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Female Photographer in

Name: Abdullah Al Jubair
Id: 1521968630
Submitted to:
Ms. Afshan Sattar
Department of English &

Modern Language

There are some people whom I would like to thank, as with their commitment and effort I was
able to complete this research paper successfully. At first I would like to thank my parents for
their support. Then I would like to thank one of my good friend Salman Kabir for helping me all
the time of making the paper. Without his support, motivation, ideas, it would have been
difficult to give life to this research paper. I would also like to thank my brother Zahar Yousuf.
Because without their help I could not have conducted my primary research. My closest
appreciation to all who have participated in the survey, without them my research would have
been baseless. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my course instructor Ms. Afshan
Sattar mam from the bottom of my heart for her consistent encouragement and advice.


Female photography is a profession that gives them implement their ideas. It is creative

profession where females can show their creativities. It is also an interesting profession where

females find interesting things. Women of Bangladesh are offen not allowed to choose

photography as their profession. But of those who have already ventured into this career, they

currently stand strong and are easily competing head-to-head with their male counterparts. As

photography requires more creativity and more fashion sense, men are at a loss as comared to


In my research, I also try to prove that nowadays our perception towards felame changes. So

now they are welcomed to choose their desireable profession. Females would be able to

implement their ideas freely and photography to be a modern profession. Most of them agreed

that females do not get family support and they also have to face difficulties while working at

night. Bangladeshi culture becomes open-minded today and it will accept this kind of mentality

with open arms. Females have total rights into what profession they would want to choose.

Table of Contents
SL. No Name of the Topic Page No
1. Introduction 5
2. Background 6
3. Research Questions 6
4. Hypothesis 7
5. Methodology 7
6. Data Presentation and Analysis 8
7. Summary of Research Findings 20
8. Recommendation 20
9. Conclusion 21
10. References 22


Photgraphy refers to the art of taking and processing photographs. The basic philosophy behind
photography movement worldwide is to promote photography to the public as a widely
acccepted medium of art. Photography has become a good professionfor creative people, it is
very easy to learn, also considered as a sector of art. Today, a photographer doesn’t have to be
a male necessanly. It has become a good profession for both men and women where they can
earn a lot of money in a short period of time with less effort. Above all the noethern Europe
women opened studio’s in Danmark, France, Germany and Sweden. Even in Bangladesh, we can
find a numerous skilled amount of female photograsphers. Photography with perspective to
Bangladesh is generally concentrated into forms such as wedding photography, photo
journalism, street photography and fashion photograpgy.

Across the world, the number of independent working women is increasing at an exponential
raten tthan anytime before. They are becoming more educated thereby being able to decide
which career paths to choose. With regards to Bangladesh, the numbers are in contrast but the
scenario is slowly changing. Majority of females/young Students are not allowed to choose
their respective career paths and the society, the family, the workplace environment and
religious cultures are major factors that influence these decision making.

If a women has reative knowledge, talent, ambition and passion for photography then she
should choose photography as her profession. The outstanding and day by day the demand is
on the rise.

Women have made significant countibutions to photography since its early stage both as a
profession and an art. Anna Atkings (1797-1871) is recognised as the first female photographer
in the history (“Exploring Photography”,nod.). In Bangladesh, the first women forge

photography as a career is known to be Dilruba Khanam (as cited in Dilruba Khanam,
Photographher, 2011).

Female photographers were few during the century after Anna Atkin’s ground braking
photographic work. yet, in the last 50 years women, armed with a multitude of lenses and
camera, have changed the trend. On the function of whether this trend created a bright
prospect for women in Bangladesh and are there ideal opppotunities for women as a
photographer in Bangladesh, this research was conducted.

Research Questions
1. Would females prefer photography as their profession?
2. Is female photography accepted as a profession in Bangladesh?
3. In Bangladesh, what are the problems a female faces while being a photographer?
4. Are there enough institutes of accepted educational quality where females can learn
5. What is the level of recognition of Bangladeshi female photographers across the world?

Women of Bangladesh aare offen not allowed to choose photography as their profession. But of
those who have already ventured into this career, they currently stand strong and are easily
competing head-to-head with their male counterparts. As photography requires more creativity
and more fashion sense, men are at a loss as comared towomen.

Moreover, a female photographer can spend ample time with her family and also continuw to
pursue her profession while earning a handsome amount of money. However, a female
photographer faces hardless due to lack of motivation, support and restrictions of society and

Research Methodology

From my primary research, I will conduct a survey of a representative sampling of 30 NSU

students and faculty members and interview them about their knowledge on female
photography . I will also try to find out the place of female photographer in Bangladesh . For my
secondary research, I plan to use the online news articles and will consult some people who are
knowing about photography. I will also use the internet and the standard search engines like

Results of Primary Research

During my primary research, I had conducted a survey of 30 students, faculties and
photographers and interviewed themabout their knowledge on female photographers
potential, problems faced and future in Bangladesh.

The overhead pie chat shows the gender response. I directed a survey with 30 students, faculty
and photographers. Out of 30 people, 80 percent is female and 20 percent is male. So it can be
said that females are more accountable than males. Though it is important to collect data from
both gender.

In This research, I separated the respondent into three age limits. Though, I cleared that from
the upwards chart 46.7 percent of them are fallen between 22-26 age limit and 36.7 percent of
them are fallen between 18-21 age and 16.7 percent of them are fallen between 27-35 age limit

The first question I asked them was what the understood about photography. Majority of those
interviewed (66.7%) stated that photography to them was an art of taking and processing
pictures. The percentage of people who thought photography to be a hobby or a creative
profession were equal. The rest termed photography as a mere time-pass.

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The second questions I asked them was what kind of profession is photography. In this survey
questions none of them choose their answer as photography is a bad profession. In this reason i
understand that photography is a good profession. The major share of people (53.3%) have
stated that photography is a creative profession. Almost (33.3%), Stated that photography is an
interesting profession. In the last moment (13.3%) agreed that photography is a non-profitable

11 | P a g e
The third questions I asked them was why they thought females were more attracted into
choosing photography as a profession. The opinions of the interviewed all of them varried in
proportionate amounts with regards to their answer. Some (16.7%) thought females were
attracted due to the amount of payment while another one-fifth of the total group said due to
taking it as an easy profession. One third of the group stated that females would be able to
implement their ideas freely. In comparison to all, a little more than one-third of those
interviewed confirmed photography to be a modern profession.

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The sampling group were also asked are female allowed for photography. The major share of
people (46.7%) have stated that yes, because now peopl’s attitude have change towards
women. Almost (30%), Stated that no some family are afraid about this profession. They need
more sequrity about this profession. A smaller portion also pointed out that No, they are not
allowed to choose their profession as a photographer(13.3%). Finally (10%)% of the people
thought that some family think that female have no right to choose their own profession. .

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In another Question I had asked what are the difficulties females are facing in this profession.
While replying two major factors came into play, most of them agreed that females do not get
family support and they also have to face difficulties while working at night. 43.3% and 40%
respectively. A smaller portion also pointed out that females have to face discrimination at
work from males (13.3%). Finally 3.6% of the people thought that in Bangladesh always have an
inclination towards hiring male photographers.

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I had then proposed the question of Bangladeshi culture, would it accept a female if she
pursues a career as a photographer. The major share of people (60%) have stated that
Bangladeshi culture is an open-minded one today and it will accept this kind of mantality with
open arms. It must also be noted that none of those interviewed considered Bangladeshis
muslim majority to be an issue for the culture to forcefully reject this career path. Almost
(26.7%), Stated that they do not think the culture may accept it due to the fact of the culture
being a conservative one. The remaining rest mentioned that the culture in Bangladesh does
not enercise enough leniency while allowing the women to fulfil their rights.

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When the sampling group were asked if they would accept photography as a career, none of
them considered photography not be an hoonourable profession. 16.7% of the those who
answered the questionaire said that they would prefer some other job other than photography.
The lion share admitted to accept if there while a potential market in the country (43.3%) while
the rest (40%) mentioned it to be a good job.

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The sampling group were also asked if there were enough institutes for female photographers
to learn in the country, the highest portion agreed to the fact that there are enough institutes
of higher studies for anyone to pursue knowladge in photography. At 10% each thought that
Bangladeshi people had negligible knowledge about photography or the females were not
allowed into some higher level photography institutes. The rest admitted to Bangladesh haring
a large member of photography clubs.

17 | P a g e
While ending the questionnaire, the sample units were asked what they thought about
Bangladeshi female photographers capability to represent the country on an international
platform. The maximum amount of people belived that Bangladeshi female photograpy have
the seriousness in their professional spirit to carry the beacon of Bangladesh on any
international photography platform. A contrasting 26.7% refuted the idea because they thought
that the percentage of skilled female photographers were way too low. About 3.3% considered
female photographers of Bangladesh to b lazy while the other 10% reasoned that these females
did not enjoy enough rights for their profession. Hence, both these groups rejected the idea
presented in the questionnaire.

18 | P a g e
Finally, whenof the respondents were quizzed if they would inspire / support any female family
member or friend to accept photography as a profession, most of them responded positively.
45.2% stated that they thought it is a good profession for everyone and 48.4% considered that
females have total rights into what profession the would want tochoose. A minority considered
female incapable of this profession while another few did not accept this.

19 | P a g e
Summury of Research Findings
The data I collected is partially matched with my hypothesis.

Females would be able to implement their ideas freely and photography to be a modern
Most of them agreed that females do not get family support and they also have to face
difficulties while working at night.

Bangladeshi culture is an open-minded on today and it will accept this kind of mentality with
open arms.

Females have total rights into what profession would want to choose.

Female photography is a well-established profession. Our society should give females the right
to choose their desirable profession. When they are given the right to choose their desirable
profession, they can apply their ideas. By doing so they actually do better in their profession.

Everyone both male and female are equal. So we should not ignore their talents rather we
should encourage their talents. When they become experienced in their profession they can
actually represent our country internationally.

20 | P a g e
Female Photography is a highly appreciable profession, although we all know that we live in a
conservative society where females are not allowed to choose their profession. But nowadays
perception towards female changes. Initially they are not welcomed to choose their desirable
profession. But as perception changes towards females so they are given the right to choose
their desirable profession.

21 | P a g e

Mary,W.(2013 April 11) Photography: A Cultural History.

Retrieved from

Akhter, T. (2011). Activist and photographer. Retrieved from

Siddiqua, F. Z. (2016, June 3). The Girl With A Rolleicord. SPOTLIGHT.

Retrieved from


Newhall, Beaumont (1982). The history of photography: from1839 to the present. Museum of
Modern Art. ISBN 978-0-87070-381-2. Retrieved 19 November 2017.

Buckland, Gail (1980).  Fox Talbot and the invention of photography. D. R. Godine.  ISBN  978-0-87923-307-5.
Retrieved 11 April  2013.

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