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Hormones and Vestibular Disorders

By P. J. Haybach, RN, MS

Health professionals and women with ▪ Autoimmune diseases. These are

vestibular disorders have often suggested seen in women nine times more often
that hormones might play a role in than in men.3
Ménière’s disease and other vestibular ▪ Acoustic neuroma. Research suggests
disorders.1, 3, 10, 14 Little research has been that these tumors grow faster in
done in this area, and not much female test mice given estrogen than
information is available in print. The exact in mice not given estrogen.17
connection, if any, between hormones and Rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease,
vestibular disorders and the percentage of osteoporosis, glaucoma, and Parkinson’s
women affected is unknown. This article disease may also be affected by
explores some of the possible links. hormones.3, 6

Hormonal changes do not produce one Female hormones

tidy set of symptoms occurring at a Hormones are chemicals produced in one
precise point in time. Some of these body organ and carried in the blood
changes have been reported to increase stream to another organ, where they
symptoms, and some have been reported cause functional activity or possibly a
to reduce symptoms. The idea that change in a structure.
hormones might increase symptoms in
women or cause a physical problem is not Women manufacture a number of
limited to vestibular disorders. Other hormones specific to them, particularly
conditions thought to be linked in some during their childbearing years. The two
way to hormonal changes in women best-known female hormones are estrogen
include: and progesterone, sometimes also referred
▪ Migraines. These occur more often in to as sex hormones. These are produced
women, and attacks have been predominantly in the ovaries, although the
attributed to the use of birth control adrenal glands and the placenta of
pills, pregnancy and delivery, pregnant women also make them. Some
estrogen-replacement drugs, the start research has indicated that estrogen can
of the first menstrual period, be manufactured in the brain as well.3
menopause, and menstruation in
general.11 Estrogen and progesterone are referred
to as female hormones because they are
© Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ ◦ Page 1 of 9
found most abundantly in women, but Human chorionic gonadotropins are
men’s bodies also produce small amounts produced throughout pregnancy. Estrogen
of estrogen, and women also and proges-terone are at their lowest
manufacture small amounts of the male concentrations during the first eight weeks
hormone testosterone. Other female of pregnancy. They have a large increase
hormones include prolactin, oxytocin, between weeks 12 and 24. These higher
luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating levels of estrogen and progesterone are
hormone, and human chorionic maintained from week 24 through the birth.
Oxytocin, produced at the end of the
Female hormone function pregnancy by the brain and the placenta,
Female hormones are responsible for the induces contrac-tions and assists in milk
physical changes of puberty, the menstrual production. Prolactin, which is also
cycle, the changes of pregnancy, and milk responsible for milk production, is
production for nursing. The end of their produced in larger amounts near the end
production results in menopause. of the pregnancy. It may be involved in the
breast growth seen in pregnancy.
The menstrual cycle is as follows:
Days 1-5: menstruation Birth control pills
Days 6-14: increasing estrogen Birth control pills contain estrogen and
levels progestin (a hormone similar to
(estrogen stimulates egg progesterone) and are taken from day 1 of
production) the menstrual cycle through day 24.
Day 14: ovulation Menstruation begins on the 29th day, which
Days 15-25: increasing restarts the cycle. Birth control pills work
progesterone levels by making the brain think from day 1 to
Days 26-28: falling progesterone day 24 that pregnancy has occurred, thus
and estrogen preventing ovulation. Birth control pills
Days 1-5: cycle repeats if a cause the level of prolactin to rise.13
fertilized egg is not implanted in
the uterus Physical effects of hormones
Although the primary effects of female
Estrogen levels are highest on days 10- hormones are related to reproduction,
15 and lowest on days 1-5. The time many of these hormones can have other
between ovulation and menstruation is effects through-out the body.
sometimes referred to as the luteal
phase. Among the general effects in the days
before menstruation begins are that
Pregnancy blood may become more viscous (thick),1
appetite may be stimulated,4 and the

© Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ ◦ Page 2 of 9

volume of cerebro-spinal fluid may increases in tinnitus, hearing loss or
increase.9 Prolactin may be implicated in change of some type, aural fullness, and
the breast swelling and tenderness some ear pressure in apparent response to
woman experience before menstruation. hormonal changes. Not only do these
Pregnancy can cause nasal stuffiness, symptoms vary from one woman to the
nasal allergy, and other allergy problems. next, but the circumstances in which they
It predisposes some woman to motion are experienced also vary.
sickness.10 Swelling around the Andrews et al. described women
Eustachian tube and a feeling of pressure experiencing dizziness, aural pressure,
or fullness in the ears may be caused by and low-frequency hearing loss during
pregnancy5 and the use of birth control the premenstrual time. They also found
pills. that those experiencing the largest fluid
weight gain tended to have the most
Progesterone is capable of causing diuresis severe attacks at this time.1 Abdel-Nabi
(ridding the body of some of its water).13 et al. reported on women experiencing
It may increase body temperature11, 13 and nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and dizziness
can cause hyperventilation (over- in the premenstrual time.13
breathing, often in response to anxiety).2,
Progesterone can produce dizziness, Naftalin and Mallett wrote about a woman
faintness, and sleepiness and might also who had a remission from symptoms
have a depressant effect.11 during the beginning of pregnancy and an
exacerba-tion during mid-pregnancy.
In some women, estrogen causes fluid They also described her as having worse
retention before menstruation, during symptoms during breastfeeding.14
pregnancy, or while taking birth control
pills. It may slightly increase serum Increased symptoms or the return of
triglycerides and decreases fasting levels symptoms have been reported during the
of glucose and insulin in some women.11 premenstrual time, menstruation,
Estrogen might also have a role in brain pregnancy, the use of birth control pills,
function, such as solving spatial- and estrogen replacement therapy.
orientation problems and how pain is Women have also occasionally reported
sensed.3 It might also cause a change in improvement or remission of symptoms
the auditory brainstem test. during pregnancy, while using birth
control pills, during hormone replacement
Inner ear–related symptoms therapy, or during the premenstrual time.
A number of inner ear symptoms have On the other hand, some women have
been attributed to the female hormones. reported that their vestibular impairments
Women with vestibular disorders have began during pregnancy or under one or
reported discrete episodes of vertigo, more of these other conditions.
general imbalance and/or disequilibrium,

© Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ ◦ Page 3 of 9

Testing for hormone-provoked Andrews et al. described the use of
inner ear symptoms dietary sodium restriction and diuretics in
No single, specific test exists to a woman with Ménière’s disease who
determine whether or when a woman’s experienced increased symptoms
inner ear symptoms are provoked by premenstrually.1
hormonal changes. In some research
studies, blood levels of estrogen and Uchide et al. described decreasing sodium
progesterone have been compared with intake and using a diuretic, diazepam,
either hearing and vestibular tests or a and isosorbide (a fluid-manipulating
symptom diary kept by the woman to drug) to treat increased symptoms during
determine whether a relationship exists. one woman’s pregnancy.19
Two studies comparing electronystagmo-
graphy (ENG) test results for groups of Hansen et al. described giving small
women found that their premenstrual and doses of dimenhydrinate and meclizine
postmenstrual results differed. hydrochloride during pregnancy but
Unfortunately, this type of testing over avoiding diuretics in the first trimester.
time is seldom done. Instead, if a health
care practitioner is interested, a woman Some of the treatments reported
might be asked to keep a diary noting her anecdotally
menstrual cycle and daily vestibular by members of the Vestibular Disorders
symptoms to determine whether the two Association and others with vestibular
are related. disorders include the following:
▪ a low-sodium diet
Treatment for hormone-provoked ▪ six small meals per day (to spread
symptoms intake
Only one treatment has been described in of food and fluid over the entire day)
the medical literature specifically for ▪ diuretics taken daily or taken during
hormone-provoked vestibular and hearing the premenstrual time
symptoms. Price et al. described ▪ estrogen replacement therapy
successful use of leuprolide acetate in one ▪ birth control pills
woman. Leuprolide acetate works by ▪ antidepressant drugs
blocking gonadotropin-releasing ▪ vestibular-suppressant drugs taken
hormone, a hormone partially responsible during times of increased symptoms
for regulating estrogen and progesterone.
Unfortunately, this drug could not be Theories about possible links
used on a long-term basis because of the It must be kept in mind that Ménière’s
possibility of side effects such as heart disease and some other vestibular
disease and osteoporosis.15 disorders can wax and wane seemingly
randomly; thus the possibility exists that
inner ear symptoms apparently

© Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ ◦ Page 4 of 9

associated with hormonal changes in any causes water retention, the combined
particular woman can be explained by effect of these two substances causes a
coincidence. shift of water into sensitive parts of the
inner ear. This produces vestibular
On the other hand, non-coincidental symptoms.
explanations have appeared in the
medical literature. These include that of Speculations by the author
Abdel-Nabi et al., who attribute Here are other ideas that might explain an
increased symptoms to inner ear exacerbation of vestibular symptoms by
swelling.13 Also, Uchide et al. suggest hormonal fluctuations:
that Ménière’s disease might be ▪ The same factors causing increased
expected to worsen during early motion sickness during the pregnancy of
pregnancy because suddenly decreasing normal women may also cause
serum osmolality would induce an vestibular symptoms in women with a
osmotic gradient between the outer and vestibular disorder.
inner endolymphatic sac. This would ▪ Progesterone’s depressant property
allow free water to enter the may cause decompensation, which
endolymphatic space and produce or leads to vestibular symptoms.
exacerbate endolymphatic hydrops.19 In (Decompensation refers to a lessening
other words, chemical changes that of the brain’s ability to compensate for
occur in the body during pregnancy incorrect balance information from a
cause water to move into sensitive parts damaged inner ear. A variety of things
of the inner ear. This additional water can cause decompensa-tion, which is
causes changes that produce symptoms usually temporary.)
such as disequilibrium. ▪ Increased triglycerides caused by
increased estrogen levels during the
Andrews et al. offer multiple menstrual cycle may lead to balance
explanations: and hearing symptoms.
▪ Thyroid changes caused by female ▪ Premenstrual blood viscosity
hormones cause vestibular (thickening) may compromise blood
symptoms. flow to the inner ear and cause
▪ “Endolymphatic hydrops represents a changes in fluid balance. This could
fluid imbalance within the inner ear produce hearing and/or balance
and, when combined with an additional symptoms.
fluid shift, may produce symptomatic ▪ Estrogen and/or progesterone might
dysfunction.” cause symptoms because of their
▪ Aldosterone increases during the pre- chemical properties rather than their
menstrual time as estrogen also fluid-manipulating capabilities.
increases and progesterone decreases. ▪ Progesterone might cause
Since aldosterone (as well as estrogen) hyperventila-tion during pregnancy

© Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ ◦ Page 5 of 9

and/or the premenstrual period and ▪ The oxytocin produced near the end of
lead to feelings of dizziness and pregnancy releases prostaglandins,
disequilibrium because of the effect on which might lead to hearing and/or
the brain. balance symptoms.
▪ The increased amount of cerebrospinal ▪ If a woman has balance or hearing
fluid in and around the brain during the symptoms only during lactation,
pre-menstrual period might cause an perhaps oxytocin is the cause.
increase in pressure within the head. ▪ The increased estrogen causes an
This pressure is passed into the inner increased appetite and increased
ear through the cochlear aqueduct, a eating. Women may eat or drink
natural tunnel connecting the inner ear substances they are allergic to or that
to the space around the brain that change the fluid balance in the inner
contains spinal fluid. The pressure ear and result in hearing and/or
might cause balance and/or hearing balance symptoms.
symptoms. ▪ Elevated levels of estrogen can cause
▪ The presence of estrogen increases swelling around the Eustachian tube,
fluids in the body. Therefore, a woman which interferes with middle ear
experiencing symptoms because of a function. This may, in some still
lessening of body fluids might improve undefined way, impact inner ear
temporarily whenever estrogen levels function and cause balance and/or
increased sufficiently. hearing symptoms.
▪ If prolactin can cause premenstrual ▪ A woman whose symptoms begin for
breast swelling and general swelling the first time during labor or delivery
during pregnancy, perhaps it causes may have suffered a perilymph fistula,
the increased inner-ear symptoms an abnormal opening between the
women can experience at these times. inner ear and middle ear caused by
▪ Increases in estrogen levels perhaps increased pressure from bearing down
cause symptoms because of an during delivery.
autoimmune reaction.
▪ Because human chorionic Summary
gonadotropins are present only during Although many people have casually
pregnancy, perhaps women who observed changes in hearing or balance
improve only during pregnancy do so that seem related to hormonal changes
because of their presence, for some in women, it is unknown how many
unknown reason. woman are affected, precisely what
▪ Increased estrogen levels lead to a changes occur, what causes them, and
decrease in the blood sugar level, what, if anything, the treatments should
which perhaps causes dizziness and/or be.
disequi-librium because of its effect on
the brain. Further reading

© Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ ◦ Page 6 of 9

Some helpful documents available from the 5. Cox JR. “Hormonal Influence on Auditory
Vestibular Disorders Association include the Function.” Ear and Hearing,
following, identified by title and catalog 1(4):219–222, 1980.
number. 6. Dalton K. “Influence of Menstruation on
▪ Ménière’s Disease—What You Need to Glaucoma." British Journal of
Ophthalmology, 51(10):692–695, 1967.
Know (Book B-7)
7. Elkind-Hirsch KE, Stoner WR, Stach BA,
▪ Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops (Pub.
Jerger JF. “Estrogen Influences Auditory
F-2) Brainstem Responses during the Normal
▪ Perilymph Fistula (Pub. F-3) Menstrual Cycle.” Hearing Research,
▪ Ménière’s Disease (Pub. F-4) 60(2):143–148, 1992.
▪ Migraine-Related Dizziness: An Updated 8. Eviatar A, Goodhill V. “Dizziness as
Understanding (Pub. E-9) Related to Menstrual Cycles and
▪ Autoimmunity and the Inner Ear (Pub. F- Hormonal Contraceptives: An
21) Electronystagmographic Study.”
▪ Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct (Pub. F- Archives of Otolaryngology, 90(3):301–
306, 1969.
9. Grant R, Condon B, Lawrence A, Haley
▪ Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
DM, Patterson J, Bone I, Teasdale GM.
(BPPV) (Pub. R-5)
“Is Cranial CSF Volume under Hormonal
Influence? An MR Study.” Journal of
References Computer Assisted Tomography,
1. Andrews JC, Ator GA, Honrubia V. “The 12(1):36–39, 1988.
Exacerbation of Symptoms in Ménière’s 10.Hansen L, Sobo SM, Abelson TI.
Disease during the Premenstrual “Otolaryngologic Manifestations of
Period.” Archives of Otolaryngology— Pregnancy.” Journal of Family Practice,
Head and Neck Surgery, 118:74–78, 23(2):151–155, 1986.
1992. 11.Hardman JG, Limbird LE, eds. Goodman
2. Bayliss DA, Millhorn DE. “Central Neural and Gilman’s: The Pharmacological Basis
Mechanisms of Progesterone Action: of Therapeutics. 9th edition. New York:
Application to the Respiratory System.” McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 12.Marieb EN. Anatomy and Physiology. 3rd
73(2):393–404, 1992. edition. New York: Benjamin/Cummings
3. Bock GR, Goode JA, eds. Non- Publishing Co., 1995.
Reproductive Actions of Sex Steroids: 13.Abdel-Nabi EA, Lasheen MN, Motawee E,
Symposium 191. New York: John Wiley Taha A. “A Study of Vertigo and
and Sons, 1995. Dizziness in the Premenstrual Period.”
4. Both-Orthman B, Rubinove DR, Hoban Journal of Laryngology and Otology,
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Cycle Phase-Related Changes in Appetite 14.Naftalin L, Mallett KJ. “Clinical Records:
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and in Control Subjects.” American Journal of Laryngology and Otology,
Journal of Psychiatry, 145(5):628–631, 94(3):311–316, 1980.

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15.Price TM, Allen TC, Bowyer DL, Watson and Neck Surgery, 120(2):262–264,
TA. “Ablation of Luteal Phase Symptoms 1999.
of Ménière’s Disease with Leuprolide.” 18.Swanson SJ, Dengerink HA. “Changes in
Archives of Otolaryngology—Head and Pure-Tone Thresholds and Temporary
Neck Surgery, 120(2):209–211, 1994. Threshold Shifts as a Function of
16.Rybak LP. “Metabolic Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle and Oral
Vestibular System.” Otolaryngology— Contraceptives.” Journal of Speech and
Head and Neck Surgery, 112(1):128– Hearing Research,
132, 1995. 31(4):569–574, 1988.
17.Stidham KR, Roberson JB Jr. “Effects of 19.Uchide K, Suzuki N, Takiguchi T, Terada
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Nude Mouse." Otolaryngology—Head 59(5):292–295, 1997.

© 1999, 2006 Vestibular Disorders Association

This document is not intended as a
substitute for professional health care.

© Vestibular Disorders Association ◦ ◦ Page 8 of 9

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