Exposure Prioritization Matrix

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Step 1: Complete the table with the following information. First, select a location of
interest, for instance a particular neighborhood, city, or other geographic location. Next,
identify three climate hazards that may occur at this location. For each of the climate
hazards, identify two of the most vulnerable groups of people who may experience
those exposures, and two potential health outcomes that those vulnerable populations
may observe if exposed to the climate hazard.

Step 2: Rank the unique health outcomes of concern you identified in columns 3 and 4.
Use the ranking statement:
When I consider all the ways that climate change affects vulnerable populations
in the locality I selected, this issue seems to be a:
SP = Strong priority
P = Priority
LP = Lesser priority
Add these letters into the corresponding cells.

Climate hazards Persons Health outcome Health outcome

in Barranquilla – vulnerable to those impacting impacting
Colombia hazards in vulnerable persons vulnerable persons
Barranquilla –
Floods and Of the vulnerable Given that the city's Another health
streams can populations are sewerage condition can occur
occur frequently the people who infrastructure is in possible cases of
in the city due to have their homes poor, there can be electrocution, since
the heavy rains towards the possible exposure when the water
that occur in the valleys of the city to contaminated enters it, it can be
rainy season. and who do not water that can also in contact with
have the mix with street appliances that are
infrastructure to garbage. P found on the
decant the ground floors. LP
streams and
possible floods.

Another vulnerable Like the previous In the same way,

population is one, poor people another direct effect
people with limited can be exposed to on health is
resources or low tropical diseases drowning, because
socioeconomic that can originate by not having an
strata who clearly from the water. SP adequate
have a greater infrastructure, large
vulnerability to a volumes of water
climatic event of and speed can drag
this type. people to the
nearest river. P
Another danger in People who The health effects Another health
the city is the heat perform outdoor for these people will result is
and sun that can work activities clearly be dehydration, which
cause heat stroke such as informal associated with in extreme cases
or dehydration. vendors, heat-induced can lead to low
gardeners, public illnesses. P blood pressure,
cleaning, etc. seizures and even
loss of
consciousness. P
People who are Like the previous In the same way,
homeless and population, they the affectation due
have no possibility can also have heat- to dehydration can
of access to a related illnesses be severe for
shelter. and since they are people who have
often people with a not been able to
weak immune access a foster
system, the home and who can
implications can be clearly develop
more severe. P mental
problems. P
Disease spread A vulnerable One of the health Another health
due to direct and population are effects is clearly the effect is the
indirect factors children, older development of deterioration at the
associated with adults and people tropical diseases mental level that
climate change. who have such as dengue, can indirectly cause
diseases that which can affect the disease such as
impair the immune more intensely depression or
system. these populations stress. P
with a developing
or deteriorated
immune system.
Generally poor This population is Leptospirosis can
people living directly affected to also develop from
exposed to develop diseases exposure of open
disease reservoirs such as lesions (caused in
such as rats, dogs leptospirosis due to turn by the climatic
and/or exposure to these hazards mentioned
contaminated particular reservoirs above) to
water. or contaminated contaminated
water. SP media. LP
Describa claramente qué conocimientos, creencias,
actitudes, habilidades y comportamientos nuevos o
diferentes les está pidiendo a los implementadores que

Para desarrollar un major Sistema de drenaje de aguas en la ciudad de Barranquilla –

Colombia es necesario que los implementadores tengan conocimiento sobre los
fenomenos climaticos de la región, las frecuencias de ocurrencia y las temporadas en
en que más ocurren. De igual manera es importante que tengan conocimiento tecnico
sobre la nivelación de suelos y realicen estudios de las flujos de los arroyos desde el
origen hasta su desembocadura, volumen de agua promedio transnsitado, calidad del
agua, velocidad, etc. Es pertinente además que tenga un acercamiento con la
ciudadanía para conocer cuales son sus principals necesidades y otras afectaciones
derivadas de los arroyos que se generan en la temporada de lluvias, además de
capacitar y orientar a la comunidad sobre el cuidado mutuo y el manejo correcto de
estos eventos climaticos que tienen un impacto sobre la salud.
To develop a better water drainage system in the city of Barranquilla - Colombia, it is
necessary for the implementers to have knowledge about the climatic phenomena of the
region, the frequencies of occurrence and the seasons in which these ocurr. In the
same way, it is important that they have technical knowledge about the leveling of soils
and carry out studies of the stream currents from their origin to their mouth, volume of
water passed through, water quality, speed, etc. It is also pertinent to have an approach
with citizens to know what their main needs and other effects derived from the streams
that are generated in the rainy season, in addition to training and guiding the community
on mutual care and the correct management of these climatic events that have an
impact on health.
Describe claramente a tus implementadores. Por ejemplo, ¿a quién le pides que haga o
piense cosas nuevas / diferentes? Puede incluir características compartidas como
afiliaciones, sectores relevantes, misiones compartidas, etc.
En general en mi país hay pocas organizaciones (ya sea publicas o privadas)
orientadas exclusivamente a la generación de ideas y mucho menos en temas de
cambio climatico. Sin embargo, sé que desde las administraciones locales y algunos
sectores privados, como las universidades, se crean foros, concursos o programas
para recopilar ideas. De manera que los implementadores principales y que poseen
una ingerencia directa son las entidades públicas locales involucradas en el
mejoramiento del bienestar de la ciudad, para este caso puntual que involucre
infraestructura y programas de capacitación ciudadana es probable que se le pida a la
secretaria de planeación, de control urbano y espacio publico y principalmente a la
oficina de gestion del riesgo para el Desarrollo de esta acción de adaptación. En
conjunto se le puede gestionar una alianza con las universidades principales de la
ciudad para coordinar los encuentros educativos con los ciuadadanos y sean quizás
mucho más eficientes a nivel educativo.
In general, in my country there are few organizations (public or private) exclusively
oriented to the generation of ideas and less on climate change issues. However, I know
that local administrations and some private sectors, such as universities, create forums,
contests or programs to collect ideas. In this way, the main implementers and those
who have direct influence are the local public entities involved in improving the well-
being of the citizens, for this specific case involving infrastructure and citizen training
programs, it is likely that the planning secretary, urban control and public space will be
asked and mainly to the risk management office for the development of this adaptation
action. Together, an alliance with the main universities of the city can be managed to
coordinate educational meetings with citizens and perhaps be much more efficient at an
educational level.

Rate the following statements based on how you think the implementing
organization or person(s) would rate them:
Determinar la acción de adaptación para la cual usted sabe lo menos sobre el
grupo de partes interesadas "comunitario" y responder el cuestionario

Clearly describe what new or different knowledge, beliefs, attitude(s), skill(s)

and behavior(s) you are asking the community  to adopt.
For the successful development of a preventive hygiene program, it is
important for the community to understand the health implications of not
having proper hygiene and to avoid contact with potential factors such as
contaminated water or disease reservoirs, in the case of Barranquilla -
Colombia, as I mentioned in the matrix, the dengue and leptospirosis are
significant. So, the community must first develop basic knowledge about the
epidemiology of the main diseases, take into account the testimonies of local
residents who have successfully overcome the disease and the importance to
have useful hygiene practices in their daily lives especially the most
vulnerable populations such as those who live without a drinking water supply
or those who carry out activities that have a high exposure.
Clearly describe your community.

Who are you asking to do or think these new or different things? Provide
shared characteristics such as age(s), ethnicity/ies, occupation(s), education
level(s), SES, geographic region(s), etc.

To produce and implement the hygiene program it is important that it be taught by

someone who has experience or knowledge about the issues to be addressed, specially
by someone of a university educational level with outstanding pedagogical skills. It
could be personnel from the health area such as doctors dedicated to the public health
sector and / or professionals in the area of natural sciences such as biologists or
microbiologists who have basic knowledge and who also know the epidemiology of
diseases. It is essencial to keep in mind who is going to be educated, I suggest that
they be leaders in smaller local communities with a basic / medium educational level
who can understand the basic concepts and people with occupations that generally
have a high exposure to these diseases. This will allow these leaders to guide and
teach members of their community in the future

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