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The widespread use of social media has enormous consequences for the society, culture and
business with potentially positive and negative effects. As online social networks are
increasingly used for dissemination of information, at the same they are also becoming a medium
for the spread of fake news for various purposes. This project proposes a framework that detects
and classifies fake news messages using improved Recurrent Neural Networks and Deep
Structured Semantic Model. The performance analysis method used for the proposed system is
based on accuracy, specificity and sensitivity. A deep learning configurability is added to
classify the twitter tweets compared with the RSS news feeds. Data mining based text processing
is carried out to separate the matching words, hashtags, links, emojis and so on. LASSO (Least
Available Shrinkage and Selection Operator) is provided for the nowcasting event prediction
system, so the out break of the disease like flu, influenza, etc can be easily predicted with their
positivity level. The accuracy of the prediction is high since the original news feeds are
compared with the analysis of the twitter feeds. Recurrent Neural Network classifies the disease
based tweets with 10000 of tweets posted by all the users. The proposed approach intuitively
identifies important features associated with fake news without previous domain knowledge
while achieving accuracy 99%. And the fake news spreaders are intimated with several times
further blocked when they continue it.

Front End: JSP

Back End: MySQL


• Dataset collection

• Twitter text processing

• Deep learning text classification

• Event Detection Pipeline

• Nowcasting prediction

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