Analysis of Properties For Saturated Regions

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Analysis of properties for saturated regions

For the analysis of a region bounded by saturated liquid and saturated vapour line i.e. saturated region let
m be the mass & V is the volume of mixture in Kg. and m 3 respectively. Mixture is made up of liquid
water and vapour particles. Let mf and mg be the masses and Vf & Vg be the volume of liquid and vapour
present in the mixture respectively.

m=mf + mg

V =V f +V g

v . m=v f . m f + v g . m g ∴ v=
m ]
Here v is specific volume i.e. volume per unit mass.

mf m
v=v f . ( ) ( )
+v g . g

mg mf
v=v f . ( 1−x ) +v g . ( x ) ∴ x=
∧wetness fraction( 1−x)=
m ]
On expansion we get

v=v f −x . v f + x . v g

v=v f + x (v ¿ ¿ g−v f )¿

¿ v=v f + x . v fg


¿ s=s f + x . s fg

¿ h=h + x . h
f fg

Now if a point lies on saturated liquid line i.e. steam with dryness fraction x = 0 (quality is 0%)
v=v f +0 . v fg

v=v f

for specific entro py of saturated liquid

s=s f +0 . s fg

s=s f

for specific enthalpy of saturated liquid

h=h f +0 . hfg

h=h f

Now if a point lies on saturated vapour line i.e. steam with dryness fraction x = 1 (quality is 100%)
v=v f +1 . v fg

v=v g ¿

for specific entropy of saturated liquid

s=s f +1 . s fg

s=s g ¿

for specific enthalpy of saturated liquid

h=h f +1. h fg

h=h g ¿

Table of Summary for saturated region

On Saturated In Saturated On Saturated Steam Table
Liquid Line Mixture Region Vapour Line

v=v f v=v f + x . v fg v=v g Saturated table

Sp. Volume
of Pr./Temp

s=s f s=s f + x . s fg s=s g Saturated table

Sp. Entropy
of Pr./Temp

h=h f h=h f + x . hfg h=h g Saturated table

Sp. Enthalpy
of Pr./Temp

u=h−Pv u=h−Pv u=h−Pv

Sp. Internal energy Formula
Dryness Fraction x=0 0≤ x≤1 x=1 -----------

6.4.2 Analysis of properties for superheated region

The superheat system is topologically similar to an ideal gas. For a superheated vapor, the quality x is
meaningless, and we can allow pressure and temperature to be independent. To get the values of
properties in this region three different superheated tables can be used or analytically by using the specific
heat at constant pressure. For the calculation of any property in the superheated region at least two
property values is required to be known and preferably it is temperature and pressure. The table below
showing the values of all the properties analytically and with the help of superheated table.

Table of Summary for superheated region

Superheated Sp. Superheated Sp. Superheated Sp. Enthalpy
Volume Entropy
Intersection pt in Intersection pt in Intersection pt in
Superheated Region
superheated table of superheated entropy superheated table of
By Table
volume table enthalpy

Superheated Region v =v . T ¿ T¿
¿ g S¿ =S g+C p . ln h¿ =h g +C p (T ¿ ¿ ¿−T Sat ) ¿
By formula T Sat T Sat
How to identify the state of steam
In order to determine any property value it is required to first identify the region & state in which the
steam is lying. To determine the state of steam use of steam table is critical as the relationships among
thermodynamic properties are excessively complex to be expressed by straightforward equations. Thus,
properties are often presented in the form of steam tables. Most of the saturated steam tables give the
following property values with respect to the given condition of either temperature or pressure:
v f =specific volume of saturated liquid
v g=specific volume of saturated vapour
v fg=Difference between v g∧v f ; v fg =v g −v f
sf =specific entropy of saturated liquid
s g=specific entropy of saturated vapour
sfg = Differencebetween s g∧s f ; s fg =s g−s f
h f =specific enthalpy of saturated liquid
h g=specific enthalpy of saturated vapour
h fg=Difference between h g∧h f ; hfg =h g−hf
Saturated Liquid Line
Dry & Saturated Vapour
Line (O-N)

Sub-cooled Liquid
Superheated Steam
Wet Mixture region region

Y f ≤ Y ≤Y g
Yf Yg

Fig. 6.8 : General property value Y in saturated zone

In the above figure 6.8 Yf represents all the property value lying on saturated liquid line, Y g represents all
the property value lying on dry & saturated vapour line where as Y is the value of saturated property
within the dome i.e. in mixture region with specified value of dryness fraction.

Procedure for state identification

 Assume the given condition of pressure or temperature as saturated one. If both the pressure and
temperature are given than assume pressure as saturated pressure.
 Refer saturated table of pressure or temperature whichever is applicable & check the maximum
possible value of other given property value (Ygiven) as Yg. The other property value may be any
one of the specific volume, entropy, enthalpy or temperature.
 Set the condition Y given ≥¿ Y g
 If Y given=Y g steam is dry & saturated steam and all the other property values will be dry and
saturated values (take all Yg values from saturated table of pressure or temperature)
 If Y given>Y g steam is superheated steam and all the other property values will be superheated
values can be calculated by using formulas or appropriate superheated table)
 If Y given<Y g steam is called as wet mixture and all the other property values will be wet mixture
can only be calculated after determination of dryness fraction x. (use formula derived earlier for
mixture region and saturated steam table necessary condition is that it should be greater than
saturated liquid value)


State the condition of steam whether it is Wet Mixture, Dry & saturated or superheated in the
following cases:

[a] Steam has a pressure of 15 bar and specific volume of 0.12 m3/ Kg.
[b] Steam has a pressure of 10 bar and temperature of 200 oC
[c] P = 6 bar, h = 2717 KJ/kg
[d] T=225 oC, S = 7.0 KJ/Kg-K
[e] P = 15 bar, T= 6200C
[f] P=8 bar, v= 0.24026 m3/ kg
[g] P= 20 bar S= 6.337 KJ/Kg-K
[h] Determine Specific enthalpy , Sp entropy and sp.volume for (b), (d)
P= 7.6 bar, S = 7.0 KJ/Kg-K (Sample Ans)

Sol. 1: Given Data:

Pressure P=7.6 ¯¿

Specific entropy s=7.0

Let assume that the given pressure is saturated pressure i.e. Psat =7.6 ¯¿

Refer table 2: saturated pressure table for water and steam (Pg No. 7)

From saturated pressure table (Table 2) (Pg No. 11) following values can be obtained against pressure
of 7.6 bar (Use 7.6 bar row only)

saturated temperature T sat =168.3 ℃

saturated entropy of li quid s f =2.025

saturated entropyof vapour s g =6.677

Set the condition s given ≥¿ s g

Here s given> s g as 7.0 > 6.677
Kg−K kg−K

If S give n >S g steam is Superheated Steam

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