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NIFTY TODAY PREVIOUS Change  Market resumed its southward journey with a cut of 56
Cash 8398.30 8429.70 -31.40 points as earnings continued to miss estimates and
Futures 8405.35 8461.20 -55.85 forecast for below normal rains have raised concerns of
Basis 7.05 31.50 -24.45 drought.

Total_OI (Lacs) 226.29 233.33 -7.04  Nifty Apr future registered an intraday movement of 165
PCR-OI 0.86 0.85 points, making high of 8529.95 and low of 8364.5
HV 18.02% 18.31%
COC 5.11% 19.48%  India VIX, a measure of expected market volatility in
near term closed at 18.5, up 7.5% , made high of 19.44
and low of 14.965.
Cash 18245.60 18243.70 1.90  The Market wide open interest up from 370.77 cr. to
Futures 18262.95 18297.40 -34.45 376.01 cr. up by 1.41%
Basis 17.35 53.70 -36.35
Total_OI (Lacs) 20.47 21.06 -0.59  FII's were Net Seller of Rs. -276.83 cr in cash market;
while DII's were Net Buyer of Rs. 559.6 cr.
PCR-OI 0.67 0.65
HV 24.45% 25.20%  Nifty Call side 8500 & 8400 strike observed addition of
COC 5.78% 15.35% 6.43lac & 2.38lac in OI respectively, while on the put
side 8300 & 8000 strike observed addition of 11.86lac &
3.28lac of OI respectively.
Nifty close Vs. VIX VIX Fut_Close

8700 19
8638.85 Market Outlook
8650 18.50 18
8600 17 The market is likely to open on a positive to positive note
17.03 17.21 tracking positive Global cues. Nifty Fut is likely to open
8550 16
16.30 around 8415 as suggested by SGX Nifty. F&O data
8500 8469.90 8461.20 15
15.04 8405.35 14
suggest unwinding of positions. The market is likely
continue to trade with high degree of volatility on both
8400 13
sides. Nifty Fut may face resistance at 8460 - 8490 levels
8350 12
while support may be seen at 8340 & 8310.
17-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 23-Apr

Price_Gainers Price_Losers
Symbol Close Price_Chg OI_Chg Symbol Close Price_Chg OI_Chg
YESBANK 851.50 6.54% -7.67% JUSTDIAL 1157.45 -3.75% 0.95%
TATASTEEL 369.70 4.69% -7.52% CESC 535.00 -3.73% 11.89%
L&TFH 66.55 3.98% 5.70% ABIRLANUVO 1607.85 -2.98% 0.89%
MRF 40243.55 3.30% 12.50% GMRINFRA 15.80 -2.77% 1.61%
COLPAL 2015.65 2.69% -2.12% IDBI 78.65 -2.72% 0.26%

OI_Gainers OI_Losers
Symbol Close Price_Chg OI_Chg Symbol Close Price_Chg OI_Chg
MRF 40,243.55 3.30% 12.50% APOLLOHOSP 1,298.80 2.34% -12.21%
CESC 535.00 -3.73% 11.89% IGL 447.25 0.07% -10.98%
TITAN 402.85 1.73% 11.52% YESBANK 851.50 6.54% -7.67%
ADANIPOWER 44.45 -2.63% 8.28% TATASTEEL 369.70 4.69% -7.52%
TVSMOTOR 231.90 -2.44% 8.17% BHARTIARTL 400.20 -0.29% -7.51%

SBICAP Securities Limited 1

IV Close Strike Close IV
Nifty Change in Option Open Interest - 409.15 8000 7.50 23.88
14 17.21 314.85 8100 13.85 22.61
10 14.16 223.65 8200 26.05 21.33

8 15.17 145.85 8300 47.20 20.10

15.79 84.55 8400 81.30 19.09






2 16.37 45.30 8500 137.50 19.27

16.86 21.35 8600 213.45 21.67






-4 -1.12 17.59 9.45 8700 300.85 23.65








18.91 4.40 8800 394.75 25.69
16.51 21.92


MRF 34.86% GODREJIND -143.92% CAIRN 107.77% HDIL 97.83%
JPPOWER 31.68% PETRONET -45.49% MRF 100.00% CENTURYTEX 78.08%
NHPC 30.19% TVSMOTOR -42.98% TATASTEEL 93.68% JUSTDIAL 77.86%
HINDZINC 28.29% HEROMOTOCO -37.53% CENTURYTEX 92.13% RCOM 65.97%

Sector OI Chg

1.92% 2.10%
0.79% 0.93% 1.38% 1.06% 1.23%
0.08% 0.16% 0.09% 0.24%

-0.41% -0.93%-0.48% -1.38%


Capital Goods







Oil & Gas

Most Active Stock Options

Sym bol Strike Close No.of Lots Chg in OI

Sym bol Strike Close No.of Lots Chg in OI
TATASTEEL 350 PE 1.80 5,561 317,500
YESBANK 840 CE 23.65 8,957 -132,000
YESBANK 800 PE 4.05 4,161 386,000
TATASTEEL 370 CE 7.50 7,624 89,500
HDFCBANK 1000 PE 8.80 3,572 26,000
RELIANCE 900 CE 6.10 6,804 112,750
SBIN 280 PE 6.95 3,509 100,000
HDFCBANK 1020 CE 13.25 5,914 262,000
INFY 1900 PE 10.70 3,206 475,000
SBIN 290 CE 2.05 4,996 631,250


Trading Ideas
Change in OI
Buy/Sell in
 Sell AMBUJA Fut @ 238 SL 243 Trgt 230. Crs

 Buy CIPLA Fut @ 663 SL 657 Trgt 672 Index Futures -585.24 -19,023
 Buy BHEL 230 PE @ 4 SL 2 trgt 7 Index Options 6.53 15,333
 Buy ICICI BANK 340 PE @ 5.50 SL 3.50 Trgt 10. Stock Futures 497.28 -6,240
Stock Options 5.41 1,989

SBICAP Securities Limited 2
Name Designation

Ashu Bagri Dy. Head - Technical Analyst

Jaldeep Vaishnav Derivative Analyst
Hemang Gor Derivative Analyst

Regd. Office: SBICAP Securities Limited

191, Maker Towers 'F', Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005. I Tel.: 91-22-30273300 (Board) • Fax: (022) 30273420

Corporate Office: SBICAP Securities Limited

2 Floor, Mafatlal Chamber, N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (East), Mumbai-13. I Tel.: 91-22-42273300 / 3301 (Board)

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SBICAP Securities Limited 3

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