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Thread by @JoeAgneya: "Most

IndoEuropean tribes did not

remember where their
homeland was by the time
they composed literature. But
the ancient Zoroastrian text
Ve […]" #KnowYourRishis
Most IndoEuropean tribes did not remember where their
homeland was by the time they composed literature. But the
ancient Zoroastrian text Vendidad give a list of 16 ancestral lands,
none of which are in mainland Iran, but most of them are spread
over Afghan and & the Indus Valley

According to Aryan invasion theory the Indo-Iranians came from

the steppes & split apart in Bactria & went their separate ways,
Iranians entering Iran & IndoAryans entering Indus Valley. Under
NO circumstance are the Iranians supposed to be in the Indus
Valley. Yet here they are

Many of the important territories overlap with the Rig Vedic

Vaara- Vara Prithvya
Haroyu- Sarayu
Hapta-Hendu- Sapta Sindhu
Can the eminent historians explain why the two oldest Indo-
European texts describe the same places are their homeland?

The oldest home remembered in the Avesta is Airyana Vaeja. The

Sanskrit equivalent is the river Iravati. Shrikant Talageri noticed
that the territories seems to be listed in an Anti-clockwise direction,
the last one being close to the 1st. The original home of Iranians is

According to the Puranas the Anava tribe(proto-Iranians) inherited

the northern lands from Yayati while the Paurava(Indo-Aryans)
received the Southern lands. The literature leaves no doubt that
Indo-Iranians lived together in the Indus Valley for a long time.

But when Zoroaster was born & he established monotheist Asura

worship, hell broke loose & a great civil war happened. It was the
Asura worshipping Atharvans vs the Angirasa, Paurava vs Anava,
Zoroaster vs Rishi Rijisvan, King Vistaspa vs Maharaja Somaka.
Iranians lost that war.

This great civil war is remembered by both Iranians and Indians as

the 'Devasura' conflict. Ever since then, the word 'Asura' is evil in
the Indian mind. And 'Deva' means demons among the Parsis.
This war probably happened shortly after the collapse of the Indus

The final Devasura war was fought in southern Afghanistan.

Iranians lost. Zoroaster died in that battle. They were further
pushed out of the Kabul valley and forced into modern Iran.
The Paurava forces were led by rishi Rjrasva Angirasa & his patron
Maharaja Somaka Bharara

Rjrasva Angirasa, of the Kutsa Gotra. The man who made sure that
all of South Asia was inherited by the followers of Vedic traditions.
(I do not support any kind of violence, but facts must be

*Name correction Somaka Bharata is the son of Sahadeva Bharata,

descendent of Sudasa Bharata of book 7. By the end of the
Devasura wars, these two Bharatas controlled the Indus and the
Gangetic valley. All this information is preserved in book 4 of the
Rig Veda.

@AudreyTruschke It appears many people are confused by the

word 'Asura'. It does not= Rakshasa. It actually means 'divine'. Long
story short, over 6000 years ago, long before even the Rig Veda
was composed, the Proto-Indo-Europeans worshiped the 'old
gods'- the Asuras.

@AudreyTruschke But suddenly, something happened and a new

class of gods emerged in PIE society. Devas. This old gods vs new
gods dichotomy is seen among many branches-
Greece- Titans vs Oympians
Norse- Aesir vs Vanir
Indo-Iranians- Asuras vs Devas
Dyaush Pita and Varuna were the greatest Asuras

@AudreyTruschke But the Anava(Iranians) and their Atharvan

priests continued to worship the old Asuras. This caused great
tension between them and the Paurava(Indians) and their priests
the Angirasa. But they still co-existed peacefully for many
centuries, only indulging in theological disputes.

@AudreyTruschke But Zarathustra, the Prophet of the Parsis, the

great rebel, did something that changed human history itself. He
was an Atharvan purohit by birth. But he rejected even the
multiplicity of the Asura gods and said 'there is only one god and
his name is Asura Medhi'(Ahura Mazda)
@AudreyTruschke Zoroaster according to Iranian tradition itself
lived between 2000-1500 BCE. He created the first monotheist
religion and turned all Indo-European traditions on it's head. This
was the tipping point. Iranians and Indians could no longer co-
exist. The last great Devasura war began

As with everything I say, I only intend to convey the gist of the topic
in as few tweets as possible. For a proper understanding, do read
'Rig Veda: A historical analysis' by Shrikant Talageri. At the very
least the chapter on the Indo-Iranian homeland.

Avesta records that he died in the war but ironically the name
Zarathustra is not recorded Rig Veda. But all the other warriors are
named in both sources-
Arjaspa- Rjrasva
Vistaspa- Ishtashva
Humayaka- Somaka
Bidarfsha- Ambarisha

An enlightening map of the world in 500 BCE. I see 3 important

things to learn of it-

1.Within around 1000 years of the last Devasura war, the exiled
Anava(Proto-Iranians) went on to create the largest empire history
had yet seen,making an opportunity out of adversity

Everyone who stood in their way was vanquished. Ancient Egypt

fell forever. The great Sumerian states,Assyria, Babylon, the last of
the great Hittites, Elamites, even parts of Greece. They even took
back Afghan from the Indians. We could never match the extent of
this achievement
2. Note how much of mainland Europe was inhabited by the Celtic
tribes. Their priestly class the Druids preserved many features of
Vedic . They controlled vast territory then. The Teutons(proto-
Germanics) hadn't yet begun to spread. English is a language
derived from Germanic.

But under the Roman conquest and the later Germanic onslaught,
the Celtic tribes would be wiped out of mainland Europe and
cornered into the northern parts of modern UK(Ireland, Scotland).
Today, Celtic languages are facing extinction, near totally replaced
by English.

3. Of all the surviving branches of Indo-European tribes( Hittite is

already dead) only three are civilized by 500 BC- Indo-Aryans,
Iranians and Greeks-significant because these 3 were the last
tribes in the homeland around 3500-3000 BCE according to
linguistic chronology.

3500-3000 BCE was precisely when civilization was consolidating in

India. It was the phase of Early Harappa. No wonder the last 3 were
the 1st to get civilized long before the Celtic, Germanic or Slavic!
The Greeks,Indians & Iranians enjoyed civilizing influence together

Few people know this.

The first clash between monotheism & polytheism happened in

the Setumant valley of Afghanistan, 4000 years ago.

Proto-Parthian King Kavi Vistaspa(Istasva) & his priest Atharvan



Sahadeva & Somaka Bharata with their Purohita Rjrasva Angiras

We may call it the 'Varsagira battle' or the 'Last Devasura war'. The
results were significant-

1. Decisive Vedic victory

2. Permanent separation of the last two Indo European tribes

3. Death of Zoroaster

4. Contributive to the collapse of the Indus-Saraswathy


The cleverness of KakSIvAn Dairgatamas! Author of Rig Veda I.122.

Usually Indra is praised when Vedic Arya defeat enemies. But here
it is Mitra-Varuna!

Because Iranians revered Mitra & Varuna. He pours salt into the
wounds of defeated Iranian tribes!

People don't realize how important the Varsagira battle was to

human history. For the simple & singular reason that it was the
culminating instance of Indo-Iranian separation, it sent massive
ripples over history's timeline. Major Iranian tribes began an
exodus out of South Asia.

Which were these tribes?

Drbhika of RV 2.14.3(Derbikes)
The concurrent appearance of Indo-Aryans in the middle east-in
the Kassites & Mittani ruling elite- may even be a result of Indo-
Iranian conflicts or Harappan collapse or both.

It is a fashion nowadays to say 'Indians never invaded anyone'.

How ignorant and naive! Look at the map of the Mittani empire by
1400 BCE. A small group of Vedic Arya who spoke sanskrit &
worshipped Indra-Mitra-Varuna established an Empire across
Anatolia, Syria & Assyria.

A very informative map of the Indo-Iranian sub family. Within the

IE tree, Iranian is the closest group to Indo-Aryans.Their linguistic
split cuts neatly across the Indus valley- Telling us that Sapta
Sindhu is indeed the last place where Asura & Deva worshippers
lived together.

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