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Submitted to:
Mr Muhammad Waqas

Submitted by:
15-Arid-1688 15-Arid-1740
15-Arid-1779 15-Arid-1689
15-Arid-1690 15-Arid-1793
Presentation on
Table of contents
Executive Summary
Time Management

 Time
 Management

Time management for students

 Organize your time

 Use review cards
 Plan activities logically
 Plan some down time
Time Management For Banker

 Schedule Your Tasks

 Keep Distractions to a Minimum
 Schedule Regular Breaks
 Participate in Meetings

Time Management For Business Owners

 Eliminate the time wasters
 Get Organized
 Work to your personal productive times
 Detailed List Of Task
Time Management Tips

Executive Summary:
Time management, like any other skill is not hard to develop. The main purpose of learning and
practicing time management skills is to enhance improve the overall quality of your life. To get
success in life use time management tips. Create planning, avoid multitasking, block out
distractions, and stay healthy are some best tips. Every person should maintain their task
properly and manage their work life in balance. He is the responsible to manage all the activities.

‘’Time is money’’

Time Management:
The topic of our presentation is made up of two words

 Measure of units
 Equal opportunity-everyone gets the same amount each day
 Unusual commodity
 Feel like its passes at varying speeds (but it really doesn’t)

 The act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a time, business, department,
sports team, etc.
 The process of controlling or deciding how to use something.

Time Management:
 Gives us a chance to decide how to spend a valuable resources
 Allow us to get the most out of the least
 Help us organize and learn how to spend our time

Learning time management methods is a skill no different than learning to speak another
language or figuring out how to word process!!

The real importance of time management is that it frees you to do more what you want to do.
Good time management simply means deciding what you want to get out of life and efficiently
pursuing these goals. Good Time management is a key to success. It allows you to take control
of your life, reduce stress, make more sound decisions, improves your ability to focus,
accomplish more with less effort, enhanced our efficiency and helps us in finding free time.

The values you must place in your time are:

Take the time to think, it is the source of strength

Take time to play, it is the secret of youth

Take time to read, it is a seed of wisdom

Take the time to be friendly, it’s bring happiness

Take the time to dream for; it will carry you to the stars
Take time to love, it is the joy of life

Time management for students:

Time management is a key to academic success. Students around the world learn it sooner or
earlier. When you plan your days and weeks in advance, time can be your friend rather than your

Time management can seem like a plan, one you have mastered this skill, it will enable you to
get the most out of life. It can help you get more with less stress and frustration. It can give you
higher marks throughout the school year, as well as on your quizzes, tests and exams.

Once you make the decision, you can follow the number of time management systems. You can
achieve your goal by adopting a simple time management approach.

There are millions of students around the world, appear for exam expecting magic. Without
making proper time to study, they hope to get the highest grades and then disappointed or
ashamed when the results are different.

There are some strategies of time management:

 Organize your time:

Life improves when you decide to do things differently. In the case when goal is to control time
rather than letting it to control you. It is about taking ownership of time which is the essence of
your life.

 Use review cards:

Also keep some review cards to read over with you when you are waiting for something else to
happen. This can include when you are traveling or waiting in line at the bus stop, bank, super
market and so on.

 Plan activities logically:

Get to know your bodily cycle, then, schedule activities around it as much as possible.

 Plan some down time:

You are not a robot! Schedule some time to relax so you can rest and refresh your mind and
Time Management For Banker:
A Famous premise

''The more time you have, the more money you can make'’

 Schedule Your Tasks:

Bankers may feel at the top of their game at 9am but by 5pm they’ve burned out. Get your team
to schedule specific tasks for specific times, taking advantage of their energy levels throughout
the day. Make sure they set specific times to review emails and respond to requests .Emails are
the death of good time management.

 Keep Distractions to a Minimum:

Sometimes things come up in the bank that can pull you away from your current task. Get your
bankers to disable email and app notifications from their phone. They’ve set times for checking
email or responding to messages and they should stick to them.

 Schedule Regular Breaks:

No one can work for 9 hours straight and feel completely healthy by the end of the day. Get your
team to schedule their chairs and walk around outside the office. Some light exercise and fresh
air will keep them on top of their game. Taking breaks is also part of improving efficiency,
believe it or not.

 Participate in Meetings:

None of the above means they won’t be going to meetings. With their productivity up, your team
will be more alert in meetings than before .Get them to participate by taking notes, asking
questions and making suggestions. This will provide you all with vital feedback about your
current tasks. By participating in meetings, you’re also employing time management –you’re
using that time to learn something new!
Time Management For Business Owners:
Time is very important in the business world. For the better use of time we should manage our time,
or follow following points
 Eliminate the time wasters:
Armed with information about how you spend your time, you’ll be better able to eliminate
unnecessary timewasters. Some common time wasters are.

 Monitoring social media

 Responding to emails

 Fielding telephone calls

 Drop-in visitors and sales people

 Meetings that go on longer than necessary.

 Get Organized:
A little bit of time invested now in developing efficient systems for your business will save you a
lot of time in the long run. Whether it’s time spent setting up a computerized accounting system,
so that you don’t waste time looking for paperwork or documents, setting up systems and getting
organized can save you a lot of money.

 Work to your personal productive times:

We all have different cycles and preferences. If you’re a morning person and full of oomph and
drive at the crack of dawn, put this time aside to tackle those big projects. Schedule more routine
things or less creative tasks for the afternoon when you’re in your less productive cycle.

 Detailed List Of Task:

Goals do not get accomplished on their own. Breaking down goals into written tasks allows you
to see and understand what actions are required. The task list will also help you to see what
resources are needed and how to allocate them. You may see areas where resources are lacking.
Use the task list to start identifying ways to get the tasks done in a timely manner.
Time Management Tips:
As you know that time is too much important. No doubt those people who know the value of
time and who are best time manager are successful people. Here I will tell you some tips through
which you can be a better time manager.

1. Create a daily planning:-Before starting your day create a planning. Do it in the morning
or even better, the night before you sleep. Better planning gives successful results.
2. Avoid multi tasking:-When people try to do many task at one time then there attentions
divert and they can not complete even one task efficiently. So focus on just one task and
then move forward.
3. Block out distractions:-Mostly when we are working then phone calls, text massages and
some other distraction disturbs us. Give a proper time to phone calls and text massages
but during working switched off mobile phones because calls and massages divert your
concentration and waste your important time.
4. Learn to say “NO”:-Don’t take more task than you can handle. If someone say for
another task then give a big “NO”.
5. Have a clock visibly placed:-Sometimes we are so busy in our work and we lose track of
time. So having a huge clock in front of you which will keep you aware at every moment.
6. Reward yourself:-Even for a small success, after finishing of every task reward yourself.
When you appreciate yourself then it will increase your confident and you will more
work in short time.
7. Stay healthy:-The care and attention you give yourself is an important investment of time.
Do work when your energy level is high and also plan relaxation time because if you are
healthy then you can utilize your time efficiently.

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