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Did you ever think HOW TO WORK WITH

of building a relationship
with an angel?
How to Work with Angels shows you how
to make friends with angels so that they can
help you in practical and personal ways—
protecting, inspiring, healing and comforting.
The more you learn to work with angels,
the more effectively they can help you. They
can even take you on an upward climb so
that you catch a glimpse of your Higher Self.
Learn ten steps to make angels a part
of your life. And be prepared for wonderful
changes when you call and they answer. Prophet







HOW TO WORK WITH ANGELS How to Work with Angels:
by Elizabeth Clare Prophet A TEN-STEP PLAN 5
Copyright © 1998 Summit Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved 1. Make room in your life for angels 11
2. Pray aloud 13
No part of this book may be reproduced, translated or
electronically stored, posted or transmitted, or used in 3. Use the name of God 15
any format or medium whatsoever without prior written 4. Give your prayers and decrees daily 17
permission, except by a reviewer who may quote brief
5. Ask for help 19
passages in a review. For information, contact Summit
University Press, PO Box 5000, Gardiner, MT 59030-5000. 6. Repeat decrees and prayers 21
Tel: 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500 7. Send your prayer to the right address 23
Fax: 1-800-221-8307 or 406-848-9555
8. Be specific 25
9. Visualize what you want to happen 29
Library of Congress Control Number: 2002106126
ISBN: 0-922729-41-7 10. Expect to be surprised 31
A Call Is Answered 34
The Summit Lighthouse is a trademark registered in the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. ANGELS OF PROTECTION 39
All rights reserved Archangel Michael to the Rescue 43
10 09 08 07 06 10 9 8 7 6


Passing the Test 51 WITH ANGELS
The Finding Angels


W hile water-skiing on the Navesink River
in New Jersey when I was eighteen, I had one
Visiting the Angels at Home 65
of my early experiences with angels. It was a
ANGELS OF HEALING 69 beautiful day and I was headed out toward
Mary Points the Way 74 the ocean. Suddenly I realized that I had
Healing Blessings from the entered another dimension. I could see not
Queen of Angels 76
thousands but millions of angels.
ANGELS OF PEACE 79 I saw that they were my friends, broth-
Archangel Uriel’s Exercise ers and sisters, spiritual companions. I also
for Letting Go 84 realized that I had a calling from God and
ANGELS OF JOY 87 that I would be shown what to do in order
to fulfill it. And I knew that I would never
be alone because the angels would always
PICTURE CREDITS 112 be with me.

vi 1
how to work with angels My relationship with angels

That vision stayed with me through my angels, I have developed a personal rela-
college years as I searched for greater con- tionship with them. They are always near—
tact with the angels and other beings of they whisper words of warning, guidance
light. In 1961 I met Mark Prophet, who and encouragement. I know that Archangel
would become both my teacher and my Michael and his blue-flame angels have
husband. Mark was able to receive inspired saved me and my family from serious harm
revelations from the angels and from other dozens of times. And my angel secretaries
spiritual beings known as Ascended Mas- even help me to organize my days.
ters. I realized it was also my calling to re- In the following pages you will learn
ceive these revelations, which are called how you can develop your own relationship
dictations. with the angels or expand the contact that
Mark passed on in 1973 and I have con- you already have with them. The angels
tinued his work through The Summit Light- want to be a part of your life. They are ready
house, the spiritual organization he founded. to help you solve problems, big and small,
Between us, we have taken thousands of and bring you closer to your Higher Self—
dictations, which are the source of the angel your real, or spiritual, self.
quotations and many of the prayers in this Just follow the steps outlined here and
book. the angels will take charge. You may not see
During years of communing with the them as they fly thick and fast about your

2 3
how to work with angels

business, but you will see the results as they HOW TO WORK WITH ANGELS:

respond—sometimes faster than you can ask A TEN-STEP PLAN

for help!

E veryone has heard angel stories. Angels

pull people back from the edges of cliffs and
out of the paths of oncoming trains. They
warn people to avoid dangerous situations.
They guide those facing tough decisions.
They comfort, enlighten and heal.
But how can you get the angels to help
you? You are about to learn how to develop
a relationship with the angels so that when
you call, they answer. You’ll read how peo-
ple have used specific techniques to receive
angelic guidance and inspiration. And how
the angels go to work for them, handling
NOTE: All the stories in this book are real. Some names,
everything from the mundane details of life
however, have been changed at the individuals’ request.
to miracle cures to highway rescue.

4 5
how to work with angels a ten-step plan

Take Alex, who lost control of his car on

an icy road. As he slid toward a precipice, he
called to Archangel Michael. His car imme-
diately moved back into the middle of the
road—“almost as if it had been pushed by
hand.” Then there was Verlene, who got an-
gelic assistance when she went blank while
taking a test.
The first thing to consider is: What are
angels and why do they answer our prayers?
Angels are to God what sunbeams are to
the sun. God created the angels to serve and
minister to us. Answering our prayers is their
reason for being. Although we live in the
material world, we have a special link to
God through his angels. And we each have a
part of God, a divine spark, within us that
allows us to ask the angels for help—and to
expect results!

6 7
how to work with angels a ten-step plan

As long as what you are asking them to

do is positive and will not hurt others or in-
terfere with your life plan, the angels will
answer your call. Not only can you ask them
to help you personally but you can also direct
them—even command them—to perform
larger tasks, like stopping crime and saving
children from violence and drugs.
The angels are literally waiting for you
to give them assignments. For there is one
rule they seldom break. They don’t intervene
in our world unless we ask them to. Keep
that in mind as you study this ten-point plan
for getting the angels to work for you.

8 9
how to work with angels a ten-step plan

q 1 r
Make room in your life for angels

The angels live in the world of Spirit, the

heaven-world, and we live in the world of
matter. Angels naturally gravitate toward
their home. So if you want the angels to feel
comfortable with you, you need to make
your world—your thoughts, feelings and
surroundings—more like theirs. To para-
phrase the Epistle of James: Draw near to the
angels and they will draw near to you.
The angels are comfortable with thoughts
For he shall give his angels charge of peace and love, not with irritation and
over thee, to keep thee in all thy aggression. You may not be able to put out
ways. of your mind the rude driver who cut in
Psalm 91:11 front of you on your way home. But you can
free yourself from the irritation, starting by

10 11
how to work with angels a ten-step plan

communing with the angels for just a few q 2 r

minutes a day.
Pray aloud
First, separate yourself from distractions.
Turn off the radio and TV, go into a room by
The angels have answered many an unspo-
yourself or to your favorite nature spot,
ken prayer or intense wish of the heart. You
imagine an angel in your mind (it helps to
don’t have to speak in order to get their
have a picture of your favorite angel nearby)
attention, especially if you’re in a place where
and commune with the angels.
it would be awkward, like a business meet-
Simply talk to the angels about your
ing or on the subway. But you will get a more
problems. Talk as if you were talking to your
powerful response when you speak to them
best friend. And then listen. Be silent and
out loud.
wait for the thoughts that the angels will put
There is power in your voice: the power
into your mind. You may want to use some
to create or to destroy. God used this power
of the techniques in this book to increase the
when he said, “Let there be light.” By using
flow of positive energy from the angels.
your gift of speech, you can create changes
Before long, your relationship with the
in your life.
angels will turn into an upward spiral: the
Spoken prayer comes in different forms:
angels will help you to feel more positive.
songs and hymns, which have traditionally
And feeling positive will bring you closer to
the angels.
12 13
Spiritual Techniques
PICTURE CREDITS: Cover: Tobias and the to Heal Body,
Angel, Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo, Scala/Art Mind and Soul
Resource, N.Y.; Page 20: Court of Angels, detail,
“As we enter what Larry Dossey
reprinted by permission of The British Library, calls ‘Era Three medicine,’ pro-
7894; 54: Appears on the facade of the Stanford grams like this one greatly
Memorial Church, Stanford University, Calif., enhance our lives. . . . Allows a
used with permission; 86: The Dream of Saint deeper connectiveness and under-
standing of how, in a fast-paced
Joachim, detail, Giotto di Bondone, Alinari/Art
world, we can maintain spiritual
Resource, N.Y.; 88 and 92: The Attainment of cohesiveness. I recommend this
the Holy Grail, detail, Edward Burne-Jones, tape for the novice, avid seeker 90-min. audiocassette
reprinted by permission of Birmingham Museums and advanced student.” ISBN: 0-922729-59-X
and Art Gallery. —DANNION BRINKLEY,
author of Saved by the Light

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, bestselling author and

pioneer in practical spirituality, explores dynamic tech-
FOR INFORMATION: If you would like a free niques for using the creative power of sound to transform
catalog of books, tapes and CDs or information our personal lives and bring spiritual solutions to today’s
about seminars and workshops featuring the global challenges.
spiritual techniques discussed in this book, Learn how to combine visualization, affirmation and
contact Summit University Press, PO Box 5000, meditation to fulfill greater levels of your own inner
potential. Shows how to access a high-frequency spiritual
Gardiner, MT 59030-5000 USA.
energy to improve relationships, increase mental clarity
Tel: 1-800-245-5445 (or 406-848-9500) and energize the body’s seven energy centers. Includes
Fax: 1-800-221-8307 (or 406-848-9555) research from well-known experts on the science of
E-mail us at mantra.
To order call 1-800-245-5445

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