email
Email Mr. Smith

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11 0735 Re...;ew
Review email from Mr. Trent re: scheduling the property inspection.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 0736 Draft
Draft Notice of Filing Mr. Smith's AffidcMt and electronically file same.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110737 Review
Review Mr. Trent's email re: in
co-counsel re:

3/24/2017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

110578 Prepare
Prepare for and meet with Dan Egg land/prepare witness for Tuesday's
evidentiary hearing.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000352

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
3124/2017 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110579 Re..;ew
Re..;ew ents .

3/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110588 Recei\e
from Carlos

3/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

110589 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith (FAB) re:
......,.,,_,,.,..,.email to FAB re:

3/24/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable
110745 Re..;ew
Re..;ew legal authorities re:

3/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110748 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Molestina re:

3124/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
110749 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

3/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
110750 Draft
Draft email to Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan re:

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable


3/27/2017 HHB
110594 Telephone conference
1i conferences with Smith and Dan Eggland re:-
350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

FAB- Fees- 000353

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry DNB Time DNB Amt
3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110595 Receive and re\1ew
Recei-..e and re\1ew re Errata

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110596 Receive and review
and review Notice of Filing (Exhibits to Lemus Affidavit).

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

110598 Revise
Revise outlines of testimo for
tomorrow's hearings - assemble documents.

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

110599 Revise
Revise proposed Orders Appointing (with and without leasing

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

11 0600 Telephone conference
li conference with Hylton Wynick re:

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110754 Prepare

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110755 Review
Review Notice of Filing Exhibits to Affida\lit of Sergio Lemus.

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110756 Determine

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

110757 Confer

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0 .10 22.50 Billable

110758 Determine

t tys. Fees- 000354
4/7/2017 Ketler & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime DNB Time DNB Amt
3/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable
11 07 59
Review legal authorities re:

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110760 Re\liew
Review background information

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110761 Review

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

11 0762 Review
Review legal authorities re:

3127/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

110763 Draft
Draft Notice of Supplemental Authority and gather exhibits to same.

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110764 Electronic filing
Electronically file First American's Notice of Supplemental Authority.

3127/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110765 Email
Hagan and Eggland re: -

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 0767 Review
Review and re\lise proposed Orders re: the Bank's Verified Petition for
Appointment of a Receiver.

3/2812017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

11 0602 Receive and review
Receive and re\liew Schneider's Exhibits - forward additional exhibits to
opposing counsel - re\Aew case law with
Dan Eggland.

3/2812017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110603 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000355

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Wori<sheet Page 18

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID T1me Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
3/2812017 HHB 350.00 4.90 1,715.00 Billable
110605 Tra\oel
Tra\oel to West Palm Beach/prepare Dan Eggland for hearing/confer with
opposing counsel/attend hearingldraft Orders/return to Miami.

3/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110606 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with
Snow - John Ward re:

3/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
Review email from Mr. Trent re: proposed exhibits; review -

3/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

110770 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Renewed Verified Petition for
Appointment of a Recei'.er.

3/28/2017 SM 225.00 5.00 1,125.00 Billable

110771 Attend
Attend hearing on the Bank's Renewed Verified Petition for Appointment of
a Recei\.er.

3129/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110610 Review
Review and update file.

3/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
110611 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Hylton Wynick

3/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110612 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB.

3/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110613 Traval
Tra\.el to FAB (Coral Gables)- with Dan Egglan

3/3012017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11 0792 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/30/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

11 0880 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Ferrara re: enclosing highlighted case law supporting

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000356

4nt2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
the Bank's Motion to Strike the Amended Affirmati\e Defenses and Motion
to Dismiss the Amended Counterclaim; gather and highlight supporting
case taw.

3/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

110890 Determine
Determine email FDIC
Certifications Department re: requesting a certified P of Insured Status
for the Bank.

TOTAL Billable Fees 146.40 $41,152.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

to Expense Markup%
3/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 71 .000 7.10 Billable
110847 Photocopies

3/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable

110848 Photocopies

3/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 70.000 7.00 Billable

110849 Photocopies

3/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 231 .000 23.10 Billable

110850 Photocopies

3/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 103.000 10.30 Billable

110851 Photocopies

3/14/2017 FIRM 1.40 1.000 1.40 Billable

110811 Postage

3/14/2017 FIRM 1.61 1.000 1.61 Billable

110812 Postage

3/14/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

'110813 Postage

FAB - Fees - 000357

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markup%
3/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 46.000 4.60 Billable
110824 Photocopies

3/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

110852 Photocopies
Photocopies /Reproduction

3/15/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

110815 Postage

3/16/2017 FIRM 0.10 17.000 1.70 Billable

110854 Photocopies

3/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 151 .000 15.10 Billable

110855 Photocopies

3/21/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

110816 Postage

3/22/2017 FIRM 0.10 29.000 2.90 Billable

11 0826 Photocopies

3/22/2017 FIRM 0.10 44.000 4.40 Billable

110857 Photocopies

3/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 16.000 1.60 Billable

110827 Photocopies

3/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 23.000 2.30 Billable

110859 Photocopies

3/27/2017 FIRM 0.10 104.000 10.40 Billable

110829 Photocopies

3/27/2017 FIRM 0.10 13.000 1.30 Billable

110840 Photocopies

FAB- Fees- 000358

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markue%
3/27/2017 FIRM 0. 10 30.000 3.00 Billable
110861 Photocopies

3/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 21.000 2.10 Billable

11 0830 Photocopies

3/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 87.000 8.70 Billable

110842 Photocopies

3/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 54.000 5.40 Billable

110831 Photocopies

3/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable

110832 Photocopies

3/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 350.000 35.00 Billable

110866 Photocopies

3/31/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

110797 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at March 23, 2017 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55508

3/3 1/20 17 FIRM 100.44 1.000 100.44 Billable

110798 Transcript
Transcript Cost - March 23, 2017 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55508

3/31/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

110799 Parking
Parking - Hearing March 23, 2017

3/31/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

11 0800 Parking
Parking - March 28, 2017 Hearing

TOTAL Billable Costs $363.77

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000359

4/7/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:59PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $41 , 152.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $363.77

Total new charges $41 ,516.27

Previous Balance
Current $12,708.10
Total Pre\1ous Balance $12,708.10

Accounts Receivables
Datepo Type
4/7/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($12,708.10)
Total Accounts Receivable ($12,708.10)

New Balance
Current $41 ,516.27

Total New Balance $41,516.27

Funds Account: Default

PreiAous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remO\.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __R:-:.a
:::.;t:.=..e _ _ ___
_ ___ _ C_h_a_.
rg._e_s _ _.....,....,.
S_.Iip_ V
_ al_ue
_ ___ A_d-L-
HHB 350.00 65.70 $22,995.00 $22,995.00 0.00
SM 225.00 80.70 $18,157.50 $18,157.50 0.00

FAB - J\ttys. Fees - 000360

4:25PM Page 22

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 3/30/2017
Last charge 3/31/2017
Last payment 3/3/2017 Amount

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time En Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt

3/1/2017 .,....
H_H__ B---'----- - - - - - - + - - 350.00 0.30 105.00 - - -B-il-la-bl-e
11 0240 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand Motion to

3/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110241 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/finalize and file Motion to Compel.

3/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
11 0242 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 0305 Re\1ew
Re\1ew First American's draft Motion to Compel Defendants to Comply with
this Court's Orders.

3/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110306 Participate

3/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

11 0309 Finalize
Finalize First American's Motion to Compel Defendants to Comply with
this Court's Orders; gather exhibits to same; elect file same;
email Mr. Smith re:

3/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110291 Confer
Confer with opposing counsel re: discovery responses/confer with

3/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110335 Re\1ew
Re\Aew email from Mr. Trent re: requesting a copy of the discovery
requests in word format; email Mr. Trent re: same.

FAB- At_tys. Fees- 000361

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!Y Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
3/7/2017 HHB 1.00 350.00

350.00 Billable
110350 Recei-.e
Receiw, re'view Amended Answer/Affirmatiw
Defenses/Counterclaim AB.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
11 0351 Receiw
Receiw, re\4ew and report to FAB .

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

11 0354 Re\1ew
Re\1ew series - law files
-commission follow-up/update law tasks.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110355 Re\1ew
Re\1ew - sub-file/contact Carlos Molestina/prepare email to
opposing counsel re: follow-up property inspection.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

1'1 0359 Re\1ew
Re\1ew - outline issues
raised by Amended Answer.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

11 0360 Receiw
Receiw email from opposing counsel re: follow-up inspection/contact
FAB/confer with Attorney Trent.

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110362 Telephone conference
conference with

3/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
11 0363 Receiw and review
Receiw and re'view email/documents from FAB (Garry Smith) re: -

3/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110339 Re\1ew
Re\1ew the Schneiders' Third Motion for Extension of Time to Res to

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000362

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4 :25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time DNB Time DNB Amt
3/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
110340 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110341 X
Calendar deadlines to respond to the Schneiders' Amended Affirmative
Defenses and Amended Counterclaim.

3/7/2017 SM 225.00 4 .80 1,080.00 Billable


3/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110343 Participate

3/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

Re\.iew Attorney Trent's request for FAB's "Inspection Report"-
report - confer with co-counsel.

3/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

110374 Determine

350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

3/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110379 Prepare
Prepare/draft email to Attorney Trent re: Molestlna Inspection Report.

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable .

110388 Review
Review email from Mr. Trent re: uesting a copy of the
review analyze

F AB - Attys. Fees - 000363

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Hours Amount Total

ID DNB Time DNBAmt __________

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 0390
email from Mr. Smith re:
email from Mr. Smith re:

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

11 0391 Continue
Continue to review legal authorities re:
- ; legal authorities re:

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

110392 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

3/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 0397 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

3/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110400 Finalize
Finalize and send email to opposing counsel re: follow-up property

3/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

11 0401 Confer
Confer with FAB (Tom Wells) re:

3/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
11 0402 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110421 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on draft email to Mr. Trent re: Mr. Trent's request for
Mr. Molestina's inspection report.

3/9/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

110422 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

FAB- At_tys. Fees - 000364

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ______
3/9/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable
110425 Re-view

3/10/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

11 0438 Co11fer

3/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110439 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

3/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

110558 Review

3/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

110561 Review
Review legal authorities re:

3/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

3/10/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

110563 Re'view

3/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
11 0564 Confer

3/11/2017 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

110444 Re.,;ew

FAB- Fees- 000365

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total
ID Time Ent!i: Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
3/12/2017 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable
110566 Review
Re\Aew legal authorities re:

- -·
3/12/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable
110567 Re\Aew
Review legal authorities re: •

3/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

110568 Review
Review legal authorities re: -

3/13/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

110447 Confer
Confer with co-counseVre..;ew additional case ipate in conference
call with FAB (Garry Smith) re:

3/1312017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

110448 Re\Aew
Review cause of

3/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110449 Re\oiew

3/13/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

110450 Prepare
Prepare and draft Motions for Sanctions {Fla. Stat. §57.105).

3113/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

110451 Re\Ase
Re\1se and expand Sanction Motions.

3/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110454 Telephone conference

Telephone conference with Attorney Fred Snow (FAB/General Counsel).

3/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

110569 Continue
Continue to review legal authorities re:

3/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
110570 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000366

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ____
3/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

311312017 SM 225.00 4.60 1,035.00 Billable

110572 Draft
Draft Background Section, FDUTPA Does Not Apply to Banks Regulated
by Agencies Such as First American Section, and The FCRA Contains
Preemption that Operate as an Absolute Bar to the Claims
Asserted by Schneider in Counts 1, 2, 4 and 5 Section of the Bank's
Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended Counterclaim.

3/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110574 Participate
with Mr. Snow re:

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

110463 Confer
Confer with co-counseVfinalize and serw Motions (2x) for Sanctions

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

110464 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re: I

3114/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

110465 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB.

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

110466 Telephone conference
conference with Carlos Motes tina re:

3/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110467 Recei\e and
Recei'A:l and emails from FAB.

3/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

Re\1ew and Motion for Sanctions Pursuant to Fla. Stat. §57.105 re:

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000367

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - - ----:-:-::-.,--
3/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90. oo Billable
110644 Re'iew
Review and comment on Motion for Sanctions Pursuant to Fla. Stat.
§57.105 re: FCRA preemption.

3/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
110647 Re\.1ew
Re'-Aew legal authorities re:

3/14/2017 SM 225.00 0. 70 157.50 Billable

11 0649 Draft
Draft Ex Parte Motion to Compel Discowry and proposed Order Granting
Ex Parte Motion to Compel Disco-.ery .

3/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

110476 Re\.1se
Re\.1se and expand Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim/confer with co-counsel.

3/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110477 Prepare
Prepare Motion to Strike Affirmative Defenses.

3/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

110478 Prepare
Prepare Motion to Inspect Property/obtain hearing/advise FAB I
• • • •• Gany Smith - Carlos Molestina).

3/1512017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

110658 Re\4se
Re\4se the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended Counterclaim
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

3/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 0660 Draft
Draft First American's Motion for Inspection of Property.

3/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110662 Participate
Participate In telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

3/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable
110663 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Molest(na re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000368

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Mar1<up% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
311612017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
110490 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Judge Barkdull (for March 28, 2017 hearing).

3/16/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

110491 Re\1se
Revise and expand Motion to Dismiss Amended Counterclaim - confer with

311612017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

110492 Initiate
Initiate preparation of Reply to Affirmative Defenses.

3/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
110494 Recei-..e and re\1ew
Recei..e and review email from Hylton Wynick re:

3/1612017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

110666 Draft
Draft Failure to State a Cause of Action for Negligent Misrepresentation,
Defamation, V iolation of FDUTPA, and Negligence Sections of the Bank's
Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended Counterclaim and Incorporated
Memorandum of Law.

3/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

110668 Review

3116/2017 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable

110669 Draft
Draft the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Amended Affirmative
Defenses and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

3/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 0670 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Barkdull re: pro\1ding copies of case law in
accordance with the Court's Order Special Setting Hearing.

3/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

110500 Re\ise
Re\ise and expand draft/proposed Motion to Strike/confer with co-counsel.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000369

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
3/17/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable
110672 Continue
Continue to draft the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Amended
Affinnative Defenses and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

3/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110673 Re\1ew
Re\1ew I

3/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110676 Confer

3/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110677 Email

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110504 Finalize
Finalize and send letter (with enclosures) to Judge Barkdull (Recei\er

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

110505 Re\1ew
Re\1ew, revise and finalize Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Amended

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

110506 Re\1se
Re\1se and finalize Motion to Strike Amended Affirmati\e Defenses.

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11 0509 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110510 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 21 0.00 Billable

110511 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000370

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

DNB lime
.:.::ID= --- - -
3/20/201 7 SM
225.00 1.00
- -- Billable
- -
110685 Re-.4ew
Re'view letter to Judge Barkdull re: pro'viding copies of case law in
accordance with the Court's Order Special Setting Hearing; highlight legal
authorities .

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 B illable

110687 Draft
Draft proposed order Granting Firs t American's Motion for Inspection of

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110690 Finalize
Finalize the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Counterclaim and
Incorporated Memorandum of Law; gather and organize ex hibits to sam e.

3/2012017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110691 Finalize
Finalize the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of law; gather and organize exhibits to

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110692 E lectronic filing
Electron ically file the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Counterclaim
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law and the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Amended Affirmat i\e Defenses.

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110696 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Trent re: scheduling the Bank's Motion to
Dismiss Amended Counterclaim and Motion to Strike Amended
Defenses; schedule hearing on the Court's Online Scheduling System.

3/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110698 Re...;ew
Re'view and comment on draft email to Messrs. Smith and Snow re:

3/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110522 Telephone call
Telephone call fron Fred Snow, Esq. re:

3/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 · Billable

110523 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB (Garry Smith) re:

FAB- }\ttys. Fees- 000371

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time · Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________

3/21/2017 SM 225. 00 0.20 45.00 Billable
110707 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: - •••

3/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110710 Participate

3/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
110711 Review
Review emails from Mr. Smith re:

3/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

11 0527 Re\1ew

3/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110528 Obtain

3/2212017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

110534 Recei\e and re\1ew
Recei-.e and review Trent's Motion to Withdraw/obtain and review
Rules materials for hearing/confer
with co-counsel/confer with AB representatives {Attorney Fred
Snow/Garry Smith)/prepare for hearing on Motion for Re-lnspection.

3122/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110713 Re\1ew
Review the Court's Order Special Setting Heari ng.

3/22/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

110715 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Inspection of Property.

3/22/2017 SM 225. 00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110718 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

FAB- Fees- 000372

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LlP
4:25PM Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
3/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
110721 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr_ Smith re:

3/22/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

110722 ReiAew
ReiAew Motion to Withdraw and confer with co-counsel re: -

3/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110724 Participate

3/22/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110725 Participate

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110536 Prepare
Prepare for trawl/hearing in West Palm Beach.

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 4.40 1,540.00 Billable

110537 Tra-..el
Trawl to Palm Beach/confer with opposing counseU
Inspect/obtain Court OrdersfacMse client

3/2312017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110539 Telephone conference
1i conferences with Attorney Fred Snow/Dan Eggland re:

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110540 Exchange
Exchange emails with opposing counselfschedule Mr. Molestina's
follow-up inspection of property.

3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

110541 Prepare
for Recei\er hearing/obtain documents/outline testimony -

FAB- A!tys. Fees- 000373

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
3/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110542 Confer
Confer with Dan Eggland/obtain and re\4ew
- conferwith Garry Smith.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 4.00 900.00 Billable

11 0726 Attend
Attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Inspection of Property .

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11 0727 Re\4ew
Re'view Defendants' Notice of Filing Affida\4t and the of Mr. Lemus.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110728 Determine

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

11 0729 Draft
Draft Affida'vit of Mr. Smith re:

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

11 0734 Email
Email Mr. Smith

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110735 Review
email from Mr. Trent re: scheduling the property inspection.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110736 Draft
Draft Notice of Filing Mr. Smith's Affidavit and electronically file same.

3/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110737 Review
Review Mr. Trent's email re: ins
co-counsel re:

3/24/2017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

110578 Prepare
Prepare for and meet with Dan Egglandlprepare witness for Tuesday's
evidentiary hearing.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000374

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 36

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time DNB Time DNBAmt
3/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110579 Review
Review uments.

3/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110588 Recei\e
Recei\e cal from Carlos

3/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

110589 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Gany Smith (FAB
email to FABre:

3/24/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable
110745 Review
Review legal authorities re:

3/24/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

110748 Participate
p in telephone conference with Mr. Molestina re:

3/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
110749 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

3/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
11 07 50 Draft
Draft email to Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan re:

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

110590 Review

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

110594 Telephone conference
conferences with Gany Smith and Dan Eggland re: -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000375

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 37

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry DNB Time DNB Amt
3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110595 and
Recei-.e and Errata

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110596 and
and re\1ew Notice of Filing (Exhibits to Lemus

3127/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

110598 Re\4se
outlines of testimony for
tomorrow's hearings - assemble documents.

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

110599 Re\1se
Re\1se proposed Orders Appointing (with and without leasing

3/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

11 0600 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Hylton Wynick re:

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110754 Prepare
p "to-do" list re:

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

11 0755
Notice of Filing Exhibits to of Sergio Lemus.

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

11 0757 Confer

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110758 Determine

F AB - Attys. Fees - 000376

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!}: MarkuE% DNB Time DNB Amt
3/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable
legal authorities re:
3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
110760 Re-...ew
Re-...ew background information

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable


3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110762 Review
legal authorities re:

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

11 0763 Draft
Draft Notice of Supplemental Authority and gather exhibits to same.

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110764 Electronic filing
Electronically file First American's Notice of Supplemental Authority.

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110765 Email
Hagan and Eggland re: -

3/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110767 Re-...ew
Re-...ew and proposed Orders re: the Bank's Verified Petition for
Appointment of a Receiver.

3/2812017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

110602 Receive and
Receive and re-...ew Schneider's Exhibits forward additional exhibits to
opposing counsel case law with
Dan Eggland.

3/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110603 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

FAB 000377
4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 39

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - ---::,..,.,---:--:---
3/28/2017 HHB 350.00 4.90 1,715.00 Billable
110605 Trawl
Trawl to West Palm Beach/prepare Dan Eggland for hearing/confer with
opposing counsel/attend hearing/draft Orders/return to Miami.

3/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110606 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with
Snow - John Ward re:

3/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
110769 Re'view
Re'view email from Mr. Trent re: proposed exhibits; re'view -

3/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

110770 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Renewed Verified Petition for
Appointment of a Receiver.

3/28/2017 SM 225.00 5.00 1,125.00 Billable

110771 Attend
Attend hearing on the Bank's Renewed Verified Petition for Appointment of
a Receiver.

3/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110610 Re'view

Re'view and update file.

3/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

110611 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Hylton Wynick

3/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110612 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB.

3/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110613 Trawl
Travel to FAB (Coral Gables)- confer with Dan Egg

3/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110792 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

3/30/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

11 0880 Draft
Draft letter to Judge Ferrara re: enclosing highlighted case law supporting

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000378

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 40

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!Y Markup% DNB 1lme DNB Amt
the Bank's Motion to Strike the Amended Affirmati\e Defenses and Motion
to Dismiss the Amended Counterclaim; gather and highlight supporting
case law.

3/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

110890 Determine
Determine email FDIC
Certifications Department re: Insured Status
for the Bank.

TOTAL Billable Fees 146.40 $41,152.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup %
3/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 71.000 7.10 Billable
110847 Photocopies

3/8/2017 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable

11 0848 Photocopies

3/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 70.000 7.00 Billable

110849 Photocopies

3/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 231.000 23.10 Billable

110850 Photocopies

3/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 103.000 10.30 Billable

110851 Photocopies

3/14/2017 FIRM 1.40 1.000 1.40 Billable

110811 Postage

3/14/2017 FIRM 1.61 1.000 1.61 Billable

110812 Postage

3/14/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

110813 Postage

FAB- Fees- 000379

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 41

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Exeense Markup%
3/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 46.000 4.60 Billable
110824 Photocopies

3/14/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

11 0852 Photocopies

3/15/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

110815 Postage

3/16/2017 FIRM 0.10 17.000 1.70 Billable

11 0854 Photocopies

3/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 151.000 15.10 Billable

110855 Photocopies

3/21/2017 FIRM 0.46 4.000 1.84 Billable

110816 Postage

3/22/20 17 FIRM 0.10 29.000 2.90 Billable

11 0826 Photocopies

3/22/2017 FIRM 0.10 44.000 4.40 Billable

110857 Photocopies

3/23/2017 FIRM 0.10 16.000 1.60 Billable

110827 Photocopies

3/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 23.000 2.30 Billable

11 0859 Photocopies

3/27/2017 FIRM 0.10 104.000 10.40 Billable

110829 Photocopies

3/27/2017 FIRM 0.10 13.000 1.30 Billable

11 0840 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000380

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 42

First American/Schneider.First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense
3/27/2017 FIRM 0.10 30.000 3.00 Billable
110861 Photocopies

3/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 21 .000 2.10 Billable

110830 Photocopies

3/28/2017 FIRM 0.10 87.000 8.70 Billable

110842 Photocopies

3/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 54.000 5.40 Billable

11 0831 Photocopies

3/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable

110832 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

3/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 350.000 35.00 Billable

11 0866 Photocopies

3/31/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

110797 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at March 23, 2017 Hearing
Julio A . Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55508

3/31/2017 FIRM 100.44 1.000 100.44 Billable

11 0798 Transcript
Transcript Cost - March 23, 2017 Hearing
Julio A . Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55508

3/31/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

110799 Parking
Parking - Hearing March 23, 2017

3/31/2017 FIRM 5.00 1.000 5.00 Billable

110800 Parking
Parking- March 28, 2017 Hearing


FAB - At:tys. Fees- 000381

4/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 43

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amou nt Total

TOTAL Billable Costs $548.08

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $41 ,152.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $548.08

Total new charges $41,700.58

Previous Balance
Current $12,708.10
Total Previous Balance $12,708.10

New Balance
Current $54,408.68

Total New Balance $54,408.68

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo-.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges _ _ _S-'-"Iip'---'-V"""a"""

lu-"-e - - -'-A.;..;.d-...:;j=
HHB ------"=6;..;,5.:.::.7-=-o $22,995.oo o.oo
SM 225.00 80.70 $18,157.50 $18,157.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000382

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:05AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 2/27/2017
Last charge 2/28/2017
Last payment 3/3/2017 Amount $25,174.40

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Entry Markup % DNB lime DNB Amt
2/6/2017 225.00 0.10 22.50
109770 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109809 Receiw and re\4ew
Receiw and re\4ew email from
Smith re:

2/8/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

109810 Re\4se
Re\4se and expand Renewed Motion to Appoint Receiwr.

2/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
109811 Prepare
Prepare draft/proposed Affida\4t

2/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109879 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109820 Re\4se
Revise and expand draft/proposed Moles tina Affida\4t -identify and attach
photographs as Exhibits.

2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

109821 Revise
Revise and expand Renewed Motion to Appoint Receiwr.

2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109822 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB - confer with

219/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109823 Review
Review and summarize

2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 B illable

109824 Receiw
Receiw and respond to Smith's email.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000383

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ___
2/9/2017 -=-s-:-:M:--- . L - . - . - - - - - - - - -- 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
109891 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109892 Determine

2/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

109893 Review
ReView and comment on draft email to Mr. Smith re:
• review and comment on the Bank's
for Appointment of Receiver; review and comment on draft Affidavit of Mr.

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

109826 ReVise
and expand Receiver Motion {Fact Section).

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

109827 Review
ReView case law/re..;se and expand Memorandum of Law section of
Recei-ver Motion.

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109828 Telephone conference
l i i l i i i i i i ice with FAB (Garry Smith) and Attorney Mesa re:

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0 .60 210.00 Billable

109834 Confer

2/1012017 SM 225 .00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109897 Participate

2/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109899 ReView
Re\1ew draft Renewed Verified Petition for Appointment of Receiver.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000384

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
2/1 0/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
109900 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109901 Re'lise
Re'lise the Bank's Renewed Verified Petition for Appointment of Receiwr.

2/11/2017 HHB 350.00 2 .50 875.00 Billable

109838 Re'lise
Re'lise and expand Memorandum of Law section of Appointment

211312017 HHB 350.00 0. 60 210.00 Billable

109848 Re'lise
Re\1se and expand Memorandum of Law section of Renewed Petition to
Appoint Receiwr.

2/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109849 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2113/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109850 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB (Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan) -

2113/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109857 Telephone conference
r ....,....n,,n.,. conference with Gany Smith re:

2113/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

109007 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and re'vise draft Renewed Verified Petition for Apportionment of

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

109920 Finalize
Finalize Renewed Petition to Appoint Receiwr.

2114/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109921 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/contact FAB.

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000385

313/2017 Keller & Bolz. LLP
9:06AM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Ttme Entrv Markue% ONB Ttme DNB Amt
2/1412017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
109922 Recei-.e and re\Aew
Receiw and review ad'Jise
FAB/contact HOA's couns

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109923 Telephone call
call from Attorney Fred Snow

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109924 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with (Hilton Wynick) re:

2114/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

109930 Forward
Forward. . _
Smith/confer with Mr.

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109931 Recei-.e
Recel\e FAB's wrificatlon/countersign and file Petition/obtain information of
hearing scheduling.

2/1412017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109934 Recei-.e
Recei-.e, re\4ew. forward and respond to Attorney Trent's emailed request
for 10-<lay extension of time.

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

·109935 Telephone call
Telephone call from Attorney Levin (HOA) re: Claim of Lien for

2/1412017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

11 0004 Re'Jiew
Re'Jiew email from Mr. Smith re:

2/1412017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

110007 Review
Review and comment on revisions to the draft Renewed Verified Petition for
Appointment of

2/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110008 Determine

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000386

2/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
109938 Re\1ew

2/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109955 Re\1ew
Re\1ew current status of 30-minute hearing dates/slots/contact FAB -
prepare status report to FAB.

2/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109956 Telephone conference
<>l<>r•hnr'"' conference with

2116/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109958 Prepare
Prepare requested response (for status report) recei..ed from Mr. Donald

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000387

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!:Y DNB Time DNB Amt
2/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
109959 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Carlos Molestina re: -

2/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

109967 Re'Jise
Re'Jise and expand status letter requestsed by Mr. Roubitchek.

2/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109968 Re\.1se
Re'Jise and send email to Carlos Molestina.

2/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1. 10 386.00 Billable

109979 Recei-.e
Receive advices of additional hearing file/calendar/contact
Attorney Trent and agree on special--set hearing date/prepare status emails
to FAB/confer with Mr. Smith/confer with co-counsel.

2120/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109984 Receive
Recel-.e email from FAB/update file.

2/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109990 Re'Jiew
Re'Jiew and update file/assemble documents and case law for Receivership

2/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

109991 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

2/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109992 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos

2/2212017 HHB 350.00 0. 10 35.00 Billable

110058 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos Moles

2/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

11 0059 Recei\e and re..,;ew
Receive and re'view Judge Barkdull's Order (Renewed Motion for
Appointment of Receiver).

2/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110061 Telephone conference
.....nn'"'.. conference with Carlos Moles tina re:

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000388

313/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Tlme DNBAmt __________
2/2312017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
11 0073 Review

2123/2017 HHB 350.00 0 .10 35.00 Billable

110074 Telephone call
Telephone call to Mr. Molestlna

212312017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110075 Exchange
Exchange emails with Attorney Trent re: e'IAdentiary nature of March 28,
2017 hearing.

.. 212312017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

11 0081 Confer
Confer with Mr. with Messrs.
; Hagan and Eggland.

2/2312017 HHB 350.00 0 .20 70.00 Billable

11 0082 Prepare
Prepare email to Dan Eggland

2123/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

11 0083 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/confer with
opposing counsel re: status of electricity.

2/2312017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110084 Prepare
Prepare Notlce of Filing

2/2312017 SM 225 .00 0 .20 45.00 Billable

11 0105 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110110 Review


2/2312017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110111 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Trent re: the electricity to the property ha...tng been
connected; email Mr. Smith re: -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000389

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
2/23/2017 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable
11 0086 Draft
Draft Notice of Filing Affidavit of Carlos Molestina in support of Renewed
Petition for Appointment of

2/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110177 Review

2/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

receiw directions

2/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110162 Revise
Re..;se and expand status letter to FAB.

2/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
110183 Determine

2/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110220 Compute
Compute due dates (with requested extensions)- prepare emails to
Attorney Trent/FAB.

2/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110221 Recei-..e and review
Recel-..e and re\4ew Attorney Trent's Motions
of time - confer with co-counsel re:

2/2812017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110209 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet:

2/2812017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110211 Confer

2/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110213 Review
Review the Schneiders' Second Motion for Extension of lime to File and

FAB - Fees- 000390

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB Ttme DNB Amt
Serw Amended Defenses and Counterclaim and Second Motion for
Extension of Time to Respond to Discovery; confer with co-counsel re:

2/28/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

110215 Draft
Draft Chronology re: , draft motion to
compel defendants' to comply court's orders.

TOTAL Billable Fees 40.20 $12,595.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
219/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable
11 0119 Photocopies

219/2017 FIRM 0.10 8.000 0.80 Billable

11 0151 Photocopies

2/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

11 0197 Photocopies

2/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 28.000 2.80 Billable

11 0153 Photocoples

2/14/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 62.000 6.20 Billable

110121 Photocopies

2/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 62.000 6.20 Billable

110123 Photocopies

2/17/2017 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

109912 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at Hearing 1/26/17

2/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

110159 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000391

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID 2/28120 7 Expense • - Billable

\ 3.1-1

TOTAL Billable Costs $116.21

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $12,595.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges} $116.21

Total new charges $12,711.21

Previous Balance
Current $25,174.40
Total Previous Balance $25,174.40

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type Description
3/3/2017 PAY -=p-ay_m_e..:...n""""t---=
1h=-a-n7k""""Y7"o_u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Total Accounts Receivable ($25,174.40)

New Balance
Current $12,711 .21

Total New Balance $12,711.21

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

ey,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;_H;.: .o,; ;,;urs..; _ Charges _ _ __.....; :.:n.:.:.t
HHB 350.00 28.50 $9,975.00 0.00
SM 225.00 11 .60 $2,610.00 $2,610.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000392

3/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:06AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

:....A:..:..:tt.=.:or:..:..:n.::.ey'--_ _ _:..___ _ _ _ __.:...:R.:::;at=e _ _ _ _ _

_u_rs_ ____C--:h::-:a-::rg"'-:e:-::-s _ ____:.S.;.;.Ii""'p _ _
PARA 100.00 0.10 $10.00 $10.00 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000393

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

Full Name
First American/Schneider 1317.18
First American Bank (Ju) .j /oh{1 hfif
0 Jv 1 r
Last bill 2/27/2017
Last charge 2/28/2017
Last payment 2/10/2017 Amount $23,069.12

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

2/6/2017 SM
DNB Time
- --Billable
109770 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/8/2017 HHB 0.70 245.00 Billable

109809 Recei-.e and re\.1ew
Recei-.e and re\.1ew email from Garry Smith/re\liew file/confer with Mr.
Smith re:

2/8/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

109810 Re\.1se
Re..;se and expand Renewed Motion to Appoint Recei\er.

2/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
109811 Prepare
Prepare draft/proposed Affida..;t

2/8/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109879 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109820 Re\.1se
Re\.1se and expand draft/proposed Molestina Affida..;t - identify and attach
photographs as Exhibits .
2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable
109821 Re\.1se
Re\.1se and expand Renewed Motion to Appoint

2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109822 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB - confer with

2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109823 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew and summarize

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000394

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt __________
2/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
109824 Recei-..e
Recei-..e and respond to Smith's email.

2/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109891 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109892 Determine

2/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

and comment on draft email to Mr. Smith re:
- and comment on the Bank's
for Appointment of Receiwr; and comment on draft Affidavit of Mr.

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

Re\•se and expand Motion (Fact Section).

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

case law/revise and expand Memorandum of Law section of

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109828 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB Smith) and Attorney Mesa re:

2/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109834 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
- confer

2/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000395

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, U .P
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Ttme DNBAmt ____
2/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
109899 Review
Review draft Renewed Verified Petition for Appointment of Receiver.

2110/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109900 Confer

2/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

the Bank's Renewed Verified Petition for Appointment of Receher.

2/11/2017 HHB 350.00 2.50 875.00 Billable

109838 Revise
Revise and expand Memorandum of Law section of Appointment

2/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109848 Re'v\se
Re\ise and expand Memorandum of Law section of Renewed Petition to
Appoint Receiver.

2/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109849 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109850 Prepare
p email to FAB

2/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109857 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith re:

2113/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

109907 Review
Review and revise draft Renewed Verified Petition for Apportionment of

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

109920 Finalize
Finalize Renewed Petition to Appoint Receiver.

F AB - Attys. Fees - 000396

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Enlry DNB lime DNB Amt
2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
109921 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/contact FAB .

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109922 and
Recei've and -advise
FAB/contact HOA's counsel.

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109923 Telephone call
call from Attorney Fred

2114/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 B illable

109924 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with (Hilton Wynick) re:

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

109930 Forward

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

109931 Recei..e
Recei..e FAB's ..erification/countersign and file Petition/obtain information of
hearing scheduling.

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109934 Recei..e
Recei..e, review, forward and respond to Attorney Trent's emailed request
for 10-day extension oftime.

2/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109935 Telephone call
Telephone call from Attorney Levin (HOA) re: Claim of Lien for

2114/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

110004 Review

2/14/2017 SM 225.00 1.1 0 247.50 Billable

110007 Review
Review and comment on re\1sions to the draft Renewed Verified Petition for
Appointment of Recei"ver.

FAB- Fees- 000397

311/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
2/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
110008 Detennine

2114/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

110009 Participate
Participate In telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:
erty Owners Association recording a Claim of Lien for

2114/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

110011 Rel.1ew
Re-.;ew legal authorities re:

2/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110012 Email

SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110013 Participate

2/14/2017 SM
110016 Participate

2115/2017 HHB

.. 0.10



109938 Rel.1ew

2116/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109955 Rel.1ew
Rel.1ew current status of 30-minute hearing dates/slots/contact FAB -
prepare status report to FAB.

2/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109956 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000398

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Tot al

ID Time Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt
2/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
109958 Prepare
Prepare requested response (for status report) recei\ed from Mr. Donald

2/1612017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109959 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Carlos Molestina re: -

2117/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

109967 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand status letter requestsed by Mr. Roubitchek.

2/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109968 Re\1se
Re\1se and send email to Cartes Molestina.

2/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

109979 Receive
Recei\e ac:Mces of additional hearing dates/review file/calendar/contact
Attorney Trent and agree on special-set hearing date/prepare status emails
to FAB/confer with Mr. Smith/confer with co-counsel.

2/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109984 Recei-.e
Receive email from FAB/update file.

2/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109990 Re\1ew
Re\oiew and update fi le/assemble documents and case law for Receivership

2/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

109991 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

2/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 B illable

109992 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Cartos

2/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

11 0058 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos

2/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

11 0059 Recei\e and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew Judge Barkdull's Order (Renewed Motion for
Appointment of}.

FAB- Fees - 000399

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID llme Ent!J: Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
2/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
110061 Telephone conference
conference with Carlos Molestina re:

2/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

110073 Review file/confer with Attorney Mesa re:

2123/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

110074 Telephone call
Telephone call to Mr. Molesti

2/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

110075 Exchange
Exchange emails with Attorney Trent re: evidentiary nature of March 28,
2017 hearing.

2123/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

11 0081 Confer
Confer with Mr. Molestina -confer w ith Messrs.
Hagan and Eggland.

2/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110082 Prepare
Prepare email to Dan Eggland

2123/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110083 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/confer with co-counsel/contact
opposing counsel re: status of electricity.

2/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110084 Prepare
Prepare Notice of Filing

2/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

1101 05 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

110110 Review


FAB- Attys. Fees- 000400

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Wornsheet Page 33

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
2/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
110111 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Trent re: the electricity to the property ha\1ng been
connected: email Mr. Smith re: -

2/23/2017 AMH 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable

11 0086 Draft
Draft Notice of Filing Affidavit of Carlos Mo!estina in support of Renewed
Petition for Appointment of

2124/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110177 Re\1ew
Re..,;ew email from Mr. Smith re:

2/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable


2/27/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

110162 Re'ltise
Re'ltise and expand status letter to FAB.

2127/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable
110183 Determine

2/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

110220 Compute
Compute due dates (with requested extensions) - prepare emails to
Attorney Trent/FAB.

2/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

110221 Receiw and re'view
Receiw and re\1ew Attorney Trent's Motions
of time - confer with co-counsel re:

2/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

110209 Obtain
Obtain docket sheet:

FAB - Fees - 000401

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Ent!Y MarkUQ% DNB Time DNB Amt
2/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
110211 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2128/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

110213 Review
Review the Schneiders' Second Motion for Extension of Time to File and
Sel\e Amended Defenses and Counterclaim and Second Motion for
Extension of Time to Respond to confer with co-counsel re:

2/28/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable

110215 Draft
Draft Chronology re: draft motion to
compel defendants' to comply

TOTAL Billable Fees 40.20 $12,595.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
2/9/2017 FIRM 0 .10 4 .000 0.40 Billable
110119 Photocopies

2/9/201 7 FIRM 0 .10 8.000 0.80 Billable

110151 P hotocopies

2/9/2017 FIRM 0. 10 15.000 1.50 Billable

110197 Photocopies

2/10/2017 FIRM 0.10 28.000 2.80 Billable

110153 Photocopies

2/14/201 7 FIRM 0.10 62.000 6 .20 Billable

110121 Photocopies

2/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 62.000 6 .20 Billable

110123 Photocopies

FAB - A.t tys. Fees- 000402

3/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:29PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2/17/20 17 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable
109912 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at Hearing 1/26/17

2/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 2 .000 0.20 Billable

110159 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $113.10

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $12,595.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $1 13.10

Total new charges $12,708.10

Prev;ous Balance
Current $25,174.40
Total Previous Balance $25, 174.40

New Balance
Current $37,882.50

Total New Balance $37,882.50

Funds Account: Default

Pre\iious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo-..ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 28.50 $9,975.00 $9,975.00 0.00
SM 225.00 11 .60 $2,610.00 $2,610.00 0.00
PARA 100.00 0. 10 $10.00 $10.00 0.00

FAB - Fees- 000403

21212017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1
) '../
Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18
Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 1/27/2017
last charge 1/31/2017
last payment 12115/2016 Amount $16,507.06

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
1/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
109084 Update
Update "to-do" issue list - confer with Smith re: -

1/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109085 Re\1ew

1/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109095 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Circuit Court re: upcoming hearing/identify
case law/statutes/Rules to be copied/highlighted for Court.

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109178 Draft
Draft Instruction and Definitions Sections of the Bank's First Request for

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
109179 Re\1ew

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable

109180 Draft
Draft Documents Requested Section of the Bank's First Request for

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

109181 Draft
Draft the Bank's First Request for Admissions.

1/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109103 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: file
Amended Notice of Hearing.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000404

2/2/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4 :03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
1/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable
109184 Review
Review and re\Ase the Bank's First Requests for Admission.

1/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

109185 Review
Review and revise the Bank's First Request for Production.

1/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109187 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109115 Revise
Revise and expand correspondence to FAB.

1/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109116 Review
Review, revise and expand discovery to Schneiders.

1/6/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

109131 Revise
Revise and expand discovery (Requests for Production/Requests for
- s)- confer with Attorney Mesa re: -

1/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109132 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

1/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109133 Receiw and review
Receive and review emails

116/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109206 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109207 Locate

FAB - AttYs. Fees- 000405

2/2/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!}: Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
1/6/2017 SM 225.00 2.50 562.50 Billable
109208 Revise
Revise and expand First American's First Request for Production/First
Request for Admissions.

1/8/2017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

109135 Prepare
Prepare submission to Court re: Motion to Dismiss/Motion to Strike.

1/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109148 Finalize
Finalize proposed correspondence to Court/confer with co-counsel.

1/9/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

109149 Revise
and expand Interrogatories/Admissions.

119/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109150 Confer
Confer with FAB

1/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

109210 Review

1/9/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

109212 Draft
Draft Interrogatories to Laurence S. Schneider.

1/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

10 9213 Continue
Continue to re\4se the Bank's First Request for Admissions.

1/9/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

draft letter to Judges Blanc and Barkdull pro\4ding the Court with
hard copies of the Motions and highlighted case law as required by the
Court's Order Special Setting Hearing; identify case law to pro\4de to the

1/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

109153 Prepare
Prepare for late January special-set hearing/confer with co-counsel.

FAB - A!tys. Fees - 000406

2/2/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomf;!y Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Markue% DNB llme DNB Amt
1/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable
and expand proposed discowry (RFP, Admissions and

1/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109163 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB

1/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109221 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/11/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

Re\1se and expand email to AIG re:

1/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109258 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109259 Re\1ew
and comment on draft email to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan

1/1212017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109236 and re\1ew
and re\4ew email from Garry Smith re:

1/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109237 Re..tew
Re..tew and approve finalized discowry/exchange emails with FAB.

1/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109260 Re..;ew
Re\4ew email from Mr. Smith re:

1/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109261 Draft
Draft Notice of SeNce of Interrogatories to Stephanie L Schneider.

1/12/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

109262 Draft
Draft Interrogatories, First Request for Admissions and First Request br
Production to Stephanie L Schneider.

FAB - Fees - 000407

212/2011 Keller & Botz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider:First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _______

to .
1/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
109269 Receive and
Receiw and re\1ew Garry Smith's email re:

1/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109270 Confer

1/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109276 ReiAew
with Garry Smith re:

1/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

and file
Trent./contact FAB re:

1/1312017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109302 ReiAew

1/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67. 50 Billable

109303 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/1312017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
109304 Determine

1/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157. 50 Billable

1/13/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

109306 Re\1ew
Re\1ew I

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000408

212/2017 Kelter & Bolt., LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup o,(, DNB Time DNB Amt

1/13/2017 225.00 0.50 112.50 ------,B-il,,
109308 Draft
Draft Request for Inspection to the Schneiders re:

1/1312017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109314 Electronic filing
Electronically file Request for Inspection to Laurence S . Schneider and
Stephanie L. Schneider.

1/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109282 Receive
Receive, re\1ew - Attorney Trent's emaii - =AB (Garry
Smith)/prepare for residence inspection/update file.

1/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109290 Telephone conference
P IAnnru'IA conference with Attorney Berton re:

1/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

109291 Re\Ase
Re\Ase and finalize letter to Palm Beach Circuit Court (with attachments).

1/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109292 Coordinate
Coordinate inspection of Schneider residence.

1/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109316 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109331 Follow up
Follow up on call/email to Attorney Trent re: residence inspection/confer
with Carlos Molestina re: -

1/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109332 Receive
Receive, review and forward re: -


1/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109341 Telephone conference
.... .. conferences with Smith/Fred Snow-- -
- initiate efforts on renewed

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000409

21212017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

.:..:10:::..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _______

111812017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Review email from Mr. Trent re: the
co-counsel re:

1/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109374 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

..nnnn .. conference with Mr. Smith re:

ew email from Mr.

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109345 Receiw and rel.1ew
Receha and re\Aew Attorney Trent's email re: property inspection • -

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109346 Coordinate
Coordinate/arrange for inspection of property.

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 2.40 840.00 Billable

109347 Tra\el
Tra-.el to West Palm Beach/deliwr pleadings/confer with Judge Barkdull's

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

109348 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
Fred Snow)

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109353 Receiw
Receiw informal report from Mr. Molestina re:

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109354 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with
emails/documents - initiate re-..1ew

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000410

2/2/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

- ·
10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
1/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
109381 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109382 Identify
Identify cases

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109388 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable

109389 Draft
Draft background sections of First American's Renewed Verified Petition
for Appointment of Recei\er.

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

109390 Review

1/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable


1/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

109398 Prepare
Prepare for upcoming hearing/coordinate actions to be taken with

1/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109405 Recei-.e and re'¥1ew
Recei-..e and re'¥1ew - re'ltiew .
with co-counsel.

1/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109406 Review draft/proposed renewed Recei\el' Motion.

FAB - Fees - 000411

212/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ________
1/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable
109426 Continue

1/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

109428 Confer

1/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

109430 Continue
Continue to draft First American's Position Section of the Renewed
Petition for Appointment of Receiver.

1/20/2017 AMH 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

109488 Re\1ew
Re\1ew files recei\Ed from First American

1/2312017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109449 Confer
Confer with co-counseVconfer with Attorney Trent (pre-hearing Local Rule
conference)/prpare for upcoming hearing.

1/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109450 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Dan

1/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
109435 Re\1ew
Re\1ew : review Mr. Smith's email re:

1/2312017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109436 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109437 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Trent in order to comply with
the court's local rules requiring a good faith conference to settle dispute
prior to a hearing.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000412

212/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entrt DNB Time DNB Amt
1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
109459 Prepare
Prepare/draft series of Orders for Thursday's hearing.

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109460 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109461 Confer
Confer with Tom Wells/receiw call from John Ward re:

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109464 Prepare
Prepare for Thursday's hearing/confer with co-counsel.

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

109465 Receiw
email to

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109476 Confer
Confer with vU"'jUUI

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable


1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

109482 Re-..1ew

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109485 Re\liew
Review email from Mr. Trent re: refusing to withdraw any of the positions
asserted by Mr. and Mrs. Schneider in their Affirmative Defenses or

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109486 Review
Review and revise proposed Orders (different wrsions) Granting the Bank's
Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Counterclaim.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000413

2/212017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 . :.:li:.:. :.m.:. : e:. . :E: .:.n.:. :;try:. t__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _
1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
and re'-Ase proposed Orders Granting the Bank's Motion to Strike
the Schneiders' Affirmatiw Defenses.

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

and re\Ase series of

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

109491 Outline
Outline arguments for Thursday's hearing - confer with co-counsel.

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109492 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB (Dan Pische)/prepare email to Mr. Pische.

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

Re\'iew statuteslcase law
outline arguments for

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109504 Confer
Confer with Attorney Fred Snow re:

1125/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

109509 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearings on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim
and Motion to Strike Affirmali\e Defenses.

1/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109514 Determine

1/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable


1/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109519 Prepare
Prepare for hearing.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000414

21212017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
1/2612017 350.00 3.80 1,330.00 Billable
109520 Trawl
Trawl to West Palm Beach/confer with opposing counseUDan Pische -
attend hearingJobtaln Orders/return to Miami.

1/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

109521 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry S - prepare status
email to FAB.

1/26/2017 SM 225.00 3.90 877.50 Billable

109546 Prepare
Prepare for and attend hearings on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Counterclaim and Motion to Strike Affirmatiw Defenses.

1/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109531 Finalize
Finalize status report to FAB re:

1/2712017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

109532 Receive
Recei-.e and respond to email from Attorney Snow.

1/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

Review and comment on draft email to Messrs. Snow, Smit h and Hagan

1/30/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

109582 Re'lliew

1/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 2 10.00 Billable

109583 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Car1os M
and review

1/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109595 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109598 Re.,;ew

FAB - Fees- 000415

2/2/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Fees 84.50 $24,512.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markup%
1/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 58.000 5.80 Billable
109603 Photocopies

1/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 29.000 2.90 Billable

109614 Photocopies

1/9/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 377.000 37.70 Billable

109558 Photocopies

1/9/201 7 FIRM 0.10 3.000 0.30 Billable

109618 Photocopies

1/1212017 FIRM 0.10 65.000 6.50 Billable

109559 Photocopies

1/12/2017 FIRM 0.10 36.000 3.60 Billable

109606 Photocopies

1/12/2017 FIRM 0.10 61 .000 6. 10 Billable

109621 Photocopies

1/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

109622 Photocopies

1/ 17/2017 FIRM 0.10 138.000 13.80 Billable

109563 Photocopies

1/18/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

109608 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees - 00041 6

2/2/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID ExQense Markue%
1/19/2017 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable
109626 Photocopies

1/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable

109627 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

1/23/2017 FIRM 6.00 1.000 6.00 Billable

109393 Parking
Parking- 1/19/17- Hand Delivery to Judge Barkdull
Palm Beach County Courthouse

1/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 60.000 6.00 Billable

109567 Photocopies

1/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 205.000 20.50 Billable

109568 Photocopies

1/26/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 4.000 0.40 Billable

109611 Photocopies

1/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 56.000 5.60 Billable

109571 Photocopies

1/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 5.000 0.50 Billable

109631 Photocopies

1/31/2017 FIRM 4.00 1.000 4.00 Billable

109636 Parking
Parking - Palm Beach County Courthouse
Hearing 1/26/17

1/31 /2017 FIRM 539.40 1.000 539.40 Billable

109638 Transcript
Transcript Cost - Julio A . Mocega & Associates, Inc.
lnv. 55391, lnv. 55390- Hearing Transcripts 10/ 14/16, 10/28/16

TOTAL Billable Costs $661 .90

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000417

2/2/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:03PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $24,512.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $661 .90

Total new charges $25,174.40

Pre\Aous Balance
Current $23,069.12
Total Previous Balance $23,069. 12

New Balance
Current $48,243.52

Total New Balance $48,243.52

Funds Account: Default

Pre\Aous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorne:t Rate Hours Charges Slie Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 44.30 $15,505.00 $15,505.00 0.00
SM 225.00 39.90 $8,977.50 $8,977.50 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB- Fees - 000418


2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP

11:47AM Pre-bill Worksheet 18

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 1/27/2017
Last charge 1/31/2017
Last payment 12/15/2016 Amount $16,507.06

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
1/3/20 17 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
109084 Update

issue list - confer with Garry Smith re: -

1/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109085 Rel.1ew

1/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109095 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Circuit Court re: upcoming hearing/identify
case law/statutes/Rules to be copied/highlighted for Court.

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

109177 Determine

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109178 Draft
Draft Instruction and Definitions Sections of the Bank's First Request for

225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

1/3/2017 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable

109180 Draft
Draft Documents Requested Section of the Bank's First Request for

1/312017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

109181 Draft
Draft the Bank's First Request for Admissions.

1/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109103 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: - file
Amended Notice of Hearing.

- FAB- Attys. Fees- 000419

211/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time DNB Time DNB Amt
1/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable
Re\1ew and re\ise the Bank's First Req stjo Admission.

1/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

109185 Re\1ew
Re\iew and re\4se the Bank's First Request for Production.

1/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109187 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109115 Re\1se
Re\4se and expand correspondence to FAB.

1/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109116 Re\iew
Re\1ew, re\1se and expand disco\ery to Schneiders.

1/6/2017 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 B illable

109131 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand discovery (Requests for Production/Requests for
Admiss ) - confer with Attomey Mesa re: -

1/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109132 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with

1/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109133 Receive and re'.Aew

1/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109206 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109207 Locate

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000420

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet
?. c; Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime % DNB lime DNB Amt
1/6/2017 SM . 225.00 337.50 Billable
Re\1se First American's First Request for Production 'l

1/6/2017 SM 225.00 Billable

109209 -
t Request for Admissions. •

1/8/2017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

109135 Prepare
Prepare submission to Court re: Motion to Dismiss/Motion to Strike.

1/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109148 Finalize
Finalize proposed correspondence to Court/confer with co-counsel.

1/9/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

109149 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand Interrogatories/Admissions.

1/9/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109150 Confer
Confer with FAB

1/9/2017 SM 225.00 "Q.4f ( Billable

109210 Re'view
Re'view legal authorities re: { c • G
1/9/2017 SM 225.00 4s.oo Billable

1/9/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

109212 Draft
Draft Interrogatories to Laurence s. Schneider.
1/9/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable
109213 Continue
Continue to re\1se the Bank's First Request for Admissions.

1/9/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

109214 Re'view
Re'view draft letter to Ju no and Barkdul- pro\1ding the Court with
hard copies of the Moti s d highlighted caseTaw as required by the
Court's Order Special Setting Hearing; identify case law to pro'vide to the

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000421

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 1ime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _________
1/10/2017 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable
109153 Prepare
Prepare for late January special-set hearing/confer with co-counsel.

1/10/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

109154 Re\Ase
Re\Ase and expand proposed discowry (RFP, Admissions and

1/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109163 Prepare
Prepare status email to F

1/10/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109221 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/11/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109232 Re\oise
Re\oise and expand email to AIG re:

1/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109258 Confer

1/11/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109259 Re\oiew
Re\oiew and comment on draft email to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan

1/1212017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109236 Receiw and re\1ew
Receiw and re\oiew email from Garry Smith re:

1/12/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109237 Re\oiew
Re\oiew and approw finalized discovery/exchange emails with FAB.

1/1212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109260 Re\oiew
Re\oiew email from Mr. Smith re:

1/1212017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109261 Draft
Draft Notice of Ser\oice of Interrogatories to Stephanie L. Schneider.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000422

211/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider. First American Bank {continued}

Date Attorney Rate Amount Total

ID Markup % DNBAmt _________
1/12/2017 SM 225.00

109262 Draft ble
Draft to Stephanie L. Schneider.

1/12/2017 SM 225.00

180.00 Billable

1/1 3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
109269 Receiw and review
Receiw and review Garry Smith's email re:

1/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109270 Confer

1/13/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109276 Review
with Garry Smith re:

1/1312017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109277 Review
Review, revise and file Attorney
Trent./contact FAB re:

1/1312017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

109302 Review

1/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109303 Confer

1/13/2017 SM 45.00 Billable

109304 Determine

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000423

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
1/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

1/1312017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable


1/13/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109308 Draft
Request for Inspection to the Schneiders re:

1/1312017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

109314 Electronic filing
Electronically file Request for Inspection to Laurence S. Schneider and
Stephanie L. Schneider.

1/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109282 Receiw
Receiw, Attorney Trent's email I FAB (Garry
Smith)/prepare for residence inspection/update file.

1/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109290 Telephone conference
conference with Attorney Berton re:

1/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

Revise and finalize letter to Palm Beach Circu it Court (with attachments).

1/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109292 Coordinate
Coordinate inspection of Schneider residence.

1/17/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109316 Confer

1/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109331 Follow up
Follow up on call/email re: res idence inspection/confer
with Carlos Molestina re: - -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000424

211 /2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt __________
1/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
109332 Receiw


1/18/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

109341 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with
initiate efforts on renewed

1/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable


22.50 Billable

1/18/2017 SM 225.00 ¢ao 67.50 Billable

109375 Participate
Participate in .V'o
1/18/2017 SM 225.00 Ko' 22.50 Billable

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109345 Receiw and

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 21 0.00 Billable

109346 Coordinate
Coordinate/arrange for inspection of property.

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 2.40 840.00 Billable

109347 Trawl
Trawl to West Palm Beachldeliwr pleadings/ confer with Judge Barkdull's

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000425

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!Y Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable
109348 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
Fred Snow)

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109353 Receive
informal report from Mr. Molestina re:

1/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109354 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with
emails/documents - initiate

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109381 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/19/2017 SM 45.00 Billable

109382 Identify
Identify cases

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109388 Confer

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable

109389 Draft
Draft ckground ions of First
American's Renewed of

1/19/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

109390 Re\1ew

1/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109397 Re\1ew

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000426

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
1/20/2017 350.00 0.60 280.00 Billable
109398 Prepare
Prepare for upcoming hearing/coordinate actions to be taken with

1/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

109405 Receiw and
Receiw and re\1ew - re\Aew .
with co-counsel.

1/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109406 Re\Aew
Re\Aew draft/proposed renewed Receiver Motion.

1/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

109426 Continue
Continue to re\Aew

1/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

109428 Confer

1/20/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

109430 Continue
Continue to draft First American's Position Section of the Renewed
Petition for Appointment of Receiver.

1/20/2017 AMH 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

Re\Aew files received from First American

1/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

1 09449 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/confer with Attorney Trent (pre-hearing Local Rule
conference)/prpare for upcoming hearing.

1/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

109450 Telephone conference
"''"'""'"'"' conferences with Dan J="n •

1/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109435 Re\liew
Re\Aew re,;ew Mr. Smith's email re:

FAB- Fees- 000427

211/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID ________________________ Markup% DNB DNBAmt ____
1/2312017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
109436 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/23/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

109437 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Trent In order to comply with
the court's local rules requiring a good faith conference to settle dispute
prior to a hearing.

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109459 Prepare
Prepare/draft series of Orders for Thursday's hearing.

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109460 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109461 Confer
Confer with Tom Wellsfreceiw call from John Ward re:
1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
109464 Prepare
Prepare for Thursday's hearing/confer with co-counsel.

1/24/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

109465 Recei've
Recei\e and forward email to

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109476 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109481 Relhew

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

109482 Relhew

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000428

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
109485 Re'lliew
Re'lliew email from Mr. Trent re: refusing to withdraw any of the positions
asserted by Mr. and Mrs. Schneider in their Affi: jtl\e Defenses or
Counterclaim. l ,. . , .

1/24/2017 SM
109486 Re'lliew (
225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

Rel.1ew and re\lise proposed Orders franting the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Schneider's Counterclaim .

1/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109487 Re\liew
Re\liew and re'llise proposed Orders Granting the Bank's Motion to Strike
the Schneiders' Affirmati\e Defenses.

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109490 Re\liew
ew and re\lise series of

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

109491 Outline
Outline arguments for Thursday's hearing - confer with co-counsel.

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109492 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with FAB (Dan Pische)/prepare email to Mr. Pische.

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 2.00 700.00 Billable

109503 Re'lliew
Re'lliew statutes/case law
outline arguments for h

1/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

109504 Confer
Confer with Attorney Fred Snow re:

1/25/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable

109509 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearings on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim
and Motion to Strike Affirmati\e Defenses.

1/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109514 Determi

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000429

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 29

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Mar1<up% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
1/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

1/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

109519 Prepare
Prepare for hearing.

1/26/2017 HHB 350.00 3.80 1,330.00 Billable

to West Palm Beach/confer with opposing counsel/Dan Pische -
attend hearing/obtain Orders/return to Miami.

1/26/2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

109521 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith - - prepare status
email to FAB.

1/26/2017 SM 225.00 Billable

109546 Prepare
Prepare for and attend hearings on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Counterclaim and Motion to Strike Defenses.

1/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109531 Finalize
Finalize status report to FAB re:

1/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

and respond to email from Attorney Snow.

1/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

109553 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on draft email to Messrs. Snow, Smith and Hagan

1/30/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

109582 Relo1ew

1/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

109583 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Carlos Molestina/arra
and re\1ew

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000430

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
1/30/2017 .:..S::.:.M.:.:...::="------- ----- 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
109595 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

109598 Re..;ew

TOTAL Billable Fees 84.90 $24,602.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Expense Markup%
1/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 58.000 5.80 B illable
109603 Photocopies

1/3/2017 FIRM 0.10 29.000 2.90 Billable

109614 Photocopies

1/9/2017 FIRM 0.10 377.000 37.70 Billable

109558 Photocopies
P hotocoples/Reproduction

1/9/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 3.000 0.30 Billable

109618 Photocopies

1/12/2017 FIRM 0.10 65.000 6.50 Billable

109559 Photocopies

1/1212017 FIRM 0.10 36.000 3.60 Billable

109606 Photocopies

1/1212017 FIRM 0.10 61.000 6.10 Billable

109621 Photocopies

1/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

109622 Photocopies
Photocopi as/Reproduction

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000431

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:47AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Ex eense Markue%
1/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 138.000 13.80 Billable
109563 Photocopies

1/18/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

109608 Photocopies
P hot ocopi es/ Reproduction

1/19/2017 FIRM 0. 10 7.000 0.70 Billable

109626 Photocopies

1/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable

109627 Photocopies

1/23/2017 FIRM 6.00 1.000 6.00 Billable

109393 Parking
Parking- 1/19/17- Hand Deli\.oery to Judge Barkdull
Palm Beach County Courthouse

1/24/2017 FIRM 0.10 60.000 6.00 Billable

109567 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

1/25/2017 FIRM 0.10 205.000 20.50 B illable

109568 Photocopies

1/26/2017 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

109611 Photocopies

1/30/2017 FIRM 0.10 56.000 5.60 Billable

109571 Photocopies

1/30/2017 FIRM 0. 10 5.000 0.50 Billable

109631 Photocopies

1/31/2017 FIRM 4.00 1.000 4.00 Billable

109636 Parking
Parking - Palm Beach County Courthouse
Hearing 1/26/17

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000432

2/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :47 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Price Quantity Amount Total

Markup% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1/31/2017 FIRM 539.40 1.000 539.40 Billable
109638 Transcript
Transcript Cost -Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc.
lnv. 55391, lnv: 55390- Hearing Transcripts 10/14/16, 10/28/16

TOTAL Billable Costs $661.90

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $24,602.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $661 .90

Total new charges $25,264.40

Previous Balance
Current $23,069.12
Total Previous Balance $23,069.12

New Balance
Current $48,333.52

Total New Balance $48,333.52

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\ied from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attornel Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 44.30 $15,505.00 $15,505.00 0.00
SM 225.00 40.30 $9,067.50 $9,067.50 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000433

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

Full Name
Last bill
First American/Schneider 1317.18
First American Bank
Last charge 12/30/2016
Last payment 12/15/2016 Amount $16,507.06

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
12/5/2016 SM 225.00 4.10 922.50 Billable
108532 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law: (1} Background, (2}
Count I of Schneider's Counterclaim Fails as a Matter of Law Because the
Fair Credit Reporting Act Does Not Create a Private Right of Action to
Enforce section 1681s-2(a} and (3) Count II of Schneider's Counterclaim is
Preempted by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

108500 Confer

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108501 Recei-..e and re\1ew
Recei-..e and re\.4ew - loan documents (from Attorney Berton -

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108507 Telephone conference
with Attorney James Berton re: -

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
108508 Review
Review case law re:

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108509 Obtain
Obtain proposed hearing date/confer with opposing counsel's office.

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

108541 Review


12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108543 Participate

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000434

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 5

First AmericanfSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ___________
1216/2016 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable
108546 Re'view

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112. 50 Billable

108547 Reliew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108548 Confer

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108551 Re'view

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108552 Rel.iew

1216/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108553 Re\1ew

1216/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108554 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss: (1) Schneider
Impermissibly Comingled Separate and Distinct Causes of Action in a
Single Count, (2) Schneider has Failed to Plead his Fraudulent
Misrepresentation Claim with Particularity as Required by Rule 1.220(b) (3)
Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action for Fraudulent
Misrepresentation; and (4) Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of
Action for Negligent Misrepresentation.

12/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108560 Re\1ew
Relhew case law re: - confer with co-counsel.

FAB - Fees- 000435

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First AmericaniSchneider.First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!:Y Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
121712016 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
108561 Telephone call
Telephone calls to Attorney Trent (left messages).

12/7/2016 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

108562 Revise
Revise and expand Motion to Dismiss.

12/712016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
108612 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/712016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
108616 Review
Review legal authorities re:

12/712016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
108620 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
108621 Review
Review legal authorities re:

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108577 Continue
Continue efforts to contacVcoordinate scheduling with Attorney
Trent/prepare email to opposing counsel.

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

108578 Re-vise
Re\4se and expand Motion to Dismiss (Counterclaim - Count 2}.

12/812016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 B illable

108583 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney TrenVdiscuss the scheduling of a
hearing in January/February 2017/discuss future handling.

1218/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108626 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000436

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNBlime DNBAmt __________
1218/2016 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable
108627 Draft
Draft the Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss: (1) Schneider
has Improperly Joined Causes of Action that Arise Out of Separate Rights
and (2) Count 3 Was Filed/Asserted in an Improper Venue.

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108628 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Trent re: scheduling a special
set hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108636 Review
Review and comment on revisions to the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Schneider's Counterclaim.

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

108592 Revise
Revise, edit and expand Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim (Count 3 -

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108593 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry Smith re:

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108594 Telephone conference
,.,..,..,,..,..,.conference with Fred Snow re:

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 . 0.30 105.00 Billable

108596 Prepare
- l a t u s email to FAB

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108597 Review
Review and case law.

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

108637 Revise
Revise the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108640 Review
Review legal authorities re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000437

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
108643 Draft
Draft the following Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss re: standard for
a motion to dismiss.

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

108647 Continue
Continue to re'.Aew legal authorities re:

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

108648 Re'.Aew

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108658 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Jim Berton/Garry Smith/Brian Hagan.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108659 Re\liew
Review·- case law and statutes .

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560. 00 Billable

108660 Revise
Revise and finalize Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim.

1211212016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

108664 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/prepare Reply to Schneider's Affirmatiw Defenses.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108666 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108667 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

1211212016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 B illable

109076 Revise
Revise and expand Motion to Counterclaim.

12/12/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 B illable

1 08653 Review
Review and comment on the draft Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000438

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt - - -- -
12/12/2016 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable
108654 Draft
Draft First American's Reply to the Schneider's Affirmati-.e Defenses and
electronically file same.

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

Re\Aew and update file - confer with co-counsel re: -

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108674 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB .

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108675 Obtain
Obtain information re:

12113/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108676 Confer
Confer with Carlos Moles tin

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable


12113/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108692 Review
Review legal authorities re:

12113/2016 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

108693 Continue
Continue to re..tew legal authorities re:

12113/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108694 Determine

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108695 Determine

FAB - Fees- 000439

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
12/14/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
108731 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Loren re: whether the listing on her website
for Mr. Schneider's home is an active listing.

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108857 Receiw
Recelw report from Carlos Molestina re:

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.1 0 35.00 Billable

108858 Obtain
Obtain informatio• • • • • • •

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108859 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: - · · · -
12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108863 Re\liew
Review case law.

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

108751 Re\Aew
Review legal authorities re:

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

108757 Re\4ew

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

108758 Re\4ew
Re\4ew legal authorities re:

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108869 Re'view
Re\4ew and analyze asserted·· · ·
- -outline Motion to Strike -confer

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000440

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _
12/16/2016 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
108870 Obtain
Obtain/confirm hearing date (Motion to Dismiss).

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 B illable

108877 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108878 Exchange
Exchange emails with FAB representatives re:

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108772 Schedule
Schedule hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108773 Draft

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108774 Draft
Draft Notice of Hearing re: the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108777 Draft
Draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affirmative Defenses.

12/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108896 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108897 Confer
Confer with FAB (Brian Hagan) re:
12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
108792 Continue
Continue to draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000441

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup % DNB llme DNBAmt __________
12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
108793 Draft
Draft Standard for Striking an Aftinnati\e Defense Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmati-.e Defenses.

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 2 .20 495.00 Billable

108794 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' First Affirmatiw Defense.

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108795 Rel.1ew

12120/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

108899 Receive
Receive, rel.hew and docket notice - confer with
co-counsel/obtain information email to FAB.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108798 Review
Re\hew background information

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108800 Review
Review Order Specially Setting Hearing; calendar deadline to provide hard
copies of the Bank's Motion and highlighted case law to Judge Barkdull.

12120/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108801 Draft
Draft Notice of Ser.1ce (as required by the Court's Order Specially Setting
Hearing); electronically file Notice of Service.

12120/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108805 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Second Affirmatiw Defense.

12121 /2016 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

108816 Draft
Draft The Conduct the Defendants Allege Constituted Unclean Hands Is
not Connected with the Matter in this Litigation Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmatiw Defense.

FAB- Fees- 000442

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _______
12/22/2016 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable
108928 Re\1ew
case law/statutes
and reuse draftlproposed

12122/2016 HHB 350.00 1.1 0 385.00 Billable

108929 Re\Ase
Revise and expand Motion to Strike Aftirmatiw Defenses.

12/22/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108822 Re\1se
Revise the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12122/2016 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

108823 Re..;ew

12122/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

108824 Draft
Draft Defendants Have Improperly Joined Defenses that Arise Out of
Separate Rights Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affirmati-.e Defense.

12/22/2016 SM 225.00 0. 70 157.50 Billable

108825 Review
Review and re'wise Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to
Strike the Schneiders' Second Affirmatiw Defense.

12/23/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

108942 Review
Reuew, re\1se and expand Motion to Strike Defenses - confer
with co-counsel.

12123/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108829 Re'wise
Re'wise the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmati-.e Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

108946 Work
Work th

t tys. Fees - 000443

FAB - A_
1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Ent!Y Markue% DNB lime ONB Amt
12/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108947 Obtain
Obtain hearing information/exchange emails with FAB

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable
108830 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew legal authorities re:

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

108834 Re\.1se
Re\.1se the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108836 Email
Email Messrs. Snow

12/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108955 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108956 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Smi

12/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108969 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew file/contact Attorney Fred Snow re:

12/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108970 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Snow/finalize and file Motion to Strike
Affirmative Defenses - direct efforts to obtain hearing date.

12/29/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109051 Participate

12/30/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

file/confer with co-counsel -

FAB - Ntys. Fees - 000444

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Fees 85.30 $23,017.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Markup%
12/5/2016 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable
109010 Photocopies

1216/2016 FIRM 0.10 92.000 9.20 Billable

109012 Photocopies

12/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 19.000 1.90 Billable

109013 Photocopies

12/8/2016 FIRM 0.10 68.000 6.80 Billable

108995 Photocopies

12/9/2016 FIRM 0.10 39.000 3.90 Billable

109014 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 56.000 5.60 Billable

108988 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

108998 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 1.57 4.000 6.28 Billable

109037 Postage

12/13/2016 FIRM 0.10 25.000 2.50 Billable

109017 Photocopies

12/14/2016 FIRM 1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable

108669 Parking
Parking - Conference with Dan Eggland 10/20/16

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000445

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup o/o
12/14/2016 FIRM 1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable
108670 Parking
Parking- Conference with Molestina 12/13/16

12/14/2016 FIRM 0.10 13.000 1.30 Billable

109018 Photocopies

12/15/2016 FIRM 0.10 82.000 8.20 Billable

109020 Photocopies

12/19/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

109025 Photocopies

12/20/2016 FIRM

0.10 3.000 0.30 Billable
109026 Photocopies

184.25 able

TOTAL Billable Costs $235.87

Amount Total

Total of Fees {lime Charges) $23,017.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $235.87

Total new charges $23,253.37

Pre\1ous Balance
Current $16,507.06
Total Pre\<ious Balance $16,507.06

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type Description
12/15/2016 PAY (516,507.06)
Total Accounts Receivable ($16,507.06)

New Balance
Current $23,253.37

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000446

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:59 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $23,253.37

Funds Account: Default

Pre\Aous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 35o.oo ----3-o-.s-o - --$-10-.7-1_,0,_
.o_o - -..,. $-10.. :. ._,7 1_o_
SM 225.00 54.70 $12,307.50 $12,307.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000447

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 12/14/2016
last charge 12/30/2016
last payment 12/15/2016 Amount $16,507.06

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt
12/5/2016 SM 225.00 4.10 922.50
108532 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law: (1) Background, (2)
Count I of Schneider's Counterclaim Fails as a Matter of Law Because the
Fair Credit Reporting Act Does Not Create a Private Right of Action to
Enforce section 1681s-2(a} and (3} Count II of Schneider's Counterclaim Is
Preempted by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

108500 Confer
Confer with•

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108501 Receio.e and re\liew
Receio.e and re\liew documents (from Attorney Berton -

1216/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108507 Telephone conference
one conference with Attorney James Berton re: -

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
108508 Re\liew
Review case law re:

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108509 Obtain
Obtain proposed hearing date/confer with opposing counsel's office.

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable


12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108543 Participate

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000448

Keller & Bolz, LLP
Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

.:tnk (continued)

Rate Hours Amount Total

DNB lime DNB Amt
225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

.ties re:

225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

.:tl authorities re:

225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

J16 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable


1216/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable


1216/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable


1216/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108554 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss: (1) Schneider
Impermissibly Comingled Separate and Distinct Causes of Action in a
Single Count, (2) Schneider has Failed to Plead his Fraudulent
Misrepresentation Claim with Particularity as Required by Rule 1.220(b) (3)
Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action for Fraudulent
Misrepresentation; and (4) Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of
Action for Negligent Misrepresentation.

12/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

case law re: - confer with co-counsel.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000449

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
1217/2016 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
108561 Telephone call
Telephone calls to Attorney Trent (left messages).

12/7/2016 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

108562 Re..;se
Re..;se and expand Motion to Dismiss.

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
108612 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108616 Re..;ew
authorities re:

1217/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
108620 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
108621 Re..;ew
Re..;ew legal authorities re:

1218/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

108577 Continue
Continue efforts to contact/coordinate scheduling with Attorney
Trent/prepare email to opposing counsel.

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

108578 Re..;se
Re..;se and expand Motion to Dismiss (Counterclaim - Count 2).

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108583 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Trent/discuss the scheduling of a
hearing in January/February 2017/discuss future handling.

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108626 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000450

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB DNBAmt ______
12/8/2016 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable
108627 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss: (1) Schneider
has Improperly Joined Causes of Action that Arise Out of Separate Rights
and (2) Count 3 Was Filed/Asserted in an Improper Venue.

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108628 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Trent re: scheduling a special
set hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.00 Billable

108636 Re..;ew
Re..;ew and comment on re..;sions to the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Schneider's Counterclaim.

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

108592 Re..;se
Re..;se, edit and expand Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim (Count 3 -

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108593 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry Smith re:

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108594 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow re: • • • • • •

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108596 Prepare
P status email to FAB • • • • • •

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108597 Re..;ew

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

108637 Re\Ase
Re\Ase the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000451
)--} b
1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable
108640 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108643 Draft
Draft the following Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss re: standard for
a motion to dismiss.

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

108647 Continue
Continue to reView legal authorities re:

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

108648 Re\1ew

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108658 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Jim Smith/Brian Hagan.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108659 Re\1ew
Re\1ew case law and statutes.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

108660 Re\1se
Re\1se and finalize Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

108664 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/prepare Reply to Schneider's Affirmati-.e Defenses.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108666 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108667 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Gaey Smith.

12/12/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

108653 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on the draft Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000452

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB ume DNBAmt __________
12/12/2016 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable
108654 Draft
Draft First American's Reply to the Schneider's Affinnati-.e Defenses and
electronically file same.

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108673 Re\1ew
l i l i i i l l i i i l l e - confer with ccxounsel re: -

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108674 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB.

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108675 Obtain
Obtain information re:

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108676 Confer
Confer with Carlos M

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108686 Identify

12113/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108692 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

12113/2016 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

108693 Continue
Continue to re\1ew legal authorities re:

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108694 Detennine

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108695 Determine

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000453

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
12/14/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
108731 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Loren re: whether the listing on her website
for Mr. Schneider's home is an active listing.

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108857 Recei..e
Recei..e report from Carlos Molestina re:

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

108858 Obtain
Obtain Information

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108859 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable


12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

case law.

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

legal authorities re:

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

108756 Re\1ew

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

108757 Re\1ew

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 B illable

108758 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108869 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and analyze asserted
- - outline Motion to Strike -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000454

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ________
12/16/2016 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
108870 Obtain
Obtain/confirm hearing date (Motion to Dismiss).

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108877 Telephone conference
ne conference with Ga

12116/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108878 Exchange
Exchange emails With FAB representati\es re:

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108772 Schedule
Schedule hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108773 Draft

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108774 Draft
Draft Notice of Hearing re: the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's

12116/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108777 Draft
Draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affirmati...e Defenses.

12119/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108896 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108897 Confer
Confer with FAB (Brian Hagan) re:

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108792 Continue
Continue to draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Affirmati\e Defenses.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000455

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ___
12/19/2016 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
108793 Draft
Draft Standard for Striking an Affirmatiw Defense Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmatiw Defenses .

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

108794 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' First Affirmatiw Defense.

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108795 Re\.1ew

12/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

108899 Receiw
Receiw, re\.1ew and docket Ja 2017 hearing notice - confer with
co-counsel/obtain information email to FAB.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108798 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew background informatio- .

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108800 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew Order Specially Setting Hearing; calendar deadline to pro\.1de hard
copies of the Bank's Motion and highlighted case law to Judge Barkdull.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108801 Draft
Draft Notice of Ser\.1ce (as required by the Court's Order Specially Setting
Hearing); electronically file Notice of Ser\.1ce.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108805 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Second Affirmatiw Defense.

12/21/2016 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

108816 Draft
Draft The Conduct the Defendants Allege Constituted Unclean Hands is
not Connected with the Matter in this Litigation Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmatiw Defense.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000456

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime MarkuE% DNBlime DNB Amt
12/2212016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable
108928 case law/statutes
and re...nse draft/proposed

12/22/2016 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

108929 Re...nse
Re...nse and expand Motion to Strike Affirmati-.e Defenses.

12/22/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108822 Re...nse
Re...nse the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmati-.e Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/22/2016 SM 225.00 1.1 0 247.50 Billable


12/22/2016 SM 225.00 0. 70 157.50 Billable

108824 Draft
Draft Defendants Haw Improperly Joined Defenses that Arise Out of
Separate Rights Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affirmati-.e Defense.

12/2212016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

108825 and re...nse Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to
Strike the Schneiders' Second Affirmati-.e Defense.

12/23/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

108942 Rel.1ew, re...nse and expand Motion to Strike Affirmati-.e Defenses - confer
with co-counsel.

12/23/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108829 Rel.1se
Rel.1se the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmati-.e Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

108946 Work

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000457

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz , LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time DNB Time DNB Amt
12127/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108947 Obtain
Obtain hearing information/exchange emails with FAB -

12127/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108830 Re'v1ew
Re'v1ew legal authorities re:

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

108834 Re'v1se
Revise the BanK's Motion to StriKe the Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108836 Email
Email Messrs. Snow

12/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108955 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108956 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Sm

12/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108969 Review
Review file/contact Attorney Fred Snow re:

12/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108970 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Snow/finalize and file Motion to Strike
Affirmative Defenses - direct efforts to obtain hearing date.

12/29/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable


12/30/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

109045 Review
Review and update file/confer with co-counsel - -

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000458

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Fees 85.50 $23,087.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markue%
12/5/2016 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable
109010 Photocopies

12/6/2016 FIRM 0.10 92.000 9.20 Billable

. 109012 Photocopies

12/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 19.000 1.90 Billable

109013 Photocopies

12/8/2016 FIRM 0.10 68.000 6.80 Billable

108995 Photocopies

12/9/2016 FIRM 0.10 39.000 3.90 Billable

109014 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 56.000 5.60 Billable

108988 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

108998 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 1.57 4.000 6.28 Billable

109037 Postage

12/13/2016 FIRM 0.10 25.000 2.50 Billable

109017 Photocopies

12/14/2016 FIRM 1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable

108669 Parking
Parking - Conference with Dan Eggland 10/20/16

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000459

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup % -----::-::-::-=- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
12/14/2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable
108670 Parking
Parking- Conference with Molestina 12/13/16

12/14/2016 FIRM 0.10 13.000 1.30 Billable

109018 Photocopies

12/15/2016 FIRM 0.10 82.000 8.20 Billable

109020 Photocopies

12/19/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

109025 Photocopies

12/20/2016 FIRM 0.10 3.000 0.30 Billable

109026 Photocopies

12/30/2016 FIRM 184.25 1.000 184.25 Billable

108978 LexisNexis
Lexis research

TOTAL Billable Costs $235.87

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $23,087.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $235.87

Total new charges $23,323.37

Pre..;ous Balance
Current $16,507.06
Total Pre..;ous Balance $16,507.06

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD ·p--:ti--:o-::n:=---:--:-:-------- - - - - - - - -
Type -=D_e_sc_n...:..
12/15/2016 PAY Payment - Thank You ($16,507.06)
Total Accounts Receivable ($16,507.06)

New Balance
Current $23,323.37

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000460

1/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
8:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $23,323.37

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remm.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB _______ _____
SM 225.00 54.70 $12,307.50 $12,307.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000461

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 12/14/2016
Last charge 12/30/2016
Last payment 12/15/2016 Amount $16,507.06

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
12/5/2016 SM 225.00 4.10 922.50 --------=B7ill:-a:-:bl-e
108532 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law: (1) Background, (2)
Count I of Schneider's Counterclaim Fails as a Matter of Law Because the
Fair Credit Reporting Act Does Not Create a Private Right of Action to
Enforce section 1681s-2(a) and (3) Count II of Schneider's Counterclaim is
Preempted by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

108500 Confer
Confer with co·cmmse1t1o1m

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108501 Receiw and re\Aew
Receiw and re\Aew documents (from Attorney Berton -

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108507 Telephone conference
conference with Attorney James Berton re: -

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
108508 Re\1ew
Re\Aew case law re:

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108509 Obtain
Obtain proposed hearing date/confer with opposing counsel's office.

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 2.1 0 472.50 Billable

108541 Re\1ew
l i l i i i l i l i lties re:

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000462

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre·bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 .... Markup% DNB DNBAmt __________
12/6/2016 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable
l i l i i l i l i l l irities re:

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108547 Re\Aew
l i l i i l i l i l l irities re:

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108548 Confer

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108551 Re\Aew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108552 Re\Aew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108553 Re\1ew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108554 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss: {1} Schneider
Impermissibly Comingled Separate and Distinct Causes of Action in a
Single Count, (2) Schneider has Failed to Plead his Fraudulent
Misrepresentation Claim with Particularity as Required by Rule 1.220{b) (3)
Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action for Fraudulent
Misrepresentation; and (4} Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of
Action for Negligent Misrepresentation.

12/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108560 Re\1ew
Re\1ew case law re: - confer with co.counsel.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000463

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
1217/2016 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
108561 Telephone call
Telephone calls to Attorney Trent (left messages).

1217/2016 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

108562 Re\lise
Re\lise and expand Motion to Dismiss.

1217/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108612 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
108616 Re\liew
Re\liew legal authorities re:

I .

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108620 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
108621 ReiAew
ReiAew legal authorities re: th

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108577 Continue
Continue efforts to contacUcoordinate scheduling with Attorney
TrenUprepare email to opposing counsel.

1218/2016 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

108578 ReiAse
ReiAse and expand Motion to Dismiss (Counterclaim - Count 2).

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108583 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney TrenUdiscuss the scheduling of a
hearing in January/February 2017/discuss future handling.

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108626 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000464

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
1218/2016 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable
108627 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss: (1) Schneider
has Improperly Joined Causes of Action that Arise Out of Separate Rights
and (2) Count 3 Was Filed/Asserted in an Improper Venue.

1218/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108628 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Trent re: scheduling a special
set hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

1218/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

and comment on to the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Schneider's Counterclaim.

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

edit and expand Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim (Count 3 -
Con\Ers ion).

1219/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108593 Telephone call
Telephone call from Smith re:

1219/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108594 Telephone conference
Tol,onhnn<> conference with Fred Snow re:

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108596 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB

1219/2016 HHB 350.00

- -
0.60 210.00 Billable

and analyze case law.

12/9/2016 HHB Billable


FAB- Attys. Fees- 000465

Jh" : .-r]lJ P-" tf,
1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

12/9/2016 HHB - - Billable

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

108637 Re\1se
Re\1se the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108640 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108643 Draft
Draft the following Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss re: standard for
a motion to dismiss .

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

108647 Continue
Continue to re\1ew legal authorities re:

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

- Billable

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108658 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attomey Jim Berton/Garry Smith/Brian Hagan.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108659 Re\1ew
Re-..iew case law and statutes .

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

108660 Re\Ase
Re\Ase and finalize Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim.

12/12/2016 HHB Billable


FAB - Attys. Fees- 000466

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12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)


12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

108664 Confer
Confer with co-counselfprepare Reply to Schneider's Aflirmatlw Defenses .

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108666 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108667 Telephone conference

Telephone conference with Garry Smith.


12/12/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

and comment on the draft Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/12/2016 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable

108654 Draft
Draft First American's Reply to the Schneider's Affirmatiw Defenses and
electronically file same.

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

and update file - confer with co-counsel re: -

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108674 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000467

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
108675 Obtain
Obtain information re:

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108676 Confer
Confer with Carlos Molest in

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108692 ReiAew
ReiAew legal authorities re:

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

108693 Continue
Continue to reiAew legal authorities re:

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108694 Determine

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108695 Determine

12/14/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108731 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Loren re: whether the listing on her website
for Mr. Schneider's home is an active listing.

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108857 Receive
Receive report from Carlos Molestina re:

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

108858 Obtain
Obtain information

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108859 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000468

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ___
12/15/2016 .,:..;H,:-:H:::=B--=:.:.:.:..L.----------- 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
108862 Re-.1ew

12115/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108863 Re\.1ew
Re-.1ew case law.

12115/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

108751 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew legal authorities re:

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable


12/15/2016 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

108757 Re\.1ew

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

108758 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew legal authorities re:

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

and analyze asserted
- - outline Motion to S

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108870 Obtain
Obtain/confirm hearing date (Motion to Dismiss).

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108877 Telephone conference
conference with

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108878 Exchange
Exchange emails with FAB representatives re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000469

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt
12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
108772 Schedule
Schedule hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108773 Draft

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108774 Draft
Draft Notice of Hearing re: the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108777 Draft
Draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affirmati\e Defenses .

12/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108896 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12119/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108897 Confer
Confer with FAB (Brian Hagan) re:

12119/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108792 Continue
Continue to draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Affirmath.e Defenses.

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108793 Draft
Draft Standard for Striking an Affirmati\e Defense Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmati\e Defenses .

12119/2016 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

108794 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Sec tion of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' First Affinnati\e Defense.

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108795 Re\4ew

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000470

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _______
12/20/2016 .,:.,H::_:H;.;;:B:..-=:.=..c..----------- 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
108899 Receiw
Receiw. review and docket notice - confer with
co-counsel/obtain information _ _ _ ,prepare email to FAB .

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108798 Review
Review background information

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108800 Review
Review Order Specially Setting Hearing; calendar deadline to provide hard
copies of the Bank's Motion and highlighted case law to Judge Barkdull.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108801 Draft
Draft Notice of Service (as required by the Court's Order Specially Setting
Hearing); electronically file Notice of Service.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108805 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Second Affirmatiw Defense.

12/21/2016 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

108816 Draft
Draft The Conduct the Defendants Allege Constituted Unclean Hands is
not Connected with the Matter in this Litigation Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmati\-e Defense.

12/22/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

108928 Review
Review case law/statutes
and revise draft/proposed

12/22/2016 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

108929 Revise
Revise and expand Motion to Strike Affirmatiw Defenses .

12/2212016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108822 Revise
Revise the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmatiw Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/22/2016 S M 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

108823 Review

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000471

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt

12/2212016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

108824 Draft
Draft Defendants Ha-.e Improperly Joined Defenses that Arise Out of
Separate Rights Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affinnati-.e Defense.

12122/201 6 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

108825 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew and re\.1se Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to
Strike the Schneiders' Second Affinnati-.e Defense.

12123/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

108942 Re\.1ew
Re\.1ew, and expand Motion to Strike Affirmati-.e Defenses - confer
with co-counsel.

12123/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108829 Re\.1se
Re\.1se the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmatiw Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

108946 Work

12/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108947 Obtain
Obtain hearing information/exchange emails with FAB . . . _

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable
108830 Re\1ew
Re\.1ew legal authorities re:

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

108834 Re\.1se
Re\.1se the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affinnatiw Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108836 Email

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000472

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
12128/2016 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108955 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: • • • • •

12128/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108956 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Sm

12129/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
file/contact Attorney Fred Snow re:

12/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108970 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Snow/finalize and file Motion to Strike
Affirmative Defenses - direct efforts to obtain hearing date.

12/29/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

109051 Participate

12/30/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

and update file/confer with co-counsel - -

TOTAL Billable Fees 89.60 $24,472.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Exeense Markue%
1215/2016 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable
109010 Photocopies

12/6/2016 FIRM 0.10 92.000 9.20 Billable

109012 Photocopies

12/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 19.000 1.90 Billable

109013 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000473

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

12/8/2016 FIRM 0.10 68.000 6.80 Billable
108995 Photocopies

12/9/2016 FIRM 0.10 39.000 3.90 Billable

109014 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 56.000 5.60 Billable

108988 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

108998 Photocopies

12/12/2016 FIRM 1.57 4.000 6.28 Billable

109037 Postage

12/13/2016 FIRM 0.10 25.000 2.50 Billable

109017 Photocopies

12/14/2016 FIRM 1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable

108669 Parking
Parking - Conference with Dan Eggland 10/20/16

12/14/2016 FIRM 1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable

108670 Parking
Parking- Conference with Molestina 12/13/16

12/14/2016 FIRM 0.10 13.000 1.30 Billable

109018 Photocopies

12/15/2016 FIRM 0.10 82.000 8.20 Billable

109020 Photocopies

12/19/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

109025 Photocopies

12/20/2016 FIRM 0.10 3.000 0.30 Billable

109026 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000474

1/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:03 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup % __________
12/30/2016 184.25 1.000 184.25 Billable
108978 LexisNexis
Lexis research

TOTAL Billable Costs $235.87

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $24,472.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $235.87

Total new charges $24,708.37

Pre\1ous Balance
Current $16,507.06
Total Pre\1ous Balance $16,507.06

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type Description
12/15/2016 PAY =p-ay_m__,_en-:t---=Th=--an-:k-:-:Y-ou--- - - -- - - - - - - - - ($16,507.06)
Total Accounts Receivable ($16,507.06)

New Balance
Current $24,708.37

Total New Balance $24,708.37

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R:. . ;a: :.:t; :;.e _ _ _ _ _

H_o_ur_s ----'C'-h-'-a.;.o.rg'-'e...;..s _ _ _S_Ii._p_V_a_lu_e ___A"""'d""ju;.;:.s. ;.;,.tm;. ;. e; ;.;.n.:. o.t
HHB 350.00 34.50 $12,075.00 $12,075.00 0.00
SM 225.00 55.10 $12,397.50 $12,397.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000475

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 12114/2016
Last charge 12129/2016
Last payment 12115/2016 Amount $16,507.06

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Ttme DNB Amt
12/5/2016 -=-s-:-:M:--- -=---- - - - - -- -- 225.00 4.10 922.50 - ----=B:-:-:il-:-
108532 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law: (1 ) Background, (2)
Count I of Schneider's Counterclaim Fails as a Matter of Law Because the
Fair Credit Reporting Act Does Not Create a Private Right of Action to
Enforce section 1681s-2(a) and (3) Count II of Schneider's Counterclaim is
Preempted by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

108500 Confer

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108501 Receiw and review
Receiw and review documents (from Attorney Berton -

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108507 Telephone conference
with Attorney James Berton re: -

12/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
108508 Review
Review case law re:

1216/2016 HHB 350. 00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108509 Obtain
Obtain proposed hearing date/confer with opposing counsel's office.

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

108541 Re'o1ew
Review legal authorities re:

1216/2016 SM 225.00 45.00 Billable
108543 Participate

conferenceYnth Mr. Smith re:

e- I j .f/o '1
FAB- Attys. Fees- 000476
12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Amount Total

10 DNBAmt __________
12/6/2016 SM 90.00 Billable..

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

108546 Re\1ew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108547 Re\1ew
l i i l i i l i i i l 'rities re:

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108548 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108551 Re\1ew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108552 Re\1ew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108553 Re\1ew

12/6/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108554 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss : (1) Schneider
Impermissibly Comingled Separate and Distinct Causes of Action in a
Single Count, (2) Schneider has Failed to Plead his Fraudulent
Misrepresentation Claim with Particularity as Required by Rule 1.220(b) (3)
Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action for Fraudulent
Misrepresentation; and (4) Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of
Action for Negligent Misrepresentation.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000477

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
12/7/2016 350.00 0.30 105.00
case law re: - confer with co-counsel.

12/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

108561 Telephone call
Telephone calls to Attorney Trent (left messages).

12/7/2016 HHB 350.00 2.60 910.00 Billable

and expand Motion to Dismiss.

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
108612 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/7/2016 SM 0.20 45.00 Billable

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
108620 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/7/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable


12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108577 Continue
Continue efforts to contacUcoordinate scheduling with Attorney
TrenUprepare email to opposing counsel.

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

108578 Rel.1se
Rel.1se and expand Motion to Dismiss (Counterclaim - Count 2).

12/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108583 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Trent/discuss the scheduling of a
hearing in January/February 2017/discuss future handling.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000478

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime DNB lime DNB Amt
12/812016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
108626 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 3.70 832.50 Billable

108627 Draft
Draft the following Sections of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss: (1) Schneider
has Improperly Joined Causes of Action that Arise Out of Separate Rights
and (2) Count 3 Was Filed/Asserted in an Improper Venue.

12/812016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108628 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Trent re: scheduling a special
set hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

12/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

and comment on re\1sions to the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Schneider's Counterclaim.

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

edit and expand Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim (Count 3 -

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108593 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry Smith re:

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108594 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow re:

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108596 Prepare
- tatus email to FAB

12/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

- -

and analyze case law.

12/9/2016 HHB Billable


12130/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

12/9/2016 HHB - - B illable

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

108637 Re\Ase
Revise the Bank's Motion to Dismiss.

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108640 Review
Review legal authorities re:

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108643 Draft
Draft the following Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss re: standard for
a motion to dismiss.

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 B illable

108647 Continue
Continue to review legal authorities re:

12/9/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 Billable

- -
108648 Review

12/12/2016 HHB Billable


12/1212016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108658 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Jim Berton/Garry Smith/Brian Hagan.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108659 Review
Review case law and statutes.

1211212016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

- -
108660 Revise

Revise and finalize Motion to Dismiss Counterclaim.

1211212016 HHB Billable


FAB- Attys. Fees- 000480

12130/2016 Keller & Bolz, lLP
12: 13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup o/o DNB lime DNB Amt -----,,...-,---,---
12/12/2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ Billable

- -

1211212016 HHB
108663 • Billable

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

108664 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/prepare Reply to Schneiders Affirmative Defenses.

12/1212016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108666 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB.

12/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108667 Telephone conference

Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

12/12/2016 SM Billable

12112/2016 SM 225. 00 0.70 157.50 Billable

and comment on the draft Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12/12/2016 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable

108654 Draft
Draft First American's Reply to the Schneider's Affirmative Defenses and
electronically file same.

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108673 Re\Aew
file -confer with co-counsel re: -

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 B illable

108674 Prepare
Prepare status email to FAB.

FAB - A!tys. Fees- 000481

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - - - - -
12/13/2016 ..:.,H:.:.:,H;;::B-==-:.::..t...----------- 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
108675 Obtain
Obtain information re:

12/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108676 Confer
Confer with Carlos Molestl

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108686 Identify

12113/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

legal authorities re:

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

108693 Continue
Continue to re\4ew legal authorities re:

12/13/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108694 Determine

12113/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

108695 Determine

12114/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108731 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Ms. Loren re: whether the listing on her website
for Mr. Schneider's home is an active listing.

12115/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108857 Recei-..e
Recei'oe report from Carlos Molestina re:

12115/2016 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

108858 Obtain
Obtain information

12/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108859 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000482

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ______
12115/2016 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

12115/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108863 Review
Review case law.

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

108751 Review
Review legal authorities re:

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

108756 Review

12115/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

108757 Review

12/15/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

108758 Review
Review legal authorities re:

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108869 Review
Review and analyze asserted
- outline Motion to

12/16/2.016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108870 Obtain
Obtain/confinn hearing date (Motion to Dismiss).

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108877 Telephone conference
conference with

12/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108878 Exchange
Exchange emails with FAB representatives re:

FAB- Fees - 000483

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 1ime Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
108772 Schedule
Schedule hearing on the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
108773 Draft
Draft email to Messrs. Snow, Smith and

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108774 Draft
Draft Notice of Hearing re: the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Schneider's
Counterclaim .

12/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108777 Draft
Draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affirmative Defenses.

12119/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108896 Confer
Confer With co-counsel re: -I
12/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
108897 Confer
Confer With FAB (Brian Hagan) re:

12/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108792 Continue
Continue to draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses.

12/1912016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108793 Draft
Draft Standard for Striking an Affirmative Defense Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses.

12/1912016 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

108794 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Section of th_e Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' First Affirmative Defense.

12119/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 B illable

108795 Review

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000484

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12: 13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

lime Entry Markup%
DNB lime
- - -Billable
108899 Recei-..e
Recei-..e, review and docket notice - confer with
co-counsel/obtain information - - -/prepare email to FAB.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108798 Review
Review background information

12/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108800 Review / • I
Review Order Hearing; calendar deadline to provide hard
copies of the Bank's and highlighted case law to Judge Barkdull.

12120/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108801 Draft
Draft Notice of Service (as required by the Court's Order Specia Setting
Hearing); electronically file Notice of Service.

12/20/2016 SM 225.00' -" / 0.80 180.00 Billable

108805 Draft
Draft Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the
Schneiders' Second Affirmati-..e Defense.

12/21/2016 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

108816 Draft
Draft The Conduct the Defendants Allege Constituted Unclean Hands is
not Connected with the Matter in this Litigation Section of the Bank's
Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmatiw Defense.

12/2212016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

108928 Review
Review case law/statutes
and revise draft/proposed e - confer with co-counsel.

12/2212016 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

108929 Revise
Revise and expand Motion to Strike Affirmatiw Defenses.

12122/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108822 Revise
Revise the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmati-..e Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12122/2016 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

108823 Review

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000485

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 _ _ _ _ .:. li:.:. :m.:.: :e:. .;E: :.:n:.;.;t: . zry_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _ _ __

12/22/2016 SM 225.00 0. 70 157.50 Billable

108824 Draft
Draft Defendants Haw Improperly Joined Defenses that Arise Out of
Separate Rights Section of the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders'
Affirmath.e Defense.

12122/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

108825 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and re\jse Legally Insufficient Section of the Bank's Motion to
Strike the Schneiders' Second Aflirmati\e Defense.

12123/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

108942 Re\jew
Re\Aew, re\jse and expand Motion to Strike Affirmati\e Defenses -confer
with co-counsel.

12/23/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

108829 Re\jse
Re\jse the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmative Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12127/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

108946 Work
12/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108947 Obtain
Obtain hearing information/exchange emails with

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable
108830 Re\Aew
Re\Aew legal authorities re:

12/27/2016 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

108834 Re\Ase
Re\Ase the Bank's Motion to Strike the Schneiders' Affirmath.e Defenses
and Incorporated Memorandum of Law.

12127/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108836 Email

FAB- Fees- 000486

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12:13 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 12

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ________
12/28/2016 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108955 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108956 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Sm

12/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
108969 Re\4ew
Re\4ew file/contact Attorney Fred Snow re:

12/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108970 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Snow/finalize and file Motion to Strike
Affirmati\e Defenses - direct efforts to obtain hearing date.

. TOTAL Billable Fees 88.60 $24,147.50

Date Attomey Price Quantity Amount Toted

10 Expense Markup % - - --:::-=-:::7 - -- ----:::-=:: _ _ _ __
12/14/2016 1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable
108669 Parking
Parking - Conference with Dan Eggland 10/20/16

12/14/2016 FIRM 1.77 1.000 1.77 Billable

108670 Parking
Parking- Conference with Molestina 12/13/16

TOTAL Billable Costs $3.54

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $24, 147.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $3. 54

Total new charges $24,151 .04

Current $16,507.06
Total Pre\tious Balance $16,507.06

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000487

12/30/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:13PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 13

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Accounts Receiwbles
DateiiD Descrietion
12/15/2016 PAY Payment- Thank You ($16,507.06)
Total Accounts Receiwble ($16,507.06)

New Balance
Current $24,151 .04

Total New Balance $24,151.04

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value _ __

HHB ----3=-=5=o-=.o"""
o -----=3=3-=.7=o - --,$. ,. 11.,_,=79=-=5:=-:.o=o ---:::$711-="".==79=-=5:-::.o=o o.oo
SM 225.00 54.90 $12,352.50 $12,352.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000488

12/6/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 11/22/2016
Last charge 11/30/2016
Last payment 11/28/2016 Amount $30,248.56

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ___
11/3/2016 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
108040 Re'view
Re'view and update file

11/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108045 Receiw and re'view
Receiw and re'view email from Attorney Snow/attempt to contact Attorney
Trent re: overdue Answer.

11/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

108049 Exchange
Exchange emails with Attorney Trent re: extension of time to file
Answer/confer with FAB.

11/4/2016 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

108128 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Trent's Assistant re: Mr. Trent requesting
an extension of time to file an Answer to the Verified Foreclosure
Complaint; participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -
draft email to Mr. Trent re: same.

11/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108055 Confer
Confer with Brian Hagan re:

11/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108056 Exchange
Exchange emails with Attorney Trent (grant additional one-day (overnight)

11/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.6 210.00 Billable

108064 Receiw and review f)
Receive and review Motion for Extension of Time to File Answ r,
Defenses and Counterclaim - re'view fi le/commission additlona legal
research/prepare status email to FAB.

11/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108065 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

11/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

108075 Receive and re'view
Receive and re'view case law re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000489

12/6/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB llme DNBAmt ___
11 /8/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable
108136 Participate
hone conference with Mr. Smith re- .
re\1ew Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's

11/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108079 Prepare
Prepare email report to First American Bank re: -

11115/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108182 Receive
Receive, re\Aew - Attorney Trent's Second Motion for Extension
(2 days) . AS/confer with Garry Smith re:

11 /1 5/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108214 Re\Aew
Re\Aew Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's Motion for Extension of llme in Which to
File Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaim; participate in
telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

11/17/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

108226 Receive
Receive, re\Aew, analyze - Answer, Affirmative Defenses and
Counterclai4 FAB - re\1ew file.

11/17/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

108227 Confer
Confer with co-counsel/jointly analyze
- /identify issues -"to-do"

11/1 7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

108231 Confer
Confer with

11/17/2016 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

108254 Review
Review and analyze Mr. and Mrs.
Defenses and Counterclaim; meet
telephone conference with Mr. Smith
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9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt
11/18/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable
Event Chronology
Motion to to Strike.

11/18/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

108240 Re\.1ew
statute and cases/analyze -
- confer with co-counsel.

11/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

108241 Initiate
Initiate legal research ate and
collate documents

11/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

108242 Confer
Confer with Attorney Mesa re:

11/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

108244 Begin
Begin outlining series of disco\oery pleadings directed to Laurence and
Stephanie Schneider.

11/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108245 Recei..e
Recei\oe, re\.1ew and forward Supreme Court Order suspending Attorney
Trent from the practice of law for 30 days (10 Dec 2016- 9 Jan 2017).

350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

11/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 B illable

108247 Telephone call
call from Frederick Snow, Esq. re:

11/18/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

108261 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bolz re:

11/21/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Blllable

Re\.1ew and update file.

FAB- Fees- 000491

1216/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:28AM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry
11/21/2016 -:":H::-':H-:=-B-;..;.;....<...._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _
350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
108271 Receiw
Recei\e, - Attorney Trent's Notice of Non-Availability I

11/21/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable



11/21/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108273 , case law

11/21/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108294 Attorney Trent's Conditional Guilty Plea for Consent Judgment and
Order; emails from Messrs. Snow and Hagan re: IIIII;
deadline to fife a reply to Defendants' Affirmatiw Defenses and respond to
Defendants' Counterclaim.

11/21/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

108295 Notice of Absence filed by Mr. Trent; determine whether Mr.
Schneider has listed either of his homes for sale or rent.

11/22/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

Review file/confer with co-counsel re:

11/22/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108292 Confer

11/22/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108293 Telephone conference
Tel e conference with Garry Smith re:

11/2212016 SM 225.00 2.70 607.50 Billable


FAB - Attys. Fees- 000492

1216/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime MarkUQ% DNB Time DNB Amt

11/23/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable
and analyze - case law

11/23/2016 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

108325 Confer

11/23/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

108326 Review

11/23/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

108327 Review

11/23/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

108330 Review
Review law/confer wlth co-counsel.

11/23/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

108331 Telephone conference
Tel conference with Gany Smith re:
- update tile.

11/23/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108332 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow re: - ·

11/23/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108350 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/23/2016 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

108351 Continue
Continue to

11/23/2016 SM 225.00 3.50 787.50 Billable

108352 Review

FAB- Fees- 000493

12/6/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:28AM Pre-bill W ori<sheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued) ' ,

Date Attorney Rate Total
ID Mari<up % ___=..:....:.:::....:....:.:.=
11/23/2016 SM 225.00 Billable
108355 Participate
Partici in te
11/23/2016 SM 225.00
.00 Billable
108356 Participate

11/27/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

108335 Prepare
Prepare status report to FAB (Messrs. Smith, Snow and Hagan).

11/28/2016 HHB 350.00 2.90 1,015.00 Billable


11/28/2016 HHB 350.00 3.20 1,120.00 Billable

and expand comprehensive status letter to FAB.

11/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

108339 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith

11/28/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

108359 Continue

11/28/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

108365 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/28/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

and comment on draft report letter to Messrs. Snow, Hagan and
Smith re:

11/29/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

108390 Confer
Confer with co-counseVfinalize and send comprehensive status letter to

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000494

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9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Time Entry Markup%
DNB lime
- - -Billable
108391 and re'Jiew
Recei..e and reliew email from FAB (Garry Smith) re: -

11/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

108395 Re\Aew
cases/confer with co-counsel-

11/29/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

108403 Confer

11/29/2016 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

108412 Continue
Continue to legal authorities re:

11/29/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

108416 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/30/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

108454 Recei\.e and re..;ew
Recei\e and re..;ew - -egulations/case law re:

11 /30/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

108455 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/attempt to contact Attorney Snow.

11/30/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

108456 Confer
Confer with Attorney Mesa re:

11/30/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

108469 Review
Re\iew legal authorities re:

11/30/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

108472 Review
Review legal authorities re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000495

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9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Fees 54.00 $16,250.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 ExEense MarkuE%
11/8/2016 FIRM 0.10 14.000 1.40 B illable
108437 Photocopies

11/14/2016 FIRM 6.00 1.000 6.00 Billable

108157 Parking
Parking- West Palm Beach Courthouse 10/14/16

11/14/2016 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

108159 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at Hearing before Judge Breger 10/28/16

11/18/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

108444 Photocopies

11/19/2016 FIRM 0.10 94.000 9.40 Billable

108381 Photocopies

11/22/2016 FIRM 0.10 94.000 9.40 Billable

108447 Photocopies

11/23/2016 FIRM 0.10 22.000 2.20 Billable

108386 Photocopies

11/23/2016 FIRM 0.1 0 6.000 0.60 Billable

108387 Photocopies

11/23/2016 FIRM 0.10 173.000 17.30 Billable

108448 Photocopies

11/28/2016 FIRM 0.10 14.000 1.40 Billable

108449 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000496

12/6/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup % -----=-::-::--=- __________
11/29/2016 -:=F;:IR::;::M;'-=-'=---- - - - - - - - - - 0.10 5.000 0.50 Billable
108450 Photocopies

11/30/2016 FIRM 0.10 44.000 4.40 Billable

108451 Photocopies

11/30/2016 FIRM 64.26 1.000 64.26 Billable

108485 LexisNexis
Lexis research

TOTAL Billable Costs $212.06

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $16,250.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $212.06

Total new charges $16,462.06

Previous Balance
Current $30,248.56
Total Pre\1ous Balance $30,248.56

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD =De.. .;_s.; _c;;.n
; .=
11/28/2016 PAY Payment -Thank You ($30,248.56)
Total Accounts Receivable ($30,248.56)

New Balance
Current $16,462.06

Total New Balance $16,462.06

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remowd from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000497

12/6/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:28AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB - - --:3::;-;:5:-:::-o--=. ---__,3'""'2--:-
.8-o ---=$-=-11::-.47:8::-:::o"'-::.o:-:::-o o-=-o -----"--.,o""""
SM 225.00 21.20 $4,770.00 $4,770.00 0.00

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000498

' Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :44AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 10/31/2016
Last charge 10/31/2016
Last payment 11/1 1/2016 Amount $1 ,998.27

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

lime Entry
DNB 1ime
----- -
107607 Recei\e and re\1ew
Recei\e and re\1ew Attorney Trent's §57.011 demand- re\1ew
statute/ad\1se Attorney Trent of repeal of statute/recei\e Notice of
Retraction of demand/confer with Attorney Trent re: responsive pleading.

10/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107608 Receive and re\1ew
Recei\e and re\1ew Schneider's Motion to Dismiss - confer with co-counsel.

10/4/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

107609 Re\1ew
statutes/case law - expand scope of legal research/determine
le Amended Notice of Hearing.

10/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107614 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith re:
- update file.

10/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 . 280.00 Billable

107615 Telephone call
Te call from Fred Snow, Esq. re:

10/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107617 Prepare
Prepare Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss.

10/4/2016 SM 225.00 4 .50 1,012.50 Billable

107727 Re\1ew I f'
Re\1ew Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's Motion to Dismiss and legal authorities 0
cited therein· telephone conference\with Judge Blanc's Judicial Assistant
re: acfcl1ii9
the Motion to Dismiss to October 14th special set hearing; draft
Amended Notice of Hearing and file same· rtic in
conference with Mr. Snow re:
; draft email to Mr. Smith re:

10/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107623 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000499

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _________
10/5/2016 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable
107624 Rev;ew
ReView, re\1se and expand Memorandum in Opposition to Schneider's
Motion to Dismiss/confer with co-counsel.

10/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107630 Receiw and re\1ew
Receiw and rev;ew Attorney Snow's emaiVconfer with Attorney Snow.

10/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107631 Finalize
Finalize Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss.

10/5/2016 SM 225.00 4.1 0 922.50 Billable

107728 Rev;ew

10/7/201 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

107640 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Palm Beach County (Judges Blane/Breger) for
Friday's hearing - comply with Court Order.

10/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107641 Finalize
Finalize and file Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss.

10/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107642 Prepare
Prepare status letter to First American Bank/recei\e response from
Attorney Snow.

10/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107643 Rev;ew
Rev;ew proposed Orders.

10/7/2016 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

107733 Prepare •
Prepare hard copies of legal authorities cited in the Bank's Memorandum
in Opposition to Mr. and Mrs. Schneiders' Motion to Dismiss, the Bank's
Motion to Compel Assignment of Rents and the Bank's for
Appointment of re:l.llil•••
legal authorities
- draft proposed denying Mr. and Mrs. Schneiders' Motion to
Dismiss, rev;ew and nt on draft letter to rev;ew and
comment on drat letter to r. Smith re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000500

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _________
10/10/2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
107655 Finalize
Finalize and transmit letter to Palm Beach County Circuit Court (with
materials for Friday's hearing).

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107656 Prepare
Prepare for upcoming specialty-set 30 minute hearing.

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107662 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Hylton Wynick re:

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107663 Revise
Revise and Appointing obtain
information _ _ . . . . .

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107664 Re'oliew
Re\Aew ng law.

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107665 Draft
Draft series of proposed Orders Compeling Assignment of Rents.

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107666 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Mermelstein (Jeff Hennan) re: tenant's
position vis-a-vis upcoming hearing.

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

107669 Prepare
Prepare for special-set hearing/revise and expand series of propoer Orders
- outline arguments .

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107670 Receiw and re\Aew
Recei\e and review

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107671 Telephone conference
ne conference with Attorney Fred Snow/Mr. Hagan re: -

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000501

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
107672 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Mermelstein re:
notice/lease/future handling.

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107673 Obtain
Obtain and with FAB.

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105 00 Billable

107681 Telephone conference
conference with Smith (FAB) re:

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

:X 107682 Confer
Confer with co-counsel I -

10/11/2016 SM A. c,ott 225.00 5.50 Billable

proposed Order Denying Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and outline
argument; proposed Compelling-AssignmeAt-ef..Rents ___
o..r-J. outline of argument; re\1ew1lroposed Order and outline
of authorities re:

10/1 2/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107689 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and re\Aew series of Orders/obtain better information
email to Brian
case law re: -

10/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107691 Recei...e and re..;ew
Recei'l.e and re\Aew Schneider Affi to FAB/confer with

10/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107692 Telephone conference
conference with FAB Smith) re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000502

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt - - - - -
10/1212016 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107700 Re\Ase
Re\Ase and finalize Order Appointing Receiver/prepare email to Hylton

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107701 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Herman (Tenant) and Mermelstein
(Tenant's counsel) re: Affida\.1t/Lease/hearing.

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107702 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Fred Snow

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107706 Receive and re\Aew
Receive and re\Aew - case - - prepare Notice of Filing
Additional Authority.

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107707 Confer
Confer with Attorney Mesa re: -revise and
expand Orders.

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107708 Receive
Receive, re\Aew and incorporate Receiver Wynick's suggested Order terms.

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107709 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Brian Hagan re:

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107710 Re\Aew
Review and outline arguments - citations - quotes - documents.

10/13/2016 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

107772 Participate
P conference with Mr. Hagan re:
participate in telephone
an and Mermelstein re: Notice of Eviction and attending

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000503

11/ 15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Amount Total

ID DNBAmt __________
hearing; meet with Mr.

10/14/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107746 Prepare
...."'""''""" for hearing/re\o1ew case law/outline c ross-examination questions

10/14/2016 HHB 350.00 4.70 1,645.00 Billable

107747 Trawl
to West Palm Beach Courthouse -confer with Mr. Hagan -attend
hearing - obtain series of Court Orders.

10/1 4/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 B illable

107748 Confer
Confer with FAB re:
prepare email to all non-attending AB .

10/14/2016 SM ..... 225.00 5.10 • 1, 147.50 Billable

107775 Trawl
Trawl to to and from the Palm Beach County Courthouse in order to
attend hearing on the Bank's Verified Motion to Compel Assignment of
Rents and Verified Petition for Appointment of and Mr. and Mrs.
Schneiders' Motion to Dismiss; telephone conferences with Mr. Smith re:
telephone conference with Mr. Snow re: . . review Order
Denying Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, Order Compelling Assignment of
Rents and Order Continuing Special Setting Hearing

10/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107762 Re\o1ew
Review/update file/initiate preparations for 28 October 2016 e\o1dentiary

10/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107763 Telephone call

10/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107767 Telephone conference
i l i i i i i n f e rence with Garry Smith/confer with co-counsel re: -

10/17/ 2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107768 Confer
Mesa re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000504

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!Y Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
10/17/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
107784 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bolz re:

10/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107790 Obtain
Obtain additional inform

+ 10/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107791 Confer
Confer with co-counsel
- re\1ew updated case law.

10/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107802 Telephone call
e call from Dan Eggland re:
contact Gany

10/18/2016 SM 225.00 315.00 Billable

1.40 '
107803 Re\1ew
10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable
107809 Review
Review additional cases/locate additional documents for October 28, 2016
e\1dentiary hearing.

10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

10781 o Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Gany Smith re:
IIIII - update- exchange emails with FAB re:

10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107811 Expand
Expand series of questions for cross-examination.

10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107812 Outline

10/20/2016 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable
107847 Re\1se
Re\1se, expand and deliver outline of possible direct
- confer with Mr. Eggland re: -

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000505

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ___
10/20/2016 -:'-:H7-':H'="B....:;;.:..:..:.:....<..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
107848 Obtain
Obtain and forward to Dan Eggland.

10/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107852 Telephone conference
conference with G

10/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
107857 Review
Review and comment on proposed Outline of Direct Examination IIIII
10/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
107878 Recei-.e
Recei-.e, review and analyze
- confer with Garry

10/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107879 Continue
Continue to outline - testimony/cross-examination questions.

10/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107886 Review
Re\Aew file/contact
recei-.e information

350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

10/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107888 Re\Aew
Review and re\Ase testimony/outline of questions .

10/25/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

107935 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Le\An re: attending Friday's hearing (he will
not attend) and whether Mr. Schneider has any outstanding association

10/26/2016 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

107899 Outline
Outline cross-examination/prepare documents.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000506

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!Y MarkU(;!% DNB Time DNB Amt
10/26/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable
107900 Outline

10/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107903 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Smith re:

10/26/2016 SM 225.00
107940 Re\liew
Re\liew and comment on proposed Cross-Examination of Laurence
Schneider Outline.

10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable


10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107912 Obtain
Obtain information

10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

107913 Prepare for
Prepare for and attend witness preparation session with Dan Eggland

10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

107919 Receiw
Receiw , review and forward Attorney Trent's email re: Tenant Herman's
agreement to vacate by month's end/confer with Tenant Herman/confer
with FAB

10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107921 Prepare
Prepare for hearing/respond to Attorney Trent's email.

10/27/2016 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

107943 Obtain

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000507

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _ _
10/28/2016 :-:H:-:H=s--'--'-"---------- -- 350.00 3.00 1,050.00 Billable
107922 Prepare
Prepare for e\1dentiary hearing - prepare documents/case law for the
Court/witnesses/confer with Messrs. Smith and Eggland.

10/28/2016 HHB 350.00 5.20 1,820.00 Billable

107923 Trawl
Trawl to West Palm Beach (with FAB representative Dan
hearing/return to Miami (after ad\1sing FAB representatives - -

10/28/2016 SM 225.00 4.30

107948 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Appointment of a
Receiwr; travel to and from the Palm Beach County Courthouse; attend
on the

10/31/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60

107992 Re\1ew
file- contact Hylton Wynick re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 97.20 $29,757.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markue%
10/4/2016 FIRM 0.10 43.000 4.30 Billable
107969 Photocopies

10/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 95.000 9.50 Billable

107822 Photocopies

10/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 54.000 5.40 Billable

107970 Photocopies

10/1 1/2016 FIRM 0.10 31 .000 3.10 Billable

107971 Photocopies

10/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 43.000 4.30 Billable

107974 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000508

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 11

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10/13/2016 FIRM 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable
107826 Photocopies

10/13/2016 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

107839 Photocopies

10/18/2016 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

107979 Photocopies

10/20/2016 FIRM 0.10 25.000 2.50 Billable

107i41 Photocopies
· Photocopies/Reproduction

10/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 195.000 19.50 Billable

107986 Photocopies

10/28/2016 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

107984 Photocopies

10/31/2016 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

107906 CourtReporterFee
Attendance of Court Reporter at October 14, 2016 Hearing
Julio A . Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55214

10/31/2016 FIRM 25.65 1.000 25.65 Billable

107907 FedEx
FedEx- lnv. 5-581-29708
Delivery to Han. Peter Blanc- WPB Courthouse

10/31/2016 FIRM 10.00 1.000 10.00 Blllable

107908 Parking
Parking - Hearing at West Palm Beach Courthouse 10/28/16

10/31/2016 FIRM 14.61 1.000 14.61 Billable

107909 Travel-Meals
Travel- Meals- Lunch@ Den's Coffee Spot 10/28/16

TOTAL Billable Costs $198.56

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000509

11/15/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:44 AM Pre-bill Worl<sheet Page 12

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $29,757.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $198.56

Total new charges $29,956.06

Previous Balance
Current $1,998.27
Total Previous Balance $1,998.27

Accounts Receivables
11/11/2016 PAY Payment- Thank You ($1,998.27)
Total Accounts Receivable ($1 '998.27)

New Balance
Current $29,956.06

Total New Balance $29,956.06

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0. 00
Total added to account $0.00
Total from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

_A_tt_o_rn_e..._y_ _ _ _ _ _ ------:-::-R-='"a'-'=t7e -----'::H-:-o""":ur7s ___ _ _..:..A:..::d4ju:..::s..:.:tm.:.:.e::..:n:..::t

HHB 350.00 63.10 $22,085.00 $22,085.00 0.00
SM 225.00 34.10 $7,672.50 $7,672.50 0.00
Keller & Bolz, LLP

Pre-bill Worksheet
1 nf I
((d- l- L'-' l ·,r
Nickname irst American/Schneider 1317.18 f-
Full Name irst American Bank c "\.(
Last bill 0/31/2016 I \ (lj \
Vr c '
Last charge 10/31/2016 c ' \
Last payment 10/7/2016 Amount $17,034.77 1'\\) Y
- I

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNBlime DNBAmt __________
350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
eive and re'.liew
·ve and re'.liew Attorney Trent's §57.011 demand - re'.liew
ut /ad'.lise Attorney Trent of repeal of statute/receiw Notice of
. . .. . . of demand/confer with Attorney Trent re: responsive pleading.

10/4/2016 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107614 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:
- -update file.

10/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107615 Telephone call
call from Fred Snow, Esq. re:

10/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107617 Prepare
Prepare Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss.

10/4/2016 SM 225.00 4.50 1,012.50 Billable

107727 Re'.liew
Re'.liew Mr. and Mrs. Schneider's Motion to Dismiss and legal authorities
cited therein; telephone conference with Judge Blanc's Judicial Assistant
re: adding the Motion to Dismiss to October 14th special set hearing; draft
Amended Notice of Hearing and electronical file in
telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:
; draft email to Mr. Smith re:

10/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107623 Confer
Confer with co-counsel

10/5/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107624 Re'.liew
Re'.liew, re'.lise and expand Memorandum in Opposition to Schneider's
Motion to Dismiss/confer with co-counsel.

10/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107630 Receive and re'.liew
Receive and re'.liew Attorney Snow's email/confer with Attorney Snow.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000511

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
10/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
107631 Finalize
Finalize Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss.

10/5/2016 SM 225.00 4.10 922.50 Billable

107728 Review
Memorandum of law in
email from Mr. Snow re:
- ; legal authorities re:

10/7/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

107640 Prepare
Prepare correspondence to Palm Beach County (Judges Blane/Breger) for
Friday's hearing - comply with Court Order.

10/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107641 Finalize
Finalize and file Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss.

10/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107642 Prepare
Prepare status letter to First American Bank/receive response from
Attorney Snow.

10/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

Review proposed Orders.
·. \

10/7/2016 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

107733 Prepare
Prepare hard copies of legal authorities cited in the Bank's Memorandum
in Opposition to Mr. and Mrs. Schneiders' Motion to Dismiss , the Bank's
Motion to Compel Assignment of Rents and the Bank's Petition for
Appointment of Receiwr; re\1ew legal authorities re:
- draft proposed order denying Mr. and Mrs. to
Dismiss: and comment on draft letter to Blanc; review and
comment on drat letter to Mr. Smith re:

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107655 Finalize
Finalize and transmit letter to Palm Beach County Circuit Court (with
materials for Friday's hearing).

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107656 Prepare
Prepare for upcoming specially-set 30 minute hearing.

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000512

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Ent!}: DNB Time DNBAmt
10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
107662 Telephone conference
conference with . Wynick re:

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107663 Re\Ase
Re\Ase and ex

1.0/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107664 Review
Review ng law.

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107665 Draft
Draft series of proposed Orders Competing Assignment of Rents .

10/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107666 Telephone conference
Telephone conrerence with Attorney Mermelstein (Jeff Herman) re: tenant's
position vis-a-vis upcoming hearing.

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

107669 Prepare
Prepare for special-set hearlng/re\Ase and expand series of propoer Orders
-outline arguments.

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107670 Recei\e and review
Recei\e and re\Aew

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
107671 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Fred Snow/Mr. Hagan

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107672 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Mermelstein re: eviction
notice/lease/future handling.

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107673 Obtain
Obtain and review with FAB.

FAB - Fees- 0005 13

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First AmericanJSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID10/11/2016 lime Entry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
107681 Telephone conference
li conference with Garry Smith (FAB) re:

10/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107682 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

10/11/2016 SM 225.00 5.50 1,237.50 Billable

107739 Review
Review proposed Order Denying Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and outline
of argument; review proposed Order Compelling Assignment of Rents and
outline of argument; review proposed Order Receiver and outline
of argument; review legal authorities re:

10/1212016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107689 Review
Review and review series of Orders/obtain better
email to Brian with Fred Snow

10/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107691 Receive and reiAew
Receive and reiAew Schneider to FAB/confer with

10/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107692 Telephone conference
T conference with FAB (Garry Smith) re:

10/1212016 SM 225.00 1. 10 247.50 Billable

107743 Determine

FAB- Fees- 000514

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNBlime DNBAmt ______
10/13/2016 .,...,H"""'H,:;.B....;;;__...__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
107700 Re.,;se
Re.,;se and finalize Order Appointing Receiver/prepare email to Hylton

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107701 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Herman (Tenant) and Mermelstein
(Tenant's counsel) re: Affida..;t!Lease/hearing.

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107702 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Fred Snow re:

10/1 3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107706 Receive and re..;ew
Receive and re\1ew - case - - prepare Notice of Filing
Additional Authority.

10/1 3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107707 Confer
Confer with Attorney Mesa re: - re.,;se and
expand Orders.

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107708 Receive
Receive, re.,;ew and incorporate Receiver Wynick's suggested Order terms.

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107709 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Brian Hagan re:

10/13/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107710 Re.,;ew
Re.,;ew and outline arguments - citations -quotes - documents.

10/13/2 016 SM 765.00 Billable

107772 Participate

Partie in conference with Mr. Hagan
partilte in
essrs. an n re: lice
tomorrow's hearing; meet with Mr. Bo z re:

10/14/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107746 Prepare
- - g/re.,;ew case law/outline cross-examination questions

FAB- Allys. Fees- 000515

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup % DNB Time DNB Amt - - - - . . , - -
10/1412016 350.00 4.70 1,645.00 Billable
107747 Trawl
Travel to West Palm Beach Courthouse - confer with Mr. Hagan - attend
hearing - obtain series of Court Orders.

10/14/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107748 Confer
Confer with FAB represent atives re:
prepare email to all non-attending pa

10/14/2016 SM 225.00 5.10 1,147.50 Billable

107775 Trawl
Trawl to to and from the Palm Beach County Courthouse, in order to
attend hearing on the Bank's Verified Motion to Compel Assignment of
Rents and Verified Petition for Appointment of Receiver and Mr. and Mrs.
Schneiders' Motion to Dismiss; telephone conferences with Mr. Smith re:
- telephone conference with Mr. Snow re: - re\1ew Order
Denying Defendants' Motion to Dismiss, Order Compelling Assignment of
Rents and Order Continuing Special Setting Hearing.

10/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107762 Re\1ew
Review/update file/initiate preparations for 28 October 2016 e\1dentiary

10/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Bmable

107763 Telephone call
call from Dan

10/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
107767 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/confer with co<ounsel re: -

10/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107768 Confer
Confer with ........,.,.,,,.. Mesa re:

10/17/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

107784 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bolz re:

10/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107790 Obtain
Obtain additional information

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000516

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Worksheet Page 28

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

1010/18/2016 Time Entl)l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _ _
350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
107791 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
- updated case law.

10/18/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107802 Telephone call
T.o:>l•=>nh•" '""' call from Dan Eggland
- contact Garry

10/18/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

107803 Review

10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107809 Review
additional cases/locate additional documents for October 28, 2016
evidentiary hearing.

10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107810 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:
- - update - exchange emails with F

10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107811 Expand
. Expand series of questions for cross-examination.

10/19/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107812 Outline
Outline questions/issues for direct examinaton
- -obtain documents.

10/20/2016 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

107847 Re\1se
Revise, expand and deliver outline of possible direct testimony -
- confer with Mr. Eggland re: -

10/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107848 Obtain
Obtain and forward to Dan Eggland.

10/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107852 Telephone conference
li conference with

FAB - Fees - 000517

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

First American/Schneider: First Am rican Bank (continued)

Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
107857 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on Outline of Direct Examination of-

10/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107878 Receive
Receive, re\1ew and analyze
- confer with Garry

10/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107879 Continue
Continue to outline - testimony/cross-examination questions.

10/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107886 Re\1ew
Re\1ew file/contact
receive information

10/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

107887 Prepare
re for E\1dentia

10/25/2016 HHB '350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107888 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and re\1se

10/25/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

107935 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Le\1n re: attending Friday's hearing and
whether Mr. Schneider has any outstanding association fees.

10/26/2016 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

107899 Outline
Outline cross-examination/prepare docum nts.

10/26/2016 HHB 1.20 420.00 Billable

107900 Outline

10/26/2016 HHB 0.20 70.00 Billable

107903 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Smith re:

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000518
10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider:First Ame ·can Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Ent Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _ _ __
10/26/2016 -=s:.:-::M:.=...:=.z_- - -- + - - - - - - - - 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
107940 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and comment on Cross-Examination of laurence Schneider

10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable


10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107912 Obtain
Obtain information

10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

107913 Prepare for
Prepare for and attend witness preparation session with Dan Eggland

10/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

107919 Receiw
Receiw, re\1ew and forward Attorney Trent's email re: Tenant Herman's
agreement to vacate by month's end/confer with Tenant Herman/confer
with FAB

350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

10/28/2016 HHB 350.00 3.00 1,050.00 Billable

107922 Prepare
Prepare for e\1dentiary hearing - prepare documents/case law for the
Court/witnesses/confer with Messrs. Smith and Eggland.

10/28/2016 HHB 350.00 5.20 1,820.00 Billable

107923 Travel
Trawl to West Palm Beach (with FAB representaliw Dan
hearing/return to Miami (after FAB representatives - -

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000519

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt

10/28/2016 SM 225.00 4.30 967.50 Billable

107948 Prepare
Prepare to attend hearing on the Bank's Motion for Appointment of a
Receiver; travel to and from the Palm Beach County Courthouse; attend
hearing on the Bank's Motion for Appointment of a Receiver.

TOTAL Billable Fees 94.50 $28,812.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Markup%
10/4/2016 FIRM 0.1 0 43.000 4 .30 Billable
107969 Photocopies

10/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 95.000 9.50 Billable

107822 Photocopies

10/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 54.000 5.40 Billable

107970 Photocopies

10/11/2016 FIRM 0.1 0 31.000 3.10 Billable

107971 Photocopies

10/12/2016 FIRM 0.10 43.000 4.30 Billable

107974 Photocopies

10/13/2016 FIRM 0. 10 10.000 1.00 Billable

107826 Photocopies

10/13/2016 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

107839 Photocopies

10/18/2016 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable

107979 Photocopies

10/20/2016 FIRM 0.10 25 .000 2.50 Billable

107841 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000520

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 32

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 195.000 19.50 Billable
107986 Photocopies

10/28/2016 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

107984 Photocopies

10/31/2016 FIRM 95.00 1.000 95.00 Billable

107906 Court Reporter Fee
Attendance of Court Reporter at October 14, 2016 Hearing
Julio A. Mocega & Associates, Inc. - lnv. 55214

10/31/2016 FIRM 25.65 1.000 25.65 Billable

107907 FedEx
FedEx - lnv. 5-581-29708
Delivery to Hon. Peter Blanc - WPB Courthouse

10/31/2016 FIRM 10.00 1.000 10.00 Billable

107908 Parking
Parking - Hearing at West Palm Beach Courthouse 10/28/16

10/31 /2016 FIRM 14.61 1.000 14.61 Billable

107909 Tra-..ei-Meals
Travel- Meals- Lunch@ Dan's Coffee Spot 10/28/16


Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $28,812.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $198.56

Total new charges $29,011.06

Pre\Aous Balance
Current $1 ,998.27
Total Pre-.1ous Balance $1,998.27

New Balance
Current $31 ,009.33

Total New Balance $31 ,009.33

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000521

10/31/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:05PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo-.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours ---=-=S_Iip'--V_a_

lu_e _ __A_d.._
j u_s_tm.,.e-:n-:-t
HHB 350.00 _ _ _ _6_0_.4_0 $21,140.00 $21 , 140.00 0.00
SM 225.00 34.10 $7,672.50 $7,672.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000522

10/7/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:16PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Full Name
First American/Schneider 1317.18 0
First American Bank
Last bill 9/27/2016
Last charge 9/30/2016
Last payment 10/7/2016 Amount $17,034.77

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ________
--9....,./2/_2_0_1_6 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
Notice of Appearance filed by Mr. Mermelstein (Tenant}.

9/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

107391 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Jeffrey Herman re: the payment of rent and
answeri the nt; receive and email from Mr. Smith re: •

9/8/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

Re..;ew Answer and Affirmative Defenses of Defendant Jeffrey Marc Herman.

9/12/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

107409 Review
Re..;ew Notice of Appearance and Designation of Email and Motion for
Extension of Time to Respond to Complaint.

9/15/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

107429 Review
ReiAew email from Mr. Smith re:
email Mr. Smith re:

9/ 16/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

107432 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

9/19/2016 JWK 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107420 ReiAew
Review file and direct action

9/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

107437 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Trent's assistant re: scheduling the Bank's
Motion for Assignment of Rents and Motion for Appointment of a Receiver;
telephone conference with Mr. Le..;n's assistant re: same; telephone
conference with Mr. Mermelstein's assistant re: same· email Messrs.
Snow and Smith

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000523

10/7/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:16PM Pre-bill Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt _ _
9/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
107445 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and Notice of Hearing.

9/21/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

107451 Re\4ew
R8\1ew Order Scheduling Special Set Hearing; re\1se Notice of Service
regarding the Order Special Setting Hearing; email Messrs. Snow and

9/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107456 Confer
Confer with co-counseVrecei\1:l and re\1ew emails/pleadings.

9/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
107464 Obtain
Obtain background information

9/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107465 Initiate
Initiate revi

9/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107485 Receiw and reiAew
Recei\e and review

9/30/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107575 ReiAew
file - confer with Gany Smith.

9/30/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

107579 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bolz re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 5.60 $1 ,697.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

Expense Mar1wp % - - --,---=--
0.1 0 15.000 1.50 Billable
107580 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000524

10/7/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:16PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Markup % _____..,...___ ------...,--- ----------
9/16/2016 FIRM 266.20 1.000 266.20 Billable
107416 Process Service
Process Service Fee -Service on Laurence and Stephanie Schneider,
Oaks at Boca Raton and Jeffrey Herman

9/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Bi llable

107583 Photocopies

9/30/2016 FIRM 32.67 1.000 32.67 Billable

107588 LexisNexis
Lexis research

TOTAL Billable Costs $300.77

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $1,697.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $300.77

Total new charges $1,998.27

Pre\Aous Balance
Current $17,034.77
Total Pre\Aous Balance $17 ,034.77

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type Description
10/7/2016 PAY ::P:-a-ym:...;.;.:.;en-':t-'-'--::Th;:;--a--:nk-=-=Y-ou________________ _ _ _ __
Total Accounts Receivable ($17, 034. 77)

New Balance
Current $1,998.27

Total New Balance $1,998.27

Funds Account: Default

Pre\Aous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

FAB- A.ttys. Fees- 000525

10/7/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
2:16PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 2.70 $945.00 $945.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 0.80 $280.00 $280.00 0.00
SM 225.00 2.10 $472.50 $472.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000526

10:27 AM Page 15

Nickname First American/Sch eider 1317.18

Full Name First American Ban
Last bill 9/27/2016
Last charge 9/30/2016
Last payment 9/8/2016 Amount

Date Attorney Rate Total

ID lime Ent Markup%
9/2/2016 225.00 Billable

107384 Re\.iew
Re\.iew Notice of Appeara ce filed

9/6/2016 SM 225.00 22.50 Billable

107391 Telephone conference
l Telephone conference wit erman re: the payment of rent and
f' answeri the com re'-'ew email from Mr. Smith
\\( c0'
225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
f eview Answer and Affirmatiw Defenses of Defendant Jeffrey Marc Herman.

9/12/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

107409 Review
Review Notice of Appearance and Designation of Email and Motion for
Extension of lime to Respond to Complaint.

9/15/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

107429 Review
Re\.iew email from Mr. Smith re:

9/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

107432 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Snow re:

9/19/2016 JWK 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107420 Review
Review file and direct action

9/19/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

107437 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Trent's assistant re: scheduling the Bank's
Motion for Assignment of Rents and Motion for Appointment of a Receiwr;
telephone conference with Mr. Levin's assistant re: same; telephone
conference with Mr. Mermelstein's assistant re: same· email Messrs.
Snow and Smith re: • • •

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000527

10/3/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:27 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/Schneider. First A erican Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount · Total

ID Time Ent Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
9/20/2016 ...,;,;S;,:.:.,M;.;:_;:=,L_-+--------- 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
107445 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and re\4 e Notice of Hearing.

9/21/2016 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable
107451 Re\4ew
Re\4ew Order Special Hearing; re..nse Notice of Ser\4ce regarding
the Order Special Setting Hearing; email Messrs. Snow and Smith re;

9/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107456 Confer
Confer with co-counseVreceive and emalfs/pleadings.

9/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
107464 Obtain
Obtain background information

9/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107465 Initiate

9/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107485 Receive and re\4ew
Receive and re\4ew

9/30/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107575 Re\4ew
Re\4e. update fife - confer with Garry Smith.

9/30/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

107579 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bofz re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 5.40 $1,652.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup% - - - - - ______
8/25/2016 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable
107580 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000528

10/3/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:27 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID _________________________ Markup % ____________ -----:::-:-::--:-:-
9/16/2016 FIRM 266.20 1.000 266.20 Billable
107416 Process Sei'Ace
Process Sei'Ace Fee - Service on Laurence and Stephanie Schneider,
Oaks at Boca Raton and Jeffrey Herman

9/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 4.000 0.40 Billable

107583 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $268.10

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $1 ,652.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $268.10

Total new charges $1 ,920.60

Previous Balance
Current $17,034.77
Total Previous Balance $17,034.77

New Balance
Current $18,955.37

Total New Balance $18,955.37

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\oed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 2.70 $945.00 $945.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 0.80 $280.00 $280.00 0.00
SM 225.00 1.90 $427.50 $427.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000529

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 8/31/2016
Last charge 8/31/2016
Last payment 9/8/2016 Amount $13,974.98

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

=ID_______ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
8/212016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
106954 Re\1ew
Re\1ew file/confer with Garry Smith - set up conference call -

8/2/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

106955 Re\1ew
Re\1ew draft/proposed pleadings/case law.

8/2/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

106980 Re\1ew
Re\1ew draft Notice of Us Pendens/draft Motion to Compel of
Rents; prepare for telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

8/3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

106961 Conduct
Conduct conference call with co-counsel and Mr. Smith -
8/3/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable
106982 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

8/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106996 Receiw
Receiw, re\1ew and re\1se current wrsion of Foreclosure Complaint.

8/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106997 Re\Aew
Re\Aew law/review Motions/Orders to Appoint Receiwr.

8/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106998 lnwstigate

8/4/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

107037 Revise
Revise Notice of Lis Pendens; re\1se Verified Foreclosure Complaint.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000530

9126/2016 Keller & Bolz. LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 33

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB 1ime DNBAmt __________
HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
107004 Telephone call
Telephone call to William Kerdyk re: identification of possible Palm Beach

8/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107005 Review
Review pleadi

818/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107012 Telephone conference
Telephone conference w ith Bill Kerdyk re: Receiwr/title company - prepare
email to Mr. Kerdyk.

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107013 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorneys Title Fund/prepare email to Attorneys
litle Fund re: lien search (pre-foreclosure).

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

107014 Prepare
Prepare Verified Motion for Appointment of Receiver.

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

107019 Revise
Revise, expand and amend Verified Petition to Appoint Receiver.

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107020 Revise
Revise and expand Verified Motion to Ass

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107023 Revise
Revise, expand and update all Foreclosure pleadings/exhibits.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107040 Receiw
Receive, revirm and

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107041 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Messrs. Smith and Hagan.

FAB- Ntys. Fees- 000531

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 34

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt --_____.,,----,-.,--
8/10/2016 ..:.H::..:H:.:.B:.....=.:.:.::..L.-------- -- - 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
107043 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:
- review - law.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107044 Prepare
Prepare/exchange emails with FAB representativesforganize conference

B/1 0/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107045 Commission
Commission title search (Attorneys Title Fund).

8/1 0/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107047 Prepare
Prepare for conference call.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107048 Telephone call
Telephone call to Bill Kerdyk (follow-up re: Receiwr).

8/1 1/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107060 Receive
Receive email from Mr. Hagan re:

8111/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107061 Continue
Continue efforts to locate Receiver/prepare email to Bill Kerdyk/telephone
call to Attorney Paul Singerman re: Plam Beach Receiver.

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107062 Prepare
Prepare for conference call/make list of issues/talking points.

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

107063 Conduct
Conduct conference call with Messrs. Snow, Hagan and Smith (with
Sheyla Mesa).

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107068 Re\1ew
Reliew contact information for possible Receivers - contact potential

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000532

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 35

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time ONBAmt __________
8111/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
107069 Review
Review made to ComplainUMotions -forward
to FAB

8/11/2016 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

107153 Participate
Participate in telephone conference w ith Messrs. Snow, Hagan and Smith
re: : review and revise the draft/proposed Verified
Foreclosure Complaint, Notice of Us Pendens, Verified Petition for
Appointment of, Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider and Plaintiffs
Verified Motion to Compel Assignment of Rents; email Messrs. Snow.
Hagan and Smith re: -

8/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107074 Recei\.e and review
Receiw and review series of emalls/review revised pleadings/confer with

8/12/2016 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable
107154 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107087 Receiw
Receh.e, re\4ew and a n a l y z e - -
with Attorneys Title/confer with
to FAB .

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107088 Confer
Confer with FAB re:
re.,;sions and finalize t-oreciC)SUl

8/1 5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140. 00 Billable

107089 Revise
Revis finalize and forward

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107090 Conduct
Conduct telephone intennews of two possible Receiwrs/outline Receiwr

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000533

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 36

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime MarkUf:!% DNB 1ime DNB Amt
8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable
107091 Receiw
Recei-.e, re\Aew and forward Information to FAB-
receiw instructions from FAB.

8/15/2016 AMH 100.00 0.60 60.00 Billable

107139 Download
Download and

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107103 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Hylton Wynick re:
and expand Motion to to
file Foreclosure Complaint and attendant pleadings/prepare email to Mr.

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

1071 06 Telephone conference
l conference with Garry Smith/co-counsel re:

8/1612016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107107 Exchange
Exchange emails with Mr. Smith re:

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107108 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Receiver Wynick re:

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107112 Telephone conference
T.. ,,,.,..h.,.,nc conference with

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107113 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and re.Jew

8/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

107160 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bolz re:
conference with Mr. S

FAB - A!tys. Fees- 000534

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre--bill Worf<sheet Page 37

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entrt: Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
8/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 21jk00 Billable
107120 and rev;ew
and rev;ew Wynick's email/incorporate suggested
modifications/prepare email to FAB (Garry Smith) - prepare pleadings for
signatures/notarization and filing.

8117/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107121 Prepare
Prepare email to Wynick.

8/17/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

rev;ew and file Foreclosure Complaint and attendant

8117/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107123 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB

8/17/2016 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

Rev;ew email from Mr.

8/18/2016 AMH 100.00 0.90 90.00 Billable

notice from Palm Beach County Circuit Court re: acceptance of
new case/assignment of case number/issuance of Summonses - file
Motion for of draft email to Messrs. Smith, Snow
and Hagan - forward Summonses
and initial

8/22/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107208 Rev;ew
file - attempt to

8/2212016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
107209 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

8/2312016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107247 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow, Esq. re:

FAB- A!tys. Fees- 000535

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 38

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 11me Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ________
8/24/2016 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
107253 Prepare
Prepare and send correspondence to FAB (Garry Smith).

8/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

107254 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107255 Receive and re\iew
Receive and re\4ew Oaks at Boca (Home Owners Assn.) Answer and
Affirmative Defenses.

8/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107264 Receive and re1.4ew
Receive and re1.4ew advices of seNce of process on Schneiders (2x) -
adl.4se FAB

8/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107265 Obtain
Obtain and re\iew with co-counsel.

8/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107270 Draft
Draft Order A Wynickre: -

8/25/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

107314 Re'View
Review Answer and Affirmative Defenses of Defendant, The Oaks at Boca
Raton P Owners Association, Inc. · reView authorities re: •

8/26/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

107287 Rel.4se
Revise and draft Order Appointing Receiver - confer with

8/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107288 Telephone conference
- e conference with Messrs. Hagan and Smith re: -

TOTAL Billable Fees 45.90 $14,752.50

FAB- Fees- 000536

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 39

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

8/3/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable
107204 Photocopies

8/ 4/2016 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

107205 Photocopies

8/11/2016 FIRM 0.10 245.000 24.50 Billable

107176 Photocopies

8/ 11/2016 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

107206 Photocopies

8/15/2016 FIRM 0.10 329.000 32.90 Billable

107167 Photocopies

8/15/2016 FIRM 0.10 108.000 10.80 Billable

107181 Photocopies

8/ 17/2016 FIRM 0.10 58.000 5.80 Billable

107168 Photocopies

8/ 17/2016 FIRM 0.10 42.000 4.20 Billable

107190 Photocopies

8/18/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

107191 Photocopies

8/22/2016 FIRM 150.00 1.000 150.00 Billable

107207 Records
Records -Attorneys Title Fund
Title Search on Schneider Property
lnv. 770244182

8/24/2016 FIRM 0.10 14.000 1.40 Billable

107326 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000537

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 40

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense
8/30/2016 .::F::..:IRc.:M=-=-------------
Markup % -----:-::-::= -----=-=-=- _____
0.38 1.000 0.38 Billable
107333 Telephone
Telephone- Long Distance Charges

8/30/2016 FIRM 13.04 1.000 13.04 Billable

107335 Telephone
Telephone - Long Distance Charges

8/31/2016 FIRM 6.20 1.000 6.20 Billable

107369 LexisNexis
Lexis research

8/31/2016 FIRM 0.20 31.000 6.20 Billable

107377 Pacer
U.S. Court Search- Pacer

TOTAL Billable Costs $258.22

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $14,752.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $258.22

Total new charges $15,010.72

Pre\1ous Balance
Current $13,974.98
Total Pre\1ous Balance $13,974.98

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type Description
9/8/2016 PAY -=p...:..
ay.. :. m.:. . . !. en.. :. t.:. :_-::Th
- u- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - ($13,974. 98)
Total Accounts Receivable ($13,974.98)

New Balance
Current $15,010.72

Total New Balance $15,010.72

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\ed from account $0.00

FAB- Fees - 000538

9/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:07 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 41

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Rate Hours Charges Slie Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 36.90 $12,915.00 $12,915.00 0.00
SM 225.00 7.50 $1,687.50 $1,687.50 0.00
PARA 100.00 1.50 $150.00 $150.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000539

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.1 8

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2016
Last charge 8/25/2016
Last payment 8/5/2016 Amount $3,533.51

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
350.00 0.40 140.00
file/confer with Garry Smith - set up conference call -

8/2/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

Re\Aew draft/proposed pleadings/case law.

8/2/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

106980 Re\Aew
Re\Aew draft Notice of Lis Pendens/draft Motion to Compel Assignment of
Rents; prepare for telephone conference with Mr. Smith re: -

8/3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

106961 Conduct
Conduct conference call with co-counsel and Mr. Smith

8/3/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

106982 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

8/4/201 6 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106996 Recehe
Receiw, re\Aew and re\Ase current wrsion of Foreclosure Complaint.

8/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106997 Re\Aew
Re\Aew - law/review Motions/Orders to Appoint

8/412016 HHB 0.60 210.00 Billable

106998 ln..estigate - - - -
ln..estigate -

8/4/2016 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

Notice of Lis Pendens: revise Verified Foreclosure Complaint.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000540

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Ent!1 o/o DNB lime DNB Amt
8/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
107004 Telephone call
Telephone call to William Kerdyk re: identification of possible Palm Beach

8/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107005 Re\1ew
Re\1ew pleadings/inwstigat.

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107012 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Bill Kerdyk re: 1tle
prepare email to Mr. Kerdyk.

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107013 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorneys Title Fund/prepare email to Attorneys
Title Fund re: lien search (pre-foreclosure).

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

107014 Prepare
Prepare Verified Motion for Appointment of Receiwr.

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

107019 Re\1se
Re\1se, expand and amend Verified Petition to Appoint Receiwr.

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107020 Re\1se
Re\1se and expand Verified Motion to As
statutorily-required letter

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107023 Re\1se
Re\1se, expand and update all Foreclosure pleadings/exhibits.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107040 Receiw

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107041 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Messrs. Smith and Hagan.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000541

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable
107043 Confer
Confer with CO-{;ounsel re:
. /re\1ew - law.

8/ 10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107044 Prepare
Prepare/exchange emails with FAB representatives/organize conference

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107045 Commission
Commission title search (Attorneys Title Fund).

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107047 Prepare
Prepare for conference call.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107048 Telephone call
Telephone call to Bill Kerdyk re: Receiver).

8/1 1/ 2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107060 Receiw
Recei\.e email from Mr.

8/1 1/ 2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107061 Continue
Continue efforts to locate Receiver/prepare em I to Bill Kerdyk/telephone
call to Attorney Paul Singerman re: Plam Receiver.

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107062 Prepare
Prepare for conference call/make list of

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

107063 Conduct
Conduct conference call with Messrs. S Hagan and Smith (with
Sheyla Mesa).

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107068 Re\1ew
Re\4ew contact information for possible contact potential

FAB Attys. 000542

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 8/11/2016 lime Entry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _______
350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
revisions/amendments made to Complaint/Motions - forward
to FAB

8/11/2016 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

107153 Participate
P conference with Messrs. Snow, Hagan and Smith
re , and revise the draft/proposed Verified
Foreclosure Complaint, Notice of Lis Pendens, Verified Petition for
Appointment of Receiver, Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider and Plaintiffs
Verified Motion to Compel Assignment of Rents; email Messrs. Snow,
Hagan and Smith re: -

8/12/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107074 Receive and review
Receive and series of pleadings/confer with

8/1 2/2016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

107154 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107087 Receive
Receive, and analyze
with Attorneys lit
to FAB.

8/1 5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107088 Confer
Confer with FAB re:
revisions and finalize Foreclosure Complaint and Mot

8/1 5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107089 Revise

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107090 Conduct
Conduct telephone interviews of two possible Receivers/outline Receiver

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000543

8126/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Mar1<u2% DNB Time DNBAmt
8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable
107091 Receive
Receive, re\1ew and forward information to FAB-
receive Instructions from FAB.

8/15/2016 AMH 100.00 0.60 60.00 Billable

107139 X

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107103 Telephone conference
li conference with Hylton Wynick re:
and expand Motion to to
and attendant pleadings/prepare email to Mr.

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107106 Telephone conference
conference with

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 B illable

107107 Exchange
Exchange emails with Mr. Smith re:

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107108 Telephone conference
conference with Wynlck re:

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 B illable

107112 Telephone conference
conference with

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107113 Receive and re-v;ew
Receive and re-view

8/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 Billable

107160 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bolz re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000544

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ___
8/17/2016 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
107120 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and re\1ew Receiver Wynick's email/incorporate suggested
modifications/prepare email to FAB (Garry Smith) - prepare pleadings for
signatures/notarization and filing.

8/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107121 Prepare
Prepare email to Recei\.er Wynick.

8/17/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

107122 Receive
Receive, re'lliew and file Foreclosure Complaint and attendant

8/1712016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107123 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB

8/1712016 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable


8118/2016 AMH 100.00 0.90 90.00 Billable

107193 Receive
Receive notice from Palm Beach County Circuit Court re: acceptance of
new case/assignment of case number/issuance of Summonses -file
Motion for of Receiver ·draft email to Messrs. Smith, Snow
and Hagan - forward Summonses
and initial

8/221201 6 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

file - attempt to

812212016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
107209 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

8/23/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107247 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow. Esq. re:

FAB - Fees - 000545

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre--bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entty MarkU(!% DNB Time DNBAmt
8/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
107253 Prepare
Prepare and send correspondence to FAB {Garry Smith).

8/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107254 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107255 and re\4ew
and re\4ew Oaks at Boca (Home OWners Assn.) Answer and

8/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107264 and re\4ew
and re\4ew ac:Mces of sel'\ice of process on Schneiders (2x) -
ad-Ase FAB

8/25/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107265 Obtain
Obtain and re..;ew with co-counsel.

8/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107270 Draft
Draft Order Appointing with

TOTAL Billable Fees 43.80 $14,105.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markue%
8/3/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable
107204 Photocopies

8/4/2016 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

107205 Photocopies

8/11/2016 FIRM 0.10 245.000 24.50 Billable

107176 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000546

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 8/11/2016 -::F-:-::IR.._M
Expense Markup% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable
107206 Photocopies

8/15/2016 FIRM 0.10 329.000 32.90 Billable

107167 Photocopies

8/15/2016 FIRM 0.10 108.000 10.80 Billable

107181 Photocopies

8/17/2016 FIRM 0.10 58.000 5.80 Billable

107168 Photocopies

8/17/2016 FIRM 0.10 42.000 4.20 Billable

107190 Photocopies

8/18/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

107191 Photocopies

8/22/2016 FIRM 150.00 1.000 150.00 Billable

107207 Records
Records -Attorneys litle Fund
Title Search on Schneider Property
lnv. 770244182

TOTAL Billable Costs $231.00

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $14,105.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $231.00

Total new charges $14,336.00

Previous Balance
Current $3,533.51
Total Previous Balance $3,533.51

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000547

8/26/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:32 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Descrietion
8/5/2016 PAY Payment- Thank You ($3,533.51 )
Total Accounts Receivable ($3,533.51)

New Balance
Current $14,336.00

Total New Balance $14,336.00

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo-.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 35.50 $12,425.00 $12,425.00 0.00
SM 225.00 6.80 $1 ,530.00 $1 ,530.00 0.00
PARA 100.00 1.50 $150.00 $150.00 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000548

8/22/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2016
Last charge 8/2212016
Last payment 8/5/2016 Amount $3,533.51

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

llme Entry
DNB lime
- - -Billable
106954 Re\hew
Re\hew file/confer with Garry Smith- set up conference call -

8/2/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

106955 Re\hew
Rei.Aew draft/proposed pleadings/case law.

8/2/2016 SM 0.50 112.50 Billable

813/2016 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

106961 Conduct
Conduct conference call with co-counsel and Mr. Smith

813/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

106982 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

8/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106996 Recei..e
Receiw, re\1ew and re\1se current ..ersion of Foreclosure Complaint.

8/4/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106997 Re\hew
Re\1ew - law/re\1ew Motions/Orders to Appoint

8/4/2016 HHB 0.60 210.00 Billable

106998 Investigate

8/4/2016 SM 1.40 315.00 Billable

107037 Re\1se
Re'lt1se Notice of Lis Pendens;

8/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107004 Telephone call
Telephone call to William Kerdyk
8/22/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
8/5/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107012 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Bill Kerdyk re: Company -
prepare email to Mr. Kerdyk.

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107013 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorneys litle Fund/prepare email to Attorneys
litle Fund re: lien search (pre-foreclosure).

8/8/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

107014 Prepare
Prepare Verified Motion for Appointment of Recei\er.

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

expand and amend Verified Petition to Appoint

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

and expand Verified Motion to
statutorily-required letter

8/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

Re-.Ase, expand and update all Foreclosure pleadings/exhibits.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107040 Receiw

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107041 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Messrs. Smith and Hagan.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107043 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB - A.ttys. Fees- 000550

8/22/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
8/10/2016 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable
107044 Prepare
Prepare/exchange emails with FAB representatiwslorganize conference

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107045 Commission
Commission title search (Attorneys litle Fund).

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107047 Prepare
Prepare for conference call.

8/10/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107048 Telephone call
Telephone call to Bill Kerdyk (follow-up re:

8/1 1/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

107060 Recei\e
Receiw email from Mr.

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107061 Continue
Continue efforts to locate Receiwr/prepare email to Bill Kerdyk/telephone
call to Attorney Paul Singerman re: Plam Beach Receiver.

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

107062 Prepare
Prepare for conference call/make list of issues/talking points.

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

107063 Conduct
Conduct conference call with Messrs. Snow, Hagan and Smith (with
Sheyla Mesa).

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

107068 Review
Review contact information for possible Receivers - contact potential

8/11/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Bmable

107069 Review
Review revisions/amendments made to Complaint/Motions ·forward
to FAB

8/11/2016 SM 225.00 3.40 765.00 Billable

107153 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Messrs. Snow, Hagan and Smith

FAB - Fees- 000551

8/22/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt __________
ew rel.1se draft/proposed Verified
Foreclosure plaint, Notice of Lis Pendens, Verified Petition for
Appointment of Receiwr. Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Schneider and Plaintiffs
Verified Motion to Compel Assignment of Rents; email Messrs. Snow,
Hagan and Smith re: -

8112/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107074 Receive and re\4ew
Receiw and re\4ew series of emails/rel.1ew re\4sed pleadings/confer with

8/1 2/2016 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

107154 Re\Aew
Rel.1ew email from Mr. Smith

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

107087 Recelw
Receive, re\4ew and analyze
with Attorneys
to FAB.

8115/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

107088 Confer
Confer with FAB re:
re\Asions and finalize

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107089 Rel.1se

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

107090 Conduct
Conduct telephone inter\Aews • two possible Receivers/outline Receiver

8/15/2016 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

107091 Receiw
Receiw, rel.1ew and forward information to FAB-
receiw instructions from FAB.

8/15/2016 AMH 100.00 0.60 60.00 Billable

107139 X
Download and

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000552

8/22/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable
107103 Telephone conference
conference with Hylton Wynick re:
se and expand Motion to repare to

file Foreclosure Complaint and attendant pleadings/prepare email to Mr.

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107106 Telephone conference
Tele conference with Smith/co-counsel

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107107 Exchange
Exchange emails with Mr. Smith re:

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

107108 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Receiver Wynick re:

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

107112 Telephone conference
conference with

8/16/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107113 Receive and re\4ew
Receive and re\Aew

8/16/2016 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

107160 Meeting
Meet with Mr. Bolz re:
conference wi1h Mr.


8/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

107120 Receiw and re\iiew
Receive and re\iiew Wynick's emalVIncorporate suggested
modifications/prepare email to FAB (Garry Smith)- prepare pleadings for
signatures/notarization and filing.

6/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107121 Prepare
Prepare email to Receiwr Wynick.

FAB- A!tys. Fees- 000553

8/22/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 8/17/2016 ..:..H;;.:,H.;.,;:B....=..;.;..;.;..z_
Time Entry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Markup o/o DNB Time DNBAmt _ _
350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable
107122 Receiw
Receiw, review and file Foreclosure Complaint and attendant

8/17/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

107123 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB

8/17/2016 SM 225.00 0.10' 22.50 Billable

107161 Review
Review email from Mr. Wynick re:

8/18/2016 AMH 100.00 0.90 90.00 Billable

107193 Receiw
Receiw notice from Palm Beach County Circuit Court re: acceptance of
new case/assignment of case number/issuance of Summonses -file
Motion for of Receiwr- draft email to Messrs. Smith, Snow
and Hagan -forward Summonses
and initial pleadings to Process Services.

TOTAL Billable Fees 40.40 $12,915.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

Expense Markup % ------::-:= ----.,...,-
0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable
107204 Photocopies

8/412016 FIRM 0.10 18.000 1.80 Billable

107205 Photocopies

8/11/2016 FIRM 0.10 245.000 24.50 Billable

107176 Photocopies

8/11/2016 FIRM 0. 10 6.000 0.60 Billable

107206 Photocopies

8/1512016 FIRM 0.10 329.000 32.90 Billable

107167 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000554

8/2212016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 8/15/2016 Expense _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup % - - - - - : : - ______
0.10 108.000 10.80 Billable
107181 Photocopies

8/17/2016 FIRM 0.10 58.000 5.80 Billable

107168 Photocopies

8/17/2016 FIRM 0.10 42.000 4.20 Billable

107190 Photocopies

8/18/2016 FIRM 0.10 2.000 0.20 Billable

107191 Photocopies

8/2212016 FIRM 150.00 1.000 150.00 Billable

107207 Records
Records -Attorneys Title Fund
Title Search on Schneider Property
lnv. 770244182

TOTAL Billable Costs $231 .00

Amount Total

Total of Fees {Time Charges) $12,915.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $231.00

Total new charges $13,146.00

Previous Balance
Current $3,533.51
Total Balance $3,533.51

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD =D_e_sc_r......
8/5/2016 PAY Payment - Thank You ($3,533.51)
Total Accounts Receivable ($3,533.51)

New Balance
Current $13,146.00

FAB - Fees - 000555

8/22/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:41 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $13,146.00

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\.€d from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 32.1 0 $11 ,235.00 $11,235.00 0.00
SM 225.00 6.80 $1 ,530.00 $1,530.00 0.00
PARA 100.00 1.50 $150.00 $150.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000556

8/17/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet

Full Name
First American/Schneider 1 317.18
First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2016
Last charge 7/29/2016
Last payment 8/5/2016 Amount $3,533.51

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB orne DNBAmt ____
7/512016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
106603 Re..;ew
Re..;ew file/contact Mr. Brian Hagan

7/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106613 Recei\A:l
Receiw and respond to email from Mr. Brian Hagan/schedule conference
call- confer with Mr.

350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

7/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

106619 X

7/7/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

Chronology of Ewnts - rel.1ew -

7/7/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106626 Confer
Confer with Mr. Hagan re:

7/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106638 Receh.e and re..;ew
Receiw and
update file.

7/19/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

106753 Telephone conference
Smithlre..;ew - Rules/re..;ew
- initiate preparation of Foreclosure Complaint.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000557

8117/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

\0 ..:..lilm.
:..:.:.:. .:e;. . :E=..:n. :.:t:.Lry_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ____
7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 2.40 840.00 Billable
106762 Re...;se
Rev;se, expand and continue to draft Foreclosure Complaint.

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106763 Obtain
Obtain and information/law re:

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106764 Prepare
- re email to FAB (Gany Smith) re:

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106766 Confer

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106767 Obtain
Obtain re..;se Complaint.

7/20/2016 HHB 360.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106769 Receive and re-..iew
Receive and information from Garry Smith re: -

7/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

106801 Re'-Aew
Re"'ew legal authorities re:

7/20/2016 AMH 100.00 0.20 20.00 Billable

106784 Research re
Research online for contact information

7/20/2016 AMH 100.00 0.10 10.00 Billable

106785 Obtain

7/21/2016 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

106775 Re'-Ase
Re\Ase and expand Foreclosure Complaint/identify additional issues.

7/21/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106776 Obtain
Obtain additional information

FAB - Fees- 000558

8/17/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ____
7/21/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
106604 Re\4ew
Re\4ew draft Complaint;

7/2212016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

106786 Continue
Continue to re\1se/expand Foreclosure Complaint (wherefore
clause/additional paragraphs).

7/22/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

106787 Re\4ew
- conferwith Garry Smith re: -

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

106807 Receiw and

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490. 00 Billable

106810 Telephone conference
Tel conference with

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

106811 Prepare
Prepare/draft letter to FAB

7/25/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

106832 Re-view
Re\1ew and comment on draft Foreclosure Complaint.

7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

106815 Exchange
Exchange emails w ith Fred Snow/reiAse, expand and finalize "discussion
draft" of Foreclosure Complaint/ letter to FAB.

7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106816 Receiw
Recei..e additional information from FAB/re\4se and expand "discussion
draft" Complaint.

7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106819 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smlth/re\Ase Complaint.

FAB - A!tys. Fees- 000559

8117/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First AmericanfSchneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time MarkUE!% DNB Time DNBAmt
7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
106820 Re'IAse
Re\1se/finalize - letter to FAB.

7/2612016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106821 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow, Esq.

7/26/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

106834 Re'IAew
Re\1ew and comment on draft letter to Mr. Smith re:
authorities re:

7/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

106835 Finalize
Finalize draft Foreclosure Complaint• •l letter to FAB/re\1ew Florida
Rules/Statutes re: - ·

7/2712016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

106836 Telephone conference
conferences with Messrs. Snow,

7/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106837 Execute
Execute and send - to

7/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

106838 Re\1ew
Re\1ew - law/Rules

7/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210. 00 Billable

106839 Re\1ew
Re\Aew statute/implementing case law.

7/27/2016 SM 225.00 3.00 675.00 Billable

106921 Re\Aew

; re\1ew and comment on ure

re\1ew legal authorities re:
re'>Rew legal authorities re:

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000560

8/17/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/Schneider:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entcy Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable
106848 Receiw and
Recei-.e and email from Ms . Smith
- - confer with co-counsel re:

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

106849 Continue
Continue of case taw.

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

statute/documents/case law - prepare email
to FAB.

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106851 Review
Re'v1ew Palm Beach County Circuit Court Rules/Procedures

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106852 Telephone call
call from Mr. Smith re:
with co-co

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106853 Continue
Continue analysis of. documents/identifying issues.

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

106856 Prepare
Prepare Notice of Lis Pendens/Motion for Assignment of Rents.

225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

7/28/2016 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable

106925 Participate

7/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106864 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000561

8/17/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9: 10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
106865 Rev;ew
Rev;ew and rev;se pleadings (attendant to Complaint).

TOTAL Billable Fees 42.50 $13,925.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
7/6/2016 FIRM 0.10 19.000 1.90 Billable
106886 Photocopies

7/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 117.000 11 .70 Billable

106887 Photocopies

7/20/2016 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

106908 Photocopies

7/21/2016 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable

106909 Photocopies

7/2212016 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

106898 Photocopies

7/26/2016 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

106910 Photocopies

7/27/2016 FIRM 0. 10 10.000 1.00 Billable

106900 Photocopies

7/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 52.000 5.20 Billable

106911 Photocopies

7/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 26.000 2.60 Billable

106916 Photocopies

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000562

8/17/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 _________________________ Markup % ------:----=- ------:--= ______
7/28/2016 FIRM 0.10 16.000 1.60 Billable
106912 Photocopies

7/29/2016 FIRM 20.13 1.000 20.13 Billable

106873 LexisNexis
Lex is research

7/29/2016 FIRM 0.95 1.000 0.95 B illable

106937 Telephone
Telephone - Long Distance Charges

TOTAL Billable Costs $49.98

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $13,925.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $49.98

Total new charges $13,974.98

Pre\Aous Balance
Current $3,533.51
Total Pre\Aous Balance $3,533.51

Accounts Recei\iables
DateiiD _____________________
8/5/2016 PAY Payment- Thank You ($3,533.51)
Total Accounts Recei\iable ($3, 533.51)

New Balance
Current $13,974.98

Total New Balance $13,974.98

Funds Account: Default

Pre\Aous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000563

8/17/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:10AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 35.20 $12,320.00 $12,320.00 0.00
SM 225.00 7.00 $1 ,575.00 $1,575.00 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000564

Keller & Bolz, LLP
Pre.bill Workshee V vj) Page 1

Nickname First American/Schneider I 317.18

ff J'l
Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2016
Last charge 8/2/2016

Last payment 7/8/2016 Amount $875.00

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Amt
7/5/2016 -:-:H-:-:H-::-B.....;._..:....!----------- 350.00
DNB lime
0.20 70.00
- - -Billable
106603 Re\1ew
Re\1ew file/contact Mr. Brian Hagan

7/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106613 Recei-..e
Recei-..e and respond to email from Mr. Brian
call- confer with Mr.

350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

7/7/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable
106625 Re\1se
Re\1se and ex nd - Chronology of Events- re\1ew -

7n/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106626 Confer
Confer with Mr. Hagan re:

7/8/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

1 Receive and re\1ew
v Receive and re\1ew update

7/19/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

106753 Telephone conference
one conference with Garry Smithlre\1ew - Rules/re\1ew
- initiate preparation of Foreclosure Complaint.

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 2.40 840.00 Billable

106762 Re\1se
Re\1se, expand and continue to draft Foreclosure Complaint.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000565

8/3/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Wori<sheet Page 2

First American/Schneider. First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
106763 Obtain

Obtain and re\Aew information/law re:

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106764 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB (Garry Smith} re:

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106766 Confer
Confer with Mr. Brian

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106767 Obtain
Obtain re\Ase Complaint.

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106769 Receive and review
Receive and review information from Garry Smith re: -

7/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

106801 Review
Review legal authorities re:

7/20/2016 AMH 100.00 0.20 20.00 Billable

106784 Research re
Research online for contact information

7/20/2016 AMH 100.00 0.1 0 10.00 Billable

106785 Obtain

7/21/2016 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

106775 Revise
Re\tise and expand Foreclosure Complaint/identify additional issues.

7/21/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106776 Obtain
Obtain additional information

7/21/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

106804 Review
Review draft Complaint; review

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000566

813/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID 7/22/2016 lime Entry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt ___
350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable
106786 Continue
Continue to re-.1se/expand Foreclosure Complaint (wherefore
clause/additional paragraphs).

7/2212016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

- confer with Garry Smith re: -

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

106807 Recei-.e and
Receiw and

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

106810 Telephone conference
conference with

Foreclosure Complaint to add Count II.

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

106811 Prepare
Prepare/draft letter to FAB

7/25/2016 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

and comment on draft Foreclosure Complaint.

7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

106815 Exchange
Exchange emails with Fred expand and finalize "discussion
draft" of Foreclosure Complain- letter to FAB.

7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106816 Receive
Recei-.e additional information from and expand "discussion
draft" Complaint.

7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

106819 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry SmithlreiAse Complaint.

7/26/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

letter to FAB.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000567

813/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup % DNB lime DNBAmt ________
7/26/2016 0.30 105.00 Billable
106821 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow, Esq.

7/26/2016 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

106834 Re\>iew
Re\>iew and comment on draft letter to Mr. Smith re:

7/ 27/2016 HHB 350.00 1 60 560.00 Billable

106835 Finalize
Finalize draft Foreclosure Complaint- letter to FAB/reiJ!ew Florida
Rules/Statutes re: -

7/27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

106836 Telephone conference
l conferences with Messrs.

7/27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106837 Execute
Execute and send to

7/ 27/2016 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

106838 Re\>iew
Re\1ew law/Rules

7/ 27/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106839 Re\1ew
Re\>iew statute/implementing case law.

7/2812016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

106848 Recei\e and re\!iew
Recei\e and re\>iew email from Ms. Smith
- - confer with co-counsel re:

7/2812016 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

106849 Continue
Continue reiJ!ew case law.

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

106850 Rel.4ew
Rel.4ew statute/documents/case law - prepare email
to FAB.

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000568

8/3/2016 Keller & Bolz , LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/Sc hneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!}: MarkuQ% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
106851 Review
Review Palm Beach County Circuit Court Rules/Procedures -

7/28/ 2016 HHB 350.00 0 .40 140.00 Billable

106852 Telephone call
Telephone call from M r. Smith re:

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106853 Continue
Continue analysis of. documents/identif}ting issues.

7/28/2016 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

106856 Prepare
Prepare Notice of Lis Pendens/Motion for Assignment of Rents .

7/28/2016 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

106923 Re-.1ew
Review email from Mr. Smit h re:

7/28/20 16 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

106925 Participate

7/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

106864 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/29/2016 HHB 350.00 0 .30 105.00 Billable

106865 Review
and rei.Ase pleadings (attendant to Foreclosure Complaint ).

8/2/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

file/confer with Garry Smith - set up conference call -

8/2/2016 HHB 350.00 0. 80 280.00 Billable

106955 Review
Rei.Aew draft/proposed pleadings/case law.

FAB- Fees - 000569

8/3/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/Schneider: First American Bank {continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Fees 40.70 $13,670.00

Date Attomey Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Exeense Markue%
7/6/2016 FIRM 0.10 19.000 1.90 Billable
106886 Photocopies

7/7/2016 FIRM 0.10 117.000 11.70 Billable

106887 Photocopies

7/20/2016 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

106908 Photocopies

7/21/2016 FIRM 0.10 24.000 2.40 Billable

106909 Photocopies
Photocopi as/Reproduction

7/22/2016 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

106898 Photocopies

7/26/2016 FIRM 0.10 6.000 0.60 Billable

106910 Photocopies

7/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 10.000 1.00 Billable

106900 Photocopies

7/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 52.000 5.20 Billable

106911 Photocopies
Photocopies/ Reproduction

7/27/2016 FIRM 0.10 26.000 2.60 Billable

106916 Photocopies

7/28/2016 FIRM 0.10 16.000 1.60 Billable

106912 Photocopies

FAB- Fees- 000570

8/3/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
4:04PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup % ------::-::-::-::- _ _ _ _ _ -----....,.,--,.....,-
7/29/2016 -=F.:.:=.JIRc.:M:.:..:.::..:;___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
20.13 1.000 20.13 Billable
106873 LexisNexis
Lexis research

7/29/2016 FIRM 0.95 1.000 0.95 Billable

106937 Telephone
Telephone- Long Distance Charges

TOTAL Billable Costs $49.98

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $13,670.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $49.98

Total new charges $13,719.98

Previous Balance
Current $3,533.51
Total Previous Balance $3,533.51

New Balance
Current $17,253.49

Total New Balance $17,253.49

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remO\oed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 36.40 $12,740.00 $12,740.00 0.00
SM 225.00 4.00 $900.00 $900.00 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000571


7/27/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP

9:07AM Pre-bill Worksheet

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/6/2016
Last charge 7/25/2016
Last payment 7/8/2016 Amount

Date Attorney Hours Amount Total

DNBlime DNBAmt _____________
7/5/2016 HHB 0.20 70.00 Billable
106603 Re-v;ew
Re-v;ew file/contact Mr. Brian

7/6/2016 HHB 0.60 210.00 Billable

and respond to email
call - confer with Mr.



7/7/2016 HHB 1.80 630.00 Billable

106625 Re..;se
- Chronology of - re..;ew -

7/7/2016 HHB
106626 Confer
Confer with Mr. Hagan re:

7/8/2016 HHB
106638 Receiw and re..;ew
Recei-.e and re..;ew

7/19/2016 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

106753 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith/re..;ew - Rules/re-v;ew
Foreclosure Complaint.

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 2.40 840.00 Billable

106762 Re..;se
Re..;se, expand and to draft Foreclosure Complaint.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000572

7/27/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:07AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Ent!Y Markue% DNB lime DNB Amt
7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
106763 Obtain

Obtain and review information/law re:

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106764 Prepare
Prepare email to FAB (Garry Smith) re:

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106766 Confer
Confer with Mr. Brian

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106767 Obtain
Obtain revise Complaint.

7/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106769 Receiva and review
Receiva and review information from Gany Sm ith re: -

7/20/2016 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

106801 Review
Review legal authorities re:

7/20/2016 AMH 100.00 0.20 20.00 Billable

106784 Research re
Research online for contact information

7/21/2016 HHB 350.00 2.10 735.00 Billable

106775 Revise
Revise and expand Foreclosure ComplainUidentify additional issues .

7/2 1/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106776 Obtain
Obtain additional information

7/21/2016 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

106804 Review
Review draft Complaint; review

7/22/2016 HHB 350.00 1 20 420.00 Billable

106786 Continue
Continue to revise/expand Foreclosure Complaint (wherefore
clause/additional paragraphs).

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000573

7/27/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:07AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

7/22/2016 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
106787 Review
Review - confer with Garry Smith re: -

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 2.30 805.00 Billable

106807 Recehe and reiAew
Recei-.e and re\.1

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

106810 Telephone conference
conference with

7/25/2016 HHB 350.00 1.50 525.00 Billable

106811 Prepare
Prepare/draft letter to FAB

TOTAL Billable Fees 20.00 $6,862.50

Total of billable expense slips $0.00

Amount Total

Total of Fees Charges) $6,862.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $0.00

Total new charges $6,862.50

Previous Balance
Current $875.00
Total Previous Balance $875.00

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type Description
7/8/2016 PAY Payment - Thank You ($875.00)
Total Accounts Receivable ($875.00)

New Balance
Current $6,862.50

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000574

7/27/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:07AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total New Balance $6,862.50

Funds Account: Default

Pre\iious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 19.10 $6,685.00 $6,685.00 0.00
SM 225.00 0.70 $157.50 $157.50 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.20 $20.00 $20.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000575

7/21/2016 Keller Bolz, LLP
12:38 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 29

Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/6/2016
Last charge 6/30/2016
Last payment 7/8/2016 Amount $875.00

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable
106144 Series
Series of conferences/telephone conferences with Messrs. Wells , Snow
Hagan and Smithlrecei\e and re\Aew

6/3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable


6/3/2016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

106165 Re\Aew
Rei.Aew/update cable law.

6/3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106166 Obtain
Obtain information re: - ·

6/3/2016 SM 225.00 3.90 877.50 Billable

106160 Re\Aew
Re\Aew Palm Beach

6/6/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

106175 Re\Aew

6/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106176 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith re:

6/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

106199 Participate
Partie conference with Mr. Smith re: -

FAB- Allys. Fees- 000576

7/21/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:38 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 30

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
6/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
106212 Recei..e and re\4ew
Recehe and re\dew email
exchange emalls with Mr.

6/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

106312 Re\4ew

350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

6/24/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106393 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 11 .50 $3,487.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup%
6/3/2016 0.10
.000 7.10 Billable
106497 Photocopies

6/30/2016 FIRM 34.62 1.000 34.62 Billable

106551 LexisNexis
Lexis research

6/30/2016 FIRM 4.29 1.000 4.29 Billable

106576 Telephone
Telephone - Long Distance Charges

TOTAL Billable Costs $46.01

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $3,487.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $46.01

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000577

7/21/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:38 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 31

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total new charges $3,533.51

Pre\Aous Balance
Current $875.00
Total Pre\Aous Balance $875.00

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type
7/8/2016 PAY Payment- Thank You ($875.00)
Total Accounts Receivable ($875.00)

New Balance
Current $3,533.51

Total New Balance $3,533.51

Funds Account: Default

Pre\Aous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours _ _ _ Slip Value _ _..:...A.:..:d:L::j

HHB 35o.oo $2,52o.oo $2,520.00 0.00
SM 225.00 4.30 $967.50 $967.50 0.00


FAB - Attys. Fees - 000578

7/21/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:29 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

h; Ii t-r
Nickname First American/Schneider 1317.18
Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/6/2016
Last charge 6/30/2016
Last payment 7/8/2016 Amount $875.00
( i-lr
Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total
Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
.:;::10:.___ _ _
6/2/2016 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00
106144 Series
Series of conferences/telephone conferences with Messrs. Wells, Snow,
and review
_ _ _ . ,email exchange.

6/3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

106164 Rel.1ew


6/3/2016 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

106165 Rel.1ew
Rel.1ew/update icable law.

6/3/2016 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

106166 Obtain
Obtain information re: - ·

6/3/2016 SM 225.00 3.90 877.50 Billable

106160 Rel.1ew

6/6/2016 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

106175 Rel.1ew
Re\Aew Federal/Florida Statutes/Rules re:

6/6/2016 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

106176 Telephone conference
conference with Mr. Smith re: all

6/6/2016 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

106199 Participate

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000579

7/21/2016 Keller & Bolz, LLP
12:29 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _
6/9/2016 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
106212 Receive and
Receive and email
exchange emails with Mr. Smith/re...;ew

6/20/2016 HHB 350.00 0 30 105.00 Billable

106312 Re\1ew

350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

6/24/2016 Billable
106393 Confer
Confer with ....v-,.vu•

TOTAL Billable Fees 11.50 $3,487.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Expense Markup%
6/3/2016 0.10 71 .000 7.10 Billable
106497 Photocopies

6/30/2016 FIRM 34.62 1.000 34.62 Billable

106551 LexisNexis
Lexis research

6/30/2016 FIRM 4.29 1.000 4.29 Billable

106576 Telephone
Telephone- Long Distance Charges

TOTAL Billable Costs $46.01

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $3,487.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $46.01

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000580

7/21/2016 Keller & Bolz1 LLP
12:29 PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/Schneider: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total new charges $3,533.51

Pre'v1ous Balance
Current $875.00
Total Pre\1ous Balance $875.00

Accounts Receivables
DatepD Type -=D_e_sc_n-'.p--:ti_on..,...---..,-
- - : - : - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -
7/8/2016 PAY Payment- Thank You ($875.00)
Total Accounts Receivable {$875.00)

New Balance
Current $3,533. 51

Total New Balance $3,533.51

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\.€d from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

_ _ __ _ __ _ _ Hours _ _ _. . :C: . :h.:.: a: . ;rg:t:e: : :.s _ _

HHB 350.00 _ _ _ $2,520.00 $2,520.00 0.00
SM 225.00 4.30 $967.50 $967.50 0.00

FAB - A!fys. Fees- 000581


2/23/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP

3:00PM Pre-bin Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1 317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 2/1/2018
Last charge 2/2/2018
Last payment 2/9/2018 Amount $3,971 .30

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID _____________ Markup % DNB Time -----=D;.:_N=Bc...:..Amt..::..:..:: - - - - - - -
1/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
115993 Confer
Confer with co-counsel
file Response.

1/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

116062 Review
Review and analyze Plaintiffs Reply to First American's
Memorandum in Opposition to Schneider's Motion for Request for
Judicial Notice.

1/2/2018 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

116065 Draft
Draft First American's Notice of Filing Proof of Compliance
Local Rule 7.1 (a)(3).

1/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

116078 Finalize
Finalize and electronically file First American's Notice of Filing
Proof of Compliance Local Rule 7.1(a)(3).

1/4/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116009 Receive and review
Receive and review Judge Middlebrooks' Order to
(failure to timely conduct Mediation) -

1/4/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116010 Telephone call
Telephone call to Attorney Brent Tantillo/discuss Court
Order/proposed joint response.

1/4/2018 HHB 350.00 3.60 1,260.00 Billable

116014 Draft
Draft and prepare proposed Joint Response/Good Cause.

1/4/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116015 Review
Review Local Rule

1/4/2018 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

116016 Revise
Revise and e><pand proposed JointResponse/confer IMth

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000582

2/23/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:00PM Pre-biBWorksheet Page 2

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Enby Markup % DNB Time _ _..:D;.:..;N=B;..:..AAt.=.= - - - -- -
1/4/2018 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 BiUable
116107 Review
Review and convnent on draft Joint Response to Mediation Show
Cause Order.

1/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

116021 Review
Review, revise and edit draft/proposed Response to Mediation
Order to Show Cause/confer with co-counseVprepare email to
opposing counsel.

1/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 BiUable

116022 Telephone conference
Telephone conference \\1th AttorneyTantillo re: Pre-Trial Stipulation
conference/Motion to Continue Trial Date.

1/8/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Biftable

116140 Review
Review and approve Attorney Gilrs changes/review Attorney GiU's
emaiVconfer with opposing counseVfinaNze and file joint
submission of good cause.

1/1812018 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 BiHable

116303 Review
Review file/attempt to contact Attorneys TantiMo/Gill re: Pre--Trial
Stipulation/prepare email to opposing counsel.

1/19/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116340 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Brent Tantill re: Pre-Trial
Stipulation due date (Tuesday) - need for joint submission (Motion
to Continue Trial Date?).

1/21/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116334 Review
Review file/confer with co-counsel re:

1/2212018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116345 Confer
Confer wth re:

1/23/2018 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

116374 Receiw
Receive, review and revise Attorney Gilrs proposed Joint Motion
(to Continue TriaVpre-trial deadlines)/confer with opposing
counsel/forward revised Joint Motion to Laurence Schneider's
counsellreview "as filed'' j>int Motion.

1/2312018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116378 Review
Review file/prepare status report to FAB.

FAB- At.tys. Fees- 000583

2/23/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:00PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Entrv Marku!;! % DNB lime DNBAnt
1/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
116422 Review
Review and comment on draft Joint Motion to Modify the Pretrial
Scheduling Order and Oder Referring Case to Mediation.

1/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116423 Review
Review email from Mr. Gill re: requesting coi'TJllents to the draft
Joint Motion to Modify the Pretrial Scheduting Order and Order
Referring Case to Mediation .

1/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

116425 Participate
Participate in telephone conference with Mr. Gill re: comments and
revisions to the draft Joint Motion to Modify the Pretrial Scheduling
Order and Order Referring Case to Mediation.

1/2312018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116432 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

2/1/2018 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

116581 Receive

2/1/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116582 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

2/1 /2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

116618 Review
Review Order Granting Defendanfs Motion for Abstention.

2/2/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116589 Telephone call
- - -dSnowre: -

2/2/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable


2/2/2018 SM 225.00 22.50 Billable

116631 Email
Email Mr

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000584

2/23/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:00PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Fees 15.50 $4,912.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup % _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
1/31/2018 -=:F:-=IR:-:.=M:-:-=' - - - - - -- - - 0.20 11 .000 2.20 Billable
116683 Pacer
U.S. Court Search- Pacer

TOTAL Billable Costs $2.20

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $4,912.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $2.20

Total new charges $4,914.70

Previous Balance
Current $3,971.30
Total Previous Balance $3,971 .30

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD .::
sc,_,_r_,..,ip;.::..tio"'"'n_,___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
2/9/2018 PAY Payment- Thank You ($3,971.30)
Total Accounts Receivable ($3,971 .30)

New Balance
Current $4,914.70

Total New Balance $4,914.70

Funds Account: Defautt

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000585

2/23/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:00PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Attorney Summary

Attorney _ __ _ _ _,_,R"""at=e _ __ _ __,_H.:;::o.;;c

ur:-=:s - ------'C=h=a"-'rg=e=s - -- --=S=Ii=p--=Vc.::a=lu=e _ _ _.A=
:. . ; dj=us=t'-"
me =n=t
HHB 350.00 11.40 $3,990.00 $3,990.00 0.00
SM 225.00 4.10 $922.50 $922.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000586

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11:35AM Pre-bill Worksheet

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC I 317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill /2018
Last charge 8
Last payment 8 Amount $792.50

Date Rate Hours Total

ID Markup o/o DNB lime •- - - - - -
350.00 Billable

file Response.

1/2/2018 SM 225.00 67.50 Billable

116062 Review
Review and analyze Reply to First American's
Memorandum in Opposi Schneider's Motion for '""'1'.,.."'
Judicial Notice.

1/2/2018 SM 1.40 315.00 Billable

116065 Draft
Draft First American's Notice of
Local Rule 7.1 (a}(3) .

1/2/2018 SM 0.30 67.50 Billable

116078 Finalize
Finalize and electronically file First
Proof of Compliance with Local

1/4/2018 HHB Billable

116009 Receive and review
f. f Receive and review
(Olr 10 -

1/4/2018 HHB 0.30 105.00 Billable

11601 0 Telephone call
Telephone call to .o."''....."

1/4/2018 HHB 1,260.00 Billable

116014 Draft
Draft and

1/4/2018 HHB 350.00 70.00 Billable

116015 Review

350.00 140.00 Billable

and expand proposed JointResponse/confer with


FAB - Attys. Fees- 000587

2/1/2018 Keller & Bdz, LLP
11:35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup % DNBlime ---=D:..;..N:.::B;..:.Amt..::..:..:: - - - - - - -
1/4/2018 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable
116107 Re\1ew
Re\Aew and comment on draft Joint Response to Mediation Show
Cause Order.

1/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

116021 Re\1ew
Re\liew, re\lise and edit draft/proposed Response to Mediation
Order to Show Cause/confer with co-counseVprepare email to
opposing counsel.

1/5/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116022 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with AttorneyTantillo re: Pre- Trial Stipulation
conference/Motion to Continue Trial Date.

1/ 18/2018 h'HB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

116303 Re\liew
Review file/attempt to contact Attorneys Tantilo/GiU re: Pre-Trial
Stipulation/prepare email to opposing counsel.

1/19/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116340 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Brent Tantill re: Pre-Trial
Stipulation due date (Tuesday) - need for joint submission (Motion
to Continue Trial Date?).

1/21/2018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Bilable

116334 Review
Review file/confer with co-counsel re:

1/2212018 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

116345 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

1/23/2018 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

116374 Receiw
Receiw, re\Aew and revise Attorney Gill's proposed Joint Motion
(to Continue TriaVpre-trial deadlines)/confer ....,;th opposing
counseVforward revised Joint Motion to Laurence Schneider's
counseVreview "as filed• joint Motion.

1/23/2018 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

116378 Re\1ew
Re\Aew file/prepare status report to FAB.

1/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

116422 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and comnent on draft Joint Motion to Modify the Pretrial
Schedufing Order and Order Referring Case to Mediation.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000588

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB Time - -- -- -
1/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Bilable
116423 Re\Aew
Review email from Mr. Gill re: reques1ing comments to the draft
Joint Motion to Modify the Pretrial Scheduling Order and Q-der
Referring Case to Mediation.

1/23/2018 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

116425 Participate
Participate in telephone conference v.flh Mr. Gil re: corrments and
re\Asions to the draft Joint Motion to Modify the Pretrial Scheduling
Order and Order Referring Case to Mediation.

1/2312018 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

116432 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 13.20 $4,182.50

Total of billable expense slips $0.00

Arrount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $4,182.50

Total of Costs {E>epense Charges) $0.00

Total new charges $4,182.50

Previous Balance
Current $3,971.30
Total Previous Balance $3,971 .30

New Balance
Current $8,153.80

Total New Balance $8,153.80

Funds Account Default

Pre\lious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00
New account balance $0.00

Aroount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000589

2/1/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
11 :35 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Attorney Summary

Attorney _ _ _ _ _.:...:R:.;
at=e _ _ _ ___,_H=o..:::.
ur=s ___ _ _ _.:...;A:.:d""jus"'-'t,_,_me=n=t
HHB 350.00 9.70 $3,395.00 $3,395.00 0.00
SM 225.00 3.50 $787.50 $787.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000590

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet 14

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 12/29/2017
Last charge 12/29/2017
Last payment 11/3/2017 Amount $12,516.80

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Entry Markup % DNB lime DNB Amt
- -- - -
12/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
115627 Re\1ew
Plaintiffs Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115630 Email
Email Mr. Smith

12/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115634 Telephone conference
Tel conference with Mr. Smith re·

12/8/2017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

115676 Re\1ew

12/8/201 7 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

115677 Review
legal authorities re:

12112/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.PO Billable

115707 Review
Review and analyze Plaintiffs Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/12/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

115708 Review
Review and analyze

1211312017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

115843 Re\.1ew

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000591

1/212018 Keller & Bolz , LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Mari<UQ% DNBlime DNB Amt
12/14/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
115755 Recei-.e and re\1ew
Receiw and re\1ew Schneider's Judicial Notice request/confer with

12114/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115858 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

12/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

115864 Draft
Draft Procedural History Section of First American's Memorandum In
Opposition to Schneider's Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/18/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

115865 Draft
Draft Schneider's Request for Judicial Notice Section of First American's
Memorandum in Opposition to Schneider's Motion for Request for Judicial

12/1812017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

115868 Draft
Draft Schneider's Motion for Request for Judicial Notice Supports
Abstention Section of First American's Memorandum in Opposition to
Schneider's Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

115869 Draft
Draft Schneider's Motion for Request for Judicial Notice was Filed in
Violation of the Local Rules Section of First American's Memorandum in
Opposition to Schneider's Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/18/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115870 Re\1se
Re\4se draft of First American's Memorandum in Opposition to Schneider's
Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115787 Receiw
Recei\e, re\4ew, edit and revise Motion to Strike/Deny Motion to Take
Judicial Notice.

12/19/2017 SM 225.00 2.40 540.00 Billable

115873 Re'vise
Re\1se draft of First American's Memorandum in Opposition to Schneider's
Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000592

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Worksheet Page 16

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Mar1<Up% DNB Time DNB Amt
12/20/2017 :'-:H77
HB:;:--.::=<------ ------ - - - --
350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
Review, finalize and file FAB's Response to Schneider's Request to
Take Judicial Notice.

12/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115883 Confer

12/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

115884 Finalize
Finalize First American's Memorandum in Opposition to Schneider's
Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

115887 Electronic filing
E lectronically file First American's Memorandum in Opposition to
Schneider's Motion for Request for Judicial Notice.

12/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

115888 Calendar
Calendar deadline for Mr. Schneider to file a reply in support of his Motion
for Request for Judicial Notice.

1212212017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115621 Telephone conference
conference with FAB

12126/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

115827 Review
Review and update file - expand

12/2812017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115941 Recei\e and
Recei\e and Schneider's Reply (Judicial Notice).

12/2812017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115942 Telephone conference
- e conference with Garry re:

12129/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115978 Telephone call
1i call from FAB's

FAB- Fees- 000593

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:33PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

TOTAL Billable Fees 16.10 $3,960.00

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Mar1<Up o/o
12/6/2017 0.10 9.000 0.90 Billable
115949 Photocopies

12/13/2017 FIRM 0.10 104.000 10.40 Billable

115931 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $11.30

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $3,960.00

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $11 .30

Total new charges $3,971 .30

Pre-..ious Balance
Current $792.50
Total Pre\oious Balance $792.50

New Balance
Current $4,763.80

Total New Balance $4,763.80

Funds Account: Default

Pre'l.1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo-.ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

FAB- Fees- 000594

1/2/2018 Keller & Bolz, LLP
:33 PM
1_ Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Attorney Summary

;,. ,A:7't :C:-om.. :. :. .:. .ey..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. :. .;H;.; .ou.: ,:r,.: -s _ _ _ __ __

HHB 350.00 2.70 $945.00 $945.00 0.00
SM 225.00 13.40 $3,015.00 $3,015.00 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000595

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, !.LP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

cv /
Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1 317.23
Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 10/30/2017
Last charge 11/29/2017
Last payment 11/3/2017 Amount $12,516.80
Date Attorney Rate ou Amount Total
ID lime Entry Markup % DNB lime DNBAmt __________
10/20/2017 7sM:-:.:-=-=::..L---------- 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

11/10/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

115193 Telephone call
Telephone call from Fred S

11/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

115443 Re-.1ew


11/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable
115417 Re-.1ew
Re-.1ew legal authorities re:

11/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115454 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

11/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

115476 Confer

11/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

115461 Telephone conference
conference with General Counsel Fred Snow re: -

11/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable


TOTAL Billable Fees 2.80 $792.50

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000596

12/1/2017 Keller & Bolz , '...LP
10:31 AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 22

First A merican/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of billable expense slips $0.00

Amount Total

Total of Fees (lime Charges) $792.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $0.00

Total new charges $792.50

Pre'vious Balance
30 Days $12,516.80
Total Pre'vious Balance $12,516.80

Accounts Receivables
DatellD Type -=D_e_sc_n...!.
·p--,ti_on - - : : : : - - - - - , - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
11/3/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($12,516.80)
Total Accounts Receivable ($12,516.80)

New Balance
Current $792.50

Total New Balance $792.50

Funds Account: Default

Pre\1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

tt-=-or:.:..:n:::..ey..__ _ _ _ _ _____ ____ _ _ _. . .: C:. :.h.: :a: .;rgz.: :e:.: : .s _ _ .:...
HHB 350.00 1.30 $455.00 $455.00 0.00
SM 225.00 1.50 $337.50 $337.50 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000597

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Full Name
First American/FCRA-FTC 1 317.23
First American Bank
_) p-r
Last bill 9/26/2017
Last charge 9/2912017
Last payment 9/2812017 Amount $16,942.50

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
911/2017 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
114102 Recei...e and re\1ew
and re\1ew Schneider's Initial Disclosures.

911/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114103 Attempt
Attempt to contact Attorney Gill/prepare email to Attorney Gill requesting
4-day extension of time/prepare Request for Extension of lime.

9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

114104 Prepare
Prepare and file FAB's Initial Disclosures.

9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114110 Confer
Confer with Attorney Tantillo/obtain 3-day extension of time to file

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114133 Re\1ew
Re\1ew Plaintiff's Notice of Compliance with Initial Rule 26(A)(1)

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114134 Re\1ew
Re\Aew and comment on Defendant's Notice of Compliance with Rule
26(a)(1) Initial Disclosure.

9/1/2017 AMH 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

114095 Draft
Draft Motion for Extension of Time to respond to First Amended Complaint.

9/2/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

114137 Continue
Continue to re\Aew legal authorities re:

9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114119 Re\1ew
Re\1ew case law

9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114120 Exchange
Exchange emails with Attorney Tantillo re: responsive pleading due
date/finalize and file Motion for Extension of time.

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000598

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LlP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First AmericanJFCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Altomey Rate Hours A mount Total

JD lime Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable
114121 Review
Review, re\oise and expand Motion to Dismiss.

9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
114122 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

114141 Continue
Continue to rel..iew legal authorities re:

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 2.60 585.00 Billable

114142 Draft
Draft Argument Section of the Bank's Motion for the Court's Abstention
from Exercising Jurisdiction.

9/5/ 2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

114144 Draft
Draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion for the Court's Abstention
from Exercising Jurisdiction.

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114145 Re'oliew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 31 5.00 Billable

114146 Revise
Rellise the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 B illable

114178 Revise
Revise, expand and finalize Motion to Dismiss.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

114179 Confer
Confer with opposing counseUconfer with co-counsel.

9/6{2017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385. 00 B illable

114180 Revise
Revise, expand and finalize Motion for Abstention.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114181 Prepare
Prepare and file Notice of Filing/Motion for Additional Pages.

FAB- A!fys. Fees- 000599

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ______
9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
legal authorities re:

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable


9/6/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

First American Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

First American's Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from
Exercising Jurisdiction this Matter.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114152 Draft
Draft First American's Notice of Filing.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
114153 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114155 Email
Email Mr. Snow

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114157 Gather
Gather and organize ·exhibits to First American's Notice of Filing.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114160 Email

45.00 s hteble
11 \ : ___.;'

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000600

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill WorKsheet Page 4

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Total
ID ::)


9/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages .

9/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

file/prepare email state report to FAB.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

114310 Recehe
Receive, and analyze Schneider's Responses to (1 ) Motion to
Dismiss and (2) Motion to Abstain Exercising Jurisdiction.

9/21/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114311 Telephone conference
Telephone conferences with Garry Smith/Fred Snow.

9/ 22.50 Billable- -
9/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
and analyze Plaintiff's Response to First American's Motion Ask ing
the Court to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction Over this Matter.

9/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

and analyze Plaintiffs Response to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss.

9/21/2017 SM 225.00 4.00 900.00 Billable

114395 Re\.1ew
and shen"'"" 7 0

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000601

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
9/21/2017 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable
114398 Review

9/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114326 Confer
Confer with co-<:ounsel re:

9/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

Re\.1ew- case law/treatises/outline

9/25/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114334 Initiate
Initiate Replies (2x) to U.S. District Court Responses (Motion to
Dismiss/Motion to Abstain).

9/2512017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable


9/25/2017 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable

114420 Draft
Draft Exceptional Circumstances Section of First American's Reply
Memorandum in Support of Its Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from
Exercising Jurisdiction 0\er this Matter.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114350 Recei\e
Receive, and amend Memorandum of Law relating to Motion
to Abstain.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114351 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

114425 Draft
Draft This Court Should Stay this Action in Deference to the Parallel State
Foreclosure litigation Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising
Jurisdiction OI.Er this Matter.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

114426 Draft
Draft Schneider's Response Supports Abstention Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion Asking the Court

ttys. Fees - 000602

FAB - A_
10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

:.......__ _ _ Time Entry Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt __________
to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction Over this Matter.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114427 Draft
Draft Introduction Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising
Jurisdiction Over this Matter.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114428 Draft
Draft Introduction Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114431 Draft
Draft The First Amended Complaint is a Shotgun Pleading Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114432 Draft
Draft Schneider's RESPA Claim is Barred by the Compulsory
Counterclaim Rule and the Doctrine of Res Judicata Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114433 Draft
Draft Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action Under RESPA
Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to
Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114434 Draft
Draft Schneider's TlLA Claim is Barred by the Compulsory Counterclaim
Rule and the Doctrine of Res Judicata Section of First American's Reply
Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114435 Draft
Draft Sections 1026.36(c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) and 1026.41(d) of Regulation X
are Inapplicable Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114436 Draft
Draft Schneider's TlLA Claim is Barred by the Statute of Limitation Section
of First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000603

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/2612017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114437 Draft
Draft Schneider's Breach of Contract Claim is Barred by the Compulsory
Counterclaim Rule and the Doctrine of Res Judicata Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

114438 Re...;ew
Re...;ew and re\Ase First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its
Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114439 Draft
Draft Schneider's Defamation Claim is Preempted by FCRA Section of
First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114440 Draft
Draft Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action for Defamation
Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion t o
Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114441 Draft
Draft Conclusion Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114443 Re\Aew
Review and revise First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its
Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction 0\E!r this

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

114358 ReiAse
Revise, expand and edit FAB's Reply (in support of Motion to Dism iss) -
confer with co-counsel/confer with Attorney Snow.

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114359 Re\4se
Revise, finalize and forward - to FAB (Garry Smith/Attorney Fred

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000604

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First AmericanfFCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 ------=B:-:-:il-:-
114361 Telephone call
Telephone call from Sm

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

114453 Re,;ew
Re,;ew and re'vise First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its
Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114455 Re'vise
Re'vise First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion
Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction this Matter.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114456 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 49.00 $12,687.50

Date Attorney Quantity Amount Total

132.16 Billable

TOTAL Billable Costs $132.16

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $12,687.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $132.16

Total new charges $12,819.66

Pre\Aous Balance
Current $16,942.50
Total Pre\Aous Balance $16,942.50

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000605

10/6/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
1:25PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Accounts Receivables
9/28/2017 PAY Payment - Thank You ($16,942 .50)
Total Accounts Receivable ($16,942.50)

New Balance
Current $12,819.66

Total New Balance $12,819.66

Funds Account: Default

account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350. 00 13.60 $4,760.00 $4,760.00 0.00
SM 225.00 35.10 $7,897.50 $7,897.50 0.00
PARA 100. 00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000606

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LlP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 13

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 9/26/2017
Last charge 9/27/2017
Last payment 9/28/2017 Amount $16,942.50

Date Attorney Rate Total

ID lime Ent Markup % __ - -----:::,..,.,..,..--:-:--
9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 Billable
114102 Receive and \1ew
re..;ew Schneider's Initial Disclosures.

9/1/2017 HHB ?\ 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114103 Attempt \
Attempt o contact ttome Gill/prepare email to Attorney Gill requesting
4-day e tension of imef pr pare Request for Extension of Time.

9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105:00 Billable

114104 Prepar
Prepar FAB's Initial Disclosures.

9/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114110 Confer
Confer with Attorney Tantillo/obtain 3-day extension of time to file
responsive pleading.

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114133 Re..;ew
Re..;ew Plaintiffs Notice of Compliance with Initial Rule 26(A)(1)

9/1/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114134 Re..;ew
Re..;ew and comment on Defendant's Notice of Compliance with Rule
26(a)(1) Initial Disclosure.

9/1/2017 AMH 100.00 0.30 30.00 Billable

114095 Draft
Draft Motion for Extension of lime to respond to First Amended Complaint.

9/2/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

114137 Continue
Continue to re..;ew legal authorities re:

9/5/2017 HHB 0.60 210.00 Billable

114119 Re..;ew

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000607

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

.:..:;ID"----- Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ___ _ _ __
9/5/2017 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
114120 Exchange
Exchange emails with Attorney Tantillo re: responsiw pleading due
date/finalize and file Motion for Extension of time.

9/5/201 7 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

114121 Re\1ew
Re\1ew, revise and expand Motion to Dismiss.

9/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
114122 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

114141 Continue
Continue to re\1ew legal authorities re:

9/5/2017 SM
114142 Draft \
Draft Argument Section of the Bank's Motion for the Court's Abstention
2.60 585.00 Billable

from Exercising Jurisdiction.

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable

114144 Draft
Draft Background Section of the Bank's Motion for the Court's Abstention
from Exercising Jurisdiction.

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114145 Re\1ew

9/5/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

114146 Revise
Re\1se the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

114178 Re\1se
Re\1se, expand and finalize Motion to Dismiss.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

114179 Confer
Confer with opposing counsel/confer with co-counsel.

9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 1. 10 385.00 Billable

114180 Re\1se
Re\1se, expand and finalize Motion for Abstention.

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000608

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt -----
9/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
114181 Prepare
Prepare and file Notice of Filing/Motion for Additional Pages.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114147 Review
Review legal authorities re:

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114148 Review

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 1.60 360.00 Billable

114149 Revise
Revise First American Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114150 Revise
Revise First American's Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from
Exercising Jurisdiction 0\er this Matter.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114152 Draft
Draft First American's Notice of Filing.

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
114153 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

/6/2017 SM 225.00 67.50 Billable

114157 Gather
Gather and organize exhibits to First American's Notice of

9/6/2017 SM 225.00 67.50 Billable

114158 Gather . .
\_ "'Gaib.eLand-OrganlZeeXJilbits-to-Fifs t American's l\'\1iSs.
._____ __../ ?tV

FAB - Attys. Fees- 000609

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Mar1<up% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

9/6/2017 SM
114160 Email

- -
Email Mr. Smith

9/6/2017 SM Billable


9/6/2017 SM

- - .. Billable

- •

9/6/2017 SM Billable

9/14/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

114227 Re\Aew
Re\Aew Order Granting Motion for Leaw to File Excess Pages.

9/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

114204 Re-view
Re\1ew file/prepare email state report to FAB.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 1.40 490.00 Billable

114310 Recei\e
Receiw , re-view and analyze Schneider's Responses to (1) Motion to
Dismiss and (2) Motion to Abstain Exercising Jurisdiction.

9/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

114311 Telephone conference

Telephone conferences with Smith/Fred Snow.

9/21/2017 SM Billable

9/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114393 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and analyze Plaintiffs Response to First American's Motion Asking
the Court to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction Owr this Matter.

FAB- Fees- 000610

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt ____
9/21/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
and analyze Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss .

9/21/2017 SM 225.00 4.00 900.00 Billable

and shepardize

9/2112017 SM 2.00 450.00 Billable


9/2212017 HHB 0.20 70.00 Billable

114326 Confer
Confer with re:

9/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

case law/treatises/outline

9/2512017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

114334 Initiate
Initiate Replies (2x) to U.S. District Court Responses (Motion to
Dismiss/Motion to Abstain).

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

9/25/2017 SM 225.00 2.00 450.00 Billable

114420 Draft
Draft Exceptional Circumstances Section of First American's Reply
Memorandum in Support of its Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from
Exercising Jurisdiction Over this Matter.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.90 315.00 Billable

114350 Receive
Receive,, re..nse and amend Memorandum of Law relating to Motion
to Abstain.

9/26/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114351 Confer
Confer with re:

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000611

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
9/26/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 Billable
114425 Draft
Draft This Court Should Stay this Action in Deference to the Parallel State
Foreclosure Litigation Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising
Jurisdiction Over this Matter.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 1.20 270.00 B illable

114426 Draft
Draft Schneider's Response Supports Abstention Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion Asking the Court
to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction Over this Matter.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

11 4427 Draft
Draft Introduction Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Moti on Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising
Jurisdiction Over this Matter.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114428 Draft
Draft Introduction Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/201 7 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114431 Draft
Draft The First Amended Complaint is a Shotgun Pleading Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114432 Draft
Draft Schneider's RESPA Claim is Barred by the
Counterclaim Rule and the Doctrine of Res Judicata Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114433 Draft
Draft Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action Under RESPA
Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to
Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

11 4434 Draft
Draft Schneider's TILA Claim is Barred by the Counterclaim
Rule and the Doctrine of Res Judicata Section of First American's Reply
Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

FAB- A_ttys. Fees - 000612

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 25

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID_ _ _ _ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _________

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114435 Draft
Draft Sections 1026.36(c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) and 1026.41(d) of Regulation X
are Inapplicable Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114436 Draft
Draft Schneider's TILA Claim is Barred by the Statute of limitation Section
of First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114437 Draft
Draft Schneider's Breach of Contract Claim is Barred by the Compulsory
Counterclaim Rule and the Doctrine of Res Judicata Section of First
American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

114438 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and re\1se First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its
Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114439 Draft
Draft Schneider's Defamation Claim is Preempted by FCRA Section of
First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114440 Draft
Draft Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action for Defamation
Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to
Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/26/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114441 Draft
Draft Conclusion Section of First American's Reply Memorandum in
-:-J Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

. HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

114358 Revise
Revise, expand and edit FAB's Reply (in support of Motion to Dismiss)-
confer with co-counsel/confer with Attorney Snow.

FAB- Fees- 000613

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 26

First American!FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

lD Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
finalize and forward - to FAB (Garry Smith/Attorney Fred

9/27/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70. 00 Billable

114361 Telephone call
Telephone call from Garry

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

114453 Rel.1ew
Re\.1ew and First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its
Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114455 Re'.ise
Re"se First American's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion
Asking the Court to Abstain from Exercising Jurisdiction 0\er this Matter.

9/27/2017 SM 225.00 0.1 0 22.50 Billable

114456 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 48.80 $12,642.50

Total of billable expense slips $0.00

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $12,642.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $0.00

Total new charges $12,642.50

Previous Balance
Current $16,942.50
Total Pr9\1ous Balance $16,942 .50

FAB- Fees- 000614

10/3/2017 Keller & Bolz, L'LP
3:17PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Descri12tion
9/28/2017 PAY Payment -Thank You ($16, 942. 50)
Total Accounts Receivable ($16, 942. 50)

New Balance
Current $12,642.50

Total New Balance $12,642.50

Funds Account: Default

Pre'vious account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo...ed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 13.60 $4,760.00 $4,760.00 0.00
SM 225.00 34.90 $7,852.50 $7,852.50 0.00
PARA 100.00 0.30 $30.00 $30.00 0.00

FA B - Attys. Fees- 000615

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet 17

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1 317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 8/25/2017
Last charge 8/31/2017
Last payment 9/1/2017 Amount $6,225.62

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ______
8/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable
113415 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/1/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113416 and re\1ew
and re\1ew· · · · -
case law.

8/1/2017 SM 225.00 1.90 427.50 Billable

113488 Re\1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re: • • • •

8/2/2017 SM 225.00 2.30 517.50 Billable


8/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113440 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

113522 Re\1ew
Re\1ew draft Motion to Dismiss Schneider's Complaint. V\(ttl ('\'"" btJi,.r
• I

8/3/2017 SM 22 .00 f 1.50 337.50 Billable

113525 Draft
Draft Schneider Waived his Claim Based on'l{ll§ HELOC When
was Not Filed as a Counterclaim in the State Foreclosure
Action Section of the Motion to Dismiss.

8/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

113526 Draft
Draft Schneider's Claim Against First American Based on the HELOC
Agreement is Barred by the Doctrine Res Judicata Section of the Motion to

8/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

113527 Re\1ew
authorities re:

FAB- At.tys. Fees - 000616

... . . .

915/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP

10:56AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First Amerlcan/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID llme Ent!Y DNB Time DNB Amt
8/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
113528 Draft
Draft Schneider's FCRA Claim Fails as a Matter of Law Because the
FCRA Does Not Create a Private Right of Action To Enforce §1681s-2(a)
Section of the Motion to Dismiss.

813/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

113529 Draft
Draft Schneider has Failed to State a Viable Claim Under §1681s-2(b)(1) of
the Motion to Dismiss.

8/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113530 Draft
Draft Schneider is Not Entitled, and May Not Seek, a Ci\.41 Penalty Under
§1681s Section of the Motion to Dismiss.

8/312017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113531 Draft
Draft Motion to Dismiss Standard Section of the Motion to Dismiss .

8/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113532 Draft
Draft State Foreclosure Action Section of the Motion to Dismiss.

8/4/2017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable

113445 Revise
and amend Motion to Dismiss - review and incorporate
cases into Motion.

8/4/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

113533 Review
Review and revise First American's Motion to Dismiss Complaint.

81512017 HHB 350.00 1.30 455.00 Billable

113449 Review
Review, revise and finalize Motion to Dismiss Complaint.

8/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113546 Review
Review and re\4se draft Motion to Dismiss Complaint.

8/7/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

113453 Confer
Confer with Attorney
- -finalize and file

FAB- Fees- 000617

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 19

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime DNB Time DNB Amt
8/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable
113454 Telephone call
Telephone call to Garry Smith- forward to FAB.

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable
11 3549 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113557 Re-.1ew
Re-.1ew legal authorities re:

8/7/2017 SM 225.00 0. 10 22.50 Billable
113563 Email
Email Messrs. Snow and Smith

8/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
113658 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re: -

8/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113712 Re-.1ew
Re-.1ew ine
Response due date.

8/2212017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 B illable

113784 Receive
Receive, re-.1ew and forward to FAB .

8/2212017 HHB 350.00 1.10 385.00 Billable

113785 Re-.1ew
Re-.1ew and
co-counsel re:

8/2212017 SM 0.30 67.50 Billable

.- .-.
113817 Re-.1ew
gal authorities re:

8/2212017 SM 0.10 22.50 Billable

113818 Re-.1ew
Re-.1ew Plaintiff's Opposition to First American Bank's Motion to Dismiss

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000618

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 20

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 lime Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
8/22/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable
113819 Review
Review and analyze Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint.

8/2212017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113830 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/23/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113796 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/23/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

113846 Review
Review legal authorities re:

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 2.20 495.00 Billable

113892 Review
Review legal authorities re:

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113897 Review
Review legal authorit

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

113898 Review

8/24/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

113901 Review

8/25/2017 SM 225.00 2.10 472.50 Billable

113906 Continue

8/25/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable

113907 Review

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000619

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 21

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
8/28/2017 -:-:
H-:-:H-=-8-__.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
350.00 1.00 350.00 ---=B..,.,il,....Ja,
113884 Confer

8/28/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113885 Obtain

8/28/2017 SM 225.00 1.80 405.00 Billable

113917 Re\1ew

8/2812017 SM 225.00 1.70 382.50 Billable

113918 Re\1ew
Re-.1ew legal authorities re:

8/28/2017 SM 0.70 157.50 Billable

8/28/2017 SM 0.80 180.00 Billable

113920 Re-.1ew

8/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113922 Re\1ew

8/28/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113923 Re-.1ew
Re\1ew legal authorities re:

8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113934 Re\1ew
case -

8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

113935 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

FAB- At.t ys. Fees - 000620

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 22

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
8/29/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.oo Billable
Re\Ase and expand Motion to Stay Discovery .

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113957 Draft
Draft Procedural History Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs
First Amended Complaint.

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113958 Draft
Draft State Foreclosure Litigation Section of the Bank's Plaintiff's Motion to
Dismiss First Amended Complaint.

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113960 Draft
Draft the First Amended Complaint is an Impermissible Shotgun Pleading
Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

and analyze

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

113962 Draft
Draft Schneider Wah.ed his RESPA Claim Against First American When
that Claim was Not Filed as a Compulsory Counterclaim in the State
Foreclosure litigation Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs
First Amended Complaint.

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113963 Draft
Draft Schneider's RESPA Claim is Barred by the Doctrine of Res Judicata
Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 2.80 630.00 Billable

113964 Draft
Draft Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action Under RESPA
Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.90 202.50 Billable

113965 Draft
Draft Sections 1026.36(c)(1)(i) and (c)(1)(ii) of Regulation Xare Inapplicable
Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended

FAB - A!fys. Fees- 000621

915/2017 Keller & Bolz, llP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 23

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
113966 Draft
Draft Section 1026.41 (d) of Regulation X are Inapplicable Section of the
Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

8/29/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

113967 Draft
Draft Statute of Umitation Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss
Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

8/3012017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

113970 Re\liew
se law - re'iew • • • • • • • •
- confer with co-counsel - re\iew early draft of

8/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable
113971 Re\iew
Re\liew Motion to Stay Discowry/consider

8/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113976 Confer
Confer with S

8/30/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113977 Review
Review case law.

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
114066 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

114067 Review
Re\iew and comment on draft Motion to Stay Discowry.

8/3012017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

114068 Re\lise
Revise draft Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

114072 Continue
Continue to draft Section 1026.41(d) of Regulation X is Inapplicable Section
of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

FAB - Fees- 000622

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:'56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 24

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Ent!}:: MarkUQ% DNB Time DNB Amt
8/30/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable
114074 Re\iew
- re: -

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

114075 Draft
Draft Schneider's llLA Claim is Barred by the Doctrine Res Judicata
Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

114077 Draft
Draft Schneider's llLA Claim is Barred by the Compulsory Counterclaim
Rule Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended

8/30/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

114078 Continue
Continue to draft Statute of Limitation Section of the Bank's Motion to
Disf iss First Amended Complaint.

8/31/2017 f(;_....-J 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

114052 :1
filefcontact Attorney Manjit Gill re: extension of time to file
responsive pleading.

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

114082 Re'¥1ew
and re'¥1se the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114084 Draft
Draft Schneider's Defamation Claim is Preempted by the FCRA Section of
the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint.

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114085 Draft
Draft Schneider has Failed to State a Cause of Action for Defamation
Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First Amended

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000623

915/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Wort<sheet Page 25

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank {continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt
8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50
114086 Draft
Draft Schneider's Breach of Contract Claim is Barred by the Compulsory
Counterclaim Rule Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs First
Amended Complaint.

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

114091 Draft
Draft Schneider's Breach of Contract Claim is Barred by the Doctrine of
Res Judicata Section of the Bank's Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's First
Amended Complaint.

8/31/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

114092 Review
Review legal authorities re:

TOTAL Billable Fees 66.30 $16,867.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID_ ___,-- -"E_xp._e_n_s_e______ __ _ _ _ _ __ Markup % _ _____ --------=--- - - ---...,.---:-:---
8/1/2017 FIRM 0.10 36.000 3.60 Billable
114025 Photocopies

8/212017 FIRM 0.10 33.000 3.30 Billable

114026 Photocopies

8/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 13.000 1. 30 Billable

113979 Photocopies

8/7/2017 FIRM 0.10 34.000 3.40 Billable

113998 Photocopies

8/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 34.000 3.40 Billable

113984 Photocopies

8/2212017 FIRM 0.10 85.000 8.50 Billable

113987 Photocopies

FAB- Fees- 000624

TOTAL Billable Costs $164.59

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $16,867.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $164.59

Total new charges $17,032.09

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000625

9/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
10:56 AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 27

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Current $6,225.62
Total Balance $6,225.62

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD Type Description
9/1/2017 PAY ($6,225.62)
Total Accounts Receivable ($6,225.62)

New Balance
Current $17,032.09

Total New Balance $17,032.09

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0 .00
Total remowd from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

A""'tt_o'-rn'""e.._y_ __ _ __ _ _ ___R_a'-t'-'-e Hours - ---:::-::C::..:.h.:..::a"-:"rg"-:e:7-s ---=S.;.:.Iipc:.....:.V-=a.:..::lu=e _ _
HHB 350.00 -------'-=1:..=,5."'=6-':-0 $5,460.00 $5,460.00 0.00
SM 225.00 50.70 $11,407.50 $11,407.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000626

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, llP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1 317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2017
Last charge 7/31/2017
Last payment 8/4/2017 Amount $7,745.40

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

:..::.10=----- _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt _ _ __ _
7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable
112958 Re\Aew
Re\Aew file/confer with co-counsel/prepare email to laurence Schneider re:
30-day extension of time request.

7/312017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable
112959 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith re:

7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112967 Re\4ew
- case law -

7/3/2017 JWK 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113141 Consult
Consult with co-counsel

7/3/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113037 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

7/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112968 Prepare
Prepare Motion for 'Extension of lime to file responsi\oe pleading.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

112973 Finalize
Finalize and send email to laurence Schneider.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112974 Recei\oe and review

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112978 Arrange
and conduct conference call with ........"'"•v

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000627

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

First American/FCRA-FTC: First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

10 Time Markue% ONB Time DNB Amt
7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112979 Prepare
Prepare and file Notice of Appearance.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112980 Participate
Participate in Magistrate Brannnon's Scheduling Conference.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112982 Finalize
Finalize and file Motion for Extension of Time.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112983 Prepare
Prepare Chronology of E\ents.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112984 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith re:

7/5/2017 ·sM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113048 Re\1ew
Re\1ew email from Mr. Tantillo re: representing Mr. Schneider in the
litigation; obtain -

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113049 Participate
Part conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113050 Review
Order of Transfer. Order Referring Case and Setting Trial Date,
Notice of Appearance, Notice of Filing Proof of and Motion to
Appear Pro Hac Vice.

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

113054 Participate
Participate in Scheduling Conference.

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113059 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Mr. Smith

7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112997 Recei\e and
Recei\.e and Trial Order/confer with co-counsel.

F AB - Fees - 000628
8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First AmericaniFCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112998 Receive and re\4ew
Receiw and re\1ew Court Order granting FAB's Motion for Extension of
Time to File Responsiw Pleading - update file.

1n12011 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113014 Review
Re\4ew file/prepare status letter and status email to FAB.

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 smable

113015 Re\1se
Revise and expand Motion to Dismiss.

7/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113018 Expand
Expand Motion to Dismiss (Count Ill - FTC Act).

7/11/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

113112 Re\1se
Re\4se and expand Motion to Dismiss .

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113188 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and email from Attorney Gill re: complying with Pretrial
Scheduling Order- review\4ew file- contact opposing counsel.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

113189 Re\4se
Re\4se and expand Motion to Dismiss/prepare HELOC cause of action

7117/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113196 Confer
Confer with opposing counsel (Attorney Brent Tantillo) re: Joint Discovery
Plan/future handling.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113197 Telephone conference
"''"'nhr,n.:. conference with Attorney Fred Snow re: -

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Bntable

113216 Receive and
Recei-.e and review draft/proposed Joint Disco-.ery Plan - email re: Mediator
selection/prepare additions/deletions/amendments to Attorney Tantillo's
draftfproposed Discovery Plan/prepare email to FAB.

FAB - Ntys. Fees - 000629

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Wori<sheet Page 8

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
7/1912017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
113223 Prepare
Prepare email to Attorneys Giii/Tantillo re: Mediator Selection/Disco\ery

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113224 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/finalize and forward re\Ased
Disco\ery Plan to opposing counsel.

7/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113231 Recei\49
Recei\49, re\Aew and in-..est rel.1ew and

TOTAL Billable Fees 18.50 $6,212.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup %
7/5/2017 FIRM 0.10
- - -15.000
-- 1.50 Billable
113378 Photocopies

7/11/2017 FIRM 0. 10 12.000 1.20 Billable

113281 Photocopies

7/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 47.000 4.70 Billable

113283 Photocopies
P hotocopies/Reproductlon

7/31/2017 FIRM 1.32 1.000 1.32 Billable

113400 lexisNexis
Lexis research

7/31/2017 FIRM 0.20 22.000 4.40 Billable

113607 Pacer
U.S. Court Search- Pacer

TOTAL Billable Costs $13.12

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $6,212.50

FAB- A_ttys. Fees - 000630

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $13.12

Total new charges $6,225.62

Previous Balance
Current $7 ,745.40
Total Previous Balance $7,745.40

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD =D_es_c_r"-ip--:tio
.:..:n-=----:--:-:-- -- ------------
8/4/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($7,745.40)
Total Accounts Receivable ($7' 745.40)

New Balance
Current $6,225.62

Total New Balance $6,225.62

Funds Account: Default

Pre\Aous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remowd from account $0.00

New account balance $0 . 00

Amount to replenish account to $0. 00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 16.00 $5,600.00 $5,600.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 0.40 $140.00 $140.00 0.00
SM 225.00 2.10 $472.50 $472.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000631

811/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill 7/28/2017
Last charge 7/20/2017
Last payment Amount $0.00

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

7/3/2017 HHB
DNB Time
0.80 280.00
--- -Billable
112958 Re\1ew
Re\1ew file/confer with co-counsel/prepare email to Laurence Schneider re:
30-day extension of time request.

7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112959 Telephone conference
- -conference with Garry Smith re:

7/3/2017 HHB 0.50 175.00 Billable

112967 Re\1ew
Re\1ew case law

7/3/2017 SM 0.30 67.50 Billable

113037 Confer
::') Confer with co-counsel re:

7/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112968 Prepare
Prepare Motion for Extension of Time to file responsiw pleading.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

112973 Finalize
Finalize and send email to Laurence Schneider.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112974 Receiw and re\1ew

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112978 Arrange
and conduct conference call with

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112979 Prepare
Prepare and file Notice of Appearance.
811/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Markue% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112980 Participate
Participate in Magistrate Brannnon's Scheduling Conference.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112982 Finalize
Finalize and file Motion for Extension of Time.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112983 Prepare
Prepare Chronology of E\ents.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112984 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

113048 Re-Aew
Re-Aew email from Mr. Tantillo re: representing Mr. Schneider in the
litigation; obtain -

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

113049 Participate
conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

113050 Re-Aew
Re-Aew Order of Transfer, Order Referring Case and Setting Trial Date,
Notice of Appearance, Notice of Filing Proof of Ser\1ce and Motion to
Appear Pro Hac Vice.
7/5/2017 ( 1- 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
113054 Atte
Scheduling Conference.

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
113059 Participate
m•fephone conference with Mr. S

7/6/2017 HHB 0.30 105.00 Billable

112997 Recei\e and re\1ew
Recei-.e and re\1ew Trial Order/confer with
8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LlP
9:03AM Pre-bill Wor1<sheet Page 16

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 ----=B-:-:il:-
112998 Receiw and
Receiw and Court Order granting FAB's Motion for Extension of
Time to File Responsive Pleading - update file.

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

113014 Re'liew
file/prepare status letter and status email to FAB.

71712017- HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

Revise and expand Motion to Dismiss.

7/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113018 Expand .
Expand Motion to Dismiss (Count Ill- FTC Act).

7/11/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

and expand Motion to Dismiss.

7/17/201 7 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113188 and
Rece1ve and ema11 from Attorney Gill re: complying with Pretrial
Scheduling Order- re\4ew Rule . re\4ew file - contact opposing counsel.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

113189 Re'lise
and expand Motion to Dismiss/prepare HELOC cause of action

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113196 Confer
Confer with opposing counsel (Attorney Brent Tantillo) re: Joint Discovery
Plan/future handling.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113197 Telephone conference
conference with Attorney Fred Snow re: -

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

113216 Receive and re\1ew
Receive and draft/proposed Joint Discovery Plan - email re: Mediator
selection/prepare additions/deletions/amendments to Attorney Tantillo's
draft/proposed Plan/prepare email to FAB .

FAB- At.tys. Fees- 000634

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued}

Date Attorney Rate Hours A mount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
7/19/2017 -:-:
8 - - - L - - - - - - -- - - -- "350.00 0.20 70.00 - ----8-ill,_.
a-b l-e
113223 Prepare
Prepare email to Attorneys GiiUTantillo re: Mediator Selection/Discovery

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113224 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/finalize and forward
Disco-.ery Plan to opposing counsel.

7/20/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113231 Receive

TOTAL Billable Fees 18.10 $6,072.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Ex pense Markup%
7/5/201 7 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable
113378 Photocopies

7/1 1/2017 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

113281 Photocopies

7/17/2017 FIRM 0.10 47.000 4.70 Billable

113283 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $7.40

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $6,072.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $7.40

Total new charges $6,079.90

Current $7,745.40

FAB - Fees- 000635

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total Pre..;ous Balance $7,745.40

New Balance
Current $13,825.30

Total New Balance $13,825.30

Funds Account: Default

Pre..;ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo'v€d from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:. _;Ra.: :.;t:.: .e _ __ _ H_o_u_rs____ _C_h_a.....

rg,_e_s ---=S..:..:.IiPc:.....:.V-=a.:..::lu=e ___A_d..._ju_s_tm_en_t
HHB 350.00 16.00 $5,600.00 $5,600.00 0.00
SM 225.00 2.10 $472.50 $472.50 0.00

FAB- Fees- 000636

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1 317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill
l ast charge 6/28/2017
Last payment Amount $0.00

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
6/15/2017 350.00 1.90 665.00
- -- Billable
112615 Receive and re\4ew
Receive and re\4ew email from

6/1 5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112618 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112619 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112620 Participate
Participate in conference call with FAB (Garry Smith) and co-counsel
(Attorney Sheyla Mesa).

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112668 Re\4ew
Re\4ew email from Mr. Smith re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112669 Re\4ew
Re\4ew and analyze Complaint fi led by Mr. Schneider against the Bank.

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112670 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable


6/15/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

112678 Re\4ew

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000637

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Mar1<up% DNB lime DNBAmt ____
6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
112679 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112680 Participate

6/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

statute and case law

6/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

Review and analyze . statute and implementing case law - re\4ew .
- /case law.

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112682 Review
legal authorities re:

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

112687 Review

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112688 Review

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

112690 Review
Review legal authorities

FAB- A.ttys. Fees- 000638

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable
112691 Review

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112692 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112695 Review
Review legal authorities re:

6/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112626 Review
Review and update file- outline status letter to FAB.

6/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

Review IIIII statute/implementing case law.
6/19/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable
112641. Prepare
draft status correspondence to FAB

6/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112698 Confer

6/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112702 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/20/2017 HHB 350.00 2.80 ' 980.00 Billable

112653 Revise
ReiAse and expand status letter to FAB .

6/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112654 Telephone conference
one conference with Fred Snow. Esq./Garry Smith re: -

ttys. Fees- 000639
7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First AmericanfFCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry DNB Time DNBAmt
6/20/2017 -=
s:-::M;,.::__:== - - - - -- - - -- --
225.00 0.20 45.00

6/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
Re'-Aew and re'llise draft report letter to Messrs. Smith and Snow re: -

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112726 Re\hew
Re..;ew and analyze letter to FAB -contact
Garry Smith.

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112727 Recei-.e
Recei>ve call from FAB (Garry Smith}

6121/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112728 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112730 Initiate
Initiate drafting of Motion to Dismiss

6/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

6/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112864 Telephone conference
conference with FAB

TOTAL Billable Fees 26.80 $7,717.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 6/1512017 Expense _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Markup % - - .,.--::,..---,....,... - ---::,.-:::--:-:--
0.10 145.000 14.50 Billable
112929 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000640

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 6

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill
Last charge 6/28/2017
Last payment Amount $0.00

Date Attorney Rate Ho1,1_rs_ _J

_ ,me nt Total
ID lime Entry Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
6/15/2017 7-:H::-':H-::::'B....::::..:..;:.:.:...<__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable
112615 Recei\e and

- -
6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112618 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112619 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith.

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112620 Participate
Participate in conference call with FAB (Garry Smith) and co-counsel
(Attorney Sheyla Mesa).

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112668 Review
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112669 Review
Review and analyze Complaint filed by Mr. Schneider against the Bank.

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112670 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 B illable


6/15/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

112678 Review

FAB- Fees- 000642

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 7

First American/FCRA-FTC:Firs American Bank (continued)

Date Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112680 Participate
l i i i l i l i l i l i i ie conference with Mr. Smith re:

6/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112631 Re\1ew
statute and case law

6/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112632 Re\1ew
Re\1ew and analyze . statute and implementing case law- re\1ew .
- case law.

6/16/2017 SM 135.00 Billable

112682 Re\1ew

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112685 Re\1ew

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

112687 Re\1ew

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112688 Re\1ew
liiliiliiiliiliorities re:

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

112690 Re\1ew

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000643

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 8

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

DNB Time DNB Amt

ID Markup%
6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50
112691 Re\Jiew
Re\Jiew legal authorities re:

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112692 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112695 Re\1ew

6/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112626 Review
Re\1ew and update file - outline status letter to FAB .

6/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 B illable

112640 Re\1ew
Re\Jiew - statute/implementing case law.

6/19/2017 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

112641 Prepare
redraft status correspondence to FAB

6/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112698 Confer

6/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112702 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/20/2017 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

112653 Re\4se
Re\4se and expand status letter to FAB.

6/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112654 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow, Esq./Garry Smith re: -

FAB- Fees- 000644

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup % DNB Time DNBAmt ____
6/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
11 2712 Re\Aew

6/20/20 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
112713 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and re'.Ase draft report letter to Messrs. Smith and Snow re: -

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 21 0.00 Billable

112726 Re\Aew
Re\Aew and analyz letter to FAB - contact

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112727 Receive
call from FAB (Garry Smith) -

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112728 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112730 Initiate
Initiate drafting of Motion to Dismiss

6/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112746 Re'.Aew

6/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

11 2864 Telephone conference
conference with FAB

TOTAL Billable Fees 26.80 $7,717.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID _________________________ Markup % --- -:-:-:::-::-::-::- _______ - ----
6/15/2017 FIRM 0.10 145.000 14.50 Billable
112929 Photocopies

FAB - Fees - 000645

7/5/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:54PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 10

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup% _ _ _____ _ _ _ __ _ __
6/16/2017 .:::
IR!:-M=::-..:..:.-=--- -- -- -- - -- - 0.10 127.000 12.70 Billable
112930 Photocopies

6/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

112949 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $27.90

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $7,717.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $27.90

Total new charges $7,745.40

New Balance
Current $7,745.40

Total New Balance $7,745.40

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total remo\€d from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB _ ___
SM 225.00 13.30 $2,992.50 $2,992.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees- 000646

8/14/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:55AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 9

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Amount Total

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $13.12

Total new charges $6,225.62

Previous Balance
Current $7,745.40
Total Previous Balance $7,745.40

Accounts Receivables
DateiiD .:.:, :. t:ip:. : ti.on:..:........--
.::.. -- -- -- - ---------
8/4/2017 PAY Payment- Thank You ($7, 745.40)
Total Accounts Receivable ($7,745.40)

New Balance
Current $6,225.62

Total New Balance $6,225.62

Funds Account: Default

Pre\Aous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0 .00

Amount to replenish account to $0. 00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

Attorney Rate Hours Charges Slip Value Adjustment

HHB 350.00 16.00 $5,600. 00 $5,600.00 0.00
JWK 350.00 0.40 $140.00 $140.00 0.00
SM 225.00 2.10 $472.50 $472.50 0.00

FAB - Fees - 000631

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 14

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1317.23

Full Name First American Bank
last bill 7/28/2017
last charge 7/20/2017
last payment Amount $0.00

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

.:.:10=---- - Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ________
7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable
112958 Re\1ew
Re\1ew file/confer with co-counsel/prepare email to Laurence Schneider re:
30-day extension of time request.

7/3/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112959 Telephone conference
conference with Garry Smith re:

7/3/2017 HHB 0.50 175.00 Billable

112967 Review
case law

7/3/2017 SM 0.30 67.50

113037 Confer
:::-) Confer with co-counsel re:

7/4/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112968 Prepare
Prepare Motion for Extension of Time to file responsi\e pleading.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.10 35.00 Billable

112973 Finalize
Finalize and send email to laurence Schneider.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

112974 Recei\e and review

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112978 Arrange
and conduct conference call with

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112979 Prepare
Prepare and file Notice of Appearance.
811/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 15

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID lime Markup% DNB lime DNB Amt
7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112980 Participate
Participate in Magistrate Brannnon's Scheduling Conference.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112982 Finalize
Finalize and file Motion for Extension of Time.

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112983 Prepare
Prepare Chronology of

7/5/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112984 Telephone conference
1i conference with Garry Smith re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

email from Mr. Tantillo re: representing Mr. Schneider in the
litigation; obtain -

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

conference with Messrs. Snow and Smith re:

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.30 67.50 Billable

Order of Transfer, Order Referring Case and Setting Trial Date,
Notice of Appearance, Notice of Filing Proof of Service and Motion to
Appear Pro Hac Vice.
7/5/2017 ( 1- 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable
113054 Atte
Scheduling Conference.

7/5/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable
113059 Participate
rn-fephone conference with Mr. Smit

7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112997 and
and Trial Order/confer with
8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LlP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 16

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
7/6/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
112998 Receoo and rel.1ew
Recei\e and rel.1ew Court Order granting FAB's Motion for Extension of
Time to File Responsi\e Pleading - update file.

7/7/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

file/prepare status letter and status email to FAB.

71712017- HHB 350.00 1.20 420.00 Billable

Rei.Ase and expand Motion to Dismiss.

7/8/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113018 Expand .
Expand Motion to Dismiss (Count Ill - FTC Act).

7/11/2017 HHB 350.00 2.20 770.00 Billable

and expand Motion to Dismiss.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.00 350.00 Billable

113188 Receiw and rei.Aew
Rece1\e and re\4ew ema11 from Attorney Gill re: complying With Pretrial
Scheduling Order - re\4ew Rule . rel.1ew file - contact opposing counsel.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 1.70 595.00 Billable

113189 Rel.1se
and expand Motion to Dismiss/prepare HELOC cause of action

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

113196 Confer
Confer with opposing counsel (Attorney Brent Tantillo} re: Joint Disco\ery
Plan/future handling.

7/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

113197 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Attorney Fred Snow re: -

7/19/2017 HHB 350.00 1.60 560.00 Billable

113216 Receive and re\liew
Receiw and re\liew draft/proposed Joint Discowry Plan -email re: Mediator
selection/prepare additions/deletions/amendments to Attorney Tantillo's
draft/proposed Disco\A3ry Plan/prepare email to FAB .

FAB - Fees - 000634

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 17

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attomey Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Time Entry Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt ____
7/19/2017 "350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable
113223 Prepare
Prepare email to Attorneys GiiVTantillo re: Mediator Selection/Discovery

7/191201 7 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

113224 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Garry Smith/finalize and forward reiAsed
Disco-.ery Plan to opposing counsel.

7/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

113231 Receiw
re\Aew and

TOTAL Billable Fees 18.10 $6,072.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

10 Expense Markup%
7/5/2017 FIRM 0.10 15.000 1.50 Billable
113378 Photocopies

7/11/2017 FIRM 0.10 12.000 1.20 Billable

113281 Photocopies

7/17/2017 FIRM 0.1 0 47.000 4.70 BiHable

113283 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $7.40


Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $6,072.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $7.40

Total new charges $6,079.90

PreiAous Balance
Current $7,745.40

FAB- Fees- 000635

8/1/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
9:03AM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 18

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued}

Amount Total

Total Previous Balance $7,745.40

New Balance
Current $13,825.30

Total New Balance $13,825.30

Funds Account: Default

Pre'v1ous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

_ _ ___________:Rc..:a::..:t=e Hours 7
- - --=C:..:..h=a"""rg'-=e-=-s ----=S.c..:.lipc.......::.V-=a.:..::lu=e ___A_d.L.,ju_s_tm_er_1t
HHB 350.00 - -----'-:1"='6"'='
.0 0 $5,600.00 $5,600.00 0.00
SM 225.00 2.10 $472 .50 $472.50 0.00

FAB- Fees- 000636

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 1

Nickname First American/FCRA-FTC 1 317.23

Full Name First American Bank
Last bill
Last charge 6/28/2017
Last payment Amount $0.00

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup% DNB Time DNBAmt __________
6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 1.90 665.00 Billable
112615 Receive and reiJiew
Receive and reiJiew email from Ga

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable
112618 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112619 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Smith.

6/15/2017 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112620 Participate
Participate in conference call with FAB Smith) and co-counsel
(Attorney Sheyla Mesa).

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.10 22.50 Billable

112668 ReiJiew
Review email from Mr. Smith re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112669 ReiJiew
ReiJiew and analyze Complaint filed by Mr. Schneider against the Bank.

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112670 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 1.40 315.00 Billable

112671 Review
Review legal authorities re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 1.30 292.50 Billable

112678 ReiJiew

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000637

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 2

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

Markup% DNB lime DNBAmt __________
6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable
112679 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/15/2017 SM 225.00 0.50 112.50 Billable

112680 Participate

6/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

statute and case law

6/16/2017 HHB 350.00 0.80 280.00 Billable

Re'Jiew and analyze . statute and implementing case law - re\4ew .
- /case law.

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable


6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable


6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.10 247.50 Billable

112687 Rel.1ev.t

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.70 157.50 Billable

112688 Re'Jiew

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable

112690 Re\1e\N
Re\iew legal authorities

FAB- A.ttys. Fees- 000638

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 3

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID l i rne Ent!1 Markup% DNB Time DNB Amt
6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.50 337.50 Billable
112691 Re-.iew

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 0.60 135.00 Billable

112692 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/16/2017 SM 225.00 1.00 225.00 Billable

112695 Re-.iew
legal authorities re:

6/17/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

and update file - outline status letter to FAB.

6/19/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

statute/implementing case law.

6/19/201 7 HHB 350.00 1.80 630.00 Billable

112641 Prepare
draft status correspondence to FAB

6/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.40 90.00 Billable

112698 Confer

6/19/2017 SM 225.00 0.20 45.00 Billable

112702 Confer
Confer with co-counsel re:

6/20/2017 HHB 350.00 2.80 980.00 Billable

and expand status letter to FAB.

6/20/2017 HHB 350.00 0.50 175.00 Billable

112654 Telephone conference
Telephone conference with Fred Snow, Esq./Garry Smith re: -

ttys. Fees- 000639
7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 4

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Rate Hours Amount Total

ID Markup%
DNB Time
0.20 45.00
- - -Billable
6/20/2017 SM
112712 Re\iiew

6/20/2017 SM 225.00 0.80 180.00 Billable
112713 Re'ldew
Review and revise draft report letter to Messrs. Smith and Snow re: -

6/21/201 7 HHB 350.00 0.60 210.00 Billable

112726 Review
Re\1ew and letter to FAB- contact
Garry Smith.

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.30 105.00 Billable

112727 Recei..e
Receiw call from FAB (Garry Smith)

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112728 Confer
Confer with ccrcounsel re:

6/21/2017 HHB 350.00 0.70 245.00 Billable

112730 Initiate
Initiate drafting of Motion to Dismiss

6/22/2017 HHB 350.00 0.40 140.00 Billable

112746 Review

6/28/2017 HHB 350.00 0.20 70.00 Billable

112864 Telephone conference
conference with FAB

TOTAL Billable Fees 26.80 $7,717.50

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID Expense Markup% _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - - - - -
6/15/2017 0.10 145.000 14.50 Billable
112929 Photocopies

FAB - Attys. Fees - 000640

7/11/2017 Keller & Bolz, LLP
3:02PM Pre-bill Worksheet Page 5

First American/FCRA-FTC:First American Bank (continued)

Date Attorney Price Quantity Amount Total

ID _________________________ Markup% ______ _ __ __ - - ----:-:--
6/16/2017 FIRM 0.10 127.000 12.70 Billable
112930 Photocopies

6/20/2017 FIRM 0.10 7.000 0.70 Billable

112949 Photocopies

TOTAL Billable Costs $27.90

Amount Total

Total of Fees (Time Charges) $7,717.50

Total of Costs (Expense Charges) $27.90

Total new charges $7,745.40

New Balance
Current $7, 745.40

Total New Balance $7, 745.40

Funds Account: Default

Previous account balance $0.00
Total added to account $0.00
Total removed from account $0.00

New account balance $0.00

Amount to replenish account to $0.00 $0.00

Attorney Summary

,____ __ __ _________R_at_e Hours ______ ____ S_Ii.!.:.,.p_V_a_lu_e _ __A_d..!.,
HHB 350.00 - - : - - - 1-3-.5-0 $4,725.00 $4,725.00 0.00
SM 225.00 13.30 $2,992 .50 $2,992.50 0.00

FAB- Attys. Fees - 000641

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