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Table of content
Title page

1.Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Project Objective and Benefit of project 4

1.3 Activity / Time Frame 5

2. Chapter 2: Industry Profile 6

2.1 Nature of industry 7

2.1.1 Characteristic of plastic 8

2.2 Situation of industry 1

2.2.1 Production 12

2.2.2 Process 13

2.2.3 Vision/Mission 15

2.3Strategy 16

2.3.1 Corporate Level 16

2.3.2 Business Level 16

2.3.3 Functional Level Strategies 17

3. Chapter 3: Market Feasibility Study 18

3.1 Market Feasibility Study 19

3.1.1 General Environment Analysis 19 19 20 and Environment 22

-Table Show about of Quality of Garbage 24

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

2 25

3.2Competion analysis 29

3.2.1Competitor analysis 29

3.2.2Competitive analysis 29

3.2.3Customer analysis 30

-Table show about value of polymer need of customer 31

3.3 STP Analysis 32

3.3.1 Market segmentation 32

3.3.1 Target Market 32

3.3.3 Product Position 32

3.4 Market Mix Strategy 33

3.4.1 Product 33

3.4.2 Price 34

3.4.3 Place 35

3.4.4 Promotion 35

3.4 Sale Forecast/Profit Estimation 36

3.5 Marketing Expense (Sale Incentive) 40

3.6 Market Feasibility Conclusion 43

4. Chapter 4: Technical Feasibility Study 44

4.1Technical Feasibility Study 45

4.1.1 Production and Operation Analysis 45

4.1.1 Product Characteristics 45

4.1.2 Production and service process 48

4.1.3 Location 53

4.1.4 Facility Layout 56

4.1.5 Building 58

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


4.1.6 Logistic management 59

4.1.7 Facility management 60

4.2 Cost of Investment 62

4.2.1Schedule of fixed asset 63

4.2.2 Schedule of cost of office equipment 63

4.2.3 Machine and equipment and building 66

4.2.4Depreciation of building 70

4.2.5Depreciation of machine and equipment 70

- Table of Depreciation from building 20 year 72

4.3Product and Operations 82

4.3.1Product and Operations cost 84

4.3.2Costs of public utility 86

4.3.3Schedule of the estimated cost of production 87

4.3.4Schedule of operation cost 89

4.4 Management Analysis 93

4.4.1 Organization management 93

4.4.2 Organization structure 93

4.4.3 Organization chart 94

4.4.4 Procurement personnel 95

4.4.5 Labor 95

4.4.6 Administrative cost 96 Depreciation of administrative expense 97

4.5 Conclusion 101

5. Chapter 5: Financial Analysis 103

Table 5.1: Finance analysis 104

Table 5.2: Loan principals 106

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Table 5.3: Income Statement 109

Table 5.4: Statement of Cash flow 122

Table 5.5: Statement of Balance Sheet 134

Table 5.6: NPV/Break Even/ IRR 144

6. Chapter 6: Risk Management 145

6.1 External Risk management 147

6.1.1 Supplier risk 147

6.1.2 Customer perspective risk 148

6.1.3 Competitive 150

6.1.4 Technology risk 151

6.1.5 Economic risk 152

6.1.6 Political risk 154

6.2 Internal Risk management 155

6.2.1 Communication risk 155

6.2.2 Fire risk 156

6.2.3 Employee risk 157

6.2.4 Finance risk 158

6.2.5 Risk of loan rates 158

6.2.6 Credit risk 159

6.2.7 Risk of liquidity 159

6.2.8 Leadership risk 159

6.3 Summary Risk management 160

7. Chapter 7: Summary 161

7.1 Summary 162

Appendix 165

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Chapter 1

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Nowadays plastic have more influence for lifestyle of consumer and have tend to
upward. From the quantity of consumer needs that have more increase make the quantity of
garbage from plastic that increase. Plastic is the material that have role in produce the product
in day life. Plastic recycle industry can make more profit because each type of plastic can be
reuse so this is new firm that very interesting for every investor. We can use plastic replace
material from natural such as wood iron arising from plastic have low density, endure,
flexible, low price, low weight and have more framework about usability because we can
produce plastic in many ways by choose raw material from requirement and can produce
plastic in many shape. For the raw material we use a little cost with raw material because it’s
easy to find and have more quantity so this is the part of advantage of raw material.    

  Investment in part of industry in Lamphun, Lamphun have industry spread every area
in each district but most of industry stand in Maung district and other factory  stand in Pasang
and Maeta. Each three district have area connection and have factor about raw material,
labor, transportation that can help to invest. Most of investments are invested in industries
that just depend on raw material or natural resource in this area.  In the present time the ways
for bring plastic to recycle are very popular in people many country and this idea can change
life of many people to save the world. Conclusion movement about investment in industry of
Lamphun in year 2010 between January-March, 2010.Lamphun have number of industry 922
factories, total of investment 84157 million baths and 70250 of labor separate to 2 parts

1. Industry that stand in zone of north industrial estate 75 factory, cost of investment
total 65823 million baths and have total of labor 43980.

        2. Industry that stand out of north industrial estate zone 847 factory, cost of investment
total 18334 million baths and have total of labor 26,270.Avariable from( Thai land Industrial

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


         Movement about investment in industry of Lamphun in 2010 found that state of
economic to investment in industry have slow down, when compare with quater1 year 2010
calculate to 12.86 and consider from permit business and expand business by have permit in
type 3 involve permit to invest business calculate to 45,500,000 baths and 76 employment.

          From state of investment in industry of Lamphun found that have investment in part
of plastic industry amount 1case calculate to 73.40 percent. For the factor that have effect to
investment in industry of Lamphun in this quarter is effect from oil prices and economic
problem but investor especially investor in this area still be believe in investment and have to
invest continuously and can saving little money.

          From the observation that we have traveled to the different place not only in the city
but also the country side found that have shop that people can transfer the trash such as
plastic, glass and so on. Moreover, a lot of people try to help each other to separate the trash
and recycle it at the factory which is interested. Government tries to get rid of the trash by
decrease the capital that the trash that getting from the trash are enough to recycle to make
the new products. Available from (Department of local administration, 2008)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Objective of project

          1.  Analyze requirement of market, risk and measure to improve efficiency of

product<try to get accept from customer>.

2. Recommendation strategy, measurement, planning and project in type of improve

efficiency when produce the plastic product and improve capability in industry competitive.  

        3. Analyze (Feasibility) of plastic recycle industry firms by focus on raw material,
logistic technology, area of factory, information of investment, law and other factor analysis.

       4. Recommendation strategy about plastic industry by focus on strategy and factor that
have effect to achievement of industry.

Benefit of project

1.       Most efficiency in delivering services

2.       Improved/increased/enhanced customer satisfaction

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3.       Enhanced effectiveness in delivering services

4.       Improved growth and development within team

5.       Greater standing and competitive edge

6.       More opportunities to expand services

7.       Better Flexibility

8.       Increased risk assessment

9.       Increase in Quality

10.     Increase in Quantity

Time Frame

Activity Time/day Nov.-Dec.(2010) Participants

5 10 1 20 25 30 5 10


2.1Source Material
2.4Customer behavior
3.Collected Data
4.Analysis Data
6.Imprementation of


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Chapter 2
Industry Profile

Industry Profile
3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Nature of Industry

            Nowadays the productions of plastic have a role in human life.  We can see in
household appliances such as cup, plate, enamelware, cistern, and implementation. The
material in house such as desk, chair, toy, bottle of water, plastic bags from this material have
produce from plastic when its damage and was to leave then it’s can make big pollution and
increase every times this problem can result to environment.

               From the reason that production from plastic cannot degradation and have effect for
environment so the way to recycle plastic can give the benefit for social and environment, it’s
the ways to create resource and have a good efficiency. In present times have many factories
that produce plastic instrument from plastic recycle this operation to decrease cost and sell in
low price. Many factories that recycle plastic situate in Bangkok but most of problem from
factory is wage, raw material and transportation that can make consumer in countryside just
to buy plastic in high price.

                   The group of plastic industry have 2 types are polymer plastic and production
plastic industry that plastic in first type just to produce many kind such as PE, PP, PS, PVC
and ABS this plastic produce for material and sent to plastic industry then plastic industry
operate and produce plastic in many quality such as gap, film, tube, plastic tube, wall, tape.
From the information plastic industry have involve with other industry in type of Backward
Linkage and Forward Linkage.

Characteristic of plastic

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Polyethylene Terephthalate -- Pete Description:

Light weight, low-priced, and easy to fabricate, Polyethylene Terephalate Ethylene
is the most prevalent plastic material in use today. PET is primarily used in beverage bottles,
food receptacles, and peanut butter containers. It can be remade into polar fleece, fiber,
carpet, etc. The requirement for this plastic among recyclers is relatively strong, but at
present, the recycling rate for this material has remained low at 20%.

High Density Polyethylene -- HDPE Description:

High Density Polyethylene is more durable and more impervious to chemical
degeneration, this material poses a relatively low chance of spreading chemicals when used
as container for food and drinks. It is largely used as containers for everyday household
chemicals (shampoos, degreasers, etc.), juice bottles, milk jugs, etc. This can be reused into
floor tile, drainage, new HDPE bottles, pipes, etc.

LDPE - Polyethylene

Description: LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) LDPE is the material present in

plastic bags, clothing, furniture’s etc. Resilient and flexible, it is perfect for packaging,
insulation, and sealing. LDPE, through many curbside recycling programs, can be
reconstituted into cans, compost bins, and landscaping tiles.

PP -- Polypropylene Description:
Polypropylene is most suited for boiling fluid receptacles and is likewise made into
brooms, straws, ketchup bottles, etc. PP can be reprocessed into rakes, brooms, trays, etc.

PS -- Polystyrene

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Description: PS is the top component for insulation and is used in foam products
like expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly known as Styrofoam. It is found in carry-out
food containers, meat trays, and CD cases. PS contains benzene, a cancer-causing substance
and should not be burned. It is reprocessed into insulation, packaging, plant beds, etc.
OTHER signifies materials not belonging to any of the other 6 resin categories.
OTHER may also signify a hybrid resin made up of a mishmash of those materials. It is
mainly found in children feeding bottles, flak jackets, business signages, and five-gal
lon water jugs, etc. It can be recycled into plastic planks and other tailor-made objects

Available from (Polymer recycling, 2000)


The processes of plastic recycle start with screen type of plastic, arising from each
type of plastic have different property such as melting point, density, hardness, limpness,
transparency. When screen type of plastic already plastic will be compression likes mass
and sent to plastic factory. Factory will be clean and mash plastic<this process dust and
squalor will be remove>, then plastic that clean already will be fuse by extruder and change
to be line, and then cut in little pieces and contain in box. If fuse process use only plastic
polymer<recycle>, physical property will be decrease so sometime factory need to bring
new plastic and mix with plastic recycle, it can get good property more than use only plastic
recycle. The example of plastic will be show with number that specify in container. (World
Plastic Industry, 2010)

Therefore plastic 3Gs recycle from our company understand and recycle waste from
many people, we operate with organization in Lampoon and other province to make center of
plastic recycle.

Situation of Industry

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Lampoon has industry area and has a number of population increasing in this area,
Lampoon have more problem about garbage, Lampoon have center to eliminate garbage 11
place and Tambon Administration Organization of Lampoon in October 2550. For the last
time Lampoon just to find the garbage problem because not have area to reduce so Lampoon
needs to sent this garbage in to private because want to eliminate this problem. Available
From(Plastic Recycle,2008)

Lamphun have number of industry 922 factories, total of investment 84,157

million baths and 70,250 of labor separate to 2 parts

1. Industry that stand in zone of north industrial estate 75 factory, cost of investment
total 65,823 million baths and have total of labor 43,980.

2. Industry that stand out of north industrial estate zone 847 factory, cost of investment
total 18,334 million baths and have total of labor 26,270.

The part of industry investment in Lamphun province, Lamphun has industry spread
every area in each district but most of industries stand in Muang district and subordinate are
stand in Pasang district, Maeta district. Every three district have consecutive zone and have
factor in part of raw material, labor, transportation that can help to invest. Most of
investments are invested in industry that depends on law material and natural resource.

Quantity of waste in each day there are more than 37,000 tons or 13.5 million tons
per year, but an institute relate can manage only 60-80%, and 20% in this waste to induce
bury correctly. Other it’s decay naturally which this part cause environment problems and so
dangerous for health of people in the neighborhood. Available From(Plastic Recycle,2008)

Situation problem of waste from the community in Lampoon where has the industrial
area. There are also increasing the number of latent populations are concentrated in industrial

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


areas, increasing so fast of economic growth and industry. The most waste leaved in the
society that is the main commercial, transport and tourism. Nowadays, industry in Lampoon
province gets to effect from problems of waste. Moreover, everyone need to know hurry up
the solution because one part of waste problem effect to the air pollution. Available
From(Lamphun Province,2008)

Therefore, if plastic 3Gs Recycle Company is located in Lampoon province can

make our company have the raw material for processing. Because plastic products when the
end user or single-use disposable. It was cheaper to leave the garbage. Plastic waste has a
larger population of the current popular products are no substitute, and can we be assured that
we will have any material current.


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Products made from recycled plastic are generally categorized according to the
production of 2 types of products made from recycled plastic model used Injection Molding
Machine and spray Molding Machine by using plastic Injection. Molding is a product that is
small. The plastic used to spray Molding Machine products are large.

The domestic market of products made from recycled plastic, most customers will be
middle to lower levels in the products used in everyday appliances such as home appliances
and so on. Because plastic products recycling was defined as a quality product that may not
be equivalent to the plastic products made from pure polymers. But to take advantage of the
price of which is cheaper and suitable for the current state of the economy with low
purchasing power and prudence in decision making in the consumer goods market, so it is
ideal for consumers who are middle-income and low income.

The Most of products made from recycled plastic such as plastic household products
which have a lot of cases, and in conditions of high competition. Therefore, the development
of product design to date and meet the needs of consumers, it is important to usurp market
share of products made from recycled plastic. The general distribution channels of products
made from recycled plastic in the country.

1. The company has sold itself to the issue of dealing with wholesaler or shops.

2. The small traders will have to bring the property as collateral.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


The Processes

Waste separation plan


Plastic grinder Plastic ground

plastic resin plastic line fusion machine

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Type of plastic from the manufacturing process

Recycled plastic to produce a standard quality, beautiful color and features a reliable
in large quantities. The Type of plastic as its main products include plastic HDPE, LDPE
resin and plastic PP-HOMO, PP-COPO that range in color and meet the needs of customers,
For example, blown bottles, bags, injection blow, job pulling long an line, pipe, or plastic
containers or spray equipment and plastic parts of other products.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



The Company intends to recycle plastics plant in the North leading by following
the rule of law and environmental management is required.

Plastics recycle is a manufacturing company dedicated to converting waste plastic
materials into commercially viable products, utilizing environmentally friendly recycling and
manufacturing methods. We intend to make enough profit to generate a significant return for
our investors and to finance continued growth and continued development in quality
products. We will also maintain a friendly, fair, and creative work environment, which
respects diversity, new ideas and hard work.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Business Strategy

Corporate Level

Vision1 – Strong industry support including have a system of production and delivery of
innovation and effective.

Vision2 – In the North, Our Company of the most important is a base on type’s plastic of the

Vision3 – The advantage in the competition, it can increase productivity by developing and
applying technique itself.

Vision4 – Industrial plastic products will use to clean technology by reducing waste and
minimize pollution for comply with environmental standards.

Vision5 – That product, we have used waste plastic materials to recycle, to develop a product
with high value add without destroying the environment.

Business Level

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


1. Because our company is located in the area of raw materials, also raw materials at low
cost. When raw materials prices low, we can sell products at prices up lessons can be.
Result, we have opportunity to select form more customer.
2. Our company has efficiency technology in the production process; it doesn’t result in
toxic pollution.
3. Our company’s transportation system has a standard and can ne warranty product
until transportation is completed.

Functional Level

Our company has been recycle waste plastic materials to develop a product add higher
value by damaging the environment.

1. To have mechanisms in isolation, collection and disposal.

2. A sense of separation and waste.
3. To have a law to separate waste before leaving.
4. To promote the investment recycle materials in manufacturing.
5. Promote to use plastic product recycle.
6. Encourage industry to use clean technology to reduce plastic pollution by providing
tax incentives and cooperation to finance investment. Promote the adoption to use
materials and waste recycling.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Chapter 3
Market Feasibility Study

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Market Feasibility Study

General Environment Analysis


Many years ago government just to use high cost to decrease number of waste more
than $10,000 million dollars in each years. This cost government use to service population
but many part of government decision to invest this cost with private and corporate to
recycle. From this corporation is part of choice to eliminate waste so this problem can be easy
to solve because this ways can decrease pollution, help to save environment and increase
efficiency of resource management by modern technology.

Garbage 63.6% iron 2.1%

Plastic 16.8% fabric 1.4%

Paper 8.2% wood 0.7%

Glass 3.5% rubber 0.5%

Thai political government (9 May 2009)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



From the status and opportunity in type of marketing to invest plastic recycle industry,
the economic research of Kasikorn bank found that in 2010 the main to produce plastic in
Thailand have rise more than 2.4 million ton and expect that it’s just have more over 4
million ton or 50% of all power to produce plastic. These’s information result to Thailand can
produce for export increasing and expect that the value plastic of Thailand to world market in
2010 can be increase from 2009 about 5-6%. The percentage of increasing tend to recover
economic and can help plastic needs more expand while the cost of crude oil tend to increase
then the price of plastic can tend to be increase in same direction. Available From (ศูนย์วิจยั กสิกร
ไทย, 2008)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry







2548 2549 2550 2551 2552

Plastic production have important role to the export of Thailand. In first 10 month the
value of export about $892 dollars and can still be in top17 of export production, this can be
expand in the annual rate over 15.78 by compare with last year<at the same time>.

From all of plastic circle can be separate in 2 groups

1. (Labor Intensive) such as bag, sack, film.

2. (Value Added) such as home appliances, office equipment, package and costume.

The factor that can support plastic industry of Thailand can be potential such as

 Thailand has to produce plastic in many type that use for material of plastic
 Plastic recycle of Thailand can be produce plastic many type to satisfy
 More expansion of industry about plastic in many countries such as electronic
industry, motor industry.
 The number of consumer need will be expand every times, it’s can make
plastic market growing.

Available form:

Lamphun have number of industry 922 factories, total of investment 84,157

million baths and 70,250 of labor separate to 2 parts

3. Industry that stand in zone of north industrial estate 75 factory, cost of investment
total 65,823 million baths and have total of labor 43,980.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


4. Industry that stand out of north industrial estate zone 847 factory, cost of investment
total 18,334 million baths and have total of labor 26,270.

The part of industry investment in Lamphun province, Lamphun has industry spread
every area in each district but most of industries stand in Muang district and subordinate are
stand in Pasang district, Maeta district. Every three district have consecutive zone and have
factor in part of raw material, labor, transportation that can help to invest. Most of
investments are invested in industry that depends on law material and natural resource.
Avariable from( Lamphun Province,2008)

Social and Environment

Nowadays Thai people more than 60 million person can make garbage more that 14
million ton per years by average one person can produce garbage 0.6 kilogram per days.
Every area of country has garbage 39400 ton per days, while Lampoon has average garbage
85.2 ton so this is the things that garbage problem. Most of garbage come from material that
we not get benefit such tab, plastic boxes, broken glass. If we plus the number of this garbage
its have shape likes building. It’s cannot believe that we can control and eliminate garbage
not be equal 70% of each garbage that happen. Garbage will be remaining in many places of
country and make many problem, such as pollution, smell. The number of population that has
increase can effect to garbage increase in the same times.   

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Show quantity of plastic waste can recycle in Lampoon municipal area is

responsible of regional environment office1.

Population Quantit The rate of waste Quantity of plastic Quantit The rate
(people) y of (Kilogram/people/d waste that have y of of
plastic ay) potential for recycle plastic recycle
waste waste
(tons/d for
ay) tons/ Percentage recycle
day (%) (tons/da
93,758 73.203 0.78 67..8 92.65 41.864 57.188

Source :( Resources and Environment, Lamphun Province., 2010)

Our company has to choose the best location for plastic recycle industry, our company
know that the operation to produce plastic just to have effect for people around factory such
as noise, smell and pollution. So from this information will be result for over company can
produce plastic recycle without problem from other in this social.

Garbage and other trash

               Problem about garbage can separate in 2 types, first is area that support garbage in
each days and cannot find the area to support other garbage, arising from population and
organization in this area not understand about the process and resist building area that
government build to support garbage so it’s have more effect about environment. Other
problem that happen is garbage problem in community because it loss about truck that use to

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


transport the garbage outside this area and have a number of truck inadequate, so this
problem will be happen.
                   In the addition the expansion of economy and government effect to have more
population travel in Chiang mai continuously to travel, Knowledge or investment in
marketing, firm so it’s make more garbage continuously.

Table that show about the quantity of garbage in community of Lampoon<2003-2007>
Month Quantity of garbage in community (ton)
2546 2547 2548 2559 2550
January 2,220.45 2,250.91 2,432.70 2,788.33 2,630.22
February 2,059.61 2,030.56 2,427.23 2,501.41 2,744.70
March 2,228.39 2,247.10 2,611.67 2,695.15 2,622.74
April 2,198.65 2,241.71 2,466.16 2,744.34 2,552.41
May 2,564.84 2,334.43 2,841.32 2,915.76 2,758.98
June 2,351.83 2,431.04 2,584.28 2,776.03 2,753.57
July 2,399.19 2,557.71 2,720.25 2,681.69 2,773.96
August 2,393.21 2,513.72 3,699.84 2,832.68 2,821.78
September 2,278.25 2,382.63 3,026.85 2,687.24 2,611.54
October 2,155.31 2,300.30 2,720.02 2,560.52 2,703.70
November 2,363.11 2,205.84 2,590.80 2,477.54 2,697.19
December 2,213.74 2,231.71 2,687.80 2,469.86 2,742.94
Total 27,265.75 30,241.39 32,808.91 32,130.56 32,413.74
Average/ 74.700673 82.8531355 89.887437 88.028927 88.80477

Information at (garbage in community of Lampoon January 2008)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry




             Plastic and Environment

                            For the advance technology and new innovation, plastic can be more type
and colorful. Plastic have more property that very interesting so plastic can be accept from
other people easily. From this information the ways that bring plastic to recycle are very
popular because it can help to reduce the garbage and pollution. Technology development in
many years ago can separate the ways to recycle plastic in 4 types that are:       

·         (Primary recycling)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


·         (Secondary recycling)

·         (Tertiary recycling)

·         (Quaternary recycling)

1. Primary recycling
  This ways will be bringing the plastic bottle or plastic in same type repay to use again
by recycle in factory and mix with new plastic in appropriate

  2.   Secondary recycling

                Secondary recycling or the process to melt plastic that use already. This ways will
be clean cut and melt then formed the plastic again. This ways can separate in many

 (Mechanical recycling)
This is easy technique and very popular in every days, the process is keep the plastic
that use already separate in many type and grade then wash this plastic and cut in little pieces,
when cut already melt this plastic recycle for repay to use. In the process of melt factory need
to mix old plastic with new plastic for efficiency property. If factory use only plastic recycle
to melt the quality or property of plastic will be decrease.  

 (Chemical modification)
     Arising from plastic have compact about property and function to use so the ways to
improve chemical can be reduce this compact or can make the property of plastic recycle
likes new plastic. This ways can use in mix plastic or pure plastic, if pure plastic it improve
by increase chemical or radiation and use compatibilizer with mix plastic.                                

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


  (Coextrusion and Coinjection moulding)

   This is part of technique of recycle that use to package that just to contact with food by
this plastic have structure likes sandwich and can durable with tension, wrinkle and have
3.        Tertiary recycling

                  Tertiary recycling can separate in 2 types that are:      

 (chemical recycling)

   This process will be make the structure of polymer split or call (Depolymerisation)

and get the (Monomer) or (Oligomer) that is production can bring to refine and crystallize so
it’s a high quality of base substance or PET.

o   (Thermolysis)

   The structure of PET can be expansion or we call thermolysis and separate in 3

things that are

·         (Pyrolysis )

·         (Gasification)

·         (Hydrogenation)

Pyrolysis: is the process that makes the structure of polymer expansion and get the liquid
substance that we call “Synthetic crude oil”. This substance can repay to use in refinery and
reuse to get fuel in this process.  

Gasification: is the process that makes structure of polymer expansion by use

thermolysis. This process find in high temperature that we call “Pyrolysis” and get syngas
that involve carbonmonoccide ang hydrogen.

Hydrogenation: is the process that come from distillation process by use catalyst by the
obligation of PET will be cut and expand to find with hydrogen in pressure more than 100

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


and have cracking then increase hydrogen so this process can get liquid fuel such as gasoline
or diesel.

4. Quaternary recycling

Plastic can bring to use in alternative fuels because silk of plastic have heating value
close with coal (23 MJ/kg), help to burn wet garbage and reduce number of garbage.

Although nowadays plastic recycle not more popular but its get interest from many
people especially when we focus on environment. The ways that bring plastic that use already
to recycle can save natural resource and for the next century that have more innovation and
technology, people in this times may be change the views about plastic and recycle plastic for
save the environment.

Our main business involves the production of recycles-graded plastic pellets. We have a
large customer base and accessed to a large amount of raw materials in the region. Our
machine includes several extrusion machines, grinders, washers, dryers and others. Thus, we
are able to supply a good and reliable quality of recycles-graded plastic resin at a large
quantity. Our major inventory contains a large volume of HDPE, LDPE and PP resins with
various colors and customized specifications. Our sale department currently deals with both
domestic and international scrap traders.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Competition Analysis (3C Analysis)

Competitor Analysis

Our company have total of competitive 5 factories. Most of competitive that produce
polymer is 1 factory.

Lamphun Kijpramote incorporation can produce polymer 60 ton/year that

Inadequate for customer needs that needs 1468 ton/year. We can find that our company have
more opportunity in this market arising from our company have more power to produce
polymer 220.2 ton/year or 15% per year and other 4 factory are factory that produce about
first step of process.

- Mae Ta plastic is the company that has power to produce 200 ton/year.

- TP jrean Company is the company that separate plastic and have power to produce
200 ton/year.

- TVP plastic incorporation is the company that mash plastic and have power to
produce 720 ton/year.

- WMS Deblow Corporation is the company that separate plastic and have power to
produce 72 ton/year.

From each 4 factory cannot produce plastic and recycle but they produce a lot of
process of recycle.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Competitive Analysis

Our company has used strategic supply chain management and strategic management,
in solve a problem is very benefits to the company. Moreover, it is a tool for increase the
potential competitive for the advantages to complete with the company.

After this something interesting are build a machine that includes all the processes
together use less control person. And if there is a small set can move in the mobile car, so it’s
the new innovation to create significant revenues.

One more interesting is recycle box or small container and direct of bought at
community and then classify at the cabinet of purchase. When the cabinet of purchase full,
changed a new cabinet and are going to recycle factory. Then process is polymer and then
delivers to smelter immediately which used strategic supply chain management and strategic
management can help to reduce the procedures and reduce cost as well.

Competition analysis is the base of factor that has more effect to capability to
competitive. In plastic industry the important factor is industry need to have good raw
material to support the quality of plastic and increase trend of competitive advantage such as
cost of plastic, efficiency to produce, value of plastic product; for this advantage can make
more profit and good with other plastic industry such as package industry, car industry or
electronic industry.

In the competitive of industry plastic polymer still be a strong tool that can help
improve plastic industry in Thailand to achievement. Source :( Industry Thai land 2007)

Customer Analysis

Customer analysis makes the advantages of competitor because customer analysis is

important make to know customer that you want. That is customer satisfaction mean levels of
satisfaction for respond the needs of customer. Customer will evaluate to product or services
that can response their need as expect or not. Our company use strategy about “Meeting the
customer’s requirement” by survey and talk with customer that what they want and our

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


company can satisfy or not, then make plan and objective with customer, in the other hand
quality are very important for satisfy customer.

Table show about value of polymer needs of customer or factory about plastic in

Manufacture of plastic products Value of polymer needs

Produce plastic bags <Pasang plastic> Polymer 25 ton / year

Produce cistern <Doiti crane incorporation> Polymer 50 ton/ year

Produce applicant from plastic <Lamphun Plastic 433 ton/year
plaspact corporation>

Produce plastic production <Precetion pact Plastic 50 to/year


Produce plastic <Lana Lamphun precition Polymer PBS 25 ton polymer PA 12 ton, polymer
PC 2 ton
Produce plastic product such as tray <Lamphun Plastic tray 790 ton/year
plaspact corporation>

Iron and plastic<SUS corporation Thailand> Polymer (PE) 180.234 ton/year

Produce tube plastic and electronic<Serin plastic120 ton/year

Plastic product <Lanna Lamphun Precetion

Polymer PA 12 , Polymer PBT 12 ,ฯลฯ
Produce plastic basket<chinlong import export Plastic basket 1,080,000 year
polymer 90,720 year
calculate 200 ton/year
Total 1,468 ton/ year
Source :( Industry Thai land 2007)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


From this table found that have more the number of customer in plastic market so
opportunity that our company can get more market share are highest, arising from most of
plastic needs but number of company that produce polymer have low and not equal to
customer needs.

The plastic products industry is a company that produces many of the appliances that
require plastic resin mixed with Grade A and Grade B 60% 40% Grade B is straight grain
plastic recycling cost will be 1-3 times slower than the original. the current price of plastic is
a very expensive price of grain doubled recycling as a result of oil price in world market
prices higher.

STP Strategy

- Segmentation

Group of plastic industry can separate in 2 type is polymer industry and plastic
industry, polymer industry have to produce polymer many type such as PE, PP, PS, PVC, and
ABS (from this polymer have produce from chemical and plastic recycle) to make raw
material for plastic industry that produce many plastic product such as bag and sack plastic,
plastic applicant, film, accessory, tube, plastic box for customer or for some business that use
plastic for raw material.

from the information of register in Lampoon found that have the industry that
produce plastic 10 companies and separate be factory plastic bag, factory plastic tank, factory
electronic plastic, factory basket plastic and factory plastic applicant. The totals of customer
need are 1,468 ton/year and want to get share about 25% of market. Available from ( Industry
Lamphun, 2008)

- Target

Our company will be sales plastic by sales product for companies that use plastic for
produce furniture or other production in Lampoon.

- Position

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Our company will set the price of product tend to status of world economic and the
price are not different from price of competitor but our company will be make celebrity about
the quantity of production and separate plastic for many grade for satisfy customer need.

Marketing Mix Strategy


Plastic is a monomer molecule structure adjacent to crosslink.

Plastics small tablet characteristics of all types. Then add 1 bag
contains 25 kg for easy to count and make it quick and easy
delivery polymers. The buyers focus on the price of plastic. Own company products are
guaranteed to help the decision of the buyer. The quality of the product will be set and
controlled from raw material procurement. Separation of plastics by type of plastic and clean
to ensure that the polymers produced are of high quality and standard properties of polymers
by the process of the plant will have a quality control process for polymers high quality.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Nowadays, plastic is easy to add symbols to classify the seven types of symbols and an
arrow with a triangle of three arrows each sorted according to the bottom of a container.


At this time, the pricing of the resin will not set a fixed price, because the price of
plastic up and down depending on the condition of the market price based on supply and
demand in each period.

Price is determined by total cost and the price of new plastic is always
comparable due to the purchase price will be selling fried more than the price of plastic
products factory, we send about 1-2 Baht. Therefore, companies will need to consider the
selling price of its competitors and market trends simultaneously. Pricing strategy in the first
phase of the introduction of market pricing is lower than the competition, but not very low.

This style of market pricing to increase sales aims to dominate the market
quickly, so pricing to attract customers directly as well as a strategic goal that will be used by
customers in competition with the sale. Product throughout the year in seasonal shortages of
goods and price controls do not give very different in the shortage of raw materials. After the
company has the market share increased to change the set target values as the group the
flexibility to meet competition by trying to keep the share is not lower than the original.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



Distribution channels of the recycled plastic. Company sold directly to

manufacturers of plastic products. Focuses on regular customers and the company do not
focus on seller.


Company is determined by market conditions, if the company's sales decline

will continue to offer discounts to stimulate sales increase sales, but under limited time
special discounts based on the case.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Sale forecast

Price/kg Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5
45 47 44 49 48

HDPE 51 53 50 43 44
LDPE 62 60 58 59 61
PS 46 48 48 44 48
PP 48 50 50 46 45
ABS 32 30 33 30 32

Note : Price is determined by total cost and the price of new plastic is always comparable due to the purchase price will be selling fried
more than the price of plastic products factory, we send about 1-2 Baht. Therefore, companies will need to consider the selling price of its
competitors and market trends simultaneously. Pricing strategy in the first phase of the introduction of market pricing is lower than the
competition, but not very low.

Year1 Sale(Baht)
Novembe Decembe
Description January February March April May June July August September October r r Total

PET 127,500 176,500 163,750 154,750 182,000 106,500 109,250 103,750 178,500 195,750 184,000 204,000 1,886,250
HDPE 281,250 270,000 267,500 360,000 337,500 225,000 225,000 236,250 270,000 270,000 292,500 360,000 3,395,000
LDPE 244,000 244,500 238,250 274,500 243,500 122,000 122,000 122,000 267,750 243,000 244,000 265,000 2,630,500
PS 414,000 437,000 552,000 544,000 475,000 368,000 314,000 345,000 506,000 460,000 529,000 575,000 5,519,000
PP 144,000 150,000 170,000 216,000 144,000 144,000 96,000 97,000 96,000 95,600 192,000 216,000 1,760,600
ABS 512,000 480,000 464,000 480,000 432,000 330,000 316,000 316,000 384,000 448,000 512,000 576,000 5,250,000
1,722,75 1,758,00 1,855,50 2,029,25 1,814,00 1,295,50 1,182,25 1,220,00 1,712,35
Total sale forcast 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,702,250 0 1,953,500 2,196,000 20,441,350


Yea 2 Sale(Baht)
Novembe Decembe
Description January February March April May June July August September October r r Total
PET 136,300 135,000 140,000 135,000 128,000 105,000 95,000 95,000 130,000 135,000 140,000 250,000 1,624,300
HDPE 298,000 295,000 306,000 303,000 283,000 252,000 210,000 210,000 280,000 294,000 307,000 308,000 3,346,000
LDPE 245,000 248,500 250,500 283,500 233,500 212,000 206,000 196,000 246,000 250,500 232,000 276,500 2,880,000
PS 435,000 447,500 452,500 437,500 432,500 350,000 365,000 382,500 485,000 450,000 440,000 447,500 5,125,000
PP 180,500 181,500 177,000 196,000 147,000 122,500 138,000 108,000 198,000 177,000 186,000 190,500 2,002,000
ABS 503,500 480,500 494,000 497,500 461,000 394,000 311,500 362,000 478,500 510,500 487,000 501,000 5,481,000
1,798,30 1,788,00 1,820,00 1,852,50 1,685,00 1,435,50 1,325,50 1,353,50 1,817,00
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,817,500 0 1,792,000 1,973,500 20,458,300
Increase 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%  

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Year3 Sale(Baht)
Novembe Decembe
Description January February March April May June July August September October r r Total
PET 142,500 143,750 147,000 140,250 143,050 101,250 102,250 103,000 145,000 149,000 146,000 150,500 1,613,550
HDPE 295,000 296,600 289,500 301,000 304,000 230,000 222,000 236,500 289,500 292,000 287,900 298,000 3,342,000
LDPE 244,000 244,000 232,000 259,000 245,000 181,500 175,000 132,000 243,000 250,400 244,000 250,100 2,700,000
PS 456,000 450,000 448,000 448,000 464,000 372,000 352,000 330,000 464,000 458,000 458,000 462,000 5,162,000
PP 190,000 185,000 189,000 188,000 182,500 115,000 120,500 103,500 188,000 192,000 189,400 208,400 2,051,300
ABS 580,000 580,000 550,000 590,000 575,000 420,000 460,000 330,000 575,000 565,000 580,000 592,000 6,397,000
1,907,50 1,899,35 1,855,50 1,926,25 1,913,55 1,419,75 1,431,75 1,235,00 1,906,40
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,904,500 0 1,905,300 1,961,000 21,265,850
Increase 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%  

Year4 Sale(Baht)
Novembe Decembe
Description January February March April May June July August September October r r Total
PET 152,750 150,500 158,250 165,000 151,500 101,500 102,500 99,000 158,250 154,750 158,250 165,000 1,717,250
HDPE 322,500 324,000 319,500 326,500 322,000 236,500 258,000 244,000 328,000 328,500 340,500 352,000 3,702,000
LDPE 265,000 254,000 265,500 262,000 268,000 193,250 187,500 177,000 260,700 265,500 259,400 264,000 2,921,850
PS 444,000 448,000 450,000 436,000 445,000 372,000 316,000 384,000 440,900 450,000 431,200 452,000 5,069,100
PP 209,500 192,500 204,000 213,000 203,000 126,500 126,500 118,900 203,490 208,000 206,400 201,000 2212790
ABS 590,000 580,000 598,000 600,000 610,000 510,000 495,000 490,000 589,000 595,000 592,000 592,000 6841000
1,983,75 1,949,00 1,995,25 2,002,50 1,999,50 1,539,75 1,485,50 1,512,90 2,001,75
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,980,340 0 1,987,750 2,026,000 22463990
Increase 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%  

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Year5 Sale(Baht)
Novembe Decembe
Description January February March April May June July August September October r r Total
PET 160,000 160,000 160,000 175,000 160,000 100,000 105,000 97,500 167,500 155,000 160,000 167,500 1,767,500
HDPE 358,000 350,000 356,000 360,000 356,000 276,000 252,400 228,800 346,000 354,000 344,000 358,000 3,939,200
LDPE 290,000 290,000 300,000 301,000 298,000 190,000 190,000 150,000 290,000 300,000 308,000 316,000 3,223,000
PS 510,000 515,000 497,500 520,000 500,000 475,000 460,000 427,500 495,000 515,000 519,000 521,250 5,955,250
PP 224,500 222,750 231,000 238,000 225,000 178,500 167,500 151,050 221,000 221,000 214,500 239,800 2,534,600
ABS 630,000 631,000 623,000 635,000 615,000 535,000 527,000 509,500 631,000 642,000 638,500 644,000 7,261,000
2,172,50 2,168,75 2,167,50 2,229,00 2,154,00 1,754,50 1,701,90 1,564,35 2,187,00
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,150,500 0 2,184,000 2,246,550 24,680,550
Increase 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7%  

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Market Expense
Februar Marc Augus Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe
Year1 January y h April May June July t r r r r Total
2,00 1,60 1,45
Selling expense 1,700 1,900 1,700 1,850 0 0 0 1,200 1,200 1,560 1,490 1,900 19,550
2,00 1,60 1,45
Total selling expense 1,700 1,900 1,700 1,850 0 0 0 1,200 1,200 1,560 1,490 1,900 19,550
Calendar                       30,000 30,000
Signboard 15,000                       15,000
Souvenir       0               10,000 30,000
Internet expertising 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 10,800
5,00 2,00 2,00
Other 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 0 0 0 1,000 1,500 2,000 3,000 4,000 28,500
24,75 7,90 4,50 4,35 133,85
Total marketing expense 18,600 4,800 5,600 0 0 0 0 3,100 3,600 4,460 5,390 46,800 0

Februar Marc Augus Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe

Year2 January y h April May June July t r r r r Total
2,00 1,50 1,40
Selling expense 2,000 1,600 1,500 2,100 0 0 0 1,230 1,300 1,560 1,700 1,900 19,790
2,00 1,50 1,40
Total selling expense 2,000 1,600 1,500 2,100 0 0 0 1,230 1,300 1,560 1,700 1,900 19,790
Calendar                       50,000 50,000
Signboard       2,000                 0
Souvenir       0               50,000 50,000
Internet expertising 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 5,400
2,30 2,60 2,60
Other 1,000 3,000 1,400 2,200 0 0 0 2,900 2,000 3,000 2,900 4,500 17,900
37,20 5,20 5,00 4,90 132,39
Total marketing expense 3,900 5,500 3,800 0 0 0 0 5,030 4,200 5,460 5,500 107,300 0

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Februar Marc Augus Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe

Year3 January y h April May June July t r r r r Total
2,00 1,90 1,30
Selling expense 1,300 1,800 2,000 2,600 0 0 0 1,250 1,560 1,450 1,900 2,100 21,160
2,00 1,90 1,30
Total selling expense 1,300 1,800 2,000 2,600 0 0 0 1,250 1,560 1,450 1,900 2,100 21,160
Calendar                       20,000 20,000
Souvenir       0               60,000 90,000
Internet expertising 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 10,800
3,00 2,00 1,50
Other 5,000 3,200 2,100 2,300 0 0 0 2,700 1,000 2,300 2,400 4,000 31,500
35,80 5,90 4,80 3,70 173,46
Total marketing expense 7,200 5,900 5,000 0 0 0 0 4,850 3,460 4,650 5,200 87,000 0

Februar Marc Augus Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe

Year4 January y h April May June July t r r r r Total
1,60 1,79 1,50
Selling expense 2,500 1,900 2,000 2,500 0 0 0 1,790 2,090 2,300 2,400 3,000 25,370
1,60 1,79 1,50
Total selling expense 2,500 1,900 2,000 2,500 0 0 0 1,790 2,090 2,300 2,400 3,000 25,370
Calendar                       30,000 30,000
Signboard   1,000                     1,000
Souvenir 70,000                     30,000 0
Internet expertising 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 10,800

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


2,00 2,30 1,80

Other 2,300 1,590 2,300 3,500 0 0 0 2,000 1,800 1,900 2,700 3,000 27,190
4,50 4,99 4,20 168,99
Total marketing expense 75,700 5,390 5,200 6,900 0 0 0 4,690 4,790 5,100 6,000 66,900 0

Februar Marc Augus Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe

Year5 January y h April May June July t r r r r Total
2,10 2,40 2,10
Selling expense 2,900 2,300 2,500 3,000 0 0 0 2,300 2,100 2,700 3,100 2,900 30,400
2,10 2,40 2,10
Total selling expense 2,900 2,300 2,500 3,000 0 0 0 2,300 2,100 2,700 3,100 2,900 30,400
Calendar                       50,000 50,000
Signboard 30,000                       30,000
Souvenir 20,000     0               20,000 70,000
Internet expertising 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 10,800
3,20 2,30 2,10
Other 3,000 2,300 2,500 300 0 0 0 1,990 2,400 2,450 2,390 2,500 27,430
34,20 6,20 5,60 5,10 188,23
Total marketing expense 56,800 5,500 5,900 0 0 0 0 5,190 5,400 6,050 6,390 76,300 0

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3G plastic recycle Industry Company is the company that recycles

plastic<decrease waste> and repair this plastic to new plastic by use high technology to
produce and recycle plastic. The operation to produce plastic recycle can be help to decrease
pollution, green house effect and waste. Our company will be invest and choose to enter
business in Lampoon. The factory of our company stay at the land of industry so it’s can have
good result for company and many people around factory. Plastic recycle industry has to
survey the consumer need and satisfy for customer. Plastic from our company have many
type and function to choose and have high quality and we expects to get accept from other
company and have alternative to export plastic recycle for other company. The customer can
be pre order in internet website because our company have our web page for customer that
show about the information of plastic recycle and type of plastic product the customer can
choose plastic product and then our company will be transport plastic product for customer.
Our company know that pollution problem are very important in this times so that our
company expect to corporate with government to help the world and environment by have
project and present this project for population. In order of profit and cost of our company we
have to analyze and use more strategy to help company can access and get more profit. 3G
plastic recycle industry knows that we have many competitors but from the survey we can
confidence that we’re the one of plastic industry that have good quality and save the world in
same times.

Chapter 4

Technical Feasibility Study

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Technical Feasibility Study

4.1 Production and Operation Analysis

4.1.1 Product Characteristics (Details)

Characteristics of plastic product

Type of plastic(chemistry name) Symbol

Poly ethylene terephthalate PET

High Density Polylene HDPE

Low Density Polylene LDPE

Polypropylene PP

Polystyrene PS

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene ABS

Because the use of plastic and features a variety of different and separate types
of plastic separate type of plastic made by the primary method of chemical analysis, which
cannot be that hard

Polyethylene Terephthalate -- Pete

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Light weight, low-priced, and easy to fabricate, Polyethylene Terephalate
Ethylene is the most prevalent plastic material in use today. PET is primarily used in
beverage bottles, food receptacles, and peanut butter containers. It can be remade into polar
fleece, fiber, carpet, etc. The requirement for this plastic among recyclers is relatively strong,
but at present, the recycling rate for this material has remained low at 20%.

High Density Polyethylene -- HDPE

High Density Polyethylene is more durable and more impervious to chemical
degeneration, this material poses a relatively low chance of spreading chemicals when used
as container for food and drinks. It is largely used as containers for everyday household
chemicals (shampoos, degreasers, etc.), juice bottles, milk jugs, etc. This can be reused into
floor tile, drainage, new HDPE bottles, pipes, etc.

LDPE - Polyethylene


LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) LDPE is the material present in plastic bags,
clothing, furniture’s etc. Resilient and flexible, it is perfect for packaging, insulation, and
sealing. LDPE, through many curbside recycling programs, can be reconstituted into cans,
compost bins, and landscaping tiles.

PP -- Polypropylene

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Polypropylene is most suited for boiling fluid receptacles and is likewise made into brooms,
straws, ketchup bottles, etc. PP can be reprocessed into rakes, brooms, trays, etc.

PS -- Polystyrene


PS is the top component for insulation and is used in foam products like
expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly known as styrofoam. It is found in carry-out food
containers, meat trays, CD cases. PS contains benzene, a cancer-causing substance and
should not be burned. It is reprocessed into insulation, packaging, plant beds, etc.

OTHER signifies materials not belonging to any of the other 6 resin

categories. OTHER may also signify a hybrid resin made up of a mishmash of those
materials. It is mainly found in children feeding bottles, flak jackets, business signages, five-
gallon water jugs, etc. It can be recycled into plastic planks and other tailor-made objects.
(World Plastic Industry,2010)

4.1.2 Product Process

                     The survey asked visitors from the recycling of plastic plants; plastic factories

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


located in Pare plastic intense Lamphun plastic recycling process can be summarized as

Separating (collecting)



Water Shredding



First step

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Collecting recyclable plastic waste

Categorizing the recyclable plastic waste ; PET, PP, HDPE, LDPE, PS
and ABS. Segregation experienced by the observed eyes and hands as well as examples of the
observations, labeling bottles, and the nature of the bottle.

   Ground to the same type of plastic that separate the doses of 0.5-2.5cm and
characteristic of plastic ground sheet or it may be a tablet with the density of the original

Washing and Water Shredding

Plastic crushing washing is then put in a stirred tank to blow a big tank for mixing and then
sent to the pond. Well, there are two or three wells to clear out dirt. After the salad into the
machine water plastic dry faster.
Dryer machine look like a stirred tank mixing or frying pan by heat from electric or
gas cooking time.

Finally, make plastic.

      A clean plastic bucket will be poured into the hopper is a plastic pelletizing machine, if a
color pigment is added to the old plastic is melted. Rolled into the machine; rolled out a line
and is cooled by passing water into the machine, and finally cut into pellets and then packed
bags and sewing bag before the operation.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


4.1.3 Location

Factory location affects the design and cost. Therefore, the location is suitable to

charge the least. To choose the appropriate factory location is selected each industry is

different and no need to select industrial estate always. Some of the activities should the

location near the source material. So in choosing plastic recycle industry need to choose a

location far away from the community because problem with the smell of melting plastic and

to save costs in the transportation of raw materials and finished goods are also other factors

are involved.

1. Market distribution

Because of the plastic market as industries such as industry production of

plastic product are chosen a location near from factory plastic product is the most

appropriate location.

2. Transportation

Transportation by trucks must consider distance traffic. Weight trucks to

transport quickly and save the most.

3. Labor and wages

Labor used to produce recycled pellets into labor with moderation skills but

not high necessarily because in the production of polymers is not complicated

technology to help.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


4. Electricity

Plastic recycle industry is factory that used electricity and fuel. So choose a

location must consider of the source with sufficient electricity.

5. Impact of environmental and community

In the production process are recycled plastic fumes from the melt, noise from

machine, and dust from production. Therefore, the location should be selected

location far away from the community.


Factory location affects the design and cost. Therefore, the location is suitable to

charge the least. To choose the appropriate factory location is selected each industry is

different and no need to select industrial estate always. Some of the activities should the

location near the source material. My company have land area 5 rai include adjustment cost

600,000 Bath per rai (Which is appraised by the Office of land Ban Thai, Lampoon Branch)

which industry located in Makuejae Maung, Lampoon Province. So in choosing plastic

recycle industry need to choose a location far away from the community because problem

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


with the smell of melting plastic and to save costs in the transportation of raw materials and

finished goods are also other factors are involved.

Layout and facility

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



Home worker


Block of plastic waste


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



No. List structure Floor Wall Roof Wide * Area Construction

Length cost
(m) (m²)
1. Factory Reinforced Reinforce Brice/ carved 14*25 350 1,575,000
building concrete d concrete Cement tile 840,000

2. Office Reinforced Reinforce Brice/ Monier 10*14 140

building and concrete d concrete Cement
around the

3. Warehouse Reinforced Reinforce Brice/ carved 14*18 252

concrete d concrete Cement tile 18,000

4. Cage of Wire mesh 3*16 48

plastic 30,000

5. Wash well Cement Brice/ 2*2 4

Cement (72,000*7)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


6. Home workers Reinforced Reinforce Concrete carved 4*4 16

concrete d concrete blocks tile

Total 3,669,000

*Value of construction information from interviews the contractor and store construction
materials in lampoon.

Logistics Management

Antique buyers Waste

Antique dealers People (Employer) Midden

Waste plastic Grinding factory

Polymers factory Merchants selling color



3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Machine and Equipment

The Company has invested a domestic machine for competitive advantage and

maintenance. Plastic recycling machine used is small, around 25 horsepower to the

production rate of about 2 tons per day. If 40 horsepower is the production rate of about 4-5

tons per day, most machines will be produced in domestic and some from China, Taiwan. For

companies that use equipment produced in domestic 40 horsepower, production rate of 4 tons

/ day / machine using two machines. Milling machines, Polishing Machine, Dryer plastic,

Sewing machine bag, Cutting grain machine, Shaking water machine, Scales, Cooling, Water

pump, Separation electrical and Plastic melting machine.

Electric power

Project energy consumption from electricity request at The Provincial Electricity

Authority by electrical power 250 KVA that price included install 300,000 BATH.

Feasibility management

Mentoring / consulting.
• When an employee has problems at work. Employees should have people they can talk to
exchange comments. This may include comments related to hygiene issues. Communication
system within the system should be given opportunity and listen to the opinions of employees
in all cases.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Technicians and equipment associated with maintenance.

• Mechanic who does important duties is to ask machine operation can continue. This usually
has to work under time are limited.
• It is management’s duty to make the engineering team. Include maintenance technicians.
Understand the impact of his work with food safety. Include how to reduce the risk of
potential food safety risks. Basic training as workers in production may not be enough.
Because awareness. The highlights and strictly to follow the rules of food safety is important.

The availability of supporting industries and related services.

• Our company has a vital role in supporting parts and materials for the production of high
quality. At a price that can compete effectively by linking manufacturing in both upstream
and intermediate.
Advanced Industrial Estate is well equipped in terms of supporting industries or industry
groups to be combined in the same area of the industry on a loop same production chain.

Attention to the environment.

• Environmental problems are the main problems of the Thai industry. The factory is located
only a general lack of supervision from Government agencies often has the problem of waste
water and sewage from the production process affects the community and society.
• Our factory is established to handle environmental problems caused by industry by
providing benefits to promote plant coexistence in an industrial estate. Organized a system
easy to manage and control the environment that follows.

1. A controlled environment.
Estate Office at all according to the administration and monitoring quality systems.
Environment according to the measures on a regular basis.
2. Wastewater Management.
Industrial waste water treatment system central is control pollution from wastewater before
being released into public waterways. Allowing operators is save costs in building a
wastewater treatment plant. And help protect the environment.
3. The waste management industry.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Industrial waste management in the industrial system is both general waste and toxic waste
by companies to manage and develop the environment.

4.2 Cost of Investment

Cost investment:

Budget project and source of fund

  Source of fund

Item Liabilities Owner

  Accoun Loan
1. Current Fund        

฿ 10,000,000.00 ฿ 5,000,000.00 ฿ 5,000,000.00

฿ 1,400,000.00 ฿ 700,000.00 ฿ 700,000.00

Prepaid Insurance  
฿ 500,000.00 ฿ 250,000.00 ฿ 250,000.00

฿ 11,900,000.00 ฿ 5,950,000.00 ฿ 5,950,000.00

Current Fund (1) -

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


2. Permanent Asset      

฿ 3,000,000.00 ฿ 1,500,000.00 ฿ 1,500,000.00
฿ 3,532,000.00 ฿ 1,766,000.00 ฿ 1,766,000.00
฿ 3,669,000.00 ฿ 1,834,500.00 ฿ 1,834,500.00

฿ 10,201,000.00 ฿ 5,100,500.00 ฿ 5,100,500.00

Total permanent asset (2) -
3. Expense before        
3.1 Preparation expense  
    ฿ -

3.2 Long term asset right  

    ฿ -

Total expense before ฿ - ฿ - ฿ -

operation -

฿ 22,101,000.00 ฿ 11,050,500.00 ฿ 11,050,500.00

Total cost of project -

Schedule of fixed asset

List amount of money

Land 3,000,000

Machine 2,806,000

Power system equipment. 550,000

Office building 840,000

Office equipment 108,600

Registration fee. 100,000

Truck (1) 1,200,000

pickup (2) 450,000

Home workers 504,000

Total 11,033,600

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Schedule of cost of office equipment

list Number Price per unit Total


Computer 4 22300 89,200

4 3,000 12,000


Cabinet 2 2,000 4,000

Telephone 4 850 3,400

Fax 1 4,500 4,500

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


1 9,900 9,900



Calculator 3 600 1,800

Sofa 1 5,000 5,000

Cooling water 1 5,790

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Total 116,790

Machine and equipment

No. List Size & Number/ Price / Value of

productivity machinery
/ Unit Unit Unit

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


1. Plastic melting 4000Kg./24 1 1,200,000 1,200,000

machine. Hrs


2 Grinding 1 69,000 69,000

machines, plastic

3 Polishing plastic 1 150,000 150,000

4 Sewing machine 1 17,000 17,000


5 Shaking water 1 40,000 40,000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



6 Water pump 1 6,000 6,000

7 Scale 200KG 1 9,000 9,000

8 Cooling 1 15900 15900

9 Separation power 1 50000 50000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


10 Transformer 380-200V 156,000 156,000


11. Electrical and 200,000 200,000

lighting systems

Total 1,912,900

(Plastic melting machine, 2010)


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


No. List Construction


1. Factory 1,575,000
building 840,000

2. Office building
and leakage
around the plan

3. Warehouse

4. Cage of plastic 30,000

Wash well
5. 72,000

Home workers

Planning machine and the manufacturing process consider the flow of work to

improve performance, from the observations and interviews with stakeholders in the plastic

industry. This consistent and cover set out the goal, the selection machines and modern

production technology to production efficiency and quality to enhance its competitive

business, space to be the most useful and cost savings of investment.

Depreciation of building

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


No. List Lifetime Construction Depreciation


1. Factory 20 1,575,000 78,750

building 840,000

2. Office building 20 42,000

and leakage
around the plan

3. Warehouse 20 56,700

4. Cage of plastic 5 30,000 3,600

Wash well 20 1,500

5. 72,000

Home workers 20 3,600


Depreciation of machine and equipment

No. List Size & Number/ Price / Lifetime Value of Depreciation

productivity machinery
/ Unit Unit Unit

1. Plastic melting 4000Kg./24 1 1,200,000 5 1,200,000 240,000

machine. Hrs

2. machines, plastic 1 69,000 5 69,000 13,800

Polishing plastic
3. 1 150,000 5 150,000 30,000

Sewing machine
4. 1 17,000 5 17,000 3,400
Shaking water
5. 1 40,000 5 40,000 8,000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


6. 1 9,000 5 9,000 1,800
7. 1 15,900 5 15,900 3,180
Water pump.
1 6,000 5 6,000 1,200
8. Separate power
1 50,000 10 50,000 5,000

9. Electrical and
lighting systems
200,000 20 200,000 10,000

10. Total 316,380

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Our company calculates depreciation from building 20 year, equipment and machines 5 year, officer equipment 3 year.

Depreciation Year 1
Investment Amount Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Building                    840,000 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 42,000

2.factory 1,575,000 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 73,750

3.waerhouse 1,134,000 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 5,670

4.home workers 504,000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 25,200

5.cage plastic 18,000 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 900

6.washing well 30,000 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500

Total 3,669,000 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 154,020
1. Plastic melting 1,200,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000
2Milling machines 69,000 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 13,800

3. Polishing plastic 150,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 30,000

5. Sewing machine bag 17,000 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396

7. Shaking water 40,000 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67

Total 1,476,000 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 295,196
1.pikup car 900,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 90,000

2.Truk 1,200,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,000

10. Scale 9,000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1,800

11.Separation power 50,000 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 5,000

13.Electrical and lighting 200,000 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 10,000

14.Cooling 15,900 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

15.Water pump 6,000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1,200

Total 2,380,900 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 171,180
Total Depreciation Year
1 7,525,900 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 620,396

Depreciation Year 2

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Investment Amount Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Building                    840,000 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 42,000

2.factory 1,575,000 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 73,750

3.waerhouse 1,134,000 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 5,670

4.home workers 504,000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 25,200

5.cage plastic 18,000 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 900

6.washing well 30,000 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500

Total 3,669,000 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 154,020
1. Plastic melting 1,200,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000
2Milling machines 69,000 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 13,800

3. Polishing plastic 150,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 30,000

5. Sewing machine bag 17,000 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396
7. Shaking water 40,000 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67

Total 1,476,000 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 295,196
1.pikup car 900,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 90,000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


2.Truk 1,200,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,000

10. Scale 9,000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1,800

11.Separation power 50,000 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 5,000

13.Electrical and lighting 200,000 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 10,000

14.Cooling 15,900 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

15.Water pump 6,000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1,200

Total 2,380,900 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 171,180
Total Depreciation Year
2 7,525,900 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 620,396

Depreciation Year 3
Investment Amount Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

81 840,000 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 42,000

2.factory 1,575,000 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 73,750

3.waerhouse 1,134,000 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 5,670

4.home workers 504,000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 25,200

5.cage plastic 18,000 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 900

6.washing well 30,000 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500

Total 3,669,000 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 154,020
1. Plastic melting 1,200,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000
2Milling machines 69,000 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 13,800

3. Polishing plastic 150,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 30,000

5. Sewing machine bag 17,000 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396
7. Shaking water 40,000 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67

Total 1,476,000 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 295,196
1.pikup car 900,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 90,000

2.Truk 1,200,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


10. Scale 9,000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1,800

11.Separation power 50,000 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 5,000

13.Electrical and lighting 200,000 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 10,000

14.Cooling 15,900 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

15.Water pump 6,000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1,200

Total 2,380,900 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 171,180
Total Depreciation Year
3 7,525,900 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 620,396

Depreciation Year 4
Investment Amount Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Building                    840,000 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 42,000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


2.factory 1,575,000 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 73,750

3.waerhouse 1,134,000 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 5,670

4.home workers 504,000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 25,200

5.cage plastic 18,000 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 900

6.washing well 30,000 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500

Total 3,669,000 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 154,020
1. Plastic melting 1,200,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000
2Milling machines 69,000 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 13,800

3. Polishing plastic 150,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 30,000

5. Sewing machine bag 17,000 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396
7. Shaking water 40,000 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67

Total 1,476,000 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 295,196
1.pikup car 900,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 90,000

2.Truk 1,200,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,000

10. Scale 9,000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1,800

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


11.Separation power 50,000 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 5,000

13.Electrical and lighting 200,000 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 10,000

14.Cooling 15,900 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

15.Water pump 6,000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1,200

Total 2,380,900 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 171,180
Total Depreciation Year
4 7,525,900 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 620,396

Depreciation Year 5
Investment Amount Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Building                    840,000 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 42,000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


2.factory 1,575,000 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 6562.5 73,750
3.waerhouse 1,134,000 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 472.5 5,670

4.home workers 504,000 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 25,200

5.cage plastic 18,000 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 900

6.washing well 30,000 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500

Total 3,669,000 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 154,020
1. Plastic melting 1,200,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000
2Milling machines 69,000 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 13,800

3. Polishing plastic 150,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 30,000

5. Sewing machine bag 17,000 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 3,396
7. Shaking water 40,000 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67 666.67

Total 1,476,000 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 24,600 295,196
1.pikup car 900,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 90,000

2.Truk 1,200,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 60,000

10. Scale 9,000 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1,800

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


11.Separation power 50,000 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 5,000
13.Electrical and lighting 200,000 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 833 10,000

14.Cooling 15,900 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 265 3,180

15.Water pump 6,000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1,200

Total 2,380,900 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 14,265 171,180
Total Depreciation Year
5 7,525,900 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 620,396

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Product and Operations

Raw material
Unit: Price          
List Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5
Material price          
PET 11 11 11 11 11
HDPE 11 10 11 10 10
LDPE 10 9 10 9 9
PS 20 20 20 20 20
PP 10 10 10 10 10
ABS 9 10 9 10 10
Beginning (Kg.)          
PET 0 4,000 9,500 1,200 3,200
HDPE 0 11,000 11,000 11,900 8,600
LDPE 0 7,700 16,200 23,100 29,600
PP 0 5,100 13,000 16,300 22,300
PS 0 2,500 7,700 13,300 19,700
ABS 0 10,800 19,200 22,300 40,200
Total 0 41,100 76,600 88,100 123,600
Value at beginning          
of period.
PET 0 44,000 104,500 13,200 35,200
HDPE 0 121,000 110,000 130,900 85,000
LDPE 0 77,000 145,800 231,000 266,400
PP 0 102,000 260,000 326,000 446,000
PS 0 25,000 77,000 133,000 197,000
ABS 0 97,200 192,000 200,700 402,000
Total 0 466,200 889,300 1,034,800 1,431,600
PET 40,000 37,000 36,000 49,000 60,000
HDPE 78,000 80,000 79,000 80,000 90,000
LDPE 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 60,000
PS 45,000 50,000 51,000 58,000 60,000
PP 42,000 48,000 49,000 53,000 58,000
ABS 192,000 200,000 210,000 230,000 230,000
Total 457,000 480,000 495,000 545,000 558,000
Quantity Material          
PET 440,000 407,000 396000 539,000 660,000

HDPE 858,000 800,000 869,000 800000 900,000

LDPE 600,000 585,000 700,000 675,000 540000
PP 900,000 1,000,000 1,020,000 1,160,000 1,200,000
PS 420,000 480,000 490,000 530,000 580,000
ABS 1,728,000 2,000,000 1,890,000 2,300,000 2,300,000
Total 4,946,000 5,272,000 5365000 6,004,000 6,180,000
Raw materials used.          
PET 35,000 37,000 42,000 44,000 51,000
HDPE 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 86,000
LDPE 50,000 54,000 60,000 65,000 71,000
PP 38,000 40,000 45,000 49,000 53,000
PS 38,000 41,000 41,000 44,000 49,000
ABS 180,000 190,000 205,000 210,000 220,000
  406,000 432,000 445,000 492,000 530,100
Value of raw          
materials used.
PET 385,000 407,000 462,000 484,000 561,000
HDPE 715,000 700,000 825000 800,000 860,000
LDPE 500,000 486,000 600,000 585,000 639,000
PP 760,000 800,000 900,000 980,000 1,060,000
PS 380,000 410,000 410,000 440,000 490,000
ABS 1,620,000 1,900,000 1,845,000 2,100,000 2,200,000
total 4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Volume loss.          
PET 1000 1500 2300 3000 3,800
HDPE 2000 2300 3100 3300 4,100
LDPE 2300 2500 3100 3500 4,200
PP 1900 2100 2700 3000 3,800
PS 1500 1800 2400 2600 3,100
ABS 1200 1600 1900 2100 2,900
Volume loss.          
PET(baht) 11000 16500 25300 33000 41800
HDPE 22000 23000 34100 33000 41000
LDPE 23000 22500 31000 31500 37800
PP 38000 42000 54000 60000 76000
PS 15000 18000 24000 26000 31000
ABS 10800 16000 17100 21000 29000
Total 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
Ending (Kg.)          
PET 4,000 9,500 1,200 3,200 8,400

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


HDPE 11,000 11,000 11,900 8,600 8,500

LDPE 7,700 16,200 23,100 29,600 14,400
PP 5,100 13,000 16,300 22,300 25,500
PS 2,500 7,700 13,300 19,700 25,600
ABS 10,800 19,200 22,300 40,200 47,300
Total 41,100 76,600 88,100 123,600 129,700
End of period          
PET 44,000 104,500 13,200 35,200 92400
HDPE 121,000 110,000 130900 86,000 85000
LDPE 77000 145800 231000 266,400 129600
PP 102000 260,000 326000 446,000 510000
PS 25,000 77,000 133,000 197,000 256,000
ABS 97,200 192,000 200,700 402,000 473,000
Total 466,200 889,300 1,034,800 1,432,600 1546000

Production /operation cost

Shows the direct labor

List Number Wages/ welfare Totaling 1 year


Production department

- Factory 1 30,000 36,000

management /month

- mechanic /month
1 20,000 240,000
- Workers
2 160 998,400

/day (26day/month)

Total wage 1 year 1,274,400

Electricity Expense

Unit use of electricity *2.9780 Baht per unit

Add+ Services expense 616.225 BHT

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Pressure 250 K. 2.4649 per unit

Normal rate of energy consumption over 150 kWh per month

Water expense/ Month

According to the Provincial Waterworks Authority, Pricing of water will be

calculated volume of water used multiplied by the current price rate and that must not be less
than the minimum rate of water supply of each kind of user. The water bill will include the
use of water charges generally and VAT. Rate set by the government.

1000 liter = 1 Cubic meters

Water used cu.m/month x 10.7baht
Add. (+) General Service= 30 baht
Add. (+) VAT 7%
4.5-5 per unit

Costs of public Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5


470,000 480,000 500,000 510,000 520,000
90,000 100,200 110,200 110,060 111,000

Costs of public utility (cost/unit)

Costs of public Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

(cost/unit) (cost/unit) (cost/unit) (cost/unit) (cost/unit)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



Water 157,824 161,182 167,898 171,256 174,614

18,000 20,040 22,040 22,012 22,200

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Schedule of the estimated cost of production.

Production /operation cost

Shows the direct labor
List Number Wages/ welfare Totaling 1 year
Production department      
- Factory management /month 1 30,000 36,000
- mechanic /month 1 20,000 240,000
- Workers 20 160 998,400
/day (26day/month)      
Total wage 1 year     1,274,400

Costs of public utility Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

Electivity 470,000 480,000 500,000 510,000 520,000
Water 90,000 100,200 110,200 110,060 111,000
Total 560,000 580,200 610,200 620,060 631,000

Costs of public utility 480,000 490,200 510,200 520,060 531,000

Cost of lubricant 4,000 4,100 4,250 4,330 4,465
Repair of machinery and buildings 22,050 23,250 24,176 25,650 26,060
Repair of cars 6,500 6,600 6,730 6,860 6,900
Premium car 18,322 8,322 8,322 8,322 8,322
The gasoline 168,000 170,000 170,800 169,000 170,100
Transportation 54,000 53,000 52,000 50,000 56,000
Total cost of plant 15,529,272 16,048,320 15,727,711 15,784,074 16,252,928

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Schedule of operation cost

of operation cost
List Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5
Indirect cost 954000 1,134,60 1,145,00 1,300,00 1,308,45
0 0 0 7
Supplies. 12,000 12,500 11,050 10,400 11,340
telephone 9,400 10,200 11,500 12,400 13,780
Costs of public utility 480,000 490,200 510,200 520,060 531,000

social security 117,420 125,780 134,790 140,000 146,930

Audit fees. 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000

Other expenses. 26,000 24,760 25,800 22,675 239,800
Fire insurance 5,000,00 5,000,00 5,000,00 5,000,00 5,000,00
premium. 0 0 0 0 0
Total expenses for the 6,611,82 6,811,04 6,851,34 7,018,53 7,264,30
operation 0 0 0 5 7

Year 1

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


List Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe

January February March April May June July August r r r r
Indirect cost 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500 79,500
Supplies. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
telephone 783 789 750 790 755 768 799 745 775 756 790 900
Costs of public utility
42000 42000 43500 44600 44400 33000 32000 30000 42000 42000 42000 42500
social security 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785
Audit fees. 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083
Other expenses. 2,160 2,260 2,250 2,360 2,260 1,560 1,660 1,460 2,260 2,390 2,460 2,920
Fire insurance 416,66 416,66 416,66
premium. 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 6 6 6 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666
Total expenses for the
543,36 542,49 540,23
552,977 553,083 554,534 555,784 555,449 2 3 9 553,069 553,180 553,284 554,354

Year 2
List Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe
January February March April May June July August r r r r
Indirect cost 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550 94,550
Supplies. 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041
telephone 850 840 890 900 890 768 799 745 800 880 880 958
Costs of public utility
43000 42500 43500 44600 43400 33000 32000 32000 43000 43550 44200 45450
social security 10481 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785 9785
Audit fees. 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083
Other expenses. 2,160 2,160 2,250 2,260 2,290 1,660 1,690 1,460 2,160 2,190 2,260 2,220
Fire insurance
416,66 416,66 416,66
416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 6 6 6 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Total expenses for the

558,55 557,61 557,33
569,831 568,625 569,765 570,885 569,705 3 4 0 569,085 569,745 570,465 571,753
Year 3
List Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe
January February March April May June July August r r r r
Indirect cost 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416 95,416
Supplies. 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920 920
telephone 980 989 950 990 965 868 899 845 975 959 990 1090
Costs of public utility
44500 44900 44500 44600 44400 39000 35500 33500 44200 44700 44900 45500
social security 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232 11,232
Audit fees. 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083
Other expenses. 2,160 2,260 2,250 2,160 2,260 1,560 1,660 1,460 2,260 2,390 2,460 2,920
Fire insurance
416,66 416,66 416,66
416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 6 6 6 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666
Total expenses for the
566,74 563,37 561,12
572,957 573,466 573,017 573,067 572,942 5 6 2 572,752 573,366 573,667 574,827

Year 4
List Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe
January February March April May June July August r r r r
Indirect cost 108,33 108,33 108,33
108,333 108,333 108,333 108,333 108,333 3 3 3 108,333 108,333 108,333 108,333
Supplies. 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 866
telephone 1030 1089 1050 1090 1055 968 899 845 1005 1056 1013 1300
Costs of public utility
45200 45500 45500 46600 46400 38000 35000 34060 45700 45500 46100 46500
social security 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666 11666
Audit fees. 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083
Other expenses. 1,890 1,890 1,990 2,110 2,000 1,760 1,660 1,500 1,890 1,885 1,900 2,200

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Fire insurance
416,66 416,66 416,66
416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 6 6 6 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666
Total expenses for the
579,34 576,17 575,01
586,734 587,093 587,154 588,414 588,069 2 3 9 587,209 587,055 587,627 588,614

Year 5
List Septembe Octobe Novembe Decembe
January February March April May June July August r r r r
Indirect cost 109,03 109,03 109,03
109,038 109,038 109,038 109,038 109,038 8 8 8 109,038 109,038 109,038 109,038
Supplies. 945 945 945 945 945 945 945 945 945 945 945 945
telephone 1240 1260 1200 1300 1230 900 899 745 1266 1240 1200 1300
Costs of public utility
45200 45400 45800 46600 45000 40000 39000 37500 45900 45900 46800 47900
social security 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244 12244
Audit fees. 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083 1,083
Other expenses. 1,970 1,990 1,990 2,190 2,280 1,860 1,770 1,460 1,990 2,010 2,250 2,220
Fire insurance
416,66 416,66 416,66
416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666 6 6 6 416,666 416,666 416,666 416,666
Total expenses for the
582,73 581,64 579,68
588,386 588,626 588,966 590,066 588,486 6 5 1 589,132 589,126 590,226 591,396

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Organization Management

Administrative organization for high performance of increasing productivity and

profit including cost, there are plans to implementation of Material Resource Planning to help

the administration.

Administrative of productivity in Horizontal Organization for personnel every level of

organization learning, working as a team with others a vision far more by teamwork will need

to the specific expertise and ability to work with others agencies. The company will focus on

team performance more than individual performance. The company focuses on the conditions

of both physical and psychological environment in the production system coupled with the

production level targeted by the company to design a set of events and rewards.

Organization Structure

Organization structure have 2 division are the Production and Management by the

Management consist of Marketing departments and Accounting departments.

Managing Director

- Policy compliance. Business direction and planning of the board of directors or

executive committee.

- Supervision and monitoring performance of various departments within the

organization to meet business plans.

- Prepare and verify annual budget offering by the Executive held.

- Other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.

Executives at the factory manager.

- Comply with the policy. Guidelines and business plan set by the board of directors or

executive committee.

- Prepare the annual budget.

- To approve the payment or pay for the transaction of normal for the benefit of


- Supervise and verify the performance of various departments within the organization

to meet business plans.

- Other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors. Or the Executive Committee.

Plant managers oversee various managers to have effective coordination between and

as a team.

- Managers perform other functions. As assigned by the Board of Directors or the

Executive Committee. Plant manager in the Division to coordinate and effectively as

a team.


Supervise and verify the performance of lower-level employees of various departments

within the organization to meet business plans and duties as assigned by manager.

Organization Chart

Managing Director

Factory Manager Salesman Accountant

Foreman Mechanic Clerk


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Procurement personnel

Personnel in the implementation of the project can be provided locally, which can be

further skills training for hello. Because the production process and equipment that workers

use a simple two people are in control of a computer melt plastic melting machine to

machine, which produces over 24 hours, it is necessary to train workers in the repair and

maintenance of machinery. Regularly


Company will hire skilled and semi-skilled. The daily minimum wage is 181 baht

hour work shift of 8 hours per day, a shift that will focus on training. The safety of workers

will be working with uniform and hat, if your hands and ear plugs. People must be sacrificing

the health infectious diseases focuses on providing high-quality labor. Requires people have

skills. The ability and discipline to do with the machine

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


4.4.3 Administrative Cost

Shows the indirect labor

List Number Wages/ welfare Totaling 1 year


Executive Officer

- Committee Manager /month 1 35,000 420,000

- Salesperson /month 1 12,000 144,000

-Accountant /month 1 15,000 180,000

-Human resource /month 1 13,000 156,000

-security guard /month 2 5,000 120,000

-maid /month 1 4,500 54,000

Total wage 1 year 1,074,000

Administrative Cost
Shows the indirect labor

List Number Wages/ welfare Totaling 1 year


Executive Officer

- Committee Manager /month 1 35,000 420,000

- Salesperson /month 1 12,000 144,000

-Accountant /month 1 15,000 180,000

-Human resource /month 1 13,000 156,000

-security guard /month 2 5,000 120,000

-maid /month 1 4,500 54,000

Total wage 1 year 1,074,000

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Depreciation of administrative expense
list Number lifetime Total Depreciation


Computer 4 3 89,200 29,733

Table 4 5 12,000 2,400

Cabinet 2 5 4,000 800

Telephone 4 3 3,400 1,133

Fax 1 3 4,500 1,500

TV 1 3 9,900 3,300

Calculator 3 3 1,800 600

Sofa 1 5 5,000 1,000

Cooling water 1 5 5,790 1,158

Total 116,790 63,224

Depreciation administrative Year 1


Investment Amoun Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
3.telephone 3,400 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 1,128
Fax 4,500 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500
4.Caculatio 1,800 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600
5.Table 12,000 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 3,996
6.Cabinet 4,000 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 792
7.Sofa 5,000 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 1,656
8.TV 9,900 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 3,300
9.Computer 89,200 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 29,724
14.Cooling 5,790 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 1,158
Total 135,59 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 43,854

Depreciation administrative Year 2

Investment Amoun Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
3.telephone 3,400 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 1,128
Fax 4,500 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500
4.Caculatio 1,800 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600
5.Table 12,000 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 3,996
6.Cabinet 4,000 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 792
7.Sofa 5,000 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 1,656
8.TV 9,900 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 3,300
9.Computer 89,200 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 29,724

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


14.Cooling 5,790 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 1,158

Total 135,59 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 43,854

Depreciation administrative Year 3

Investment Amoun Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
3.telephone 3,400 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 1,128
Fax 4,500 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,500
4.Caculatio 1,800 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600
5.Table 12,000 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 3,996
6.Cabinet 4,000 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 792
7.Sofa 5,000 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 1,656
8.TV 9,900 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 3,300
9.Computer 89,200 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 2,477 29,724
14.Cooling 5,790 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 1,158
Total 135,59 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 43,854
Depreciation administrative Year 4
Investment Amoun Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
3.telephone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.Caculatio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


5.Table 12,000 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 3,996
6.Cabinet 4,000 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 792
7.Sofa 5,000 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 1,656
8.TV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9.Computer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14.Cooling 5,790 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 1,158
Total 26,790 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 7,602

Depreciation administrative Year 5

Investment Amoun Jan. Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
3.telephone 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4.Caculatio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.Table 12,000 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 3,996
6.Cabinet 4,000 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 792
7.Sofa 5,000 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 1,656
8.TV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9.Computer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14.Cooling 5,790 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 1,158
Total 26,790 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 634 7,602

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Characteristic, product feature because of plastic has many type is Poly

ethylene terephthalate (PET), High Density Polylene (HDPE), Low Density Polylene

(LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

(ABS). Process of plastic recycle conclude that start at separasating (selection), after

that is grinding, next is washing, follow step is water shredding, next step is drying,

and the last is pelletizing. Location designs on suitable to charge the least. Some

activity should the location near the source material. Market distribution in plastic

market and production are chosen near from factory is the most appropriate location.

Transportation concept is quickly and safety. Labor with moderation skills but not

high necessarily because in the production of polymers is not complicated technology

to help. Logistic management by import machines from China, Taiwan and each

machine has 40 horsepower and production rate is 4 tons/day per machine using two

machines. Facility management in our company focus on flexibility of labor such as

relax hour in office, have common room to meeting other people, and have life

insurance to every labor. Cost of investment is 30,000,000 in first year, then has

operating cost 300,000 baht, land 4,000,000 baht, building 3,669,000 baht, equipment

and machines 3,532,000 baht, office equipment 70,620, vehicles 2,100,000 and set

depreciation at building is 20 year, equipment and machines 5 year, officer equipment

3 year. Organization management has many main points such as organization

structure, managing director, leader, procurement personnel and labor. Organization

structure have 2 division are the Production and Management. Managing director to

manage important point with company and direct assigned by the board of directors.

Leader supervises and verifies the performance of lower-level employees of various

departments within the organization to meet business plans and duties as assigned by

manager. Procurement personnel Because the production process and equipment that

workers use a simple two people are in control of a computer melt plastic melting

machine to machine, which produces over 24 hours, it is necessary to train workers in

the repair and maintenance of machinery. Labor daily minimum wage is 181 baht

hour work shift of 8 hours per day, a shift that will focus on training and people must

be sacrificing the health infectious diseases focuses on providing high-quality labor.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Chapter 5
Finance analysis

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Finance analysis

Budget project and source of fund

  Source of fund

Item Liabilities Owner

  Account Loan
1. Current Fund        

Cash ฿ 10,000,000.00   ฿ 5,000,000.00 ฿ 5,000,000.00

฿ 1,400,000.00 ฿ 700,000.00 ฿ 700,000.00
Prepaid Insurance  
฿ 500,000.00 ฿ 250,000.00 ฿ 250,000.00

฿ 11,900,000.00 ฿ 5,950,000.00 ฿ 5,950,000.00

Current Fund (1) -
2. Permanent Asset      

Land ฿ 3,000,000.00   ฿ 1,500,000.00 ฿ 1,500,000.00

Equipment ฿ 3,532,000.00   ฿ 1,766,000.00 ฿ 1,766,000.00
Building ฿ 3,669,000.00   ฿ 1,834,500.00 ฿ 1,834,500.00
Total permanent asset
฿ 10,201,000.00 ฿ 5,100,500.00 ฿ 5,100,500.00
(2) -
3. Expense before        
3.1 Preparation  
    ฿ -
3.2 Long term asset  
right     ฿ -

Total expense before

฿ - ฿ - ฿ -
operation -
Total cost of project
฿ 22,101,000.00 ฿ 11,050,500.00 ฿ 11,050,500.00
(1) + (2) + (3) -
Liabilities ratio : 100%   50% 50%

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

List of Asset Value
No   (Baht)
1 Land 3,000,000.00
2 Building 3,669,000.00
3 Machine and Equipment 3,532,000.00
  Total 10,201,000.00

No. Name-Surname Common Value(Baht Amount Percentage

Stocks )

1 Miss Rawiwan Sunpakaew 73,670 25 17%
2 Miss Saithip Kaewarpai 73,670 25 17%
Miss Koachaporn ฿
3 Thanompongchay 73,670 25 17%
4 Miss Nuttsikarn Sukchum 73,670 25 17%

5 Miss Suthida Luesan 73,670 25 ฿ 17%

6 Mr.Tana Pantuvan 73,670 25 17%

Total 442,020 25 ฿ 100%

Loan principals 0

Interest rate 12%

Interest rate per

month 0.010041667
Payment period
(month) 120

Number of month 360 Interest rate

PMT ฿158,862.14 158,862.14 12% 0


งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 1

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿ ฿
11,050,500.0 ฿ ฿ 10,904,528.6 ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ 10,546,466.0 ฿ ฿
Principals 0 11,002,327.04 10,953,671.54 7 10,854,893.56 10,804,761.27 10,754,126.83 10,702,985.19 10,651,331.28 10,599,159.98 9 10,493,244.39 10,439,489.58
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 48,172.97 48,655.50 49,142.86 49,635.11 50,132.29 50,634.45 51,141.64 51,653.91 52,171.30 52,693.89 53,221.70 53,754.81 611,010.42
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 110,689.18 110,206.64 109,719.28 109,227.03 108,729.85 108,227.69 107,720.50 107,208.23 106,690.84 106,168.25 105,640.44 105,107.33 1,295,335.26
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿
11,161,189.1 ฿ ฿ 11,013,755.7 ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ 10,652,106.5 ฿
Total debt purchasing 8 11,112,533.68 11,063,390.81 0 10,963,623.41 10,912,988.97 10,861,847.33 10,810,193.42 10,758,022.12 10,705,328.23 3 10,598,351.72  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 2

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿
10,439,489.5 ฿ ฿ 10,274,972.8 ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 8 10,385,196.33 10,330,359.24 6 10,219,031.70 10,162,530.19 10,105,462.73 10,047,823.64 9,989,607.20 9,930,807.63 9,871,419.08 9,811,435.65 9,750,851.39
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 54,293.25 54,837.09 55,386.37 55,941.16 56,501.51 57,067.46 57,639.09 58,216.44 58,799.57 59,388.55 59,983.43 60,584.26 688,638.19
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 104,568.89 104,025.05 103,475.77 102,920.98 102,360.63 101,794.68 101,223.05 100,645.70 100,062.57 99,473.59 98,878.71 98,277.88 1,217,707.49
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿
10,544,058.4 ฿ ฿ 10,377,893.8 ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 7 10,489,221.38 10,433,835.00 4 10,321,392.33 10,264,324.87 10,206,685.78 10,148,469.34 10,089,669.77 10,030,281.22 9,970,297.79 9,909,713.53  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 3

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น


฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 9,750,851.39 9,689,660.28 9,627,856.24 9,565,433.12 9,502,384.74 9,438,704.82 9,374,387.04 9,309,425.01 9,243,812.28 9,177,542.32 9,110,608.57 9,043,004.35 8,974,722.97
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 61,191.11 61,804.04 62,423.11 63,048.38 63,679.92 64,317.78 64,962.03 65,612.73 66,269.95 66,933.76 67,604.21 68,281.38 776,128.42
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 97,671.03 97,058.10 96,439.03 95,813.76 95,182.22 94,544.36 93,900.11 93,249.41 92,592.19 91,928.38 91,257.93 90,580.76 1,130,217.26
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 9,848,522.42 9,786,718.38 9,724,295.26 9,661,246.88 9,597,566.96 9,533,249.18 9,468,287.15 9,402,674.42 9,336,404.46 9,269,470.71 9,201,866.49 9,133,585.11  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 4  

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 8,974,722.97 8,905,757.64 8,836,101.51 8,765,747.65 8,694,689.08 8,622,918.75 8,550,429.51 8,477,214.17 8,403,265.46 8,328,576.03 8,253,138.46 8,176,945.26 8,099,988.85
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 68,965.33 69,656.13 70,353.86 71,058.57 71,770.34 72,489.24 73,215.34 73,948.71 74,689.43 75,437.57 76,193.20 76,956.41 874,734.12
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 89,896.81 89,206.01 88,508.28 87,803.57 87,091.80 86,372.90 85,646.80 84,913.43 84,172.71 83,424.57 82,668.94 81,905.73 1,031,611.56
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 9,064,619.78 8,994,963.65 8,924,609.79 8,853,551.22 8,781,780.89 8,709,291.65 8,636,076.31 8,562,127.60 8,487,438.17 8,412,000.60 8,335,807.40 8,258,850.99  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 5

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 8,099,988.85 8,022,261.60 7,943,755.78 7,864,463.59 7,784,377.16 7,703,488.54 7,621,789.67 7,539,272.46 7,455,928.70 7,371,750.11 7,286,728.33 7,200,854.92 7,114,121.35
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 77,727.25 78,505.82 79,292.19 80,086.43 80,888.63 81,698.86 82,517.21 83,343.76 84,178.59 85,021.78 85,873.41 86,733.58 985,867.51
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 81,134.89 80,356.32 79,569.95 78,775.71 77,973.51 77,163.28 76,344.93 75,518.38 74,683.55 73,840.36 72,988.73 72,128.56 920,478.17
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 8,181,123.74 8,102,617.92 8,023,325.73 7,943,239.30 7,862,350.68 7,780,651.81 7,698,134.60 7,614,790.84 7,530,612.25 7,445,590.47 7,359,717.06 7,272,983.49  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 6

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 7,114,121.35 7,026,518.99 6,938,039.15 6,848,673.03 6,758,411.77 6,667,246.39 6,575,167.83 6,482,166.95 6,388,234.52 6,293,361.20 6,197,537.56 6,100,754.09 6,003,001.17
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 87,602.36 88,479.84 89,366.11 90,261.27 91,165.38 92,078.56 93,000.88 93,932.43 94,873.32 95,823.64 96,783.47 97,752.92 1,111,120.18
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 71,259.78 70,382.30 69,496.03 68,600.87 67,696.76 66,783.58 65,861.26 64,929.71 63,988.82 63,038.50 62,078.67 61,109.22 795,225.50
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 7,185,381.13 7,096,901.29 7,007,535.17 6,917,273.91 6,826,108.53 6,734,029.97 6,641,029.09 6,547,096.66 6,452,223.34 6,356,399.70 6,259,616.23 6,161,863.31  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 7

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 6,003,001.17 5,904,269.09 5,804,548.04 5,703,828.13 5,602,099.33 5,499,351.55 5,395,574.58 5,290,758.12 5,184,891.74 5,077,964.93 4,969,967.07 4,860,887.43 4,750,715.18
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 98,732.08 99,721.04 100,719.92 101,728.79 102,747.78 103,776.97 104,816.47 105,866.38 106,926.81 107,997.86 109,079.64 110,172.25 1,252,285.98
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 60,130.06 59,141.10 58,142.22 57,133.35 56,114.36 55,085.17 54,045.67 52,995.76 51,935.33 50,864.28 49,782.50 48,689.89 654,059.70
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 6,063,131.23 5,963,410.18 5,862,690.27 5,760,961.47 5,658,213.69 5,554,436.72 5,449,620.26 5,343,753.88 5,236,827.07 5,128,829.21 5,019,749.57 4,909,577.32  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 8

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 4,750,715.18 4,639,439.37 4,527,048.95 4,413,532.75 4,298,879.50 4,183,077.80 4,066,116.16 3,947,982.95 3,828,666.44 3,708,154.77 3,586,435.98 3,463,497.98 3,339,328.54
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 111,275.81 112,390.42 113,516.20 114,653.25 115,801.70 116,961.64 118,133.21 119,316.51 120,511.66 121,718.79 122,938.01 124,169.44 1,411,386.64
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 47,586.33 46,471.72 45,345.94 44,208.89 43,060.44 41,900.50 40,728.93 39,545.63 38,350.48 37,143.35 35,924.13 34,692.70 494,959.04
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 4,798,301.51 4,685,911.09 4,572,394.89 4,457,741.64 4,341,939.94 4,224,978.30 4,106,845.09 3,987,528.58 3,867,016.91 3,745,298.12 3,622,360.12 3,498,190.68  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 9

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Principals 3,339,328.54 3,213,915.34 3,087,245.92 2,959,307.69 2,830,087.95 2,699,573.86 2,567,752.45 2,434,610.63 2,300,135.17 2,164,312.72 2,027,129.78 1,888,572.72 1,748,627.79
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 125,413.20 126,669.42 127,938.23 129,219.74 130,514.09 131,821.41 133,141.82 134,475.46 135,822.45 137,182.94 138,557.06 139,944.94 1,590,700.75
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 33,448.94 32,192.72 30,923.91 29,642.40 28,348.05 27,040.73 25,720.32 24,386.68 23,039.69 21,679.20 20,305.08 18,917.20 315,644.93
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 3,372,777.48 3,246,108.06 3,118,169.83 2,988,950.09 2,858,436.00 2,726,614.59 2,593,472.77 2,458,997.31 2,323,174.86 2,185,991.92 2,047,434.86 1,907,489.93  

งบแสดงการกู้ยืมปี ที่ 10

Period (Month) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 รวมทั้งสิ้น

฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ -฿
Principals 1,748,627.79 1,607,281.07 1,464,518.53 1,320,325.98 1,174,689.11 1,027,593.44 879,024.36 728,967.11 577,406.79 424,328.34 269,716.56 113,556.08 44,168.61
Installment debt ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
payment 141,346.72 142,762.54 144,192.55 145,636.87 147,095.67 148,569.08 150,057.25 151,560.32 153,078.45 154,611.78 156,160.48 157,724.69 1,792,796.39
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Interest expense 17,515.42 16,099.60 14,669.59 13,225.27 11,766.47 10,293.06 8,804.89 7,301.82 5,783.69 4,250.36 2,701.66 1,137.45 113,549.29
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
VAT (7%) 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 133,444.20
฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
Total debt purchasing 1,766,143.21 1,623,380.67 1,479,188.12 1,333,551.25 1,186,455.58 1,037,886.50 887,829.25 736,268.93 583,190.48 428,578.70 272,418.22 114,693.53  

Income Statement

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs plastic recycle Industry

Estimated income statement during 5 years
From year 1 to year 5

Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

20,458,3 21,865,3 22,463,9 24,680,5
Revenue: 20,441,350 00 50 90 50

Less: Cost of goods sold          

4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Raw material
119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
Material loss
4,479,8 4,841,0 5,227,5 5,593,5 6,066,6
Total 00 00 00 00 00

Gross margin          

Less: Operating expense          

Marketing expense
133,850 132,390 173,460 168,990 188,230
Administrative expense
6,610,820 6,811,040 6,851,340 7,018,535 7,264,307
Depreciation( organization plan
and management)
620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390
Property tax 12.5%
83,625 83,625 83,625 83,625 83,625
Insurance Expense
26,588 26,588 26,588 26,588 26,588

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Total Operation expenses

7,475,273 7,674,033 7,755,403 7,918,128 8,183,140
Profit before deduct interest rate
8,486,277 7,943,267 8,882,447 8,952,362 10,430,810
Less: Interest expense ฿
1,295,335.00 1,217,707 1,130,217 1,031,617 902,478
Less: Value added 7%
133,444 133,444 133,444 133,444 133,444
Profit before deduct income tax
7,057,498 6,592,116 7,618,786 7,787,301 9,394,888
Less: Corporate tax 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895

Net Income
5,410,963 5,108,484 5,853,388 6,000,940 7,164,993

Corporate tax      
  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5      
15% 127,500 127,500 127,500 127,500 127,500      
25% 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000      
30% 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895      
  2,274,035 2,111,132 2,392,898 2,413,861 2,857,395      
Property tax กำหนดระยะเวลาให ้ยืน
่ แบบแสดงรายการ          
  ให ้ผู ้รับประเมินยืน
่ แบบแจ ้งรายการเพือ
่ เสียภาษี โรงเรือนและทีด
่ น
ิ  (ภ.ร.ด.2) ต่อพนักงานเจ ้าหน ้าทีแ
่ ห่งท ้องที ่  ณ สำนักงานเขตทีท ิ นัน
่ รัพย์สน ้ ตัง้ อยู ่ ภายในเด        

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Insurance policies
Cost of insurance
Cost of
Primary protection Descriptions insurance Add: Add: expense
per year tax VAT per year
1. Insurance for fire and According to the value of
disasters assets 5,000,000 22,500 90 1,581 24,171
2. Insurance for the loss of 10% of cost of insurance for
trading opportunity fire and disasters 500,000 2,250 9 158 2,417
          Total 26,588
      expense rate 0.45%    
      Duty tax 0.40%    
      VAT 7%    

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Income Statement
3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry
Estimated Income Statement
From the Beginning of year 1 to the Ending of Year 1
Septembe Novembe
Item January February March April May June July August r October r December    
1,855,50 18,245,35
Revenue: 1,722,750 1,758,000 0 2,029,250 1,814,000 1,295,500 1,182,250 1,220,000 1,702,250 1,712,350 1,953,500 0    
Less: Cost of
goods sold                            
Raw material 363,333 366,899 377,890 389,000 369,000 329,000 324,500 329,800 378,000 379,000 379,000 374,578  
Material loss 9980 9,978 10,500 10,600 9,892 9,500 8,900 9,100 10,030 10,420 10,400 10,500  

Gross margin 1,349,437 1,381,123 0 1,629,650 1,435,108 957,000 848,850 881,100 1,314,220 1,322,930 1,564,100 2,196,000    
expense 35,500 7,700 9,500 47,650 13,800 7,400 7,250 5,000 6,000 7,360 9,290 61,700    

e expense 586,734 587,093 587,154 588,414 588,069 579,342 576,173 575,019 587,209 587,055 587,627 588,614    

expense 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699    

admistrative 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655    
tax 12.5% 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979    

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Expense                       26,588    
expenses 684,567 657,126 658,987 698,397 664,202 649,075 645,756 642,352 655,542 656,748 659,250 739,235    
Profit before
interest rate 664,870 723,997 808,123 931,253 770,906 307,925 203,094 238,748 658,678 666,182 904,850 1,456,765    
Less: Interest
expense 110,206.6 109,719. 109,227.0 108,227.6 107,720.5 107,208.2 106,690.8 106,168.2 105,640.4 105,107.3
110,689.18 4 28 3 108,729.85 9 0 3 4 5 4 3    
Less: Value
added 7% 11,120.3
11,120.35 11,120.35 5 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35    
Profit before
income tax 543,061 602,670 687,283 810,906 651,056 188,577 84,253 120,420 540,867 548,893 788,089 1,340,537 Total 6,906,613
Less:   Coperate 1,646,535
Corporate tax                       tax
Net Income T0tal Net
543,061 602,670 687,283 810,906 651,056 188,577 84,253 120,420 540,867 548,893 788,089 1,340,537 incom 5,260,078

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Income Statement
3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry
Estimated Income Statement
From the Beginning of year 2 to the Ending of Year 2
Septembe Novembe
Item January February March April May June July August r October r December    
Revenue: 1,798,300 1,788,000 0 1,852,500 1,685,000 1,435,500 1,325,500 1,353,500 1,817,500 1,817,000 1,792,000 1,973,500    
Less: Cost of
goods sold                            

Raw material 409,800 439,200 410,900 420,500 410,000 323,000 309,800 290,100 408,500 419,900 426,900 434,400    

Material loss 11,000 12,300 13,400 14,000 13,000 9,700 8,900 5,900 11,500 11,800 12,500 14,000    

Gross margin 1,377,500 1,336,500 0 1,418,000 1,262,000 1,102,800 1,006,800 1,057,500 1,397,500 1,385,300 1,352,600 1,525,100    
expense 3,900 5,500 3,800 37,200 5,200 5,000 4,900 5,030 4,200 5,460 5,500 107,300    

e expense 569,831 568,625 569,765 570,885 569,705 558,553 557,614 557,330 569,085 569,745 570,465 571,753    
Depreciation 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699 51,699

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



admistrative 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655    
tax 12.5% 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979    
Expense                       26,588    
expenses 636,064 636,458 635,898 670,418 637,238 625,886 624,847 624,693 635,618 637,538 638,298 767,974    
Profit before
interest rate 741,436 700,042 759,802 747,582 624,762 476,914 381,953 432,807 761,882 747,762 714,302 757,126    
Less: Interest
expense 104,025.0 103,475. 102,920.9 101,794.6 101,223.0 100,645.7 100,062.5
104,568.89 5 77 8 102,360.63 8 5 0 7 99,473.59 98,878.71 98,277.88    
Less: Value
added 7% 11,120.3
11,120.35 11,120.35 5 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35    
Profit before
income tax 625,747 584,897 645,206 633,541 511,281 363,999 269,610 321,041 650,699 637,168 604,303 647,728 Tatal 6,495,218
Less: Coperate 1,483,632
Corporate tax                         tax
Net Income Total Net
625,747 584,897 645,206 633,541 511,281 363,999 269,610 321,041 650,699 637,168 604,303 647,728 income 5,011,586

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Income Statement
3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry
Estimated Income Statement
From the Beginning of year 3 to the Ending of Year 3
Septembe Novembe
Item January February March April May June July August r October r December    
Revenue: 1,907,500 1,899,350 0 1,926,250 1,913,550 1,419,750 1,431,750 1,235,000 1,904,500 1,906,400 1,905,300 1,961,000    
Less: Cost of
goods sold                            

Raw material 422,000 430,900 437,000 459,000 445,900 380,800 365,700 347,000 423,700 435,000 435,000 460,000    
Material loss 15400 16700 17800 18900 18000 12500 12000 10900 15800 15200 15500 16800    

Gross margin 1,470,100 1,451,750 0 1,448,350 1,449,650 1,026,450 1,054,050 877,100 1,465,000 1,456,200 1,454,800 1,484,200    
expense 7,200 5,900 5,000 35,800 5,900 4,800 3,700 4,850 3,460 4,650 5,200 87,000    
572,957 573,466 573,017 573,067 572,942 566,745 563,376 561,122 572,752 573,366 573,667 574,827    

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


e expense

expense 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699    

e 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655    
tax 12.5% 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979    
Expense                       26,588    
expenses 642,490 641,699 640,350 671,200 641,175 633,878 629,409 628,305 638,545 640,349 641,200 750,748    
Profit before
interest rate 827,610 810,051 760,350 777,150 808,475 392,572 424,641 248,795 826,455 815,851 813,600 733,452    
Less: Interest
expense 96,439.0
97,671.03 97,058.10 3 95,813.76 95,182.22 94,544.36 93,900.11 93,249.41 92,592.19 91,928.38 91,257.93 90,580.76    
Less: Value
added 7% 11,120.3
11,120.35 11,120.35 5 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35    
Profit before
deduct 701,872.5 652,790. 670,215.9 286,907.2 319,620.5 144,425.2 722,742.4 712,802.2 711,221.7 631,750.8 6,975,340.
income tax 718,818.62 5 62 0 702,172.43 9 4 4 6 7 2 9 Total 54
Less: Coperate
Corporate tax expense 1,765,398
Net Income
7 701 652, 670 70 286, 319 144 722 712, 711 631 Total Net
18,818.62 ,872.55 790.62 ,215.90 2,172.43 907.29 ,620.54 ,425.24 ,742.46 802.27 ,221.72 ,750.89 income 5,209,942.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Income Statement
3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry
Estimated Income Statement
From the Beginning of year 4 to the Ending of Year 4
Septembe Novembe
Item January February March April May June July August r October r December    
Revenue: 1,983,750 1,949,000 0 2,002,500 1,999,500 1,539,750 1,485,500 1,512,900 1,980,340 2,001,750 1,987,750 2,026,000    
Less: Cost of
goods sold                            

Raw material 469,000 469,900 469,000 475,000 477,000 394,800 379,000 352,200 458,100 479,000 478,000 488,000    
Material loss 17000 17600 18900 19500 18700 13000 13050 12900 17800 17550 18700 19800    
Gross margin    
1,497,750 1,461,500 1,507,35 1,508,000 1,503,800 1,131,950 1,093,450 1,147,800 1,504,440 1,505,200 1,491,050 1,518,200

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


expense 75,700 5,390 5,200 6,900 4,500 4,990 4,200 4,690 4,790 5,100 6,000 66,900    

e expense 586,734 587,093 587,154 588,414 588,069 579,342 576,173 575,019 587,209 587,055 587,627 588,614    

expense 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699    

e 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655    
tax 12.5% 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979    
Expense                       26,588    
expenses 724,767 654,816 654,687 657,647 654,902 646,665 642,706 642,042 654,332 654,488 655,960 744,435    
Profit before
interest rate 772,983 806,684 852,663 850,353 848,898 485,285 450,744 505,758 850,108 850,712 835,090 773,765    
Less: Interest
expense 88,508.2
89,896.81 89,206.01 8 87,803.57 87,091.80 86,372.90 85,646.80 84,913.43 84,172.71 83,424.57 82,668.94 81,905.73    
Less: Value
added 7% 11,120.3
11,120.35 11,120.35 5 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35    
Profit before
deduct 706,357.6 753,034. 751,429.0 387,791.7 353,976.8 409,724.2 754,814.9 756,167.0 741,300.7 680,738.9 7,717,987.
income tax 671,965.84 4 37 8 750,685.85 5 5 2 4 8 1 2 Total 25
Less: Coperate
Corporate tax expense 1,786,361
Net Income
6 706 753 75 75 387 353 409 75 756 741 68 Total Net
71,965.84 ,357.64 ,034.37 1,429.08 0,685.85 ,791.75 ,976.85 ,724.22 4,814.94 ,167.08 ,300.71 0,738.92 income 5,931,626.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



Income Statement  
3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry
Estimated Income Statement
From the Beginning of year 5 to the Ending of Year 5
Septembe Novembe
Item January February March April May June July August r October r December    
Revenue: 2,172,500 2,168,750 0 2,229,000 2,154,000 1,754,500 1,701,900 1,564,350 2,150,500 2,187,000 2,184,000 2,246,550    
Less: Cost of                            

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


goods sold

Raw material 494,000 499,000 495,500 522,100 513,000 430,000 420,900 413,500 485,700 497,500 499,800 539,000    
Material loss 21380 21500 21900 22990 22500 20100 19800 18500 21000 21510 21920 23500    

Gross margin: 1,657,120 1,648,250 0 1,683,910 1,618,500 1,304,400 1,261,200 1,132,350 1,643,800 1,667,990 1,662,280 1,684,050    
expense 56,800 5,500 5,900 34,200 6,200 5,600 5,100 5,190 5,400 6,050 6,390 76,300    

e expense 588,386 588,626 588,966 590,066 588,486 582,736 581,645 579,681 589,132 589,126 590,226 591,396    

expense 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699 51699    

e 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655 3,655    

e 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979    
Expense                       26,588    
expenses 707,519 656,459 657,199 686,599 657,019 650,669 649,078 647,204 656,865 657,509 658,949 756,617    
Profit before
interest rate 949,601 991,791 992,901 997,311 961,481 653,731 612,122 485,146 986,935 1,010,481 1,003,331 927,433    
Less: Interest
expense 79,569.9
81,134.89 80,356.32 5 78,775.71 77,973.51 77,163.28 76,344.93 75,518.38 74,683.55 73,840.36 72,988.73 72,128.56    
Less: Value
added 7% 11,120.3
11,120.35 11,120.35 5 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35 11,120.35    

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Profit before
deduct 900,314.3 902,210. 907,414.9 565,447.3 524,656.7 398,507.2 901,131.1 925,520.2 919,221.9 844,184.0 9,518,341.
income tax 857,345.76 3 70 4 872,387.14 7 2 7 0 9 2 9 Total 63
Less: Coperate
Corporate tax expense 2,229,895
Net Income
8 900 902 90 87 565 524 398 90 925 919 84 Total Net
57,345.76 ,314.33 ,210.70 7,414.94 2,387.14 ,447.37 ,656.72 ,507.27 1,131.10 ,520.29 ,221.92 4,184.09 income 7,288,446.

Statement of Cash flow

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Estimated cash flow statement during 5 years

From year 1 to year 5

Beginning Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Cash received:            
Sales   2,196,000 1,973,500 1,961,000 2,026,000 2,246,550
Receivable   - - - - -
Other revenue   - - - - -
Total cash (1)   2,196,000 1,973,500 1,961,000 2,026,000 2,246,550
Cash payment:   - - - - -
Operation   - - - - -
Purchasing goods   385,078 448,400 476,800 476,800 562,500
Marketing Expense   46,800 107,300 87,000 66,900 76,300
Administrative Expense   554,354 571,753 574,827 588,614 591,396
Insurance Expense   26,588 26,588 26,588 26,588 26,588
Property Tax   6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979
Corporate Tax   2,274,035 2,111,132 2,392,898 2,413,861 2,857,395
Investment   - - - - -
Purchasing fixed asset (add)   - - - - -
Pre-operating expense (add)   - - - - -
Total cash payment (2)   3,293,834 3,272,152 3,565,092 3,579,742 4,121,158
Net cash:   - - - - -
Net cash (1) – (2)   - 1,097,834 - 1,298,652 - 1,604,092 - 1,553,742 - 1,874,608
Add current fund   6,059,552 10,620,067 15,396,069 20,805,359 27,465,552
Total cash - 4,961,719 9,321,415 13,791,977 19,251,617 25,590,944
Add owner's capital   - - - - -
Add loan   - - - - -
Add payable   - - - - -
Less: Installment debt payment   53,755 60,584 68,281 76,956 86,734

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Less: Interest expense   105,107 98,278 90,581 81,906 72,129

Less: value added tax 7 %   11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120
Net cash - 4,791,736 9,151,432 13,621,995 19,081,635 25,420,962

Statement of Cash Flow

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 1 to the ending of year 1

Beginn Septemb Novemb Decembe

ing January February March April May June July August er October er r
1,722,75 1,295,50 1,182,25 1,220,00 1,702,25 1,712,35 1,953,50 2,196,00
Sales   0 1,758,000 1,855,500 2,029,250 1,814,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,722,75 1,295,50 1,182,25 1,220,00 1,702,25 1,712,35 1,953,50 2,196,00

Total cash (1)   0 1,758,000 1,855,500 2,029,250 1,814,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
goods   373,313 376,877 388,390 399,600 378,892 338,500 333,400 338,900 388,030 389,420 389,400 385,078
Expense   18,600 4,800 5,600 24,750 7,900 4,500 4,350 3,100 3,600 4,460 5,390 46,800

e Expense   552,977 553,083 554,534 555,784 555,449 543,362 542,493 540,239 553,069 553,180 553,284 554,354
Expense   - - - - - - - - - - - 26,588
Tax   6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979
Corporate 2,274,03
Tax                         5
fixed asset

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


expense (add)

Total cash 3,293,83

payment (2)   951,869 941,739 955,503 987,113 949,220 893,341 887,222 889,218 951,678 954,039 955,053 4
Net cash:                          
Net cash (1) 1,097,83
– (2)   770,881 816,261 899,997 1,042,137 864,780 402,159 295,028 330,782 750,572 758,311 998,447 4

Add current 3,544,14 3,776,32 3,901,36 4,062,16 4,642,75 5,231,08 6,059,55

fund   - 600,899 1,247,178 1,977,193 2,849,348 6 3 9 9 8 7 2

3,946,30 4,071,35 4,232,15 4,812,74 5,401,07 6,229,53 4,961,71

Total cash - 770,881 1,417,160 2,147,175 3,019,330 3,714,128 5 1 1 1 0 5 9
Add owner's
Add loan                          
Add payable                          
debt payment   48,173 48,655 49,143 49,635 50,132 50,634 51,142 51,654 52,171 52,694 53,222 53,755
Less: Interest
expense   110,689 110,207 109,719 109,227 108,730 108,228 107,721 107,208 106,691 106,168 105,640 105,107
Less: value
added tax 7 %   11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120

3,776,32 3,901,36 4,062,16 4,642,75 5,231,08 6,059,55 4,791,73

Net cash - 600,899 1,247,178 1,977,193 2,849,348 3,544,146 3 9 9 8 7 2 6

Statement of Cash Flow

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 2 to the ending of year 2

Beginn Septemb Novemb Decembe

ing January February March April May June July August er October er r
1,798,30 1,435,50 1,325,50 1,353,50 1,817,50 1,817,00 1,792,00 1,973,50
Sales 0 1,788,000 1,820,000 1,852,500 1,685,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


1,798,30 1,435,50 1,325,50 1,353,50 1,817,50 1,817,00 1,792,00 1,973,50

Total cash (1)   0 1,788,000 1,820,000 1,852,500 1,685,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

goods   420,800 451,500 424,300 434,500 423,000 332,700 318,700 296,000 420,000 431,700 439,400 448,400
Expense   3,900 5,500 3,800 37,200 5,200 5,000 4,900 5,030 4,200 5,460 5,500 107,300

e Expense   569,831 568,625 569,765 570,885 569,705 558,553 557,614 557,330 569,085 569,745 570,465 571,753
Expense   - - - - - - - - - - - 26,588
Tax   6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979
Corporate 2,111,13
Tax                         2

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


fixed asset
expense (add)                          

Total cash 1,001,51 1,000,26 1,013,88 1,022,34 3,272,15

payment (2)   0 1,032,604 1,004,844 1,049,564 1,004,884 903,232 888,193 865,339 4 4 4 2

Net cash:                          
Net cash (1) 1,298,65
– (2)   796,790 755,396 815,156 802,936 680,116 532,268 437,307 488,161 817,236 803,116 769,656 2

Add current 4,791, 4,791,73 7,792,21 8,154,50 8,421,82 8,740,00 9,387,26 10,020,3 10,620,0
fund 736 6 5,418,544 6,003,957 6,649,131 7,282,084 8 3 8 6 0 93 67

4,791, 5,588,52 8,324,48 8,591,81 8,909,98 9,557,24 10,190,3 10,790,0 9,321,41

Total cash 736 6 6,173,940 6,819,113 7,452,067 7,962,200 6 0 9 2 76 49 5
Add owner's

Add loan                          

Add payable                          
debt payment   54,293 54,837 55,386 55,941 56,502 57,067 57,639 58,216 58,800 59,389 59,983 60,584
Less: Interest
expense   104,569 104,025 103,476 102,921 102,361 101,795 101,223 100,646 100,063 99,474 98,879 98,278
Less: value
added tax 7 %   11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120

4,791, 5,418,54 8,154,50 8,421,82 8,740,00 9,387,26 10,020,3 10,620,0 9,151,43

Net cash 736 4 6,003,957 6,649,131 7,282,084 7,792,218 3 8 6 0 93 67 2

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Statement of Cash Flow

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 3 to the ending of year 3

Beginn Septemb Novemb Decembe

ing January February March April May June July August er October er r

1,907,50 1,419,75 1,431,75 1,235,00 1,904,50 1,906,40 1,905,30 1,961,00

Sales   0 1,899,350 1,855,500 1,926,250 1,913,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,907,50 1,419,75 1,431,75 1,235,00 1,904,50 1,906,40 1,905,30 1,961,00

Total cash (1)   0 1,899,350 1,855,500 1,926,250 1,913,550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
goods   437,400 447,600 454,800 477,900 463,900 393,300 377,700 357,900 439,500 450,200 450,500 476,800
Expense   7,200 5,900 5,000 35,800 5,900 4,800 3,700 4,850 3,460 4,650 5,200 87,000

e Expense   572,957 573,466 573,017 573,067 572,942 566,745 563,376 561,122 572,752 573,366 573,667 574,827
Expense   - - - - - - - - - - - 26,588
Tax   6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979
Corporate                         2,392,89

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Tax 8
fixed asset
expense (add)                          

Total cash 1,024,53 1,022,69 1,035,19 1,036,34 3,565,09

payment (2)   6 1,033,945 1,039,796 1,093,746 1,049,721 971,824 951,755 930,851 1 5 6 2
Net cash:                          
Net cash (1) 1,604,09
– (2)   882,964 865,405 815,704 832,504 863,829 447,926 479,995 304,149 881,809 871,205 868,954 2

Add current 9,151, 9,151,43 12,561,9 12,839,8 13,149,8 13,284,0 13,995,8 14,697,0 15,396,0
fund 432 2 9,864,414 10,559,836 11,205,558 11,868,079 26 69 82 48 75 98 69

9,151, 10,034,3 13,009,8 13,319,8 13,454,0 14,165,8 14,867,0 15,566,0 13,791,9

Total cash 432 96 10,729,819 11,375,540 12,038,062 12,731,908 52 64 31 57 80 52 77
Add owner's
Add loan                          
Add payable                          
debt payment   61,191 61,804 62,423 63,048 63,680 64,318 64,962 65,613 66,270 66,934 67,604 68,281
Less: Interest
expense   97,671 97,058 96,439 95,814 95,182 94,544 93,900 93,249 92,592 91,928 91,258 90,581
Less: value
added tax 7 %   11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120

9,151, 9,864,41 12,839,8 13,149,8 13,284,0 13,995,8 14,697,0 15,396,0 13,621,9

Net cash 432 4 10,559,836 11,205,558 11,868,079 12,561,926 69 82 48 75 98 69 95

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Statement of Cash Flow

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 4 to the ending of year 4

Beginn Septemb Novemb Decembe

ing January February March April May June July August er October er r

1,983,75 1,539,75 1,485,50 1,512,90 1,980,34 2,001,75 1,987,75 2,026,00

Sales   0 1,949,000 1,995,250 2,002,500 1,999,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1,983,75 1,539,75 1,485,50 1,512,90 1,980,34 2,001,75 1,987,75 2,026,00

Total cash (1)   0 1,949,000 1,995,250 2,002,500 1,999,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
goods   437,400 447,600 454,800 477,900 463,900 393,300 377,700 357,900 439,500 450,200 450,500 476,800
Expense   75,700 5,390 5,200 6,900 4,500 4,990 4,200 4,690 4,790 5,100 6,000 66,900

e Expense   586,734 587,093 587,154 588,414 588,069 579,342 576,173 575,019 587,209 587,055 587,627 588,614

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


- - - - - - - - - - - 26,588
Tax   6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979
Corporate 2,413,86
Tax                         1
fixed asset
expense (add)                          

Total cash 1,106,81 1,038,47 1,049,33 1,051,10 3,579,74

payment (2)   3 1,047,062 1,054,133 1,080,193 1,063,448 984,611 965,052 944,588 8 4 6 2
Net cash:                          
Net cash (1) 1,553,74
– (2)   876,937 901,938 941,117 922,307 936,052 555,139 520,448 568,312 941,862 952,416 936,644 2

Add current 13,621 13,621,9 17,350,4 17,735,5 18,086,0 18,484,3 19,256,2 20,038,6 20,805,3
fund ,995 95 14,328,949 15,060,905 15,832,039 16,584,364 33 90 55 85 64 98 59

13,621 14,498,9 17,905,5 18,256,0 18,654,3 19,426,2 20,208,6 20,975,3 19,251,6

Total cash ,995 32 15,230,887 16,002,022 16,754,346 17,520,416 72 38 67 47 80 42 17
Add owner's
Add loan                          
Add payable                          
debt payment   68,965 69,656 70,354 71,059 71,770 72,489 73,215 73,949 74,689 75,438 76,193 76,956
Less: Interest
expense   89,897 89,206 88,508 87,804 87,092 86,373 85,647 84,913 84,173 83,425 82,669 81,906
Less: value
added tax 7 %   11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120
Net cash

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


13,621 14,328,9 17,735,5 18,086,0 18,484,3 19,256,2 20,038,6 20,805,3 19,081,6

,995 49 15,060,905 15,832,039 16,584,364 17,350,433 90 55 85 64 98 59 35

Statement of Cash Flow

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 5 to the ending of year 5

Beginn Septemb Novemb Decembe

ing January February March April May June July August er October er r

2,172,50 1,754,50 1,701,90 1,564,35 2,150,50 2,187,00 2,184,00 2,246,55

Sales   0 2,168,750 2,167,500 2,229,000 2,154,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2,172,50 1,754,50 1,701,90 1,564,35 2,150,50 2,187,00 2,184,00 2,246,55

Total cash (1)   0 2,168,750 2,167,500 2,229,000 2,154,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
goods   515,380 520,500 517,400 545,090 535,500 450,100 440,700 432,000 506,700 519,010 521,720 562,500
Expense   56,800 5,500 5,900 34,200 6,200 5,600 5,100 5,190 5,400 6,050 6,390 76,300

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


e Expense   588,386 588,626 588,966 590,066 588,486 582,736 581,645 579,681 589,132 589,126 590,226 591,396
Expense   - - - - - - - - - - - 26,588
Tax   6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979 6,979
Corporate 2,857,39
Tax                         5
fixed asset
expense (add)                          

Total cash 1,167,54 1,045,41 1,034,42 1,023,85 1,108,21 1,121,16 1,125,31 4,121,15
payment (2)   5 1,121,605 1,119,245 1,176,335 1,137,165 5 4 0 1 5 5 8
Net cash:                          
Net cash (1) 1,004,95 1,042,28 1,065,83 1,058,68 1,874,60
– (2)   5 1,047,145 1,048,255 1,052,665 1,016,835 709,085 667,476 540,500 9 5 5 8

Add current 19,081 19,081,6 23,401,5 23,940,6 24,438,1 24,808,6 25,680,9 26,576,8 27,465,5
fund ,635 35 19,916,607 20,793,770 21,672,042 22,554,725 77 80 73 91 97 50 52

19,081 20,086,5 24,110,6 24,608,1 24,978,6 25,850,9 26,746,8 27,635,5 25,590,9

Total cash ,635 90 20,963,752 21,842,025 22,724,707 23,571,560 62 56 73 80 32 35 44
Add owner's
Add loan                          
Add payable                          
debt payment   77,727 78,506 79,292 80,086 80,889 81,699 82,517 83,344 84,179 85,022 85,873 86,734
Less: Interest  

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


expense 81,135 80,356 79,570 78,776 77,974 77,163 76,345 75,518 74,684 73,840 72,989 72,129
Less: value
added tax 7 %   11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,120

19,081 19,916,6 23,940,6 24,438,1 24,808,6 25,680,9 26,576,8 27,465,5 25,420,9

Net cash ,635 07 20,793,770 21,672,042 22,554,725 23,401,577 80 73 91 97 50 52 62

Statement of Balance Sheet

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 1 to the ending of year 1

Current assets Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Assets 993,000 198,600 2,908,000 1,485,702 389,000 2,850,800 287900 1326000 2954000 273800

Land 235,700 260,000 254,000 241,300 237,000 260,000 250000 267000 250000 250000

Building 320,000 300,000 310,000 300,000 300,000 285,000 318000 320000 295000 320000

Cash 1,093,000 1,200,000 1,737,000 1,500,000 1,706,400 1,440,000 0 1,760,000.00 1,790,000.00 1,500,000.00
Account receivable - - - - - - 0 0 0 0

Building 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835

Machine 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Equipment 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595
Accumulated depreciation - - - - - - 0 0 0 0

Inventory 79,000 80,000 79,100 77,000 79,000 78,400 78,306 79,000 76,000 79,000

Total 2,806,528 2,124,428 5,373,928 3,689,830 2,797,228 5,000,028 2,222,134 3,837,828 5,450,828 2,508,628

Fixed assets 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800

Total assets 3,809,328 3,127,228 6,376,728 4,692,630 3,800,028 6,002,828 3,224,934 4,840,628 6,453,628 3,511,428
Liability and Equity                    
Supplies expense - - - - - - 0 0 0 0
- - - - - - - - - -
Loans payable 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000
social security expense - - - - - - - - - -

Audit fees expense - - - - 6,500 - - - - -

Otherexpenses 2,080 2,600 2,340 1,820 1,820 1,560 2,080 2,080 2,600 2,600
Salaries and wages payable direct
labor 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160
Salaries and wages payable indirect
labor 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500

public utility expense 39,072 48,840 43,956 34,188 34,188 29,304 39,072 39,072 48,840 48,840
Taxes payable - - - - - - - - - -

Interest expense 37,235 35,965 34,691 33,412 32,129 30,842 29,550 28,253 26,952 25,646
Insurance expense - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Total liabilty 177,953 168,935 175,353 186,920 181,703 194,634 185,638 186,935 177,948 179,254

Retain earning 549,531 686,914 618,222 480,839 480,839 412,148 549,531 549,531 686,914 686,914
Owner equity

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,333 1,583,337

Total owner equity 2,132,864 2,270,247 2,201,555 2,064,172 2,064,172 1,995,481 2,132,864 2,132,864 2,270,247 2,270,251

Total Liability and equity 1,954,911 2,101,312 2,026,202 1,877,253 1,882,470 1,800,847 1,947,226 1,945,929 2,092,299 2,090,997

Statement of Balance Sheet

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 2 to the ending of year 2

Current asset Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cash 2,103,000 2,400,000 2,903,000 1,618,089 2,740,711 1,290,000 2,988,000 2,340,000 2,380,000 2,290,000
Building - - - - - - - - - -
Land - - - - - - - - - -

Asset 1,803,500 2,432,500 1,400,500 1,485,000 1,429,700 1,598,000 2,756,900 1,926,500 1,800,900 1,409,700
Account receivable - - - - - - - - - -

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Building 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835

Machine 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398

Equipment 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595

Accumulated depreciation 85,828 85,828 85,828 85,828 85,828 85,828 85,828 85,828 85,828 85,828

Inventory 24,890 25,230 26,670 25,640 23,000 24,300 25,400 26,100 24,100 26,670

Total 4,100,346 5,029,386 4,501,826 3,300,385 4,365,064 3,083,956 5,941,956 4,464,256 4,376,656 3,898,026

Fixed assets 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800

Total assets 5,103,146 6,032,186 5,504,626 4,303,185 5,367,864 4,086,756 6,944,756 5,467,056 5,379,456 4,900,826
Liability and Equipty - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Supplies expense 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000
Loans payable - - - - - - - - - -

social security expense - - - - 6,500 - - - - -

Audit fees expense 1,981 2,476 2,228 1,733 1,733 1,486 1,981 1,981 2,476 2,476

Otherexpenses 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160
Salaries and wages payable direct
labor 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500
Salaries and wages payable indirect
labor 40,032 50,040 45,036 35,028 35,028 30,024 40,032 40,032 50,040 50,040
public utility expense - - - - - - - - - -

Taxes payable 19,052 17,718 16,380 15,038 13,690 12,338 10,981 9,620 8,253 6,882
Interest expense - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Insurance expense 195,276 186,106 192,695 204,541 199,389 212,492 203,346 204,707 195,571 196,942
Total - - - - - - - - - -

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


195,276 186,106 192,695 204,541 199,389 212,492 203,346 204,707 195,571 196,942

Retain earning 1,592,992 1,991,240 1,792,116 1,393,868 1,393,868 1,194,744 1,592,992 1,592,992 1,991,240 1,991,240

Owner equity 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,288 3,267,282

Total owner equity 4,860,280 5,258,528 5,059,404 4,661,156 4,661,156 4,462,032 4,860,280 4,860,280 5,258,528 5,258,522

Total Liability and equity 4,665,004 5,072,422 4,866,709 4,456,615 4,461,767 4,249,540 4,656,934 4,655,573 5,062,957 5,061,580

Statement of Balance Sheet

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 3 to the ending of year 3

  Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Current Assets                    

Assets 1,285,090 1,150,012 1,367,500 1,090,000 1,209,000 1,386,900 1,287,000 1,408,600 1,060,000 1,624,609

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Building - - - - - - - - - -
Land - - - - - - - - - -

Cash 2,103,000 2,400,000 2,903,000 1,618,089 2,740,711 1,290,000 2,988,000 2,340,000 2,380,000 2,290,000
Account receivable - - - - - - - - - -

Building 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835

Machine 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398

Equipment 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595

Accumulated depreciation 171,656 171,656 171,656 171,656 171,656 171,656 171,656 171,656 171,656 171,656

Inventory 27,700 28,000 27,310 28,000 28,560 27,770 28,000 28,870 27,000 26,890

Total 3,673,274 3,835,496 4,555,294 2,993,573 4,235,755 2,962,154 4,560,484 4,034,954 3,724,484 4,198,983

Fixed assets 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800

Total assets 4,676,074 4,838,296 5,558,094 3,996,373 5,238,555 3,964,954 5,563,284 5,037,754 4,727,284 5,201,783
Liability and Equipty                    
Supplies expense - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
Loans payable 400,000 400,000 200,000 - - - - - - -
social security expense - - - - - - - - - -

Audit fees expense - - - - 6,500 - - - - -

Otherexpenses 2,064 2,580 2,322 1,806 1,806 1,548 2,064 2,064 2,580 2,580
Salaries and wages payable direct
labor 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160
Salaries and wages payable indirect
labor 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


public utility expense 41,736 52,170 46,953 36,519 36,519 31,302 41,736 41,736 52,170 52,170
Taxes payable - - - - - - - - - -

Interest expense 2,132 739 42 - - - - - - -

Insurance expense - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
Total 210,408 200,851 7,023 181,985 188,485 176,510 187,460 187,460 198,410 198,410

Retain earning 1,584,264 1,980,330 1,782,297 1,386,231 1,386,231 1,188,198 1,584,264 1,584,264 1,980,330 1,980,330

Owner equity 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,823 5,624,827

Total owner equity 7,209,087 7,605,153 7,407,120 7,011,054 7,011,054 6,813,021 7,209,087 7,209,087 7,605,153 7,605,157

Total Liability and equity 6,998,679 7,404,302 7,400,097 7,193,039 7,199,539 6,989,531 7,396,547 7,396,547 7,803,563 7,803,567

Statement of Balance Sheet

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 4 to the ending of year 4

  Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Current Assets                    

Assets 1,410,000 1,360,000 1,190,000 1,270,000 1,350,000 1,460,000 1,370,000 1,260,000 1,390,000 1,194,074
Building - - - - - - - - - -
Land - - - - - - - - - -

Cash 2,103,000 2,400,000 2,903,000 1,618,089 2,740,711 1,290,000 2,988,000 2,340,000 2,380,000 2,290,000
Account receivable - - - - - - - - - -

Building 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835

Machine 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398

Equipment 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595

Accumulated depreciation 257,484 257,484 257,484 257,484 257,484 257,484 257,484 257,484 257,484 257,484

Inventory 46,770 44,700 45,700 44,900 45,900 45,700 44,900 45,980 43,900 45,800

Total 3,903,082 4,148,012 4,482,012 3,276,301 4,479,923 3,139,012 4,746,212 3,989,292 4,157,212 3,873,186

Fixed assets 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800

Total assets 4,905,882 5,150,812 5,484,812 4,279,101 5,482,723 4,141,812 5,749,012 4,992,092 5,160,012 4,875,986
Liability and Equipty                    
Supplies expense - - - - - - - - - -
Loans payable - - - - - - - - - -

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


social security expense - - - - - - - - - -

Audit fees expense - - - - 6,500 - - - - -

Otherexpenses 1,814 2,268 2,041 1,587 1,587 1,361 1,814 1,814 2,268 2,268
Salaries and wages payable direct
labor 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160
Salaries and wages payable indirect
labor 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500

public utility expense 42,597 53,246 47,921 37,272 37,272 31,948 42,597 42,597 53,246 53,246
Taxes payable - - - - - - - - - -
Interest expense - - - - - - - - - -
Insurance expense - - - - - - - - - -

Total 188,071 199,174 193,622 182,520 189,020 176,968 188,071 188,071 199,174 199,174

Retain earning 1,385,368 1,731,711 1,558,540 1,212,197 1,212,197 1,039,026 1,385,368 1,385,368 1,731,711 1,731,711

Owner equity 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,315 7,812,313

Total owner equity 9,197,683 9,544,026 9,370,855 9,024,512 9,024,512 8,851,341 9,197,683 9,197,683 9,544,026 9,544,024

Total Liability and equity 9,385,754 9,743,199 9,564,477 9,207,032 9,213,532 9,028,309 9,385,754 9,385,754 9,743,199 9,743,197

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Statement of Balance Sheet

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Estimated cash flow statement

From the Beginning of year 5to the ending of year 5

  Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Current Assets                    

Assets 1,320,000 1,370,000 1,350,000 1,320,900 1,300,000 1,340,000 1,304,000 1,350,028 1,315,000 1,333,000
Building - - - - - - - - - -
Land - - - - - - - - - -

Cash 2,103,000 2,400,000 2,903,000 1,618,089 2,740,711 1,290,000 2,988,000 2,340,000 2,380,000 2,290,000
Account receivable - - - - - - - - - -

Building 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835 12,835

Machine 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398 43,398

Equipment 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595 29,595

Accumulated depreciation 343,312 343,312 343,312 343,312 343,312 343,312 343,312 343,312 343,312 343,312

Inventory 52,000 52,400 52,500 53,190 52,700 53,000 53,600 52,900 52,910 53,800

Total 3,904,140 4,251,540 4,734,640 3,421,319 4,522,551 3,112,140 4,774,740 4,172,068 4,177,050 4,105,940

Fixed assets 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800 1,002,800

Total assets 4,906,940 5,254,340 5,737,440 4,424,119 5,525,351 4,114,940 5,777,540 5,174,868 5,179,850 5,108,740

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Liability and Equipty                    

Supplies expense - - - - - - - - - -
Loans payable - - - - - - - - - -
social security expense - - - - - - - - - -

Audit fees expense - - - - 6,500 - - - - -

Otherexpenses 19,184 23,980 21,582 16,786 16,786 14,388 19,184 19,184 23,980 23,980
Salaries and wages payable direct
labor 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160 54,160
Salaries and wages payable indirect
labor 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500 89,500

public utility expense 43,582 54,478 49,030 38,135 38,135 32,687 43,582 43,582 54,478 54,478
Taxes payable - - - - - - - - - -
Interest expense - - - - - - - - - -
Insurance expense - - - - - - - - - -

Total 206,426 222,118 214,272 198,581 205,081 190,735 206,426 206,426 222,118 222,118

Retain earning 2,126,830 2,658,538 2,392,684 1,860,976 1,860,976 1,595,123 2,126,830 2,126,830 2,658,538 2,658,538

Owner equity 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645 9,792,645

Total owner equity 11,919,475 12,451,183 12,185,329 11,653,621 11,653,621 11,387,767 11,919,475 11,919,475 12,451,183 12,451,183

Total Liability and equity 12,125,901 12,673,301 12,399,601 11,852,202 11,858,702 11,578,502 12,125,901 12,125,901 12,673,301 12,673,301

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


  Invesment 22,101,000  
  Interest rate 0.05% Per year  
Net income ฿
  year 1 5,410,963.00  
Net income ฿
  year 2 5,108,484.00  
Net income ฿
  year 3 5,853,388.00  
Net income ฿
  year 4 6,000,940.00  
Net income ฿
  year 5 7,164,993.00  
  NPV 29,079,211.04  
  Investment 100%  
rate Interest rate 0.05% 0.50%
pmt Average 5907753.60 5907753.60
pv PV -29100804.53 17460698.00
  Period 4.93 2.97

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


NPV 29,079,211.00  
Investment ฿22,101,000  
remainder ฿6,978,211.00  

100% 10% IRR

Investment 22,101,000.00 0
Net income 5410963 9 541096.3 2210100
Net income 5108484 3 510848.4 2086553
Net income 5853388 7 585338.8 2390808
Net income 6000940 3 600094 2451075
Net income 7164993 3 716499.3 2926531
IRR after five
year 10%  

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

Chapter 6
Risk management

Risk management

Risk management of the project focus is important and inevitable. Despite the
decision by studying the feasibility of the project it helps to have confidence in the success
that can be created risk and the program will achieve the goals or objectives set.
Implementation of the project may have more risk and may impact the success of the project,
budget, Risk costs risk, Technical risk and if not care corrective action plan monitoring and
evaluation. Serious damage would occur with the project, each of which is expected to
happen in the future by using its resources to best value. The company we have to provide the
business risk of the project is to reduce less and perform successfully under the target
effectively and efficiently.

The company will be karma risks would arise from both internal and external to the
organization's objectives will be considered and managed to go away, or reduce the risk, but
it also needs to be. Throughout the company to pay attention to the person responsible for the
control to determine the effectiveness of risk management to execute on current and / or
consider additional action is necessary to optimize management. Risks are monitored to
ensure that risk management quality are appropriate and risk management was applied to all
levels of the company are reported at risk have a major impact on achieving the objectives of
the organization to executive in charge. Finally, the information and communication to all
staff to get to know and understand thoroughly can help the people concerned can respond to
events quickly and more effectively.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


External risk

Supplier risk

Plastic business is rapidly changing in terms of demand and price. If companies

ignore these changes are a risk management and so many decisions quickly and accurately is
important, especially in response to customer demand and manage the situation. Business has
deployed Administration Supply Chain Management, which will help to connect the systems
of various agencies through a computer system to enhance the ability to meet the needs of
customers and increase the speed of response to changes. Industry's Supply Chain
Management System consists of estimating the demand for customer sales planning and
development of delivery plans production planning, purchasing raw materials. In addition,
inventory management business also has implemented a new Supply Chain Management to
develop effective management.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Customer Perspective Risk

Plastic 3Gs Recycle Company the management of customer relationships because

Our company have accepted a broad, strategic initiatives and extensive management and
maintain contact with its customers and potential customers to sell the plastic customers who
have risk, as customers can change to the packaging of plastic from other factors such as
trends, competitors, and other services are likely to return to buy the packaging and existing
customers turn to buy the packaging and the competition or product substitution effect away
Volume of distribution, production and gross profit of the company.

Plastic 3Gs Recycle Company has a monopoly of supplier, it effects to a supplier risk
because our company designs packaging by customer order and then our company will be
supplier to customer in Lampoon because in Lampoon found that have the industry that
produce plastic 6 companies and separate be factory plastic bag, factory plastic tank, factory
electronic plastic, factory basket plastic and factory plastic applicant. The totals of customer
need are 1643 ton/year and want to get share about 25% of market. They are a plastic product
packaging business that they can produce plastic production. Therefore, Idea Plus Company
is highly dependent on customers to achieve business and our company has also exposed to
the risk of supplier’s suddenly going bankrupt, closing operations or being acquired.

Our company will plan the choices to reduce risk in the future by:

-  Organization and performance metrics used for measuring the performance of the

customer buying power.
- The creation of collaboration and development of distribution.
- Provide insight to the manufacturer for a strategic defense and offensive to open t
he risk of competitive advantage.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


- Improve position in market competition.

Outsourcing Risk

Outsourcing process, representatives of some companies operating in their home /

processes to third parties. So outsourcing businesses to make transactions through which one
company from another service while maintaining ownership and responsibility for the best
process then you tell us the service of what they want and how you want to work, so the
company can empower service providers in operation, including the design process
fundamental to ensure that costs more and interests effectively.

Available from (Case risk management, 2010)

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


-Competitive Risk

Plastic recycling in the current market trend has been increasing popularity may have
occurred because of new production in Bangkok or the central industrial region and has a lot
of competition in the sale and purchase of raw materials but Lamphun has not been found
plastic recycling plant is fully Lung styles among capital markets may be seeing the North
may have to invest more because Lamphun is located at the very industry which requires a lot
of raw materials and as a business. The fund is not very high, but must have experience in
terms of raw materials and markets and experience of the buy-side plastic waste because
there are many types of plastic to isolate the issue and there are many prices

The company will build the confidence of customers with guaranteed products and
companies to ensure that we are certainly headed goods and services delivery to the customer
that the company will not be charged.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


-Technology risk

The present serious competition enables organizations to continuously improve in

order to reduce costs where ever to get the management system based on the supremacy of
the customer call and want more control.
Product and service life cycle shorter demand uncertainty increased the forecast did not meet
the exact time that an organization wants to install IT systems for management of Los
logistics must not ignore the supply chain. Related materials from consumers that the
suppliers on several levels.

If business does not look through the entire IT system could become a pass through
to the last else, it cannot reduce the cost of the whole system anyway what the other is trying
to emphasize. The organization will use the concept in the management Los logistics to
consider any of these risks and uncertainties, which are five factors that cause the risk is.
• Suppliers.
• Customer needs.
• Organization design process.
• Control of the organization.
• The risk of the business environment. This is to avoid the most difficult. Organizations need
to sort priorities and try to minimize the risk assessment and response plans are modified.
Important concepts of supply chain IT adoption in the future is to apply for the exchange of
information between the system and aim at the needs of a customer.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


-Economic Risk

Exports of plastic products began to slow signs of global economic slowdown.

             Exports of plastic products in 2551 totaled 93,169 Million, up 12.0 percent from the
previous year. 2550 the export value of total 83,207 million Baht per cent growth in 10.2 that
the expansion of exports of plastic products as a result of the increase in prices to 13.3
percent and as a result of the increase in volume only. Which corresponds to 0.8 percent in
the first half the price of oil has risen an unprecedented result in the price of plastic is more
expensive and thus, in accordance with the highest growth rate is 3 orders.
Product box and carton, plastic, followed by a product tube and pipe and plastic
products used on a dining table made of plastic export markets is important to Australia,
Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan and the United States the plastic type parts, electrical
appliance parts. Electronic components and automotive plastic parts, which is a component of
durable goods has been affected quite a lot of purchasing power of consumers into recession
in the economy. Moreover, the real estate sector in various countries in sluggish. As a result,
exports of plastic products used as components or decorative plastic housing, such as floors
and walls. Have slowed significantly from 19.6 per cent growth in the year 2550 the growth
was reduced to only 0.5 percent in the year. 2551 and data from the Ministry of Commerce
announced the export slowdown continued to plastic.

The results of the global economic slowdown have made the orders of the plastic
products industry started to decline since the second half of the year 255. Continuing in the
year 2552 the risk factors that should be focused only on orders that are likely to shrink even
more from the fact that many people expect the global economy will be in a sluggish than in
the year 2551 and to There are no signs which can indicate that this recession will end when

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Affect the purchasing power of consumers in different countries. Reduced by Research

Kasikron expected in 2552 the export value of plastic products tends to shrink by 7.0 percent
to 12.0 percent of that growth was 12.0 percent in 2551.

The price of plastic products is expected to be a trend decline in the rate of more
than prices of raw materials is the plastic would also have affordable oil prices in global
market remained low as well as manufacturers have not. Can be set high price during the
purchasing power of consumers, down from recession and is likely that in the year. 2552
exports of plastic products to global markets is price competition more intense because
competition in the export of plastic products, China has a major impact from the global
economic downturn as well. China's industrial sector needs to face the global slowdown sent
the unemployment rate in China is increasing. Reflect the purchasing power of a large
domestic market decreased. Therefore, in 2552 there is a possibility that China will accelerate
the release of the remaining supply of the product out to market much more The strategy of
reducing prices to the ability of competition, the price of plastic products in Thailand are
significantly lower production costs in Thailand are still higher than the cost of labor trends,
particularly the export of products. (PR News Digest, 2008)

Price of plastics in the market is significantly affected due to the cost of plastic raw materials
from crude oil if the oil price in the market rise was a result. Resin prices increase, including
increased production costs as a result, volatility vary according to market conditions and
other factors such as the level of demand and supply, so if the market price of plastic resin
rose. It will increase the price of plastic with which companies should have guidelines.

Risk follows.
1. A plastic check and compare prices from the seller than a pre-order list.
2. Follow the Labor movement in oil prices, primarily to prevent and respond to purchase
plastic because the employer has agreed to be the recipient of risks by the burden of
adjustment of prices of products according to changes in raw material prices.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


-Political Risk

Plastic is used in the construction of various for irrigation and communications

infrastructure, which invests in the development of the country's economic growth so when
the economic downturn of investment will be in a slowdown. Resulted in the construction
industry has been hurt and affected due to the materials used in construction such as plastic
pipes made of plastic, etc., and all the better when the overall economy and investments. Will
expand and result in better building materials manufacturer in accordance with the investment
policy for developing countries, government is regarded as one of the factors relating to the
company because the majority of the company's work in developing countries of the
government. A job with limited budget and the process of considering the complex Make the
job of the government's contractor will take some time. Especial is during the reform the
government and the change in investment to develop the country's government. However,
developing countries still need to continue and to keep pace with economic growth coupled
with the company. The customer is the private sector has invested on a regular basis.
Enabling the company to continue selling the company, however, realizes such risk factors.
Has a policy of adding new production lines in factories by increasing sales from the market.
Most polymers used as the demand is greatest. Expansion of this market will be able to make
extra income or compensate for the absence of the Company upon any change in policy

Infrastructure, economic factor in Lamphun is still strong and political clarity after the
establishment of a new government is in place to support the investor confidence in the
economy of the province Lamphun Because Lamphun has the potential to produce both
materials and labor. The key is a key factor in the manufacturing industry. Government
should be to support and educate investors and entrepreneurs. As well as providing
infrastructure in both the electricity Water and telephone to support the investments from
investors, both Thai and foreigners to enhance production in the region industry to Lamphun.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Internal Risk

-Communication Risk

- After receiving an order from a customer and then, if getting information from the
customer through a wrong slope requires advance planning needs raw materials, especially
plastic, which is the main raw material of the plant and at the same time be aware of the
situation of production each product in each step immediately and sometimes existing
accounting software cannot. Support such activities because of lack of data synchronization
system for each specific production system, which is considered the heart of the plant.
Decision making cannot modify the production plan for dealing with the immediate risk is.
The company should. Choose a way to develop software soft COST using Software House
Only to find that their own software development requires long-term. And the risk that
development has not completed high Therefore the decision to consult a professional team
which is specialized in systems integration a software package that contains functions to
produce a complete industrial system suitable to store the full details. The report can show
results quickly timely.

- Quality of service, customers do not meet customer expectations by the management

perception (The Quality Specification Gap) is a space administrator could properly
understand the needs of customers But there is no standard or Clear criteria for the work.
Including the management did not provide enough support in planning, quality of service
examples President’s order. A let employees know that they should provide prompt services
to customers. But the process does not work that fast and the quality of how long used in
customer service, so Executive pay attention to quality seriously Training of administrators in
command and control. The evaluation functions, and let employees know Improvement work
using modern technology.

- Gap between customer expectations and perceptions of business executives (The

Management Perception Gap) this gap administrators may not understand the real needs of
customers because the administration has information that is incorrect. The interpretation of
data received has errors for ways to reduce risk that may affect the company. Managers need
to learn the expectations of customers by searching for information about the needs of
customers by market research of complaints. Or find a way to contact customers directly to
specific customer needs. As well as improved communication within the organization.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Fire risk

Butter present a substantial risk of loss in such unexpected, such as new fire, flooding
and other damage caused some parties may be shut down without anything to back. Company
is seen that the factory plastic recycling plant is medium to have fire insurance and insurance
products damaged due to plant the risk of fire, that is, the fuel used flammable material or the
nature of operations that cause Fire Or explode easily. Need to take preventive measures. Or
fire the subject.

Company has installed fire protection. Next cycle powers cut no-smoking signs in the
factory and do not burn garbage, and staff training in preparation time, a new light

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


-Employee Risk

Plastic Recycle Industry, most of employee has low education because the work of
labor and low wage, combined with work doesn’t have a skill because our machine use a
mechanism that is simple, but risky. Example

The migration of labor, the protests are not satisfied with the system of the company
making the demand of residence is also needed. However, manufacturers can reduce
manufacturing costs by production follow customer order in advance and use raw materials
from elsewhere. Adjustment salary to the employees and pay bonus to assist employees who
earn less.

- Colleague

Our company is operations by giving welfare to all employees such as build cafeteria,
stadium by creating safety officer that serves to introduce, control and responsibility that
employees in the workplace was safe to work and explore the insecurities that may occur
from the machine, equipment and tool. As well as the environment in the work guided to
protected or improve the environment in the workplace of legal safety standards announced
by the Ministry of Labour.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


-Finance Risk

- Period of the study is limited that to receive information from entrepreneurs in

industry, plastic recycling is not required and some information cannot disclose that getting a
important information is not enough. Then need to reference the financial information of
some entrepreneur only to a database in the financial analysis of the company. The results of
the various financial measures may not correct all. Solution for solve the problem is company
should study and analyze the needs of entrepreneurs and the market by measuring all needs to
fits with the production to the company’s financial analysis is correctly, not lose.

- Loans and deposit interest rate in period of the studied the project found that loan rates and
deposit of all financial institutions are likely to increase interest rates to calculate the project
results to incorrect. Therefore, companies should have in advance of its expectations increase
interest rates, which calculate the probability that the important criteria in the plan’s financing
as well.

- Risk of loan rates

Risk of loan rates is risk arising from changes interest rates in market in the future,
which the company has an interest rate risk relates primarily to deposits at financial
institutions, overdrafts and long-term loans with interest. However, assets and financial
liabilities are mainly floating interest rate at market rate or a fixed interest rate which is close
to the current market rate in nowadays interest rate risk of the company and its subsidiaries at
a low level.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


- Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that a customer or parties is unable to pay its debt to the
conditions agrees upon when due. Management has always set policies to control credit risk
on these loans by analyzing customer’s financial status. Company group has a policy to
debtor create letter of guarantees from bank to protect the risk of balance of the debt in part
and use claims under the letter of guarantee to reduce the outstanding balance of receivables
overdue payments. Credit risk shown in the book value of financial assets at each balance
sheet date.

- The risk of liquidity

Company group has a control risk of liquidity by maintains a level of cash and cash
equivalents to enough the company’s operations and to the impact of fluctuations in cash
flow down. In manage risk; management has the claims in receive money with letter of
guarantees of bank for debtor’s outstanding overdue debt repayment and expedite the
repayment of long outstanding debtors. In addition, management believes that the company
can improve cash flow from operations by increasing the income of the group and expanding
export business with profit growth product. Therefore, the management is confident that it
can reduce the risk to acceptable level.

- Leadership Risk

Now, there are many Plastic recycle Industry, so leadership must find sources of raw
materials, have enough knowledge of plastics and control workers in factories to raise
efficiency to deal with competition in manufacturing and selling.

Investment industry’s plastic recycled most of the investment is in building and

machinery working capital for purchasing of raw materials. There is also an industry that may
cause noise pollution and smell so much, therefore leadership should realize of these risk
should be located in far of the community to protect the waste that follows.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Now, world changed so fast which cause of advancements in various fields for
leadership need to modernize with strategic management of change, dynamic and
communication combined technology management organization that has been developed
continuously as a tool to help increase both capacity and performance of the organization. At
the same time, it becomes a risk factor challenge of leadership. The organization will be
stable, balance and sustainable for risk factor that can negative impact on the company,
should receive important and management in strategic level. So, you can see that the
leadership of the company under the current global has to focus to both the moderate,
reasonable and risk management by consideration capabilities and resources of the company,
reasoning decisions and disregard the organization to face the risk that a loss to the
organization by doesn’t plan protect or support negative will happen to the organization.
Therefore, leaders who understand risk management, organization truly and to achieve the
objective of managing risk so that the executive can maintain roles that corresponds to the
needs of stakeholders such as the organization real business owner.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Chapter 7

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Project investment plastic recycle industry found that probability of invest in
Lampoon province has a probability because an investment return of large investment by the
analysis of all four aspects are marketing, management, technical and financial can be
summarized as follows

In the Market

Nowadays, other organization and general people interest environmental more makes
current bringing resource to be recycled has increased including other countries have used the
current rules about the environment measures as trade barriers that do not use tax increase.
From database on the market found that now, plastic recycle industry has turned attention to
more recycles plastic as an ingredient in the manufacture of plastic products. Because
quantity of new plastic hasn’t enough demand, including the price of new plastic has a
relatively high price and expensive than the price of recycled plastic makes rather a lot of
opportunities market to existing plastic recycling more. Now, plastic recycle industry in
North hasn’t many or little demand of factory buyer by the demand of the buyers has about
440 tons per month, while production of recycled plastic has a capacity of 5 tons per day

Marketing mix


The plastic seed is a black and colorful seed for leading to the quality of taking to
produce and sell the stuff into the factory. We need to send the example products of the
company to take care of the different quantity. It is 25 baht per one kilogram. It is divided
into the different color of the plastic seed.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



The price is to set into the assignment of the buyer and seller. If there are changing in
the price, it need to be told before the raising price. Nowadays, the price of the plastic seeds
is unstable. It is because it is suitable for the price of the gas of the world. Anyway, we still
sell the plastic seed with nearly price of the gas of the world.

In distribution, our company will be responsible of the shipping cost by cost is not very
high because we have own shipping car and shipping within the province and nearby area is
not high cost of transportation amount of carry 9-10 tons per trip.


About the product, if the product found the problem, you can return it to company.
The company will responsibility and return you again. Also, the company will emphasize to
the relation with customer. For example, the company will send card and gift in the festival
and special day to the customer for compensation and more relation


Lampoon is the area that has more potentiality because it is the biggest industry area
of the north and many raw materials. Also, transportation is comfortable. There are many
plastic industries in Lampoon and Chiang-Mai province. About building and industry, the
areas of them are five rai. There are the main machines that use to found plastic. There are
trucks: 4 wheels, and 6 wheels. The company will select machines that have high quality,
endure, and proper price.

About the process of production, it will be process continuously and the same flow. It
is not return to use the complex technology. The project have the quantity of production
about 406,000-500,000 kilogram per year. The process will emphasize sort out of material.

The analysis about management and service

According to the project, the process of work has authorized capital 11,050,500 Baht
by the management organization is two parts: the administration part and production part.
About, the production part has 22 people that consist of the manager assistant, mechanic, and
employee. About the administration part, it consists of four parts: the administrator,

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


marketing, accounting, and clerk. All of people find them from locality. Also, the process is
not complexity too much, so, it needs not to worker that is skillful.

To analyze about the money

The funding is approximately 22,101,000 baht. It comes from the bank approximately
11,050,500 baht and it is from the register around 11,050,500 baht. It is able to slacken
including interest. Return rates were 10 percent and payback 4.9 years older or five years, the
investment is considered very successful.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Business organization format

Business Trade could be working into different position. It might be only one person
run the business or some groups of people pay the money to run the business together. To
make one business, the owner may think about different composition such as the type of
trading, capital, knowledge of working and so on. These reasons could run the business to be
successful which could take benefit and profits to organization.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Person who register the commerce

For the person who registers the commerce is the normal person which can be one, more than
one and legal person to run the business which is about the commerce.

The commerce has to be resisted.

Minister of commerce has been posted that these cases of businessman have to register the commerce.

1. Businessman who run the rice mill and sawmill.

2. Business who sell any products which could sell higher than 20 baht per one day or one of
that product is cost more than 500 baht.

3. Broker or representative who sell these products and could get more than 20 baht.

4. Broker who run handmade or factory in one place or more than one and sell all products
higher than 20 baht.

5. Businessman who work in a boat, train, and bus station such as working as a ticket seller,
exchange money center and so on.

6. To sell, rent, produce or hire to produce such as DVD and digital.

7. To sell the jewelry and stuffs

8. To sell or run service such as electronic stuff, internet connection, internet service and so on.

9. To serve about the computer for using internet

10. To serve for listen to music and sing songs as a karaoke

11. To serve the game play station

12. To serve the boxing music

13. Transformer factory, carve and ivory factory

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


1. Stalls selling

2. Commercial for maintaining and charity

3. Commercial of legal person which Parliament has established

4. Commercial of ministry bureau and department

5. Commerceial of foundation and cooperative

6. Commercial that claimed about the rite such as

6.1 Commercial that the businessman is the legal person and has leister to be the legal

(1) To sell, rent or produce the CD, recorder, DVD and digital for entertaining

(2) Selling jewelly

(3) Sellng or making service about the electronic and connection such as internet,
rent the internet, selling and buying connection and the service or products that is about electronic and
internet connection.

(4) To serve the computer to internet

(5) To serve the boxing karaoke

(6) To serve the boxing game

(7) To serve the boxing music

(8) Transformer factory, carve and ivory factory

6.2 Commercial of agriculture group has been registered 141 in the first of May in 2515

7. Commerce that has been reregisters in 1-5 that the businessman has to register in civil law.

The type of the registered, people could download and type asking for the form at

1. Bangkok, every branches of commercial and every board

2. Pattaya

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


To registered the commercial and to read something more, it could be read at the hand of registration
commercial in 2499

The place to register

1. Bangkok, trading company and every boards in Thailand that has registered to be legal
commercial in that area. More information, you can contact trading board which is call 0-2224-1916
or 0-2225-1945. Moreover, it could be contact through website

2. The Organization of Pattaya has been register of commercial company around that
which is up to cases.

The period of time for commercial registered

1. To start the registration, it should not more than 30 days count from starting the commercial.

2. Changing the list of registrations

(1) It must be registered within 30 days after the changing

3. Stop to make the commercial, it should be registered within 30 days after finished the

4. If you lose Registration paper, you should ask for the new one within 30 days after the losing.

Function of businessman

1. Asking for the registration paper in the assigning time.

2. Showing the registrations paper to the company that has been assign.

3. Have to find the sign for commercial to put in front of the company or trading shop. It must
show within 30 days after the registration. The sign must be easy to read and clear. The letters in the
sign must be the same name as in the registration paper. If there are branches, you need to put the
name of the branches inside the blank too.

4. Tell the truth in the registration

5. To be comfort to the registrar or authority

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry



1. Commercial who is telling lie the mistake would cost 2,000 baht. The find is not more than
100 baht.

2. If you not show the new request after the registration paper is losing, you will be find not more
than 200 baht. If you still doing wrong, it will be cost 20 baht per day until it right.

3. The businessman who defraud or cheat on the commercial paper, you will not able to do the
business again except for you get the new registration from ministry commercial.

4. The businessman who is order to withdraw, you must pay not more than 10,000 baht or going
to the jail.

Usage commercial

Asking for the registration commercial, you need to pay the fee of registration

1. To the new register, it will start 50 baht.

2. The registration changing is 20 baht.

3. To cancel the registration is 20 baht .

4. Asked to issue a replacement card commercial version for 30 Baht

5. I see the documentation of Commercial One time 20 Baht

6. Request that staff and certified copy of a copy of the Commercial one each 30 Baht

Limited of registration.

General information about the partnership.

Type of registration

1. Taxes.

2. Registered Partnership is change.

2.1 Purpose and change offices.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


2.2 amended with partners. (New Partnership / partners out / increase / decrease
in cost / change classes).

2.3. Change the name and seal major

3. Transformed into a partnership is a limited company.

4. Quit the partnership.

5. Male alter settlement.

6. Complete liquidation.

The purpose of the social is security fund.

To building security and stability are in life for the people. The mean average happiness
suffering together with the social responsibility of saving and sacrifice for the common
principles. Aimed at the people is helping each other. Self –help and when no family income.
Lower revenue or increased expense is without a burden to others and society. Social
Security is measures which cause security in life.

The submission of registration.

Employers with employees are from one or more persons to be registered employers.
Registered with the employees to be insured within 30 days, and when they get new
employees up new employee must notify the Registrar within 30 days as well.


Employer contribution is money that employees must be submitted to the Social Security
fund every month. Based on the wages which the employee received which is determined by
the base monthly wage is 1,650 baht per month minimum maximum 15,000 baht per month,
the government contribution to the Fund will issue another. Employers are responsible to pay
the rate of 2 percent per month on the amount that has not been sent or the amount of the
deficiency. And will have to pay the Social Security Office Area / Town only

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


The fact of the employer notice.

If the employer changed the name of business is change the address of the trunk at the
branch pressure. Move establishment or abolished so the employer must notify the change by
the employer notice of changes in the facts (SSO 6-15) within 15 days of next month, the
Social Security office area / province.

Notification of changes to the facts of the employer and the insured.

Notification of the end of the insured.

If the employee has resigned from his job inform your employer out of work by
identifying the cause of out of work for using the textbook as notification of the end of the
insured (SSO 6-09) within 15 days of next month.

Notice of the fact insured.

If the insured person is change the name - surname or family hospital and number of
children for use as textbook Changing facts insured (SSO 6-10) within 15 days of next

Documents filed with the submission of employers registered.

1. If company registration. (Requires all of the above attachment required).

1. Copy or photos is with a certificate of registered tax purposes.

2. A copy or photograph of VAT registration certificate (VAT 20) or a photo copy of the
application is for registration or Value Added Tax (VAT 01) or copies of photographs or
special business tax (P.c. 20) or a copy or a photo license Factory (factory 4).
3. Map of the establishment.

4. Power of Attorney (Only if authorized to act on behalf of someone else. Revenue with tax
stamp as required).

5. If the owner alone requires all of the above attachment required).

1. A copy or photo ID card (Copy of passport or Alien Certificate of Alien


2. Copies photographs or register.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3. Copy of Commercial Registration or photos or permit to operate issued under other

laws. The name is clear.

4. Copy of Tax ID card, copy photograph license factory (factory 4) or a photo copy
of registration certificate or tax (VAT 20) or copy specific business tax (P.h. 20).

5. Map of the establishment. 6 Power of Attorney(Only if authorized to act on behalf

of someone else. Revenue with tax stamp as required).

Fire general  

1. but does not include fire

1.1 explosions resulting from fire Unless the explosion of the GAS
used to live.

1.2, directly or indirectly by the earthquake.

1.3 To property caused by the insured.

1.3.1 And rot or break a natural preservative.

1.3.2 Of the property that is in the process any. The use of heat or drying.

Lightning (direct + indirect). GAS explosion of light used to make or benefits for
residents only. Does not include damage from the explosion of the GAS from the
earthquake. Extra damage caused by disasters. To be clearly stated in the policy. The
company will pay compensation to the value of actual damages. While damage. Or
choose to pay to replace.

- Limit the amount of insurance. Or in each list. While damage.

- The amount of insurance remaining. Less value of the losses incurred during the

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


period of insurance unless the company had agreed previously in this policy. The
insured value of the remaining return the full amount of the original. The insured
agrees to pay the premium increase.

Agreed Value: Compensation value

Exception - property.

1. Goods in the care of the insured as viewers get deposit (for sale).

2. Silver, gold bars / sections or precious stones

3. Antiques total damage in excess of 10,000 Baht
4. The original drawing diagrams and writing.
5. Banknote currency securities collateral
6. Explosives
7. Generator transformer Generator motor electrical control panel.

Electronic equipment industries. Or other electrical appliances.

Which have been damaged as

Or because their operation is over. Or short circuit due to lightning.

Specialized equipment damaged. By the case

The damage caused by war, invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities rebellion and riot,
strike and riot Acts of terrorism.

2. Damages resulting directly or indirectly.

2.1 The nuclear blast radioactive

2.2 radiation

3. Claims that can be called from the Marine or Transportation, except those over claims
from these policyholders.

4. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES any. All except the loss of rental income from that

5. Property damage from a fire. The command staff.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


1. Property insurance.

1.1 Building the foundation does not include home office suite shop
factory, warehouse, schools, hospitals, hotels, etc..

1.2 Property within the building such as furniture, appliances,

machinery, etc. Products in stock.

2. The information required.

2.1 Location and nature of the use or residential buildings, such as

warehouses color printing, etc

2.2 Size of buildings and building components. Must make clear

from the dimensions of the region. Roof. Materials for roof / exterior wall / floor of
floor The distance from the building side, etc

2.3 The applicant must be insured has an interest in property insured is a partner who
owns rental property or legal guardian. Must make clear that the ownership of
property in any (In case the lessee to insure only property in the building).

3. Sum insured. Insurance sum close to the real value of such property. And must
state the amount insured for each item as clearly the building (excluding basement
and land prices).

Furniture, machinery, products, etc

Calculating the sum insured.

1. Based on the insured building.

(W x L x floor) x appraised value per square meter.

Building Floor 1 (plain concrete) per square meter 8,000 THB

Building Floor 2 (half-half building wood) per square meter 7,500 THB

Building Floor 3 (plain wood) per square meter 7,000 THB

2. Furniture, office equipment, machinery, goods, etc. In fact assessment.

Assets to protect.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


- Construction of the building. (Excluding foundation).

- Furniture, decoration Install brand Consumer appliances. Including assets not

included in the exception of the policy.

- Other property specified in the policy.

Coverage limit protection

Note: The above
Fire, lightning, explosion of gas cooking
300,000 Baht premiums include
taxes and duties
ADDITIONAL aircraft disaster vehicles 300,000 Ba m. then.

containing vehicle

Disaster due to water (Not including floods)


Hail Storm Disaster

Threat Electric 30,000 Baht

Requirements for insurance.

- aged 20 to 60 years.

- Health. No serious diseases.

- Without any physical disability.

- Not a person of unsound mind.

Rules and procedures established business.

. The business listed.


Corporate Partnership / Limited Partnership.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


• submit a reservation request to determine a partnership make them unique

partnership with another company.

• Fill out the name of the partnership. To do business. Location San department
name, address, age nationality what brought investment. Signed by all partners.
Management partnership decay. Limits the power share The manager (if available)
along with the seal of the department in printed form and the request was registered
as a managing partner of applicant. (Normally applicant legal entity established
partnership. / Partnership. Managing partners must sign the application for
registration before the Registrar. A partner. In case the managing partner does not
wish to sign it before the Registrar other countries. Will be signed before ordinary or
extraordinary member of the Bar Association. In order to certify signatures. In his
other hand) or the managing partner is to empower people applying on his behalf.

• free of charge by the number of partners that is Partners up to 3 people 1,000 baht
fee if more than 3 persons to charge an additional partner to more than 200 different

• Once registered and will receive a certificate and certificate evidence.

The tax bases of corporate income tax.

Corporate income tax. Calculation of income as evidence of tax multiplied by the tax
rate so that the income to pay income tax or corporate income tax base that In
general, earnings are calculated according to the conditions. But to be fair and filling
gaps in income tax collection. Has a corporate income tax law. Income or tax base.

The differences are as follows.

(1) net profit

(2) Total revenue, before deducting expenses.

(3) the income paid from or in Thailand

(4) distribution of profit out of Thailand

4.3 How to pay income tax.

The corporate income tax of the company or juristic partnership is under the Code
are as follows.

(1) by submitting a list of tax self-assessment. In general, people are responsible for
corporate income tax. To calculate taxes. And file and lists the schedule prescribed

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


by law. Which vary by type of legal entity and how to calculate taxes.

(2) The tax by being deducted for withholding Revenue Code states that the payment
was to a company or partnership tax in certain cases to tax withholding and filing of
a government by the tax deducted is to hold a tax credit. To calculate the income tax
law At the time the person filing the usual

(3) Tax audit by the Tax Authority.

In cases where a company or registered partnership has calculated and paid income
tax is not accurate. Tax Authority has power to audit and assess taxes. Including
penalties and added the company to pay the correct tax.

Evaluation of the Tax Authority can be accessed from inspection. And evaluated
without also examine the necessary staff may schedule an assessment prior to filing

The filing and tax payment.

Company or partnership entity tax profits will be filing and paying taxes as follows.

(1) Half the corporate income tax will be filing with paid tax (if any) in the form of
PND 51 within 2 months after the last day of every month of the period.

(2) The tax profits at the end of the period will be filing with paid tax (if any) in the
form of PND 50 in just 150 days after the last day of the period.

Place filing tax

In Bangkok to submit at

(1) Local office headquarters is located.

(2) Thai commercial banks and branches in Bangkok.

In other provinces shall be filed at

(1) Local District Office or Minor District Office is located. If the Revenue District
Office located at the District Office not to file at the District Revenue Office or

(2) Branches of Thai commercial banks in the district. Local or District headquarters
is located.

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Estimated income
Estimated statement
income during
statement 5 years
during 5
From year 1 to year 5
Sale decrease 10%
From year 1 to year 5
Sale decrease 5%
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Item Year 1 Year20,4
2 Year 321,8 Year 4 22,4 Year 5 24,6
Revenue: 20,441,350 20,45
58,300 21,8
65,350 22,46
63,990 24,6
Revenue: 2044135
Sale decrease 5% 20,441,350 8,300
2045830 65,350
2186535 3,990
2246399 80,550
Sale decrease
Sale 5% 18,397,215
1022067.5 18,412,470
1022915 1093267.5
19,678,815 1123199.5
20,217,591 1234027.5
Less: Cost of Sale 19,419,283 19,435,385 20,772,083 21,340,791 23,446,523
soldCost of          
goods sold 4,360,000   4,703,000   5,042,000   
Raw material
Raw material 119,8004,360,000 4,703,000
138,000 5,042,000
185,500 5,389,000
204,500 5,810,000
Material loss
Material loss 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
4,4 4,8 5,2 5,5 6,0
Total 79,800 4,4 41,0004,8 5,22
27,500 5,5
93,500 6,0
Total 79,800
13,9 41,000
13,5 7,500
14,4 93,500
14,6 66,60016,1
Gross margin 17,41514,9 14,59
71,470 15,5
51,315 15,74
24,091 17,3
Gross margin
Less: Operating 39,483 4,385 44,583 7,291 79,923
Less: Operating
Marketing expense          
1 1 1 1
expense 133,850 32,39013 17
73,460 1
68,990 1
expense 133,850 2,390 3,460 68,990 88,230
Administrative 6,6 6,6 6,86,8 6,8 7,0
expense 6,85 7,0 7,2 7,2
expense 10,820
10,820 11,040
11,040 51,340
1,340 18,535
18,535 64,307
organization plan plan
and and
management) 620,390 620,390 620,390
620,390 620,390 620,390
620,390 620,390
Property tax tax
Property 8 8
12.5%12.5% 83,625
83,625 83,625
3,625 83,625 83,625
3,625 83,625
2 2
Expense Expense 26,588 26,588 26,588 26,588 26,588
26,588 6,588 26,588 6,588 26,588
Total Operation 7,4 7,4 7,67,6 7,7 7,9
Total Operation 7,75 7,9 8,1 8,1
expenses 75,273 74,033 55,403 18,128 83,140
expenses 75,273 74,033 5,403 18,128 83,140
Profit before
Profit before
interestinterest 6,4 7,4 5,86,9 6,6
7,78 6,7
7,8 9,1 7,9
rate rate 42,142
64,210 97,437
20,352 95,912
9,180 05,963
29,163 62,755
Less: Interest
Less: Interest ฿ 1,2 1,13 1,0 9
expense ฿
expense 1,295,335.00 1,2
17,707 1,1
0,217 1,031,
31,617 02,478 9
Less: Value added1,295,335.00 17,707 30,217 617 02,478
Less: Value 7% 1 1 1
133,4 1
13 11 1 1
added 7% 33,444
33,444 33,44444 33,444
3,444 33,444
33,444 33,444
Profit before
Profit before
income income 5,0 6,0 4,55,5 6,52
5,4 6,6
5,5 8,1 6,9
tax tax 35,431
13,363 69,201
46,286 5,519
32,251 64,102
40,902 60,861
Less: Corporate
Less: Corporate 1,646,535
1,646,535 1,483,632
1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361
1,786,361 2,229,895
3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry
tax tax
Net Income
Net Income 3,3 4,3 3,04,0 4,76
3,6 4,8
3,7 5,9 4,6
66,828 85,569
62,654 0,121
66,853 77,741
54,541 30,966

Income Statement
3Gs plastic recycle Industry
Estimated income statement during 5 years
From year 1 to year 5
Sale decrease 15%
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
20,45 21,86 22,46 24,6
Revenue: 20,441,350 8,300 5,350 3,990 80,550
Sale decrease 5% 3066202.5 3068745 3279802.5 3369598.5 3702082.5
Sale 17,375,148 17,389,555 18,585,548 19,094,392 20,978,468
Less: Cost of
goods sold        
Raw material 4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Material loss 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
4,47 4,84 5,22 5,5 6,0
Total 9,800 1,000 7,500 93,500 66,600
12,89 12,54 13,35 13,50 14,9
Gross margin 5,348 8,555 8,048 0,892 11,868
Less: Operating
Marketing 13 17 16 1
expense 133,850 2,390 3,460 8,990 88,230
Administrative 6,61 6,81 6,85 7,0 7,2
expense 0,820 1,040 1,340 18,535 64,307
organization plan
management) 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390
Property tax 8 8 8
12.5% 83,625 3,625 3,625 3,625 83,625
Insurance 2 2 2
Expense 26,588 6,588 6,588 6,588 26,588
Total Operation 7,47 7,67 7,75 7,9 8,1
expenses 5,273 4,033 5,403 18,128 83,140
Profit before
deduct interest 5,42 4,87 5,60 5,5 6,7
rate 0,075 4,522 2,645 82,764 28,728
Less: Interest ฿ 1,21 1,13 1,0
expense 1,295,335.00 7,707 0,217 31,617 902,478
Less: Value added 1 13 13 13 1
7% 33,444 3,444 3,444 3,444 33,444
Profit before
deduct income 3,99 3,52 4,33 4,4 5,6
tax 1,296 3,371 8,984 17,703 92,806
Less: Corporate 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Net Income 2,34 2,03 2,57 2,6 3,4

4,761 9,739 3,586 31,342 62,911

Income Statement
3Gs plastic recycle Industry
Estimated income statement during 5 years
From year 1 to year 5
Interest increase 10%
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
20,45 21,86 22,46 24,68
Revenue: 20,441,350 8,300 5,350 3,990 0,550
Less: Cost of
goods sold          
Raw material 4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Material loss 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
4,47 4,84 5,22 5,5 6,06
Total 9,800 1,000 7,500 93,500 6,600
15,96 15,61 16,6 16,87 18,61
Gross margin 1,550 7,300 37,850 0,490 3,950
Less: Operating
Marketing 13 17 16 1
expense 133,850 2,390 3,460 8,990 88,230
Administrativ 6,61 6,81 6,85 7,0 7,26
e expense 0,820 1,040 1,340 18,535 4,307
plan and
management) 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390
Property tax 8 8 8
12.5% 3,625 3,625 83,625 3,625 83,625
Insurance 2 2 2
Expense 6,588 6,588 26,588 6,588 26,588
Total Operation 7,47 7,67 7,75 7,9 8,18
expenses 5,273 4,033 5,403 18,128 3,140
Profit before
deduct interest 8,48 7,94 8,88 8,9 10,43
rate 6,277 3,267 2,447 52,362 0,810
Less: Interest ฿ 1,21 1,13 1,0 9
expense 1,295,335.00 7,707 0,217 31,617 02,478
Interest increase ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
10% 129,533.50 121,770.70 113,021.70 103,161.70 90,247.80
Interest expense ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
1,424,868.50 1,339,477.70 1,243,238.70 1,134,778.70 992,725.80
Less: Value 13 13 13 13 1
added 7% 3,444 3,444 3,444 3,444 33,444

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Profit before
deduct income 6,92 6,47 7,50 7,6 9,30
tax 7,965 0,345 5,764 84,139 4,640
Less: 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895
Corporate tax
Net Income 5,2 4,9 5,7 5,8 7,
81,430 86,713 40,366 97,778 074,745

increase 15%
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
20,45 21,8 22,46 24,6
Revenue: 20,441,350 8,300 65,350 3,990 80,550
Less: Cost of
goods sold          
Raw material 4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Material loss 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
4,4 4,8 5,2 5,5 6,0
Total 79,800 41,000 27,500 93,500 66,600
15,9 15,61 16,6 16,87 18,6
Gross margin 61,550 7,300 37,850 0,490 13,950
Less: Operating
Marketing 13 17 1 1
expense 133,850 2,390 3,460 68,990 88,230
Administrativ 6,6 6,8 6,8 7,0 7,2
e expense 10,820 11,040 51,340 18,535 64,307
plan and
management) 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390
Property tax 8 8
12.5% 83,625 3,625 83,625 3,625 83,625
Insurance 2 2
Expense 26,588 6,588 26,588 6,588 26,588
Total Operation 7,4 7,6 7,7 7,9 8,1
expenses 75,273 74,033 55,403 18,128 83,140
Profit before
deduct interest 8,4 7,9 8,8 8,9 10,4
rate 86,277 43,267 82,447 52,362 30,810
Less: Interest ฿ 1,2 1,1 1,0 9
expense 1,295,335.00 17,707 30,217 31,617 02,478
Interest increase ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿
15% 194,300.25 182,656.05 169,532.55 154,742.55 135,371.70
Interest expense ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿ ฿

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


1,489,635.25 1,400,363.05 1,299,749.55 1,186,359.55 1,037,849.70

Less: Value 1 13 13 1 1
added 7% 33,444 3,444 3,444 33,444 33,444
Profit before
deduct income 6,8 6,4 7,4 7,6 9,2
tax 63,198 09,460 49,253 32,558 59,516
Less: Corporate 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895
Net Income 5,2 4,9 5,6 5,8 7,0
16,663 25,828 83,855 46,197 29,621

Income Statement
3Gs plastic recycle Industry
Estimated income statement during 5 years
From year 1 to year 5
Cost increase
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
20,45 21,8 22,4 24,6
Revenue: 20,441,350 8,300 65,350 63,990 80,550
Less: Cost of
goods sold          
Raw material 4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Material loss 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
4,4 4,8 5,2 5,5 6,0
Total 79,800 41,000 27,500 93,500 66,600
223, 242,0 261, 279, 303,
Cost increase 5% 990.00 50.00 375.00 675.00 330.00
4,703, 5,083, 5,488,8 5,873, 6,369,
Total 790.00 050.00 75.00 175.00 930.00
15,7 15,37 16,3 16,5 18,3
Gross margin 37,560 5,250 76,475 90,815 10,620
Less: Operating
Marketing 1 17 1 1
expense 133,850 32,390 3,460 68,990 88,230
Administrative 6,6 6,8 6,8 7,0 7,2
expense 10,820 11,040 51,340 18,535 64,307
organization plan
management) 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390
Property tax 8
12.5% 83,625 3,625 83,625 83,625 83,625
Insurance 2
Expense 26,588 6,588 26,588 26,588 26,588

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Total Operation 7,4 7,6 7,7 7,9 8,1

expenses 75,273 74,033 55,403 18,128 83,140
Profit before
deduct interest 8,2 7,7 8,6 8,6 10,1
rate 62,287 01,217 21,072 72,687 27,480
Less: Interest ฿ 1,2 1,1 1,0 9
expense 1,295,335.00 17,707 30,217 31,617 02,478
Less: Value 1 1 13 1 1
added 7% 33,444 33,444 3,444 33,444 33,444
Profit before
deduct income 6,8 6,3 7,3 7,5 9,0
tax 33,508 50,066 57,411 07,626 91,558
Less: Corporate 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895
Net Income 5,1 4,8 5,5 5,7 6,8
86,973 66,434 92,013 21,265 61,663

Income Statement
3Gs plastic recycle Industry
Estimated income statement during 5 years
From year 1 to year 5
Cost increase
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
20,45 21,8 22,4 24,6
Revenue: 20,441,350 8,300 65,350 63,990 80,550
Less: Cost of
goods sold          
Raw material 4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Material loss 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
4,4 4,8 5,2 5,5 6,0
Total 79,800 41,000 27,500 93,500 66,600
447, 484,1 522, 559, 606,
Cost increase 5% 980.00 00.00 750.00 350.00 660.00
4,927, 5,325, 5,750,2 6,152, 6,673,
Total 780.00 100.00 50.00 850.00 260.00
15,5 15,13 16,1 16,3 18,0
Gross margin 13,570 3,200 15,100 11,140 07,290
Less: Operating
Marketing 1 17 1 1
expense 133,850 32,390 3,460 68,990 88,230
Administrative 6,6 6,8 6,8 7,0 7,2
expense 10,820 11,040 51,340 18,535 64,307
organization plan
and 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Property tax 8
12.5% 83,625 3,625 83,625 83,625 83,625
Insurance 2
Expense 26,588 6,588 26,588 26,588 26,588
Total Operation 7,4 7,6 7,7 7,9 8,1
expenses 75,273 74,033 55,403 18,128 83,140
Profit before
deduct interest 8,0 7,4 8,3 8,3 9,8
rate 38,297 59,167 59,697 93,012 24,150
Less: Interest ฿ 1,2 1,1 1,0 9
expense 1,295,335.00 17,707 30,217 31,617 02,478
Less: Value 1 1 13 1 1
added 7% 33,444 33,444 3,444 33,444 33,444
Profit before
deduct income 6,6 6,1 7,0 7,2 8,7
tax 09,518 08,016 96,036 27,951 88,228
Less: Corporate 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895
Net Income 4,9 4,6 5,3 5,4 6,5
62,983 24,384 30,638 41,590 58,333

Income Statement
3Gs plastic recycle Industry
Estimated income statement during 5 years
From year 1 to year 5
Cost increase
Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
20,45 21,8 22,4 24,6
Revenue: 20,441,350 8,300 65,350 63,990 80,550
Less: Cost of
goods sold          
Raw material 4,360,000 4,703,000 5,042,000 5,389,000 5,810,000
Material loss 119,800 138,000 185,500 204,500 256,600
4,4 4,8 5,2 5,5 6,0
Total 79,800 41,000 27,500 93,500 66,600
671, 726,1 784, 839, 909,
Cost increase 5% 970.00 50.00 125.00 025.00 990.00
5,151, 5,567, 6,011,6 6,432, 6,976,
Total 770.00 150.00 25.00 525.00 590.00
15,2 14,89 15,8 16,0 17,7
Gross margin 89,580 1,150 53,725 31,465 03,960
Less: Operating
Marketing 1 17 1 1
expense 133,850 32,390 3,460 68,990 88,230

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


Administrative 6,6 6,8 6,8 7,0 7,2

expense 10,820 11,040 51,340 18,535 64,307
organization plan
management) 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390 620,390
Property tax 8
12.5% 83,625 3,625 83,625 83,625 83,625
Insurance 2
Expense 26,588 6,588 26,588 26,588 26,588
Total Operation 7,4 7,6 7,7 7,9 8,1
expenses 75,273 74,033 55,403 18,128 83,140
Profit before
deduct interest 7,8 7,2 8,0 8,1 9,5
rate 14,307 17,117 98,322 13,337 20,820
Less: Interest ฿ 1,2 1,1 1,0 9
expense 1,295,335.00 17,707 30,217 31,617 02,478
Less: Value 1 1 13 1 1
added 7% 33,444 33,444 3,444 33,444 33,444
Profit before
deduct income 6,3 5,8 6,8 6,9 8,4
tax 85,528 65,966 34,661 48,276 84,898
Less: Corporate 1,646,535 1,483,632 1,765,398 1,786,361 2,229,895
Net Income 4,7 4,3 5,0 5,1 6,2
38,993 82,334 69,263 61,915 55,003

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


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3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

1.Mr.Tana Pantuvan ID:5131203098

2.MissNuttsitkarn Sukchum ID.5131203114
3.MissRawiwan Sunpakaew ID.5131203126
4.MissSaithip Kaewarpai ID.5131203143
5.MissSuthida Luesan ID.5131203150
6.MissKochaporn Thanompongchat ID.5131203183

Business Administration

3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry


3Gs Plastic Recycle Industry

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