Chapter 3 Research Methods

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Chapter 3 Research methods

Data Sources:
Primary and Secondary data were used for this study. Primary data were collected through the
questionnaire. Secondary data were collected from texts, journals and magazines.

The five-points Likert scale is used for statements in questions ranging from strongly agree to strongly
agree. The numerical values (1-5) were given for the purpose of quantification of qualitative variables.

Quantitative research is a method of elaborating of a problem, or a complication through
assimilating data in numeric form and using statistical techniques to inspect a selected statistic
(Gunderson, 2002). Drislane (2011) defined qualitative research as a research made through
inspection and anamnesis gains a narrative and striking account of price is defined as qualitative
research. These techniques are mostly employed by social scientists customarily to reject
positivism and cling a sort of interpretive sociology. Exploratory research is employed if there is
no sufficient comprehension regarding a phenomenon and there is no procedure to prove the
subject matter of research. (Saunders, 2007). According to (Grey, 2014), an explanatory study
succours to elucidate the anecdotal information. Since descriptive or expository suggests ‘what’
type of quiries are to be raised, explanatory seems to catechize ‘why’ and ‘how’ of any question.
(Clark ,2007) defines by saying that deductive researchers function with “top to bottom”
approach, beginning with theory to hypothesis. In contradistinction, the inductive researcher
functions with “bottom to top” approach using different partakers in the light of creating a
conclusive theory and making a whole picture.

“For the purpose of our research study, quantitative and deductive approach is used. This
research study is explanatory in nature.”

Research Design:
Leedy (2010) argued that Correlational Research manages making a connection between at least
two factors in similar populaces or among the comparative factors of two populace. Causal
Research is a sort of non-testing measure in which researcher recognize the domino effect
between various classes of individuals in which non-partisan variable is available or missing and
to decide does the classes of individuals vary on dependent variable (Nerve, 2007). According to
Babbie (1998) A research study hold fast carefully to a logical examination plan. It might
incorporate speculation and factors that can be estimated, analyzed or controlled. Fundamentally,
controlled or steady environment complement to complete experimental research. The research is
conjectured on argument whether it backs or rejects the hypothesis. This technique for testing is
alluded as deductive exploratory research method or hypothesis testing. (Kothari, 2001) saw that
a descriptive plan research is utilized when analyst needs some data on an individual's current
status or target.
The study adopted correlation research designs as we find relationship between
independent and dependent variables.
This research is conducted to determine the impact of green marketing on customer satisfaction.
Sample framework of this research can be framed through knowing target population, sample
size and applying sampling techniques to above two variables.
Target Population:
Target population is a group of people that are required for the research and analysis. The target
population for this research are the individuals that are of age (25-50) as millennials are main
buying decision makers in any market.
Sample Size:
Sample size is the number of participants that are needed to conducted the particular research.
384 is the ideal sample size taken for this research. As the population size for the matter of
survey was unknown, therefore Cochran's formula is used to determine the sample size.
Sampling Technique:
Sampling technique is divided into two groups: probability and non-probability that are used in
research. Sampling techniques are of two types probability and non-probability. Probability
sampling is done randomly and every participant get equal chance of selection. It includes simple
random sampling, systematic random sampling, stratified random sampling and cluster random
sampling. The second group of sampling is non-probability sampling, in which different criteria
of selection is used and based on subjective judgement of researcher. It includes quota, snowball,
purposive and convenience sampling. In the simple random sampling, each member of
population has same and equal chance to get selected. In systematic sampling whole population
data is required and one unit after each selected interval is considered randomly. In stratified
random sampling on the basis of common attributes and characteristics groups are made from
population. In cluster random sampling, geographically large group of population is divided to
get selected. In purposive sampling population is selected on the basis of researcher judgements.
In snowball sampling other participants are hired to research for the particular study. In quota
sampling common characters are filter step by step from homogenous population to collect data.
In convenience sampling data is collected conveniently from everywhere without any restriction.
For the purpose of this research, there is no requirement of sampling technique. However
unrestricted non probability sampling technique is used in this research.

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