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Stimulatory effects of low-power laser irradiation on

bone regeneration in midpalatal suture during

expansion in the rat
Shiro Saito, DDS, ~ and Noriyoshi Shimizu, DDS, PhD b
Chiba, Japan

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of low-power laser irradiation on bone
regeneration during expansion of a midpalatal suture in rats. GaUium-aluminum-arsenide diode laser
100 mW irradiation was applied to the midpalatal suture during expansion carried out over 7 days
(3 or 10 minutes per day), 3 days (7 minutes per day for day 0-2 or 4-6), and 1 day (21
uninterrupted minutes on day 0). The bone regeneration in the midpalatal suture estimated by
histomorphometric method in the 7-day irradiation group showed significant acceleration at 1.2- to
1.4-fold compared with that in the nonirradiated rats, and this increased rate was irradiation dose-
dependent. Irradiation during the early period of expansion (days 0 to 2) was most effective,
whereas neither the later period (days 4 to 6) nor the one-time irradiation had any effect on bone
regeneration. These findings suggest that low-power laser irradiation can accelerate bone
regeneration in a midpalatal suture during rapid palatai expansion and that this effect is dependent
not only on the total laser irradiation dosage but also on the timing and frequency of irradiation. We
suggest laser therapy may be of therapeutic benefit in inhibiting relapse and shortening the
retention period through acceleration of bone regeneration in the midpalatal suture. (Am J Orthod
Dentofac Orthop 1997;111:525-32.)

Rapid palatal expansion ( R P E ) is the ation on bone regeneration in the suture are not
preferred treatment approach to correct a con- known.
stricted maxillary dental arch. It is known, however, We investigated the stimulatory effects of vari-
that a long period of retention is necessary to ous low-power laser irradiation on bone regenera-
prevent early relapse of the expanded arch. ~'2 Al- tion during expansion of midpalatal suture in rats.
though the reason for the early relapse is not fully These effects were evaluated with quantitative bone
clear, bone regeneration in the midpalatal suture histomorphometry and histologic examination.
after expansion may affect the posttreatment re-
lapse. It would be potentially beneficial therefore to MATERIALS AND METHODS
accelerate bone formation in the midpalatal suture Expansion of Midpalatal Suture
after expansion to prevent relapse of arch width and
A total of 76 male Wistar strain rats were used for this
to abbreviate the retention period.
Various biostimulatory effects of low-power la- experiment (56 rats for histomorphometric and 20 rats for
ser irradiation have been reported since 1971, 3 and histologic examination). The rats were kept in separate
the acceleration of bone formation by laser treat- cages in a 12-hour light/dark environment at the constant
temperature of 23° C and provided with food and water ad
ment has been a focus of contemporary research.
Most of these reported studies were limited to libitum. The health status of each rat was evaluated by
clinical 4.5 or qualitative studies that use in vivo daily body weight monitoring for more than 1 week before
experimental models. ('-1~ The effects of laser irradi- the start of the experiment (at 6 weeks old, the weight was
180 _+ 10 gm).
From Nihon University School ol Dentistry at Matsudo, Chiba, Japan. For the histomorphometric examination, 56 rats were
This research was supported in part by a grant-in-aid fi)r scientific research divided, according to the laser treatment protocol, into
from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (06454586). seven groups of eight rats each (Fig. 1), as follows:
"Postgraduate student, Department of Orthodontics.
"Assistant protessor, Department of Orthodontics. 1. Intact group: Nontreated.
Reprint requests to: Dr. Shiro Saitt~, Dcpartmen| of Orthodontics, Nihon 2. Nonirradiation control group: Midpalatal suture
University Sch~ol of Dentistry at Matsudo, 2-870-1, Sakaechu-nishi, Mat-
sudo city, Chiba, 271, Japan. was expanded but nonirradiated.
Copyright © 1997 by the American Association of Orthodontists. 3. Two 7-day irradiation groups: Irradiation for either
0889-5406/97/$5.00 ~- 0 8/i/69698 (a) 3 minutes per day or (b) 10 minutes per day was

526 Saito and Shimizu American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 1997

Bone labeling Calcein Tetr~ycline Calcein

Day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Intact group

2. Nonirradiation conta'ol group •

F- 3 min/day '~ V V V V V V
3. 7-day irradiation group - ~
[_ 10 rain/day '~ V V V V V V P

[~ on days 0-2 V V It,

4. 3-day irradiation group
(7min/day) [-- on days 4-6 • V V V IP

5. Single irradiation group (21 rain, on day 0) ~ 7 ID

• : Expansion of midpalatal suture V : Laser irradiation

Fig. 1. Irradiation schedule in each group.

0.5 mm diameter wire (Sankin, Osaka, Japan) between the

maxillary incisors. The ring was retained by a 0.012-inch
diameter wire in holes that were drilled laterally in the
incisors just above the gingival papilla with a no. 1/4 round
bur. The thickness of the metal ring was determined on
the basis of the results of a preliminary study indicating
that 1.5 mm expansion between the incisors induced the
maximum expansion rate in the midpalatal suture without
continuous decrease of the animal's body weight.

Procedure of Laser Irradiation

As the low-power laser source, a gallium-aluminum-
arsenide (Ga-AI-As) diode laser device (Panalas 1000
prototype: Matsushita Industrial Equipment Inc.) was
used. The technical specifications of this laser device are
Fig. 2. Lateral view during laser irradiation of midpala-
tal suture in rat. Suture was expanded indirectly by as follows: wave length: 830 nm; output power: 100 to 700
inserting metal ring between maxillary incisors. Irradia- roW, variable. Continuous wave at 100 mW output power
tion was performed by placing optical fiber (arrow) in (power density: 35.3 J/second/cm 2) was used. Diode laser
contact with tissue to prevent reflection of laser beam device has been often used for experimental and clinical
onto tissue surface. studies on bone repair. 5,9,1°
The laser beam was delivered by an optical fiber 0.6
mm in diameter, and irradiation was administered under
applied once daily from just after expansion (on general anesthesia by placing the end of the optical fiber
day 0) until day 6 (total dosage: 126 J and 420 J, tip in contact with the palatal mucosa at the midline and
respectively). the median point between the anterior edges of incisors
4. Two 3-day irradiation groups: Irradiation for 7 min- and incisive papilla (Fig. 2). This site was determined on
utes per day was repeated once daily on either (a) the basis of results of the preliminary study indicating that
days 0 to 2 or (b) days 4 to 6 (total dosage: 126 J). the midpalatal suture showed parallel expansion that was
5. Single irradiation group: Irradiation for 21 uninter- subject to quantitative analysis of new bone formation.
rupted minutes (126 J) was performed just after the
expansion, on day 0. Bone Histomorphometry
After anesthetizing with an intraperitoneal injection of For triple bone labeling, all rats were injected subcu-
sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg body weight), all rats taneously with calcein (Doiin Co.) at the dose of 8 mg/kg
except the intact group were subjected to expansion of on day 0 and day 6, and they were also injected with
midpalatal suture according to the method of Sawada and oxytetracycline (Terramycin intramuscular solution,
Shimizu. 12 Expansion was performed by inserting a 1.5 Taito-Pfizer) at the dose of 50 mg/kg on day 3. The rats
mm thick circular metal ring composed of stainless steel were killed on day 7 with an intraperitoneal injection of a
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dent@ciat Orthopedics Saito and Shimizu 527
Volume I 1 I, No, 5

lethal dose of sodium pentobarbital. The maxillae, includ- control group and two 7-day irradiation groups (3 or 10
ing the irradiation site were removed, fixed in ethyl minutes per day). Treatment in each group was applied at
alcohol overnight, and prepared for histomorphometric the time of bone histomorphometric examination. All rats
examination. The bone specimens were immersed in were fixed on day 7 and the maxillae were removed as
Villanueva bone stain solution (5 mg/ml in 70% methanol; previously described. After demineralization in 10%
Maruto Instrument Co.) for 72 hours. This Villanueva EDTA, they were embedded in paraffin and sectioned at
bone staining method permits simultaneous visualization 5 fxm. The sections were stained with hematoxylin eosin
and analysis of osteoid, mineralized bone and bone label- and examined.
ing of calcein and tetracycline. 13.~4 The specimens were
embedded in methyl methacrylate resin, using routine Statistical Analysis of Data
methods. Each plastic-embedded bone specimen was cut The values in each figure and table are presented as
in the frontal plane at a right angle to the occlusal plane the mean _+ SD for each group. Intergroup comparisons
of the upper molars. Five sections of approximately 100 of the mean value were conducted with Tuckey's t test for
Ixm thickness centering around the irradiation site were the analysis of body weight change and Student's t test for
made and then ground to 30 Ixm thickness.
equal variance for other comparisons. In the analysis of
The ground sections were photographed with a fluo-
the effect of laser irradiation for 7 days, the average values
rescent microscope (Olympus BHS, Olympus) under ul-
of multiple groups were compared by one-way analysis of
traviolet light, and a division scale was also photographed
variance (ANOVA). A value ofp < 0.05 was considered a
at the same magnification for quantitative evaluation.
significant difference.
Each labeling line and the outline of the osteoid seams
were traced from the photographs. These traces were then
entered into a personal computer. The primary parame-
Changes of Body Weight During the
ters, which are mentioned later, were measured by using
image analysis software (Ultimage, Ver. 2.0, Graftek Experimental Period
France). Measurement for bone histomorphometry was The body weights of the rats in the nonirradia-
performed in areas measuring 500 Ixm horizontally × 600 tion control group and in all of the irradiation
~tm vertically located 200 Ixm under the surface of the groups decreased on day 1 but subsequently recov-
osseous palate because bone formation was irregular ered. This reduction was significant until day 3 (p <
adjacent to the oral and nasal cavities, making those areas
0.05), but there was no significant difference there-
unsuitable for quantitative measurement. The error value
of the method was less than 8.8 × 10.3 mm 2 for the area after. No statistically significant differences were
measurements and 0.4 Ixm for the linear measurements revealed by testing with Tuckey's t test among the
assessed with measurements of each specimen five times. nonirradiation control and the various irradiation
The primary parameters measured for this experiment groups (Fig. 3).
were as follows:
Effects of Laser Irradiation on Bone Regeneration
1. Newly formed mineralized bone area: The area
The ground sections stained by the Villanueva
covered with lines labeled on day 0 and day 6.
bone staining method revealed clear triple bone
2. Osteoid area: The area of osteoid seams stained
orange by Villanueva bone stain. labeling along the bone edges of the midpalatal
3. Mineralized width on days 0-3: Average width suture and the osteoid inside of the bone edges (Fig.
between lines labeled on day 0 and day 3. 4). The width between each labeling line was wider
4. Mineralized width on days 3-6: Average width in the laser irradiation groups compared with the
between lines labeled on day 3 and day 6. nonirradiation control group. The quantitative eval-
uation by histomorphometric method showed that
The mean mineralized width was defined as the cross
the newly formed mineralized bone area in the 7-day
width between two lines of 10 points that were placed at
intervals of 100 txm vertically along both sides of the irradiation groups (3 and 10 minutes/day) was sig-
suture in the area of measurement. nificantly increased (by 21.5% at 3 minutes/day; by
As a secondary parameter derived from the mineral- 34.4% at 10 minutes/day) compared with the area in
ized width, the mineral appositional rate (MAR), the the nonirradiation control group (p < 0.01) (Fig. 5,
distance between labels (jxm) divided by labeling period A). This increase occurred in an irradiation dose-
(days), was calculated separately for days 0-3 and days 3-6 dependent m a n n e r (p < 0.01, one-way A N O V A ) .
as an indicator of the width of mineralized bone each day. Laser irradiation significantly stimulated the M A R
during the experimental period (11.6 txm/day in the
Histologic Examination 3-minute/day group; 13.8 txm/day in the 10-minute/
For histologic examination, 20 rats were divided into day group) c o m p a r e d with that in the nonirradiation
three groups of five each: an intact group, a nonirradiation control (8.2 ixm/day) (p < 0.01), and this effect also
528 Saito and Shimizu American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 1997




A -- B

I I I i I i l l

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 day

Intact group

x Nonirradiadoncontrolgroup
-----~ 3 min/day
10 min/day ~-" 7-dayirradiationgroup
on days0-2 ~ 3-dayirradiationgroup
on days4-6
• Singleirradiationgroup (21 min on day O)
Fig. 3. Changes of mean body weight during experi-
mental period. Mean body weight in intact group was Fig. 4. Photographs taken under fluorescent micro-
significantly higher on days 1 through 3 than that in any scope in each group examined. (A) intact group; (B)
expansion groups (p < 0.05), although there were no nonirradiation control group; (C) 7-day irradiation group
significant differences between nonirradiation control (3 minutes/day); and (D) 7-day irradiation group (10
group and other laser irradiation groups (by Tuckey's t minutes/day). Upper and lower side in each image is
test). oriented toward nasal cavity and toward oral cavity,
respectively. Midpalatal suture (*) was expanded except
in intact group (A). Width between each labeling line
occurred in an irradiation dose-dependent manner was wider in laser irradiation groups (C and D) com-
(p < 0.01, one-way ANOVA). Both the MAR pared with nonirradiation control group {B). Measure-
determined in the early period (days 0-3) and the ments of primary parameters were performed in 500 x
later period (days 3-6) of the experiment were 600 i~m area located 200 i~m deep to surface of
osseous palate (white frame). Bar = 100 t~m.
significantly increased compared with the corre-
sponding control periods. However, the MAR in the
early period was significantly greater than that in the not to that during the later period (days 3-6). Single
later period (days 0-3 MAR/days 0-7 MAR: 58.6% irradiation did not affect the newly formed mineral-
in the 3-minute/day group; 58.0% in the 10-minute/ ized bone area (Table I).
day group)(p < 0.05), whereas no significant differ- When the osteoid area of each irradiation
ence was seen in the nonirradiation control group groups was compared with the control, there was no
(Fig. 5, B). significant difference in any irradiation group tested
In the 3-day irradiation groups, laser irradiation (Table II).
performed during the early period (days 0-2) signif-
Histologic Examination
icantly stimulated the newly formed mineralized
bone area and MAR compared with those in the Microscopic observation of the expanded mid-
nonirradiation control group (t9 < 0.01), whereas palatal suture in the expansion groups revealed
laser irradiation in the later period (days 4-6) did extension of the transverse fibers and enlargement
not affect them (Fig. 6, A and B). This increase was of the capillaries in the suture, which may be due to
due to acceleration of bone regeneration only dur- mechanical tension. No pathologic change such as
ing the earlier part of the experimental period and excessive intimation or scald was observed around
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Saito and Shimizu 529
Volume 1 1 1 , N o . 5

~ ~" 600 15 [ ] day 3-6 t
.~ ~ 500 [ ] day 0-3 t

s 400 10

" 300 I I ] °
200 e'.,

, 100
z 0

e~, ej. %

% "oo

Fig. 5. A. Effect of laser irradiation (3 or 10 minutes/day) for 7 days on newly formed

mineralized bone area. Newly formed mineralized bone area in laser irradiation group was
significantly increased compared with that in nonirradiation group (1: P < 0.01). This effect was
irradiation dose dependent (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.01). B. Effect of laser irradiation (3 or 10
minutes/day) for 7 days on mineral appositional rate (MAR). MAR during experimental period
in irradiation group was significantly increased compared with that in nonirradiation control
group (1-:P < 0.01). This increase was irradiation dose dependent (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.01).
MARs in both earlier (days 0 to 3) and later (days 3 to 6) period were significantly increased
compared with corresponding period in control group; moreover, MAR in earlier period was
significantly higher than that in later period (*: p < 0.05).

the irradiation site of the suture in the 3- and Although tension in the expanding site should be
10-minute per day irradiation groups (Fig. 7). highest just after expansion and should gradually
decrease thereafter, the similarity of the bone for-
DISCUSSION mation rates in the earlier and the later 3-day
In this study, we clearly demonstrated the stim- periods after expansion (48% and 52%, respec-
ulatory effects of low-power Ga-A1-As diode laser tively) observed in the control group suggests that
irradiation on bone regeneration in the midpalatal the activity of bone regeneration in response to
suture during maxillary expansion by using a histo- tension is constant throughout the expansion period.
morphometric method. This method is a reliable If it were to be applied clinically, laser irradiation
technique that is frequently used in quantitative would be effective during the early rather than the
evaluation of bone remodeling in vivo. 14 The results later stages of expansion. Although only the early
of our study indicate that the newly formed miner- period irradiation stimulated bone regeneration,
alized bone area and MAR were significantly in- sustained irradiation over a 7-day period accelerated
creased by the 7-day irradiation and that this in- the MAR in both of these periods. This finding
crease was dose dependent. The MAR activation suggests that, although laser application in the early
produced by the 7-day irradiation was more pro- stage activates bone regeneration in the expanded
nounced in the earlier period. Furthermore, when suture, the later laser treatment may play a role in
laser irradiation was applied only for the early 3 the maintenance of this bone regeneration activity.
days, bone regeneration in the newly formed miner- We predict, in the absence of continued application
alized bone area was stimulated significantly com- of laser treatment, the regenerative activity may
pared with the control, whereas irradiation applied diminish. When we examined the effect of single
during the later 3 days had no effect on it. This irradiation on day 0 for 21 minutes at the same total
phenomenon was thus induced by early but not by dosage as the 7-day irradiation for 3 minutes or the
late stimulation of the bone regeneration. 3-day irradiation for 7 minutes, it did not affect bone
530 Saito a n d S h i m i z u American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 1997

~ 600 15 [ ] day 3-6
.= .~ 500
,.Q [ ] day 0-3 t

~. 400 T ,0
.E 300 o
200 5
Z 0 0


Fig. 6. A. Effect of laser irradiation (7 minutes/day) for 3 days on newly formed mineralized
bone area. Laser irradiation on days 0 to 2 significantly increased newly formed mineralized
bone area compared with that in nonirradiation control (t: P < 0.01), whereas irradiation on
days 4 to 6 did not have any effect on area. B. Effect of laser irradiation (7 minutes/day) for
3 days on MAR. Laser irradiation on days 0 to 2 significantly increased MAR compared with
that in nonirradiation control group (1-:P < 0.01), whereas irradiation on days 4 to 6 did not
affect MAR. MAR activation by laser irradiation was observed only in earlier period (days 0
to 3) with significant difference compared with corresponding period in control group (*:
p < 0.05).

Table I. Mean newly formed mineralized bone area in the Table II. Mean osteoid area in each experimental group.
single irradiation group. There was no significant difference There was no significant difference between the area in the
between the areas in the irradiation and nonirradiation control nonirradiation control group and that in any of the irradiation
groups (Student's t test) groups (Student's t test)

Mean newlyformed Experimental group Mean osteoid area (×10 3 mm 2)

mineralized bone area
~ l group (×10-3 mm2) Intact group 136.35 -+ 15.18
Nonirradiation control group 144.72 -+ 43.59
Nonirradiation control group 363.9 Z 50,7 7-day irradiation group (3 min/day) 150.83 -+ 43.13
Single irradiation group (21 347.9 + 39.67 7-day irradiation group (10 min/day) 148.85 -+ 38.75
minutes irradiation, on day 0) 3-day irradiation group (on days 0-2) 160.50 -4-22.66
3-day irradiation group (on days 4-6) 136.48 -~ 25.08
Single irradiation group (21 minutes 153.87 +- 26.23
irradiation, on day 0)
regeneration. It is likely that bone regeneration is
dependent not only on the total dosage of laser
irradiation but also on the timing and the manner of that the number of calcified bone nodules formed by
irradiation. Specifically, irradiation at the early stage at isolated rat calvarial osteoblasts was significantly
the active site and repeated irradiation for a certain increased by low-power laser irradiation and con-
period would be effective. These results are consistent cluded that laser irradiation early in the cell culture
with those of earlier reports that multiple irradiation is period is more effective in inducing nodule forma-
more effective than a single dose for acceleration of tion due to differentiation of osteoblasts and that
bone formation 9 or fibroblast growth. 15 osteoblasts may have a specific optimal dosage of
The mechanism by which laser irradiation pro- irradiation for acceleration of differentiation.
motes bone formation is not fully understood. Schneider et al. 17 reported the rapid generation of
Nonetheless, our results corroborate the results of myofibroblasts from fibroblasts when stimulated by
an in vitro study by Ozawa et al. 16 They reported laser irradiation.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics" Saito and Shimizu 531
Volume 111, No. 5

Because osteoblasts may be recruited along the

bone edges from undifferentiated precursor cells in
the expanding midpalatal suture, laser irradiation
could potentially stimulate the recruitment and/or
maturation of osteoblasts. This possible mechanism
is also supported by the results of several other
studies indicating that laser irradiation is effective
when applied at healing sites, such as those of bone
fracture,4"6 bone defect;s,7,8 tooth extraction,~,1° and
transplantation of bone morphogenetic protein. 11 In
contrast, laser irradiation is not effective when ap-
plied at inactive or normal tissue sites.
There have also been some studies of stimula-
tion of collagen synthesis, ~,~'~ including that by
Saperia et al., 2° which clearly demonstrated that the
mRNA level of type I collagen was increased by
laser irradiation during skin wound healing. As type
I collagen is a major matrix protein in bone, the
observation of laser stimulation of collagen level is
at least indirectly supportive of a stimulatory effect
of laser irradiation on bone formation.
In the irradiated groups, the osteoid area was
increased as well as bone regeneration. But this
increase was not significantly different from that in
the nonirradiation controls. We observed that the
osteoid formation was usually irregular and the
osteoid area was much smaller than the mineralized
bone area. It is possible that the lack of statistically
significant difference could be for these reasons.
We found that the body weight of the rats in the
irradiated groups was no different from that in the
nonirradiation control group, and no evidence of
disease was present at the site of irradiation. These
observations are not surprising as low-power laser
therapy is widely used with considerable efficiency in
the fields of orthopedic surgery,4 dermatology,21 and
pain control 22 without side effects.
In orthodontics, RPE is a common treatment
strategy, but the expanded arch easily relapses un- Fig. 7. Microscopic photographs in (A) intact group
less it is retained for a prolonged period. The rat, (B) nonirradiation control group rat, and (C) 7-day
possible causes of relapse may include unstable oral irradiation group (10 minute) rat. Extension of transverse
fibers, enlargement of the capillaries in suture, and
myofunction,23 regeneration of sutures connected to plump osteoblasts lining bone edge were observed in
other facial bones, 24 tension of palatal connective both expansion groups (B and C), and no pathologic
tissue, and alveolar bone remodeling. 25 We argue, change was observed in either nonirradiation control or
however, that one of the major cause of early irradiation groups. Bar = 50 i~m.
relapse after expansion could be the insufficient
bone regeneration at the midpalatal suture. In this expansion was found to be effective. This may be a
study, we demonstrated an increase of approxi- serendipitous and favorable protocol for clinical
mately 35% of the newly formed mineralized bone application of laser therapy: Several visits to the
area in the midpalatal suture with laser irradiation. orthodontic office for brief periods of daily irradia-
Although the single irradiation had no effect on tion in the early stages of expansion may be all that
bone formation, intermittent application of laser is needed to stimulate bone regeneration in the
over several time periods in the early stages of suture. Because the relationship between bone re-
532 Saito and Shimizu Amelican Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
May 1997

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