Inglés Iii - Strategies2

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Inglés y su enseñanza III


In recent years numerous studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of
learner’s using a variety of strategies in their quest for language competence.

Language learning is a very complex task and an investment is necessary in the form of
developing multiple layers of strategies for getting that language into one´s brain.

In an era of communicative, interactive, learner-centered teaching, the development

of strategies cannot be overlooked. All too often, language teachers are so consumed
with the “delivery” of language to their students that they neglect to spend some
effort preparing learners to “receive” the language. And students, most unaware of
the tricks of successful language learning, simply do whatever the teacher tells them to
do, having no means to question the wisdom therefore. In an effort to fill class hours
with fascinating material, teachers might overlook their mission of enabling learners to
eventually become more independent of the class, more autonomous learners.

One of the principal goals as an interactive language teacher is to equip your students
with a sense of what successful language learners do to achieve success and to aid
them at developing their own unique, individual pathways to success. Because by
definition interaction is unrehearsed, mostly unplanned discourse, students need to
have the necessary strategic competence to hold their own in the give and take of
meaningful communication.

Rebecca Oxford’s (1990) Strategy Inventory for Lg Learning (SILL) can be used in any
classroom for developing awareness as regards the use of strategies.
Let’s work on this Inventory!

Work on it and after getting your results, reflect on them and draw some conclusions.


Each PART is connected to one of the subdivisions of Oxford’s classification
Part A – Cognitive
Part B – Memory
Part C – Compensation
Part D – Metacognitive
Part E – Affective
Part F – Social
Have a look at this list of strategies that you can develop in your classroom.
You can use a colour to highlight the ones you are using at present times.
You can use a different colour to highlight the ones that you would like to implement
in the future.

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