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Do good in Thy good pleasure unto Zion

Psalm 51:18a

Newsletter 66 Family Rev. M.L. Dekker

Hendrik Ido Ambacht, December 15, 2020

Shalom dear everyone,

As you see by the address above, we are currently in The Netherlands. We are staying until
January 21 in a part of the farmhouse of the Logmans family in H.I. Ambacht, where we
could put our furniture.
Last summer we did not want to leave Israel. A shepherd has to stay with his flock when
danger is near, isn't that true? After Rosh Hashana on September 18 the second lockdown
began until the beginning of November; no more church services, everything was sent
through WhatsApp. Almost no flights, the stores were closed just like now here in The

Forest fire
During the second lockdown, on October 9, we had a severe forest fire around our city. It
even appeared on the front page of the RD. After the long summer the forests around the
city were as dry as a bone. On Wednesday afternoon we still sat on folding chairs on a path
in the forest on the slope of a hill overlooking the valley. When we walked back, the
thought occurred to me that if a forest fire ever came here, there would be no way to
escape. And Thursday around 4 PM we saw fire fighting planes flying low over our street
and diving into the valley. Later in the evening everything was peaceful.
But the following day the fire started again. It was driven by an extremely hot and strong
desert wind. The wind was blowing our way. The fire fighting planes were flying
everywhere and fire trucks were coming from all cities in the area. Two streets down from
us the valley enters slightly into the city. The fire reached the other side of the valley
quicker than we knew, as late in the morning we received word that some of our church
members were evacuated. We didn't understand it too well. The church members lived
quite a distance from the valley, on the other side, and the wind was blowing our way. The
fire, however, went against the wind, leaping up the slope at the other side, from one tree
to the next. It became a sea of fire with flames tens of meters high. It even crossed a big
road, towards higher gardens and houses. Someone sent us a video that was taken from a
distance and we saw how quickly the fire spread through the gardens in a matter of

Enormous flames Evacuating the elderly The fire crossing the big road
The fire fighting planes could not stop the fire from igniting some part of the bullet factory
that we can see from our house. The great explosion in Beirut was still fresh in our minds,
so we quickly lowered the metal shutters. One never knows what can explode. For at least
half an hour we heard all kinds of explosions like fireworks, but you don't read anything
about that in the newspaper…
It was the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles and we had invited two lonely old ladies to
come for supper, despite the lockdown. I was busy cooking for the festive meal. In the
afternoon the fire came more our way. Around 5 pm we drove to the end of our street, and
parked just around the corner to look out over the valley. The airplanes were still flying
back and forth, but the fire had reached the houses below us. From a police car came the
warning to immediately evacuate the houses in this street, so just around the corner of our
We didn’t wait for them to come to our street. We didn’t like to take any risk. We went
straight home and called the two ladies to cancel the meal. It turned out that they were
already evacuated. We quickly packed a few suitcases with necessary clothing and
belongings and I turned off the oven where the potatoes and chicken were almost
done. We read Psalm 121 and prayed. On WhatsApp we asked for prayer from our
friends. It was strange to leave the house with the question whether we would see
everything back. We drove again to the end of the street from where we had a good view
over the houses below, and from where we could quickly drive away if necessary. Thick
clouds of smoke arose from houses below. Fire trucks and planes were very busy. After 10
minutes we suddenly realized that the wind had died down! What a miracle! The Lord
intervened! He answered the prayers! If the wind had not died down, a huge section of our
neighborhood would have gone up in flames! The Lord has saved our city from a great
calamity. To Him be all the glory!

After this lockdown we first had to renew our visa that would expire in December. That is
always stressful. The last times the Ministry of Interior gave a visa for two years. But last
year the lady told us that during that period we had not been enough days in Israel, so she
punished us by giving a visa for one year. This year we only were in Holland on January 1
and 2, so she couldn't complain about that. We again received a visa for two years!
The Lord has proved His faithful care also in this matter. We are very thankful! He still has
work for us to do in Israel!

After the first lockdown we gathered in the church of the Arab Congregation. There we
could distance six feet from each other, something we couldn’t do in our own house. More
importantly, it is a large building with good possibilities for ventilation. Unfortunately the
number of infections in Israel went up again, so the number of churchgoers had to go down
from 50 to 20 and finally to 10. We solved that problem with 2 services on Friday evening
whereby 10 people sat in the main sanctuary and 10 in the annex with the sliding door
open. Sometimes there were more people, but we were never investigated since no one
expects services on Friday evenings in an Arab Church which normally gathers only on
Sundays. We continually sent videos of Maarten’s messages to those who could not gather
with us and for those who send it on to friends. Also Russian and Spanish translations were
sent, so this epidemic gave unexpected opportunities to spread the Word!
But then the second lockdown came and the old Nazareth became a red city, because of the
many infections, so we couldn't use the Arab church building anymore. We had to go back
to using WhatsApp for meditations and sermons.
After the partly lifting of the second lockdown only groups of 10 could meet in synagogues
and that applied also to churches. But the old Nazareth became for the second time a red
city, so again we couldn't meet in the Arab church building. The consistory then decided
that this was taking much too long - since mid September. So, towards the end of
November we again met in our own home with two services on Friday evening and one on
Saturday evening. Though a total of 10 was the goal, this was mostly extended between 14-
19 persons. It is so good to meet again in this manner. Though we could be fined for 20,000
shekels, it was not yet a mass gathering, so we were not
that afraid of a fine. Besides, we have good neighbors who
will not soon cause trouble.
Now that we are in The Netherlands, there will be just one
service on Friday night, one week with Spanish translation
and the next week with Russian translation. The people are
so happy to be able to meet again! But we just heard since
last Sunday there is a third lockdown. That is unfortunate
for the congregation as well as for Balalaika and Yad

Balalaika and Yad Nechama

In the beginning of November we were allowed to reopen
Cafe Balalaika, though only for take-out. People were not
allowed inside. But at least Rosa and Ary could begin
again. Ron had to wait two more weeks. Normal stores could not yet open. During
lockdown time he built a kind of "corona proof" cabin in the second-hand store. He used
the wood of a beautiful mahogany cabinet. He closed it off with a door, so people can’t walk
into the back room anymore. That’s
very good too!
Ron has also faithfully helped us for
two weeks. We had offered an
unemployed man the job of painting
our house, but his work proved to be
quite unprofessional. We asked Ron
for advice. Some years ago he had
painted our house himself, so now
he came, saw how things were going
and stayed, took the lead and the
house turned out beautiful!
In mid November the second-hand
shop reopened again. The people
were so happy! We had received a shipment of clothing from America, as well as from
various well known clothing stores in Holland. These were beautiful garments! Not only
were the people glad because of the clothing, but also that it was again possible to go to Yad
Nechama, which gave them a feeling of normalcy - just to stop in, browse around and chat
with Ron.
Serious times
We live in serious times. We know not what the future holds. I think of all those who have
lost loved ones or are struggling themselves with serious effects of COVID-19. We also think
of all those who are unemployed or the small business owners who had to close their
businesses. I recommend that we all do our business as much as possible with those that are
of the household of faith rather than with the "big-box" stores.
Just now we heard that there is a new virus. Israel intends to close its airport. Please pray
for us that we may return as planned on January 21.
What will the future bring? Confusion and fear are everywhere. Satan knows that he has
but a short time and tries his utmost to yet deceive as many people as possible. But those
that wait on the Lord hear in all these judgements the footsteps of the Bridegroom. He
And those that in this time of Advent may with longing look for His second coming, have
nothing to fear, no matter what happens. Someone sent me the following prayer by Calvin,
it could have been written in these days of COVID-19:

"Grant us, Almighty God, that we, in so much confusion that Thou
time and again causest us to see in this world, may remain calm
under Thy faithful protection. May we never lose courage when
Satan and our enemies are given the opportunity to press us
hard. May we abide in peace under Thy protection, and each
hour and moment take refuge in Thy care. May we - depending
on Thy strength – not hesitate to go on through all disturbances
and to calmly keep hoping in Thy mercy, until at last we are
gathered in the eternal and blessed rest which Thou hast
prepared for us in heaven through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

This blessed hope and longing is our wish for you all for 2021!
Many thanks for your prayers. Warm greetings from Hendrik Ido Ambacht.

fam. Rev. M. L. Dekker – Maarten & Marita

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