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Inglés y su enseñanza III

An apparently simple organ, the brain is in fact more sophisticated than the most
complicated computer. It is composed of two hemispheres, left and right, which are
connected by the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum, actually a bundle of nerve
tissue, integrated the operation of the two hemispheres. It provides communication
between them and allows the transmission of memory and learning.

On visual inspection, the hemispheres appear to be organized bilaterally symmetrical,

that is, the right and the left sides of the brain look like mirror images of each other.
However, they are also organized asymmetrically, meaning there are structural and
functional differences between them.

Before learning more about the brain, I invite you to work on this test.
Remember that there are no right answers! Nothing is right or wrong, just different
ways of facing and perceiving the world…and in our case, particularly, of teaching and
learning. 😊

You are going to see if you are: Quite or moderately right-brained oriented, if you have
no particular dominance or if you are quite or moderately left oriented. Yet, remember
our brain works as a whole and we use both hemispheres although one may be more
dominant than the other! Hope you enjoy working on it!! 😃

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