Full Skittles Project

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Brock Lewis




Skittles P1
Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of
orange candies yellow candies green candies purple candies
red candies

______11___ _____13____ ____9______ ____14_____ _____10____



Personal Data:

Color of skittle How many? Proportion: (%)

red 11 0.193 - 19.3%

orange 13 0.228 - 22.8%

purple 10 0.175 - 17.5%

yellow 9 0.158 - 15.8%

green 14 0.246 - 24.6%

Total: 57 100%

Class Data:

Color of skittle How many? Proportion: (%)

red 343 0.195 - 19.5%

orange 347 0.197 - 19.7%

purple 329 0.187 - 18.7%

yellow 375 0.213 - 21.3%

green 368 0.209 - 20.9%

Total: 1762 100%

Total number of bags from sample: ​30

Total number of candies in own: ​57

The graphs of both sets of data (my personal data and the class data) are what I expected

to see. I expected to see relatively similar sizes/percentages of each color. The class’s data

doesn’t entirely match my personal data because I have more of a certain color than the class

average does in each category.

5 number summary of class
(# of skittles per bag)

Min: 48

Q1: 57

Q2/median: 59

Q3: 60.8

Max: 64

Mean number of candies in each bag:


Standard deviation of number of candies per bag:


The data is skewed left. The graphs didn’t reflect what I expected to see because I

expected a symmetrical non-skewed graph. The data in the graphs agree with my class and my


Total number of bags from sample: ​30

Total number of candies in own: ​57


Graphs: ​While doing the graphs, I expected that they would turn out the way they did.

Judging off of the data received. Both graphs of my candy bag and the class’s are similar. They

aren’t exact, but they are very similar.

Mean and box plot/histogram: ​The shape of the distribution of our data was skewed

left. It is shown in both graphs and I didn’t necessarily expect this. I expected it to be

symmetrical. The minimum is much lower than the average, which is why it skews the data.

Reflection questions

The difference between quantitative and categorical data is that quantitative data shows

the certain characteristics of the data. Categorical data shows​ information that allow us to

classify the objects into categories. Usually, we start with categorical data by summarizing the

data into a frequency table. Bar graphs and pie charts are best for Categorical data. They show

the size of a category in comparison to the whole or population. Histograms, stem plots, and box

plots are great for quantitative data because it will give a frequency of the data report.

Categorical data should be used for certain types of data. Quantitative data is usually collected

for statistical analysis using surveys, polls or questionnaires usually for a specific population.



Skittles pt 3

Confidence interval​: ​a range of values so defined that there is a specified probability that the

value of a parameter lies within it.

99% confidence interval yellow candies (0.18771, 0.23794)

95% confidence interval of mean number of candies per bag (58.25, 58.55)

98% confidence interval estimate for the standard deviation of the candy per bag (3.47, 3.47)

- We are 99% confident that the proportion of yellow candies per bag are between the

interval 0.18771 and 0.23794.

- We are 95% confident that the mean number of candies per bag lies between 58.25 and


- We are 98% confident that the standard deviation of the candies per bag is 3.47.

Hypothesis tests

A statistical hypothesis is a hypothesis that is testable on the basis of observed data

modeled as the realised values taken by a collection of random variables. A hypothesis test is a

test whether a claim of a value of a population proportion, a population mean, or a population

standard deviation and whether or not the claim is true. The purpose of a hypothesis test is to

make a conclusion about a claim

Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that 20% of all skittle candies are red.

- Step 1: The original claim is that 20% of all Skittles candies are red. p = 0.20

- Step 2: The opposite of the original claim is p = 0.20

- Step 3: The null hypothesis is p = 0.20 and the alternative hypothesis is p not equal to


- Step 4: The significance level = 0.01

- Step 5: Because the testing claim is a population proportion p, the sample statistic is

relevant, which makes this a normal distribution.

- Step 6: The test statistic z = -3.29 is calculated as: p-value = 0.001 < 0.01

- Step 7: Because the p-value is less than the significance level of = 0.01 the null

hypothesis is rejected.

- Step 8: From this hypothesis test, because the null hypothesis was rejected there is

sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that 20% of all Skittles candies are


Use a 0.01 significance level to test the claim that the mean number of candies in a bag of

Skittles is 55.

- Step 1: The original claim is that the mean number of candies in a bag of Skittles is 55. =

55 Step 2: The alternative to the original claim is not equal to 55.

- Step 3: The null hypothesis is = 55 and the alternative hypothesis is not equal to 55.
- Step 4: The significance level = 0.05

- Step 5: Because the testing claim is a population mean , the sample statistic mean is

relevant, which makes this a student t distribution.

- Step 6: The test statistic t = 6.394 is calculated as: p-value > 0.05 58.1 < < 62.3

- Step 7: Because the p-value of is greater than the significance level of = 0.05 and the test

statistic of t = 6.394 does not fall in the critical region of the critical region t = 2.086 I fail

to reject the null hypothesis.

- Step 8: There is not sufficient evidence to warrant rejection of the claim that the mean

number of candies in a bag of Skittles is 55.


The condition that qualified for doing interval estimates and hypothesis tests for

population proportions includes that these samples were from simple random samples. The

conditions for a binomial distribution that np > 5 is satisfied with a normal distribution. The

sample for the population proportion met these requirements. As the data collected was a simple

random sample and that the np > 5 is (1264)(0.20) = 252.8 > 5 which is normally distributed.

The condition that qualified for doing interval estimates and a hypothesis test for

population means that these samples were from a simple random sample. The samples were

larger than 30 and the populations were normally distributed. The population mean for this

sample did meet these requirements as the data that was collected had a sample size of only 21.

I'm not exactly sure about the interval estimates for population standard deviations and

whether the samples met these conditions. I assume that since the samples are simple random

samples and the population has a roughly normal distribution, they would qualify.
The possible errors that could have been made by using this data is that the results may

have not been completely accurate or they could fall in the categories of Type I error or Type II

error by making a mistake of rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is actually

true or false. The sampling method may be improved by increasing the sample size.

The conclusions that I have drawn from my statistical research is that the population

proportion suggests that the colors are relatively evenly proportioned in each bag. There are

some colors not equally proportioned, as some colors such as yellow had more than a 20% value.

Also, the mean of each bag contains close to the average mean of 58.7 and that I can say with a

95% confidence that each bag of Skittles would contain within a range of that mean and close to

the number of Skittles that was in my own bag of 57.

Skittles Pt 4

I still remember looking at the instructions for this project and thinking that I was reading

something in another language. I had a hard time working on it because of how difficult it

seemed at first. I was amazed at how much work this was actually going to require. We needed

to create a random sample of data, have that data organized, create graphs, charts and interpret

what the information means. Throughout the semester we were taught a great variety of

statistical concepts that gave us the tools to be able to complete this project. I realized that I was

able to perform the correct sequence of steps for each one of the exercises that were part of this

project. After learning the theory and the content of the class, I was able to complete this project

and realize how important statistics truly could be.

This project allowed us to practice key principles studied throughout the term, from

using a sampling method to performing hypothesis testing. The most challenging aspects of the

project were really understanding each concept, and how it applied to the population of Skittles,

not just our sample. Trying to remember everything and applying it to real life situations was

tough, but I was able to accomplish my goal.

This specific project has helped me to better understand statistics and how statistics

works in the real world. I have learned a lot about statistics and how they work. It turns out,

statistics are actually used in the real world and they play an important part in our everyday lives.

They provide information that is beneficial to society.

This project and the class in general have given me the tools to be able to understand the

language behind the statistical analysis of studies with simple, but important terms such as

media, range, mean, and mode that are so frequently used in so many instances.

Throughout the entirety of this course, I have learned a lot. I learned how to apply these

techniques in life situations as well as learned how to use programs to create graphs of my data
and implement them into other documents. This will become very useful in the future for me

with whatever career choice I choose to pursue.

I’ve always wondered how I could implement the math I have previously learned into my

daily life, but found that this course allowed me to see how math does apply to real life. This

course made me realize that math can be fun at times, especially when you can understand how it

applies to the real life situations helping us to better understand the world around us.

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