E-Business Solutions For The Telecommunications Industry: January 2001

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e-Business Solutions for the

Telecommunications Industry
January 2001

© Copyright 2001-2003 Entrust. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
Defining the Telecommunications Industry ...............................................................3

Trends Impacting the Industry ...................................................................................4

Current Initiatives in the Industry..............................................................................4

The Value of Trust in Telecom e-Business .................................................................5

The Financial Benefits in Becoming an e-Telco .........................................................6

Security Solutions for the Telecomunications Industry ..............................................8

Entrust Portal Management Infrastructure (PMI) ....................................................8

Entrust Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) ....................................................................9
Entrust Telco Trust in a Box ..................................................................................10
Entrust.net Inc. .....................................................................................................10
Entrust@YourService .............................................................................................11

The Benefits of Entrust Solutions for a Telco/ISP....................................................11

Entrust Solution Benefits

Entrust Solutions Deployed in the Telecommunications Industry............................12

Case #1: Focusing on Self-Services to Gain and Retain Customer.........................12

Case #2: Leveraging Trust for Competitive Advantage .........................................14
Case #3: E-Enabling Business for Easy, Efficient Operations ..................................15
Case #4: Optimizing Customer Serivce to Improve Satisfaction and Control ........15
Case #5 and #6: Ensuring Customer Loyalty and Scalable Customer Care ...........16

Summary and Conclusion ........................................................................................16

e-Business Trust Solutions
for the Telecommunications Industry
The purpose of this paper is to discuss e-business trust solutions for the
telecommunications industry. This paper will begin by defining today's
telecommunications industry, and reviewing the current trends and the
resulting initiatives being implemented by its members. Next, this paper
will outline the business and financial upside of becoming an e-Telco, and
how security infrastructure technology can leverage those returns. Finally,
it will provide examples of secure e-business solutions that have been
implemented by Entrust, the global leader in trusted e-business,
and the resulting benefits for the leading telecommunications companies that
chose them.

Defining the Telecommunications Industry

The telecommunications industry is undergoing revolutionary change that
is redefining the marketplace and creating lucrative opportunities for legacy
and new players. Less than ten years ago, it was very easy to identify a
telecommunications company. Primarily, telecommunications focused on
telephony and providing telephone service, with data services only beginning
to gain in popularity.

Today, there are hundreds of telecommunications companies, and they are

more difficult to categorize:

- The evolution of digital technology is enabling the convergence of all

forms of information - email, video, audio, graphics and text - that must
be communicated.

- The Internet has become a key communications medium and it has

facilitated society's evolution as a global community.

- Deregulation is happening around the world.

- Legacy long distance carriers are reinventing themselves to address

growing customer and competitive demands.

- New entrants are creating and packaging services that merge the ingredients
of both communications and information technology (IT) and blur their

- Other industry players are offering telecommunications products/services

to leverage their core businesses.

Therefore, a definition that acknowledges these changes, but is as simple as possible,

is that a telecommunications company is one that offers voice and/or data
communications related products and services as its primary business. This industry
definition then includes cable providers, cell phone manufacturers and Internet
Service Providers (ISPs).

Trends Impacting the Industry
Five key trends are impacting the telecommunications industry today:

- The rapid evolution of the Internet: According to the June 12, 2000 issue
of Fortune Magazine, it is expected that by the year 2003, 70% of the U.S.
population will be using the Internet and per Forrester Research, business-to-
business (B2B) revenue will approach $1.3 trillion. Interest in the Internet
already spans across all customer markets and one consistent concern is
security, regardless of the customer's size or degree of activity.

- The demand for data: By next year, the demand for data is predicted to be two
times that for voice (Business Week, January 10, 2000). One of the more
pervasive examples of that demand is the customer's pursuit of high speed
Internet access.

- New and improving technology: Although new technology is having an impact

throughout telecommunications, one of the most visible areas is the wireless
sector. According to the June 26, 2000 issue of Telecommunications Magazine,
by the year 2003, U.S. cell-phone penetration is anticipated to be 60%, with
Japan approaching 70% and Europe over 80%. As the technology improves,
the prices go down, and the demand will increase even more.

- Demand for services: Business customers want to focus on their core business, and
procure outside services for non-strategic functions. In addition, both businesses
and consumers want to be empowered to have access to services
and information when it is convenient to them, e.g. ordering and order status.

- The changing regulatory environment: Deregulation is encouraging

telecommunications companies to enter each other's markets, resulting in
increased competition from both traditional and new entrants. This
increased competition further stimulates globalization, as companies move
to add geography, customers, expertise and technology to their businesses.

Current Initiatives in the Industry

In telecommunications, both new and legacy telecom competitors are reacting to
this environment and its trends by adopting a series of initiatives targeted to help
them survive and thrive:

- Build or acquire more network capacity to respond to universal demand

- Develop new revenue sources, businesses and environments

- Create and/or package new offerings

- Develop and/or package targeted "killer" applications to further drive Internet use
and associated revenues

- Incorporate security into supporting IT infrastructure to address customer concerns

- Partner or acquire to provide "best of breed" integrated customer solutions and

gain competitive advantage

- Sell services across all markets, prioritizing and packaging them differently for
each market

- Develop and provide access services to support the user wherever s/he is,
whatever communications device s/he is using, for voice and/or data

- Attract and retain more customers by improving customer service and aggressively
cross selling

- Leverage the Internet to become a more efficient, profitable e-business

Leveraging the Internet will be key, since as predicted by the Gartner Group, the
volume of business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions will reach $380 billion by 2003,
and B2B will exceed $7 trillion by 2004.

The Value of Trust in Telecom e-Business

In order for telecommunications companies to successfully leverage the Internet,
they need to develop a new perspective on doing business. To start, e-business is
digital, not paper-based. In the e-commerce world, a successful telecom company
must be able to feel confident that in this new digital environment, only
authenticated customers, employees and partners have access to protected
applications and content. The telecom company must also be able to provide
authorized access on a highly individualized and specific basis. The integrity and
confidentiality of all information, whether stored in the Telco's database or in transit
on the Internet, must be protected in order to preserve customer confidence. Finally,
both parties need to be assured that once a transaction is complete, that an audit
trail is maintained and that the other party cannot later repudiate, asserting that the
transaction never took place.

Self Provisioning - Complex Services

Need for Trust and Confidentiality

Self Provisioning - Simple Services


On-Line Bill Payment




On-Line Bill Presentment



l ra

Self-Service Business Orders





Self-Service Consumer Orders




Web Presence (Basic Info on Services)

Transaction Value

As the above figure graphically illustrates, the need for trust increases as a telecom
company and its customer mutually value the substance of a transaction.

The Financial Benefits in Being an e-Telco
If a company can provide this trusted environment, not only will business
transactions be secure, but trusted e-business can:

- Open new markets that can only be supported in a secured environment

- Improve cost effectiveness by better utilizing automated systems

- Build competitive advantage with accessible, user friendly customer services

- Shorten time to market by facilitating the introduction of new applications of


- Forge closer, more productive business relationships with convenient efficient


- Mitigate risk using a secured transaction infrastructure

In addition to the business reasons for implementing a trust infrastructure, the

financial benefits of becoming an e-Telco are also considerable.

- Procurement - By moving procurement on-line, one leading Telco is expecting a

transactions cost savings of 90% and a direct savings of $1 billion (per

- Customer Care - On-line order management, customer self-services, help desk and
technical support can dramatically decrease cost from over $700 for a field visit to
$100 for a call center contact to $7.50 for a Web site interaction (per Forrester).

- Billing- One large global Telco has stated that services such as electronic billing
and payment allow it to save $1 for every bill the customer pays on-line (per

All of these savings add up. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) evaluated a residential
Telco with 10 million lines and a cost base of $5 billion. The potential savings were
estimated to be as follows:

Initiative % Savings $ Savings

1. e-Procurement for all third party spending plus 10-15% $200-300M

supply chain integration for major equipment

2. e-Enablement (and potential outsourcing) of 25% 110M

finance, HR and other back office functions

3. e-Enablement (and potential outsourcing) of 20% 50M

IT Operations and development

4. e-Enablement of customer acquisition, 20-30% 20-30M

sales force operations and customer care

5. Outsourcing of network construction 10% 150M

(not includingseparate procurement opportunities)

6. e-Enablement of field force operators and 15-20% 70-90M

management (providing service and equipment)

7. e-Enablement (and potential outsourcing) of 20% 110M

building/facilities management plus enabled
remote working

8. Possible double counting (40M)


The above e-business initiatives not only represent a potential savings of

approximately 20%, but according to the PwC evaluation, these annual ongoing
savings also yield an increased shareholder value of up to 30%. In summary, the
opportunities to realize new organization-wide efficiencies are widespread
throughout the telecommunications organization from supply chain optimization to
enhanced customer services (and resulting in loyalty and satisfaction). Therefore, the
financial potential of secure e-business for the telecom industry is significant.

Security Solutions for the
Telecommunications Industry
Security solutions provide telecom companies with the capability to reap these
business and financial benefits in securely managing e-business relationships with
each employee, customer, partner or vendor in accordance with the policies,
processes and procedures that are unique to its business. Security infrastructure
products allow Telcos and ISPs to offer more secure and personalized access to an
infinite variety of applications and services, whether for internal or external use. This
scalable infrastructure provides access, authentication and authorization capabilities
with minimal administrative intervention, supporting rapid deployment of new
services to a constantly changing population of users. In summary, the
implementation of this infrastructure can facilitate the generation of additional
revenue, reduction of operating costs and the creation of competitive advantage.
Without it there is no trust and e-business potential is very limited.

Entrust is the global leader in solutions that bring trust to telecom

e-business for business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C) and the
enterprise. The following paragraphs describe five trust solutions offered by Entrust
that will enable telecommunications companies to achieve their
maximum e-business potential.

1. Entrust Portal Management Infrastructure (PMI)

For Web-implementations, Entrust's PMI offering, getAccess™software,

offers a single sign-on portal framework that integrates with a variety of
authentication methods including digital certificates (such as those issued by Entrust
and other security providers) and user name/password. The getAccess solution builds
an individualized portal navigation menu for each user at login, and after
authentication via digital certificates and/or other security methods of the Telco's
choice, the user is presented with only the services and information he is authorized
to access (in the language of his choice). This approach provides the security of
protected resources, while extending the "red carpet treatment" to every user
worldwide, thereby promoting customer retention. In addition, getAccess passes
authenticated user information to applications and delegated administration allows
a Telco to parcel out user administration to business units, customer organizations or
employee functional groups. Best of all, the getAccess software supports wireless
customer access, allowing convenient single sign on, anywhere mobile service is
available, anytime.

In summary, the getAccess solution provides the means for a Telco to do business on the
Internet more quickly and with greater flexibility, to support new and legacy
applications and services, and to do so for customers, employees and partners, as it
expands its business globally. The getAccess software also addresses a fundamental pain
for many telecom companies - the difficulty of integrating a vast array of backoffice
legacy systems.
Personalized e-Business Relationships-
Acquire, Retain and Grow the Customer Base


Role = Prospect Role = Qualified Prospect Role = Buyer Role = “Gold” Customer

Role = Role = Previous + Role = Previous + Role = Previous +

Catalog • Price lists • Order configuration • Support info. library
Company info • Product config/avail • Order entry/ack/status • Training
Industry news • Promotional offers • Bill present/payment • Awards
• Competitive info • Call center • Forums
• Promos

User roles Access rights Resource rules

Sales management, order processing, trouble reporting,
publishing, training, accounting, inventory management…

2. Entrust Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)

The Entrust/PKI™ software allows a telecom company to encrypt, digitally sign and
authenticate electronic transactions across applications, in a heterogeneous environment,
with best-in-class certified security. Entrust's managed PKI provides a cost-
effective, managed and easy to use solution that automates security-related processes
within the Telco organization. With the Entrust/PKI solution, users don't need to know
anything about security, as the PKI operates transparently on their desktops. Entrust/PKI
manages it for them.

In regard to implementation, the Entrust/PKI solution can be flexibly deployed to meet
Telco requirements across multiple applications including those for e-mail, the Web, Web
remote access/Virtual Private Network (VPN), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP),
desktop and wireless. In addition, the Entrust/PKI solution adheres to open standards,
providing a single seamless interoperable security layer. Entrust/PKI solutions offer best-
of-breed security that is easy to use, with single sign-on for all applications, even the
operating system, from any workstation. Having a PKI security infrastructure means that
Telco/ISP offerings such as VPN, e-mail and wireless now provide the trusted
environment required to conduct B2B, B2C and enterprise e-business.

3. Entrust Telco Trust in a Box - Integrated PMI and PKI

For telecom companies that want to fully e-enable their businesses, Entrust
provides an integrated security infrastructure solution, "Telco Trust in a Box", with all
the benefits of single sign-on portal management plus certified PKI security. Features of
this robust, scalable, interoperable and easy to implement system include integrated
enrollment and user management. As a result, users will only need to enroll once, and
based on their privileges, will have access to all designated Telco resources, whether they
are protected by Entrust PKI technology or other methods such as password. This
integrated solution provides the means for a telecom company to rapidly achieve both
the business and financial benefits of trusted e-business using a feature rich, more
secure, open infrastructure to support both new and legacy applications for B2B, B2C
and enterprise requirements.

4. Entrust.net Inc.

Entrust.net Inc., a subsidiary of Entrust, also offers a new revenue-

generating e-business for the telecom community: the Entrust.net™ Affiliate program.
Entrust.net creates a Telco/ISP branded Web site for automated digital certificate
purchase and delivery, tailoring the look and feel to the Telco's/ISP's requirements, using
the company's graphics, etc. Entrust.net provides the entire branded registration process,
and does all certificate processing and key management (certificate creation, revocation,
etc.). In addition, Entrust.net spearheads a joint global launch, including public relations
and marketing to ensure the program's success. Entrust.net also provides statistics on
sales volumes and customers to assist in the Telco's/ISP's monthly settlement process,
all Entrust.net marketing materials and technical support. This offering provides a
Telco/ISP with the opportunity to:

- Immediately be a major player in e-business and grow with the industry

- Gain a top line revenue opportunity

- Strengthen Telco/ISP branding by offering new e-business capabilities for customer


- Leverage the proven Entrust.net infrastructure

- Become an enabler of secure e-business as a trusted third party

- Offer Web and Wireless security from your Web site in less than two weeks

5. Entrust@YourService™

Entrust recently announced a new managed service offering called

Entrust@YourService, a service designed to offer an outsourcing alternative to telecom
and other businesses. With this offering, Entrust provides secure, reliable hosting of the
Certificate Authority (CA) and Directory to support issuance of fully managed IDs.
Desktop solutions may be purchased or leased. Entrust performs Web-based policy
configuration and administration and supports Telco/ISP branded user registration at the
Web site. Operations and support are provided 24 hours, seven days a week, with
regular backups, system maintenance, reporting and fail-over for business continuity.
Telcos/ISPs also have the option of migrating operations in-house at a later date if they
choose. The benefits of outsourcing include:

- Freeing up critical resources to focus on telecom core competencies

- Reducing risk by relying on Entrust expertise

- Shorter time to market

- Reducing up-front costs, and ensuring predictable ongoing costs

The Benefits of Entrust Solutions for a Telco/ISP

All of the aforementioned Entrust products and services offer a number of
benefits to telecommunications companies. As indicated, these trusted solutions facilitate
the generation of additional revenue e.g. the Entrust.net Inc. Affiliate program, the
control/reduction of costs e.g. via implementation of secured e-business processes and
the creation of competitive advantage e.g. secure VPN. Specific solution benefits include:

Trusted authentication of e-business customers, partners, vendors and employees

Proper authorization - who gets to see and do what

Non-repudiation of transactions
Confidentiality of sensitive information
Data integrity, transaction audit trails
High reliability and availability
Single point of entry and single sign on access to content and applications
Dynamic generation of a personalized menu in the user's language of choice
Rapid time to market by allowing diverse applications to share a common authentication,
authorization and administration infrastructure.
Flexible deployment and evolution of e-Telco services that plug into a single entrust
security infrastructure
Flexible administration to allow the delegation of resource and user control deep into
lines of business
Reduced deployment and administration costs for a managed security system that is
scalable to millions of users and interoperable with other security solutions

Entrust Solutions Deployed in the
Telecommunications Industry
Entrust has significant experience providing secure e-business solutions to
a variety of telecommunications companies. Telecommunications companies around the
world have relied on Entrust products and services. The following examples
illustrate how Entrust portal management (getAccess) and PKI have been deployed in
telecommunications companies.

Case #1: Focusing on Self-Service to Gain and Retain Customers

The Challenge:

A European provider of services to both consumers and businesses employed Entrust

to extend its computing infrastructure to its customers. For several years,
this company recognized that the entry of several well-funded new competitors required
that it provide customers with new and compelling technology-based services.
Accordingly, its various business units were early and aggressive adopters of Web based
initiatives. Over time, approximately 60 Web sites evolved that provided basic
information about products and services. However, there was little infrastructure or
design consistency between these Web sites. The result was duplicated resources,
customer confusion and a lost opportunity to strengthen the company's brand. The
company recognized the need to consolidate all of these disparate Web initiatives in
order to create a coherent look and feel across all business units and to provide its
customers with services that transcended simple product and service information. In
addition, the company decided to harmonize its Web initiatives with all other interactions
with its customers (e.g. public kiosks, telephone call center, sales force and point of sale
locations). By capturing and recording information about all of these interactions, the
company could gain a more complete profile of its customer service needs. It hoped to
use this information to expand its market over the long term.

The Solution:

As a first step, the company recognized that it needed to provide customers with a way
to order products and services on-line. Further, it needed to organize its Web sites
according to customer needs and perceptions rather than according to the company's
organization chart. An indispensable element of this first step was to provide customers
with a single point of access to the application portfolio of the consolidated Web sites.
The solution was to provide each customer, consumer or business, with a customized
entry Web page to its consolidated Web sites. Entrust provided the
foundation for this one-to-one customer interaction solution based on the getAccess

Consistent look and feel was only the first step. The company embarked on a program
of continuous adaptation to its customer's needs by launching a variety of e-commerce
capabilities. The company was able to restructure its interactions with customers and
provide each with a more secure, consolidated, and personalized set of applications. The
following table shows the range of applications available to each subscriber:

- Personalized homepage for each user - Activation/de-activation of fixed and

who registers mobile telephony services
- Personalization of sales and marketing - Bill viewing and request of detailed
messages to five different customer billing information mobile telephony
segments services
- Payment of bill - Analysis of mobile bill
- Viewing of account status for fixed, - Self service customer care center
mobile and Internet services (including FAQs)
- Address Book - Site wide searching engine
- E-mail - BroadVision shopping engine
- Bonus program NetBonus service - Search of Yellow Pages or White Pages
(Frequent buyer partners) and addition of addresses to address
- IP Telephony
- ICall (Internet based phone service)
- Personalized content such as news,
hints and special offers - Security Solutions (for personal
accounts and personalization)

Entrust provided the fundamental security infrastructure to build and

deploy this solution. It allowed the company to focus the work of over 70 content
providers down to the individual customer. Most importantly, all of this content was
provided with a consistent look and feel and was relevant and personalized to each
customer. Customers no longer had to remember separate passwords for multiple service
entry points.

The Benefits:

This entire effort resulted in a variety of benefits to the company and its customers. The
consolidated Website quickly became one of the top 5 most visited sites on the Internet
in the company's geographic territory. Moreover, each customer who visited the site
spent significantly more time at the new Website than they did at the former collection
of Web sites. The company's customers have shown a marked preference for this form
of interaction. For this reason, the customer loyalty benefits of this new capability are
obvious. The cost savings that resulted from eliminating duplicate computing resources
were considerable. This translated into dramatically lower customer transaction costs.
Over the long term, the provision of a single point of entry has provided a mechanism to
collect data that will be used to provide better customer service and to help cross sell
more products and services. Finally, the company's brand was strengthened in relation to
its competition. Currently, the company's Entrust infrastructure supports
hundreds of thousands of users, growing to a planned user community of 5 to 10
million in the next few years.

Case #2: Leveraging Trust for Competitive Advantage

The Challenge:

A global telecommunications company located in North America recognized that

companies of all sizes around the world were seeking to buy complete networking
solutions rather than build them internally. Moreover, it noted the need for trust
evolving in response to the increased role that the Internet was playing in most
corporations. As a result, it decided to introduce a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN)
solution on a worldwide basis. This offering would provide its customers with the
security and control benefits of a private network and the economies of scale of a shared
infrastructure. While this company had the network and the expertise to build, deploy
and manage all aspects of this networking solution, it needed to be able to provide a
secure and scalable infrastructure for its customers if the VPN offering was to generate
significant customer interest. The company also projected that the VPN offering would
ultimately need to support millions of users.

The specific requirements for this offering included secure remote access, secure remote
office connectivity, and secure extranet connectivity. Its customers needed remote
desktop access to corporate LANs using dial-up, ISDN and broadband. They also needed
to have access to high bandwidth connections between remote offices and existing
corporate networks. Finally, these customers needed to support access to their networks
by their customers, partners, and suppliers. Security and encryption were basic dominant
requirements for all of these forms of access.

The Solution:

During the planning process prior to launch of this VPN service, the company researched
virtually every PKI product on the market. In addition, since it had extensive IT and
security expertise, it also considered developing its own PKI infrastructure. After
thorough analysis, the company opted not to develop internally and chose Entrust over
all other external alternatives, since Entrust/PKI was the only solution that could
support the growing scalability requirements since the automated key lifecycle
management features of Entrust/PKI allow it to scale to millions of users. In other words,
as users' keys expire, the ability of Entrust/PKI to automatically generate new keys
transparently to the end user was an important benefit. As a result, since this process
was automated and did not require any end user intervention, the company was able to
avoid the cost of building and maintaining a key management call center and its
supporting computing resources.

Another important scalability characteristic of the Entrust/PKI solution was that it is

carrier grade, meaning that it has provided extremely high availability and recoverability
for very large user populations. Together, all of these capabilities distinguished Entrust
from the other solutions that the company considered.

The Benefits:

Customer response to this VPN offering has been extremely strong. Since the
introduction of this secure VPN service, the company has consistently exceeded its
internal goals for deploying new customers. This service has also positioned the
company for strong growth as VPN continues to be perceived as the best alternative to
private networks.
Case #3: E-Enabling Business for Easy, Efficient Operations

The Challenge:

A worldwide supplier of networking solutions to large enterprises, and

telecommunications infrastructure to carriers, was in the process of migrating much of
its business operations to the Web. This company had invested over several decades in
applications that ran on IBM mainframes and various client/server platforms. As part of
its strategic plan, it decided to Web-enable nearly its entire application portfolio.

The Solution:

The company chose Entrust for a variety of reasons. First, it had a crucial
need to get to market immediately across Europe and Asia. It decided, after evaluating
Entrust and several other vendors' offerings, that the Entrust/getAccess
solution was not only functionally complete, but could also be deployed rapidly. It also
made a detailed examination of the references provided by all vendors and concluded
that other Entrust customers were highly satisfied with both the
technology and support. Entrust was able to integrate its products into a
large scale IBM operating environment in a way that fully satisfied this company's

The Benefits:

Ultimately, this strategy will allow this telecom company to support the e-business
information needs of customers, employees, and business partners. This company
expects that over 150,000 of its staff will access applications over its intranet. Eventually,
this system will also support 500,000 customers and suppliers as well as over 1 million
consumers on an extranet. Over the longer term, tens of millions of the company's
wireless customers will also use this solution to access various business applications over
a variety of access devices including Wireless Application Protocol-enabled (WAP)

Case #4: Optimizing Customer Service to Improve Satisfaction and Control


The Challenge:

A major North American provider of business data services wanted to offer a variety of
customer service applications on-line for its customers. These B2B applications, which
would be made available in phases, included bill presentment and payment,
collaboration, reporting, account management, order status, inventory, and trouble
ticketing. All of these various applications were hosted, however, on a variety of servers
such as Lotus Domino and Weblogic. An even bigger challenge for the company was the
need to cutover Phase I of its applications in less than six weeks time.

The Solution:

The company selected getAccess, obtaining proof of concept while preparing for the
Phase I implementation. getAccess provided a feature rich infrastructure that would
support all the company's applications and the variety of servers in its environment.
When Phase I went live, each business customer of this company then had the option of
receiving and paying its bill over the Internet. The applications also allowed customers to
order more telecommunications services. In addition, the getAccess solution enabled
individuals in the end customer's organization to obtain a complete picture of its
company's use and interactions with the company. This capability was facilitated by a
set of reporting applications that are presented to the authorized user.

The Benefits:

This extension of the company's information technology infrastructure has allowed it to

provide better service to its customers. In addition, since processes such as ordering and
bill payment are automated, costs are controlled/reduced. Individual customer bills and
data are more secure and isolated from those of all other customers and s/he may
subscribe to a different set of application functionality. Moreover, these corporate
customers have benefited by gaining visibility into their use of the company's services,
receiving faster installation of additional services, and having the convenience of doing
business on-line.

Cases #5 and #6: Enhanced Customer Loyalty and Scalable Customer Care

Entrust PKI/PMI products have also permitted several large North American
telecommunications companies to scale to meet the demanding needs of consumers by
allowing them to access to their internal systems. For example two of these companies
have implemented getAccess configurations that will support over ten million
consumers. The applications that will be provided to consumers include customized
portal navigation menus, self-service user registration, profile management, and the
ability to present billing on-line. In the case of both of these companies, Entrust
was able to meet stringent standards of scalability and performance. In
addition, these companies both believe that extending their infrastructures to consumers
has enhanced customer loyalty.

Summary and Conclusions

As shown in the preceding pages, trust in telecom e-business offers significant strategic
business and financial returns. Security infrastructure technology provides the foundation
for the secure user-focused e-business systems required to attract and retain customers,
increase revenue, control costs, and gain competitive advantage. As the examples in
this white paper indicate, Entrust provides scalable, flexible, trust solutions
for the telecommunications industry, and has successfully implemented systems in
many different types of telecommunications environments. Whether a
telecommunications company is extending its network to existing customers or rolling
out completely new services, Entrust has the experience and expertise to
bring the advantages of trust to telecommunications e-business.


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