A Comparison of Sprinting Kinematics On Two Types of Treadmill and Over-Ground

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Scand J Med Sci Sports 2007: 17: 649–655 Copyright & 2007 The Authors

Printed in Singapore . All rights reserved Journal compilation & 2007 Blackwell Munksgaard
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2006.00625.x

A comparison of sprinting kinematics on two types of treadmill and

M. McKenna, P. E. Riches
Department of Applied Physiology, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
Corresponding author: Dr. Philip Edward Riches, Department of Applied Physiology, University of Strathclyde, 199 Cathedral
Street, Glasgow, G4 0QU, UK. Tel: 144 141 548 5703, E-mail: philip.riches@strath.ac.uk
Accepted for publication 9 November 2006

Conventionally motorized treadmills elicit different sprint- ground contact captured at 250 Hz. These data were low-
ing kinematics to the over-ground condition. Treadmills pass filtered at 10 Hz, and compared with respect to surface,
powered by a torque motor have been used to assess subject and velocity using an ANCOVA statistical model.
sprinting power; yet, the kinematics of sprinting on the Sprinting on the conventional treadmill elicited a longer
torque treadmill are unknown. This study compares the ground contact time, a longer braking phase, a more
sprinting kinematics, during the constant velocity phase, extended knee at foot strike and a faster extending hip
between a conventional treadmill, a torque treadmill and the than the torque treadmill and over-ground (all Po0.05).
over-ground condition to assess the suitability of each The torque treadmill obtained an equivalent sprinting tech-
treadmill for sprinting studies and training. After familiar- nique to the over-ground condition, with the exception of a
ization, 13 recreationally active males performed multiple less extended hip at toe-off, suggesting that it is more
sprints at various experimental settings on each surface. appropriate for laboratory sprinting analyses and training
Ninety sprints, which attained mean velocities over 7.0 m/s, than the conventional treadmill.
had their lower-body sagittal plane joint angles during

Conventionally motor-driven treadmills can ensure ments the belt’s friction via Coulomb’s law of fric-
that an athlete attains the same velocity as over- tion, and will thus always act to retard belt motion.
ground sprinting during the constant velocity phase, The horizontal component of force can either con-
but are known to result in different sprinting kine- tribute positively or negatively to the belt’s accelera-
matics (Frishberg, 1983). Alternatively, a non- tion depending on its direction. By changing the
motorized treadmill enables athletes to control the vertical and horizontal components of the force
velocity of the belt; however, athletes typically only being applied to the belt, an athlete has some control
attain 80% of their maximum over-ground velocity over the belt’s acceleration and thus velocity.
(Lakomy, 1987). Treadmills powered by a torque The kinematic studies that have compared con-
motor (torque treadmill) may have the advantages of stant velocity phase running on conventional tread-
both systems: they allow athletes to have some mills with over-ground running have demonstrated a
control over the velocity of the belt and, as being lack of consistency. At a given velocity, an athlete
powered, aid the athlete in reaching their maximum may have a longer stride length, and shorter stride
velocity. However, the kinematics of sprinting on the rate while running on a treadmill (Nelson et al., 1972)
torque treadmill at constant velocity is unknown. or perhaps the opposite (Elliot & Blanksby, 1976;
On the torque treadmill, the belt is powered at a Wank et al., 1998), or there may be no difference
given applied motor torque. If the applied motor (Frishberg, 1983). Furthermore, athletes may have a
torque is greater than the resistive moments applied longer (Nelson et al., 1972) or shorter (Wank et al.,
to the belt, the belt will accelerate. Conversely, if the 1998) ground contact phase on the treadmill com-
resistive moments are greater than the applied tor- pared with over-ground. However, these disparities
que, then the belt will decelerate or remain station- may reflect the measurement technique and indivi-
ary. The resistive moments arise from two sources: duality of running gait (Saito et al., 1974; Frishberg,
the inherent system friction (e.g. friction associated 1983; Moravec et al., 1988; Ae et al., 1992), or the
with the unloaded belt rubbing on the base plate), fact that running kinematics is highly specific with
and moments from the forces applied to the belt from regard to velocity (Luhtanen & Komi, 1978; Mero
the subject. The vertical component of force aug- et al., 1992). Similar to over-ground running (Mero

McKenna & Riches
et al., 1992), stride rate increased and ground contact sprinting on the torque and conventional treadmills. This
duration decreased with increasing velocity on the familiarization was required due to the unusual sensation of
conventional treadmill (Kivi et al., 2001). However, treadmill sprinting, especially on the torque treadmill (Jas-
kolski et al., 1996). Treadmill velocities were incrementally
it was stated that ‘‘mechanical form deteriorated’’ at increased as the subject self-reported competence and con-
95% of maximal speed, and it was subsequently fidence, up to and including the experimental settings. On the
suggested that training above 90% be seldom used next visit, the subjects were assessed on the torque treadmill.
(Kivi et al., 2001). Nonetheless, while running at This was to enable the range of velocities attained to be
‘‘constant velocity,’’ the ground contact phase can be matched both over-ground and on the conventional treadmill,
whose sessions were applied randomly. Typically, a week
subdivided into braking and propulsion phases, expired between sessions.
relating to periods of horizontal deceleration and The torque setting on the treadmill (Sprint Club, Médical
acceleration, respectively (Novacheck, 1998). Developpement, France) was defined in terms of the max-
Frishberg (1983) is the only study that has com- imum torque of the treadmill motor, Cmax. With each subject
pared the kinematics of maximum velocity sprinting standing still on the treadmill, the torque was increased in
increments of 0.01Cmax, until the belt just started to move.
(9.21  0.11 m/s) on the conventional treadmill and This setting was denoted the slide limit (SL) and it depended
over-ground. It was found that, compared with over- linearly on the mass of the subject. It was unknown as to what
ground, on the conventional treadmill the foot was fraction of Cmax aided the fastest sprinting velocity: too little
further forward at foot strike (eliciting a greater torque and it became too difficult to run, too much torque and
braking effect); and throughout the ground contact the belt would over-accelerate the legs in a manner that
deteriorated form. Therefore, five settings were investigated
phase, the knee joint moved through a greater range from SL 0.05Cmax to SL10.15Cmax in increments of
of motion with a faster angular velocity, and the hip 0.05Cmax. The horizontal velocity of the subject on the torque
joint was displaced at a smaller angle with a slower treadmill was taken to be the velocity of the belt during the
angular velocity. These differences were attributed to constant velocity phase of the trial, while over-ground, the
the fact that the belt forces the supporting leg back horizontal velocity was taken as the mean horizontal velocity
of the hip marker throughout the ground contact phase. To
beneath the body. facilitate a variation of velocity in the over-ground condition,
The torque treadmill and non-motorized tread- subjects were asked to run at speeds defined verbally as ‘‘400 m
mills have been used more commonly in the estima- pace,’’ ‘‘200 m pace’’ and ‘‘100 m pace,’’ achieved along a long
tion of over-ground sprint running power output indoor corridor with adequate acceleration and deceleration
(Belli & Lacour, 1989; Paavolainen et al., 1994; space to avoid end effects. The conventional treadmill (Pulsar
4.0, h/p/cosmos, Nussdorf-Traunstein, Germany) was set at
Falk et al., 1996; Jaskolski et al., 1996; Sutton 7.5, 8.0 and 8.5 m/s, and any variation in the mean horizontal
et al., 2000; Chelly & Denis, 2001; Funato et al., velocity of the hip marker was subtracted from this value.
2001; Tong et al., 2001). However, a kinematic To determine the kinematics of motion, 14 mm reflective
comparison of torque treadmill sprinting with over- markers were placed on the left side of the body at the fifth
ground sprinting must be made if power output metatarsal head (toe), the lateral malleolus (ankle), the lateral
femoral epicondyle (knee) and the tip of the greater trochanter
measurements taken on the torque treadmill are to (hip). The same experimenter positioned all the markers on all
be considered equivalent to over-ground power the testing days. The positions of these markers were deter-
output, or if the torque treadmill is to be used as mined in 3D using a six-camera motion analysis system (Vicon
a sprint analysis tool or training aid. As stride 612 with M2 cameras, Oxford, UK) operating at 250 Hz,
length and frequency measurements may be highly calibrated statically and dynamically so that the standard
deviation of the residual was less than 1 mm. The speed of
individual, and that interesting differences may be the torque treadmill belt was determined by using four
occurring during the ground contact phase with individually shaped clusters of markers attached to the belt.
respect to contact time and joint angular displace- The clusters varied in the number of markers between four and
ments and velocities, this paper compares these latter seven, and were positioned so that at least one cluster was in
variables between over-ground, conventional tread- view on the top surface of the belt at all times. Body and belt
marker coordinate data were reconstructed using the direct
mill and torque treadmill sprinting, to identify the linear transform method, reduced to the sagittal plane and
kinematic appropriateness of each treadmill for subsequently low-pass filtered using a zero-lag fourth-order
sprinting studies. Butterworth filter (10 Hz cut-off) and post-processed using a
custom-written routine in Matlab (Mathworks, Massachu-
setts, USA).
Sprinting was defined in this study as running at a mean
Methods constant velocity equal to or over 7.0 m/s and trials were only
Thirteen recreationally active males (age: 23  2.1 years; included if this criterion was satisfied. Constant velocity
height 1.79  0.03 m; mass 72.5  4.8 kg), all regularly parti- sprinting was maintained for 4 s on each of the treadmills,
cipating in sports involving sprinting gait, e.g. football, rugby, and for as long as possible in the over-ground condition,
athletics, hockey, volunteered for the study. The University’s typically about 3 s before the subject had to decelerate. As the
Ethics Committee approved all the procedures undertaken, capture volume of the over-ground condition was 5 m in
and informed consent was also obtained before testing com- length, only one ground contact phase per trial was available
mencement. for analysis. Therefore, as stride-to-stride variance may be
Each subject completed four visits to the laboratory. assumed to be small (Morgan et al., 1991), and for a consistent
Initially, each subject was familiarized with the sensation of methodology between surfaces, only one ground contact

Sprinting kinematics
phase was randomly selected, from the constant velocity phase isons. The means for these conditions were estimated at a
of each trial on the torque and conventional treadmills, for specific velocity so that differences could be attributed to the
detailed subsequent analysis. condition independent of velocity. Angles were measured as
The following variables were used to identify differences shown in Fig. 1, with presented means accompanied by the
between conditions in the sprinting gait: ground contact time appropriate 95% confidence interval. Throughout the ana-
(TGC), which was further subdivided into braking time (Tb) lyses, any differences were deemed significant if the P-value
and propulsion time (Tp), hip, knee and ankle angles at foot was less than 0.05, and actual P values (unless they are less
strike (a0, b0, g0, respectively), hip, knee and ankle angles at than 0.001), effect sizes (ES) and power are reported.
toe-off (a1, b1, g1, respectively),
. maximum knee flexion velo-
city during
. ground contact (bflx ) and knee and hip extension
velocity (bext and aext ) during ground contact also. The marker Results
locations and angle definitions are shown in Fig. 1.
We wished to analyze the multiple kinematic variables with The mean maximum over-ground velocities (100 m
respect to the type of running surface (condition) and velocity. pace) of our subjects were 7.77  0.29 m/s (range 7.0–
As subjects attained different velocities over-ground and on
the torque treadmill, the between-subject covariate (velocity) 8.64 m/s). As the applied torque on the treadmill
was non-homogenous for the different levels of the within- increased, the mean velocity of the subjects also
subject variable (condition). Thus, in order to retain both increased (Fig. 2). Figure 2 suggests that the mean
variables in the analysis, we assumed each sprint to be an maximum over-ground velocity best corresponds to
independent event and we did not perform a repeated mea- the setting that applied 10% of the Cmax over and
sures analysis, but rather an independent analysis with an
acknowledged loss of statistical power. However, as multiple above the SL. As the ability of the subject to
sprints per subject per condition were measured, we investi- influence the speed of the belt reduces with applied
gated the inter-individual variability in the analysis by includ- torque, so too does the 95% confidence interval.
ing the subject label in the analyses. Consequently, a Ninety sprints satisfied the criteria of being at or
MANCOVA analysis was performed, with condition and over 7.0 m/s. These corresponded to 20 over-ground
subject as factors and velocity as a covariate, to identify the
factors and covariates and interactions that affected the sprints, 38 conventional treadmill sprints (one sub-
kinematic variables. The identified variables were subse- ject was not deemed competent to attempt the 8.5 m/s
quently used in univariate ANCOVA models, to see the effects conventional treadmill sprint) and 32 torque tread-
of the independent variables on each individual dependent mill sprints. On the torque treadmill, all subjects
kinematic variable. Any significant effects of condition were achieved an average speed of  7.0 m/s at SL110%
further explored using Bonferroni-adjusted pairwise compar-
and SL115%, while four subjects attained an aver-
age velocity  7.0 m/s at SL15%, and one at SL
too. The MANCOVA indicated that condition, sub-
ject, velocity and all their two-way interactions had a
significant effect on a combination of the kinematic
variables (Wilks’ l, all Po0.001 and power 5 1).
Thus, the same statistical model was used to inves-
tigate each kinematic variable independently using
univariate ANCOVA. A summary table showing
mean values for each kinematic variable in each
condition, evaluated at the pooled mean velocity
over all conditions (7.88 m/s), is given as Table 1.

Fig. 2. Variation in mean velocity for sprinting on the

torque treadmill at the different applied motor torques
(SL, slide limit, the torque setting that just initiates belt
movement with the subject stationary; percentages indicate
percentage of the maximum motor torque). One sprint was
Fig. 1. Marker locations and joint angle definitions. randomly selected from each subject (N 5 13) for analysis.

McKenna & Riches
Table 1. Estimates of mean kinematic values for each condition

Variable Condition Mean 95% lower 95% upper

bound bound

TGC (s) Over-ground 0.140w 0.133 0.147

Conventional 0.162* 0.159 0.165
Torque 0.134w 0.131 0.138
Tb (s) Over-ground 0.074w 0.067 0.080
Conventional 0.092* 0.089 0.095
Torque 0.071w 0.068 0.074
Tp (s) Over-ground 0.066 0.060 0.072
Conventional 0.070 0.068 0.073
Torque 0.063 0.061 0.066
a0 (1) Over-ground 40.4 38.7 42.0
Conventional 39.5 38.8 40.3 Fig. 3. 95% confidence interval for the knee flexion angle
Torque 38.4 37.5 39.2 during the ground contact phase for the three conditions.
b0 (1) Over-ground 35.4w 31.6 39.1 One sprint was randomly selected from each subject (N 5 13)
Conventional 15.0* 13.4 16.6 for analysis. The confidence intervals were determined from
Torque 31.2w 29.4 33.1 when (i) the conventional treadmill was set at 8.0 m/s, (ii) the
g0 (1) Over-ground 120.9 117.1 124.7 torque treadmill at SL10.1Cmax and (iii) each individual’s
Conventional 120.3 118.7 122.0 fastest over-ground sprint.
Torque 123.3 121.5 125.3
a1 (1) Over-ground 24.0 26.3 21.8
Conventional 21.6 22.6 20.6 surfaces. The extended knee at foot strike can clearly
Torque 19.9* 21.1 18.9 be seen on the knee angle traces throughout the
b1 (1) Over-ground 36.3 33.2 39.4
Conventional 31.9 30.6 33.3 ground contact phase (Fig. 3). The hip angle at toe-
Torque 32.5 31.0 34.1 off, a1, on the torque treadmill was significantly less.
g1 (1) Over-ground 146.4 142.5 150.2 extended than while on the other surfaces, and bflx
Conventional 141.9 140.2 143.6 was greater while on the conventional treadmill than
. Torque 139.5* 137.5 141.4
bflx (rad/s) Over-ground 9.08 6.60 11.6 while on the torque treadmill. All other variables
Conventional 11.2 10.1 12.3 showed no difference with condition.
. Torque 6.56w 5.33 7.80 Velocity was a significant covariate for TGC
bext (rad/s) Over-ground 7.52 6.45 8.59 (Po0.001, ES 5 0.69, power 5 0.98), Tp (P 5 0.003,
Conventional 7.06 6.59 7.52
Torque 6.88 6.35 7.41 ES 5 0.53, power 5 0.87), a0 (P 5 0.03, ES 5 0.38,
aext (rad/s) Over-ground 16.8w 11.6 22.1 power 5 0.59),
. g0 (P 5 0.029, ES 5 0.38, power 5
Conventional 27.9* 25.7 30.3 0.60) and bflx (Po0.047, ES 5 0.34, power 5 0.52).
Torque 19.5w 16.8 22.1
As horizontal velocity increases from 7.0 m/s, the
All the mean values were evaluated at V 5 7.88 m/s (the pooled mean analysis suggests that, on average, TGC and Tp
velocity of all sprints under all conditions), and presented to three decrease (both at approximately 0.01 s per m/s), while
significant figures. the hip is more flexed at foot strike, and the ankle
*Significantly different from the over-ground condition. angle is more plantar-flexed at toe-off. .
Significantly different from the conventional treadmill condition Subject variation was a main effect for bflx
(Bonferroni-adjusted). .
(P 5 0.022, ES 5 0.89, power 5 0.90) and aext (P 5
0.01, ES 5 0.95, power 5 0.94); however, instead of
appearing as a main effect, the inherent inter-subject
The type of running surface (condition) had a variance possibly located itself within the interaction
significant effect on TGC (P 5 0.001, ES 5 0.69, between subject and condition, which exhibited sig-
power 5 0.95), Tb (Po0.001, ES 5 0.92, power 5 nificant results for all .kinematic variables with the
0.99), b0 (Po0.001, ES 5 1.08, power . 5 1), a1 (P 5 exception of Tp and bext . This implies that, while
0.038, ES 5 0.45, power 5 0.63), bflx (Po0.001, there were clear main effects of condition and velocity,
ES 5 0.75, power 5 0.98) and aext (P 5 0.043, subjects reacted idiosyncratically to the various run-
ES 5 0.44, power 5 0.61). Subsequent Bonferroni- ning surfaces.
adjusted pairwise comparisons showed that for Finally, the relationship between velocity and some
TGC, Tb, b0 and aext , the conventional treadmill kinematic variables varied with condition for TGC
elicited significantly different effects compared with (P 5 0.002, ES 5 0.63, power 5 0.91), Tb (Po0.001,
the torque treadmill and over-ground conditions, but ES 5 0.87, power 5 1), b0 (P 5 0.001, ES 5 1.02,
the torque treadmill and over-ground conditions power. 5 1), a1 (P 5 0.028, ES 5 0.47, power 5 0.67)
were kinematically equivalent for these variables. and bflx (P 5 0.001, ES 5 0.72, power 5 0.97). For
On the conventional treadmill, subjects had longer example, the knee angle at foot strike becomes
TGC, longer Tb, a more extended knee at foot strike increasingly flexed with increasing velocity for the
and a faster extending hip than when on the other conventional and over-ground conditions, but on the

Sprinting kinematics
Table 2. Comparison across studies of the knee angle and hip extension
at touchdown and toe-off

Variable Condition Parameter value

Knee flexion at touchdown (1) Conventional 16.8  0.8*

15.0  0.8w
Over-ground 27.2  1.1*
35.4  0.9w
Hip extension at toe-off (1) Conventional 25.8  1.0*
21.6  0.5w
Over-ground 29.3  1.1*
24.0  1.1w

*Refers to the study of Frishberg (1983), and

Fig. 4. Interaction between the three surface conditions and w
To this study.
velocity complete with 95% confidence intervals for the
prediction of the population mean knee angle at ground
contact (GC). Also indicated is V 5 7.88 m/s, the mean
velocity of all sprints under all conditions, and the velocity to attain the velocities of Frishberg’s subjects, who
at which condition comparisons are made. collectively achieved an average over-ground velocity
of 9.21  0.11 m/s (Frishberg, 1983). The fact that
Frishberg’s subjects demonstrated greater hip exten-
sion at toe-off is indicative of the difference in
torque treadmill, the knee becomes more extended at sprinting ability between the two sets of subjects.
foot strike as the velocity increases (Fig. 4). The Thus, our results may only be applicable to the sub-
combined effect of these variations is a null result for elite population Nonetheless, both studies show an
the main effect of b0 with velocity. approximate 2.51 difference in hip extension at toe-
off between the two conditions, irrespective of abil-
ity, and such agreement encourages confidence in our
Discussion experimentation, and thus the kinematic data for the
torque treadmill.
Sprinting on the torque treadmill is equivalent to The current results not only highlight the equiva-
over-ground sprinting for the majority of kinematic lence of torque treadmill and over-ground sprinting
variables measured in this study. Therefore, allowing but also demonstrate the inappropriateness of the
the subject to have a degree of control over the conventional treadmill for sprint running. Moreover,
acceleration of the torque treadmill belt facilitates numerous studies in the whole range of velocity of
similar kinematics compared with over-ground human locomotion from walking (Alton et al., 1998)
sprinting. Moreover, as the maximum speeds at- through jogging (Nelson et al., 1972; Elliot &
tained on the torque treadmill can actually be greater Blanksby, 1976) to sprinting (Frishberg, 1983) have
than those over-ground, the torque treadmill has the found differences between conventional treadmill
potential not only to be the most suitable treadmill and over-ground kinematics. The majority of differ-
for sprint analyses but also for over-speed training, ences between sprinting on the conventional tread-
an ability that Frishberg (1983) ascribed to the mill and the other two surfaces have been found, in
conventional treadmill too. One difference between this study, to be around foot strike. At foot strike,
the torque treadmill and the over-ground condition the knee is more extended on the conventional tread-
was that of the hip angle at toe-off, which was mill, which means that the foot strike locus is
significantly less extended on the torque treadmill, probably more anteriorly placed compared with the
albeit by 41. It may be possible that by fine tuning the torque and over-ground conditions, resulting in the
applied torque for each individual so that their observed longer braking phase. However, only using
maximum treadmill velocity equals that over- kinematics to describe the braking and propulsion
ground, a sprinting environment synonymous to phases is difficult and kinetic analysis of the ground
the ‘‘natural’’ may be able to be reproduced under contact phase is essential to detail fully the forces
laboratory conditions. acting on the body during ground contact. None-
Table 2 facilitates a comparison between the re- theless, the relationship between kinematic variables
sults of different studies on two key variables: the and sprinting performance has been well-documen-
knee angle at touchdown and the hip extension at ted (Frishberg, 1983; Mann & Herman, 1985; Mero
toe-off. The differences that exist may be attributable et al., 1992; Kivi et al., 2001). It suffices to say that
to the different experimental equipment and proce- the kinematic pattern observed on the conventional
dures and/or differences in velocity and subjects: the treadmill, if replicated over-ground, would result in a
recreational males in the present study were unable reduced sprint performance.

McKenna & Riches
It has been argued that the mechanics of locomo- In conclusion, running on the torque treadmill can
tion on a treadmill and over-ground are similar as mimic over-ground sprinting performance with re-
long as the velocities are constant and the same (van spect to velocity and kinematic variables. An approx-
Ingen Schenau, 1980). With regard to either sprinting imate 201 difference in knee flexion occurs at foot
over-ground or on a treadmill, neither requirement is strike between the conventional treadmill and over-
satisfied. It is known that a subject running at 2.3 m/s ground, while the torque treadmill does not elicit any
has an effect on the intra-stride speed variation of the such difference. Thus, the torque treadmill is more
conventional treadmill’s belt (Savelberg et al., 1998), appropriate for laboratory constant velocity phase
with each foot strike acting to retard the belt (Frish- sprinting analyses compared with the conventional
berg, 1983). Such speed variations may be as high as treadmill; however, the applied torque setting should
10% with the kinematic differences becoming more be adjusted to ensure equivalence with the over-
pronounced the faster the treadmill velocity (Savel- ground performance.
berg et al., 1998). Cavanagh and LaFortune (1980)
have shown a decrease of 0.18 m/s during the braking
phase while running at 4.47 m/s over-ground, fol- Perspectives
lowed by a subsequent increase of 0.27 m/s. The
reasons for this variation have been associated with The torque treadmill has been used predominantly in
the braking force at foot strike, air resistance and athlete power analysis (Belli & Lacour, 1989; Jas-
propulsion (Mero et al., 1992). Furthermore, the kolski et al., 1996; Chelly & Denis, 2001). In these
torque treadmill, by design, has an intentional oscil- studies, the applied torque is generally set at or below
latory velocity during sprinting (Jaskolski et al., that of the SL, to increase the resistance of running.
1996; Chelly & Denis, 2001). In this respect, while they may facilitate a maximum
The expected subject variation (Nigg et al., 1995) peak power to be reached, the kinematics may not be
did not appear for the majority of kinematic variables equivalent to the over-ground condition, and there-
as a main effect, but the variation resided in the fore may not be directly related to the track. This
interaction between condition and subject. While con- study has shown that the torque treadmill can mimic
siderable variation occurred associated with indivi- the kinematics of over-ground constant velocity
duality of gait, highly significant main effects sprinting; however, further work must be carried
associated with both condition and velocity exist, out to identify whether the acceleration phase (the
which indicates the strength of the effect of these phase in which peak power is produced) is also
variables. Large subject variability is known to occur kinematically equivalent. Thus, we suggest that a
at velocities between 3.0 and 6.0 m/s (Nigg et al., 1995) prior process of determining the most appropriate
and we have demonstrated a large subject variance torque setting to best match over-ground and torque
(albeit in an interaction form) for velocities between treadmill maximum velocities will result in a more
7 and 8.6 m/s. Therefore, it may be suggested that representative value for athlete power.
individuality of gait does not reduce as velocity
increases: as one approaches the subject’s maximum
velocity, the kinematic strategy for attaining max- Key words: sprinting, biomechanics, motion analysis,
imum speed is still idiosyncratic to the individual. sagittal plane.

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