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WESAPI for Microsoft Windows NT User’s Guide

(Last updated on Jan 2002)

Section Title Page

Section 1. Introduction
1-1. Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1-2. Contents of this Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1-3. Additional Reference Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

Section 2. Components of the Windows NT Interface Package

2-1. Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2-2. Personal Computer Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-3.1. Standalone General Highway Controller Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-3.2. IGI (ISA to Gbus Interface) PC board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-3.3. Gbus Interface Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-3.4. Data Highway Adapter Cables and Transition Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-4. Windows NT Interface Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-4.1. Device Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-4.2. Background Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-4.3. Point Database Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-4.4. WESAPI programming interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10

Section 3. Installation and Initialization

3-1. Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3-2. Overview of Installation and Initialization Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-3.1. IGI Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-3.2. GHC Enclosure Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-3.3. Data Highway Cable Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3-4. Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3-5.1. WDPF System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3-5.2. Install Windows NT Interface Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3-5.3. Generate PCH Bus Allocation List file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
3-5.4. Edit CONFIG.SHC file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Westnet.Drop_Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Westnet.Network_n.Buslist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
Westnet.Network_n.Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Interrupt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Hiinc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27

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Section 3. Installation and Initialization (Cont’d)

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Include_NP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Loinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
Westnet.Orig_Points.EV_Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Westnet.Orig_Points.On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Westnet.Time.Localtime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
Westnet.Timesync.Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34

Section 4. Startup and Operation

4-1. Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4-2. Windows NT Interface Startup Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4-2.1. Status Indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4-2.2. Power Up and Normal Operation Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4-3. Enabling and Disabling WDPF Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4-3.1. Enabling WDPF Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
4-3.2. Disabling WDPF Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4-4. Windows NT Registry Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7

Section 5. System Point Directory

5-1. Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5-2. Contents of the System Point Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5-3. Organization of the System Point Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5-3.1. System Point Directory Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5-3.2. Types of Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5-4. Types of System Point Directory Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5-4.1. Master System Point Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
5-4.2. On-Line System Point Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9

Section 6. Database Compiler

6-1. Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6-2.1. Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
6-2.2. Character Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
6-2.3. Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6-2.4. Line Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5

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Section 6. Database Compiler (Cont’d)

6-2.5. Point Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6-3. Errors and Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
6-4.1. Source File Rules for Received Points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
6-4.2. Source File Rules for Originated Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
6-5. Database Compiler (sdbcomp) Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19
6-5.1. Format for Database Compiler Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-20
6-5.2. sdbcomp Statement Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-22
CHARST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23
DEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25
DIAG_NUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
DU_DROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-32
IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-33
INCLUDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-35
INIT_VAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-37
LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-39
LIST/NOLIST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-41
NET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-43
NODEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-44
PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-46
Point Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-47
PRI_DROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-51
PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-52
TITLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-54
6-6. Compiling the Source File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-55
6-6.1. Using the Compiler Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-56
6-6.2. Normal Source File Compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-58
6-6.3. Compilation Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-59
6-6.4. Files Generated by sdbcomp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-60
6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-62

Section 7. Using WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface

7-1. Section Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7-2. WESAPI Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7-3. WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

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Figure Title Page

Section 1. Introduction
1-1. Typical Windows NT Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Section 2. Components of the Windows NT Interface Package

2-1. GHC Enclosure Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-2. IGI (ISA to Gbus Interface) PC board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6

Section 3. Installation and Initialization

3-1. GHC Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3-2. GHC (G01)Card Jumper Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3-3. IGI and GHC Enclosure Cable Connection (Rear View) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3-4. Data Highway Cable Adapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3-5. Disconnecting Data Highway Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3-6. Status Indicators — Rear View of GHC Enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3-7. CONFIG. SHC File Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17

Section 4. Startup and Operation

4-1. Status Indicators — Rear View of GHC Enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

Section 6. Database Compiler

6-1. Example of Database Compiler Source File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-19

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Table of Contents, Cont’d
List of Tables

Table Title Page

Section 1. Introduction
1-1. Reference Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

Section 2. Components of the Windows NT Interface Package

2-1. IGI Card JS1 Jumper Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-2. IGI Card JS3 Jumper Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

Section 3. Installation and Initialization

3-1. GHC Card Jumper Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3-2. LED Status Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3-1. CONFIG.SHC Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18

Section 4. Startup and Operation

4-1. Device Driver Error Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Section 6. Database Compiler

6-1. Valid Point Name Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
6-2. Reserved Point Name Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
6-3. Valid Received Point Record Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
6-4. Frequency Changes for Received Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
6-5. Valid Originated Point Record Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
6-6. Compilation Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-59
6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-62

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Section 1. Introduction

1-1. Overview
This document describes the Microsoft Windows NT interface to the WDPF® Data
Highway. The Windows NT Interface functions as a drop on the Westnet IITM Data
Highway, with the capability to originate and receive process point data.

The Windows NT Interface consists of an ISA bus based personal computer with
the following added Westinghouse hardware and software:

• Stand-alone Generic Highway Controller (GHC Enclosure) unit.

• IGI board (ISA GHC Interface).

• Westinghouse supplied software which enables and controls access to the

WDPF Data Highway.

• System database compiler (SDBCOMP) to build the local point database.

• System Point Directory maintenance functions.

• An application programming interface for access to WDPF data (WESAPI).

A typical Windows NT Interface installation is shown in Figure 1-1. The

components of the Windows NT Interface are described in detail in the following

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Figure 1-1. Typical Windows NT Interface

The Windows NT Interface can serve as the platform for a variety of applications.
As noted previously, the Windows NT Interface package includes an application
programming interface which allows users to program customized applications.

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1-2. Contents of this Document

1-2. Contents of this Document

This document is organized as follows:

• Section 1. Introduction provides an overview of the Microsoft Windows NT

Interface to WDPF, and lists reference documents that may be helpful to the
Windows NT Interface user.

• Section 2. Components of the Windows NT Interface Package provides a

description of the hardware and software that make up the Windows NT
Interface package.

• Section 3. Installation and Initialization contains installation instructions for

the PC board and GHC unit, and initialization procedures for the Windows NT

• Section 4. Startup and Operation describes start-up procedures for the

Windows NT Interface.

• Section 5. System Point Directory describes the use of the System Point
Directory maintenance utilities.

• Section 6. Database Compiler describes the SDBCOMP source file and the
use of SDBCOMP to generate the Windows NT Interface point database.

• Section 7. Using WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface describes the use of

the WESAPI programming interface in the Windows NT Interface.

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1-3. Additional Reference Documents

1-3. Additional Reference Documents

Table 1-1 lists other manuals that might be helpful to the Windows NT Interface
Table 1-1. Reference Documents

Number Title Description
M0-0003 Self-Test Diagnostics Describes WDPF system self-diagnostics,
and lists possible status codes.
M0-0051 Data Highway Installation Provides installation instructions for the
Manual Data Highway for 6 and 7-level software.
M0-8000 WDPF System Planning and Provides descriptions and installation
Highway Installation Manual instructions for the Westnet Data Highway
for 8-level software.
M0-8005 Drop Installation Manual Describes Data Highway hardware and
functions for 8-level software.
U0-0131 Record Types User’s Guide Describes WDPF point record types.

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Section 2. Components of the Windows
NT Interface Package

2-1. Section Overview

This section describes the following components of the Windows NT Interface:

• Personal computer (Section 2-2).

• Westinghouse-supplied hardware (Section 2-3).

• Westinghouse-supplied software (Section 2-4).

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2-2. Personal Computer Requirements

2-2. Personal Computer Requirements

The Windows NT Interface is based on a personal computer that must meet the
following requirements:

• The PC must be loaded with Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0.

• The PC must have an available ISA slot for the Westinghouse IGI card (ISA to
GBUS Interface board).

• The PC should have at least 24MB of RAM memory. This is a minimum

requirement for adequate usage of the Windows NT operating system. Complex
applications may require more memory.

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2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements

2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements

To use a personal computer as a Windows NT Interface drop, the following
additional Westinghouse hardware is required:

• Standalone Generic Highway Controller Enclosure (GHC Enclosure) unit.

• ISA to GBUS Interface (IGI) board, installed in PC.

• GBUS interconnect cable.

• Data Highway adapter cable.

Each of these components is described below. For detailed installation instructions,

refer to Section 3.

2-3.1. Standalone General Highway Controller Enclosure

Each drop in the WDPF system incorporates a Data Highway Controller (DHC).
The Generic Highway Controller (GHC) controls the Windows NT Interface drop's
interaction with the Westnet II Data Highway.

The GHC performs the following functions:

• Receive data from the Data Highway.

• Transfer data to shared memory.

• Build Data Highway messages using shared memory data.

• Transmit data onto the Data Highway.

• Perform self-test diagnostics and maintain General Highway status information.

• For system timekeeper drops, transmit system time.

For some WDPF drops, the DHC is housed in the main chassis along with the drop's
processor and other cards. For others, including the Windows NT Interface, a
standalone Generic Highway Controller enclosure is provided.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements

The standalone GHC unit contains a single-board Generic Highway Controller

(GHC) card, along with a 115 V power supply.

The GHC card is connected to the enclosure General Bus (GBUS), which in turn
provides the cable connection to the IGI board.

The following user controls and connectors are illustrated in Figure 2-1:

• AC power switch.

• GHC-to-IGI cable connector.

• GHC status LEDs.

• Data Highway coaxial cable connectors.

• 1 A, 250 VAC fuse.

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2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements

The GHC enclosure can be stacked on a desk-model PC, or can stand on the floor
using floor-mounting pedestals.

Power OK



(16) ON/OFF
Gbus Interface






Data Highway
Coaxial Connectors
All dimensions in millimeters (inches).

Figure 2-1. GHC Enclosure Components

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements

2-3.2. IGI (ISA to Gbus Interface) PC board

The Westinghouse IGI PC board (shown inFigure 2-2) provides the communications
interface between the GHC enclosure and the personal computer. The IGI (ISA to
GBUS Interface) card is placed in any available ISA slot of the workstation. For
jumper settings on the IGI Card for JS1 and JS3, refer to Table 2-1and Table 2-2.



Figure 2-2. IGI (ISA to Gbus Interface) PC board

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements

Jumpers JS1 and JS3 should be configured to avoid conflicts with other hardware in
the PC. The position of these jumpers will dictate parameters for the IGIDRV.SYS
driver (see Section 3).

Table 2-1. IGI Card JS1 Jumper Settings

Jumper Setting 1 (JS1) Interrupt Request Line Factory Default

1 jumpered to 2 IRQ 12 Factory Default Setting
3 jumpered to 4 IRQ 15
5 jumpered to 6 IRQ 5

Normally, IRQ 12 is used in a PC for the mouse.
Therefore, change this setting from the default.

Table 2-2. IGI Card JS3 Jumper Settings

Pins 1 and 2 Pins 3 and 4 Pins 5 and 6 I/O ADDRESS Factory Default
NOT Jumpered NOT Jumpered NOT Jumpered SPARE
Jumpered NOT Jumpered NOT Jumpered 180H - 1B0H
NOT Jumpered Jumpered NOT Jumpered 280H - 2B0H
Jumpered Jumpered NOT Jumpered 380H - 3B0H Factory Default

For IGI installation information, see Section 3.

2-3.3. Gbus Interface Cable

Westinghouse supplies an 80-pin interconnect cable to connect the GHC Enclosure
to the IGI card inside the workstation. Two lengths are available (2 feet or 10 feet).
For additional installation instructions, see Section 3.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
2-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Requirements

2-3.4. Data Highway Adapter Cables and Transition Panel

The GHC card in the GHC Enclosure contains two BNC style connectors for the
redundant Westnet II Data Highway connections. The GHC Enclosure kit provides
‘T’ adapters and transition adapter cables to connect these two connectors to the
Westnet II Data Highway. A transition cable (see Figure 3-4) is used to convert the
thin RG-59/U cable of the GHC Enclosure to the larger RG11 cable of the main
Westnet II Data Highway through a transition connector panel.


RG-59/U cable is only suitable for short distances

(such as internal cabinet circuitry). For longer
distances, RG11, semi-rigid coaxial cable, is
required. For more information on Data Highway
cable types, see “WDPF System Planning and
Highway Installation Manual” (M0-8000) or “Data
Highway Installation Manual” (M0-0051).

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
2-4. Windows NT Interface Software Requirements

2-4. Windows NT Interface Software Requirements

To use a personal computer as a Windows NT Interface drop, the following
Westinghouse software is required:

• Windows NT device driver (IGIDRV).

• Windows NT service to initialize connection to Westnet II.

• Background tasks (INIT_SHC, SHC_HWY, HWY_KA, SHC_GPM,

SHC_CLK and optionally SHC_OPP).

In addition, the following applications are provided and may be used as needed
(depending on application requirements):

• System Database Compiler (SDBCOMP).

• System Point Directory Maintenance Utilities.


If the Windows NT Interface will be a system timekeeper, a customized Bus

Allocation List (BAL) file is also required.

The section below describes each of these items. For detailed installation and
initialization instructions, refer to Section 3.

2-4.1. Device Driver

The device driver handles various functions related to initialization and drop status.
These are equivalent to tasks typically performed by the drop functional processor
(with the exception of tasks which are specific to the Windows NT Interface

The Windows NT device driver performs the following functions at drop start-up:

• Tests shared memory.

• Reads NT Registry parameters and checks their validity.

• Enables access to Data Highway memory.

For information on setting the device driver parameters, refer to Section 3.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
2-4. Windows NT Interface Software Requirements

2-4.2. Background Tasks

Windows NT programs are provided to support the following functions:

• Initialize shared memory and access to the WDPF Data Highway.

• Periodically write keep alive commands to the DHC.

• Monitor the status of the connection to the Data Highway.

• Enable GPM message passing and change attribute messages.

• Synchronize the clocks on the PC and the Data Highway.

• Optionally scan originated points and respond to commands from other drops
(for example, to support operator functions such as Point Data Entry and Alarm

For additional information on operator functions, refer to applicable operator

interface manuals.

2-4.3. Point Database Utility

The provided compiler sets up the local point database. This program uses a source
file which defines the drop's originated and received points. For a detailed
description of SDBCOMP, refer to Section 6.

2-4.4. WESAPI programming interface

The provided library of C language support routines support the development of
user applications. This battery of support routines allows the application to read and
write to shared memory.

The library provides the following functions:

• Initialize application for access to shared memory.

• Access the System Point Directory file.

• Get a point's value and status fields, other specified record field, or entire point

• Place a value into a specified point record field.

• Place the Windows NT Interface drop into alarm.

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2-4. Windows NT Interface Software Requirements

• Receive and send time from/to WDPF.

For a detailed description of the use of the WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface,
refer to Section 7.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
Section 3. Installation and Initialization

3-1. Section Overview

This section provides installation and initialization instructions for the Windows
NT Interface hardware and software.

The following topics are included:

• Overview of Installation and Initialization (Section 3-2).

• Windows NT Interface hardware (IGI, GHC Enclosure, and cabling)

installation (Section 3-3).

• Status Indicators(Section 3-4).

• Windows NT Interface software installation and initialization (Section 3-5).

Prior to installing any of the Westinghouse Windows NT Interface hardware and

software, set up the PC and install Windows NT, as described in the applicable
Microsoft documentation.

When installing the PC, observe all general requirements for the WDPF system. In
particular, connect the PC to a power outlet which meets the power and grounding
requirements described in the applicable highway installation manual.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-2. Overview of Installation and Initialization Procedures

3-2. Overview of Installation and Initialization

The following is an overview of the procedures necessary to install and initialize a
Windows NT Interface. Refer to the designated sections for detailed instructions.

1. Install Windows NT software (refer to applicable Micorsoft documentation).

2. Power down the PC.

3. Install IGI board (refer to Section 3-3.1).

4. Install GHC unit (refer to Section 3-3.2).

5. Install Data Highway Cable (refer to Section 3-3.3).

6. Add Windows NT Interface drop number to Bus Allocation List (BAL) (refer to
Section 3-5.1).

7. Set jumpers for memory location for IGI board (refer to Section 2-3.2).

8. Install Windows NT Interface software (refer to Section 3-5.2).

9. If the Windows NT Interface will be a timekeeper drop, then define the BAL
(refer to Section 3-5.3).

10. Configure the CONFIG.SHC file (refer to Section 3-5.4).

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures

3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation

The following sections provide installation procedures for the following:

• IGI board (Section 3-3.1)

• GHC enclosure(Section 3-3.2)

• Data Highway cabling (Section 3-3.3)

3-3.1. IGI Installation

Use the following procedure to install the ISA to GBUS Interface (IGI) board in the

1. Verify that the PC is powered-down and unplugged, and temporarily

disconnect all peripheral devices.

2. Install the IGI PC board, in an available ISA bus expansion slot, according to
the instructions in the PC “Hardware Owner’s Guide.” Depending upon the type
of ISA workstation being used, the installation may vary slightly.

Prior to reconnecting power to the PC, install the GHC and GBUS cables, as
described in the following sections.

3-3.2. GHC Enclosure Installation

After installing the IGI in the PC, use the following procedure to connect the GHC

1. Determine the appropriate location for the GHC enclosure.

For desktop PC workstation, the GHC Enclosure unit will fit under or on top of
the workstation without requiring additional desk space. Clearance of at least 2
inches on each side of the unit must be maintained for proper air circulation.
Also, be sure to allow clearance in back of the unit to provide enough space for
exiting cables.

For applications which require the GHC Enclosure to be located remotely from
the workstation, the maximum cable length that can be used for the Gbus
communication connections is 10 feet.

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3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures

2. Typically, the GHC PC board inside the GHC enclosure does not need to be

However, configure the board for the following special cases:

• If the Windows NT Interface is to be connected to a 6 (or lower) level WDPF


• If the GHC Enclosure is being connected to a WDPF Westnet II Data

Highway which contains fiber optic repeaters.

• If the GHC Enclosure is being connected to a non-redundant single Westnet

II Data Highway and the user does not want single highway operation to be
reported as an error.

3. In order to access and configure the GHC PC board, perform the following:

A. Loosen the captive screws located on the top rear of the GHC Enclosure

B. Slide the GHC/IGI Power Supply assembly out the rear of the GHC
Enclosure enclosure. (See Figure 3-1 for a view of GHC removal from the
GHC Enclosure.)

C. Set the jumpers as needed. (See Figure 3-2 and Table 3-1 for jumper

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures


P5 P6




Figure 3-1. GHC Removal

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3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures







Figure 3-2. GHC (G01)Card Jumper Locations

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3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures

Jumper modules JS5 and JS6 are used to configure both Channel 0 (CH0) and
Channel 1 (CH1) Data Highway Timekeeper Time-out periods. Use the following
chart to set the jumpers accordingly. Default positions for these modules is JS5 and
JS6 installed.

Table 3-1. GHC Card Jumper Settings

JS5-Installed JS5-Out JS5-Installed JS5-Out

JS6-Installed JS6-Out JS6-Out JS6-Installed
Mode Standard Time- Extended Time- Extended Time- Extended Time-
out out out out
(1x) Option C (2.5x) Option A (5x) Option B(10x)
Normal 112 - 116 us 256 - 260 us 496 - 500 us 976 - 980 us
Timekeeper A 243 us 608 us 1215 us 243 us
Timekeeper B 441 us 1103 us 2205 us 4410 us
Timekeeper C 640 us 1600 us 3200 us 6400 us
Analysis 96 us 96 us 96 us 96 us

Jumper module JS4 controls the operation of channel 1 (CH1) communications. For
single channel operation, Jumper module JS4 must be located in the ‘DIS’ (2-3)
position. For Dual channel operation, jumper module JS4 ‘CH1’ must be located in
‘ENA’ (1-2) position (this is the default position).

All other jumper control modules should be left in their default position as follows:

JS1 32MHz ‘CLK’ position 2-3

JS8 40MHz ‘CLK’ position 1-2
JS10 256KHz ‘CLK’ position 1-2
JS2 CAL0 Not installed
JS3 CAL1 Not installed
JS7 Not Used Not installed
SW1 DHC CONF Switch setting (1H) Switch setting (2H)
Software level 7 and Software
above: level 6:
0 - OFF (LSB) 0 - ON (LSB)
1 - ON 1 - OFF
2 - ON 2 - ON
3 - ON (MSB) 3 - ON (MSB)

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures

4. After the jumpers are set as desired, re-install the GHC board in the GHC
enclosure. Connect the Gbus interface cable between the IGI and GHC
Enclosure connectors (see Figure 3-3). Press the latches in (on the sides of the
connector housing) while making the connection. Cable lock will engage when
the cable is properly installed.




GBus Interface

To Voltage Source

Figure 3-3. IGI and GHC Enclosure Cable Connection (Rear View)

5. Connect the Westinghouse supplied AC input cord to the AC-IN connector

input of the GHC Enclosure.

6. Before applying power, install the GHC Data Highway cables as described in
Section 3-3.3.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures

3-3.3. Data Highway Cable Installation

The Windows NT Interface package includes the following standard components
for Data Highway installation:

• (2)BNC T-adapters.

• (4) BNC-to-N adapter cables.

Figure 3-4 illustrates these components. Determine and order the required amount
of standard Data Highway cable (to link the Windows NT Interface to the next
drop(s) on the Data Highway). If the Data Highway will be terminated at the
Windows NT Interface, also order the required standard terminator(s) separately.


Figure 3-4. Data Highway Cable Adapters

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3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures

Installation Procedure

Use the following procedure to install the Data Highway cable at the Windows NT

1. Connect the first T-adapter to the ‘CH 0’ connector on the GHC enclosure.

2. Connect two BNC-to-N adapter cables to the T-adapter.

3. Connect the cable for Data Highway DH0 to the N connectors, using the
procedure described in the applicable highway installation manual.

4. If installing a redundant Data Highway, repeat Steps 1 through 3 to connect

Data Highway DH1 to the ‘CH 1’ connector on the GHC enclosure.


The Windows NT Interface installation must meet

all WDPF requirements for drop and Data
Highway installation. In addition, observe all
system and Data Highway grounding rules.

Failure to observe the WDPF installation

requirements or Data Highway grounding rules
can result in communications failure (refer to the
applicable highway installation manual listed in
Section 1).

Disconnecting Data Highway Cables

If the Data Highway cables are to be disconnected for any reason, be certain to
disconnect the T-adapter from the GHC enclosure. This approach will preserve the
continuity of the Data Highway. Do not remove the BNC-to-N adapter or Data
Highway cable from the T-adapter (see Figure 3-5).


Failure to maintain continuity of the Data

Highway may disrupt communications between
other drops.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-3. Windows NT Interface Hardware Installation Procedures

Figure 3-5. Disconnecting Data Highway Cables

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-4. Status Indicators

3-4. Status Indicators

The rear of the GHC Enclosure contains status indicators
(see Figure 3-6).

7 F


P5 P6





Figure 3-6. Status Indicators — Rear View of GHC Enclosure

Power Up and Normal Operation Status

When power is first applied to the GHC Enclosure and the ISA workstation is
powered up, the hexadecimal display of the unit will read ‘7F’. This indicates that
the GHC PC board is waiting for the ISA processor to enable the GHC’s access to
the shared memory. During software initialization, the (RED) DIAG LED will blink
several times before the highway controller is enabled onto the Data Highways.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-4. Status Indicators

When the GHC Enclosure is connected to both highways during normal operation
and activity is detected on both channels, the indicators will be illuminated as
shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2. LED Status Indicators

LED Color Status Description

ENA RED Blinking Indicates highway controller is on-line

and active.
CH1 Yellow Lit Indicates activity detected on highway 1.
CH0 Green Lit Indicates activity detected on highway 0.

DIAG Red Off This LED is lit only when in Off-line

Diagnostic mode.
PAR Red Off This LED indicates a shared memory
parity error. It should never be on.
CH0 Green Lit Indicates GHC Enclosure is connected to
RLY highway 0.
CH1 Yellow Lit Indicates GHC Enclosure is connected to
RLY highway 1.

The hexadecimal displays of the GHC will remain off in the normal operating state.
Should an error be detected, the display will light for a few seconds with an error
code. The meaning of these error codes is identical to those posted on the SHC card
as described in “WDPF System Planning and Highway Installation Manual”


When the GHC Enclosure is in a reset state (for

example, during a workstation boot up or if the
workstation power is off) the hexadecimal display
may be lit with a code. This code is random and
should be ignored.

9/98 3-13 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization

3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and

The following sections provide installation and initialization procedures for the
Windows NT Interface software.

Topics addressed are:

• WDPF system requirements (Section 3-5.1).

• Install Windows NT Interface software (Section 3-5.2).

• Generate Windows NT Interface Bus Allocation List file (Section 3-5.3).

• Edit CONFIG.SHC file (Section 3-5.4).

3-5.1. WDPF System Requirements

Before the Windows NT Interface can communicate on the Westnet II Data
Highway, update the system Bus Allocation List to include the Windows NT
Interface drop number.

After determining the drop number for this Windows NT Interface drop, use the
standard procedure to update the BAL in the system timekeeper drops. For
additional information on the BAL update procedure, refer to the project
documentation or contact your Westinghouse representative.

3-5.2. Install Windows NT Interface Software

Use the following procedure to install the Windows NT Interface software.

1. Verify that the Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 4.0 has been
installed onto the PC (See the appropriate Microsoft documentation for details).

2. Place the Windows NT Interface installation disk into the disk drive. (For this
discussion, assume it is the A: drive.) Run the program A:\SETUP.EXE. This
runs a standard installation program of Windows based software.

3. An introduction screen appears. Read the text shown and click on the Next>
button to continue (or use the Cancel button to abort the installation).

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization

4. The next screen asks for the location where WDPF software will be installed.
The default location is the \wdpf directory on the boot drive. Click on the
Browse. button to change the directory or click on Next> to accept the path
shown and continue.

5. The installation program next requests the location of the runtime System Point
Directory, online.spd. Click change if desired, and click Next> to

6. You are now asked for a folder into which the installation program will place
some program icons. Select an existing folder, accept the default or change the
name to something else. Select Next> when done.

7. At this time, the installation procedure copies files onto the hard disk.

8. The next screen requests the interrupt line used by the IGI card. This must match
the setting of the JS1 jumper on the IGI card (see Section 2-3.2).

9. Select the I/O address selected for the IGI card. This must match the JS3 jumper
on the IGI card (see Section 2-3.2).

10. Select a base address for a 32K page of memory to be used by the IGI card. You
must ensure that no other ISA adapters use any of the memory at those

11. Finally a message appears stating that the installation is complete and that one
should edit the CONFIG.SHC file and reboot. See Section 3-5.4 for information
on the CONFIG.SHC file. After rebooting, the WDPF interface software will
start automatically.

3-5.3. Generate Windows NT Interface Bus Allocation List file

If the Windows NT Interface drop serves as a system timekeeper, a Bus Allocation
List (BAL) file must be created and copied to the Windows NT Interface drop. This
is done using the BUSLST or CHKLST programs at either a PCH or a WEStation.
(See Document U0-2415 for PCH, or M0-8000 or U0-8200 for WEStation)

This file must be specified in the CONFIG.SHC file.

9/98 3-15 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization

3-5.4. Edit CONFIG.SHC file

Each Windows NT Interface drop must contain a Highway configuration file called
CONFIG.SHC. An example CONFIG.SHC file is placed onto the PC’s disk during
the installation procedure. This file must be edited to contain the proper
information. This file defines information required to initialize the drop for access
to the Data Highway. Some of the CONFIG.SHC parameters are required, while
others are optional, depending on the drop's function or user preference.

A sample CONFIG.SHC is shown in Figure 3-7.

A description of each CONFIG.SHC parameter is shown in Table 3-1.

The CONFIG.SHC file must be located under $(WDPF_HOME) /SHC/CONFIG.


The CONFIG.SHC file is formatted as described below.

Entries are case sensitive (that is, lower case letters
may not be substituted for upper case letters, and vice

The following guidelines should be observed:

• Each entry must begin on a new line and end with a carriage return.

• Extra “blank” characters (spaces, tabs, and carriage returns) between entries
will be ignored. However, blanks may not be imbedded within a parameter

• Undefined entries (including "nonsensical"entries such as typographical errors)

will not generate any error messages, since the access routines search only for
specific entries.

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3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization

Figure 3-7. CONFIG. SHC File Example

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization

CONFIG.SHC Parameters
Table 3-1. CONFIG.SHC Parameters

Parameter Description Optional
Westnet.Drop_Number: nnn WDPF drop number assigned to Required
this drop.
nnn = 1 through 254.
Westnet.Network_n.Buslist: filename Buslist initialization file to be Optional
loaded into the GHC card for (Required for
network n. timekeeper
n = 0 through 15. drops)
filename = Buslist object file name.
Westnet.Network_n.Database: filename Database initialization file to be Optional
loaded into the GHC card for
network n.
n = 0 through 15.
filename = Database object file
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Hiinc: If TRUE, only first High Optional
TRUE or FALSE incremental alarm is reported (for
all points originated by this drop).
(Default = FALSE)
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Include_NP: If TRUE, alarm and limit checking Optional
TRUE or FALSE functions are performed for non-
periodic as well as periodic points.
(Default = FALSE)
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Loinc: If TRUE, only first Low Optional
TRUE or FALSE incremental alarm is reported (for
all points originated by this drop).
(Default = FALSE)
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.On: TRUE If TRUE, alarm and limit checking Optional
or FALSE functions are performed for
originated points.
(Default = FALSE)
Westnet.Orig_Points.EV_Quality: GOOD, Quality to be assigned to any point Optional
FAIR, POOR, or BAD originated by this drop when the
point value is operator-entered.
(Default = FAIR)

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization

Table 3-1. CONFIG.SHC Parameters (Cont’d)

Parameter Description Optional
Westnet.Orig_Points.On: TRUE or FALSE If TRUE, originated point Optional
functions are activated in this drop.
If FALSE, this drop cannot
originate points.
(Default = FALSE)
Westnet.Time.Localtime: TRUE or FALSE If TRUE, Data Highway time is Optional
defined in the local time standard.
If FALSE, Greenwich Mean Time
is used.
(Default = FALSE)
Westnet.Timesync.Network: n Westnet network number for time Optional
synchronization function. (Required if
n = 0 through 15. time synchro-
nization is
Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Port: nnn I/O port address used by IGI card Required
on the specified network. Valid
values are 180, 280, or 380. This
value must match Jumper JS3 on
IGI card.
Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Memory: nnnnn Physical memory address into Required
which the IGI card maps a 32K
window of GHC memory. Valid
values are C8000, D0000 or
Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Interrupt: nn Interrupt level used by the IGI card. Required
The value must match Jumper JS1
on the IGI card. Valid values are 5,
12, and 15.

In order for the time synchronization function to
operate correctly, the Windows NT environment
variable “TZ” must be set correctly. Refer to the
appropriate Microsoft documentation for the
appropriate settings for the “TZ” variable.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
3-5. Windows NT Interface Software Installation and Initialization

CONFIG.SHC Parameters

The CONFIG.SHC parameters define the following areas:

• WDPF host drop number.

• Data Highway parameters: GHC addresses, GHC database files, and buslist

• Originated point processor definitions.

• System time parameters.

The CONFIG.SHC parameters are presented in alphabetical order on the following

references pages. Each reference page provides a detailed description and an
example of each parameter.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

CONFIG.SHC This parameter defines the drop number of the host drop. The WDPF drop number
of each drop must be defined in CONFIG.SHC. If this entry is missing or invalid,
Highway communication will not be enabled.

Westnet.Drop_Number: nnn


nnn = Drop number (1 through 254).


Drop number 254 will typically be reserved,

since it is used as the default drop number for
Multibus-based drops.

Westnet.Drop_Number: 140

9/98 3-21 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

CONFIG.SHC This parameter defines the buslist initialization file that is to be loaded into the GHC
that corresponds to WDPF network n.

Timekeeper drops are the only drops that require this file.

Westnet.Network_n.Buslist: filename


n = Network number (0 through 15) associated with the GHC, as

defined in the System Point Directory.
filename = Filename of buslist initialization file (output by the BUSLST
program). The path $WDPF_HOME/shc/config/ is assumed,
unless the complete path from the root directory is specified.

Westnet.Network_1.Buslist: buslist.bal

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

CONFIG.SHC This parameter defines the database initialization file that is to be loaded into the
SHC that corresponds to WDPF network n. The drop database file is used to define
and initialize originated points, and to define the broadcast frequency of received

Westnet.Network_n.Database: filename


n = Network number (0 through 15) associated with the GHC, as

defined in the System Point Directory.
filename = Filename of database initialization file (output by the
sdbcomp program). The path $WDPF_HOME/shc/config/
is assumed, unless the complete path from the root directory
is specified.

Westnet.Network_1.Database: ghcdbase.100

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

net.Network_n.IGI.Interrupt This parameter is used to specify the Interrupt level used by the IGI card. This value
CONFIG.SHC must match the configuration of jumper JS1 on the IGI card. This value must not
conflict with any other adapters in the system.



n = Network number (0 through 15) associated with the GHC, as

defined in the System Point Directory.
nn = Interrupt level used. Valid values are 5, 12, 15.


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net.Network_n.IGI.Memory This parameter is used to specify the memory address used by the IGI card to access
CONFIG.SHC the GHC memory. The address specified is the base address of a 32K window into
the GHC memory. This address must not conflict with any other adapters in the

Westnet.Network_.n.IGI. Memory: hhhhh


n = Network number (0 through 15) associated with the GHC, as

defined in the System Point Directory.
hhhhh = 5 digit hex memory address used by the IGI card.
Valid values are C8000, D0000 and D8000.


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CONFIG.SHC This parameter is used to specify the I/O port address range used to communicate
with the IGI card using jumper JS3. This address must not conflict with any other
adapters in the system.

Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Port: hhh


n = Network number (0 through 15) associated with the GHC, as

defined in the System Point Directory.
hhh = 3 digit hex I/O address for the IGI card. Valid values are 180,
280 and 380.


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ing.Hiinc This parameter is used to specify whether all high incremental alarm conditions or
CONFIG.SHC only the first high incremental alarm condition will generate a HI WRS alarm.

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Hiinc: TRUE or FALSE


TRUE = Only the first high incremental alarm condition will be alarmed.
FALSE = All high incremental alarm conditions will be alarmed.

If this entry is omitted, the default (FALSE) is assumed.


If entry Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.
On: TRUE is not present in the configuration
file, then the entry (Westnet.Orig_Points.
Alarming.Hiinc) will be ignored.

For additional information about incremental alarms, refer to “Record Types User’s
Guide” (U0-0131).

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Hiinc: FALSE

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ing.Include_NP This parameter is used to specify whether non-periodic points (including EXSID
CONFIG.SHC points) should be alarm and limit checked. The alarm and limit checking parameter
(Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.On: TRUE) must be activated in order for
periodic points to be alarm and limit checked, and for this entry to be

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Include_NP: TRUE or FALSE


TRUE = Standard alarm and limit checking functions will be

performed for non-periodic points.
FALSE = Standard alarm and limit checking functions will not be
performed for non-periodic points.

If this entry is omitted, the default (FALSE) is assumed.


If entry Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.
On: TRUE is not present in the configuration
file, then the entry (Westnet.Orig_Points.
Alarming.Include_NP) will be ignored.

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Include_NP: FALSE

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ing.Loinc This parameter is used to specify whether all low incremental alarm conditions or
CONFIG.SHC only the first low incremental alarm condition will generate a LO WRS alarm.

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Loinc: TRUE or FALSE


TRUE = Only the first low incremental alarm condition will be

FALSE = All low incremental alarm conditions will be alarmed.

If this entry is omitted, the default (FALSE) is assumed.


If entry Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.
On: TRUE is not present in the configuration
file, then the entry (Westnet.Orig_Points.
Alarming.Loinc) will be ignored.

For additional information about incremental alarms, refer to “Record Types User’s
Guide” (U0-0131).

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.Loinc: FALSE

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ing.On This parameter is used to specify whether the alarm and limit checking functions
CONFIG.SHC should be performed. Normally, standard Data Highway functions perform alarm
and limit checking for originated points. For certain applications, it may be
desirable to disable alarm and limit checking (for example, if a special alarm
package is in use).

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.On: TRUE or FALSE


TRUE = Standard alarm and limit checking functions will be

FALSE = Standard alarm and limit checking functions will be

If this entry is omitted, the default (FALSE) is assumed.

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming.On: TRUE

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net.Orig_Points.EV_Quality Each drop that originates points includes processes which define the point’s quality
CONFIG.SHC (for example, if the data used to calculate a point value was determined to be invalid,
a quality of BAD would be assigned to the point). This parameter is used when the
Enter Value function is used (at the Operator WEStation) to assign a value to a point
originated by this host drop. The quality assigned to the point will be based on this

Westnet.Orig_Points.EV_Quality: GOOD, FAIR, POOR, or BAD


GOOD = Quality of GOOD will be assigned to points originated by

this drop which have an operator-entered value.
FAIR = Quality of FAIR (default) will be assigned to points
originated by this drop which have an operator-entered
POOR = Quality of POOR will be assigned to points originated by
this drop which have an operator-entered value.
BAD = Quality of BAD will be assigned to points originated by this
drop which have an operator-entered value.

If this entry is omitted, the default (FAIR) is assumed.

Westnet.Orig_Points.EV_Quality: FAIR

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CONFIG.SHC This parameter is used to specify if points are to be originated by this drop. If they
are, then the Originated Point Processor (OPP) must be activated by setting this
parameter to TRUE.

Westnet.Orig_Points.On: TRUE or FALSE


TRUE = Originated Point Processor will be activated at drop start-up.

FALSE = Originated Point Processor will not be activated (default).

If this entry is omitted, the default (FALSE) is assumed.

Westnet.Orig_Points.On: FALSE

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CONFIG.SHC This parameter is used to specify whether Data Highway time is defined in the local
time standard or in Greenwich Mean Time.

Westnet.Time.Localtime: TRUE or FALSE


TRUE = Use local time standard.

FALSE = Use Greenwich Mean Time (default).

If this entry is omitted, the default value (FALSE) is assumed.

Westnet.Time.Localtime: TRUE

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

CONFIG.SHC The Highway processing software includes a background process (SHC_CLK
daemon) which synchronizes the operating system time to the Data Highway time
of a selected Westnet network. This parameter defines the network whose clock is
to be used as the target time when synchronizing the system time.


Even if only one Westnet network exists (that

is, only one GHC card is present), the time
synchronization network number should be

If this parameter is missing or invalid, the time synchronization function cannot be

performed. A warning will be generated during drop start-up if this parameter is not

Westnet.Timesync.Network: n


n = Network number (0 through 15) associated with the GHC, as

defined in the System Point Directory.

Westnet.Timesync.Network: 1

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
Section 4. Startup and Operation

4-1. Section Overview

This section includes the following topics:

• Windows NT Interface startup procedure (Section 4-2).

• Use of the Windows NT control panel to enable and disable operation of the
WDPF interface (Section 4-3).

• Overview of Windows NT registry entries which control operation of the WDPF

interface software (Section 4-4).

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4-2. Windows NT Interface Startup Procedure

4-2. Windows NT Interface Startup Procedure

Once the Windows NT Interface is configured (as described inSection 3), use the
following procedure to start-up (or restart) the Windows NT Interface drop:

1. Place the GHC power switch in the On position, the LED will light.

2. Power-up or reboot the PC.

3. The PC will go through its normal power up sequence. The Windows NT logon
screen will appear. There is no need to log on to enable the WDPF interface
software; it will start automatically.

4. If the WDPF interface software was enabled and a problem occurred, a message
box will appear stating that one or more services failed to start. To determine the
exact cause, log on to the system and open the Event Viewer. Any error
messages from the Westinghouse device driver or Westinghouse service will be
shown there.
Table 4-1. Device Driver Error Messages

Message Description
The WDPF Service service depends on the The IGIDRV device driver failed for some
Igidrv service which failed to start because of reason. See error message from IGIDRV.
the following error: <some error message>
Cannot allocate pool memory Internal device driver error. This message
should not appear except in systems with
inadequate memory installed.
Failure translating IGI address to physical Internal device driver error. Contact a service
address representative.
Cannot map IGI address to virtual memory Internal device driver error. Contact a service
space representative.
IGI resource conflict detected. The system detected a conflict between the
IGI card and other parts of the system. Check
the settings for the IGI card.
Unable to reset GHC card. The device driver was unable to access the IGI
card. Check the settings for the IGI card.
Unable to establish symbolic link to device Internal device driver error. Contact a service
name representative.
Unable to create device for IGI/GHC Internal device driver error. Contact a service

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
4-2. Windows NT Interface Startup Procedure

Table 4-1. Device Driver Error Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
ZwOpenSection failed while mapping mem- Internal device driver error. Possibly because
ory into process. the system has run out of resources.
ObReferenceObjectByHandle failed while Internal device driver error. Possibly because
mapping memory into process the system has run out of resources.
ZwMapViewOfSection failed while mapping Internal device driver error. Possibly because
memory into process the system has run out of resources.
Invalid parameters found in registry Invalid parameters have been read from the
Windows NT registry. See Section 4-4 for
details on registry entries.

4-2.1. Status Indicators

The rear of the GHC enclosure contains various status indicators
(see Figure 4-1).These indicators are described in (Section 4-2.2).


P5 P6





Figure 4-1. Status Indicators — Rear View of GHC Enclosure

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4-2. Windows NT Interface Startup Procedure

4-2.2. Power Up and Normal Operation Status

When power is first applied to the GHC Enclosure and the ISA workstation is
powered up, the hexadecimal display of the unit will read ‘7F’. This indicates that
the GHC PC board is waiting for the ISA processor to enable the GHC’s access to
the shared memory. During software initialization, the (RED) DIAG LED will blink
several times before the highway controller is enabled onto the Data Highways.
When the GHC Enclosure is connected to both highways during normal operation
and activity is detected on both channels, the indicators will be illuminated as

LED Color Status Description

ENA Red Blinking Indicates highway controller is on-line and
CH1 Yellow Lit Indicates activity detected on highway 1.
CH0 Green Lit Indicates activity detected on highway 0.
DIAG Red Off This LED is lit only when in Off-line
Diagnostic mode.
PAR Red Off This LED indicates a shared memory parity
error. It should never be on.
CH0 Green Lit Indicates GHC Enclosure is connected to
RLY highway 0.
CH1 Yellow Lit Indicates GHC Enclosure is connected to
RLY highway 1.

The hexadecimal displays of the GHC will remain off in the normal operating state.
Should an error be detected, the display will light for a few seconds with an error
code. The meaning of these error codes is identical to those posted on the SHC card
as described in “WDPF System Planning and Highway Installation Manual”


When the GHC Enclosure is in a reset state (for

example, during a workstation boot up or if the
workstation power is off), the hexadecimal display
may be lit with a code. This code is random and
should be ignored.

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4-3. Enabling and Disabling WDPF Software

4-3. Enabling and Disabling WDPF Software

After installation, the WDPF software is set up to begin automatically upon booting
the PC. The procedures described here are only necessary if it is desired to disable
operation of the WDPF software.

4-3.1. Disabling WDPF Software

To stop the WDPF software from starting automatically, Use the Windows NT
Control Panel to configure both the Igidrv device driver and the WDPF Service
service to not start automatically. This is accomplished through the Windows NT
Control Panel.

Use the following procedure to configure the Igidrv device driver:

1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel

2. Double click on the Devices icon

3. Select the Igidrv driver from the list and select Startup.

4. Select either Manual or Disabled. Click OK.

5. Click Close on the Devices window.

The Igidrv device driver will not start automatically.

Use the following to procedure to configure the “WDPF Service” service:

1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel.

2. Double click on the Services icon.

3. Select the “WDPF Service” service from the list and select Startup.

4. Select either Manual or Disabled. Click OK.

5. Click Close on the Services window.

6. The “WDPF Service” will not start automatically.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
4-3. Enabling and Disabling WDPF Software

4-3.2. Enabling WDPF Software

To reset the WDPF software so that it starts up automatically, use the Windows NT
Control Panel to configure both the Igidrv device driver and the WDPF Service

Use the following procedure to configure the Igidrv device driver:

1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel.

2. Double click on the Devices icon.

3. Select the Igidrv driver from the list and select Startup.

4. Select Automatic. Click OK.

5. Click Close on the Devices window.

The Igidrv device driver will now start automatically when the system is rebooted.

Use the following procedure to configure the “WDPF Service” service:

1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel.

2. Double click on the Services icon.

3. Select the “WDPF Service” service from the list and select Startup.

4. Select Automatic. Click OK.

5. Click Close on the Services window.

The “WDPF Service” service will now start automatically when the system is

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4-4. Windows NT Registry Entries

4-4. Windows NT Registry Entries

Normally, there is no need to change any of the Windows NT registry entries. These
are set during the installation and should not need to be changed. However, if after
installation, some of the parameters for the IGI card need to be changed, the
Windows NT Registry Editor (REGEDT32) may be used to change these

Editing Windows NT registry entries can cause the

system to become inoperable. Be very careful when
changing anything in the registry.

Registry entries for the Igidrv device driver:



Group:REG_SZ:Extended Base








xxx = Interrupt line used by IGI card

yyy = I/O port address used by IGI card

zzz = Base memory address used by IGI card

The above parameters are the only ones that should
be manipulated manually.

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4-4. Windows NT Registry Entries

Registry entries for the WDPF Service:


DependOnGroup:REG_MULTI_SZ:<no value>


DisplayName:REG_SZ:WDPF Service






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4-4. Windows NT Registry Entries

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Section 5. System Point Directory

5-1. Section Overview

This section describes the System Point Directory (SPD), which is the master
process point database for the WDPF system. The Windows NT Interface does not
provide utilities for manipulating the SPD. SPD maintenance should be done at a
WEStation or PCH drop. See documents (U0-8205), “System Point Directory
User’s Guide” and (U0-2480), “Introduction to the ISA-PCH User’s Guide”.

The SPD provides point identification for the system. A sign-out/sign-in

mechanism is provided to prevent more than one user from updating the master
System Point Directory at a time. This maintains the integrity of the system
database files by ensuring that each new point is assigned a unique System ID. This
uniqueness is necessary to transmit and receive the correct point data throughout the

This section addresses the following areas:

• Contents of the System Point Directory (Section 5-2).

• Organization of the System Point Directory (Section 5-3).

• Types of System Point Directory files (Section 5-4).

• Description of utilities provided with the Windows NT Interface (Section 5-5).

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5-2. Contents of the System Point Directory

5-2. Contents of the System Point Directory

The SPD contains, for each point in the system, the following items:

• Unique WDPF point name with up to eight characters for a point on an eight-
character network, or up to 16 characters for a point on an extended-tag
network (see Section 6 for valid point name rules).

• 32-bit System Identification (SID) number (Data Highway reference number

assigned by the SPD).


The SID as stored in the SPD is a 32 bit number since

it includes the network address.

In order to convert the 32 bit SID to a standard SID

(displayed on a Standard terminal), eliminate the
left-most 16 bits (network address), and change the
remaining bits to hexadecimal. The resulting number
should correspond to the standard SID.

• Point record type (see “Record Types User's Guide” (U0-0131) for information
on record types and fields).

• Originating drop number (1 - 254).

• Broadcast frequency (non-periodic, 0.0; tenth of a second, 0.1; one second, 1.0;
extended, EXT).

• Eight-character characteristics set (see CHARST statement in Section 6).

• Sixteen-character auxiliary description (see AUX statement in Section 6)

The auxiliary description is applicable only for points on eight-character

• Thirty-character English Description

The English Description is applicable only for points on extended-tag networks.

• Six-character Engineering Units

The Engineering Units are applicable only for points on extended-tag networks.

• Six-character Set Description

The Set Description is applicable only for points on extended-tag networks.

• Six-character Reset Description

The Reset Description is applicable only for points on extended-tag networks.

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5-2. Contents of the System Point Directory


Refer to the “MAC Utilities User’s Guide”

(U0-0136) for procedures on how the MAC
Utilities manage the ASCII data (ED, EU, ST,
RS) in the System Point Directory when
using extended-tags.

• Summary Diagram number (see DIAG_NUM statement in Section 6).

• Optional SID and bit number for a digital Packed Group (GP) point

This is assigned by a GP_NAME statement that maps a digital point to a packed

group (GP) point and bit number. The GP_NAME statement is not used in most
typical WDPF systems (see GP_NAME statement in Section 6 for more

The SPD also contains a header section that includes information used to validate
its contents and to identify each Westnet network in the system. This header also
contains the access permission flag (read-only versus read-write).

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5-3. Organization of the System Point Directory

5-3. Organization of the System Point Directory

The System Point Directory is structured to enable the user to access entries as
quickly as possible. This is accomplished by entering either the applicable System
ID (SID) number or the point name of the desired point.

5-3.1. System Point Directory Sections

The main body of the SPD is organized in numerical order by System ID numbers.
This provides rapid access to point information when a point request is done by a
SID number. Since point entries are stored in an array that is indexed by their SIDs,
information for a given SID is returned immediately.

A separate subsection of the SPD is organized alphabetically by point name to

provide access to point information when a point request is done by point name.
Access by point name is constrained by the organization of the SPD and is slower
than access by a SID number (see Section 5-3.2 for more details).

5-3.2. Types of Access

Any access to the SPD falls into one of two categories: run-time access or compile-
time access.

Run-time Access

Run-time access (read-only) is any access that only obtains information from the
SPD. This requires optimal performance in terms of speed and resource
consumption, since all time-critical tasks that need information from the SPD will
use this type of access.

An example of run-time access is the trend function that accesses points defined by
point name. Since point information for this type of function must be retrieved from
the SPD as quickly as possible, the SPD is structured with the point name entries
stored in an alphabetized list.

This list of alphabetically arranged point names is divided into data blocks similar
to dictionary pages. The first point name entry in each data block is then listed in an
index block.

In order to access a given point name, the index block is read first to determine
which data block contains the point. Then only the data block containing the
designated point is read. This saves processing time and disk reads, and ensures fast
run-time access.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
5-3. Organization of the System Point Directory

Compile-time Access

Compile-time access (read/write) is any access to the SPD that can modify the
contents of the SPD. This process does not need to be as rapid as run-time access
since it is not as time-critical as run-time operations.

An example of compile-time access is the addition of entries into the SPD by the
System Database Compiler. An alphabetized point name entry list is maintained in
memory whenever a copy of the SPD is signed out for database compilations. Each
new point name entry is assigned the first available SID and added to the bottom of
the list instead of inserting it alphabetically.

When the SPD is signed back in, the new entries are inserted alphabetically into the
alphabetized point name list in memory. Thus, the reorganization is done only once
instead of each time a new point name is entered.

A quick verification of the integrity of the SPD is performed by the SPD utilities
when the SPD is signed out for modifications. The SPD is also subject to validation
by the SPD utilities whenever it is signed back in. Similarly, the Point Directory
functions for the Multibus-based drops ensure that the Multibus-based Point
Directory (PNT.DIR) file is valid.

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5-4. Types of System Point Directory Files

5-4. Types of System Point Directory Files

There are two types of System Point Directory files used for the WDPF system.
Both types contain the same information but are used differently. The first type is
the master SPD which can be accessed and modified by the user. The second type
is the on-line SPD which cannot be modified, but is used to obtain point information


In order to use the System Point Directory

files, the following environment variables
must be defined in each drop:

WDPF_PDIR - Points to the online System

Point Directory (refer to Section 5-4.2).

WDPF_HOME - All drops use this

environment variable to point to WDPF
related items (for examples, programs,
configuration files, and so on (refer to
Section 3).

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
5-4. Types of System Point Directory Files

5-4.1. Master System Point Directory

There is only one master SPD per WDPF system and it must reside in a single
designated place. A set of related files are used and their structures are organized
for the various types of access required.

The master SPD is used whenever an update to the Point Directory is performed. In
order to perform an update, the master SPD must be signed out using the SPD
Administrative routines. After the update is completed, the master SPD must be
signed in.


The Windows NT Interface drop does not

contain utilities for manipulating the SPD.
Maintenance of the master SPD must be done
at a WEStation or PCH drop.

The following path is used to define the location of the master SPD:

The following files are located in the (WDPF_HOME)SHC/SPD/ directory:

spd.dir = Master System Point Directory

spd1.dir = A backup copy of the spd.dir is maintained.
online.spd = This is the current on-line System Point Directory. It must be
copied to each PCH, WEStation or Windows NT Interface
drop whenever a new or modified SPD is signed in.
signout.log = This is a log containing the time, date and filename of each
sign-out and sign-in.
A read/write copy of the master SPD must be created prior to updating the contents
of the file. This read/write permission is not the same as file access rights at the
operating system level, but an internal SPD permissive to enable the user to access
the master SPD for an update. This process is performed by the Administrative

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
5-4. Types of System Point Directory Files

5-4.2. On-Line System Point Directory

Each PCH, WEStation or Windows NT Interface drop in the WDPF system
contains an on-line SPD which is the file containing all currently active points. This
file cannot be updated and is used only to obtain point information.

This file is created automatically at the Software Server every time the master SPD
is signed in. Even though the file is created automatically, it must be copied to each
PCH, WEStation or Windows NT Interface drop after each update of the master

The on-line SPD file must reside on every PCH, WEStation or Windows NT
Interface. In the Windows NT interface it must be located in the following path.


Each PCH, WEStation or Windows NT Interface drop must have the updated on-
line SPD copied to it from the following path each time an updated master SPD is
signed back in:


$SPD_HOME/SPD/ (on a WEStation)


Whenever spd.dir is updated, all PCH,

WEStation and Windows NT Interface
drops should get the new online.spd and be
restarted as soon as possible.

This will ensure the communication of

current and accurate values for all the
points in the system. The need to update is
especially critical when there are
redundant drops.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

The Windows NT Interface does not provide a full set of utilities for maintaining
the System Point Directory. However, there are some functions provided. These
functions provide minimal support for SPD maintenance and should only be used
by those with significant knowledge of the WDPF SPD structure. The master SPD
should be maintained at a WEStation or PCH drop. These drops have all the tools
necessary for proper maintenance of the SPD.

The SPD functions provided with the Windows NT Interface drop are located in the
$WDPF_HOME\shc\bin directory and include the following programs:

• SPD_add_network.exe
• SPD_create.exe
• SPD_create_runtime.exe
• SPD_extract.exe
• SPD_list.exe
• SPD_merge.exe
• SPD_write_protect.exe
Each of these functions are described below:


This function is used to add a network to an existing SPD. The existing SPD must
have write protection turned off. The syntax for this function is as follows:

SPD_add_network <SPD filename> <network name> <network number>

<max tag length>


SPD filename = Name of the SPD to which the network is to be added.

network name = Eight character text string used to identify the network.
network number = Number from 0 through 15 used to identify the network.
mag tag length = Length of the points names for that network. Valid values are 8
and 16.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

In the following, example, normal text designates prompts from the program and
bold text indicates input from the user


D: = \WDPF\sch\bin> spd_add_network..\spd\spd.dir net2 2 8

Do you want to disable Extended SIDs for Network (y or [n]): n (only for 8
character networks)

Writing out Point Data Blocks...complete

Writing out Index Array...complete
Writing out Index Blocks...complete
Network Net2 has been added to..\spd\spd.dir

This command will add a network to the spdfile SPD. DIR. The networks name is
NET2 and the pointnames on that network may have 8 characters. Extended system
IDs are supported on that network.


This function is used to create a new empty SPD. The program will prompt the user
for input when it is run.

The syntax for this function is as follows:


In the following, example, normal text designates prompts from the program and
bold text indicates input from the user

D: \WDPF\shc\bin>

Enter SPD filename to create:


Enter network name, network number, and maximum tag length <<CR> to quit>:
network1, 1, 16

Enter network name, network number, and maximum tag length <<CR> to quit>:

The following networks have been entered:

NETWORK1 - network # 1

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

The above networks have been entered. OK to proceed with installation? (y or [n]):

SPD file spd.dir has been created.

The above example created a new empty SPD with one network. The Network name
is NETWORK1, the network number is 1 and the network has 16 character point
names. More networks could be added if desired.


This function will create a runtime SPD (online.spd) from a master SPD (spd.dir).

The syntax of the command is as follows:

SPD_create_runtime <master SPD> <runtime SPD>

This command will create a runtime SPD for use by the system. It uses the master
SPD, (normally SPD.DIR) to create the runtime SPD, (normally ONLINE.SPD).
The runtime SPD should then be copied to the path designated in the WDPF_PDIR
environment variable, normally \WDPF\SHC\CONFIG\ONLINE.SPD.

D: \WDPF\shc\bin>
spd_create_runtime.. \spd\spd.dir online spd

Creating Runtime SPD online.spd from spd file..\spd\spd.dir

File has been created.

This command creates a runtime SPD named online.spd from the spd file


This function is used to create a 7 level (or lower) point directory for use on a 7 level
or lower system. The function extracts the points from one network in the SPD and
uses them to create a PNT.DIR. The syntax of the command is as follows:

SPD_extract <SPD file> <WDPF file> <Network number>


spd_file = SPD from which the point directory is extracted.

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5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

WDPF file = Point directory file which is created.

Network number = Network whose points are used to create the point directory.
D: \WPDF\shc\bin>
spd_extract.. \spd\spd.dir pnt.dir net2

Extracting net2 network from spd.. \spd\spd.dir to wdpf file.dir

File has been extracted

This command creates a 7 level (or lower) point directory which will contain all the
points from NET2 in SPD.DIR


This function is used to create a list of points in the SPD. The syntax of the
command is as follows:

SPD_list [options] spd_file [>list file]


spd_file = SPD will be listed.

list file = Specifies that the listing output will be written to the
specified file. Otherwise the output is simply displayed on
the screen.

Valid [options] are:

-d <drop number> (list will include only points from the specified drops)

-r <record_type string (for example ai, di, pb)> (list will include all the
specified point record types)

-f <frequency> (list will include all points of specified frequency: S = one

second; T = tenth of a second; N = non periodic points and E = extended
SID points.

-n <network name> (list will include all points from the specified network)

-c <alarm characteristics> (list will include points with characteristic strings

that match specified characteristics)

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5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

-g <mapped GP SID> list will include points with specified mapped GP

system ID)

D: \WDPF\shc\bin> spd_list -d l -n net1..\spd\spd.dir

LISTING OF SPDFILE.. \spd\spd.dir

Writable : YES
Sign-out ID : 0
Index block OK : NO
Number of Networks : 3
Total Number of Points : 0
Offset of Index Array : 11403728
Offset of Index Block : 11796944
Offset of Name Array : 11844948

Network Information

Name Number SPD Index Tag Length Last SID Last EXSID
NET 1 1 0 16 280 16384
NET2 2 1 8 280 16384
NET3 3 2 16 280 16384
NET3 3 2 16 280 16384

*******Point List is Empty*******


This function will merge a 7 level or lower point directory into an SPD. The points
in the point directory will be put into the SPD in the specified network. If there are
any conflicts between the SPD and the point directory, the merge will not occur.
Normally only point directories that were extracted from an SPD may be merged
back into that SPD. An empty SPD will accept any point directory. The SPD must
be writable (see SPD_write_protect.exe). The syntax of the command is:

SPD_merge <spd file> <wdpf file> <network number>


spd file = SPD into which the point directory will be merged.
wdpf file = SPD into which the point directory will be merged.

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5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

network number = Network to which points from the point directory will be
D: \WPDF\shc\bin> spd_merge.. \spd\spd.dir pnt.dir net2

Merging net2 network from wdpf file pnt.dir to spd file.. \spd\spd.dir

File has been merged


This function is used to set an internal flag in the SPD causing it to be either read
only, or read-write. This is used to protect the SPD from inadvertent changes. The
syntax is as follows:

SPD_write_protect <spd file> <on|off>


spd file = SPD to be set.

on/off = State to set the write protect flag. On causes the SPD to be
read only. and OFF causes, the SPD to be made writable.


D: WDPF\shc\bin> spd_write_protect...\spd\spd.dir on

This command sets the internal write protect flag in the spd file SPD.DIR on.

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5-5. Windows NT Interface SPD Utilities

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Section 6. Database Compiler

6-1. Section Overview

This section describes the Windows NT Interface database compiler source file
(databasefile.src) and the system database compiler (sdbcomp) used to configure
the Windows NT Interface to originate points or to receive points at specific
frequencies. The formatting and the command statements used in the source file are
also described.

This section addresses the following areas:

• Database compiler source file format (Section 6-2).

• Errors and Warnings (Section 6-3)

• Database compiler source file rules (Section 6-4).

• Database compiler statements (Section 6-5).


The SDBCOMP program is only necessary if

the Windows NT Interface is to originate
points, or if there is a reason to receive points
at a specific frequency.

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6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

The database source file is used to define all process points originated by a Windows
NT Interface drop and those points which must be received by the drop at a specific
frequency (points not specified will be received at 1.0 second frequency). The file
is a standard text file and can be generated by any standard text editor (sdbcomp
will not process files created by word processors which contain special codes). The
filename must end with the extension.src.

The database source file is made up of compiler directive statements and point
declaration statements which define the data received and transmitted on the Data
Highway. These statements are described in Section 6-5.

This section discusses the following items and the guidelines for their use in the
database compiler source file:

• Characters (Section 6-2.1)

• Character strings (Section 6-2.2)

• Constants (Section 6-2.3)

• Line format (Section 6-2.4)

• Point names Section 6-2.5)

6-2.1. Characters
The following characters are acceptable items for database compiler source file

Alphabetic Characters

The acceptable alphabetic characters are a - z and A - Z.

Numeric Characters

The acceptable numeric characters are 0 - 9.

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6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

Special Characters

The acceptable special characters include:

• Comma (,) to separate list elements and/or indicate a continued statement.

• Plus sign (+) to indicate a positive number.

• Minus sign (-) to indicate a negative number.

• Semi-colon (;) to indicate the beginning of a comment line.

• Equal sign (=) to indicate equivalent elements.

• Slash (/) must be entered before a sdbcomp command.

• Single quote (') to delineate a character string.

6-2.2. Character Strings

A character string is any sequence of valid printable characters enclosed in single
quotes ('). The valid range is 1-50 characters, unless stated otherwise.

To use the single quote character within a string, it must be followed by a second
quote mark, as shown below:

'123''456' will result in 123'456

Using Characters in Strings

Any printable character may be used in the following strings:

• Comments.

• /TITLE command (1 - 50 characters).

• English Description (ED) field (1 - 30 characters).

• Engineering Units (EU) field (1 - 6 characters).

• Set description (ST) field (1 - 6 characters).

• Reset description (RS) field (1 - 6 characters).

• AUX field of a point description (1 - 16 characters).

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6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

6-2.3. Constants
The sdbcomp compiler recognizes numeric constants. These constants are defined
as follows:

Integer Constants

Integer constants are signed values between -32767 and +32767. They are
represented in decimal notation consisting of one to five digits (0 - 9) written
without a decimal point. Leading zeroes are ignored.

Unsigned Integer Constants

Unsigned integer constants are unsigned values between 0 and 65535. They are
represented in decimal notation consisting of one to five digits (0 - 9) written
without a decimal point. Leading zeroes are ignored.

Real Constants

Real constants are represented in either decimal or scientific notation.

Decimal notation represents the number with an optional sign, an integer part, a
decimal point, and a fractional part. Both the integer and fraction parts may contain
a sequence of zero to eight decimal digits.

If an integer is used to specify a value for a real number field, it will be

automatically converted to real number format (that is, 34 will be converted to

Scientific notation permits easy representation of very large or very small real
numbers. Numbers are represented with an optional sign, an integer part, a decimal
point, and a fractional part, followed by the exponent. The exponent (power of 10)
is indicated by the letter E, an optional sign, and one or two decimal digits ranging
in value from -37 to +38. The minimum value is 1.17E-38 and the maximum value
is 3.4E+38.






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6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

Hexadecimal Constants

Hexadecimal constants consist of hexadecimal digits (0 - 9, A - F) followed by the

letter H.




6-2.4. Line Format

An sdbcomp statement is free format, and spaces may be used at the user’s
discretion. To continue a statement on multiple lines, a comma must be used at the
end of each line (except the last line).

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6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

6-2.5. Point Names

The following rules must be followed to ensure valid point names:

1. A point name must be a sequence of 1 to 8 characters for points on an

eight-character network.

2. A point name must be a sequence of 1 to 16 characters for points on an

extended-tag network.

3. Characters may be any combination of alphabetic, numeric (0 - 9), or special

punctuation characters (seeTable 6-1).


Windows NT Interface drops that interface with

Standard or PCH drops (software prior to 8-
Level) must observe the point naming conventions
for Standard systems.

Refer to “MAC Application Utilities” (U0-0136)

or “PCH General Utilities” (U0-2415) for point
naming guidelines.

4. Point names are not case sensitive. Lower case characters will be converted to
upper case.

For example, point name A0113 is considered the same as a0113.

5. The System Database Compiler currently supports the convention of using a set
of backslash (\) characters to specify that the characters between the backslashes
should be interpreted as a point name. This allows sdbcomp syntax characters
to be used in point names.

For example, the syntax to specify a mapped GP point name and bit number is


In order to specify a point name with a colon in it, use the following syntax:


This would map the digital point to bit 12 of the GP point gp100:1

6. A point name cannot be a reserved word, or contain reserved characters.

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6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

• For a listing of reserved graphic words, refer to “WEStation Graphics

Language Reference Manual” (U0-8211).

• For a listing of reserved point name characters, refer to Table 6-3.

• For guidelines on entering valid point names for use with a MAC program
loader, refer to “MAC Utilities User's Guide” (U0-0136).

Table 6-1. Valid Point Name Characters


Character (in HEX) Character (in HEX) Character (in HEX)
! 21 < 3C R 52
" 22 = 3D S 53
# 23 T 54
’ 27 > 3E U 55
( 28 ? 3F V 56
) 29 A 41 W 57
+ 2B B 42 X 58
- 2D C 43 Y 59
. 2E D 44 Z 5A
/ 2F E 45 [ 5B
0 30 F 46 ] 5D
1 31 G 47 ^ 5E
2 32 H 48 _ 5F
3 33 I 49 ‘ 60
4 34 J 4A { 7B
5 35 K 4B | 7C
6 36 L 4C } 7D
7 37 M 4D
8 38 N 4E
9 39 O 4F

9/98 6-7 U0-2482

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6-2. Database Compiler Source File Format

Table 6-1. Valid Point Name Characters (Cont’d)


Character (in HEX) Character (in HEX) Character (in HEX)
: 3A P P
; 3B Q 51

Table 6-2. Reserved Point Name Characters


Character (in HEX) Character (in HEX) Character (in HEX)
$ 24 * 2A \ 5C
% 25 , 2C ~ 7E
& 26 @ 40

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6-3. Errors and Warnings

6-3. Errors and Warnings

Any errors or warnings detected during compilation produce a message in the
listing file that appears beneath the line where the error or warning was detected.
Error messages will result in no output files being generated. Warning messages
will typically result in output files still being generated.

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

The following rules must be followed when inserting or modifying process points
in the SPD. Point information from the source file is verified against the SPD (lists
the error and warning messages that may be output during this process to indicate
invalid data). Additional rules pertaining to each of the sdbcomp statements are
presented in the reference pages in Section 6-5

The rules for the database compiler source file are in two categories:

• Received points (Section 6-4.1).

• Originated points (Section 6-4.2).

6-4.1. Source File Rules for Received Points

The user can specify received process points in an sdbcomp database by specifying
“SOURCE=R” in a point declaration statement.


Multiple declarations for the same received

point will result in warnings during a compile
and the last declaration (SOURCE=R or
SOURCE=O) will be the valid declaration for
the point.

Point record types that can be received are shown in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3. Valid Received Point Record Types
Point Record Type Valid Point Types
Analog Point Records AC, AI, AL, AM
Expanded Analog Point AB
Device Point VC
Digital Point DC, DI, DL, DM
Packed Digital Point PB
Packed Group Point GP
Packed Group Alarm BG, BN
Drop Record DU

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

Table 6-3. Valid Received Point Record Types (Cont’d)

Point Record Type Valid Point Types
K Algorithm Record KF, KV
L Algorithm Record L2, L4, L8, LF, LV
M Algorithm Record MA, MP, MV
P Algorithm Record P1, P2, P3


Certain point attributes (such as the

originating drop number and point
characteristics) can only be assigned by the
originating drop. The effects of creating or
modifying a point as a received point are
described below.

Adding a New Point as a Received Point

If the received point does not exist in the Point Directory, it will be added. The
System ID of the added point will be the next available System ID. The record type
and frequency will be specified by the RT and FREQ values in the point declaration
statement. The originating drop number will be zero (0) and the characteristics will
be all dashes (-).

If the point is new (does not exist in the Point Directory), sdbcomp performs the
following steps:

1. Updates the Point Directory with the user-specified record type (or the record
type specified as a default in a DEF statement).

2. Updates the Point Directory with the user-specified frequency (or the frequency
specified as a default in a DEF statement).

3. Adds the point to the Point Directory with the network specified.

4. Assigns to the point all dashes (-) for the characteristics set.

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

5. If the record type is not DU, adds the point with an originating drop number of

6. If the record type is DU, adds the point with the drop number specified in
DU_DROP, or generates an error if the DU_DROP is not specified.

Modifying a Point Created (as a Received Point) by Another Drop

If the point was previously created as a received point by another drop, sdbcomp
performs the following steps:

1. Generates an error if the Record Type (RT) value specified for the point is “not”
in the same record class (for example, analog, digital, and so on) as the one
specified in the Point Directory’s record.

2. Generates a warning if the record type specified by the RT is “larger” than the
Point Directory’s record type, but in the same class. The Point Directory will be
updated with the new record type.

3. Generates a warning if the record type specified by the RT is “smaller” than the
Point Directory’s record type, but in the same class. The Point Directory will not
be updated with the new record type.

4. Generates an error if the old frequency of the point is extended, and the new
frequency is non-extended. Generates an error if the old frequency of the point
is non-extended, and the new frequency is extended.

5. Generates a warning if the frequency from the Point Directory does “not” match
the user specified frequency (or the frequency specified as a default in a DEF
statement). If the new frequency is slower than the one specified in the Point
Directory, the frequency in the Point Directory will remain unchanged. If the
new frequency is faster than the one specified in the Point Directory, the Point
Directory will be updated with the faster frequency.

6. Does not change the characteristics in the Point Directory.

7. Generates an error if the network is different.

8. Does not change the point’s originating drop number when the Point Directory
is modified.

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

Modifying a Point Created (as an Originated Point) by Another Drop

If the point was previously created as an originated point by another drop, sdbcomp
performs the following steps:

1. Generates an error if the RT value specified for the point is “not” in the same
record class (for example, analog, digital, and so on) as the one specified in the
Point Directory’s record.

2. Generates an error if the record type specified by the RT is “larger” than the
point’s record type, but in the same class. The Point Directory will “not” be
updated with the new record type.

3. Generates an error and does not update the Point Directory with the new record
type if the record type specified by RT is “smaller” than the one specified in the
Point Directory.

4. Generates an error if the old frequency of the point is extended, and the new
frequency is non-extended. Generates an error if the old frequency of the point
is non-extended, and the new frequency is extended.

5. Generates an error if the frequency from the Point Directory does “not” match
the user specified frequency (or the frequency specified as a default in a DEF

6. When a frequency is changed, different frequency values will have different

results. The possible combinations of frequency changes and the results of those
changes are shown in Table 6-4:
Table 6-4. Frequency Changes for Received Points

Old Frequency New Frequency Result 1

0.0 Not equal to 0.0 Error will be issued.
0.1 0.0 Warning will be issued; frequency will not be changed.
0.1 1.0 Warning will be issued; frequency will not be changed.
1.0 0.0 Warning will be issued; frequency will not be changed.
1.0 0.1 Error will be issued.
Extended (EXT) Non-extended Error will be issued.
Non-extended Extended (EXT) Error will be issued.
1Possible frequencies are:
Non-periodic, 0.0 One second, 1.0
Tenth of a second, 0.1 Extended, EXT.

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

7. Does not change the point characteristics in the Point Directory.

8. Generates errors if a different network is designated.

9. Generates an error if the user attempts to receive a point that is already defined
as originated for the same drop.

10. Does not change the point's originating drop number when the Point Directory
is modified.

11. Generates a warning if the record type is DU and an attempt is made to change
the originating drop number.

For each compilation, a drop number is identified as the “effective drop number”.
Generally, points defined as originated (SOURCE = 0) will be added to the SPD as
points originated by the effective drop number. (Exceptions to this rule are certain
DU points in redundant drop databases).

In most cases, the effective drop number is defined by a PRI_DROP statement. For
more information on defining the effective drop number in a redundant database,
see Section 6-5.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

6-4.2. Source File Rules for Originated Points

The user can specify originated process points in an sdbcomp database by
specifying “SOURCE=O” in a point declaration statement. Each originated point
can only be specified once in an sdbcomp source file.


Multiple declarations for the same received

point will result in warnings during a compile
and the last declaration (SOURCE=R or
SOURCE=O) will be the valid declaration for
the point.

Point record types that can be originated are shown in Table 6-3:
Table 6-5. Valid Originated Point Record Types

Point Valid Point Type (for Eight-Character

Record Type Point Name)
Analog Point Records AC, AI, AL, AM
Expanded Analog Point AB
Device Point VC
Digital Point DC, DI, DL, DM
Packed Digital Point PB
Packed Group Point GP
Packed Group Alarm BG, BN
Drop Record DU
K Algorithm Record KF, KV
L Algorithm Record L2, L4, L8, LF, LV
M Algorithm Record MA, MP, MV
P Algorithm Record P1, P2, P3

The drop number will be specified as the effective drop number for this compile.
The effective drop number is specified by PRI_DROP. The characteristics will be
specified by the CHARST statement or defaults to dashes

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

Adding a New Point in the Point Directory

If the originated point does not exist in the Point Directory, it will be added. The
System ID of the added point will be the next available System ID. The record type
and frequency will be specified by the RT and FREQ values in the point declaration

If the point is new (does not exist in the Point Directory), sdbcomp performs the
following steps:

1. Adds the point to the Point Directory with the network specified.

2. Updates the Point Directory with the user-specified record type (or the record
type specified as a default in a DEF statement).

3. Updates the Point Directory with the user-specified frequency (or the frequency
specified as a default in a DEF statement).

4. Updates the point with the user-specified characteristics (or the characteristics
specified as a default in a DEF statement).

5. Adds the point to the directory with the drop number specified as the effective
drop number for this compile, if the record type is “not” DU.

6. Adds the point to the directory with the drop number specified by DU_DROP,
if the record type is DU.

The effective drop number for this compile will be used, if DU_DROP is not

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

Modifying a Point Created (as a Received Point) by Another Drop

If the point was previously created as a received point by another drop, sdbcomp
performs the following steps:

1. Generates a warning if the RT value specified for the point is not in the same
record class (for example, analog, digital, and so forth) as the one specified in
the Point Directory's record.

2. Generates a warning if the record type specified in the point declaration

statement is “larger” than the record type specified in the Point Directory's
record, but is in the same record class. The Point Directory will be updated to
the larger type specified by the RT field (or the record type specified as a default
in a DEF statement).

3. Generates a warning if the record type specified by RT is “smaller” than the

Point Directory's record type (for example, if RT = AL, and the Point
Directory's record indicates the point is an AI point). The Point Directory will
be updated with the new record type.

4. Generates a warning if the frequency from the Point Directory does not match
the user-specified frequency (or the frequency specified as a default in a DEF
statement). The new frequency is used in the Point Directory.


If the frequency of the point changes from

extended to non-extended, or from non-
extended to extended, the point will be
assigned a new SID and the old SID will not
be able to be re-assigned to a point until the
SPD is completely rebuilt.

5. Generates a warning if the characteristics do not match. The Point Directory

will be updated with the new characteristics.

6. Generates a warning if the network does not match. The point will be changed
to the new network. The SID in the old network will not be able to be re-
assigned to a point until the SPD is completely rebuilt. In this case, “rebuilt”
means starting with an empty file and re-adding drop databases one by one.

7. Adds the point to the Point Directory using the drop number specified as the
effective drop number for this compile.

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6-4. Database Compiler Source File Rules

Modifying a Point Created (as an Originated Point) by Another Drop

If the point was previously created as an originated point by another drop, sdbcomp
performs the following steps:

1. Generates a warning if the RT value for the point is not in the same record class
(for example, analog, digital, and so forth) as the one specified in the Point
Directory’s record. Generates a warning if the record type specified by the RT
is “smaller” than the Point Directory’s record type (that is, if the RT = AL, and
the Point Directory's record indicates the point is an AI point). The Point
Directory will be updated with the new record type.

2. Generates a warning if the record type in the point declaration statement is

larger than the record type specified in the Point Directory’s record, but in the
same record class (for example, analog, digital, and so forth). The Point
Directory will be updated to the larger record type specified by the RT attribute
(or the record type specified as a default in a DEF statement).

3. Generates a warning if the frequency from the Point Directory does not match
the user-specified frequency (or the frequency specified as a default in a DEF
statement). The new frequency is used in the Point Directory.


If the frequency changes from extended to

non-extended, or from non-extended to
extended, the point will be assigned a new
SID. The old SID cannot be re-assigned to a
point until the SPD is completely rebuilt.

4. Generates a warning if the characteristics do not match. The Point Directory

will be updated with the new characteristics.

5. Generates a warning if the network does not match. The point will be changed
to the new network and a new SID will be assigned. The old SID (in the old
network) cannot be re-assigned to a point until the SPD is completely rebuilt.

6. Generates an error indicating that an attempt has been made to originate a point
that was previously specified as originated by another drop.

7. Adds the point to the directory with the drop number specified by the effective
drop number for this compile.

8. Adds the point to the directory for a DU record type (if the DU_DROP is not
specified), with the drop number specified by the effective drop number for this

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
6-5. Database Compiler (sdbcomp) Statements

6-5. Database Compiler (sdbcomp) Statements

Database compiler (sdbcomp) statements are used in a text source file to define
point information. See Figure 6-1 for an example of a source file that illustrates the
format and syntax of the database compiler source file statements.

/TITLE='Sun Database Compiler Syntax Example'


; Everything to the right of the semicolon is a comment

; Keywords which control the compiler are identified by a slash
; Assign 100 as the first drop number for this database

; Defaults can be set to be applied to subsequent point

; declarations.

CTEMP, ED='Coolant Temp'

; The above sequence defined two received points of record type AM to be

; received from network DAS every tenth of second. The first
; defined an auxiliary description, and the second has an English
; description.

; Defaults can be redefined or overwritten on a per point basis.

CSETPT,AUX='Coolant_setpoint',RT=AI,CHARST='A B C D',FREQ=S,
SOURCE=O,ED='Coolant level setpoint',NET=CONTROL,LL=0,HL=999

; The above statement defines a 1 second originated AI point on the

; CONTROL network, having low limit of 0 and a high limits of 999.
; It also defined the auxiliary description, English description,
; and characteristics.

; The end statement terminates the compile. All following text
; such as this, is ignored.

Figure 6-1. Example of Database Compiler Source File

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6-5. Database Compiler (sdbcomp) Statements

6-5.1. Format for Database Compiler Statements

Compiler statements fall into the following categories: compiler directives, point
declaration statements, and field assignments.

• Compiler directives are indicated by a slash (/). They are used to control the
formatting of the list file, and to define the default values. Examples are TITLE,
statements. The DROP statements are “special case” directives that provide
required drop information to the compiler.

• Point declaration statements begin with a point name and require no indicator
or keyword. They are used to define the fields required to identify a point
(SOURCE, FREQ, RT, NET), plus other optional fields. If desired, they can
override current default values for point fields.

• Field assignments are used with a point declaration statement to assign special
values to point attributes (stored in the Point Directory or in point records).
Examples are the AUX, CHARST, DIAG_NUM, and GP_NAME statements.

• Comment lines (indicated by semicolons (;)) may also appear in the database
compiler source file and list file. Comments do not have to begin on a new line.

The order in which compiler statements are typically entered in a Windows NT

Interface database compiler source file is presented as follows (see Section 6-5.2 for
definitions of each statement).

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6-5. Database Compiler (sdbcomp) Statements

Typical Order for Compiler Statement Entry

• TITLE statement (option) is typically entered first in the file.

• LIST/NOLIST statement (option) is typically entered next.

• PRI_DROP statement defines the primary drop.

• DU_DROP statement defines the drop number for a received DU record (point
being defined must be a DU record type).

• DEF statement defines default values for the Point Declaration statements.

• NODEF statement disables the use of default values.

• Point declaration statements (and associated field assignments) should be

entered only after all the drop statements have been declared.

• END statement defines the end of the file.

The following statements are optional:

• Field assignment statements to define additional information associated with

Point Declarations:

— AUX statement

— CHARST statement

— DIAG_NUM statement

— GP_NAME statement

— INCLUDE statement

• List file format statements which control the appearance of the listing file:

— LINE statement

— PAGE statement

— PRINT statement

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6-5. Database Compiler (sdbcomp) Statements

6-5.2. sdbcomp Statement Definitions

All of the available command line statements are described on the following
reference pages.

The statements are presented in alphabetical order as listed below:

• CHARST statement

• DEF statement

• DIAG_NUM statement

• DU_DROP statement

• END statement

• IN statement

• INCLUDE statement

• INIT_VAL statement

• LINE statement

• LIST/NOLIST statement

• NET statement

• NODEF statement

• PAGE statement

• Point declaration statement

• PRI_DROP statement

• PRINT statement

• TITLE statement

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CHARST is a field assignment statement for an originated point. The user can
assign a set of eight characteristics to each broadcast point when originating that
point in an sdbcomp point declaration statement. All the characteristics will be
stored in a point record in the SPD and the first characteristic will be stored in the
AY field of an AI, AL, DI, or DL point.

Each characteristic describes a location or function related to the specified point and
is defined by the user during the design of the system. Characteristics can be used
for various functions; for example, related groups of points to be displayed at an
Operator Station using the Characteristics Group Menu.

The first character (character 1) represents the most general characteristic, and the
last character (character 8) represents the most specific characteristic. The first
character is used for the alarm destination; typically, this represents the plant area.

CHARST = char
char = String of user-defined characteristics. Valid entries are A - Z
(upper case only), 0 - 9 (not valid for first characteristic),
space, and dash (-), where a (-) is a wildcard. The string must
be eight characters long and enclosed in single quotes. A
blank space indicates that the characteristic is undefined for
this point.

If the CHARST statement is not used:

• If the originated point exists in the Point Directory (and is AI, DI, AL, or DL
type), the AY value for the point will be the first character of the characteristics
specified in the Point Directory.

• If the point does not exist in the Point Directory (and is an AI, DI, AL, or DL
type), the default AY value is a dash (-) and the characteristics added to the
directory are (--------).

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1. The CHARST statement can be used only for an originated point.

2. The CHARST statement can be specified for a specific originated point (with
the point declaration) or may be specified as a default value (using a DEF
statement; for example, /DEF,CHARST=‘ABCDEFGH‘).

3. The user should be familiar with the use of characteristics before using the
CHARST statement (point groupings are usually determined during the system
design phase).

4. A set of eight characters must be defined in the CHARST statement and must
be enclosed in single quotes. Use a dash or space if no other character is desired
for a specific position.

5. If characteristics are already defined for the point (in the Point Directory), the
characteristics will be redefined and a warning will be generated.

6. The CHARST statement is optional.

This statement assigns characteristics to point A10. The last three characteristics are
undefined. If A10 is an AI, DI, AL, or DL point, “B” will be assigned to the AY field
of the record.

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DEF permits the user to specify default values for various attributes of the WDPF
process points in an sdbcomp source file. The values specified in a /DEF statement
will override any previously defined default values or the system default values for
that attribute.

- OR -
attribute = Valid record field
value = V

Valid value for “field” (for example, a real number for HL)
If the DEF statement is not specified or if record attributes are not used with the
DEF statement, the system default values are used.

1. The user may specify default values for any user-initialized field (except point
identification - PN) of any WDPF point record (see “Record Type User's Guide”
(U0-0131) for more information).


Default values cannot be specified for the

AUX, GP_NAME, or DU_DROP field
assignment statements.

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2. Each DEF statement will override the current default values. If the field is not
used or is not valid for the subsequent point declaration statement, it will be
ignored. For example, if LL is assigned a new default value in a DEF statement,
only AI and AL points following the DEF statement will use the new default
value. Subsequent points with other record types will ignore the defined LL

3. The DEF statement can be used anywhere in the input sdbcomp source file and
it can be specified more than once in the source file. If no fields are specified
with the DEF statement, the system default values will be used. That is, an
‘empty’ DEF statement clears the previous DEF definitions and re-assigns all
system default values to all the record fields.

4. The system default values are:

• '--------' for characteristics

• AI for the record type

• S (one second) for the frequency

• R (received) for the source

• All integer or byte fields are set to zero (0)

• All real fields are set to 0.0

• All character fields are set to blank (except AY field)

• The AY field is set to '-'.

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In the above example, the first DEF statement assigns the following default values:

• Points are to be broadcast every tenth of a second (FREQ=T).

• Values are assigned for the low and high limit fields (LL=1.0, HL=99.0).

• Points are to be defined as originated (SOURCE=O).

The first two points (AIX101 and AIX102) use these default values. The system
default record type (AI) is used, and all other fields of these points use the system
default values.

The point definition statement for the third point (DIX103) overrides the default
record type, using RT=DI to assign the DI record type. In addition, the frequency
assigned in the DEF statement is overridden by FREQ=S, so that the point will be
broadcast every second.

Since digital points do not include the low and high limit fields, the LL and HL
definitions are ignored for DIX103. However, the SOURCE=O definition from the
DEF statement applies, and the point is defined as originated. All other fields of the
point use the system default values.

The second DEF statement will re-assign all system default values to all the record
fields of any following point declarations.

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DIAG_NUM is a field assignment statement used to define the Summary Diagram
for a point (the DG record field is used to define the Signal Diagram for a point).


Both the Summary Diagram and the Signal

Diagram can be displayed at the Operator
WEStation via the Point Menu (see
“Operator WEStation User's Guide”
(U0-8100) for details).

point_name, DIAG_NUM = number
number = Positive integer in the range 0 - 65535 that
represents the diagram number of a process

The default value for DIAG_NUM for a new point is zero.

If DIAG_NUM is not declared when modifying an existing point, the current

DIAG_NUM value is retained.

1. The DIAG_NUM statement can be used with originated and received points.

2. The DIAG_NUM statement will overwrite any previously defined DIAG_NUM


3. The DIAG_NUM statement is an optional statement.

4. The DIAG_NUM statement can be used with the default statement (DEF).

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This statement assigns PTNAME to appear in the Point Summary diagram number

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DU_DROP is a field assignment statement used to specify the originating drop
number for a point of type DU (Drop Status record or Drop Redundancy Record).

• For received drop records, the originating drop number (specified by

DU_DROP) and network specification are used to associate the correct System
ID with the DU point.

DU_DROP = number
number = Positive integer between 1 and 254

If the DU_DROP number is not entered for an originated DU point which does not
currently exist in the Point Directory, the DU point will be assigned the drop
number from the PRI_DROP statement.

If the DU_DROP number is not entered for a received DU point which does not
currently exist in the Point Directory, an error message will be generated.

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1. The DU_DROP statement can be used with either originated or received points.

2. The record type for the point being defined must be DU (if the point already
exists in the Point Directory, the existing point's record type must be DU).

3. An error message will be generated if the combination of DU_DROP number

and NET is already assigned to a different point name in the Point Directory.
That is, each drop number (1 to 254) may be used only once per network.

4. If the DU point has been defined as an originated point (SOURCE=O), the

DU_DROP statement must assign it to the drop number specified by

5. If the DU point has been defined as a received point (SOURCE=R), the

DU_DROP statement must not assign it to the drop number specified by

6. If an originated (SOURCE=O) DU point already exists in the Point Directory

and the entered DU_DROP differs from the existing one, an error message will
be generated and the Point Directory will not be changed.

7. If a received (SOURCE=R) DU point already exists in the Point Directory and

the entered DU_DROP number differs from the existing one, the drop point
name will not be changed and a warning will be generated.

8. For many WDPF functions to operate correctly, the drop point name
(DROPxxx) and drop number (xxx) must use the same drop number value. It is
the user’s responsibility to verify this equivalence as the compiler does not
currently perform this check

This statement assigns DROP100 as a DU point with a DU_DROP number of 100.

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END defines the logical end of an sdbcomp source program. Any statements found
after an END statement will generate a warning and will be ignored by the compiler.


There is no default for this required statement.

An END statement is required in every sdbcomp source program (see INCLUDE
statement for use of END).

This is the last statement in any program. Any statements following this line will be

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The optional IN statement is a field assignment for originated point statements. This
statement allows the user to initialize the Information Alarm Configuration field
(Alert or Information) for the following point types:

Point Type Functions

AB, AI, AL Sets Bit 6 of the AW field.
DI, DL, BG, BN Sets Bit 6 of the DW field.
VC Sets Bit 6 of the A3 field.


This is only applicable for systems using the

Alarm Management System. It will not be
utilized by systems using the standard Base
Alarm System.

IN = value
value = 0 for Alert Alarm (Bit 6 set to 0)
1 for Information Alarm (Bit 6 set to 1)

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1. The IN statement can be used only with originated points.

2. The IN statement cannot be defined with the default (/DEF) statement.

3. If the IN statement is not used, Bit 6 of AW, DW, or A3 will be set to 0.

4. This statement is optional.


This statement sets the originated analog point TA00 to be an Information Alarm

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The optional INCLUDE statement permits the user to specify partial sdbcomp
source file(s) to be included within the current sdbcomp source file (beginning at
the line where the INCLUDE statement is located). This feature is especially
helpful when the same set of point declarations (or other statements such as alarm
limits) are to be used in more than one drop database.


Users are urged to employ caution when

writing include files to ensure that the
statements will be valid in the desired

/INCLUDE = [path]incfilename
incfilename = Path and filename of another sdbcomp source file. If the
path is not specified, the path of the current sdbcomp source
file will be used.

Since this statement is optional, there is no default.

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1. The INCLUDE statement can be used anywhere in an sdbcomp source file.
More than one INCLUDE statement can be used within an sdbcomp source file.
However, nested INCLUDE statements are not permitted. For example, if an
INCLUDE statement is found within a source file that was included in the
current sdbcomp source file, the compiler will generate an error message.

2. An sdbcomp source file should not contain an END statement unless it is to be

the actual end of the sdbcomp source program. Compilation will stop when the
first END statement is encountered.

The above statement will read the file TEST33.SRC into the current program.

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The optional INIT_VAL statement is a field assignment for originated point
statements. This statement allows the user to initialize the value field for the
following point types:

Point Type Functions

Analog Sets the AV field and sets the quality to good.
Digital Sets Bit 0 of the DS field and sets the quality to good.
Packed Digital Sets the AV field.
Packed Group Sets the A2 field.
Packed Group Alarm Sets the A2 field, and sets the A3 field to 0.

INIT_VAL = value
value = Value is dependent upon the following point record types:

Analog = Real number.

Digital = 0 or 1.
Packed Group or Packed Group Alarm = Unsigned 16 bit
Packed Digital = Unsigned 32 bit integer.

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1. The INIT_VAL statement can be used only with originated points.

2. The INIT_VAL statement cannot be defined with the /DEF statement.


This statement sets the initial value of the originated analog point TA00 to 35.00.

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The optional LINE statement permits the user to define the number of lines in each
page of the sdbcomp output listing file. If the NOLIST option is specified by the
user, the LINE statement will be ignored and no error or warning messages will be

LINE is a non-echo statement (that is, it will not appear in the output listing file if
/LIST is specified).

/LINE = [=numlines]
numlines = Number of lines to be printed per page in the output listing
file. The value of numlines must be an integer value of 0 to
32767 (0 indicates that paging will be turned off and the
printer will form feed when paper is full). Users should
verify the valid number of lines for their printer

If no LINE statement is specified, or if the LINE statement is specified without the

“numlines” parameter, the default number of lines per page is 60.

1. The LINE statement can be specified anywhere in the input source file.

2. Multiple LINE statements are permitted. The number of lines specified in the
latest LINE statement will apply starting with the next page of the output listing
file, if LIST is specified.

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This statement specifies that 60 lines (the default number) will be printed on each
page of the output file.

/LINE =40
This statement sets the number of lines to be printed on a page as 40.

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The optional LIST statement specifies if the output list file should include the input
source file. The output listing file consists of a header on each page (title, page
number, sdbcomp compiler version, date and time of compile), a line numbered list
of the input source file (optional), TDM statistics, and a Point Directory log.

The optional NOLIST statement specifies that only errors, warnings, Point
Directory log, and the TDM statistics will be written to the list file.

LIST or NOLIST are non-echo statements (that is, they will not be in the output
listing file if LIST is specified).


- OR -


The default is NOLIST (only errors, warnings, Point Directory log, and the TDM
statistics will be written to the list file).

Multiple LIST and NOLIST statements can be used anywhere in the source file. The
LIST or NOLIST statements will turn on or off (respectively) the writing of the
source code to the listing file each time they are used.

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In the above example, all subsequent lines after the LIST statement (except non-
echo statements) are listed in the listing file, until the NOLIST statement. All lines
after NOLIST are not listed in the listing file.

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The NET statement is a field assignment statement for originated and received
points. This statement is used to specify which network the point will reside on. The
valid network names are defined in the SPD. (See Section 3 for information on
defining Westnet networks).

NET = name
name = Valid network name (up to eight characters)

The default value will be the value defined in the previous DEF statement.

If there is no previous DEF value assigned, and there is only one network defined
in the SPD, that network will be the default.

If there is no previous DEF value assigned, and there is more than one network
defined in the SPD, an error message will be generated.

1. All points must have a valid network defined (either specifically or through the
use of the DEF statement) unless only one network is defined in the SPD.

2. The network name can be changed for originated points. In this case, the SID
used in the previous network cannot be re-assigned unless the SPD is rebuilt. A
warning message will be generated in this case.

This example defines point DI100 as record type DI on Westnet network DAS.

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The NODEF statement disables the use of defaults for all required attributes. This
has the following effects:

• For an originated point defined in an sdbcomp source file:

— Required attributes RT, FREQ, SOURCE, and NET must be specified.

— Other desired attributes may be defined or the system defaults will be used.

• For a received point defined in an sdbcomp source file:

— Required attributes RT, FREQ, SOURCE, and NET must be specified.


If NODEF is not specified, the defaults is DEF, which permits system default values
to be used for all point attributes.

There are no parameters for the NODEF statement. The NODEF statement is in
effect until a DEF statement is found. The NODEF statement can be used anywhere
in the input source file and can be specified more than once in a source file. If
NODEF is specified, error messages s are generated if an originated point does not
have all of its required record attributes defined (RT, FREQ, SOURCE, and NET).

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The above statements assign no defaults to the point AMX101. The second
statement assigns the following characteristics to the point AMX101: AM record
type, a FAIL_FREQ of 0.1 second, a received point, on network DAS.

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PAGE allows the user to insert a page eject in the output listing file. If the NOLIST
option is specified by the user, the PAGE statement will be ignored and no error or
warning messages will be generated.

PAGE is a non-echo statement; that is, it will not be in the output listing file (if
/LIST is specified).


Since PAGE is optional, there is no default.

1. PAGE is an optional statement with no parameters.

2. PAGE can be used anywhere in the input source file. Multiple PAGE statements
can be used within one source file.

A page is ejected each time the PAGE command is encountered or when the number
of lines per page defined by LINE or the default number is reached.

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Point Declaration

Point Declaration
Point Declaration statements are used in the sdbcomp source file to define all the
attributes of both received and originated points. These statements consist of the
WDPF process point name, the required point attributes (that is, originated or
received point, record type, network, and frequency) and any optional attributes.

point_name, [SOURCE=s], [FREQ=f], [RT=r], [NET=n], [AUX=a],
[GP_NAME=g:b], [DU_DROP=dd], attr=value, …


point_name = Valid WDPF process point name

s = O for originated points
R for received points
f = Frequency to receive or originate the specified point.
S for 1.0 second frequency
T for 0.1 second frequency
E for extended point
N for non-periodic point
r = Valid record type (Refer to Section 6-3)
n = Valid network name
a = Optional auxiliary description (see AUX statement)
g:b = Optional mapped GP point name and bit number (see
GP_NAME statement)
dd = DU record drop number (only used for point with DU
record type) (see DU_DROP statement)
Default values cannot be specified for the AUX,
GP_NAME, or DU_DROP fields.

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Point Declaration

attr = Used for originated points only. Valid user-

initialized record field name for the specified record
type (RT).
Any number of record fields within the point record
may be specified in a single point declaration

CHARST is used as a record attribute name if assigning a set
of eight characteristics to the point. All the characteristics will
be stored in a point record in SPD and the first characteristic
will be stored in the AY field of an AI, AL, DI, or DL point.

value = Valid data value to assign to the specified record

field of the point. This value may be a real constant,
an integer constant, a hexadecimal constant, or a text
string, depending on the record field. For details on
the record fields for each record type see “Record
Types User’s Guide” (U0-0131).

The default values for each of the attributes will either be the system default values
or the default values specified in a previous DEF statement.

1. The attributes SOURCE, RT, NET, and FREQ must be specified for each point
declaration statement or defined using a DEF statement. The required attributes
must be specified before any optional attribute is specified.

2. If the system defaults are to be used, an empty DEF statement must be used
before any point declaration statement is used (see DEF statement). There are
system default values for SOURCE, RT, and FREQ. There may be a system
default for NET if the system has only one network (see NET statement for

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
Point Declaration

3. The user may change the current default values (or any previously defined
defaults) by using a DEF statement (see DEF statement for details).

4. The user may specify values in a point declaration statement for any user-
initialized record attributes within the point's record except point identification
(PN) (the point has already been named in the point declaration statement).
Error messages are generated if the user attempts to assign values to attributes
that are not user-initialized. To assign a value to an attribute, the user must know
the name of the attribute and the valid type of value for the attribute (see
“Record Types User's Guide” (U0-0131) for additional information).

Example 1:
A400,CHARST='MNOPQRST',LL=5.0, HL=100.0
Example 1 shows an empty DEF statement followed by a point declaration
statement. The empty DEF statement assigns the following system default values:
SOURCE=R; RT= AI; NET= ONENET (system has only one network),
FREQ=S (one second). The point declaration statement assigns the following
values to A400: Characteristics are MNOPQRST; low limit is 5.0; high limit
is 100.0.

Example 2:
Example 2 shows a point declaration statement that assigns the following values to
the point record A100: record type AI, on network DAS, broadcasts every 1 second,
is an originated point and has characteristics ABCDEFGH. Assigned alarm values
include: 99.0 for high limit (HL), 0.0 for lower limit (LL), 5.0 for incremental limit
(IL), 100 for full scale value (TB), and 0 for a display scaling factor (BB).

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Point Declaration

Example 3:

Example 3 shows a DEF statement that defines new defaults, followed by a point
declaration statement:

In this example, the DEF statement defines new default values. The point
declaration statements define points A200 and A300 as originated points being
broadcast every second on the DAS network. The record type AI is used for both
points. A200 has a high limit of 200.0, a low limit of 0.0, and characteristics of
ABCDEFGH. A300 has a high limit of 300.0, a low limit of 0.0, and characteristics

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PRI_DROP is used to define the primary drop number for a Windows NT Interface
Cont’d drop


/PRI_DROP = drop-number
drop-number = Integer from 1 to 253

There is no default for this statement. If this statement is not included in the source
file, no primary drop will be specified.

1. Only one PRI_DROP statement can be declared in a compile.

2. The PRI_DROP statement must appear before the first point declaration.

This statement specifies that the primary drop number is 145.

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The PRINT statement allows the user to include print control sequences for the
output listing file (for example, compress print mode). The print control sequence
code is an integer value between 0 and 255. Refer to the applicable vendor manual
for the desired control sequence code to send to the printer.

PRINT is a non-echo statement (if LIST is specified, PRINT is not in the output
listing file).

/PRINT = x,y,z…
x,y,z… = Control sequence codes for the printer. Up to 37 sequence
codes are allowed per PRINT statement (see the applicable
vendor manual for the sequence code numbers).


Spaces or commas may be used to separate

parameters in the PRINT statement.

Since the PRINT statement is optional, there is no default.

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1. The PRINT statement can be used anywhere within an sdbcomp input source
file. If the print statement is specified before the listing file is created, the
information is saved until the file is opened. After the file is opened, wherever
the PRINT statement is found, the specified control sequence(s) is (are) written
directly to the output listing file.

2. The control sequence code is an integer value between 0 and 255. Multiple
control sequence codes may be specified in one PRINT statement if a space or
comma is used to separate each sequence code. The sequence is output to the
printer as one character string.

/PRINT = 15,12
This statement issues print control commands 15 (condensed print) and 12
(form feed). (These number are specific to a Genicom® 1040 printer. Other printers
have different meanings for their commands).

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TITLE assigns a title to identify the source and output files. The title is used in the
output listing file (if LIST is specified).

TITLE is a non-echo statement. The statement will not appear in the output listing
file if LIST is specified.

/TITLE = ['text']
text = String of up to 50 alphanumeric or special characters,
enclosed in single quotes (a list of the valid special
characters is included in Section 6). If text is not specified,
the title will be all blanks.

1. The TITLE statement can be used anywhere in the input source file. Multiple
TITLE statements are allowed; the new TITLE will replace the previously
specified TITLE in the next page of the output listing file.

2. If the title is to appear on the first page of the listing file, the TITLE statement
must be specified before the LIST statement.

/TITLE = 'Project Number 29, Version A'
This statement will place the phrase in single quotes at the top of the next page of
the output listing file

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
6-6. Compiling the Source File

6-6. Compiling the Source File

The database source file is used to define all points originated by a Windows NT
Interface, and those which must be received at a specific frequency at a Windows
NT Interface.

The compiler, sdbcomp, performs the following functions:

• Parses the information from the database source file (see Section 6-2 and
Section 6-4 for details on creating the source file).

• Checks for errors in the source file and outputs any error messages to a list file.

• Updates the System Point Directory (using compiler information) (see Section
6-4 for details).

• Generates a data file to be used by the GHC Data Highway Controller to

initialize the drop database.


The output files will be placed in the current

working directory.

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6-6. Compiling the Source File

6-6.1. Using the Compiler Command Line


spd.dir must be signed out before it can be

updated by the compiler, sdbcomp.

The following illustrates the command line syntax used at a Windows NT Interface
to compile the database source file:

Default path is WDPF\SHC\BIN

sdbcomp [-g] [-i] [-l listfile] [-p spd_filename] databasefile.src

Command Line Options

-g Generates output file and updates SPD (acknowledges

If -g is set (and if there are no errors), this option generates the
output file ghcdbase.XXX (where XXX is the effective drop
number of this database file) and updates the point directory

If there are warnings, but no errors, the user will be asked if

the update file is to be generated and the spd.dir is to be

If -g is not set, sdbcomp will only perform a validity check of

the source file against the System Point Directory. The System
Point Directory will not be updated and the output data file
will not be generated.
-i Generates output file and updates SPD (ignores warnings).
If -i is set, the compiler will not prompt the user when only
warnings are found. Instead, the compiler will automatically
continue to generate an output file and update the System
Point Directory.
-l listfile Specifies name of list file.The default is the name of the source
file with an.lst extension instead of an.src extension.
-p spd_filename Specifies name of the System Point Directory (SPD) file. The
default is spd.dir.
databasefile.src Name of database source file that is to be compiled.

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6-6. Compiling the Source File


It is recommended to first run the compiler

without the -g flag.

Then, when all warnings and errors have been

corrected, the -g flag should be used to generate
a compiled file.

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6-6. Compiling the Source File

6-6.2. Normal Source File Compilation

During compilation, several status messages will appear to indicate progress.

PARSING databasefile.src. All files have been successfully opened and

the compilation has started with the parsing
of the files (checking for syntax and errors).
PROCESSING POINT XXX This message is output to the screen for every
200 points processed. The final appearance of
this line will be the actual number of points
processed. On-screen, the message will
overwrite the prior number. If the output is
redirected to a file, this file will contain all of
the PROCESSING POINT messages,
separated by control characters.
WARNINGS ## Indicates the number of warnings generated
during the compiling of the source file.
ERRORS ## Indicates the number of errors generated
during the compiling of the source file.
UPDATING point_dir_file_name This message is output at the beginning of the
update of the point directory.
GENERATING OUTPUT FILE This message is output at the start of the building of the database file. “xxx” is the
drop number to which this database applies.
DATABASE COMPILE Appears when sbdcomp has made a normal
COMPLETE: exit upon completion of the compile.

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6-6. Compiling the Source File

6-6.3. Compilation Error Messages

The table below lists the error messages that can be output to the screen during the
compile procedure.

Table 6-6. Compilation Error Messages

Message Description
DATABASE COMPILE ABORTED This message will be output when
sdbcomp makes an abnormal exit and
the compile attempt has failed.
FATAL ERROR--include source file failed to The include file does not exist or could
open not be opened in order to write to it.
FATAL ERROR--/INCLUDE syntax error This message will appear if the equal
sign is omitted from the INCLUDE
FATAL ERROR--list file failed to open The list file could not be created and/or
opened in order to write to it.
FATAL ERROR--point directory file failed to sdbcomp failed when calling for the
open specified spd.dir. Possible causes:
- file does not exist
- file is not a valid SPD
- file was not signed out for update.
FATAL ERROR--source file failed to open The source file does not exist or could
not be opened to be read.
FATAL ERROR--while retrieving network sdbcomp failed when calling for
data from the point directory network data.
FATAL ERROR--while updating the point sdbcomp failed when calling for SPD
directory information.
INVALID SOURCE FILE NAME Filename entered is not a valid filename.
WARNINGS WERE GENERATED- This prompt allows the user to decide if
CONTINUE? y [n]: the point directory should be updated
(this prompt will not be output if the -i
option is selected).
No is the default (selected by Enter
button or N).

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6-6. Compiling the Source File

6-6.4. Files Generated by sdbcomp

After the source file has been successfully compiled, two files are generated:

Default path WDPF/SHC/BIN

• Database output file (


xxx = Drop number to which this database applies.

• List file (databasefile.lst)

Database Output File

This file is created in the current working directory and contains all the point
information needed to initialize the drop database. This binary file will be generated
only if the -g option was set and if there were no errors in the compilation. This file
should be specified in the CONFIG.SHC file.

List File

The list file contains a line-numbered listing of the source file (optional), a point
directory log, any error or warning messages that were generated during
compilation of the source file, the total number of originated/received points, and
the number of TDM slices that are needed for the database (for each network).

The heading of each of the listing pages consists of the sdbcomp compiler version,
page number, date and time of compile, and a title. This title is specified by the user
within the source file by using the TITLE command.

Unless NOLIST is selected, a listing of the user’s source file program follows the
heading. Each line consists of a line number followed by the input line. The line
number corresponds to the position of the line in the source file. Command
statements that specify the format of the listing file are not echoed in the listing file
(that is, PRINT, TITLE, PAGE, LINE, NOLIST, and LIST statements do not appear
in the listing file).

Any errors or warnings detected during compilation produce a message that appears
beneath the line where the error or warning was detected.

The point directory log in the listing file contains an alphabetized list of the points
added to or modified in the point directory during the compile of the source file.

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6-6. Compiling the Source File

If NOLIST is specified by the user or by default, the listing file will only contain
error and/or warning messages and the line of source code where the error or
warning occurred (see the following pages for a sample list file).

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6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

The table below lists the possible error and warning messages that may appear in
the list file.

Error messages will result in no output files being generated. Warning messages
will typically result in output files still being generated.

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Message Description
ERROR-0-invalid directive A directive (keyword preceded by /) was not found in
the predefined list of commands.
ERROR-1-invalid number An entered number is not the type expected (for
example, expecting an integer and a real number was
entered, or a syntax error in the entered number, such
as 1.2.3).
ERROR-2-read error on include file An unsuccessful attempt was made to include another
source file (probably an invalid file) in the current
source file.
ERROR-3-read error on source file An attempt was made to read an invalid source file.
ERROR-4-syntax error A missing equal sign or an extraneous character was
detected after the command and before the delimiter
ERROR-5-multiply defined A duplicate drop assignment or a duplicate attribute
assignment in the same point declaration (such as
ERROR-6-AUX cannot be DEF'd An AUX statement cannot be defined with the default
(DEF) statement.
ERROR-7-invalid point name A point name must be eight characters or less, must
start with an alphabetic character, and cannot contain
any special characters or embedded blanks.
ERROR-8-reserved point name See “WEStation Graphics Language Reference
Manual” (U0-8211) for a list of reserved point names
that cannot be used.
ERROR-9-single quotes must be in An extraneous single quote was found.

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6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
ERROR-10-GP_NAME cannot be A GP_NAME statement cannot be defined with a
DEF'd default (DEF) statement.
ERROR-11-invalid field for this record An unrecognized attribute or one not permitted for the
type defined record type was specified (for example, high
limit field is not valid for digital points).
ERROR-12-field cannot be entered by A non-user-definable field has been entered (for
user example, PN or AY).
ERROR-13-drops must be defined At least one drop (PRI_DROP or BKU_DROP) must
before the first point is declared be defined before the first point declaration is entered
and no drop can be defined after the first point
declaration is entered.
ERROR-14-cannot nest include files Source files that are to be included in the current
source file cannot be nested (that is, the included file
may not contain an INCLUDE statement).
ERROR-15-/NODEF is set RT FREQ If the NODEF statement is set, the user must specify
SOURCE and NET must be entered the RT, FREQ, SOURCE, and NET attributes for any
before opts originated point defined in the sdbcomp source file.
ERROR-16-DU_DROP cannot be A DU_DROP statement cannot be defined with a
DEF'd default (DEF) statement.
ERROR-18-invalid SOURCE SOURCE assignments for points must be ‘O’ for
assignment originated or ‘R’ for received.
ERROR-19-invalid FREQ assignment Frequency assignment for points must be ‘N’ for non-
periodic, ‘E’ for extended, ‘S’ for 1 second, or ‘T’ for
0.1 second.
ERROR-20-invalid GP_NAME A point name must be eight characters or less, must
begin with an alphabetic character, and cannot contain
any special characters or embedded blanks. See
“WEStation Graphics Language Reference Manual”
(U0-8211) for a list of reserved point names that
cannot be used.
ERROR-21-SPD_bad_access Proper access to the System Point Directory has not
been granted. Verify the SPD has been signed back in.
ERROR-22-SPD_open_failed An unsuccessful attempt was made to open the System
Point Directory. Verify path and operation of the host
on which the SPD resides.

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6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
ERROR-23-SPD_invalid_spd The System Point Directory is corrupted.
ERROR-24-SPD_seek_failed The program failed when trying to find a location in
the file.
ERROR-25-SPD_read_failed The program failed when trying to read from the file.
ERROR-26-SPD_not_writable The program failed when trying to write to the file.
Verify the SPD is not signed out by another user.
ERROR-27-SPD_invalid_sid An invalid System ID was detected during SPD
ERROR-28-SPD_invalid_ptname An invalid point name was detected during SPD
ERROR-29-SPD_disk_I/O_failed A disk read/write error occurred.
ERROR-30-SPD_pt_not_found This indicates that the specified point was not found in
the System Point Directory.
ERROR-31-SPD_close_failed The program failed when trying to close the System
Point Directory.
ERROR-32-SPD_write_failed The program failed when trying to write to the System
Point Directory file.
ERROR-33-SPD_no_avail_sid There are no more System IDs available for
ERROR-34- The specified network name is an invalid name (see
SPD_invalid_network_name Section 3 for network information).
ERROR-37-SPD_DU-rec_defined The DU record for the specified drop number has
already been defined.
ERROR-38-SPD_invalid_DU_rec The DU record for the specified drop number is
ERROR-39-drop numbers are not Drop numbers must be unique for each Westnet
unique network
ERROR-40-SHARED_DROP is When SHARED_DROP is used to define the drop
defined without both PRI_DROP and number for the Drop Redundancy Record (DRR),
BKU_DROP values must be defined for PRI_DROP and

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6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
ERROR-41-invalid GP_BIT number The GP_NAME statement must have a bit assignment
of an integer in the range 0 - 15.
ERROR-42-PRI_DROP and When PRI_DROP and BKU_DROP are both defined,
BKU_DROP both defined without then SHARED_DROP must be defined.
defining SHARED_DROP
ERROR-43-no valid NET entered for All points must have a valid network assignment.
this point
ERROR-44-invalid CHARST A characteristic (CHARST) assignment must consist
assignment of alphanumeric, space, or hyphen characters and
must be exactly eight characters in length.
ERROR-45-record type class mismatch For an existing point, the value specified for RT is not
in the same class (for example, analog, digital, and so
on) as that previously specified in the SPD
ERROR-46-new record type larger The value specified for RT is in the same class but of a
than old on receive-originate point larger type than the RT previously specified in the
SPD (this message appears only for a received point
that was previously created as an originated point).
ERROR-47-network mismatch on a The specified network does not match the network
receive point. previously specified in the SPD (this message appears
only for received points; network changes are valid for
originated points).
ERROR-48-optional attributes are The only optional attributes permitted for a received
invalid for a receive point point are AUX, GP_NAME, DU_DROP, and
ERROR-49-required attribute entered The required attributes RT, FREQ, SOURCE, and
after optional attributes NET must be entered before the first optional attribute.
ERROR-51-originated point was A point cannot be originated by more than one drop.
originated by another drop
ERROR-52-receive point was A point cannot be received by the same drop that
originated by the same drop originates it.
ERROR-54-invalid frequency change Point frequency for a received point cannot be
to/from EXTENDED changed to/from EXTENDED.
ERROR-55-invalid frequency change Point frequency for a received point cannot be
ONE_SECOND to TENTH_SECOND changed to a faster frequency than specified in the

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6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
ERROR-56-invalid frequency change The frequency for a received point cannot be changed
from NONPERIODIC if it was defined as non-periodic in the SPD.
ERROR-57-GP assignment for a non- A GP_NAME cannot be assigned to a non-digital
digital point point.
ERROR-58-GP_NAME point is in A point with the same name specified for GP_NAME
directory but is not a GP point already exists in the System Point Directory but is not
a GP record type.
ERROR-59-GP_NAME point A point with the same name as specified for
previously declared but is not a GP GP_NAME was entered earlier in this compile but is
point not a GP record type.
ERROR-60-invalid record type The value of the RT attribute is not a valid record type.
ERROR-61-point is in directory but is A previously specified point that is not a DU type
not a DU point point cannot be changed to DU.
ERROR-62-DU point is in directory The name specified for a DU point has already been
for another drop assigned to another drop number.
ERROR-63-DU_DROP invalid for The DU_DROP attribute has been defined for a non-
non-DU point DU point.
ERROR-64-DU record already exists Only one DU record can be declared for a drop
for that drop number number.
ERROR-65-DU_DROP must be If the point being specified is a DU type with
assigned for received point SOURCE = R, the DU_DROP attribute must be
ERROR-66-DU_DROP must be An invalid drop number was used (valid range is 1 -
between 1 and 254 254).
ERROR-67-cannot receive primary A received DU record cannot be assigned to one of the
backup or shared DU record drop numbers specified for this compile.
ERROR-68-can only originate primary An originated DU record must be assigned to one of
backup or shared DU record the drop numbers specified for this drop database.
ERROR-69-token too long Maximum valid token length is 100 characters (Token
is a character group separated by white space as
defined by the parsing program. For example, LL=0.0
is considered to be three tokens; LL, =, and 0.0.).

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
ERROR-70-too many tokens Maximum valid number of tokens per source file line
is 30 (Token is a character group separated by white
space as defined by the parsing program. For example,
LL=0.0 is considered to be three tokens; LL, =, and
ERROR-71-string must be enclosed in A string (for any attribute expecting a character string)
single quotes must be enclosed in single quotes.
ERROR-72-DIAG_NUM must be in A value for the DIAG_NUM statement must be a
range 0 - 65535 positive integer in the range 0 - 65535.
ERROR-73-AUX string greater than 16 The AUX statement character string cannot contain
characters more than 16 characters (which must be printable
ERROR-74-String too long for record A string was entered that is longer than the maximum
attribute allowable size for the record field.
ERROR-75- Invalid IN assignment IN assignments for points must be ‘0’ for Alert Alarm
or ‘1’ for Information Alarm.
ERROR-76- Invalid record type for IN The value of the RT is not a valid record type. (Valid
assignment types are AB, AI, AL, DI, DL, BG, BN, and VC.)
ERROR-77- IN attribute cannot be An IN statement cannot be defined with a default
DEF'd (DEF) statement.
ERROR-78- Point Name too long for Point name was entered that exceeds maximum length
network and/or Record Type for the network and/or Record Type (eight characters
for eight-character network, or 16 for extended-tag
ERROR-79- Invalid record type for The value of the RT is not a valid record type. (Valid
INIT_VAL assignment types are Analog, Digital, Packed Digital, Packed
Group, and Packed Group Alarm.)
ERROR-80- INIT_VAL attribute An INIT_VAL statement cannot be defined with a
cannot be DEF'd default (DEF) statement.
ERROR-81- Extended SIDs not Extended SIDs (non-periodic points with a frequency
enabled for this network of 0.0) were not defined to be enabled for this
WARNING-0-shared drop not declared The FAIL_FREQ value has been entered in a non-
redundant system (value is not used).

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6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
WARNING-1-multiply defined - value A command which should be used only once has been
was changed to latest entry entered more than once.
WARNING-2-invalid fail frequency An equal sign is missing or the fail frequency value is
value - value not changed not ‘S’ or ‘T’.
WARNING-3-unexpected EOF-no / The file must end with an END statement.
END statement
WARNING-4-invalid /LINE entry - An equal sign is missing or the LINE value is not an
page size not changed integer number.
WARNING-5-TITLE syntax error - If the entered title is invalid (for example, no quotation
defaulted to blanks marks were used), the program defaults to blanks for
the title.
WARNING-6-record type class Point declaration defines a record type which does not
mismatch-new type used match the record type previously defined in the point
WARNING-7-record type size Point declaration defines a record size which does not
mismatch-new type used match the record size previously defined in the point
directory. The new type is used.
WARNING-8-record type size Point declaration defines a record type size which does
mismatch-old point type maintained not match the record size previously defined in the
point directory. The old point type is used.
WARNING-9-network mismatch-new Point declaration defines a network which does not
network used match the network name previously defined in the
point directory. The new network definition is used.
WARNING-10-characteristics Point declaration defines characteristics which do not
mismatch-new characteristics used match those previously defined in the point directory.
The point's characteristics are changed.
WARNING-11-frequency mismatch- Point declaration defines a frequency which does not
new frequency used match the frequency previously defined in the point
directory. The new frequency is used.
WARNING-12-frequency mismatch- Point declaration defines a frequency which does not
old frequency maintained match the frequency previously defined in the point
directory. The old frequency is retained.
WARNING-13-Digital point frequency A mapped digital point should have a one-second
is not ONE_SECOND broadcast frequency.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

Table 6-7. Listing File Error and Warning Messages (Cont’d)

Message Description
WARNING-14-Digital point already If a digital point has already been mapped to another
mapped to another GP point GP point, no mapping change will occur.
WARNING-15-New GP point will be If a GP point has been named for digital point
created for GP_NAME mapping, and that GP does not exist, the compiler will
create one.
WARNING-16-GP_NAME exists but Mapped GP points should have 0.1 second broadcast
is not TENTH_SECOND frequency frequency.
WARNING-17-drop_number Point declaration defines a drop number which does
mismatch-old drop_number not match the number previously defined in the point
maintained directory. The old drop number is used.
WARNING-18-point previously If a point is declared more than once, the latest values
declared - latest attributes used and attributes will be used.
WARNING-19-data entered after END Data appears in the source file after an END statement.
statement is ignored Any information entered after an END statement is

9/98 6-69 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
6-6. Listing File Error and Warning Messages

U0-2482 6-70 9/98

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
Section 7. Using WESAPI on the
Windows NT Interface

7-1. Section Overview

This section describes the use of WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface. WESAPI
is the programming interface used on several Westinghouse products to interface to
WDPF. The Windows NT Interface is one such product.

The following topics are discussed:

• Overview of WESAPI

• Use of WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface

9/98 7-1 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
7-2. WESAPI Overview

7-2. WESAPI Overview

WESAPI is a programming interface that enables access to WDPF functions and
information. Access to the following types of information is available.

• Point values

• Point statuses

• SPD (System Point Directory) data

• Point record attributes

• GPM messages

• WDPF date and time

• WDPF highway mode

Complete descriptions of the WESAPI functions are available in the Library

Routines section in (U0-8002) “WESAPI User’s Guide”.

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Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
7-3. WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface

7-3. WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface

This section describes the methods of developing software using WESAPI on the
Windows NT Interface. The descriptions here describe program development using
Microsoft Visual C++ version 4.x. Other development environments should have
similar options for program construction.

Software using WESAPI may be written in C or C++. The software may be window
based or it may be text based. Two rules must be followed when developing
software which uses WESAPI on Windows NT. In Microsoft Visual C++ these
options may be set inside the integrated development environment, or compiler and
linker switches can be used.

• The C runtime libraries must be linked to dynamically.

• The program must link to the multi-threaded version of the runtime library.

The Windows NT Interface installation procedure installs files required for program
development onto the system. These files can be found at the following locations











9/98 7-3 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
7-3. WESAPI on the Windows NT Interface

When building programs, the following rules should be followed.

• For source files that call SHC_ type functions, include SHC_PROTO.H in the
file. This file contains prototypes for all the SHC_ type functions.

• For source files that call SPD_ type functions, include SPD.h in the file. This
contains prototypes for all the SPD_ type functions.

• When linking programs, link in the file WDPFGHC.LIB. This points to the file
WDPFGHC.DLL which contains the actual SHC_ and SPD_ functions.

U0-2482 7-4 9/98

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

Symbols INIT_VAL 6-37

LINE 6-39
$SPD_HOME/SPD/spd.dir (location of master LIST/NOLIST 6-41
SPD) 5-7 NET 6-43
$WDPF_HOME/shc/config/ NODEF 6-44
(location of on-line SPD) 5-8 PAGE 6-46
Point Declaration 6-47
A PRINT 6-52
access type TITLE 6-54
compile-time 5-5 compile-time access 5-5
run-time 5-4 CONFIG.SHC
adding a point parameters 3-18
originated 6-16 constants (in compiler source file) 6-4
received 6-11
Alert Alarm 6-33 D
ASCII data 5-3 Data Highway Adapter cable 3-9
attributes for point 6-47 disconnecting 3-10
Auxiliary 5-2, 6-3 installing 3-9
Data Highway Controller
B See GHC.
BNC T-adapter 3-9 database compiler (sdbcomp) 6-1
BNC-to-N adapter 3-9 format 6-20
broadcast statements 6-19
frequency 5-2 database output file 6-60
buslist initialization 3-22 database source file 6-2
See source file.
C databasefile.src file 6-1
cables See source file.
Data Highway 3-9 DEF statement 6-25
Characteristics 5-2 default
characters (in compiler source file) 6-2 disable usage 6-44
CHARST statement 6-23 values 6-25
command line 6-56 DIAG_NUM statement 6-28
compilation messages 6-58 drop
compiler (sdbcomp) 6-1 primary 6-51
compiling 6-55 specified 6-30
using the command line 6-56 DU_DROP statement
errors or warnings 6-9 See also Point Description statement.
See also compiler statements.
compiler statements E
CHARST 6-23 eight-character networks 5-2
DEF 6-25 point names 6-6
DIAG_NUM 6-28 enclosure 2-5
DU_DROP 6-30 END statement 6-32
END 6-32 Engineering Units (EU) 5-2, 6-3
format of statements 6-20 English Description (ED) 5-2, 6-3
IN 6-33 environment variables 5-6

9/98 Index-1 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

error messages (during compilation) 6-9, LIST/NOLIST statement 6-41

6-59, 6-62
EXSID 3-28 M
Extended System ID (EXSID) points 3-28 messages
during compilation 6-58
F error messages during compilation 6-9, 6-
files required 59
NT files required 7-3 in list file 6-62
frequency (point) modifying point information
changes cause new SID to be assigned 6-18 for points created as originated 6-13, 6-18
changes for received points 6-13 for points created as received 6-12, 6-17
define 6-47
G NET statement 6-43
Gbus network
interface board (SGI) 2-6 names 6-47
interface cable 2-7 specifying 6-43
Genicom printer 6-53 NODEF statement 6-44
enclosure 2-5 O
functions 2-3 Originated Point Processor (OPP) 3-32
installation 3-3 originated points
standalone 2-3 See also IN, INIT_VAL, and Point
GHC card 2-4 Declaration statements.
GP bit position 5-3 source file rules 6-15
valid record types 6-15
H OS/2
hardware background task 2-10
installation 3-3
requirements 2-3 P
Packed Group (GP) 5-3
I PAGE statement 6-46
IN statement 6-33 PCH installation
INCLUDE statement 6-35 cables 3-9
incremental alarms 3-27, 3-29 GHC 3-3
Information Alarm 6-33 IGI 3-3
Information Alarm Configuration field 6-33 overview 3-2
INIT_VAL statement 6-37 software 3-14
PCH Package
L description 1-1
LINE statement 6-39 hardware 2-3, 3-3
linking programs 7-4 installation 3-1
list file 6-60 software 2-9
number of lines 6-39 startup 4-2
page eject 6-46 PNT.DIR file
print control sequences 6-52 validating 5-5
See also LIST/NOLIST statement. point
title 6-54 adding a point 6-11, 6-16

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define attributes 6-47 spd.dir.1 file 5-7

name 6-6, 6-47 file 5-7
source file rules (originated points) 6-15 spdcomp program 3-23, 3-26
source file rules (received points) 6-10 standalone GHC 2-3
Point Declaration statement 6-47 startup procedure 4-2
points Summary Diagram 5-3
non-periodic (checking) 3-28 defining 6-28
originated (checking) 3-30 System Identification (SID) 5-2
print control sequence 6-52 System Point Directory (SPD) 5-1
PRINT statement 6-52 accessing 5-4
printer file types 5-6
Genicom 1040 6-53 master 5-7
on-line 5-7
R organization 5-4
received points system requirements 3-14
source file rules 6-10
valid record types 6-10 T
record types time
define 6-47 Greenwich Mean Time 3-33
See also Point Declaration statement. local 3-33
valid for originated points 6-15 synchronizing 3-34
valid for received points 6-10 timekeeper 3-22
Reset Description (RS) 5-2, 6-3 TITLE statement 6-54
routines 2-10
run-time access 5-4 U
using WESAPI
S NT Interface 7-3
scientific notation 6-4
sdbcomp (compiler) V
files generated 6-60 valid point name characters 6-7
format 6-2
statements 6-19 W
Set Description 5-2, 6-3 warning messages (in listing file) 6-62
shared 2-10 WEStation drops
SHC card drop number 3-21, 3-24
addresses and files 3-20 WEStationDT
signout.log file 5-7 power up and operation status 3-12, 4-4
sign-out/sign-in 5-1, 5-7 status indicator descriptions 3-13, 4-4
source file 6-1 status indicators 3-12, 4-3
characters 6-7 WEStationDT hardware
compiling 6-55 Data Highway adapter cables 2-8
example 6-19 Gbus interface cable 2-7
format 6-2 SGI board 2-5
include files 6-35 transition panel 2-8
point names 6-6 Westnet.Drop_Number parameter 3-21
rules 6-10, 6-15 Westnet.Network_n.Buslist parameter 3-22
spd.dir file 5-7 Westnet.Network_n.Database parameter
updated 5-8 3-23, 3-24, 3-25, 3-26

9/98 Index-3 U0-2482

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C

Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming. Hiinc
parameter 3-27
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming. Loinc
parameter 3-29
Westnet.Orig_Points.Alarming. On parameter
parameter 3-28
Westnet.Orig_Points.EV_Quality parameter
Westnet.Orig_Points.On parameter 3-32
Westnet.Time.Localtime parameter 3-33
Westnet.Timesync.Network parameter 3-34

U0-2482 Index-4 9/98

Westinghouse Proprietary Class 2C
Date: 01/02
IPU No. 220
WDPF® Interim
Publication Update PUBLICATION TITLE
WESAPI for Microsoft Windows
NT User’s Guide
Revision 0, December 1996

Publication No. U0-2482

If your computer is equipped with a PGI card, refer to this IPU.

If your computer is equipped with an IGI card, disregard this IPU.

In various places throughout U0-2482, reference is made to the IGI card. Currently,
a PGI card is used in place of an IGI card. For purposes of software installation,
since the PGI card can be considered to be virtually identical in usage to the IGI
card, please substitute PGI for IGI throughout the manual. (If a difference exists, it
will be noted in this IPU.)

The PGI card is PCI bus based and has no jumper wires that require configuration,
while the IGI card was ISA bus based and did require jumpering.

This publication update contains the following additions and changes:

• A new software installation procedure is provided.

• Changes are provided for the CONFIG.SHC file.

• A new section for determining PGI card bus/slot number is provided.

1/02 1 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C
Replace Section 3-5.2 with the following new section:
Page 3-14 and 3-15

3-5.2. Install Windows NT Interface Software

Use the following procedure to install the Windows NT Interface software.

1. Verify that the Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 4.0 has been
installed onto the PC (See the appropriate Microsoft documentation for details).

2. Place the Windows NT Interface installation disk into the disk drive. (For this
discussion, assume it is the A: drive.) Run the program A:\SETUP.EXE. This
runs a standard installation program of Windows based software.

3. An introduction screen appears. Read the text shown and click on the Next>
button to continue (or use the Cancel button to abort the installation).

4. The next screen asks for the location where WDPF software will be installed.
The default location is the \wdpf directory on the boot drive. Click on the
Browse. button to change the directory or click on Next> to accept the path
shown and continue.

5. The installation program next requests the location of the runtime System Point
Directory, online.spd. Click change if desired, and click Next> to

6. You are now asked for a folder into which the installation program will place
some program icons. Select an existing folder, accept the default, or change the
name to something else. Select Next> when done.

7. A message box will now appear providing some detail about the screens to
follow. Read it and then press OK to dismiss it.

8. The next screen prompts for a WDPF Drop Number. Enter the number to be
associated with this Drop and then select Next>.

9. The next screen asks for the Highway Number to be associated with the first
PGI card. Enter a Highway Number and then select Next>.

10. The next two screens ask for the PCI bus and slot numbers that describe the first
PGI card. After entering each, select Next>.

11. This screen asks if more highways are to be configured. Is so, select Yes. The
screen will repeat, beginning with Step 9. If no more highways are to be
configured, select No.

12. This screen allows the user to see what has been configured. Answer Yes or No
as appropriate.

1/02 2 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C
13. If a highway has been accidentally configured, this screen will allow the user to
delete it. Answer Yes or No as appropriate.

14. If an erroneous entry has been made in configuring a highway, this screen
allows for modification. Answer Yes or No, as appropriate.

15. At this point, the files will be copied and various system files will be updated.
In order for the installation to be recognized by the system, it will be necessary
to reboot. To reboot now, select Yes and click on Finish. Otherwise select No and
click on Finish.

Replace Figure 3-7 with the following new figure:

Page 3-17

Westnet.Network_1PGI.Bus:1 (must be specified as decimal values)
Westnet.Network_1PGI.Slot:10 (must be specified as decimal values)

Figure 3-1. CONFIG. SHC File Example

1/02 3 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C
Make the following changes to Table 3-1:
Page 3-18 and 3-19

Delete the following table entries:

• Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Port: nnn

• Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Memory: nnnnn

• Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Interrupt: nn

Add the following table entries:

• Westnet.Network_n.PGI.Bus: b = The bus number ’b’ identifies the PCI bus to
which the PGI card is attached. This card will be associated with Westnet
highway number ’n’.

• Westnet.Network_n.PGI.Slot: s =The slot number ’s’ identifies the slot on PCI

bus ’b’ to which the PGI card is attached. This card will be associated with
Westnet highway number ’n’.

Delete the Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Interrupt section:

Page 3-24

Delete the Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Memory section:

Page 3-25

Delete the Westnet.Network_n.IGI.Port section:

Page 3-26

1/02 4 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C
Add the Westnet.Network_n.PGI.Bus section:
Page 3-24

This parameter is used to specify the PCI bus number to which the PGI card is

Westnet.Network_n.PGI.Bus: nn


n = Network number ((0 through 15) associated with the GHC,

as defined by the System Point Directory.
nn = PCI bus number expressed in decimal.


1/02 5 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C
Add the Westnet.Network_n.PGI.Slot section:
Page 3-25

This parameter is used to specify the PCI slot number to which the PGI card is

Westnet.Network_n.PGI.Slot: nn


n = Network number ((0 through 15) associated with the GHC,

as defined by the System Point Directory.
nn = PCI slot number expressed in decimal.


1/02 6 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C
Add the following new section, Section 3-5.5:

3-5.5. Determining PGI Card Bus/Slot Number

PC manufacturers frequently neglect to label the PCI expansion connectors with
bus and slot number. This makes it difficult to determine the appropriate values for
the CONFIG.SHC configuration file. The PGI driver offers some assistance in
solving this problem. After each reboot, the installed PGI driver appends to the NT
Event Log a status message for each PGI card that has been detected. The message
provides the necessary PGI bus and slot number. One such message is generated for
each PGI card.

The simplest way to install the PGI driver is to follow the InstallShield installation
procedure. During the installation, the user will be prompted for a bus and slot
number. Respond with any valid values. While these are unlikely to be correct, it
will at least allow the driver software to be installed on the system. Once the
installation has completed, power off the PC, install the PGI card(s) and reboot.
Once up and running, examine the NT event log. This is done by selecting:

Start > Programs > Administrative Tools (Common) > Event Viewer

Inspect the log entries whose ’Source’ is ’Pgidrv’. One such entry will be of the

Bus ’b’ Slot ’s’


’b’ = bus number of the PGI card

’s’ = slot number of the PGI card.

If the system is being configured with more than one PGI card, add them one at a
time and reboot after each addition. This will allow the cards to be differentiated
from one another. Once the bus and slot numbers have been determined, remove the
PGI software and reboot the machine. Once up, reinstall the package, this time with
the correct bus and slot numbers.

1/02 7 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C
Replace Section 4-4 with the following new section:
Page 4-7 and 4-8
Normally, there is no need to change any of the Windows NT registry entries. These
are set during the installation and should not need to be changed. They are
documented for reference.




Default "" // string

Start 2 // DWORD
Type 1 // DWORD
Group "ExtendedBase" // string
ErrorControl 1 // DWORD


Default ""
EventMessageFile %SystemRoot%\System32/Drivers/pgidrv.sys
TypesSuported 0x107

1/02 8 IPU 220

Westinghouse Process Control, Inc. Proprietary Class 2C

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