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puper; ploce: rink: ruxtm,. saucter,. ,;lalion,. suil; lone: longs,.

tillotp: y'oiltdtt 44. Match the following compound ad.iectives with their
I . hearing... 9. banqueting... I 7. lirting... meanings. Use the compounds in sentences of your own:
2. banquetirrg... 10. dining... 18. fl,r,ing...
l. ear-splitting 2. thought-provoking
3.bathirrg... ll.dressirrg... l9.fiying... 3. hair-raising 4. mouth-watering
4. blotting... 12. drinking... 20. weeping... 5. eye-catching 6. mind-blowing
5. boarding... | 3. driving. .. 2l . r-nagnifying...
7. spine-chilling 8. mind-boggling
6. carving... 14. e-vening... 22. skating... 9, mind-numbing 10. heart-warming
7. clearring... I 5. fbeding... 23. revolving... I l. heartbreaking 12. heart-rending
8. curling... 16. filling. .. 24. dwelling...
13. bloodcurdling 14. earth-shattering
a) interesting in a way that makes you think of new ideas
b) making you feel very sad or upset
43. Match the compt.runds with their rneanings. Use the c) making you feel very frightened
compourrds in sentences ol'your own. d) extremely loud
l. clean-living 2. double-dealing e) attractive and unusual (this makes it easily noticed)
3. easy-listening 4. electron ic publish ing 0 very frightening (often exciting at the same time)
5. far-reaching 6. fast-talking g) (about food) that smells/looks very well
7. forced landing h) very frightening
a) pretending that you do one thing while you do the i) making you feel happy
opposite j) making you feel very sad and unsympathetic because
b) makirrg a planc land because ol'an emergency someone is suffering
c) talking very quickly,, especially because your k) extremely impressive, exciting or shocking
intention is to persuade' people to buv sornetlring you are l) very large, unusual or complicated
sc'llirrs m) extremely boring
d) relaxin,g rnusic without cornplicated tunes or a strong n) surprising and important
beat 45. Match the following compounds with their meanings. Use
e) somebody wh<r leads a lif-e that is healthy and them in sentences of vour own:
rnorally good l. clean-up 2. clear-out
t) with effects orr a lot of people or things in an 3. climb-down 4. cut-up
irnportant way 5. drop-off 6. dropout
g) publishing books or documents in a form that vou can 7. face-off 8. fill-up
read on a computer a) someone who leaves school/college without having
finished the course of study
b) upset or even offended

Example: gifted - skil... glad - joy...
adaptatiorr - adjust... ; adaptation - adjustment happy - cheer... hardness - diff.icult...
- hideous - fiight... irnmediately - instant...
ambiguity - vague.... amusement - enjoy..... incorrect - fault... indefinite - doubt...
assistance - sustain.... anger - bitter......
benevolence - good...... boredom - dull..... 7. Add the suffixes -/ess or -ing to the fbllowing roots or
casual - occasion .... comical - farcic.... stems, to form synonyms for:
customary - convention..... enthusiasm - eager..... Example:
essential - fundament.... disease - sick......
fascination - enchant...... f-eud - bitter.....
ambitious - demand...; ambitious - demandizg
fidelity - faitlrful.. ... firm - establish..... anxious - rest... attractive-charm...
fury - mad.... game - amuse...... barbarous - heart... bold - fbar...
gloom - dark..... gratitude - grateful.. ... boundless - end... boundless - limit...
groMh - develop.... grudge - bitter. ... brave - fbar... easy --effort...
heroism - bold... honesty - fair.... helpless - dcfence... ignorant - clue...
ignorance - blind.... illumination - bright.... incapable - help...

6. Add the suffixes -ful, -!, -l! ro the following roots 8. Check the following lists of compound words or phrases
stems to fbrm synonyms fbr the following words:
(a) and try to find their corresponding synonyms among the
Example: words included in the other lists (b):
Example; leave behind : abandon
doubt.. .; ambiguous - doubt/z/
a) on tenterhooks; by oneself; make known; higher than; in
aloud - loud. ... aloud - distinct... the middle ol sum total; time-worn; every time; do justice to;
anemic - chalk... anxious - l'ear ... to the point
aromatic - savour... arrogant - disdain... b) appropriate; always; above; anxious; announce; amount;
available - hand... beautiful - grace... alone; appreciate; among; ancient
beautiful - love... bold - cheek...
careful - mind... carelul - watch... a) green light; good-looking; sweet-smelling; all over; at
cautious - care... communicative - chat... hand; for example; high and mighty; in isolation; get rid of;
convenient - hand... dainty - grace... hind part
entertaining - delight... evil - hurt... b) approval; banish; aside; back; arrogant; around; as;
faith - honest... loggy - cloud... attractive; avai lable; aromatic
forcef-ul - power... forever - constant...


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