Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues International Conference, 2 Edition Alba Iulia, 13 - 16 October 2010

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Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues

International Conference, 2nd Edition

Alba Iulia, 13th-16th October 2010


Alba County Council
National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia
„1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Centro Culturale Italiano „G.M. Visconti” Alba Iulia
Alba County Directorate for Culture and National Heritage
Tradition Group Association

Roşia Montana Gold Corporation
SC Satex SRL Alba Iulia
BCRD – Banca Comercială Română
Electro-BVL SRL
Green Team SRL
Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Wednesday, 13th of October

Arrival and registration of the participants

Location: Vila Elisabeta

20.00 – Welcome Dinner at Vila Elisabeta

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Thursday, 14th of October

9.30-10.15. Opening Ceremony

Location: Union Hall, National Museum of
10.15-10.45. Coffee break
10.45-14.00. Visit around Alba Iulia - National Museum of
Unification and the Route of the Three Fortifications
(PhD Tudor Roşu)
14.00-15.30. Lunch at Vila Elisabeta

15.30-20.00 – First Session:

Medical, Psychological and Social Issues of Alcohol Consumption
Location: Vila Elisabeta

Chair: Eugen Băican

The presentations will last for 20 minutes and 5 minutes are

allocated for discussions at the end of each paper. Although it is
desirable to follow the programme exactly, last time modifications
may appear.

15.35-16.00 - I. Marincu, L. Negruţiu, I. Iacobiciu, Ioana

Todor, A. M. Neghina, R. Neghina, Romania - Clinical and
Evolutive Peculiarities of Bacterial Pneumonia in Patients

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

16.00-16.25 - Cristina Maria Speranza, Department of Clinical

Psychology and Psychotherapies „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-
Napoca, Romania. (Coauthor Medina Bordea) - The Benefits of
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and it's High Rates of
Success in People with Alcohol Problems

16.25-16.50 - Wilfried Koehler, Klinik für

Abhängigkeitserkrankungen und Konsiliarpsychiatrie, Frankfurt
am Main, Germany, Detoxification and Motivational Therapy of
Alcoholism in Germany

16.50-17.15 – Vlad Zeno Millea, „1 Decembrie 1918” University

Alba Iulia, Romania, Attitudes Regarding Alcohol Consumption;
Determinant Factors and Implication

17.15-17.30 – Coffee Break

17.30-17.55 - Claudiu Şimonaţi, Hunedoara County Turism

Company, Romania, Alcohol - Primary Risk Factor for Oral

17.55-18.20 - Creţeanu Olimpia, Pielmuş Cristina-Ionela,

Turnu Măgurele Court of Law, Romania - The Alcoholism Effects
on the Social Life

18.20-18.45 - Liviu Stoica, „1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba

Iulia, Romania - Psychosocial Determinants of Alcoholism

18.45-19.10 – Ioana Todor, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba

Iulia, Romania – Why People Drink? A Functional Analysesof
Alcohol Consumption

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

19.10-19.35 - Claudiu Ştefani, „1 Decembrie 1918” University of

Alba Iulia, Romania - Influence of Alcohol Consumption over the
Risk Bevaviors behind the Wheel

19.35-20.00 – Eugen Băican, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

Napoca, Romania - Metaphysics Pleasure: Addictions between
Biology and Culture

20.15 – Dinner, Vila Elisabeta

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Friday, 15th of October

9.00-13.00 – Second Session:

History of Alcohol Consumption and Alcoholism
Location: Vila Elisabeta

Chair: Judy Stove

9.00-9.25 - Dana Burian, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

Napoca, Romania - Alcohol as a Triggering Factor for Domestic
Violence in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century in

9.25-9.50 - Petar Atanackovic, Center for Social Researches and

Alternative Cultural Organization, Novi Sad, Serbia - Alcohol and
Construction of Social Identities

9.50-10.15 - Marin Sâmbrian-Toma, University of Craiova,

Romania - Pleasures of the Body: a Social History of Drink in
Wallachia (1700-1850)

10.15-10.40 - Costel Coroban, “Ovidius” University of

Constanta, Romania - Presbyterian and Jacobite Spirits in Early
Modern Scotland

10.40-11.05 - Sidsel Eriksen, KØbenhavns Universitet, Denmark -

‘A Disease of the Rich?’ or ‘The Rich Men’s Vice?’ – About
Preindustrial Drinking

11.05-11.20 – Coffee Break

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

11.20-11.45 - Marius Rotar, Tudor Roşu, „1 Decembrie 1918”

University and National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia,
Romania - Romanian anti-Alcoholism Journals

11.45-12.10 - Renée N. Lafferty, Brock University, Canada - The

„Spirits” of Religion: Evangelicals and Medical Care for
Toronto’s Dipsomaniacs, 1860-1890

12.10-12.35 – Iulia Adina Pop, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of

Cluj-Napoca, Romania - The Hungarian Legislation over the
Production and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages During the
Dual Monarchy

12.35-13.00 - Atilla Varga, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Masonry,

Good Templars and the Alcoholism in 19th-20th Century

13.30-15.00 – Lunch, Vila Elisabeta

16.00-19.45 – Third Session:

History, Religion, Social Aspects
Location: „1 Decembrie 1918” University

Chair: Sidsel Eriksen

16.00-16.25 - Oana Tămaş, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-

Napoca, Romania - „Because the Drunkness is Spread among our
People..”. The anti-Alcoholic Romanian Press at the End of the
19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

16.25-16.50 - Adrian Zandberg, Poland, „Down with the Inn!”

Polish Temperance Movement and the Making of Local
Prohibition (1920-1934)

16.50-17.15 – Monica Mureşan, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of

Cluj-Napoca, Romania - The Problem of Alcoholism at the
Romanian Clergy in Modern Transylvania

17.15-17.40 - Asztalos Ioan, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu,

Romania - The Antialcoholic Congress of Cernăuţi in 1927 – Case
Study on the Religious Media in Sibiu

17.40-17.55 – Coffee Break

17.55-18.20 - Adriana Cupcea, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of

Cluj-Napoca, Romania - The Alcohol in the Muslim religion

18.20-18.45 - Nadia Văcaru, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi,

Romania - Alcoholism - Stability Factor Disrupting Christian
Family in Contemporary Society

18.45-19.10 – Judith Stove, University of New South Wales,

Australia, Alcohol, Personal Responsibility and the Law: some
Recent Australian History

19.10-19.35 – Naima Khatoon, Aligarh Muslim University, India

- Alcoholism and Mental Health

19.35-20.00 - Conclusions

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

20.30 – Dinner
Location: Bucerdea Vinoasă

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Saturday, 16th of October

Departure of the participants – before 12.00 hours

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Instructions for Authors

The full papers presented during the conference will be published

as an extra number of Caiete de Antropologie Istorică, Cluj-
Napoca, B+ category.
Deadline for sending us the final texts: 1st of December, 2010.
Please send your papers to

Manuscripts must not exceed 15,000 words. Use “Times New

Roman”, 12 in your text, 10 for the footnotes.

Articles must also contain an abstract (between 150-200 words), a

biographical note (100-150 words) and 5-6 keywords.

Please adapt your article to the system used by the review Caiete
de Antropologie Istorică, before sending it to us.

We are mainly interested that the authors respect the footnote

system for the references.

Example: „In his works, Hasso Spode focuses on the historical

background of the addiction model1. In his Die Macht der
Trunkenheit […]2, Hasso Spode shows that the alcoholism
paradigm had spreaded in Europe…”

Hasso Spode, „Was ist Alkolismus?”, in: Bernd Dollinger, Wolfgang
Schneider (eds.), Sucht als Prozess, Berlin 2005; Idem, Die Macht der
Trunkenheit. Kultur und Sozialgeschichte des Alkohols in Deutschland, Opladen
Ibidem, p. 123-125.
Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

- Use Ibidem followed by pages number for successive references

in your footnotes.
- Use Idem for the same author but a different book of his/hers, if it
is about successive references in your footnotes
- Use author, op. cit., pages number, if it is about the same book or
article cited already but not in successive references of your
- Use the latin denomination, with loc. cit., apud, sq., supra, infra
and so on.

For images, please provide us high quality figure format. Be sure

that all imported scanned material is scanned at good resolution.

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition


Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition

Useful Addresses and Information

Tudor Roşu: 0724072655
Marius Rotar: 0731030124
Claudiu Ştefani: 0751191904

Muzeul Naţional al Unirii (National Museum of Unification):

Str. Mihai Viteazul, nr. 12-14, 510010, Alba Iulia, Romania
Telephone: +40 258 813300
Fax: +40 258 811853

Universitatea „1 Decembie 1918” Alba Iulia („1 Decembie 1918”

University Alba Iulia)
Str. Gabriel Bethlen, nr. 5, 510009, Alba Iulia, Romania
Tel: +40 258 806130
Fax: +40 258 812630

0258 945 Florea Taxi
0258 944 Confort Taxi
0258 943 Nova Taxi
0258 953 City Taxi


Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues. 2nd Edition


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