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Aqilah binti Salleh (2019217986) Muhammad Abid bin Kamaruddin (2019688982)

Improves child learning and Brush up social interaction

Greesprings School – 5 Advantages of Technology in Early Childhood Education – 2018
A skills
Greesprings School – 5 Advantages of Technology in Early Childhood Education – 2018

Young children now are born in a technological era, and they need
to make preparation for the digital life ahead of them.
D Young children will use various multimedia
learning materials to learn and grasp more information.
The use of right technology can increase young
children’s cognitive and social abilities. V Technology used in the education will encourage
more collaborative works.

Schools execute this by offering interactive Many problem-solving activities using technology are
games and study activities that are accessible online. given in many Nigerian preschools.
Technology will brush up their thinking ability Many activities in class will improve social
and assist them in growing necessary skills.
N interaction skills of young children.

Aqilah binti Salleh (2019217986) Muhammad Abid bin Kamaruddin (2019688982)

Encourage school willingness Provide more space for new

and cognitive development skills and talents
Greesprings School – 5 Advantages of Technology in Early Childhood Education – 2018
A Greesprings School – 5 Advantages of Technology in Early Childhood Education – 2018

Technology used in early childhood education Gifted students posses pre-eminent in any human
will result to an exciting and pleasing learning process. ability domains.
The technology must prepare prospects for children to The skills and talents can be nurtured
obtain needed skills to get them ready for school.
Many computer platforms enhance a child’s
E by the technology.
Involvement of the right technology can spark
readiness to learn the skill.
Young children who know how to use computers have a more S their talent interests earlier.
Parents may get to learn and discover their children’s interests by
significant input in reasoning, problem-solving and conceptual. exposing them more to things with the help of technology.

THESIS STATEMENT : Innovative technologies in early childhood education play an important
role in a child's growth in many aspects but there are also possible downsides
of the technologies towards them.

Nur Shuhada bt Saiful Azmi (2019251568)

Damaging physical health such

D Aqilah binti Salleh (2019217986)

Diminish relationship and affect

as obesity I social skills
Dhruvin Patel - Will Technology Ruin Your Children's Development – 2017
S Scott Stueber - The Positive and Negative Effects of Technology on Children - 2019

Children nowadays do not get as much exercise as

they did in the past.
Technology used such as computer and smart
A Children will have more tendency to be connected
with family and friends virtually only.

They’re more likely to connect with
phones encourage them to be inactive. everyone via online in many ways.
Children obesity is on rise for the past
Daily interaction is how communication ability
several decades. is developed.
These kids will not get the opportunities to Children’s personal interactions will be more
experience the advantages of spending time outsides. A limited.

Nur Shuhada bt Saiful Azmi (2019251568)

N Muhammad Abid bin Kamaruddin (2019688982)

Lead to bully, abuse and

Reduce children’s sleep quality
T security issues
Dhruvin Patel - Will Technology Ruin Your Children's Development – 2017 Lauran Cole - Positive and Negative Effects of Technology On Children - 2019

Sleep quality will be interrupted by harmful There can be unseen threats that are not depending on
blue light from screen time during the day.
Too much exposure of screen from devices may
G overusing the technology alone.
Adults need to pay attention on the possible external threats.
cause harmful affects.
The devices include smart phones, computers and more.
E Children are more exposed to cyberbullying by adults online.
There adults can acquire personal information of children and/or

This makes it harder for children to be ready S their families.

Children are exposed to cyberbullying amongst their peers too.
for a good sleep.

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