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Extend the life

of your Yankee


BTG Tissue
machine 4.0

Confidence in the future

Vigilance PRO


Blade Vibration Monitoring

Chatter marks on the Yankee are a common problem that can
damage the Yankee surface, and lead to early regrinding. But,
with early detection using a vibration monitoring system (VMS)
on the creping blade, you can address vibration before it causes
damage. By recording blade changes and comparing vibration
at every point in the blade life, Vigilance PRO can detect
problems earlier than other VMS alternatives, giving you more
time to react. Furthermore, our automated analysis and
easy-to-use interface help to diagnose the cause of the vibration,
so you know how to respond. With vibration firmly under control,
you have the freedom to focus on increasing production and
improving paper quality.

A Simple User Interface

A quick response is essential to address vibration problems,
COST and so a VMS is only effective if vibration problems can be
REDUCTION identified the moment they start. This requires clear information,
that can be interpreted in seconds, without expert knowledge.
Control your Vigilance PRO puts all the key information on a single screen,
blade usage so you can recognise a problem at a glance. Automatic
with automated benchmarking and comparisons with past performance are
tracking easy to interpret, requiring very little training to use the system
with confidence. Detailed diagnostics are only one click away
when you need them, so you can act quickly to prevent Yankee
damage or paper quality problems.

Extend your grind interval
by preventing chatter
damage on your Yankee

Confidence in the future

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