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Healthcare Hashtag Twitter Transcript

From: Wed Feb 16 16:58:00 PST 2011
To: Wed Feb 16 18:15:00 PST 2011

Learn more about #rxsave at The Healthcare Hashtag Project

AstraZenecaUS Welcome to the #rxsave chat on prescription savings programs. I am Jen McGovern, AZ’s
director of patient assistance (more)
Wed Feb 16 16:59:30 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave National Association of Free Clinics is here excited to be a part of this conversation
Wed Feb 16 17:00:46 PST 2011

pharmaguy @AstraZenecaUS It's a pleasure to be here & participating. #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:00:57 PST 2011

somebodyhealme I'm a chronically ill patient & advocate. Just kind of lurking to see what's discussed. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:01:09 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Re Qs about subject matter, we are unable to discuss meds or disease in 140 characters in real
time given current regulations (mor) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:02:07 PST 2011

stales 3x cancer survivor, health activist checking in. looking forward to the chat. @AstraZenecaUS
Wed Feb 16 17:02:20 PST 2011

NHBonk Migraineur, and Patient Educator/Advocate #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:02:24 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS If you have questions on medicines or diseases, please contact AZ at or 1-

800-236-9933 (more) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:02:25 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave Jen can you tell us how much you all have given to those patients in need of meds? And
bow your program works?
Wed Feb 16 17:02:26 PST 2011

pharminews Welcome to the #rxsave chat on prescription savings programs. I am Jen McGovern, AZ’s…
Wed Feb 16 17:02:28 PST 2011
SpitzStrategy I'm a digital strategist with Ignite Health, congrats on the first pharma tweet chat #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:02:46 PST 2011

ellenrossano What's the chat about? RT @stales: 3x cancer survivor, health activist checking in. looking
forward to the chat. @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:02:49 PST 2011

JaeSelle we are sharing valuable tweet space w/ @astrazenecaUS tnt as they sponsor their 1st chat #
#RxSave #hcsm #socpharm
Wed Feb 16 17:02:59 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS With that, we’ll get started #rxsave discussion:

Wed Feb 16 17:03:05 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Glad to meet everyone. Stephen Meyers. NC family doc. Blog: #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:03:10 PST 2011

DaphneLeigh Just lurking about on #rxsave tonight.

Wed Feb 16 17:03:13 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher I am a parent/caregiver advocate. I ask tough questions to keep pharma cos accountable w truth,
transparency. Thanks for the #rxsave forum
Wed Feb 16 17:03:13 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS What is best way to increase awareness of prescription savings programs? #RxSave
Wed Feb 16 17:03:42 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave pgm offering life time products 2 patients under-served living w/ irreversible illness
caused by illegal off label promotions by AZ?
Wed Feb 16 17:03:52 PST 2011

ACUnderserved @AstraZenecaUS Anyone else interested in cutting down paperwork associated with #PAP s &
move to #EHR s? Can #hcsm solve it? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:04:02 PST 2011

stales @ellenrossano you can read about it here: @AstraZenecaUS "AstraZeneca's Twitter Chat!
@WEGOHealth: #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:04:14 PST 2011

JaeSelle I'm going to do my best to toggle back & forth from @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave and #socpharm --
highly interested in both. Everyone else?
Wed Feb 16 17:04:46 PST 2011

stales @AstraZenecaUS start with education patient advocates and health activists. many don't know
about these programs. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:04:59 PST 2011
ellenrossano @stales Thank you! cc: @WEGOHealth @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:05:07 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Q1 from @AstraZenecaUS: What is best way to increase awareness of prescription savings
programs? #RxSave
Wed Feb 16 17:05:10 PST 2011

DaphneLeigh Depends on drug demo? RT @AstraZenecaUS: What is best way to increase awareness of
prescription savings programs? #RxSave
Wed Feb 16 17:05:18 PST 2011

RxPartnershipVA #RxSave seems like there's no one best way - need clever people to help navigate multiple
Wed Feb 16 17:05:22 PST 2011

NHBonk Awareness for patients is key Those I work with rarely know there are saving programs out there
Wed Feb 16 17:05:24 PST 2011

pharmaguy Can u tell us which drug Rx's received most support frm AZ's Rx savings prg? If u cant mention
drug names, then disease category? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:05:29 PST 2011

apdolan Since I blog about awesome patient advocates - just lurking. Excited to see this brand new social
media engagement! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:05:39 PST 2011

stales Q1: @AstraZenecaUS more education for front line folks - oncology social workers, nurses etc..
Wed Feb 16 17:05:42 PST 2011

NHBonk Find the community/ disease base/ help reduce the stigma would be a start #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:06:02 PST 2011

EllieRampart @AstraZenecaUS using social media sure is a good way to start raising awareness about
programs #RxSave
Wed Feb 16 17:06:07 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Great topic! Will try to participate in between seeing patients. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:06:09 PST 2011

stales @MedSavingsDoc nice to meet you too! #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:06:22 PST 2011

JaeSelle @PR_in_Pink true mental multi-tasking! @socpharm #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:06:25 PST 2011
stales Q1: RT @AstraZenecaUS: What is best way to increase awareness of prescription savings
programs? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:06:44 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher Q for @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave: Are rxsavings programs a way to keep people on more
expensive drugs (such as Seroquel) ?
Wed Feb 16 17:06:58 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @ACUnderserved: Like the idea of EHRs, how do you get started? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:07:08 PST 2011

ellenrossano Twitter chat about prescription savings? Count me in. cc: @AstaZenecaUS
@WEGOHealth @stales #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:07:10 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Maybe first define prescription savings programs so everyone is on the same page? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:07:14 PST 2011

dsgold @AstraZenecaUS: Health social networks would be a great way to increase awareness of
prescription savings programs? #RxSave
Wed Feb 16 17:07:27 PST 2011

somebodyhealme Agree RT @stales: @AstraZenecaUS start with education patient advocates and health activists.
many don't know about these programs. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:07:32 PST 2011

NHBonk Chronically ill people, don't work with social workers. The key is getting the patients to know
about the programs IMHO #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:07:33 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay Q1 I had no idea they existed until I need help. #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:07:34 PST 2011

RxPartnershipVA #RxSave education definitely key - don't forget about pharmacists and pharm tech since they are
the frontline
Wed Feb 16 17:07:42 PST 2011

pharmaguy re Q1: I like that AZ DTC ads on TV always end by saying AZ can help if you cant afford your
meds. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:07:47 PST 2011

NHBonk Good Med doc #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:08:00 PST 2011

stales yes! RT @pharmaguy: re Q1: I like that AZ DTC ads on TV always end by saying AZ can help if
you cant afford your meds. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:08:12 PST 2011
apdolan Q1: Educating the folks who have the most reach and can educate their communities esp thru
social media. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:08:26 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Elephant in #rxsave room: Can a drug co guilty of illegal marketing of drugs/fined by US Dept
Justice host a "tweet chat" & not talk abt it?
Wed Feb 16 17:08:47 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @stales: Education is important, how does health literacy fit in? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:09:16 PST 2011

kpiper Same! I fear it could get ugly. Disappointing since it's a bold way for pharmacy to engage
patients RT @DaphneLeigh Lurking about on #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:09:19 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave love the support you give to NAFC clinic members. The more patient education we get
the better
Wed Feb 16 17:09:32 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay Health Advocate Bloggers have direct connection with their communities - best and most trusted
reach. IMHO :) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:09:34 PST 2011

4293rd @AstraZenecaUS - partner with patient organizations that have significant patient/ family
membership to provide information #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:09:45 PST 2011

A0K @JaeSelle multitasking btw #rxsave, #socpharm & work! haaa.

Wed Feb 16 17:09:59 PST 2011

somebodyhealme Agree RT @dsgold: @AstraZenecaUS: Health social networks would be great way to increase
awareness of prescription savings programs? #RxSave
Wed Feb 16 17:10:03 PST 2011

dsgold Agreed @ArtAppleADay: Health Advocate Bloggers have direct connection with their
communities - best and most trusted reach. IMHO :) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:10:07 PST 2011

ACUnderserved @AstraZenecaUS How will you use #hcsm to reach clinicians and #nhsc members? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:10:16 PST 2011

susanreynolds Yes @stales @AstraZenecaUS: Health social networks would be a great way to increase
awareness of prescription savings programs? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:10:21 PST 2011

NHBonk What about doctors offices? #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:10:41 PST 2011
stales @AstraZenecaUS education efforts are two-fold: 1) how drug helps conditions, and 2) educate
healthcare team about Rx savings program #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:10:56 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay From PEW 59% of e-patients have consulted blogs – Does AZ plan on interacting w/ Health
Advocate Bloggers? #spondylitis #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:11:12 PST 2011

RxPartnershipVA #rxsave I didn't know about PAPs until I needed one and now I work in the field and do my best
to tell everyone
Wed Feb 16 17:11:18 PST 2011

EileenOBrien Using video (YouTube) is good way to educate with lower literacy levels #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:11:25 PST 2011

stales YES ! RT @ArtAppleADay: Health Advocate Bloggers have direct connection with their
communities - best & most trusted reach. IMHO :) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:11:27 PST 2011

JaeSelle you def get the #goldPharma star tonight :) RT @a0k @JaeSelle multitasking btw #rxsave,
#socpharm & work! haaa.
Wed Feb 16 17:11:35 PST 2011

researchdoctor #Rxsave Can you provide an brief overview of the prescription savings programs (for us non-
Wed Feb 16 17:11:37 PST 2011

LacertaBio Pharmacies are the most direct way to inform patients. Give RPh time & tools to communicate
with their patients. No SM needed 4 this #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:11:44 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher Q for AZ #rxsave : will AZ ever be hosting tweet chat for patients/advocates& take & answer
questions? Could be a GOOD idea
Wed Feb 16 17:11:48 PST 2011

NHBonk @NHBonk to raise awareness of savings plans -- Or is that getting into the whole pharma doc
thing? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:12:01 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @4293rd: Which patient orgs would you suggest? #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:12:10 PST 2011

chris2pherlynn “ stales: yes! RT @pharmaguy: re Q1: I like that AZ DTC ads on TV always end by saying AZ
can help if you cant afford your meds. #rxsave”Me2
Wed Feb 16 17:12:23 PST 2011

apdolan This is great: RT @EileenOBrien: Using video (YouTube) is good way to educate with lower
literacy levels #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:12:25 PST 2011
NAFClinics #rxsave health literacy is critical having info at a too high of a level won't help. But in the right
language and level helps
Wed Feb 16 17:12:30 PST 2011

JaeSelle @Jeff_Greene hey there, we are here, all multi tasking between #rxsave. #socpharm T1--
facebook pages redesign/functionality
Wed Feb 16 17:12:45 PST 2011

somebodyhealme Also need to reach out through individual docs so they can educate their patients of the options.
Use your reps for this! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:13:16 PST 2011

dzador Following discussion on #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:13:23 PST 2011

WriteWithStan @ACUnderserved R U going 2 answer questions or just steer a conversation Where's the open
interaction w/ consumers in this approach? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:14:00 PST 2011

ncoaging Agree @NAFClinics Health literacy critical but so too is having materials for low English
proficiency patients #Rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:14:21 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay Absolutely! RT @somebodyhealme reach out individual docs so they can educate their patients
of the options. Use your reps for this! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:14:28 PST 2011

ACUnderserved Agreed wholeheartedly! RT @NAFClinics #rxsave #healthliteracy is critical... right language and
level helps
Wed Feb 16 17:14:39 PST 2011

researchdoctor #Rxsave - Found link to share with other twitters re prescription savings program
Wed Feb 16 17:14:49 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Care clinics make huge diff RT @NAFClinics #rxsave love the support you give to NAFC clinic
members. The more patient edu we get the better
Wed Feb 16 17:14:49 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS re next tweet chats @soulflsepulcher will we host one? let's see how this goes - and how FDA
guidance on social media turns out #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:15:11 PST 2011

LacertaBio Docs want to see fewer reps. Need to bypass MD and educate patient directly. That suggests
pharmacies + social media #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:16:17 PST 2011

stales great info, thanks! RT @researchdoctor Found link to share with other twitters re prescription
savings program #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:16:21 PST 2011
apdolan Huge: RT @ACUnderserved: Agreed wholeheartedly! RT @NAFClinics #rxsave #healthliteracy
is critical... right language & level helps #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:16:28 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave Attorney General Eric Holder regarding AstraZeneca - "These were not victimless
crimes – illegal acts by"
Wed Feb 16 17:16:34 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay Patients fear speaking up could lead to being un-insurable – hide to keep anonymity. Is#hcsm
engagement bad for the patient? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:16:56 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @NAFClinics: Agree, we also provide apps in Spanish #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:16:58 PST 2011

supercatcalhoun I try to make a habit to search for programs with new rx, sometimes forget and miss out, need
reminder with my rx app? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:16:59 PST 2011

BrentWRose had to ditch the ipad in order to follow both #socpharm and #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:17:05 PST 2011

stales @AstraZenecaUS what's the best way for health activists and patient advocates to educate their
communities about Rx savings? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:17:16 PST 2011

NHBonk As you can see, one problem is big pharma and reputation. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:17:18 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Since most pts discover costs at the pharmacy, PAP info should automatically be provided there.
Wed Feb 16 17:17:23 PST 2011

blogbrevity 4 those not familiar, Twitter Chats R focused conversations on a specific topic. Moderators
typically ask the questions. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:17:30 PST 2011

apdolan #fingerscrossed RT @AstraZenecaUS: re next tweet chats ...lets see how this goes - and how
FDA guidance on social media turns out #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:17:32 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Word is AZ won't discuss product in this chat #rxsave - In fact, that is what they do..make & sell
product..they R not rxsaving rubber ducks
Wed Feb 16 17:17:39 PST 2011

LacertaBio Agree: RT @MedSavingsDoc: Since most pts discover costs at the pharmacy, PAP info should
automatically be provided there. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:18:01 PST 2011
ArtAppleADay We need to be informed so that we can share the info w/ our communities #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:18:21 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher Q? what if a drug in the savings program #rxsave is in current litigation for diabetes side effects?
do you promote the drug to patients?
Wed Feb 16 17:18:31 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc By coincidence (really) I'm finishing a blog post comparing the major websites allowing people to
find PAPs #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:18:31 PST 2011

NHBonk When patients feel they are cared for and Respected you get more response #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:18:38 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave ? is this program part of your CIA (corporate integrity agreement) you signed with DOJ
for medicare fraud, off label marketing, etc
Wed Feb 16 17:18:42 PST 2011

Jeff_Greene Thanks @JaeSelle - I'm seeing tweets now :) #socpharm #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:18:45 PST 2011

ACUnderserved should it be built into #EHR & pt care plan? @LacertaBio RT Need to bypass MD and educate
patient directly. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:18:59 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave ducking hard questions will not make them go away.This isn't the DOJ where U can pay
a fine & go on doing criminal business as usual
Wed Feb 16 17:19:13 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave CARE Clinics have helped over 11,000 having the material from AZ on these programs
was critical and the AZ volunteers were amazing
Wed Feb 16 17:19:19 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay That is so true! RT @NHBonk: When patients feel they are cared for and Respected you get
more response #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:19:38 PST 2011

WriteWithStan .@AstraZenecaUS #rxsave your entire business is making & selling drugs 4 disease...but your
saying you won't answer ?? abt that..incredible
Wed Feb 16 17:19:45 PST 2011

LacertaBio If a pharma co. "communicates" Rx savings programs to patients, is that considered

"promotion"? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:20:10 PST 2011

apdolan Advocates needs to know what they can/cant say and how to best talk about it - FDA boundaries
& all. cc: @stales @astrazenecaus #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:20:12 PST 2011
Jeff_Greene Strike 1 for Apple. RT @BrentWRose had to ditch the ipad in order to follow both #socpharm and
Wed Feb 16 17:20:13 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave also love the idea of outreaching tithe med professional about your program so they can
let patients know too!
Wed Feb 16 17:20:24 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS How do you think #socialmedia channels like #Twitter could help with patient outreach? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:20:27 PST 2011

NHBonk @ArtAppleADay @NHBonk no other way to look at it really. #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:20:35 PST 2011

LacertaBio Agree: RT @apdolan: Advocates needs to know what they can/cant say and how to best talk
about it - FDA boundaries & all #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:20:52 PST 2011

WriteWithStan AstraZeneca's #rxsave chat forum is beginning to look like this an AZ Duck & Cover Drill
Wed Feb 16 17:20:52 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc ASHSP's FAQ on patient assistance programs: #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:21:02 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @medsavingsdoc: Great to hear, we'll check it out #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:21:13 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave talk abt Seroquel Study #15 or or Mor Smoke&Mirrors
Wed Feb 16 17:21:21 PST 2011

stales great question.... RT @AstraZenecaUS: How do you think #socialmedia channels like #Twitter
could help with patient outreach? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:21:24 PST 2011

apdolan Q2? RT @AstraZenecaUS: How do you think #socialmedia channels like #Twitter could help
with patient outreach? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:21:28 PST 2011

NHBonk @AstraZenecaUS I think some social media leave out a large chunk of the population: the aging
Wed Feb 16 17:21:30 PST 2011

LWoodin #netde folks: @AstraZenecaUS is hosting it's 1st tweet chat re prescription savings at #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:21:58 PST 2011
LacertaBio @AstraZenecaUS Social Media might be the tactic. But what is the strategy? What are you trying
to communicate? Why? To who? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:22:18 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay We’ll follow if we believe you are earnest – how can you possibly do that as an entity and not an
identity? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:22:21 PST 2011

RxPartnershipVA @MedSavingsDoc totally agree #rxsave about pharmacists helping share resources has new CE publication on med assist
Wed Feb 16 17:22:26 PST 2011

EllieRampart Hootsuite superior for following twitter chats like #rxsave What do others think? Twitter interface
not good.
Wed Feb 16 17:22:31 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS In 2010 AZ helped more than 545k patients save $947mil on 4.1mil prescrips through these
programs #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:22:36 PST 2011

somebodyhealme Yup RT @NHBonk: @AstraZenecaUS I think some social media leave out a large chunk of the
population: the aging #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:22:57 PST 2011

stales @EllieRampart i use #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:23:02 PST 2011

LacertaBio I'm using TweetChat, but HootSuite is also excellent. #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:23:03 PST 2011

JaeSelle twitter connects like minded ppl RT @AstraZenecaUS How do u think #socialmedia channels re:
#Twitter could help w/patient outreach? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:23:10 PST 2011

dsgold @AstraZenecaUS: #socialmedia channels like #Twitter R necessary but not sufficient to reach
large numbers of patients #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:23:19 PST 2011

apdolan Social media is amazing for patient outreach - most patients on social media seek to be informed
& are inquisitive. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:23:31 PST 2011

BrentWRose @AstraZenecaUS many pts dont know how #rxsave programs complex...that includes
co-pay cards
Wed Feb 16 17:23:32 PST 2011

ACUnderserved @NHBonk @AstraZenecaUS does social media reach LEP patients? if so, should messaging
accomodate? eg language, #healthliteracy #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:23:35 PST 2011
ncoaging Agree @NHBonk Social media important to some but we can't forget traditional media like radio
and print ads #Rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:23:49 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave social media will work for NAFC with patients visiting our site daily to located a clinic
have info for patients there will be great
Wed Feb 16 17:24:30 PST 2011

blogbrevity @EllieRampart You can follow a Twitter Chat w/ and not even have a Twitter
account. :) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:24:31 PST 2011

NHBonk @ncoaging @NHBonk the aging population is some of the poorest and most in need of savings
programs and are not on Twitter #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:24:50 PST 2011

joanneeeeeecoop @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave Perhaps distribute informational flyers through free clinics in Spanish
& English
Wed Feb 16 17:24:55 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Nexium - The PharmaGossip Files: #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:25:11 PST 2011

NHBonk @apdolan @BrentWRose @AstraZenecaUS I disagree. If people can figure out health insurance
in general, PAP shouldn't be too tough #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:25:37 PST 2011

ncoaging @AstraZenecaUS Deep budget cuts may hurt low-income seniors; are there plans to expand
prescription assistance to meet growing need? #Rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:25:40 PST 2011

researchdoctor #Rxsave Twitter : disseminate news, research, disease-related information, including links to
relevant articles and adherence tips .
Wed Feb 16 17:25:54 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay Rx programs are hit or miss in my community. Big part depends on patient looking for help and
asking the right questions. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:26:08 PST 2011

WriteWithStan 20 pgs of Dr Reinsteins personal income documents frm AstraZeneca promoting Seroquel.why
Seroquel needs #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:26:13 PST 2011

RxPartnershipVA @tonybalogna @MedSavingsDoc #rxsave - not have pharmacist fill out paperwork, direct to
safety net & resources
Wed Feb 16 17:26:16 PST 2011

NHBonk @somebodyhealme @MedSavingsDoc But who at the pharmacy has the time to explain it, I
think it has to come from the pharma company #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:26:19 PST 2011
somebodyhealme Cut down the paperwork! Seriously, if you want to help people streamline the process. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:26:20 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS AZ&Me Rx savings programs saw 7% increase in patients helped in 2010 over 2009. What are
advocates seeing? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:26:22 PST 2011

stales #socialmedia can help reach more people - but need to make sure people share what they learn
online w/ others offline! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:26:46 PST 2011

LacertaBio They probably don't use Twitter/FB. Need to keep it lo-tech RT @ncoaging: Deep budget cuts
may hurt low-income seniors... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:27:22 PST 2011

apdolan Mobile could be a great option - apps/smart phones are very popular/user-friendly, yes? #mhealth
Wed Feb 16 17:27:28 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher @fidouglas come join #rxsave for 30 more minutes live w @AstraZenecaUS
Wed Feb 16 17:27:35 PST 2011

stales @chris2pherlynn @lardito thanks for helping on the #rxsave chat!

Wed Feb 16 17:27:46 PST 2011

apdolan ;) RT @stales: #socialmedia can help reach more ppl - but need to make sure people share what
they learn online w/ others offline! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:27:58 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay Assistance with deductibles is one thing free medications another. We need more of both :)
Wed Feb 16 17:28:09 PST 2011

somebodyhealme @NHBonk @MedSavingsDoc: I think could work if they had brochures & routinely gave them to
patients coming in w/ new script. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:28:09 PST 2011

ACUnderserved @AstraZenecaUS we need to create a national dialogue between #EHR and #PAP communities
& #healthIT movement #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:28:32 PST 2011

NHBonk @AstraZenecaUS I think pharma would do well to connect with health sites and work on
programs that benefits patients, not the pharm #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:28:41 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @somebodyhealme: AZ&Me online app and fax info #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:28:43 PST 2011
ellenrossano @btrandolph Our prescription plan changed this year - interested to know what help is out there.
cc: @stales @AstraZeneca #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:28:49 PST 2011

ElmoraPharmacy an app with a database of all coupons from all pharma manufacturers would help greatly.
pharmacists could then use app on the fly #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:28:56 PST 2011

NHBonk @somebodyhealme @NHBonk @MedSavingsDoc good thought Diana #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:28:59 PST 2011

NotesFromDaria Added the #rxsave hashtag to for anyone who wants to catch up on the
great convo.
Wed Feb 16 17:29:07 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Anybody using text messages with patients? #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:29:19 PST 2011

LacertaBio Yes! Totally agree. RT @apdolan: Mobile could be a great option...#mhealth #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:29:28 PST 2011

NHBonk @AstraZenecaUS NO #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:29:57 PST 2011

4293rd @AstraZenecaUS - info needs to be simple, clear If so, can be distributed and used in multi
ways #twitter #facebook at pharmacies #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:30:08 PST 2011

WriteWithStan @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave we R seeing injured patients, diabetes, lawsuits, 520 mil DOJ fines,
off label marketing, corruption & lies- U asked
Wed Feb 16 17:30:16 PST 2011

apdolan Promising idea even across demographics RT @AstraZenecaUS: Anybody using text messages
with patients? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:30:32 PST 2011

stales @AstraZenecaUS text messages - not yet. I'd love it though!! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:30:32 PST 2011

NewSeedINC What is being done to develop nature based truly safe and effective drug? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:30:34 PST 2011

PR_in_Pink Thanks! RT @NotesFromDaria: Added the #rxsave hashtag to for anyone
who wants to catch up on the great convo. #socpharm
Wed Feb 16 17:30:35 PST 2011

BrentWRose apps are a fun idea, but what about simply making #rxsave offers easily accessible via mobile
browsers. I need another app like a...
Wed Feb 16 17:30:40 PST 2011
ACUnderserved Doesn't that cost patients money? offend/alienate? @AstraZenecaUS Anybody using text
messages with patients? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:30:41 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS With health care reform covering millions more, what will demand be for #rxsave?
Wed Feb 16 17:30:45 PST 2011

dsgold @AstraZenecaUS: Sites like Diabetic Connect, PLM, etc can very effectively raise awareness of
these programs and make good partners. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:31:06 PST 2011

sayno2pharma Q - How will #pharma #socialmedia users assure posting of Black Box Warnings for medications
w/deadly side fx in 140 characters? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:31:33 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Elephant in #rxsave room: Can a drug co guilty of illegal marketing of drugs/fined by US Dept
Justice host a "tweet chat" & not talk abt it?
Wed Feb 16 17:32:07 PST 2011

Jeff_Greene Curious how pharma #rxsave efforts will overlap or add to pharmacy programs; eg my
Walgreens has a big sign to text for coupons
Wed Feb 16 17:32:20 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay RX help is doing well/USA but horrible/most of rest of world even Canada & UK. Demand across
the globe is HUGE! #spondylitis #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:32:26 PST 2011

stevemassi @sayno2pharma tweedeck's can address w/ proper copy #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:32:29 PST 2011

ACUnderserved How will #PAP guidelines be modified for the under-insured? @AstraZenecaUS W/ #HCR
covering millions more, what will demand be for #rxsave?
Wed Feb 16 17:32:50 PST 2011

rashpharmd For a small segment RT @AstraZenecaUS: How do you think #socialmedia channels like
#Twitter could help with patient outreach? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:33:12 PST 2011

ElmoraPharmacy @Jeff_Greene how do they decipher what drug u need coupons for? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:33:13 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc ASHSP's state PAP resource site: #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:33:14 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Why on the day of event AZ changed the rules of engagement after critics entered in2 picture
Wed Feb 16 17:33:17 PST 2011
AstraZenecaUS Ideas on reaching caregivers of seniors? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:33:35 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc PPARx Kids is the only resource I know of for PAPs for children #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:33:45 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Is #rxsave pgm offering life treatment & products 2 patients living w/ irreversible conditions
caused by illegal off label promotions by AZ
Wed Feb 16 17:33:58 PST 2011

WriteWithStan AZ buried/manipulated study trial data & knew Seroquel caused diabetes.Hid the info from
FDA(lied) -- trust them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:34:28 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @ACUnderserved: Investigating possible new criteria #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:34:56 PST 2011

ellenrossano Excellent reference. RT @stales: RT @MedSavingsDoc: ASHSPs FAQ on patient assistance

programs: #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:35:18 PST 2011

rashpharmd I am not optimistic; programs and people (pharmacists) who are under utilized now RT
@AstraZenecaUS: What will demand be for #rxsave?
Wed Feb 16 17:35:26 PST 2011

NHBonk @EllieRampart @dsgold @AstraZenecaUS MyMigraineConnection, Migraine.Com, Wego

Health,Wellshpere #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:35:47 PST 2011

lanes0220 @stales apdolan @AstraZenecaUS I have only heard of Text4Baby are there others? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:35:47 PST 2011

stales very important issue for many of us... RT @AstraZenecaUS Ideas on reaching caregivers of
seniors? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:35:55 PST 2011

movingmedicine Wondering what preparations AZ is making for FDA track & trace regs? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:36:02 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave AZ under FDA watch...have DOJ, & 20k+ suits hanging over their heads.. IRONY
#rxsave supposed 2B abt consumer trust...Smoke&Mirrors
Wed Feb 16 17:36:14 PST 2011

LacertaBio @AstraZenecaUS Re: senior caregivers, need to subsegment: children, home nurses, nursing
home staff; different tactics needed 4 each #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:36:25 PST 2011
AstraZenecaUS Individuals making $30k or less or fams of 4 making $60k or less may qualify for an AZ&Me Rx
savings program, visit #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:36:47 PST 2011

pharmaguy What are some of the demographics of the over 500K ppl AZ has helped afford their meds?
Wed Feb 16 17:36:48 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc PAPs have too many hoops to jump through. Need simplification. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:36:52 PST 2011

NHBonk @AstraZenecaUS senior centers, AARP #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:36:52 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave have 2 wonder if there wasn't the huge medicare fraud w/ pharma, would we really need
these cleverly masked discount programs
Wed Feb 16 17:37:08 PST 2011

sayno2pharma @stevemassi IMO, too subtle; law calls for prominent posting before promotional/other info.
That's purpose of BBW. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:37:15 PST 2011

WriteWithStan No cure for Schizophrenia: Seroquel was illegally marketed/AZ fined 520$million.Some Sz pts
have diabetes now #mentalhealth #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:37:36 PST 2011

ellenrossano Really important- some seniors are not online. RT @AstraZenecaUS Ideas on reaching
caregivers of seniors? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:37:40 PST 2011

NHBonk @pharmaguy Do people over 500k need help? #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:37:53 PST 2011

LacertaBio Great question: RT @pharmaguy: What are some of the demographics of the over 500K ppl AZ
has helped afford their meds? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:37:53 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Promotion sample drug given 2 poor patient 4 off label..sample runs out..patient complains of
Withdrawal/SE & is referred 2 #rxsave Ethical?
Wed Feb 16 17:37:55 PST 2011

EllieRampart what if patients don't know who makes their meds? who should they contact? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:38:00 PST 2011

apdolan Seniors (at least my 80+yo grandparents) work with mail/newspapers, doc's offices/pamphlets,
and word of mouth. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:38:04 PST 2011
4293rd Amen RT @medsavingsdoc: PAPs have too many hoops to jump through. Need simplification.
Wed Feb 16 17:38:05 PST 2011

WriteWithStan New study CONFIRMS diabetes link & Seroquel Seroquel & XR part
of #rxsave Profit over Safety
Wed Feb 16 17:38:14 PST 2011

Jeff_Greene @ElmoraPharmacy Don't think it's drug specific; more like ongoing offers in general. You can
also get texts when Rx is ready. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:38:17 PST 2011

dsgold @AstraZenecaUS: Natl Assoc of Community Health Centers and its members would be a great
brick/morter partner for senior outreach #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:38:18 PST 2011

fidouglas @WriteWithStan I think @AstraZenecaUS & any pharma company driven by profit. To me,
healthcare in US seems largely driven by profit. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:38:30 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Please explain how #rxsave can include drugs w/ criminal backgrounds & dubious evidence? -
Wed Feb 16 17:38:32 PST 2011

LacertaBio Fascinating TweetChat taking place at #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:38:33 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc There needs to be standardization of assistance programs. Too proprietary. #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:38:37 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay That sure leaves a lot of people out who need helpRT @AstraZenecaUS: Individuals making
$30k or less or fams of 4making $60k or less #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:38:47 PST 2011

itzenson @stales @AstraZenecaUS target various caregiver groups individually with diff messages for the
needs/wants of that particular group #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:38:48 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Q for @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave: Are rxsavings programs a way to keep people on more
expensive drugs (such as Seroquel) ?
Wed Feb 16 17:38:52 PST 2011

Jeff_Greene Article on Walgreens 2011 mobile launches: #rxsave #socpharm

Wed Feb 16 17:38:55 PST 2011

ACUnderserved Agree! Integration into #EHR to simplify! RT @MedSavingsDoc PAPs have too many hoops to
jump through. Need simplification. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:39:01 PST 2011
NHBonk @apdolan yes, mail, newspaper, TV, radio #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:39:06 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc The sheer existence of prescription advocacy programs proves that PAPs tend to be too
complicated #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:39:08 PST 2011

WriteWithStan The invisible illness:Worse than whispering 'cancer'. Schizophrenics suffered by becoming
diabetic from Seroquel. #rxsave #antipsychotic
Wed Feb 16 17:39:10 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave for free clinics we know our patient face might be different but there will still be a need.
the congressional budget office says so
Wed Feb 16 17:39:24 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @pharmaguy: In economic recession, broad demographics. @NAFClinics - your experience?

Wed Feb 16 17:39:30 PST 2011

LacertaBio Exactly right. No SM needed here: RT @apdolan: with mail/newspapers, docs
offices/pamphlets, and word of mouth. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:39:31 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave blockbuster drug scandal that won't go away! avoiding topic &
limiting the conversation does nothing 4 AZ
Wed Feb 16 17:39:37 PST 2011

stales @itzenson @AstraZenecaUS that's a good point - help educate people about the programs
where they are. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:39:55 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay other pharma companies are offering assistance at higher income levels. Do you only have full
prescription help at those levels? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:40:04 PST 2011

apdolan Good point I forgot tv/radio - those as well! re: seniors: RT @NHBonk: yes, mail, newspaper, TV,
radio #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:40:39 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave chat is a failure from conception...AZ has 2 B willing 2 have open dialogue & answer
tough questions 2 woo consumers @ this juncture
Wed Feb 16 17:40:51 PST 2011

dsgold Tip of the hat to @stales and @MedSavingsDoc for real-time curation and responses during
#rxsave chat. I'm impressed!
Wed Feb 16 17:41:03 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave AZ CEO boast abt trust & profits. Consumers demand AZ take full responsibility & be
held accountable 4 their actions THAT IS TRUST
Wed Feb 16 17:41:10 PST 2011
AstraZenecaUS RT@EllieRampart: what if patients don't know who makes their meds? who
should they contact? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:41:18 PST 2011

pharmaguy @AstraZenecaUS Mayb you need to target the right demographic/segments just like u do with
other types of promotion. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:41:25 PST 2011

ACUnderserved True. But #AZ has worked w/ our comm. 2 simplify RT @MedSavingsDoc sheer existence of RX
advocacy progs proves PAPs too complicated #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:41:37 PST 2011

ncoaging @AstraZenecaUS Many caregivers are of the sandwich generation. Why not do outreach via
employer benefits programs/EAPs? #Rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:41:52 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave asking does a discount patient drug pgm jive w/ a Corp. that has committed
Medicare fraud & has 20k patient injury suits?
Wed Feb 16 17:42:02 PST 2011

stales @dsgold @stales @MedSavingsDoc thanks! this a very interesting chat - learning alot #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:42:36 PST 2011

EileenOBrien @WriteWithStan I think they are being open & willing to start convo #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:42:38 PST 2011

NHBonk @ncoaging @AstraZenecaUS The sandwich population - great area to explore #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:42:39 PST 2011

LacertaBio Y! RT @pharmaguy: @AstraZenecaUS Mayb you need to target the right

demographic/segments just like u do with other types of promotion #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:42:39 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS @dsgold Thanks! Great idea, NACHC does great work #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:43:02 PST 2011

4293rd Yes! RT @ncoaging: @AstraZenecaUS Many caregivers are sandwich generation. Why not do
outreach via employer benefits programs/EAPs?#Rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:43:25 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave AZ dumping piles of cash into NAMI, DBSA, CABF shills is not's sleazy
marketing & advertisement
Wed Feb 16 17:43:48 PST 2011

WriteWithStan AstraZeneca needs hire Tony Soprano to replace Tony Jewell. that will send us a message we
can't refuse #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:44:19 PST 2011
EllieRampart @AstraZenecaUS when did you start adding the savings messages at the end of TV ads? Using
any outreach strategies? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:44:35 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave Seroquel has shown in studies 2B no more or less therapeutic than Haldol....Is AZ going
to readjust price structure 2 effectiveness
Wed Feb 16 17:44:46 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS HC advocates may register to use to manage & track new apps & annual program
renewals on behalf of their patients #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:44:51 PST 2011

rashpharmd Pharmacist RT @AstraZenecaUS: RT @EllieRampart: if patients don't know

who makes their meds? who they contact? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:45:00 PST 2011

ACUnderserved Won't #HCSM do that? RT @pharmaguy @AstraZenecaUS need to target right

demographic/segments like other types of promotion. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:45:07 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave should be stated again AZ has been a supporter of this population for a long time.
Wed Feb 16 17:45:16 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Fragments from Digital Pharma I'll let @ChristianeTrue explain using an
analogy (third para from the bottom) ! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:45:30 PST 2011

ElmoraPharmacy @AstraZenecaUS why can't you just lower the price of the drug for everyone? or pay the PBMs
to make it a low tier like nexium? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:45:53 PST 2011

LacertaBio Many segments not active in #HCSM, e.g., elderly. Need more. RT @ACUnderserved: Wont
#HCSM do that? RT @pharmaguy @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:46:19 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher Q @AstraZeneca #rxsave how to reach low income patients who qualify for drug assistance
programs: free iPhones, Internet service
Wed Feb 16 17:46:21 PST 2011

NHBonk @dsgold @AstraZenecaUS thank you! #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:46:52 PST 2011

pharmaguy @ACUnderserved most poorer ppl who cant afford meds r not likely to afford SM either. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:46:55 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Top 3 suggestions for reaching eligible patients? Think outside the box... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:46:56 PST 2011
MedSavingsDoc Condition-Specific Assistance Programs Likely Overlooked by Many (past blog post) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:47:05 PST 2011

DaphneLeigh Have to check out...h/t to @AstraZenecaUS for boldly stepping where no pharma has stepped
before ;-) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:47:13 PST 2011

WriteWithStan can't we form a happy circle, hold hands, make seroquel smores, & sing kumbaya.. now that
would effective social media #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:47:18 PST 2011

stales YES!! RT @DaphneLeigh: Have to check out...h/t to @AstraZenecaUS for boldly stepping where
no pharma has stepped before ;-) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:47:43 PST 2011

fidouglas @WriteWithStan Generic quetiapine is 1/4 the price of AZ version. It'll have to be a mighty big
discount you give, @AstraZenecaUS! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:47:55 PST 2011

WriteWithStan pharma cos cannot control their forums in social media outlets, and work promptly to shut down
vocal influencers. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:47:57 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Are people aware of our healthcare facilities program? #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:48:21 PST 2011

LacertaBio Keep it simple & communicate through traditional channels. RT @AstraZenecaUS: Top 3
suggestions for reaching eligible patients? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:48:25 PST 2011

ACUnderserved Disagree! More and more every day! Check out Pew research... RT @LacertaBio Many
segments not active in #HCSM, e.g., elderly. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:48:25 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave radio ads on many stations with different languages

Wed Feb 16 17:48:26 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @pharmaguy not necessarily true: SMS allows Twitter and FB access, even if not smartphone.
Wed Feb 16 17:48:39 PST 2011

apdolan Hmmm RT @AstraZenecaUS: Top 3 suggestions for reaching eligible patients? Think outside
the box... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:48:40 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave Taking Seroquel? Take a look at this: and this:
#prdisaster #prfail
Wed Feb 16 17:48:43 PST 2011
LacertaBio Don't be impressed by #HCSM & technology. It's not the only way:RT @AstraZenecaUS: Top 3
suggestions for reaching eligible patients? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:48:59 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc .@dsgold Thanks. Trying to see pts in clinic at same time. Sorry if it seems a bit disjointed.
Wed Feb 16 17:49:04 PST 2011

leeflorida @EllieRampart Google the drug name and go to the official web page for the drug, the company
should be listed. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:49:26 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave AstraZeneca or @TonyJewell does not make the rules on Twitter...if AZ wants open
public dialogue; answer the hard questions honestly
Wed Feb 16 17:49:37 PST 2011

itzenson @AstraZenecaUS community outreach program-go to low income areas in winter to provide
warm gloves/hats & include info card 2 educate #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:49:53 PST 2011

LacertaBio Please post link: RT @ACUnderserved: Disagree! More and more every day! Check out Pew
research... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:49:59 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher Hospitals & doctors offices have free Internet/computers on site for families/caregivers to use.
Wed Feb 16 17:50:05 PST 2011

stales @AstraZenecaUS top 3 ideas? visit the hospitals, reach out to health activists and patient
advocates, more awareness of programs #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:50:09 PST 2011

apdolan My 3: social media through patient advocates, texts or mobile apps, print in doc's offices &
support groups @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:50:38 PST 2011

NHBonk @stales @AstraZenecaUS Health blogging sites for patients specific health concerns; get docs
on board. that's where it starts #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:50:47 PST 2011

BrentWRose #rxsave craigslist?

Wed Feb 16 17:51:08 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Thanks for joining! RT @MedSavingsDoc @dsgold Thanks. Trying to see pts in clinic at same
time. Sorry if it seems a bit disjointed. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:51:18 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Twitter chat 16th led by @AstraZenecaUS @TonyJewell #rxsave #socpharm - can't wait to
discuss Seroquel -
Wed Feb 16 17:51:19 PST 2011
AstraZenecaUS AZ PAP for uninsured has been around for over 30 years #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:51:23 PST 2011

rashpharmd If ins. companies (or pbm or manf.) paid for pharmacist time then more would be more time,
when its volume driven its hard to do #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:51:25 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Info on temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:51:33 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Twitter chat 16th led by @AstraZenecaUS take a look at retired doctor's opinion of Seroquel @TonyJewell #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:51:45 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Any pilot programs to drive adherence among uninsured? #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:52:21 PST 2011

LacertaBio Data on Generations Online. Interesting:

Wed Feb 16 17:52:24 PST 2011

RichmondDoc I wonder how AZ even sets the prices of their meds. Is their any rhyme or reason, or just set it
really high? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:52:26 PST 2011

ACUnderserved RT @LacertaBio Please post link: RT @ACUnderserved: More &

more every day! Check out Pew research... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:52:43 PST 2011

somebodyhealme Thanks for thoughtful discussion despite the attempts to spam the hashtag w/ big pharma rants.
This is about helping patients. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:53:02 PST 2011

Jeff_Greene Celebs lending their time to PSA campaigns would make an impact; helping consumers save on
Rx a legitimate & needed cause #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:53:02 PST 2011

ElmoraPharmacy @AstraZenecaUS good luck getting ANY of your drugs into the hands or mouths of the
uninsured. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:53:11 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave a real hoot...AstraZeneca dodging the real questions in tweet, while pushing a discount
drug marketing program SM FAIL
Wed Feb 16 17:53:18 PST 2011

pharmaguy Pharma is not very good reaching hispanic audience, a grp that may need help affording meds.
Need a soln 4 that. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:53:34 PST 2011
LacertaBio Thanks! RT @ACUnderserved: RT @LacertaBio Please post link:
RT @ACUnderserved #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:53:43 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Was this chat of value to you and should pharma do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:54:02 PST 2011

WriteWithStan Retired doctor blog rips into AstraZeneca-exposes internal Seroquel documents- #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:54:09 PST 2011

NHBonk @Jeff_Greene I'm not big on celebs pushing anything from pharma better coming from patient
educators and advocates #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:54:24 PST 2011

dsgold @AstraZenecaUS: Re Any pilot programs to drive adherence among uninsured? Leverage
mobile for gentle nudges via SMS #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:54:33 PST 2011

pharmagossip How about "greasing the skids for dementia"? She might know how. RT @AstraZenecaUS:
Ideas on reaching caregivers of seniors? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:54:59 PST 2011

apdolan 100%; it went rly well IMO! RT @AstraZenecaUS: Was this chat of value to you and should
pharma do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:03 PST 2011

LacertaBio Yes. Demographic analysis will yield different tactics: RT @pharmaguy: Pharma is not very good
reaching hispanic audience... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:15 PST 2011

ellenrossano Yes! It's new territory-we're all learning. RT @AstraZenecaUS: Was this chat of value to you and
should pharma do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:16 PST 2011

stales @AstraZenecaUS yes, chat was very valuable. learned alot. I think you did a great job. I want to
learn more about Rx savings #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:18 PST 2011

ArtAppleADay Yes! - thanks for going first!RT @stales: RT @AstraZenecaUS: Was this chat of value to you
and should pharma do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:32 PST 2011

ElmoraPharmacy @EllieRampart @Jeff_Greene we do not need to pay celebs to endorse drugs. That would
increase the price even more! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:33 PST 2011

somebodyhealme Hm RT @Jeff_Greene: Celebs lending time to PSA campaigns would make impact; helping
consumers save on Rx a legitimate & needed cause #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:39 PST 2011
spwalsh1968 @AstraZenecaUS How are you communicating/partnering with seniors? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:40 PST 2011

pharmaguy @AstraZenecaUS definitely, pharma shld do more Twitter chats. U proved that it can work
despite hijack attempts! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:41 PST 2011

stales YES RT @apdolan 100%; it went really well IMO! RT @AstraZenecaUS Was this chat of value
to you and should pharma do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:55:54 PST 2011

itzenson @dsgold @AstraZenecaUS helpful facts re cell phone ownership by generation in the US via @pew_internet #mobile #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:56:02 PST 2011

WriteWithStan I would like to thank @AstraZeneca #rxsave @TonyJewell @ACUnderserved for ducking
important questions & wasting an hour of peoples time....
Wed Feb 16 17:56:08 PST 2011

NHBonk @AstraZenecaUS yes, very good chat #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:56:08 PST 2011

LacertaBio "Additionally, about one in 11 (9%) adults do not own any of the devices we asked about,
including 43% of adults age 75 and older" #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:56:15 PST 2011

ElmoraPharmacy i'd like to see more pharma informational chats. not marketing #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:56:24 PST 2011

apdolan I think texts/mobile could be a gamechanger for all esp in-need demographics @LacertaBio
@pharmaguy #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:56:25 PST 2011

LacertaBio Source of my previous tweet:

gadgets.aspx #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:56:33 PST 2011

stales yes! RT @pharmaguy @AstraZenecaUS definitely, pharma shld do more Twitter chats. U
proved that it can work despite hijack attempts! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:56:37 PST 2011

LacertaBio I agree: RT @apdolan: I think texts/mobile could be a gamechanger for all esp in-need
demographics @LacertaBio @pharmaguy #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:57:08 PST 2011

dsgold Agreed. RT @pharmaguy: @AstraZenecaUS definitely, pharma shld do more Twitter chats. U
proved it can work despite hijack attempts! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:57:10 PST 2011
ACUnderserved Yes! Thanks for hosting! Looking forward to more maybe earlier in day. @AstraZenecaUS
Wed Feb 16 17:57:11 PST 2011

apdolan I think @twitter should invent a "Vote off the island" button where enough votes prevent trolls
from hashtagging-in... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:57:33 PST 2011

ellenrossano The #RxSave chat with @AstraZenecaUS was informative tonight. And it even attracted
some trolls. Must be on the right track.
Wed Feb 16 17:58:11 PST 2011

dsgold Brilliant! RT @apdolan: I think @twitter should invent a "Vote off the island" button to prevent
trolls from hashtagging-in... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:58:18 PST 2011

AstraZenecaUS Thanks to everyone for an engaging and interesting conversation #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:58:20 PST 2011

LacertaBio Yes, but many cos. block Twitter! RT @ACUnderserved: Yes! Thanks for hosting! Looking
forward to more maybe earlier in day #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:58:42 PST 2011

NHBonk @dsgold @apdolan @twitter YES! #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:58:45 PST 2011

ACUnderserved Amen sister! @apdolan @twitter #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 17:58:49 PST 2011

somebodyhealme LOL RT @apdolan: I think @twitter should invent a "Vote off the island" button where
enough votes prevent trolls from hashtagging-in #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:07 PST 2011

NAFClinics #rxsave think this chat was valuable and will pave the wave for more!
Wed Feb 16 17:59:26 PST 2011

rashpharmd The more the better RT @AstraZenecaUS: Was this chat of value to you and should pharma
do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:27 PST 2011

stales @AstraZenecaUS Awesome stuff. thanks for trying this out. Learned a ton! Can't wait to
share this info w/ my cancer communities #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:31 PST 2011

LacertaBio That's awesome! RT @apdolan: I think @twitter should invent a "Vote off the island" button
where enough votes prevent trolls... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:31 PST 2011
NAFClinics #rxsave thank you for being a leader in this area as well!
Wed Feb 16 17:59:38 PST 2011

apdolan The "vote off the island button" could actually help pharma do these more often. We could
work together to prevent FDAfails! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:38 PST 2011

leonardkish Yes! RT @dsgold: Brilliant! RT @apdolan: I think @twitter should invent a "Vote off the island"
button to prevent...(hashtag spam) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:50 PST 2011

blogbrevity Thank U 4 the convo @AstraZenecaUS @DaphneLeigh @EllieRampart @hjluks

@EillenOBrien @Jaeselle #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:50 PST 2011

ACUnderserved Any #nhsc members on the chat tonight? How do you use #hcsm? Join us @ACUnderserved
We want to follow you! #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 17:59:53 PST 2011

LacertaBio I'm curious. Does AZ allow employs to access Twitter/FB/YouTube from their work computers
while at work? @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:00:14 PST 2011

spwalsh1968 Ditto that... RT @EileenOBrien: RT @DaphneLeigh: h/t to @AstraZenecaUS for boldly

stepping where no pharma has stepped before ;-) #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:00:15 PST 2011

LacertaBio @apdolan TweetChat has a "Block" function... #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 18:00:54 PST 2011

itzenson yes!! RT @astrazenecaUS Was this chat of value to you and should pharma do more of them?
Wed Feb 16 18:01:09 PST 2011

WriteWithStan PharmaGuy, your pretty thin skinned for an SM Guy...If anything, U R an SM hijacker...hope
you enjoyed your moment in the PR sun #rxsave lol
Wed Feb 16 18:01:20 PST 2011

blogbrevity Yes RT @LacertaBio: @apdolan TweetChat has a "Block" function... #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 18:01:45 PST 2011

Jeff_Greene @AstraZenecaUS thanks for hosting and pushing the envelope - hope to see more #rxsave
chats this year.
Wed Feb 16 18:01:49 PST 2011

LacertaBio It's ironic that many companies block anything resembling #HCSM at work; arguably for good
reasons. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:02:04 PST 2011
LacertaBio I've enjoyed this chat. I'm outta here. Good night y'all. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:02:34 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Thanks all for a good chat, and @AstraZenecaUS for hosting #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:02:47 PST 2011

JaeSelle what he said--> :) RT @Jeff_Greene @AstraZenecaUS thanks for hosting and pushing the
envelope - hope to see more #rxsave chats this year.
Wed Feb 16 18:02:54 PST 2011

apdolan I think we users should be aware of trolls but that they are def what scares pharma/FDA from
social media the most @LacertaBio #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:03:44 PST 2011

stales @MedSavingsDoc yes, great chat! Thanks @AstraZenecaUS #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 18:04:09 PST 2011

movingmedicine love the "vote off the island" button idea! good chat, thx.#rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:04:31 PST 2011

stales @andrewspong hey! you're still up?! good morning! #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 18:04:43 PST 2011

ACUnderserved Thanks @AstraZenecaUS Goodnight all from ACU. Look forward to continuing
conversations... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:04:43 PST 2011

soulflsepulcher @AstraZenecaUS thanks for answering my Q on having a chat for patients/advocates to ask
Qs. It went well ! looking forward to it #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:05:06 PST 2011

LacertaBio Fair point RT @apdolan: I think we users should be aware of trolls but that they are def what
scares pharma/FDA from social media... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:05:40 PST 2011

stales @apdolan no kidding -- I think @AstraZenecaUS did a great job by taking the high road and
sticking to the core conversation. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:05:48 PST 2011

blogbrevity Ditto :) RT @stales @andrewspong hey! you're still up?! good morning #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:06:14 PST 2011

apdolan Thank you @AstraZenecaUS! One small step for us social media junkies, one giant step for
Pharma-kind. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:06:29 PST 2011

pharminews Are people aware of our healthcare facilities program? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:14 PST 2011
pharminews Top 3 suggestions for reaching eligible patients? Think outside the box... #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:14 PST 2011

pharminews Any pilot programs to drive adherence among uninsured? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:16 PST 2011

pharminews AZ PAP for uninsured has been around for over 30 years #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:16 PST 2011

pharminews Was this chat of value to you and should pharma do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:18 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @serious_skeptic @pharmagossip @AstraZenecaUS atypicals associated with increased risk

of death in seniors? Should we promote use? #RXsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:19 PST 2011

pharminews Thanks to everyone for an engaging and interesting conversation #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:19 PST 2011

MedSavingsDoc Agree! @andrewspong @rashpharmd: The more the better @AstraZenecaUS: Was this chat
of value and should pharma do more of them? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:07:23 PST 2011

LWoodin Love it! RT @apdolan: Thank you @AstraZenecaUS! One small step for us social media
junkies, one giant step for Pharma-kind. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:08:44 PST 2011

RichmondDoc @pharmaguy hispanic pts also have increased risk of DM, HTN and high cholesterol. How to
reduce risk re: to Seroquel? #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:08:51 PST 2011

WriteWithStan AstraZeneca's #rxsave was a complete farce, they ignored questions, just a bunch of PR & SM
types hobnobbing...where were the consumers?
Wed Feb 16 18:09:15 PST 2011

andrewspong @stales Just wondering how #rxsave went :) Your thoughts? @blogbrevity
Wed Feb 16 18:09:33 PST 2011

LacertaBio Very well. Blocked a few trolls. H/T to AZ: RT @andrewspong: @stales Just wondering how
#rxsave went :) Your thoughts? @blogbrevity #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:10:28 PST 2011

mindianajones @AstraZenecaUS Tweetchat has been very valuable. #rxsave

Wed Feb 16 18:10:52 PST 2011
stales @andrewspong @blogbrevity I think it went very well! Pleasantly surprised by @AstraZenecaUS
's efforts. Will blog about it later. #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:10:53 PST 2011

mindianajones @AstraZenecaUS If nothing else, socialmedia can improve patientoutreach by increasing public
dialogue that inspires+sparks new ideas #rxsave
Wed Feb 16 18:11:10 PST 2011

WriteWithStan #rxsave HUGE social media FAILURE for AstraZeneca & Consumers...seems the only true
believers were SM & PR types....Saw this one
Wed Feb 16 18:14:28 PST 2011

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