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18 cuned graphs Exercise 18.5 1 Find the points of intersection ofthe graphs and thus give the solution othe simutan,, cautions @) ® 3 2. Find the points of intersection ofthe following graphs by drawing the graphs. (@) y=¥andy=3e @) y=xand y= (© ya2-xand y=2"—5146 3. Usea graphical method to solve each par of simultaneous equations (@) y=x'-8x+9andy=2x+1 () yax'=2-6andy=2+x (0) y=dre dand y=2s—343 4 Show graphically that there is no value of x which satises the pair of equations y=tand yeax' +2x+3 simultaneously Other non-linear graphs ‘So far you have learned how to construct a table of values and draw three different kinds of g=t* «linear graphs (straight lines of equations in form of y= mx +) ‘@ quadratic graphs (parabolas of equations inthe form of y = x? +ax +b) ‘¢ reciprocal graphs (hyperbolas of equations in the form of y=) Tip ‘Yu are expected to deal with equations that have {tame with indices that, can be any whole number ffom=2103. When you hae to work with higher crder equations, they will fot contain more than three terms. 18 Curved graphs In this section you are going to apply what you already know to pot and draw graphs formed by high T order equations (cubic equations) and those formed by equations that have are) imear, quadratic reciprocal and cuble terms. Plotting cubic graphs ‘cubic equation has aterm with an index of thre asthe highest power of x. In oer words, fone ofthe terms isa, For example, y= 2s, y=—x' +24" +3 and y= 22° 4x aeall cubic ‘equations. The simplest cubic equation is y= 2" tbl putin: produce graphs called cubic curves. The graphs you will raw will have wo ai shapes: Ifthe coefficient ofthe» term is positive, the graph will take one of these shapes. Ifthe coefficient of the x term is negative, the graph willbe take one of these shapes. ‘You can construct a table af values and plot the points obtained to draw a cubie graph. Worked example 7 18 curved graphs As the value of increases the values of» increase rapidly andi becomes cifcuit tof them onto the graph. you have to consuct ‘your own table of values, sek to low numbers and, poss, inchide the half points (05, 1.5, ete) 10 find mote vais that wi fit onto the graph, Construct a table of values for whole numbers values of x first. Put each term in a separate row. ‘Add the columns to find y =x*~ 6x. (Remember not to add the top row when ‘ateulating y) Unit 5: Algebra Plot the points agai ‘the points against the axes and join them with a smooth curve. Using graphs to solve higher order equations ow ean se eubic graphs ond approsimatesltions to equations. Te allowing worked Worked example 9 sph ofthe equation y =~ 20-1 for =! jh to solve the equations: Dr 1=0 Construct a table of values of y for whole and hal values x a [oe] 2 | Ty fons | 9 | 0125 =05 Plot the points on the axes to draw the curve. (To solve x°— 2x*~ 1 =, find the points) on the curve that have 2 ¥ co-ordinate of 0 (ie. where the curve cuts the x-axis). ‘There is only one point (A on the graph). ‘The x co-ordinate of A is 2.2, so the solution of x? -2x°— 1 = Ois x= 2.2 ‘To solve x 2x° = 1, rearrange the equation so thatthe left-hand side is the same as the equation you have just drawn the graph for. ‘Subtracting 1 from both sides gives x —2x° - 1 =-2. "Now find the point(s) on the curve that have a y co-ordinate of -2 (draw the line y= -2 to help with ths), There are three points (B,, 8, and 8, on the graph). ‘The x co-ordinates ofthese points are the solutions of the equation. So the solutions of x*— 2x° = -1 are x=-06,x= 1 and x= 1.6 Rearrange the equation x° ~ 2x? - 5 = 0 s0 you can use the graph of y=x 281 to sohe it ‘Adding to both sides ofthe equation, you get x" 2x? 1 = 4. Find the point(s) on the curve that have ay coordinate of 4 (draw te line y= Ato help with thi There is only one pint (Con the graph). ALC the x co-ordinate is 27. The approximate solution i, therefore, Exercise 18.6 1 Construct table of values from ~3 (©) What co-ordinates satisty the (@ Which pep a rhe emuatons of Band D atthe same time? (©) Which graph i symmetrical about the y-axis? for each oft graphs A, B, Cand D, ‘e-ordinates ofthe intersection of ‘The graph of y=3° is drawn on the grid (0) Theale shows ome conn responding values of y =. cor te the table by filingin the misingvates nn? *Covantcommce he =1s |-1 [os] 0 Jos] 1 [is | 2 sas[ 4 [ 325[ 3 + [sas] 7 (b) Plot the graph of y= and the graph of y= »°+ 3 for-2.<.x2ona grid. (©) Will the two curves ever meet? Explain your answer Fi {@) By dang a sul stg neon the same gid sae the quan Gi) #+3=6 ‘Answer the whole ofthis question on graph paper. 06 1 LS | a) Pa atm vaisa] arel] vas 5 7° iss. [i-ay [jas [=a [Poss Pray [i 38 4 r Some of the values of y= are shown in the table above. Values ofyare given correct to 1 decimal place. (a) Find the values of p, q and r. Fait cet ncn ew pe 2_S for-065255. rar S pi, find the value of (correct oI decimal place) for which © — Rs (© From the gray ad (@) Draw the tangent to the curve at the point where x= I,and estimate the gradient ofthe curve t that point Unit 5: Algebra 401

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