Kiyavash Sefidvash - Science Fair Research Paper 3

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Which battery Last the longest

Kiyavash sefidvash


Physical Science

5th Period

Word count:672

Kiyavash sefidvash


Physical Science

5th period

This paper will discuss energy density of carbon zinc and alkine batteries and its

construction. The main difference between carbon zinc and alkine is the type of electrolyte used

in both batteries. We are going to discuss battery operation and use cases in our life.

Battery operation is essentially a chemical reaction between two types of material

causing movement of elctrones from the positive node to the negative node of the battery.

Connecting the positive and negative terminals of a battery to a device such as a light bulb will

cause a flow of electrons from one battery material to the other battery material through the light

bulb. ​To produce a flow of electrons, you need to have somewhere for the electrons to flow ​from​,

and somewhere for the electrons to flow ​to​. These are the cell’s electrodes. The electrons flow

from one electrode called the anode (or negative electrode) to another electrode called the

cathode (the positive electrode). These are generally different types of metals or other chemical

compounds (Mishcka).

The alkine battery construction is different from a carbon zinc battery. ​Chemically, a

typical alkaline dry cell battery has a zinc anode and a manganese dioxide cathode. The

electrolyte is a non-acidic basic paste. A typical electrolyte used in alkaline batteries is potassium

hydroxide (Boyer). Chemically, a typical non-alkaline dry cell battery has a zinc anode and a

carbon rod/manganese dioxide cathode. The electrolyte is typically an acidic paste (Boyer).

Although Alkine batteries last longer than carbon zinc batteries, carbon zinc batteries are

more cost effective. The overall consensus is that chemically, the alkaline battery has a slight

performance edge over a non-alkaline battery. However, non-alkaline batteries are dependable,

less expensive and interchangeable with alkaline battery use (Boyer).

We have used batteries for many things including our phones, electric cars , laptops and

much more. If we did not have batteries we would be immobile with our electronics. The amount

of time before our electronics are used, these batteries can only last us a time period before they

die. That's why they created rechargeable lithium batteries that reverse the electronic current for

batteries to do the oxidation process backwards. Rechargeable batteries can regacharged for only

certina amont of cycles. After a certain amount of recharging the battery will lose its charging

capacities. This happens because a reaction occurs when crystal ions are formed from each

power cycle. This makes rechargeable batteries in your smartphone tend to have less operating

time before it dies. The amount of volts also matters. Volts the amount of force in the electric

current. The​ three most basic units in ​electricity​ are voltage (V), current (I, uppercase "i") and

resistance (R). Voltage is measured in ​volts​, current is measured in amps and resistance is

measured in ohms (Roose).

A neat analogy to help understand these terms is a system of ​plumbing​ pipes. The voltage is

equivalent to the water pressure, the current is equivalent to the flow rate, and the resistance is

like the pipe size (Roose).There is a basic equation in electrical engineering that states how the

three terms relate. It says that the current is equal to the voltage divided by the resistance or I =

V/R. This is known as Ohm's law (Roos).

Finally batteries are made of toxic chemicals like lead, cadmium, sulfuric acid and

lithium. This is the reason to dispose of batteries properly. If the batteries end up in the landfill

they would secrete their toxic chemicals into the environment such as water, soil, animals and


My conclusion is that the alkine batteries have more charge capacity and will last longer

than carbon zinc batteries. Through my research I have observed that alkine batteries last longer

than carbon zinc batteries,but it will cost more.the general use for batteries varys. Batteries have

made a big advancement in technology that would not be forgotten. Batteries have also changed

from normal alkaline to lithium ion batteries. The advantage we have with batteries makes our

daily lives easier and more efficient.

Works Cited

Roos, Dave. “What Are Amps, Watts, Volts and Ohms?” ​HowStuffWorks Science,​
HowStuffWorks, 30 June 2020,

smith, Dan. “What's a Resistor - Tutorials.” ​CircuitBread,​ Copyright 2020 CircuitBread,

a SwellFox Project. Headquartered in Beautiful Downtown Boise, Idaho, 10 Dec. 2018,

Mischa. (2018, March 05). How a battery works. Retrieved January 05, 2021, from

Boyer, T. (2019, March 02). What Is the Difference Between Alkaline & Non-Alkaline

Batteries? Retrieved January 05, 2021, from

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