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via Spiritual-Gateway
May 6



☯ ☯

via Spiritual Lifting

Jan 9


Supernatural Consciousness Attunements of the Buddha

In one of my most important past lives, I was Phra Sivali was a close follower and disciple of Gautama Buddha. Phra Sivali was
given the task to provide supplies for the Buddha and his great retinue. It is said that even when the group traveled through areas
with few supplies, they always had enough to eat .

The Buddha, noticing that Sivali was fulfilling a previous aspiration, declared him “foremost among monks in obtaining
requisites.” He instructed monks who were traveling on long, difficult journeys through uninhabited terrain to be accompanied
by Sivali to ensure that they would have their requisites met.”
Monks noticed a strange phenomenon when they were with Phra Sivali as he always seemed to have an abundance of rich,
fragrant food and the other requisites (robes, shelter and medicine). Monks who were with him also had the opportunity to share
in the bounty. Wherever he went, people flocked around to prepare food for him. Donors offered Phra Sivali with all the
requisites of a monk every time he went on his alms round.

Therefore, it was that wherever Phra Sivali travelled both people and devas supported him. He and his retinue of 500 monks
were in an uninhabited forest for seven days, but they were not short of food. The Devas made sure that they fulfil all his
requirements. Similarly, when Phra Sivali was travelling through the desert he was well provided with requisites.

The Buddha, seeing that Phra Sivali was fulfilling a previous aspiration in His reign, declared that he was foremost among the
monks in obtaining requisites. He also instructed monks who were travelling on long, tedious journeys through uninhabited
terrain be accompanied by Phra Sivali, as with him by their side they would be ensured of the requisites. In fact, on one occasion
when the Buddha and His retinue of 30,000 monks were travelling to visit Phra Khadhiravaniya Revata (Phra Sariputta’s
younger brother) they had to cross an uninhabited forest.

Phra Ánanda, fearing that they would not be able to obtain food in the jungle for such a large number of monks, questioned the
Buddha about the logistics of the journey. The Buddha assured Phra Ánanda that they had nothing to worry about as Phra Sivali
was with them. With Phra Sivali present, there would be no shortage of food because even the Devas reveled in taking care of his

To seek the cause of this strange phenomenon we need to go back many aeons to the time of the Buddha Padumuttara . Phra
Sivali, who had been born in that time as a poor man, had the opportunity to see the Buddha Padumuttara confer on another
monk the honor of being foremost among monks who obtain the requisites. Fascinated by the way everyone desired to provide
alms and robes to this monk; Phra Sivali had decided that he too would like to hold a similar position in a future birth. He had
then performed many acts of generosity to the Buddha Padumuttara and His retinue and made an aspiration.

The Buddha Padumuttara, foreseeing that Phra Sivali’s aspiration would be fulfilled had prophesied that at the time of the
Gautama Buddha, he would be foremost among the monks who obtained requisites. From this point onwards, Phra Sivali had
started in earnest to work toward his aspiration. He achieved this goal during his service to the Gautama Buddha.

At death, he was reborn in a heavenly realm where he enjoyed many years of heavenly bliss.

I have been reborn from the world of heavenly bliss in order to help mankind with the attainment of true freedom and wisdom.

Supernatural power is a sign along the way that one is indeed making progress. I have heard these words from the mouth of the
Buddha himself. These words carry with them the power of the lineage of My Master The Enlightened One. Hearing these
words while holding within one’s being clear thought and light, positive emotion, and quiet contemplation of soul, will allow the
supernatural attributes to arise from the soul naturally. We all have these seeds buried within us, proper nourishment and care
with is all that is required to bring them to the surface.

Listen to the words of these supernatural meditative attunements. Clear your mind, evoke any positive emotion that you choose,
and focus. The seeds of your growth will take root and spread throughout your being. They will do so naturally, effortlessly, and
with joy.

I now speak these words for you as they were imparted to me by my Master. My voice has been touched by the voice of The
Gautama Buddha and The Buddha Padumuttara, as such, the repetition of the words is given power by the consciousness of Phra
Sivali and two of The Blessed Ones.

Jan 9
spirituality spiritual growth consciousness Higher consciousness buddha gautama buddha meditation attunements supernatural monks



When you’re at your lowest, look to the highest. When you can’t hear God’s voice in your struggles, remember the teacher is
always silent during the test.

via Generation of Awareness

Jan 9



so true… indeed so true.

via All About Buddhism

Oct 9



There are many layers of ourselves that are within unity consciousness, we are the light and always
have been. We are whole, we are divine and infinite.
Oct 9



Instagram: @cindyxu7

via To Be Alive
Oct 9



(via The initiation into the “Seven Deadlies”…otherwise known as The Seven Headstands in Ashtanga Yoga | Confessions of an
Ashtanga Surf Yogi)

via To Be Alive
Oct 9

ISO Aperture
100 f/5
Exposure Focal Length
1/2th 24mm


Inca Trail, Peru (by kurtgordon)

via This is a Nature blog.

Oct 9


A new level of comfort. #Sigils #premium #rosewood #headphones #music #spiritualpower #positive #healthy #energy #meditation

Jun 9
premium healthy positive energy headphones sigils music spiritualpower rosewood meditation


Allow yourself to have more positive energy in your life. #Sigils #premium #rosewood #headphones #music #spiritualpower #positive
#healthy #energy #goodvibes #happy

Apr 24
premium healthy positive energy headphones sigils goodvibes music spiritualpower rosewood happy


These Digital Tools Can Be Your Gateway To A Calmer, More Effective Life
Meditation, an ancient practice of calming the mind, would seem to be incompatible with modern technology, with its emphasis
on speed and connectivity. But as more and more Americans have embraced meditation as an antidote to hyper-connected lives,
the world of technology has joined the movement.

A number of experts will recommend that you try things like listening to music when meditating. The Sigil on the side of these headphones
not only ensures that all the energy entering is positive, but also will amplify the energy so that one can have a more beneficial meditation.

For more information on Sigils, click here:

Apr 24
Sigils headphones meditation calm better life techno music Tybro


Power you can feel like rays from the Sun. #Sigils #premium #rosewood #headphones #music #spiritualpower #positive #healthy #energy

Apr 11
premium healthy positive energy headphones sigils music spiritualpower rosewood meditation


Not only is the sound quality exquisite, but the peace of mind I have received from simply using these headphones is priceless. #Sigils
#headphones #peace #meditation

Apr 11
meditation headphones sigils peace


I had to get a selfie with them too 😄 #selfie #Sigils #premium #rosewood #headphones #music #spiritualpower #positive #healthy #energy

Apr 10
premium healthy positive selfie headphones sigils music spiritualpower rosewood energy


Dr. Gibson sure seems to be enjoying the sound from the new Sigils! #Sigils #premium #rosewood #headphones #music #spiritualpower
#positive #healthy #energy

Apr 10
premium healthy positive energy headphones sigils music spiritualpower rosewood


Kathy Gibson enjoying the New Sigils! #Sigils #premium #rosewood #headphones #music #spiritualpower #positive #healthy #energy

Apr 10
premium healthy positive energy headphones sigils music spiritualpower rosewood


@coachkhayr got to try out the new Sigils Headphone this past weekend and loved it! #Sigils #healthyenergy #meditation #inthezone

Apr 7
healthyenergy sigils inthezone meditation

Zoom Info

Zoom Info
Zoom Info
Our new rosewood Sigils headphone! The sigil adds divine power, cleansing energy, and raises the vibration of anything played on
the headphones. Rosewood is one of the most powerful healing woods on earth. For the first time, the power of healing, blessing, and
divine energy can now be added to your listening experience.

Apr 4
sigil healing energy positive Sigils headphones divine cleansing rosewood




We are excited to announce that we will be having a FREE WORKSHOP on Saturday, November 30 in Charlotte, North Carolina. We
wanted to offer a gift for many of our loyal supporters over the years. There are only 300 seats so don’t wait to register!

We have picked one of the most beautiful venues to host this event. The Charlotte Omni Hotel has an awesome banquet hall with first class
service, excellent food and an incredible setting.

Our Connecting with Divine Creative Forces Workshop is designed to teach you the practices that will connect you deeply to your inner
divine creative forces. Each of us has 39 Inner Gods that connect us to the outer world. For most people, their connection to these Gods is
unconscious and dormant. In ancient times, connecting with the Inner Gods was the true path to power. Worship of the Outer Gods was a
way of connecting the two worlds. Some individuals were born with a natural spiritual path that flowed between both worlds. These
individuals were revered as shaman, healers, and mystics.

Now you can learn to connect your Inner Divine Creative Forces with those of the Outer World. This process can provide the following

Bring greater joy and prosperity to your life

Teach you to increase your ability to be in the presence of the Sacred

Help you fulfill your dreams

Save you from legal, financial, and health related problems

Greatly enhance your ability to feel joy and ecstasy

Improve your spiritual power and presence in the world

Connecting with the Divine Forces allows anyone to experience the joy of living in multiple worlds. This freedom is the true secret to life. It
is the purpose of the soul that we all seek. Spirits travel between realms, people can too. We can access our true power without the
restrictions placed upon us by the secular and religious worlds.

Important: The only way to register is to go through the website. You cannot register by calling the office. To register go to the upcoming
events page on the Tybro website, scroll to the bottom, and click add to cart. You can also click on the picture above to get to the webpage.

Jul 22
TYBRO divine forces spiritual growth free spiritual power



The New Miracle Prayer to Activate Healing and Blessings

The New Miracle Prayer to Activate Healing and Blessings utilizes the latest Biblical Healing Technology that we have discovered. There are
three critical components to this and other recordings of its genre that we will soon release.

One: The background rain only sounds like rain. We have taken each letter in the 72 Letter Name of God and transformed it into a musical
note. Each note was then exported to a MIDI file. Each note in the file is then transposed into a sound that resembles rain. What you are
hearing in this portion of the recording is the 72 Letter Name of God transformed into rain. The 72 Letter Name of God is one of the most
powerful Names given to us by the Creator. Its power is said to control all of reality.
Two: The 72 Letter Name of God was then again transformed into music. The Name was transformed into Beautiful Ambient Stringed
instruments and Cavernous String Instruments. The sound of the instruments is formed solely by the Name. No transposition or additions of
any kind were added. The beauty of the piece has been hidden in the bible for thousands of years.

Three: I have searched the Ancient Hebrew Version of the Bible for passages that address a number of problems in our world. The ancient
versions of our Bible contain the original power of the Creator. Using the original words retains this power and according to legend, the
correct use of these words can help mankind overcome any problem. The modern versions of the Bible have changed these words
significantly. Below, we list the verses, in their original form and the modern English translations. These verses are interspersed throughout
the recording. The voice that you hear in this recording is me speaking these beautiful verses in the original Hebrew.

The combination of energy in this recording will help to activate healings and blessings in your life. The energy of the sound will work on
your aura, your energy body, your DNA, and the world around you to allow Our Creator to make major positive changes in your life. We
have witnessed hundreds and hundreds of miracles over the years with our recordings. The Original Miracle Prayer has been part of the
greatest majority of these miracles. We pray that these new recordings that we have been mightily blessed with will change your life and ease
the suffering that we see in the world.

For more information visit:

Jul 9
Miracle prayer healing blessings hebrew bible name of god energy life changing


Nine Insights For A Successful And Happy Life Boo…


The Nine Insights For A Happy and Successful Life Trailer

The greatest achievements in human history have been attained by those individuals who strive to elevate themselves above the everyday ebb
and flow of life. This yearning to achieve is central to our search for happiness. We want to laugh, to sing, and to feel good at the end of the
day as much as we might wish to do anything else.

Happiness is an art. If you wish to practice this art, you must first decide that it is something that you want, above everything else. People that
choose to be happy will at some point wake up to a day filled with smiles, joy, and laughter. If they are lucky, they will remember that day,
focus on its high points, and strive to repeat it. Before too long, another happy day will appear, seemingly out of the blue. People around them
will wonder why they seem to be so different. The reason will not be found in surface changes.

The Nine Insights For a Happy and Successful Life emerged from my own life long desire to help thousands of people find happiness.
Happiness is a gift that we bestow upon ourselves each time that we embrace the joy that breathes within. This book outlines two main
themes that will guide you on the road to happiness. The first explores methods that will help you discover the secret inner joy that already
hides within you. The second explores powerful and effective methods that will help you remove the chaos and obstacles that prevent you
from feeling and expressing that joy in your daily life. Success and happiness travel together on the road to joy. Let us discover your inner
path together.
Mitchell Earl Gibson MD

Jul 5
happy successful money personal achievement trailer nine insights



In today’s world, when meditating is a way of life for so many people, how would you react if a mysterious, radiant being appeared to you
during meditation? Would you tell others, hoping to convince them that what you saw was truthful? Could you convince yourself? Mitchell
Gibson discover these answers himself in the living soul.

The Living Soul is a life-changing, true story about a young doctor who learns the truths of life through his encounters with an ancient
supernatural being. Through a series of mind-bending and often humorous out-of-body experiences, the doctor learns a great number of
mysteries regarding the nature of our reality and the hidden destiny that us all. The insights and teachings that are given to him regarding the
human soul are astounding, and have never before revealed to the public.

Read for yourself what all the buzz is about. This book was first published in 2003.

Jul 3
Soul meditation supernatural out of body experience truth books true story reality

The New Miracle Prayer Series: Breaking Curses an…

The New Miracle Prayer Series: Breaking Curses and Removing Dark Forces

Have you ever seen a family where the father has a problem with uncontrollable anger, his son seems to have inherited the issue? Did
grandpa have the same problem? Or have you noticed that not only do you suffer from something such as persistent irrational fears or
depression, but your mother and her father also suffered from it as well?

There are many people today who are living under bondage that the sins of their forefathers has brought into their lives.

This is beyond learned behavior; many children learn to be messy if their parents are messy. This is a spiritual bondage that is passed down
from one generation to another. Some symptoms of a curse is a continual negative pattern of something that may handed down from
generation to generation. Sometimes, a curse may be placed upon a person by a loved one, enemy, or family member. There are people in the
world who place curses upon other people for a living.

Often people who are adopted end up with the same characteristics as their birth parents, not because they were around their birth parents to
learn how they behaved, but because they inherited their spiritual bondage. Some common symptoms of generational curses are family
illnesses that seem to just walk from one person down to the next (cancer is a common physical manifestation of a spiritual bondage),
continual financial difficulties (they continually hit roadblocks in their finances), mental problems, persistent irrational fears and depression.
Anything that seems to be a persistent struggle or problem that was handed down from one generation to another may very well be a the
effects of a curse.

Curses and dark forces often travel together. We have received hundreds of calls from clients who seem to be stuck in life. Often, by the
time they get to us, they have exhausted themselves seeking a solution to the problem. These forces often take a toll on the individual, the
family, their finances, intimate relationships, physical health, emotional health, and spiritual health.

Curses and dark forces are carried by spiritual DNA. This energy molecule may be passed from one person to another by various methods,
including but not limited to genetic inheritance, spoken word, repeated physical contact, and sexual contact.

This CD is designed to dissolve and eliminate the energy patterns that form the blueprint for the effects of curses and dark forces.

The Ancient Hebrew Bible verses that have been chosen for this CD possess the power to dissolve and eliminate curses and dark forces.

This CD is designed to provide the masses with a cost-effective and efficient method of eradicating these conditions.

For more information, visit:

Jun 28
curses Dark forces hebrew bible spiritual anger issues depression fear


Spiritual Protection Training

We live in a dangerous world. Random shootings, arson, kidnappings, bombings, robbery, muggings, stabbings, and a host of other criminal
assaults on our lives fill the media. Children are attacked while sleeping at school. Students have been killed by the dozens while studying in
high school and college university settings. Spectators in a number of otherwise harmless everyday venues such as movies, restaurants, and
sporting events have been slaughtered by people acting under the aegis of negative spirits. There are areas in our country with a higher
murder rate than many war zones. My wife and I watch these events with horror as they are reported by our media. We asked ourselves, what
can we do to help stem this dangerous and growing tide. We decided to address this problem by offering a special training to the public that
would help to protect them from the growing assaults of these entities.

We will offer the following during our spiritual protection training day:

A. How to detect the energy of dark forces when it builds up in an area

B. Becoming astrally invisible to the energy of dark forces
C. Daily energy practices that strengthen the aura and body against attack
D. Recognizing the presence of an impending spiritual attack
E. The Basics of Spiritual Wards for Home and Office Protection
F. Basic Reversal Magic
G. Effective Counter Measures Against Negative Forces
H. Magical Mudras to Seal the Aura Against Attack
I. The Use of Magical Seals and Spells
J. How to Use The Protective Energy of the Names of God
K. The Magical Protection of Children and Infants

For more information, visit:

Jun 19
Tybro spiritual Protection Dark forces magical spiritual teaching


NASA Confirms -Super Human Abilities Gained Through Sungazing « An Enlightened Perspective
Check this out!

Jun 13
super human sungazing NASA



Check out the newly created Tybro app!!

Go to the link below on your phone or tablet to install the app. It supports iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8 and HTML 5
compatible devices. You can email or text it to your friends and family if you think they would be interested.

The Tybro App:


Canon EOS 5D
ISO Aperture
100 f/5.6
Exposure Focal Length
1/3th 70mm

The Sound of Prosperity

Astrologically Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune; and a person’s inner sense of
justice and morality and their ideals and higher goals. Jupiter governs long distance and foreign travel, higher education, religion and the law.
It is also associated with the urge for freedom and exploration, humanitarian and protecting roles, and with gambling and merrymaking or
‘joviality’. The first-century poet Manilius described Jupiter as temperate and benign, and the greater benefic. It was regarded as warm and
moist in nature, and therefore favorable to life.
In medicine Jupiter is associated with the liver, pituitary gland and the disposition of fats. It also governs the blood. Improving your
relationship with the energies of Jupiter in your body could potentially improve the function of your liver, pituitary, and blood circulation.
Also, your long distance, foreign travel, higher education, religious energies, and ability to interact with the law in a positive way are
influenced by positive Jupiter energy.

Use Code: MCI for 20% OFF!

Jun 6




Jun 5


The Verbena contain the sacred codes that allow mankind to communicate with the Gods. These codes were discovered and hidden away
from humanity. The children and their descendants have been hunted and scattered by the Forces of Darkness so that humanity would never
know how to live in the light.

The Verbena are divided into five groups. Each grouping was designed to allow us to properly ask the Gods for help. When the Old Ways
were scattered, the Verbena were hidden and protected. We now release some of them in the form of five groups. Each grouping consists of a
five day cleansing ritual and a Verbena ritual designed to help you eliminate a certain problem.

1. The Prosperity Verbena: are designed to address issues related to finding a new job, creating money in your life, improving your bank
account and saving, and helping you to overcome the karma that prevents you from creating and retaining wealth.

2. The Protection from Dark Forces Verbena: are designed to address issues related to spiritual, psychic, emotional, and physical attacks on
you, your loved ones, your home, your business, and all that you hold dear. This Verbena is powerful enough to send the Forces of Darkness
away from you and those you love.

3. The Healing Forces Verbena: are designed to address health issues that plague the user. Each person desiring to benefit from Healing
Verbena must perform the ritual for him/herself. You cannot perform a healing Verbena for another. Healing Verbena will address a large
number of problems related to physical, emotional, and mental illness that manifests in your life.

4. The Relationship Healing Verbena: are designed to address relationship problems. Separation, arguments, pending divorce, chronic
arguing, fighting, lack of intimacy, and difficulty with communication problems are address with this Verbena.

Both parties involved in the relationship must perform this Verbena and agree to its effects. You cannot apply this Verbena against the will of
an unwilling partner. You cannot use this Verbena on a partner without his/her knowledge. There are built in karmic protective forces that
prevent its working in those cases.

5. Increase Spiritual Growth and Power Verbena: are designed to help the individual open pathways within the aura, soul, and spiritual form
that increase the flow of spiritual power. This Verbena also allows for increased spiritual growth in cases where one is stuck. This Verbena
opens the Five Gates. These Gates are connected to the five areas within the body that are normally closed which allow for the increase and
use of great spiritual power.

For more information visit:

Jun 5
TYBRO verbena prosperity protection dark forces healing relationship spiritual growth spiritual power


The Actus Signal is the great primordial sound from which all life, consciousness, and motion derives. It is a sound which permeates all the
known universe and may be heard briefly only in deep meditation. The Actus Signal is generated continually by the Source and may be heard
everywhere throughout the universe. The Words of Power are embedded within this signal.

As the consciousness of a race or individual evolves, the ability to decipher and use The Actus Signal emerges. In our galaxy, the sound of
The Actus Signal is echoed in the voice of the stars, planets, and nebulae.

Through a special technique, we have learned to download The Actus Signal, which is the music of the spheres, onto a sound recording. The
Actus Signal is the genesis of all of the Words of Power, the universal factors, consciousness, enlightenment, and higher intelligence.
Meditating with this wonderful gift will help your consciousness evolve in ways that are beyond imagining.

We are happy to make this ancient tool of power available to the world.

Jun 3
TYBRO actus signal words of power sounds universe consciousness primordial deep meditation


The Power of Prayer

Benefits: peace, clarity of mind, spiritual connection to the Creator, relaxation, improved sleep, a profound sense of religious power

Many people believe that the power of The Lord’s Prayer is greatly magnified by hearing it spoken in its native language. All over the world,
millions of people have reported spontaneous healings, debt reversals, and miraculous solutions to long-standing problems simply by prayer
with the original version of The Lord’s Prayer.

Now for the first time, Tybro Publications is proud to offer The Lord’s Prayer, in the Original Aramaic Language for your own personal and
spiritual needs.

Instructions for use:

The Lord’s Prayer is best listened to while using headphones. Listen to the CD all the way through while you sit in a relaxed state.
Concentrate on clearing your mind.

Focus on something that you want to receive more insight and clarity into. Remember, practice makes perfect. Use the CD several times in
order to give your brain a chance to acclimate to the effect.

You may use the CD as often as you wish. Give yourself some time to relax after you finish the CD.

Do not use this CD while driving or using potentially equipment. Allow at least one hour after the completion of using this CD for rest and

May God Bless you and yours.

May 31
TYBRO prayer peace lord's prayer aramaic blessings


Nine Insights For a Happy and Successful Life

Insights Number Five

“Your innermost thoughts are unique to the universe.”

May 29
TYBRO Nine Insights happy successful inner thoughts universe life


Nine Insights For a Happy and Successful Life

“Take twenty minutes a day to sit, close your eyes, and do nothing. These minutes are yours. Allow your mind to drift for this
special space in time.”

May 28
TYBRO happy successful life meditation no worries Nine Insights


Nine Insights For a Happy and Successful Life

Insight Number One:
“Regularly giving away a small portion of your wealth helps to prevent the energy of chaos from building up in your life.”

May 28
TYBRO wealth happiness success help Nine Insights



The greatest achievements in human history have been attained by those individuals who strive to elevate themselves above the everyday ebb
and flow of life. This yearning to achieve is central to our search for happiness. We want to laugh, to sing, and to feel good at the end of the
day as much as we might wish to do anything else.

Happiness is an art. If you wish to practice this art, you must first decide that it is something that you want, above everything else. People that
choose to be happy will at some point wake up to a day filled with smiles, joy, and laughter. If they are lucky, they will remember that day,
focus on its high points, and strive to repeat it. Before too long, another happy day will appear, seemingly out of the blue. People around them
will wonder why they seem to be so different. The reason will not be found in surface changes.

The Nine Insights For a Happy and Successful Life emerged from my own life long desire to help thousands of people find happiness.
Happiness is a gift that we bestow upon ourselves each time that we embrace the joy that breathes within. This book outlines two main
themes that will guide you on the road to happiness. The first explores methods that will help you discover the secret inner joy that already
hides within you. The second explores powerful and effective methods that will help you remove the chaos and obstacles that prevent you
from feeling and expressing that joy in your daily life.

Success and happiness travel together on the road to joy. Let us discover your inner path together.

Mitchell and Kathy Gibson

“This is a fantastic book! Get it if you haven’t got it…well worth it.”

- Gloria

May 28
TYBRO nine insights successful life happiness


What is a Spiritual Cleansing?

Spiritual Cleansing is a type of healing. A spiritual cleansing is not a medical treatment nor is it intended to take the place of one. Even
though I am a medical doctor, I no longer practice medicine nor do I prescribe medication. If a client needs a medical intervention, I will refer
them to the appropriate medical specialist for further evaluation.

Spiritual Cleansings have three components. The first phase involves gathering information about the problem at hand. This part of the
process occurs during the initial interview. I usually spend about an hour talking to the client about their presenting symptoms and associated

The second phase involves the spiritual analysis. In this phase of the cleansing, I examine the aura, soul structures, and associated energetic
components of a client’s physical body. In order to do this I need a picture of the client and a sample of their writing. Sometimes I will
request a piece of hair or personal item that they have handled. This allows me to tune in to their energies at an even deeper level. Over the
years, I have developed a number of clairvoyant abilities that allow me to sense a variety of different forms of spiritual pathology. Many
clients find that simply knowing about the true source of their problem is extremely helpful.

The third phase involves treatment recommendations for the problem(s) that are discovered during the consultation and analysis. There are
three levels of cleansings that are available. Level One, Level Two, and Advanced.

Most people obtain spiritual cleansings for a number of reasons. The most common are:

1. Divorce -(especially nasty ones)

2. Repeated financial difficulty

3. Relationship/family problems of a recurrent nature

4. Unusual disturbances in the home or in the workplace

5. Prior to entering into deep spiritual/meditative work

6. Persistent Spiritual Disturbances

7. A feeling of heaviness and lethargy associated with intense negative energy.

A spiritual cleansing of this nature is something that should be repeated only once a year in most cases.

May 28
TYBRO healing cleansing spiritual aura treatment divorce financial crisis disturbances negative energy


The Stones of Power

Gems are nature’s storehouse of energy. They transmit and store certain powerful cosmic rays, which combat the negative and destructive
vibrations of planets that are unfavorable in a person’s life. They can increase the flow of positive and constructive vibrations by
strengthening positive vibrations that flow within a person’s aura.

Gems have the power and energy to increase one’s mental abilities, psychic powers, bring immense good luck, great fortune, eradicate
problems, and remove hurdles in all major of life. These concepts may seem slightly foreign to the Western Mind, but many ancient cultures
have taken advantage of the Power of the Gem in order to improve areas of life such as, Marriage, Career, Business, Education, Wealth.
Certain gems have a very beneficial effect on one’s physical health and may cure even the most dangerous diseases, which might otherwise
be incurable medically.

Gems are like high-potency medicines, having magical healing and curative powers to not only cure but also ward off chronic diseases.

A real precious Gem Stone, when used continuously, emanates power and energy, which merges with Cosmic Radiations, and forms a
protective aura around the body. This extra energy within the aura combats unfavorable negative vibrations from external sources, and
escalates flow of favorable positive vibrations, creating the right circumstances, situations and opportunities essential for achievement of
aims and objectives.

Since Gems are so powerful, they have to be chosen very carefully and meticulously. Rest assured that your gemstone has been chosen with
the utmost care and is very compatible with your base vibratory rate. Your gemstone has been washed in holy water, purified with incense,
and blessed with apowerful Word of Enhancement.

Under no circumstances should you allow another person to use your gemstone. It has been prepared for you. The more you use it, the greater
the positive effect. The effect will accumulate over time and you should be diligent in your use of the stone.

The Wealth Giver: This stone allows the user to gain abundant material and emotional riches in his/her life. The stone is empowered by The
Goddess Lakshmi and is very powerful.

The Health Giving Stone: This stone empowers the energies of health, vitality, and physical strength. The energies that empower this stone
emanate from the Creator himself.

The Blissful Marriage Stone: This stone strengthens the energies necessary for the creation of a happy and blissful marriage. The energies
that empower this stone emanate from the Creator himself.

Inner Strength Stone: This stone strengthens the energies that quicken spiritual growth, inner peace, a greater feeling of security and calm,
and the Knowing that you are one with the Creator.

The Remover of Obstacles: This stoneempowers the energies that remove obstacles and problems from one’s life and enables one to make
quick progress in one’s field of work. This is a prayer to Lord Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles. This stone comes with my highest personal

To Open Doors: This stone is empowered by one of the most powerful of all the mantras that I possess. This mantra has the power to open
doors in your life to areas that will allow you to grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. This is a very, very powerful tool.
Use it wisely. This stone only comes in the 135-carat size.

May 24
TYBRO spirituality gems energy power healing wealth marriage inner strength remover of obstacles open doors


The Living Soul Spiritual Development Course is a 17 lesson series designed to be followed in the comfort and privacy of your own home.
Following an initial evaluation of the applicant’s spiritual aspirations, potentials, and overall life goals, the course guides the student through
a graduated series of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual disciplines. These exercises are designed to gradually train and educate the
student’s soul in the ancient pathways revealed to me during the last 22 years. The overall goal of the process is to awaken certain dormant
faculties which are latent within us all. These faculties, combined with the continued application of the discipline imparted within this course,
will lead to the transformation of the soul of the applicant and gradually to the process of inner enlightenment.

It is my sincere desire to provide guidance to each student individually over the course of each month of the course. Each lesson is designed
to offer challenging exercises, meditations, and mental disciplines which will gradually develop the faculties latent within each student. One
lesson builds upon the next and the student will not be allowed to progress until each lesson is mastered. All lessons are evaluated personally
by the assigned teacher and the student will be required to submit monthly reports based on his/her progress.

This is a challenging and rewarding course. Over the past nine years that we have conducted the course, several students have begun to
experience inner enlightenment, samadhi, contact with higher dimensional beings, increased kundalini energy, increased healing ability,
telepathic experiences, visions of the higher self, and travel to Solar worlds.

An inevitable result of this work will be certain experiences which some might choose to call miraculous. These experiences are to be noted,
recorded, and filed away. They are not meant to be dwelled upon, shared or given too much attention. Upon following a true path to a deeper
understanding of the universe, such occurrences are inevitable. They are side effects of the work, not an end result in and of themselves.

For more information go to:

May 24
TYBRO spiritual growth spirituality soul enlightenment guidance training


In this CD, Prosperity, you will hear a series of Words of Power that are specifically designed to bring the power of success into your life.
When you want to achieve real success, success without the roller coaster effect that wealth can so often have, you must recognize that all
good fortune originates from the Light of the Creator.

The Words of Power Prosperity CD helps to remove doubts, anxieties and fears related to prosperity. It strengthens the energy of prosperity
within your aura, subconscious mind, and body. It helps to draw the forces of the universe that create real happiness, health and prosperity
into your life.

May 24
TYBRO prosperity wealth success aura happiness



The Soul Cleansing Special Edition CD uses multiple sound frequencies to clear and release negative thought forms, cleanses the
subconscious mind, calms the conscious mind. When played through loudspeakers this CD can help cleanse the human aura and remove
attachments and fragments from the soul gem.

This CD also contains the Names of God associated with dispelling dark forces, healing, and spiritual power. Using The Soul Cleansing
Special Edition CD on a regular basis helps to connect the mind to the higher dimensional planes of reality.
“This one is better in terms of the technology of the sounds, more smooth and clear than the other ones and it is embed with the
waves of great stars, I do not know how this kind of technology is used to do this tough, but this is a great help for the soul, for me it
is a really advanced discovery in human history, I have never seen this…Believe it or not, I am smarter than before, I listen to this 3
to 4 times per week, it is amazing.


“Thanks for share this wonderful spiritual tools for free, God bless.
This stuff is so amazing, lol.”

May 24
TYBRO soul cleansing conscious mind aura spiritual power healing testimonials



The Spirit Attachment Removal Special Edition CD removes attaching spirits from a room when played at loud volumes through
loudspeakers, cleanses the human aura, removes negative entities from the body with regular use.

“Dear Dr. G,

I was up until 2:30 last night chanting to God to heal my soul while listening to your Spirit Detachment YouTube video clip. When I
first listened to it after the session I felt the inside of my being HEAL. The feeling was "as if” I was getting hit in the stomach but -in
reverse. It was the feeling of the reversal of a punch in the stomach – contraction and inflation, with added warming and soothing. It
was powerful and I had to go lie down afterwards and soon fell asleep. Later, I tried it again and the affects were not as dramatic
but significant. I’m so grateful for your products! I will buy a couple of these cd’s when I can manage it- I worked with a variety of
your YouTube clips last night and feel incredible today.

This is important info I think:

About two years ago I experimented with the “Life Systems” and QXCI/EPFX/SCIO products. Each of these systems begin a session
with something called a stress test or sensitivity test. The LIFE System is dangerously harsh. I’m guessing that there are not many
people who are sensitive to it, but I certainly was. This may have been due to my own depletion of energy.. These products are
so dangerous. There are many scalar wave technologies out there, I just don’t see how it can be good. The other product that I’ve
tried the SCI or QXCI, has a more subtle affect but since I was able to feel what the LIFE product could do from long distance (they
were in Florida), I know how powerful this technology is. It will soon be obsolete but alot of people are using these still.

- My point is that when I listened to your healing sounds I felt the healing in the same area where I felt the literal acid like
dissintegration -feeling from the LIFE product as it went through the initial testing process for sensitivity or stress areas. It felt as if
it was literally eating away at my soul. Everyone knows what it feels like when the physical body endures an injury in any given area
of the body. We can relate to the part of the physical anatomy and know what that feels like in that area. –Well, the area that was
healing as I listened to your Youtube clip was the same area that felt the dissintegration affect of the LIFE product. I now know that
this was where the soul was getting assaulted by the testing process. I wasn’t sure before, I knew it was my energy field or–
something deep within, but wasn't certain since I’ve never felt my soul in this way before.
Thanks again for everything Dr. Gibson!

Much Love and Gratitude!“

May 24
TYBRO spirituality cleanse spirits testimonials


Zoom Info
Zoom Info
The Primordial Energy Healing Medallions are linked to the angelic essence that Kathy and I carry into the world. Kathy’s essence is tied to
the Archangel Zagzagel. My essence is tied to the Elohim Angel group. El, my Elohim name, carries my healing essence into the world. El
carries the energy of healing, wisdom, and angelic power. The Male Primordial Medallion (top) carries the energy of the Elohim into the male
human body and effects change automatically.

Primordial Talisman Female Medallion (bottom). Zagzagel is the Angel of Wisdom, Healing, and Balance. She appeared as the burning bush
to Moses. The Female Primordial Healing Medallion has been designed to carry the healing power of Zagzagel into the female body.

May 24
TYBRO medallions spirituality healing wisdom balance angelicpower



If you look into the lives of successful people you will find a number of fortuitous circumstances operating in their favor. They may be born
into wealth, educated at the best schools, have a knack for being at the right place at the right time, buying a lucky lottery ticket, meeting the
right people, and seemingly living within a stream of fortunate energy.

If you examine their lives closely, you will find that one or two fortunate circumstances might be considered luck, but a stream of such
energies may well be something else entirely.

The Art of Ken Wa Fu is an ancient spiritual discipline that allows an individual to learn how to communicate with the forces of creation,
gather the celestial power of these entities, and use it within a structured format to create the things that you desire. Through The Art of Ken
Wa Fu, you can learn to create a stream of energy that flows within your life that has the power to help you attract to yourself whatever you

May 23
TYBRO workshop new york celestial fortunate desire


The Archangel Gabriel is the only Archangel often depicted as female in art and literature, Gabriel is known as the “messenger” Angel.
Gabriel also helps us to find our true calling. Ask for Gabriel’s guidance if you have strayed from your soul’s pathway, if you wish to
understand your life plan and purpose. She can also help if you can find no reason for being or if changes are ahead and you need guidance. If
you are contemplating a house move, major purchase or thinking of changing careers. The Archangel Gabriel is also a powerful healer who
can help you with bladder, kidney, prostate, and urinary system problems in general. She is also very protective of mothers and their children
in general and in this way, she is a powerful ally in the protection of our most precious young ones.

“Last night, my ex-girlfriend came to me in a dream. In real life, I haven’t seen her in a couple years and am not friends with her
because she is a major liar and a thief - I cannot abide liars. But I learned a great deal from her and in a very real way she kicked
started my spiritual journey. She is someone I should avoid because she would use and manipulate me in very subtle yet effective
ways. In my dream last night she and I were hanging out and sightseeing around Paris. The dream turned somewhat sexual and we
began to undress each other. In the dream, I was wearing a number of charms on strings around my neck that she began to take off
(they may have been of astrological symbols) then finally, she took off my Gabriel medallion, which I wear on a silk string even when
I am sleeping. She took it off, and I grabbed it and handed it to her saying here, have a look at this. She reached to grab it and it
went off like an alarm - a clear high pitched tone came out of the medallion and then I awoke suddenly. The emotion of the dream
was benign, but when I awoke it was like coming out of a mild nightmare; I was disturbed. This prompted me today to ask
Archangel Michael to cut any cords between me and her - a technique I found from Doreen Virtue that seems to work well, but I
need to maybe put more energy into it. At least I know Gabriel is protecting me to thanks to your medallion.”

May 23
TYBRO medallion protection guidance archangel purpose healing testimonial


The Conscious Mind Cleansing CD helps to clear the user’s conscious mind of negative thoughts, behaviors, and habits that interfere with
emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.

May 23
TYBRO conscious mind cleansing spiritual growth


Basic Instructions for our Medallions

You can wear them, put it under your pillow at night, or put it on your altar and your energy is connected to it; don’t let anyone else
wear them
Don’t put them in places that are unclean; any place you wouldn’t put a Bible
Never wear them while having sex

May 23
TYBRO medallions spirituality



The First Medallion is a unique spiritual tool that is known for bringing you the things you need. It contains the 42 letter name of God that
strengthens its power.
May 23
TYBRO medallion protection wealth need



The Archangel Raphael Medallion. Raphael’s realm of angelic expertise resides within health and healing. Raphael’s healing domain is all
encompassing. He heals physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. Praying to this Archangel is the act of summoning
the direct healing power of God himself. Each dot on the face of the medallion is a seed of spiritual DNA that is responsible for the healing
power contained within the medallion. Prayers for healing and growth are empowered many fold by using this medallion while praying.

May 23
TYBRO healing medallion spirituality emotionally mentally physically archangel prayer


The First Darkness is a sweeping tale of love, celestial magic, destruction, and chaos. This gripping tale of one Angel’s battle for love and
resurrection draws the reader into an intensely passionate one-of-a-kind love story that is surely to become a classic in its genre.

“Fascinating story…filled with suspense waxes with an effortless and beckoning pace; but yet quite arresting…love it. The first
spiritual thriller I have read thus far… The scene is set; the tone, color and ambience are all seamlessly woven together for what
promises to be a great book. More power to you Dr. G!”

“These chapters are extremely thought provoking. The whole concept of there being ‘Stealers of souls”, the whole maze of this world,
so many illusions that stick like superglue to our being, and the path to freedom and compassion after all our lessons have been
learnt. What a journey this is, magnificent and awesome and only just begun! Thank you for writing this book!“

"Keep it coming, Dr. Gibson. Having written some fiction myself, I especially admire your skillful and rich descriptives of the setting
(which obviously come from life-experiences). Looking forward to more… Well done.”

“Dr. Gibson, as someone mentioned, "a spiritual thriller” is very unique! This book is very exciting. I am hooked, so please keep
them coming! Thank you for allowing us to peak into the world that is your soul….“

"Thank you for sharing this, another, magnificent book Dr G. More power to the light…please keep it coming! Also, with each
chapter my vocabulary is put to the test; not to mention taking to task my spiritual intelligence…”

“Even though this book is written as a work of fiction many things in it are true. I have been witness to and partook in the Chorus
and it is something you never forget. It is not something you only experience with your mind but with your whole being. It links you
to the light of the Creator and is a gift from him/her. Your whole being is moved to an energy that is, all at once, one of peace, deep
joy and a feeling of returning home to where you belong. This home is not a physical place but is a state of consciousness and a
vibration of the totality of who you are. I came upon the Chorus in a journey to the vast emptiness. An emptiness that was/is alive.
There were beings of light in this place they were singing in praise, gratitude and love for the Creator. They sang with every fibre and
photon of their being. And I found I was with them and began to "sing” too. It was the most natural thing to do I would not have
chosen to do anything else. And I felt the presence of the Creator as a being of vast, golden light who knew who all of us were/are and
heard/hears everyone’s song. Some part of me is with them still, singing.

Thank you for writing this book Dr. Gibson..“

"Dr. G, this is truly a work of magnificence. It is a soothing balm for my overly-taxed soul. Thank you also for the reminder of the
wonderful gift we have been vouchsafed. I look forward to adding the published work to my collection, and sharing it as a gift with
friends and family.”

“I’ve read 23 chapters of the book thus far and were it not for those necessary interruptions - you know, prayer, sleep, and work, I
would not have been able to put this book down. It is a real page-turner! The pictures Dr. Gibson paints of the Celestial World and
the angels are both astonishing and breath-taking. On more than one occasion, I had to fight back the tears ands realize I was
reading a tale of 'spiritual fiction’. I felt I was getting a peek into the Heavens. Be prepared to take a journey into some fascinating
and fresh territory, as this book is both engaging and inspired. I pray this will not be the author’s only work in this genre, because he
is certain to garner a following with this first work.”

May 23
TYBRO angel good reads testimonials thefirstdarkness love celestial magic


The Michael Demiurgos Medallion is one of our newest medallion and is over 100 times more powerful than the Archangel Michael
Medallion to protect the soul. If you hold it in your right hand while praying, the power of your prayer is increased 100 fold.

“just love you and your wonderful family…xoxox thank you with Love and Gratitude…xoxoxo”

“I wish to share a vision I received earlier during meditation. I was in a huge amphitheater and all around me I saw souls…some
with in bodies and others in spirit. There were 100s if not thousands. A beam of light was emitting from my crown touching each
being. I then became a brighter and brighter and took the form of a star pulsating and the beams of light going to each being grew
stronger. I asked Archangel Michael who I could see well above watching - who are these beings and what exactly am I doing. You
are teaching them and you are taking your true form. It is one of the most experiences and validating experiences. I can still
experience them all and myself…thought I would share.”

May 23
TYBRO spiritual medallion protection testimonials archangel



The Words of Power Healing CD uses the power of ancient phrases to increase the body’s healing potential. It also enhances the
subconscious mind’s ability to heal the body, helps erase the anxiety, doubt, and fear associated with the healing process, strengthens the
power of the aura, helps to clear negative thought forms.

“It is difficult to express how thankful I am having received the initial and continuous blessing of the Words of Power. I guess the best
form of gratitude I can offer is my continued commitment to work with these Words and to never take this Gift for granted. And, as
one group member remarked, the added words further enable each initiate to work with the words that resonate most with the
individual in his or her journey toward wholeness and helping others. Tom from WOP-NY 2010 e-mailed me to join the group and
share the Words they received with your blessing and we were both awe-stricken at seeing Words that were for us the answer to
many, many prayers for the opening of a way to receive answers and help in living our best lives. What a blessed day this was?!
Thank you!”

May 23
TYBRO spiritual healing words of power testimonial


The Attunements consist of thirteen very specially crafted sounds. Each of these sounds work together over time to gently pull away the
layers of darkness that prevent us from perceiving and enjoying the higher levels of consciousness. These sounds have never been heard on
this world before.

Some people have the innate ability to see the higher worlds and commune with beings who have higher consciousness. This communication
is easy for them. For most people however, this does not happen.

“Liquid like energy flowing from my crown to my face, erupting inside my right brain, my back head neck area..I felt myself coming
out of my body… I just finished Attunement One…..”

“….I felt myself drifting into another world, a place that I feel desolate and lonely in. I remember Dr. Gibson saying that I could call
on him for help in a email. I called for him and an amazing being came. He teleported me to a home with a stoop in front of it.
He welcomed me into the center and it was filled with incredible sound energy…..”

“Since I started using the Attunements my body feels calmer. I have not been able to sleep through the night for years but now I
sleep like a baby. My periods, which have been awful for decades, have become light and painless. A blessing indeed!…”

“I need to share with you what happened using the Attunements

I started Monday night and before get up Tuesday morning I listen again to the first one , the same night I saw a white light moving
around in the room…and then I saw the Goddess Kali all in gold…I guess she came to check on me!
Last night Lord Ganesha was there and he came to see me…I saw him!….”
“I woke up in a body that had wings. I looked at myself and laughed. I realized that I was dreaming but it did not feel like a dream.
Lifted up off the ground and flew up into the air. My wings were black and gray and they must have been at least 15 feet in diameter.
I just completed Attunement Six.”
“I prep rooms for the dying, and sterilize rooms after a passing as well as do room sterilization in the Emergency area. There was one
case where a boy had been miscarried. The room was full of light. I asked what happened in here to the Nurses. They said there was
a miscarriage. I wondered then why the light? There was a boy in the corner with an Angel. The class of Angel was the Angels for
Children. This child was very upset. He wanted to eat food and experience food. I said to it 9 months and you’ll have your
chance. The Angel was behind the child waiting for the word to take it back. I saw this with my own eyes.”
“Today I start attunement 5. The following has been my experiences so far having completed attunements 1-4:
1. My dreams have become more vivid (colorful)
2. I am literally seeing more colorful flashing and balls of light (blue, yellow, green)
3. I am hearing humming sounds and even hearing music playing as if in a different room. But when I check to see if I have left a
radio or CD playing nothing mechanical is producing the sound.
4. Recently, I’ve had a vision of a golden Buddha in a circle of light.
5. Finally, my awareness of angels, meditations and inner happiness has intensified…”

May 23
TYBRO spiritual attunements higher consciousness testimonials


The Miracle Prayer Generator is a versatile talisman that has helped thousands of people protect their health. With the help of the 42 letter
name of God engraved in it, it increases the amount of the Light of God that exists within your cells. It serves as a vessel for liquids,
medicines, vitamins, and candles.

“I have been having problems with my hands in the morning. When I wake up, my fingers are very stiff and difficult to move. So, I
reach over and get the Miracle Prayer Generator and put my hands and fingers directly on the generator for about 2 minutes.
Almost instantly, the stiffness and soreness in my fingers goes away and I can move then normally. Truly a miracle! I’m thinking that
you could do this with other types of pain and stiffness as well, putting the generator on the irritated place.”

May 23
TYBRO spiritual talisman healing miracle testimonial



The Words of Power Medallion will greatly enhance your ability to use the Words and cause change in your life.

“I’ll get right to the point, I brought a lottery scratch off ticket two days after doing one of the Words of Power for 12 days and WON
$10,000, I believe it! !!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, I will be sending in my tithes to you. Thank you with all my
heart. :) :) :) ”

“I have noticed a sincere enhancement of my skill set. There are many more clients who are being aided with the Usnisa, Daoist, and
words of power talismans/objects/blessing powers. It is quite humbling. I have also been scanning specific chapters for clients and
have seen dramatic improvement if not immediately to a few days. Grateful for your tutelage.”

May 23
TYBRO words of power spiritual testimonials medallion


The Miracle Prayer CD contains an ancient prayer, The Ana B'Koach, that can drastically improve your life. It strengthens your prayers and,
for many, increases the chance of miracles.

“I was driving into the garage when I noticed a small hummingbird was trapped and trying to get out of the window instead of the
garage door. I approached him and recited the Miracle Prayer. He then allowed me to put my hand under him and he perched on my
fingers. I was then able to carry him out the door and he flew away to safety! My daughter said, "Wow that’s really cool Mom, you
should tell Dr. Gibson”. It was equally cool because she has been learning the Miracle Prayer with me! I also used the Miracle Prayer
to stop a dog from biting me. When I first met her she growled and showed her teeth. I was in a large field away from the owner and
not sure what to do. Luckily, I calmly started saying the Miracle Prayer as I walked back to the house. Everyone was really surprised
to see Sadie laying next to me for most of the evening. You said it was important to memorize it, and now I’m starting to see why.“

"My recently ordered CD’s just arrived - The Light Body Mantra, and Removing Negative Karma - they are fabulous! I’ve been
using your Spirit Releasement CD and The Miracle Prayer for about a year now, for many of my healing clients as well as myself.
Definitely worked wonders for me and my work. Would just like to send you this Thank You note, and Blessings from the Light! :)”

“Dr. Gibson, I have had gradually good effects that are changing my life financially…to add my 64 year old mom had a miracle that
rejuvenated her heart in a matter of 3 days…another miracle that happened is my lady friend needed kidney surgery…the doctor
said they didn’t see any sign of cancer anymore. God bless you and your family. Continue to bless the world we these powerful
spiritual tools.”

“I wanted to thank you because I am pretty sure you helped my daughter…Well since you and I talked she had this huge shift…She
is a completely new person! She even hugged me and said she loved me once which hasn’t happened in a few years! Thanks again,
and lots of love to you.”

May 23
TYBRO spiritual prayer miracle testimonials


Our goal at Tybro is to provide the spiritual tools that will help you put your faith in action. Prayer, miracles and faith are intertwined. You
really can’t have one without the other. Faith is more than sitting around doing nothing while demanding miracles from the gods to come save
you or to make your life better. The Creator has sown the seeds of wealth and happiness in our world. He has also given us tools that will
help us farm those seeds. It is our job to find those tools and learn how to use them.

May 23
TYBRO spiritual faith

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