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10 Things Only a Hosteller Can


Living in a hostel is roller coaster-experience for everyone. It lets you live on your own and at
the same time, makes you experience living with people you barely know. No matter how many
troubles you might have or how much you miss your home and family, hostel life will always be
one of the best memories in your life.

10 Things only hosteller can understand:

1. Getting hygienic food at mess is next to impossible

Every hosteller should be prepared for hostel food which is mostly stale and cold. Every
vegetable that you have in the hostel is always accompanied with potatoes. This is probably
why potatoes are the ‘national vegetable’ of hostels.

2. What is TV?

Once you start living in a hostel, you completely forget what a TV looks likes. To you, dear
hosteller, your phone, books and regular hostel gossip is your entertainment.

3. Sharing is caring

Hostel teaches you a lot about sharing. Also, you need not buy new clothes at every occasion.
You can always ask your friends or roommates for theirs.
4. Maggi is your ultimate lifeline

Maggi is the most important food to hostellers. Period.

It becomes your breakfast, your midnight snack, your birthday cake and every meal imaginable.
Ever heard people that they only know how to cook Maggie? Well, now you know why.

5. Crashing Weddings becomes your best hobby

Obviously as mentioned above mess food is horrible so, one of the everyday things that
hostellers do is crash weddings of other people and eats good, yummy food.

6. Water supply can go off at any time

You’re in the middle of the bath with shampoo and soap and the water supply goes off. Well,
this situation is something every hosteller will relate to.

7. Never doing laundry

Doing your own laundry in the hostel is next to impossible. Pile of dirty clothes is always kept in
the room until and unless they are sent to UClean which provides laundry services at
economical rates to all the hostellers and of course its hassle free!

8. You have two families

A hosteller has two families. The ones you are related to by blood & another whom you meet
during your years in college. Whatever homemade food or sweets you get from home never
reach your belly when you return to the hostel.
9. You know all the gossip

It doesn’t matter if you are interested or not, you are involved or not. You will know every gossip
that takes place in the hostel be it a new relationship or a breakup or a fight.

10. The hostel guard is the most important person in the hostel

Who doesn’t sneak in and out of hostels? The guard of the hostel is the only person who lets
you do and never even complains but, obviously, you have to return the favour by giving them
something that they will love to have

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