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Introduction to Centrifugal
. . and Inertia governors• Force,analys·is ·of governors- Porter and: Hartnell governors
Performance charactenst1cs of governors, Gov~mors effort and power. '

1.1 Introduction

The function of a flywheel is to limit the cyclic variations of

speed due to cyclic fluctuations of energy.
However, a flywheel is ncit able to control the changes in 1. The function of flyW.heel The function of a governor
speed du~ to variation of load on the engine. The variation in is to control . the speed is to keep th_e variation in
variations caused by the mean speed of the engine
load can only be met by adjusting the steam supply in case of
fluctuations of turning within prescribed limits
steam engines or steam turbines or by adjusting the fuel
. moment during a cycle. due to the fluctu.ations in
supply in case of l.C. Engines. .
load over a period of time.
When the load.on the engine decreases, its speed will keep on
2. Mathematically, a Mathematically, a .
increasing till the supply of working fluid is cut-off according oN
flywheel controls T. gpvemor controls ON.
to load on the engine. . ut
The converse action required if the load .on the engine 3. A flywheel stores the A governor regulates the
increases. energy and gives up the speed by regulating th~

The variations of load are met by using the governor. energy whenever quantity of charge of the
required during a cycle. prime mover.
Therefore, the function of a governor is to control the speed
of an engine within. prescribed liinits due to variation of loads 4. It regulates the speed It regulates the speed over
on the engine over a period of time. during one cycle only. a period of time.
5. A flywheel has no A governor takes care of
1.2 Comparison between Flywheel and
control over the quantity quantity of working·fluid.
of charge.

~ (MU - May 16, Dec. 16) 6. A flywheel is not an It is an essential element of

essential element for ever a prime mover
... since it
prime mover. It is only does adjustment of supply
used when there are of charge ·according to the
undesirable cyclic load on'the engine. ·
fluctuations of energy in
output or input.

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D namlcs of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech) 1·2

1·3 Types of Governors

'J'.:>'Pt:t of governo

Centrtrugol governor
' . ~

~!".' ' (;
'\"Hartung -. jpf~rlng';;;
f govemor':. ,' governor''.·
~I- • ,~ ii;; ~ ,.";

Syllabus Topic : Introduction to Centrifugal


1.4 Centrifugal Governor
qy- Principle


itt Arm-A

Governer balls

Bell aank lever

t t .f.
Fig. 1.4.l(b) : Actual centrifugal governor

Schematic diagram of a simple governor· is shown in

Fig. 1.4.l(a). It consists of two governor balls of mass 'm'
each attached to the arms A-A which are pivoted at 'O' on
the spindle.
Fig. 1.4.l(a) : Schematic of Centrifugal governor
The lower links B-B are att~ched to the sleeve S. The sleeve
Centrifugal governors work on the principle of balancing the . is free to slide over the spindle but it rotates along with the
centrifugal . force on the rotating balls by an equal and spindle.
opposite radial force called as the controlling force .. Lower stops (P 1) and upper stops (P2 ) are provided to limit
the travel of sleeve. The controlling force is provided by the
mass of the sleeve. . .

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· D namlcs of Machine MU.- Sem 5 - Mech 1-3 ..Govemor5
er Operation
actual change of engine speed. But in Case of inertia governor
•, The spindle of the govemo~ is driyen by the crank shaft of the throttle valve is operated by rate of change of speed_.
engine through bevel gears. Thus response of inertia governor is than that of
When the output of the engine is equal to the load, the engine centrifugal governor.
and governor will rotate at a unifonn mean speed. The radius er The working principle la 88 follows
of rotation of balls will be such that the outward centrifugal
force (m • Ol
• r) is just balanced by the inward con~olling The inertia type of governor i~ shown in Fig. 1.5.1. These
type of governors work on a different principle compared to
force provided by .the inw~ controlling force provided by centrifugal governors.
the weight of sleeve.
In lhese type, the gove~or balls are so arranged that the
In case the load on the engine decreases, the speed of the" inertia force caused by an angular ~eleration or retardation
engine and that of the governor would increased: Due to this, of the governor shaft 'O', the ball C tend to its position.
the centrifugal force on governor balls increase and it will out The balls are attached on arm AC and Q 1B is the spring
balance th~ controlling force. Consequently, the balls fly which controls the displacement of the "governor balls and
outwards and ' sleeve will ' move upwards. This . upwa~ds .· also alters the energy suppliCd to the. engine. Fig. 1.5.l(a)
shows the position of the ball when the disc speed is ro 1•
movement of sleeve is transmitted to a throttle valve through
bell-crank lever which closes the supply of working fluid.
Due to the reduced supply of working fluid, the engine output
reduces and balances the load on the engine and the speed of
engine reduces it comes to new speed.
Conversely, if the load on the engine increases, speed
decreases, sleeve will moye downwards and the fuel supply
valve opening increases. This increases the charge supplied to
the engine corresponding to the load on the engine, hence, the (a) (b)
speed increases.
Fig. 1.5.1 : Inertia governor ·
This variation of speed. obtained with different loads has to be
If the ·load on the engine decreases, the speed of · the disc
within the prescribed limits for which the governor is ,increases to . Ol2 and it is subjected to an angular
designed. The total travel of the sleeve is restricted by the acceleration, °"2·
lower and upper stop~ which. correspond t~ no_load and A _c~!ltrifugal force is exerted on the governor ball and· the
maximum load positions. arm is displaced to the right. The energy supplied to the
engine is cut-off till new equilibrium position is attained.
Syllabus Topic : Introduction to Inertia Governor The inertia governors have an advantage over the centrifugal
governor because they give more rapid response to the
change of load since the displacement of the governor balls is
1.5 Inertia Governor
determined by the rate of change of speed of the engine shaft.
However, it is not possible to achieve the complete balance of
~ (MU· May 15)
revolving · parts of the inertia .governors. Due to this
disadvantage of the inertia governors, these are not used
usually compared to centrifugal governors.

1.6 Terminology used in Governor

As name suggests, inert.fa governors, use the property of Refer Fig. 1.6. l.
inertia i.e. to continue in its present state. They are directly (1) HE:ight of tlie governor (h)
attached to the main shaft of engine.
It is the vertical distance measured from the centre of balls
They have horizontal rotation. Their masses rotates in
mass to the point of intersection of upper arms or arms
vertical plane. Position of ball is changed due to forces set up
produced on the axis of the spindle. It is denoted by 'h' .
by an angular acceleration or retardation.
Fig. l.6.1 shows the height of governor for various
In case of centrifugal governor throttle valve is operated by
configurations of a governor.
ff Ttdll111111ledgii
'-1" P ubllc1tlons

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D narn1 ·
cs of Machine MU • Sem.5 • Mech

o· ;,+,. ~


mrm 2

, D

(a) : . . (b)
·FJg. J.6.1: Terminology used J~ goyerno.r
(2) "'
Equilibrium sp~ "' .. _.... . f


It is the speed at which governor balls, rums . are in
. . , .·

It is the Speed at mean position of balls ~r sleeve.

comple~ equilJbrium and there is. no a~y
moverne .
nt or sJ

. ., ee.,.c .

Maximum equilibrium speed ·'
It is the speed at maximum radius of rotation of balls.
,.' l\fJnimum equilibrium speed
It is the s.......~ t . . . .
· ,,_.. a nummum rad ms <>f rotation of balls.·
Radius or rotation
It is the horizo[)tal distance from the axis of rotation to the ce~tre of ball mass at any. speed.

(7) Sleeve lift ..

. .
It is the vertical distance ~veiled by slee~e due to change in eqitilibri~ ·speed.

1.7 Watt Governor

Fig. 1.7. l .shows the simplest form of centrifugal governor or Watt governor. Fig. 1.7.1 .shows the three different an-.; ~ ·
watts governor. . ngellleici
0 ~o

} D

(a) (b) (c)

Fig.1.7.1: Wa~ governor

Tldl. .
v ,.uu1111

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Dynamics of Machine (MU • Sem 5 - Mech) '1·5 Govemors

Watt go~cmor consist.$ of a pair of balls which arc attached to

the spindle with the help of links or arms. h = (2~tiy
In Fig. 1.7.l(a) upper links. are pinned at 'O'. Iri Hg. l.7.'I(b)
9.81 895
... (l.7.2)
the upper links arc connected by a horizontal link and
= (2~N:f =w-
governor is known as open-arm type watt governor.
In Fig. 1.7.l(c) the upper links cross the spindle and arc
connected by horizontal link and known as a ttossed-ann
watt governor. h
1be lower links in all above cases are fixed to a sleeve which
is free to move on the vertical spindle.

er Analysls of Watt Governor

(a) First method {Resolution or rorces method)

In this analysis it is assumed thnt mass of llftllS, links, sleeve

are negligible in comparison with the mnss of the bnlls nnd
therefore, neglected in the analysis.

Let. m = Mass of e.ach ball in kg.; (a) Watt governor

w = Weight of each ball= mg
T = Tension in the :um
= Angular \'elocity of the. balls :llld :urns
r = Radial disuncc of ball-centre from spindle-
Fe = c.entrifugal forc.c acting on ball= m • ol" • r
h = Height of governor. mg

Each bJ.11 \n1l be in equilibrium under the action of following (b) Free body diagram orny-ball
forces: Fig. 1.7.2 : Forces acting on Watt governor
(I) Centrifugal fccce acting on ball i.e. Fe= m • ol • r (b) Second method (Instantaneous centre method)
(2) The Leruico Tin upper arm Refer Fig. 1.7.3.
(3) The \\·eight of the ball W =m • g Since the sleeve B moves up and down it works as a slider
and its velocity in.vertical direction. It's centre of rotation.
Coo-rid.."i' Fig. 1.7..l{b). applying Lame's theorem we get.
lies at a line min horizontal direction.
2-. m·w ·r m·g Whereas, A revolves about A and its peripheral velocity is in
sin 90 = rin ( lW - a) =sin (90 +a)
direction perpendicular to OA at A. It's centre of rotation lies
m • at • r _ .!!!...:..&. on extension of link OA.
:. T
= rinu - cos a
Therefore, OAB acts a single slider crank chain mechanism
m • (!)r _ .E...:..!.

with OA as oscillating crank, B as slider and AB as
sin a - ros a
connecting Tod. Hence, I represents the instantaneous centre
m·w'2 ·r w2 ·r of link 3 w.r.t. link 1.
tan a= =- -
m·g g
Taking moments about I,
But. tan a=
(m • ci:l • r) AD =(m • g) ID
2 1 g
ID g
r CD • r or o> = -r ·---·tan ex
.. h = g
AD - r
g r g
.. b = ~ (l)
... (1.7.1) ol =-;- ''h =-;-
h =~ ... Same as Equation (1.7.1)

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. Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem s - Mech) · 1;.s · · : :. ··· ·· Gove~
9.81 895 the Wntt governor is unsuitable for high SOP...... • ·,. ••
h ·= (2~"t5)2 ~NT ...Same as Equation (1.7.2) , , .. Hence! · r'"'"'lll.• It'-::
. bl 1 low speeds in the range of 60 to 80 rpm. · . .. !&·,
; ' only smta ea · - · . . <~,
Ex.1.7.1 · . . · : : . . . ~ '.
mor is shown m Fig. P. 1.7.1 m Which the ·! .

A Watt govoecm long and it Is inclined at 30° from the v '-'PPer'··

arms are 3 . ht and radii. of rotation of governor ert1"~i· -q.
Find the he1g · . · · and k.
. . speed. If the speed Is increased by 8% ·11·"d !~
h equlhbnum .. , , .. . • ., u, ..
. height of the governor.
change rn ,, e· ,'.
Soln.: · ·· ·.., · 1

ReferFig. P. I.7.1. · ·· · '· ·. . ; ·... · 1 •

//a Height of governor,

/ h = OA cos a. = 30 cos 30
113 / / . mg ' ' ..
h ·= 25.98cm
L - - - -_-.-:-D - - - - - B 41 I • • '1

Radii of rotation,
r - = 30 sin 30 =15 cm
From Equation (J.7.2) speed of Watt govern.or is,

· N=~=~
Therefore, we find that the results obtained by either method
is same. ..

1.7.1 Limitations of Watt Governor =

58.69 rpm ·' ···Ans.
~ (MU - Dec. 12) New speed, N 1 =1.08 N =1.08 x 58..69 = 63.385 rpm

University Question
...... ~...... \ ' . .. h, = 78951 .
Q. State the.Umitati0ns of Watt Governor: 895
=0.2228 m ' ,
From Equation (1.7.2)
895 K .. .(i)
h = ~=-~
N" N"
Ditferentiiting .EqU3tion (i) WJ.L N
db 2K a~ 1.
dN = - NJ =- \..W)

which may be writren as,

2K ON ...(1.7.3)
Sh = - Jf .N

From .Eqaarioo (1.7.J to 1.7.3), it follows that :

(i) Speed of the g~vernor is independent of mass 'm' of fly balls
Fig. P. 1.7.1
according to .Equation (J.7.1).

(ii) Height of governor is inversely proportional to square of Change in height is, oh =h - h 1 =0.2598 - 0.2228
speed according tD .Equation (1.7.2). .. oh = 0.0370 m = 3.7 cm ••• Ans.

(Iii) The cbMJge in height Ob of governor and change in speed ON

of go\'ernor have opposite signs and the change in height of
governor is inversely proportional to square of speed
according to Equation (1. 7.3).
It implies that at high speeds, the change in height oh is
small. Therefore, the watt governors for a small change in speed at Refer Fig. P. 1.7.2.

high speeds would not be able to adjust the fuel supply effectively.

- eTtdlKallllHtf
Y Pu1r1 1c1tltU

Dy·namics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 1-7 · Governors

The working of governor .is· same as discussed earlier in

section 1.4.
Let, m = Mass of each ball ··
w = Weight of each ball
h M = Mass of central load
w = Weight of the central·load
h = Height of the governor
r =
Radius of rotation
.. A 2
F, = Centrifugal force on the ball = m·ro ·r
N =· Speed of ball in rpm
Fig. P.1.7.2
Height of governor, a. = Angle of inclination of upper arm to the
h = OA cos a.= 400 cos 30
~ · = Angle of inclination of lower arm to the·
:. h = 364.41mrfi=0.364 m ••• Ans. . vertical
Radii of rotation r =400 sin 30 = 200 mm ... Ans.
We know that, speed of Watt governor is, " Analysts of Porter governor (Instantaneous center

= ·-~-~
N \J-
h =-\J Q.364 = 49.58 rpm .•• Ans.
Since the sleeve B moves vertically, its centre of rotation is
:. Change in height is, along a horizontal from B.
h1 = h- 20 =364.41- 20 =344.41 mm The point A on link AB which is also the point on link OA
= 0.344m moves in an arc of circle with centre 0, hence, the centre of
rotation of A on AB is along the line OA produced.
. . New speed is,
Hence, 'I' is the point of intersection of horizontal line at B
. • % increase in ~peed is, and the extension of line OA · produced. It represents the
instantaneous centre of link AB. . I
N1-N 51-49.58
~x 100 51 x 100=2.78% ••. Ans. Considering the equilibrium of all the forces fo~ 'iert half of
the governor and taking ·moments a.bout I, we get;

Syllabus Topic : Force Analysis of Porter Governor

F,·AD = m·g·ID+-- (IB)

1.8 Porter Governor m·ro2 ·r = m·g AD (ID) +-2-

M·g (ID+DB)
. . .M•g . .'
Fig. 1.8.1 shows the Porter governor. = m • g tan a. + -
-(tan a.+ tan~)
To overcome the defects of a Watt governor, sleeve is loaded
by a dead weight as shown in Fig. 1.8.1. m. w2 • r = g· tan.a.[m.+ ~ (1 + :~)]
= g ·~a. [ m +~ .Cl + q)]
. ...-.yhere, ~ =t;;;a
But tan a. = h (from fl. OAC)
.. 2
m·ro ·r = g_·~ [m+~(l+q)]
/ a
~ m [1+~(1+q)]
mg .. m · ro
L _____ _
I 0
.. 0)2
= ~. [1+~(l+q)]
Mg Mg .. h = ~ [1+~(l+q)] : .. (1.8.1)
2 2
since, (J) =
Fig. 1.8.1 : Porter governor 60

. . Ttdlb1•ld1e
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MU • Som Ci • Moch 1·8
-. G l
overno,1 }j

... h • ~NIJ~ [ 1+ ;hl- (I +11l] ... ( l.H.2) ·

aact• downwards, 'me eovemor •lccvt will not be lirlcd up till >J . It l11u oven:omc the friction force. New speed "'1 c11n be VveQ -.1
If nll 11r11111 nrl' equnl ln knglh niul they 1titr1~c1 on lho 1ul1 or I~. ' '1
spllllllli, thr11, h • ~ [1 + (~.:')(I +q)J
...(l.8.7J -.·j
11111 r1
t:t 0 ll,llc1wr, 11 ... - ,. I (r) When lo:ad on rhc engine incrca.11C$, lhe Apecd of govctn<,,. · ·1
Inn 11.
lclllll ro cJecreallC, conM:t1ucn1ly. sleeve 1encJ~ 10 move down
l!qu11tl1111~ ( 1.N. I) nml O .!1.2) rcducu~ 111
111111 fric1ionnl force(-:- fJ comes into piny.

R [. .....;n
h .. -;;; M] ·rt M ·]
ftlJS [ 1+"' .. .c1.8.J>
·nic sleeve will nol move down 1ill ir has overcome the .
fricrJon. New C!JUilibrium speed °'2 al the 'ame of height of
11' 111:1ss (lf Jend weight M Is negligible i.e. M • 0, &1u111ion governor will he, .
(1.8.:\) rclh1ccs to 1~111111iun (1.7.l) of W1111 governor.111e height of
j;OVC'nlOr Cl\11 be lncren~ed hy lncrenslnt: the lllllSS of cfc11<J wdghl.
h = 4 [1 + ( \~ : f) (I +
q)J •.. ( f.8.8)

l)lt)'crentl111lnl1 llqun1lo11 ( 1.8.J) wilh 1'1!5f>C''t lo N, We say thal die governor is JnsensltJvc In the range ohJ>tt'd
RQ~ x 2 l\N ( M) (w,) to ((l).J. (lnscnsitiveness of governor has been explained at the
~h a -tT°XN I +m ... (J.8.4)
later secrion).
II is clenr from Equation (1.8.4) lluu tho Porter govcnior can
lio made more cffccllvo comp1uecJ lo Watt governor by increasing Ex. 1.8.1
M , A .porter governor has all four arms 250 mm long. The upper
m rllhO.
·arms are atlached on the axis of rotation and the lower anns
are attached lo the sleeve al a distance of 40 mm from the
1.8.1 Effect of Friction axis. The mass of each ball Is 6 kg and sleeve has mass of
W1.1 know 1h11t Frlcllonnl force nlways oppo:~es the dirccLion 70 kg. Determine the equilibrium speed of lhe governor, for
of morion. 'fheroforo, when sleeve rends lo move up, the the radius of rotation of 200 mm.
frlc1lo11ul forcu •r wlll net in downward direction and assist
tho slcovo weishr W (Mg). Hence, total force on ·sleeve is
(W + t). . Given: Length of all arms = 250 mm ;
W/it"n the slccv" h11s 11 tendency to move down nlong the i.e. AB = BC= 250 mm
splncl/o, lhe force of fricrlon will ucl upwnrds nod 1he net DE= 40mm;
force on sleeve will be (W - t).
The cqu11tion for l1cight of Porler governor given by Equnlion , Mnss of each ball, m = 6 kg
(J.8.5) can be wrirtcn 11s follows: Mass of sleeve, M = 70 kg

h = :2 [ + ~11 + q)]
l 2 (I
Radius of rotation, r = 200 mm
From Fig. P. 1.8.l,
or, h = :2 [ + ~1 : ~ + q)]
l 2 g (I

h = -;J [ + ~v + J
1 2 (1 q) ... (1.8.5)
wf1ere, W = M · g und w =m • g
W!1e11 friction force •r if taken into account, the Equation
mrro 2
(1.8.5) can be modified ns:

11 = :2 [1 +(~.~/)o +q)J
h = ,:~L1 + (~~;.: f) o + q)J .. . (l.8.6)

Therefore, t11e governor wiJI have three speeds at lhe same

radii of rotation i.e. nt !JJe same height of governor if friction is c
considered. It cnn be explained ns follows : 1
(a) ·Wl1en the load equals to power developed, governor rotates
under equilibrium condilion and f =Oand the speed is 'w' . T
(b) When load on engine decreases, the speed of governor tends
to increase l1ence, sleeve tends to move up nnd friction (+ f) Fig. P. 1.8.l

· Dynamics ot Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 1·9 . Governors ·

h = VAB 2
- BE ·=
V(250) 2
- (200)2
h =·. 150 n\m =150 x 10- 3 m
r · 200
tan ex =
h =150 =1.3333
BD = BE-DE=200-40= 160m.m
.. DC = VBC 2
=V2502 - 1602
- · mrm 2
= 1920937 mm
BD 160
tan 13 = i5C 192.0937 = =o.83292
tan 13 0.83292
q - -
tan ex 1.3333
q = 0.6247
Equilibri~ speed of governor at radius of rotation 200 mm is,
= ~ [ 1+ i! (1 + ~)] Mg
ci =
9.81 [ . 70 .
150xI0-3· l+w(l+0.6247)
J . (a) M~um radi!-!s

= 685.223
= w 26.1767 rad/s
; . """"60""' = 26.1767

N= 249.969 rpm .•• Ans. mr<i> 2

t~~1~8~ i'MiM&MiFMG•&ffitl·ma·11n.1&hdi~f~{~
f"' >''ti'• . ......... . .. _.... '~·:1.' ~- ..'t\i. ~·} _.,.. _~ . : t:-v ~"'~·~;_ ·~~:
i.J. h.f!.&m)S. <:Jf a PQi19.!.. govert}C?r:.a.r~ ~a~p :.~SQi:V,111\.ilong; ai:id
~i~~!"~9r1·~~~~~~:~[~~~~~1ji:~;~r!la~~~~(e~~~ ~J~~,t~:~~E9i
iand ~ mass : of. Ule Central sleeve<'is 25\;-kg: ''The' .radius?:ot
[i~!atio~of t!Je balls ~ .·1~..~'?1.~t1~1~~~.~~~eye:.6~~\~~~,~?;;~~i
r~ .
reaches. a ;varu·e_ of""'=·~200
-~~ ~
.::.;1:......... ... ..
.· mm . for ..••maximuin'
-·-· · ,··---~
• • . • ••• ,. . ..
. . .. ·""""' . ... -·.·"<]"/'

lDetennine the range of speed of the goven:ior. If the 'friction~

~_qhe. sl~~e ··s equ~nt to· 19.N·.~t l~d: o~_ten;;in:~ 6~~ ·2
r ·
Jtle ·:.::. - .
spe~ ··. mod'fiied · ·
rang~~--- ·· · -. · '· · ,-~ ., 4
__l.f. __• ~~~.-.::.::........:....._,._,_-"-,-..~:;:
(b) Maximum radius
Soln.: · Fig. P. 1.8.2
Gi\·en : Length of all arms = 250 mm i.e. AB = BC= 250 mm.
g M .
Arms are pivoted on the axis. We know that, w2 = .h [ 1 + 2m (1 + q)]
Mass of each ball, m =5 kg ; Mass of sleeve, M = 25 kg
Minimum radius, r 1 =150 mm; Maximum radius, r2 = 200 mm. .. ro,
= :, [1+~(l+q)]
Case I : Speed range \lithont considering friction .. ro, = 2009.81
x 10- 3
2x 5
(a) Minimum speed (N1) i.e. at r 1 =150 mm .. WI 13.10 rad/s
From Fig. P. l.8.2(a), .. 60 = 13.10
h = ....j-25-0..,.2 ---1-so-=2
.. N1 = 125.11 rpm
= 200 mm =200 x 10- 3 m (b) Maximum speed (Nz) i.e. at r 1 =200 mm
tan a 1 = tan 131 . •. r: Arms are of equal length] From Fig. P.l.8.2(b)
tan 131 h2 = -../.-2-50_2___2_00""'2 .
q = --=I
tan a 1
= 150 mm= 150 x 10- m

P u b llt1llons

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Dynamics of Machinery MU. Sem·s. Mech)
·i We know that, 2 g [ .M ]
(1)2 = h2 1 + 2in (1 + q)

= -1509.81
x 10-"'3' [ 1 + 2X5
25 J
... ~ = 15.12 rnd/s
(I + 1)

~ = 15.12 - t • .

N2 144.47 rpm=
Range of speed is, ·
Range of speed = N2 -N1 =14~.47-125.11
= 19.36 rpm- · ... Ans.
Given : Length of all arms= 250 mni i.C:-AB =BC= 250 nun.
.Case 2 : Speed range with considering friction of 10 N
Arms are pivoted on the axis.
(a) Minimum speed (N1) i.e. 150 mm Mass of each ball, m .- 30 kg ;

h = :;
g [ M·g±f
l + 2 • m. g (l + q)
J Mass of sleeve = 200 kg
Minimum radius, r 1 = 150 mm;
Maximum radius, r2 = 200 mm.
~2 l ~ ~~:: f)J
Butq = 1 1

:. h = [ .. . (i) Case I : Speed range without considering friction

We' know that ~hen radius is minimum, angular speed is (a) Minimum speed (N1) i.e. at r 1 =150 mm
minimum (i.e. w1) and sleeve moves downwards. Frictional force From Fig. P. l.8.3(a),
acts upwards and hence negative -sign is taken with frictional force.
Substituting the values in Equation'(i); · . h, = V2502 - 1502 = 200 mm= 200 x 10 . m

tan ex, = tan ~I Arms are of equal length]

co~ [1+(~~;f)J
... [·:
= :.
:. q =~=I
2 = 9.81
(200 x 10- 3)
[1 _+ (25(5x x9.81-
10)] tan a,

= 16.86 rad/sec
We know that, co :d
f [ l + ~ (1 + q)]
= t. [1 + ~ (1 ~ q)]
= 16.86 :. ro,
. N1 = 161.01 rpm
= 2009.81
x 10-
[i + 2200
(1 + I)]
(b) Maximum speed (Nz) i.e. at r 2 =200 mm
.. co, = 19.39 rad/s
We know that when radius is maximum, angular speed is
. 2nN1
maximum (i.e. ~) and sleeve moves upwards. Frictional force acts . . 60 = 19.39 N1 = 185.18 rpm
do\Vnward and positive sign is W.en with frictional force in
Equation (i).

.. (02
= _! [
h2 I+
( M •g +
.. 2 9.81 [ _- (25 x 9.81 + 10)]
co1 = (150 x 10- 3) l + (5 x 9.81).
.. mrco 2
W2 = 20.14 rad/sec
.. 60 = 20.14 r,

.. N2 = 192.34rpm

(c) ·Range.ofspeed is

Range of speed = . N 2 - N1 =192.34 -161.01

= 31.33rpm ... Ans.
, 2
Fig. P.1.8.3(a): Minimum radius

_,. Publlc1tlOIS
Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech)
1-11 I · ' Governors

mrco 2

_Fig. P.J.8.3 (b): Maximum radius Mg
(b) Maximum speed (NJ i.e. at r 2 =200 mm Fig. P.1.8.4
From Fig. P. l.8.3(b) tan 131
.....2 = 150 mm= 150 x 10· 3 m
h2 = vr-2-50"""r---2-oo
q = -=1
tan a.. .
(Since arms are of equal length and they intersect on axis of
We know that, (I)~ = ,:; [ ~ + ~ (1 + q)] spindle)
9.81 [ 200
- 150x10· 3 l+2";30(l+l)
= 23.39 racl/s .


·· N2 = 213.82 rpm
Range of speed is, :. ro1 = 18.5297 rad/sec
Range of speed = N2 - N1 =213.82 -185.18 2rtN1
= 28.64rpm . . "6c) = 18.5297

Ex.1.8.4 N 1 ·= 176.9456 rpm

A loaded . governor of the porter type has equal arms and (b) Maximum speed (N~ i.e. at r 2 = 185 mm
links each 250 mm long. The mass of each ball is 2 kg and 2 1
h2 = vc2so) - c185) = 168.1511 mm
1he central mass is 12 kg. When the ball radius is 150 mm, .
the valve is fully open and when the radius is 185 mm the = 168.1517 x 10- m
valve is fully closed. Find the maximum speed and the range
of speed. If the maximum speed is increased 20% by an
(J)2 = _! [1 +
h2 m
addition of mass to the central load. Find what additional
mass is required. = 168.1517 x 10· 3 [ 1+122]
Soln. : Given :
(J)2 = 20.2084 rad/sec
Mass of each ball, m = 2 kg , .
Mass of sleeve, M = 12 kg 6 ( ) = 20.2084
· Length of arms and links, AB = BC = 250 mm.
Nz = 192.976 rpm ...Ans.
Minimum radius, r 1 = 150 mm
Maximum radius, r2 = 185 mm Speed range is,
(a) ·'·Minimum speed (N1) i.e."at r 1 =150 mm Speedrange = N2 - N 1 =192.976-176.9456

From Fig. P. 1.8.4, .

= 16.03 rpm ... Ans.

2 --(-15-o""")'- ~ 200 mm If maximum speed is increased by 20% i.e.

h = v-<2_5_0).,.....
1 Increased speed= 1.2 x Maximum speed
:· ,... . = 200x 10· 3 m=0.2m
.... .. ~

P ub tlc~tlgns

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. ··.~ ..... ' ...... -- . "· ' ...

Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 ~ Mech} ·1-12

' N3 ::: 1.2xN2 =J.2xl92.976=231.5712 18.8027 rad/sec =-W
2 n: N3 21t x 231.5712
6()= 60 Ni = 179.55 rpm

= 24.25 rad/sec
Let new mass on sleeve is M 1

= .!.
[1. + M,m J

I h
. ~:... .
:. <24·25> =
9.81 [
168.1517 x 10- 3 1 +2
M1J · r1,2 I
,• .

mrm 2
.. M 1. = 18.1597 kg . ID
Additional mass required = M 1 -M=18.159?-12
= 6.1597kg ... Ans.
Ex.1.s.s mg

In a porter governor, the lengths of upper and lower arms are

200 mm and 250 mm respectively. Each ball weights 3 kg
and the central load is 22.5 kg. For lowest and highest
position of the sleeve, the arms are at inclined 30° and 40°
respeciively to the vertical. The friction at the governor and
the mechanism connecting it to the valve is equivalent to a - -2-
force of 45 N at the sleeve. Assuming that links and arms
intersect on the axis find : Fig. P. l.8.5
(i) Travel of sleeve
(ii) Range of speed of governor
(b) Maximum speed (i.e. when a= 400) i.e. at CXz =400
Soln.: r2 . = 200 sin 40 = 128.56 mm= 0.12858 m
2 2
Given : Mass of each ball, m = 3 kg h2 = v<200) -028.558) = 153.21mm=0.15321

Mass of sleeve, M = 22.5 kg CD = y2 =V(250l-(128.558l = 214.41 mm

Length of upper arms, AB = 200 mm = 0.214411 m
Length of upper arms, BC 250 ·mm = r2 _ 0.12858 _
Angle of upper arm to vertical at r1, a = 30°
tan 132 = y2 - 0.21441 - 0.5997
Angle of upper arm to vertical at r2, <X.i = 40°
tan 132 - 0.5997 - 0 7147
tan <Xi - tan 40 - .
(a) Minimum speed (i.e. when a= 30°) I.e. a 1 =30°
When, a 1 = 30°, As the sleeve moves towards.maximum position from lower ·
r, = 200 sin 30 = 100 mm= 0.1 m po"sitioo, the frictional force acts downwards i·.e. 'f' is posi~ve.

h, = .Yc200)°2 -000>2 = 173.21 mm ro~ = t; [ J + ( ~."! ~;) (1 + ~~)J .. .

= 0.17321 m 2 9.81 [ (25.5 x 9:s1 + 45 :'\ (l + 0 _7147 >] .
CD = y 1 =-V(250>2-(I00>2-=229.13 mm ro2 = 0.15321 1 + 2 x 3 x 9.81 )

= 0.22913 m = 614.583
r, 27tN2
tan '31 - Y1 0.2~~13 = 0.4364 .. 002 = 24.79 rad/sec=~

... .. N2 = 236.73 rpm

q, = tan '31 = 0.4364 = 0.7559
tan a 1 tan 30 Travel of sleeve is,
As sleeve is moving downwards and approaching to x = (h, + y;)--(~ + yi)
minimum radius, the frictional force is negative.
;;: (0.17321+0.22913)-(0.15321_+ 0.21441)
.. w: = : [i+~;:gj(l+q,)]
x = 0.03472 m = 3.472 cm •••Ans. ,

9.81 [ (22.5 x 9· 81 - 4 2' (1+0.7559)]

x = 19.996 mm
1 = 0.17321 1 +\. 2x3x9.81 ) Range of speed of governor= N2 - N 1 = 236.73 - 179.55
= 353.54 = 57.18rpm ...Ans.

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· Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech
1-13 •' ' ·~•' I ., Governors'·

govem~r. the upper and lower arms are each ·250 ~m long and are pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass of
In porter
;~~h rotating ball Is 3 kg and mass of sleeve Is 20 kg. The sleeve Is In its lowermost position when the anns are inclined at
rl to the governor axis. The lift of the sleeve Is 36 mm. Find the force of friction at the sleeve, if the speeds at the moment it
of thefrom
ses the lowest posltic:>n Is equal to the speed at the ·moment It falls from the highest position. Also find the speed range

.· . mg

Fig. P.1.8.6 .
Given : Mass of each ball, m
= 3 kg (b) Upi)ermost position with sleeve having tendency to move . ·
Mass of sleeve, M = 20kg down (i.e. f is negative)
Length of upper and lower arm, AB
= BC=250mm 36 = 2 (hi - hi); ...from Equation (i)
Angle of upper arm to vertical at r1, cr.1 =30°
.. 36 -= 2 (216.51-'h2)
Lift of sleeve is x =36 mm. Th~refoie ball is lifted by ~ . It h2 = 198.51mm=198.51 x 10
m - · ·'
follows that : As arms are of length i.e. er. = f3
. 2 = h, ; .. ~ = ~[l+(M~~;f)J
Hence, x = 2 (h 1 - h2) =36 mm ... (i) 9.81 · · [ (20 x 9.81 - Dl
= 198.Slxl0-3. 1+ 3 x 9.81 J
We know~ w
= ~ [I+(~.-!~;) (1 +q)J ••
(1)2 = 378.8726-1.67917 f ...(iv)
But as arms are of same Iengl;h [i.e. ex= ~] But from given data these two speeds are same.

= ~ [i +(M:/f)]
2 2
2 •. ro, = ~
ro ... (ii)
:. 347.3742 + '1.5395 f = 378.8726- 1.67917 f
_(a) Lowermost position with sleeve .having tendency to move 3.21867 f = 31.4984
upward (i.e. f is positive)
Friction force, f = 9.786 N •.•Ans.
.. r1 = 250 sin 30=125 mm= 125 x 10-3 m Speed range is nothing but difference between maximum and
h2 = '\/(250)2 -(125)2 =216.51 mm · minimum speed.
= 216.51x10· m
(a) Minimum speed (N 1)
00 1 · =
1 [
h1 g +
(M • g +
F)J· · Minimum speed will be when the governor is in its
lowennost position and has tendency to move downward i.e. 'f is
1 =
216.51x10- 3
(20 x 9.81
+ 3 x 9.81
+OJ negative.

(J)~ = 347.3742 + 1.5395 f ... (iii)

Y Pub l ltatlcin i

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.· '' ,.
L ~- - -'
:~ -

- ·Dynamics ot Machinery MU • Sam 5 • Mech
•' '
··. .
.. - ' -
.. w, ::
18.2293 rad/sec
= 0.1732m

.. 3._n'?-ii
' 60 :: 18.2293; .· ..
tan cx1, = tan 131

. ;

Na :: ' .. q =
.. l 74.076
. ·.. q>m
Mi11Jruurn s1•ecd (N

.. ' "' 2
2 But, w, =
Minimum Speed will be when the governor is in its
lowennost position nnd has tendency to move upward i.e. 'f is =

. co, = .18.43 rad/sec

(02 ::
.. NJ = 176.0Jrpm
From Fig. P. J.8.7(b)
= 9.81 [
198.51XJ(fj l+
{20 x·9.81+9.7861]
3X9.81 hz = v,....2-00"""2-_-1-::-30~2 =151.98 mm
= 395.305 = 0.15198 m ·
= ~[1 .+2~(1+~)]
C02 = 19.8822 rad/sc:c =oo- 2
.. N2
= 189.861 rpm
Speed range of governor = 9.81 ['1+~(l+1)
0.15198 2x4
= N2 -N1 =189.861 -174.076 CJJ2
:: , 19.67 rad/sec
= . 15.785 rpm ..
Nz = 187.92rpm .;.Alls.
... Aris.
Ex. 1.8.7 Range of sp~d = N2 -NJ =187.92-176.03

Calculate the minimum speed, maximum speed and range of = 11.89 rpm ...Ans.
the speed of a porter governor, which has equal arms each
200 mm long a·n d pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass
of each ball is 4 kg and the central mass on the sleeve is
20 kg. The radius of rotation of the ball is 100 mm when the
governor begins to lift and 130 mm when the governor is at
maximum speed.
Given: Length of arms, =200 mm
Mass of each ball, m =4kg
CentraJ mass on sl«?Cve, M =20kg ~iven : Le~gth of arms, = 30 cm = o.3 ~
Minimum radius, r, =JOO mm Mass of each ball, m = 60 N
Maximum radius, . f2 = 130mm Central mass on sIeeve, M = 480N
Al Minimum radius, f1 = 20cm = 200 mm
Maximum radius,
~ -
f2 = 25cm = 250 mm
From Fig. P.1.8.8(a)
mrm 1
h1 ~vt,....3-00....,.2-_-2-::-00~2 = 223.60 mm = o.223 m

= tan 131 ... ['.' Arms are of equal length]

.. q = tan 13, =I
c tan CX1
= :; [ 1 -+: 2~ (1 + q)]
But, w,
~ Mg

= 9.81 [ 1 + 480 (I + I)
0.223 2x60 _
Fig. P. 1.8.7
001 = J9.89 rad/sec
Fiom Fig. P. 1.8. 7(a)
. • NJ = 190.0~ rpm ...Ans.
h; = ·v,....2_00...,:Z"""_-1-:-00'.:".:!2 =173.20 mm
sy T1dlbt•lnfi
PuD l lcat lo u

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· Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Se~ 5 • Mech 1-15

. Ex.1.8.9
Govemol'S ·

The arms of porter governor are each 250 mm long .and

pivoted on the governor axis. The mass of each ball is 5. kg
and mass of sleeve .Is 30 kg. The radius of rotation of .the
balls is 150 mm. When the sleeve begins to rise and reaches
mrco 2
a value of 200 mm for maximum speed. Determine the range
of speed of the governor. If the friction of the sleeve is
equivalent to 20 N of load. Determine how speed range is

Given : Porter Governor :

Length of arms AB = BC=250mm

Mg Arms are pivoted on the governor axis,

Mass of ball, m = 5kg
Mass of sleeve, M = 30kg
Minimum radius, r1 = 150mm
Maximum radius, r2 = 200mm
Friction of the sleeve, f = 20N

Range of speed of the governor = ?

mrro Minimum speed :
~eight h1 = '1 (250)
- (150)

h1 = 200 mm = 0.2 m
CD = y I = '1 2
(250) - (150)

". Arms are of equal length and]

[ intersect on axis of governor
(b) ' I .

Fig. P.1.8.8 . I

From Fig. P.l.8.8(b)
V1 =1somm ·\
mr(j) 2 •
h2 = "3<Xl - 2502 = 165.83 mm= 0.165 m 4-~~""" ......~~~~--40

(!)2 = ~[ I +: +~)]

= 9.81 [
0.165 l + +J
2 x60 ( l I)

W2 = 23.13 rad/sec c
.. Nz = 220.89rpm ... Ans.
Range of speed = N2 -N1 = 220.89- 190 -2-

...Ans. Fig. P. l.8.9(a)

= 30.89rpm

As the sleeve is moving downward and approaching. the

'T Publ,t1tlon~
-·- . - .. ,_

··' D namlcs or Machine·
·~ ·: l
MU· Sem 5 ·Mech 1-16
l' rninimuni md-lua. h ... .
' l e irictionnl force f is negative.

I , -
_ .! [
ha l
Mg - f
+~(1 +q,)
J .
Ex. 1.8.10
Each arm of a Porter governor Is 250 mm long. 1'h ·. -.;:.
and lower arms are pivoted to links of 40 mrn a 6 ti •
w: = %-~' [1 + (30 x 9.81 - 2Q'\ J respectively from the axis of rotation. Each ball h~ So..~
2 ' .... . 2X5x9.81)(J+l) of 5 kg and the sleeve mass is 50 kg. The force of fri Q·~
00• = 323.35 ' .
. ,.... .
the sleeve of the mechanism Is 40 N. Determine the <:lion_
speed of the governor for extreme radii of rotation of ~an9eq
•• <a>, = 17•98 rad/sec = 00--
2nN, ·
and 150· mm. ·
.• 60 x 001 60 x 17.98
N1 :::
2n = 2n Given:
N, 171.69 rpm. = Porter governor Length of all arms = 250 mm; AB = BC ::: 2So .
Minimum speed, =
Mass of each ball m S kg; Mass of sleeve M = 50 kg ~
r2 = 200 mm =o.2 OA =40 mm, DC= 50 mm;Force of friction f = 40 N
Minimum raclius of rotation r 1 =125 mm
h2 = vco.25>2 - co.2')2 =o.15 m Maximum radius of rotation r2 = 150 mm
h1 == 0.15 m
Range of speed (N2 - N 1) = ?
(a) Minimum speed (N1) Le. at r 1 = 150 mm
sin a 250 = 0.34
.. a = 19.88°
tan ex tan 19.88 = 0.3616
mrro 2
tan ex = .!..
0.3616 = h,
h, = 345.68 mm
sin '3 =
250 -0.3= 17.45°
tan '3 = tan 17.45 =0.3143
tan fl 0.3143
Mg+f .. qi = ----tan a - 0.3616
q, = 0.8692
. Fig. P.1.8.9(b)
tan~ /1
q2 =- =1 [··. Arms are of equal length .] A / I

tan <Xi . and .intersect on axis of governor

As the sleev~ moves upwards. the frictional force f is positive.
2 g [ Mg+f · ]
·· w2 = h2 . 1 + 2mg (1 + qz)
= 9.81 [ (_30 x 9.81 + 2Q'\
0.15 l+\..2x5 x 9.81 )(l+l)
J 8
= 484.46
_ 2nN2
C02 = 22.01 rad/sec .= ---W--

60ro2 I
.. Nz = ---
21t I
C .............. D
.. N1, = 210.18 rpm ... Ans.
·Range of speed = N 2 -N1
50mm • .
I ~· '
= 210.18 - 171 .69
Range of speed = 38.49rpm .•. Ans. Fig. P. 1.8.lO(a)


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- D namlcs of Machine (MU • Sam 5 • Mech) : 1-17 . Governors

. • As tho sleeve is moving downwa.rds and 11pproaching to: 2nN

=--ro-· -.
minimum radius the frictional force is negative. ' .. . . w2 = 19.7 rad/sec. .. '

w: = :. [1 +(~~~9] (I +q, ) · · N2 =
60x 19.7
21t =188.12 rpm.
.002 _ . · 9.81 [ 1 +(sox9.81 -4Q\] Speed ofran~e (N2 - N 1) =188.12-164.44 =23.68 rpm.
I - 345.68 X JO-l 2 XS X 9 81 ) (1:+-0:8692)
2 Ex. 1.8.11
(Ill = 296.65
2nN1 - A Porter governor has all the arms of 300 mm long. The
17.22 rad/sec ~ W- upper and lower arms are pivoted to the links of 50 mm and
60 mm respectively from the axis of rotation. Each ball has a
17.22 x 60 .
21t =164.44 r.p.m. ma~s of 6 kg and the sleeve mass is 55 kg. The force of
friction on the sleeve of the mechanism is 40 N. Determine
(b) MnxJmum speed (I.e. r 2 =150 mm) ·
the ~ange of speed of the governor If the extreme radii of
150-40 . rotation of the balls are 150 mm and 200 mm.
sin a 250 =0.44 = 26.JO
tan a = tan 26.1 -=·0.4899
Given : governor
.... .· 40mm
Length of all arms =300 mm;
AB = BC=300mm
.- -·1 . Mass of ~ch ball m = 6 kg ;
Mass of sleeve M = 55 kg
OA = 50mm,
DC = 60mm;
Force of friction "f = 40 N
Minimum ~ius of rotation r1 = 150 mm,

Maximum radius of rotati~n r2 =200 mm
Range of speed (N2 - N 1) =?
(a) Minimum speed (N1) i.e. at r 1 =150 mm
C "·····:·····T.D
I ·- sin er. = 150-50 -0.33
SO mm'
' :. Ct. = 19.47°
-2- tan Ct. = . tan 19.47 = 0:3535
Fig. P. 1.8.lO(b) tan Ct. = h,
r2 150
.. tan a = .·-h2 0.3535 = hi

150 hi = 424.26 mm =0.424 m

h2 = 'QA'899= 306.18 mm 150 - 60
sin 13 =
150-50 100 . 300 =0.3
sin 13 . = 25 =250 =0.4 13 = 17.45°
.. 13 = 23.58° tan 13 = tan 17.45 =0.3143 :
tan 13 = tan 23.58 =0.4365 --·
tan 13
---- -
tan (3 0.4365 .
qi = tan Ct. - 0.3535
q2 = ~ =0.4899 =0.891 qi = 0.8891
As the sleeve is moving upwards and approaching to maximum As the sleeve is moving downwards and approaching to
radius the frictional force is positiv~. minimum radius the frictional force is negative.

co~ = bg [ 1 + ( ~~: j] (1 + q2)

w~ = h~ [ 1 +(~~~0 (l +q1)]

. .
9.81 _ [ I-~ (50 x 9.81+40:\] 1 + 0 _891 ) c 2
= 9.81
0.424 x 10- 3
[1 + (.55 x 9.81- 40:'1
\. 2 x 6 x 9.81 ) (1+ 0·8891)
306.18 x 10 3 2 x 5 x 9.81 )
(02 = 388.22
(01 = 208.612

. '· .. .TICH•omleqe
_,, Publltatloas

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· Dvnamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 1-18

(J)I :: 14 44· 2 7t N,.

· rad/sec = -c;o-- ... · ·'A"' ·== tan
30 ::: 0.5773 . '•
= 14.44x60
. ;;~{~::~
.• N tan~ 0.5773
l . • 2n =137.924 r.p.m. qz = t;'(X = 0,62 =0.9312
~' ~1 : '

0 "'
As the sleeve is moving upwards and apPr ; ;:.: '.
A/~ OacJiiii8 ·

! so

maximum radius the frictional force is positive:

ro~ = b~ [ I + (
2 mg J (I_+ qi)
J ,., ~
: (.. ..
: I

9.81 [ (.55 x 9.81 +40) · .. . . · ,'
= Q.32z l+\2,x6x9.81 0+0.~312)}· .
E · 1G 2
.• ·1
= 320.12
-- ~r -
B (!)2
I •
2nN2 ,,,·
150 mm ! w2 = 17.89 rad/sec. =~
' .
60 x 17.89 -170 85
.. N2 = 2n -. . . rpm.
i . .• .
C'............. JD Speed of range (N2 -N1) =170.85 -137.924 =32.93 rpm.
SO mm'
Ex. 1.8.12 ---...
2 Each arm of porter governor is 200 mm long and is hinged ·
a distance of 40 mm from the axis of rotation. The mass ~
Fig. P.1.8.U(a) each ball is 1.5 kg and of the sleeve is 25 kg. When the links
(b) Ma."timu.m speed (Le. rz =200 mm) are at 30° to the vertical the sleeve begins to rise at 260 'Prn.
Assuming that friction force is constant, find the maximum
and minimum speed of rotation when the inclination of arms
to vertical is 45°.
Length of &m, = 200m.m
:. AB = BC= 200mm
Mass of each ball, m = ts kg
Mass of sleeve, M = 25 kg
B .N
F = 260rpm
2n x 260
:. (I) = 60 27.22

Radius of rotation, r = 200 sin 30 +40 = 140 mm

r 140
and, h =- =- =242.48 mm
E '
C ' ............. D tan 30° 0 .57
At 30° angle, the sleeve begins to rise therefore friction force
-2- acts downward direction.

Fig. P. 1.8.ll(b) .. 00
(27.22>2 =t.~~ [1 + esx
x/5~ ;~ x(1 +.l)J
sin a = 300 = 0.533
.. a = 32.20° .. . ['•'q=l]
tan a = tan 32.20 =0 .62 f= 8.73 N
When angle is 45°.
.-. tan a = hi
Radius of rotation, r = 200 sin 45° + 40 = 181.4 mm
b2 = 0.62 =322.58 mm =0.322 m
r 18 1.4
h = = - - = 181.4mm
200-60 150 tan 45° tan 45°
sin /3 = 300 = 300 = 0.5

ar1dl1a..w,i -
• PUDll t l t l l U

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_( r -
-. -
.-- ., . :.
' • > . .. -:-.

-~:1 Governors
._. J
_<' Y . Dynaml~ of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) : 1·19
.•. :, . ·

.' ·.
40mm Ex. 1.8.13 . ·
T In a Porter governor the links and arms are each
m~ ,3°
·i long. Each ball weighs 2.5 kg. and the central load is 250 ~
For the highest and the lowest position of the sleeve,. th
i arms are lncllned at 40° and 30° respectively to the vertical.
I h
The friction at the governor and the mechanism connected to
1 the valve Is equivalent to a force of 25 N at the sleeve.
l ·Assuming that the links and arms intersect on the axis, find :
Ii (I) The travel of the sleeve,
(Ii) Minimum ascending speed,
,. ... (iii) Maximum descending speed,
(iv) Range of speed of the governor.
c I

Mg .I '. M~ss of each ball (m) = 2.5 kg. ;

·T Length of tipper arin, AB = 3oomm
Lower arm BC = 300 inm
I• ;I
r2; CXi · = . 40°, · r 1, a 1 = 30°
. (a) Minimum speed (i.e. when a =30°) i:e. ~~ .=30°
. a, = 30°,
r1 = . 300 s~n (30) =150 =0.150
h1 = 4"<300) - <150/ = 259.80 mm
=- 0.25980 m
CD ~ . Y1 ~ .V(3~) - (lOOf = 0.259 m


mroo 2
Fig. P. 1.8.12

Minimum speed, co~ = ![1 +(~!~9 x (l +q)J

9.81 [ (25 x 9.81 - 8.73) J ..
= 0.1814 I+ 2 x l.5 x 9.81 x 2 Fig. P.1.8.13

co 1 = 30.30 rad/sec tan p1

.!i 0.150
= Y1 = 0.259 =0.5791
or N1 = 289.43 rpm .. P1 = 30.070

Maximum speed. co~ = : [I + ( ~! :9 + J (1 q) qi =

tan P1 . o.5791
tan a. = 0 .5773 = i.oo3o
1 . '.

= o~i~! 4 [I + (2;:~:~~~~8~ ) 3
As sleeve is moving downwards and approaching ·'to
minimum radius, the frictional force is negative, : , •


N2 •
31.49 rad/sec

300rpm ."
co~ -=. ~[ 1 + (m~!; ~ (1 + 91) J
9.81 [ (.2.5 x 9.81- 25) l
= 0.2598 1 +\2 x 2.5 x 9.81 (l + l.003~J

• T1dlb1111l1dgi
Y Publl<•tlo ns

Scanned w ith cam.scanner


amlcs of Machine MU. Sem·s. Mech) 1·20

:: 37.1s [1+(9.68x10~3) (2.003)] .· Soln.:
l = 37.7.S x 0.9806 Given: BP = BD = 178 mm ; PG:::
(I) I a:: 37.01 m = 1.15kg; M:::
1 = 6.08 rod/ sec. "" 2 ~It When a =P=30, N =280 rpm
When the sleeve st.arts lifting, the frictional fi
.. 6.08 = 2 >< n x t:!i downward
·..,4 ·
... Ni =
58. IO rpm . w =
... Minimum ascending speed
(b) Mn.·dnmni speed (I.e. when a"" 400) CXz =400 mg+ {Mg/F2 (1 +q1)
N2 x
R 2
= 3oo sin (40) = 192.83 mm= 0.1928 m. Speed, = 2
hl = ..J(3 00)2 -
(J 92 .83)
229.81 0.229 m= tan a
2 qi = tab ~ = 1 ;
CD = Y2 = V(300) -(192.83)2 = 229.81 mm
= 0.229m. BF = BG-FG
tan Pi = !.2. 0.1928 BG = BF+FG
y2 = Q.2298 = 0.8389
= BPsina+FG
q2 = ~ ·0.8389 = 178sin30+38
tan <Xi =0.8390 = 0.9997
= · 127 mm
. As the sleeve mo .
position the fri . ves towards maximum position from lower h1 = BGcota=127cot30=219.97mm
' ttional force acts downwards, i.e. •r is positive
(20 x 9.81 + F)
o/2 = A.[
1 [m.g + f]
+ 2. m.g (1 + Q2)
J 1.15 x 9.81 +
_ _ _ __
\ 2 ( 1+ 1)
_..;._ _-:---''---~x
1.15 x 9.81
219.97 Xi??
= -2:§.L
[1+{.2.5x9.81 + 2f\ . . J
. \2 x 2 .5 x 9 .81 ) (l + 0.9997)
F = 9.90N

= 42.68 [l + (l.519 x 1.9997)]
• (1)2 = 128.88
.. C02 = 1 1.35 rad I sec. =--W
2n N2

.. 11.35 = -

Maximum descending speed.

Travel of sleeve is, ·

x = Chi +y1)-(h2 +YJ Mg+ F

= (0.2598 + 0.2598) - (0.229 + 0.229)
Fig. P. 1.8.14
x = Omm
Range of speed of govemer When the inclination of arms to vertical is 85°
i.e. a= j3 =45°. Friction is consultant. Height will changed.
· = N 2 - N 1 = 108.40 - 58.10.,; S0.3 rpm.
Ex. 1.8.14
h2 = BG cot et.;

All the anns of a porter governor are 178 mm long and are BG = BF + FG = BP sin et. +PG
hinged at a distance of 38 mm from the axis of rotation the · = 178sin45+38
mass each ball is 1. 15 kg and ma·ss of the sleeve is 20kg.
The governor sleeve begins to rise at 280 rpm when the links BG = 163.86 mm ;
are at an angle 30° to the vertical. Assuming the friction force h2 = 163.86 mm= 0.163 m
to be constant determine the minimum and maximum speed (i) When sleeve moves upward i.e. at high speed, friction will
of rotation when the inclination of the arms to the vertical act downward i.e. + F
is 45°.

_,,, TtdilllnlHfi
Yf' PUlt llC Jt ltU
' ..
. . ~· -

·amlcis of Machinery MU • Sem 5 • Mech . ·~ .· " • • '1. ~. · ' \ ·. ,, . - ··Governors

· Mg +F . . .: · .
mg+( 2 . )<q+l)~m h1 = ...)(300)~ - (70)
mg . · hi h1 = 291.71 mm
. ·'
. (20 x 9.81+9.90)
t.t5x9.81+\ . _2 . Ct+l)
895 x· hj = 0.291 m ....
• . · .. I.IS x 9.81 · · BE 70
0.163 tan a 1 = 11;'" = 29I7i =0.2399 .
N1 • 32$;27 rpm. • ••Ans.
(ii) When sleeve moves downward i.c; speed decrease, ·friction
·. will be-P
: . Ya .. 0.2939 m ,.
'i 1 = 300 - 60 = ·2'J3.93 mm
= 2 2

M:g.:.p) ' . BD 60 .
mg +( 2 ( q + l) 895 tan P, = y;-
= 293.93 =o.2041
<N2>2 .. . mg . x Ii;"
tan fl, 0.2041
20 x 9.81.- 9.90) q = ~I = 0.2399 =0·85
l.15x9.81+ ( - 2 (l+l) 895 . .

(N2> =
N2 ..
1.15 x 9.81
310.10 rpm.
x fil63
00~ = :. [ 1 + ( ~~~ f) (l·+ q)]
= 9.81 [ (60x9.81-3f\ ' 1
Maximum speed ot 45° inclination of. arm N 1=325.27 rpm ~ l+\. 2x5x9.81-).~ 1 :+".0 ·85)J
and minimum speed, N 2 310.10 rpm._ = co1 =
Ex. 1.8.15 '°• = 19.63 rad/sec
21tN, .. -. """' ..
The length of the arms of a Porter governor is 300 mm long.
The upper and lower arms are pivoted to links at 50 mm and
co1 = w- ' I .' } ~

' I'
60 mm, respectively, from the axis of rotation. The mass of .. NI = 60 x 19.63
each ball is 5 kg and the sleeve is of mass 60 kg. The 21t
frictional force on sleeve is 35 N. Determine the range of NI = 187.45 rpm
speed for extreme radii of rotation of 120 mm and 150 mm. A
Soln.: I

Given data : Porter governor : I . ] somm


Length of each arm AB = BC = 300 mm =0.3 m · 1 1

Mass of each ball, ni · 5 kg =· ,..___I I I

mrco 2 D I '
Mass of sleeve, M = 60 kg ----i~HI----.,_.__.
1 E
F- - - i -
Force of friction , f 35 N 150 mml ·
Minimum radius, r 1 = 120 mm
Maximum radius, r2 = 150 mm mg 1 60mm Y2

Range of speed of governor = ? 1•·


Minimum speed, r1 = 120 mm c I

- ·I··----.. 2

ai . , 50mm Fig. P. 1.8.15(b)

1. • ' - - -
1· I h1 Maximum speed, r 2 . = 150 mm
2 2
mrm 2 h2 = ...)300 -100 = 282.84 ffim
Df E IF hi = 0.2828 m
BE 100 ..
tan <Xi = hi= 282.84 = 0.3535

. .~l---;i'·
J3 I
60mm Y, CD = y2 =~../300 -90 = 286.18 mm
1 2

y 1 = 0.2861 m
c BD 90
Mg +f
tani32 = Yi=286.18=0.3144
tani32 0.3144
q = --=03535= 0 ·88
·· tan <Xi · .
Fig. P. 1.8.lS(a)
1 ~22
.. Ynamlcs of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Mech)
m2 =
2 g [ _, : (Mg+·f)
ii; r+ +q)
J h1 = v'c2so{- (85)
;_ · _. : · ·
2mg -) (1 '. •
h1 =· ··i35.l mm----'---· :-~. ·-- . -.. ..
:: -2&1-[1· -~+(60 x 9.81 + 3~ (1 + 0.88)] . hi = 0.2351 m . . '! '

0.2828 \. 2 x 5 x 9.81 )
85 .'." .•- .... ...
= 449.24 ' ' . = . -=-2351 =0.3615
(1)2 tan Cl1 . h1 .' . ".
:. : 0>2 = 21.19 rad/sec
CD = Yi = 2384.'48 inJn
.. ' . . yI ··'= F·0.23848 m .. · · · · ' · ·
•• .

·' 60x 21.19 = !!!! = 378548 =.0.314~

Nl = 2n tan f31 Y1 2 . I - .

.. N2 ·. = 202.40 ipm. ·. . " =

' tan f31 - 0.3145.; 0.87
- 0.3~15.· .
Range of spee~ N2 - N 1 202.40 - 18~.45 q tan a,
= 14.?S rpm ' ••. Ans. -<·_O}~ . = ~ '. [1.+ C~!~· f) <1 + q)J-· .. -
Ex. 1.8. 16 ' ' ..
I - . , ; ·- - . • .. . .ti 9.81 [ (.50 x 9.81-40:\ (1 . 0 ]
Each arm of a poiter governor is 250 mm long. The upper •' .. . . = o:ll5i 1 + \ 2 x 5 x 9.81 ) + ·87>
and lower arms are pivoted to links·of 40 mm and 50 mm " 2 · . . •1'·
(J)l = 400.05 '
respectively from the axis of rotation. Each ball has a mass .. ,. ''"'.I
of 5 kg and the sleeve mass is 50 kg ..The force of friction on 001 = 20 rad/see
the sleeve of the mechanism is 40 N. Determine the range of 2nN1
speed of the governor for extreme radii of rotation of 125 mm
co, = 60
and 150 mm.
. 60x20 :
Soln.: .". · N, = . ~.-

Given data: - .. N 1 . = 190.98rpm

Porter governor : Maximum si)eed, V2 =15~ mm · .
Length of each ann AB = BC hz · =· '\/2so - l IO:z =224:5 mm · .

= 250mm.=0.25m
h2 = 0.2245 m
Mass.of each ball, m = 5 kg . · BE
tan CX-i = hi."'. 0:48?9 .
Mass of sleeve, M = 50 kg
I 2 2
CD = y 2 ="250 -100 = 229.1 mm

Force of friction, f - 40 N · · -
Minimum radius, V 1 = 125 mm . A I
Maximum radius, V 2 = 150 mm
Range of speed of governor= · ? . I

Minimum speed, V 1 = 125 mm • I •

I .. . h, .

rnrro 2 D
' F
l.. 4omm I E
' 150mm1
I' h1
I I I 50mm Y1 .
mf<D 2

c I

Mg +f

J. SO mm . Y1

Fig. P. 1.8.16 (b)

Mg +f y2 = 0.2291 m
2 DD 0.1
tan ~2 = Yz =0.2291 =: 0.4365
Fig. P. 1.8.16(a)

P11 lll t1ll111

Sennoed with CamScanner

"Cf ..·.' l •

-. l
' {
-Y :·Dynamics of Machlne7 (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) - . -. · 1·23
'~ . ' I o' tan Ill ' ~ 0. 89 • . : ul = 792.95 rad/s "'
1 :. q • um ex, • o.4899 1111 •
i ... w • 28.J 59 rad/s, ;
~ 2 g [ (Mg + f'i -... J .
ii; J + 2riii) (J + q) " .. N .. 28.IS9x60 .'

l (1)2 •

.. 21t

-2&L [• +(.50><9.81 +·40.\1 +o.S9
0.224S · · 2 x .5 x 9.81 )
>] N 268.90rpm

Ex. 1.8.18
w,2 •490.3 A porter governor having each of its four arms of 400 mm.
.. Wz· ..• . 22.14 indtse~
' . ' ' 2ttN,
. .... The upper arms are pivoted on the axis of the sleeve,
whereas the lower arms are attached to the sleeve at a
'°l = 60 distance of 45 mm from the axis of rotation. Each ball has a
• . N2 .211.42 ~~: = mass of 8 kg and the load on the sleeve is 60 kg. Determine
Range of speed N2 - N 1 =211.42-190.98 .. 20.44 rpm ••• Ans. the equilibrium speeds for two extreme radii of 250 mm and
. ! . '
300 mm of rotation
., of the balls.
Ex. 1.8.17 Soln.': I

A porter governor has all the four arms of 300 mm each: All Given : Length all arms =·400 mm i.e. AB =BCof =400 mm ;
the upper arms as well as the sleeve arms ar~ pivoted on the DE=45mm

axis of rotation. The mass of each governor ball is 1 kg. The Mass of each ball. . m 8kg
mass of the sleeve is 20 kg. Find the speed of rotation, when
the balls rotate at a radius of 150 mm. ,
Mass of sleeve, M = 60kg
Soln•.: · ·,i u •. . _ . • ""
Radius of rotation, r1 = 250 iiim-: and '
Given: Length of arm= 300 mm 'i.e. AB= BC= 300 mm . r2 = 300mm ..
, . : ..
m = 1 kg ; : M = 20 kg From Pig. P. l.8. l8(a),

r = . 150mm h =:. Vr-AB---.-2 ---BE-2 ~" 4002 - 2502

. '
From Fig. P. 1.8.17, -= · 312.24 mm ·
n = '\/,....3_00_2___ r 250
tan a. = ii = 312.24 = 0 ·80
= '. 259.80 mm= 259.80 x (0- m ·_
BD = BE-DE=250-45 ,,;205
q = tan·a
tan a
c· ·
· ... • Anns are of equal length] ·· ·' ..
i '

= -~ BC2 - BD2 ·= V4002 -


,,, DC = 343.47 mm
BD - 205
tan ~ = ·DC =343.47 =o.5968

mrco 2

I' .

mg I
.. . ..
~ r· - , (J

Mg - .: ,' ,; c I

2 - - - \ 45 mm - --; · - ·· ·
.., . ~ig" P. ~.8.17 . - ; ,_-:=
. ..: . '
. : ., Mg I: ' -,~. ;,·
··Now, . " ". ·T
g M . ]
'ol = h [ 1 -+:zm·c1 +g) , '. I '
·Fig. P.· 1.8.18~a) ..' ....
= 259.80 x 10
9.81 - [ . i +..1.Q._o +
j 2x1
i)J .. (

W T1dlln1wl1iti
.. '
, r
.·; V Putlllca\lorts
MU ~ Sem 5 • Mech
1~ . . . - ~·d
ii of r~tatlon of the balls are 250 mm and ·300 ...,
tanB ™ :.. 0746 · rad f f 'ctlon on sleeve of mechanism Is 30 ~- •
q = tan a .. 0.80 · force o ri ·· · · • ... •

Equilibrium speed of governor at radius of rotation 25~ mm is, . Soln.: · · · ·. . '.'

.'. ~
. .Le th of all arms= 380 mm i.e. AB =Be"" 311,. -
~~: ~ ~~
<O~ .. f [1+~(l+q)] DE = 40mm ·.
J.. 231 Mass· of each ball•
m = 5 kg
.. 9.81 [
3i2.24 .1 +w
60 .
o + 0.146) M = 45kg . ·.
Mass of sleeve,
.. co 1 .=
IS.39 rad/s Radius ofrotation, r1 = 250 mm ~d tz= 300 nun .
. ,., N1 = 147 rpm
FromFig. P. t.8.19(a), h = '1 AB2-B~2 =~ .
From Fig. P. l.8.18(b), = 286.18 mm =0.286 m ·
h = V,..A-8~2-_-BE-2 =v
4002 - 3002 = i64.S1 mm
tan CL
r 250 .
= h =286.~8 ~ ?·87

r 300 · . . .
. tan a =
ii = 264.57 = 1.134 BP = BE-DE=750-40=2IO
BO = BE- DE= 300 - 45 = 255 mm DC = '1ec2-Bo2 =v3802 -2~
= VBC 2
- BD
=V400 2
- 255
, . DC = 316.70 mm
DC = 308.18 mm BD :: 210 ·
tan p = BD 255 : tan f3 Dc 3i6.7o = = =0.6630 ' ..
DC =308.iB =0.82
tan ff ~ .Q;@Q - 0 7620 .
~ 0.82 . · q = tan a - 0.87 - · ·
q = tan a = T.'i34 = 0.73
Equilibrium speed of governor at radius of rotation 250 mm is,
Equilibrium speed of governor at radius of ro~tion 300 l!1lll is,

w: = f [..1 + ~ (1 + q)] .:. ' . . co: ·= ...f .[1 +'~ o' +q)] .
.. w: = 2~~~7 [1+2~8(1+0.73)]=277.6
.. ro~. = i2si6 [1+2~50+0.7620>]
.. Wi =
16.16 rad/s coI ·= 306
·· N2 = 159.l rpm ' .·
The speed range is =N2 - ·N1 =159.1-· 147=12.£ rP~ ...Ans. . •· ' . I. ·I ,

h mrco 2
mrC1> 2

. mg .

I 45mm
c I

I 45mm Mg
Mg . I
Fig. P. l.8.19(a)
F:Jg. P. l .8.18(b) .. w1 = 17.5rad/s
Ex. 1.8.19 .. N1 = 167.11 rpm
A Porter governor has arms of 380 mm long. The upper arms From Fig. P. 1.~. 19(b), h = VAB 2
- BE2 = --..j 3802 _ 3002
are pivoted at the axis of the sleeve and lower arms are = 233.23 mm =0.233 m
attached to the sleeve at a distance of 40 mm from the axis. ·r 300.
Each fly ball has a mass of 5 kg and weight on sleeve is tan a . = h =233.23 =1. 28
45 kg. Find the range of speed of the governor if the extreme
..;:DYnaml~ of Machine (MU - Sem 5 ~ Mech

... 1:2s '. :~ . .· Gov&mO·n1 .·
J ..
BD = BE - DE = 300 - 40 = 260 mm · Case I : SpHd range without considering friction .. . .
:I DC = V
2 2
380 - 2602 ='\/ (a) Minimum s,eed (N 1) I.e. at r 1 =150 mm
-1 DC 277. ~2 mm · '
- .
From Fig. P. 1:s.20(a), - · :
BD :. ·260
·I tan 13 = D~ '.=277.12 =0. 9 3 h1 =V 250. 2 -1502 =200 IIID1=200 x .~0-. 3
I tan B 0.93
-· q = ~ tancx• = tan 131 •• •[ ·: Arms are of equal length]
I a =1.28 = 0.72
i .. q = ~-1
j A tan cx - 1

We know that. 002 =· .& [M

h 1+2iii(l+q)]

h _:.001
-- . - ..&.
h1 M(1 + Q)·1. ·-
[1 +2iii " ' ~~ ( :.',' !

= 9.81 [ 15
2oox 10-1 1+w<1+1)
J _
•• CJ.)I = 14 rad/s · · · .. _• •
• '21t Jlh
.. 60 = 1
N1 = 133.75 rpm
. ... .
, ,,..
J: .

·2 - • '·I

.mno 2 ~'
,; I..
___ !Jg. P.1.8.19 (b) ' I

. : · \ ,_;· · " .'· '· ,·

,. at radius of rotation 3'oo mm1s,

Equilibrium speed of governor ·
[1, +.M.(l ~
2m .. + q
>] =.'0:233
9.81 [ . 45 . J
1 +_2 x 8 (1+0.72) '
2 .. . ' . .,
•' ..., :.)
• • ro
: =· 245.77 ' .. . ;· COi = 15.67 rad/s
t f, • t: 1 ,- ~ I
.. N2 ~- .183.18,rp~ . . •; • 4-•,, .
2 '

The speed range is = N2 -N1 ~183. 18-167.ll

Fig. P. l.8.20(a) : Minimum ~dius

mrG> 2

. --

Length of all arms = 250 mm i.e. AB ::: BC= 250 mm. Mg

I ' 2
Arms are pivoted on the axis.
Fig. P. 1.8.20(b): Maximum radius
·. ·Mass of each ball, m=: 5kg ;
:(b) Maximum speed (Nz) i.e. at r 1 =200 mm · ·'
Mass of sleeve = 15 .kg
Minimum radius, r 1 =.150mm; From Fig. P. l.8.20(b)
bi = '12501 - 2fXl = 150 mm= 150 x 10- m
Maximiun radius, r 2=20() mm. · ·.

• Publlc a tlon'

------------------------------'l'rfHF/rLn.'Y>.'~'%"~\".r.~ ..---
Scanned with CamScanner
.Dynamics of Machine (MU· Sem 5 ·Mech)
1-26 .

r. ..

:.eoi = 16.17 ratl/s I

. 2nNi
. . 60 = 16.17
I a
•· N2 = 154.45 rpm I I
_; I
Range of speed = N2 ..:. N 1 =154.45 -133:'75=20.7 rpm I . I
/ .. . J.
I , J . - - - - D ---C
1.9 Proell Governor .. Mg
-~ (MU,. May 15, Dec. 16) Free body diagram o~Oyball

· er Analyals of Porter governor

Instantaneous centre 'I' is located as explained in case
. Porter governor earlier. .
Assuming that the portion of arm AG of bell-crank Ievei
The schematic diagram· of a Proell governor is shown in vertical and taking the moments about 'I'·
Fig. 1.9.1. . M.:.&
m • ol · r (GD) =m • g (ID)+ 2 (IC)
In case of a Porter govern~r the flyballs. ~ attached at the
Dividing boih sides by AD
intersection of upper and lower arms. Whereas, in case of
Proell governor the flyballs -are attached at the free end of a m·ol·r(~) = m·g(l1{;),+M;g (~).
bell-crank lever of lower~ar:ui CAG as shown in Fig. 1.9.1. ·· · . ID - DC
The lever is pivoted at C. The bell crank lever CAG carries But · IC = ID + DC, tan a.= AD and tan ~ =AD
the ball at Git is hinged to upper arm at A.
. :. _m·<02·r c·~) = m•gxtana+ M·g
It should be .noted that. radii of rotation of the governor ball is
taken as a horizontal distance between the hinge A and
spindle axis and not from the centre of flyballs.
:. m • <0
• r( ~) = m • g x tan a. +M.:..&
. 2 .
.. . - . . . ,
Notations used are same as in case of Porter governor. :.. m·ro
. AD = ~·gxtana+ M.:..&
2 ·r (GD)
2 [tana.+tan~]
/~~ 2
:. m • <0 • r ( ~)
lower link .Let, tan f3 = q and from 6. OAB tan a.= h
tan a

m·<O2 ·r (GD)
AD = t [m·g+M;g(l+q)]
Spindle .. <02(~) = f [1+~(l+q)]
.. <02 = g[
l + 2m (l + q) GD ..
.. <02 = g [
h l + ( 2 M·g ) AD
• m • g (l + ~ GD
J ... (1.9.1)

'. .. h = ;z [1 +~ (1 +q)] ~ .; ...0.92)

Equation for height of Proell governor is similar to that of
· ··Fig: 1.9.l(Contd.•) AD .
Porter governor except one additional term GD. It's ·value is

always less than one. Hence, the height of Proell governor-ii less

- ~ ".
- 1·.
:-. - .: •.

Scanned with c amScermer

. ' ·;
.' 1
d .l . D namlcs of Machine MU • Sem s . Mech Govemors·
.' ;~ 1~21 ( • : . . • ~.:'. • • 'J :. ' . ' ·' ' '· ··'.'; .

·1 thnn Pocter governor. In view of U1ls, the Prooll ~ovemor is suitable

J for medium speed rnngo. · · 1 _ = FO = 200 mm. . . . ,, , .
I r.
:.f.1 when a. • p U1en q a l
·· 1 ,.
, From Fig. P. J.9.2(a), we find that height of the governor,
· .

2 1
l ..• h • .. J1.r ( 1 + ~ ) ~g .. .(1.9.3)
h1 = PG =V(PF)2 -(FG)2 ·; ,V(300) -(1S0)
,J (I)
. •' .
= 260mm=0.26m
l Tuking friction Into nccount. Equutlon (1.9.1) Is written ns,
, lllld FM= GD=PG =260mm=0.26m
!I ..
t l) ~1 ~[1+(~..~~:)(l+q)J~ ...;.(1.9.4) ·· BM = BF+FM=80+260=340mm°= 0.34 m
whoro f .. Equnlvalent lond or resistive force of friction · :We know that (N 1) 2
In Newtons.
'r is positi~e if slecivo hns tendency to move upwnrds or
(m+M) 895
""'h7" ~· •:-...(·: a=~ orq = 1) --ro--
speed is lncrcnsing nnd 'f is negntivc if it moves downwnrds or
= ~ (10+ 100) 895 .
speed is decreasing. · -· 0.34 10 Q26 "'
1.9.1 , Difference between Watt, Porter and = 28956orN 1 =170r.p.m. ' . , r:·
Proell Governor

., I . -
fl. -

. ,, ... , Fe
I. It is pendulum It is loaded type It is loaded tyi>e
type of
of centrifugnl
of centrifugal T
governor ~
2. Flybnll is
placed at the
Flybnll is placed
at the junction of
Flybnll is placed I.
'· at the top of I

junction of
upper and
upper nnd lower
extended "l "'
portion of lower
lowerann. link.
3. Watt governor Porter governor Proell governor
is unsuibble are used for is suitable for L - M.1 -
(orhigh spCeds higher speeds medium s~~ " 5 ' . .:-~ . -·,; · · ,·..
compared wiili . Mg
. .. . -. 2- -.:.-
watt governor (a) Minimum position AU dimensions in mm
'i :. : -':.. ·,
•.. i•.
Ex. 1.9.1
·A Proell governor has equal arms of length 300 ·mm. The ( ..
upper and lower ends of the arms are pivoted on the axis of
the governor. The extension arms of the lower links are each
80 mm long and parallel to the axis when the radii of rotation
of the balls are 150 mm and 200 mm. The mass of each ball
Is 10 kg .. and the mass of the central load is 100 kg.
Determine the range of speed of the governor.
Soln.: +
PF= DF = 300 mm;
• • •. 1 ·\
BF= 80 mm ; m = 10 kg ;
M =100 kg ; ·. . r1 =150 mm; r 2 =200 mm
First of all, let us find the minimum and maximum speed of r -· ··

the governor. The minimum and maximum position of the L M

governor is shown in Fig. P. 1.9.1. Mg

Let N, = Minimum speed when radius of rotation r 1 =FG

(b) Maximum position
= 150mmand
Fig. P. 1.9.1
= Maximum speed when radius of rotation r2
• Publlc at lon s

Scanned w ith CamScanner

··. I . . ' ~
.' ·
· Dynamics ot Machine (MU - sem s - Mech) 1-28

. ' Now from Fig. P. 1.9.l(b), we find that height.of the

. .
' :·~·
.' .
h.i ·:,=: P9=V<PFl-~>~ .
= V<J00)2 - c2oo>2 ·" ·
= 224mm
= 0.224m I

and FM = GD= PG = 224 mm . '•

.I .
= 0.224m
.... 1
)( .

.......... _ .' ~ x,
·· BM = l3F+FM b - .......... / 2
. ~1
., 80.+ 224 = 304mm =0.304 m
Fig. 1.1~.l(b)
We.know that

= -.EM
(m m+ M-) 895 ...(":a=f3orq=l)
It consists of two ~ll-crank levers each canying a fly-ball at
h . 2 one end and roller at other en~. .i
= ~(IO+ Joo)· 895 The roller end of the lever fit into a grove in the slce~c llrld
0.304 I0 .. 0.224 pivoted at 0 1 and 0 2 to the frame. A ·helical sptjng in ·
compression ·provides equal downw!lfd force on th~ tv,.0 .
= 32385 or N2 =180 r.p.m.
rollers through a collar on the sleeve.
We know that range of speed As the speed in~reases, the balls move away from the spindle ,
axis. The bell crank )ever lifts ~e sleeve agamst the spring 1
= lOr.p.m. If the speed decreases, the sleeve moves downward. The ~
.. sleeve of governor is connected to the throttle valve. ·
Syllabus Topic : Force A·n alysls of Hartnell

The spring force
' ! .• '
can be adjusted by .screwi~g a nut up or .
. '
·Governor down on the sleeve. · · '
Let, m = Mass of the ball 'kg' ;
1.10 H~rt~~ll Governor -
M = Mass of sleeve 'kg'
T1 = Minimum radius of rotation ;
A spring _pontrolled Hartnell governor is shown in
Fig. 1.10. ~(a). r2 = Maximum radius of rotation
s =
Spring force exerted on sleeve in Newtons ...
SI = Spring force exerted on sleeve at minimum
radius in Newtons:
S2 = Spring force exerted on s.l eeve at maXimum
Fly ball radius in Newtons.
a = Length of vertical arm of bell-crank lever.
Bellaank b = Length of sleeve arm of bell-crank lever.
When the ball arm IA is vertical. The centrifugal force on' the
ball is. F =m · oi · r which acts at A and the force on the sleeve on
· ·
left half of lhe governor at B. will be
2 .

Taking moments about I,
F·a -· (M·~+S)b J •

Fig. 1.10.l(a)
or, F' =

_,., Ttclbtwl"ti .
..,.. Publi t llllOs
..~. =

... . '·
·.. 1 of Machinery
o names MU - Sam 5 - Mech 1·29 l . - • . . :

I .. .! . I • .!

i.e. M'.g+S · =" - 2(~)F ,; : · By substituting the . value of -. sleev~ · left , from
i • I /' •.

.' d s be the spring force at nii~in_ium radii of rotation

: Equation (l.10.3) and value o'f (S2 - S 1) from Equation (1.10.6) in
centrifugal Equation (l.10.4) we can "detcnnine the . spring ' stiffness with
LetS 1 an 2 • "th .
r I and maximum radii of rotatton r2 wt respective
' friction. ' ·
forces be F1 and F:z. , ,
ar .
Jn the WOricing range of governor, 0.' is usually small• lnl~lal compression of spring
bliquity effects of the arms of bell crank levers may 1
therefore, the o d". f · . - It. represents the compression ·of spring necessary to increase
Eq uation (i) at extreme ra 11 o rotations r2 and r 1 can
be neglected · - , -;· . . the spnng force from zero to spring force S1 at minimum radius.
be modified as : i :' · ; Therefore, ·
At maximum radius r2 : M·g+S2 = ~) 2 ... (ii) 2( F Initial compressio~ of spring, 0 )s,.:.o> =~ ...(1.10.7)
~ ~, - • • I

' p p
M·g +S 1 = 2{~)F .
At minimum 111dius r1: 1 ... (iii) Ex.1.10.1 A
\"'; ' ,

,·· ,!:
On subtracting Equation (iii) from Equation (ii),
In a H_artriell governor, the sleeve 'arm and th.e ball arm are"
S2-S1 = 2 (.~) ~2_~ F1) ... (1.10.l) '. 100 mm and 150 mm respectiVely. At . 150 mm radiu~: of
.- , rotation of flyball, the sleeve ·:~rm. · is ·horizontal· a~d th'~ ·
,W here, p2 ..,..= - m • ro:z2 ·_r2 and _ _ F 1 = m • w21 • r2
· corresponding speed Is 400 pm at full load. The ma~~··c,i
:. S2-S1 '=.
~ (a)· 2
2 b ·m(ro2·r2-ffi1 ·r1) :'.
, ...(1.10.2) , each flyball is 1.5 kg and that of sleeve is s kg. Find the·initiai ..

From simll~ triangles I Ai·A 1 and I B1 B 1, ;,e can write:

: compression of spring if spring stiffness is 30 N/mm. ·· · ' <•

:sotn.: .:· " ...._. . .. ; .,, , l, ::.:1

!2-r1 - .! I

a - b .' I , j ' , • 1• I , 1~ •
• . i.'

... (1.10.3)
Length sleeve arm, b = 100 mm= 0.10 m
... . ,·

· Length of ball~. a -= 150 mm= 0.15 m

' . . I .
1.10.1 .. >. Spring Stiffness (p) Mass of each ball, m = 1.5 kg I •• J . •.:.

It is defined as the load per unit deflection. Since the net load Mass of sleeve,' M = ' 5 kg
exerted by· the spring is (Sz - S1) and spring is compressed by 'x'. Stiffness of spring, p =·· 30 N/mm ,
By definition : : " . • .j ~
Rad.ius .ofrotation, r 1 ·=· - 150 mm .= OJ5.m
._ ;

Spring stiffness, p- -- S2 :. . .x S, ... (l,.10.4) Speed .,of governor, N.1 = . 400 rpm
.. . .I
'·2 1t N I·-.. 27t 400
:. (S2 - S 1) = p •x =p ( ~) (r2 - · r1~· .• :.. C.t>2 = 60 - :60 , . = 41.8? r~sec

On substituting this value in ~uation (1.10.1), we get: · :

~ • ' ·· j • '
. ;

· p •( ~) (r2 _- r 1) = 2( ~) CF2 - F1) . •'

2 Mg +S 1
2 ( _ba ) CF2-F1) a
.. Spring stiffness, P = (r
_ r
) • • .(l.l0.5) -2-

1.10.2 Effect of Friction , I

If th~ frictional force •r is taken into account, Equations (ii)

and (iii) for maximum and miniinum speeds with (+ f) and (- f)
respectively can be modified and rewritten as :
.. _ i

Fig. P. 1.10.1
M • g ~ S2 ~ f = 2 ( ~) F2 _ . .. (iv)
Refer Fig. p; 1._!~. 1. . '., . ·
= ~ · w; ·r1. =1.5 (41.89)2 x 0.15
~. • g +.~1 - f . = 2 .( ~) F_1 ... (v) Centrifugal force, F1
F1 = 394.82N
o~ s~btrasting &iuation (iv) from Equation,(iii),
'Neglecting obliquity of arms and taking moments about 'I'. - · 1 ' · · ~ ·
. S2- S1\ .2{ = ·: 2 (~) <F2 ::_ ~-1)
M· g2+S1)
- b = F1 · a
-\. , (
..... . . ~-· ·:: ·· s2 -=- S1 = 2(~)CF2-F1) ..:. 2~ ·- .. . (
•• ' ' •: ~ •
J : .
.- - . - - "

r .,
• .o namlcs of Machinery MU • Sam·5 • Mech) 1·30
. .
' ... (S x 9.81 + S,~
\ . 2. ) 0.1 · = 394:82x~.
... <Spring fol"'.~• S1 "=. 1135.41 N
' '

Initial compression of spring,

I) = ·~ =.!!llli =37.847
p · · 30 ·

8 = 3.7847 cm ...Ans.
I 'o

b .


soin: .. ' I L.------....:.2=-------i •'.

tti .

Mass of each ball, ~ = ~ kg ,, I

Initial radius, r = r 1 =200mm=0.2 m I ,, ' ' ,,

Length of ball ann, a = 110 mm =0.11 m Mg+S 2
I .
Ii ' . I
Length of sleeve arm, b 150 mm= 0.15 m -2-

Assume.Mass of sleeve, M = 6 kg
, • I·

Sleeve displacement, x = 4 mm =_o.004 m x !

. ·'
Initial speed, N 1 = 240 rpm . .. j Gov~mor
.. (J)I =
2 rt N,
21tX 240
= 60 =25.13 rad/sec {b)
Fig. P.1.10.2
Fmal speed. N2 = N 1 x 1.075 =240 x 1.075 =258 rpm
2n'.x 258 . . For maximum position talcing momeni about 'I' and
.. OOi = 60 =27.01 rad/sec neglecting effect of obliquity we get,
Refer Fig. P. l.10.2(a) = (m ·roi · r2) a
Al minimum position, taking moment about I we get, (6 x 9.81 + s2\ ' 2
\ 2 ) 0.15 3 x 0.2028 x (27.01) x 0.11
( ~·~+S,) b = (m "(1)21 • r 1) a
(6 x 9.81 + s 1~ S2-S1 .
:. \ 2 .;x0.15 = (3 X (25.133)2X 0.2) 0.11 Spring stiffness, p = x
SI = 497.06N ... Ans.
592.12 -497.06
The initial spring force is..497.06 N
= 23765 Nim
We Jcnow that, p = 23.765 N/mm ••• Ans,
r 2 -r1 x (r2 -0.2) = Q&Qi
a = b .. 0.11 0.15 Ex. 1.10.3

0.2028m In a spring loaded governor of the Hartnell type the weight of

each ball is 5 kg and the lift of the sleeve is 5 cm. The speed
Refer Fig. P.1.10.2(b) at which the governor begins to float is 240 rpm and at this
speed the radius of ball path is 11 cm. The mean working
speed of the governor is 20 times the range of speed when
friction is ne lected. If the len th of the ball and roller arm ot
..... ,Id~ --
• •w• 111:1t1 eu
Dynamics of MachIne MU - Sem 5 - Mech 1, -31 .
,; '.'· ... : ' ~I . .. . Govemo"5'
·. · · - ·· ·
the bell crank lever a ' ·
·~e cm and 10 cm respectively 'a nd If ·
.. -.~:·:. ·.- (~.--~ :~~~~ --;~·~.~W:~.~,;:·; . . ..
h · d' tance between the centre of ·pivot of bell crank lever
I e is vemor splndle Is 14 cm. Determine the
and axis of the go
of the spring, taking Into account obliquity
.. (25.13;1+w~ = 20xc00z-25.t327> ,,,._i,.
Initial compressIon · ·
of arms. If the cfrl tlon Is equivalent to a force of 3 kg at the
... .wz. = 26·.421s rad/sec ... ..-
total alteration In speed before the sleeve
sleeve, find the . · Total lift of the sleeve is; ~ '
· from mid position.
begins to move ·
.. ' . ,,
Mass of each ball, . m = 5kg';
Given: :. 0.05 = (r2 - 0.11) X gi12 'I 'j
Lift of sleeve, x, = 5 cm=0.05 m
.. r2 = 0.17 m
Initial speed, N 1 = 240rpm I,

.. 21tX 240
'. Also
I \,
·. ~.' = "cr,-r1 )! =(0..~4~~·19~i
2 ..
~· . ' 60 = 25.13 rad/sec . ' '···· • •• • I

= O.Q25 m
J I' ••r
Initial radius, r 1 =.· 11cm=0.11 m
. Centrifugal force at minimum speed is,
Length of ball arm, a = i20 mm= 0.12 m 'I'.· . . .
F 1 -- mr1 co21

Length of roller ann, b = 100 mm= 0.1 m .. ! . ' .•

= . 5 x 0.11 x (25.1327)2
Mean speed of governor is 20 times the ~ge of speed, i.e. I
' I =» 347.4N:. · .-7·~
.. :~ . : ' I .
Mean speed = 20_x range of speed ·
. l ._ "
! .
1;.· r, ' '
•· .

'. 2 ..,
~' =~~~~ ,. r 1 - A

A, L.
~ :.

•• · 1· ' ' I'.

a1 ~ c a 2'·
. -,,. .

: ...."'
I.·. .
" c
,I '

.• • • :

.. ' -
t ~ "''

(a) (b)
Fig. P. 1.10.3 ...
Centrifugal force at niaximum speed, 'f
Similarly for maximum radius, ·
F = mi • ro~ • r2. = 5 x 0.17 x\ (26.4215) .
82 = '\/a -(r2 -d _
'.' . 2 . 2

= 593.38 N
Talcing in~ ~unt the ,obliquity of arm we have,
• : I
= '1 (0.12) -(0.17 -0.14)
2 2
. I
For radius, . '

x = X1 +X2

a1 = ~ a2-A ~~ ~'\/ a2 -:- (r-r/ .. 0.05 = 0.025 + X2

._ = -Vco.12)2 -co.14-0.11)2 .. X2 = 0.025 m

.. a, = 0.1162m .. b2 = '1 b2 - ~ =:'1 (0.1) -(0.025)2 2

,- . . .. . bl . = '1 b
- b~ '1 (0~1) - (0.025)2 ..,
= 0.09682 m
= 0 .09682 m Neglecting mass of sleeve :. M =O

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' ;
' ' .. . ·o namlcs of Machine MU • Sam 5. Mech 1·32 I •'

. F~ . A
For minlmurn 'radius of ' rot.nllon .. Taking moment obout
fulcrum 'I'. : .
Refer Fig. P. l.10.3(n).

··· F,xa, = [M·~:s•J xb 1 +m·gxAA1 ...

· Mg+s+r
347 4
· x o.1162 =[ 0
; s,J x0.09682 + 5 x 9.81 x (0.14-0.11)
b =0.1
lnitiol tension in spring . c
.I t-------....1

· · s, = 803.478 N r=0.14m

Similarly for m. · · ·d. . . ·

nx1mum ra 1us of rotation, taking moment
about 'I'
(c) Sleeve moves up
Refer Fig. P. l.10.3(b) .. ' F' . .. . ·. ~

.. Fx ~ - [M .g2+ sl] xbl-~·gxAA2

l -
593 38
· X0. 1162 =[ ~52] x0.09682-5><9.81 x (0.17-0.14)

. :: Si =. 1454.7047 N- ...0

co Mg+ s-f
Stiffness of spring, S2-S1 1454.7047 - 803.478
p = h
b =0.1
.. P = 13024.534 N/m 6------.-.c I

r= 0.14m
- 13.0245 N/mru ... Ans.
·" Initial compression of spring=~ _ 803.478
p 13.0245 (d) Sleeve moves down
Fig. P. 1.10.3
= 61.6897mm
... Ans.
. .
If to~ alternation in spCed when frictio~ is taken into' account : Talcing moment about fulcrum for motion of sleeve start
upwards _
f = 3 kg= 3 x 9.81 = 29.43 N

Spring force for mid position is given by, <R.efer.Fig. P. l.l0.3(c))

.. rD''x a -- m·g x O+ [M · g+S+f] x

s = SI +X1 s 2

= 803.478 + 25 x 13.0245 :. ~.6763x 10

_3 2
(N") x 0.12 = [o +. 1129.0905
- 29.43]
. xc
= 1129.0905 N :. N" = 250.7669 rpm
. .
F"' = mr(ro") Similarly, talcing moment about fulcrum 1 for motion

- 5x0.14x (21tN~2
~ .sleeve starting downward. (Refer Fig. P. l.10.3(d))
. [M·g+ S -f] . , "
F' xa = m ·gxO + 2 xb
= 7.6763 x 10- (N ">2 3

F' = m r (ro') 2 ... 1.6763 x 10- x <N'> x 0.12

3 2
=[ 0 + 1129-~os - 29.43 ] x

= 5 x 0.14 x (21tN~2
""60 :. N' = 244.3136 rpm

7.6763 x 10- 3 (N')2 Alteration in speed = N" - N' = 250.7669- 244.31;

= 6.4533 rpm . ...All!

scanned with ComSc<JnOEW"

. . . . ~

.. .. Governors

= 25670.66 Nim ·~ ~ ! . '

P = 25.67 Nlmm .. . ~ _.•••..Ans.
Initial compression of the.central spring, ., ·:. ~ 1 I ,1 •

I 8 ': ~ fu. ' 2016.33 - ,s:.. . ·

, , P = 25.67 78 mm = .:..Am.

Ex.1.10.s ·


Diame1er d = 150mm
In a spring ioaded Hartnell the typ~ govem~r,
of rotation of the flyballs are so mm and 120 mm. The ball
arm and the sleeve arm of the bell crank lever are equal in
length. The mass of each ball Is 2 kg. If the speeds at the
two extreme positions are 400 rpm and 420 rpm, find :
1) The Initial compression of the central spring.

.. r = r1 ~ 75 mm= 0.075 m 2) Spring constant. '· ·

Mass of sleeve, Soln.:
M = 5kg; r1 = 80mm=0.08m
Sleeve movement, .. r2 = 120mm::0.12m ,._
x -=· 30mm=0.03 m
Length of sleeve arm = Length of ball arm
Mean speed, N = 360rpm ' 1

2nx360 r- · b - a.m=2kg
' . . co = 60 - 37.7 rad/sec , 400
N1 = 400 rpm= co 1 =21t X6Q = 41.9 rad/sec
Assuming fluctuation of speed 1% on each side of the mid position
420 -
:. ro2. = 37.7 x 1.01 =38.077 rad/sec N 2 = 420 rpm= roz = 21t x 60 od 44 rad/sec
:. ro1' = 31.7 x 0.99 =37.32 rad/sec Centrifugal force at minimum speed, F 1 = m ·co~· r
Friction force, f = 35 N 2
At mid position,
F1 = 2 X 41.9 x 0.08 =281 N
Centrifugal force at milximum speed
(Mg. +2S+fjb 2
\ ') = (m ro 1 r1) a
. .
F2 = mro2 r2 =2x44 x0.12
2 . 2 ' 2 '

,-(_5 x 9.812+ s + 35.:\) = (1) F2 465 N
(m x 37.32 x 0.075) . .. . r·· ]
a= b ...
For ~um ~sition,
-(Mg:S-f) b= . (moo~ ri) . - ··- . . -
(Mg2+ Si) b = . -~1 ~ a

(5.x ~· 8 i2+ s - ~~ .= (m x 38.077 x 0.075)
I • •
. .. :(2) But M = 0 and a= b

Subtracting (2) from (1) :. s 1 = 2F1 =2x281 =562N

Similarly, for maximum position
·· 1(35
2 + 3sr = m x p.075 (38.07 2
- 31.32)
:. m = 8.25 kg -~.
\ 2 jb = F1 x a
At extreme position But M = 0 and a=b · ..
(Mg+S1+~j . 2 . ... S2 ·- 2 F2 =2 x 465 = 930 N
\ · . _2 J
b . = . (mroo ) a
b '

Lift of sleeve is, •b = (r2 - r ,) a= (r2 - r 1)

5x9.81 +S 1 +35
·2 = 8.21 x (0.075 + 0.015) 37 .7 2
= 120 - 80 = 40 mm
·s1.- = 2016.33 Stiffness of the spring, .. -
. (Mg+S2 +ry· S2-S1. 930-562
and\' 2 :Jb.= p = n 40
5x9.81+S 1 -35 .I - --
.,. .. .
2 . = 8.21 (0.075 -0.015) 37.7. 2
= 9.2 N/!llffi
Initial compression ·of the central spring
s2 = 2786.45 . S1 562
Spii'ng stiffness, P =
S2 - S1 2786.45 - 2016.33 o
= p= 9.2 =61mm
x = 0.03

amics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech 1-34

Ex. 1.10.6 ..
A Hartnell governor havini;f a central sl_eeve spring and two
·J I
right angles bell crank levers operates-between 290 rpm and
319. rpm for a sleeve lift of 15 mm. The sleeve anTis and the . !
ball arms are 80 mm and ·120 mm respectively. The levers
-are pivoted at 120 mm 1rom the governor axis and the mass
._. (µ(/),
of each ball is 2.5 kg. The ball arms are parallel to the
'governor axis at the ' lowest equilibrium speed. Deterinln~ :

CO-loads o·n· the spring at the lowest and highest equilibrium Mg +51 . _ /
speeds and (ii) stiffness of the spriog. · · ···
Soln.: · ' ' ·- .-i' ... .· ., .., '
..L-"4'l1-------, C
M~ ~f ~~ii ball, ~ ~ 2.s icf; . .. ,
I 8)(j3

Initiitl radius: ./ = r, .= 0.12 m. ., b I

, .··
Length of ball arm, a = 0.12 m;
.· .. ,•
Length of sleeve arm, b = 0.08 m (a)

Mass of sleeve, M = 0 kg;

Sleeve d.isplacement;x· = O.oI5 cm r
· ·Initial sPee<I. N 1 = 290 rpm
2rtN1 27tX290
.f .. .. w, = 60 = 60

·· · = 30.4 rad/sec 1
~• <JJ2
. Fmals~. N2 = 3Wrpm I' I · / ...
21tN, 21tX310 I

... ~ · = . w- = . 60
= 32.5 rad/sec ·.,
Refer Fig. P. 1.I0.6(a). x ...
At minimum position, taking moment about I .we get,
/ Govemoi:
( Mg2+S,) b = (m r1) - a w: axis .
.. ) ..
. (0 x 9.81 + S,\ ·1 .
-· (b)
··\- 2 ;xo.os = (25x(30.4) ~ 0.I2) x 0. 12
Fig. P. 1.10.6
.. SI = 831 N ••• Ans. --------------------~--------------------.:
Ex. 1.10.7
We know that.
The following data refe_ rs ·to a· -Hartl')ell governor. .l.eni1fh
. . r2-T1
~ 01
a = horizontal arms of bell crank lever = 40 mm and Length
b 01
(r2 -0.12)
vertical arms of bell crank lever BO mm Mass of each flying=
.. 0.12 = ~
ball 1.2 kg. , The maximum radius of rotation 100 .mm, The =
minimum radius of rotation 70 mm, The distance of fulcrurn
·.-. r2 = 0.1425 m
to axis of rotation = 75 . mm, Minimum equilibriurn
Refer Fig. P. 1.10.6{b).
speed 400 rpm, Maximum equilibrium speed 5 % _higher
For maximum position t.a.Jdng moment about 'I' and than minimum equilibrium speed. Neglecting obliq~ity of
neglecting effect of obliquity we get, arms determine : (i) spring stiffness (ii) initial compression'
- (M-g2+ s9 b = -(m w: r) a ., Soln.:

(-ox 9.812 + s9 .'

0.08 = (2.5 x (32.5/ x 0.12) 0.12

Given: m = 1.2 kg, a= 80 mm= 0.08 m, b = 40 mm =' 0.04m
r = 75 mm= 0.075 rn, .r1 =70 lllID = 0.07 m,
.. - S2 = 950N ••. Ans.
r2.= 100 mm= 0.1 m, N 1 =400 rpm .

S2-S1 1128-831 . _ 21tN 1 2nx 400

Spring stiffness, p =
x 15
.. co, - 60 = 60 =41.88 rad/s
= 7.93N/mm ••• Ans. Since maximum equilibrium speed is 5% greater th~ ihe
. '
minimum equilibrium speed, ·, ·
: . C02 = 1.05_X C01 = l.~5 X 41.88
= ·43.97 rad/s '1 •'

. , , ,Ub l lCltltJI

-- -= - ~= ·.:--=..-=.... ::.: - _: .;:_ _--~ - --

scanriea w ith CamScanner
' :;

.-t .Dynamics of Machlneiy (MU - Sam ·s - M~h). 1-35 .. I " • : ·_, Governors

'"' force nt the minimum equilibrium speed,
= m (oo)2 r1 =1.2 x (41.88) x 0.07
2 Radius of relation, r = ' 0.12m
Fc1 . • .· . ·. Now,
:· .. , = 147.33N . Sleeve lift from mid .position is equai.
'fl A' fo~ nt the maximum equilibrium speed
Cenb'I ugw
·· 2· · '
= M (aj2 r2 =1.2 (43.97) x 0.1 ••
u1 = ~ =: z0 = -0.016
2 - = 0.008 m
= 232.oo·N. I •

Smee o
bl'1.q'uity. of arms · is neglected, therefore minimum . ' ••'

equilibrium position, . • a ,.
M8+.s1-r = 2Fcax'b ~j ' ; • :
.\ . ,I
. .
0.08 . " \ 11•0.,1~m ·
. ,' ....
I 1, 4 I

:.o+s 1 _ 30 = 2xt47.33x 0 .04 . . .. [ ·: M=O] \ I

s1 = 619.32 N I .... '

". ' \
,... .... ---:
' I '
· . •'1

For maximum equilibrium position '

I ' "'!...~... - - 'b=0.08m
----:::..;..::.~!!._J I·
a ........ 18 :, I ) ' • '

'Mg+S2+f = 2Fe:ixb
.... ,
, ,

............ ~ ,
.I ,,
8 81_......_L-..L
0+.S2+30 . = .
2X 232 X 0.0
004 ... [·.:.M=O] i'
,· . ;
. Fig. P.1.i0.8(a).
. S2 1 = 898 N ' . . "
~~~m srop "'....·.. '.··
' •. · ,
(a) Stiffness of spring and spring force at
We know that lift of the sleeve is ".,.
. , . a- : 21tN I 2X 290 1
x = (r2'..:..r1)b' roi 60 60 =
= 30.36 rad/sec.
7t X I• .

. 0.08 . ' "I I

= (0.1-0.07) 0.04 =0.06 m 21tN2 2X7tX310

ro2 = 60 = . 60
= ~2.46 rad/sec. • -' I

I '~ ;
From similar 6A_A1F and me 1
:StiffncSS of spring is,
.. 1 . ..
s~-s, = 898-619.32°
p = x 0.06 ~ = c~r·) ·'·.

= 4644.66 Nim r1 =
r-b a.= 0.12-o.osx0.008 ..
. . 0.12 .
- 4.64 .N/mm - ••• Ans.'
Initial compression of the spring, - 0.108 gm
~ 619.32
a = p = 4.64 = 133.47 mm ••-.Ans.
2l = r2 -r
b a
l\:1',o'tii' MU Dec 16. 10 Marks K •:'\\'~''>·-.(,.
"'h"'1'l<•A""- : . ' ,,.l
Oi = [ o.!2+ ~;~~
OU. ·a
F.;,;.~·."r"'N .. -.._,.. ~· · -. ~!,. ;r.'~"'· ~~'-:\~~--~~"~-~!-:.\':\~;~~-~ ~~~~~ r2 = r+b, x 0.008] '
, . en ~e"lor .hayi~gA .'.cen.traJ . sleeve: ~nn :aod,Mo·
angte.;b91(·~'.J~\iE!r~m6~:s"i '-·"~fi?29Q_/ ~};,~ =
~'· ~. ,or.a8r~vett1tf of:ts~ihrf.~·.ri:}sr~t&iffis~ci~lRi:
r2 0.132 m
Assumptions :
.· .·:-... -~e ··and :J~q~mt1i' resp~ye!Y.frtiei~!:W~-.· j
1 •

. ·ec1 at.12(fmirdroni'
·- • . :· . . ::
:::~; . ·""'
:: r..,
'. axiS'~ncuti&~itl'B~
1 ·~ •• • .~ ~~~· · •. i't~l\,;o-·..J.·\ · • ,,~· . .. .. •,:;111
Neglecting the mass of sleeve friction force at sleeve and
abliquity of arms and taking moments about 1;
Ch: t>aD is·, 2..7 kg., The~ ~ILanns.-<are~parilllel ;to:;me;
· ~::· 'SxiS attba·iowesi·eqallibnul1l-.S-~.~ ~t~hi1fn:e'.tn~J ~ ·b = F1· awhere, · F 1= mro~ r1
nsi.::::,;~:~::. ~ ·::-,·~- "~:~--:~<:\~t;~~~~~-~><:':>i~,~;;;;~~~~~-:J • .. I I :i.
,,,; ds .. oo :tf18-•-Si:fririQ-. at· tti9 rO*~sViarid)fi~:-:hi_91ie~(
.1 •• ,, . . . • ··~- .,
• ., ;./t• ,v•
. _·· ~ . '• , •• •
ullibrium speeds ' . . .· ..>-. -:. .,,.~.· " '-' '. '"'." .>t:1~.1
~:r.~~ .; ~'. ·. :.-. . .. "'. - '.: /·~ -~»~.:~;?~;\~:.(;;~)~~:-~:~,:~1
---~~_of .the ~pJ.iog_______,,.._.~..,, ....,,,._"""'""'·-""'''==-~--M,
Soln.: .. S 1 = 806.32 N/m ' : lJ . I'

Speed. N1 • =. 290 rpm Similarly, l '

Speed, N2 = 310 rpm
Sleeve lift. o = x =16 mm= 0.016 m 2( ~) in · co~ r2
. ..
Length of sleeve arm. b = 0.08 m = 2x ( ~:~~) x 2.7 x (32.46) x 0.132
I'";" '

Length· of ball arm, a· = 0.12 m ·

Mass of each ball, m = 2.7 kg
S2 = 1126.56 Nim

.. .

sconned w ith C;)mS<:ono«

r -

0 nnmlo1 of Mnohlna (MU • SQm 6 • Moch

· •..,.1

H11rlnu ~1lff11c1ili,
p ,.. Sz-S 1 fltfi.~6 - RO<i.32
csx9.~l +s9o~J4
II I@ O.CJ I(J = (3 x (33.51) x (0.1714)] 0.1
P s 2001~ Nim
3,4335 + 0.07 S2 =
Ex.1.10.0 .
A fJ(Jrlna lotJdotJ oovornor of Hmtnoll typo hOG equal orms.
... 52 = 775.8142 N .
S2 -_§ _ 775.8142- 317.09
ThtJ IJalfo rolnl<1 In a clrclo of 1(j() mm whon Iha eloovo Is In Spring Stiffness, p = x - . 0.03 . .
mid poofllon find lho boll arm aro vortlcal. Tho oqulllbrlum
opofJcJ for lhlo potJltlon In 000 rpm. Maximum slaovo
p = 15290.80 Nim =15.290 NI nun '
movomonl lo lo bfJ 3() mm and tho maximum varlallon ot : . Initial compreb~ior: of spring,
epood ltJkln(J In account tho frlcllon to bo ;1; 5% of tho mid · ' ~"" . ,
317·09 07383
poolllon i;pQod. Tho matHJ of tho eloovo le 5 kg and friction = §J.
P =jf.290= 2 . mm
forco may bo con~ldorod ro bo 30 N. Powor ol tho governor
muol bo outtlclonl of o.vorcomo tho friction by 1 % chango of Ex.1 .10.10
eptJud ollhor way from mid potJltlon. Oolormlno : A Hartnell governor wlth a central sleeve, spring and two
(I) Tho rotalln!J mnso, right angled bell cranked levers rgtates between 288 and
(II) Sprlna otlffnoors.
320 rpm, for a sleeve lift of 3 cm. The sleeve arm and the
(Ill) lnltlol comprosBlon of tho spring.
ball arm are 10 and 14 cm respectively. The levers are
NoalfiCf tho obllqulty olfoct of lho arms.
plvoled al 12 cm from the governor axis and t~e mass of
Vial.II : N • 228 rpm. N: • 320 rpm. Sleeve lift .. 3 cm each ball ls 3 kg. The space restriction.impos~s the condition
that maximum. radius of rotation of the fly ball not to exceed
Leni,irh of 'kt\•e um b .. J4 cm • O. I4 m, .

Lengr11 of l~IJ iliffl a • J0 cm 11 0. Jrn

15 cm. Calculate :
(I) Load on the spring at the lowest and the highest
M;iu of C<leh b;llJ (m) • 3 kg. equilibrium speed and
R~iUJ of ROJadon (r) r: J5 cm "' 0. JS m (II) Stiffness of the spring.
l>i•l:lncc <>f Lever from G. axis• J2 cm, Soln.:
Mau of lfl!eve • 5 kg Speed (N1) = 288 rpm; Speed (N2) =.320 rpm.
2nN, 2 xnx22S Sleeve lift, 5 = 3 cm= 0.03 m; Length of sleeve arm (b) = 0.1 m
11>1 • 6() • «J a 23.87 rad/ sec.
Length of ball arm (a) =0.14 m ; mass of each ball (m) = 3 kg.
2 n N1 2 x n x 320
"'z • 60
• (i(J =33.SJ rad/ sec. Radius of rotation (r) =O.J5 m
Al minimum position, Wiing moment about I, Now• .
Sleeve lift from mid position is equal. Therefore.
fM.g2+ St)• 2
,- ) = (m • w1 • r1) a 0 0.03
:. 51 = &2 =2=z-=0.015m.
5 x 9.81 +St)
( 2 ') x 0.J4 = (3 x (23.B1J2 x 0.15) 0. J (a) Stiffness of spring & spring force at bottom stop

3A335 + 0.()1 S1 = 2563.99 21tN1 2x 1t X 288

w1 = -W = 60 =30.1592 rad/sec
/, S1 = 311.09 = 3J7..<J9 N
27tN2 2x 1t x 320
'flu: initlal fipring force is 365.1931 N
Wz = 60 = 60 = 33.51 rad/sec.

We know thal, Prom similar .1AA1F & lBB 1

'2 3-rt . = .!b ~· = C:'·)

(r2 -0.15)
0.1 =
o:J4 .. r 1 = ai:
r-i)v1 . - 00.14
=015 .10 x 0.015=0.12gm

... r2 = 0.1114 m Similarly, T0 = r2 -r

a '· .
Por maximum position laking moment about 'I' and
neglecting effecr of obliquity we get,

'!!!~ r1cuii••1..ti
Yf' Publication s
1· oynamlCS 0
t Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech) . . 1-37.

· · ·:·. :.'. .. .. . ·~A A, r, ' . "\Govemar ' ·Centrifugal force at minimum speed,·
Fl = ~.~~ ·r1=2X41.92 x0.08=281N
.. . . ·: -~
~ r r
1 • I axis ,
Centrifugal force at maximum speed, .
' . A2 . . .· 2 . ' .
\ I I 2
p 2 = mro r2 =2x44 x0.12=465N
\. i I
... I
I For minimum position,

\ I
\ I
_:--- I
~·;s 1) = F1 xa

\ / . . . ---- b=o.1m· l I· But M =Oand a= b ;, S1 = 2 P1 =? x 281 = 562 N:· ' ' '

I - --.. ....... ...._........

.. ' . I B. I Similarly, for maximum position
. - - - -.. ·I
I ~·;s2)b .= F"l-x_a

But M = Oand a=b

Fig. P. 1.10.10 ,
.. S2 = 2F2 = 2 x 465.= 930 N
Assumptions : Lift sleeve is h = (r2 - r 1) ~ = (r2 - r1) = 120- 80 = 40 mm
Neglecting the mass of sleeve, friction force at sleeve and
obliquity of arms and taldng moments about I, . Stiffness of the spring, p = ~ =
s -s- 930 - 562
= 9.2 N/mm
-z·b F1 _
·a Initial compressi9n of the c~otral spring

where, F1 = mw1 r1
2 ~ 562 .
S = p = 9.2 =61 mm •.• Ans.
.. SI = ·2 (~).m · ro1\
0.14 .
= 2 x QT.~ 3 x (30.15)2 x 0.129

= 985.016 N

Similarly, Si = 2 (~) m · Czli2 r2

0.14 .
= 2x O.l x3x(33.51)2 x0.171

= 1612.96 Nim
Spring stiffness, P = - -
1612.96 - 985.016
= 0.03 Soln.:
= 20931.466 Nim .•• Ans. Given
m = 1.4 kg, a= lOOmm,;, 0.1 ID, b = 50mm =0.05 ID,
Ex. 1.10.11
r =80 mm = 0.08 m,
In a spring loaded Hartnell governor, the extreme radii of r 1 =75 mm_= 0.075 m, r2 = 112.5 mm= 0.1125 m, N 1 = 300 rpm
rotation of the balls are 80 mm and 120 mm, The ball arm
21t X300 ·
and the sleeve arm of the bell crank lever are equal in length. .. ro 1 = 60 = 31.41 rad/sec
The mass of each ball is 2 kg. If the speeds at the two
Since the maximum equilibrium speed is 5% greater than the
extreme positions are 400 and 420 rpm, find the initial
minimum equilibrium.speed (ro 1), th.erefore maximum equilibrium
compression of the central spring.
speed is,
ro~ = 1.05 x 31.41=32.98 rad/se·c
r1 =. 80 mm= 0.08 m
Centrifugal force at minimum equilibrium speed,
r2 = 120mm=0.12m 2 2
F1 = mro 1 r 1 =1.4 (31.41) x 0.075
Length of sleev·e arm = Length of ball arm
= 103.59 N
b = a, m = 2 kg
Centrifugal force at maximum equilibrium speed,
N 1 = 400 rpm= w1 =21tx60 = 41.9 rad/sec 2 2
F2 = m ro r2 = 1.4 (32.98) x 0.1125 = 171.30 N
2 ' • . .
420 Since, obliquity of arm is neglected, therefore minimum
N2 = 420 rpm =w2 = 21t x 6o = 44 rad/sec
equilibrium position,
e T1dllno111l1d9ii
~P u blications
Dynamics of Machinery (MU • Sam 5 • Mech) 1-38 '
. ; Q ·'' ,,:;
- n ., . . the governor. Alternately, ~e ~an say that Ui · .. , . ~ ·~·
i .,'
S1 = 2F1 b ... [': M= OJ .h h d e sens''•'
the governor increases w1t t e ecrease in range' .tth;~
' . . 0.1 a given lift of governor. .. . Of ·~I
S1 = 2 x 103.59 x 0.05 = 414.36 N
In view of the above we can define the sensiti . ' .. . ~
r . Vene .•
'·' For mrueimum equilibrium. position, governor as follows : . as· ar ;
a Sensitivity of governor is defined ~s the ratio :· . , ~
S2 2F2 b = ...[·:M::=OJ , . Of d1f• , •
between th~ maximum and nummum equilibnulll ·~
2 x 171.30 x O~O~
the mean equilibrium speed. . ,
S2 . = =685.2 N = Minimum equt'J'b.
1 num speed correspond· . · ~
Let, N I . ' . 1ng lo
Lift and sleeve is, , , _
load condition. · fiitt .
b' - 0.05
x = (r2 -r1 )a=(0.1125-0.075)QT =0.01875m Nz = Mrucimum equilibrium speed corresponding to
zero load condition,
'. S2 - S1 685.:z°-414.36
. Stiffness of the spring, p
= -x-= 0.01875
N = Mean equilibrium speed =
N 1 +N2
14444.8 Nim' =
p = 14.44 N\mm Sensitiveness of governor,
Initial compression of the spring, Difference of maximum ~d ~nmum eguilibriu~
. S1 414.36
e = Mean eqmlbnum s.p eed
,. ..

o = .P ="'i4.44,= 28.6 mm
Equilibrium speed corresponding to radius of rotation
E = •'

r 90 mm = 0.09 m. Since the obliquity of the arm is neglected,
E ::
N2 .:..N, 2(N2-Ni)
therefore the centrifugal force at any instant
~2;N1) = (N 1+N2)
... (l. ll.1)

Fe = F1 + ( F2 - F1 ) (rr - r, )
. 2-r1
1.11.2 Stability of Governor

Fe 130.67 N
We know· that centrifugal force is ·
. . ( 0.09- 0.075 )
103 59 +(171.30-103.59) 0.1125-0.075

2nN) x 0.09
. • 130.67 = 1.4 x ( 60
·"· -
(MU ·- Dec. 13, Dec. 15,May 16, Dec.1 8)

N = 307.52 rpm .•. Ans.

A governor is said to be stable when for each speed within
Syllabus Topic : Performance Characteristics of the working range there is only one radius of rotation of
Governors governor balls at which the governor is in equilibrium.
For stable governor when equilibrium speed increases, radius
1.11 Performance Characteristics of of flyball increases.
Governors For unstable governor when equilibrium speed increases,
radius of flybaU decreases.
1. 11. 1 Sensitiveness of Governor ·
1.11.3 Isochronous Governor
~ (MU - Dec. 13, Dec. 15,May 16)
+. (MU· Dec. 13, Dec. 15,May 16, Dec.18)
{,~;~r;;'··«...~.· _, _
. , ., . ... .'.~c:. -~ :~~;;;~:};;):.;~~.?:i~.::;:'.~~fi~~~g;~Jf{~ ~~~.,--.,.,--.,.,--.,--.-,....,....,--.,~

Universit Question
.r\. ~'·{7J.tD~ffr;!e ,C3!1~:f~~pla,in .th.E! teftrJ ? fef~ti,qiri~~~
~~ "~" ":"<~ -'=:>-· · · ..~. • .•.,. - '· ,r . . .1
• &>::.:~ ,,y.z,;to,govemors ~ .. ·~ :;
A governor is said to be sensitive when it readily responds to
a small change of a speed. The movement of the sleeve for a
fractional or small change of speed is measure of sensitivity. A governor is said to be isochronous when the equilibrium
When governor is fitted to the engine the practical speed is constant for all radii of rotation of the balls w.ithin
requirement is that the change of equilibrium speed from no ·u1e working range, neglecting friction.
load to the full load position of the sleeve should be as small An isochronous governor will be infinitely sensitive.
as possible of mean equilibrium speed. An isochronous governor is not of practical use. Since the
Therefore. in general, the greater is the lift of the governor for sleeve will move between the extreme positions of the
a fraction change in speed, greater will be the sensitiveness of governor as soon as the s ed of the governor chan es and it
~=1 Tedllllt•ltqi
V Pub l l<1tllll

Sc;;inned w ith CamSconoer

_,,..-. .
1. .·
I , 0 namlca of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech ...
1·39 ''- · -. ·Govarnois ·
· not be ublo fo.udjust tho f\1cl supply nccordlnoe 1·0 I00d ~
I 11
s~ .
·will shut-off fuel supply, 1horciorc, ug11l11 the •peed hei[ll11110
.. tho l!ngino quickly. · .. . · . .
. ii-- . condition tor Porter governor to be l1oohronoui '""·
'therefore, n highly 1c11Kl1ivc govcmor keep~ on m1wl11g up
C~nsider 11 Porler governor running between anlnhitum 5 cd nnd down he1wec111ho extreme 1K>tillo1u in order 10 111Jjt18t lhc
..., nnd 01nxinu11n speed N2. From section I 8 pct rue! supply 11nd rho govcmor Ill r;nld to he h11111l11y,.
,, 1 rl . · , us ng
BquRUOll (f.8.2), WO Cllll W to. 'rhcrcfo~. 11 govcn10r 111 Huld 10 hunt If 1hc t'llglnc fh1c11111tc•
11 1 .. ·N;
895 [ M
1 + q)
] conllnuo1111ly ubovc. 11nd below 1l1t1 mc1111 c<1uilihrlu111 s1)Ced in
11 highly Sl!nAllive ~ovcrnor.

.. N'l ' =· .-r.;-

895 [ M ·
1 ~ 2ni (1 .+ q)

Ti;" t
I .. .{I) Syllabus Topic : Govornor Effort and Powor
N2 = 895 M
and l 1+2ffiO+q)]
''.(ii) 1.12 Governor Effort and Power
· For isochronous govemor, N2 - N 1 = o 1c N
follows 1.h11I h1 = h1· For t1·us cond1t1on,
·· · 2aN.1t
Equnllon (I)· nnd (II) I Consider 11 governor running nt rqullihrium speed, the 11y~te111
• 1· u t . cnnnot is in cqullil>rium 1md lhe rcNuluint force 1icti11g on lhe glceve is
be satisfied. It imp ies lU • •
· A porter g'ovemor, hence, nil ce 11'tr1·~11 I zero.
'' ga type govemors,
cannot be mnde isochronous. When the speed of governor increui;cs or decrc:u,:cs, 11
rcsultnnt force on the sleeve is required 10 l>c exerted on the
r:r Condition for Hartnell governor ~o be Isochronous sleeve which lends 10 move ii. When 1he sleeve occupicti lhc
F~m section 1.10, writing Equations (ii) nnd (iii) ngnin : new equilibrium posilion, again the resultant force 011 tho
sleeve becomes zero.
M · g + S2 = 2( ~) (F2) =2 ( ~) m • roi • r2 Assuming thnl the result11111 force ncling on lhe sleeve
Increases gradually from zero 10 ils maximum value of E and
M • g + S1 =: 2( ~) CF1) =2 ( ~) m • ro~ • r1 then decreases grndually to zero between the two equilibrium
For isochronous govemor, speeds of the governor, the mean resultant force on tho
. N2 = N • i.e. ro2 rot = govcmor sleeve will be FJ2, called governor effort.
On dividing the above equations, the condition for 'Olerefore, the govemor effort is defined as the mean force
isochronism becomes : exerted on the sleeve. for a given change of lift or for given
.M • g + S2 _ .!l percentage change of speed of IJ1e govemor.
M • g + S1 - r 1 ... (l.ll.2) The governor power is defined as the work done on the sleeve
·1.11.4 Hunting of Governors for a given percentage change of speed. II is the product of
governor effort and displacement of sleeve.
~ (MU· Dec. 13, Dec. 15,May 16)
1.12.1 Effort and Power of Porter Governor
r;r Effort of Porter governor :
For a Porter governor, it height according to Equation (l.8.1) is,
Consider a governor which is infinitely sensitive. In such a
governor, the sleeve will move continuously up and down
h = !2 [ + ~l1 (1 + q)]
from its equilibrium speed when the load changes. It can be
i.e . h =
[2m + M
(I + g)] ... (i)
. explained as follows :
Consider an engine which is rotating at an equilibrium speed Let, ,N = Equilibrium speed
i.e. load equal to power developed by the engine. h =. Height of U1e governor corresponding to. speed N
Consider the case when the load on the engine increases, the c = Increase in speed in percentage
speed of the engine will decreases and the governor will Refer Fig. 1.12.1.
move immediately to its extreme minimum position in order When speed is increased by c%, a downward force 'E' must
to open the fuel supply valve since the governor is highly · be exerted on the sleeve in order to prevent the sleeve from rising.
sensitive. · If speed increases to (1 + c) ro and height of the governor remains
the same, 1he load on govemor sleeve increases to M 1 • g where,
Under this condition to ilie engine will supply more fuel than
M1 • g =M · g + E.
required and the engine speed will increase again and the
governor sleeve will move 'to extreme highest position and it
Putl l l t:iitlOI\ \

I SSL CE W&J'.2C.£!Z!

scanned with CemSeanner

MU • Sem 5 • Mech 1·40

••• h • . g
(I +c)3cil
t +~(I +q)
M J •,.(II)
Bqunllon (J. J2.1) reduces to :
:. Q • c • g (m + M) . .. . .
Sometimes effort Is defined ns the mean for . ··-<1.~~
sleeve for J% change In speed I.e. ca 0.0 I. ec..'~u1,~'~ •
O.ol g I 2rn + M (J + q) I . .'. ~
• ·• Then, Q a (J + q )

Power o( Porter governor

· ....
Let x .. Lift of the sleeve
:. Governor power (P) • Q • x (
··· It
Suppose 'h' is the height of gove'!1or for speed N. ~ 2,3)
lncrcnsed speed (1 + c) N, let the height be h1•· For a 'I._
h . KOYeri...
having equal arms lnterseclIng . on t e axis of spindle ....,.
Sleeve lift, x. = 2 (h - h1)
°' -
and q = 1. From Equation (i), we have,

h = ~ [1 +~]
. h, = g
(1 +c) ol2
[1 +ffiM] ····(~

.. h-h, = g [
M] - 0 + c>2
2 + ffi
002 [ 1 + ~.]


~(1 +c)ru. .. h - h1 = .;2 [I + ~] [ 1 (1 : c)2

I = h[ 1- 1 + 2~ +ctJ

fJ1 I
:. h - h1 = h [I - 1 ; 2c] =h [I ~2c] ... [c is neglec~l

,. x = 2 (h - h1) = 2h [ 1 ~cZc ]
Ffg. 1.12.1
4 ch
Equating Equations (i) and (ii) we get,
.. xI+ = 2c .•. (1.12.4)

4w [1 +~(I +q)J1 = (1 +c) cu

g2[1 +~(1
•. Power of governor
P = Q • x = cg (m + M) x 1 + 2c

2m +M (1 +q) = 1 [2m +M, +g>l (1 2

4 c gh (m + M)
2m (1 +2c+c2 ) 2m J P = 1+2c .. . (l.12.S)
On neglecting since 'c' is very small,
When a and f3 are not .e qual
. 2m + M 1 (1 +q)
• . 2m + M (1 + q) =· . 1 + 2c
The lift of sleeve (x) ~an be approximately estimated as,
.• 2m (1 + 2c) + M (1 + 2c)(l + q) = 2m + M 1 + (1 + q)
.. 2m + 2m x 2c + M (1 + q) + 2c M (1 + q) = 2m + M 1 + (1 + q) x = h (1 + q) x ( I :c2c )
(M1 - M)(l + q) = 2c [ 2m + M (1 + q) J = cg [2m + M (I + g)J
We know that Q (I +q)
M1 - M = 2c [ 2m + M (1 + q)J
l +q ... (iii)
Power of the governor
E (M1 -M)g
Gov~mor effort. Q = Mean force =2 = 2
p = Q·x .

Q =
cg ( 2m + M (1 + g)J
(1 + q) ... (1.12.1)
= cg [2m + M (1 + g) )
(1 + q) x
h (l )
+q x
1 + 2c
When governor arms are of equal length and intersecting on.
the axis of spindle, then, q 1. = p = ~c+~ [ m _+ ~(1 +q)J ... (1: 12.6)

• P u1111c1t r1u

SCann@d with CamScanner

: -, . a~ICS of Machinery MU • Sem 5 • Mech 1•41 , · ··. • -:_ :t •;

Ex. 1.12.1
In a porter governor, upper links are 250 mm long hinged at
Refer Fig. 1.12·2·
25 mm from the governor shaft axis and lower links are
We .knOW that for Hartnell governo~_ 310 mm long hinged to the sleeve at 30 mm from shaft axis;
Sleeve mass Is 50 kg and rotating masses are each 5 kg.
. Fxa . ·= · cM·g+S)
2 ·b
The rotating masses are rotating at a radius of 210 mm. If
the speed suddenly changes by 6%. Find out governor effort
:. (M•g+S) = and governor power. .
... (i)
Given : Mass of sleeve, M = 50 kg;Mass of each ball, m .= 5 kg
If height of governor or radius of governor is to remain same: Refer Fig. P. 1.12.1.
for increase in speed of (1 + c) co.. We require an extra force 210-25 . .,
then sin a 250 =0.74
'B' at the sleeve. ·
Cl = 47.731°
Equation (i) becomes • . tan Cl = tan 47.731=1.1
2(l+c) (~)
M·g+S+E ·= m·co2 ·r ... (ii) tan Cl = !. i.e.

Dividing Equation (ii) by Equation (i) we get, .. = · 190.87 mm ='190.87 x 10- 3 m

. I 210-30
sin f3 = .310 =0.581; ·
-( . ~)- m • ro
2 2
2 + (1 + c) • r
M•g+S+E = .. f3 = 35.49°
M·g+S (a) 2
2 . ii m·'. ro • r .. tan f3 = tan 35.49 =0.713 '
tan 6 _ 0.713 _
q = tan a - 1.1 - 0·648 .

f For Porter governor the effort is,

. Q. _ [2m + M (I +
. _.
C· - cg (1 + q)
· ·[2 x 5·+ 50 o + o.648)]
= . 0.06·· x 9.81
!mm or
.. Q . (1 + 0.648)
.. Q = 33.002 N · ... Ans.
Controlli~g tofc:e Lift of the sleeve is,

r x = h (1 + q) ( 1 !c2c )

Radius of rotation (r) - · · -3 ( 2x0.06 )

.. x = 190.87 x 10 : (1 + 0.648) 1 + 2 x 0.06
.. x = 33.702x 10- m .

M·g+S -+E
.. = (1 + c>2 /
M·g+S B / I

= - I+ 2c + c2 =.l + 2c ... [Neglecting c1


h \.. 2s mm
.. M·g+S = I +2c

(M•g+S+E)-{M·g+S) (1+2c)-l
M·g+S I ... [By dividend]
.. M·g+S
= 2c w I


.. E = 2c (M. g+S) I I

Effort Q = Mean force =2
.. .(1.12.7) 2 30mm•

Power of governor = Q · x where x =displacement Fig. P.1.12.1

V T1dib111l1d9i
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" ~~·D~n~am~lcs~of~M~a~c~hl~n~e~(M~U~·~Se~m~5.;;·~M~ecgh~)==~1~-4~2~==============--G;;;ov~~<j
Power of Porter governor is, .. CJ) = ~ - ,

.. ;;~. j

Power of governor = P Q • x =33.002 x 33.702 x 10-
60X 13.293 .i
= l.JJ2Nm .•• Ans. Hence, N = 2n
- l

Ex~ 1,12.2 126.94rpm =

c · g [2m + M (1 + g) l
A Portor governor has rotating masses 5 kg each and mass Governor effort is, Q = (1 + q)
on the sleeve Is 30 kg. Upper links are 25 cm long and lower
0.01x9.81 [2 x 5 + 30 (1 + 0.689))
links are 35 cm Jong. The upper ends of upper finks and = (1+0.689)
lower ends of lower finks are hinged at 4 cm from the shaft
axis. Find the equilibrium speed of the governor in rpm when Q 3.524 N ···Ans.
the governor weights rotate at 130 mm radius. Also, find the
governor effort and governor power if there · is sudden
Sleeve lift is, x = h (1 +q) (i :C2c)
change of 1% in speed of the governor. . . · ( 2x0.0l ~
x = 0.3368 c1 + o.698) 1 + 2 x o.~1)
Given : Mass of each ball, m = 5 kg = O.Oll2 m
Mass of sleeve, M = 30 kg Governor power is, P = Q • x = 3.524 x O.OU2
Change in speed, c = l %- 0.01
Radius of rotation, r - 130nun=13 cm Ex.1.12.3
Refer Fig. P. 1.12.2. . In a Portor governor, upper links are 250 mm long hinged at
·n ,.,
Sl " = CE -
CB -
r..::..m: _Q.::.1 - 0 36
CB - ·25 - .
25 mm from the governor shaft axis and lower links are ·
310 mm long hinged to the sleeve at 30 mm.from shaft axis.
.. a = 2J.l 0
. Sleeve mass is 50 kg and rotating masses are each 5 kg.
and tan a. = tan 21.1 = 0.386 The rotating masses are rotating at a radius of 210 mm. If
CE 13-4 the speed suddenly changes by 6%, find out the governor
sin P = Co = J 5 = 0.257 ·effort and governor power.
p = 14.9° and tan p =tan 14.9 = 0.266 Soln. :·
q = tan a
tan p - 0.266
- 0.386 - ·
- 689 Given: Mass of each ball, m = 5 kg;

r 13
Mass of sleeve,'M = 50 kg
b = c;;r; = _
0 386
= 33.68 cm = 0.3368 m Radius of rotation, r = 210 mm= 0.21 m ;
A C~ange in speed, c = 6%
Refer Fig. P. 1.12.3:

' F . ·-

/ mg ·
/ .
/ I

Mg /
I -

2 //
IL ___________ L _____ :
I l ·1 .·
Fig. P.,1.12.2 ,H
J . . D 30mm
Governor speed is,
ol =~ [1 + 2~ (1 +q)]

9.81 [ 1
+2 x s_(l + 0·689> J Fig. P. 1.12.3

From/J.CBE :
ol = 176.11; Hence, ro =13.293 rad/s
. . TecU1riildp
v PUtlllcatl •• S

-- -------· -·-·- - - -- -
~ ·.··

.,.. . ..._ . ,
. . . . ... .lcs of Machinery MU • Sem 5 - Mech . ·c •. .
,D oarn . . .,..... . . .- • 1• ' · I
·.·: ~ Govemois ·
.. CE r-EF 210-25 ·
sin IX CB=· =ce
= 250 = 0.74 Governor effort is,
.. IX == 47.73° .• Q = c·g [
2m + M (1 + g) ]
.. tan IX = 1.1
x5. +(1so+ 0.6482)
:r = 0.06 x 9.81 [
2 (1 + 0.6482)]
But. tan et. = h
210 c 33N •••Ans.
.. 1.1 = h
, Sleeve lift is,
. . ht of governor._
He1g . h = 190.87 mm= 0.19087 m
x = h(l+q)(1:C2c)
from l\CGD
. : CG r-GF 210-30
sin P = CD =co= 310 =0.5806 = · o.190s1c1+0.6482>C!~~·~06 )= o.o337m
:. p = 35.49
Governor power is,
tan p = 0.713
· . tan B 0.713 p = =
Q • x 33 x 0.0337
.. q =. tan Cl ='"Tl =0.6482
= l.1123Nm · ... Ans.
EX. 1.12.4
A spring loade<! governor _has ~he balls_attache~ to the vertical arms of bell-cra~k levers, the horizontal a~s of which lift the .
sleeve against the pressure exerted by a spring. The mass of each ball is 2.7 kg and the lengths ·o f the vertical and horizontal
rrns of the bell crank levers are 15 cm and 11 cm respectively. The extreme radius of rotation of the balls are 10 cm and 15
:m governor sleeve begi~s t~ lift at 240 rpm and reaches the highest position with.7.5 % ·increase of speed. Determine the
requiredstiffness of the spring and average force exerted at
. the sleeve for an increase of speed of 2% above that
rresponding to a radius of rotation of 12.5 cm.
co . .
" '
Mass of each ball, m = 2.7 kg ;
Length of vertical arm, a= 15 cm= 0.15 m
Length of horizontal arm, b = 11 cm = 0.1 I m ;
Increase in speed, c =2% = 0.02
Minimum radius, r 1 = 10 cm= 0.1 m;
Maximum radius, r2 = 15 cm= 0.15 m
Initial speed, N 1 = 240 rpm ;
Final speed, N2 =1.075 ·x 240 := 258 rpm
-21t x 240
ro1 = = 25.133 rad/sec; 2 258
60 C02 = x
1t 60 = 27.018 rad/sec ·

(a) (b)
Fig. P. 1.12.4

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.. ·. ':'·1 .·
MU ~ Sem 5 • Moch
:- .
D namlcs or Machine 1·44

Trnal liO of lhe ~leev" Is,

h 0.11 Prom Pig. P. l .12.5,
x • (rl-r1)><ii •(0.1.5-0.I)xm h II v-200- .....2
2 --J-00

• 0.03MMm a 173.20mm
... h1 •
h 0.036666 .
h 1 a fi' a
., i=0,018333 Ill ... g = .!!!!.Q_ =I .. ... ( ·; Arms arc of cqun) lcngtJi)
Centrifugal fol\·e :it minimum speed
1~1 • m· m;' • r1 :: 2.7 x (0.1) x (25.133)2
Now, w.2 =~ [ l + 2~ (I+ g)]
.. 170..55 N l 9.81 [ ' 25 ]
(I) = 173.20X JO-J J+2xs(l+l)
Ci.'.lltrit\1gnl fon:e nt minimum speed
l''1 = m · ll)l' • r2 = 2.7 x (0.15) x (27.018)2 (I)
18.43 rad 15
= 295.64 N N = 175.99 rpm

Neglecting the obliquity of arms nnd mass of sleeve and

tnking moments about 'I'.
F 1 ·a = T ·b h

I.e. S1 = 2F1 (~)

. . mrm 2
· · S1 = 2 x 170.55 x ~:li . =465.14 N
~imihu:ly, S2 = 2 F2 (~) 2
= x 295.64 (~:!i)
= 806.29N
:. Spring stiffness is,
= S,-S 1 806.29 - 465.15
P x 0.36666
= 930.99N/m ... Ans. Mg
Let 'F' be the centrifugnl force. Them, 2
F = F1 + f!:, - F,) (r - r 1) Fig. P. 1.12.5
295.64 -170.55) Governor effort is,
=. 170.55+ ( 0.15-0.10 (0.125-0.1) C. g [2m + M (I + g)J
Q = l +g
.. F = 233.095 N
. O.Ql x 9.81 [2 x 5 + 25 (I + l)1
Springforce,S= 2·F(~) ~2x233.095(gJi) = l+l
Q = 2.943 ... Ans.
= 635.71 N
Sleeve lift is,
When, c
Governor effort.
= 2% = 0.02
x = h(l+g>1+2c=l73.20 x l0 (l+l) 1+2 x 0.0I
-3 [ 2 x 0.Ql J
Q = c (M • g + S) ; But M =0 (Being neglected) = 6.79 x 10-3 m
:. Q = 0.02 x 635.71=12.714 ... Ans. Governor power is,
P = Q x x =2.943 x 6.79 x 10- = 0.0199 N·m
Ex. 1.12.5 ... Ans.
A porter governor has equal arms each 200 mm In length 1.13 Controlling Force
and pivoted on the axis of rotation. The mass of each ball is
5 kg and the mass of sleeve is 25 kg. The radius of governor ~ (MU_ Dec. 13, Dec. 14)
is 100 mm when governor begins to lift. If the frictional
increase of speed is 1%, then determine the governor effort
and power.
Given : m = 5 kg , M = 25 kg , C = 1% = 0.01 , r = 0.1 m
AB= BC= 200mm =0.2m

~~ TedlKlltmldti
.V PU b llU1l l O l'5

- - ------------··- - -------·--~-__,.. ,,._.

Seamed w it h CamSca nner
. · . Jes of Machine (MU - Sem 5- Mech) _
D nam
.. .45 ·. .. ' ,· ,j . 1~ •.'· . . . '" Govemonf
' · .. . · · · · ·~r rotates at an equilibrium Speed, nil the
.. ··When a ~ovemgovemor are under equilibrium. · The corresPQnding increase in ,c_cntrifugal force is (cb). ,
- acung on
fo~es 'fugal force at any position which acts on the
The cenu:in ino.lce the governor to move outwards. However ·
tlyballs w~ resisted by an equal and opposite force·acting ~
. force JS
.. th•S
clially inwards called contro I ng r~n:e.
0 "t

f1 balls 111 _ · •
" cl
Y controiling fore is provided .by the dead weight on the
d the weight of sleeves in case of Porter and Proell
gi . \mm 2or
case spnn
an and by the spring force and weight of sleeve in
. g loaded governors.
. . A' . . ·
8· Controlll?g fofce
Thus, co trolling. force JS equiU in magnitude but opposite in 0
diJ'eCtion"to centnfugal fo~~· : . . . . .r 5r .,
h showing the vanation of controlling force {F) taken
A grap · . u· f d" f . Radius of rotation (r) -
on ordihate with vana on o ra ms o rotation (r) taken on
abSCIS. sa is called controlling force
. curve or a controlling Flg.1.13.2 .. ~

force diagram. .
i.e. cb = m · ro~ • Sr ·
diagram enables the study and .
analysis of stability and
whereas the increase in controlling force (ca) is :
se~•tt'veness 6f governors as explained as follows ..
ca = SF =dr ,' 5r
113.1 controlling Force Diagram for Porter
· Govern()r.and Its Stability
" ,
= slope ~f controlling f~rce c~rve at point d.
. • • . . • 2 . . • . F
Controlling force.diagram for a Porter governor is shown in . d = m • ro
Fig. 1.13. l. . ., , . . .
SIope of centri1ugal force at pomt r • r = m • ro2 = _r

Controlling force, F = m . ~2 •; ~ m (2:ONY .r . (·: F =m · ro2 • r)

2 2 -~Is Independent
1 (.60) F 1 (.60) As r Increases
=-m ·\.ii · tan ~
2 of radius
or, N = iil \27t • -; +

N -
60 -
... (1.13.1)

Radius of rotation- Radius of rotation

(a) S~ble go~~rnor (~) I~chr~nous governor

0 Radius of rotation .E
Fig. 1.13.1 : Controlling force diagram gc:
where, ~ is the angle made by any point A on controlling t.>
force curve at the origin 'O'.
Radius of rotation
c:r Stability of governor
(c) Unstable governor
A governor is said to be stable when governor has only one
. Fig~ 1.13.3
equilibrium speed for each raclii of rotation.
Therefore, in case of stable governors when the balls. are Restoring force on ball is given by,
slightly displaced from their equilibrium position at a g1ve_n ' dF . 2 ~
constant speed, the balls have tendency to return to their ac - cb = cir 5r - m · ro • ur
original position corresponding to the given speed.
Referring to controlling force curve shown in Fig. 1.13.2, let .. ac - cb = ['! -~ ·o>2] • 5r ... (1.13.2)
the balls be moved outwards by a small displacement 5r at a
constant angular speed ffi.

W T1dlb1wl.. ii
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D namlcs of Machine MU - Sem 5 • Mech) 1·46

S_table governor always ·have positive restoring force, Equation of line OC is ·

:. For stable governor p = mr ·:-':·•,·
.· ."·0: i3_"3J~.
> mro2
(C) Unstable governor :
·p .
'. '·1

If bis positive, l;hen-; decreases~ r increases. It rn~· · ·

.. cir > ~ ... (l.13.3) as the radius increases' the controlling 'force deer . ,, a~·
governor beeomes unstab]e.
eases. 1'1.:·.
_ . , -"lit:
Thus for stable governor slope of controlling force must be
greater than slope of centrifugal force at the equilibrium speed. Equation of line AB is .
p = mr+c.
Refer Fig. 1.13.3. dF
> .Er But .Er =m • ro2=tan ~ ...(1.13,6)
1.14 Insensitiveness of Governors
(1) Stable governor : For stable governor as 'r' increase ·~· (Effect of Friction)
must increase. . ~
,While discussing the concept of controlling force ', ,
(2) Isochronous governor : For isochronous governor ·~· is previous section, we have assumed the governor ~ ~
constant and is independent of radius'.
However, in actual practice, friction always exists in
(3) Unstable governor : For unstable governor as 'r' increases joints and operating mechanism of the governor. . the
'cjl' will decrease.
The friction force on the sleev_e opposes th~ _direction or
1.13.2 Stablllty of Spring Controlled Governor motion of sleeve as discussed in section 1.8.
The friction force comes into play and it 'acts downwards (+Q
The controlling force diagram for spring controlled governor
when the sleeve tends to move upwards and the friction fortt
is straight line as shown in Fig. 1.13.4. ·
acts upwards (- f) when the sleeve tends to move down~ards
Controlling force F = m• ci ·r from its equilibrium position.
.Er = m. ro 2 ..

t N
E B ......
"' E
~ e-
j· N' Q)

/ Radius of rotation -
c /
/ Radius of rotation (r) -
h_ / Fig.1.14.1

Due to friction controlling force diagram is modified as

Fig. 1.13.4 : Controlling force diagram for spring loaded shown in Fig. I.14.1. There are three controlling force curves.
governors Since at every radii of rotation we have three values of
(A) Stable governor controlling force when friction is considered.
For stable governor as radius of rotation increase the Thus for radius OA, there are three values of controlling force
. F and corresponding three values of speed as explained as follows :
controlling force must increase. Means as r increases "i must
J. Ordinate AB which is controlling force when friction is
increase. Therefore controlling force curve DE must intersect neglected. Corresponding to this speed is N.
the controlling force axis below origin. The equation of curve 2. Ordinate AC which is controlling force when speed is
DE becomes. increasing. Due to this effect of friction is to increase
F = m r-c ...(J.13.4) controlling force. Corresponding to this speed is N".
(B) Isochronous governor 3. Ordinate AD which is controlling force when speed is
It b = O controlling force curve OC passes through origin. decreasing. Due to this effect of friction is to decrease
Hence f will remain constant for all radius of rotation. Thus controlling force. Corresponding to this speed is N'.
governor becomes isochronous. Thus for radius of rotation OA, speed will vary be~ween N"
and N' without causing displacement of sleeve.
. '
. . . t Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 1·47 ··Govemors
am1cso -·
. j ·DYil
I •·

. of insensitiveness= N -
' ---=-- '
N" N'
...(1.14.1) Ex.1.14.1
coeffic1enl .
The controlling force in a spring-controlling governor is
"" Equilibrium speed at any radius without friction.
1500N when radius of rotation of 200 mm and BOON when
w11eie. N "" Maximum and minim~m s~ for the same radius
radius of rotation Is 120 mm. The mass of each ball is 10 kg.
rt'andN' wilh . friction respecuvely 1.e. ·when sleeve as
If the controlling force curve is straight line then find :
reodency to move upwards and downwards
1. Controlling force when radius of rotation is 150 mm.
2. . The speed of the governor when radius of rotation is
coefflcl~nt of Insensitiveness of Porter 150 mm.
1.14.1 Governor 3. Increase in initial tension so that governor
~ (MU· Dec.12, May 16) isochronous.
4. Isochronous speed.
•w14;n.J. :>·. . ~. .~~ . .. ~·l ).-:<-. ·: :11 ..... '<: :'[, ·~ ~-:-f'·
ttffirmtTf' -:·':""~. . . · · · , : ' Soln.:
¥ ':":

· · ·, .. · :: · ·.' '"r ·
~~l);stlow i~.~(i~ a.~o~er. govemo~: ' . .
, 0~ ,~. ., .. ,." '. ,.· . . . . , , ., . ,,_·. . .. F
. :· __. ..'
, , . :·, . Given: p
= 1500N
?.~1~~~;:'"83e~[ci9rij 9tiris_en~itiven:.~ss .=.(m +.M)g . ,., .; ):~'.? when r = 200 mm= 0.2 m and
...._,~~J -..·;,:f. .:;~,i..· . '.~ ..· .. •, ·;.· '··· · .· _. _-: ·_,,· ._ ~- •'' ·-· ._.:A- . i . .__
p = 800N
~'P~,t~~;h' '(a·.'.,·,~_..: :.;.:· FJs :th.a ·fnctio_nal fp~~e ~t· the sleeve :...,::
·~<(.::-.'~~:!:i-'1. ~t~-~~-.J.:~..}-~:: . .._c:~>-~ ... ·.,. .. .--: .-~. . :· i.":.. ~ ..... .;~~ . :.< /~ ·>-y,(':·q_/:J;,;_f: when r =
-. ..:; . ..., ,,i>. ,,,: -~. . .. m.1s the mass of each.ball .,. < "· ·,.,..
~· ~· · ~'~~t?;.;--:::~::;:'.· '.'' ' ' ' :. . ".",:. "~·'.:- ':·. _:,. :'')'.'1:,;::'c\':~·~:::i,j· Mass. of each ball, m =10 kg
"' ,... ,.··· : M 1s t_he mass on Ula.sleeve..\.·. '· f ....., ..,..,.
Controlling force curve of a spring-controlling governor is a

~'fef.elice:~o'ia;gQ.vernor/;~~£'-';hii · MU-May16
straight line and thus can be expre~ as,
F =
· :. 1500 = 0.2m+c ..•(1) '
For porter governor when all the arms are attac.hed t~ the and ·:. 800 = 0.12m+c .. .(2)
governor axis• the coefficient of insensitiveness may also be Subtracting Equation (2) from Equation (1)
determined as follows : . 1500- 800 = (0.2 m + c)-(0.12 m + c)
Let, h = height of governor at mean speed N, neglecting .. 700 = 0.08m
F =. Frictional force at the sleeve
.. m = 8750
.. c = -250
N' an'd N" = . ~inimum and maxim~~ s~ when frictio~ is .. F = 8750r-250
when r = 0.15 ID: we get,
Th~ governor is insensitive when height of.the governor 'h'
.. F = 8750 x 0.15 - 250
remains the same for minimum and maximum speed N' and N" . .
we· know that for porter governor, .. F = 1062.S N •••Ans.

2 m +M 895 F
N = ~xh
m · g + (Mg - F) 895 ./
:. (N') = x- /
m·g h /
mg + (Mg + F) 895 ~/ Actual aJrve
and (N") = mg xh '/

(N" + N') (N" - N') /

= 2N (N" -N') ...[ ·: N =N" ; N~ /


(N'')2 - (N')2
:. N"-N' = 2N
! / . .··":·1 Radius of rotation
Coefficient of insensitiveness, c= - 2~ ! / r
mg + (Mg + F) mg (Mg - F) [ 1..............
N" - N' · = mg m· g
2( m+~) Fig. P.1.14.1

Speed of governor when r = 0.1? m is,

2 .
=2 1[
2F ] F
F = m·w ·r
. . 1062 = m x w x 0.15

w T1cHa1wlffti
. , , Pattll t. ~tllD i

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y ·. Rynamics·of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 ·Mech) 1-48 · Govern(;~ . -·.:

- ~
:. m
= 708 F
.. (I)
= 26.6082

27tN /
.. 60 = 26.6082 /

.. N = 2S4.09rpm ...Ans.
The governor will be isochronous if controlling force curve /
passes through the origin. The controlling force line must pass I
through origin or 'c' is to be zero. This is only possible only if the /

initial tension is increased by 250 N.

Isochronous speed is,

m· cl· r
F = m·(l) ·r=mr+c

8750 r + 0
. •••Ans.
. [! .../

• •••
Radius of rotation


.. lOx e~·rrs = 8750 Fig. P. 1.14.2

•• N = 282.472 rpm ... Ans. · • be isochronous if controlling force curve

The governor w1 11 1·
. . The controlling force me must pass
P asses through the ongm. 'bl I 'f
Ex. 1.14.2 • • • ' • t be zero. This is only poss1 eon y I the .
through ongm or c is o ... Ans,
In a spring controlled governor, the controlling force curve is initinl tension is increased by 250 N. ·
a straight line. The balls are 400 mm apart when the Isochronous speed is,
controlling force is 1500 N and 240 mm when it is 800 N. The F = m. ro • r = m r + c
mass of each ball is 1Okg. Determine the speed at which the
governor runs when the balls are 300 mm apart. By how .. m·ol·r= 4375 r+O
much should the initial tension be increased to make the
governor isochronous? Also find the isochronous speed.
.. lOX (21t~/
6{) = 4375

Soln.: .. N = 199.,73 rpm •••Ans.

Ginn: F=l500Nwhen r=400mm=0.40mand Ex. 1.14.3

F = SOON when r =240 mm =0.24 m The controlling force in a spring controlled g_o vemor Is
~W.s of each b.1.U, m = 10 L:g 1500 N when the radius of rotation of the balls is 200 mm
and 887.5 N when it is 130 mm. The mass of each ball Is force auYe of a spring-<:ontrolling governor is a
8 kg. If the controlling force curve is a straight line, determine
straight line :md thus can be expressed as. the controlling force and the speed of rotation when the
F = m·r+c radius of rotation is 150 mm. Also find t~e increase In the ·
.. 1500 = m xOA+c ... (1) Initial tension so that the governor is isochronous. What will
be the Isochronous speed?
a.nd 800 = m x 0.24 + c ... (2) .
Subtracting F.quation (2) from E.quation (1)
Given: F = 1500 N when r =200 mm= 0.2 m and
.. 1500-800 = (0.4 m + c) - (0.24 m + c) F = 887.5 N when r =130 mm= 0.13 m
.. 700 = 0.16m Mass of each ball, m =10 kg
.. m = 4375 Controlling force curve of a spring-controlling governor is a
straight line and lhus can be expressed as,
·- c = -250
.. F = F = m • r+c
:. 1500 = 0.2 m + c ' .. .(1)
when r = 0.3 m. we get,
and :. 887.5 = 0.13 m + c
.. F = 4375 x 0.3 - 250
... (2)
Subtracting Equation (2) from Equation (1)
.. F
1062.SN = ... Ans. .. 1500 - 887.5 = (0.2 m + c)- (0. 13 m + c)
Speed of go\'emor when r = 0.3 m is,
.. 612.5 = 0.07 m
·· F = m•w • r ..
= JO x co 2 x 0.3
m = 8750 .. c = -250
:. 1062.5 :. (IJ
= 354.16 .. F = 8750 r- 250
•• (1) = 18.81 rad/sec
when r = 0.15 m, we get,
211: N
60 = 18.81 .. F = 8750 x 0.15 - 250
.. N = 179.71 m •••Ans•
.. F = 1062.S N ... Ans.

V P u•11 c 1tl t•l

~nned wit h C&mScanner

, .•• .J

1-49 ·.i. ' " . ,·Govemars

·F . ,,. , · Sleeve lift, S

' . '
= x =24 rrirn =0.024 ·m
Radius of rotation, r = 80 nirn ;, , 0.08 m
Mass of each ball, m = 1.5 kg
Speed, N1 = 440 rpm (at bOttom stop)
Actual curve
= 425 rpm (at t~p stop)
Refer Fig: P. 1.14.4.
· Speed, N2

Sleeve lift from mid position is eq~~I. Th~refore,

~ " '=2
's =-r-
UI : ' "2 = 0.012 m
~ ·" ./"J Radius or rotaUon (a) , StllTness ofsprlng and spring'roice at bottom stop

C ::-250 i: .··./ r 21tN, _2nx440 ·_ rad/

OJI = 60 - 60 - 46077
. S

21t N2 21t x 425

~ = 60 = 60 : .= 4~.506 rad/s
Fig. P. 1.14.3 -

speed of governor when ~ =0.15 m is, lA•t--------~-----------

----·i Govemer r axis
= A
:: 1062
m•ro •r
10xro x0.15
'1 _ ____,

:. ol = 708 Cl) = 26.6082 \ f s 1'

= 26.6082 \ / 12. !

60 \
a = 0.055 m ·
• . N = 254.09 rpm ••• Ans.
The governor will be isochronous if controlling force curve
passes throllgh the origin. The controlling force line must pass
\ \I' I

- - - - -b = 0.045 m l
-- 51 "
thrOUgh origin or ·c· is to be zero. This is only possible only if the I ---.... lB
initial tension is increased by 250 N. , ••• Ans. ·- ................ I 51
. . . __ __ . , _ _ i . .
Isochronous speed is,
F = m·ro··r=mr+c
.. m·w2 ·r = 8750 r+O Fig. P. 1.14.4

.. !Ox en~):
6Q = 8750 From similar triangles A A1 I and I B B1
~ (r-r1)
.. N = 282.472 rpm ••• Ans. b = a
a 0.055
Ex. 1.14.4 .. r1 = r-j)·S 1 =0.0B- 0 .045 x0.012=0.06533m
A Hartnell governor having ball mass 1.5 kg. Each has ball
S.uru·1 arIy, ~
r2 -r
anns 55 mm long and sleeve arms 45 mm long. The total b = a
movement of sleeve is 24 mm. In mid position of sleeve, the
a 0.055 ·
sleeve arms are horizontal and perpendicular to the governor :. r2 = r + i) · Sz =0.08 +. 0.045 x 0.012 := 0.09467 m .
axis and the balls relate at 80 mm radius. Equilibrium speed
at the top stop of the sleeve is 425 rpm and at bottom stop is
440 rpm. Find : Neglecting the mass of sleeve, friction force at sleeve and .
(a) Stiffness of spring and spring compressive force at the , obliquity of arms and taking moments about I.
bottom stop.
(b) If top stop equilibrium speed is required to be 12 rpm
T •b = F 1 ·a
greater than the bottom stop speed, what will be the where, F 1 =m • ro 1 • r 1
spring force at bottom stop. 2
(c) What bottom stop spring force will make the governor
S1 = 2 ( !b ) m • ro 1 • r 1

isochronous ? 0.055 2 ' '

= 2 x 0.045 x 1.5 x (46.077) x 0.06533
= 508.6N

Length of vertical ami, a = 55 mm= 0.055 m Similarly,

Length of horizontal ami, b = 45 m =0.045 m
.J. T1dlbnlri1i
V PuDllt1tlons
· D namlcs of Machine (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) 1·50

0.055 •
S2 = 2 x 0.04 x 1.5 x (44.506) x O.
7 trul a =~ =·f =m =J.3333
DD = BE-DE=200-40= 160mm
i:: 687.6 N
Spring stiffncss, DC = . ~BC2 - BD2 ={(250)2 - (160)2 .
S, - S, 687.6 - 508.6 SS.3J NI . • .DC = 192.093 mm
P = = 0.024 = 74 m ••• Ans.
0 BD 160 9
tan~ = Dc = 192.093 = 0·832
lnitinl compression or spring,
~ 508.6 tan .I! - 0.8329 = 0 625
Ou = P1 = 74sffi = 0.~82 m ••• Ans. q = tan a - J.3333 ·

(b) New lnlllal compression 15'0 lfN1 Is12 rpm greater that N'1
For porter governor wr. know that.

N, = N2 - l2 =425-12=413 rpm (1)2 = f [ +I! + J
1 (J q)
~:~; [i + 2 ~6 +0.625)]
.. (!)I = 60 = 43.249 rad/s .. 0 ,2 = (J
.. s, = 2( ~) · m · (~'/ · r1 .. (!)
= 641.06 .. (!) = 25.319
= 2 x 0.045
x 1.5 (43.249) x 0.06533 .. 60 = 25.319
, :. N =241.78 rpm ... Ans.
.. ·S
= 448.08N A

.. o1 = !i 448.08 =0.06008 m
p =745'8.3)
... A ns.
(c) To make the governor isochronous i.e. N...1 =Ni
.. Let the spring force be S"
.. ro" = w2 = 44.506 rad/s
1 inrco 2 r=200 mm
s'; = 2( ~) · m · (ro"/ · r·,
o: I E
= 0.055 2
2 x o:o4s x 1.5 x (43.506) x 0.06533
! i
.. s'; = 474.48 N mg I

:. To make the governor isochronous, the bottom spring force : I

required c ....,
.• S" = 474.48N 1
•.• Ans. ·, 40mm

Ex. 1.14.5 2
I A porter governor has all four arms 250 mm long. The upper Fig. P.1.14.5
i. arms are attached on the axis of rotation and the lower arms
I When sleeve shows tendency of upward motion 'f is positive
I are attached to the sleeve at a distance of 40 mm from the
axis. The mass of each ball is 6 kg and the sleeve has a
(w">2 ,,, k'[g +(M;.g: f )o+q>]
mass of 65 kg. Determine the equilibrium speed of the
governor for the radius of rotation of 200 mm. The friction of I [ (65x9.81+18) ] .
this porter governor is equivalent to a force of 18 N at the .. ro"
= O.lS 9.81+ 2x 6 (l+0.625)
sleeve; Find the coefficient of insensitiveness at the radius of
rotation of 200 mm.
.. w" 25.638
'· 2 7tN"
Soln.: .. 60 = 25.638
Given: Mass of each ball, m = 6 kg; .. N" = 244.83 rpm
Mass of sleeve, M = 65 kg When sleeve shows lendency of downward motio.n T is negative
Radius of rotation, r = 200 mm ;
Frictional force, f = 18 N
w'2 = t [( l'v~· .g~ f) (l + q) J
Refer Fig. P. 1.14.5.
= 200 mm ul = o.~ 5 [9.81+( 65 x;:~- 1 8 )<1 +0.625)]
h = V.-(2-5-0)-- (-20_0_) =150 mm
2 2 w' = 24.996
21t N'
= 0.15 m
60 "' 24.996

scanned w ith CilffiScannef

amlCs of Machin~ MU· Sem 5 ·Mech) 1 ~51 . " •{

.. " . ,. ·N; ..
Z38.695 rpm . , (w")' = 261.22
... .· .. - ~ - 244.83 - 238.695
. f fnsens1tlvencss = N - 241.78 w" = 16.1623
coeflic1ent 0 . .
a 0.0254 or 2.5490 ... Ans. ... 21t N"
60 = 16.1623
ex· 1.14.& ·
. . . ... N" = 154.3386 rpm
. ovemor has all four arms equal and pivoted on the (b) At upper most position sleeve will have tendency to move
ApOrter g f h downward. .
of rotation. The length o eac arm Is equal to 30 cm.
aXl5 9
of the governor ball Is 7 kg and that of sleeve Is (i.e. Fis negative):
Th ek mas f I
The extreme radius o rotat on are 15 cm and 23 cm.
40 ~rl tlon for this governor Is equivalent to a force of 14 N (o/)2 = ~ [ g +M '!-']
ih~he ~leave. Find the coettlcient of Insensitiveness at the l [ 40 x 9.81 - 14]
~reme radii of rotation. .
. = 259.8076x 10- 3 9 81
· + 7
soln.: .. (ro'>2 = 245.8247
Gh'eu: .. ro' = 15.6788
Mass of each ball, m = 7 kg
.. l.1Eli: = 15.6788
Mass of sleeve,_M = 40 kg 60
Minimum radius, r1 = 150 mm .. N' = ·149.723 rpm
Maximum radius, r 2 · = 230 mm
N =
N'+NH 149.723 + 154.3386
=152.03 rpm
AB = BC =length of arm =300 mm · N 2
. . : . N"' - N'
f = 14N Coefficient of msensitiveness =- N - =154.3386 - 149.723
=0.03035 =3.035% ••• Ans.
Similarly we can find coefficient of insensitiveness for 23 cm
radius. (Left for readers to attempt).

Ex. 1.14.7
mre> 2 .
In a Hartnell governor, the lengths of ball and sleeve arms of
bell crank lever are 150 mm and 120 mm respectively. The
pivot axis is 160 mm from governor axis. Mass of each
governor ball is 3 kg. When the sleeve arm is horizontal and
ball arm is vertical, the mean speed of governor is 500 rpm.
The sleeve moves by 12 mm up for an increase of speed of
1. The minimum equilibrium speed for a total sleeve
-2- movement of 24 mm.
2. The spring rate.
Fig. P. 1.14.6
3. The sensitiveness of governor. .
Consider radius of rotation r 1 =150 mm 4. The spring rate if the governor is isochronous at
500 rpm.
Since an;ns are of equal length and intersect on the axis of spi~dle.
Soln. :
CX1 = ~I •• q = .!!!!!..Jh
tana1 .. ·
=1 · Given:
h = "°1(300)2 -
(150) =259.8076 mm 2
Length of ball arm, a 150 mm= 0.15 m
.. h ·= 259.8076 x 10- m Length of sleeve arm, b = 150 mm= 0.12 m
(a) At lowermost position sleeve have tendency to move upward Radius of rotation, r = 160 mm = 0.16 m
(i.e. f is positive) : ; Mass of each ball, m = 3 kg

= k [g +(M~~+Q (l+q)] Mean speed, N = 500 rpm
2nN 21t x 500
.. (J)
= 6Q=
.. (w')2 = _bl (g+M·;+F] ... [·: q =1]
= 52.36 rad/sec
.. (w')2 =
I [
9 81
40 x 9.81 + 14] 01 = 12 mm= 0.012 m
259.8076 x 10- 3 • + 7 () = 24 mm= 0.024 m

.. B Ttcllht•ltllgi
"'r' Pub1 ,1 cat1or.s

scanned with Ca1nSca 1m er

..~. ! ~
. ~ . · :)~;. [:~
' D namlcs of M8ohlne MU • Sem 5 • Moch 1·52
Hcfer Pis. P. 1.14.7.
. [ 0. 16-014~ . ~"
SI . . • 1315.95 = p 1 + (1586.85 - F~1.> -0.145°] :. .;;
eevo moves by 12 mm up for 11n lncre1111e of apeed or 5%.
.. 1315.95 =
o..s p1 + 793.425 "... ·
:. N1 • N + 0.0.5 N
• 1.0.5 x .500 • .52.5 rpm :. P, s 1045.05 N
From (J) and (2) we Ji.ave, _3 JI.
· .(,.·'
I.if! of sleeve for maximum position ls given by,
s .. a, +l>2 .. :: 4.7703 >< JO 1

.. l>2 = o- 6, .. 0.024 -0.012 :. N, ,,. 468..05 rpm

.. 0.012 m
Neglecting obliquity effect of.the anns
Por minimum poshion is,
We Jcnow the spring r;tiffness is. :

" ~ P
~ z(~)2[~:=~ ]
b = G.15)
[ 1586.85- 1045.0S] ·
/-4-----'2 - - - - - - '
= 2 ( 0.12 0.175-0.145 ._
I __ r,. 160 mm--~ Governer axis .. p :::: 56437.5 Nim= 56.4315 N/nun "·Ans.
Af A A2 I
(2)- 0 '1 _ ____,
Sensitiveness of govemor is,
2(N2 -NJ _ 2(525-468.0513~
e = N, + N2 - 525 + 468.05138
\ mg/ ·Jmg = 0.11469 = Jl.469% · ··A111.

\ I
\ a I ' Governor will become isochronous when,
\ I N = N1 =N2 =500rpmorco=co 1 =~
\ I = 52.36 rad/sec.
~ 2
\ I ----:- 1' p - . m • ro* • r1 =3 x (52.36) x 0.145
\ I --- S 1
-- b
--.... -.... a,I .
............. _
I o F
= 1192.58 N
= m·ro2 · r2 =3 X (52.36)2 x0. 175
B2 = 1439.32N
Neglecting obliquicy effect of arm w_e know the stiffness of spring

Fig. P.1.14.7
P1 = 2 b r2-r1
r+h,xj) =0.16-0.012XOJ2 0.15)
[ 1439.32- fI92.58]
= 0.145 m
= 2 ( 0.12 0.175 - 0.145
.I I
.. p = 25702.0I·Nm = 25.102 N/mm
For maximum position is. 1
.•• Ans.

§i. = r, - r Ex. 1.14.8

b a
In a Hartnell governor, the mass of each ball is 6 kg. The·
a· 0.15
.. f2 = r+h2Xj) =0.16+0.~~2XQ.i2 length of b;:tll arm and sleeve arm of each bell crank lever are
120 mm and 100 mm respectively. The minimum radius of
0.175 m
rotation of governor ball is 90 mm. The characteristic curve
Centrifugal force at minimum position is,

F, = ~. ro: • '2 = 3 x
= 4.7703 m x 10- N1

x ·0 .145

... (1)
of the governor is a straight line.
(a) If the controlling force is 1200 N and 600 N
corresponding to 175 mm and 100 mm radius of
rotation of governor balls respectively, find initial
Centrifugal force at maximum position is, compression of spring required.
2 (b) Find the initial compression of spring required for the
F2 = m • W2 • r2
governor to become isochronous and what would be
(_2nx52~ x 0.175 ~- 1586.85 N

= 3 x \- 60 the speed then ?

We know that centrifugal force at any instant Neglect the mass of sleeve and friction.
F = ..!..::..!J...)
F1 + CF2 -F,) ( r2 - r, ' Given:
•. Centrifugal force at mean position Mass of each ball, m = 6 kg
F = m • ro •r =3.x (52.36/ x 0.16 Lengthofballann, a = 120mm.=0.12m
= 1315.95 N Length of sleeve ruin, b = I 00 mm =O. I m
Minimum radius, r = 90 mm = 0.09 m

.• TICHH•lt~p
,.,..,,, P u Dll Ciltlt l S

-·------·--·-·- - - - - - - - - -- - -
sc.:m ncd wrth c:imsc:i nn ~
-- : . ~ .Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5. - Mech) . 1-53 ' ... ~ ..~ '. 1:) i,. . ' ,•I __·... :'... ··: '· !·: _,~._. ..: '.• ::Gove~&t$
r· .

;; .
I' ·.. Contr0lling force, F2 = 1200 N .
Initial ~ompression of sp~g. . , ..
at r2 = 175 mm=:== ~·l.75 m
s 1248 ' I . '.
Contr01ling force, . F1 600 N = o = ii:=23010 =_o_.05~11 ~ _
. at r, . = IOOmm=O.t m = 5.417 cm ...Ans.
. ·.!

Initial compression of spring to~ go~ernor ·to become

B taking moments about I,
y s . •
' I•
' \, I ' Isochronous . .. , , . . _. . .
F1 ·a = .:::J.
. . - .. ; . :. '

Let the characteristic curve be .F

. . ' • · . ;1
=. 1,. m' •.r + C . . t • • 4 • •
:· At maximum radius; ·, 120Q : _, m x 0.175 + C . .. (i)
= 2x ( ~~1 ) 2
x 1200 ~ 28.So.N At minimum:radius·~ :5w~~ ~m x0.09 +C ...(ii)
On solving Equation (i) and (ii), we ge~ .
82 = ·2 ( .! ) · F
b 2=
2 x.( QI
O.l 2 ) .
X600. . m = 8000andC=:...2o6 :. - ·_ ;
Controlling force curve equation becomes
.. s2 = I440N .
· ··!'" -; ' 8000r-200 • : ' : ·
From similar As I Ai A1 and I B 2 B 1
Ir: -r I x :r·, . .J •• : I, • •
For governor~,
2 : .
c,;o~u" F= 8000 r
7 =b '·. m • co3 • r = · 8000 r
Q .. 0.1 .
= ..Jsooo ....}8000 . . --- -
,. . .. Sleeve lift, x = a (r2-r1)=Q.E (0.175-0.I) •• C03 m = .. 6 ·· =36.515rad/s ,,

-= 0.0625"m ·-· - 60. C03 ·•.. 60 x 36.515. -. '

Isochronous speed, N3 _ _ . ·n ·· . __ . 7t " _ • .
2 2
r : :..

r •

''," . ·". t ; · ,- ~ ~ ' ~~8,~?ri>m .• ... I ._. ,' . :: ·~~·.

But, ·s3 . = s+c;,,,,1248,- {200=1448N_ ,. : < . ,,· . .:..

~~i-f \ I
.I : I
initi~ of ~pring to m*e the.go:v~inor.isochronous,
. ··;_, - ~ " 1448 ·. . - . o ::
01 = p 23040 =0.06285 m = <: ' :·


s~ I ;.' :. . '· ·. ·. = : 6~5 cm _.._· ·'· . : .· .:·f. : .• ' i :. ... A~ ..


\ /-. -- sJ
8 /

i. Ex.1.14.9

\/ ------1;EJX
. b

---- ...... .__.

- x
A porter governor has equal arms 200mm long pivoted on
the axis of rotation. The mass of each ball is 3 kg and the
mass on the sleeve is 15 kg. The ball path is 120 mm when
the governor begins to lift and 160mm at the maximum
- -- . B I speed .. Deter~ine the range .of sped. If .the fraction at the
sleeve is equivalent to a fprce of 1O N, find the co efficient of
. Fig. P. 1.14.8 insensitiveness . ·..
.. Spring stiffness, p
= S2-S1 2880 :.::. 1440 Given : length of arm =200 nim =0.2 m
x 0.0625 . .
•m = 3 kg; ,,':. M = 15 kg
p. = 23040 Nim r1 = 120mm; 160mm
Refer Fig. P. 1.14.8. f = . JON:., ,.·, ':
• • ~ .. .. ,J;•

=. I
.. . . . . ..... . . , .,._,,, . .. \

From similar As I Ai A and I B 2 B . q . 1 ,'.-: 1 .... [': Arms are equal l

~ '
r2-r ~ Minimum speed, .•·
a = b
h1 = ."1o.i1 - O.lf= 0.16 m
0.175-0.09 .1
.. CO~ = .~ [1 ·+·J! (1 +q) le

0.12 = 0.1
.. X1 = 0.7083m
. .9.81 [ 15 (1 1) J.
= '. 0.16 1 + 2 x 3
F1 +(~!=~') (r+r1)
F =
co1 = · 19.18 rad/sec
.. F = 600+(~~--~) (0.09-0.1) =520N ..N1 = ' 183.2 r.p.m.
1 Maximum speed, 2 = 0.12 m
h · = ·. '\/-0-.2-2_-:-_0-.1-6...
.. s = 2 ( ~) F =2 ~~1 .c 2
) x 520 =·1248 N

W T1dlb1wl1•1i
Y Pub'1t1t1ans

Scanned with CaomScanner

• ~[1+~l(t+q)]
l\n\l (\)~ ,• I I I

a 9.8\ [ 15
'Q.i2 1+2x3(1+t)
(\)) a 22.14 rncVsec
I ' ' knOW that,
,•, N1 a: 21"1.49 r.p.m. For porter governor we . M
Rnngo of speed= 211.49- 183.2 = 28.29 r.p.m.· · ,,,2 = ~ [ 1 +2m(l +q_~.J. .
[ 1 +2Q._ c'1 +1 ) J
Now coefliclont of Insensitiveness is, ?·

N, :. N1· (N, - N1 ) (N, +N2 >
N' = N . (NI +N, ) '
= 2.!!
~.25 2x 8 .
l l ol =·· 284.49
(N 1 -N,) = 16.86 rad/s
Q :. Ol
2N l (N 1 +N1·)/2)
~ - 16.86
Q ~[1 +(~) (1 +q) ]-~[ l + (~) (l +q)J .·. 60 -
. N = 161 rpm. ,
h0 ws tendency of upward motion ·r is position.
f( 1+2mm(1+q)) ..
When sleeve s · ~

= (m+m)g 10
:: (3+15)x9.81 cro")2 = ~ [ g+ Mr:f c1 >) +q
I [ 1Q_x9.81+30(l+l)J
= 0.05663 or 5.66% = OTs 9:81 + 2xB

Ex. 1.14.10 ( ro" )2 = 299.49

The arms of a porter governor are 32 cm long and are :. ro" = 17.30 rad/s
pivoted on the axis of rotation. Mass of each flyball Is 8 kg . N" = 165.25 rpm. .
and the mass of sleeve Is 50 kg. Determine : .. d ard motion 'f is negative.
When sleeve shows tendency of ownw
(l) the equlllbrlum speed corresponding to a radius of
20cm. ( WI )2 = t [ g + Mi; f (1 +q ) ]
(II) If the friction at the sleeve ls 30 N, find the coefficlenfof
sensitiveness at this radius of 20 cm. =
l [
0.25 9.81 +
50 x 9.81 - 30 ( 1 + 1 )
2x 8
Soln.: ·.
( w' )2 = 269.49
AB = BC= 32 cm= 320 mm ·
,·. co
= 16.41 rad/s

m = 8 kg:
N' = 158.61 rpm
M =50kg N" -N' 165.25 - 158.61
r = 20cm=200mm : f =30N Coefficient of insensitiveness = N 161
= =
0.0412 4.12 % ... Ans.


mrm 2 I


Fig. P. 1.14.10

j ·D!flamlcs of Machinery (MU - Sem 5
. . fsleevearm. b = lOOmm=O.l m
~ Mech)
1-55 1 . · •. , .

F ·.= · m·ol ~ r=4x(31.41) x0.14=552.48N

• . .. . , Governors

Length o .
~ Radius of rotation, r . = _14~ mm= 0.14 m . : ' [ ' .0.14 - 0.128- ]
i ~ass of each ball, m - 4 kg 552.48 = F1 + (_648.37 -Fc1>_ ~.152. -0. 128
l .. Mean ·speed, N = 300 rpni .. 552.48 =
0.5 F1 + .324.18
) . 2n N 2 n x 300 ,
·.. F 1 = 456.6 N ... (2)
i .. (I) = 60 = 60 =
31.'41 rad/sec
From (l) and (2) we have,
51 = 1o·mm=O.Olm ~ ·
:. 456.6 = 5.609 x l_Cf
5 j
20 mm= 0.02 m ,
:.. ' , •

. .. N 1 = 285.31 rpm .

... , A A2
r = 140 mm ----1 Govemer axis .
. I .
Neglecting obliquity effect of the arms. We kno\Y the spring·
stiffness is,
G- --CB r, - - - . . 1
I p
=· 2 (a)2[~]
b r2 - r I ·: :

\ mg/ • . 2
\ a I
I · mg = 2 c' 0.12) [. MS.37-456.6 J.
\ I · 81
0.1 0.152-0.128
.. \ I
p = 23012.4 N/m =23.0124 N/mm·'
\ / ---t-
i I 1
li1 . s Sensitiveness of 'govemo~ is·.
I --
... . . . . ... . . . ........- i. .I
s2 E = 2 CN2-N1) - 2 (312-285.31) - 06587
,N1 + Jll2 - 285.31+525. -O.
= 6.587%
Fig~ P. 1.14.11 .· · Governor will become isochronous wheii,
Refer Fig. P. ·1.14.11. N = N 1 = N2 =300 rpm or ro =ro 1 =ro2
= 31.41 rad/sec.
Sleeve moves by 10 mm up for an inc~se of speed of 4%.
:. N2 = N + 0.04N=1:04N,=10.4 x 300 _. F 1 = m • ro
• r 1 =4 ~ (31~41)2 x 0.128; 505.13 N
= 312 rpm F2 = m • ro
• r2 = 4
x (31"41) x 0.152 =599;84 N
• I

Lift of sleeve for maximum position is given by, Neglecting obliquity effect of arm we know the stiffness of spring
s = s, +&i ' Pt = 2 (~Y [~~=~] J..
&i = . S-01 =0.02-0.01 =0.01 m 2
For minimum position is, = 2 (0.12) . [ 599.84- SOS.13]
0.1 . 0.152-0.128
~ _ r-r1
b - a P1 = 11365.2Nm=11.365 N/mm . .••Ans.

: a . · 0.12 Ex.1.14.12
r 1 = · r+b1Xi) =0.14-0.0l XQ.1 - ' , .
A Hartnell governor having ball mass 1.5 kg: Each has ball
=· 0.128 m arms 55 mm long and sleeve arms 45 _mm tong'.. Th~ . total
For ma.timum position is, movement of sleeve is 24 mm. In mid position of sleeve, the
§i r2 -r sleeve are horizontal and perpendicular to the governor
b = a axis and the balls rotate at 80 mm radius. Equilibrium speed
at the top stop of the sleeve is 425 rpm and at bottom stop is
r2 = r+h2X~ =0.14+0.01x
0 2
0\ =0.152m 440 rpm. Find :
Centrifugal force at minimum positio~ is, (a) Stiffness of spring and spring compressive force at the
bottom stop. · · ,.
m·w; ·r2 =4x(2 ~NL)

F1 = x0.128 (b) If top stop equilibrium speed is required to be 12 rpm

greater than the bottom stop speed, what will be the
F1 = 5.609 m x 10- 3 ~ ... (1)
spring force at bottom stop. ' · 1 •
. I .
Centrifugal force at maximum position is,
. 2
(c) What bottom stop spring force make .the governor will
F2 = ID' Wi 'T2 isochronous ?

= 4x (21t ~312)2 x ~.152 =648.37 N Soln.:

' ...
We know that centrifugal force at any instant Length of vertical arm, a = 55 mm= 0.055 m
.· :

F = F1 + CF2 - F1) (.!..::.!L)

r2 - r1
Length of horizontal arm, b = · 45 m =:: 0.045 m
Sleeve lift, 0 = x = 24 mm = 0.024 m
.. Centrifugal force at mean position
Y PUbl l tltlOftl

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r. ~ .
.. - "
· · D nilmlcs of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech 1·56

·'. Radius of rotation, r =- 80 mm =0.08 m Spring stiffness,

s -s 687.6- 508.6 .
Mass of each ball, m = 1.S kg . . . p =. T= 0.024 .
· Speed, N 1 440 rpm (at bottom stop) = .- ·,.
\,: ,
= 7458.33 N/m · · ··'
Speed, Nl = 425 rpm (at top stop) "·~:
Initial compression of spring, . . ,; '..
Refer Fig. P. 1.14.12. ~· _ 508·6 0.0682 'm = .·. ·'
· 1~-~~~--~~~~~-PI Oo . =
Pt - 7458.33 - · ·· .... ~:
.. Govemer axis
(b) New inHial compression l)'o lC N~ IS ·1 2 rpm greater tha~ ~-·
A2 A1
QF :. A_..._,_r, _ _I 1
:. N; = Nz .:_ 12 =425 - 12 =413 rpm
. . l

\ I
6 I ' =
:. (1)t
2n :0413 =43.249 r~s.

\ I I,
a =0.055 m
.. Si

= 2 (a)
b. ;m -(rot) . rt
I 2

1 0.055 2 :
\ I - ·---: - ~
- ·- - - 1' .
= 0.045 m I I o, . o = .2 x 0:00 x 1.5 (43.249) x ?.06533

.. -.. . _..................... ,aI I = 448.08 N

s, I
........ ---+--_._ I ~ 448.08 - 0 06008
.. at = .p =1458.33 - • m ...Ans.
FJg. p, 1.14.12 (c) To make the governor isochron~us i.e. N"1 Nz =
Sleeve lift from mid position is equal. Therefore, Let the spring force be sn .,
,, -. '~
. 0 0.024 .• w1 = ro2 =.44.506 ra~s ..
01 = 02 =2 = - 2 - . =0.012m
(a) Stiffness or spring nnd spring force at bottom stop : .. SI

= 2 (a)
b ·m:<mt) ·r "2

2 1t NI 2 7t x 440 0.055 2
w, = 60
= 46.077 rad/s .. st" = 2 x 0.045 x 1.5 x (4~.506) x 0.06533 . . .
2nx425 · 21tN~
W2 =
60 = 60 = 45.506 rad/s = 474.48 N
:. To make the governor isochronous, the bottom spring force
From similar triangl~ A A1 I and I B B1 required · ·
~ (r-r1L · .
S"1 = 474.48 N
! .
b = a .. ••• Ans.

.. r1
r-ba ·01 =0_.08- 0.055 ·· .
0.045 . x0.012=0.06533m 1.15 Wilson Hartnell Governor
Siniilarly · ~ = · r2 - r ·
' b a A spring controlled Hartnell governor is shown in Fig. 1.15.1.

· r2 - . . r'I·. .!
0.055 x 0 .0 I 2 :::: 0.09~67 m·
b ' O2 = 0·08 + QOO'

Assumptions • Neg! tin' th . . . - . .. · ··

• ec g e mass of sleeve, friction force at
sleeve and bl' ·
S ~ tqmty of arms and taJcing moments about L
=r · ·b · = p '·aw
:· here,
. F =m. ro21 • r1 Fly ball
1 1
.. SI = 2 '(a}
b _m". ro; ·.rt. Bell crank
0.055 ·, - a lever
= 2x 0:00 x l.~ x (46.07_7)2 x 0.06533
= 508.6N

Similarly, S2 = 2( ~) m • w; .r2 Fulcrum

. no" x 1.5 x (44.506)2 x 0.09467
=· ' 2 x 0.00 b

= 687.6N Fig.1.15.1

. '1

......,. PUbllCatl••s
' ' . ..

. !f-oynarnlcs of M.achinery (MU - Sem 5. Mech)

. ,~~
. ;. · Govern6r8
1. ~.,... · · - --·J g a flY·ball
. -'"'- consists of two bell-crank levers each l'Jlrru1'n
·Let S 1 and S2 be the spring force at minimum r~ii of rotation
. at one end and roller nt o~e.r end.
r, and maximum radii of rotation r2 . with respective centrifugal
forces be F1 and F2• · · · .· . ·

In the working range of governor, 0 is . u~ua!Jy small,

therefore, the obliquity effects of the anns of bell crank levers may
be neglected. Equation (i) at extreme radii of rotations.r2 and r1 can
be modified as : . . :

At maximum radius r2 : M · g + S2 = 2 ( ~) F2 · "· ... (ii)

mg mg+s
I .
Atmaximumradiusr1 : M . g+ s 1 =2 ( ; ) F 1 ... (iii)
... 91
8 x
On subtracting Equation (iii) from Equation (ii), '.
. ' ..
b'-.... l mg +s X1
S2 - S 1 =- i.( ~) (F 1 ~ F~ ) ...(iv)
....... / ~
8 ....
1 --.::::.....__f_ _ _J_
Where, F2 m · w~ · r2 and F 1 m. ro~ · rj
= =
• I ~ •

Fig. 1.15.2.
S2 - S1 = 2( ~) . ~ ( w~ . r2 - ro~ . r 1) .. . (v)

·2. The roller end of the lever fits into a groove 1· n ·th 1
. o d
pivoted at I an 02 to the frame. A helical - . .
e s eeve and From similar triangles I Az A1 ~d I B2
- .
B we can. write :
. . ~qm r2-r1
compression provides equal ·downward &0 th
· '' rce on e two b
rollers through a collar on the sleeve.
3· As the speed
. increases, the balls move away from thespm . die
axis. The be!J crank lever lifts the sleeve ag~...; the spnng
force. ,
4. . If .the speed dec~s, the sleeve mov~s ·d~w~~ard. The
sleeve of governor is controlled to the throttle valve.
5. The spring force can be adjusted by ~re~~g a nut up or
down on the sleeve. - ·
Let nt = Mass of the baU ' kg'
M = Mass of sleeve 'kg'
r1 = Minimum radius of rotation
rz = maximum radius of rotation
s = Spring force exerted on sleeve in Newtons . :.
SI = Spring force exerted on sleeve a minimum radius in
Newtons Mass of each bali, · in = -1.8 kg
S2 = Spring force exerted on sleev~ a maxim~m radius in Initialradius = r 1 =12cm=0.12m ·.
Newtons Find radius = r2 = ~3 cm= 0.13 ~
a = Length of vertical arm of be.ll-crank lever Length of ball arm, a = 8.75 cm= 0.0875 m . .. , \\

Length of sleeve ann, b · =· lO cm =0.10 m

- - ·... .I
b = Length of sleeve arm of bell-crank lever
When the ball arm IA is vertical.The centrifugal force on the Initial speed, N1 =:= 296 rpm
ba!J is F,= m · ci ·
r which acts at A an.d the force on the sleeve on ·. w1 =
2 1t N1 _
21t x 296 _ ,;
- .30.99 rad/sec . ·
left half.of the governor at B will be (M :.i.+_s). Final speed, N2 =
304 rpm _'. --

, ._Taking moments about L 1 • 21t x 304 '

.. w2 = 60 : = 31.83 rad/sec. - -
F·a = cM·~+S)b ReferFig.P.1.15.l{a). ,. ·

or, F = ( ~) ( M. 3+ S) At minimum position, taking moment about I we get,

M · g+S 1 ) · ·- · -;
( 2 b .
= : (m .' ~ 1 • r1) a
= ~) . .. (i)
i.e. M · g + S 2( F
( 0 x' 9.~i + s.) ~ o.~·o ··..·~ ".· ·< {'.~ x (30:99~2 x0:~2) o.os1s
... ~-

- --------- ---.---·------~··------·
· Dynamics of Machine (MU • Sem 5 • Mech 1:5a

,, ' ... S1 = . 363.12N •... Ans.

.., r r1 =
A . J

' ..

~~l1 .,
a I

Mg +51 1.
-2- I

/Governor .
c 1

b I
(a) Given
2 Mass of each ball, m = 4 kg.
' j
·- ' ' Lift of.sleeve, .x 40mm=0.04 m · = ·.\'!
·, InitiaISpeed, N 1 = 200rpm
21t x 200
=20.94 racVsec
UJ2 •• W1

· Initial radius, r 1 = 90mm=0.09m

= 60

Length of ball arm, a
= 100 mm =0.IO m
Lengtl1 of roller arm, b = 80 mm= 0.08 m
I Mean speed of governor is 16 times the range of speed, i.~. ·'
Mean speed = 16 x range of speed
( ro, + ro2'\
I Governor
\ 2 ) = · 16 x (<Oi - ro 1)

(b) 20.. 42+ (1)2)

= 16 X(<Oi-25.1327)
Fig. P.1.15.1 .. ro2 = 26.6189 racVsec
Total lift of the sleeve is,
Refer Fig. P.1.15.l(b).
For maximum position taking moment about 'I' and
x = (r2 - r1> x ab
neglecting effect of obliquity we get. .. 0.04 = (r2 - 0.09) x D.iO
~·~+S,) b = (m·ro;·r2)a r2 = 0.14 m Also h1 = (r-r 1 )ab '
0 9 1
( x ·~ + s?) 0.10 = 1.8 x 0.13 x (31.83)2 x o.0875
. 0.1
- . (0.115 - 0.09) 0 _12 = 0.0208 m
S 2 = 414.88 N Centrifugal force at minimum speed is,
2 2
We know that, F1 = m r1ro 1 = 4 x 0:09 x (20.94) = 157.85 N
r 2 -r1 x Centrifugal force at maximum speed,
•' !

a = b
2 2
(0.13- 0.12) x F2 = m • ro2 • r2 = 4 x 0.14 x (26.6189) = 396.79 N
.. 0.0875 = 0.1
Taking into account the obliquity of arm we have,
.. x = 0.011 m For minimum radius,

Spring stiffness, p =
x a,
= AlV a2 -A A1
2 _A,v a2 -(r- r ) 2
\ .

414.88 - 353.21 _ S606 77 NI
0.011 - · m
= '1 (0.10) 2
- (0.115 - 0.09)2
a1 = 0.0968 rn
p = 5.606 Nlmm ... Ans. b, = ~'1 (0.08)2 - (0.02)2 = 0.077 rn
: .. V T1drll1•llllti
Y° Publ l t1tltU

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P . ..

" ·. : ~·
.,. . •:
. · ' ,Governors

siJnilarly for ... oYjmum radiusI

........ · · · .. " · ·
0.04 = 0.02 + Xi
~: = "a2-(r2~-~) =....) (0.10) -(0.14-0.115)2
2 2
X2= 0.02m
= 0.0968m · b2 = b2 - -'1 x! ·= ~ (0.~8)~ - (0.02) =0.0774 m. 2
. I

Neglecting mass ofsleeve .;: ·. M = 0

.. ,.
. 2 . .'
F =m.m 1· r 1 ·
1 · ·--i--+

··.. ,, I . ,_.

·- • ,1

' .. ,. (b)
Fig. P.1.15.2 . : .. .
I • . .• l

For minimum radius of rotation. Talcing moment about . 2 . (2X1t XN'.:°\2

F" = mr(ooj =4x0.~15x .60 -)
fulcrum 'I'·
.. F1x a1 ~ [M. ~+ S,J X b1 -+: m · g x AA
= 5.044 x 10-3 (N1')2
, . . .
I (21t N~
2 - . .. 2 .

.. 157.85 x 0.0968 =[ ~ x 0.077 + 4 x 9.81
J · x(0.115 -0.09)
P' = , m~_(oo_};~_ 4x0.115x ~)
.. .....
= 5.044 x 10- (N')2. ·' •.
Jni~al tension in spring . . S1= 371.39 N Taking moment about fulcrum for motion of sleeve starting
upwards. . . .- , , .
' Similarly for maxinium radius of rotation, taking· moment
about ·r · · [M·g+S+f1· · ·
. . F"x a = m · g .x 0 .+ 2 . .' x b . .. ,
. .. .
Refer fig.P.1.15.2 .
• . 5.044 x 10~ (N")2x 0-_10 = [ + 2 ;
3 0 371 71 15
M· g+S,J
Jx 0.08·
F;i><~ = [ 2 xb2 -m · g x ~
.. N" = 175.119 rpm
·· · [o s]-x0.°'.74-4 _x9.81 x (0.14-0.115)
:. 396.79x0.0968= T ...
· F" 1 ' ~. ! -

· :. 52 = 1017.?3 N
1-'. · .:
Stiffness of spring,
I ,' • .

S -S
= T .
= 1011.sg_D°4371.39 - 16161 Nim mg
I ·!

= ....

.. . .
16.161 N/mm
. §.i. 371.39
•••Ans. .. c:i
.. Mg+ s+f
I . I
:. Initial compression of spnng = p =16.161 =22.98 mm...Ans. ('Cl

2 I -, I
If total alternation in speed when friction is taken into account :
f = 3kg=15N
b =0.1
Spring force for mid position is given _by,
" S "'=S 1 +x 1 P

I. , r=0.14m

' .' . •'

= 371.39 + 0.02 x 16.161 Fig. P.l.1S.2(c) : Sleeve moves up
I ! I \ •

= 371.71 N

.t. Tltdlb1.i1t11i
• P u a11c1tlons

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MU • Som G• Moch
- -·------~- - -··- · · ~


.. .. . ..·:1

- ~

." j

1···· l'rc>tlll 11ov.irnor , ·j
'., I · Jl. [ (M • a ~i
h • (I)' J + ,. 2111 •"
1') (I +CJ)] AQ '

'' I
Ilnrlncll wow1·111w
mg ..I I Net H(>rlnir l'orce, (S~ - s,) .. 2 ( f,) (fl~ - P1)
.,,II M11+1~r Sle<lVC rrn, x .. ( f,) (ra - r,)
Sa-Sr • 2 (.!l)
( fla-~)
b. 0.1
c I t
Sprlni,t Hlll'fnollH, P • . x h r - r
2 1
- ~
r• 0.1.c m '.
' I lnlllnl compreHHlon of Hprlng, J>
l) u
I •
1r1g. P.J.J5.2(cl) 1 Slt•cvc lllOl't'N down St1n111Uvlly or wovcrnor, c IH clcOnod . 118 tho rnllo Of
- '
dlffon.iuco hutwccn 11111xlmmn und 111111111111111 speeds to the
Slmllurly, Inking mo~uent ubout l\llcn1111 for motion of
111c1111 equilibrium Hr>eed.
sleovo st11rti11g downwnrd. N~ - N 1 2 (Nil :.. NI )
(He fer Pig.P.1. 15.:!(d)) o u N .,. Na +N1
P'x u a 111 ." g x O+ [ M ' 8; S -·f J h. X A senBltlvC.l governor .rendlly reRponds to smnll chunges in
n• X JO_,x (N')'x
·'. S,.,..4 • 0.10 a [O+:l?l~_·,11 - 1 ~]xo.os A JCOVllrnor IBHltld to he Htnblll when for ench speed there is
only 0110 rndll of rotntlor~ of governor bulls within its working
·" N' .. 168.189 rpm rnnge.
.. Al1er.11ioninspced = N"-N'aJ75.119-J68.189 A govcmor Is rmld to be lsochronouH when its equilibrium
a 6.93 rpm ... An.9. I ' speed Is constunl for 1111 rndii of rotntions of lhe balls within
working mnge, 11eglcc1ing friclion. .., , :Ir
/ Summary J A Porter governor cnn never be isochronous.
Condition for Hi1rlnell governor to be isochronous is
The runctJon or governor Is 10 control the .speed of 1111 engine
M • g +S2 !4
M·g+S 1 = r 1
r ; :
wilhin prescribed limils due 10 varia1ion of loads on the
engine over a period of time.
A governor Is said to be hunting if the engine fluctuates 1
Types or gon-rnors arc centrifugal :ind inertia governors. continuously above and below the menn equilibrium speed in go,·crnors can be further classtncd us n highly sensitive governor.
pendulum type (Wau governor) and loaded type of governors. Governor effort, Q is defined as the mean force exerted on"
Loaded type ~rgo,·crnor may be wil11 dead weight on sleeve the sleeve for 11 given chnnge of lift or for .a given percenlagc
like Porter Proell governors or spring loaded like Hartnell change of speed of the governor.
governor. c • g [2 m + M (1 + q)]
For Porter governor : Q =. (1 + q)
Wau go,•ernor: These are unsui1able for high speeds.
For hnrtuell governor : Q =c (M · g + S)
Height of governor, h = ;z
0 895
= NT Governor power, Pis defined as l11e workdone on the sleeve
Porter governor for a given percenlnge change of speed of governor..
It is the product of governor effort and sleeve lift.
h = ..8... 2m (J + q)J
w [1 + .M.. 2 .. Governor power, P = Q •x
Controlllng force, F =m • ci · r (It acts in direction opposite
where, q --~
lana lo centrifugal force).
[ J+ M ] The controlling force is provided by the dead weight on
or h = NT
2m ( J + q) sleeve and the weight of balls in case of centrifugal governors
When anns are equal in length and ll1ey intersect either on and by the spring force and weight of sleeve in case of spring
spindle axis or at equidistance from spindle axis, then q J = loaded governors.
since f3 =a. A controlling force diagram is the representation of
When friction on sleeve is taken into account variation of controlling force with radii of rotation on
Cartesian co-ordinate.
h = . JL.[1 + M· ,g:i:f (1 +
w2 2m·g q
mies of Machlne7 (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) Governors
j · oyna . . . . . ,
. Porter_governor : . . . .. Q.9 The ~rter govem~r _have all arms of eq~I le11gth~
w .-(a) For a stable gov~mor the c~ndltlon
' Is:' . Upper arms and tower arms · . are pr1oted o
governor axis. Show thai the- average effort needed
gf >> fr
. df for C% change In speed Is given by,
.. And.the slope of cilrve inc·reascs wi~ increase in r. .0 = cg (m5 + me) where
(b) . For Isochronous.governor the slope 0 ~ controlling =
Q average effort at sleeve ;
c = percentage change in speed
force curve ' is constant . ·
m9 = mass of sleeve ; me mass of flyball
(c) . F~r u~f:Bble governor 41 decreases with increase (SeC?tlon 1.12.1)
in r.
Q. 1O Derive an expression for angular velocity co of a
(U) 11artneU governor Portor governor in terms of rotating mass m, mass
Cootr0lling force a_s~aight line defined by ~uation : on sleeve M, inclination of upper and lower links
with the axis of rotation a and fl respectively and
F m • r + C where, m 1s slope and C is intercept on Y-axis.
gover:nor height h. (Section 1.8) (~~y 2003)
·(a) For a stable gov~rnor, C is negative. . ·
{b) For isochronous governor, Cis zerc;>. Q, 11 Prove that a go~ern~r is ~le if '! > f w~ere F is
(c) For unstable governor, C is positive. controlling force and r is corresponding radii of
· . .. . · N"..::N' . rotation. (Section 1.13.1) (Dec. 2003)
Coefficient of msens~tiveness =~
Numerlc.a ls
where, N"' = Speed at radius r with +(· - '·
·A.porter governor has all four arms 250 mm long.
N' = Speed at radius r with ....: f Q.12
·The upper arms are attached on the axis of rotation
N = Mean speed at radiu~ r =!:!:±:1f and the lower arms are attached to the sleeve at a
- N.-.-
distance of 40 mm from the axis. The mass of each
... ball · is 7 kg and sleeve has mass of 60 kg.
Determine the equilibrium speed of the governor, for
radius of rotation of 200 mm.
Theory: .. ·-' The friction of this governor is equivalent to a force
a:1 _Explain function of flywheel. Is -it same as that of of 15 N at the sleeve. Determine the coefficient of
. governor ? Explain. (Section 1.1) .·: . insensitiveness at the radius of rotation of 200 mm.

Q. 2 State the function of. governor. . Can flywheel also

. [Ans.: N =217.99137. rpm)
. carryout the function of governor? (Section 1.1) Q.13 In a porter governor, the upper and lower arms are
each 200 mm long and are each pivoted at a
Q, 3 Compare the action of a centrifugal and of an inertia ' distance 40 mm from the axis of spindle. The mass
-type governor. (Section 1.4, ·1.5)° -- -- - - - . of each rotating ball is 4 kg that of the sleeve is
Q. 4' State advantages of porter governor over watt 25 kg. At the lowest speed the radius of rotation is
goyernor and that of Proell governor over porter 140 mm. If the movement of the sleeve is 40 mm.
governor. (Section 1.9.1) Find the range of speed of the governor.
[Ans. : 12.2432 rpm ] .
Q. 5 Compare watt governor, porter governor and proell
governor. (Section 1.9.1) Q.14 The upper arms of a porter governor are pivoted on
the axis of rotation and are 30 cm in length. The
Q. 6 What is meant by terms "sensitiveness", "stability", lower arms are 27.5 cm in length and are attached
"isochronism" and hunting in governor mechanism. · to the sleeve at a distance of 5 cm from the axis of
(Section 1.11) rotation. The mass of each ball is 6 kg and that of
the central sleeve is 48 kg. Calculate equilibrium
Q. 7 Write a note on stability of ·spring controlled
speed of the govemo'r when the radius of rotation is
governor. (Section 1.13.2)
18 cm. Also determine the effort of governor at this
Q. 8 What is stability of governor ? Sketch the controlling radius for 2% change of speed. Also determine the
force verses radius of rotation diagram for a stable, coefficient of insensitiveness at this radius if the
unstable and isochronous governor. friction at the sleeve is 20 N.
[Ans.: 1. N = 171.20 rpm, 2. Effort P = 10.79 N,
(Section 1.13.1)
3. Power= 0.1708 Nm,
4. Coefficient of insensitiveness = 3 .775%]
W T1dlla111l..1i
Y Publltatior.s

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. •· Dyn.'\mics of Machinery (MU • Sem s • Mech) 1.S2 ~ ~
In a Porter governor, the upper arms are 20 cm long
Q~ 15 In a Hartnell type governor length of ball and sleeve O. 17 er arms are 25 cm long ancJ th....
arms of a bell crank lever are 150 mm and 130 mm
and the ~he axis of governor. Mass of each~
respectively. The distance of the fulcrum of the bell ~ntersec~~~ dead mass on sleeve is 15 kg. If the
crank lever from the governor Is 14 cm. The 1~ ition of upper arms from vertical are 3()o
m.'\ss of each governor ball is 5 kg. The governor hm~tu::X:th friction of 25 ~ on .sleeve., Jind ttie
runs at mean speed 300 rpm with ball arms vertical an . . eeds of the governor. · ··
and sleeve amlS horizontal. For an increase of limiting sp 182.7rpm1 . · ·
spood of 4% the sleeve moves 10 mm upwards. [Ans. : 223· rpm. . . .
Assume sleeve mass to be sokg. Find :
Following data relate to 'a Hartnell governor':
(i) Minimum equilibrium speed if the tQtal sleeve a. Mass of each ball::: 1.8 kg;
movement is limited to 20 mm. Length of ball arm ::: 8·5 cm . .· ..
(ii) Spring stiffness and sensitivity of governor. Length of sleeve arm ::: 1o cm '
~ii} When the governor is isochronous at 300 rpm. , Maximum radius = 13 c~ . · ._
What is the stiffness of the spring? . Minimum radius of rotation= 12 ~m '.
n =
[Ans, : N, = 285.182 rpm, S 27.241 N/mm, Maximum speed = 304 rpm. . .
e =8.980%, S =12.973 N/mm] Minimum speed = 296 rpm . . f
· and equation or
0. 16 In a Hartnell governor, the length of the ball and Find the stiffness o spn~g

sleeve arms of a bell crank lever are 120 mm and controlling force curve.
Whether the governor is stable, unstable or
100 mm respectively. The distance of the fulcrum of
the bell crank lever from the governor axis is isochronous .?. · ·
140 mm. Each governor ball has a mass of 4 kg. [Ans. : S = 4.279 N/mm•. F.=:= 2961.5,
The governor runs at a mean speed of 300 rpm, r =- 147·.85, stable 1
with ball arms vertical and sleeve arms horizontal. · · f Hartnell governor is
Q.19 The controlling force curve or 8 . 1200 N t
For an increase of speed of 4% the sleeve moves a straight line. The controlling force is .a
10 mm upwards. . d it is 450 N at radius
radius of rotation of 20 cm an F d th
Neglecting friction find : of 10 cm. The mass of each ball is 9 kg. in e
(i) The minimum equilibrium speed if the total · o t rot afion. of 12:5 cm . '
speed of governor at a radius
sleeve movemenris limited to 20 mm.' What is the initial tension nee~ed to make ·~~-
(ii) The spring stiffness. governor isochronous? What shall be
(iii) The sensitiveness of the governor. lscohronous speed ?
(iv) The spring stiffness if the governor' is to be (Ans. : 227.3 rpm, 300 N, 275 rpm )
isochronous at 300 rpm.
[Ans. : N 1 = 285.094 rpm, S =
23.'1216 N/mm,
e - 9.01 %, S = 11 .369 N/mm]
Chapter Ends...
• :·. - ·: · )> •

. ~

. . DDCl
\ .

.. . .....

Gyroscope . , ...

Introduction, Gyroscopic couple and its effect on spinning bodies, naval ships during steering, pitching, rolling and
their stabilization. Effect of_gyroscopic and centrifugal couples, permissible speeds on curve paths, gyroscopic effect
due to lateral misa.lignment of rigid disc mounted on shaft. ·

Syllabus Topic : Introduction Conversely, whenever a body is rotating in a plane (plane YZ)
about an· axis (axis.OX) and a couple is applied on the rotating
2.1 Introduction to Gyroscopic Effect body across the axis of rotation or spin in an another
perpendicular plane (plane XY), the rotating or spinning body
Whenever a body is rotating or spinning in a plane (plane YZ) starts processing in a third mutually perpendicular plane
about an axis (axis OX) and its axis of rotation or spin is made (plane XZ).
to process in 3:° another perpendicular plane (plane XZ), as
The above stated effects are known as gyroscopic ~ffects.
shown in Fig. ~.l.l, the couple is induced on the rotating or
spinning body across the axis of rotation or spin in a third The two things are necessary for existence of gyroscopic
mutually perpendicular plane (plane XY). effect
l. Rola;ting body
2. Force or couple to change the orientation of axis
. of rotation of a rotating body.
- .The gyroscopic effect is observed in aeroplanes, ships, two
wheelers, four wheelers, etc.
,- The gyroscopic effect finds its application in instruments like
: gyrocompass used in aeroplanes; missiles and space vehicles
to sense the angular motion of a body; gyroscopic flow meter;
gyroscopi~ altitude indicator, etc.

2.2 Gyroscope
Gyroscope is a mechanical system or ·arrangement having a
rotor (usually heavy) spinning at high speed about its axis and
being free to turn in any direction, as shown in Fig. ~.2.1.
It consists of a rotor rotating on an axle which is supported by
a ring called inner gimble, with bearings.
This inner gimble is supported in one more ring called outer
x gimble, with bearings; and this outer gimble is supported
Axis of Rotation or Spin
Fig. 2.1.1: Gyroscopic Effect · inside a frame, with bearings.

The frame is sup~rted on a heavy stand as shown in

Fig. 2.2.1.

Y Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 2-2 . -e
. . nl npptication of gyroscope instnunent
z, Fig. 2.2.2 shows n typ1c . .
hich is used in most of aircraft for
called Gyrocompass w . · ·
f precession of aircrnft (how mnny degJ:ecg
showing the rate o . '
the aircraft is tuming lefl/right ) to the piloL
Frame Inner Gimble

-·- \...

- . . - · · ab~ut an nxis OX with an .angular

Consider n disc spinning
. . . . : · ... . ·
speed •ro' as shown in Fig. 2.3.l(n).


0 .


Fig. 2..2.I : Gyroscope

The ro<or of g:.roscope lus th~ degrees of freedom :

I. Spinning !boot .!Xis XX. (b)
2. Tilting Woo! .lXi s YY. Fig. 2.3.1 : Precessional Motion
3. V~g aus ZL
After a short interval of time 'dt', Jet the disc is spinning with
an angular velocity ((J) + cSro ) about the new axis of spin OX'
at an angle cS0 with an axis OX. Using the right hand rule, the
initial angular velocity of disc 'ro' is represented by oxand th~
final angular velocity of the disc (w + &> ) is represented by'
-1 -
ox', as shown in Fig. 2.3.l(b).

The vector xx' represents tl1e change of angular velocity in

time 5t. This change in angular velocity can be resolved into
two components one : parallel to ox and other perpendicular
to ox.
Fig. 1.2.1 : Gyrocompass used in aircrJft
Y° , U.ll CJ lf l l '

scanned with CamScanner

..oynamics of Machinery MU - Sem s - Mech)
·2-a . . . · ·. · . ·· Gyroscope
.:.; , :·
correspondingly· ~ere are two components of
angu!ar 3.
- Jeration of the dtsc : · Total Angular Acceleration (ex)
1. c ponent of Angular Acc.eleration
__.0111. .
·The total angular acceleration of the disc is given by,
a. ·= Cli +-+ O.c
z. Component of Angular Acceleration
: dro dB
perpendicu1ar to ox ( ac )
---+ or a. = ·Cit+ -+ (!)· dt

or dro ...(2.3.3)
component of Angular Acceleration
a = dt + -+ (l)·(l)p

1. . __. .
Along ox ( <Xt ) Thus, the total angular acceleration of the disc 'ex' is· the
vector sum of : . : ·
;· Component of angular acceleratio~ along ~ is
= fun ~ - lim 19a - otj •
(i) . CLi = dm / _dt : Representing the change i_n magnitude _of the
·angular velocity of disc •oi. with respect to time. .
<Xi St -+ 0 St - St ~ O St . ., ·..
. fun [ox' cos 50- OJU (ii) · a~ =C1l : C1lp : Representing the change in direction of the axis
= Ot~ O St of spin with respect to time.
N _ • lim [(ro +Sm) cos SS- roj · · ·
or 1 - St~O ot 4. Special Cases of Angular Acceleration of Disc
- lim [00 cos oe + 0(1) cos 50 aj .Case I : Direction of axis of spin is fixed
- Ot-+ 0 _· ot
since 08 is very small, cos 50:;:,, 1, hence w.e get, _In this case, roP =~~ =0 i.e. ac =0
= lim [ro+Sm-ro1 lim ·0(1) Hence, total angular acceleration of the disc is given by,
<Xi &~o & -&~o~
dci> a = -dCll ...(a)
or «t = dt . dt
Case II : Magnitude of angular velocity of disc is constant
2. Component of Angular Acceleratlor:i ...
---+ In this case, ~~ =0 i.e. a 1 =0
Perpendicular to ox ( <Xe)
Hence, total angular acceleration of the disc is given· by,
. - ~
dB ·
Component of angular acceleration ~rpendicular to ox is, a = ro • dt or a = ro • roP ...(b)
lim ax' lim ox'sin 50 .
ac = Bt ~ Ofu =Bt ~ 0 St Syllabus Topic
lim ( w + Bw ) sin BS Gyroscopic Couple and its Effect on Spinning
= cSt-4 O Ot · Bodies
Since 00 is very small, sin OS:;,, 89, hence we get,
2.4 Concept of Gyroscopic Couple
lim [(w +Sm) 08)
a.c = 0t ~ o St ~ (MU· May 13, May 15, Dec.14) ·
1im [c:008 + Bc:008]
= Ot-+ O cSt
as &o and SO are very small, &l()S:;:,, 0, hence we get,
lim [c:008] d8
ac = Bt~ 0 St= w·dt
or CXc = CO·COP ...(2.3.2)

. where, roP = d8
dt =rate of precession
. f . .
o spm axis
. . .
Consider a disc spinning (rotating) wit,h an angular ·velocity
= angular velocity of precession
(or processional angular velocity).
.. · 'm'. about spin axis OX in an anticlockwise direction, as shown in
Fig. 2.4.l(a).
The precession of spin takes place in a plane XOX' and ".
about perpendicular axis passing through 0.
eY TedlKuwleqi
ru~llcatl on s

Scanned with CamScann«

Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Se~ 5 - ~ech) 2-4


. Observer .'

Fig. 2.4.1 : Concept of Gyroscopic Couple
The plane in which the disc is spinning (rotating) i.e. plane wP = angular velocity of precession of axis of spin, rad/s
YOZ is called as plmu ofspin. The initial position of the spin axis is OX. Let the spin axis
The axis of spin is precessing in a horizontal plane XOZ about OX is turned through a smali' angle ·~· in time '5t' in'the
an axis OY with an angular velocity 'wp'· horizontal plane XOZ about the precession axis OY.
The horizontal plane XOZ is called as plane of precession
(i) InitJal Angular Momentum of Disc
.. .... : .
and axis OY is called as precession
Let, I = Mass moment of inertia oftbe disc about OX, kg-m
2 When the initial · position of the spin axis is OX, the
magnitude of angular momentum of disc is fro.
ro = angular velocity of the disc, radls
• TtdhNWti
j oramlcs of Machln~ry (MU • S~m 5 • M~h). . ._ 2·5 Gyroscoee

As ihe angular momentum is n vector quantity, using right In short, the active gyroscopic couple is the couple app!ied to
rule ii is represented by ox, as shown in Fig. 2.4. l(b). the disc across the axis of spin so as to cause its precession.
halld .
Final Angular Momentum of Disc 2. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
(Ii) .
Wh~n the axis of spin precess itself or is made ';° p~ecess with
After time 'lit' when the final position of the spin axis is ox' angular velocity 'rop' , the shaft on which the disc ts m~nled
nitude of angular momentum of disc remains same i e 1 '
the mag · . co. applies reactive gyroscopic couple through support beanngs,
Vsing right band rule, it is represented by ~'. as -~hown in to the frame.
fig. 2.4.l(b). The magnitude of the reactive gyroscopic couple is same as
(IU) Change In Angular Momentum or Disc that of the active gyroscopic couple but direction is opposite.
-+ -+ 2.4.2 ! Directions of Active and Reactive
change in angular momentum = ox'- ox Gyroscope Couples
-+ -+
= xx'=ox'oe The right hand rule is used in deciding the directions of spin
= -+ '. vector, precession vector and gyroscopic couple vector, as
Irooe ...r'... ox= I ro]
•:..shown in Fig. 2.4.2.
(it') ·Gyroscopic couple on disc
1. Curl the fingers of the right hand such that, lhe direction
Rate of change of angular momentum = I ro . 08 of curling fingers indicates lhe direction of spin; lhen
St the thumb will indicale the direction of spin vector.
This rate of change o~ angular momentum will result due to 2. Curl the fingers of the right hand such that, lhe direction
application of couple to a disc. Therefore, the couple applied to the of curling fingers indicates the direction of precession;
disc for causing precession is given by, then the thumb will indicate the direction of precession
lim 80 d0
c = -st-+ o1 ro ot =1 (l)'dt" -· ·. - ·- -·.:. · ·. vector.
3. ·Curl the fingers of the right hand such that, the direction
I . •da . of curling fingers indicates the direction of active
or C = OH.l)P ... [ ·dt'=coP] ...(2.4.1)
gyroscope couple; then the thumb will indicate the
11,ie couple given by Equation (2.4.1) is known as gyroscopic direction of active gyroscopic couple vector.
couple. The directio~ of active gyroscopic coupie vector ~s obtain as
discussed below·: . .
2.4.1 Active an~ Reactive -Gyroscopic
Couples ·
The gyroscopic couples can be categorized into two ·types : ·
1. Active Gyroscopic Couple
2. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

1. Active Gyroscopic:Couple

The coupl.e of magnitude C = I co roP which acts in the

-+ Consider a disc rolating in an anticlockwise direction when
direction of xx', represents the rate of change of .angular viewed from front, as shown iil Fig. 2.4.2.
momentum. Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of
This couple, which must be applied to the disc across the axis spin (rotation) of the disc (i.e. anticlockwise direction). The
of spin to cause it to process in the horizontal plane about the · direction of thumb gives the spin vector.
axis of precession, is called the active gyroscopic couple. .. The spin vector is rotated by 90° in the direction of precession
-+ (i.e. in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the top) so
The vector xx' lies in a plane XOZ (plane of precession). In
. -+ . .. as to get the direction of ~ctive gyroscopic couple vedor.
case of small oe, xx' is perpendicular to the vertical plane Using the right hand, point the thumb in the direction of
XOY. Therefore the gyroscopic couple causing change in active gyroscopic couple vector (i.e. along.OZ). ,
angular momentum will be in a plane XOY. The curling fingers give th~ direction of active . gyroscopic
Therefore, the plane XOY is called the plane of gyroscopic couple.
,_couple and axis OZ is called the axis of gyroscopic couple or The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple is opposite to the
gyroscopic axis. direction of active gyroscopic couple, as shown in
Fig. 2.4.2.
... ·~
• .. ::
. ,•
Dynamics of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech . 2-6
a· roaoc) · j',?

I ~ t. 1

·' ,.
. '
' I I'

. ,I


Active Gyro5coplo
' "I

'. •,I

·.. ~

' I' I 1• \
, ;·. .

I :

'' ' '• ,.

} · '

Fig. 2.4.2 : Directions of ActJvc, RcactJvc Gyroscopic Couples

or I = O.Oll25 kg:m~
Ex. 2.4.1
Tite axle is made to precess. Hence reactive gyroscopic
A uniform disc of 150 mm diameter has a mass of 4 kg. It is
couple is applied by the disc through the axle on the support.
mounted centrally on the horizontal axle of 80 mm length
berWeen the bearings. It spins about an axle at 800 r.p.m. In Preoeulon Vector &f'/
counter clockwise direction when viewed from the right hand y ~~e -JP
. ,o?r-~~
side bearing. The axle is made to precess about a vertical /'
,."'\"! ( <; .
_.'<'" ...
' ...~... _..,,.-Active gyroscopic
axi~ at 50 r.p.m. in an anticlockwise direction when viewed . ,____ ·- --.c
{\ couple ·c·
from top· o e rermrne
. the resultant reaction at each bearing
· to ma ss and gyroscopic. effect.
Diameter of disc
. I d = 150mm=0.15m
·•. Radius of disc, d 0.15
r = :Z~z=0.075 m
Mass of disc, 4 kg m =
Distance ~een bearings, I= 80 mm =0.08 m
Speed of disc, N = 800r.p.m.
Precession speed, NP = SO r.p.m.
Fig. P. 2.4.l(a)
1. ReacUve Gyroscopic Couple
The gyroscopic couple applied by the disc is,
Angular velocity' w -60-
- 2rrN - 2nx
60800 =83.77
r. adi
s C = I w wP =0.01125 x 83.77 x 5.23

Angular precessional velocity, or C =4.9347 N-m

ZrcNP 21tX 50 The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple is shown in
WP = "'"'60'""=~= 5.23 rad/s Fig. P. 2.4.l(a). The reactive gyroscopic couple tends to raise
bearing B and lower the bearing A.
Mass moment of inertia of disc is,
= m k 2 _ m r2 _4 x (0.075) 2
- 2 - 2
PUOll<lllDU I

SCanrwd 'l\1ltl Ca mScarvlt'f

·------ ---•u_,,J
·'1[ ., Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech) .
2. Bearing Rea~tlons
Fig. P. 2.4.1 (b) shows loading dia&ram of an ~le.
_ The axle is subjecled to : _
(i) Reactive gyroscopic couple, (C)
(ii) Weight of the disc. (mg) .
Let. RA = bearing A, N
Rs = Reaction at bearing B, N.
Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
c~ . Given : Diameter of disc,' d =250 mm =0.25 m

Radius of disc, r =~ =0;5 = 0.125 m

Thickness of disc, t = 50 mm= 0.05 i:ri
Angular velocity, w =12 rad/~
i.--- 0.04 ----+->--- 0.04 - -.... Precessional velocity, wP =5 rad/sec -

0.08-----J Density of disc, p=7.8 gm/cm3

7.8 x 10 _ 7 · kg/. 3
- 1000 - 800 m .
Fig. P. 2.4.l(b)
Mass of disc is,
_ TaJcing moments about point B,
RA x 0.08 -:-- mg x 0.04 - C =0
m = Density x Area ,;, p7t r2 t -...
m = 2
7800 x nx(0.125) x0.05=19.16kg
;.RAX 0.08-4 X 9.81X0.04-4.9347 =0 . Mass moment of inertia of cllsc,'
:. RA = 81.3 N (upward) ·ml
••• Ans. I= 2
TaJcing moments about point A. z
19.16 x (0.125) - 0 14 k z
Rs x 0.08 - mg x 0.04 + C = O = 2 - . gm

. . Rs x 0.08. - 4 x 9.81 x 0.04 + 4.9347 =O Gyroscopic couple is,

C =- I w wP .
. • R8 = - 42.06 N (upward) =0.14 x12 x·5 =8.4 N:m .' .:.:ADs. .·· i

or R 8 = 42.06 N (downward) ••• Ans.

Syllabus Topic : Effect of Gyroscopic and Centrifugal Couples

2.5 Gyroscopic Effect on Aeroplanes

fig. 2.5.1 shows an aeroplane taking a tum. Let the propeIJer or engine rotates in an anticlockwise direction when seen from the front
end of the aeroplane.

Let, CJ> = angular velocity of propeller or engine, rad/s

I = mass moment of inertia of propeller andotber rotating parts attac~ed to it, about an axis of rotation, kg-m2

V = linear velocity of an aeroplane, ID!s

R = radius of curvature, m

wP = angular velocity of precession =~ , rad/s

The propeller spins (or rotates) about axis OX. As the aeroplane takes the turn, the spin axis (axis OX) precesses about the precession
axis (axis OY).

' .
.,,.. t UIii t I < .1 l ICI I I
D nnmloll ol Mnohlryn MU • 6()fyt a. Moof1

Pr0<:.0111on V11cior



\ ,. Pront em or
\ ~ RolOf Of

nu. 2.~.J 1 OyroHCoplc llrrtct 011 Acro11hmc

Olio to thl8, tho roucllvo gyroncoplc couple /1111wHed by the propeller 6h11fl on the frame or body or the aeroplane.
'l'ho uwgn/tudo of rcucllvu p.yro1icoplc couple 111 givcn by,
C • Iw ' 'v
'l'llo dlrccllon of rouctlvo p.yroBcopic couple upplic<l by the propeller 81>llfl on the body of the aeroplane iRdetermined by considering
l'ollowl118 four CHHo/l.
1~·~ca·J ~·· ·: ..- :~on proiMllor ..Ota~ Jn 811t.1cJock'wJsc dlr4'~tlon and ueroplane'takes rlgJJt' ~urn.
· ~asa l~ i i 'i : W~•on p_ropcUcr',Oip!Aill Jn 011tf~ll)CJ<_~IN4l d.lrteifo~ ittttl 1tcropl1u~e Utkes It-rt tor••·
· o~~.'·'~ . :·.i. .,Whan:Jf!P,itlu~~.rorate~ In cJOc°kwl~ dl11·cttc>n dnd Aeroplane iuJces rlghr turn. .
;;C~•9JV . ' /' Wb~i• ,;~poller ..Otl'iu,~ ~n clntkMse°'df~~cfJon R11d'neroplan~ Utkes left turn• .
• - , I, 1 f • • ' ' I (

CllHc I : Wl1cn 11ro1>cllcr rof1~kH ha nntJclockwJHc dlrccllon nnd ucro11l1111c fJtkcH rlgl1t turn
Lo1 u11 consider tho propeller rotnlcs in 1111ticlockwlse direction when viewed from the front or nose end of the aeroplane.
Using tho rlght h1111d, curl lho fingcrH nlong the direction of rotation of propeller I.e. in anticlockwis~ direction, the direction of thumb
gives lho spln vector. · ·
Rooctlvo Gyroocoplc

Proco1111lon Vactor


~ ·"U Q z Actlvo
rlVQ v,~'bs~... Gyroocoplo
&r:yq,. '1'Di-' '... Coup/a
I ) .(' ;
Tum' 1 ·, ' ... ,
lo Rlbht '" Gyroscopic

z· 011.
""ov. G';-'b
ocob ,\'co..
.,. -.vie

l<'lg. 2.5.2 : Wl1c11 Propeller lfotntcs In Autlcfockwlsc jllrcctlon nnd Acroplllnc Tnkcs night Turn
V T1KU111•IHti
T Putl l <,llGnt
I ,'J
rt~:· · ..

~. . j' lJYl18micS of Machinery (~U ~ Sern 5 • Mecti) . . 2-9" ._, . .. ·. _.. . GyrosCO!l•

:·,~j · _ - The aeroplane taJc

. es the · ht. turn ~ shown m
. ng. · Fig. 2.5.2. Hence, tum the spin vector through
· · 90o in
- • •
the direction °
f precession so as
.·1 to get the direction of unagmary active gy?oscopic couple vector (which is not existing).
The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of
in fig. 2.s.2. _ -
active gyroscopic couple vector as shown

"· Using right band,. pomt e um m the direction of reactive gyroscopic co~ple vector.
• th th b · '
The ·curling
fingers give the direction of
.i tive gyroscopic c~uple. ·

·1 : eff~t of this reactive gyroscopic c~uple i~ to dip the nose and-raise the tail of the aeroplane as shown in Fig. 2.5.3.

\ ..· .. ...

Fig. 2.5.3 : Nose down and 1'.ail up · .,

ease D : When propeller rotates in anticl~ direction and aeroplane talces l~fl tum
Let us consider the propeller rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the front or nose end of the ~roplane.
Using the right hand, curi the fingers along the direction of rotation of propeller· in anticlockwise direction, the direction of thumb
gives the spin vector. ., . ·
The aeroplane takes the left turn as shown in Fig. 2.5.4. Hence, turn the spin vector through 90° in the cfuection ofprec~sion so as to
get the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which does not exist).
The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direCtion of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector as shown
in Fig. 2.5.4. - Readive Gyro&e0pic
Couple ·

Precession Vector



Fig. 2.5.4 : When Propeller Rotates in Anticlockwise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn

Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector. The curling fingers give the direction of
reactive gyroscopic couple.
The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is to raise the nose and dip the tail of the aeroplane as shown in
Fig. 2.5.5.

VT1cua. .1....
Y Pu1111 c atl ons
Y Dynamics of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Moch) 2·10


Fig. 2.5.5 : Nose up and 'fall down

Case 111 : When propeller rotates In clockwlae direction and aoroplano takot right turn
' ,.. ."'-·the """""llcr ro<Ates in clod..'Wisc c.lircction when viewed from the front or not.e end of rhe acropl~ne.
...,... us coosi~ r-r- n...atv• oyroecq;ic

ft&- :.5..6: Wbm Propdltr Rot.Id In Clodcwlw: and Arroplane Takes nll(ht 'furn
US::::i 0: r:~ hU1d. au1 th: ft:1t,en a.Ion£ the direction of rol.3tion o( propeller i.e. in clockwi&e direction, the direction of thumb
p~a Ebe f:;:i:i vea.or.
lb:: Jl!:r09!..i::J= t.~ rigJ-.:i mm .u tho\l'O in Fig. 2-5.6. Hence. wm the ~pin vector tlirough 90° in the direction of precession a.o as
t3 r- ~ 6-eic::io:i <Of irru~itw)• ~ve £)TO:.ropiC couple Yector (Which is not CXi,ling).
The C:.~ CJf ~\·e g)TO~;c CO'Jplc voctor is oppo~it.e to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector as &hown
c Fir. 25.6.
l!iL-i righ ~ the thumb in the di.rection of reactive gyro5C0pic couple vector. 'Jlv.: curling fi ngers give the direction of
~''e f)ro<;i,::: cr..1:.:pk.
Tii.e tf!t:a of~~ re;;c:jve 8')70:.cQl'",k: couple is to r.tlse the nose Wid dip U1e tall of the aeroplane a... i.hown in Fig. 2.5.7.


Yig, 2.5.1: NCJ'i.t uv and 'J':ill d11wn

'" '"''"''.
·. p~amlcs. of M~chinery .MU - Se_m 5 - Mech) . Gyroscop·e
•\ • ..

c;ese 1v : When propeller rotates In clockwise direction and. ~eroplane ~ke. left turn

Let us consider the propeller rotates in clockwise direction when ·viewed from the front or nose end of the aeroplane.

Precession Vector

;· ..

I' • I • 4 I"

·i· J
J?. z· ·,: ... P~.
:4-'e v, GJ?o ·
9%r' ..
. Fig. 2.5.8 : When Prop~ller Rotates in Clockwise and Aerop~~ne ~akes Le~~ : ·" ·. . ,
Using the ~ght hand, cw-t' the fingers along the ~tion. ~f rotation of proPcller i.e.' in,cl~kwis~ dircitlo~, the ~ectl~n ~~..~umb
gives the spm vector. · ' · · · ·· · -
Tue aeroplane takes the left turn as shown in Fig. 2.5.8. Hence, tum the spin vector lhiough 90° in the direction of precession so as to
get the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which is not existing). .
Tue direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector as shown
in Fig. 2.5.8. ' .
Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector. Tue curling fingers gives the direction of
reactive gyroscopic couple.
The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is to dip the nose and i-aise the tail of the aeroplane as shown in Fig. 2.5.9.


Fig. 2.5.9 : Nose down and Tail up

Ex. 2.5.1
An aeroplane makes a half circle of 100 m radius, towards left when flying at 400 km/hr. The engine and propeller of plane
weights 500 kg and has a .radius of gyration of 30 cm. The engine rotates at 3000 r.p.m. anticlockwise, when viewed from_.
front end. Rnd the gyroscopic couple and its effect on aeroplane. ·
Soln.' :

Given: Radius of curvature, R :::: 100 rn \. •\

I "i • ,

scanned w ith Camscanner

' .

~ ..DynaiTiics of Machinery_.(MU :' Sem 5 - Mech) _

· · -·Flying sPee<I. v"= ..400kn1/hr

400X 1000=111.11 lnJsec
:::· 60X60

Mass of engine and propeller, m = 500kg

Radius ~f gyration of engine and propeller, k
speed of engine, N = 3()()(}r.p.m.

(I) = 21tX603000 = 314.16 rad/s

1. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
Mass mo~e~t of inertia o(engine and propeller is; 2'
2 2 I _ 45 kg-m
I = mk =500x(0.3) or
Precessional angular velocity is,
.v 111.11
or (J)p = 1.1111 rad/s
roP ;;;: R = "100
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on aeroplane is,
c = rrorop =45x314.I6x 1.1111
or C = 15707.84 N-m
:. C = 15.707 kN-m

2. Effect of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple , ·. th ffi

· · · dition if aeroplane talces a left turn, en e ect of
The propeller rotates anticlockwise when viewed from front end. Under this con ti p· p 2 5 1) .
, .. ·· ·. . -d· di · th tail of the aeroplane. (Re er ig. · · · ·
. ' reactive gyroscopic couple is to nuse the nose an p e . Reactive Gyroscopic .

Precession Vector
. ' . y

Fig. P. 2.5.1 : When Propeller Rotates in Anticlockwise and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn

An aeroplane makes a complete half circle of 50 m radius, towards left when flying at 200 km/hr. The rotating engine and the
propeller of the plane have a mass 400 kg with a radius of gyration of 40 cm. The engine runs at 2400 r.p.m. clockwise when
viewed from the rear. Find the gyroscopic couple on the plane and state its effect on it. What will be the effect if the aeroplane
tum to its right instead of to the left.

Scan ned w it h CamScanner

I £ ·.oynamlcs

of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) !2·13 .Gyroscope

Given: Radius of curvature, R = 50 m
Flying speed, V = 200 km/hr
200x 1000
= 60 x 60 =55.55 rn/sec
Mass of engine and propeller, m· · = 400 kg
Radius of gyration of engine and propeller, · · · k = 40 cm= 0.4 m

Speed of engine, N = 2400r.p.m.

27tX 2400
(J) -
60 =251.3216 rad/s
1. , Reactive Gyroscopic Couple~
Mass moment of inertia of engine and propeller is,
I = m k =400 x (0.4)1
_ Precessional angular velocity is,
or I = 64 kg-m1 ·

v 55.55
roP = R= SO or roP = 1.1111 rad/s
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on aeroplane is,
c = ~ (J) Olp= 64 x 251.32 x 1.1111

C = 17871.46 N-m or C = 17.87kN-m ••.Ans.

2. Effect of Gyroscopic Couple when Aeroplane takes ·a Left Turn

- Precession Vector

Fig. P. 2.5.2(a) : When Propeller Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Left Turn

The propeller rotates clockwise when viewed from rear end. Under this conrution if aeroplane takes a left tum, then effect of reactive
gyroscopic couple is to raise the nose and dip the tail of ~e aeroplane. (Refer Fig. P. 2.5.2(a)).

-...,.,_ ___
Seamed w ith camscanner

Effect of Gyroscapic Couple when Aeroplane takes a right Tum

Fig. P. 2.S.2(b): "llai Propeller Rotates in Ood-wise Direction and Aeroplane Takes Right Tum

The propelk:r nx:ues clctlwi..'-! wbr.:n ,~-ed from re:::r e.nd. 1Imkr this condition if =cpbn! ~ a ri._cllr mm. th:!n effect cf
~~ g)l'OS:::Oif_c anPl.: is tt> r.llil! the tail a:d dip the no:s:e of !he ::...'"rnpl.:u:~ (Rd'er fig_ P. 2.5..2(0))-
Syllabus Topic: Naval Ships During Steering, Pitching, Rolling and their Stabilization

2.6 Gyroscopic Effect on Ships

1be effect of re2~ti...-e g}-r=pic coop!~ c:m be ~ in case of ships aLco_ Fig_2 6..l(b) sho9'S ch,.-re \i ews of ship_

(a) Actual Ship

Fig. 2.6.l(Contrl-)

SCannecl with CamSca nnef

· .· ·m
·· ICS of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) ,.......
2-15 . ·.· Gyroscope
. ~/ Oyr}_8 , . .. .
· · Transverse Longitudinal
Axis Axis

Stem or Aft
(Rear end)


- - - - - -- - -- ------ -- -

Fig. 2.6.l(b) : Three Views of Ship

2.6.1 Terminology used In Ship

_ Tue terms used in connection with ships are as follows :

(i) Bow or fore end : It is the front end of the ship.

(ii) Stem or aft or rear en_d : It is the rear end of the ship.

(di) Starboard : It is the right hand side of the ship when seen from the stern. (rear end)

(iv) Port: It is the left hand side of the ship when seen from the stem. (rear end)

(v) Steering of ship : Steering is the turning of a complete ship in a curve towards the left or right.

(vi) Pitching of ship: Pitching js the cyclic up and down motion of the bow 'and stem in a vertical plane about the transverse axis.

(vii) Rolling of ship : Rolling is the cyclic up and down motion of the port and the starboard about the longitudinal axis.

The gyroscopic effect in ships during steering, pitching and rolling are discussed below.

2.6.2 Gyroscopic Effect on Ships During Steering ·

Steering of a ship is the turning of a complete ship in a curve towards the left or right.

The rotor and propeller of the ship is spinning about its own axis. Hence, steering of the ship leads to the precession of the spin axis.

Due to this, the reactive gyroscopic couple is applied by the rotor shaft on the ship.

Fig 2.6.2 shows steering of ship towards right.

"f' Pu1111c1t1nn1. _
~ (),'l'lamics of Mach!nery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 2-16

Fig. 2.6.2 : Steering or ship toward right.

The ~~o:i cf r:.l..~\-e ~mx-o?:c couple is detmnined by considering following four cases~

Casrl = Wto rotor roui.:s in :!.ntidocbise direction :\lld shi~ right. . ..
C&R Il Wbo rowr r.)t).L"'S b :!.!:tckd:wii.: direction ::u:d ship steers to left.

\\bo re<.r n.-u:.ts in cl.xi:,1i~ dir~tio:i and ship steers to right

' .. ' .
\\be::! rt"Cm rotl!?s i.:i cloi:k\lis: direction nnd ship s~ers to ldt. . ... ' .
~:-~ ~a.

~I: \\'bcl rotor rooues l.u antidochise direction and ship steers to right
U: ~ ro-.a od p:-opcll:r nl'..::.t: in ~ticlod:v.ise direction v.hen viewed from the bow or fore end and ship is taking right tum, as
~nbH?~6.3. .

Reac:ive Gyroscopic -\

~...sion Ve!:!Dr

O;i / y


fig. 2.6.3: When Rot.or Rotates in Direction and Ship Steers t.o Right

ff TldKM91t4fi
Y° l'utllC lfl lU

Scanned with Com.Scol'lflt"f'

~ <. ·'_· .: _·<.·~

: ·. , ~. ··:._-,. · •.·
8~~rlgh~of f.1~ch'in~ MU - Sam 5 ~Mech _
2 17
:, • ,, : · ,: :. '. 1 >· .-. G ··· ... rJe''.
~ fin.~ers .along the dircction of rotation of rotor i.e. in antlcloclcwise directi~n~ the direction of thui.nb
. ·tlJe hand;· cUrl
;.. vs•. 11gthe. 5p1n. vcctor. '
. .
. . .
. .
· . .
. . .
. .
. givcS hiP. .steers to Tight. 85 shown in Fig. 2.6:3.' Hence, tu~ the spin vector through 90" iii the direction of precession so as to get the
'fbe 5 · J tieg I · - ·
·' difeCtion of inuig n~ nc V yro~op c couple vector (which does not exist). · · . .
.. -Oio difc:CtloD of rcacuve gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroScopic coopie vector, as shown
.... ·1 fig. 2.6.3. · .
· Using ng· ht hand' point the thumb
. in lhe dlrecti'o r · i . . fingers
n o react vc gyroscopic couple vector. 'The curling · · the
give ..1:-~•:on of
. uu~
..... . nyroscopic couple. · -
reacUVO 0 . •

_'fhe effect of this reactive gyr~scoplc couple is raise the stem or rear end and dips the bow or fore end.
;_ : When rotor rotates In antJclockwJsc dlrectJon and flhlp Nleen to len
Let the rotor and propeller rotate in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the bow or fore end and ahip is taking left turn as
- shown in Fig. 2.6.4. . .
. Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of rotation of rotor i.e. anticlockwise direction, the di~cct.ion of thumb gives
the spin vector.

m Propeller

Fig. 2.6.4 :·When Rotor Rotates in Anticlockwise and Ship Steers to Left

The ship s_~ers to left, as shown in Fig. 2.6.4. Hence, tum the spin vector thorough 90° in the direction of precession so as to get the
direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which does not exist).
The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector, as shown
in Fig. 2.6.4.
Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector. The curling fingers give the direction of
reactive gyroscopic couple.
The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is to raise the bow or fore end and dip the stem or rear end.
Case.ID: When rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship steers to right
Let the rotor and propeller rotate in clockwise direction when viewed from the bow or fore end and ship is taking right turn, as shown
in Fig, 2.6.5.
D namlcs of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Mech
. I

Precession Ved!Jr

•· ,

'\ Tum
ro 'to Right
O' 'im.~ 1
i!.ff_~.~./-< Gyroscopic
• ,'-... Couple
~ .......
~Cf;~" z
Co eG
v.Dfe tl'ro~

Fig. 2.6.S : When Rotor Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Ship Steers to Right

· . · · · · 1 k. · d' tioo the direction of thumb gives the

Using the right band, curl the fingers aloog the direction of rotation of rotor 1.e. c oc wise uec •
spin vector.
The ship steers to left, as shown in Fig. 2.6.5. Hence, ~ the spio vector thorough 90° in. the direction of precession so as to get the
direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which does not exist).
The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of imagi~ary active gyroscopic couple vector, as shown
in Fig. 2.6.5.
·Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector. The curling fingers give the direction of
reactive gyroscopic couple.
The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is to raise the bow or fore end and dip the stern or rear end.
Case IV : When rotor rotates in clockwise direction !Ind ship steers to left

Let the rotor and propeller rotate in clockwise direction when viewed from the bow or fore end and ship is taking left tum, as shown
in Fig. 2.6.6.
Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of ~otation of rotor i.e. in clockwise direction, the direction of thumb gives
the spin vector. . '

The ship steers to left, as shown in Fig. 2.6.6. Hence, turn the spin vector through 90° in the direction of procession so as to get the
direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which does not exist).
The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector, as shown
in Fig. 2.6.6.
Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector. The curling fingers give the direction or' '
reactive gyroscopic couple. . ... •. I

The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is raise the stern or rear end and dip the bow or fore end.

eV TecU111iilt4ti
Putll <~ ll Cll' ·

... ___ ___,, _,.

, _______________________ ~

Scanned w ith CamScanner

> GyroSCOP.!.
of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) ', 2-19

Reactive Gyroscopic

,, ..
Precession Vector

. '

Fig. 2.6.6 : When Rotor Rotates I~ Clockwise and Ship Steers to Left
\ ~ I

2.6.3 . Gyroscopic Effect on Ships during Pitchi~g

~ (MU - Dec. 14, Dec.16)



Fig. 2.6.7 (Contd ...)

ey 1mh••'"·••
PUtHI C i t l on~

Sc:anned with Ca mSCa nner

:Y Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 2-20 Gyros~

----- .... ___ 1',~ ...........

Fig. 2.6.7 : Pitching of SbJp

From Equation (2.3,3), the angular acceleration of precession

The rotor is spinning about its own axis. Hence, the pitching
of tbe ship about the transverse axis is nothing but the
. of the spm
precession · axis.
· The transverse axis of the ship is Ctp = dt
the axis of precession. Due to this, the reactive gyroscopi~ "d
=dt (qi (1)0 COS (J)0 t)
couple is applied by the rotor shaft on the ship.
t ...(2.6.2)
The pitching of ship is assumed to take place with simple or Clp = - qi (l)o2 SID


hannonic motion (S.H.M.) Hence;· Maximum an~·lar acceleration of precession is,

l. Magnltude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple Clp (max) = - qi (J)o

The angular displacement of axis of spin from its mean 2. Direction of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
position at time tis given by, The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple is. determined by
e = I/> sin (1)0 t
where, qi = amplitude of swing, i.e. .maximum angle turned
fonn the mean position, rad.
WO = angular velocity of S.H.M,
= -Tp rad/s
Tp = time period of pitching, s

The angular velocity of precession is given by,

roP = dt =dtd (<I> sm. % t)
or ... (b)
Case I : When rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction and ship
The angular velocity of precession will be maximum when
pitches upward
cos WO t = I.
Let the rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed
The maxinlum angular velocity of precession is,
from the bow or fore end and ship pitches upward, as shown
rop (max) = IP %
in Fig. 2.6.8.
The maxim um gyroscopic couple is given by,
Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of
Cm.u: = I ro roP cm.u:J ...(2.6.1)
rotation of rotor i.e. in anticlockwise direction, the direction
where, I = moment of inertia of turbine rotor, kg.m of thumb gives the spin vector.
<.o = angular velocity of rotor, rad/s.

eV Ttdlbtlll.qi
PUtlll<all Oftl
p, .
·amlcs of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Moch .... ,Gyroscope
0 .. 2·21

Tho ship pllches upwnrd ns shown in Illg. 2·6·8· Hence, tum the spin vector through 90° in the direction of precession, so as to get the
direction of lmn~ion~ nc.tlve_gyroscopic couple vector (which is not existing). The direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is
o tho d1rcction 1mnglnnry active '"' · . th b 10
· the
opPosIlo l . . . o; roscopic couple veclor, M shown in Pig. 2.6.8. Using right hand, pomt the urn
. t'on of reactive gyroscope couple vector Ti . .
d1rcc 1 · . ·• . ., • le cur1ing fingers give the direction of reactive gyroscopic couple.

'fhe of c
~·ct of this reactive gyrosco1,ic couple ts t0 1 •
um t11e ship towards starboard side or right side.



\ ' ' . ,. 1 . )
' .· . , , ' '·
Reaclive Gyroscopic
Couple Vector . , ·1 1. I

i ' I ,1 • , ,. ::Fig; 7.6.8 :_W~e~, Rotor R;otates in Anti~lockwise and Ship Pitches Upward
I ~ ' • ' ' ~ '

case ~ : ~~n rotor rotate~ i~ an~clockwi~e direction and ship pitches downward
• • I • •· • • - ' '

Let the rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the bo~ or fore end and ship pitches downward, as shown in
Fig. 2.6.9. . ..

Using the right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of rotation of rotor i.e. in anticlockwise direction, the direction of thumb
gives the spin vector.

The ship pitches upward as shown in Fig. 2.6.9. Hence, tum the spin vector through 90° in the direction of precession, so as to get the
' ' .
direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which does not exist). .

The direction of reactive gyroscopic coupl~ vector. is opposite to.the direction imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector, '.15 shown in
. Fig. 2.6.9.

Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscope couple vector. The curling fingers give the direction of
reactive gyroscopic couple.

Tue effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is to turn the ship towards port side or left side.

.. - ...

$ca11n~w1Lt 1 Ctm&111111J:J
. 1111
·. >~
. .1
Dynam\cs ot Machinery (MU • Sem s . Mech) ' 2-22 ·. :· .·
G ro .
sea e

' . ',•
Reactive Gyroscopic
Couple Vector


· I
•. ..h

~, -
; x '',.__ .. .,,).!'
, ,
1I ' · Actl V8
P1tch1ng ( I / ' Gyroscopic
't- Couple
Active Gyroscopic
Couple Vector

Fig. 2.6.9 : Wbe.n Rotor Rotatt-s In Anticlockwise Direction nnd Ship Pitches Downward

Case lll : When rotor rotates ln clockwise dlrtttlon nnd ship pitches upwards

Let the rotor in clod-v.ise direction when viewed from the bow or fore end and ship pitches upward, as shown in Fig. 2.6.IO.

Usins the right hnnd. curl the fingers along the dir~tion of rotation of rotor i.e. in clockwise dir~tion, the direction of thumb giv~
the spin veaor.

The Yiip pitches upw:ird as shown in Fig. 2.6.10. Hence, tum the spin vector through 90° in the direction of precession, so as to get
th: direction of imaginary actiYc gyroscopic couple vector (which does not exist).

The dmiction of rcactiYc gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction imaginary active gyroscopic coupe vector, as shown in
Fig. 2.6.10. J'

Uring rigbl, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyroscope couple vector. The curling fingers give the direction of
reactive gyroscopic ccuple.

The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is to tum the ship toward sport side or left side.

• TIG~
'tif '''11 c 1111u

Sca nned w i th CamScanner

.. ., pe
., Gyrosco_
· · ICS of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) 2-23
Gyroscopic ·
Couple -2Z::::=~......

Reactive Gyroscopic
Couple Vedor


(I) I

/ . · ~/u~rd
'f' Pitching
t. II ' \
Active.../' I
Gyrosco°pic l
Couple lZ
Active Gyroscopic
Couple Vector
Fig. 2.6.10 : When Rotor Rotates in Clockwise and Ship Pitches Upward

ease IV : Wilen rotor rotates in clockwise direction and ship pitches downwards

Ar:Jjve Gyroscopic
Couple Vector

,.. I "'i
Active ~-l-"
GyroScopic I DO'_M1~
Couple ~---..,fitching •
I' ' X,..,..- -....::::::::=!!!!::a
§.._\.. \
~ \
I Rear:Jjve
I Gyroscopic
l1 ~%,,
Reactive Y V.
Gyroscopic 6%,.

~ Z'
Reactive Gyroscopic
Couple Vedor
Fig. 2.6.11 : When·Rotor Rotates in Clockwise Direction and Ship Pitches Downward
- G~

Let the rotor rot<itcs in clockwitc direction when viewed from the bow or fore ecd and smp pitches"2?d, as ~~
Fig. 2.G.11 . l:2

Using tlle right hand, curl the fingers along the direction of rotation of rotor i.e. in clockwise direction, the direaicn Of~ •
. ~~
the spin vector.
The ship pitches downward as shown in Pig. 2.6.l l. Hence, tum the spin vector throogh 90"' in the direction of, !.o,..
gel the direction of imaginary active gyroscopic couple vector (which does not exist). •
'fl1e direction of reactive gyroscopic couple vector is opposite to the direction imagjn.a.!y active gyroscopic coope \'ec:tor. as ~11 i:i '
Fig. 2.6.11.
Using right hand, point the thumb in the direction of reactive gyro<...cope couple vector. The curling fing..."TS
- give the ti;-:_
~'"'-<IQ) C(

reactive gyroscopic couple.

The effect of this reactive gyroscopic couple is to ~m the ship towards starboard side or right side.
2.6.4 Gyroscopic Effect on Ships during Rolling
; - - -\ I .!..---\
~-- • --, '
Rolling of ship ·is the side wise oscillating motion of ship about
longitudinal axis i.e. in rolling motion, port and swboard side goes up
and down alternately as shown in Pig. 2.6.12.
In Ca'>C of rolling action the axis of rotor and axis of rolling of ship are
Bame. Hence, there is no precession of the axis of rotor or axis of spin
and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolHng or the shlp.

Fig. 2.6. l 3 shows the actual rolling of ship.

Fig. 2.6.13: Actual Rolling of Shlp

2.7 Gyroscopic Stabllfzation Thus the basic property of the gyroscope is, it opposes the
precession of the axis of spin by applying the reacti\1:
A spinning body always tends lo maintain the orientation of
gyroscopic couple.
its spin axis in space, for example, bullet fired form a rifle.
This property is used in automatic pilot for ships and air
The external torque in suitable direction is required to change
craft's, in stabilizing rifle bullet, in stabilizing air and sea
the orientation of spin ~x is.
vehicles, etc.
THt Tldl-"4li
~ P •tl lC UfUI

Scanned w itll Ca1,1Scanner

I ' ' ..

. j' IJYl'!rnicS of ~achin"'Y (MU • S.em 5 : Mech) . • 2·25 · GyrOSCoP9

· g 0 wevet• very little or no success is obtained in stabili7.ation Consider a rolling of a ship due to di5turling
1 couple, as
- of the single track land vehicles,
shown in Fig. 2.8.1.
In air or sea vehicleS such as, aeroplanes and ships, always
The disturbing couple is caused by buoyant forces which are
external dis~ing couple is acting on the-vehicle.
different on the two side of a wave slope. I
for the stability
, of stich vehicle it is essential
. to neutralize the . Disturbing
effect of ~temal disturbing couple by applying equal and ~ Couple

opP<>Site couple. ~ can be achieved with the. help of

In such vehicles the axis of gyroscope is made to precess by
~me external means(e.g. electric motor) such that · the
reactive gyroscopic couple should be as for as Possible equal
and opposite to the external disturbing couple.
Fig. 2.8.1 : Rolling of Ship
Of ~urse. the magnitude and direction of disturbing couple is
not alw~ys constant Accordingly, to generate equal and To keep the ship on even keel, disturbing couple has to be

opposite reactive couple, it is essential ta vary the magnitude opposed by anoth~r ~~ple of same magnitude and in opposite
and directions of velocity of precession. direction.

In order to control the velocity of precession, the feedback is This is achieved by a gyroscope having horizontal rotor, as
taken from the disturbing couple. shown in Fig. 2.8.2.
The shaft or axis .of the rotor is made to process by an electric
2.8 . Stabilization of Ships . .
motor in a vertical plane.
~ (MU - Dec. 13) Suppose the rotor rotates in an anticlockwise direction when ·
viewed from the top.
During steering, the spin axis does not process and will not
cause any gyroscopic effect.
_ Ships or sea vessels required stabilization when they face
Suppose the disturbing couple due to rolling action is acting
heavy Sea. waves.
in clockwise direction when viewed from the bow end
_ A disturbing couple acts on the ships due to sea waves, hence
IIi this case, the axis of spin of rotor is made to process by an
stabilization of ships is necessary.
electric motor in clockwise direction when viewed from port
- Due to sea waves, ship will either roll or pitch. side, as shown in Fig. 2.8.2.
- The amplitude of rolling is much higher than the amplitude of This produces reactive gyroscopic couple, which opposes the
pitching. disturbing ci>uple.
- The gyroscope can be used for reducing the amplitude of If the disturbing couple and the reactive gyroscopic couple are
rolling and hence, stabilizing the ship. equal, then the ship will remain on the even keel.
The fundamental requirement of the gyroscopic stabilization The rolling amplitude cannot be · eliminated totally but its
is that, the gyroscope should be made to precess by some value can be reduced.
external means (e.g. electric motor) in such a way that, the
1t is important to note that, as rolling or disturbing couple is
reactive gyroscopic couple exerted by the rotor should oppose
periodic in nature, reactive gyroscopic. couple should also be
any distwbing couple which may act on the ship. . periodic in nature.

- VTtcllM9lt4fi
Y PDlllCJtlO • 'I

Seamed w ith CamSca nner

Dynamics of Machinery (MU -.Sem s - Mech) 2-26 •'1 ' •'

. ' •'

Reactive . •·r'

oisttirt>ing Couple

x Propeller

ci Upward cP9\o .
Pitdling ,.,,~~..,, ~o~ /
- L-.... 0"' ..._J0
<!Jo~ R\0 . /

'~ c,o~:,,:
- ' \ ;'
I ......,,,.-
.. z Bow ..
(Fore End)
·. ' '

,.,tt( t -...__Active
,, , Gyroscopic

Fig. 2.8.2 : Stabilization of Ship

{~.2.8.1 ·.. : :. : ~~i· ~ ;i'J'.,~f!~~··

r ~~-ip is ~ro~ a rurf>ine rotor.ha~ng a in~ss _o! .a~~:~~~e?A~~'.2,1~W,;:/. ,;~ >~;;<;i'"'';h,,
t.a nticlockwise·when viewed from the bow end. The radius of.gyrat1~n · Rf rpt9r:·.'~ ·jSQ;;p1~,ft~.H~!.0~rq
jwhf7" : .- . _ . . .. . .. . . · - :··· : ,··:·~ ·::·Y::<ft:J,z,;:::'s::r:\:}~~ii~f::~~,
;<o . ·: -~h;,;·.;s:~eenn9 to ttie 1ett in a. curve at so m radius at a spe9do!,18 k0oi~:.(1,I~~t~·11 ~~p,,~br
/~~ · _. Ship is pitching in S.H.M: with bow descending (fallingVwith_, m·~;~~·mx•ielocit , ·:·. , .
r :.·: 1Bs~-~d ttie:ship pitches 7.5° ~ove and 7.5° tiefow.the no[lii~!.P."~tio{1

veiocttY is o.o3s
f(lii) . .., Ship is.roiling"a!td at the instant, its angular ·~adis:C'66Kte~~blb··~t :
!fiyj AlSo find~ ~mYm angular a~lerat~a· during~itchi~g. -;_f '.~~~~;
· Soln. : ~~-·- --~ .~

Mass of rotor, m = 6000 kg
Speed of rotor, N = 2400 r.p.m.
•. Angular speed of rotor, co
251.32 rad/s =
Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 450 mm =0.45 m
Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m t2 = 6000 x (0.45)2 = 1215 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship, R = 60 m
Speed of ship, V = 18 knots =18 x 1860 m I hr
18 x 1860 _ I
or V = 3600 - 9.3 m s

1. When Ship is Steering to Left

Precessional angular veJOC:ir:y, roP = X=;;5 =0.155 radls.

Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = I ro roP =1215 x 251.32 x 0.155 =47331.23 N-m

srecu ...1Hti
V pua11 c ar1a 1s

Scanned with Camscanner

GyroscoP.!. .
·. pyrarnlcs of Machinery (MU - Som 5 • Mech) 2·27

j :. C a 47.3312kN-m . ·
-· ic couple 1s to
The rotor rotnles nuticlockwise when_viewed from the bow end nnd ship tnkcs left tum, then eff~ of gyrOSCoP ·
misc the bow nnd di(> Ulc stern of the ship (Pig.'P. 2.8.I(n)J.

y . , •


(__) .

., '

Fig. P. 2.8.l(a)
2. When Ship Is _Pitching and Bow Is Descending (i.e. Pitching Is Downward)

Reactive Gyroscopic
Couple Vector

- ..-
I ........ : ... :-j <
x I\ 1"'1
·~!. /
',' - - )JI
Downward 1 .
Pltchin 9 ,; I ' f Active .
~ 1 )" Gyroscopic
-;- Couple
Active Gyroscopic
Couple Vector. ' p • 2 ••
F 1g. S l(b)
-- - - - -- -- ........ ,
... .,
y .Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech) 2·28
-· Amplitude of swing is, o · n .
~ = 7.S = 7.S x 180 =0.13089 radians

Angular velocity of S.H.M:,is, co
~n = = o.349o r~ I set
Angular velocity of precession is, . . wP = cl> 00
cos 0> t
Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos ro t = 1.

Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,

I (l)p(mu) ·= (J)o~ = 0.3490 X 0.13089 = 0.04569 rad/sec
Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
Cmax = I cowp (maxi= 1215
x 251.32 x 0.04569 =13952.02 N-m

.' . • emu = 13.9520 kN-m -A111,

The rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the bow end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect Of
reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side.

3. When Ship Is Rolling

In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no precession of the axis
of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolling of the ship.
..' 4. Maximum Angular Acceleratlon During Pitching
Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,
.0 = cl> sin W0 t
Angular precessional velocity during pitching is,
dt = 4> Wo cos Wo L

Angular acceleration during pitching is,

' :
' =
,I Angular acceleration is maximum when sin w t =1 0

Therefore, maxi.mum angular acceleration of precision is,

i co! =-0.13089 x(0.3490)
I or
~(mu) =

= - 0.015949 rad/sec2

- ·Ans.
Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.
Ex. 2.8.2
A ship is propelled by a turbine rotor of mass 500 kg and has a speed of 2400 rpm. The rotor has a radius of gyration of 0.5 m
and rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from stern. Find the gyroscopic effects in the following cases :
(a) The ship runs at a speed of 15 knots (1 knot =1860 m/h). It steers to the left in a curve of 60 m radius.
(b) The ship pitches± 5° from the horizontal position with the time period of 20 sec of simple harmonic motion.
(c) The ship rolls with an angular velocity of 0.04 rad/s clockwise when viewed from stem. Also calculate the maximum
acceleration during pitching. -
Mass of rotor, m = 500 kg Speed of rotor, N = 2400 r.p.m.
21t X 2400
:. Angular speed of rotor, co = 60 =251.32 rad Is
Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 0.5 m
Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = mk
=500 x (0.5)2 =125 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of shjp, R = 60 m
Speed of ship, V = 15 knots= 15 x 1860 nl/hr =153600
x 1860
7.75 m/sec..

Y r u111 c1 c111 1 t
~p~amlCs of Machinery ~U - Sem 5 - Mech) . ' ,, •.
.. Gyroseope·...

When Ship Steer To Left

. v 7
J>reCCSSlonnl nngulnr velocity, co =-R = ·75 _ o 1·29 -·"'
. I' 6Q - ' "".vB.
Reactive gyroscopic couple ls, . .
C = I coco,,= 125 x 251.32 x.0.129 = 4052.53 N-m
.. C =
4.052 kN-m _.ADS.

Right Tum
Precession Vector

Stem or Aft
. (Rear End)

Fig. P! 2.8.2
The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right tum, then effect of gyroscopic couple is to raise
the stern and dip the bow of the ship [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.2]. ·

2. When Ship is Pitching and Bow is Falling (I.e. Pitching is Downward)

Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is,

' !.' 2<!> = 10° $ = . 5°=.5 x 1~0 =0.087 radians

_-:: . . Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,__
2n 2n · '· · ,. · ; ..
(J)o = r=
20 =~.3111 rad/ se~
Angular.velocity.of precession is,
(J)P = <j> (1)0 COS (1)0 t'
Angular velocity of precession will_be maximum, if cos ro0 t =1.
Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
(J)p (max) = coo<P =0.3141 x 0.087 or (J)p (maxi' = 0.02732 rad/s
Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
. :'1 CIIUIX I _co cop (max)= 125 x 251.3 x 0.02732
·or Cmax = 858.18 N-m or Cmax= 0.8581 kN-m •••Aos.
The rotor rotates in cl~kwise 'directio'n when viewed from the rear end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect of reactive
'gyroscopic cou.ple is to move the ship' tO\>.'.ar~s port side [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.2(a)]. . .

., .•

Scanned w ith CamScanner

• '

. "

Reactive Gyroscopic
Couple Vector


/ ~~ / .rop
' r Pild)ing
tl\ .
. } , +,"
Active./ I
Gyroscopic :
Couple ~Z
Active Gyroscopic
Couple Vedor

Fig. P. 2.8.2(a)

3. Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching

Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,
e = 4> sin Cl.lo t
Angular precessional velocity during pitching is,
dt = ¢Cl.locos Cl.lot

Angular acceleration during pitching is,

d0 2 •
d( = - cp (J)o Slll (J)o t
. ..
Angular acceleration is maximum when sin Cil0 t =1
Therefore, maximum angular acceleration of precision is,
2 2 2
~(llllll =-cl> 0>0 =- 0.087 x (0.3141) or CXi>cmui= -0.0085 rad/sec
Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.
Angular velocity _of rotor
Ex. 2.8.3
The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 30 tons, a radius - 21t x N 27t x 2400 - 2513274 di
0>- 60 60 - · ras
gyration of 6 mm and rotates at 2400 r.p.m. in a clockwise
direction when viewed from aft. The ship pitches through a Angular velocity of SHM is,
total angle of 15°, 7.5° above and 7.5° below the horizontal, 21t 21t
w0 = T = T2 =0.523598 rad/s
·the motion being simple harmonic and having a period of . p
12 sec. Determine the maximum gyroscopic couple on the Maximum gyroscopic couple is,
holding down bolts on the turbine and the direction of yaw as Cmu 2
=IO> O>pm.u=m KO> X 0>0 cp
the bow rises. • 3 . 2 7t
Soln.: = 30 x 10 x (0.06) x 251.32 x 0.5235 x 7.5 x 180
Given: = 3
m 30 tons= 30 x 10 kg, K = 6 mm= 0.06 m, = 1860N-m = 18.60 kN-m ...Ans.
N =2400 r.p.m., TP = 12 sec., <I>= 7.5° Due to effect of reactive gyroscopic couple ship will move
towards star board.
T •••ll < UI O• fi
· Mns11 of rotor, rn = 2200 kg
Speed of rotor, N = 1800 r.p.m.
·" Angular speed of rotor, Cl.I .,,
21t Xl800
60 = 188.49 rad/ s

. Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 320 mm= 0.32 m

Mnss moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k = 2200 x (0.32)
2 2
= 225.28 kg-m

Radius of rotation of ship, R = 250m

Speed of ship, v = 25 km/hr

25x 1000
or V = 3600 = 6.944 mis

1. When Ship Steer To Right

Right Tum
Precession Vector

x~V~ t0 Stern or Aft
' ~ec;
(Rear End)
\ Tum
m : to Right
O'-... / Active
'-r .">.V,r 1
/:..,--- Gyroscopic
' . r" /·... Couple
~ ............
. '1cr.· "' z
C'oV: IV&G
% 1..?'10.sco
ecto,. ~le
Fig. P:2.8.4

Precessional angular velocity,

' .= vR =. 6250
=O.·0211' ra di

Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = . I wcop = 225.28 x 188.49 x 0.0277
C = 1176.22 kN-m

Scanned w ith CamSc.anner

;t' Dynamics of Machinery (MU • Som 5 • Mech) 2·32 Gm>:~·· . ·

Tho rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rCJll' end 11nd 11hlp IJlkcs right turn, then effect of gyrotCCJplc (:oupfc f• 10 '•be 1114 ~
stern and dip the bow of tho ship (Refer Pig. P. 2.8.41.
R••etlve Gyroccoplc \
· Coop~

Roactlvo Gyroacoplc
Couplo VorJ.Or

Reactive ........
Stern or An
(Rear End)

I <Op
/ -~{ti /
. \r:/oownward
• Pitching
1 '1

· Active../ I
Gyroscopic 1•
Couple ~ z
Actlve Gyroscopic
Couple Vector

Fig. P. 2.8.4(n)

2. When Ship Is Pitching and Bow Is Falllng (I.e. Pitching Is Downward)

Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,

or roP (lllllJ = 0.8 rad/sec

Maximum reactive gyroscopic !=Ouple is,

CllUJI = I cocoP <maxJ = 225.28 x 188.49 x 0.8

or Cmax = 33.97042 x 10 Nm

The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching 'is downward. Hence, the effect of reactive

gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.4(a)].
3. When Ship Is Rolling

In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of rotor and the axis of rolling of ship are same. Hence, there is no precession of the axis

of rotor and hence, there is no gyroscopic effect during rolling of the ship.

Scanned with CaomScanner

:~ ·, :. _ _.·

1 . .·.·· .. . · · ...[cs of Machinery .(MU - Sem 5 - Mech) ·2-33' . ·..:. .. . ";~ ..... i.1.1" .. :- ,


. ·j.-·o/"a... . . . . - - . Angular velocity of precession is,
j 2.s.s • ·· · .; · . . · = IP Ol0 .- .. t.-
i ,,

I ~· . iS pitching a total angle of15 , the oscillation may be WP COS 0>0

. . ...
Angular velocity of precession will be ~um;
A shlP sirnple hannonlc and the complete period is
en as i .. .
ts k ec0nds. The turb ne rotor mass 1s 600 kg, its radius of if cos (1)0 t =1. ~ . I • - • f f

32 _stion is 450 mm and it is rot~ting at 2400 r.p.m. Calculate Therefore, the' maXitiium angular_veloclty of precession ~s, . ,: .
~ ·mum value of gyroscopic couple set by the rotor and roP cmax) = (o~~ = (U.963 x·0.13089 ·
emaXI bo . d
~h effect. when the k' w f1s escftendlng and the color is
itS . clockWise loo mg ram a . What is the maximum
or c.oP (max) =
0.0257 rad/sec -·.:.·...... -

rotat1n~ acceleration to which the ship is subjected to while

Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,
angua Cmax =
I ro rop <maxl = i2i.5 x 251.32 x 0.0257
_ .
pitching? or Cmax = 784.75 N-m
50111.: Cmu ·= 0.78475 kN-m ···~OS·
Given: The rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed
Mass ofrotot. m = 600kg
_from the bow end and pitching is downward. Hence, the eff~t of
speed of rotor, N= 2400r.p.m. reactive gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port stde.
:. Angular speed of rotor, Ol = 60 =251.32 rad/s 2. Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching
:Radius of gyxation of rotor, k =450 mm= 0.45 m · ..· · Angular displacement at any instant during pitching is,
Mass JDOJDent of inertia of rotor, 0 = <I> sin ro0 t
2 2
I = mk =600 x (0.45) =121.5 kg-m2 Angular precessional velocity during· pitching is,
. When Ship Is Pitching and Bow Is Descending dt . .= IP c.oo cos root
(I.e. Pitching Is Downward)
Angular acceleration during pitching is,
Arnpliwde of swing is, Total angle, 2q, = 15° 2
d? = . . :. IP ro! sin ro~ t"
_ •• IP = 7.5° 7.5 x 1~0 = =0.13089 radians
Angular acceleration is maximum when sin 0>0 t =I _
.Angular velocity of S.H.M. is, Therefore, maximum angular ,a~celeration of predsion_is,
21t 21t . 2 2
O>o = T"=32 =0.1963rad/sec
C).cmui = - IP ro =- o.13089 x (0.1963)
or Up (mu) = - 0.005043 rad/sec •• .Ans.

Negative sign indicates maximum angular re.tardation.

ReactiVe Gyroscopic
Couple V&dtJt

Couple 0
C:>( ) ,

Spin . ~o
Vector :< J--_. · ~
I ,...~

. / x \ ___ )tr ~%"vec.

U -- ·-
, _ 1 _/
Active Gyroscopic
Couple Vedor
... ..,,- Active
' ~

Fig. P. 2.8.5

V T1diKa1wledgi ..
y PUbll<JllPns

Sca nned with Cam Scenner

MU • Som ts • Moch 2·34

Ex. 2.8.8 .
n10 turblno rotor ot n ah.Ip lo ot rnmso 3500 kg. 11 hno o radluo of gyration of 0.45 m and n 0pood of 3000 rpm, clockwise When
looking trom atom. Dotormlno tho gyroscoplo couplo nnd Ito otfoct upon tho ship : . .
(I) Whon tho 11l1'p lo 1toorlna to tho rloht on n curvo ot 100 m rodlun at 6 opoed of 36 km/hr; ·
(II) Whon tho elllp la pitching In a olmplo harmonic motion, tho bow falling with ltts maximum velocity. . .
Tho porlod ot pitching fa 40 oocondn and tho total angular dlsplacomont b(!twoon the two extreme positions of pitching le .
12 dogroo11.
Muss of mlor, Ill a 3500 kg ;
Speed of rotor, N ::a 3000 r.p.m.

:. Angulur Npccd of rotor, CJ) .. 2 n x 3000

60 =314.15rud/s
R11diu11 of gyrntion of rotor, k = 0.4 5 m
' Muss moment of lnertiu of rotor, I = m k1 = 3500 x (0.45)1 = 708.75 kg-m1
l~udius of rotu~lon of ship, R c I oo m
Speed of ship, V = 36 km/hr =363600 =JO m/sec.
1. When Ship Steer To right

Precessionul ungular velocity w

' r
=.Y:R =JQ. _ o J rad/s
100- · ·
Rcuclivc gyroscopic couple is,
C = Iwwr=708.7Sx314.15x0.J =22.26x 103 N-m
:. C = 22.26 kN·m
The rotor rolates clockwise when viewed from the reur end and ship takes right turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple is to raise the
stern and dip U1c bow of Ilic ship [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.6)

' '

Right Tum
Procosslon Vector

x _,,,/
Slern or An
' ..ifPI (Rear End)
\ Tum
ru ) to Righi
O' , • / Active

'f~.,-~/--r' Gyroscopic
,'· ... ,
"'cr-i:." z

C'Ou41,<> G;.....,

Fig. P. 2.8.6

2. When Ship Is Pitching and Bow Is Falling (I.e. Pitching Is Downward)

Total nngulur displacement between the two extreme position is,

2<1> = 12° <I> = 6°= 6 x 1; 0 = 0.1047 radians

Sconned with camscanner

=; .

MU • Sam s . Mech)
namlcs of Machine . Gyroscope
0 2·35
AJ!gular velocity of S.H.M. is, . '. . ~-

27t 27t
Wo =. TP =40 = 0.1570 rad / sec
Angular velocity of precession is,
Cllp = c)i Cl.l 0 COS (1)0 t ,.,
AJ!gular velocity of precession will be maximum I I'f cos (1)0 t =l.
Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,
Cl.lp (max} = W 0$ =0.1570 X 0.1047
or (J)p(max} = 0.0164 rad/s
Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,

cmax = I (J){J)p(max}= 708.75 X 314.15 X0.0164-

or Cmax· = _3661 .81 N-m or · Cmu =3.66 kN-m -Ans.
The :rotor rotates in clockwise direction whe0 <• • · . . •
. viewed from the rear ~nd and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect of reactlve
. ·
gyroscopic couple 1s to move the ship towards port 'd [R ti
. . . . s1 e e er Fig. P. 2.8.6(a)] .
.._! ; 1, , l ._·· ·1 ~ 1 • • ' . t I ' · ,f I,' • ,

Readive Gyroscopic
Couple '· . ....

' ' '

' ..

Reactive Gyroscopic
Couple Vector



-.-1. /
-~ /

-~\r,-~ //Downward

I \
" •·
\• ..
·Acti\le . / I
Gyrosropic I J.
J -·

Cour:le _ _. ~ Z
Active Gyroscopic
Couple Vector

Fig. P. 2.8.6(a) ;

Ex. 2.8.7 . ' . .. ~ : ." . -

The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 3400 kg. It has a radius of gyration ·of 0.44 m and a speed of 3200 r.p.m.
:, ' ..-~
when looking from stern. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect upon the ship :
(i) When the ship is steering to the left on a curve of 90 m radius at a speed of 35 km/h.
(ii) When the ship is pitching in a simple harmonic motion, the bow falling w_ith its maximum velocity. The period of pitching
is 35 seconds and the total angular displacement between the two extreme positi~ns of pitching is 1o degrees.


Seamed w it h CamSca nner

~··., ·~ Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 2-36
Given: Mass of rotor, m = 3400 ~g ; Speed of rotor, N = 3200 r.p.m.
2Jtx 3200
:. Angular speed of rotor, o> = 60 = 335.10 rad/s

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 440 mm·=0.44 m

Mass moment of inertia of rotor, I = m k = 3400 x (0.44) =658.24 kg-m2
Radius of rotation of ship, R = 90 m I '

Speed of ship, v = 35;~ooo =9.72 m Is

1. When Ship Is Steering to Left
' ' v 972
Precessional angular velocity, wP =R = 0 9 =0.1080 rad/s.
Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = I (J)(j)P= 658.24 x 335.10 x 0.1080 =23827.23 N-m ....

, • • C = 23.82 kN-m ...Aft.\
The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the stem end nnd ship talces left tum, then effect of gyroscopic couple is to raise the· '
bow and dip the stern of the ship.

2. When Ship Is Pitching and Bow Is Descending (I.e. Pitching Is Downward)

Amplitude of swing is,

cp = 10° =IO x 1; 0 =0.1745 radians

Angular velocity of S.H.M. is.
21t 21t
w0 = T: 35 =O.I795rad/sec j
p I
Angufur velocity of precession is,
(J)p cp Cll0 COS (1)
Angular \"elocity of precession will be maximum, if cos ro0 t =I.
Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is, j
rop(mu) = ro0 cp = 0.1795 x 0.1745 =0.0313 rad/sec
Ma.ti.mum reactive g)TOSCOpic couple is,
Cmu = I ro rop <nw> = 658.24 x 355.10 x 0.0313 = 7316.09 N-m
Cma = 7.31 kN·m •..Am,
The rotor rotates in clockwise direction when viewed from the stem end and pitching is downward. Hence, the effect of reactive
gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side.

Ex. 2.8.8
The turbine rotor of a ship has a mass of 2.2 tonnes and rotates at 200 rpm clockwise when viewed from the aft. The radius of
gyration of the rotor is 320 mm. Determine the gyroscopic couple and its effect when the
(i) Ship turns right at a radius of 20 m at a speed of 20 km/h
Oi) Ship pitches with bow rising at an angular velocity of 0.7 radls.
(iii) Ship rolls at an angular velocity of 0.1 rad/s.
M.ass of rotor, m = 2.2 tonnes =2.2 x 1000 = 2200 kg
Speed of rotor, N = 200r.p.m.
21tX 200
.. Angular speed of rotor, w = 60
= 20.94 rad I s

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 320 mm =0.32 m

• • '••1tc11u11
.·.; ! pyr:aml~ of Machlnez (MU· Sem 5. Mech) 2•37 ., .· GyroS#:,
· ,Mass iµoment of inertia of rotor, I ...- · m icl .. 2200 x (0.32)2 = 225.28 k'g· m'
Radh.1s o(rotalion of ship, R = 20 m

Speed of ship, v cc 20 km/h

r 11
20 x IOOO
• 5.55 mlstt:.

When Ship Steer To Lett

. ' v
rrecessional angu Iar ve Ioc1ty• WP .. R =W = q.27 rad/a.

Reactive gyroscopic couple is,

C = I W WP= 225.28 X 20.94 X 0.27 =1273.68 N-m

C = 1.273 kN-m.

1be rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right tum, then effect of gyroscopic couple is to raise the
stern and dip the bow of the ship [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.8(a)].

Pr&eession Vector

x _/
' ~';/? , Stem or Aft
\ Tl.ITl
, co ) to Right
O ' •• 1 Active
. . ~/<Gyroscopic ".
' ,, '--... Couple .-icy;., z
Cot;; eG
lllfe V.~.s,...
·7 '

<! . . . .

._:-."'. :
. Fig. P. 2.8.S(a) .

2. · ·vihen Ship Is Pltc'hing and Bow Is rising (I.e. Pitching Is upwards)


The maximum angular velocity of precession is, cop(max) 0.7 rad/s =

Maximum r:e~ctive gyroscopic couple is,
.' ,
Cmax = I w WP <max> = 225.28 x 20.94 x 0.7
or Cmax = 3302.15 N-m or Cmu = 3.30 kN-m ·-Ans.

The rotor rotates in clockwise 'direction when viewed from the rear end and pitching is upward. H~~ce, the. eff~t of ~ctive
• • • • ' •• • • J

gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards star board [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.S(b)].
·. :.·,:~~· -Oyn:~ of Machktery (MU· Sem 5 ~Mech) 2-38


Reactive Gyroscxipk:
Couple Vector
' Upward
•.J '-.. . ' Pitchilg
I Stem or An
I (Rear End)

I Cl /
I '()

t : ...\ Pitching
Readive- 1
G)'\"OScopic :
Ct'U~ Iz
Ru;Mt Gyroscopic
Coup.'e Vector

Fig. P. :?.8.8(b)

3. When Ship Is Rolling

In c.ase of rolling :actioo. the nis of roution of rotor and the n.~is of rolling of ship nre snme. Hence, there is no precession of lhe axis
of ro<or :ind hen~. tha-e is no ~'R"-.<:e:Opic elTect during rolling of the ship.
Ex. 2.8.9 Speed of ship, V = 7.75 mlsec.
A rotor of the turpine of a ship hss a mass of 2500 kg and 1. When Ship Steer to Left
rotates at a speed cf 3200 rpm. Counter cloclo..·w ise as seen
Processional angular velocity,
from s:em. The rc:or has a radius of gyration of 0.4 m.
v 7.75
De:emt.~e L+ie SYT"OSCOpic couple and its effect when wr = R =So= 0.097 radls.
(a) Sl>:P st~~ to the left in a curve of 60 m radius at a Reactive gyroscopic couple is,
speed d 7 .75 m's
C = I w wP = 400 x 335 x 0.0967 = 12957 N·m
(b) Sr.:p p~es 5 d egrees above and below the mean
C = 12.98 kN-m •.•Ans.
posi:tia1 :he bow is descending with its maximum
...~,.. p.'!Chlng motion is SHM with a periodic
The rotor rotates counter clockwise when viewed from the
t."ne cf 40 secontis. rear end and ship takes left tum, then effect of gyroscopic
couple is to raise the stern and dip the bow of the ship.
(c} S.r..:;> ~s and at ins~t. its angular velocity is
o..: ra~s clock wise when viewed from stem. Also 2. When Sblp ls Pitching ~nd Bow is Falling
f~'11d the rr.axiimum angular acceleration during (Le. Pitching is Downward)
P:--:dt")g. Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is,
Soln. : Jt!.ll-s c f rct.C1:', m = 2500 l.g <,ii = 5°= 5 x 1~O = 0.087 radians
Sp!tii c;f roo:r. ~ = 3200 r. p. m.
?- :x 3200 Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,
. . ...\ngu!.ar ~of raor, CJ= -·
60 =335 rad Is 27t 27t
w0 = T = 40 = 0.157 rad I sec
R.ulius of g)r>..rioo a: rtf...or, k. = OA m .,

Angular velocity of precession is,

~Uss mame:l1 cf in_"'1tia c f rr:l...or, I = m }(
2 U)p = rj> 0>0 COS W 0 t
= 2500 x (0.4) = t.00 i:g-m2
Radius of routio:i of !hip. R =&Om

• Td~
• Pllllllltlltllt

Sc.Jnnod with C:imScmncr

.. -,- ---------
·.·:..j .~yna~lcs.of.~achlnery,C.~U ~. sem ~.~ ~~h) ._; · '
2-39 " ' ...· •.·, , ~ • · 'r 1 . "r • • ' 1• ~ .~ • ·• ' " .
GyroseoJ:>e · . : ·
• • • • • ·: ,.. -:- ' •

·, ·· · .. AngWar velocity of precession will be maximnm, ..·· ·, .. · the :u'i~ .of iotonmd .
· · . · · .· ~ ·: f
. .. if c0s o>0 t·= L . . Hence, there is no precession ° . .. · lling of the
-< '
he.nee, there is no gyroscopiC effect dunng ro . . . . · ·
· 'JbCrerore.
the maximum a.i:lgular 'velocity· of"""'" . .
· · · ., ,,. .......essaon 1s, ship. .
o>p = . ·ro cjl = Q.157 x.0.087
(111&1) . :·
4 • . Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching
~ 0.0136 rad/s · . during pitching is, ·
or · Wpcmi.). Angular displacement at any instant .
Maximum reactive gyroscopic ~uple is, ·. fi =ti> ~ilJ~ t ' '
Cmax = I Cl) Q)p (mu)= 400 x 33S x 0:0136 Angul~ precessional velocity during pitching is,
or C.m&ll = 1830.30 N-m dt = cjl (J)0 COS (l)0 t

or emu = 18.30kN-m
Angular acceleration during pitching is,
2 .. ''
d·0 2 • . '
The rotor rotates in counter clock.wise d' · ·
. U'Cction when .d? = - cjl (l)o SlD (l)o t
viewed from the rear end and pitching •is d ard · ' acceleration is maximum
Angular · when s1·n roo t -- 1
ownw .
Hence, the effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to move .Therefore, maximum· angular acceli:ration of precision is,
Cl (. ) = ':_ .... ro ~ - 0.087 x (0.157)
the ship towards star board. 2
. pmu 'I' o

" ' •
<Xi-cm.X> = -0.00215 rad/sec
2 ...Ans.
3. When Ship ls Rolling
. Negative sign indicates ~aximum .~gular retardation.
In case of rolling action, the axis of rotation of ;~tor and
the axis of rolling of ship are same. ·

ex. 2.8.10
A rotor of turbine on ship has its axes of rotation parallel to the propeller shaft and is supported in bearings 5 m apart. The
rotor has a mass of kg and radius of gyration of 600 mm. The rotor rotates at 1200 r.p.m. in an anticlockwise sense when
viewed from the front. If the ship is making right turn at s rad/s, determine the magnitude and ·direction · of the bearing
reactions due to gyroscopic effect. · .. , . .,
Soln. : " \ , ·; ,• '. • ' ~ I I


Length between two bearings, l = 5m . ·

j ,

~tass of rotor, m = 350 kg '

Radius of gyration of rotor, k = 600 m =0.6 m
Speed of rotor, N = 1200 r.p.m.
1. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
Angular ,·elocity of rotor, <.:.> = 125.66 rad/s
Precessicoal 3llgular \'elocity, roP =5 rad/s
. '
~{ass moment of inertia of rotor is, 'I

= mk
=350 x (0.6) 2
or = 126 kg-m

Reactive gyrosropic couple acting on ship is,

C = Iolwp= 126x 125.66x5 '\

~' • I

or C = 79168.131 N-m
. • C = 79.1681 kN-m •..Ans.

The rotor rotates in anticlockwise direction when viewed from the front.' Hence, the effect of reactive gyroscopic couple is to
raise the stern and dip the bow. [fig. P. 2.8. lO(a)]
• Ttdlbewl....
'f:! Pub11c.1rton ~

Scanned witfl CamSct1nnef

·.. :1f!~ Dynamics ot Machlnez (MU - Sem s - MeCh) 2-40
• l ~. ~• • . ..

. I


. ' ' I

Fig. P. 2.8.IO(o)

I>-"~ ID re,;acti\-e gyroscopic couple,

the force :applied by the shaft on the bearing 'A' near the bow end is in downward direction
ud oo the be.rr~E ·a· neu the stem end is in up~-llJ'd direction as shown in Fig. P. 2.8. IO(a). )-
RNdMt Gyroscopic Couple

- - - - - - - 5 m ------..t

Fig. P. 2.8.IO(b)

roe ~6 ~X'ticrt opposite lO Lbese forces.

Ri- ?. 2..8.J(i,b) ~·' r!le rea...--rh •e gyrosoopic couple acting on the shaft and bearing reactions.
Tll:mg ~r u.a:n B,
R>.x S-C =0
-· RJix 5-79.J6ZJ = O
••• R = 15.83 kN (upward)
••• Ans.

Tal::i!lg ~...u zOO'.;t A.

P'1Jx .S + C=0
· R.! x 5+79.. J68J = 0
•• R:s = - JS.83 l:N (upward)
ar Rs = 15.83 kN (downward) ... A~

• Tdl...w.i

Scanned wit h CamScanner

.. ------------:
Mass of rotor, m = 2000 kg ;
Speed of rotor, N -- 3000 r.p.m.

Angular speed of rotor, oo 21tX 3 000

•• i. = 60

= 314.15 rad Is
,Radius of gyration of rotor, k =. 0.5 m
Mass 1D01Dent of inertia of ~~o~, I = m k2 = 2000 x (0.5)2

,Radius of rotation of ship, R =

100 m
speed of ship, v =16.l knots = 16.l x 1855 mthr
= 3600 = 8.29 m/sec.
'I; · .
When Ship Steer To Left
1. .... ,, .:.
Process~onal angular velocity, '( -.
v 8.29 ,.
roP = R = 100 = 0.0829 rad/s. · .·.
Reactive gyroscopic couple is, : ~· . ... ~ .· ..

C = I rorop= 500 x 314.15 x O.Q829

l ' •
= 13021.5 N-m
:. C = 13.02 kN-m .. . •..Ans.
The rotor rotates clockwise when viewed from the rear end and ship takes right turn, then effect of gyroscopic couple is to raise
thestemanddipthebowoftheship ·,. .., -..,·:· , .. . " . ~ ' .. ...

•": ·1 ·~ I

Precession Vector

.. '

Stem or Aft·-,.
... . . , (R~~r End) ,.
\ Tum
w ) to Right
0 ', I Active ·
· ~.e::'-r'
' / ,,
, ~~,z
l'o"' 6Q
ICY'~ i.P''O.tq,
Fig. P. 2.8.ll(a) , .

• Tldl.bHllMti
"ff1' PuDllcatloai

Scanned with Carr&:onner

Dynamics of Machinery (MLi • Sem 5 • Mech) . 2-42 ' .. "',. ~ ' ' I ~..
. . . . . .' ·.
,. ~ - ·. ' ·,, ··:· ...
I/,•' ' · ~ •, ' - ·-
· Whel'l Ship. Is ·Pitching a~d Bow Is Falllng (I.e. Pitching ls Downward)
' ·\ .'
Reactlve Gyroscopic ·
Couple ...
'·. ~-'·, .
: ,,.··,.
.'":, . ~

Reactive Gyroscopic
Couple Vector

Reactive '
Stem or Aft ,. .· ' •
(Rear End) ·:

' ..
• j

. '·:
Active Gyroscopic
Couple Vector
Fig. P. 2.8.ll(b)

Total angular displacement between the two extreme position is,

. 2, = 12°

cf> = 6°= 6 x ; = 0.1047 radians

1 0
Angular velocity of S.H.M. is,
21t 2n
w0 = T =50 = 0.12566' rad I sec ·:

Angular velocity of precession is,

(l)p = '(1) COS 0 (1)0 t

Angular velocity of precession will be maximum, if cos w0 t =I.
Therefore, the maximum angular velocity of precession is,

(l)p(m.u) = %cf>= 0.12566 x 0.1047

or cop Cm.uJ = 0.01315 rad/s

Maximum reactive gyroscopic couple is,

Cma:c =I =500
(l)(l)pCm.u) x 314.15 x 0.01315

or Clllll = 2066.63 N-m

or Crrwc = 2.066 kN-m •..Am.

vrm .......
V ~u111ca11111

Scanned with Cam5cilnner

~ . ·.-

'• ; . · . GyroscoP:;
,• ..: . .. .>

D>'!:!amlcs of Machinery (MU - Sem s • Mech)
'k . 'fhe rotor rotates in clockwise

d.i~tion when view~ from the rear end ~d ~itchlng is cio~'w~d ~n;;,'ilie. effed of rcaitive
.... ·:.- : ( -

gyroscopic couple is to move the ship towards port side [Refer Fig. P. 2.8.ll(b)]
~! 3,
Maximum Angular Acceleration During Pitching .

Angular displacement at any instant ~uri~g pitching is,

e· =
(J)0 t
Angular precessional velocity duri~g pitching is,
d0 ~ ;· - ·
dt =; $(J) 0
COS (J)0 l .

Angular acceleration during pitching is,

d 0
-:-:T '
dt = - .i.2·
't'(J)o SID . (J)o t

Angular acceleration is maximum when sin (J) , t = 1

' , ·O .

Therefore, maximum angular acceleration

. of precision is .
~ <max'> = -$(J)~=-0.I047x(0.125~)2
or «p (max) = - 0.00165 radlsec:.2
Negative sign indicates maximum angular retardation.

Syllabus Topic : Permissible Speeds·on Curve Paths • l

--2.9 st-abtllty of Four-Wheel Vehicle Moving iri curvecf Patti.

. ·-

Consider a four-wheel vehicle taking a left, turn as shown in Fig. 2.9.1. The four wheels are: A, B, C and D.

The wheels C and D are called inner wheels and wheels A and B are called outer.wheels. ··
. . - .. ·· .
M = total mass of the vehicle, kg . ~.
, ·:

R = radius of curvature of curved path or track, m

.. • •1 ' .. .. ·' ·

. 'I
' • .. ,

r = radius ~f the wheels, m .

h = height of C.G. of the vehicle -above the road surface, m

. I .

_r .
a = width of track, m
= mass moment of inertia of each wheel, kg-m
mass moment of inertia of rotating parts of the engine, kg-m
.v = linear velocity of the vehicle, mis

angular velocity of the rotating parts of.the engine, racl/s

C% =
. (l)w = angular ".elocity of the rotating parts of the wheel, racl/s .
' .v
precessional angular velocity of the wheel axis = R • racl/s
(l)p =

Scanned wtth CamScann«

.. ~..~
. ,. .
Reactions of Ground on Four Wheels of Vehfcle ·. •1·

../ I

i Fig. 2.9.l: Forces nod Couple Acting on Four-Whcel.4 orVehlcJe Moving In Curved Path
When the vehicle is laking 1hc rum, the following three loads (forces and couples) arc acting on the vehicle (Fig. 2.9.1]:

I l. Weight or vehicle (Mg) • 2. Centrifugal force (Fe) 3. Reactive gyroscoplc couple (C)

1. Weight of vehlcle (Mg) 3. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple {C)

The weighl of vehicle 'Mg' acls verti~lly downwards In vehicle, the four wheels and rotating parts of~
ll1rough t11e C.G. of lhe vehicle. Jf the C.G. of the are spinning about their own axis.
vehicle is al rhe cenler of vehicle, lhe total weight of the When the vehicle is moving aJong the curved path, ~
vehicle will be equally distributed over the four wheels, precession of axis of rotation take place. Due to lhii, ~
which acls vertically downwards. reactive gyroscopic couple is applied by the ~ a:d
wheels, as shown in Fig. 2.9.2.
If the C.G. of the vehicle is not at the center of vehicle,
the total weight of vehicle will not be equally The four wheels and engine are considered two differei:t
distribulCd over the four wheels. sets of rotors since they are rotating with different !peed
and may be in different directions. Hence, we have to
2. Centrltugal Force ( F~) consider the reactive gyroscopic couple due to f!Xf
wheels as well as engine separately.
Since the vehicle moves along a curved path having
radius 'R' while taking a tum, the centrifugal force 'Fe' The reactive gyroscopic couplet due to four wheels is,

nets radially outward through the C.G. of the vehicle.

Cw = 4 { f,.,Ww(J)P)

The effect of this centrifugal force is to overturn the The reactive gyroscopic couple due to rotating parts cf
vehicle. engine is,

The ccnlrifugal force acting through the C.G. of the Ce = I e We WP= In G "'w o>p ~]
... [": G =
vehicle is,
2 y2 The total reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle
Fe = Mw11 R = M"j?R
or Fe = R ...(2.9.1)

&::anne<1 ....·1t11 CamScanner

. ... Gyrosco~
.-.. "' ..
. " ~

arnl~ of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)

~ -

· . · 2-45
$.Dyn _. . . . · - .. - ---· ·
_ ~. . - .C = (4 I,.± 0 le) ... (2.9.2) Mga +F b+C ,_ .-
Cllw(l)p ·
2R0 a = 2 c •' '·
In equation "(2.9.2), the positive sign is used when the M& - FJ!: £..
' wheels and engine rotate in same direction, since R,, = 4 + 2a +2a
reactive gyroscopic couples due to wheels and engine (4 VG IiJ Ww·~

will act in same direction ... · .. . . . Ro = MK+

R a
+ 2a
If the wheels and ·eniine rotate in opposite direction . : ·' T+Gl'yV
M MV2h (4.........- w - . - .
then the negative sign is used, since the reactive · • Ro = !Y!&+~2R
4 a
+ 2a r R
" . gYroscopic co!lples du_e ~~ w~eels and engqie will act in M MVzh - (4r.;tGiiJV · ·~(2.9.3)
~pposite direction. . . ,. . · Ro -- !Y!&+-+
4 ·2Ra 2R
· r a
If the mass moment. of inertia of the parts of rotating Taking moments about A and B, ,
engine is negligible, then the term 'G IE' in a . .
equation (2.9.2) is neglected. -2Rixa+Mgx2 -FCX h-C=O
It is important to note that, only engine parts which are
. rotating in a plane parallel to plane of wheels are taken
2Ri a = M~ a -Fcb-C

into account

Reactions of Ground on Wheels ( R1 and Ro)

Ro = reaction of ground on ea<:h outer wheel, N ·,-:
Rj = reaction of grou_nd on each inner wheel, N Mg .M V h 2

Fig-. i.,9.~ shows ~~g diagram of fo~ wheels.

Ri = 4 - 2Ra
. ., ;
Mg -MV2 h ... (2.9.4)
Taking moments about C and D, or Ri = 4 :-· 2 Ra
- a . ·j .

zRo x a-Mg x 2-Fcx h-C . = 0

/ -;


' ).: ©

ff"top v1rqJ
Reactive Gyrosa>plc Couple
T Fe
C.G. .
:?.: -.:.::;-:·:~~~ .i
@® i
r :_.'._ : -.:.::--".·

Jf ©@
- -- - a llilner'Mleels) A
(##' z: '-Reactive
d°. ~
2R0 2R1 Couple
ftri>nt v1e¥f} <(of;,>~"
Fig. 2.9.2 : Loading Diagram of Four Wheels of Vehicle Moving in Curved path

scanned with Corns<:ooner

, ~


-· ~
.-·, ..- . ~ ..
. Y ·:··oynamlcs of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
- ~ ·." ' I
' - (_

or y , ~ , MgR a
.. (4Iwf G Ii;)]. . · ...(2.9.S)
.- "
2.9.2 Condition for Stablllty of Four Wheel
2 [ M h +-..__..;.;.---=...
Vehicle r·

Ther;~~re, .if. ~~ ~o~d;ti'~n . i~; ·~~bill~ i~ ~~n

. .
For the stability .o f the four-wheel"~ehicle
• ' ' • • I j• I ' I•

. . moving in a curved ~- . ~~
path, it is essential that no wheel should be lifted off the ·' ivmg the four-wheel · vehicle by. less than ..or· equal
v~hicle ~
• : • • • ~: 1I l .
ground while the·vehicle
.. talces ·the
. . ·)
tum. · · ·' limi_ting speed given by equation 2.9.5, then the
·· stabJ'e when
· ' four~wheel ' v~hicle· moving
. in. a.'Curved
-: To fulfill this conditi<:m_. the net vertical f9rce applied by the path as
wheel on the' ground "should be 'do~waitls i.e. force ~hown in Fig 2.9.4. · '· ·
applied by the groun51 .on. the wheel~ (reaction_of the ground
on the wheels) sh<?uld be upwards.
• • •. I • I . .... . .~.• ~ ' :.

In above analysis, it is assumed that the reactiOn of ground on

the wheel is positive, if it is in upward direction. . , .._
Hence, the conditions for the s1:3bility ofv~hicle are:
R0 ~ O .:.(a)
. . l .' . ~ . ~

and I'
;.1 ... (b)

i~ ~~n

From F.quation <2:9.3), js fuat the. reaction of ground

00 each o~t~r ~heel i:e: R 0 can~ot be zero or n~gative. ·
Fig. 2.9.4 : Stable four-wheel vehicle moving in a
. . ~~wever, from ~tion"(2.9.4) seen that, the reaction of curved path .
· • ground on each inner wheel i.e. R(m~y b~· zero or negative.
, '
Therefore the inner wheels may lift from the ground and ' Ex. 2.9.1
vehicle may overturn. . ·A four wheeled trolley car has a total mass of 3000 kg. Each
axle with its two wheels and gears have a total moment of
Fig. 2.9.3 shows the gyroscopic couple tends to press the
inertia of 32 kg-m2 . Each wheel is of 500 mm radius. The
outer wheels and lift the inner wheels.
centre'distance between the two wheels on an axle is 1.4 m.
Each axle is driven by a motor with a speed ratio of 1:3.
Each motor along with its gear has a moment of inertia of
16 kg-m2 and rotates in the opposite direction to that of the
axle. The.centre of mass of the car is 1.2 m above the rails.
Calculate the limiting speed of the car when it has to travel
around a curve of 20 m radius without leaving the rails,

Radius of cilrvature 'of path~ R ::;:20 m.

- of
:.Mass moment of inertia one wheel, lw= 3'l12 = 16 kg-m
. .

:. Radius of each wheel, r = 500 mm= 0.5 m

:. M~s moment of inertia of engll)e,· IE= 16 kg-m
Fig. 2.9.3: Lifting of inner wheels due to gyroscopic couple
Gear ratio, O= 3
Hence, the condition for stabilit}' is, Mass of vehicle, M = 3000. kg. , .
R ~ 0 ., ...(c) Height of C.G. above the road.surface, h = 1.2 m
Mg .MV2h _ (41w±_GIJV > O Wheel track, a = 1.4 m
4 - 2Ra 2Rr a -.
1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscopic; Couple
Mg V2 [ (4 I~ G Ii;)]
•• 4 2: 2Ra Mb+ r . Weight of the vehicle is,
Mg = 3000 x 9.81=29430 N
MgR a 2: V2
(4 fw± G Ii;)] Angular velocity of the wheels is,
2 [ Mh+ r
'• I

SC:enned w ith camScal'Vler
. .... .
':·iiP·• ..... _, - ~ ' .·
J .

I J>reCCSSional angular velocity of the whe~ls is,
2R1 = Mia -F~x_h-_c I .. . . °'
v v
roP = R=20 =0.05 V rad I s
! Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
R, =
Mg F,h £.
4 - 2a -2a
' . 2
2 29430. 150 V2x 1.2 1.6 v
MV 3000V2 =
Fe = -~= 20 = 150V2 ,N ~ 2 x 1.4 2xl.4
or Ri = 7357.5..:. 63.71 V2, N
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is,
. Taking moments about C and D,
C = (4 Jw± G Ia) rowrop . • J·. 1 . a .. , - . . .
2xR0 xa-·Mgx2 -Fcxh-C =0
= (4 x 16 - 3 x 16) 2 v x 0.05 v M ·.
or C = I.6V2,N-m.· 2R0 a = · !Y!&.!
2 +Fc xh+C - .-. ~-

,·· .. :-. ...\ ,

2. Reactions of Grou1,1d on.! Wheels :., . ;·. ~ ~ ... ... R . _ . Mg+· F,xh+£.
4 2a 2a ~; .
: ..
•, \ • I' .. \
' .- ;••

29430 ' l5.0V x i 2' ··'1.6\12 · '- ' i_
, ,,;· ...;'·_ 'Fig. P. 2.9.1 shows forces and coupie acting· · fours
00 ,_=: · ~~ .'· 2·x 1.4 · -2x1.4 ·' - ,""' _,
:·wheel -and Fig.' P. . i9.I(a)"shows 'Ioading diagram of
or R0' '= 7357.5i-63:7i V ,N . '· ' 2 -· '-':. ·: . " ·'· ,· ;
wheels. TaJcing moments about A and B

·. : .( . . ' / . .. I 1·

" ' ·"

Rear Axle .

Front Axle


vt Len

Gyroscopic .

Fig. p. 2.9.1: Forces and Couple Acting on F~ur Wheels of Vehicle

Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
·• -. Fe _·
t - -.... C.G.

... ...
.. • J ..... _, _; ·

~f.iont v1e"WJI · . '

Fig. P. 2.9.l(a) : Loading Diagram of Four Wheels

ff THllKn111lt«gi
Y Pubtlc~tton~ .
. .. ·~ ·.
. ·. '..'·:_:j
,. <
. i

t .Dynamics of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) . 2·48 ! ~ .

··.· ·1
1, • I

For stability of vehicle

R1 :i?: 0.
73S7.5 - 63.71 V &!: 0
.63.71 v2 s 7357.5 ' \ . ! ,I , . . .
. - tm1]
... v s \j63.71
V S 10.74 mis

·or V
10 1
S · i;,g

• V S 38.68 km/hr.
Ex. 2.9.2
A four wheel vehicle of mass 2500 kg has a wheel base 2.5 m, track wld1h 1.5 m, and height of centre of gravity 0.6 m abo
· Ve
the ground level and lies at 1 m f rol"fl the front axle. Each wheel has an effective diameter of 0.8 .ni and a moment of inertia of
0.8 kg.m • The drive shaft, engine flywheel and transmission
. are rotating at four times the speed of road wheels, in clockwis
direction when viewed from the front, and Is equivalent to a mass of 80 kg having a radius of gyration of. too ·mm. If the
vehicle is taking a right tum of 60 m radius at 60 km/h, find the load on each wheel... . ,

Given: Total mass of cnr, M = 2500 kg

Rndius of wheel, r = 0.4m I .

Wheel track, a = 1.5 m

Wheel bnse, b = 2.5m

Height of CG nbove the rood surface, h = 0.6m

Disbnce of C.G. from front axle,/ = lm

M3SS moment of inertia of each wheel, lw = 0.8 kg-m

Gear ratio, G = 4 of engine, m6 = 80kg

Radius of gyration of engine parts, k6 = lOOmm=0.1 m

Mass moment of inertia of engine, 16 ms ( ke)

= 80 x (0.1)
=0.8 kg-m2
Radius of curvature of path, R = 60m

Speed of the vehicle, V = 60 km/ hr

60x 1000
= 3600 = 16.66 m/sec

Weight vehicle is, Mg =

2500 x 9.81=24525 N
16.66v '
Angular velocity of the wheels is, Ww = 7 = o:4 = 41.65 rad/s

PrecessionaJ angular velocity oflhe vehicle is, WP=~= 1 ~i6 =0.2776 rad/s
2 2
Cen trifugal fiorce acting on vehi cle 1s, Ft -- MRV __ 2sooxg6.66) --11564.81N

~ -·
mies of Machinery (MU • Sem s • Mech)
I j·. ··
oyna .. . . -. 2-49 . ;:-..~\

Reacll·ve gyroscopic couple due to four wheels is , I . ,

Cw - 4 Iw (I)~ (l)p = 4 X 0.8 X 41.65 X 0.2776'
or C,, = 37N-m .. ··

. Reactive gyroscopic couple due to engi_ne is,

CE = IE (l)B (l)p =lg G (l)B <l>p= 0.8 x 4 x 41.65 x 0.2776

or CE = 37 N-m .

. the position of engine axis and wheel axis ar · d.· h I

Since . · . . e perpen 1cular to each other the reactive gyroscopic couple due to four w ee 5
· tive gyroscopic couple due to engine act perpendicular to h: th . . · "
and reac · .. eac :o er, as shown m Fig. P. 2.9..2.
centrttugal Force and Reactive Gyroscopic Couple.

Reactive Gyroscopic Couple, cw

Precession VectOr

. . . I : J ,.,

· Gyroscopic

' ~ ·1 •. • •~ t " .:.. 1

Fig. P. 2.9.2: Forces and Couples Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle Moving Curved Path

2. Reactions of Ground on Wheels Due to Loading Gyroscopic Couple Due to Four Wheels and Centrifugal Force

Along Transverse Plane of Vehicle

•' t ' •

ReaaiYe GylOscopic Couple Fig. P. 2.9.2(a) shows the ,loading diagram considering
Due IO Four V'w'heels, Cw

reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels (Cw) and
centrifugal force (F0 )
Taking moments about A and B,
-2R;xl.5-F0 x0.6-Cw =0

.. -2R1x 1.5-11564.81 x0.6-37 ;,,o

[front vmft1 : . R1 =- 2325.29 N
( ' ·'

Fig. P. 2.9.2(a) : Loading Diagram Considering Reac~ve

Taking moments about C and n:,_(.
T Publl<allons

Scanned w ith CamSc.anner

'• . 1 ~·

D ilamlcs of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech ' 2•50 . . . ·.. .,
', , 2 R0 x 1.5. - fl564 .81x0.6-37 •0
R, + 1<1< • - 232~.29 + 48'!7.6

.,' RD •
"I :. R~"' 2325.29 N
• 2512.31 N
'i 3. Reaction• ot Ground on Wheels Due. to Loading
'· Along Longltudlnal Plane of Vehicle
Fig. P. 2.9.2(b) shows the loading diagram considering
reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine (Cc) and weight. of
vehicle (Mg).
· ., . , · Reactive GyrolCOplc Couple " . " •
Du• To Enllfn•, CE


" ®@
------2.6 m-----....
· Given :Velocity of troJJey, V = 24 km/hr~ 6.67 m/r.
f srde vr!\if)
Radius of curvature of JYath, R = 30 m.

Fig. P. 2.9.2(b) : ·Loading Diairam Considering RcactJve :. Mass moment ofinertia of wheel, I. =18 kg-m2
Gyroscopic Couple Due to Engine and Weight or Vehicle Diamete~ of each wheel, D = 0.75 m

TaJcing moments about A and C, · •. Radius of each wheel, r = J

0 5
= 0.375 m
- 2 RRx 2.5 + Mg x 1 - c; = 0 .. Mass moment of inertia of engine, Te= 12 kg-m2
- 2RRX 2.5 + ~525 X 1 - 37 = 0 Gear ratio, G = 5

RR = 4897.6N Mass of vehicle, M = 2500 kg

TaJcing moments about B and D, Height of C.G. above the road surface, Ii= 0.9 m
2 RFx 2.5 - Mg x 1.5 - c; = 0 Wheel track, a = I.S m
2 RFx 2.5-24525 x 1.5-37 = 0 1. Centrifugal force and reactive gyroscopic couple
:. Rp = 7364.9 N
Weight of the vehicle is,
4. Resultant Reactions of Ground on Wheels Mg = 2500 x 9.81=24525 N
From Fig. P. 2.9.2(b); Angular velocity of th~ wheels is,
v 6.67 .
Resultant reaction of ground on wheel A is, CJ>w = 7= 0.375 = 17.8 rad Is

RA = R0 +RF= 2325.29 + 7364.9 Precessionaf angular velocity of the wheels is,

= 9690.19 N ...Ans. v 6.67
OJP = R =30=0.22rad/ s

Resultant reaction of ground on wheel B is,

Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
R8 = R0 +RR = 2325.29 + 4897.6 =7222.89 N...Ans. MV22500 x (6.67)2
Resultant reaction of ground on wheel C is, Fe = R= 30 ·

Re c: R1 + ~F= - 2325.29 + 7364.9 or F'c = 37CY7 N

= 5039.61.N ... Ans. Reactive gyro~pic couple acting on vehicle is,

Resultant reaction of ground on·wheel Dis; C = (4 Iw± G le) w., OJP

&.am n..dw1lt1 C11r11&;iu 11•tc"

~ ·~ · ·· ·
·, .·· .
~J .if_ pynarnlcS ~f Machinery (MU .- ~em s - _M~ch) 2-51 i.
\ #;SJ -
·1 = (4_x 18-5 x 12) 17.8 x 0.22 . · Mg F0 h C 24525 3707 x 0.9 44.99 :: I ,. , .:-;
2XT.5" ' ....
"1 ' . j

:. Ri=2- 2a -2a = 4 2x 1.5

or c = 46.99 N-m .
oi: :i · Ki . = ·5004.16 N
• Reactions of ground on wheel~ .. : j
2 Taking moments about C and D,' ;· · ·.
fig. p. 2.9.3(a) shows forces and couple - ~·ting on fours . . . a ·. .· ,.. ~ .
. , . I

2xR,,xa-Mgx2-Fcxh'-C= 0 . · ·
loading diao,..,:~ of h
wheel and Fig. P. 2.9.3(b)
· .. shows
. ........ wees.
1 Mga · . - ' . .. :.~ ~

rann°g moments abo~tA B, and .. 2R,,a = · T +F~x_h+: C

a ' I ~

_zR;xa+Mg x2 -F.xh-C=O
.. 2R;~ . ~ .. -:Y :-_F cxh-C or R,, · = 725.8.34 N
• . ~. · 1. I

1 .~ .. .
'· . .I ' •

.. ~ .-

......!:· ,·.
.·····' -:
. ;
I I• I '")

Front Axle



Fig. P. 2.9.3(a) : Forces and couple acting on four wheels ofvehicle

Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

F. c~
·c: I•'
I c

IFront View I
Fig. P. 2.9.3(b): Loading Diagram of Four Wheels

Y Puu1c111ons

Scanned w it h CamScanner
·· ..:·· ::·,
· .. -:-
t ·Dynamics of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) . .,:_.· G;r~:

.Ex. 2.9.4 IE = ·ml! (kg )2 .,;. 85 x (0.2)2 = 3.4 JCg-m2 ·· '. : :•

A motor car negotiates a curve of 45 m radius at a speed of

Radius of curvature of patb,
65 km/ hr. Detennine the magnitudes of the centrifugal and . ,- ~ . . . . :·-. ...

gyroscopic couples acting on the motor car, and state the

R = 45m

effect of each of these on the road reactions on the wheels. Speed of the vehicle, ,
65x 1000
Assume that I) Eact:i road wheel has a moment of inertia of v = 65 km I hr - 3600 18.05 m/sec
5 kg.m and an effective road radius o·f 0.6 m, ii) The rotating
Weight of the vehicle is,
parts of the engine ~nd transmission are equivalent to a
flywheel of mass 85 kg with a radius of gyration of 0.2 m. Mg = 15 x 1000 =15000 N
The engine turns in a clockwise direction when viewed from Angular velocity of the wheels is,
the front. iii) The back axle ratio is 4:1, the drive through the v 18.05
row = 7= 0.45 =40.11 rad/s
gearbo?C being direct. iv) The car weighs 15 kN and has its

centre of gravity at 0.6 m above the road level. The car takes Precessional angular velocity of the vehicle is,

· a ri~ht hand tum. v 18.05

. wP = R =65"" = 0.?-776 rad/s
Given: Centrifugal force acting on vehlcle is,
2 2

Total weight of car, m = 15 kN

Fe ~ ~ = 15000 ~J18.05) =75185.19 N
. 8

Radius of wheel, r = 0.6 m Reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels is,

Assuming, Wheel track. a = 1.5 m .

Assuming, Wheel base, b .= 2.5 m or C,. = 222.69 N-m ••• Ans.

Height of CG above the road surface, h = 0.6m Reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine is,

Assuming Distance of C..G. from front axle, l =Im

Mass moment of inertia of each wheel, lw = 5 kg-m2 = 3.4 x 4 x 40.11 x 0.2776

Gear ratio, G =4 or CE = 151.42 N-m

'1 . ,

Mass of engine, mE= 85 kg Since the position of e~gine axis and wheel axis are perpendicular
-·- '
Radius of gyration of engine parts, . to each other the reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels and

reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine act perpendicular to each

kE = 0.2m
other, as shown in Fig. P. 2.9.4 .
.·. Mass moment of inertia of engine;

i' • • t i I . ' :.
- ..

Scan ~ w1tti CamSCanner

r ~.ornam~
II .~. eentrlfUgal
of Machne7 (MU • Sem 5 • Maoh)
. . Force. and Reactive Gyroacoplc Couple 2·53 .
· Gyr0sc0pe

• Reactive Gyroacop1c Couple, Cw

Precession Vector
y ;·., · '


Z Gyroacoplc
~G'', cou~-'\­
. •v~~~2-+
·- I~ ',
\ 0
/ -
... , .
- . Ce .
1• I , 1, ••

; l '
' .
• )•. t

•· .. ~ •. ~ ·iJ :: . •·) •

·' ..
Fig. p: 2.9.4 : Forces and Couples Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle Moving ctirvec;I Path
2. Reactions of Ground on Wheels Due to Loading 2~x l.5-Fex 0.6 - <:;w =0
Along Transverse Plane of Vehicle 2 R0 X 1.5 - 75185.19 x 0.6 :--: 222.01 , = 0
R0 =-15111.26 ~
3. Reactions of
- Ground
. - . on .Wheels
..... Du.e . t~ , Loadl.n g
Along Longitudinal Plane of Vehl~le .

2R 0

Fig. P. 2.9.4(a) :Loading Diagram Considering Reactive ·~· ®@
(Front Wleel&) {Rear Wheels)
Gyroscopic Couple Due to Four Wheels • 1m

and Centrifugal Force - - - 2.5m.- - - --

' . . , '· ' -: .....
Fig. P. 2.9.4(a) shows the loading diagram considering -w-:f-!19-V-ftw
-::··-! j
reactive gyroscopic couple due to four wheels <.Cw) and •' •• 1 '

centrifugal force (Fe) Fig. P. 2.9.4(b) . :. Loading Diagram CoDstdering Reactive

Taking moments about A and B, Gyroscopic Couple Due to Engine

- 2 R; x 1.5 - Fe x 0:6 - Cw =0 and Weight of.Vehicle ·_ . 11 1; · •

:. -2R;xl.5-75185.19x0.6-222.69 = 'O
... .... ·''.. , _Fig. P. 2.9.4(b) shows the · loading diagramj considering
reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine <CV and weight of
:. R; = 15111.26 N vehicle (Mg).
Taking moments about C and D, Taking moments about A and C,

-.. . ~--
... :;j

Dynamics.of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) .- _2-54 ' . ..... .. '.I

- ~RR x 2.5 + Mg x 1 - CE = 0 ..
• ... 1: ...
Res~Itant reaction of ground on )Yh~l B ~.s:.- ., ., ·· i .
- 2RRx 2.5 + 15000 X I - 222.69 =0 Ra = R0 + RR:: 15111.26 + 2955.46
:. RR = 2955.46 N
= 18066.72 N
Taking moments about B and D,
. Resultant reaction of ground on -.yheel C is,
2RpX2.5-Mgx 1.5-CE ~ 0 ·
.. -: Re =. Ri + Rp= - 15111.26 + 4544.53
2 RFx 2.5 - 15000 x 1:5 - 222.69 · = 0
.•• Rp = 4544.53 N = IOS66.73N
. I

Resultant reaction or'ground on wheel D is,

4. Resultant Reactions of Ground on Wheels . .
. I , . R0 - = Ri +RR= -15111.26 + 2955.46
From Fig. P. 2.9.4(b) ,
= 12155.SN
Resultant reaction of ground o~ whee.I A is,,
. .
RA = R0 + Rp= 15111.26 + 4544.53 ·- - ,,.., _, ' -'.:
. ,"
; ..
··'· J •

= 196SS.79N ...Ans. ... . ·

I .
Ex. 2.9.5 '3 .

A rear engine automobile is travelling around the track of 100 m mean radius. E~~h of the four road wheels has ,a moment 01
inertia of 1.6 kg-m and an effective diameter of 600 mm. The rotating parts of the engine have a moment of inertia of 0.85 kg.
m , the engine axis is parallel to the rear axle and the crankshaft rotates in ·the same sense as the road wheels. The gear .
radio, engine to back axle is 3 : 1. The vehicle has a mass of 1400 kg and its center of gravity is 450 mm above the road level.
width of the track of the vehicle. is 1.5. ·
Determine the limiting speed of the vehicle round the curve for all four wheels to maintain contact with the road surface to
avoid skidding of vehicle.
Radius of curvature of path, R =I 00 m , ; .

Mass moment of inertia of wheel, :r,. = 1.6 kg - m2 ',, . ... r •. · · ; • ',l "'"'
Diameter of each wheel D = 0.6 m 1:

Radius of wheel, r = ~ =0i 6 = 0.3 m

Mass moment of inertia of engine, IE= 0.85 kg-m2 .
Gear Ratio, G ,; 3
Mass of vehicle, M = 1400_kg - - .-' .. ·- ..
Height of C.G. above the road sUJface, h =0.45 m
Width track. a = 1.5 m r;,.,.

(1) Centrifugal force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple

Weight of vehicle is, Mg =1400 x 9.81=13734 N

Angular velocity of wheels is, COw =~ = ~ =3.33 V rad/s .. ...-
. ~ .. ~

.. ·.' ·:' . ·) .....

Processional angular velocity of_~~ ~heel is , Wp = ~ = ~ = O.Dl V rad/sec
· Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is, . :. ·.· ·
. .. . MV
1400 x V
.. '
Fe =, R = IOO - 14V , N -
:. ~· ..
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is, I . : ,', 1 . , , • - • -.: t

>c . =··c4_:1w.±Gr~ ·00wcop =(4x1.6+.3 x ~·~~) 3.33 v 'x o.01 v = o.298 v 2 N-m
.• : I 'i

· »
•. . .. (: • •, t ·:. ~· • -: • ! ' • I;.; : - '
,:~ ;·.. ,. • . I
, ..·
·. :,
: : •"

·.. Gyroscope '· ,·. .

2-55 :·.::··· : .. : :- •. . ' ··
~ -.· ·: - ... ·'·
.. ~-.;- ~
.. .·

Rear Axle .- ~

Readlve G)'ro9COplc
· :~ . Couple

Front Axle

Reactive .

·. ,.,
Fig~ P."l:9.5(a) : Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle
Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
- - -.. C.G.

tg'fontVl~ .·
Fig. P. 2.9.S(b) : Loading Diagram of Four Wheels

Fig. P. 29.5(a) shows forces and couple acting on fours Mga

2R0 a = 2 +Fcxh+C
wheel and Fig. P. 2.9.5{b) shows loading. diagram of wheels.
Taking moments about A and .B. Mg Fcxh . ·. C
Ro = 4 + ·2a + 2a
-2R;xa+Mgxz -Fcxh-C = 0 2
13734. 14V x0.45 0.298 V
= -4-+
2.x 1.5 .+ 2x 1.5'
R; =
MK Ed! .£
2 - 2a -2a 2
2 2
R0 = 3433.5+2.199V ,N
13734 14V x 0.45 0.298V
= 2 2 x 1.5 2 x 1..5 (3) Condition for Stability of Vehicle
R; = 6867-2.1 V -0.0993 V
For stability of vehicle
= 6867 - 2.199 V 2
R; ~ 0
~ 0
Taking moments about C and D 6867 - 2.199 V
~ 6867
a 2
2x~xa-Mgxz -Fcxh-C = 0 2.199 V
V ~ 55.8818 mis •••Ans.
.. 'i . ,

··. ·l
D namlca of Machlno MU. Som 5. Moch .· 2·56 ·. ··

a 03 c 3.33 V rad/a

ProceuionaJ angular velocity of the wheel is

wp = R'
v . .
=80 =0.0125 V rad/a
Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is
Fe= R
2200xv2 .
Soln.: = 80
Iw = 2.4 lcg.-m p = 0.6,
· =Z'l.5V N
r = 0.3 2
JI! = 1.2kg-m
gcur ratio = G=3 M = 2200 kg
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is .
h = 0.55 m a = 1.5 m
c = {4 I,.± Gle) co.. roP

R = 80m = (4 x .7.4 + 3 x 1.2) x 3.33 v x 0.0125 v

(1) Centrlfugal force and Re~ctlve gyroscope couple = {9.6 + 3.6) x 0.04125 V2

M8 = 2200 x 9.81 = 21582 N C = 0.54945 V2 N-m

Angular velocity of wheels is

(2) Reactions of ground on wheels

Reactive Gyroscopic

Front Axle

\ .

Fig. P. 2.9.6(a)

Sctmned with CamScarmer

::'. ,! .• : : - .·• .
:1:1 - . .
-~ _oY,,~rnlcs of Mechlne7. (MU • Se~ 5 • .Mech)
4 ·. 2-57 ... .. ~

Reactive Gyroicoplc Couple

Fo r• ~ '
- - -.. C.G.

I ~ '. '•

_, ljbntv18jl
Fig. P. 2.9.6(b)
Taking moments about A nnd B
a Soln.:
-2RiXa+Mg x.2-F.xh-c=O
Given: Radius of curvature of path, R =200 m. .
M.& F,h
c Mass of each wheel, mw _ 125 kg =
~ = . 2 .-: 2a - 2a
''··· 2 Radius of gyration of wheel, kw = 0.32 m
= 21582 27.5 V x 0.55 0-54945 y2
2 2 x 1.5 2 x 1.5 :. Mass moment of inertia of wheel,
2 .
= 10791 - 5.04166 V - 0.18315 y2
lw = m.,;,k
Rt = 10791- 5.22481 v2 w

Taking moment about c and D

= 125 x (0-32)
=12.8 kg-m2
a Diameter of each wheel, D = 0.8m
2 x Ro x a - Mg x 2 - r. x h - c =o
. ·~ :. Radius of each wheel, r = 028 =0-4m
:. ~ Mass moment of inertia of engine, I? 10 kg-m
2xRoxa=Mg x2 +f.xh+c . 2

· M
v - lY!&
&'() -
F h
2a +-
4 +;;..i:..:;
2a . .
, Gear ratio, G = 5

Mass of vehicle, M = 3000 kg
= 21582 + 27.5 V x 0.55 0.54945 y 2 Height of C.G. above the road surface, h= 0.5 m
4 2 x 1.5 + 2 x' 1.5
Wheel track, a = 1.5 m
= 5395.5 + 5.0416() V + 0.18315 v 2

Ro = 5395.5 + 5.22481 V2 1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscopic

(3) Condition for stability of vehicle for stability of vehicle Couple
~ ~ 0 Weight of the vehicle is,
10791 - 5.22481 V ~ 6

Mg = 3000x9.81 I
5.22481 v :S 10791
or Mg = 29430N
v2 :S 2065.338
Angular velocity of the wheels is,
V :S 45.4459 mis
ffiw =
v v
7 =0-4 = 2.5 V rad I s
Ex. 2.9.7
An automobile is traversing along a curved track of 200 m Precessional angular velocity of the wheels is,
mean radius. Each of the four road wheels has a mass of
vR = v
125 kg with radius of gyration of 0.32 m. The effective
. ooP 200 :::: 0-005 V rad I s
diameter of each wheel is 0.8 m. The rotating parts of the C~ntrifugal .force acting on vehicle is,
engine have a mass moment of inertia of 10 kg-m • The MV

engine axis is parallel to . the front axle and the crankshaft Fc = """"if"" = 200
rotates in the same direction as the road wheels. The gear
rf!tio between the engine and the back wheels is 5. The or Fe = 15 V2 ., N
vehicle has a mass of 3000 kg and its· centre of gravity is Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is,
0.5 m above the road level. The wheel track is 1.5 m. C = (41w ± G IE,) oow ooP
Calculate the limiting speed of the vehicle around the curve .. c = (4 x 12.8 + 5 x 10) 2.5 v x 0.005 v
for all four wheels to maintain contact with the road surface.
or C = 2
1.265 V , N-m.

Scanned with Com Sa mner

!f.i ...
···· -·- ---=------------·9.. '
•• _.1
. _:",.\.,
.· ..
· o namloa of Moohlno MU • Som 5 • Meoh 2·68
_/ • • • I
,Mg F;xh C .
- ;
2. Roaotlon• of Ground on Whoel1 .". Ho • · 4 + 2n + '2a
FJg. r. 2.9.7(u) 11hows forces nnd couple ocling on fours 2
wheel und Pig. P. 2.9.7(b) shows fonding dlogrum of
29430 15 V x 0.5 1.265 yl
,·· '
"" -;r:-+ 2>< 1.5 + 2x 1.5
1'11klng moments nbout A nnd D, or R0 = 7357.5 + 2.92167 V N ,

-2 R1x n+ Mg xl -P0 x h-C a 0 3. Condition for Stability of Vehicle
Mgn · For stability of vehicle
,•, 2 R1 n • 2 -F0 x h- C ·
R1 ~ 0
,Mg F, h £.. 2
:. R1 = 2 - 2n - 2a 7357.5- 2.92167 V <! 0
.. 2.92167 V !. 7357.5
I5 V2 >< 0.5 1.265 y 2
= -4-- 2x 1.5 - 2x 1.5 1llid_
.. v~
or R1 = 7357.5 - 2.92167 V2, N
.. V !. 50.182 mis
Tnking moments nbout C nnd D, 50.182 x 3600 .
. . . II or V !. 1000 kmfhr.
2 X R0 X n-: Mg X 2 - Fe X h - C 0 = . '
• V ~ .iS0.6558 km/hr. ..,Alls.
:. 2R0 n = 2 +Fcxlr+C

-. I

Reectlvo Gyroscopic

....: .,

.. ·.·'•

) "'
' I~ '


., ,. ) ..
Fig. P. 2.9.7(a) : Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle
# I•-_,
• • ,' 1.
Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

!• ,,
C.G. ·'·· ·
~.··-· --·~:- r;~i:7-j: -
1 . ·• • • •

I' ,• .
... r

________ ·:~ ©®
Mg ' ......,..'--
______ a _ _ _ _ _ (Jnner\Mieels)
. • r r.

.:. ;,, , :-'. -

lEfont v1,W$) I ( •'

. ; . ·I·. . .. ' ·1
Fig. P. 2.9.7(b) : Loading Diagram of Four Wheels
..'If ,....... P•tllcarllll

- -li'}i'&E:l!lcl'Sl!J&l!I'!§_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .,..,.,...~o~~,....~ . ...,.---- - - -----

scanned with Corns<:ooner
.,_: o~namlcs of Machinery (MU - Sam 5 .•·.Mech) .. . 2-59 ~; . ,·. '· '
•. ... r· :
I~ = · mass mo~e~t-~f inertia .of ~otating P~ of the· .
10 stablllty of Four Wheel Vehicle ' '
:_yovlng in-Curved .Path With Banking . kg-m2

fig. 2.10.l shows a f_!>ur-wheel vehicle moving along a

v ::: .linear v'el0city.of'.tb·e vehlcle, mis - .
ath with banking and taking a left-tum. ro., = .anguiar velocity ~f the ;~~ting paris'of the .
clll"'ed P ·' ) ' • .; l •

M == . total mass of the vehicle, kg engine, rad/s , . . . •! • . .

R == "ra~us of curved path or tfack,m cop = j>recessional ~guIM ~~~ocity, ?,f ~.e. whee! · axis
. of curvature
. .
r = ·_.radius of the wheels, m
. h · = height of C.G. of the vehicle above the road
=*, rad/s ' · · ·
,·,• . I I<
· '·
·surface, m G = gearratio=~;
co., . •· f
,. ..
a ::: width of track, m .
e = banking angle of the track .
I., = mass moment of inertia of each wheel, kg-m2 •' J.

, ··'.'
I .·,

·I I

.I ·' '

·I I
I .
-..r~ .. ~~ ..

(;:\ -.,.
'CJ .. ' 1·'

_c:-: ..
Precession Axis
·: ·. y ~(, . i
.. I

' 0~,pd-
·~t/) -.\:
LCJ> ":;.,0
Active Y--· rl~
. CJ
Gyroscopic / Z
Coup!~,~ .
~ ~;;j , Tum to left
. I
. .v-;, 'l
' ' ,.
1: .. / et ' x Loo cos e
a 1 component of
: Spin Vector

. <, .
v..s'.o,;, '10
/ ec~,. ~
~~tont Vlevfl
Fig. 2.10.1 (a): Forces and Couple Acting on Four Wheels of Vehicle Moving in Curved Path With Banking
r • •.' I# • ,'.

SCanne<I with CamSca~r

~!\':t:.~D~yn~a~m~lcs~o~f~M~a~ch~ln~e~7~(M~U~-S~e~m~5~-~M~ec~h~);;;;;;;i=:;;;;;s;~2-60~==;;;i;;;;;;;;:;i;a;;1~ms;;-====:i;;;:;:;;i;;:;;;;:;i;;;==;;;;;;;;;;lilliiiiiG~ ..
2.1,0:1 Reactions of Ground on Wheels of .- .
' Vehicle
When the vehicle Is !Aking the tum, tho following loads
(forttS nnd couple) nre ncling on vehicle, ns shown in Fig. 2. IO. J.

1. Weight or the vchlde (Mg)

2. Centritugatrorcc ( F,)
3. RcactJve gyroscopic couple (C)

1. Weight of the Vehicle (Mg)

Tho weight of vehicle 'Mg' which acts vertically downw:irds
lhroogh the C.G. of the vehicle is resolved into two components :
(i) Mg ~ 9 : Jn the plnne parallel to the planes of rotation of
wheels. · IPnt .v18'1
(ii) Mg sin 9 : In the plane perpendicul:ir to the planes of rotation
of wheels. Fig. 2.10.l(b) : Components of Forces ParaDel and
Perpendicular to Axis
2. Centrifugal Force ( Fc )
From Fig. 2.10.l(b)
Since the vehicle moves along a curved path having radius
Taking moments about C and D,
'R' while taking a turn, the centrifugal force acts radially
outward though the C.G. of the vehicle. The effect of the 2R,, a-(Mgcos 0 +Fe sin 0) -~-Fe cos 0· h+Mgsin 0- h-C=O
. centrifugal force is to overturn the vehicle.
2A.a=Mp cose+¥s1ne+ Fehcos9-M ghsin0 + (41,.±G,cose
The centrifugal force acting through the C.G. of the vehicle
2 2
is, Mg a MV ...!.. • MY.J!
... R,, = 4a cos a + R 4a SID a + R 2a cos a
Fe = M<.0PR=7R
Mgh . (4I,,,:l;:GIJ vv
MV2 - 0
2a SID+ 2a rRCOS 0
or Fe = ... (2.10.1)
R Mg MV2 h (4 1,.± G le)\121 [Mg h M~ .
This centrifugal force is also resolved into two components : or Ro.=[ 4 + 2 Ra + 2 Ara -J cos 0 - 2a - 4RJ sm a
(i) Fe sin 9 : In the plane parallel to the planes rotation of •..(2.10.3)
wheels. Taking moments about A and B, · .
(ii) Fe cos 9 : In the plane perpendicular to the planes of
-2R;."a +(Mg cos_0 +Fe sin 0) ·~-Fe cos 0· h +Mg sin 0· h-C=O
rotation of wheels.
Mga F.a
3. 2 R,a = 2 . cos e +2 sine- F. cos e+ Mg h sine -(41.,±G Id CJ>,,Ci>pcose
Reactive Gyroscopic Couple (C)
The precession of the spin axis is about th~ verttcaJ axis 'OY'.
Mg a MV2 a . MV h
:. ~ = 4a cos a+ R 4a sm e - R"" 2a cos e
However, the anguJ:ir momentum vector 'OXI 'is
perpendicul:ir to the plane of rotation of wheels. f!ence, only Mgh . (4V:Gii;)VV
+ 2a SID 0- 2a rR cos0
the component of angul:ir momentum vector perpendicul:ir to
the precession axis (vector Iro cos 0) is responsible for ·A- _ [Mg MV2 h (4 1,.± G le)VZl [Mg h M ~ .
or ,- 4 - 2Ra - 2Rra -Jcos.e+ 2a + 4FfjS1n0
producing the reactive gyroscopic couple.
Reactive gyroscopic co~ple is, •..(2.10.4)

c = I (I) cos (l)p =(4 I.,.. ro.,.. ± IE roi;) cos erop 2.10.2 Condition for Stability of Four Wheel
Vehicle With Banking
= (4 I.,.. w.... ±Ia G wi;) cos eroP
Conditions for the stability of vehicle are :
or c = ...(2.10.2)
~ ~ 0 ...(a)
4. and ~ ~ 0 ...(b)
Reactions of Ground on Wheels ( R1 and R0 )
~ =
of ground on each outer wheel N
reaction of ground on each inner ~heel, N
. {I) First Condition [R1~ OJ

Mg MV2 h (41,.± G 1EiV21 ' [~i h .M~

.. [ 4 - 2Ra - 2Rra -JCOS0 - ~+4if'JSin~O

. "\ .
- - - - - - - - - - -- - ----·--
SCanriea w ith CamScanner
r1 ·

o~amlcs of Machinery (MU • Se~ 5 -. Mech) 2-61

- -. ·..
··. -
· . [MV2 h (4'1¢Gl)V2 . . - · ·
.,., · , ,;

[ 2a
MW+~i-Jsin0~ 2Ra + 2Rrae _,]cose
Mean radius of track, R = 100 m
MV\ (41,;tGleW
[ 2Ra + 2Rra
Banking angle of track, 0 =15°

or tan 0 ~ Mg! MV2] ··;(2.10.5) Height of C.G. above road level, h =0.5 m
[ 2a + 4R
Width of track, a=1.5 m
(II} second Condition [Ro~ 0) Mass moment of inertia of each wheel, I,.= 2 kg-m

MV2 h (4 lw ± G le)fl [Mg h M~ ·· , Radius of wheel, r ~ 0.612 0.3 m = . . 2

[ '+2Aa+ 2Rra -Jcose - 2a -4FfJsine,;;::o Mass moment of inertia of engine rotating parts, II!= 1.25 kg-m
M MV2h (41w±Gle)fl [Mgh M~
[ ~+2Aa+ 2Rra -Jcose;::: · 28 -4RJsin0 Gear ratio, G (J)E I row = =3
Mg M V h (4 ~ ± G IJV2]
[ 4 + 2Ra · + 1. Centrliugal Force and Reactive Gyroscopic C~uple
2 R ra
or tan 0 ~ [Mgh _ M v 2] ... (2.1~.6) . '
Weight of the automobile is,
2a 4R
Hence for avoiding the topp~g . of· .the. v~hlcle, . . : ' •. ~ . Mg = 1500 x 9.81 =14715 N
tan 0 should be within the limits _given. by Equation (2:10.5) Angular velocity of wh~ls !s, __
. .. v v
and (2.10.6).
row· = .-= . =3.33 V, rad/s ..
. . r 03 , -~

Ex. 2.10.1
Precessional angular velocity of the v~hicle is,
A four wheel automobile of mass 1,~o ~g is traveling along a . . .. v v
.. , . o>p- .= R = lOO = 0.01 V, rad/s
track of 100 m mean radius, .which is banked at 15°. The
.. . . -
center of gravity of automobile is. 0.5 m ·above the road level. Centrifugal force acting on·the vehicle is,
The width of the track of the vehicle is 1.5 m. Each of the
2 Fe = R= 100
four wheels has a mass moment of inertia of 2 kg-m and
effective diameter of 0.6 m. The rotating parts of the engine
2 0

have a mass moment of inertia of 1.25 kg-m '.' The engine Reactive g)'.l'OSCopic couple aeting'.on the vehicle is,
axis is parallel to the rear axle and the crank shaft rotates in c =- . I cos erop =(41wrow
+. IFf!>E) cos e (J)p
- . .- -- - . .
I , ~

the same direetion as the wheels. The gear' ratio of engine to

=(4 ~Olw + G lECllw ).cos 0 Olp
back axle is 3. Determine the maximum and minim'um
= (4.Iw+ GIE)rowcop ·cos0 · -
limiting speeds of the automobile around- th~ curve for all four . ~ . • ~ ' ... •. . 0

wheels to maintain contact with the road surface. = (4 x 2 + 3 x 1.25)'x 3.33 v x 0.01-v x cos 15

Soln.: or C = 0.378 V2 , N-m ·· ··

Given : Total mass of automobile, M = 1500 kg

Precession Axis ' . . . , :·
- ~(, .. -- · - --.
Wp ~"\~,pr:J.
. ~e0~ ·· r: · \ 1 ..... !l
Active ~Pc.1($ .
Gyroscopic / Z . .! . ., ;
Coup!~- / .. - .
,-t;».'f-.:rum to left
" \\
" 0· t .
'\ x l (!) cose .. _.
o 1Component of
1Spin Vector '

---------~~ v.~.ou, '1.Jr.tQ

1 &cto,. ,
f:fro.nt v1.2Jtl -

Fig. P. 2.10.l(a): Loading Diagram

• Tldlluwl.qi
• Pue.11c1ttons

1 •. '

Scanned wit h CamScanner

" \ .~

. '.,
Dynamics of.Machinery (MU- Sem 5- Mech) - 2-62 . ....
,. '
... :

__ ....
; I

' .. -
; ..

frrontv1~l "

Fig. P. 2.10.l(b): Components of Forces and Couple . • • • & •• -

• • ' !

; '.
1.571 V ~ 4188.15

2. Reactions of Ground on Wheels

4188.15 .
- ... _
.. v ~ 1.571 • ,(
Fig. P. 2.10.l(a) shows the loo.ding diagram of wheels and
V ~ 51.63 mis
Fig. P. 2.10.l(b) sh.ows the components of forces
51.63 x 3600 km I hr
- Tiling moments about C and B, v ~ 1000
2 R,.x a-(Mgcoo 0 + F.sin 0)~-F.cos 0 x h +Mg sin ax h-C =O v ~ 185.876 km/hr
(Mg cos 0 + F, sin 0) (F, cos 0 - Mg sin 0) h C or · V~ =185.876 km/hr .. •.~AJii
:.}\, = 4 + 2a +2a
- Second condition
l14715cos 15°+tSIJZsin15°) (ISVZcos \5° -14715sin15°)x0.5 0.378\12
4 + 2x1.5 + 2x1.5 . R. ~ 0
2 2
14213.6 + 3.ssv2 (14.489 v - 380852) o.378 v
~ 0
= 4 + 6 +~-3~ . . 2918.65+3511V
or vmin = 0 km/hr
= 3553.4 + o.97 v2 + 2.415 v2 -634.75 +0.126 v2
or R,.= (2918.65+35\lV\N
- Tiling moments about A and B,
. a
-2 R;x a+ (Mg cos 0 + F. sm 0) x2-Fc cos 6 x h

+Mg sin 6x h -C= O

Mg cos a+ F, sin 6 (F, cos 6- Mg sin 0) h · ..£.
:.R;- 4 2a 2a
(1471sccs1s +15VZsin1S)_l15VZcos\5°-147\Ssin15°)x0.5 _ 0.378VZ
4 2x \.5 2x1.5
2 2 Given: Mass of car, M = . 1800 kg
(14213.6 + 3.88VJ (14.489 V - 3808.52) _ 0.378 V
= 4 - 6 3
Track width, a = l.6 m
2 2 2
= 3553.4 + o.97 v - 2.415 v + 634.75 - 0.126 v Mean radius of path, R = 24 m
or R; = (4188.15 -1.571. v\ N Linear speed of car, V = 36 km/hr
3. Conditions for Stability of Vehicle = 363~000 =10 mis
First condition Bankingangleoftrack;a = 10°
R; ~ 0 Radius of wheel r ·= 0.6/2 =0.3 m
.. 4188.15 - 1.571 y l ~ 0 '
Mass moment of inertia of pair of wheels,


scanned with Cam.Scanner

~ -
I ..
.. -·· .· Gyro5cope-
jf Dynamics of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 ·- Mech) 2-63
· I.,= m., k! = 180 x (0.24) = 10.368 kg-m2 Centrifugal for~ acting on the vehicle is, .
}{eight of C.O. above road surface, h = 0.95 m . MV1 1800 x 101
, Fe= T= 24
1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscopic
couple or F, = -'lSOON

Weight of the car is, Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is,

Mg = 1800 x 9.81 = 17658 N c = I co cos 0 wP

Angular velocity of the wheels is, :. c = 2 I., co., • cop cos 0

v 10 . r: mass of each pair of wheels is ~ven]
co., = r=
0.3 = 33.33 rad/s
:. c = 2 x 10.368 x 33.33 x 0.4166 cos 10
Precessional ru:igular velocity of the vehicle is,
v 10 or C = 283.62N-m ... (c)
COP = R= 24 = 0.4166 rad/s

2, Reactions of Ground on Wheels

_ Fig. P. 2.10.2(a) shows the loadi~g dlagrain.of wheels and Fig. P. 2.10.2(b) shows the'components ~f forces_and couple~
_- - TakingmomentsaboutAandB, . · - · - - ...
~ * :,; !
. a . 1 ' ) •
. I ·, ' ' '

z'~· a-(Mg cos 0 +Fe s~ ~)2-Fccos 0· h +Mg sin 0 . h-C =O

.. ,·. .
(Mg cos 0+Fc sin 0) (Fccos0-Mg sin 0) h. C . 07658cos 10• +75oO sin 1o•y (7500cos 10• -17658sio ui•>x0.95 + 283.62
. .. Ro = 4 . + 2a +2 a = 4 + 2x 1.6 2 x 1.6 :

',,; 4673.02 + 1282.43 + 88.63

or R,, = 6044.08 N : .. Ans. ~

Ta1cing moments about C and D, _,_
a .
- 2R1 ·a+ (Mg cos 0 +Fe sin 0) ·2-Fccos 0 · h+Mg sin 0 · h - C= 0

Mg cos 0 + F, sin 8 (F0 cos 0 - Mg sin 0 . h) C 07658 cos 10° + 7500 sin 10°) (7500 cos 10°-17658 sin 10°>x 0.95._W:,g
. . R; = 4 - 2a - 2a = 4 - 2 x 1.6 2 x 1.6

=4673.02 - 1282.43 - 88.63

or ~ = 3301.96 N ... Ans.
Precession Axis
y r•

- -- -- -- - -~)?,

ltijfu.rit v1e~I ~

Fig. P. 2.10.2(a) : Loading Diagram

Scanned w ith CamScanner

9"r .

MU. Sem 5 ·Mech


' ' I
- I ,,.. -
.,, ·.


·" ~·. <-9,'I

Fig.P. 2.10.2(b).• Components of For
Syllab . "' and Coup!•
i us Topic : Perml
/ . 2.11
Stability of Two Wheel sslble Speeds on Curve Paths
Vehicle Moving In C urved
. Path


~us of curvature of curved path or track, m

V = · linear velocity of the vehicle." mis
Ww = angular velOclty. of the wheels== ; ·, radls

mB = angular velocity of engine, radls,.

ro, ~ precessional angular velocity of vObicie ~ : , r.ull•

.• <%
G = gear ratio= row
8 ~
angle ofiDciinalion of vehicle with vertical in equilibrium condition.
When th• veWcl• is Jaldng a iuro over the curved path ii fa ob"'rved.iha• !he vehicle will till inwrutl and i• inclined''"'""'' '8'

This the vertical

with angle by th• plan• of veWCI• with th• vertical·plan•. while moving along lh• <Utved palh. i• known "
made plane. angl• of ""1 "

aDgle of tilt.
' . "if!~""'"''

Sc-.'.!noed Wrth CarnScanner

~ -
~ : .c_
· i ' - • - -.
... -. . .
-. - -
1 ' . ' .. . . Gyroscope:_
4 DY!!arntcs of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 " M~h} 2•6 5 ...- . '.~· '

I . Fo·r ces and Cou·p~e Acting'"on Two WheefVehlcle Movlng·in curved -Path ; ... .. -·
2·11 1 . ' ., . '
V/hen the vehicle is mo~g along the cllrVed path, the folloWing1Ioads (forces and couple) are acting on the vehicle :·;,.!i .·-...-
Wdgbtotvebicle, (Mg) · ... · .,. ·• · ! - -_ _. . , ....
1. - ' . .. t..
2. Centrifugal force (FJ " - ".:. ' " .· , .. -. -_---..
~' 'J gyroscopic couple (C} • I l I

.• ' •
-_r •~ .• ! ~. . .
• jt Io •

; ·, '• . . ,.
_Weight of Vehicle, (Mg) . _,
1. P' I ,-·

'Jbe weight_ofvehicle _with ride_r 'Mg' acts verti~y downwards through the C.G. of the vehi:~le, as.shown i~ Fi~. 2.1-i ~!:
. .. ·.~ ..
',_ ,,.. _ T, •

·::-·.· .....

•. J :. ~ ' . . ) '~'

.! :

( • ••.. j·J .. 'l l '

.- . ,, .
',,.1 ' • ••
,._ ·. 1 ' I. . ' t

• ·'•'".'I ,,• ) · ., . •

' ·.·

'; ~ • I.:

· j··,

) ..

' . (a}

_, ''.

.I . '!


"" .

' '


Fig. 2.11.l : Stability of Two Wheel Vehicle Moving in Curved Path

_V Tldlhewleqi __
Y rutHlca11ons
; · · ·~~f .Machinety(MO ·Sem5·Mech) ·· ,.,..~ ·.. .".2-66 ·
·· . i
0ynam . ,., ' ' .... , ,,_ -. : :::
- . :. G~
Centrlfugal FolCO,(FJ 2.11.2 Condition for Stability ofTwo~
.. ,
Vehicle Moving In Cu_
rved Path __ee.1 -·
. ... l. . · .:,., , .: • .
Since the vehicle mo\'cs along 3. cun"Cd P-'lh h!\'ing mius
For stability of \-ehicle .. ' ...
'R' while t3ling a tum, the ccntrifugru force will oct radially
outward through the CG of the \'Chide. 1k centrifugfil force L Moments nbout o' = O_
tends to o\'ertum the \'chicle Mg· hsin 0-Fr· ~cos 0-C=O
The ccntrifug3.l forre acting on.,\'chicle is., Mghsin0 = Fchcos6+C .·
M\,1 ,, ·. . .
Fc -- ~w :.Mghsin0 = Thcos0+(21.,..±Gld~. ·
R •..(2.11.1)
. p CQse
~nr2 h vv
3. Gyroseoplc Couple (C) :.Mg h sine = -R-cos e+ (2 r..,.± G IE )-;-·acos 0
~1\~ h vi
.- Tue precession of the spin a.'tisjs about the vertical a.'tis 'OY'. :.Mghsin0 = -R-cos0+(21..±GIE)R;cosa
(2 I,.± G Ii;)] ~
However, the angular momentum vector ·'OX' ·lS
l . [
perpendicular to the plane of rotation of wheels. Hence," only ·
Mghsin·e = :Mh + r RC0Sll

the component of angular momentum vector 'OX' -~ e = [Mh + (2 I..,.± Gli;)J-:-:--Mv2

. r i &hR
perpendicular to the precession (Yector Ia cos 0) is
. ...(2.llJ)
responsi'ble for producing the reictive gyroscopic couple. From Equation (2.11.3), the value of 311gle of heel ·a· Illa
Reactive gyroscopic couple due to two wheels is. detennined so that the vehicle do not skid while 1~1":- Ybe
"""'Ilg the
c... ;: 2 i.. Ol,., cos ~-Cl\> - Fig. 2.11.2 shows a two wheeler vehicle taking lefl turn
a cur\'ed path. The rider tilt the vehicle inclined to the Verti\'Cf
Reactive gyroscopic couple due to engine is, for equilibrium by an angle Of heel 9, SO that the Vebj:
should not skid.

Total reactive gyroscopic couple acting on vehicle is.

= I... ro.. cos e-ro; IE C!li; cos e-m,,

= (2 1.,.. C!l..,± IE~ ) C!lp cos 0

= (21,.± lEC!li;) C!lp COS 0

or c = (2 1.,.. ± G IE ) C!l., WP cos 0 ...(2.11.2)

PositiYes sign is used when wheels and rotates in same

direction and engine and neg:iriYe sign is used when wheels
Fig. 2.11.2 : Rider ~ith two wheeler vehicle taking
and engine rotates in opposite direction.
left turn

Find the angle of inclination with respect to the vertical of a two wheeler negotiating a tum. Given : combined mass of the
vehicle with r.s rider 250 kg ; moment of inertia of the engine flywheel 0.3 kg/m ; moment of inertia of each road wheel
1 kg/m ; speed of engine flywheel 5 times that of road wheels and in the same direction ; height of center of gravity of rider
with vehicle 0.6 m ; two wheeler speed 90 km/h ; wheel radius 300 mm ; radius of tum 50 m.
Mass oi motor cycle with rider, M = 250 kg.
Height of CG. of motor cycle and rider above ground, h = 0.6 m

Sccn ned with CamScanner

- GyrpsCOP!.
- ..
•. . - •_J·- ••
• V • ~J !. -. \ ''. ,,,:. _' ;- • ""!' • .._"'; ' 1• .J...-1', , , ... ,

Gear ratio, G _ Wi! =5

Mass moment of inertiaof engine, I~ . =__0.3 kg-m2 _
Speed of motor cycle, v= 90 km / hr' - ' 90 x 1000 --

= 25 m/ s 3600
• -·x

Radius of curvature, R = 50 m

1. centrifugal Force and Rea~tlve Gyroscope -Couple

. -. .
Angular velocity of wheel is, j •

v 25
ww = 7 = Q3 = 83.33 rad (s
- ..
Angular velocity of engine is, · :· ! 'I

'~. ~ ~
. . ·'' ...
- • ·' ... '1 • '
\ '-(
IDs= Gww=5 x 83:33 ., ··,_ .. , \ • •• j . I ,
·or o.>g = . 416.66 rad IS ·
Precessional angular velocity is,
v 25 -· . .
= R =50 = 0.5 rad_! s. .
' -
o.>P .i .... . ... ...

I:' : t ,.,
..,,·. . . .\
Weight of vehicle is, ..
. '
Mg = 250x9.81 -, · or . Mg = 2452.'5 N
Centrifugal force acting on vehlcle is,
~ = MV
2.50 x (25)2
c R . .50
- ._
• \.
Fe = 3125 N
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is,' .

C = (2 ~ + GIE) ro., roP cos 0 · " - .:: [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in sanie direction as wheels]

= (2 x 1 + 5 x 0.3) x 83.33 ·x.0.5 cos 0 ,,

or C = 145.82 cos 0, N-m ·

2. Angle of Heel
Taking moments about o' .
Mgh sin 0-Fch cos 0-C=O

2452.5 x 0.6 sin 8- 3125 x 0.6 cos 0 - 145.82 co~ 0 =O

1°471.5 sin 0 = 2020.82 cos 8 .'

tan 0 = 1.37

0 = tan - l [1.37] or 9 = .53.93°

3. Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple
Magnitude of reactive gyroscopic c~uple is,
I •
• 0
c = 145.82 cos 0 =145.82 cos (53.93)
; ,"\ ,(

or C = 85.83N-m ...Ans.:
.' ... '

• -· - • - . . ·, r.

Sctmned w it h Ca mScarmer
. ·· /~
,.':. · ..
.: ·.-;:·:(~
.. '
. .·" :; ' .. ; .-
·.·.Dynamics of Machinery (MU· Sem 5 ~Mech) . . 2·68
: l '.: i .
,I - '· -:


' . . i '.:: :

..._, -


/./ . "

V Left I .


Precession Vector
0-i~ ~<f

. ~0 ~0
j h cos 0 Active
Gyroscopic / Z
I Couple_ I'.."
·-.......,j -(fJ:(--.. . ,Tum to left
! ', / \\ '
[__ • "' 0 t ' X I ro cos 0
------- O 0 Component of
1 Spin Vector
2R I .
. ~Ci>
I .,,,.s.1>;;... I
fFront Vlevi I Gyroscop1c
., ""I.


Fig. P. 2.11.1

Ex. 2.11.2
Each road wheel of a motor cycle has a mass moment of inertia 1.5 kg-m • The rotating parts of the engine of the motor cycle
have a mass moment of inertia of 0.25 kg-m • The speed of the engine is 5 times the speed of the wheels and is in the same
sense. The mass of the motor cycle with its rider is 250 kg and its center of gravity is 0.6 m above the ground level. Find the
angle of heel, if the motor cycle is travelling at 50 km per hour and is taking a turn of 30 m radius. Wheel diameter is 0.6 m.

- - - - - - - - - - --- - -·------
l~ : . . · .·.
i .. . : . . .

• MU • Som 6 • Mech
Moss or motor cycle with rider M • · ,,.,0 kri
Gl"Clll I ~ . ..

Height of c.o. of motor cycle ond rider ubovc around, h • 60 cm • 0.6 m

Diometcr of wheel, D • 60 cm • 0.6 m
Rudlu1 of wheel, r. • ¥. 2 0 6 20·0.3 m

Mass moment of Inertia ·0 r "'.'he~I, I~ .. l .S kg-m:z


Oenr ratio; O a -·S
Muss moment of Inertia of engine, lri · a: 0.2S kg-m:z

Speed of motor cycle, V c:i SO km I hr = SO;cJx,CXXJ =13.8888 m Is

Radius of curvature, R = 30 m :·

1. centrifugal Force and ReacUve Gyroacope c~uple

Angular velocity of wheel is, •

' v 13.88 '
w. = 7 = C>:3 =46.296 rad I s
Angular·velocity of engine is,
We = G w. = 5 x 4G.296 or We = 231.48 rad Is
Preces~ional angular velocity is,
v 13.88
WP = R =~ = 0.4626 rad I s.
Weight of vehicle is,
Mg = 250 x 9.81 or Mg = 2452.SN
Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
F _ MV _ 250 x (13.88)2
c- R 30 or Fe =1605.45 N

Reactive.gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is,

C = (2 I..., :+- Gle ) .w . O>Pcos 0 · ... [+ ve is. taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels]
= (2 x 1.s + 5 x o.25) x 46.296 x o·.4626 cos e
or C = 91.02 cos 0, N-m

2. Angle of Heel

Taking moments about o'

· Mgh sin 0-Fc h cos 0 - C =0 =?:.
2452.5 x 0.6 sin 0 - 1605.45 x o.6 cos e - 91.02 cos e =o
1471.5 sin e = 1054.29 cos 0
tan e = 0.116

e =· ~ -i ro.1161 or "· . '0 I= 35.62° •••Ans.

3. Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Cou~le ., ..

I ' I,

. '<. M~gnitude of reactive gyrosc;opic couple is, · .

l . ~


C = 91.02 cos e = 91.02 cos-(35.62) or 0

C = 73.98 N-m '. ' ~ ... ...Ans.

sconned wltt' Co.nScnnner

0 namlca of Machine MU • Som 5 • Moch 2·70
' .. • , .... ~ l . . ··~ ·: ~:.. ;-,-.. · :.. . "
'~ . '- ·. '

. •.'

'I !

i V Left


j h
l!l p (f.(.O~c,
,;si0 ~
Gyroscopic / Z
Couple / '
,- '-~
~" ( > ',Turn lo let!
/ ot
\ ' 'Xloicose
O 0 1 Component of
• 1 Spin Vedor

I ~
v. % Jr.(/)
&c~ '

I I• ··.~

Fig. P. 2.11.2
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- '

Ex.2.11.3 the same sense. When the vehicle is rounding the curve of
130 m radius at a speed if 60 km/hr. Determine : '
A two wheeler motor vehicle and its rider weigh 130 kg and
(i) Magnitude of total . gyroscopic couple acting on
i their combined centre of gravity is 750 mm above the ground
level when the vehicle is upright. Each road wheel is 600 mm
vehicle. ·
I 2
diameter and has M.l. of 1.2 kg-m about its axis of rotation.
(Ii) Angle of banking so· that there will be no tendency of
The rotating parts of the engine have M.I. of 0.4 kg-m • The side slip. . .
engine rotates at 5 times the speed of the road wheels and in
--..=-:-------------------~----------------------!--------~--~--~~~----~~~----~----- • , ........ 'j
• '*""""" .
~·1 I '
~ i .. . ' rnlCS of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 ~ Mech . 2-71 -·
·.: _ , ' ...,,_ . I

1 J))'ns .
3. · Magnitude of Reactive Gyrclscopl.c Couple
50111· : -·~ of.[Jlotor cycle With ridCr, M = 130 kg. Magnitude of reactive. gyrosoopic· couple is,
Glt'dlM- ·. 1 d "d
·gbt of c.G. of motor eye e an n er above ground.
C · = . 31.29c~s0
:t JteJ . . 0
J1llll == o.1s ~ .. - 31.29 cos (I4.0S)
50 . of wheel~. D
Diaiiieter =
600 mm= o. 6 m ••• Ans-
. D 06 or C = 30.35 N-m
Radius of wheel, r = 2 =· 0.3 m 2=
Ex. 2.11.4
inoxnent of inertia of.wheel, I.,
. .
=· 1.2 k:g-m2 A two wheel~r vehicle and. it~ rider . tog~th~r weigh 2:2 kN
Gear ratio, G = ~ =5 · and their combined c~ntre of gravity is 600 mm above the
lev~I ~hen the .vehicle upright.
.. (l)w
' ground. Each road wheel of
.nent of inertia of engine, 12 = 0.4 k:g-m2 . 2
.M~ino- . 60xlOOO , 600 mm diameter and has a moment of Jnertia of 10 Nm •
speed ofIJlOtOf cycle, V =60 km I hr= 3600 16.66 m Is mq~E!nt of inertia of
. .The rotating parts of the engine have a
JWjius of curvature, R = 130 m " I I t
~peed of the
1.7 Nm2 • The engine rotates at 5.5 times the
road wheels and in the same sense. D~termine the angle of
centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple
1. , heel necessary when the vehicl~ is ro~nding a cu~e of 30m
.Angular velocity of wheel is,
v 16.66 . . radius at aspeed of 55 Kfnthr. .
(J)w = 'i" =03 =55.53 rad is Soln.:
Angular velocity of engine is, Given
~ = Grow= 5 X 55.53 ' ~ass of motor cycle with rider
or ~ = 277.66rad/s Mg =·. 2.2 kN =3 2.2 x 103 N
rrecessional angular velocity is, .~:ir" · ,,; 2
-~~i 0 = 224.26 kg
v 16.66 -
mo·t~r cycle 'ai;d rider abo~e ~ound,
roP = R = 130 = 0.1281 rad/ s.
Height of C.G. of
Weight of vehicle is,
. h =600 mm = 0.6 m
Mg = 130 x 9.81
Diameter of wheel, D = 600 mm =0.6 m
or Mg = 1275.3 N · D . 0.6 '
Radius of wheel, r . = 2 =T =0.3 m
Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
2 2
= MV _ (130 x 16.66) Mass moment of inertia of wheel, ·
,l '.

Fe R - .130 . 2
., lw = IONm
or Fe: = 277.55 N
Mass moment of inertia of engine; .
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is, 2
c = (2 I., + GIE ) (!)w (l)p cos a IE = 1.7 Nm

•.. [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels] Gear ratio G = ;a= w
= c2x1.2 +5 x o.4) x 55.53 x 0.1281 cos a
Speed . f I x 1000 =lS.27 mis
OT c .= 31.29 cos a, N-m o motor eye e V = 55 km/hr 55 3600 ..

I . '

2. Angle of Banking Radius of eur¥ature, R = 30 m

Taking moments about o' 1. Centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple

Mg h sin 0 - Fe h cos 0 - C = O Angular velocity of wheel is, ·

.. v
1275.3 x 0.75 sin 0- 277.55 x 0.75 cos e -31.29 cos e =0 row = r ='Q.3
=50.92 rad/sec
956.47 sin a = 239.41 cos a
Angular velocity of engine is,
tan a = 0.25
O>n = G row= 5.5 x 50.92 =50.92
e = -I [0.25]
O>i; = 280.06 rad/sec
or e = 14.0s°

Scanned with CDrnSeonner

Proccs~iona\ angu)ar velocity is, . Soln.:
V i°S.27 , . Given :Mm of mot.or cycle with ride~, M = 205 k.g,
! .
,WP i{=30=~.509
Height of C.O. of ~olor cycl~ u.nd ricU:r above gr;ound, ,

Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,· h=70 mm =0.70m : '"·

· ._ MV1 224.26x(l5.27)2
-. F Diameter of wheel, fJ = 700.m!TI = 0.7 m
, - T= 30
~ ~ ~- 2 =0.35 ~
't' , Radiuu o;wheel, =
.F, = 1743.04 N
Mass moment of i~crtia ~f whee!~ . :
Reactive gyroscopic couple acting on the vehicle is, · J 3 kg-m=

, ' ,; C.= .(21~+ GliJ =(J)W(J)pCOS 0 . "

'. :. ·[+ v~ is taken sinceengine rotates in same direction as wheels] Gear ratio, G = ~=S
'!' w .
= (2 x 10 + 5.5 xL7) x·50.92 x 0.509 cos 0
J •' I,

Mass moment of inertia of engine,

2. '
' ·or C ,; 760.70 cos 0, N-m 11; = 0.25 kg-m ·
2. Angle'of D11nklng 40x 1000
, Speed of motor cycle, V = 40 km I hi ·=·
: . . ' 3600 =ll.llrnt 1
, !'aking moments about 0
' ' I Radius of curvature, ., R = 60m :.. ,
Mgh sin e- F. h cos o- c = o .e = 45° .'
Angle of heel,
2.2 X 103 X 0~6 sin 0 ~· 17,43.04 X 0.6 ~OS 0 - 760.70 COS 0 =Q Centrifugal Force ~nd Reactive Gyroscope Couple
2200.6 sin 0 = 1806.52 cos 0 Angular velocity of wheel is,
tan e = 0.82 " v 11.l l . . ·'
. .
=-;= 0.35.
=31.74 rad/ 8
e= tan [0.82J

Angular velocity of engine is,

·e = 39.35° ... Ans.
(J)e = G CJlw= 5 x Jl.74
3. Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple or Ole = I58.73 rnd Is · ' '
Magnitude of reactive gyroscopic couple is, Prccessional angular velocity is,
· v II.II 0 51 .
c = 760.70 cos 0 o>p = R'="""6Q= .18 r3rl/s.

= 760 .70 cos (39.35°) Weight of vehicle is,

or C 588.23N-m ... Ans. Mg = 205 x 9.8I
or Mg = 20Il.05 N I ·,•
Ex. 2.11.5
Centrifugal force acting on vehicle is,
The wheels of a motor cycle have . a moment of inertia
2 MY2 205 x0 l.l I) 2
of 3 kg-m and the engine parts, a moment of inertia of
2 pc = R= 60
0.25 kg-m • The wheel axles and crank shaft of the engine
are all parallel to each other. If the ratio reduction gears is or P, = 421.72 N
5 : 1, the wheel diameter is 700 mm, determine in magnitude Reactive gyroscopic couple acting ~n the vehicle is,
and direction the gyroscopic couple when the motor cycle Is c = (2 Iw +Ole) (J)w(J)PCOS e
negotiating a curve of 30 meters radius at a speed of
40 kilometers per hour. If the mass of motor cycle with rider ... [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels]
Is 205 kg with centre of gravity at 70 cm above the grand in
= (2 x 3 + 5 x 0.25) x 31.74 x 0.185I cos 45°
vertical position, determine the speed of motor cycle
rounding a curve of 60 m if the road condition and tyre permit or C = 30.11 N-m ... Ans.
a heel of 45°.
2·73 GyroScoP6 . .

Mnss of motor cycle with rider H = "co

· ~:
G .m
, 1 ht of c.o. of motor cycle and rider above ground h
}ie 8 • =60 cm 0.6 m =
Diameter of w_!ice~ D ""
60 cm = 0.6 m
Radiua of Wheel, r "" D 0.6
Mass moment of inc~i~ of wheel, I., = 1 lcg-m2

· Gear ratio, G

Mnss moment of inerti~ of engine, le =

0.175 kg-m2
Speed of motor cycle, v =80 Jan / W: = 80x 1000 :;: 22.22 mI ·s
Radius of curvature, R = 50m

centrifugal Force and Reactive Gyroscope Couple

Angular velocity of wheel is,
v 22.22 ,.
ro. = 7 = ""'(i.3=74.074rad/s_
' .
Angular velocity of engine is,
roE = G ro. =6 x 74.074 =444.44 rad Is
rrecessional angular velocity is,
v 22.22
r- -.
rop = R =50= 0.4444 rad Is.
Weight of vehicle is,
Mg = 250 x 9.81 = 2452.5 N
Centrifugal force acting on ve~cle is,
MV2 250 x (22.22)2
Fe = T= 50 · ·...= ~69}3 N ·'
Reactiv~ gyroscopic couple acting on _~e vehicle is, :· ' ,
C = (21w + GIE ) ro. ro~ eos e -' ... [+ ve is taken since engine rotates in same direction as wheels]
= (2 x 1+6 x 0.175) x 74.ITT4 x0.444 cos e
or C = 100.41cos0, N-m

2. Angle of Heel
TaJdng moments about o'
· Mgb sin e- Fe h cos 0 - C = 0

2452.5 x o.6 sin e - 2469.13 x 0.6 cos e - 100.41 c:os ff =o ·

1471.5 sine = 1581.89 cos e : .-
tan e = 1.075

e = tan - I (1.075)
or e = 47.07° ...Ans.

3. Magnitude of Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

Magnitude of reactive gyroscopic couple is,
c = 100.41 cos e = 100.41 cos (47.07)
or C = 68.39N-m ••.Ans.

Scanned With CamScanner

. ~ .;·:~·.t)
• ~ :. ' . ' .:. ··. ! ,· ' ·-· ~:. . •.. _.
• •.• ' _1

Dynamics of Machinery (MU ~ Sem 5 - Mech)

. : .•


V Left
'. · ' ···· .:.· .. ..

Couple . ~ ,.



.... :

'' '
... . . .

/Front vreW;j

Ffg. P. 2.11.6


• r.allMllMli !
• put 11< a 11ttt
f · .o~amlcs of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) Gyrosoop!_
j 2·75

I . Topic : Gyroscopic effect due to lateral mlsallgnment: of rigid .disc mounted on shaft


_ Gyroscopic Effect on Inclined Rotating Disc

2 12 :'
' ::;:---- y application~ rotating elements like, · · ' · ·· ·· · '
Jn man . . . . · gears, pulleys, flywheels, couplings, etc, are mounted on ~e shaft. , · .
While mounti~g, due to manufactu.nng and assembly errors, these elements may be inclined to the axis of the shaft as shown 1ll
c: 212 I. nus produces gyroscopic effect d • . " '' , . .· e-....
.r1g. · · . . . an rotating disc applies reactive gyroscopic couple on ~e supporting w ...,e.
· consider a disc of ~ fo?11 thickness rigidly fixed to rotating shaft such that the Pol~ axis of the di~ makes an angle ' 9' with the

shaft axis, as shown m Fig. 2.12.1. ·

a . , .
The disc rotates in an anticlockwise direction when viewed form the left side. :' ' l


Fig. 2.12.1 : Effect of Gyroscopic Couple on riisc Fixed at Certain Angle to Rotating Shaft.
Let. ox = shaft axis or axis of rotation ·
OP = polar axis of the disc 1. . (I) cos 9
OD = diametral or equatorial axis of the disc This is the component of the angular velocity vector along the
8 = angle of inclination of the polar ~is of disc polar of the disc. Hence, this is the .spin velocity of the
with shaft axis disc about the polar (axis OP)

= angular velocity of the shaft about OX, 2. (I) sin 0
raD/s . This is the 'compone~t of the an~lar velocity vector along the
m = mass of the disc,·kg diametral or equatorial ~i~·ofthe di~c. Hence, this is the spin
r = radius of disc, m - ''· ' - velocity of the disc about the diametral axis (axis OD).
b = width of the disc, m 1,'·
The gyroscopic effect is determined s~par.itely due to
~ = mass moment of inertia of the disc about the
1. · Component of sl>in.velocity 'co cos 0' about polar axis,
polar axis OP, kg-m2 and ..... . .
= mr212 2. Component of spin velocity '(I) sin .0' about diametral
10 = mass moment of inertia of the disc about the axis.
diametral or equatorial axis OD, kg-m
-- m[~~+~J. .... ' 1. · Gyroscopic Effect due to Component of Spin
Velocity '(I) cos 0' :
The angular ·velocity 'm' of the disc is resolved into two .
The rotation of the shaft ·about 'OX' causes the
polar axis. 'OP' to rotate with po~nt ' P' moving in such

I. (I) cos 8 · .. 2. co sin a a way that 'OP' generates a cone wfrh '0' .as vertex.

Y Puttllc~r•ofli

SCtlnned with Comscooner

Dvnamics of Machinery (MU .S
di · · Pl'eeession motion is """" ed. ......
,_llllletra} 'OD• . l'•vuUc auvut the An '·-
Q t
·. '
8U= v~locity of spin of dis_c about .
ca~ S ~-:. ·
. . . , _and vector 'OD' 10 •· di . '
Precession velocity vector. the OD = w sm 0, and Angular veIOc:ity of
Angular velocity of s · f . disc about polar axis OP= (J) cos ~OQ~ .
and Angular
di" ...e•-1 . OD
Vcloci:tno~ .
disc~~ut _OP = co cos e,
precession of disc about
..- Hence reacti~c 0
gyTOscopic_coup]c"is, . ,: '
. .
. -~
...,, •uu axis :::: co sin e , Co = ._I0 (I) sin B. (I) cos e .:' -'. ··.
Hence reactive gyrosco . . - l (1)2 sin 0 . .
. . C . PIC CO~ple IS, - ? • C0s 0
P "' IP co cos 0 • co sin 9 Io (I)2 sin 2 e
= IP co2 sin' B. co cos
or Co = 2 .
The direction of reactive 8Yroseop·ic . C<lti ~ '
or 2 ···(2.1i_
cP = T CJ> sin
• e .
...(2.12.l) determined as shown in Fig. 2.12.3. Pie .
The direction of reactive . _ The reactive gyroscopic couple 'Cn' acts . - 11
determined h . :. gyroscopic couple 'CP' is direction when viewed from. the Ill cior"' ·
ass own in Fig.' . '""' ---wiac
perpendicular axis passing through o. ~~. ~

•. '

.. ~. .

Fig. 2.12.2 : Gyroscopic Effec:t Doe to Component ~r Spin

. ~

_ Velocity 'Cl) cos e'

. Fig. ·2.12.3 : G~roscopic Effect Due to C~mpo~ent or Spin
Velocity 'ID sin 0' .
· i. ~ I • • r
The reactive gyroscopic couple 'CP' . .acts in an
anticlockwise . direction when viewed from the top, 3. · Resultant Reactive Gyroscopic Couple (C)
about perpendicular axis passing through 0. __
The reactive gyroscopic ·couple 'C0 ' due tO component
2. of spi.Il velocity 'ID sin 0' is' in opposite direbtioo to that
Gyroscopic Effect due to ComP<>nent of Spin
of reactive gyroscopic couple 'Cp' due to component or
Velocity w sin e ,·. spin velocity ' ID COS 0'.
The rotation of. the shaft about axis 'OX' causes the Hence, the resultant reactive gyroscopic coup_le is,
diametraf axis 'OD' to rotate with point 'D' moving in C = ~p-Co
: such a .way that 'OD' generates a cone with '0' as ·IP ol sin 2 e 10 ol sin 2 9
vortex. 2 -. 2
Hence the precession motion is produced about the or . ci sin 2 8 ,
polar axis 'OP' and- v~tor . 'OP' indicates the C = [Ip - 10 ] 2 ' ··:_(2.113)
precessl? n. ~e~~ty vector.
2 - Ill
(b12 + 6]
.o,2 sin 2B··
4) . : ·:2 . '
or C =· -m2oi [r b
- 4-12
2 2
J . -· ' · :
SID 2 8 ...(2.12.4)

_,..._.,._,._,,_....,.._,,_,..,~------------~--------------------_,.,,,,.,.________~==""oo:w:ith:C,:m&:~=""~'~~~~~~~~~.. ,. . ,
. .. (' ,• .
~ r: :··, :: .... ·~ '.. _· dyroscop·a
· ":'
• l • • ; 1 • . •• • "
, - ..
; _' ; '
. '.

.. . .: ence Mass of disc, m = 25 kg

mr2 w2 ' ,.. _., .,·,
i. C· = -8-.- .sin 2 e ...(2.12.5)
Diameter of'clisc. D · =· 800 mm= 0.8 tn
I1" ·- Diameter of disc, r ; ~ ·=.. ' ¥·;,; 0.4 in :
eit· "~· 12.1 :. . ' . ' . ' .' Speed of shaft ~r disc, N.. ~ 740 r.p_.m. _
. diSC is fitted· to a. shaft in such a way th at .1t makes a
Atntfl ·A I .. : 21t X740 •· · · - di .
,,gle of one .. ·degree .a plane~ · at
· •right. angl es to the axis 0nf · · ngu ar velocity of disc, ro 60 77.49 ra sec. =. =
rne s1'
8 haft· The mass of disc is 30 kg and .It has a diameter
·. of
' I, .. ,

o.6 Jl'l· . the shaft rotates
.• at 1200 r.p.m. Find th e gyroscopic 1· Mass Moment of Inertia .
acting on the beanngs. . . Mass moment of inertia of disc about polar axis is,
c;0UPIe .
IP -
:... ~ . 25 x (0.4
2 - 2 -
2· k.. - 2,
50111· :
Gh'en: :0 . -.:·:.-:-: Mass momen~ of i~e~~ ~f disc ab~ut diWte.~al axis is,
j\llgle of ~sc with axis o_f sh~ ~ = ! ·i::" .. ' I
= '.'m[~; ~~J . ·.... ,. ! ·. ·'

M:ass of disc, m i.= 3.0,kg

.. - ~ [Considering thickness of disc]
"1 .

piaroeter of disc, D = 0.6 m 1 = 2s[JQ,?il\JQJl} 1 kg-m'

. fdi "' . D 0.6 0
.. Radius o sc, r = z,=2= 0.3 m (. ' . " . '
"' •.
'izoo r:p.m.

speed of shaft or disc, N ··= 2. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple

- f di - 21t x 1200 ' . - . '. . , -~~ctive gyroscopic couple is ' · '· · ro2 'sin 2 0
;,}.IlgulaT velOClt)' O SC, (I) - 60 - 125.66 radJsec. . . ..
.. · ... l ...
C . = CP - . C0 .": Clp ;} o>- z
Mass Moment of Inert!~ , · ·• 2 sin (2 X l.~ ·
1. = ; (2-1) (77.49) ' 2 '
M:ass moment of inertialof disc about pofar ll?US
. IS,
I = !!!!'.- _ 30 x (0.3)
P 2 - 2 = 1.35 kg-m

M:ass moment of inertia of disc about diametral axis

· 1s,
·:.-- I mr
. 0 =. 4
... [Neglecting thic~ess of disc, sine:·i~~s not given]
30 x (0.3) 2
:. Io = 4 =0.675 kg-m !. .• ~ .: • l,t
4 ••• ·. '"{,
2. Reactive Gyroscopic Couple :
The reactive gyroscopic couple is; , .· ..
c ;::: cp -Co 2 ' : ' . I' -, ; · , ,,

=(I __ Io) ro sin 2 e

p 2
= ci.35 - ·o.675) ci 2s.66) sin <; x 12
or C = 185.98 N-m

· Ex. 2.12.2 :
A disc having thickness 30 mm is fitted to a shaft in such a
way that it makes an angle of 1.5 degree with a plane at right
angles to the axis of the shaft. The mass of disc is 25 kg and
tt has a diameter of 800 mm. If the shaft rotates at 740 r.p.m.
Determine the magnitude gyroscopic .couple acting on the
bearings. · --. y--- ---- -- .

. ..
Fig. P. 2.12.3
Given: - -·· . . - -·- -· --
Thickness of disc, b
, - , =·.
. - 30 =.0.03_m
. . mro~ o·· -
. -
P u t1ll c at1 ons

Ang!~ of d!.sc Y!'!th _ax!s of s~~ ~_=:_ 1.5 _ · _ __ _ _

.. .} t -;. : ...
amJcs of Machine (MU • Sem 5 • Mech 2-78
' '- .


Soln.: (b) When vehicle rcvcnca 11 . the wnc ~ iD the dir,..., , :

arrow Y along ume path. -~ ~ ·
Glve"n: m 1 • O.S kg, k • 20 mm • 0.02 m :. C 1 and c; wilJ be in clock wire about Q . ·
00 • h a JO mm. 0.01 m .·.Total overturning couple • C 1 + c;
mi • 0.3 kg N • :30CJO rpm .. 0.019 COi 0 + 0.0135 COs (}
... w• "n 60 • J 14.2 rud/s
• >< '.\CXX> .
a 0.032.S cos O N.m
&(Ua!ing total o_vcnuming coo pie to baWic:ing C:Wplc,
V • 1!! mis : R • !!Om 0.0325 cos 0 .. 0.029 sin 9
Wo ~now lhar M.I. of gyrowhccl ... 0 • 48.26•
. I • m 1 • k~ • O.S (0.02) • 0.0002 kg-m
2 2

and angular velocity of precession.

wr .. V/R a l 5/SO a 0.3 rnd/s
1. Gyro1coplc Couple
... O = Anglo or lncllnution of gyrowhecl from verticul c = I w w, N-m
When vehicle moves In the direction of arrow, we know that, dO
Gyroscopic couple about 0 . Where, w, = dl ,rad/s
C 1 = 1111 wr cos 0 =0.0002 x 314.2 x 0.3 cos 0 N-m v
w, = R ,rad/s
C1 ,.. 0.019 cos 0 N-m (anticlockwise) l l
I = m le , kg-m
and centrifugal couple about 0
~ . . 0.3 x (15)2 2. Pitching of Ship
c; = R x h cos e = 50
x 0.01 cos e
(i) Reactive gyroscopic couple
C1 = 0.0135 cos 0 N-m (anticlockwise) C = I w w"° N-m
Total overturning couple = C1 - c; Where w, = ¢ w0 cos w 0 t, rad/s
= 0.019 cos e-0.0135 cos e 000 = Tp · rad/s
= 0.005 cos 0 N-m (anticlockwise) (ii) MllXimum reactive gyroscopic couple
We know that balancing couple due to weight W2 = mi . g of emu = I w w p(mlll' N-m
frame about 0, Where, w, Cmul = ¢ Cl>o• rad/s
= Mi . g . b . sin e 2 1t
wo = Tp · rad/s
= 0.3 x 9.81 x O.Dl sin 0 N-m .
(iii) Maximum angular acceleration of preces,gon
= 0.029 sin 0 N-m (clockwise)
CX, cmul =
- ¢ Cl>o • rad Is

Since overturning couple must be equal to the balancing

couple for equilibrium condition. 3. f our Wheel Vehicle Moving In Curved Path
.. 0 .0055 cos e = 0.029 sin e (i) Centrifugal force

tan °= 0.0055
0 .029
Fe = mw! R, N l
!!!Y.., N
9 = . 10.74° Fe = R •
Where, filp = R, rad/s

(ii) Reactive gyroscopic couple

C = (4 Iyt G Ii;) wwwp• N-m

Where, G =·~

rop = Rv , rad/s
y - ---- - -- - -
(iii) Wheel reactions
Mg MV2 h (4 Iyt G Ip)V N
R; = 4 + 2 R a + 2Rr a '
Fig. P. 2.12.3(a) · Mg MV2h (4Iyt GIJ V N
Ro = 4 + 2 Ra + 2 Rra '
j .pynamlcs of Machinery (MU - Sem s . Mech) I 2•79

· ) Condltlon for stablllty , .. . (IU) Condition for stability - ·
( Qf ' . Rt ;a 0 .
i r-----=--- . ' . . . [ . . ... (2 lwf G le)] J_.
I mg Ra . tan 0 = ~ + r Mg h R ·

6. lncllned Rotating Disc

, four Wheel Vehicle Moving In Curved Path ~Ith

= (Cp- C0 ). N-m .
4. 2
~ro sin 2 e " Where, cp - 2
(I) CentrUUgal force 10 ro2 sin 2 0 ,
Fe = mro~ R,
N Co = 2
mV mr · 2
Fe = T·N ~ =
Where (l)p =
R ,rad/s [b
r~ kg-m
Io = .m 12 +7

(li) Reactive gyroscopic couple. . kg-m

c = <4 1.,.± 4 ~s) mW ?>p cos e, N-m

'a . ~· v ~
Where, , = - .
' (l)p >
-~ = R ' rad/s 1.
' ' I

· What is gyroscopic effect ? [Section 2.1]

2. _. Explain gyroscopic couple~ (Section 2.4]
(di) Wheel reactions ,
3. Derive an expression for gyroscopic couple.
Mg Mf.h (41,..± G lrjfl . [Ms!l M~ - [Section 2.4],
R 1=[ 4 - 2 Ra - 2Rra ')cos e + 2a +4RJ sine, N
4.. Discuss the gyroscopic effect an aeroplanes.
Mg MV2 h . (4 lw± G le)vr] .[Mgh M~
R.,= [ 4 +2Ra+ 2Rra -Jcos0- 2a + 4RJsin0,N [Section 2.5].
5. Discuss the gyroscopic effect on a ship.
- (iv) Conditi~ns for stability
0 or 6. What is stabi.lization of s.hip ? Why is it necessary ?
M v2h
2 How it is achieved '? (Section 2.8] '
[ _Ms
4 + 2Ra +
(41,.± G IE)V ]
tan0 ~ 7. Derive an expression for angle of heel of a two
[ M@ MV~
2a + 4R
wheeler taking turn. State the various couples
acting on the two wheeler. (Section 2.11]
0 or
8. An aeroplane makes a complete half circle of
Mg M Th (4 GI,.)] 50 meters towards right when flying at a speed of
[ 4 + 2Ra + 2Rra
tan0 ~ 200 km/hr. The mass of engine and propeller is
400 kg with radius of gyration of 30 cm. The. engine
runs at 2400 r.p.m. clockwise when \,liewed from
tail end. Find the magnitude of gyroscopic couple on
5. Two Wheel Vehicle Moving In Curved Path
aeroplane and its effect on it. What will be the effect
(i) Centrifugal force if aeroplanes takes a left tum instead of right tum.
Fe = Mro~ R. N [Ans.: C = 10 kN.m]
MV1 The rotor of a turbine on a ship has its axis of
Fe = R ' N
rotation parallel to the propeller shaft and is
(ii) Reactive gyroscopic couple supported in bearings 4m apart. The rotor has a
c = (2 I...± G IJ ro,..roP cos e, N-m mass of 300 kg, radius of gyration of 60 cm and
rotates at 1000 r.p.m. in the clockwise sense when
Where, c = ro,..
viewed from front. The ship is making a left tum at 6
rad/s. Determine the magnitude and direction of the
v forces exerted by the bearing on the shaft due to
(J)p = R, rad/s
the gyroscopic effect alone.
[Ans. : RA =R8 =F =16964.6N ]

H Tmht•lt41i
V PblHI C: JllO R '$

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: •\ I
·'i .
Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sam .5 - Mech) . 2-80
10. A four wheeled motor car of mass 2000 kg a travelling at a sp~ed of 50 km?h and taking a turri··
m radius. Wheel ~lameter 1s 60 cm. ·· t(
wheel base 2.5 m,· track width 1.5 m and height of 35 - . . 0
centre of gravity 500 irim above ·the ground level. [Ans. : 0 ~ 4_8.079 .J · ,
The C. G. fies at 1m from the front axis. Each wheel oad· wheel of motor cycle has a morne"' ,
12. Each r
has effective diameter of ·0.8 m and moment of . f 1 5 kg-m2. The rota t'mg parts o1 engine·''OfOf .
inertia of 0.8 kg-m • The engine axis Is at right
Inertia o · ·
have a momen~, of 1nert1a of 025 kg. 2
motor eyele . , . . ·.. h · Ill .
angles to the wheel axes. The drive shaft, engine The -speed of engine 1s 6 times t ~ sp_eed ?f Wheef8
flywheel and transmission are rotating at 4 times the and is in the same sense. The we1~ht of m~tor cy~
speed of. road wheel, in clockwise direction whe_n together with rider is 250 kg and its .c.~. is 60 C!'I)
viewed from front and is _'equivalent. to a mass of round level when the cycle 1s Sfandinn
above th e g . . . ·t F' d h ·11
75 kg having a radius of gyration of 1OOmm. If the . ht and the rider is s1tt1ng on•1. m t e• angle Of
car is taking a right tum of 60_m radius at 60km/hr, 'f the motor cycle is _trave11mg at 60 kilometers
hee,I i nd taking a tum of ·30 m rad'1us, IAll.•. :
· find load on each wheel. · per hour a · ''11:Ef
[Ans.: diameter is 60 cm. ' --" ,,
load on front wheel (1) =4S22.8 N [Ans. : 0 =46.069°1 . . , .
load on front wheel (2) =7435.2 N 13. Each road
wheel of
motor cycle
• t
a· moment Of
load on rear ~heel (3) = 2374.74 N inertia of 1.8 ·kg-m and a d1a~e er ~ 60 cm. The
load rear wheel · (4) =5487.14 NJ rotating parts of the e'n'gine oft 2e mo or cycle have
. moment of inertia of 0.5 kg-m .The speed ~f the
11. Each road wheel of a motor cycle has a moment of . · times the speed ofthe wheels and in the
engine 1s 5
inertia of 2 kg-m • Ttie rotating parts· of engine ~f
e mass of the motor cycle along
same sens e. Th .
motor cycle have moment of inertia of 0.5 kg-m · · 'th the rider is 2 60 kg and its C.G. is 60 cm above
The speed of the engine is 5 times the speed of the whi nd level when it is standing upright with the
t e grou ·. .
wheels and is in the same sense. The mass of the rider. Find the angle of heel of t~e motor cycle 1f it is
motor cycle together with its rider is 240 kg and its
travelling ai !35 kmph an~ _ t_akmg a .~~ of 40 m
e.g. is 55cm above the ground level when standi~g
· radius.·
upright. Find the angle of heel, if the motor cycle is \. ,- 0

(Ans.: 0 = 43.2 .1
,..;· ',

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· - · 4

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. _,

, ·. ~tatic and·Dynamic Force Anii1YSis

.. , _.,

·static and Dynamic. force an~lysls i rd 1 ·
. lne force analysis Turning m ' n ~ er crank mechanism (neglecting mass of connecting rod and crank),
Eng . • . oment on crank shaft .
oynamlcally equivalent systems to co rt . . - . .
. · • nve ng1d body in to two mass with and without correction couple.

3.1 Introduction
4. Inertia torque

Th: .inerti.a .forces arise due_ to the mas.s ~f the rotati~g or

rec1procat1I1g parts of a machine:
It is an imaginary torque, which when applied upon a rigid
body, brings it in an equilibrium position. It's magnitude is
equal to accelerating couple, but opposite in direction
:'. - Inertia torque, T1 = - Acceleration torque;
T1 =-I a.
where mass moment of inertia of the body;
a. = angular acceleration.
5. Mass moment of Inertia
- When a i:igid body is made to rotate about a point '?"ith angular
·acceleration a., it offers resistance.
- The mass moment of inertia of a rigid body measures the
resistance to the angular acceleration.
·In this chapter we shall study ' the inertia forces and their Consider a rigid body having total mass m as shown in
effects on IC engine mechanism.' ·· Fig. 3,2.1.
: .. _.1: .f. . . .·
Consider a rigid body consisting of small particles of masses
3.2 Definitions m1, m2, m3 ... mn and let k 1, k2, k 3, ••• k0 be the distance of
.. ... .. .,
these masses from a reference line. .
1. . Rigid.~ody
A . ngid bOdy ·is one which does · not undergo any or
appreciable deformation while'transmitting'the motion.
2. Inertia ' . · • . · t . -:-; :-i :. ... .: · .'.." .~
, . It is the property. of ~ody by virtue of wl'\ich it. remains in its
. state or uniform in motion until a force is applied on il ,
• • ' I ' •• • • •

3. Inertia force · ·· · · ' ·

' It is an imaginaiy force, which when acted upon a Jiiid body,
·brings it to an equilibrium position. It's magnitude is equal to . · Fig. 3.2.1 : Mass moment of inertia ' !
the accelerating force, but opposite · in direction.
Mathematically, ln case the mass of every particle of rigid body is
... Inertia force, F1 = - Acceleration force; multiplied by the square of its perpendicular distance
from reference line, tlien the algebraic sum of thes~
F1 = -mf ..
quantities is known as mass moment of inertia of the
where, m =mass of the rigid body; rigid b_ody. It is ~.~n'!t:d by !·
f = linear acceleration

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Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech

If tho total
.. I ..

of body i. assumed lo concentr1110 at

m 1k + m2k + m3 k + ..... m,,k
3-2 Slatle & Dynamic Fo,.,.
Cue J: When resultant force Fa panes throuih tbe
the body I C.~. Of .
:1 a .

one polnr, known 11.'J centre or gravity, at a distance k When result.ant for<:<: Pa passes through the point
from tho l;iven nxls, such that, caU.!lc' linear acceleration ·r
in the direction of • lhc ~
2 2 2 2 · 2 FR. According . to Newton's second Jaw of mou· Teaul~l
on. r0r••....
mk • m1k1 + m2k2 + m3kJ + ..... mIIkn
PR • mf
then, I = mk
• where, F11 • resultant force acting on body
Whe~. k is called as radius or gyration. It mny be ~ • mass of the body
f .. linear acceleration
defined as the distance from a given reference line,
The above equation may al$0 be written as
where the whole moss of body is assumed to be
FR- mf "' 0
PR+ F1 ::: 0 ... [' •. F ..
The unit of moment of inertia in S.I: units is . . . th 'f I - Illa)
2 From a bove equation rt 1s seen at, 1 we apply incrtj fi
F1 of magnitude 'mr opposite in direction of the r~\JJOrc:e

The following are the values of mass moment of inertia force FR then, the body is to be considered in equiJibriUJnta.-~
for various cases. shown in Fig. 3.3.J(b). This principle is kno'Nn ta
(a) A thin disc or radius, r D'Alembert's principle.
Case II : When resultant force F.R does not pus thro•lk
The mass moment of inertia about an axis passing the C.G. of the body :
through its C.G. and perpendicular to its plane of disc is, When resultant force FR does not pass through the point G
I = .!!!...!... then resultant torque TR of magnitu~e. FR·x is setup Whi~
causes the body to rotate about its C.G with an&Ular
While, the mass moment of inertia about its diameter is acceleration 'a'.
given as, .. TR=Ia
2 where, TR = resultant torque acting on body ;
4 I = mass moment of inertia

(b) A thin rod or length, I a = angular acceleration.

The above equation may also be written as
The mass moment of inertia about an axis through its TR-Ia = 0
C.G. is given by,
I = mf
.. :. TR +T1 = 0 ...['·· T1 =-Ia]
From above equation it is seen that, in case we apply inertia
torque T1 of magnitu9e 'la' opposite to the direction of
and about at axis through one end of a rod. resultant torque TR then, the body is to be considered in
I = mf equilibrium as shown in Fig. 3.3.l(c). This principle is also
3 known as D'Alembert's principle.
,- Thus, D'Al~mb~rt's principle ; tates that, "The res.dta1 t
3.3 D'Alembert's Principle
force or resultant torque acting on the body together with
Consider body which is subjected to external forces Fl, F2, inertia force or. inertia torque respectively will keep the
F3 , ... F,, as shown in Fig. 3.3.l(a). body in equilibrium position.".
Let, point 'G' be the mas·s centre or centre of gravity of the 3.4 Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M) .
. . - Consider a particle, mpving around the circumference of a
The system is reduced to a single resultant force FR acting on
the body as shown in Fig:
3.3.l(b) and (c). · circle of radius r, with a unifonn angular velocity w rad/sec as
shown in Fig. 3.4.1.
_Let P be the position of the particle after time ' t' second and 9
be t!te angle turned by the panicle.
IfN is the projection of point Pon X axis, then
Displacement of point Pis given by,
x = r sine ...(i)
" (b) (c)
Velocity of point Pis given by
Fig. 3.3.1 : D'Alembert's principle
V = · w·r

P1t1 1c1 t l11\
, .. ·... .. . ;. ··: '
... .,.'. ~

I•. '
> •.

· ~~~~~~:-:---:::--i
' MethOd• of Radius of
Gyration of Rigid Bodies

0 1. Compound pendulum
-..~ . 2it . 3it •. I l r,

Angla turned In rad _

2." Bifilar suspension
Fig. 3.4.1: Simple harmonic motion
The ~ntripetal acceleration of point pis given b 3. Trlfilar suspension
y2 2 2 y,
c = -
r =!2.L-
r - oo2·r Fig. CJ.1 : Methods of radius of gyration of rigid bodies

'Jbe component of the velocitY and: acceleration parallel to 3.5.1 Compound Pendulum : ·
oY~axis is given_by, . ' I (Theory and· Analysis)
vN = v cos e = oo·rcos e If a rigid oody is suspended vertically; and it oscillates with
and f~ = · e = ro ·r sm
fcsm • e
s,mall amplitude under the action of the force of gravi~, then
Substituting the value ofr · sine= x fr~m
Equat·ion (')
1 we get
the body is known as compound pendulum. . .
Consider a connecting ~od suspended at point ·a• aS shown in
. ~ = (I) •X

. . acceleration - ' 2 d'

(I) x_ !~placement Fig. 3.5.1.-
= ~cceleration _ _ f1 · ·, Let, m Mass of the conn~cting rod in kg;
:. ro displacement - \j x W Weight of the <'.onnecting rod in N ;
We know that, frequency of simple H~onic motion. w mg;
I acceleration k Radius of gyration ·a bout and an axis passing
displacement through its centre of gravity, G .
Therefore, when . particle moves with simple harmonic .Distance of the centre of gravity G from its
motion, then frequency of motion is given by, ' ' . '· point of suspension 'O'.
f .= I · Angular acceleration
a 2 7t Angular displacement

= 2 \c ~cycle/sec _or Hz .. .(3.4.1)

. The periodic time of motion .is give~ ·by,

; 1
·\, = f ·sec/cycle : ..(3.4.2)

3.5 Radius of ·Gyration of Rigid Bodies

To study the effect of inertia forces in IC engine mechanism it
is necessary to know the mass moment of inertia of various
parts ofIC engine.
We ~ow that the mass moment of inertia of rigid body is
given by, mg
I mk . ''
Fig. 3.S.1: Compound pendulum
where, m mass of rigid body and
k = radius of gyration of rigid body Let, the pendulum be given a small angular displacement e,
For symmetrical and simple geometrical shapes, we can 'find then the couple tending to restore the connecting rod to the
the mass moment of inertia by using simple geometrical equilihrium (vertical) position OA, will be,
relations . .But for components having complicated geometry T = mg sin e x I = mg l sin 9 ... (i)
I like ~nnecting rod, it is not possible to find the mass moment Since e is very . small, therefore substituting sin e= 0 in
of inertia by geometrical relationship. In such cases, the radius Equation (i) we get, ,.
of gyration of complicated components is determined by
T = mgl0 .. .(ii)

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0 n1mlct of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Moch
Ir lllPU m11111cmt or l11trtla "' conm:c;tlJli! md 11bou1 the uorrc .. fO.l)'
llf' ~r1tvlty (I IN '°'
tltrn 11111111 moment of inmla Qr ronnccting rod, .. f.l "" 2 ?; 9.1$1 ;," 0.J
ohout the 11xld of8u~ptMlon '0', . . Radius of gyr.ailoo, le • (J.1J17 m
I., .- 10 -t·mf ... (By parallel axi" theorem}
Sttp 3 : Calculate momeat or loerth of w11~ rr.d
..' Iu l:J rnk2 + mJ2
lo .. mCk +
r) ...(iii) .Moment
gravity is,
of inertia of connecting rod abcM the CQ
If 'u' b the 11J1Kular 11CCcleration of connecting rod then, the
nccclcrutlng torque Is given by,
'(j :; m~ c: rl ... 0Ji52 "&· m1
3°cO.J 3 J ···~
T • IQ<.L ••• (iv)
On Hubstituting the value of I,, from Equation (iii) in
Bquation (iv) we get,
Por equilibrium conditions of connecting rod, the acceleration
torque mwil be equal lo rcsr.oring torque. Therefore,
:. mg /0 • m (~ + f) u :. ~ • k2 + f

Angulnr nccelcration ~
'' Angular di.splaccment .. k2 + f ...(vi)

I lcnc1;:, the motion of connecting rod is approximately S.H.M. Big end

1llercforc the frequency of o~cillation of connecting rod is given
f .. _I_ Angular acceleration ;
" 2 7t Angular displacement
I_~ .
:. fn .. 2 7t \j N cycle/sec or Hz ...(3.5.1)
Fig. P. 3.S.1
The periodic time of oscillation of connecting rod is given by,
I _{?H . Ex. 3.5.2
IP "" f. = 2 7t '\J--g/ sec/cycle ... (3.5.2) A connecting rod has mass 2.5 kg. It oscillates 60 times in
50 seconds when suspended from the small end centre and
Ex. 3.6.1 it will take 45 seconds when it suspended from big end
A connecting rod with mass 3 kg oscillates 50 times in one centre. The distance between small end centre and big end
minute when suspended at a small end. Find its mass centre, of the rod is 220 mm. Find the position of C.G and
moment of Inertia about the axis passing through its centre of moment of inertia of connecting rod about its C.G.
gravity which Is located at 300 mm from small end. Soln.:
Given : Mass of connecting rod, m =2.5 kg
Given -
Distance between centres of small end and big end,
Muss of connecting rod, m = 3 kg
Distance ofC.O.'from small end, I= 300 m~ =0.3 m /1 +'2 = 220mm = 0.22m

Step 1 : Calculate periodic time of one oscillation of

connecting rod
Step 1 : Calculate periodic time of one oscillation of
Refer Fig. P. 3.5.1 oscillations of connecting rod is 50 times
per minute i.e. in 60 seconds, connecting rod
Therefore, periodic time for one oscillation is, Periodic time of one oscillation of connecting rod wh~ it is
60 suspended from small end centre is, ·
Ir = 50 =1.2 sec/cycle 50
tp1 = 60 = 0.833 sec/cycle
Step 2 : Calculate radius or gyration k Periodic time of one oscillation of connecting rod when it

Period of oscillation, Ip = 2 rt Hi . ,suspended from big end centre is,

tP2 = 60 = 0.75 seclcycle
MU • Sem 5 • Mech) • Static & Dynamic Force AnalySls
ies of Machine ~5
ovnam . . . l

:. o.p2s11-11 • 0.0307 - 0. I396 / 1- [0.0484 - 0.44 11 +I, J


.. 0.1725/1..:?. "" 0.0307 - 0. I 396 /1 - 0.0484 + 0.44 /J -11

.. 1, = 0.13838 m = 138.38 mm
.. -1,, = 0.22 - 0.13838 = 0.08161 m
,., 81.61 mm •••Ans-

On substituting value of / 1 in Equation (i) we~

.,I . k2 = o.1725 co.t3838)-(0.J3838f= o.~7

1, k '= 0.06871 m
' Step 3 : Calculate moment of inertia of connecting rod
• Moment of inertia of connecting rod about C.G. is,
• l l 2 i. M•
=· -~ k =2.5 (0.0687 I) =0.0118 kg m

10 •••~ ·
.· . Ex. 3.5.3
(a} When connecting r~d (~) When connecting rod A connecting rod has a mass of 3 kg. For 50 oscillations, it
suspended from suspended from big end needs 40 seconds when suspended from small end and
small end 35 seconds · when suspended from big end. The distance
. ., . Fig. P. 3.S.2 between the points of s.uspension is 200 mm. Find the
moment of inertia of the connecting rod and the p0sition of its
Step z: Calculate radius of gyration k • centre of gravity from the small end.
The perio~ ~f oscillation of connecting rod when suspended Soln. :
(rom small end 1s, .. : . Given : Mais of connecting rod, m = 2.5 kg

Distance between centres of small end and big end,

l 1 +fi = 200mm=0.2m
:. Li = (0.2 -1.) ...
Periodic time of one oscillation of connecting rod when it is
suspend~ from small end centre is,
. 40 - - '
~Pl = 50 =0.8 sec/cycle
On squaring both sides we get, Periodic time of one oscillation of connecting rod when it
kl+/ suspen~~ from big end centre is,
(0.1326) 35 '
(9.81 x/ 1) tP2 = -50 =O.7 sedcycle . •
0.172511-l ... (i) The period of oscillation of connecting rod when stispended
The period of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended from small end is,
from big end is,
tp1 = 27t# •'

.. 0.8 = 27t#
.. 0.75
. . 0.12732 =
- . #.2+1 ---1.
g 11
0.1193 "
On squaring both sides we get,
On squaring both the sides and on solving, k2+/
k = 0.139612 ~ l~
2 ...(ii) (0.12732)
.. (9.81 xl 1)
On equating the Equations (i) and (ii), 0.1590 11-1 ... (i)
.. 2 2 . . I
.. 0.172511-/1 = 0.139612-/2
On substituting; /2 = (0.22 -/1) in above equation we get,
. "·
• 2
:. 0.112511 -1 0.1396(0.22-11)-(0.22 - /i

--~---- ----- --~-

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·Dynamics of Machinery MU - Sem 5 - Mech) .3-6 . Static & namic Force Ana ' ·

Big end
.. 0.1114 =

On squaring both the sides and on solving,

... ·0.1217 . Lz-( • ...(j~
On equating the Equations·(i} and (ii), ·
:. 0.15901,-1. = 0.1217 '2-~
On substituting, /2 (0.2·-/1) in above equation we get,
.. 0.1590 I, - 1. = 0.1217 (0.2-1,)-(0.2-/1)2

.. 0.1590 '· -1. 0.0243 - 0.12111.- l?-04_-:-·o.411 +~

Small end
.. 0.1590 ,l·-1. 0.0243 - 0.1217 1.- 0.04 + 0.4 t,
. .
-1I .
0.13160m=131.60 mm
- 0.06839 m = 68.39 mm
(a} When co~n~~ting ro.d (b) When connecting rod ···Ala.
On substituting value of 11 in Equation (i) we get,
suspended from .suspended from
small end . big end k = 0.1590(0.13160)-(0.1Jl60)2=0.00360
Fig. P. 3.5.3 k = 0.060m .
The period of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended from Moment of inertia of connecting rod about C.G. is,
big end is,
I0 m k2 = 3 x (0.060)2

tn=2•~ .. O.~ = 2~~ = 0.01081 kg-m .

.•. Aus,

3.5.2 Bifilar Suspension

, I l
. !

. I
TA \
\ r I: i

\ Te~ TB
\A' I

,•· .r

~ ••:r • •

mg B' ••• • .. • •• 1 , '

x y

Fig. 3.S.2 : Bifilar suspension

- ·· The mass moment of inertia of a rigid body may also be determined experimentally by an apparatus called Bifilar suspension.
In this method the rigid body whose mass moment of inertia is to be determined (say bar AB) is suspended by two long parallel
strings as shown in Fig. 3.5.2. ··

V ,1lllC1tflll
nainlcs of Machine (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-7 Static & namlc Force Ana is
When -the body is twisted through a small angle about 8 o Therefore, the couple tending· to restore the body . tO its
vertical axis passing through Its centre "of gravity, o in
equilibrium position becomes,
horii.ontal pllllle nnd released, tho bar will oscillate with
T .. TAJl°x +ToH·Y
On substituting value of TAl~ and TBH from Equations (v) and
(vi), we get,
m a . Mass of the rigid body (Bar AD)
k .. Radius of gyration about centre of gravity o
m g . x ·Y ·O m g · x ·0 :y
T "" I (x + y) • x + I (x + y) . ·Y
/ a Length of each string
m g • x ·y .9 m g · x ·Y ·0
x "' Distance of ":i- from point O T = /(x+y)
.. · -(x+y)"" 1. ... (vii)
y -= Distance ofB from point G
If 'a' is the angular acceleration of connecting rod then the
0 ... Angular displacement of bar AB from
accelerating torque,
equilibrium position in horizontal plane
~A ~d '1i Corresponding angular displacements T = Ia·a . .' ••. (viii)
of the strings T ::= mk ·a
For equilibrium position of bar AB, the accelerating torque
a. = Angular acceleration of rigid body
should be equal to restoring torque. Therefore, from Equation (vii)
When the body is stationary, the ~ension in the strings can be and Equation (viii) we can write,
caicuJated as follows :
mg· X•y•0
Taking moments about B, = mk~ · a
mg ·y,
TA(x+y) = (mg)y .. TA = ...(i)
a g·x·y
(x+y) .. 9 = Ir: -
Taking moments about A.
·-·' Angular acceleration g· x·y
T8 (x+y) = mg·x ·.:
.. ,.,
.- Te- :=
mg·x :. Angular displacement IT
~ :..(ii)
The motion of bar AB is S.H.M. Tu~refore the frequency of
When the body is displ~~ from · its equilibrium position oscillation of bar AB is given by,
through a s~all angle .'.0' .·in horii.o'n~ plane, the angular
displacement of strings are : .
,..An_gu-lar- F>
acc-el-erati-.o-n . I _
. . ' ' f.i Angulardisplacement = '2r0J'IT.
, x~
...... AA -= x .9 = tl>A· l :. q,A = - -,- ...(iii)

and, -BB' = " y ·0 = tl>a· I

f,, = k-V cycle/sec or Hz ... (3.5.3)
:. · 4l>a = ·/ ... (iv) The periodic time of oscillation of bar AB is given by,
The component of tension TA in the horiionta! plane acting
1 1
nonnal to A' B at A is,
tP = -fn = 2 tt k
gxy sec/cycle
... (3.5.4)

TAH = TA x su'.i q,A · When wires ~ attached at equal distance from the centre of
:. · TAH = TA.q,A ...(since,q,A 'issmall, therefore, sintl>~ ::tl>A) gravity of rigid body (i.e. x = y) in such case periodic time of
oscillation of rigid body is given by,
On substituting the value of TA from Equation (i) and value
of q,A from Equation (iii) in the above equation, we get,
m g ·y x . 0
:'. TAH = (x+y) x -/- :. Tm= ._l(x+y)
in g · x ·y :0 ·
Ex. 3.5.4
. '
tp =
w - sec/cycle
.'. . .(3.5.5)

A connecting rod of mass 3.5 kg is suspended by two wires

The component of tension T8 in horizontal plane acting each of 2 m length. The wires are attached to the rod at
normal to A' B' at B' is given by, ' points 150 mm on either side of the centre of gravity. If the
TBH = T8·sin 41>a connecting rod makes 35 oscillations in 60 seconds. Find the
radius of gyration and the mass moment of inertia of the
•• TBH = T8 • "'
'l'B .. . (since, "'
is small, therefore,
sin 4l>a :: ~)
connecting rod about its centre of gravity.
On substituting value ofT8 from Equation (ii) and value of~ Soln. : Given :
from Equation (iv) in the above, equation, we get, Mass of the connecting rod, m = 3.5 kg
. ,, · m g ·x y ·0 m g · x ·y·0 . Length of wires, I = 2m
•• TBH = (x+y) x -/- = l(x+y)
... (vi)
Distance of wire from centre of gravity o~ either side,
These components of tension TAH and TBH are equal and x=y=150mm
opposite in direction which gives rise to a couple. It causes to x y =0.15 m
restore the body to its equilibrium position. :'
/tJr ~ Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech} 3-8 . · Static & Dynamic Force An~!)Sj-· .
S,te~ 1: Calculate periodic time of one oscillation of · . .. 27tk 5 . ~
co~necting rod . · · - . ·· 3 -:= 0.125 - <• :. k'=0.167rrn·
: I ~ : . .
Periodic time of one osci~lation of connecting rod is, Jbe mass moment ofinertia of whole sysiem ~~es _'.
2 • '
60 . J0 . = (m 1 +aj k
•• J ) '
tp = .• = 1.7142 sec/cycle ·
35 2
= (l.S+m)(0.1671) =0.1817kgrn2
Step 2 : Calculate radius of gyration k
The mass monfent inertia ofmachine component about CG .
The period ~f -0scil'iation of connecting rod when suspe~ded . 2
i' s _.- ; :1 ' " .. la,
" I '= m ·- ·
by two s~ngs is given by, bifilar suspe~ion theory is, · 02 2 . ' .. ' . . "
Also, the mass moment of jnertia of whole system is
tp 21tk- IT .
'\Jgxy . ' - ' 2 '
10 IGJ+ 102 .=Im+ m21S .
: ,9.81- -x (0.15)(0.15)
-2 - - - 2 •
·. . . "i.7142 = ~11t·k 9.1817 0.0745 +?ic; .
"2 = 0.1463 m ,..
k = 0.09064m •.• Ans.
The mass moment of inertia of machine component about .
Step 3 : Calculate moment of inertia of connecting rod • Its
CG is,
.Mass m~ment of inertia of connecting.rod·abo~t the centre of . 1 1
= ·. ~~ = 5 x (0.1463)
11 02
gravity is, ·
0.1071 kg-m2 • •: ·

••.Ans. Ex. 3.5.6

Ex. 3.5.5 A rectangular cross section bar is suspended horizontal~
A machine component of .mass 5 kg is placed on a horizontal with -- the : help of two equal length strings which are
rectangular platform which is suspended by two equal strings equidistance from centre of gravity of bar. The length of eacn
of length 1.25 m from rigid support and equidistance of string is 250 mm and the distance between each string ancf
125 mm from C.G. of the platform. When the mass centre of the centre of gravity of bar is 150 mm. The cross section of
the component coincides with the axis of the platform, it bar is 30 mm x 20 mm. The length of the bar_is !300 mm. The
tak_es 45 seconds for 15 oscillations. The platform alone has density of bar ·is 7.5 ' gm/cc. Two identical cylindrical
a mass of 1.5 kg and takes 60. seconds for 15 oscillations. components each with mass 300 gm are kept on th~ bar on
Find the radius of gyration and mass moment of inertia of the either side of the centre of gravity of bar. The dis.tance
machine component about an axis through its mass centre. between the- C.G. · of the bar and the C .G. of cylindrical
Soln. : components is 250 mm. The system makes 100 oscillations
Given: Mass ofplatfonn, m1 = 1.5 kg; in 165 sec. Find the radius of gyration ·'of the bar and the
Mass of machine component, m2 = 5 kg cylindrical components.
- ":( ' -:: .
Length 'of each wire, I = 1.25 m Soln.: > ••

·Distance between wi~ and CG ~f platfonn, x = 0.125 m Given :Length of each string, I= 250 mm = 0.25 ~ ;
Time period of platform alone, Distance of string ~om centr~ of ~vity__on either sides, _ , ...
t p l = 15 = 4 sec/cycle x 7y= l 50 mm = 0.15 m .. " ' _:?' . ,
Area of cross section .of.~ar, ; t I ''I
Time period of oscillation of platform when suspended by
two wires accoi--ding to bifilar suspension theory is, - . - A = 30 mm x 20 mm:= 0.03 m x 0.02 m
---- - ~ "~ 75 ·-· . .__ 3 . 3
Density of bar, p = 7.5 :gm/cc= ~ x l 0 = 7 .5 ·x 10 kglm ·
21t kL fJ_
' !pl x \Jg •
10 . ' I ~ '.i.) ,. I

:. 4
21t k, -
0.125 -\J 9.81
rm. . . k1 = 0.2229 m
Length of bar, L 800 mm= 0.8m
Volume x density
. ... ~ ·.

:. Mass of bar, m1
:·The mass moment oflnertia of platform about its·c.G. is, (Area x Length) x density · ·: ,
2 2 - 2
I GI = m 1k1 = 1.5 x (0.2229) = 0.0745 kg m 3
.. _m1 (0.03 x 0.02 x 0.8) x 7.5, 1~ :10 :: ·, _1
The time period of whole system is, .. m1•. = _3.6 kg , · . · ·• ( ; . -_ , ::; :
:' . I

= - = 3 sec/cycle Distance be~~:~ C.~_. of cylindrical c~mponen!_ and C.G. of
l> 15 bar,
The period of oscillation of whole system when suspended by x1 = y 1 :='_,250 mm = 0.25 m. -. _. · ··
to wires according to bifilar suspension theory is, ' Mass Of each cylindrical component, m2= 300 gm =.0.3 kg
= 21tk _ fl ., . ·:...:.. -/ ' : .
tp x .\Jg Let,' Radius of gyration of whole sysiem = k

seamed with CamScanner


. ovnamics of Machinery (M~ - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-~
. Static & Dynamic Force Analysis

I! . ...-.. .
·:""'iUrlius ~rwation ofbar about its C.G. ~
fgyr.ation of cylindrical components about i~ c G _"
k,.. ' - .k2 =
. I
2 -'

· JtSdtUS o
. . ... .
_ ,.
. . ... · ·. - "2
l ~= J!:!.. = 0.23094 m
' .
or 2 "3
2 "13. - '' '. l"dri~
Step 6 : Caknlate mass moment of inertia of two cy
components about the C.G. of whole system
Mass moment of inertia of two cylindrical components about
the C.G. ofwhcile system is;
. '.
2 2 ' .
2 mi k + 2 m2x ... [By parallel axis theorem
I · .
2 2 ·2 2
.. 102 = 2 m2 (k + x
2 1
) =2 (0.3) (k2 + 0.25 )
2 •
. .• (iii)
0.6 k2 + 0.0325

.·L ~·~yY,---J'J-
~- - .I
Step 7 : Calculate radius of gyration of two cylindrical
components about its C.G, "2 ·
The mass moment ofinertia of the whole system is,
, ~· ... Io = 101+102
Fig. P~ 3.5.6 On substituting values of 10 , I01 ~d 102 from Equations {i),
(ii) and (iii) we get,
step'1 : caicnlate periOdi~ ti~e 'of one' o~illation of whole 0.25557 0.192 + 0.6 k2 + 0.0375
2 '

system ·
Periodic time of one oscillation. ~fwhole system is - 0.02607
165 ' · ~ ::= 0.2084 m ••• Ans.
tp =
100 = L65
' . .

Step z : Calculate radius of gyration of whole system k _3'.5.3 , Jrifilar Suspension ·'·.. . ';··

.'., (Torsional' Pendulum); ', · • i ·_ .1 1'• ,.

. The period of_ oscillation. of_whole system is given by b"fil
I ar
' • J

suspension theory is, - - · · -· - · The mass moment of inertia of a· rigid body can aJso be
· tp ·= · 2nk- ~
'\Jgxy . detennined experimentally by ·ari apparatus called Trifilar
.J suspension or Torsional pendulum. ·
- ~- fl .. .(Since, x = y)
In this method, the rigid body whose mass moment of inertia
or tp -~ - 0\J g is to be determined (say disc or flywheel) is suspended by
0.25 three long parallel strings as shown in Fig. 3.5.3.
1.65 9.81
:. Radius of gyration of whole syStem, k = 0:24675 m •.• Ans.
Step 3 : Calculate mass moment of inertia of the whole
The mass moment ofinertia of the whole system is, I
'. I
Io . = (m, + 2 mi) k 2

I ,. I

= (3.6 + 2 x 0.3) (0.24675) I I

Ty I I
:. Io = 0.25557-kg m •• •(i) , I , I
Step 4 : Calcu!Jlte mass moment of inertia of a bar about its I I
I ./
The mass moment of inertia of a rod of length L abOut its
C.G .., is given by, i •

m 1 k, where k2I =12
101 I

m1 L2
.. lo1 = . 12
Therefore, mass moment of inertia of bar about its C.G. is,
r, =
3.6 x12(0.8) .0. 192 kgm2 ...("")
Step 5 : Calculate radius of gyration of bar about its C.G
Fig. 3.5.3 contd..
Radius of tion of bar about its C.G. is,

sconned w ith c omsc1m ner

'.... ·<~1
3-10 . Static & D namlc Force An ·. · · .
mg xe · ' >·> ''.-;: .·
T = -x- .
3, / .
H .. • ,· :"(iv)
· Restoring torque applied by each wire to restore the b<><J
its equilibrium position becomes, · · · ' · . Ylo

(m ~ ~; ' x
T = .TH·X = ) X

mg. x
• e
, · .. ! ·· T = 3xI •..(v)
Total restoring torque applied by three wires ~n bcidy is given
' ,:.
by, . .
. m·g·x ·9

.. T 3x 3/
··': . '\ , '
,•t mg•X •9
., .. T I . ... (vi)
If 'a' is the angular acceleration .of rigid body then, the
acceleration torque,
T = Ia. a ; T = m k . er. ... (vii)
For equilibrium position of disc, the accelerating torque
should be cqunl . to. rest~~in,g t?rqu~.. Therefor~, cqua\ing
Equation (vi) nnd Equation (vu) we can wnte, ,,
Fig. 3.5.3 : Trifilar suspension · mg x2e . . 2 •. .•
~ c: mk·a
Consider a disc which is suspended by three strings ABC.
When the disc is twisted through a small angle '9', nbout n
vertical axis through the point of centre of gravity G of the
disc in horizontal plane and then rele:ised, it will oscillate with Angular acceleration · · g•x . •. . •
simple h3Imonic motion. ·· Angular displacement = Ti ·' ..
Let, . m Mass of the rigid body (disc) The motion of disc is S.H.M, the~efore, th.~. fre_quency of
k Radius of gyration of the rigid body oscillation of disc becomes,
about its centre of gravity G ,..A_n_g_u_Jar-a-cc..,..e.,...le..,..i'a-t~io-n _l .... {&7,
Length of each string f. 2n Angular.dis~lacement =~ \JITJ
x = Distance of each wire from point G
9 Angular displacement of disc from equilibrium fn =
• 2: k ~- cycle/~ec or Hz .. .~3.5.6)
position in horizontal plane
The periodic time of oscillation of disc is given by,
¢ = Corresponding angular displacement of each string
I 2nkfg · ··
a = Angular acceleration of rigid body tr = -f =- - - sec/cycles.
n X g ''.'(3.5.7)
When the disc is twisted through an angle 9, the point ABC
move to A' B' c' and string is getting q, as the angular displacement Ex. 3.5.7
about the vertical plane. A connecting rod of mass 5 kg is placed on a platform whose
Therefore the distance moved by point A is arc AA', which is mass is 3 kg . It is suspended by 3 equal wires each 1.5 m
given by, long from a rigid support. The wires are equally spaced
arcAA' =x9=/¢ .!. -
.., - ~
I . ..(i) around the circumference of a circle 150 mm· radius. When
the C.G. of connecting rod coincides with axis of circle and
Since the three wires are attached symmetrically with respect platform makes 15 oscillations in 40 sec, find the M.I. of the
to the axis of disc, hence, the tension in each wire will be one-third system.
of the weight of the body.
Tension in wire is, T v = T ... (ii) Given : Mass of connecting rod, m1 =. 5 kg ;
The component of tension in horiz.ontal plane acting at A' is Mass of platform, m2 = 3 kg
I = 1.5" m
given by,
Length of each wires,
mg mg
TH = Tsin 4' ::: T · 4' ... (iii) Distance between string and C.G. of platform,
On substituting the value of ~ from · Equation (i) in x = 150 mm= 0. I5 m ...
Equation. (iii) we get,

! .

3-11 ., . .Static & Dynamic Force Analysis

~. to b.e ~011owed :
Calculate periodic time of ~scillation of whole
. ..
~ · · · · · · . Step 4 :
stepS · ·. · . c~tculate periodic,._time. ~£ one osclllati~~ of wh I system.
step1· ... · . .. oe
system. .. . , The periodic time of oscillation of whole s~stem is,
.· perlodic time ~f oscillaµon of whole system is, .
. 30
' 40 . tp = TO'." 3 sec/cycle
= i5 =2.66 sec/cycle
1p .
Step S : Calculate radius of gyration of whole system k
• ea1cuiate ~di~s ~f gyration of ~hole system k. : '
step Z . . . . . . The period of.oscillation of whole system when suspended by
.The period ~f.osc1llat1on_of.whole s.~stem when suspended by three wires accordi~g to ·trifilar suspension theory is, .
th~·wires by, tnfilar suspension theory 1s given by the·~quation,
= 27tk~/
21tk_ fl . _ l..?!!.. rm
tp x
~. .. .. .
g .. .266
. . - 27tk
·- . '. . . ~- ~5 . .
---= ~-5
-9.81 tp . = -x-·\jg
:. 3 - 0.125\{9.81
k = 0.1671 m
RJ!diUS of gyration, k = 0.1623 m . . .:.·
Step 6: Calculate mass moment of inertia of whole system
Step 3 : Calculate mass moment of inertia .of the whole
The mass moment of inertia of whole system becomes,
system .
Ia = (m1 + ffii) k2 .
" The ~ass_mo~~nt. of in~~a of_w~ole-~ystem about th~ C.G.
(1.5 + 5)(0. 1671)
~ 0.1817 kg m
ofplatfonn is, .. 2 . . 2
Jo==(rn1 +m2) k = (5 + 3)(0.1623) =0.2107 kg m2 ••• Ans. Step 7: Calculate radius of gyr~tion of machine component
ex. 3.s.s. Let the mass moment i~ertia of ina~hine component about its
A·ma~iiine component of 5 kg mass is pla~ed on a horizontal, . ..
circu!ar platform which i~ ~uspended by three equal wires, I "! ."

each 1.25 m long from ng1d support. The wires are equally
spaced round the ref~rence of circle with 125 mr'n radius. Also, the mass moment of inertia of whole system is,
When the mass centre of the component coincides with the 101+102 =.101 + m2k2
axis of circle, it takes 30 sec for 10 angular oscillations. The 2 .

platform alone has a mass _ o f 1.5 kg and takes 35 sec for 1o

0.1817 0.05707 + 5 k2
oscillations. Find M.I. of the component about an axis 0.1578 m
through its mass centre. Step 8: Calculate mass .. moment of inertia · of :·machine
• J I :... :~--· \,' ',
Soln. :· component · i 1
Gh·en: Mass of platform, m1 = 1.5 kg The Ji~s m~~ent inertia of machine compone~t about.its
Mass of machine component, m2 = 5 kg mass centre or C.G. is, . ..
. 2 . 2 •. ' 2
Length of each wire. l = 1.25 m 102 = m2 k
• 2
= 5• '(0.1578)
= .0.1246
kg m
•.. Ans.
DisWlce between wire and C.G. of platform, x = 0.125 m
Ex. 3.5.9
Let, Radius of gyration of whole system = k
A disc like machine component of 7 kg mass is placed on a
Radius of gyration of platform = k 1
horizontal circular platform, which is suspended by .three
Radius of gyration of machine component = ki equal wires, each 1 m long, from a rigid support. The wires

Step 1 : Calculate periodic time of one oscillation of are equally spaced round the circumference of a circle with
platform alone 200 mm diameter. When the mass centre of the component
Periodic time of oscillation of platform alone, coincides with the rotational axis of the platform. it takes
35 30 seconds for 10 oscillations. . The platform alone has a
fp 1 = lci = 3.5 sec/cycle mass of 2 kg and takes 40 seconds for 10 oscillations. Find
Moment of inertia ·Of the machine component as ·well as its
Step 2 : Calculate radius of gyration of platform k
radius of gyration about the axis through its mass centre.
The ?'"..riod of oscillation of platform when suspended by
three wires according in trifilar suspension theory is,
- ~ fl ·. 3.5=
.- - x -\jg
0.125 Mass of platform. m1 =2 kg.;
k1 = 0.1950m Mass of machine component, IDi = 7 kg.
Step 3 : Calculate mass moment of inertia of platform about Length of wire,~ = I m ;
its C.G
x =200 mm =0.2 m
The mass moment ofinertia of platform about its C.G. is,
2 2 2 Periodic time of oscillation ofplatfonn alone,
IGI = m 1k = 1.5 (0.195) = 0.05707 kg m
= 40
. x "\jg

Scanned with Cam5cannef

3-12 Static & nainic F'orce ·. - , :- ·

. 21tk,Wi Consider a rigid body_as shown in Fig. 3.6.t(a) havin .·

m and radius of gyration k about itS ceittre of gritvity. - ~
4= - - 8
0,.2 9.81
k1 .,. 0.199m· Jt can be replaced by an equivalent system. of two ..
concentrated masses m1 and IDz situated reSpectivcl n&td!y
11le moss moment of inertia of platform about its C.G is, distance / 1 and /2 from its C.G. as sho':"" in Fig. 3.6.l(b{ at a
101 "' m, k~ ·=2 x 0.1992 =0.0795 kg-m2 A two mass dynami~ly equivalen,t: s~~cm must satisfy
Periodic time of oscillation of whole ~ystem, following three conditions : ~
30 . I. . The sum of the two masses must be 'equal to lhc mass
~ = 10"' 3 sec/cycle ·the rigid body. ' . : · Of

The period of oscillation of whole system,

:. ~m, +mi= m ,- . . ...(if
2. The centre of gravity of the two masses must C()j •
~fl with that of the rigid body. · · lltidc
x \Jq .
: • · m 1/ 1 = mil2 · · · ·· ...(ii)
.. 3 = 9.81 3. The moment of inerti~ of the tw~ ~s systems DI.list be
the equal moment ofinertia of the rigid body,
k = 0.149 m. •.. Ans. 2 l 2 .
101 + 102 = Io :. m1 11 + "12 2 = mk ...(iii)
The mass moment of inertia of whole system,' ·
10 = (m1 + "'2) k From above three conditions if only first two conditions
2 satisfied, the system is said to be two point mass s~tica:
2 equivalen.t systems.
0.201 kg.m
If all three conditions are .satisfied then the system is called il!
but. Io 101+102
two point mass dynami~lly equivale.~t system.
101 + "'2k2 Substituting the value of mi _. from Equation (u) in
0.201 0.0795 +7 x k Equation (i), we get. ..
"2 0.132 m. ...Ans. m
. 2
Syllabus Topic : Dynamically Equivalent
Systems, to Convert Rigid Body in to Two Mass
with and without Correction Couple
Similarly we get, (/1 +Ii) . . ; . . ·-...(3.61)
3.6 Two·Mass Statically and
Dynamically Equivalent Systems On substituting the value of m1 and "'2 in Equation (iii) we

~ (MU - Dec. 15) {II + Ii) 1112 ' . 2

(/I + /-i) . = k.
University Question
... (3.63)
If the distance of one of the mass (i.e. either /1 or l.;J is
selected arbitrarily then the other distance can be obtained
from Equation (3.6.3).
Many times it is convenient to represent a rigid body of a
Therefore, the Equations (3.6.1), (3.6.2) and (3.6.3) represents
given mechanism by its dynamieally equivalent system since
the essential condition-of placing the two masses, s'uch that
it simplifies the analysis of mechanism considerably.
the system becomes dynamically or kinematically
body equivalent system.
Ex. 3.6.1
A connecting rod is suspended from a point 25 mm above

the small end centre and 650 mm above its C.G. It takes

m, ·
,- - -=i-- G ~m
,;; : 1
!. mass
35 seconds for 20 oscillations. Find dynamically equivalent
system of two masses when one ·mass is located at small
end centre. Mass of the connecting rod is 40 kg~· . ·

I--- 11 12--l Sain.:

Given : Point of suspension from C.G., I= 650 mm = 0.65 m
Distance of small end centre from C.G.., 11 =625 mm= 0.625 m
Fig. 3.6.1 : Two point mass dynamically equivalent system
Mass of connectin rod, m = 40 k .-. _ - -
• ,,.11e1tl•lt

Scanned wilh C&mSeannef

~- . . ····
. F Analysis

·. 'lllere oi:e ,.- · · tp ~ .;~ ~·i.75sec1cyci~· · ··· fcif~t~'nca· betWe~·,;· t>ea~1n9· ~ntres'.~ ~ 09 rn.":\ ·-:,<: ··.{ >·~t.=~:}~~;&1
·[gf~~~te; ~t"bi9."~~~ -?.~~rtn~.F. 1.?.o:~-~~ . / ,;_:<<~:;,~/;:';',;p~J;~~i;J
l :" Calc~!a~~ r~~iu~. o~ gy~~on ~f co~necti~g r~d K ;pfameter ofsma.11 'end. be.' ari.
i;ig : :; sq mm.:, .. ·~ . ;:·' .·;:: :j);'.\;·>i:J~)!
, ' .. ' ·. . - . '" . . . . . fi0 ,,, bfg enu·· 6
. 'JbeP
·eriod of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended
. .· . • . ·.- - . ffi~~:b(o~~iiiation_.wt1en.suspe.n.ded ~ ~·.! 5~: ... ~ •."· · ;>:'·;·,~~!
mfh~''.bf '~s~ilraiio~. ~e·n . suspehdect .· from ·:s'malt e~d;t/::JJy~··i

~ii ~ :. ; _,:/''/:,
rci)>~~.·.Tfie ·radius
·- ' .
·.• ;\ >F>>?~~~
o~ -~,s .p . ······>-i,
or gyration of. . .. ·rod·
'"· . ·, · . . , . .. . .. . I t . the ·plane· O•i
. .. ): C·;;;>rhe .centie :of.: mass . pe"rpendicuar: Q·, . • • ..., ·:···:·!:-=-~

'!{~} 1.~~~n;F.::~3~<~:.~::': :~'~>\ :(-~ _:':/;'· :_::;.! :~.<'.). ~'.:}i~fif~~it~~:i

k 0-268 m
. •,
= mass placed at small end ,
mass placed at distance Li from C.G.
·t~ ~~.~~:J:t:i:~ m;9T?Dt~t;!p,;..~,~ ,?t~~~~.· ~~~%~~~~:~.~p;·~·~11~~
;Oli)':,The.'dynamlcal!Y, equiValent :,.sy_ste,m , ~f.:: th,~?~~.r:tJt ·j,.,#.i
l)·. ;.~~':X-; '':·~ .•·,:~·;'": •.·»·· -:' ./'. ::. .. ;::-·-;:·.•,:, :,.•.,,, ""'.,"· '°;""t' ! ti:i -~:.:'smallx eridl
,-; y,;.; ·rod i''comprisin·g;;two:~masses"" or:ie ,;<a,:·: ,~,~~:',< •.. -<',../-:,,, ,,~ , i
·r;V. .·~-~_.:,
\ ,_..,~.:b:~.... ~./'.;{...( .;-··-.,:-,..;...~ ....,....... . "r''·': \:~ .r: ..,.,,.., (' '' ·{'" \. ~.. -~..-~...}.'~::;-'i':"•l>·'"'i-:··f,. ',;,:.• p~~lt./~J
~_. 11..·.... ~-:\; ;~. · "· .~. ·:(:;..-,; ~_.~....,i "'...t.!4(-VY;':'A_,..':"f)·~~"'J.,.,,....,.)..'..,J.;~ .• ,,..,,.0.,•:1 ~
l~~1;. -~~JJ. ll9.:.~JJ.~J?.~:~)~~~~:.--:r..'··-~..(.~~3..:..~~-~~.:...R..:.~.~,..:~~ w

Soln. :
'.Mass of eonnecti~g rod, m 50 kg
• Distance petween bearing centres, l = 900 mm = 0.9 m
I '
:. Ci = ( 0.9 -11 ) mm :..( i)
Diameter of small end bearing, d 1 = 0,08 m
' di
_. '.·. r1 . = 2 -=.0 .04m

Diameter of big end bearing. ~ =: 0.1 m

z, .. 625mm - . ~ 0.1 ~
.. r2 = ·2 =2 =0.05m

Fig. P. 3.6.1

Step 3 : r
Calculate using condition for dynamically
equivalent system
The condition for dynamically equivalent ~ystem, is given as,
1, 1i. (0.268) = (0.625) Ii
k =

Ii = · 0.1154 m •.•Ans.
Step 4 : Calculate mass placed at small end_, m

Mass placed at small end is,

. m Ii 40 x 0.1154
m, = (/1 + I,) (0.625 + OJ I 54) = 6.2 4 kg ... Ans.

Step S : Calculate mass placed at big end, m2

Mass placed at distance 0.1154 m from C.G. is,

m/1 (b)
(a) ! • •
(I,+ Ii)
40 x 0.625 Fig. P. 3.6.2
(0.625 + 0.1154) = 33·76 kg
... ... Ans. Distance between point of suspensio~ from C.G. when
·connecting rod suspended from small end is .... ; .......

L; =; · ( L 1 + r 1 ) = (L1 + 0.04 )

• Ttabltwltdgi
"' P vllifl t l t l ft fts .
- ·=···=··=·Dy==na=m=ics=·=o=f=M=ac=h=in=e;;;ry:::;(=M=U=-=S=e=m5::::-::::M::::e::::ch::)::::::::::::::::::::::::3=-1::::4::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·=
· S=t=ati=·c=&=D:liy=na=m=l=c;;;Fo;;:;rce~An::;a~~~
., .

Distance between point of suspension from C.G. when Ex. 3.6.3

connecting rod suspended from big end is . ' I

The following data relate to conn~cting rod of..a reciproca'ti "·

L; = ( L.z + r2 ) = L.z + 0.05 engine. Mass =
40 kg, distance. between bea .Ilg
or L; = ( 0.8 - L1+ 0.05) . centres = 800 mm; Big end bearing diameter ao nirn, s~ng =
end bearing diameter =. 60 mm.· Time of oscillation · 1a.1. au
lL'2 = 0.75-L1 suspended from small end ·1.75 sec ·
and frorn• q11e~
end= 1.6 sec. · 19
The period of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended
from small end is Determine : .... , .,

tp, = (i) The M. I. about tt1e axis passing th~ou~h m~~ ce~~:
1.85 sec/cycle
(ii) The dynamically equivalent system of two masses
tPl = 2n
k +{L; y ;
one located at small end centre. '
g·L; Soln.:
85 = 2 1t k +(LI +0.04)
1. 9.81 (L1 + 0.04) Mass of connecting rod, m = 40 kg "

0.92 -VCL1 + o.04) Vk2 + (L + o.04) 1

2 Distance between bearing centres,
/ = (11 +/:i) =800 mm .. ~ = (0.8 - i 1} m (L 1 + o.04) = k2 + (L, + o.04)2
Diameter of small end bearing,
0.85 1 1 + 0.034 k2 + L~ + 1.6 x 10- 3 + 0.08 L
2 ·2 1 d,
k +L1 -0.77L1-0.0324=0 dI = 60 mm = 0.06 m 2=0.03m "
2 l
k = - LI + 0.77 L, + 0.0324 ...(ii) Diameter of big end bearing,
The period of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended ~ . (

d2 = 80 mm = 0.08 m T2 = 2=0.04m
from big end is ..
tn = 1.7 sedcycle
k + ( 1; )2

k" + (0.75 - L 1)
1.7 = I'
9.81 x (0.75 - L 1) 1 ~

k + (0.75- L 1)
0.85 ==
(0.75 -L1) G ,
0.85..,) (0.75 - ~) '°1k 2
+ (0.75 - L 1) 2

2 2
0.72 (0.75 -L1) k + (0.75 - L 1)
k + 0.5625 + L~ - 1.5 L 1
0.538 - 0.538 ~
- L I + 0.937 .L 1 - 0.0245 ...(iii)
Equating Equation (ii) and (iii)
O•77 LI ~, O.o-:i24
- LI ·
'T J - L1 + 937 L1 - 0.0245

0.77 ~ -0.937 L 1 - 0.0245 -0.0324

- 0.0569 = 0.34 m (a) When connecting rod (b) When connecting rod
suspended from suspended from
0.9- L 1 = 0.9-0.34
small end big end
0.56 m
Fig. P. 3.6.3
On substituting the val ue of L, in Equation (ii)
- (0.34 ) + 0.77 )f. 0.34 + 0.0324 From Fig. P. 3.6.3
-0.11 56 + 0.2618 + 0.0324 Distance between point of suspension from C.G. when
1 connecting rod suspended from small end is,
k 0.1786
k = 0.42 m ... RadiUJ of gyr:ttion ••. Ans. /
= (11 + r 1) = (/1 + 0.030) ...(i)

Moment of inertia Distance between point of suspension from C.G. when

connecting rod suspended from big end is,
IG = mk2 = 50 (0.42)2 = 8.82 kg ml ... Ans.
!'2 = (/2 + ri),;,, (12 + 0.040) ...(ii)

scanoea With camScanner

amlcs of Machine (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-1 S . .' ,static & Dynamic Force Analysis

ng the vnluo of, /2 ::a 0.8 -1, in Equation (ii) we get,
'' . On substituting value of l~ = (0.84 -L,) we get, ·
l • (0.8 -1, + 0.040); I
. /2 ~ (0.84 -1,)
...(iii) k 2
= 0.6356 (0.84 -11) - (0.84 -l,) · 2
2 . ' .
Citculate radius of gyration of connecting rod by 0.5339 - 0.6356 1, - [0.7056 - t.68 l1 + L,1
steP I : using period of oscillation of connecting rod when It
connecting from small end and blit end. k2 ·o~5339-0.6356·i, -0:1os6 + t.68 Z, -~
periodic time of one _oscillation of connecting rod when it is k2 - = - 1.044/ :...0.1;11-( , ...(v)°
ded from smnlf end Js, .. •.. . .
from Equations (iv) and (v) we can write,
sospc:n . trt = I.75 se.c/cycl~ . , .
~ = 1.0441, -0.1717-/~
' l ,.
0.701'1, + 0.0237 -
'odic time of one oscillation of connecting rod when ·11 :•
PC:fl • ' I
ded from big end JS, · .. 1.044 1, - 0.701 1, = 0 .0237 + 0.1717
suspen tP2 = 1.6 s~c/cycle .. 0.3431, = . 0.1954 . ' .
'fhe period of oscillat~on of ~~ecting rod when suspended I
. - 1
= 0.569
= 569:6 mm ,., . anq /2 = 0.8 -I, ,
from S
.mall end is, ·.. i2 = · ~.8-0.5696=0.231 m~23'(mm
On substituting the value of 11= 0.5696 m in Equation (iv) we get,
21t 2 2
g. 1; .. k = 0.701 (0.5696) + 0.0237 -(0.5696) = 0.09854 . "·
2 :.· k = 0.3139 m "
k + (l)
t.75 = Step 2 : . Calculate moment of inertia 'of connecting' rod about
9.81 . (/;) CG , :,
I : •:' ! '1 . ,.

Moment ofmertia of connecting rod about C.G. is,

0.278 = 10 = . m k2 := 40 (0.3139)2 = 3.94 kg m ...Ans. ·
• ' ' I ' • ' • • • '

Step3: Calculate I'l by using condition for dynamically

On squaring both sides, we get,
2 , 2 equiv?leot system
k + (/ )'
278 l = I 2 2 Let, m1 = mass placed at small end centre
(O. ) 9.81 (/;) k 0.761 l-(l)
I I (i.e. at distance./1 or
. .. "
t; from C.G.)
On substituting value of 1; = (/1 +0.03) we get, ffii mass placed at distance I from C.G.
' 2
k 0.761 (I, + 0.030)- (I, + 0.030) Condition for dynamically equivalent system is given as:
. 2
0.761 / 1 +0.0228 - [/ +0.06 /J + 0.0009]
k2 ,;. l'·

0.7011, + 0.0228 -/~-0.061,-0.0009

(0.569)(1~) .. I~
k = .. (0.3139) = c 0.1731 m
0.701'·+0.0237...:. / ... (iv)

The period of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended

from big end is,

.. 1.6 m1'
i . .
9.81 -(I') G:
2 . ------
0.2546 = 1; =/1=569 mm . z~

On squaring both sides we ge( ·

2 , 2
Fig. P. 3.6.3(c)
k + (/)
0.0648 ?
~tep 4 : Calculate mass placed at small end m
9.811 ' 1
2 Mass placed at·small end is,
2 ,,
.. 0.0648 (9.81 /) k2 + (t')
2 2 m/2
40 (0.1731)x . . : .
o.6356 f'- ct'>
. 2 2
( !' + l') (0.569 + 0.173]) = 9.32 kg ... Ans •
I 2

. .
·' Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech) 3-16 . Static & namic Force Ana •

Step 5 : Calculste mass placed at I' from C.G, m1 Distance between point ·of suspension from c. o .
, rod suspended from
,_ small end is, . ' ·%er,
Mass placed at distance 0.173 I m from C.G. is,
II I = (/1 +r1)
+0.0375) 0
( /1 .
ml _ 40 (0.569) x I ·· . · "~I)
mi = ( t' + f')- (0.569 +.0.1731) =_ 3 0.6~ kg ... Ans. Distance between point of , , fro.m c. o, ~
I 2 ·

. ...
connecting rod suspe~ded from big end }~. , .
I2 (I~~ +. rv' =(12 + 0.05) .,
Ex.3.6.4 .

The following data relate to a . connecting rod of a On substituting the value of 12 = 0.85 - 11 in EqUation·(ii) we &et
reciprocating engine : Mass = 55 kg, Distance between 1~ = o.85 -11·+ o.~~ · :. (i ..=_0.90-1
bearing centres 850 mm = 1
Periodic tim~ of one oscillation of connecting rod when t't.I&
Diameter of small end bearing = 75 mm . •
suspended from small end is,
Diameter of big end bearing =100 mm t 1 = 1.83 sec/cycle
p • / . . .
Time of oscillation when the connecting rod is suspended
Periodic time of one oscillation of connecting rod ~hen it~
from small en'd 1.83 seconds. Time of oscillation when the
suspended from big end is,
connecting rod is suspended from big end = 1.68 second.
tp2 = 1.68 sec.:'.cycle .
Determine :
The period of oscillatio~ of connecting·rod when SUSJ>Cnded
1. The radius of gyration of the rod about an axis
from small end is
passing through the centre of gravity and
perpendicular to the plane of oscillation; ·
2. The moment of inertia of the rod about the same axis; 21t
. 9 ./
and • I
3. The dynamically equivalent system for the connecting
rod constituted of two masses, one of which is
situated at the small end. /. L83 =
Given: m 55 kg
0.291 =
:. I (/ 1 + l) =850 mm= 0.85 m_
Li (0.85 - 11) m
On squaring both sides, we get,
75 mm= 0.075 m :. r1 =3:d = 0.0375 m . k2 +(1;y

lOOmm=0.1 m :. r2 =1 = 0.05m
(0.291 )
9.81 . (1;)

:. k
= 0.8307 /; -(1;y
On substituting value of 1;· = I 1 + 0.0375
2 2
k 0.8307 (/I+ 0.0375)-(/1+0.0375)

r; ~ . k2 = 0.8307 / 1 + 0.03115)- [~ + 0.075 I1+ 0.001406]

+ 0.029744 - ~
G . ·,., k = 0.7557 11 ...(iiQ
,. The period of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended
... 1 ... from big end is,

I. - k2+ (1~)

..I. k
: .1.68
9.81 · 1~

(a) When connecting rod (b) When connecting rod

suspended from suspended from
small end big end
9.81 · l~
Fig. P. 3.6.4
• Td._....;
• ,1111u t lt'*

scanned with Camscanner

3-17- '. Static & Dynamic force Al'lalys!!_

Soln.: .
Given : Point of suspension from C.G., I =650 mm = 0.65 m
Distance of small end centre from C.G., 11 = 625 mm= 0.625 m
.. o.01149 = I
9.81 • /2
Mass of connecting rod, m = 37.5 kg

I~ -(1~Y .
.. 0.1013 k point or 1uspenslon

= . 0.7013 l~ -
kl (Q

on substituting value of /2 = 0.90- /I

k2 = -0.7013 (0.90-/1)-(0.90- /1)2 825mm

= 0.63117 -0.7013 11·-[0.81-1.8 / +

. I
l]I 650mm
I . .. . .J • •· , .i

= - OJ 7883 + 1.0987 / 1 -( ...(iv)
' . -
.G EP!m2
~:,'I ,.·.
. ·~·--1·'
---------- - H-
' ·' ·., - ,
from Equation (iii) and ~iv) w: write . can .I ' I•. . . _ • ~ • '- '. • I

0.7557 /1 + 0.029744 ~/I . - 0.17883 + 1.0987 / -

1 .
11 • 625 mm 12 <' ·
I•' •
0.7557 /I -1'.0987 /I - 0.17883 - 0.029744
I . Fig. P. 3.6.S . . __
-0.3437 /l -0.208574
The period of oscillation of connecting· rod when suspended
1, 0.6068 m = 606.80 mm is,
' ..
?.85 - /I= 0.85 7 0.6Q68 = 0.24315 m
243.15 mm
~= 2~ " ·:,_ • 1...

. . 1.87 = 2 k + (0.65) . : . · ·· k = 0.3772 m-

00 substituting the value of 11 = 0.6068 min Equation (iii) we get,
2 Let, mass placed at small end;
k 0.7557 (0.28574) + 0.029744.:.. (0.6068)2 . . 1 . . .
IJ1:i mass placed at distance /2 from C.G.
21593 + 0.029744-0.3682
. The condition for dynamically equivalent system, is given as,
0.1225 .2 . 2 . ..
:. ·k =0.35 m
k = l1l2 :. (0.3772) = (0.625) 12
Moment of inertia of connecting rod about C.G. is, :. 12 = 0.2277 m ••• Ans.
I0 = m k = 55 x 0.1225 =6.73 kg. m2 Mass placed at small end is,
ml,_ · 37.5 x 0.227
Condition for dynamically equivalent system is, m1 = U1 + li) = (0.625 + 0.2277) 10.01 kg ... Ans.
· k2 rI .r2
Mass placed at distance 0.2777 m from C.G. is,
:. 0.1225 = 0.6068 -~ .r 2
0.2018 m
., -
- . m 11 37.5 x 0.625 .
Mass plared at small end is, _ m2 = (/1 + l,.) = (0.625 + 0.2277) 2 ~· 49 kg:.:.~Ans.
m r 55 x 0.2018 Ex. 3.6.6
mt = (~ + ~) = (0.6068 + 0.2018) = 13 ·72 kg
A rigid link, 500 mm long, has mass 2 kg and radius of
Mass plared at big end is, . gyration 200 mm. Replace this link by dynamically equivalent
system of two concentrated masses located at the ends of
mr 55 x 0.6068 · the link.
mi = (~ + ~) = (0.6068 + 0.2018) = 4 1.27 kg
Given: l=500mm, m=2kg, k=200mm
Ex. 3.6.5
For dynamically equivalent system
A connecting rod is suspended from a point 25 mm above
the centre of small end, and 650 mm above its centre of m1 +m2 m ... (i)
gravity, its mass being 37.5 kg. When permitted to oscillate, m1l1 m2l2 ...(ii)
the time period is found to be 1.87 seconds. Find the IGI + 102 =: . Io .. m1~+m2~ nuc2' · ·-- :, ...(iii)
dynamical equivalent system constituted of two masses, one k2
l1li ' .. (200)2 l1li
of which is located at the small end centre.
Where li +l,,_ = 500 .. 12 = . 500 .:..11

Seamed w it h CamScanner
3·1 e . Static & D namlc Force An -" '.
. D namlca of Machine MU • Sem .5 • Mech
.-..-.-..iiiililli..-...-..-....-....m-..--.--~------;::m;;;;;;;;;::;;~;;;;;;;;;:==-=~~~a~ ,,.
... (200), ... 1 (SOO -1 (200)~ .. soo1 -1
1 1} :.
'l1ie sum of two masses · must be equal to :the ma; · '
connecting rod, ·
1 or
.. 400 mm
. '· "'.. .. -
:. m Q
. :. m "' 3m+m2

'' 500-400 Ii 100 nun

Eq1111till1\S for llynumicully equlv111¢nt system

:. '"2 "" ... Atii, .
· 1';!;1m~,:.1;;;;1~•m-n•.r:·.~7:.,~:-:-.-::::'."'~-:.::
: .-;3-;.s:-:.e;;-rlir.;fil"••• :-7:::",~":'
': , :;":
.,.2x (l00) ..
m1 +J m1 0.4 k~ ...Ans.
!The connecting rod of a ga~oline engine ··1~·~:3_00.~"~~,;l~~
.., ...
11 1 500
ml, 2 x (400) 1~etween Its centres. It has a ~ass of .·15 '.kg :.a~q.{fna~
1, +Ii .. m2"' 500 "' 1.6 kit .. ... Ans. [moment of Inertia of 7000 kg~mm. . Its cen_tr~.of-.~ravjt;:~:~
;200 mm from Its, s.maU e~d c.eritre._. ~et~~~~e th~;gy6~~
Ex. 3.6.7 !equlv~lent t~o mass system of th.e .con.~.ef~1~9.;f~~J(~-·
Find the dynamically equivalent two mass systems for a !the mas.Se~ ,ls. l9~a_teq_ ~t tbe,SIJlalJ,~(1.~tce.ntr.~;?01.0,':,:Z:~~1
J~ ~l
connecting rod when one third of the mass Is located at the Soln.: ...
small end. Centre of mass Is at 2/3 length from the small end
Given : length of conncctl~g rod, I= 30.0 mm ;,. 0.3 m
and its moment of inertia Is 1/20 mL • mass of connecting rod, m = 15 kg, '
Soln.: 2
Ml of connecting rod, mk =:= 7000 kg-mm

Gh•en : Mass or connecting rod= m. 7000

:. k2 = l s· =466.66 mm= 0.466 ~
Mnss placed nt small end, m1 .. 3111
Distnnce ofC.O. from. ~mnll .cnd center, 11 = 200 mm= 0.2 m
'Mass placed nt big end. m2=?
Distance between two centre= L
Distance of smnll end centre fron·l C. G.. 11 =~ L
Distance of big end centre from C. 0. = 12
M:lSS moment oflnertia of connecting rod is 10 = ~ mL
/1= 0.2m J
,__..,_,,_,______.._...' __
mI . . . .. m2
, CG

......------- ·------- ..... - - - -- ~~.,,,
. f't '\
~ '.,. '"
--------- ·- --- · 1,=o.2m . , ./2=2.33.m • .

:1 ·
Fig. P. 3.6.8
. .
The conditions for dynamically equivalent system is,
kl /I /2
.. (0.466)

/2 = 2.33 m

Mass placed nt small end is,

Fig. P. 3.6. 7
m /2
The mass moment of inertia of the connecting rod is,
U1 + 12)
2 I 2
mk ---mL
20 15 x 2.33
0.2 + 2.33 = 13·81 kg ... Ans.
_L L2
20 :· .... ,
Mass placed at big end is,
The condition for dynamically equivalent system is, m/ 1 • I · ;"

• • I ~I

kl /l/2 m2 /
2 ·.· lk2] 15 x0.2 '
3L xlz ... [ k2 =20 (0.2 + 2.33) = 1.19 kg ,. I ,.,Ans.
' .. "
• /
= 0.075 L ... Ans. ''

'Q•=r TtdlKnt.wti
y , •• 11e1tlll l

Scanned with CamScanner

~: . ..
nsiTllCs of Machine (MU - Sem s _Mech)
correction Couple . 3-19 .,
"Static &·Dynamic Force Analysis
~-(MU - Dec.14, Det.16 D Let, I ""
mass moment of inertia of connecting rod and
<·.. ·: t z . :- '".; " . . , ' ec. 18)
... .,, ... .' ... ·> ···::,:....-, .· .. ,:-,:. "~ ' >:, ;-' :·:'. ·~·:,,., '•'.......... dynamically equivalent system. ·
' ~..~"'.:trie';E(q'
.'> "'.·• {)el.I~~ ti'Stiori
.., . ·, ,~ "' "" :' I " ."'fOr'.'t,he .corr~ctio '..n·"....c. o;;u,:•p,-1·"'8 ·::.(tO,~. ;pS"
;._;;i: k = RadiUs of.gyration of ronnecting rod and dynamically
.:a.:·1>.~ ·~·-pue'd :>. t~r., mak~ .. tWo ... mass~ systems: dy . ·''(.. •. i·
:', . .... '··" .

'.~;~::~c:~P. . ·a·ian( ..:;< ..... '._... ,: .. :.• ..• ,..... . ,_;__· equivalent system. .
k~(~:-~~W\(.,: 'd·::·~·~~i1i·ri' tri~,~~;reciion.:t .;_ · .'.~: · .- ~ ~ . . · ·
~ .,.,.·state an ... ,, rr..,.....· < ·:-;\:. ..... . ...,, . ••• •c~uple.;: \ .... .. ..; .. ..
11 "': · New mass moment of inertia of non dynamically
·i~t~~-MN~~i~~!H:~:'.'1~,:k$1'.:;,.\\'i:'.j.;:';~;>;:/iJ1,}'.; I , .. , , :· . ~":.': c, ,:~~4. - equivalent system. ·-"' ·-
1/L""· ction 3.6, we have discussed ihe three cond't' k1·' == · New radius ofgyratio~'ofnon dynamiciilly ; quivalent
Jn se .. .. · 1 ions for system.
. alent dynrumc system of two mass But s . . .- ·' - ·r _..
equiv . . · • ometimes the
. .:on arises m practice such that the locat' fi . a. == · Angular acceleration of connecting rod.
s1tua.. h . . ions or both
. asses m1 and m2 ave to be selected arbitrar'1ly. F ·1, ::: · Distance of mass m1 from C.G. \_'t'.hen pl_aced
Pie, in case of stI'der crank mechanism wh'J · . or at point A.
exam · · . .· ,: .. • t e analysing
.th inertia effect of connecting rod, 1t is convenient t
12 = Distance of mass m2fro'!l C.G. when_placed •
thee masses m, ~d m2 to be pIaced at .gudgeon , pino and
the ' at pom't B. -+ -
crank pin respectively. .
A little consideration will . show: that when two mass~ are
13 =:Distance of mass m1 from·C.G: ~hen placed at point D .
arbi~ly, th~~ ~nly fi~t ~ill . ' instead of point B.
- placed t!J\! two conditions only
satisfied without satt~fymg the third _condition of equivalent required to accelerate the connecting ..rod or
dynamical system. . ,. ' dynamically equivalent system is, .. ·· / .

_ This means ~at ~ass moment of inertia of two masses placed T == I a .. T = m (k)2'.a · ...(i) Wtll differ than that of mass m,oment of inertia of Torque required t~ ~~~·ie~t~ the non dy~amically equivalent
the rigi~ body. .system is,

;. Definition of Correctipn Couple

'·The correction·C;Ouple is the difference between the torque
Iri order to satis~ the _third condition of dyn~ic equivalence r~quired to accelerate non ·dynamically equivalent system and
also, it is necessary to apply some co.uple on the arbitrarily chosen torque required to accelerate the dynamically equivalent system.
!Wo mass. system, called correctio~ couple which can be
determined as follo_ws : · .. . . :. T0 . ::: T1-T " · '" ·
. On substituting value ofT1 and Tin above equation we get, .
Consider two masses m1 and m2 which are placed at points A . • ". ' 2\ • 2 ."
and B respectively to satisfy the three conditions of dynamic Tc = m(k1) a-m(k) a
. . 2 2 . ::·
equivalence of connecting rod as shown in Fig. 3.7.l(b).
.. Tc = m [k - k ]a
. I . I' . I

_ In case the mass m2 is required to be placed at point D instead - 2

On subs~i~uting value of k 1 = 11 /3 and kz == 1 / in above
of B as shown in Fig. 3.7. I (c), then the third condition will equation we get, 12
not be satisfied. In order to make the system dynamically ·
equivalent, we have to apply some correction couple so as the Tc== m[l 113 -l 1 l:zla·==·~·11 [l3 -z2]a. ·...(3.7.2)
system becomes dynamically equivalent. This correction couple must be~pplied, when the masses m
m2 placed arbitrarily to make the system dynamically equivalent .
It should be noted that the direction of the correction couple
may be s~e ~r rev·e~e of the angular acceleration of
connecting rod.
Ex. 3.7.1
The connecting rod · of an engi~e . has· a l~ngth equal to
200 mm between centres and has a mass equal to 2.5 kg. Its
centre of gravity is at 80 mm' from the big end (crank pin),
and the radius of gyration about an axis through the centre of
. (b) Dynamically equivalent two mass system ·, gravity perpendicular. to the plane o~ motion. is 100 mm.
Find :

~ ~ (i)

, ~r- ----- ~. I
- .
The two-mass dynamically equivalent system when
w _______
1'.h . .' -
one mass is placed at the small end. '
L -.f1
t I S
. 13
(ii) The correction couple, if the two masses are placed
at the two ends and the angular acceleration of the
(c:) Two mass system non dyruimlcally connecting rod is 100 rad/sec2 clockwise.
equivalent system ' Soln.:

Fig. 3.7.t· . Given : Length of connecting rod,l = 200 mm == 0.2 m

'l:l.. TldlkMwleqi
"'Y' Putldl c at1n 1s

Scanned w ith CamScarmer

" 't~
'.• . ' ~

;.1)'" Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-20 · Static & Dynamic Force Ana· .. -. ·~-
. . ., 'Y'l,
Mass of connecting rod, . m = . 2.5 kg 2.5x0.08 . ·
. . . - ~~ :
= (0.12 + 0.08) - 1 kg .• -' ·. ;·
Radius of gyration of connecting rod, k = 100 mm = 0.1 m .,
Angular acceleration of connecting rod, a .= .100 rad/sec , . Step 7 : Calculate mass placed at ~lg end, m2 ..

clockwise. Mass big end is,

m 11 . 2.5 x 0.12
ml = (/1 + /3) = (0.12 +: 0.08) t.5 kg .
• ' 2
Step 8 : Calculate new radius of gyration, k
' l
The new rad,ius of gyration is, k
=11 13 =0.12 x 0.08
.. k = 0.09797 m

I Step 9 : Calculate correction co~ple to· be applied · to

the system dynamically equivalent, Tc· . lllake

,.I The correction c~~ple to .be applied to make the s

. •' ' ' ' . J'Sletn
dynamically equivalen,t is, .
.II Tc =
.. .
m [k
k ] a = 2.5 [(0.097~7) .-
2 ·•
(O.J>1 x 100

·' .. Tc = - 0.10046 N-m (anticlockwise) . ...AIll

'. , : Since the value of correction ~orque 'Tc · is negative, the
direction of correction couple · is opposite to that of angui
acceleration i.e. in anticlockwise direction. · ' · · ar
Fig. P. 3.7.1 Ex. 3.7.2
Step 1 Calculate 11• The connecting rod having length equal to 800 between mm·
Let, m1 and ~ be the mass of two mass dynamically centres and has mass equal to 5 kg. Ifs C.G. is at 300 mm
from big end and radius of gyration about C.G. is 250 m.m.Its
equivalent system. 2
angular acceleration is 80 rad/sec , anticlockwise. The
Mass m1 is placed at small end connecting rod is replaced by two masses . having 3 kg
Therefore, /1 = 0.2 - 0.08 = 0.12 m and 2 kg at distance 400 mm and 100 mm from C.G
respectively. Check whether the system is dynamically
Step 2 : Calculate '2 by using condition for dynamically
equivalent with connecting rod, if not what should be 'done to
equivalent system make the system dynamically equivalent keeping masses at
We know that for dynamically equivalent system, the same position.

/I Li .• (0.1)
= 0.12 (/~ Sein.:
Given : Length of connecting rod, I= 800 mm= 0.8 m
0.0833 m ... Ans.
Radius of gyration of connecting rod about C.G., k= 250 mm
Step 3 : Calculate mass placed at small end, m 1 =0.25 m
Mass placed at small end is, Mass of the connecting rod, m 5 kg
- ~ - 2.5 x 0.0833 Angular acceleration of connecting rod, a 80 rad/sec2,
ml - (/I+ Li} - (0.12 + 0.0833) l.Ol4lS kg ••• Ans. anticlockwise
Distance of mass m1 from C.G., 400m=0.4m
Step 4 : Calculate mass placed at '1 from CG, m 2
Distance of mass m2 from C.G., lOOm =o.t'n;
Mass placed at a distance 0.0833 m from C.G. is,
m 11 2.5 x 0.12
~ = (11 +Li> co.12 + o.0833) = 1.4754 kg ... Ans.

Step 5 : Calculate I,
· When mass m1 is placed at small end and mass ~ is placed
at big end, 0.3m
Therefore, 13 = 1- 11 =0.2-0.12=0.08m 0.8m

Step 6 : . Calculate mass placed at small end, m1

Mass placed at small end is, -- - ---~
m = 11=0.4m
I U1 + ~) "
-0.1 m ··
' t.'
Fi : P. 3.7.2
~ .. ··
oamlCS of Machine MU • Sem 5 - Mech 3-21 Static & namic Force Anal Is
find out whether the system of dynamically .. 12 • 0.121 m '
51eP l : equivalent . or not·.from condition of dynamically
ml2 2x0.121 ,_ ...ADJ.
m,- ! +1
equivalent system. · Now, 1
1 2
• .7..,.
·0.1 +0.121 • ·109
.• for dynamically equivalent system Is,
c;ond1UO0 , · 2 Ml, 2x0.I .
, k2 .. /I /2 .... (0.25) "" 0.4 X0,1 I'
mz .. 1, + 11•0.1 +0.121 ... 0.905 kg
. k2 ~ :(0.25)2 = 0.0625 '' '
x,Jt.S / / .. 0.4 x 0.1 = 0.04
RJ{.S I2 .. 2
, . i.,.fl.S -:F R.H.S i.e. :" k ¢ · ! 1/ 2 ;

'f)lerefore, the g.ive~.two .mass systems"ls not a dynamically

equivalent s~stem smce 1t does not satisfy the condition of
dynamic equivalence. · · · , .., . .
Calculate correction couple to be applied to make
step l: the system dynamically equivalent system. 0.25m

To make the . given system as dyna~ically equivalent
system, w.e have to a~pl~ correction couple on given
two mass system, which is given by, ·
. 2
Tc = m [k1- k ] a ...(i)
Where, k, is new radius of gyration of two mass system,
which is given 2by, I
kl = 0.4 x 0.1 :. k, = 0.2 m · Fig. P. 3.7.3
.. correction~uple, Tc= m[k>k ]a
Correction couple
2 2
. . Tc = 5 [(0.2) - (0.25) ] 80 Now when the masses are placed arbitrarily at gudgeon pin
Tc = -9 N-m (clockwise) and crank pin / 1 =0.1 m ~d /3 =0.15 m.
Since the value of correction torque Tc is negative, it implies Now 11
' =· 'k I
. ' ' , .

that, the direc~on of correctio~ couple is opposite to that of angular k, = '\/.-0-.1-~-o-.i-5 . = 0.12241 m.
acceleration 1.e. the correction couple ~as to be applied in
Now correction couple,
clod.'Wise direction.
m a (k~- kl= 2 x 23000 (0.12247 -0.11)
Ex. 3.7.3
A conneeting rod of an internal combustion engine has a T. = 133.3494 Nm ••• Ans.
mass of 2 kg and the distance between the centre of Ex. 3.7.4
gudgeon pin and centre of crank pin is 250 mm. The centre
The connecting rod of an engine has length equal to 200 mm
of gravity falls at a point 100 mm from gudgeon pin. Radius
between centres and has mass equal to 3.5 kg. Its CG is at
of gyration is 110 mm about an axis through centre of gravity
80 mm from the big end centre and the radius of gyration
perpendicular to plane of rotation. Find dynamically
about an axis through CG is 100 mm. Determine :
equivalent system if one mass is located at gudgeon pin. If
connecting rod is replaced by two masses with one at (i) The two mass dynamically equivalent system wh~n
gudgeon pin and the other at crank pin and angular one mass is placed at the small end.
acceleration of rod is 23000 r/s • Determine the correction (ii) The correction couple if two masses ·are placed at the
couple. two ends and angular acceleration of connecting rod
Mass, m = 2 kg; is 100 rad/s clockwise.
Dist8nce between centres = 250 mm = 0.25 m Soln.:
Position of centre of gravity = l 00 from gudgeon pin Given : length of connecting rod, l =200 mm = 0.2 m
(i.e, piston pin or small end) mass of connecting rod, m = 3.5 kg;. ;2 = 80 mm
1 . . '
Position of one mass = small end radius of gyration of connecting rod, k = 100 mm= 0 .1 m
Angular acceleration = 23000 r/s2 ' ·
Angul3! accelerat.ion of connecting rod,
First we shall find the dynamic equivalent system by placing
:, 'a = 100 rad/sec
, clock~ise
one mass at gudgeon pin. Applying condition of dynamical
equivalences. , The conditions for dynamically equivalent system is, · - ·
k = . 11 12 • ~ '.;~ (0.100)2 =
/ x 0.08 •,

0.1 i2 '· = 0.125 ni .:.AnS:

0.1 x Ii
namlc5 of Machine MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-22 · Static & Dynamic Force Ah ·
Mass placed at small end is, Find: , · .i· . ·1 '"

m 12 3.5 x 0.08 (I) · the two mass · dynamically ··equivalent system · · · "
m, = (11 + '2) - 0.125 + 0.08 "" l.36 kg ... Ans.
one mass Is located at the small end centre.' 'lihe~
Mass placed at big end is, (ii) the correction couple, ·if two masses are placed ·
ml, 3:5 x 0.125 two ends and the angular acceleration ~t the
2 0
m2 = h+ /2 = (0.125 + 0.08) =2 •13 kg ... Ans. connecting rod is 20,000 rad/s anticlockwise. . the ·
Soln.: · I,•
. I

Given : Length of connecting rod, ,/ .= 220 mm ,.; 0. '

. Mass of rod, m = 2kg" Ill

Mass Moment of inertia of connecting rod,I = mk2 == 0.Q2 kg.flli

Radius of gyration of connecting rod, k =: . 0.1 m
Angular acceleration of connecting rod, a · = 20,000 rad /secl
" · clockwise. '

·.·'d · ·, .\'_

0.22m · ·

m,, ·' 1···
Fig. P. 3.7.4

\Vhen mass m1 is placed at small end and mass m2 is placed


at big end, ·1
Therefore, /3 = 1-11 =0.2 - 0.125 = 0.o75 m
Mass placed at small end is,
11 +13
3.5 x 0.075
0.125 + 0.o75 =1.31 kg
Mass placed at big end is,
Fig. P. 3.7~5

11+13 Let, m1 and m2 . be the mass of two mass ·dynamically

3.5 x 0.125 equivalent system.
2.18 kg
(0.125 + 0.075) Mass m1 is placed
. . at small end
The new radius of gyration is, k I =/1 / 3 =0. 125 x 0.075 Therefore, r, '= 0.22 - 0.07 = 0.15 m
:. k = 0.0968 We know that for dynamically equivalent system,
I 2
The correction couple is, k2 = /1 '2 .. (0.1) 0.15 (/7.)
2 .. I,, = 0.0666 m ... Ans.
Tc m (k I - kl,J a
Mass placed at small end is,
3.5 [0.0968
..:. (0.1 >1 x 100 . m 12 2 x 0.0666
b. .. - 0.2204 N-m (anticlockwise) ... Ans. ml = (II + 12) (0. 15 + 0.0666) 0.6149 kg •••Ans.
.· ...
~JEx.3.7.5 Mass placed at a distance 0.07 rn from C.G. is,
The connecting rod of an engine has a length equal to m/1 2x0.15 . ·
220 mm between centres and has a mass equal to 2 kg. Its mi = (I, + 12) (0.15 + 0.0666) _l.3846 ~ ... Ans.
centre of gravity is at 150 mm from the small end centre and · When mass m1 is placed at small end and mass Il12 is pl~
the moment of inertia of 0.02 kg-m about its centre of at big end,
Therefore, /3 = I -11 = 0.2~ - 0.15 = 0.07 m
· · rnics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-23: static & Dynamic Force Analysis
.-M ·DYna
. ~·~ d at small end is, · : · · ·· · ' ' .. Le~ ,r =Radius of crank;
.rJeSS place m 13 2 x 0.01 ·
I = Length of connecting rod ·
. m1 = (/1
+ /3) (0.15 + 0.07) 0.6363 kg
laced at big end is,
. . .
n = Obi 1qmty ratio = r
1185 5P . m/1·· .· 2 x 0.15 mR = Mass ofreciprocatingparts i.e. mass of piston
m2 = (/1 + /3) (0.15 + 0.07) = 1.36 kg . and mass of gudgeon pin
w radius of gyration is, k1=11 13 = 0.15 x 0.07 =0 0105 m m = Mass of the connecting rod
~M . .
correction couple to be applied 0 = Angle made by crank with I.D.C. ·
The .. . . . to make
. thesysm
·cailY equivalent 1s,
dynam• 2
· ·
2 .
+= Angle made by connecting rod .with line of
reciprocation (i.e. line OP) when crank is ·
Tc = m [k1-k] a.=2 [(0.0105) -(0.1)2] x lOO 2

inclined at angle 0
.·. Tc = -_l.97795 N-m (anticlockwise) •••A ns.
The Vanous forces a~ting on various parts are shown in Fig. 3.8.2.
since the value of correction torque Tc is negative, thJ
Fp = - Axial force ·acting on the piston cir piston effort
. tion. of correction couple is opposite to that" of angular
acceleration · anti' c1ockw"1se d"1rectton.
i.e. m · FN . = Nonna! reaction acting on the ~ylirider wall or piston
· side thrust . · · .. .
_. Syllabus Topic: Static and Dynamic FQ = Force acting along the connecting rod
Force Analysis in Slider Crank Mechanism FT = Tangential force acting at crank pin or
(Neglecting Mass of Connecting Rod and Crank)
Engine Force Analysis ' direction perpendicular to the craitk . ·
Radial force acting along crank shaft.

3.8 Force Analysis in IC Engine

Mechanism ~ ·
The study of forces in ail IC engine mechanism are classified
into two types as follows : . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~· . ;

Classification of Force
Analysis In IC Engine Mechanism

1. Static force analysis

2. Dynami? force analysis or Inertia force analysis

Fig. 3.8.2: Forces acting.on IC engine ~echanism

Fig. C3.2: Classification of force analysis IC engine mechanism ''i • ' I , :· - ·

In Static force analysis we do not consider the effect of (a) Piston effort or Axial force acting on piston (Fp)
· inertia forces arising due to the mass of the connecting rod. Piston ~ffort is the net force actlng on·.the pi; ton along
In dynamic force analysis, we also. consider the effect of · the line of stroke. It is denoted by Fp.
inertia·forces caused due to the mass of connecting rod;
Consider Fig. 3.8.3 in which pressure is acting on both
- The force analysis can be done both by analytical and side of piston.
graphical methods. A

, 3.8.1 Static Force Analysis of IC Engine

Mechanism ~t]
----": ~3---­
Consider an IC engine mechanism shown in Fig. 3.8.1 in t+--- P2
which the crank OC rotates at an angular speed of ro in
clockwise direction. At an instant it is inclined at angle 0 from : : ....
Fig. 3.8.3 : Pressure acting on both side of piston
c ------t--.. . ._ OC • Ctank
(DI ' CP =Connec&ig rod . Let, p1 Pressure acting on cylinder cover side of piston
r I \ p2 Pressure acting on crank end side of piston
IQ _ _ J_ __ p8 Net gas pressure acting on piston= (p1- p 2)
) O.D.C.

\ I I
d = Diameter of cylinder
' I /
: -' · · ' A Cross-section area of cylinder
Net gas force acting on piston= p8 x A= P 8 x ~ d
Fig. 3.8.1 : IC engine mechanism
. \~

1' Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-24 Static & oYnamic Force~... ~',.'

£P = AcceIeration f . 2 ( 9 cos 2 9:\
o piston = ro r \.cos +-n-)
Consider triangle of forces PCB .shown in Fig. 3.8A; ~
F1 Inertia force due to reciprocating parts =mR fp
Fr = Frictional force I
,I :
In horiz.ontal engine, the reciprocating parts are
_; accelerated approximately during the first half of the .FN
stroke and it is then retarded during the latter halfofthc I
stroke. · I
The inertia force ··due to the acceleration of the + I
reciprocating parts, opposes the net gas force acting on p ------~P--'.""---.-1 B
piston and on the other hand, the inertia force due to
retardation of the reciprocating parts will act in the same Fig. 3.8.4
direction of the net gas force acting on piston.
On resolution of forces,
However, the equation for · acceleration, •r
will give We can write, FN
positive or negative values for a given angle 0. Out of •..(J.8.~
the gas a
force. pnrt of the force is used to accelerate the or,
reciprocating masses.
On substituting the values of sin .1. and
Therefore, 'I' cos + &n..
Equations (3.8.4) and (3.8.5) we gc~ •.,,
Piston effort, F, =Net gas force - lnertin force +frictional force FN = F sin 0 /n
:. F,=F -F1+FF ...(3.8.I) ii "n - sin29
Fp is negative when piston moves from I.D.C. to O.D.C. nnd Fe sin 0 .
FN = ./2 -
.2 ...(J.8.7)
it is positive when it moves from O.D.C. to 1.D.C. -vn -sm 0
F, = p1 x A-mRfP+FF By using Equation (3.8.6) or Equation (3.8.7) we can find
. . OIJI
:t l 2 ( cos 2 9."\ - the piston side thrust or norma I reaction acting on the cylinder
or F, = P,x:rd-mRro q,cosa+-n-)+ Fp ... (3.8.2)
er Modification of equation for piston effort In case of . Maximum force during the cycle is used for design,
vertical engines gudgeon pin in case of J.C. engines and design of crossh:
In case of vertical engine, the weight of reciprocating parts assembly in case of reciprocating steam engines.
'WR' is also considered. (c) Force along connecting rod (F0 )
When piston moves from l.D.C to O.D.C the weight of the From Fig. 3.8.4 the force on connecting rod,
m=iprocating p:uts \.\ill assist the piston effort and when
piston mo\'es from 0 .D.C to l.D.C the weight of reciprocating F = -- ...(3.8.8)
Q cos~
parts .,..;11 oppose the piston effort. Therefore in case of
\'ertical engines, the equation for piston effort can be modified On substituting value o.f cos ~ from Equation (3.8.5) we get,
as: Fp
Fo ·=
. Fp = F, - F, +FF+ WR ... (3.8.3) n
1 _,2 .20
\In -sm
(b) Piston side thrust (FN)
Considc triangles OBC and PBC in Fig. 3.8.2 we can write, .. Fo = • I 2 • 29 ...(3.8.9)
\In -sm
CB /. sin~= r · sin9
Based on Maximum force acting on coMecting rod, FQ
r . sin 9
sin Q 7sm 9 =-n- [··· n=1] ...(3.8.4) during the cycle is used to design the dimensions of connecting
rod. ·
~l-sin ¢
But. cos¢
2 (d) Tangential force.acting on crank pin (Fr)
On substituting value of sin ¢ from Equation (3.8.4) we can
write above equation as, Reaction of force F0 acts in the direction shown in Fig. 3.81
on the crank pin. The component of this force in tangential and
radial directions can be determined with the help of triangle of
forces shown in Fig. 3.8.5.
From Fig. 3.8.5 the tangential force,

... (3.8.5) F0 sin (0 + ~) ...(3.8.10)

or F0 • (sin 0 cos~+ cos 0 sin~)

. ........
V ,,,. 11euu11
~ ·· ·. ····.

~. ,P~~,,,~;;cs:i;o:mt•Ma··.• rv~<M-~·~-=:a..e~·...·s·~·:·:~c~~~>--..·.; 3-~2~!s.4~ :~.=;~=:;='•k=':;=,·0=t=~~;_=;.be=_.,=~=e=_,.e:=-~=.:="0=\~. 1~: ~;~.:.~:~-.~~~-~~:~':m~si~ ~:.~o:~·~~~;:~;~~r~;~r~,z~:i~


_,.,.,,,,- I' !~':...~ . .: ·~.- . . .<;· . ', . ' , '·.. •' ' . . . 'j -~~......:.~·\ ·~~~_(
.... ,, .... .... ' ,/ .~ &;·;(:~piston side thrust or thrust on_cyli~der wall;,. /.\~:'/<.k;
"" · . ~/ ~·:.'.~-.'~ FN· = . Fr>~ tan~ - ·, . : · . . ·: _<~-,){:.:~:.'.
C . . , / FT 1 .~-~ '. • :'.Thrust in connecting rod or force along ~on~~~::t
// >, '· . . Fp · .· :" .,. ~ .,·
/ , , .. rod F.0 =· - · · :: :-..~:--:
/ .
' · .-
, . ,.
. ' . cos ,P · .
. •.. · . . ' . . .
.: ~,._-'i.·
. '. ._.-. ·"-. ;;: ~ .
M 7. 1·:;' :rangential force acting on
crank shaft or cra~· PWi:
. FJg. 3.8.5
.. ; '
. .. . .
F~ = Fa· sin (0 + ~) " ·.
J •
· " · · ··. . ··;_. >,,;~ ...
• • • • ., • • • • • ' ,; -·~,; I •

a;. ·:·Radial force or load on main bearing or.along~~ "

on substituting value of FQ, cos cl> and sin ~ from .~> {s~aft,FR=F0 ·cos(O+~) ·_--. _ · .·' .· '.': :·/,_>:. . .,-::;
. ns (J.8.9), (3.8.5) and (3.8.4) respectively we get,
aqUD!IO . . .
.9 : ::.:"f~rque a~ting on cra~k . ~haft-.o~:
:-=.'/"J~ ;~r,·.: ~ frl. r~::. . ,.· ./, ~-~· ·~,;·=;:: ~
-'.- · ·:~. >c:~ ::·. c;,;· .,, .
=.· ..: .

_o Fp·
FT == [ -vn -sm20
][sin a:Yn2-sinj
0] Ex. 3.8.1
In IC engine mechanism·, the crank radius is 400 mm and
connecting rod is 950 mm long. The diameter of piston is
Fr == Fr [sin 0 +sin 20 cos 0] 100 mm and net gas pressure acting on piston is 15 MPa.
or ..../n - sin20

... Fr Fp [sin 0 + 2 sin 0 c~s 0] (i) Thrust in connecting rod

or . 2"n2-sm • 20
(ii) Piston side thrust

Fr .== Fr'[sin 0 + sin2 2 0
2 ..../n ;_ sin10
J •••(3.8.11) I
Torque acting on crank shaft
Radial force or load .on main bearings when crank has
made 45° from·TDC.
Based on maximum force F-i acting on crank pin during the Soln.: ·
is used for design of crank pin.
eyele . Given : Radius of crank, r 400mm
1be tangential_ force, Fr acti.n g on the crank pin is called
Length of connecting rod, I 950m.m
crank effort.
Diameter of piston, c;1 100 mm
(e~ Radial force acting along crank shaft (FR) Net gas pressure acting on piston, Pg== 15 ~a= 15 N/mm

Refer Fig. 3.8.5 the component of force FQ in radial direction Angle made by crank, 8 = 45°
i.e. the force acting along the crank is given ~_Y. Step 1 : Calculate piston effort, Fp
FR FQ cos (0 +cji) Since the frictional force and the mass of piston is not given,
... (3.8.12)
2 therefore, neglecting ·the friction and inertia effect of reciprocating
fR '1CFQl-CFr) ... (3.8.13) . masses, the net gas force acting on piston equals to piston effort.
force acts on the crank shaft. On the basis of its
Piston effort, F=-xd x pg
7t 2
maximum force during the cycle is used for design of crank shaft g 4
and its bearings.
~(100)2 x 15 = 117.8 x 10 N

(f) Torque on crank shaft (T)

Step 2 : Calculate obliquity ratio, n
The torque acting on crank shaft called turning mom~nt is I 950
The obliquity ratio, n = -= - = 2 375
the product of the crank effort CFr) and the.radius of crank, (r). r 400 ·
Ste.p 3 : Calculate' by using, sin'
Turning moment of crankshaft, T = FT·. r ...(3 ..8.14)
sin "' sin 0 = sin 45° = 0 2977
• I
Equations to be r~~~mber for solving the 'I' n 2.375 ·
. .
st~'tlc force analysis
' # . :. '?. . . .·. '
:. cl> 17.32° .
Step 4 : Calculate thrust in connecting rod or force along
connecting rod, FQ
Thrust in connecting rod or force along connecting rod is,
Fr 117.8 x 10
FQ coscj> cos(17.32)
123.39 x 10 N .•. Ans.
Step 5 : Calculate piston side thrust, FN
. ·l
Piston side thrust is, -FN = FP • tan <!>
Y P uDll c ltlo ft~
, . .
, . 'JV Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
· ·· --==~====~~====~=====~:=;;;:;======~~~~~al
., . .: .·;:
= 117.80xl0 xtan(l7.32)
= 36.73 x 10 N
... Ans.
Step 6 : C!llculate tangential force acting on crank shaft, FT .
Tangential force acting on crank shaft is, p
FT = FQ·sin(9+$)
= 123.39 x 103x sin (45+17.32)
= . 109.26 x 103 N
Step 7 : Calculate torque acting on cra~k shaft, T
Torque acting on crank shaft is,
T = FT·r=l09.26xl03 x 400
= 43.70 x 106
43.70x103 N.m
... Ans.
S~ep 8: Calculate radial force or load on main bearings, FR
Radial force or load on main bearings,
FR= FQ·cos(9+$)
= 123.39x 10 xcos(45+17.32)
Fig. P. 3.8.2
= 57.31 x 10 N ••• Ans.
C+.r.·\ ~~J'.mit•M•iMl:ll1IMm;·~rp;· -W~:: Step t : Calculate the net gas force acting on piston, F
[ .. 'tlfW':r.;fi~ f'ot a·:~erti&3Ffe6~'rocatmg'!t'ng n , .. The net gas force acting on piston is, 1

iih~~~~gi lie :b6i-e~nd 't~e\~i-ani< 'radius~~a rE/'6Q:·rr;r«a~~~~-o~bl . 1t2 - 1t 2 ~

~tPtrc~iy~1y. Tue mass ot the r~cip~ocating'parts'ii)'l<9.~tB~! Fg = 4 d · p 8 ~4(0.06) x 5 x 10 == 1413.?N

~~ere~~~Jn . ttie:~as pres~ure actin~'o~ 't.~~:·~a'~~Ci·~~-:~f':(~~ Step 2 : Calculate inertia force acting on piston, F
J:,-. •.:.;vf-t:. '
·.,,.'1s•• 5'·. ··· bar, and• the effective_;' gas ·pressure"•
:. •.; :-,;·, ~-...~ ' .~ Inertia force acting on piston is;
;downwards, towards
J-»'../$~~(,~~. ,t·-::,~ ...~ : .:···.·
the .crank shaft, when ithe :cran
·~·... -'·'::-. .:;,;·;.., ;~·:·::- •..··~::;;;;. ·i~·:'!1....
}'],?,~~e.~- ?0°, from 'P~_siti~:~::_',ge~;$:;,;
' . .·.. "·

the top dead cenfre !:-"'; F1 mR ro2 r [ cos 9 +---;---

cos 2 0] .. .
~wnen crank speed = 2000 rpm . . .· :::-. .;~,· ;\'.:<~--,'.:~\\~1;
;(,j~~·~• pisto~ effo~ ' · ! .·... ,:,:~~;\'i;,':'.f F1
l x (209 .44) x 0.04 [cos 50 + ~.;.QQ]
lo~"-:·llle 1.oads on gudgeon·p_in anci ~e·~~~n~:ilioi; ..':~'.i.~~'"<~ = 1060.13 N
[Oii) .. Tpe .~¥Jinder -~~~l_I: ~~Fu~~~"'~-·-th~~ th.~st_~~n.:~~~l:
l:.:,u:._J~.e~nng, _~eg!~ct;!h_eJD.~~~.o.fJhe_.~[l_l}~_tiQ.g .(Qg,:t: Step 3 : Calculate axial force acting on piston or piston
Soln.: effort for vertical engine
Given: Obliquity ratio, n The axial force acting on piston or piston effort for Vertical
engine is,
Crank radius, r 40 mm == 0.04 m Fp = Fg - · F1 +WR
Engine bore or diameter of piston, d = 60 mm = 0.06 m = 1413.7+9.81-I060.13c=363.4N ... Ans.
:. Length of connecting rod, l n ·r =4.5 x 0.04 Step 4 : Calculate 9 by using, sin f

0.18m Since, sin$ -- sine

Mass of reciprocating parts, mR 1 kg
.. sin~ = si~.;o = 0.1702 or, $ = 9.80°
Weight, WR ~ 1 x 9.81 N

Net gas pressure acting on piston, p8 = 5 bar= 5 x 10 Nim2 ~ Step 5 : Calculate loads on gudgeon pin or axial force along
connecting rod, FQ
Angle made by crank, e 50°
Load on gudgeon pin and crank pin or axial force along
Speed of crank, N 2000 rpm connecting rod is,
21tN 21t x 2000 Fp
.. (I) . =
60 60 -cos$ -
.. (I) 209.44 rad/sec. 363.4
cos (9.8) 368.78 N
Consider vertical reciprocating engine as shown in Fig. P. 3.8.2.

P UDll ClllUt
MU· Som 5. Mech Static & Dynamic Force Analysis
C11lct1lllCCI thru81 Oii cyllnclc1· Wnll, 1rN T ... Frxr .. 13529.18x0.225 .
5ltll6 I • 3044.06 N ... Ans.
tinder w111l ls,
~1 oil cy , . ;E. .# • • : ~ • J,'· ·.;
1~" , um~ .. 363.4 x tnn (9.80) .. 62.77 N
... Ans.
I X~3.8;4 ·:,'.-, ·· . .- · "-',.:•.". _."'")
. ..
l·~ .
c111c11luhl thrust on crnnk bcnrlng, l'n
;A"tior1~ont81 gas en91ne runn.l n9'iit 210 rpm has .a -~~f.e ~'i
(220 .mm and a stroke of 440 mm. The connecting rod__'~
Sltl17 :
, rrutk bci11ring Is, :~~4 mm long and the reciprocating parts weight·20_-k9: i
11sl \111 c • ~~hen the crank has turned through an angle. o.f 30°. (ror:nj
·111r r cos co+~) ... 368.78 cos (5o + 9 80> ,the ·inner dead center, gas pressure on the cover and ~h~)
~ - Q .
., &H5A9 N .crank
I' sides are 500 kN/m 2 and 60 kN/m respectively.! . .. , .,. ~· ~
... Ans.
1Dlameter or the piston rod Is 40 mm. Determine (i) _ t urning]
~Mlfill•i·l•flH&f!tiM! ,· . ;· [moment ·on crank shaft. (ii) ·thrust on ·the·.' beari.ngi
I . •; : . • .. •• l

,..."' 3,8.3 - ' '• · '" ' ' . _' I . ' ' \ '' .
!" ,_· rtlcal double acting steam·engine has a cylind~r 300 m~I 1 ~1!1) acc~leratlor:i of the flywheel which has a m~~s ~~ B_-k~i
!and radius of gyration of 600 mm while : the -power : o~
J. ve r and 450 mm stroke and runs at 200 rpm ·Th 1 l~oglrie is 22 ··-
kW. ·.. . :1
'd'snie1e . .
i 1 rocsting parts have a mass of 225 kg and the piston rod!
, e ' . .... . -- -·--:.... ....
. ,__';...... . ·.. .-- --·-··--·-
· . , ;h. ·_.........
... -·- ··.· ·-~...- -·--··"
,~clp . rn diameter. The connecting rod Is 1.2 m l~ng Wn I Soln.:
~ 5011'1 . • .,en. Given:
:~s~e erank. has turned thrqugh 125° from the. top dead c . t ·1'
en re,,
1. ·....;.m'pressure above the piston Is 30 kN/m and b. 1
1mes'"" 2,. ., . "
. ·' eow
I Diameter of piston, d 220 mm= 0.22 m
!the plslo~ is 1.5 k~~~ ·..Calculate t~e tangentl~I force on the; Stroke length, S = 440mm
[cisok..PIO and.effect1v~. turning mQrnen~.o.n the_cr.ari~.shaf(:J :. Cronk mdius, s 440
r = 2 =2=220mm=0.22m

soln·: Engine speed,N = 21 0 rpm

d .. JOO n~m =0.3 m
2 7t N = 2 7t x 210 = l 99
S., 450 mm, :. 2r = 450 mm, :, r = 225 mm= 0.225 m :. (I) = 60 60 2 · ra
. i

I l.2
I:: J.2 m, :. n = = 'Q.225 = 5.33 r mR == 225 kg, Mnss of reciprocating parts, mR = 20 kg
.. WR 20 x 9.81=196.2 N
WR== 225 x 9.81=2207.25 N 0 = 1250,
Obliquity ratio,
p :: 30 - 1.5 = 28.5 kN/m = 28.5 x I03 N/m2
N == 200 rpm,
27t x 200
:. w = 60 == 20.94 rad/sec
Angle made by crank, e 30°
Pressure on cover,
3 2
'500 kN/m2 = 500 x I0 N/m
The net gas force acting on piston is,
Back pressure is,
==~d • PB = ~(0.3)2. 28.5 x 103 =2014.54 N
F, P2
Inertia force acting on piston is, Therefore difference of pressure on two sides of the piston or
net gas pressure acting on piston becomes,
F1 = mR Cs>2 r [ cos 0 +cos
- ;20]
- 3 2
p1 = Pi- p2 = 500 x 10 -60 x 103 = 440 x 103 N/m
F1 = 225 x (20.94)2 x0.225 [cos 1250 +cos (2 x 125°)] Gas force on piston is, F8 = ~d x pe=~(0.22) x 440 x 10
2 2 3
F1 = -14156.8 N == 16.725x I0 N

The axial force acting on piston Inertia force on piston is,

Fp Fs -F1 +WR=2014.54+14156.8 +2207.25 cos 2 e]
mRCs>2 r [ COS 0 +-n-
Fp 18378.60 N

. . F1 =.20 x (21.99/x 0.22[ cos 30° + co:.~

Now, sin <I>
sine sin 125
-n- =533 ] = 219.35 N
3 3
8.83° Piston effort is, Fp =Fe- F1 = 16.725 x 10 -219.35 = 16.5 x 10 N

Now, F0
.1L - 18378.60 - . sine sin 30
Since, sin~= -n-=4:2=.0.119
cos <I> - cos 8.83 - 18599.03N
Tangential force acting on crank shaft is, :. ~ = 6.83
FT F0 sin(0+<j>) Force along connecting rod,
= 18599.03 sin (125° + 8.33°) F _ -5:__ 16.5x 103 _ ' · 3
Q - cos~ - cos 6.83 16·61 x IO N
FT = 13529.18 N
Torque acting on crank shaft, Calculate tangential force acting on crank shaft or crank
':is:' TtdlKMaallfdgi
V Pubt1 c1 t1on1

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• ~ ·~
..."'i ...

. .
: ·: ~

• ·. Dynamics of Machinery (MU .: Sem 5 - Mech)

Tangential force acting on crank shaft or crank effort is,


= 123.40 x 10 N
Static & Dynamic Force~ . .

. ...Ata_
FT = FQ·sin (0 + 4>) = 16.61 x 10 ·sin (30 + 6.83) Piston side thrust
= 9.956 x 10 N ••• Ans. 3
F = F tan q, = 117.809 x 10 x tan 17.32
N P .
Turning moment on crank shaft is, 3
= 36.73 x 10 N
T = FT·r=9.956x 101 x0.22 ···>.its.
3 Tangential force acting on crank shaft
= 2.19x10 N ... Ans.
Mass moment of Inertia, FT F0 sin(0+~)
I == mk = 8 x (0.6) = 2.88 kg-m
2 2 = 123.4 x 10 sin (45 + 17.32)
Torque required to accelerate the flywheel, T Fy = 109.27 x 10 N ... >.its,
T = P·x 60 = 22 x 10 x 60 = I000.40 N-m Torque acting on crank shaft
3 .
2nx N 2nx 210
T FT x r= 109.27 x 10 x 400
But T I a. 6
T = 43.7 x 10 Nmm.
1000.40 2.88 x a. 3
:. a = 347.36 rad/s
... Ans:
= 43.7 x 10 Nm. ...AJis.
Radial load on main bearing
Ex. 3.8.6
FR FQ co~ ( 0 + ~)
In IC engine mechanism, the crank length is 40 cm and 3
connecting rod length is 95 cm. Piston diameter is 10 cm and 123.4 x 10 cos ( 45 + 17.32)
2 3
net gas pressure acting is 15 N/mm • Find: 57.32 x 10 N ···Aiu.
(i) Thrust on connecting rod.
;E~l 8°7"= iMUtSl•IMMd: :\ }...-.--..;, .·:·,··:.. ·:.::,-. --. -.:·.··. ,. . : · :_ .i~
(ii) Piston side thrust. l ....-. ~ ~-'~..:,·::: . - ~ " ._ . _;, •· -~
)'fh~-~'nk arid connecting rod ofv~rtical single cyli~detgas
(iii) Torque acting on crankshaft. ;~ngine':!running · at 1800 rpm ·-are. ',60 . mm and:_240 :mm
(iv) Radial load on main bearings when crank is at 45° ~~sp~t~V.~Y~ The 9is_tance of th_e pist~ri is:a_ o mr.n ~~ ~
from TDC. ~offecipfoeati(lg part 1s 1.2 kg. At a pomtdunng ~r stroke_
Soln.: !wtie"~', piston- . has moved 20 mm fro/Tl __ Jop,: ~d center
rµ6siii~~;:.-ih~ ''pri the piston _is kN/m~,: bet~ a90
fi);~Jt;tfio'rce on. the.)iston/ ;:: ii) ;Ne,t'~. ~o,ad :;:Oh':gu_d9e~n Pm ~
Radius of crank r 40 cm =400 mm; 1m}'}til~'.tB.n'.istf()n_ 'cyiil).~~~1~~~;~:.'Y> \h~_ s_p_e,ed_ .a~ -~•ch:~
Length of.connecting rod, I 95 cm= 950 mm ; [9.U.~9~.Ji:i>ln:19.?·~:1~j~y~i.s~Jrl_~1~~o_r:i,~L_:2:~~)f!. ;i~ ~--J
Diameter of piston d 10 cm= 100 mm ; Soln.:
Net gas pressure Pg 15 N/mm ; Given: · Diameter of piston. d = 80 mm = 0.08 m
Angle made by crank, 0 45° . :. Crank radius, r 60mm=0.06m
Thrust on connecting rod, FQ =?
Engine speed, N 1800 rpm
Piston side thrust, FN =?
Torque acting on crankshaft, T = ?
Radial load on main bearing, FR = J
188.49 rad/s
Piston effect, FP
Mass of reciprocating parts,
1t 2
- 4 x (100) x 15 1.2 kg
117.809 x 10 N ..• Ans. .. WR 1.2 x 9.81 = 11.772 N

Obliquity ratio, n =. 490500 = 2.375 l 240

Obliquity ratio, n . = ~ =60 = 4
. . sin4> sin e = ~ ·= 0.2977 2 3 2
n · 2.375 Pressure, Pq 800 kN/m = 800 x 10 N/m

<P 17.32° ' . Displacement of piston,

Thrust on connecting rod 2
r (I - cos 0) + r (n -,Yn - sin 0)
0.~6 (1 - cos9) + 0.06 (4--Vt6-sin20)
FP 117.809 x 10
./ 0.02
FQ = cos$ cos 17.32
0 43.41°m

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·.. . · · mies of Machinery (MU ·- Sem 5 ·Mech) 3- . . '
~ovna . 29 . Static & Dynamic Force Analysis·"... .·
~eref~re d.ifference ~f pressu~e_ o~ .~wri ~ides of1he piston or .D«= lOOmm=O.lm,
· ure acting on piston· becomes,
oet gas P . . , · .. , Mass of reciprocating parts, mR = 1.5 kg
Oas force on piston is,
Pressure, P1 = 0.9 N/mm2, , . x = 15 mm
*d x'p,=~(0.08) x800x 10
2 2
F, == =4021.23 (1) Net ioad on the gudgeon pin or fore~ acting on piston

1nertu1 iO
. '- rce on piston ·IS, FI = mR(I) r 2[ COS cos ·20J
0 +~
F8 =
1t2 · 1t
4 D_~ P=4x(IOO) x0.9

2 7068.58 N
· (!SS.49) x 0.06 [cos 43.41+.£Qs86.82] Using,
• f I "" 1.2 x . . 4
.. "" !898.78N ,- . "J> = r (I - cos 0) + r ( n - Vn - sin
2 1
= I
Piston effort is, Fp FB~ Fl= 4021.23-IB93.78 r 60 i:nm = 0.06 m, .. n =-
r = 4
·2127.44 N 15 = 60(1-cos0)+60(4-Vl6-sin2 0)
- . sin 0 - sin 43.41 . . '
Since, sin4> - n - 4 _0.171 15 60 [<'1-eos 0) + (4-Vl6-sin2 e)]
0:25. ,.= (1-cos0)+4.,... V16-sin2 0 · -.~
:. 4> 9.89
. 0.25 5 - cos 0.-'116- sin2 0
Force al ong connecting rod, 4.75 = cos 0 = '116-sin2 0
. Fp
2127.44x IQ3 : .(4.75-cos0)2 = 16-sin2 0
FQ = cos 4> · cos 9.89 = 2159.532 N ..
.. 22.75 + cos2 0-9.5 cos 0 16-sin 0

Calculate tangential force acting .on crank shaft or crank .. 22.75+1-9.5 cos 0 16-:-sii'a + si.ila
:....9.5 cos 0 16- 23.5
Tangential force acting on crank shaft or crank effort is, 0 37.86°
FQ·sin (0 + 4>) = 2159.532·si~ (43.41+9.89)
0 +co~20 )
FT = 2
F, .mR . 00 • r (cos
= 1731.44 N
Turning moment on crank shaft is,
=1.5 x· (209.4395)
' 2 (
x 0.06 \..cos 3.7.86 + ·cos 2 x 37.86)
T = FT·r = 173 l .46x 0.06 = I 03.86 N F1 = 3360.31 N
..• Ans.
[EX: 3.s.~ IMld1J~S(;il•Ui@Q · .'\:'~ .~ . \ .'. ..-! Net load on the gudgeon pin,
r. ( :'. .. .... . . • ~.,,. ,. '\· ··. . .., ~., ,<~ ··· . "::-1
l~ 1.c: engine running at 2000 rpm ha.s ih~. toiloWirig' data; Fp Fs-F1 =7068.58-3360.31 N
:;crank radius =
60 mm, length of.connecting · rod ,: 24o;l .• Fr = 3708.27 N .
'.diameter of piston = 1 oo
mm, mass of the reclprodating;
Thrust in the connecting rod
:part~ =-1.5 kg.
pressure on the piston during power_:strpkei

[.;..- 0.9 N/mm , displacement of piston from 1.0.C. :::;; '15· mmJ 4> ·Angle of inclination of connecting.rod to l~e
< ' " , ,4. ~ of stroke
-Find. ·. - .;· 1
l: ' . ' :' .. '? :;'{:;~;: si~ 8 = sin ~7 · 86 = 0.1534
:(Q . Net load on the gudgeon pin : · .:.. ..i ·'< ~fj but sin cp
~-. . . .
'OQ , "Thrust in the connecting rod
. .. ·,, .:, ... ~
h -~. tkl
: :: :.;
} . .. . . , ·:- .'z.' ;. )f.'.':t;1 ' = 8.8259°
{OiQ : .. Piston side thrust · · •. . ·..;·: · 4:-..f(~ We know that thrust on connecting rod
-~ ~ ~ _.~~: ~- .~. /_..ft·... u;.4.:.~
k~) '·'fh~ engine speed at which the·,e;'.ij~fti!~
.. • · i ·; • . , .

..!2.... -3708.27
L·-. -~eIQ.._,_~--- ~·-· ___.:._ .• _____ ... :~--'...·:._; .:..~.;.. ...:....~.~Lil~.~1~J
FQ cos 4> - cos 8.8259
Soln.: FQ = 3752.705 N
Given data: (3) Piston side thrust
FN = Fp tan 4> = 3708.27 x tan 8.8259
N 2000 rpm
FN = 575.78N
2nN = 2 x n x 2000 = rad/
60 60 · 209·4395 sec (4) Engine speed at which the above values will becomes zero,
A consideration will show that above values will becomes
Crank radius, r 60 mm = 0,06, zero, if inertia force on reciprocating parts (F1) is equal to load on
Length of connecting rod I = 240 mm = 0.240 m piston (FL)

• Dynamics of Machinery ·(MU - Sem 5 - Mech} 3-30 Static & Dynamic Foree A
ro 1 = speed in rad/sec at which F1 = F8 . . Illi .= Mnss placed at big end centre, c 1'
2 ( cos
:. mR(ro1) r\cose+-n-
20) =
4 2
D x P1
Distance between small end centre and
of connecting rod · · C.o.
. 2 . ( cos (2 x 37 .86)'1 1t ' 2
1.5 (ro 1) ..x.o_.06 \c~s. 37.86 + , . 4 .. ) "'_'" 4 x, (100) .x O.? Distance between big end centre and C
.G Of
2 connecting rod. · ·
0.0766. ro I =. 7068.5834
We know that for dynamically equivalent system
Ci)l = 303.7748 rnd/s me = mj + Illi' '
27tN1 "•(i)
ro, = .i:n1l1 = ~')
60 ...(ii)
m/3 .
ro 1 x60 m1 (/1 + l3) ...(iii)
N, =
2x 7t m/1
303 ~7748 x 60 mi = (/I + /3)
• f - •

. i
= . . 2 x 7t
At small end we consider two masses, first is ~s of
N1 =. 2900.83 rpm reciprocating parts i.e. mR and other m_ass is m1•
3.8.2 Dynamic Force Analysis or Inertia . Therefore totai equivalent mnss acting at point pis,
Force Analysis of IC Engine, me = mR+m 1
Mechanism The axial force acting on piston is,
Fp = Fs-F1 .
.. Fp = · -F1 ... [consideringF :::o]
:. The value of axial force acting on piston is equal to inertia
force in magriitude but direction is opposite.
we know that acceleration of reciprocating part is given by,
fp = 2
r [ cos 0 +-n- 20]
Therefore axial force acting on piston or inertia force du~ to
mass at point P is,
Fp = F1 = equi~alent mass acting at point P x acceleration of
reciprocating .Parts
F P = F I =mc · f.p .
Fp = 2 [ cos 2
F1 = (mR +m1) ro .r cos 0 +-n-
e] ...(3.&.15)
Fig. 3.8.6 : IC engine mechanism
I In case of high speed IC engine mechanisms it is necessary to
Torque exerted on crank shaft due to axial force Fp or Inertia
force F1 acting on piston is,
T1 = FT· r ,
consider the effect of inertia forces arising due to mass of·
~ 2 e]. ...(Clockwise)
piston and mass of connecting rod. Such analysis is called as 2
where, FT = FP [sin 0 +
dynamic force analysis or inertia force analysis. . 2 n -sm
Consider IC engine mechanism in which crank OC making
angle 8 with I.D.C and rotating with clockwise direction as
or FT = F1[sin 0 + ._Jsi~ 2
2 n -sm e
~2 J ... (Anticlockwise)
shown in Fig. 3.8.6.
Let, r =Crank radius
.. Tl = F, r [ sm
2 e. 2 (.Antic
: e + _,sin
2 vn -sm e
. 1ockWISC
. ) ... (3 •8•16)

l Length of connecting rod

(b) Torque exerted on crank shaft due to
IDc Mass of connecting rod correction couple (T2)
mR Mass of reciprocating parts For convenience ~e are assuming that out of the masses rn1
k Radius of gyration of connecting rod about its C.G. and m2, mass m 1 is placed at point P and mass m2 at point C. i.e.
(a) Torque exerted on the crank shaft due to We are keeping two masses arbitrarily. This assumption does not
inertia forces. (T1) . satisfy the condition for dynamically equivalent system, therefore it
Since we' have to consider the mass of connecting rod for is necessary to apply a correction couple, which is given by,
me (k~ -k ) a.
dynamic force analysis, it is convenient to represent the 2
Tc ... (clockwise) ·
connecting rod by its dynamically equivalent system of two
- me (k~ -
masses m 1 and m2 • Tc k) a. ...(antlclockwise)
Let, m1 = Mass plated at small end centre, P where, a. = Angular acceleration of
ies of Machinery (MU • Sem 5 - Mech) Static & Dynamic Force Analysi:
• 0
. . .. d - ro2 sin .
connecting ro - n
ki ::: Radius of gyration of non dynamically
equivalent system = ~

Tc = . - me [kl - k 1
2 2 [-

..n ·
0] •..anticlockwise
ro sin

C0 nsider two forces Fe equal and opposite is·applied at point
Equations to be Remember for Solving the Problems
so as to provide the correction
· . , · couple Tc· .·
pand C " Tc I .
on Dynamic Force Analysis
:. F~ = PN '

Now. _
Torque acting on crank sh~ dui:_ to, .
r 2 = FcxNO ... (vi)
On substituting value of Fe from Equation (v) in
tion (vi) we can write,
Equa NO
T2 = Tex PN ...(vii)
NO = OC cos 0 =rcos 0 and
PN PC cos ~ = _l cos $
NO r cos 0 · cos 0 -
'PN = /cos~=~
~ = cos 0 '
or PN _/"2 • 29
nvn ~sm .

~;Jn -sin 0J
2 2
...[ ·.·cos~- · .n
· N'o = cos e
or PN .12 .29 ... (viii)
\fn -sm
On substituting the value of PN from Equation (viii) in
Equation (vii) we can write,
= T
-29 ...(3.8.18)
\fn -sm
2 ~ cos e
T1 = - ~ [k1 - k a "n~ - sin2 0 ...(anticlockwise)

(c) Torque exerted on crank shaft due to weight of

mass m2 at big end centre 'C' (T3)
Torque exerted a! point C due to mass m1 is,
T3 = (m2 g) x ON
:. T3 = (ffii g) x r cos 0 ... (anticlockwise) ... .(3.8.19) Ex. 3.8.9
Torque exerted at point C due to mass m2 in vertical engine ~he following data relate to horizontal reciprocating engine :
is, Mass of reciprocating parts =100 kg ,.
:. T3 = (m2 g) x r sin 0 ...(clockwise) Mass of connecting rod =80 kg
- ... .
(d) Therefore, resultant inertia torque exerted on Stroke length =200 mm
_ crank shaft Is given by, Length of connecting rod b~tween centers·,,; 400 mm '
T = [forque exerted on crank shaft due to inertia forces] Radius of gyration of connecting rod about an axis through
+ [forque exerted on crank shaft due to correcting couple] =
C.G. 120 mm
+ [forque exerted on crank shaft due to mass at big end] · Distance of C.G. from big end centre =160 ~m
:. T = T1 + T2 + T3 • •• (anticlockwise) ...(3.8.20) Engine speed =900 rpm clockwise
Determine the inertia torque on crankshaft when crank has
~~ TechKnamledgi
V Publlc1t1n n !

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'tJr ·Dynamies of Machinery (MU·- Sem 5 - Mech) 3-32 Static & Dynamic Force Anatygig
turned 40° from
l.D.C. analytically.
' ;
Step 4: Calculate axial fiorce or inert
piston, F1
. i a .fiorce actin '
.. g o,
Soln.: Axial force or inertia force acting on piston is,

Given: " F1 = (mR + m1) ~-2 r [ cos

' cos 20]
e +-n-
Mass of~eciprocating parts, mR.=: 100 kg
Mass of connecting rod, me 80 kg = ooo + 32) ·x 0.1 x (94.25)~ [ CC:s (40) +cosJ§2l]
Stroke length, S 200 mm = 0.2 m 3
..F1 94.91x10 N · · · . .
s 200 . . . " Calculate torque exerted on crank shaft due tO ~
· -': Crank radius, r . = 2 = T = 100 mm = 0.1 m Step S:
fune,~ . . . .
Length of connecting rod, I 400mm=0.4 m
Torque exerted on crank shaft due to axial force, or inertia
l 0.4
· :. Obliquity ratio, n - = - =4 force is,
r 0.1
A/~ ~ 2 J·
:. Radius of gyration of connecting rod about C.G., k;,,, 120 mm F1 r[sin0+
2 vn -sm 0
=0.12 m
Distance ofC.G. from big end centre, /3 = 160 mm= 0.16 m - 94.91x10 x 0.1 [sin"(40) + • I ~ ( 0)
3 5 8
2 v(4) -sin~(40)
Engine speed, N 900 rpm
.. T1 = 7284.79 N-m (anticlo~kwise)
2 7tN
60 Step 6 : Calculate radius o~ gyration of no~ dynamically
2 'It x 900 . equivalent system, k 1 •
= 94.25 rad/sec
60 Radius of gyration of non dynamically equivalent system is,
2 ·' .
k = 11 13 = (0.24 x 0.16) =0.1959 m
. Step 7 :
Calculate correction co~ple, Tc
Correction couple is,
2 2 2 2 [-o:lsin0J
Tc -mc(k1 -k)a.=-mc[k1 -k] n
- 2 • '

Tc - 80 [(0.1959)
- (0.12}l ~ [~ < ~· ~ s~ (40)J
9 25

T0 = , 2738.11 N-m (anticlockwise)

Step 8 : Calculate torque· exerted on crank shaft. due to
correction couple, T 2
Torque exerted on crank shaft due to correction couple is,
Fig. P. 3.8.9 ' cos 9 . . cos 40
T2 ':' TcA/ 2 2 =2738.llA/ 2 2
Step 1: Calculate distance of small end centre from C.G., / 1 vn -sin 0 v(4) - sin (40)
Distance of small end centre from C.G. is, T2 = 531.28 N-in (anticlockwise)
11 =· /-l3 =0.4-0.16=0.24m Step 9: Calculate torque exerted on crank ·shaft due to
Step 2 : Calculate mass placed at small end centre, m1 weight of mass m2 at big end centre T 3 · •· .

Consider dynamically equivalent system of two masses m 1 Torque exerted on crank shaft due to weight of ma5s in2 at
and ~ for connecting rod, big end centre is, ·

Mass placed at small end centre is, T3 = Cruz g) · r cos e = (48 x 9.81) x 0.1 x cos (40)
mcl3 .. T3 = 36.07 N-m (anticlockwise)
mI = U1+13) Step 10 : Calculate resultant total inertia for torque on crank
80 x 0.16 shaft, T
(0.24 + 0.16) 32 kg Resultant or total inertia torque on crank shaft is,
Step 3 : Calculate mass placed at big end centre, m2 T T 1 +.T2 + T3 = 7284. 79 + 531.28 + 36.07
Mass placed at big end centre is, .. T = 7852.14 N-m (an!iclockwise) ••• Ans.
mcl1 Ex. 3.8.10
m2 (1, + 13) .
A single cylinder horizontal steam engine has a stroke of
80 x 0.24
(0.24 + 0.16) 48 kg 0.75 m and a connecting rod 1,8 m long: The ma~ of
reciprocating parts is 520 kg and that of the connecting rod is

y Pat 11c 1tt1•1

Scanned wit h CarnSc armer

of Machine (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3.33 . Static & Dynamic Foree Analysis .
. pt1'1 8 oilCS .
f .. T1 = .· F1r[sin0+ .,/~ ~ 2
f gravity of the connecting rod ls 0.8 m from 2

z3 0 K9·
c;entre o
. . b
the moment of inertia a out an axis through . · 2 n -sm eJ1 .
cf8nK pin of gravity perpendicular to the plane of motion Is = 14640.70 x 0.375 [ sin (45) + • I sin (90) ·]
S)z _ . 2 (40)
centre2 For an engine speed of 90 rpm ·and a crank . . . 2v(4. sm
00 K9 11'1 • 50 from the. IQC,
1 . ..1 of4 rt'
determine the torque on the
.. T1 = 4459.30 N-m (anticlockwise)
p0si\I0 • · due to the me 1a o ese parts by analytical Step 6: Calculate radius of gyration of connecting rod and
crsoKshaft . non dynamlcal!y equivalent system
th0d· Radius of gyration of connecting rod about C.G. is,
5011'1·: - stroke length, s .= 0.75 m 2 I 100 ·
s 0.75 k _. _.=..- - = 0.6593 m
;. crank radius, .r = 2=2=.0.37?m
Radius of gyration of non dynamically equivalent system is,
2 .· .. of connecting rod l l.8m
t,eo5u· · · ' [
.I : l.& • . k 1 = ~ 1 •. ~ = 1 x 0.8 = 0.8 m .
·,.: Obliquity ratio, n = r=m=~.8 :. kl = 0.8944

eciprocating parts, mR 520kg Step 7: Calculate corre~tion couple, Tc Correction couples

rJ~o f r ·· is, . . . .- ,
Mass of connecting rod, me 230 kg
fC.G. from big end centre, /3 = 0.8 m
. ·, 2 •" l "
- me (k - k ) a= - me[ k 1 - k ] [
. . 2 l - (I)2 •
n _
distallce o • . . 2
inertia of connectmg rod about C.G., I = 100 kg . m2 2 · 2 [-(9.42) sin (451]
?Jo!tlent of .. - . :-- 230 [(0.8944) - (0.6593) ] 4.8 .
Engine speed, N - 90 rpm
27tN 27tx90 Tc = - 1098.22 N-m (anticlockwise)
60 = 60 =9.42rad/sec Step 8 : Calculate torque exerted on crank· shaft due to
~~rrection couple, T 1
crank angle, 0 45°
Torque ex~rted on crankshaft due to correction couple is,
. Calculate distance of small end centre from C.G I
Step 1. . ' I T cos 0
Distance of small end centre from C.G. 1s, . · · · i- c.1"'1. . 20 -
vn -sm
11 = l - 13 = 1.8 - 0.8 = 1 m
1098.22 x cos 45 .
Step l : . Calculate mass _placed at small end centre, m1 . 2 2
'1(4.8) - sin (45)
consider dynamically equivalent system of two masses m 1 J - . ... 163.56 N-m (anticlockwise) ·
and ~ for connecting rod, ~tep 9 Calculate torque exerted on crank shaft due to placed at small end centre is, weight of mass m2 at big end centre T 3
me 13 230 x 0.8 Torque exerted on crankshaft due to weight of mass ffii
mt = (I, + 1 ) = (1 + o.8) 102.22 kg
3 at big end centre is,.
Step3: Calculate mass placed at big end centre, m1 T3 = (m2 g)rcos0.=(127.77x9.81)x0.375cos(45)
Mass placed at big end centre is, T3 == 332.36 N-m (anticlockwise)
mcl1 230x1 Step 10: Calculate resultant total inertia for torque on crank
m2 = U1+13) =(I + 0.8) 127.77 kg shaft, T
Step 4: Calculate axial force or inertia force acting on Resultant or total inertia torque on.crankshaft is, .,
pis~n, F1
T "'. . T~ +T2 +T3 =4459.30+163.56+332.36
T = 4955.22 N-m (anticlockwise) .•. Ans.
Axial force or inertia force acting on piston is, .
2 [ cos 20] Ex. 3.8.11
F1 = (mR + m 1) ro r cos .0 + - n -
. The following data relate to horizontal reciprocating engine :
.. F1
(52; + 102.2;) (9.42) 0.375 [cos (45»+. co~~i ] 02 Mass of reciprocating parts =50 kg
Stroke length =200 mm
14640.70N Speed of engine 1000 rpm clockwise =
Step 5 : Calculate torque exerted on crank shaft due to axial Connecting rod mass 35 kg =
force, T 1 Length between centre~ 425 mm =
Torque exerted on crank shaft due to axial force or inertia of
Distance C.G. from big end centre =170 mm
force is, ·Time for 25 oscillations when suspended at . small end
centre = 29 sec.
,_, TtdlbowlHgi
Y P u o 11 c1 tt a n '

Sc:1111it.d w1t. hCarnScam11..'f

1Jr ·0ynamics of Machinery (MU- Sem 5-Mech) 3-34 . Static & Dynamic Force Aii~i/

Detennine analytically the inertia torque on crank shaft when : . . 4.75 - cos 0 = V. .1-8-.06---s-in
. ....2-e " .
piston has moved 25 % of outstroke from 1.0.C. On squaring both sides we get,
Soln.: :. (4.75 - cos ei = l8.06-sin
Given :·Mass of reciprocating pans, mR = 50 kg :. 22.5 + cos 2
a- 9.5 cos e = · 18.06 -sin e
2 2
Stroke length, S = . . 22.5 + (1-sin 0)- 9.5 cos 0 = 18.06- sin 0 ·
:. Crank radius, r = 2~
s 0.2 .:.[" · • cos 0 = l -sinl6J
2 ~=OJ nl . . 22.5 + 1 - 9.5 cos 0 . 18.06
Speed of engine, N 1000 rpm :. 9.5 cos a = 5.44 • . cos = e o.sn6
2:tN 2:n:x1000 .. 8 = 55.06° e :: 55°
ro=6() = 60 ·- Io4. 7t rad/sec
Therefore crank angl~-af 0.05 m displacement of piston is ..
Jvlass of connecting rod, me = 55
from JDC. .
Distance between. centres, I = 425 mm = 0.425 m Step 6 : Calculate mass placed at small end centre, 1n1

:. Obliquity ratio, n
I 0.425
;=o.t =4. 25
Consider dynamically equivalent system of two masses
- 1111
and m2 for connecting rod,
Dis~ce ofC.G. from big end centre, /3 = 170 mm= 0.17 m Mass placed at small end centre is,
Step 1 : ' Calculate distnnce of small end from C.G. /1 me 13 35 x 0.11
m1 = Ui+.13 )=(0.255+0.11) 14 kg
Distance ofC.G. from small end centre is,
Step 7 : Calculate mass pl:lced at big end centre, m2
/1 = I -13 = 0.425 - 0.17 = 0.255 m
Mass placed at big end centre is,
Step2: Calculate periodic time of one oscillation of
connecting rod
(I, +lJ)
The principle time of one oscillation of connecting rod when 35 x 0255 . ?
it suspended from small end is, (0.255 + 0.17) - 1 kg
tp = = 1.16 sec/cycle Step 8 : Calculate axial force or inertia force acting on
Step 3 : Calculate radiu~ of gyration of connecting rod by
using, ~ Axial force or inertia force acting on piston is,
The period of oscillation of connecting rod when suspended ~ [ cos 201
F1 (mR + m 1) ro· r cos 0 + -0- j
from small end is,
I - (50+14) x (104.71) x 0.1 cos (55)+
2 [ cos (I
2;. ____.,l

= _34601.28 N
k~ + co.255r Step 9 : Calculate torque exerted on crank shaft due to axial
.. 1.16 2 :t
9.81 x 0.255 forc'e; T 1
k 0.1422 m
Torque exerted O": ~rank shaft due to axial force or inertia
. . The radius of gyration of connecting rod about C.G. is
force is,
0.1568 m.
"'1s~n ~ 2 J
Step 4 : Calculate displacement of piston, x P F1 • r[sin .0 +
2 n -sm 0 ··
The displacement of piston is, Xp = 0.25 % x Out stroke
34601.28 x 0.1 [ sin (55) + sin (I lO) 2 J
or Xp 025 x S [" · · Stroke length= outstroke =In stroke] . . 2 "'1c4 .25/ - sin (55)
•• Xp = 0.25 X 0.2 .. T1 = 322420 N-m (anticlock.'Wise)
•• Xp = 0.05 m ... from !DC Step 10 : Calculate radius of gyration of none dynamically
• 1
Step 5 : Calculate crank angle 0 by using xP equivalent system, k

Also, displacement of piston is given by, Radius of gyration of none dynamically, equivalent system is,

Xp r [ (1 - cos 0) + (n-'1n - sin 8)

2 2
J 2
kl· 1, l3= 0.255 x 0.17

- •\
. . 0.05 0.1 [(I~ cos 0) + . (4.25 ~"(4.25/- sin
0) J Step 11 :
k 0.2082 m

Calculate correction couple, Tc

0.5 = l-cos 0 + 4.25-°'1I 8.06 - sin 0 2 2
2 Correction couple is, Tc = - me (k - k) a
· 5.25 - cos 8 -'118.06 - sin 8 1

Scanned w ith CamScanner


~ '"'-.
.. ,;t •pY_nan'liCS o

~ · . :: '
. .·. . ;: - mC. or-
) [ - (J)l °] Obliquity ratio, n . =' Lr= o.4 ·=·s

• • . •.. 2 (o 1422{] [..:. (104:11)2 sin (55)] Refer Fig. P. 3.8.12 . ..

· __ 35 [co.2os2) - · .'· . 4.25 . .
'fc - . .. • • I '

.,.,_ (anticlockwise)
- J7!0 ,... 111
'fc - I ulate torque exerted OD crank shaft d~e to
5teP 12: Car;ection couple, T1 .
. co
· d n crankshaft due to correction couple is,
ellerte o . - .
for<Jue cos 9 = 1710 x cos (55)
T2 "' Tc-::{r;'- sin 9
~(4.25)2 - sin2 (55)
'"" 235.26 ~-m (anticlockwise), ,,,
" Calculate torque exerted on crank . shaft due to '•
steP 13 : weight of m 2 at big end centre T 3 .

·exerted on crankshaft. due to weight of mass m2 at big

.· Torque ,
encl centre is, , 'I

r3 "' (ffii g) r cos 9 = (21x9:81) x 0.1 x cos (55)

T3 = 11.81 N-m (anticlockwise)

Calculate ~esultant total inertia for torque on crank
step 14:
shaft, T
Resultant or total inertia torque on ~rank shaft is, . . . . , l 't

, .'
. T == ~1 + T2 + T3 = 3224.20 + 235.26 + 11.81 Fig. P. 3.8.12 : Ve~c~I reciprocating engi.°:es

= 3471.86 N-m (anticlockwise) .. •.• Ans. Step 1 : Calculate distance of small end from C.G. 11
Distance of C.G. fr?m s.mali ·e~d centre is:
EX· 3.8.12 ' '
.z1 = l - l3 ==2-0.8==1.2m
The connecting rod of a vertical reciprocating engine is Step 2 : · Calcul!'te periodic time of one oscillation of
2000 rnrn long betW~en_. centres and it weights 250. kg. jhe,
. connecting rod
ma~ centre is 800 mm from the big end centre. When it The periodic time of one oscillation of connecting rod when it
·suspended from small erid is, ' ·
suspended as a pendulum from the small end axis, it makes
22 .
tp = g== 2.75 Sec/cycle
8 complete oscillations is 22 seconds. The crank is 400 mm
long and rotates at 200 rpm. Determine by analytical Step 3 : Calcul~te radius ~f gyration of connecting rod by
method : using, tP · ·
The period of oscillation of conn~ctlng rod when suspended
(i) The mass moment of inertia of connecting rod about
from small end is, ,
an axis through as mass centre and

Oi) The inertia torque exerted on the crank shaft, when ... = .2•.~ . .. 2.75=2•
the crank has turned through 40° from the top dead· k = 0:9028 m
centre and piston is moving downwards. The radius of gyration of connecting rod about C.G.. is 0.9028 m.
2 2
Soln.: MI of connected, I ==me k == 0.250 x (0.9028)2 .== 203;76 kg m
... Ans.
Given :Length of connecting rod, l == 2000 mm = 2 m
Step 4 : :.. · Calculate mass placed at small end centre, m 1
Mass of i;onnecting rod, IDc = 250 kg . Consider dynamically equivalent,system of two masses m1
Distance ofC.G. from big end, 13 = 800 mm= 0.8 m and mi for connecting rod,
Mass placed at small end centre is, ·
Radius of crank.r = 400 mm== 0.4 rn
me l3 250 x 0.8 : ·
Speed of crank. N 200 rpm m, = · (l1+ f1) (1.2+0.8) =lOOkg
21tN 2 ~ x200
-- --
60 20.94 rad/sec Step.5: Calculate mass placed at big end ~~nt~e, m 2
Mass placed at big end centre is,
Crank angle, 9 = 40°
V TtdlKM•lttlp
.. ruo1 1catlon1

$conned with Ca mScanner

·.· Static& namlc Force · · . ·' ''.
.V Dynamics of Machine (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
Step tl : Calculate torque exerted on c.nnk shin dIle. Iii .
. Ille 1, 250 x l.2
mi = (11 + /l) - (l.2 + 0.8) = 150 kg weight of mass ml at big end centre T3
Step 6 : Calculate axial force or inertia force acting on Torque e.xerted on cronkshaft due to weight of mass llli at~
pi.Ston, F1 • g
Axial force or inertia force acting on piston is, end centre 1s,
FI = (IDR + m,) cos 20] r = (m~• g) r sin 0 = (150 x 9.81) x 0.4 x s'm~
Cl) r [ COS 0 +--;;--- 3
T = 378.34 N-m (clockwise) ·
= (0 + 100) x (20.94)2 x OA [cos (40) +cos gso}] 3

= - 378.34 N-m ... (anticloe\:Wisc)

... [·: mass of reciprocating parts is not given :. mR = O]
Calcuhate resultant totnl incrtin for torque on c
.. F1 = 14045.05 N Step 13: .. .. . lltk
Step 7 : Calculate axial foree or net inertia force acting on shaft, T ' .
piston for nrtical engine, F'I , :. Total resultant or total inertin torque on crankshaft isI
For vertical reciprocating engine weight of reciprocating parts T = T +T2 +T3 =3877.88+315.58-378.34
acts do'Wnward. Therefore net axial force or net inertia force acting
.._ _ _ = 3815.1 N.m (nnticlockwisc) '
T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...Ans.
on piston is,
Ex. 3.8.13
The connecting rod of a vertleal reciproca~ing. engine is 1.Srn
= 14W5.05-(0 + 100) x 9.81=1306-t.05 N long between cen~res and. of mass 300 kg. The centre Of
Step 8 : Calculate torque exerted on crank shaft due to net gravity of connecting rod 1s 700 mm from the crank end
axial or net inertia force, on nrticsl enoine, TI When the connecting rod is suspended as a comPou d

Torque exerted on crank shaft due to net axial force or net pendulum from the gudgeon pin centre, it
1o complete oscillations in 25 seconds. The mass of piston ·
inertia force is,
50 kg. Calculate the radius of gyration of the rod about ais
F' r[sin 0 +
I ")'11
- n
sin 20
.1 0
J axis through its mass centre. The crank is 350 mm long ·a~
rotates at 21 O r.p.m. When .the crank has turned. through 40,
13064.05 x 0.4 [sin (40) + ~ 8
si,n ( 0)2
2 csr - sin (40)
J from the top dead centre. and the piston is moving
downwards, analytically find the Inertia to'rque exerted on the
3877.88 N-m . ..(anticlochvise) crank shaft. ·
Step 9: Calculate radius of gyration of non dynamically Soln.: :L
equi\"alent system, k:I
Rzd.ius of gyration ofnon dynamically equivalent system is Vertical reciprocating engine
2 '
kl = 11l3=1.2 x 0.8 l = Length of connecting rod = 1.8 m
k = . 0.9i97 m me = Mass of connecting rod =
Step IO: Calculate correction couple, Tr 1 = Distance between C.G. of connecting rod and
Correction couple is, crankshaft end= 700 mm .= q.7 m ..
Tc = -mc(J/-kz)a=-mc[k2 -k2l[-ci sin0J ~ =Mass of piston.= 50 kg ·
I I n ('

2 2 2 fnl = 25 when susp~nded from small end. r '
· · Tc= - 250 [ (0.9797) - (0.9028) ] x [ - (20.94) 0)]
.. ~

·· Tc = 2042.75 N-m ... (anticlockwise) r = Crank length = 350 mm= 0 .350 m

N = Crank speed= 210 r.p.m.
Step 11 : CaJcolate torque exerted on crank . shaft due to. "

0 = Crank angle = 40°

correction couple, T 2
To find:
Torque exerted on crankshaft due to correction couple is, Radius of gyration, k of connecting rod about centre of
T = T cos 0 = 2042.75 x _1 cos (40) gravity.
2 c_f"l
vn -sin1 e - ~(5)i-sint(40)
(ii) I nertia torque on crankshaft, analytically.
= 315.58N-m .. .(anticlockwise) (i) To find k

Sca nned w it h ComScar1ner

(MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-37 Static & Dynamic Force Ana

. and ~
== m,._ mI == 300 _ J16.67
== J83.33 kg
Total reciprocating mass,
mR .. mp + m I = SO + 1I 6.67 = l 66.6? kg,
.,. distance between C.G. of rod and small end.
WJtere/1 _ Inertia force F of reciprocating mass mR is · .
"' / _ /
= 1.8 - 0.7 - 1.1 m.
F .. P mR p ""(166.67) (J 35.36) = 22560.45 N

-r.;-\Jfil ' I p
1 -
f~1 . .;, ~ But, for vertica1 engine
, ,
Net f 1 = FP =Fp-mRg
10 J_ 9.81 x 1.1
= 22560.45-166.67 x 9.81 =2092S.4 N
2s::: 2it · k +(1.1)2
(i) Torque T1 applied at crankshaft to overcome inertia· force
k = 0.706 m ...Ans. reciprocating parts is given by, .

= r p'1 [sin 9 + 2 ~ n~-sm

5 2
~ 2 9]
lytical solution :
(ii) ;.na . Fp T1 ·
...Jc5 . 1:~l~ sin2 40~]

= 0.35 x20925.4 x[sin 40° + 2

T = 5414.45 Nm (anticlockwise) ... (i)
I .
(ii) Torque (TJ applied crankshaft to overcome correctJoo
couple Tc is given by ·
cos 0
T2 Tc._Jn2-sin20
- ·- where, Tc = · -m0 (k 1 - k) a.
2 2

- 300 [(1.1 x 0.7 - 0.7062)) [- 60.43)

4923.18 Nm (anticlockwise)
Substituting T0 in T2, we get
cos 40°
T2 = (-4923.18) _ / 2 • z 0
~(5.143) - sm 40
= 739.09 (anti~lockwise) ...(ii)
(iii) Torque on crankshaft because of portion of mass of
Fig. P. 3.8.13 connecting rod placed at big end (T3) is given by,
T3 = (mg) r sine= (l83.33 x 9.Sl) x (0.35) x sin 40°
Here, the acceleration of piston is given by, T3 = 404.61 Nm (clockwise) ... (iii)
T3 = -404.61 (anticlockwise)
F cos-2-
== r(I)2 [ cos 0 + 0]
P • . n . :. Total resultant torque to be applied to crankshaft to
2itN 21tx210 overcome inertia.
Where, 60 60 =21.99 rad/s: T T 1 +T2 +T3 ...(iv)

and n Ir =.1.&..=5.143 5414.45 + 739.09 - 404.61

T 5748.92 Nm (anticlockwise) .•• Ans.
(0.35) (21.9~)
2[ cos 80°]
cos 40° + 5.i'43 Ex. 3.8.14
135.36 m/s • A vertical engine running at 1200 rpm with a stroke of
and angular acceleration of connecting rod is given by, 11 O mm, has a connecting rod 250 mm between centres and

- ci sin 0 -(21.99}2 sin 40° mass 1.25 kg. The mass centre of the connecting rod is
n 5.143 75 mm from the big end centre and when suspended as a
2 pendulum from the gudgeon pin axis makes 21 complete
a. - 60.437 rad/s
oscillations in 20 seconds. _
l1 1-13 = 1.8 - 0.7 =1.1 m.
(1) Calculate the radius of gyration of the connecting rod
The mass of connecting rod is divided into two concentrated about an axis through its mass centre.
masses m1 and m2• m1 is placed at the small end centre P and m2 is
(2) When the crahk is at 40° from the top dead centre
placed at the big end Centre c; such that centre of gravity of
and the piston is moving downwards, find analytically,
masses is given at G. Then, ·
the acceleration of the pist~n and the angular
~ . o~ .. . ·. . acceleration of the connecting rod. To make the two
m1 =
me= T.8 x 300 = 116.67 kg.
mass system to be dynamically equivalent to the
-,,'t)' _Dynamics of MachinerY· (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) - 3-38 · - Static & Dynamic Force

connecting rod, necessary correction torque has to be k = 0.094 m = 94 mm

applied and since the engine is vertical, gravity effects . ···~ -
:. Acceleration of the piston
are to be considered. . - 20
Soln. : Given : fP = ,fl · r (cos e+ cosn )
._,. N 1200 rpm or ro =2 7t x 1200 I 60 = 125.7 rad/s
s =
- 2
(125.7) x 0.055 cos 40
c' 0 cos 80., J
+ 0 .25 /00
. . 55 Cn•11,,
Stroke = S = 110 mm :. r= 2= 55 mm= 0.055 m
698.7 m/s

PC= 250 mm = 0.25 m Angular acceleration of the connecting rod,

... -

•. me 1.25 kg - ro sin e - (125.7)2 sin 40°
CG 75 mm = 0.075 m :. · e 40° = ape = n 0.25 I 0.055

Configuration diagram of the engine is shown in Fig. P. 3.8.14. - 2234.4 rad/l

__. "·Ani.
Inertia torque exerted on the crankshaft, -
. F1
:. Mass of the connecting rod at P,

. 1-1, 0.25-0.115
rn, = I x111c = 0.25 x i.25 =o.375 kg

:. Vertical inert_ia forceF1 = 'm 1 aP =0.375 x 698.7 =262 N

- ' and corresponding torque due to F1

--.jsi~ ~ 2 J
T 1 == -F1 xr[sin0+
2 n -sm e

- F1 x 0.055 [sin 40 +
sin 2
2 V(0.25 I 0.55) -sin24Q
10.838 N-m (anticlockwise)
Torque (Tc) applied at crankshaft to overcome correction
couple Tc is given by
cos 0
T2 - Tc_/ 2 t
'In - sin 0
where, Tc - me (k~ - k2) a
= - 1.25 ((0.175 x 0.075) - (0.0940)2] x 2234.4
Fig. P. 3.8.14: ·configuration diagram 11.97 N-m (anticlockwise)
Corresponding torque on the crankshaft
. Let K = Radius of gyration of the connecting rod cos -40° ·
- about an axis through its mass centre T2 = (11.97) x 2
-..j0.25 I 0.055 - sin 40
Distance of the centre of gravity from the = 4.605 (anticlockwise)
point of suspension =PG Torque on crankshaft because of mass at C,
PG= 250-75=175mm=O.l75m T3 fni x g x NC = ~ x g x r sin 0
Since the connecting rod makes 21 complete oscillation in 0.875 x 9.81 x 0.055 x sin 40
20 se".?nds, therefore frequency of oscillati~n, 0.30 N-m (clockwise)
21 - 0.30 N-rn (anticlockwise)
fn = 20 = 1.05 Hz
:. Inertia torque exerted on the crankshaft
:. For compound pendulum
T 1 + T 2 + T 3 = 10.838 + 4.605 - 0.30
1 ~- [!£
fn 21t =-v-e '~ +
Ex. 3.8.15
15.14 N-m (anticlockwise) •••Aru.

1 g 1, -' The following data relate to a horizontal reciprocating

' ;
.. -(t;,)
4 1t2 x k2 +
t I
engine _:
Mass of the reciprocating parts = 120 kg
Crank length = 90 mm; Engine speed = 600 rpm

9.81 x 0.175 - (0.175)2

Connecting rod data : Mass =90 kg
4 1t (l.05/ - Length between centres =450 mm
2 2 Distance of centres of mass from big end centre = 180 mm,:_
-: . k - 0.0088 m
amlcs of Machine '' 3-39 (MU - Sem 5 - Mech · 'amlc Force Anaty$is
. . of gyration about · an . axis through centre f cos 0 . cos 30 '
Rtdlu~ 150 mm. . . .. ' . ,o . T2 • T .. 463.147 -;:::::::::=;::=
m1195· the 1118
' ' ' ' ' '
gnltude and direction of the Inertia torque 0 th · ~ Vn 2
- sin2 0 V5 2
sin (30)
ftn~kshaft. when the c~nk has turned,through 30 fro~ th:' 0 • 162.23 N.m (antJclockwlse) -Ans.
ct' r deed centre. .. . . Torque exerted on crank shaft due to w.eight of mass ~ al
~ne · · . .. . . ..
soln·: big end centre.
. m .. 120 kg, . mo .. 90 kg,
Given. ll . . . T3 • ("':z g) r·cos 0 • (S4 x 9.81} 0.090 cos (30)_
~radius ... r .. 90 mm '"'0.09 m, "'
• 41.28 N.m (anticlockwise) ·-Ans·
of connecting rod "" /a 0.450 m,
gth Total inertia torque on crank shaft
. n ..
obliquity ratio, ----5
I 0.45
r 0.09 T "' T1 +T2 + T3 .. 2828.77 + 162.23 +41.28
}UdiUS of gyration, k "' ?·I 5 m, • 3032.28 N.m (antJdockwlse) ••. Ans.
e ofC O. from big end centre= /3 =o18 m . Ex. 3.B.16
pistanC · ·
engine speed. N. =600 rpm. A high speed vertical engine has a connecting rod length five
21tN .21t x 600
0> = 6o = 60 = 62.83 rad/sec times the crank which is 60 mm. Its mass is 3 kg and has a
C.G, 200 mm from the small end bearing. When suspended
Distance.of small end centre from c.o., / In a small end bearing, it makes 50 os~llations in
11 = /-l3=0.45-0.18=0.27m 52 sec;onds. The reciprocating parts have a mass of 1.5 kg.
MSSS placed at small end centre· is, m1 Determine the torque exerted on the crankshaft due to inertia
Ilic /3 90 x 0.18 of the moving parts when the crank makes an angle of 135°
m1 = --r-= 0.45 = 36 kg with TDC, and speed of rotatio~ is 1200 rpm.
Mass placed at big end centre . ··· ' So.In. : Given: Vertical reciprocating engine
_ me 11 · 90·x 0.27 . '. · N = 1200 rpm or ro = 2 1t x 1200 / _60 = 125.7 rad/s
.~ - I 0.45 = 54 kg r = 60mm=0.06m
Axial force or inertia force acting on piston , · , . · .. l PC =5 x 60 = 300 mm = 0.3 m

F1 = (mR +mi) ~2 r[ Cos a+ co~29 l n = I


2 .. me 3 kg
· :. , ... (120 + 36) (62.83) x o'.09 [ cos 30 + co~ 60 ]
mp 1.5 kg
F, = 53.54 x.10 N .· .. . ~..Ans. .. 1. 200mm=0.2m
Torque exerted on ,crank shaft due to axial force or inertia 13 I - l 1 =300-200 =l OOmm = 0.1 m

force, Ti · [ . - _. -~_;_" ~in2S : ]. ,., .-·. . .

.. e 135°
50 .
·_. · T1 ~ F1 r sma+------~- f..1 52 = 0.9615 when suspended from small end.
- ..,..
. . . 2~'In
I 2 -sm
• 2
-:--:-=:~ . 53:54x'103 x o.~9 ['.sin 3,0·+ ' ' sin 60 J gives
.. , . ' · · ... · ~'15 -sin2 (3o) 2
,, ,T1 = . 2~28.7,7.N.m (an.ticloctoyise) "" ."'.'Ans.
Radius of gyration ~fnon dynamically equivalent system.'
2 ' .. . ' .. k · 0.1172 m •••Ans.
kl = f1 l3 = (0.27 x 0.18) = 0.0486 '
' .. The acceleration of piston is given by,
·.-. , lei = 0.22045 m · · .... · · · ., .•.Ans.
~ = ·rro1[cosa+-n-
Colrection couple, Tc " · ·
T = - m- (le
c .. c ·J

k 2

. • ,, :
= ci>.?6) (125.7/[cos 13~~ +Cos ; 100]
' ' ' ' 2 . .· -

- 90 (0.220452 ~ 0.15 ) [ ro
s~n 30
.J. = - 670.35 m/s

. ·· and angular acceleration of connecting rod is given by,

. ' = - 90 (0.220452 - 0.152) [-· wi.s~~ x sin 30 J . ' ·,.·.a. = -
ro :in a - (125.7); sin B5° - 2234.52 rad/s2
Tc -= -927.22 N.m (anticlockwise)~ ..~Ans.
The mass of connecting rod is divided into two concentrated
Torque exertCd on crank shaft due to correction couple, masses.m1 and m2• m1 is placed at the small end centre P and IDi is
,.. '' I • ~·\

. . P.,tHlc1tla11

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, namtcs of Machinery (MU - .Sem 5 - Mech) 3-40 ,· Static & Dynamic Force~ ·.
placed at the big. end Centre. C, such . thot centre of gravity of 4.5 times the crank length anCS has a mass .of 50 kg_ . ·
masses is given at o. Then · · -
• t I •
mass of the reciprocating parts is 30 kg. The centre Of . 'the.
·. m, ... - m
1, + 13 c
of connecting rod is 17~ mm from the crank ·pin .centre~
- ' 0.1 the radius of gyration about an ~s thr~ugh ~. cenir~
0.2 + 0.1 x 3 = l kg mass is 148 mm. The engine runs at 320 rpm. " Fi~ ~
and Ini =· me - m1 =3 - 1 =2 kg , magnitude and the direction of the inertia force alld Uie
- ' . the
J:'otal reciprocating mass, .mR = m,, :t '!It corresponding torque on the crankshaft when the ·
turned by the crank is 140°. from the'inner dead centre. ~
== 1.5 + l =2.5 kg.
Inertia force FP of reciprocating mass m is ,· · ' ' ' Sein.: ·
• R
F1 = mR FP Given : mR =30 kg, l11c = 50 kg, S =220 ~ =0.22 01

= (2.5) {- 670.35) = - ·i675.87 N

s 0.22
r=2 = 2 = 0.11 m, n =4.5, k = 148 mm ;:,0.148m
But. for vertical engine,
l = 0.495 m, /3 = 170 mm = 0.17 m, ·, '
Net'F' = F =F1 -mRg
. , I. . P . . ' /
=1-13 = 0.495-0.17 =0.325 , N "° 320 rpm
= -1675.87 - 2.5 x 9.81 =-1700.4 N 2 1t N 21t x 320 = ~J 51 rad!
:. 00 - 60 60 · sec
i) Torque T 1 applied at crankshaft to overcome inertia force ,
recip~ocating parts is, .-. e 140°

T, =
F' [ .
e +.
sin 2e
sm . 2 "n2 - sin2 e
J Mass placed at smali end centre is,
~ _ 50x0.17 _ .
m, ~ 11 + ~ - 0:_3~5+~:!7 . -17.I~kg

0.06~-17oo.4x[sin135° +
· sin
2"{5) -sin 135° Mass placed at big end centre is,
J' .
T,· .; :...61.83Nm(anticlockwise) · ...(i) · ~ - 50 x 0.325 - .
mi = 11 + /3 -~ ?;3.25 .+ 0.17 - 32.82 kg
ii) Torque (TJ applied at crankshaft "to overcome correction ,
couple T0 is given by
Inertia force act!ng on piston ~. . _ i.
cos a
F1 = (~R + in1) ro~r[cos.a+~~~ ]
Ti = Tc~/ 1 . 2
-sm a "n -.

where' Tc = - mc (k2I - k2) a.

. ·: ·"." -· (30 :i- 11..11) (33_51tx 0.11 [cos 140° + ~~~5800]
= - 3 [(0.2 x 0.1.-:_0.11722)] [-2234.52]
":' 41.84 Nm (antidockwise) ,'.· : . F1 = -4236N
Substituting T0 in T2, we get · Inertia t~rque due to inertia force is, ·•·
= (41 84)

cos 1350
2 2
"(5) .:... sin 135°
TI = F1 r [ sin + e · _2"f!.s~n· -SID
~ 20
J _.. 1

-4236 x o:11 [sin 140° + ~ s~

= - 5.97 Nm (anticlockwise) .. .(ii)
· _ .. ..
. (4.5) -sin 140°
iii) · Torque on· crankshaft'. because · of : portion of mass of •
connecting rod placed at big end (f3) ~s given by, .T1 • . = - 248 N. m (anticlockwise)
T3 (ffii g) sin 0 r. Radius of gyrati~n or'non d~amically. ~~h.aleni system is,
. 2 . . . ~. .
(2 x 9.81) x (0.06) sin 135° · k = / 1 / 3 =0.325x0.l7=0.055 .
I . , "
-0.8324 Nm (clockwise) ' : ..(iii)
. Correction couple is, .
0.8324.Nm (anticlockwise)
-m0 ( k1-k
2 2)
a. =-m. · [ 2 · 2]
.. .
:. Total resultruit torque to be applied to crankshaft to 0
I ' •' - 2
overcome inertia.. 2 [ - (33.51) sin 140°]
- 50 (0:055 - 0.148 ) 4.5 '
T = T 1 +T2 +T3
'.' 262.04N.m ·
Ii .· i=- 61.83 - 5.97+ 0.8324
•.... .
' . , . . . I - ; •
Torque exerted on·crank shaft due to correction couple JS,
, = . :... 66.96 .Nm (anticlockwise) •.•Ans.
COS e , , I

COS 140°
Ex. 3.8.17 T2 T0 • / 2 • 2 = 262.04 ."/ 2 • 2
I The 'piston diameter of an internal combustion engine is
"n -sm a
"(4.5) -sm 1400
..· ·- ., . -
I - 45.07 N. m (anticlockwise)
' 125 1J1m and the stroke is 220 mm. The connecting rod is

Sea med wi1ti CamSca nner

fl ..DYnamlcs of ~achlnery (M~ - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-41
Static & Dynamic Force Analysis
...- ·forque exerted on crank shaft due to weight of mass D1i at big . _Step ,2 : Calculate mass placed at ~maU end ~ntre, m1
centre is, .. : . : Consider. dynamically equivalent .sys~m . of two masses
= (m2 g) r cos 0 = 32.82 x 9.81 x 0.11 ~cos- 1400
m1 and1112 for connecting rod,
. . -
Mass placed at s·mall end centre is, -
= -27.14 N. m (anticlockwise)
m = me 13 1.3 x 0.03 _ kg
total inertia torque is, 0 2437
.• J
1 01 + l3) (0.13 + 0.03)
T = T1 +T2 +T3=-248-45.07-27.14 Step 3: Calculate mass pl~ced at big end, centre, ~

.T = - 320.2 N~ m ,(anticloc~\yise) Mass placed at big end centre is,

·~.,;__------------ mel, ··· uxo.13 '
~.3.&.18 . 1112 = 01 + /3) = (0.13 + 0.03) ' 1.05~2 kg
IC engine has~ strok~ of 100 mm ·and bore of SO mm. , Step 4:
Af1e cannecting r~d is 160 mm betw~n_ centres and ·has total '. Calculate axial force or inertia force acting on
-~ass 0(1.3 kg. Its centre. of mass 1s .130 mm awa{from 1 . piston, F1
. .
srnall end , centre ~nd radius . of 9Y~tiori _!'!bout .~he ·mass : Gas fo.rce ts,
F, = 4x.~ x Ps "'.'4':< (80) . x 2 = 10.05 x l o3N
1t 2 7t 2

tre . is .. 75 mm. The reciprocating mass· is ·1 kg

. ,
cen · de of r~suItan,~ forces .on the crank ·8 ·
oeterrni~e ~a~rntu pin, Inertia force acting on piston is,
.·.. ... · •. ' . ' . 28 .
;C lecting friction and g.ravity, when the crank is 300 after the .
position an~ rota~ng at 16~0 rpm clockwise. The gas . F1 =.. (mR + m 1)clr[cos 0 +co~ . J.
·ssure on the piston ts 2 Nlmm . ·
pre .
soln.: .
:.::-· ,F~~ Cl.8~~:0.Z437) x 0.05 x (167.5; )2 [ cOS ~30)·+ ~;.~ 0>] .
- - - - - - -- - 3
Given : Mass ~frecipro~~g Partl!, mR = 1.8 kg, = 2.93x10 N

Mass of ~nnecting rod, me ~ 1.3 kg ... Step S : : -Calculate torque exerted on 'crank.shaft due to axial
' Strokelength, S l~Omm=·O. lm; __ force, T 1 '.:

, · Diameter ofbode, d - ·so mm - The axial force is,

. 3 "3 3
.. ~ ~ . s 100 ' . Fp = F8 - _F1 =10.05xl0 _-2.93x .10 =7.llxlO. N
:. Crank radius, r 2=2=50mm=0 .05~ ·
Torque exerted ori crank shaft 9ue to axial force, or inertia
• for;ce is,
r,engthofconnectingrod,l =l60!Jllll.=;= Q.16m.. _;
. .
:. Obliqwty ratto,n =
l 0.16
o.o5 =3:2 :> . ;
• '1_· l'.;; ·, .
" !.
. " ·[ ·-. ·: · · · sin 20 -
Fp r sin 0 + 2 " n2-sm . 20
:. Radius of gyration of connecting rod ~out C.G.
TI = · · 3
7.11 x 10 x 0.05 sin (30) +
[ ·
· · sin (60)
2 2
k=75 mm=0.075 m . .. . 2 (3 .~) - ~iil (30)
226.45 N-m (clockwise)
Disfance ofC.G. from small end centre,
11 • = -i3o
.mm= 0.13 m Step 6 : Calculate radius of gyration of non dynaoiically
. 2
equivalent system, k
~gine speed, N = 1600 tj>m ; 1

21tN · 21txl600 . Radius of gyration of non dynamically equivalent system is,

.. ro = """'60 = .= 167.55 rad/sec : · . 2 ' -3
60 k = 1, 13 =(0.13 x 0.03) = 3.9 x 10 - kr = 0.062
2 ... , .. I .
Gas pressure p1 = 2 N/mm
Step 7 : . Calculate correction couple, T.

Correction couple is, .

T.; . ~ -~(le~ - k2) a.= lTlc [k~· - k'] [- ro2:in 0]

Tc = -1.3 [(0.062)2 -(0.075)'] · [-(167.5i~~ sin (30)]
I ·:. '· Tc = 10.13 N-m (anticlockwise)
.: . . NI - ·' 30•
Step 8 : Calculate torque exerted on crank shaft due to
·~~--- ------r-~-. correction coup_le, T1
(mR+m1)g Fe -
Torque exerted on crank shaft due to correction couple is,
Fig. P. 3.8.18
Step 1 : . · Calcul~te -distance of small ~nd centre from C.G., 11 . T cos 0 = lO 13 cos 30 .
2 2 2
T c'1n -sin 0 . · ".j(3.2(-.sin't (30)
Distance of big end centre from C.G: is,
13 = /-/1 =0.16-0.13 =0.03 m 2.77 N-m (anticlockwise)

T POll<alllU

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·. 'tljr Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-42
· Static & Dyn~mic Force~· , ~
Step 9 : Calculate torque exerted on crank shaft due to A little consideration will that, the. triangles OAH
weight of mass mz at big end centre T3 . . .
are similar triangle. 8lld Olfa
Torque exerted on crank shaft due to weight of mass m2 at OH GB
big end centre is . · · .. AG
.. k 1. ".
T3 = (m2 g) · r cos 0 = (l.0562 x 9.81) x 0.05 x cos (30) :
11 k
= 0.4486 N-m (anticlockwise) .. k2 1, 12
Step 10 : Calculate resultant total in~rtia for torque on crank
This expressio~ is sim!lar to Equation (3.6.J) in_ anaJ}'tj~
· shaft, T
• method.
Resultant or total inertia torque on crank shaft is,
• • I Syllabus Topic : Turning Moment on Crank S~
T = T 1 + T2 -T3 == 226.45 + 2.77 + 0:4486
= 229.66 N-m (clockwise) ... Ans. 3.10 ·fotroductlon to T-0 Diagram
. .
3.9 Detennination of Position of Mass ' Fig. 3. I 0.1 shows the various forces acting on I~ engine,
m2 of Dynamically Equivalent ' • J

__ System of Two Mas~es by ~r~phi~al

Method · ·· ·

. .The position of mass mi can be.also obtained grap~cally as .

follows: ·· · · ·

Consider a rigi_d body as sho~ in Fig. 3.9.1 having 'mass m

acting at point G and radius of gyration about centre of gravity
.. '
is k. Ifcan be 'replaced by equivalent system of two m~ses m1 .

and m2 so that the system becomes dynamically equivalent · Fig. 3.10.1 .: Forces acting on IC engine i ·~ ••·

system. Let,Radius of crank = r;

_The posjtion of mass m 1 may be fixed arbitrarily at A. Length ofCorinectirig rod := I ' _. . ~l

Now"ciraw a line GH perpendicular to line AG length equal to Obliquity ratio= n ;

radius of gyration of the rigid body k. Angle made by the c~ with I.D.~. = 0
Join AH and draw line perpendicular to AH, this will intersect
Axial force acting on piston or piston effort= Fp
the extended line AG at point B.
Normal reaction . acting 'on ; the cylin~er wall or piston side
The point B will give the position of mass m2 •
thrust= FN
Rigid body
Force acting along the connecting rod .= FQ

Tangential force acting at crank pin or force in direction

perpendicular to the crank.= FT

Radial force acting along crank shaft = FR


vie have studied in Theory of M~chines_ and Mecharusms-L

the torque acting on crank due to tangential force FT or _turning
moment is given by,

T =

or , .T . = ., ...(3.10.l)
Fi~'·3.9.1 :; G~phlcal method to determine the ')

p~sition of ~ass m2

. -.1rl.·~

Scanned w ith C&rnscanner

. DY!!amics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 3-43. static & Dynamic Force Arialysis .
j3.10.1 fuming Moment Diagrams
· ., ...
.e plot of turning moment, 'T' against the various pOs.itions I

crank. '9' are called turning moment diagrams or I
r I

~_M.) (T- ~) diagrai_ns. ~ese are sometimes referred to as

crank effort diagrams. . I
" I
fur11ing moment diagram drawn .on cartesion cO..ordinates are I
- JcnOwn as rectangular. turning
. •moment
• diagrams, In these' the 360"
'ng moment is taken on on:lmate and the crank angle is
turtU . " ·T

taken on abscissa. . · ·
If these diagrams are plotted. on polar. co-ordinates, the
diagram is known ~ polar turning moment diagrams. In this
I- 9
the turnini;! _moment 1s plotted on radial lines drawn at various o· I
~angles9. ·· . . · (b)
Out of the above_ tUming moment di-~, the re~gular c
nuniiig moment diagrams are common!~. used. .· . !Toooo7500

3.1o.2 Tur~ing Moment Dia.gram for a Single

-Cylinder Double Actmg Reciprocating
...I 5000
. , steam Engine

p _ v diagram for a double acting steam engine is shown in

Fig. JJ0.2. It is assumed that the crank is rotating in clockwise
djrection and it is inclined at an angle '9' from I.D.C.

Let, Pressure on cover side of piston

. Pi Pressure on crank side of piston

Area of cover side of piston

A2 Area of crank side of piston
Fig. 3.10.3 : Turning moment diagram for double ,
Net steam force = P1 A1 - Pi Ai
' acting st~am .engine
This steam force will produce a torque or turning moment on
For~ vertical steam engine the dead load of the reciprocating
the crank shaft which can be calculated measuring the
parts of the engine would also be taken into account.
pressure on two sides of the piston "ith the help of indicator
For the complete rotation of the crank-shaft, the inertia varies -
di~ the wming moment at various crank angles can be
and therefore, the turning moment on the shaft also varies
evaluated. These values have been plotted against the crank
with respect to the crank position. The quantities of the inertia
angle as shown in Fig. 3.1 OJ(a). ·
torque have been plotted as shown in Fig. 3.10.3(b).
Pr9sstn. p (bar) I For each quarter of the revolution the diagram has a ( + ve )
0 . I
I . and ( - ve ) foop corresponding to acceleration and retardation '
8.0 COYer sld!-i Crank side of the reciprocating parts.
1/ ' V o f piston These positive and negative loops are not symmetrical due to
6.0 1 2 II obliquity effect of the connecting rod ..
-' II
" II
4.0 II But for the complete revolution the sum of positive loops is
equal to the negatiye loops. It is because that the energy
2.0 utilized in accelerating the reciprocating parts is returned
while the parts are retarding.

Fig. 3.10.2: p-V diagram for double acting steam engine

Mean height of the curve represents the mean torque on the
crank shaft when the speed of the shaft is constant, mean
height also represents the mean resisting torque. The
resisting torque is constituted partially of friction _moment and
inertia moment of the connecting rod.

V Pvt.11c1tl~•s

5canoed w ith CamScanner

, '1r Dynamics of·Machlnery (MU- Sem 5 ·Mech) 3-44
Static & Dynamic Force Ana!ri(~
.... ~
·:. ~ .--.:

a- Net turning moment dlag~m The turning moment on crank shaft for different c:iank 2'.
can be calculated for gas pressure, friction and Wei:g!c:,
In order to obtain the net tUming moment diagram, tlte turning
engine (If a vertical engine) by using '!1e Equation (l.I~ or .
. moment diagrams for'the steam force anCJ inertia forces can be · give~ras, ' ... · · . ·l)
superimposed as shown in Fig. 3.10.3(c).
T : · ·9.+
Fr • r ( sm sin 20 · ) '
The net turning moment for n given crank position is
represented by the ordin?te of the shaded diagram. Thus for . . . ;
. I· . "
2 vn -sin'"'f'O

where, Fp is piston effort. · ·

the crank position represented by A, the steam torque is AC
and inertia torque is AB so that the net torque is equal to the In four stroke JC engine the cycle is completed ~· ~
ordinate BC represented on diagram in Fig. 3.10.J(d). , revolutions i.e. 720° of crank rotation. '.
The pressure of the gases during suctio~ ~trok~ is slightly 1
3.10.3 Turning Moment Diagram for a Single than atmo.spheric due ~o which there 1s very small ·riegatj~
Cylinder Four Stroke IC Engine loop.
During compression stroke the . negative · loop ·is obtain~
'+ (MU· Dec. 16) because the work is done by the piston on the gases, ·
The turning moment diagram .for gas forces is' ~ho\yn by
dotted lines in Fig. 3. l 0.5. '
" . '. ' : • l' , •, ~. I '.,

~. N.etT.M.dlla111n
I I . :----T.M.D. b911~
8 I I
: I
---T.M.D. b
p lnertll lbl\lM
~ '

I 4 .,'
· : !•': •:I


etm. 90'
press -2

Fig. 3.10.S : Tu.rning moment diagram for a single cylinder

Fig. 3.10.4 : p - V diagram for four stroke IC engine
four stroke IC engine
The various strokes of the engine are :
During expansion stroke we get a positive large loop since lhc
(I) Suction work is done by the gases on the piston while the work is done
The piston draws the mixture of fuel and air during its on the gases by the piston during exhaust stroke due to which
outward stroke. The pressure inside the cylinder is less than we again set a small negative loop.
atmosphere as represented by the curve ab. Work is done by It should be noted that the pressure of the gases inside the
gases on piston. cylinder is slightly higher ~an atmospheric. .
(Ii) Compression The torque diagram for inertia forces have been shown by
long broken lines. After superimposing the inertia torque on
During the next stroke the piston compresses the mixture up gas torque, the net turning moment diagram is obtained as
· to the clearance volume of the cylinder as shown by the shown by firm lines in Fig. 3. 10.~.
curve be.
(iii) Expansion
3.10.4 Turning Moment Diagram for
Multicylinder Engines,(For Two
·~ At the end of compression the compression the mixture is Cylinder Double Acting ~team Engine)
ignited and the combustion ta1ces place nearly at constant
volume. The pressure and temperature of the gas rises up to Review Questfon
'd' and then it expands in its outward stroke up to 'e'. The
work is done by the gases on the piston . .
(iv) Exhaust
The turning moment diagram for multicylin'der engines can be
Burnt goes are expelled to the atmosphere during the inward drawn by drawing the turning moment diagram for each
stroke of the piston at a pressure higher than atmospheric cylinder and then by superimposing the diagrams for all the
pressure. cylinders. · .
• Tldl....w;

t i pynamics·of Machinery (M.U.- Sem 5 • Mech~ 3-45 .. ( .:.. : .... ,• . ~, Static & Dy'na·mtc Foree Analysis _.1
~. .3 10 6 .shows the turnmg moment ' di110r<> ... fi : ., '
. F•S· · · . • -t:.• ..... · or two .
,.. . , cylinder double acti~~ steam ::gme 90~ ~ut of phase and the ' .·.....,
pet turning moment 1agram a r.combmmg for high pressure
(l.J.P.) and tow pressure (L.P.) cylinders.. :' ~··, · • . 1:, A c6nn·e"cting rod ha~ a ~a·ss · of 3 kg 'for 50
. . •· , ,. ' I; , . os~illations,
it ~eeds 40 sec0nds .;:,h~n su~pended

;T . • ·.~ Net T.M diagram
12!)00 ·· : · ,, . :' !_., ··- - - - H.P.~lnder from small end and 35 seconds when suspended

9()00 " · • ':"":'·- L.P.~nder

from the big end.
The distance between ttie points .
.of ·suspension . is . 200 mm. Find the moment of .
~ eoOO . ' ' :inertia of the connecting rod and the positi~n of its
. t"
. •
·""" '
I · · j\
.. ' - .
,, : ...
' '
centre of gravitY from the small end.
• •
(Dec. 99)
' 2 . . .
•• -,,UVW
·. ; I
, .........
. '
• I
I •
\ I .
· ''-
I •
', . . : [Ans: : I = 0.919 kg m ,_I, =· 131.4 mm] ··
. 60" ... 120•
300-. . . 360" 2. - . The following·'ciata :r~iate ·1~-~ connecting rod of a
'. , ,. ;Fig. 3..10.6. :.Tu.ming moment diagrain for · recipro~ting e~gine. : . .' ·. :
·- '' "· · .?1D:lticylinder engines · - · Mass= 55 kg
> L• ~ • •I
Distance between bearing centers = 850 mm
.1o.s · Turn~ng .Mon:'~nt ~iagram for ... ·.-.: . ~ia_meter of s.mall end bearing = 75 mm
: _. Mu_l~1cy_hnde~ m L1_~~ F_
o \!r Stroke IC . Diameter of big er)d bearing = 100 mm .
. Engine ·- Time of oscillation when the connecting rod is
. suspended from small end is 1.83 sec and when
- Turning moment di.a~ for multicylinder engines is suspended from big end is 1.68 sec. Determine :
obtained by first obtaining the TM diagram for each 1. d
. . all f cy m er . (i) The radius of gyration of the rod about an axis
and then combming o them.
passing through C.G.
_ consider a four cylinder,
. . four stroke IC eng'me. The TM
diagram for one cylinder ts shown in Fig. 3.10.5. (ii) Mass moment of inertia of the rod.

_ If the TM diagram for each cylinder is drawn in the s'uru'Iar (iii) The dynamically equivalent system when one
manner and taki ng the firing order (1 _ 4 ..:. 3 _ Z) th mass is situated at small end centre.
combined TM diagram by superimposing all such d' ' e [Ans. : k = 0.344 m, I = 6.50 kg m ,
. F' tagram m1 = 13.17 kg, m2 = 41.82 kg, 11 = 0.6125 m,
would be asshown m 1g. 3.10.7.
T l2 =0.193m] ·
3. The following data relate to the connecting rod of
reciprocating engine.
Mass= 50 kg
Distance between the bearing centre = 1 m
The diameter of big end bearin'g = 100 mm
011--~~~tt~----~=------~~--__J~N!__•O The diameter of small end bearing = 70 mm
2 2 2tt The time of oscillation when the connecting rod is
Fig. 3.10.7 : Turning moment diagram for multicylinder in line . suspended from big end and small end bearings
1.6 sec and 1.85 sec respectively. Detennine :
four stroke IC engine
(i) The radius of gyration about axis through
3.10.6 Applications of Turning Moment centre of mass.
Diagrams (ii) The M.I. of rod about the axis passing through
C.G. . '
The utility of TM diagrams is as follows :
(iii) Dynamically equivalent system of two masses
(l} The work done during the cycle can be determined which
one located at the small end bearing centre.
equals to area of(f - e) diagram. ·
(Dec. 02)
(2) Mean torque, Tm during the cycle can be determined by
dividing the work done per cycle by the angle turned during =
[Ans. : k 0.0983 m, I = 4.915 m, m 1 = 8.81 kg,
the cycle. =
m2 41.18 kg, 11 = 0.6776 m, 12 = 0.1451 m]
When Tm is plotted on (T - 0 ) diagram we can find the 4. A connecting rod has a mass of 1.5 kg and the
fluctuation of energy during the cycle. length between centers is 230 mm. The distance of
(3) Maximum torque during the cycle can be determined from CG from small end centre is 150 mm and radius of
gyration about an axis through the CG is 85 mm.
(T- e) diagram, hence, the diameter of the shaft required can
Find the equivalent dynamical system if one of the
be found out
masses <;:oincides in position with small end centre.
(4) ( T - 9 ) diagram helps to determine the size of flywheel
If the rod is replaced by the two masses one at
piston pin (small end) centre and other at crank pin

~~ Tldlboaledgi
"Y' P u tl llc1tl on1

SConned with CiJmScooner

• ..,.. Dynamics of Machin~ry (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 346 . Static & Dynamic Force~

(big end) centre and angular acceleration of the rod reclprQcating part Is 5 kg. The of ~ss con;::1
Is 22000 rad/sec clockwise. What correction couple rod Is 1 kg. The CG of connecting rod is 20() -~
from big end centre and mass moment of inetfia"-ii

must be applied to this system In order that its effect
may be equivalent with connecting rod. the connecting rod about the . mass centre ~
= = =
[Ans. : 11 0.15 m, 12 0.04816 m, in1 0.3645 kg, o.005 kg m • Find the torque required to
m2 = 1.1354 kg, Tc= 157.575 Nm (clockwise)) inertia of moving parts when crank is at 600 With IDc
5. and crank rotates at 700 rpm.
In single slider crank mechanism the crank rotates
(Ans. : T = 1623.50 (Anticlockwis~)J
with 10 rad/sec and angular acceleration of
connecting rod Is 22 rad/sec • . The mass of 7. In a slider crank mechanism crank is 150 mm
reciprocating parts is 1.5 kg and the ratio·of length length of connecting rod is 600 mm. The massat:r3
of connecting rod to ~rank radius is 5. The radius of reciprocating parts is 6 kg.- "fhe ~ass of connecti Of
crank is 125 mm. Find the input torque to overcome rod is 1.5 kg. The CG of connecting rod is 200 ~
the inertia effect of the slider at the instant when from big end centre ~nd mass moment of inertia Of
e =45°. the connecting rod 1s about the mass centre .
o.0048 kg m • Detennine by grap~ical!y the torq~
(Ans. : T 1.3408 Nm)
on crank shaft to overcome the ine~a. of moving
6. In a slider crank mechanism crank is 150 mm and parts. (Ans. : T = -:- 476.82 Nm (Anticlockwise)]
length of connecting rod is 600 mm. The mass of
Chapter E;;;;:


I ' - . -1 ·
~i !


·1 .I .,I
I' :1
' :



. ..
-~•-h.C~o+-~n'""""""m;o,.._.,..,.,..,,....,,......,.Z_""1 _.;v.·-~;::~;~;~:~
.il\bl.~_<'f.'c~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :1"~
. .

~-. · -

' ·:
! _. 1

. ~ ~ .
. . ,..· ~ .. ... :'. ~

' _,
• t • -

Basic co·ncept~ of Vibration


syHabUS =. '
Module 3 : Vibration and oscillati~n cau . ·
. . . . '
damper models, Motion- periodic, non~pe . d'
ses and effects of v'b r v·. . · ··
. 1 ra ions, 1bratlon parameters - ·springs, mass, damper,
. · 'b . · no ic, degree of freedo t t' ·· · .. ·
steps involved in v1 ration analysis. Longit d' m, s a 1c equ1hbnum pos1t1on, vibration classification, .
u mal ' transverse T . I v· . . . . ' I '
Module 4 : Conversion of multi-sp· 1 . • ors1ona , 1brat1on syste.m .
. r ngs, multi masses mult'1 d . . . . ..
rotational co-ordinate system , · . ' . • ampers mto a single sp~ng and damper with linear or

Syllabus Topic : Vibration and Osclllatlon This w~rk done is stored in the body as an eiastic strain
energy (also called internal potential energy).
When external force is removed, the internal elastic fo~ces
4.1 Introduction to Vibrations cause the body to restore to its equilibrium position.
If the motion is fricti~nless, as ~e body moves towards the
equilibrium position, elastic strain energy is gradually
converted to kinetic energy. ·
At the instant body reaches its equilibrium position, complete
elastic strain energy is converted to kinetic energy. .

Spring, K

When any elastic body such as spring, shaft or beam, is

displaced from the equilibrium position by the application of
external forces and then released, it commences cyclic
motion. Such cyclic motion of a body or a system. due to
elastic deformation under the action of external forces, is
known as vibration. External
All bodies possessing mass and elasticity are capable of Force

vibration. (a) Equilibrium Position. (b) Extreme Positions

Syllabus Topic : Static Equilibrium Position Fig. 4.1.1 : Spring-mass System

At equilibrium position as body possesses maximum kinetic

4.1.1 Phenomenon· of Vibration
· energy, the motion of body continues until the complete
The phenomenon of vibration is explained below : kinetic energy is absorbed in doing the work against the
When the elastic body is displaced from its equilibrium· internal elastic forces and kinetic energy is again converted to
position, work is done by the external force in producing the elastic strain energy.
displacement or deformation against the internal elastic Thus as the body reaches extreme position, it possesses the
forces, which resist deformation. maximum elastic strain energy.

- scanl'led with CamScaooer

D namlcs of Machine (MU • Sem 5 • Moch)
4·2 Basic Conc:epts Of v~
Hence, tho body ugnin begins 10 return to its equilibrium (ii) Jt leads IO loosening of assembled pans.
position and oscillntions or vihmtions repe<ited indefinitely.
(iii) It may lead to partial or complete failure of~
11to motion of spring· mass system, shown in Fig. 4.J.l, is . ~
(iv) ft creates undesirable noise.
nn example of vibru1ion.
4.1.4 Advantages of Vibrations
Syllabus Topi~ : Causes of Vibrations
(i) All musical Instruments work on pheoo~~ of vi~

4.1.2 ~auses of Vibrations (ii) Vibrating screens, Shakers and Conl·eyors lrl'Qi
phenomenon of vibrations. . tt
The main causes of vibrations are as follows : (iii) In Stress reliel'ing equipment, vibrations are WcfuL
(iL .Unbalance for.ces and couples in the machine parts. 4.1.5 Methods of Reducing Effects of.
(ii) External excitation forces applied on the system. Undesirable Vibrations
(iii) Dry friction between two mating surfaces.
Some of the methods used for reducing the effeai ct
(iv) Wlrids ~ay cause vibrations in certain systems such as undesirable are as follo\VS :
; telephone
,. I - .
lines, electricity lines, etc.
(i) By remol'ing unbalanced forces and couples i.a 111.?chi:c
(v~ Earthquakes also cause vibrations in civil slructures like parts, which cause vibrations.
' - buildings, dams, etc.
(ii) By placing the machinery on proper type of \'ibratiai
Syllabus Topic: Effects of Vibration isolators.

(iii) By putting the sound proof screens or glass, if DOisc is

4.1.3 Disadvantages of Vibrations created due to vibrating parts.
. '

(i) It creates excessil'e stresses in machine parts. (iv) By us~ng shock absorbers.

Syllabus Topic : Degree of Freedom, Motion-Periodic, Non Periodic

4.2 · Terminology and Basic Concepts .·

~ (MU • May 17)

Some of the basic concepts used in vibration sludy are discussed below :
1. Simple Harmonlq Motion (S.H.M.) :

Cons1'der a pom
· t •p• moving around •a circle with .an angular speed 'ro' as shown in Fig. 4.2.1..

' •\ ::,

Fig. 4.Z.1 : Simple m~rmonic Motion

B8sic Concepts of Vibration·
namlCS of.Machinery MU· Sam 5 - Mech) . 4-3
F . ...(4.2.6)
K=5,N/m . Jaceroc;nt of a point from mean position lifter time 't'.
" - ·Dt5P . f . Where, K = stiffness of spring._ Nim. ,,
- i.lllUlll displacemento pomt from mean position.
4 21· .
. .. . ' . . F =force applied ~n spring, N.
froIDpjg. · · ' . · ••. 5 = deflection of spring, m. _
roent of pomt after ume t 1s, ,~
pisplaCC .
. .. . x . . X sm..0 ' . . i ,
Degrees of Freedom (O.O.F)
. I
or · x X sin co t =. ' •••(~.2.1)
ofpoi.n t after time 't' is,
. hi
VelOCl•; · ·. ·
. . dx x' .
: .·~·
dt =
. · .. H
. x' = ro X COS rot'
· · ·1 ra
' tiori of point after time 't' is, ..
In general degree of freedom (D.O.F.) is equal to. the n~~r .
Acee e
... 7.,
2 ' •• 2 •
=:: ,_.x _= :-!Jl X~1~rot_ of independent displacements that are possible. This number

. :-_· ~~·:· ;['. 1 :=·~ -'... ~2 x · _,··... (>~=Xsinciif- '. :..(4:2.l)

varies from zero to infinity. The Fig. 4.2.2 shows examples of
one, two and three degrees of freedom (D.O.F) systems.
_ From Equation (4.2.2) it can. b_e seen_ ~at, th: ~ccele~ation is , _ In Fig. 4.2.2(a), one mass 'm1• is attached to the spring
. difeCtlY proportional to the displacement from mean position. having stiffness 'K1•. In this case only Of!C independent co-
ch a motion, . whose acceleration is proportional to
Su ordinate x 1 (i.e. dispiacement of mass) is sufficient t? s~i~
. : displacement from mean position and is directed towards the
. -tii~ configuratlo~ . of a total system. Hence, such _system is
. ,.; mean position, is known as simple harmonic motion. ·
~alltd as single degree of freedom system. · · ,,
_ ": The Equation ( 4.2.2) can be written as, · .. . ,
- . ·- In Fig. 4.2.2(b), .two masses and two springs sys.t em requires
... i +'ol x" = 0. •..(4.2.3) two independent co-ordinates x 1 and x2 to specify the
Tue ~uation.. (4.2.3) .is kno~ equation of ~ configur~tion of ~ toW system. Hence, such·system is callCd
sioiple IJMmonic motion. · ' · · ·· · ·' as two degrees of.f reedom system.
• . Time Period (lp) . · ·: · · · In Fig. 4.2.2(c), three masses and three springs system
_ · Time perlod is the time taken by the motion to repeat.itself requires ind~~ndent co-ordinates x" Xz and x3 to
. or it is the time ·required to complete one cycle. " specify the configuration · of a total · system. Hence, such
. It is denoted by • tp; and expressed in •seconds' .. · > system is called as three degrees of freedom system.
I .
· It is the time ~uired ·fcii.-the veetor to rotate through ·one ~ Systems ~ing a finite number of D.O.F. _a re called as
f .call
cycle (Z.ry:)••Mathemati y, · · ..,.,discrete or lumpe4 parameter systems,_ and the sys_tems which
I 2 .
r . .
.:r- i · ..
.· ,,
t 1t
= ro,sec ·•••(4.2.4) are having injini~e : .number. of ... D.O.F._~ are _ called as
,, , .... .·. continuous or distributed systems. ,.. . .
I ' • J ~ •
3... Frequency (f) ·
·'' "<


It is denoted by 'F' and expressed in cycleS/sec (c.p.s) or

Hertz (Hz). It is ·a reciprocal' of time period.·M~thematically.
t " 1 (J) '

f=t;=21t=21t' Hz •••(4.2.5)

4. . · Amplitude (X)
It is the maximum displacement of a vibrating body from its
mean position. It is denoted by 'X'.
S. . .Stiffness of spring (K)
It is the force required to produce unit displacement .in _the Xz ~
"direction of applied force. MathematicalJy, (a) One D.O.F. (b) Two D.O.F~ .. (c) Three D.O.F.

Fig: 4.2.2 i Degree of Freedom (D.0.F)

V T1dlbo111l11l9i .
Y" Publlc1tlons

Scanned with Carr&:onner

, •
Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
4-4 Basic Concepts Of Vib ,
.. . . . I


the system with the application of external force kn
Damping is the resistance to the motion of the vibrating external excitation. The excitation disturbs the rn~• • ~- ll
body, which causes a vibrating body to come to rest or mean position and mass starts vibrating (oscillating) It&
equilibrium posilion. two extreme positions. During the vibration (OscilJati ~~
. . . Oil),·~· .
8. Damping Coefficient (c) kinetic energy ts converted mto potential energy and ~ii:

Damping coefficient is the d~ping force or resisting force energy is converted into kinetic energy. This sequ:llcl
developed per unit velocity. Mathematically, on repeating and the system CC?ntinue5 to ~brate. gOci
F N If some damping is provided to oppose the moti~ Of
c = -v , -m -sec or N-sedm -(4.2.7)
then some amount of energy is dissipated in each llla&a,
Where, F =Force applied on damper or damping force in N. · tyclt or
v = Velocity of viscous fluid in rri/sec. vibration due to dam~ing effect Due to this, the vibrationi
9. Resonance decay gradually and system will come to its static cqu'l'bri
• • " .11 Dill
or mean position.

Syllabus Topic: Steps Involved In Vibration Analyale

4;4 Modeling ·of System

The purpose of m~eling o~ system i.s to represent all the
Syllabus Topic : Vibration parameters - springs, - important . features of · the . system for deriving the
mass, damper, damp~r models mathematical
or analytical equations governing the behav·1~
of a system. The modeling of a system should include enough
4.3 Elements of-Vibratory Sy.stem details such that it must be able to describe the actual
· behavior of the syste·m in tenns of mathema~cal. equation$.
In general any vibratory system includes :
Sometimes the model is gradually improved to obtained m~
(i) Means for storing potentiaJ energy (spring), accurate results. In this approach, first a elementary model is
(ii) · Means for storing kinetic en~rgy (mass), and made to get a quick understanding of overall behavior of the
(iii) Means by .which energy is gradually dissipated system. Subsequently_. the.model is refined by including more
(damper)." components so that the behavior of . the system can be
observed more closely.
Therefore, any vibratory system basically consist of the three
elements, namely mass, spring and damper. ·Consider the forging hammer shown in Fig. 4.4.l(a). It
In a vibrating system there is an exchange of energy fro~ one consists of frame, falling weight, anvil, elastic pad and
form to another. The energy is stored in mass in the form of foundation block. The anvil is a massive steel block on which

·kinetic energy ( t m l) ; in . the spring in the form of

material is forged into desired shape by th~ repeated blows of
a falling weight. The anvil is mounted on elastic pad so as to
potential energy (.t K x2) ;and the energy is dissipated in reduce the transmission of vibrations to the foundation block
and the frame.
the damper which opposes the motion of the system.
For an initial elementary model; a .frame, anvil, ~lastic pad,
foundation block and soil are modeled as a single degree of
freedom system, as shown in Fig. 4.4.l(b).
Subsequently, the model is refined by considering the mass of
frame and anvil and mass of foundation block separately.
· Similarly the effects of elastic pad and soil are also
+External considered separately. The . system is represented as two
degrees of freedom system, as shown in Fig. 4.4.l(c). With
Fig. 4.3.l : Elements of a Vibratory System this model; the mathematical analysis· of the system is mrue
. . .
Fig. 4.3.1 shows a basic vibratory system. The. ~nergy enters
~ · :
~· .
amicsof Machlnery MU -·Sem 5 - Mech) .; 4.5 1.·.... ;1. . Basic Concepts of Vibration
. D~
. :·~
Syllabus Topic: Conversion of multl·sprlngs,·multl
• •• 1

Falling .Weight
... .. ..·. . ., I . masses, multi-dampers Into a slngle spring and
.l ~rwne . ,.·
damper with linear or rotatlonal co-ordinate
. . .. ~
.. '

...... ,
,.. ... '

.' ... ·~ ... ! ! .,' • . ' •: •• .. , • - •.•

·:1: Springs·1n·Serles
.. ·. ·. : . ·: ...... -.·· · :: :" -·:.

::~.:':§P.~99~:i9: :~·~~~1!~!, :;: }.

(a) A:ctuaI ~ystem
Fig. C4.1 : Equivalent Springs
In many practical applications, more than one springs may be
Falling Weight
used. To convert such system into equivalent mathematical model,
I it is necessary to replace springs in system by one equivalent
spring. The stiffness of equivalent spring depends upon whether
the springs in system are in series or in parallel.
I' .

4.5.1 Springs In Serles
......: Stiffness of Fig. 4.5.l(a) shows a system with two sp~gs in-series having
0amp1ngof stiffness K 1 and Kz. .
Elastic Pad and Soll
ElalliC Pad and Soil · .
In case of springs in series :
(i) The total deflection of actual system is equal to sum of
(b) Single - Degree of Freedom System
the deflections of individual springs (i.e. B= B1 ~· +
' (ii) The force acting on actual system is same as the force
·acting on each individual spring (i.e. mg= m1g = ffii&).

Falling ·weight

+ tmz+

(a) Actual System · (b) Equivalent System

Fig. 4.5.1 : Spring in series ·
The system of two springs in ·series is to be replaced by an
Damping equivalent spring having stiffness Ke, as shown in
of Soll Fig. 4.5.l(b). then,
Deflection of equivalent spring·= Deflection of actual system
Deflection of equivalent spring -
.\. :
=Deflection,. of spring 1 + Deflection of spring 2
(c) Two-degrees or freedo~. system
0 = 01+82 ...(a)
Fig. 4.4.1: Modeling of Forging Hammer and, mg = m1g =~g ...(b) .
.. ID& -- m1g - ~
K• K1 + Kz

SCOnned w ith Cilffi.Scnrvier

, O Amica of M11chlno MU • Som 5 • Moch)

Sub1titutlll.Q l!quntit10 (b) In P.(1u11tll1n (c), we act, 4.6 Equlvalent Dampers

mg !!!a
• K1 + ~
In IJ\ll.n)' •pplic•lioru. alm.iw to •PJini•. r.utr.ber <A~

t . t.-~.J.
• "I "J
u e alio u~ In comhinulotit. To U.lflvcrt J.tJcb f)
equivalent nua1hclnlilic•l mrl!kl. ii i.1r~ceLwy11> ,~~ "'ii.
Thus. ir1 <YIJ'<" (lj springs In 1trits, the n•ri11roml <if lht: in •)'•lcm by one equivalent d.lmr.oer. lt;e dimpi1.1z «dti~

"'l"i1•c1/mt •r1•ri11,'l st nt',r.r I.f rqu11/ to the Jum of ti~ ecrulvalent damper depend• upon whcdier ct:oe iitmpu, •e ~
• 1!':r,·-.rJ·
r('dprvml of imlh·i1/11a/ JJlrin.i: .i-t/ff11rssts. or parallel. · ;q

4.5.2 Springs In Parallel Equlvalent Damper

Fig. 4.5.2(n) shows n system with two springs in parallel

1. Dampers ifl ${;fies
having stiff11t.'.lis K1 und K1.
In case of springs in parallel : 2. Dampers in Para.t:el
(i) 11ie deflection of actual system is equal to the
deflections of each springs f1g. C4.2 : Equhlllenl Dam~
(i.e. o= o1 = c52).
4.6.1 Dampers In Serles
(ii) The force
. acting on actual system is equal to sum of the
forces acting on individual springs Fig 4.6.l(a) shows a h3ving two ~ ·~
(i.e. mg= m 1g + m2g). damping coefficients c1 and ~ in series. These ,..,,.,_
replaced by an equivalent d.1mpcr having damping CQeffJcic:.t
c1 , as shown in Fig. 4.6.J(b).

,. m.........

· m

(a) Actuol System (b) Another Forni of (c) Equivnlent (a) Actual Sy1tem (b) EquJvalot Sywtem
Actual System System
Fig. 4.5.2 : Springs in Parallel Fig. 4.6.1: Dampers In Series

The system of two springs in parallel is replaced by an The theory of springs in series is also applicahk for t!atnpt"
equivalent spring having stfffness K, , ~s shown in in series. Thus in case of dampers in strks, die reciprocal of
Fig. 4.5.2(b). then, the eq11ivalenl dampin.r: coefficient is equal to the sum of tht
Deflection of equivalent spring = reciprocal of individual damping coefficients.
Deflection of spring 1 =Deflection of spring 2 .!. = -1 + -
0 = '.01 = 02' ' •.. (d)
c. c ~ 1
and, mg = m1g+m2g ... (e)
4.6.2 Dampers In Parallel
. . Keo = K101 + K2o ... (f)
Fig. 4.6.2(a) shows a system, having two dampen v..i!h
Substituting Equation (d) in Equation (f), we get, damping coefficients c1 a.nd c2, in parallel. These dampen m
Keo = K1 o+K2 0 replaced by a.n equivalent damper having damping roefficicd
...(4.5.2) c, as shown in Fig. 4.6.2(b).

Thus, in case ofspri~g~ i11 parallel, J/lc eq11ivalent stiffness is

equal to the sum of the individ11al spring stiffnesses.

Sc:inncd w ith C::vnSc:Jnncr

4-7 . ..
··~ ...-~.1- · ·r .., Basic Concepts of Vibration

The . theory of .springs in parallel is aJso applicable for

dampers in para11el.' Thus in case of dampers .i n paralhl. the
equivalent .dar:iping .coeffe_cient is :equa~ to the sum of t/ie .
individual damping coeff}cfents.

1. ' - -
; .:.(4.6.2)

.. ~·I SytteDl ·-· (b) Equivalent Sy1tem

(1)n~,._ .· '
' .
Ffg. 4.6.2 : Dampers fu Parallel ,. -., ..

,,P"° syllabus· Topic : Vibration· Classlflcatlon, Longitudinal , Transverse , .forsl~nal Vibration System

,,,_ · Types of Vibration·s

fl--· ..
scan be classified in several way [F' 4 7 1) s ·
" · ' "" · , ; · · T ;. ·: ,. · ' .. ·
.. 'fhe vibratton . s ig. · · · . ~me of the important classifications are discussed below :
, ·,
According To · .Free Vibrations
: Actuating Force
Forced Vibrations '

Undamped Vibrations
Acc0rdlng to
External Resistance
Damped Vibrations

Longltudlnal Vibrations
of According to Motion
of System w.r.l Axis · Transverse Vibrations
Torslonal Vibrations

According to Linear Vibrations ' ..

Behavior of
Vibrating System Non Linear Vibrations
•: ,.
According to Magnitude Detennlnlstlc Vibrations
of Actuating Force . '·
At A Given Time Random Vibrations , .

~ig. 4.7.1: Classification of Vibrations .· ··.} : . .. '•-'} . .• -. •, , t

1. According to Actuating Force (ii) Forced Vibrations

0) Free Vibrations

E.g. : Vibrations of I.C. engine, electric motor, centrifugal

pump, etc.
According. to Exte~nai ·R~~istance·"
The frequency of free vibrations is knows as free or natural
frequency (Q.
E.g. : Oscillation of simple pendulum is an example .of free

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.' 1

amlos of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech 4-8

Basic Concepts Of V'~
The negligible resistance (damping) Is also considerCd as an (I) Loogltudlnal Vibrations
undilmped condition.
E.g. In case of simple pendulum, the air resistance provides
negligible damping and hence it is neglected. Therefore, a
simple pendulum is an example of undamped free vibrations.

l .. ,

Fig. 4.7.4: Longitudinal Vibratiom

A • >.~ ""' ..- ,... .. ' ' ;, 61<.:,.. "'· :itJ. • ..,·" -,. ., i '

··.~· Defiwf~~o~ ~f,~n-~~~~~·--~~:~r -

Fig. 4.7.2: Undamped Vibrations
'li~f!e;- a~ ·~~~-~i: ~· .i!iilf~ .ai/fw }~ . ~ ;,;.·· ~
:thiii :eJie.';; i>Ui~.--·:are· · . kiwW7¥i fai::. , · · ·~ ·
Theoretically, the free undamped vibrations continue ~~,fd~~.. -~-~: :-.~;~·. '~: ':~.. :.·/:: "·<:; :> -. :'>.·-: . :
indefinitely because t!le_re is no extei:naI resistance (damping). In longitudinal ~brations, [Fig. 4.7.4) the shaft is sub.icaoi
But the amplitude of vibrations decay continuously and alternate direct tensile and compressive stresses. b

vanishes ultimately of some negligible air resistance Another example of longitudinal vibrations is vibrations
spring • mass system along the axis of spring. ci
(air damping).
(ii) Damped Vibration (ii) Transverse Vibrations

In damped vibrations the external resistance, known as

damping, opposes the vibrations. Due to this there is
reduction in amplitude of .vibration every cycle and
eventually vibrations die out
Such vibrations are also known a transient vibrations. Fig. 4.7.5: Transverse Vibrations
E.g. : Vehicle moving over a rough road with shock absorber
Fig. 4.7.3 shows the undamped and damped vibrations.

In transverse vibrations [Fig. 4.7.5), the shaft is subjected io

alternate bending stresses.
(iii} Torsional Vibrations

Fig. 4.7.3 : Damped Vibrations

3. According to Motion of System With
Respect to Axis

Consider.a weightless shaft with a disc·of mass 'm' attached In torsional vibrations [Fig. 4.7.6), the shaft is· subj~ to
at one end and otl1er end fixed, as shown in Fig. 4.7.4. torsional shear stresses.
Such system may execute one of the tliree below mentioned
types of vibrations :

·-- -----~
~ ·
~ - .. _

~ ' ICS of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech) .. 4-9

Basic ConceptS of Vibration
·; · j)&sm .__ ..-- __ ,.
/ 1' . •' •

•. ' ~

i .· ,


'I • • • ., • I _.• ' ' 'I • ~ ' • j .: •

Fig. 4.7.7 : Dete.~nistic ~i~ration:' ._,_

\ "

: (ii) Random Vibrations

:- . .. ·~·
..,__ ' -, \ .'"""'• t
. ·....: .... . r,

~ . ... ..' ....... ' ,

- .-
,I ,• ·~ 'I • • ~ '!
_ : ··:: Fig. 4.7.6: Torsional Vibrations <

According to . Beha~lor ofVibrating System· '

Fig. 4.7.8 : Random Vibrations
. ..


-~< - ~~
~~· ~::::;....--,._...~--'~~~~
In linear vibrations, the differential equatio'n go~eming the
motion of the vibrating system is linear. . _. .
. · vibrati~ns
: · The characteristic cuive for .such. ... .. .~is. .shown in
E.g. : Vibrations of spring · ·mass system along the axis of Fig. 4.7.8 . .

system. I ' I I ·, I ( ' ' I

· E.g: : Due to earthquake a building· is· subjected to-random ·

(ii) . Non-linear Vibrations
~ ·J>efinition'"'orN'o'h~~~:vibiatioii8<~~~~~t-::i/4l1
') ... .. ~ - ~·- -~-~---·,... ... -·...·.,;. ~: :~.~ ~-=~ -:.~,~ _'! \.:;~·~J.~:f\.i::'~lft~
.. 4.8 List of Formulae
·If..aiiy f o[~t1;£ t~.Tf!e : basic:~o.111.po~~~· ·~t/f'f; ~~!~f.~~~~
" aeh<fve n<?rt-~inea~ly,_Jfier!';.tfie f'!S.i!Jtf.n#,f .if?(~~,[!~. 1. Fundamental equation of simple harmonic L::.-nnnas• no~linear vibrations.
· ft,ll.A.J4,IJ •
,,' •'
.·~-'(,•'· ';·•.:,
t. ~
. , motion
In non-linear vibrations, the differential equation governing
!he motion of the vibrating system is non-linear.
i + 002 x = 0

E.g. : Motion of spring-mass ·system in transverse direction 2. Time period

(along the direction perpendicular to the axis of system)
According to Magnitude of Actuating Force at a
tp =
. s

GlvenTime 3. Natural frequency

(i) Deterministic Vibration

4. Stiffness of spring

K = ~, Nim

Where, F = Force applied on the spring, N

The characteristic curve for such vibrations is shown in o= Deflection of spring, m

Fig. 4.7.7.
E.g. : Vibrations caused by rotating unbalanced mass.

P ubl lt~tlons

Sctmned with Ca mSca rmer

.. . .. ..
t Dynami6s of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 4-10 B8sic Coneepts ~f v~· ;

3. What are the · ~dvantag~ and disadvan ~. ·

5. Damping coefficient
vibrations? [Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3] taQes.~
c := ~, N sec/m 4. Define the following terms :
Where, F = Force applied on ~Per or damping force, ·N. (i) Simple harmonic motion
v = Velocity of viscous fluid, mis (ii) Time period
6. Equivalent spring stiffness (iii) Frequency .
(i) Sprinis in series (iv) Amplitude
I I I [Section 4.2]
- - -+-
Ke - K1 Kz
s. What do you understand by degrees of freecJorn
(ii) Springs in parallel . ?
[Section 4.2)
, .,Ke = K I +v
6. What are the basic elements
of a vibratory syst8111?
7. Eq!!lvatent damping coefficient
[Section 4.3]
{i) Dampers in series
7. Explain the concept of modeling of a system, Willi
cI e .
=. c-+
e~ample. [Section 4.4] _· .

(ii) Dampers in parallel 8. Explain, with neat sketches, the following terms:
Ce = C1 +Ci (i) Equivalent spring
(ii) Equivalent damper
_[Sections 4.5 and 4.6]
1. What is vibration ? Explain the phenomenon of What are the various types of vibrations. ?
9. .
vibration. [Sections 4.1 and 4.1.1]
[Section 4. 7]
2. What are the various causes of vibrations? How the
effects of undesirable vibrations can be reduced ? 10. Distinguish between longitudinal, transverse and
_torsional vibration. [Se~tion 4.7] .
[Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3]

,Chapter Ends...


' --

~ .... .. " . '~~


~ .. ·.

-' • ( .. .
• ,1.

:... ~~
. __._r";;{:~

Sc.:inned w ith CamScanner

~ ·"
~ .

..... , ... .

- r

f Und ·
. amped Single Degree
o Freedom Vibration .System
I '

syU1bu;1~:-~~----;------:----_;:_/:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
Methods for formulation of differential eq . t' : ' .- · '
ua ions by newton . .
methods. . . ' energy, lagrangian (Refer Chapter 7). and .Rayteigh's


' I

I •

1 Introduction
Some of the methods are as follows :

If the external force is removed after giv'mg an initial . .. ~ethods· of finding the natural frequency
_::,, .. _. · ·· ·of vibratory system .. -_ ,_
displacement to the system, · then the-. sy·stem v'ibrales on its
.own du,e to internal elastic forces. s_ti_ch vibrations are known
1: Equjlibrium ¥ethod (D'Alembert's Principle) '.
as.. free
. .
and· !f .. there is no·
external ~...:fi ·
. cuu lCla1
resistance (damp~g).
. . ,to.,the
.. .. ,. the~
yibrations .. such
. vibrati
. ' ons ~: En_ergy Method

are known as undamped free vibrations: · · ' · -

3: Rayleigh's.Melhoci
It is important to note that, in most of the· free vibrati~ns there
is always certain amount of damping . (like air resistance) Fig. CS.1 : Methods of finding the natural frequency of
"assoeiated with the system. However, if the ·damping is very ·· vibratory system ·
small, for all practical purpose it can be neglected and the .
Syllabus Topic: Methods for Formulation of
vibrations are considered as undamped free vibrations. /,.... --......._,
'-·· · Differential Equations by Newton
When the frequency of external excitation force .acting on a
body is equal to the natural frequency of a ".iibrating body. the . 5.2.1 Equi1ibrium Method (D' Alembert's
amplitude of vibrations beconi~s excessively large. Such state Principle) ·
• is known as resonance: The resonance is dangerous and it
I , I" , According to D'Alembert's principle,' a b~y or a system
may lead to the failure of the part. Therefore to avoid the
.which is not in static equilibrium due to acc~leration it
resonance condition, designer should ·kilow the · natural
possesses. can be brought to static equilibrium by introducing
frequency of . machine or its parts which are .subjected to the inertia force on it
~~ie~al excitation ·f~~ce. ; ·t • . ,
This inertia force is equal to the mass times the acceleration
(mass x acceleration) and its direction i's opposite to that of·
s:2 Determination of Natural Frequency acceleration.
The natural of any body or a system depends upon Hence, in a _vibratory system the algebraic sum of the inertia
the geometrical parameters and mass properties of the body. forces and all external forces acting on the system must be
It is independent of the forces acting on the body or a system. equal to zero.
There are various methods to obtain the equations of motion This principle is ·used for developing the equation of motion
of a vibrating system, which can be used to find the natural . fo~ vibrating system which is further used to ~nd the natural
frequency of the given vibratory system. frequency of the vibrating system:.__
~ .. .
> 1
• 5·2 Free Undamped Sin le De . of Freedom Vibrations
Dynamics of Machinery MU - Sem 5 • Mech) .- · .
,. ,·:.
·' ...
'.• .

(a) Spring In (b) Spring' In (c) F.B.D. of (d) DJsplaced

Unstrained Strained Mass at Position
·' .
:Position · Position Mean Position
Fig. 5.2.1 : Equilibrium Method
We kliow that,· the fundain~ntal equation of simple harmonic
.. Consider· spnrig-mass system constrained to move along the
axis of the spring, as shown in Fig. 5.2. l(a). motion is,
Let, =
m mass suspended from .the spring end, kg. X + (l)n X =0 - .(b)
K stiffness of the spring, N/m. . Comparing Equation (5.2.1) and Equation (b), we'get,
S = deflection of the spring due to weight mg, m.
z K
x displacement given to the mass, by application of initial,
con = m
external force, from mean position, m. · ·
•or : . -(5.2.2)
A spring of negligible mass, in an unstrained position, is
shown in Fig. 5.2.l(a). . where, (l)n = circular natural frequency, rad/s.
When mass 'm' is attached to the free end of spring, it will 'The.natural frequency 'f0 ' of vi~rations !s, !
deflect by '8' due to g·ravjtational force 'mg', [Fig.' 5.2.l(b)]. '
The F.B.D. of mass at equilibrium (mean) position is shown
in Fig. 5.2.l(c). ·~.

The gravitational .force ~ust b~· equ~l to spring force. · or

· mg = Ko ·· · ... (a)
Also, from.Equation (a),
Let, the spring and mass system is subjected to' one time
initial external force, du~ to will be displaced by 'x' mg = k&
from the mean position as shown in Fig. ·5..2. l(d). The F.B.D. K g
of mass at the di.splaced pos~ti9n ~s shown ~n Fig. 5.2. l(e). . m =. S
The forces acting on the ma~s are : . ·. . · ' · Substituting Equation (c) in Equation (5.2.1), we get,

(i) Inertia force, (upwards) mi' . : . . . f0 = 211t ~ , Hz · '"(5.2.4)

" '' . (ii). sl>iing f~rce .or .~es~ring force,'~ :ex+ s>' (.upwards»
(iii) . Gravitional force, mg (do,~nwards) · . The time period ''i,' is, .. . ..
~ _= 2n ~ ,s · ...~5.2.5)
, , •J I I ' '. • , • '~
I 1 · , 1

According to D' Alembert's principle,

~, 1 ' I
tp = .r:=_1__ fR ·o r ·
\J m
~ • ' • I • ~

.·r. . .. . 2rt
~ ~!1ertia f~rce +.~xtemal forces] ~ 0
mx +K(x+S)-mg=O
'-. :'. .[Taking upward forces as+ ve and downward forces as - ve)
' " - ·, •• : I • ' ' l'

mx +Kx+K& - mg = 0
mx +Kx = 0 . [mg= kS from Equation (a)]
I' ' l'

.. K.
'. X+i;X = 0
. ...(5.2.1)
'. '

Sca nned with ComSconner

_D riamlcs of Machine MU ~ Sam 5 • Mech)
5·3 Free Undam ed Single De . of Freedom Vibration System
c.:..,01 Equntfons (5.2.2) and (5.2.3) it is seen that th -
.-. u • . • · e natural · -
• ,
' '-requency is mdependen~ of the gravitational force , · , . Using this law the equation of motion of vibrating system can
11 , ti .. . . mg , as u .
. --- is ne1itrnlized by ie sprmg force due to static defl . : be developed.
•Kc5'. ._ . -. 1 • , • ect1on In free undamped vibrations, no energy is transferred to the
.-Jenee while writing the equation of motion for nn 'b system or from the system, therefore the total .mechanical
- n • . . Y v1 rntory
system w!tJ1 spnng n~ one element, both the gravitational energy i.e. the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy,
-fore~ 'm~ .nnd the sprm~ ~orce due t~ static deflection 'K8' remains constant.
can be eJmunnted. - The kinetic energy {KE) is due to the moti?n of _the body or
""'is can be done by considering· the forces a t' · system.
'" •• • . •C ing on the
_ system beyond equ1hbnum position. The potential energy (PE) consists of two parts :
Hence' the ' equilibrium
. ·
method for the sprin
. g-mnss system {i) Gravltation~I potential en~rgy : Due to the position
can be simplified as follows : of the body or system with respect to equilibrium or
mean position. _
(ii) Strain energy : Due to the elasiic d·eformation ~f the
body or system.
At equilibrium (or mean) position, the kinetic energy (KE) is
maximum and potential energy (PE) is zero; whereas at
extreme positions, the kinetic energy (KE) is zero and
~ .'

--{_ potential energy (PE) is maximum.

According to law of conservation of energy,
Total energy = constant
KE + PE = constant ...(5.2.6)
Differ~n-tiati~g Equation (5.2.6) with respect to .'t~.
(a) Mean or Eqalllbrium (b) Displaced
d . .,
, Position . . dt (KE+ PE) = 0 -...(5.2.7)

'··· :·.
. . ,K~. .
Consider the spring-inass system, as shown in Fig. 5.2.3,
Kinetic energy of the system is given .b.Y, --
- 1 •2
KE :. · 2m x . -
-" L (5.2.8)
-. ... _.I
"J... ~

where, x = velocity of mass, mis r

mX "
(c) F.B~ In Displaced
Fig. 5.2.2 : Equilibrium Method
According to D'Alembert's principle
L [Inertia force + External forces ) = 0
From Fig. 5.2.2,
mx+Kx = 0
.. K (a) Mean or Equilibrium Position (b) Displaced Position
x+;-x =0 ...(d)
Fig. 5.23 : Spring~mas~ System
Equation (d) is same as Equation (5.2.1) I
The potential energy is in .the form of strain energy stored in
the spring. The strain energy .is given by the area under the
Syllabus Topic : Methods for formulation of force versus deflection diagram for a spring [Fig. 5.2.4).
differential equations by Energy Methods .-
. . PE =Strain energy =Area ~nder force - deflection diagram
5.2.2 Energy Method 1 1
= zFx = 2 (Kx) x ... [F= Kx]
. " ~ (MU. Dec. 11) '
-' t i·
According to law of conservatµm of energy, .the energy can ' or PE = zKx , 2

neither be created nor be destroyed, but it ca.n be converted

from one fonn to anotherfomz.
..· "
. -

Scenn«1 with CamScallfle'

... Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech) · : ...
. of Freedom Vibration s 8t'1i

• •- .J •• ~
The' sub8cripts l and '2 ·deno~ ~wo diff~rent P<>sitio
. . . . .
·. . . .
subscript 1 denote th~ mean position y.rhere Polenti'aJ ·
is zero i.e. (PE)· 1 = 0 and subscript
· · ..
2 denote the e
.. h ki . . , (KE . Xtrclllc
··pos1t1~n w ere net1c.energy_1s zero 1.e. ) 0. TbererOrt
Equation (h) can be rewritten as, ·· · . ·
(KE) 1 +0 = 0 + (PE)2
• . Deflection of Spring :-:----- But at mean position the kinetic energy .. is maxirnulll .
. . the P<>lentiaJ eocr1.t·
(KE) 1 = (KE)mu and at extreme position
.Fig. 5.2.4 : Forces - Deflection Diagram for Spring is maxi~um i.e. (PE)2 =(PE)max. gy
. .
Substjtuti~g Equations
. we get, . . .
(5.2.8) and (5.2.9) in Equation (5.2.7)
. .
Therefore Equation (i) can be written as, .· ,..

(KE)max = (PE)m..
:t (~mx 2
+!Kx2) = 0
• •• . 1
Therefore, according to Lord Rayleigh's, the fllaxim""'
kinetic energy which is at the mean P!Jsition is equaJ to
.. 2m(2x x)+2K(2xx) =O maximum potential energy which is at th~ extreme positio11.

.(m X) X + (Kx) ~ = 0 ..
mx+Kx =O
Consider spring-mass system as shown in Fi_g. 5.2.2.
.. K Let body having mass 'm' is moving with simple hannollie
m motion, therefore the di~placement of the body is given by,
x = X sin Wn t
Comparing Equation (5.2.10) with fundamental equation of
simple harmonic motion [F.quation (b)] we get, Where, x = displacement of the body from the
2 K mean position .after time ,'t' sec.
con = m
X = maximum displacement of body from
m .rad/s
con = .\Jllim
...(e) the mean position or amplitude of
The natural frequency 'f0 ' of vibration is, vibration, m
con = circular natural frequency, rad/s
Velocity of body is given by, .. ,
• dx I
or x =dt =con ~ cos t
... (t) (l)n ...(k)
The time period '1i,' is, The maximum velocity. which ·'is at mean position
l l i.e., (alt= 0) is given by,
.. ~ = f,; .!..A IB
\Jm2n ~max = (I)n x ... (Q
At mean position, the maximum kinetic energy is,
or ~ = 2 1t~ ,S ...(g)
(KE)max = 21 m ( Xmax)
• 2

Syllabus Topic : Methods for formulation of o.r ( KE>max = zm ro. X.
2 2
. . ...(m)
differential equations by Rayleigh's Methods
The potential energy is,
5.2.3 Rayleigh's Method PE .= zKx 2

This is an extension of energy methOd, which is developed by Therefore, at extreme position (at x = . X), the maximum
Lord Rayleig;h. potential energy is,
A~ording to principle of conservation of energy,
(PB)mu = ~· KX2 ...(n)
Total energy =constant
(' energy)= position = (Total energy)wmneposition Substituting Equations (m) and (n) in Equation <5·2·11) we
(KE+PE)1 = (KE+PE)2
2i m 002x2 = !'KX2
or = (KE)2 + (PE)2 ...(h) .

; .

Scanned w ith comsconncr

·cs of Machine (MU - Sem 5 - Mech} : .. ,. 5-5
artll . . . .. Free Undamped Sin le Deg. of Freedom Vibration S stem
2 K
•• w11 = m .. . \ ~. Due to gravitational force 'mg', the canti·1ever beam is
- fR . deflected by '8' as shown in Fig. 5.3.l(b).
wo ·=· \jm' ra~s
Hence, at equilibrium (mean) position, ·
or')be natural frequency .'fa • 0 f VI'bl rati~
· ·
· 0 ;· IS, ..
mg=K8 .~.(a)

fo:=~ (I)
r f --
... (p) Let, the system is s~bJ~ted .to .one time initial external force
,, ' .
time period ,. is, du~~ which it will displaced by 'x' fro_m equilibrlum (mean)
the .. ·
1 1 _positio~· as shown i~ Fig. 5.3.l(b) by d<?tted ~!1~· __:
fp = c;; = fR
.!__ .
Considering the forces acting on the mass beyond.equilibrium
(mean) position, the·forces acting on the mass are :
~ =
- rm • s.. (i) Inertia force,~ (upwards)
. .. (q)
(ii) Resisting or restoring force, Kx (upwards)
undam·pe~ Free Tr~~~verse
According to D' Alembert's principle;
Vibrations ·
L [Inertia force+ External forces]= 0
cons•"der a cantilever
• • beam of negligible mass carrying a .mx+Kx =0
concentrated mass m at free end, as shown in Fig. 5.3.l(a).
[Trudng upward force as+ ve downward force as - ve]
K = stiffness of mass, Nim - K I .
Let. :. x+-x = 0 ...(b)
0 = static deflection of the beam due to .. m . .
mass attached at the end, m
Comparing Equation (b) 'with fw:;~ental ~uation of simple
1 = displacement of the mass from mean hannonic motion, we get,
position after applying initial external force, ni" . '_. rg .
= -mK or w0 =-\J~, rad/s ...(c)

The natural frequency 'fn' of vibrations is,

(a) CanttleverBeam or . fD : i~
-21t · - Hz ... (d)
m' ·
From Equation (a),
g K
:.. (e)
B m
Substituting the Equation (e) in Equation (d), we get,

.L- {i -
f =
n 21t 2n-\J[2Jj
.\j B - .!__ S-
or f = 0.4985 Hz ·•••(t)
n. '\[8 ' • -· . -·
(b) Cantilever Beam Before and
Alta' Givine Intial Displacement


· Where, W = load at the free end, N.

l = length of shaft beam, m.
E = Young's. modulus for the. material
2 .. .
·. of beam, Nim .
. . I. = moment of inertia of beam about
Inertia Forca horizontai axis, m •
mx The: values .of static deflection B for the ·various types of
(c) F.B.D. of Mass beams under different load conditions are · given in
Table 5.3.1. '
Fig. 5.3.1 : Undamped Free Transverse Vibrations

PUbllCltllD ft S

Seamed w ith camscanner

, ' D namlcs of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech) · . 5-6

Table 5.3.i: Static Dcflcctlo~ ror Various Types or Beams

l. Cantilever beam with

:~ot load 'W' at free ~: 0
, I

, ' :t W
1: W? (
u=- at reeen
f · ·d)


.. . .

··: ' r' i .

2. Cantilever beam wilh wl' ' ·-
5 = 8Ei (at free end)
iJ.D.L. of 'w' per unit

3. Simply supportecl' · wa1·b2 •• .. -.. , ...

5 =- 3EU (at point loadf .
~ . .
, l,
. 1. ~
beam with an eccentric
point load 'W'

,. ..

4. Simply supported wl
5 =48EI (at center)
beam with a central
point load ·w·

5. Simply supported
beam with U.D.L. of
Lw Per Unit Length
'w' per unit length

3 3
6. Fixed beam with . Wa b -
,o= 3EllJ

(at load)

' eccentric point load
" 'W' .,

\ .
- 1. Fixed beam with a wl (at center)
' I • •
central point load 'W'
l '- •I

8. Fixed beam with ·
5 =384EI (at center)
U.~.L. of 'w' per unit
ell length . !

: '' I ~

: • ! - . • Ttci""""'
'f/f ,,.111•'''''

Seamed w it h CamSca nner

[ '
· nilds ofMachinery (MU - Sent 5"·_Mech):l~ ,,, ~ 5-7 . Free Undamped Single Deg; of Freedom.Vibration System
i 'j;;.oyna :. .
- - I .- ,. - '
rorslonal Stiffness ( ~) · ,,
5.~:1 .
rsional stiffness of shaft (K.) is defined . as the torque
To . I d
requlred to produce unit ~callgu ar eflection in the direction of .
lied torque. Mathemau y,
app ! ..
~ Ki = 0

of- .
=T ' .·11 . · ·, 1..:.
q •.•(5:3.1) . ~, .: ' , . .
G = modulus of rigidity for the shaft material, N/in2
J = polar moment of inertia of shaft= ;2 d4, ni4 • '•

1 length of the shaft, m .,
d = diameter of the shaft, m - Disc
'fhe parameters for linear vibrations and torsional vibra~ons
are compared in Table 5.3.2. , ·
Table S.3.2 : Parameters for Linear and Torsional vibrations
.. . I

_j_ oI
Displacement x m a rad
·1 +
Mean Position

Velocity x mis .
a rad/s
.. - ;lnertla Torque\'\ i ', A' J e,9,e
IS ' ' ' /Restoring
Acceleration x -· - m/s2 rad/s
a ..:

Fig. 5.4.1 : Undamped Fr~e Torsional Vibration

Inertia force or N N-m
mx re The natural frequency 'f,.' of .torsional vibrations can be
obtained as follows :
stiffness K Nim N-m/rad For angular displacement of disc '0' in clockwise direction,
Kinetic Energy N-m KE=· · the torques acting on the disc are : '
~ N·m
1 •2 (i) Inertia torque, I0 (anticlocl'Wise)
2 (ii) Restoring torque due to torsional stiffness of shaft, K. 8
Potential PE= N-m (anticlockwise)
Energy lKx2 Therefore according to D' Alembert's principle,
L [Inertia torque+ Ex·~~al torques] =0
Natural fo = Hz Hz =0
:. l8 + K.0
Frequency i _ lli . .. Ki
2n-\Jm 1 e =o
:. e+- ...(5.4.1)
' . , .
The fundamental equation of simple hann<?nic motion is,
5.4 Undamped ·Free Torsional ..
. a+ (l)n· 8
=0 ... (a)
Comparing Equation (5.4.1) with fundamental
' .
equation of
simple harmonic motion [Equation (a)] we get,
Consider a disc having mass moment of inertia 'I' suspended 2 .!Si .
on a shaft with negligible mass, as shown in Fig. 5.4.1. (l)D = I
8 = angular displacement of disc from mean position, rad. or . ...(5.4.2)
m = mass of the disc, kg The natural frequency 'f0 ' of torsional vibrations is,- . ··.
k = Radius of gyration of the disc, m ., •, ..
2 2
I = mass moment of inertia of the disc= rnk , kg-m
Ki = torsional stiffness of the shaft, N-nllrad '· '

V Pulllltatla"s

~-- - ·
· O namlca of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech 5-8 Free Undam • of Freedom Vibr~
, .. \

or r
n •
1 fE , llz
2ft ..\ff ...(S..4.3) or t, IJ 27' '\fk ,~
The time period ''ii' ls,
1 I
a -a---.,,,,,,.
rn _!_ .. lg
Ex. 5.4.1
Find the natural frequency ~f vibration of th~ system shown In Fig. P. 5.4.1 (A). Use following data : K1 = 100() fL'
K2 =1000 N/m, K3 =2000 N/m; m = 10 kg. rn,

Fig. P. 5.4.t(A)
Soln.: ,
\ · :.

. .,

: '

(a) (b) . . (c)

Fig. P. 5.4.l(B)
From Fig. P. 5.4.l(B),
Th~ ~prings K1and K2 are in parallel. Therefore, their equivalent spring stiffness Ke1 is given by,
I •
Ke1 = K1 +Kz=1000 + 1000
: ·or· Ke1 = 2000 Nim ..."·
From Fig. P. 5.4.l(B),
The springs Kei• and K3 are in parallel. Therefore, their equivalent spring stiffness Ka is given by,
Ke2 = Ke1 + K3 =2000 + 2000
or Kc2 = 4000 Nim
From Fig. P. 5.4.t(B)(c), .'
The natural frequency for spring-mass system is given by,
..!.- {f;;. - - g@
rn = 21t ·.\ / m - _I
21t '\J 10 or r" = 3.18 Hz
. . ,,.1 1, atltll

$conned with Ca mScanner

ari'llCS of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech :
· 5-9 Free Undamped Single D . of Freedom Vibration S · tem
5,4.2 ' .' . . ! i .•

~· syste'm.shown In Fig. ~· 5.4.2(A)<1f I<, =:=.2400 Nim, ~ =.1600 f>!/m, ~ =:: 3600 Nim and. K•.= Ks ~. ~m; find.the =
For ~: such that the system will have a ~at~ral fr~quen~. ~f 10 Hz. . . . , , . . . . ,.
11185 •' .. . ..


·; , · I

I'·•, ·-I I .: •

Fig. P. S.4.2(A)
.. - I ; .. ~

Giveo : Natural frequency of system, fa =10 Hz.
From Ffg.P. 5.4.2(B):
'Ibe springs K1, ~. K3 are in series. Therefore, their equivalent stiff~ess Ke1 is given by'..
1 1 1 I 1 I I .. _ ....... ·"··
Kri =
K1 + K:z + K3 =. 24QO+i600+3600 ;
Kc1 = 757.89 Nim ·
\ ·, ..

-==t>. .

~ .


., l • ..·.

. •I

I.• > I

(•) (b) (c)

Fig. P. S.4.2(B)
. .. .... r • , ' • '

Sctm11et.1 w ith Ciin&ilrw .....

, • '"Dynamics of Machinery (MU •.Sam·5 ~ Mech) · , 5· 1o Free Undam ed Single De • of Freedom Vibration S · ·
From Fig. P. 5.4.l(B)(b) Linear velocity of mass
= xare
. .
·The·· springs. K4 and K;···· in ! pafunel. The~fore, 'their 'Linear acceleration of mass . ' a
.. ..
x a re ..
equivalent stiffness J<ei is given by, ·eciulllbrlum Method · · '· · · . "i
From Fig. P. 5.4.3(B)(b);
K_:i = K4 +Ks
.. Ka = 500+500

.. K_:i = 1000 Nim

From Fig. P. 5.4.2(B)(c)

The spring ~ and Kc2 are in parallel. Therefore, their
equivalent stiffness~ is given by,

~ = ~+~=757.89+1000 rx
or Ke3 = 1757.89 N/m

From Fig. P. 5.4.2(B)(b)

The naturai frequency for spring-mass system is given by;

'· . (a) Equlllbrlum Position

fD: 2~~
·· 10 = ...!.._ ~.
.J -

m = O..USkg ...Ans.

Ex. 5.4.3
. '
Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in
Fig. P. 5.4.3(A).


(b) Displaced Position

Fig. P. 5.4.3(B)

Considering linear motion of ma'ss 'm',

L [Inertia force+ External forces] =0
.. mx+T =0
Fig. P. 5.4.3(A) · T = -mx
Let, I 0 =moment of in~rtia of pulley •.kg-m
If the ·mass 'm' is displaced through a small linear distance
'x', the pulley will rotate through an angle 'G' in an M= mass of pulley, kg, r = ra.dius of pulley, m
anticlock'Wise direction as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.3(B)(b). Considering rotary motion of pulley,
. .
From Fig. P. 5.4.3(B)(b), L [Inertia torque+ External forces] :::: 0
Angular displacement of pulley = 9
I0 0+Kr9·r-T·r = 0
Angular velocity of pulley =9 .. 2 . ..
I0 0 + Kr 0 + mxr = 0 ...[ ·: T=-mxl
Angular acceleration of pulley = 9 ~'

...r: ~=re1
r •I '

Linear displacement of mass = ·x = rlJ S 1

I0 + Kr 9 + mr
S= 0

scanned with Camscanner

~· ·-

· · tcs of Machine (MU ._. Sem·s ·Mech " i · tion ·system·.

· ·~ 5·11 · Free Undamped Single Deg. of Freedom Vlbra
:D nsm
.. 2 0
(Io+ nir2) a+ Kr ,e. ·=.. .
2 .. 1
e+2Mr 0+Kr 0 . =~
,.. 2 "

.. 2 ·. '
-Mr + rnr 2
e+Kr e . = -..o" · . .. ' ..
. -.. . . .
.· . . . :·
1 ] .
( z . :. .. : ~
_ ..... _ ·-. ·~·· ... .~ \i,[··1 · =·-Mr2forpulley
2 .
.. , .• ·.: .[ ·:Io~ ~ Mr2 for pulley] ; ;'
••• • • 0
'''-·· , ' .

.·· M··
-le ~ I 0 2 =:0

a+ (~2 +mr2) : .\ M )"' -

( 2:'+m 0+K0 =0
Je =;··o

-· .. . ...(b) --
. .-l+
·'.e K- 0
· =0
e ...(c)
2 ..
'fhis Equation (b) is the differe~~al ~ua~o.n of m~~~n for a
This Equation Jc) is the differential equation of motion for a
t ... _ ' I I .
. system comparing this equation with fundamental
given , .. ·... •. , . : ·., ~iven system comparing fuis ~uation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
equation of simple hannonk motion, we get,
z . K .
or = K
(~+, m)

D . T :',1". •·.

· ·K .. , .... ' ~. ' , ~
M · ·) , rad/s' ·
( 2 +m - - . ~. -
.! I ,_ -
,, ··CO.• ~'.rad/s '-·'

Therefore, 11atural frequen~y_ of_"'._ib~tion for a given system

Therefore, the ~atural .,freque~cy . ~f ~ibratio·~: f~r 'a given
is. system is, • . : . J·... ' .··
i ':. . .:~
fD = -. ~ ; . ' .. ,· ....

or · · ·...Ans. · or ·· ···· .;.Ans.··

Energy Method
j Ex. 5.4.4 ..· r ~

, From Fig. P. 5.4.3(B)(b) ; · - - : I I •

Find the natural frequency of the system shown in

. .
Kinetic energy (Lmear) of the mass = '2I mx•2 = 2I mr2 0·2 , Fig. P. 5.4.4(A).

1 L~· ~2 i
Kinetic energy (Rotary) of the pulley = 2I 0
Ol =2I0 0 ·
I ;, ' o> -.·,
·' · ·i>u11e)' .•.-.
. I 2 I 2 2
Poten~al energy of the s~nng =2 Kx =2 Kr 0

The total kinetic energy is; .

~· - ;_
• '•

. . I .
2 2
The total potential energy 1s; PE ·= 2 Kr., _0 .
. ~ ' "\ .- • I • •

Acco~ing to energy niethoc( ' _J •• •. I , .• I

dt (KE+ PE) = 0 ·~ ,., . '" i J
· ~. . :
Fig. P. S.4.4(A)
.. ' _. ,, I l" I '.
''. ··.' sma~ linear dis~c~ ;~ ••
If the mass 'm' is .displaced through
' the pulley will rotate through an angle '0' as shown in
I ··· I ; .. · 1 :· 2·,- ·
2mr2 2 0 0 + 21 0 20 0 + 2 Kr 2 0 0 =0 '•. .rig. P. 5.4.4(B). 1, - , •
', ..
.. "
T1dlb. .let19i

. .
·-·Oynamlcsof Machine MU-Sam 5 - Mech 5·12

. r


(a) Equilibrium Position (b) Dllplaced Po1Jtloa '"

Fig. P. 5.4.4(8)

From Fig. P. 5.4.4(B)(b); This Equation (b) is the differential equation of moUon,
. •O!.
Angular dlsplattment of pulley = 0 given system. Comparing this equation with fundamcntaJ
equation of simple hnnnonic motion, we get,
Angular,,t"locltyofpullt>y a 0
l K
Angular aettkration or pulley =O (J)n = (~ +m) .
Llocar d.isplac:emt'nl or ma.~ "" x=r9

= w = _ ~ ,rad/111
~\J (¥+m)
Untar nlodty or mass x .. r9

Uomr acttlcration or mass ""

-= ..
l r9
.. n

Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given aysttm

Equlllbrium Method
From Fig. P. 5.4.4(B)(b);

Cooridai:ng, lineu motion of 'm'

fn = 3i.

L 11nertU rc:>.rtt + fatemal r~1 =o or rn = 2t~K

n -+m

mx +T =0

T =-mx _(a) Energy Method

O:mida:C:,g f"CUl)' motion of pulley. Prom Fig. P. 5.4.4(B)

1 1
L (lacroB l.O!qUC + Extemal torques)= 0 Kinetic energy (Linear) of the mass =zmx =-zmr 0
•l 1 •1

.. -
l,, 0+Kr8·r-T· =0 Kinetic energy (Rotary) of the pulley =
=2I 0
0 0

I S+Kl0+~ =0 ...["."T=-mx]
" .. .. ' = 2 K x = 2 Kr .0
' I energy ofth e spnng
1 2 1 1 2

1., e + Ki e+ola =0 ... ("." x=r8]

. l 2 •21 •2
2 -
(1., + mr ) 0 + Kr 0
The total kinetic energy is KE = 2 mr 0 +2I0 0

The total potential energy is, PE = ! Kr2 0 3


According to energy metJ1od,

dt (KE + PE) = 0
MU • Sam 5 • Mech ; S.13 Free Undam · ;; of Freedom Vibration S tem

Ex. 5.4.5
, :-:
. '
=0 A mass of 1 kg
Is suspended by a spring passing ove
r the
•• 1 2.. 2
rnr2 e+ 2Mr o+ Kr 0 = o pulley, as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.5{A). The system is supported
horizontally by a spring of stiffness 1 kN/m. Determine the
[ .'.: lo = ! ~ f~r 2
pulley ] natural frequency of vibration of a system. Using following
.. M"
me+2e+K0 = O· data:

M )''0+K9 = o Mass of pulley, M =10 kg

( 2+m
Radius of pulley, R=50mm
..: ~ + (MK ~ 8 = 0 ...(c)
\2+m) ; Distance of spring from centre of pulley, r =35 n:im
'Ibis Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a
' '. .
given system. Comparing ~i~ ,equ.ation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic .~~lion, we get,
2 _L ... . . ···
(l)D = M

c», • ~ ."''dis
Fig. P. 5.4.S(A)

'Ibe~fore, the natrual frequency of :vibration for ~ given Soln.:

I '

system is,
· Given: m =·1 kg ; K = 1000 Nim ; M =·10 kg ;
~ ;. . ·-:
f.D = 21t R=0.05 m r=0.035 m.

or = l~K . ·'.'- '. . The mass 'm' and spring ' K' are not attached on one cord or
fn 21t ~ , Hz . .' · ...A.Os. string. Therefore, consider x 1 be the displacement of mass _in
2+8:1 . , downward .direction and Xz be the.deflection of spring. 'I_be
I.:• i•'I • '
I ' ,.
pulley will rotate through an angle '8' as shown in
Fig. P. 5.4.S(B).

... ' ,,

(a) Eqllllibrium Position \ . (b) Displaced Position

Fig. P. 5~4.5(B)
.. ·. -
., ..', ..
. '

Scanned wilh C&mSeannef

.... ~
. . :·;1,~
' .
. ·Dynamics of Machinery.(MU -Sem 5 - Mech) .. .. . . . , 5-14-. Free Undamped Single.Deg1of Freedom Vibration . ·

From Fig. P. 5.4.5(B)(b);

Angular displacement of pulley = 9
.... ·Linear displacement or mass .~ =·.Xi= RO

0.035 ~
- . Sy~
~ i 1000 . . - .
'· fn . = 21t X 0.05 . . W- ' "·, · , ' ·

rn =
. 2+ l ; .:
1.4382 1h . · · : ..· -

··...A~ .
· .. Linear velocity or mass =· .~ 1 = RO : . Energy Method .. !.' . ·.

: ,. Linear acceleration or mass = i 1 =RO , "

·.: · From Fig, P. 5.4.S(B)(b);
:· . ;.... .. ··_,. De~~cµonor~pring ..=:=. . xl=!'.6 -.
Kinetic energy (Lin.ear) of the mass= zm
l 1 ,2
Equlllbrlum Method Kinetic energy (Rotary) of the pulley
From Fig. P. 5.4.S(B)(b) ; - !1 2_!1 •2_! 2·2
- . 2 Oro, -2 oe -4MR 0
Consider linear motion of m~ss 'm'
' . 1Kx
' 2 l 22
1· .. . Potential energy of the spnng = 2 2 =2 Kr e
L [Inertia force+ External f~~~~] =O
:. mx +T

= 0
·· The total kinetic energy is, .. · ·- ;
l .

1 I 2 ·2 1 2 ·2
• l • ' KE = 0 +z~ 0 zmR
:. -T = -mx 1 •.•(a) I ' • ., : ,, •I •• · , J

- · The total potential energy 1s,

Consider rotary motion of puiley,
. .. '
= zKr
1 I 2•2
•. ·' , •1 .. ,

According to D' Ale~bert's principle, . " • . I . • _,;:,.• I

According to en~rgy method,

L [Inertia t~rque +External torques]= 0
•o e + Kr 0 . r - T . R = 0 I.
dt (KE +PE) =0 1: -·

•• 2 - ••
•o 0 + Kr e + IDX1 R = 0 ... ['."T=-mx 1 ] .. di 2
_2. (l mR2 i:/ + l4 MR2. 2e +l2-Kr2..e2) =.. .0 I',•

.. ..
10 e+ Kr 0 + mR e = 0 2 2 . ' ... c·:x1 =R8J kmR 2ea +iMR 2e e+!Kr 2e e =0
2 2 2

(Io+ mR e+ Kr 0 = 0
• •I I~
2 2 1
I ' ' 2 ·· 2 .
) l
mR 0+-zMR 0+Kr 0 =



i -
This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
. _equation of simple harmonic m~ti.on, we get,
This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a 2 Kr
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental equation (~ +m) R:2
of simple harmonic motion, we get,

2 Kr
= ·cM-+m
)R 2
I . •

fi- ~,
.. m"=. ~ or O>n =
Ther~ro:e. the 'natural frequency of vibration for a given
or w ~ ~ ·~
- . 17=-,r~d/s . -,

.. 0
\fr+m fn m, r~
=, ~=2nR ~,Hz
Therefore, the natural frequency C?f vibration for a given '
,• ., . ..' .. 2+m
' , ...
system is, :. fn = 0.035 ~
_!.....~ 10 + 1
21t x 0.05
(l)D ttz ' . .. 2
fD = -2 =2 R M '
1t n -z+m
or fn = 1.4382 Hz

.. .:: · .. -·

. . ....--~
Free Undamped Single Dag; of Freedom Vibration .system


Ex. 5.4.7
Find the natural frequency of a system shown
Fig. P. 5.4.7(A). Take K 1000 ·Nim, M = 10 kg, m 2 kg, =
R 50 mm and r = 30 mm. -

Fig. P. S.4.6

....... ~

' ·1
Fig. P. S.4.7(A)

The mass 'm' and spring 'K' are not attached on one chord or
string. Therefore, consider x'1 be the displacement of mass in
downward direction and Xi be the deflection of spring- The
pulley will rotate through an angle .'0' as shown in
Fig. p_ 5.4.7(B)(b).
From Fig. P. 5.4.7(B)(b);

Angular displacement of pulley = 0

Linear displacement of~. = X1

Linear velocity of mass = X1 =r9

Comparing this equation with fundamental equation of simple Linear acceleration of mass = X1 =r9
barmOnic motion. we get . Deflection of spring = X2=R8 ~ .

Equlllbrlum Method - :'

From Fig. P. 5.4.7(B)(b);

or Considering linear motion o~mass 'm',

L [Inertia force+ External forcesi = 0

Therefore the naturaJ frequency of vibration is, .. -.
mx 1 +T =0 .
=Ir - !+-Hz.
2rJl -\j (~m) .T = -mx1
' J

. •••(a)

But KO = mg sin a
or K = mg sin aJo

Y Pu1»11caitl1ns

scanned w ith camScanner

, Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sam 5 - Mech)

ix, -------------1~1
· (a) Equillbrlam Posldon (b) Dlspbced PosftJon
Fig. P. 5•.t.7(B)
Considering rotary motion of pulley,
I 1000 x (0.05)2
l: [Inertia torque + £.'ttenu.I torques) = 0
.. fa = 2:t 10 (0.05)' ., 2

:. la 8 + KRO • R - T • r = 0 .. r. = 2.IOHz
2 +-X(0.03)

. -
\- 8 +KR. 0 + nu r = 0 Energy Method

... [ ·: T=-mx 1 J From Fig. P. 5.4.7(B)(b);

t_.O+KR=o+mr=a = o Kinetic energy (Line.11') of the mass = 2I mx·21 =2I mr2 e·2
... [ ·: ;1=~] Kinetic energy (Rotary) of the pulley= 2I Io W2 =zl
I ·2

(t~m: +m::) a+ KR: 0 = O Potential energy of the spring = 2Kx; = 2KR 0

I 2 I 2 2

• •• [ ·: } 0 = t ~fR: for pulley] .

The total kinetic energy 1s, KE =zmR 0 +2MR 0
I 2 •2 I 2 ·2

.. e+ (~IR~: ;I 0 = 0 _(b) The total potential energy is, PE= tK R2 02

l-2-+mr) According to energy method,
TI:ll °'~ 00 (b) U. the diffc:ra&.I equuion of motion for :i
p-\c:i 1)~ Co:np:cing this equ.:!!:ion wit11 fund.linenul : 1 (KE + PE) =0
cq~•..:m cf s=-;-le h:!.'mocic oo-jo:i, '>l'C get.,
: KR:
( j<I. ~ra· :
2 +cr
... o., = -~-- ,rad/s
~rn· 1 .. J 2.. 2
-2-+mr .. mr20+zMR 0+KR 0 = 0
nae-:cr-. lb! ~ frequency of vibration for a given
(M: + mr2) S+ KR 2
0 = 0

f ~
= ~-..L
2-:-2"": MRt

• Hz .. ·· (i KR' )9
0 + r.fRl
- -+mr
2 = 0 ...(c)

-z-+mr 2

-----------~-----""'" ' "_,,__ E!Z!~hlinodll

scaooed wtth c amscenner
= ~1 = rlj
• ·11tion (c) js the .differential equation of motion for a
of'h1S fA1l . th" . Acceleration of mass
,,,. p~ st.em· Comparing is equation with fundamental
g;veii sY f iJnple harmonic motion, we get,
DeDection of spring = Xi= RO
uanon 0 s . Equlllbrlum Method
e'I KR2 .
= ~+Dlf
. . .rn2 2
From Fig. P. 5.4.S(B)(b);
Considering linear motion of mass 'm',

= . ~,rnd/s L [Inertia force+ Exte~al forces] ·= '0

•• ll>o \j !!.!f-+mrl
•• mx 1 +T =0
~f~re. the natural freq~ency of vibration for a given :; T = -mx1 ...(a)
, srstelll IS, .

2 Considering rotary motion of pulley,
f = 2;=in MR2 .Hz L [Inertia torque+ External torques] = 0
o . 2+mr2
:. I0 0 + KR.0 • R + K,-0 - T • r = 0
..L 1000 x (0.05) •• 2 • ••
27t 10 (0.05)
I0 0 +KR 0 + K,- 0 + m x1 r = O
. 2 + 2 x (0.03)
... ["."T=-mx1 ]
or C., = 2.lOHz ...Ans.

...c·: i, =r91

Torti~al Spflng

- . This.Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a

given system. : Comparing this equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2 KR2+Kr .
(l)n = . ~2 + mr2)

:. m, • ,. ~ ,rad/s

Fig. P. S.4.8(A)
Therefore, the natural frequency of vibration for a . given
Soln.: system is,
- If the mass displaced through a small linear distance 'x1' , the
pulley will rotate through an angle '0' and 'x2' will be the
deflection of spring, _as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.8(B). or ...Ans.
- From Fig. P. 5.4.8(B)(b);
Angular displacement of pulley = 0
1:-inear displacement of mass = x1
. .
Velocity of mass = x1 =r0
Y P ull1' c 11t1••s
' ·

• 5-18
PYnamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5·- Mech)

•I . .. , , '

·. . .,

// /

(a) Equilibrium Posldon (b) Displaced Posfdon

Fig. P. 5.4.S(B)
2 .
Energy Method KR +Kr
MR i'\
From Fig. P. 5.4.8(B)(b) :' ( 2+mr2)

Kineti.c energy (L.mear) of the mass = 2mx

I ·l I 1 • 2
= 2 mr e 2
1 KR +Kx
· I •l
•• con = MR% z'\ ' rad/s
Kinenc energy (Rotary) of the pullev, = I0 w2 = -2 I0 e (- 2 -+mr)
I ·2 Therefore, the natural frequency of• vibration for a g11·en
=:rMR2 e system is•.
Potential energy of the linear spring= t~ =t KR1 e1

Potential energy of the torsional spring =t KT 91

1be tot:l.I kinetic energy is, KE =tmR a +f MR a

2 1 1 2

·The total potential energy is, :E = t K R 0 + kKr 9

2 1 2

According to energy method.

dt (KE + PE) = 0

d (I 2 •2 I I I
:. dt 2mr e + 4 ~m. e + 2 KR e + 2 Kre =O
2 ·2 2 2 2)

I 2 ·- I , ·- I 2 • I ·
2mr 2ee+4~m.-20e+2KR 200+2Kr209=0
2- ::'.ffi - 2
mr 0+2e + KR. 9+KT9=0

.. (ml+ ~ ) + (KR2 +Kr) 9 =0


•. + (
:. e KR
MRt z +.Krj e=o •• . (c)
- -+mr
2 /

This Equatio_o (c) is the differential equation of motion for a

given system. Fig. P. S.4.9(A)
Comparing this equation with fundamenlal equation of simple
harmonic motion. we can write,

scanned with C.mScanner

' ·,

5-19 . . . Single
Free Undamped · Deg.
· ,of Freedom
· V'bration

. fundamenta
Comparing this equation with . 1·equation of .simple
·. .
. .. ·
. displaced through a small linear distance 'x' it
~ . <'!11111· •
_r Jf tbe ro_
is ner 1
tate through an ang e ·e·, · as shown in
' hannonic motion, we get,
. aJso ro · . 2 2K
00n = 3m
will 5,4.9(A): . . · . · . ' . .
fig· p. the frictJonal force actmg at the pornt of contact
= ~ • _rad/~ .·
•'f, be . ' . •
. r,.et r d surface. (1)0
roJler an . ...
~wee11 . . Therefore, the· natural frequency of v1'brati'on for a given
system is,

fn = ~-.L~
2n - 27t 3m' Hz

.. fn = .L~
21t 3x 5 . "
or fn = 2.59 Hz

Energy Method
· ., • l. From Fig. P. 5.4.9(B).
· I .2 1 2 •2.
Fig. P. 5.4.9(B) : Displaced Position Kinetic energy (Linear) of the roller = ·2 m x = 2 mr 0
," "." ;
Kinetic e~ergy (Rotary) of the roller
fr0ll1 fig. p. 5.4.9(B) ; 1 2 1 •2 1 i •2
Angular displacement of roller =a = 2 Io ro =2 Io 0 =4 mr 0
- Linear displacement of roller = X1 = re Potential energy of the spring -- !Kx
2 ' -!Kr
- 2
2 2 02
Linear \'elocity of roller =
. = r0. . l l
X1 ·- 2 •2 2 •2
The total kinetic energy is, KE = 2 m r 0 + 4 mr 0
Linear acceleration of roller = xi= re
.. ..
equllibrlUm Method :
The total potential energy is, . P~ =i K r2 02
FroID fig. P. 5A.9(B) ;
According to energy method,
: eonsidering linear motion of roller, dt (KE + PE) = 0

L[Inertia force+ E"Cte":1al forces] = 0 :. dt

d (I l 2 · 2 1 2 2) .
2rnr2 e·2 +4rnr 0 +1Kr e . =0
mi +Kr e - F, = o
:. F, = (mx+Kra)
e e
!2 mr2 2 8 + !4 rnr2 2 8. + !2 Kr2 2 a . =0 . e
... (a) 2 ·· I 2" 2
Considering roUI)' motion of roller, mr 0 + 2 rnr e + Kr e . = 0

L[Inertia torque + Euernal torques] = 0 2

( mr + !rnr 2
) 0+Kr2 a= 0
(3~rja+Kr2·e = o
.·. f,,0 + F, · r

lmr2S+(m.~ + Kr0)r = 0 . .. [ ·: F, = - m~+Kr0]


tmla + mr2 e+ Kr 0 = 0 2 B+[cf::.)]" =o

(fml+mr~) S+K r2e= 0 ··9+ (2K)
3m e = 0 .. ••• (c)

This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a

amr2)a+Kr2e = 0 given system.

B+(~::;J e =o
Comparing this equation with fundamental equation of simple
harmonic motion, we get,
2 2K
... a+ G!) a = o
n 3m
... (b)

This E.quation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a = ,. : ' ., '
Wn - ; , rad/s
given system.

~·=' T1clllltow\1dgi
~ PuDll c~ tlC1 "$

Scanned wtth CamScanrMH

5-20 FteoU~
, .
amkt of Ma chino MU • Goin 6 • Moch
11K"tcfon~. natur11I (rrquc:nc)' of \'ilrt-.aliPl'I for • iiv~ •Y-'Jem
L rrncttJ• '~ + P..demai r~1 • o
,. ,.,;+21<(r+b)fJ-J',• O
.'. f I • fD i + lK(I' ... b) 9
'· "" 2n (;(A1l'idcrini rrA»Y mt.Jl>t"JD <>< rolla.

v ... (J) L (lnenU &orque + l!A&mul ""'l'"""l •

or ltt - fiK
r.• • ..L mi . Jlt.
:. 1.
.. 0 • 2Y. (I+ bj 0 x b ..- P, • r •

• f ..L 2 )( 2000
'. .. • 2n, .l )( ~ J O+ 2Kb (r + b) fJ • (m; • 2K (r + b) 01 t • o
r. · • ... Ans.
2.~9 Iii ... 1·: P,=rm;+2Ki
- 1~e., t.
Pro.m i:iunllon II ii r>c<:n that, the nilUmd frequency of
(d) - •I

osc1ll11tmn. of roller ls· indcpcw'-nt

"" u( 1-..
.•• ri....1us.
...•. IIencc. even, J 0 + 2Kb (r + b) 0 + (mr 0 + 2K (r + b) OJ r ::
0 -
I~ lhc nulms is increast<l w JOO mm (by keeping the mass ..
1 0+2Kb(r+b)O+mr 0+2Kr(r+b)0 = o

s;1mc), lhc natural frC(JUcncy remains unchanged. ()

Ex. 5.4.10
(J +ml)B+2K£b(r+b)+r(r+b))O
A. roller, shown In Fig. P. 5.4.1O(A} rolls over the surface (kml+mr2)e+2K(b(r+b)+c(r +b)Je = 0
w11hout slipping. Find the natural frequency of the system.
dml) B+2K [Cr-+- bl] a = o
e+("'f~:l')• =•
.. - (4K (r + b)~ 8 _
·· 0 +\ 3mr" -; -
Fig. P. 5.4.lO(A) This Equation (b) is the differential equation of mctiaJ ftr l
Soln.: given system.
If the roller is displaced through a small linear distance 'x' it Com~g ~s equation with fund:uncntal equation of sim;:t
will rotates through an angle '0', as . shown 'in barmornc mouon, we get.
Fig. P. 5.4. IO(B). 2 4K<r+b)
Let, F, be the frictional force acting at the point of contact (l)a = 3mrl
·between roller and surface. 4K (r + b). -~'
3mr! 'r.awS

Therefore, naw.ral frequency of vibration for a given S}'s:tll


~ = .!... _ {4K (r+ b) •••Am.
or '"11 2rt .\J 3mi •Hz
Energy Method
Fig. P. 5.4.IO(B) : Displaced Position From Fig. P. 5.4.lO(B);
. (L. I •2 I 1 ·l
From Fig. P. 5.4. lO(B), Kineuc energy mear) of the roller = 2 m x = 2mr e
Angular displacement of roller = e
Kinetic energy (Rotary) of the roller
Linear displacement ofroller = x=r9
1 2 I ·2 1 2 ·2
Linear velocity of roller = x=r0 = 210 w =21o e =4mr a
Deflection of each spring = x+bsin9 Potential energy of two springs
... (as sine = 0)
= x+b0 = 2 [!K(r+b) 0
2 2
] =K(r+b) 0
2 2

= re+ b9 =(r + b) a 1 .. •l l l •l
Equfllbrlum Method The total kinetic energy is, KE = 2 m r· a + :$' mr 6
. . ~ ~

From Fig. P. 5.4. lO(B) ;

The total potential energy is, PE = K (r +hr e·
Considering linear motion of roller,

of Machinery.(MU ~Sam 5 _.Mech) 5-21 _ Free Undamped Single Deg; of Freed~m Vibration System _
oyriarn105 1
__,i;ng to energy method, - · t _ /4K(r+b) : Hz
J.cCOl..,,._. - - - - - -- or 1
.!!~+PE) ·= 0
l .
'" = 21t \J 3mr '
dt -
. --i(.!.2flll"29 +-.41 mr . 0 +K -r+b) 0
' 2
2 •2 ( - 2 2)
;. dt .
1 - • •• 2 •
l ae+-mr2200+K(r+b) 200 = 0
-mr2 z 4
2 •• •• 1 2 •• 2

' IJlf
29+'0+zmr 0+2K(r+b) 0 · = O

3 a+ 2K (r +b)2 0 = O

Z~e+ (~(r+
3 z
b_{) 0_= o
-zmr -
: .. · /~<r· +1bt\9 . =0 .; ••• (c)
or 0 + \. 3mr J
- _ .
This is Equation (c) the differential equation of motion for a ·'
given system. -- -
, Comparing this equation with fundamental equation of simple··
harmonic motion we get,
2 4K(r+b)
(J)D :: 3mr2

_ /4K (r + b{ · di
:. ron = -\J 3mr1 ' ra s
Therefore, natural frequency or" Vibration for a given system
Fig. P. 5.4.ll(A)

When mass 'm' moves by a distance x in dowmyard direction, the center of pulley moves by a distance x/2.

Hence, the displacement of mass 'm' left for the rotation of pulley is (x - ~) =x/2.

Therefore, the-rotation of the pulley in anticlockwise direction is, e = 2x r. -.

:. 1

-- - -- -- - ~ -Mic"
A .L --4: -T
2 · ..

(a) Equilibrium Position (b) Displaced Position

Fig. P; 5.4.ll(B)

eY Ttdilnwltdt
Pub" c atlo r

Sconned w ith ComSconrl('I"

.· . .
,,O namlca of Machine MU· Som 5. Meoh 5·22 Free Undam
. • .. . '.. ~~~

. of Freedom Vibration S . l
l&rti :

"" From Fig. P. S.4.J J(B)(a) and (b) ;

.;' Linear dlspJaccmc:nt or.mnss a x •21"6 = O

" Angular dlsplac~mcnt ~t pulley a 9a tr . ..: •• ( 2K' .
··· 9 + JM+sm)e .. ·o
• x . . . ···fo)
Angular vcloclty or pulley = 9 =2r This Equnt1on (e) 1s the differential equntion of m .
given sysrem. Olton for a

Angular accclcrntfon or pulley = 9.. =2rx Comparing this equation with fundamental cquati
harmonic motion we get, ·
on or simple
2 2K
Linear velocity or mass x =2r 9 = 3M+8 m
.. .. (l)n

Linear accclcrntfon or moss x=2r9

Equlllbrlum Method
•• Q)n = -VJ M2+K8 m • rad/s
Then:forc, natural frequency of vibration for a giv ·
From Fig. P. 5.4.JJ(B)(b); . en systc...
JS, - I. ...
Considering linear motion of mass m,
L (Inertia force +External forcesj f,, =~
.. mx+T1
= -hlX
= o
or fn =

1 v 2K
2 n J M + 8 m • Hz
•.•(a) Energy Method
Considering linear motion of pulley,
From Fig. P. 5.4.l l(B)(n) and (b).
L flnertia torque+ Exrem:il forces} =O Kinetic energy (Linear) of·the mass
J .2 I · · 2 2 •2
=2 m x = 2 m (2 r 0) 2 m r e =
Kinetic energy (Rotary) of the pulley
1 2 1 •2 J 2 •2
= 210 w =
2 I0 0 4 M r 0 =
M2r0 - Kinetic energy (Tmnslalory) of the pulley

(z,)2 =g
---i--+m2r0+K r0-T2 =O
l x J •2 1 • 2 1 2 •2
=2 M Mx = g M (2 r 0) = 2 Mr e
. (Mr+ 2 m r) 0 + K r0-T2 =0
Potential energy of the spring
•·• T 2 = (M r + 2 m r) 0 + Kr6 ••• (b) 2
1 ( 2x ) 1 2 1
=gKX =gK(2r0) =2Kr
2 1 2 2
Considering f'OCal)' motion of pulley.

r [lnerti:i torque+ External torques} = 0 The total kinetic energy is,

2 •2 1 2 •2 1 2 ·2
.-. I 0 0 + T2 r - T 1 r = 0 KE = 2 mr 0 + 4 Mr 0 + 2 Mr 0

I0 0 +[(Mr + 2 m r) 0 +Kr BJ r + m x r - =0 The total potential energy is, PE = t K r2 0

According to Energy method,

dt (KE + PE) = 0
- 2 - 2 -
10 0 +(Ml+ 2 m r) 0 +Kr 0 + m 2r 0 r = 0
2 2 2 - 2 .. dt
d (J4 M r 0 + z1 Mr
2 •2 2 ·2 2 •2
0 + 2 m r 0 + 2 Kr 8
l 2 2)
+ Mr + 2 mr + 2 mr ) 0 + K r 0 = 0

(10 2
+Mr +4 mr ) 0+Kr 0
2 - 2
=0 J
4M r
2 ··· 2··· 1 2 .
2 0 0 + M r 2 0 0 + 2 m r 2 0 8 + 2 K r 28 0 =O

(fMl+Mr +4mr )e+.Kr2e 2 2

[ •.

0 =2J Mr2 for pulley J J 2·· 2·· 2·· 2
zMr O+Mr 0+4mr O+Kr 0 = O.
3 2 2)··
( zMr +4mr 0+Kr20 = O
(~ M r2 : 2
4 mr ) 0+ K r2 0 = 0

• Ttdlb..!Hti
"'f' Putll<llllll

D>'!!arTI . .. l
ICS of Machinery MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
K r2 .
5-23 Free Undamped Single De . of Freedom Vibration System

0+ 3 0 =· 0 •' Ex. 5.4.12
A cylinder of mass m = 1o kg and radius r 50 .mm 5 = !
suspended from an inextensible; cord as shown in
.. ( 2K. )
;. e+ 3M+8m 9 ~ . ~ ...(d) Fig. P. 5.4.12. One end of the cord Is attached directly t~ 8
rigid support while the other end is attached. to a , spnng
. Equation (d) the differential equation of motion for a
'fhiS IS . having stiffness K = 500 Nim Determine the natural
- ·ven system. . . . frequency of the system. What would be the new spring
gI nnring this equation With fundamental equation Of Simple stiffness required, if mass of cylinder is _reduced to 5 kg for
Colllr-· .
nic roouon we ge•... same natural frequency cit oscillation?
bartJlO . 2K
2 ..
Ol1 = 3M+8m ·:

is, Cord

fft = 21t
~ ..
1 .y
f,, = 2,t3M+8m ,Hz

Fig. P. 5.4.12(A) -/

If the cord is fully extensible and elastic, the cylinder will move by x distance i.e. points A and B will move to A' and B' as shown in
- fig. P. 5.4.12-CB)(a) and spring may d.etlect at all. · ·
If the cord is inextensible, then spring will deflect by '2x' , as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.12(B)(b)

/ / / /

/ti' I ',

II I,Q' . '\

(a) When Cord is Fully Extensible , (b) When Cord is Fully Inextensible

Fig. P. 5.4.12(B)

From Fig. P. 5.4.12(B)(b);

Angular displacement or cylinder = a • " . 1'

Linear displacement of cylinder = x=r6

Linear velocity of cylinder =

. .
x= r6
.. ..
Linear acceleration of cylinder = x=r6

Deflection of spring = 2x = 2 re

• 11dillll••l••1i
V P u Dllc1t1111 ns

------------~~-----. .-..-.••o:i
· - -•
scanned with CamScanner
. ..·~
5-24 ' Free Undamped Single Deg; of Freedom Vibrat1o - · :·: l
... · . nsYste . ~
Equlllbrium ·Method Energy Meth9d . -... ~: · ill · ;
Froi:iiFig. P. 5.4.12(B)(b); . .. ,/ , J

From Fig. P. S.4.12(B)(b) ·

Con~dering linear motion of cylinder,_ Kinetic energy (Translatory) of the cylinder t
L [Inertia force+ External forces] = O 1 • ) o
1 . 2 1 . 2 •2
=2mx =1mr 9
.. r'
•• T
.. mx+K2r0+T =
=- (m i + 2 K r 9)
0 . '

Kinetic energy (Rotary) of the cylinder
1 2. 1 •2 1
· =1I0 ro =2I0 0 ='4mr 0
2 •2 • '. ,1 I
Considering rotary motion of cylinder, ''
L [Inertia torque+ Exte~~ torques] =O Potential energy of spring ~ -21 K «2x)2 =-21 K.(2rB)2 ·_
·. - 2I<r2ei
. ... 1 2 ·2 1
:. I0 9 + 2 Kr 0 : r - T . r = o The total kinetic energy is, KE =.-2 ~ r 0 ..+4' Ill r2 92
- 2
I0 0 + 2 K r 0 + (m x + 2 K r 0) r = O
- -
['.' T=-(mx+2kr0)]
.. The total potential energy is, PE
• • • ' • •
=2 Kr2 02.
• • ~1 , • • • • J... ~
•• 2 - --. Aceording to energy method,
:. I 0 0 + 2K r 0 + mx r + 2K r20 = o
•• 2-
I0 0 + m r 0 + 4 K r2_0 =o dt (KE +PE) =0
['.' m~=mre]
I 2" · 2" 2
d ( 1 2 •2 1
2mr 0+mr 0+4Kr0= o [ ..
· I0 =21 m r2 for pulley ] :. dt 2 •2 . 2 "2) .
2mr 0 +4mr 0 +2Kr ,0 ., = .O

(2m+m) 0+.4K0
] "
= o 1
2 • .. 1
200+4mr 200+2Kr 20·0=0
2 ••, 2 •

3 ) ..
( 2m 0+4K0 =0 .. 1 ..
m0+zm0+4K0 -· 0

6+(i:)e = o (32m) 0+4K0

.. . = 0 .- .'
' ~ I

- (8K) e
:. e+ 3m =0 •.• (b)
. CK}e =
e+ 3

lbis Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a

.. .. (8K)
0+ 3m 0 = 0 ...(c)
given system.
Comparing this equation with fundamental equation of simple This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a
harmonic motion, we get, given system.
2 8K Comparing this equation with fundamental equation of simple
Cl) = 3m
" harmonic motion we get,
- ffE
= ~ ; rad/s
= -\J3iD , rad/s 2 8K
(j)n = 3m :. (l)n

Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system
is. is,

f,, -- ~--·-~Hz wn __I_~ Hz

2:r.:-2:r.: 3m fn = 2:r.:-2n 3m

. \ .-•
.. = f.,
2:r.: 3 x l00 .. fn = 21t
1 8 x 500
.. r,. = 1.8377 Hz ...Ans.
or f0 = 1.8377 Hz ...Ans.
If mass of cylinder is made 5 kg, then the required new spring
If mass of cylinder is made 5 kg, then required new spring
stiffness for same natural frequency is calculated as follows:
stiffness for same natural frequency is calcufated_as follows :
1.8377 = 2 :r.: -v 3X5 1.8377 =
l -
2:r.: -v!iii
K = 249.99
K = 249.99 or
or K :::< 250N/m ...Ans. .,
K ~ 250N/m •..Ans.

~!if T1dllHWIHgl
-y' ,uDllCltlOU

,,,_.,.H"_,,.....,._._,~-"'""'-""''""'·....,..,.._ _.,.,,•.,..,,_ _ _,O'nN/HH/Um'fiVfff~

Scan ned w ith C;:imSc:""nc r
: r )
: . ·. .....: ;1

MU".~ Sem 5 • Mech) •· ' 5-25 -

- ~tr. 5·4·rig·13 h':t--the cord Is In extensible and neglecting mass of -pulle.y -detennlne the natural frequency~of the system sh_own i~ -
v- t .. . • - ' - -
µsur1'1' 4.13(A). - . - - - - -
fig. p. 5, . -. . - . -

K- 1


I ~· .

Fig. P. S.4.13(A)

Ubrlum Method
E~ I . . , .
'fhe mass of pulley 1s neglected, hence only two springs (K1 and Ki> and mass 'm' is forms a system.
It is convenient to f'md the natural frequency by co~verting two springs K 1 and Kz into equivalent spring Ke• _as shown in
Fig. p, 5.4.13(B)(c). - .

(a) . (b) (c)

Fig. P. 5.4.13(B)

Let, force in spring 2 =F

Force in spring i = F/2

Deflection of spring 2, x2 = £
D fl . f . F/2 F
e ectiono spnng 1, x 1 ="'i{"= 2 K
1 I.
. '
The total displacement of mass 'm' du'e to deflection of springs K 1 and ~ is,

x = ~ F. F (1 1)
~ + 2 ~ ~ + 4 K 1 = Ki + 4 K 1 F

~I:' T1dlb1lilltdti
Y Pubt1c<11tlans

Scanned w it h CamSca nner

. -.
. ·,. .-·=.''
a mies of Machine MU .• Sam 5 - Mech) 5-26 . of Freedom Vibration S~ ..

or x "' (44K
K, +KK 2) ._(.o) Dur..
.. I g4K1~- ,
' ·. ·.. /_i;J 1 2 = \J mg (4 K ~ KJ . . .. 1
: ~· t The equivalent stiffness of .sprini: nnd mil.SI .sy11cm 11hown in
. Pig. P. 5.4.13(D)(c) Is, or m (4 K1 + ~' ra~

p p [ 4 K JS 1

K. "" x"'(4K,+f<,,)F"' 4K,+K,

4 K1 K2 '

Tho nnrurul fl'C(Jtrency of vilm11Jo11 spring of muss r;y•lcm,

shown in Fig. P. 5.4. J3(D)(c) ls, .
'" "' Zn -·- m (4 K 1 + KJ Hz

r ... -L-
Enorgy Method
From Fig. P. 5.4. 13(D)(a)

or ...Ans.
Dcfiectlon of spring 2 = .xz
m (4 K 1 + K;:) 'Hz Deflection of spring 1 = x1
Alternate Solutlon Displacement or mass m, x =X2 + 2x,
From Fig. P. 5.4. l3(D); The relations between x 1• x2 and xis established u foJJo-4'1 .
Force In spring 2 = mg Force in spring 2 =F, Force in spring J ::: p / 2 ·

Static deflcctlon of spring 2, 52 =K F

2 Deflection of spring 2, Xi = ~

Force in spring 1 = mg/2

F/2 F
... mg K I =2 KI
Deflection of spring X1 =
Static deflection of spring 1, ·151 = K
2 J


x, K2
. X2 2K =

.. x, = [2i,Jx2 ...(c)

Now, x = X2+2=~+ 2K X1 [ X2
2 1

[4~, +~]
= 4K I

.. Xz = [4K14K+~ Jx 1
. ...(d)

. l
and, Xi = [2iJx2

Fig. P. S.4.13(B)(d)
[2~J [4: 1
Total static deflection of mass m is,

51 mg mg
x, = [4:,;K 2
] x ...(e)

0 = 02+2 = ~ +4K1 .
Kinetic energy o mass
=. 21 m x· 2
= · (I~ + 4K1)
~g 1
- . 1
Potential energy of spring I =2 K, x

mg(4 K1 +Kz) 1 [ ] 2 .
or 8 = 4K1 K 2 •••(b) = 2 K, 4 K1 +Ki x :

[ 2 K1K2 C:Ki + 4 K 1)
(4K +K2)2
J 2
== . I

[ 2 K1 Ki (4 K1 +:Ki) x2
(4.K1 +:Ki)

or PE =
[ 2K1 K2
4K 1 +K2
J x

Fig. P. S.4.14(A)
1, . ·.

Equilibrium Method

From Fig. P. 5.4.14(B)(a);

. ..
Tension in cord =T ·
Displacement~~ mass =x
Displacement of puUey·1 and spring 1 =x 1
... (i)
Displacen;ieot of pulley 2 and spri~g 2 =x2
This is the Equation (i) of motion for a given system. If pulley 2 is fixed, then displacement of mass m =2 x1
eomparing this equation with the fundamental equation of
If pulley 1 is fixed, then displacement of mass ID .;, 2 X2 '
simple harmonic motion, we get.
4 K1 Ki But both pulleys are movable: ther~fore,
roo = m ( 4 K1 + K2) 'rad/s
Total displacement of mass 'm' x =2 [Deflection of spring 1
4K1 K2
(I)n = m (4 K1 + K2) 'rad/s +Deflection of spring 2) .

Therefore natural frequency of vibration for a given system :. x = 2 (x1 +xi) ...(a)
Consider F. B.D . of mass ' and" two pulleys as shown in

, _Fig. P. 5.4.14(B)(c);
4K1 K2
1 _m_(_4_K__+_Kz)_ Hz ...Ans.
2n 1
VV T1dlb1Wlffti

Scanned with Ca mScanner

.. · · ·~

amlcs ol Machine MU • Sem 5 • Moch 5-28

. '

. of Freedom· Vibrations
. . .. -:.:,
· · .·· ;
Slelll I
l . Kt ~ .·

T tlnertla Forott
w. •

O)n •
4 m (K, + K1 ) ' rnd/s

4 m (K1 + Kz) • rad/s

)( .
Therefore, nntural frequency of vibration for n given
is, S}'&(cllJ. \
(•) F.B.D. of Mus r. = 2n
r,, .. 21t 4 m (K1 + KiJ lh .
:1 T T
i'i Alternate solutlon
Pulley 1

Pulley2 2mg

' .! KzX2
(b) F.B.D. of Palley 1 (c) F.B.D. of Plllley 2

Fig. P. 5.4. 14(8)

From F.B.D. of Pulley J,

~;s i Kt X1-2T = 0
~~ 2T .PU1iey2
~~ :. X1 K1 •.. (b)

From F.B.D. ofpuJley 2. 2mg
2 T-K: X: = 0
:. X: = K: ...(c)

~ Substituting E.quarions (b) and (c) in E.quation (a), we set.

x = 2 ( 2T 2T)
Ki + K: =4T
( I
Ki +Ki
Fig. P. 5.4.14(B)(d).
. From Fig. P. 5.4.14(B)(d);
,; Force In spring 1 = 2 mg
... (d) 2mg
Static deflection of spring 1, 51 = K

From F.B.D of mass 'm·, we can wrire. Force In spring 2 =2mg,

L [Inertia fora!+ Exremal forces] = 0
Static deflection of spring 2, 52 = ~
mx+T = 0

.. - [ K, Ki J
m x + 4 (Ki + Kz) x = 0
Total static deflection of mnss m is,

.. x- + [ 4 m (K,K, + J x "2 J = 0 ... (e)

This Equation (e) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this equation with the fundrunental
equation of simple harmonic motion. we get,


Seamed w it h CamSca nner

I' ,1111cs of Machine 5-29 · Free Undam

· ~5=· Tota] kinetic energy of the spring

1 2 ·2 .·2 r

J0 -uoy=u 0f
(l)n ==
PY x px . z
= y oy
K1~ .
o>n == 4 m (K1 + K~ ' rad/s
')1Jerefore. .
natural frequency of vibration for a given ~ystem
· . .
= ~[~I =~C~) =k(~')~2
!(~·) ~2 [':~=pl]
js, .

Kinetic energy of the sprlng = ·! (~·) ~2

1 ·2
Kinetic energy of the mass 'm' = 2m x
Potential energy of the spnng =21 K x2
' ' '
The tota1 kinetic energy is, KE
=2 3
(m,) x + 2i m x
•2 ·2

The tota1 potential energy is, PE = ! Kx 2

According to energy Method,

dt (KE+ PE) = 0

x 1 (ms) · ·• 1 ·" '1 - - ·

- -
2 3 .
2xx+-m2xx+-K2xx =
. 2 . 2 ' .

Fig. P. 5.4.15
( . (m.)·· .
3 x+mx+Kx = 0
From Fig. P. 5.4.15 ;
Mass attached at free end of spring = m
··c m,)
x· m+3 +Kx = 0

Mass per unit length of spring

Length of the spring =
. ' ....
~ .. ;+( Km,)' =
0 ••• (a)

Mass of spring =:: _ m, =p l

Displacement of mass 'm' and free end of sprin~ = x ·- - - This E.quation (a) the differential equation of motion for
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
Velocity of mass 'm' and free end of sp~g ~ ~- · • · equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
Stiffness of spring =K 2
Energy Method :
'oy' at a
Consider a small element of the spring of length
distance 'y' from fixed end of spring, therefore,
Velocity of the small element
.. "'• = ~ . J-K;, '
.\jm+T ,.
rad/s .

'oy' . ~ f~ Therefore, natural frequel?CY of vi_bration for a given system

is, ...
Kinetic energy of the small element of spring
I =21 x Mass of small element of spring
(Velocity of small element of spring)
or Hz ...Ans.

2 x (poy) x
(y·p.)2 =
p y2 ~2
- ~S~~·-'_.:-,~
, ~ . :-'!'i

Thus. while tinJin~ the natural frequency of the spring mus

system, the ttWS of spring c:m be accounted by adding one
[m.3 . J
=. -l -+m x.2(J)2
2 •
third of the spring mass to m.tin mass. ADd. the maximum potential energy is.
Rayleigh'• Method l .2 1 2
(PE). . = 2K XllWI =iK x
~ t~'ltll Kinetic energy of the system is.
According to Rayleigh'& method,
KE a (KE of spring + KE of mass)
(KE)mu = (PE)mu
or KE = [!(i )~2+~m~2J .. ~[ ; +m ] x2 w: =! K x2
= ~(; +m )~2
'The total potenti:tl energy of I.he system is,
.. [';+m]w: =K

l __K_
PE = tKx2 (J)
= m.
Let, I.he mass 'm' is movi~g wilh simple harmonic motion,
t.hcrefo~ displacement x and \ 'clocity ~are given by, 0)D =
x = Xsinwat
and x = (l)n x cos (J)n t
Therefore, natural frequency of vibiation for a given
Tbe m:iximum displacement and -velocity are : .IS, . . ~
~ =x
3Ild Xmn = X (l)n

The ma.umum kinetic energy is,
or C., =
(KE)mu = ~[; +m J~~ m+y

Ex. 5.4.16
Find the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig. P. 5.4.16(A).

. ~ :r -

Fig. P. S.4.16(A)

The equivalent stiffness ~is obtained as follows :

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. P. S.4.16(B)

• P1•tltatlUI
(MU • Sem 5 • Mech) ,
5·31 .. of Freedom Vlbra1i0o S tem
FiS· P, S.4.16(B)(11), the .two springs K.are in parall~I
~· '; ,_:.
[:;> .. ,
· frofll
stiffness of equivalent spring is,
Ke1 = K + K 2K =
' ... (2K~
:. " + 3m
x s:O

{. · JJl.fig. r.' .5.4.16(B)(b), two springs Ket• and K nre in Thi1 Equation (b) la the differential equation of JD()tion for
t.. . f~ tJierefore stiffness of equivalent spring is, given 1y~m. Comparing this equation with fundamental
sefles, 1 . l I I 3K 3 . equation of simple harmonic motion we get.
t• :: K.i +i(=R+x =2 K7 =a 2 kcos
Cl)D = 3m
. 1', = 3 ...(a)
= ~,'rad/s
'Ille equivalent system is shown in Fig. P. 5.4.! 6(B)(d) a>n

Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given gystem


or = ..L - ~
r,; 2 n · \j--r;;;- , Hz
Energy Method
The kineti.c energy of mass is ,
x . 1. •2
KE = 2mx
Fig. P. 5.4.16(B)(dJ
'IbeF.B.D. of mass 'm' is shown in Fig. P. 5.4.16(B)(e)
- . The potential energy of spring is, - ·
1 . ··- 2 1 2 2
.PE . = . 2Kc(xcosa)T=rKcx cos a
Inertia Force According to ene~gy method,
dt (KE + P E) = 0

.. dtd (12 m x•2 ~ 21 K 0

x cos a
2 )

z1 m 2 x. x•. + 21 Ke 2 x x. cos a 2
= O

m ~ + Ke cos a. · x =
(e) 0

K fl x cosa aina
a) x =
( K0 cos


. . (2 Km a) x ."."
._. x+

O [·: ~=\K] ...(c)

' I ' • 3
., ·\ This Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
... I

I-- x
equation of simple hannonic motion, we get,
.. ' . •,· .. 2
. 2
2 Kcos ex
(J)" = 3m . .

(t) 1
.... /2 Kcos a
Fig. P. 5.4.16(8) (l)n = \J 3 m , radisec
Equilibrium Method Therefore, natural frequency of vibratio~ for a given_system
From Fig. P. 5.4.16(B)(f);
Cons!dering horizontal forces acting on mass 'm',

L [Inertia force + External forces] ' = 0

.. .. or ~ ·_!_ ... ~
2n · \J~ ,Hz
mx+Kcxcos ex = 0 fn ...Ans•
. 2
.. .. ( Ke cos
ex) x, - o·

. ,,
·=lcs~o=fM~a~c~h=ln~e~.~M~U~·~S~e~m~5~·~M~e=c~h::=======5~·3=2==================;..;;:·~of_F_r~ee=d=o~m=·~~b~~~u~·!ii-==iD=::h=am= 011s · .., .
~x. 5.4.17
• . given system. Comparing .. lhis equation ~f wi~h ~n·: ~
Find ttie natural frequency of vibration of the system shown· equation simple harmonic motion, we get, · ~
In Fig. P. 5.4.17(A). . . K .~
o/n = -m . :. ' con = Ji m 1 l'ad/g
Therefore natural frequency of vibration for a . ·. ·
. . _. • &•vc0 .,,
is, · · . .,,
fn = 21t
~" fn = in iii
Fig. P. S.4.17(A) But,
Soln.: Ko = mg sin ex
Fig. P. 5.4.17{B)(a); mg sin ex = K8. K g sin ex
.. m = 5
__L- ~ -~
.. rn - 21t ·\r~,Hz
Energy Method
1 '2
Tue kinetic energy of, KE= 2mx .

The potenh'al energy.of spnng

. 1s,
. PE =2
l K x .. . · 1 ' 2

mg mg cos a. According to energy method,

(a) Equlllbrlum Posldon
dt (K E + P E) =0
:. :t (~ m ~2 +~Kx2) = 0
-1 • .. 1 •
2m2xx+2K2xx =O
mx+Kx = 0

.. x+ .. (K)
;- x = 0 ' ...(b) .

This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for

given system.
Comparing this equation with fundamental equation of simple
mg m_gcosa harmonic motion, _we get, · · _

(I)~ ! .:. =~ ,rad/s

(b) Displaced Posldon
= IDn
Fig. P. 5.4.17(8)
Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system
Equlllbrlum Method is,
From Fig. P. 5.4J7(B)(b); fn = 2n
L [Inertia torque+ External torques] ·= 0
= 21t1~;-.Hz
'"' t '

.. m x + K (x + 8) - mg sin ex = 0
But, ' "
m x + Kx +Ko - mg sin ex - O K8 = mg sin ex . ' .
~ ~ .
=0 [ ·: Ko= mg sin ex] K g sin a
mx+kx .. m = " 8

;+(!)x = 0 ...(a)
.. rn ·~,Hz
- -- Thi~ ~uation (a) is the differential eq1._1ation of motion for
= 2n
Scnoned with CamScanner
Free Undam ·

.... . ~

Fig. P. 5.4.19(A)
Fig. P. 5.4.18
Let, y = ·initial deflection of springs ·
140•·= Let us assume that the disc is rotated by angle ' 0' in
Newton, s 2od Jaw states, F = m x ·, . clockwise direction as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.19(B)(b). Due to
this, the deflection of right side spring reduces by 'x' while
acting on the system are inertia force mx . the deflection of left side spring increases by 'x'
forces .
1s1 spring force = K1 (x + 15) } 15 ~ stating displacement
znd spring force = Ki (x + 15}_ · .of the mass m
Gravitational force = mg sin 0

.. i puring starting when x = 0

(Ki +IQ 15 ·= mg sin 0

As per[)' Alembert's principle , ..

1:F = 0 . ... :· ,•·-ii 1;

' I • . ·. •,

· ~~ + (K1 + ~) x + (K1 + Kz) 15 - mg sin 0

1.e. ""'
= O
. As (K1 + Kz) 15 = mg sin 0 (a) Equilibrium Position
We get,
• .I
Having natural frequency

Also as (K1 +Kz)15 = mg sin 0

(J)D = "1 s:
mg 0/15

= ~
Ex. 5.4.19 .
The circular disc of mass m and radius r is pivoted as shown
in Fig. P. 5.4.19(A). At equilibrium condition both springs are
und~r iension. Find· the natural frequency. of vibration of (b) Displaced Position
• J.

Fig. P. 5.4.19(B)

'Y' Pub"t•tlons
• 5.34 . of Froadom_Vlbrnlfon 6 •it. ·
. Dynamics of Machlnery.(MU • Sem 5 • Mech)
/ From Fig. P. 5.4.19(B)(b);
Acconli11g to energy mclhod, · · Ill

Angular dlsphtc:cmcnt or pulley = 9 ~It (KJ~ + Pfi) .., 0

Angular velocity of pulley .. 0 dtd(l4 mr2•2
0 ·+Kr2 02) 1:10
.. 1 2 • tt 1
4 mr
Angular acceleration of pull_ey = 9 2 0 0 + Kr 20 0 .. 0
Initial dcOcctlon of springs = Y
.!!! 0+ 2 KO 1:1 0
Deflection of springs due to ~otatlon of pulley =x = r 0
Finni tension in fell spring= K (y + x) = K (y + r0)
..O+ ( i1ii2
2K) 0 =0
Finni tension in right spring = K (y - x) ... e+" (4K)
m 0 .. o
= (y-r0) This Equation (b) is the diffcrenti11I equation of mot'
. C . I. . ron for
Equilibrium Method given system. ompanng t 11s equation with funtl •
From Fig. P. 5.4.19(B)(b);
equation of simple harmonic motion we get, urncn~1
2 4K
L [Inertia torque +External torques] = o (J)" = lll

I0 0 + K (y + x) r - K (y - x) r = o
.. -,rnd/s
(1)11 =
;, .-. I0 0 + K (y + r 0) r - K (y - r 0) r · = O
Therefore natural frequency of vibrotlon for n given a
.. 2
.. I0 0 +Kyr+Kr 0-Kyr+Kr" 0 = O
0 .IS, .. "~
" . '•

I0 a+2 Kr20 = 0 . f" = 2tt - 2tt

wn_J_Y& m
I 2" 2 (.. I 2 ... '
-mr 0+2Kr e =0 · I 0 = 2 mr for pulley ]
2 . or f" = -
l~-m '
Hz •· ,,, ...Ans.
1 " .. ( 2K
2m0+2K0 = 0 0+ m/2)0=0
Ex. 5.4.20
.. ··9+ (4K)
-m . 0 = 0 ... (a) An electric motor supported by 4 springs, each having
stiffness K, as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.20(A). If the mass
This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for
moment of Inertia of motor ab?ut the axis of rotation Is 10, find
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
its natural frequency of vibrations.
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2 4K
Electric Motor
'°n m · -I ' -

•• (l)n = ~ , rad/s
Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system

fo = :;=211t ~
or fn = ~,. -\j iii ,_Hz
- {EmK ...Ans.
Energy Method
... Fig. P. 5.4.20(A)
The kinetic energy (Rotary) of the disc is,
I 2 1 ·2 1 •2 Soln.:
~ =. 210 CO =2I0 0 =4ml 0
Let, the motor rottte through an ~ngle '0' in clockwise
The potential energy of both springs, is direction due to 'which two left ha~d springs are stretched by
1 2 r ··· · distance x, and two right hand springs ·are co~pressed by
PE = 2Kx _+2Kx2=Kx2 = K(r0)2
same distance x as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.20(B)(b).
or PE = Kr2e2
.. .-a
scanned with CemSeanner
. ' ~-

'b f 1on System

, , ; t '
~35 . Free Undamped Single Deg. of Freedom ·v1 ra


Energy Method
The kinetic energy of the motor is,
1 2 1 .•2
KE =2I0 w =2I0 0
The potential energy of the motor is,

PE =4 ( t Kx 2
) =2Ka2 02 .
According to energy ~ethod,
(•)Equilibrium Position dt (KE +PE) =0
.. d ( 1
dt 21~ e + 2Ka
·2 2a2) = 0
1 . • •• . 2 ·•
2} 0 209+2Ka 200 = 0
.. 2
. 1~ e + 4Ka e = o
.. e+(4Ka2)e
Io = 0 ...{b)

This Equation (b) is the differential equatio~ of motion for a

given system. Comparin~ this equation with fundamental
I;, I equation of simple harmonic motion we get,
2 .4Ka2
Jb) :Qisplaced Position Io -·
Fig. P. 5.4.20(B) . . w0 = '1¥, , rad/s
from Fig. P. 5.4.20(B)(b): Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system
· Angular displacement of pulley ,,; a is,

Angular velocity of pulley =e ·=

f_n 27t -..
= · ..!...-~Hz
Angular Acceleration of pulley
r •..Ans.
Equilibrium Method n 27t -\JI;'
From Fig. P. 5.4.20(B)(b): Ex. 5.4.21 ...:;

~[Inertia torque +External torques] =0 Determine the natural frequency of vibration of the spring
:. I0 0 + 2 Ka 0 · a + 2 Ka 0 · a = 0
mass system shown in Fig. P. 5.4.21{A) .

.. 2
I0 0.+4Ka 0 =0
. (4Ka
.. a+ -10-) a
=0 ...(a)

This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a

given system. · Comparing this- equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get
2 4Ka
= Io

= ~ ,rad/s Soln.:
Fig. P .• 5.4.21(A)

Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system Both springs are having different stiffness, therefore
is, deflection in both springs are also different as shown in
Fig. P. 5.4.21(B)(b). Assume that the deflection in spring 2 is
more than that of spring 1. __ _
' - ,, - ..:

V TedllJIHlllllgi
"¥" Putlllc a tlans

Scanned with CamScanner

" ·• · Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 5-36 Free Undam ed Single Deg. of Freedom Vibration S '~
' · :i .

·~ .... = (a :~)2 [ ~ + K1
2 b2 J .
Ys~ .l
· I
.. ·.·.
= ~ [a2K, +b21SJ
I ' -;, :
, I!•·, or 5 . ·1
(• + b) K, K, .

But "'• = '\ft= ~[ /K, +b'!,] ;
,. (a+b) K 1 Ki _
. ,.
:1• (a+ b) K 1 Kz
i: or (I)n = m (a2 K + b2 A"V
ic' .' rad/s..
' ij
" }
(•) .
Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a give
. . . . • .. n system
' I.

!f (a+b) K 1 Kz"
2 2
I m (a K 1 +. b Kz)' Hz

From Fig. P. 5.4.2I(B)(a);

Fig. P. S.4.21(B)
Ex. 5.4.22
Determine the natural frequency of vibration of a syst
shown in Fig. P. 5.4.22. The string is under tension 'T' Wh~rn
can be assumed to rem~in constant f~~ sn:i~" displacemen~
Force in spring 1 = mg ( 8
!b ) -· ,

Force in spring 2 = mg (a; b)

:· ~.
.,,,' I,,·.

mg(;-h-) . Fig. P. 5.4.22(A)

Static deflection or spring 1, c5, ~ K "
1 Soln.:
Equilibrium Method
mg (a!-;;)
Static deflection or spring 2, c5z = Kz Let the mass is displaced through small distance 'x' from
mean position as shown in Fig. ~- 5.4.22(B)(a).
From Fig. P. 5.4.21(B)(b) and (c),
y __!,__
(02 -01) (a+ b) x I

:. y = <Bi- 01> (a+ b)


I \

(L-a)-- - -
Deflection of mass m is,
(a) Displaced Position
, a
o= 01 +y = 01 +(02-01)(a+b)

= mg{K1 (:+b)+[(a+~)~ (a+~)KJ(a:b) } ·

= (a~gb) { : 1
+[ ~ -: ]ca:b)}

= - ~!! {'a +b)b~[...!.._l]a}

(a+b)2 K1 -~ K1
(b) F.B.D. of System
·' ~2:
[ab+ b +l, · ab]
= (a+bf K1 ~ -K1 Fig. P. S.4.22(B)

.\r T1r:H11•1dti
V Pub l l Cl l llll
ICS of Machine .(MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
D am
. ~d- p,a.D. of system shown in Fig. P. S.4.22(B)(b). mass
cons• er . ' When cylinder is depressed through distuice 'x'. then
.. p B p, of system, · of displaced water is,
froin · · )(
a = o: m. = io
xxxSi;qx 1000
x · force or Buoyancy force acting on cyIinder due to
' = (L-aj displaced water is,
· Fi" P. 5.4.22 (B}(b);
. forCe +External forces] =O F = m,..xg=~D 2
/.,J [Inertia
Consider F.B.D of cylinder shown in Fig. P. 5.4.23
~ + T sin 0 + T sin $ . = 0
mi+T(si~ ·e+·sin.$) =- o·
.. Wooden
:. mx+T(0+1j>) = 0

~+T(;+L~a) =
... [ ·; sin 0::::: 0 and sin II>::::: II>]

. L.r----
-- -

~.+T ( ~~a_+a;) x = 0

~+( a J1: a) ) x =· 0 - ------ - ----

.. ( TL )
, :. x_+ ma(L-a) x =0 ' ... (a)

This Equation (a) is the differential equation .of motion for a (a) Before Depressing the Cylinder
given system. Comparing this .equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion we get,
2 TL --
ron = ma (L - a)

:. O>n = '1 ma "f::_a).' rad/s .,


Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system
Restoring or Buoyancy
Displaced Force By Displaced
fa = 21t Water, 'F'

1 \} TL
or f,, = 21t ma (L - a) ' Hz ...Ans. · (b) After Depressla& the Cjllnder (c) F.B.D. of System

Ex. 5.4.23 Fig. p. 5.4.23

A wooden cylinder of length 'L' diameter 'D' and specific L [Inertia force+ External fore~] =_0
gravity 'Scy1' flo~ts vertically in water. Find the frequency of
:. mx+F
.. =0
oscillation when it depressed slightly and released. Also find
the frequency of oscillation when water is replaced with 'salt 7t 2 "7t2

water with specific gravity of 1.2.

:. 4D xL x Scy1 x lOOOx x +4D xx xSliq x lOOOxg =0
. ..
Lx Scy1 xx_+ S1iq xg _x X = 0
Equlllbrlum Method
. (S11qXg)
x+ - SL x=O ...(a)
Let, cy1X
Mass of the cylinder, m This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a
_ [ Volume ·Specific gravity Density] -. given system: Comparing ~s equation with fundamental
m - . of cylinder x of cyljnder x of water equation of simple harmonic motion we get,
1t 2
4D 2 sliq xg
.. m - xLxSc).iX 1000 (!)
= Scy1 XL

,·· ........ .
.. ..
. . .·· >.~

. • S119' Xg
S cyl XL 'rnd/s
or rn a

Therefore, natural frequency of osdllntJon of wooden

. cylinder is,

S119 xg When water is replaced with salt water with specific &ravity
or f = ..!.
21t ,Hz
scyl x L 1.2 (i.e. Suq =1.2), then,
Specific gravity of wat~r is one, (i.e. S11q = l) ther~fore, I l.2g
rn = 21i ScylxL ,Hz .
fn -- 1~
-Scr x L ' Hz ·
... Ans. ' . . ..... ·' ~ ,_...- ... ;_ .,. ,,. ...... ,~ ., .........

When water is replaced with salt water with speeific gravity

1.2 (i.e. S 119 1.2), then,

- fn =. in1 ...\J~
s;;;xL , Hz ...Ans.
. Energy Method

The Kinetic energy of the cylinder is,

KE = zmx =z 4D Lx Sey! x 1000)

I ·2 1 (1t 2 ·2
Since the mass ofdisplaced fluid varies from Oto x, therefore
average potential energy should be considered, ) .
The potential energy of the displaced fluid is,

.. -.
= t ~ gx =~ ( ~ D2 x x S119 x 1000) gx
= t (~ D x Sliq x 1000)

According to Energy method, (a) Before Depress the Cylinder

(KE + PE) .,; 0

...£[~(iD2LxSC)ix1000 )x2 +~(~02~ s1klx 1000 )gx2 ] =o Inertia

force mi(

~ (~02LxSC)i x 1000 )2xx+i(~02 x sllq ; 1000 )g2xx = o x

(S~xL)i+(~~xg)x=O . Restoring or Buyoancy
force by Displaced
x+ S
( Suq x
XL x
g) =0 ...(b)
Water, 'F'

(b) .After Dei>rrss the Cylindc~ (c):F.B.D. o~systcm


This Equation (b) is the differential equation. of motion for a

. system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, Fig. P. 5.4.24

2 Suq x g Equilibrium Method 1•' •I

(J)D = scyl xL Let,

sIiq xg Mass of the sphere,
n = scyl XL , rad/s Volume Specific gravity x Density]
m = [ of sphere . x of sphere of water
Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation of wooden
cylinder is, •. ·m = ~nR3 XL x S sph x 1000
fD : 21t

Scanned with c arnsconner

. lcS of Machine · MU - Sem 5 - Mech) . -_: ; s.39 • of FreSdomVibration.S
here is depressed through distance 'x', then mass of Therefore the total difference in level in two columns is '2x' ·
,'/hell sp . . . ' '

. placed wn~r is, l .

d1S . ·.lllw = 4 7tR xx X S11q X 1000
I 0

. . g force or Buoyancy force acting.on cylinder due to

~estortn .
Ced water 1s, · EquUlbrfum
&wa I 2
F ·.= lllw x g = ~1t R Xx x S11q x 1000 x g PoslUon
'd r p,B.D of sphere shown in Fig. P. 5.4.24.
cons• e ' ' '
~[Inertia force +Ex~mal force] = O
. .•
..• 111 ~+F =0
•• l
4 , x L x Ssp11 x 1000 xx+ 4n R xx x S1;q x 1000 x g =o
:. 3nR '. '
R S x~+Suqxgxx =0 '
(•) F.qafllb~D;Dl position.
r. ~x+ (~;q X_!Jx
= 0 ...(a)
.. ·

.. . s,fh x3 Displaced
'Jbis p,quation (a) is the: differ~ntial equation of motion for a x
·ven ·system. Companng this equation with fundamental 2x 1
: . ~uation of simple harrnonkmotion we get,

2 sliq xg . ; . . ., . . Forcemic"
(l)D = . R
s~ph x3 F=m1Q


Therefore, natural · frequency of osciUation of wooden (c) F.B.D. of

cylinder is, (b) When Fluid is Displaced ·
Displaced Flnld
2(1) '
Fig. P. 5.4.25
s,;q xg From Fig. P. 5.4.25 ;
or R ,Hz Density of fluid = p
s.pb x3 Cross seetional area of the tube = A
Specific gravity of water is one, (i.e. Sliq = I) and R = 0.5, Mass of the fluid = m =pAl
Mass of the ~splaced fluid = m 1 =pA 2x
f,. = .!...
' 0.5 Gravitational force exerted by the displaced fluid = F =.m 1 g
Equill~rlum Meth~d

= 1.22~ ~ Hz . :..Ans. From F.B.D. of displaced fluid shown in Fig. P. 5.4.25(c);

· L [Inertia force~ Ex~emalforces] = 0
Ex. 5.4~25 ' .
:. mx+F = O•
AU-tube manometer having column length 'I contains liquid
and both ends of it open to atmosphere. Find the natural · mx+m1 g = 0 ''
frequency of oscillations of liquid column when tube is
.. pA l x + pA 2 x g ~ = ·0 ·
slightly displaced.
Soln.: ..
. (2g)
x+ T x= o ,...(a)

- Fig. P. 5.4.25(a) show.s U-tube _manometer in equilibrium This

. '
. (a).is ' the
differential equation..of.motion'
for a .
. position i.e. when fluid is at rest. given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
- Ftg. P. 5.4.25(b) shows U-tube 'manometer in. displaced equation of simple hann~nic motion, w~ get,.. · '· · · .
positlon'offluid i.e. when fluid is displaccil by distance 'x' in 2 2g - \, ,':
upward direction in right column of U-tube: . : . (!)n =T

Y Publ\t~tl o ns

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... . Dynamics of Machinery MU,. Sem.5 ~Mech) . 5-40

'· o)n = '\f! , ;.._dis .. " · i · · · · .

!herefore, natural frequency

JS, '
~f' ~Scillation
of liquid column
.. ' i,I: • • (l)D
, • I f,. =, in , ..
.,'! : or r i_pg ,
n = lft VT ,Hz. •..Ans.
.. Energy Method
', I'
The liquid colu~n is displaced from equilibrium position
through a distance x. Therefore each particle in liquid column Fig. P. 5.4.26(A)
has a velo_c;ity ~ at _that ins~t. Therefore, ,
The kinetic energy of fl~id is, · Sofn.:
J KE ·2 1 '2 Fig. P. 5.4.26(B)(a) shows V-tube manom~te· .
. =1pAlx = 2mx . . fl 'd .
position i.e. when u1 JS at rest. ,
r IQ eq .
, . . UiUbtj~
The •liquid 0 f . · ' 1
Tb mass PAx 1s raised through a distance x. : Fig. pt 5.4.26(B)((b) shows V-tube manomete .
fl Uld JS,
the potential energy of fluid is, displaced
' · ·
.: .. positi_o n of fluid i.e. when fluid is displllCed b r_1~ di1p~
upward dfrection in right column of V-tube. ~distance~.
: = (pAx) gx .,; pAgx2 difference in level in two columns is '2x;. eref0rc ~
According to energy method,
(it (KE + PE) = O

.. : ( f PAI ~2 + pAgx 2 ) =· O
1 ...
2 PAI 2 x x + p Ag2x ~ = . o
• .. : - • ~ • • \ . .. j

PAI x + pAg2x. = 0 •
Ix+ 2gx = 0

... x+.: (2g)T x .= 0 ...(b) (a) Equfilbrlum Position

This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
2 2g - pg .
_c.oa =T - :. Wa = .VT .' ~dis _
Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation of liquid column
, . ,..
(I) .
fn = 2n

fn = 2n 1yrr T ,Hz •.•Ans.

(b) When FJuJd ts Displaced (c) F.B.D. of :·
Displaced Fluid
Ex. 5.4.26
Fig. P. 5.4.26(B)
A V-tube manometer having .liquid column length 'I has both
ends open.
to atmosphere, as shown in Fig. P. 5.~.26(A). Let, the fluid is displaced through a vertical_distance x from
Find the natural frequency of oscillation of liquid column
when tube is slightly displaced.
'· . position,
. . therefore
the actual fluid_length of
. x
col umn rs-- ":

SCenned w ith CamScal'ln@I"
.-of Freed<>m Vibration S tern
cs of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech
.D oa1111
JI' flS· p, S.4.26(A) : Therefore, The kinetic energy of fluid is,
(~) . 1

J)Cnslty or nu~d • . I ;'

frO p
KE = zm row "'.zPAl ;m1a
tJonal arca or the tube • A
~"' MIL~ or the nuld The liquid of mass ( pA ~)is raiJed through ~ "·
• m • pAI
ortlae displaced nuld • m1 • pA -h.. Therefore,
~faSS cosa
The potential energy or displaced fluid is,
al dlsptaccmcnt or nuld x ) pAg '
'J1lt 11cfU PE =
( pA a;i gx x =oo;«
thC accelcradon or nuld • cO:U According to energy method.
pA2xg d
tJonal rorce exerted by the Duld .. F .. m g = _ _......;, dt (KE+ PE) 0 =
.. dtd (2I pAJ cosx·22 a+ ~ 2) . ==
Gr'vltA i

tJonal force exerted by the nuid along the column = F 0

Gr'\11B . = m1 g cos a= p A 2 x g
pAJ2x x +pAg
2 - 2 x x == 0
fqulllbrlum Method 2 cos a cos a
ftoDl Fig. P. 5.4.26(B)(c) ;
~x+-x = 0
1: [Inertia fo~ + ~temal forces] 0 cos a cos<X

mx ,. •• ( 2g • cos2 a) 0
.. ~+m 1 gcosa O x+ cosa·l x ==

pAl .. pA2x
-x+-·gcosa = O ..
x+ x = 0
cosa cosa
l ..
--x+2gx = ' 0
This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for
given system, comparlDg this equation with fundamental
equation simple hannonic motion, we get.
•• ( 2g )
x+ ~ x = 0 2
2g cosa
(l)D : l
•• {2gcosa)
.. x+ x =. 0 •••(a) .
-~ , rad/s
This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation of liquid column
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

• • O>n = P, ,ra~s ...Ans.

Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation of liquid column
is, Ex. 5.4.27
Determine the natural frequency of cantilever beam with
21t mass 'm' placed at free end. Neglect the mass of cantilever
1~ ~ ...Ans.
or fn = 2n\j---i-' Hz.
Energy Method
Let, at any instant, the liquid column be displaced from
equilibrium position through a distance _x__
Fig. P. 5.4.27
Therefore each particle in liquid column has a velocity _cosa
.we. know that deflection of cantilever beam with point ioad
at that instant. · W at free end is, - · '- · ·

- --------------""""-
~ "'""'-""'""'-"""""'""""'

scanned wfth C11mScanner

.. __ ·-""""'- -
Undam~ Single D
5-42 Fret:! · ,
··o' narni~ o~ Machinery (MU - sem '5 - Mech
' -.

. - I


' '
Hence, the nafurat ' freque~cy of free undamped transverse L
. ~ ·' . : I : . '
vibrations is given by,

·' ' .
~n = 2~ ~= ~~ ~ - !!.r_'
·, ~ . '" "
-\j !jti . -- _........

-. i
1- ·~
.' '
' . ~r
r'! = 1.n\J ";;;7, Hz
•..Ans. Fig. p. S.4.29(A) : Simple Penduhirn "·

\ If . Ex. 5.4.28 soln.:

!~ A simply supported beam of 1m length and 50 mm diameter
Equlllbrlum Method
is carrying a mass 100 kg at a distance of 0.25 m from one
. p _ _ 9(B) shows the simple pendulum · ·
end. Find the natural frequency of transverse :Vibratlo:fs.
Assume Young's modulus of beam material as 250 GNln:' ·
F~g. l
d1sp ac
ethrough an angle '0' from equilibrium po . ~hen
. d

. . . Slti0ti
_ JllllSS moment of inertia of SIIllple_pendu\u ·
Soln.: Let. I 0 - about o
·. I = m L2, kg-m2 Ill

. .'
. 'l Given : Length of shaft, I=1m
Mass m = 100 kg, 0 0 ...(•)

I : " ' •·. Weight W = 100 x 9.81=981 N
9 2
, Young' s modulus, E = 250 GN/ m2 = 250 x 10 N/m

.: '

Diameter of beam. d =50 mm = 0.05 m
:' The arrangement is shown in Fig. P. 5.4.28.
The moment of inertia of the beam is.


r.-_ ~
- mg '
(a) Displaced ·Position
-a=0.25 b•0.75

I ---1=1m----i~
Fig. i>. 5.4.28

The static deflection at the load point for a sim~ly supported

beam is.

2 2
981 x 0.25 x 0.75
= 3 x 250 x 109 x 0.307 x 10-6,x 1
= 0.149 X 10 ID

The natura.1 frequency of transverse vibrations is,

J - {8 J 9.81 3
rn = 2rr.'Vs=2n 0.149 x 10-
la = 40.80Hz
(b) F.B.D. of System

Fig. P. 5.4.29(B)
Ex. 5.4.29
uency of oscillation of a , simple
Find the nat ul'.a' freq
pendulum shown in Fig. P. 5.4.29(A).
~ ·
•.<.·· . ~ICS of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 .- Mech) . .. 5-43 Sin le Deg. of Freedom VibratiOn s~in
protll rl
.,;g. p. S.4.29(B)(b);
. '
l0 0+mgl..0 = 0
... [_": 0 is smalJ. sin 0~- 01
~[Inertia torque+ External torques]= o
- :. e+(ml~ )a=O
diff~tiaJ ~on.
:. I0 0+mgsin0XL=.0
1:f1is Equation (c) is the of motion : ;
a+ mg L _0 . . = 0 ·.
. ( ·: 0 is small, sin a Qo a]
simple pendulum. Comparing thJS equat.100 with fuodame
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get.
gLa' 01 mgL
.. a+-r
(l)JI = Io

=~ =~
anuation (b) is the differential equation of motio f
'fbis 1-"f • • no a
... silJlple pendulum.· Cohann~p~g thi.s equation with fundamental •• (l}D
uation of simp1e onic motion, we get, .
2 .·
= --
n' - _ I
mgL ·
or ·<00 = ~ ·, _rad/s

•• (l}n = _-
. fmf ·~~~-.\j;J;!
'\JI; -~
Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation i.s,

or ~n .
-- Ii
= \Jr·' ia_dj~.. ...Ans.
'}berefore, na~ frequency of o~llation is,
Ex. 5.4.30 . '
. fo =~
21t '
Determine the natural frequency of oscillation of the simple
Iii ~ pendulum shown in Fig. P. 5.4.30(A) eonsidering the mass of
r,. = zn \J 'L •Hz . --Ans.· rod. ·

Energy Method 0

L -

Fig. P. S.4.30(A)
(c) r •
Fig. P. 5.4.29(B) Let. m = susi)ended point mass, kg, m,. = mass of rod, kg,
From Fig. P. 5.4.29(B)(c), L"' length ofrod, m
The kinetic energy of mass 'm' is ~s moment of inertia of system about point of suspension
o~ ,
I ·2
KE = 21 0 8

The potential energy of mass 'm' is

. PE = mg (L-L cos 8) =mgr, (l _: cos 8)
According to energy method, ·
d -
dt(KE+PE) = 0
- - •• 10 · = - c~~T)1.z •••(a)
d [ 1 •2 . .
· - - d 1 • -
·· dt 2100 +mgL{1-cose)]-~dt 20 e2 +mg ' L -mgL co~a ] =O-[-1 Equlllb~lum Method .
1 • •• . . Fig. P. 5.4.30(B)(a) sbo~s- ·the · . I .. . -
2 lo 2 0 0 + mgL sin 0 = O~ _ S di
splaced through an angle , 0 , fro
s1mp e -pendulum h
.. .
w en it
- m equ1libnu~ position.

• Ttdllll. .IHti

scanned w ith Can'5canner
D namlcs of Machine Mu·~ Sem 5 ·. Mech
t ~ : • •

• 'I t' I

: :· '; Therefore. nauual frequency of oscillation-ia .

. ::. ~: : ': '
(J) i ' • •

' .I - fo ::: 21t ·
ID + m,./ 2 ) g
i ' • '
( m+mr/3 L ,Hz
energy Method


. '. ' :~i

(•) Dllplaced Position

' j

,, . mg
,' / (c)
( t I '

', I
' ..
.. . ) ·'
' ' ·From fig. P. 5.4.30(B)(c)
. Fig. P. S.4.30(B)

J The )cinetic energy of the system is,

... •'"". KE -- 11
2 0 ii
. ., '
The Potential energy of the system is,

,) PE = mg (l; -:--L cos S) + ~g (~-~ cosS )

• il
1 ., L
. : ·d
' 'I
::: rogL (t -cos 0) +m.g2(1-cosS)
. ·ii
i 'I or PE = (m +T) gL ( l ~cos0)
(b) F.B.D. of System According to energy method,
. Fig. P. 5.4.30 (B) (ii(~+
.PE) = 0
1.: '
r /, From Fig. P. 5.4.30(B)(b); .. :J ~ 2f) gL cos9) J= o
I,, ii' + ( m + (I -
L .[In~~a torque+ ~temal torques] . = ,.o
.. L
! 1 2 ee + ( m + -t) gL sin 0 S = 0

I . . 1 . 0 + mgL sin0 + m. g 2 sin 0

. ' .
=- 0 ~1020 e+ ( m+_.i ) gL0 = 0
( m+T)L2 e.+(m+y)gLsin.e =o ...r: eis small, sin 0 ~ 8\

(m+T)L2 e~(m+y)gLe_=. o
[ ·;. 0 is small. sin 0 :::: 0 J
(m+ i )L e+(m+
i )gLe = o
.. (m+mr/2) g
:. 0+ m+01r/3 L 0 =0 -· ...(c)
.. (m+mJ2)
a+ g9
m+m/3 L'
r .
=0 ...(b) This Equation (c) is the d.ifferential -of ofa equ~tio~ ~olion
This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion of a simple pendulum. Comparing this equation with fundamenbl
.equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, · .
simple pendulum. Comparing this equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, ro2 = ( m + m/ 2 ) !
. ..-· n m+m/3 L
2 = .(m+m;/2)!'
con m +m/3 L


-- ---------------- -- -
r- amJCS of Machinery MU - Sein 5 - Mech)

m+m,./2) g
.. 5-45 Free Undam ed Single Deg~ of Freedom Vibration System

••• COn -.... --r r

( m + m / 3 .. ,_rad/s m(l'2~L~e+mgL0= 0 .

natur~ frequency of osc.illation is,
. .
. (k2 + L2) e+ gL0 =0 . ~a

~ This Equation (a) is the differential equation of mouon ._1

fp = 21t compound pendulum. Comparing this equation • w1'th fundallJC014l

m+m,/2) g equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

( m + m,.13 r; 'Hz •••Ans. 2 gL
Oln = kz +L2

e-· . ,. . •• con=~ ,rad/s
. the natural frequency of compound pendulum as
oeter;;;~~;g. P. s.4.31(A). ·· Therefore, natural frequency o~ oscillation is,
stioW . o·. . .

Energy Method
• From Fig. P. 5.4.31(B)(b)
•. ( gL ) ·_.(a)
:. e+ k2 + L1 e =o
• 1 .. . .. ' .• The kinetic energy of the compound pendulum is,
Fig. P. 5:4.Jl(A)

• .•• .i
~ =. !1o02
_ from fig. P. 5.4.31(A); The potential energy of the compound pendulum is,
Mass of the compound pendulum =m _PE = mg (L-L cos 0)
Radius of gyration of compound pendulum =K . According to energy method,
Mass MI of comP.<?und ~ndulum about an axis through d
2 dt(KE+PE) = 0
CG, fo=mk
Mass MI of compound pendulum about an axis through.O,
=fv+mL=mK +
2 2 mL2 2
=(K .+LJ
2,. .
.. ;t ( !10
S +mg CL -:- I:-cos0)) =: 0
.. ' 1 . •. •
equilibrium Method 21 0 2 0 0 + mgL sin 0 0 = 0

,, ' - '·-'

(L - L cos 0) / -i -
I .
I mg
.\ ' I ' I /

mg _ '-r"
Fig. P. 5.4.31(B)(a) Fig. P._ S.i&.31(B)(b)

From Fig. P. 5.4.31(B)(a) ; 10 0 + mgL 0 =,0 ... [ ·: e is small, sine ~ e]

L [Inertia torque + External torq.ues] = 0 2
m(k +L2) 0+mgL0 = O

.. I 0 0 + mgLsin 0 = 0
) e+.gLe = O
I0 0+mgL0 = 0
...c·: 0is small,sin0:::: 0J ·· e+( k2g~L1}e =0 ...(b)

Y Pu t1111ta t 1ons

scan~ v.1 lh CamSeanner

). .

Sprtng F
: .. Inertia TO!qU•

:. Q)n = ~.~~~ . 11oe

Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation is,
i .
I t}.t' ~
. \ •" I .tt4
. ' .,
or ...Ans.

(b) F.B.D. of System

Fig.,P. 5.4.32(8)

from Fig. P. 5.4.32(A) ; .

Deflection of spring =x ... ~ 8

Spring rorce or Restoring force by ~priog, F ::: Kx :::: l(ae

Mass moment of inertia about O, 10 ::: ~
'. Equlllbrlum Method :
From Fig. P. 5.4.32(B)(b) ;
L [In~rtia iorque + E~temal torqliesj =o .
:. I 8 :t mg sin 8 x L + Kx x a= 0 . •' ) :·
Fig. P. 5.4.32(A) .. ••
I 8 + mgL8 + Ka 8
2 I
= ·o .. . [ ·: sine~ a and
0 . . '.:· x:::aa1
.• 2
Soln.: I0 8 + (mgL + Ka ) 8 = 0
Fig. P. 5.4.32(B)(a) shows the system when mass 'm' is 2
.. (mgL+Ka
= o·
displaced through an angle, '8' due to which the spring is
stretched by distance 'x'.
.. 8+

This Equation (a) is th~ differential equation. of moo:on of a

given system.
Comparing this equation with fundamen~ equation of simple
harmonic motion, we get,
. 2

. ro,=# ~gL+Ka2 '

:t , ·rad/sec
or ron = DlL .
I. .


fe ..~. [For a concentrated mass over length L, 10 =mLl

. mg J • •:

(a) Displaced Position .:-.· · ·

Fig. P. S.4.32(B)
~ .
ICS of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech).: - . . · 'b rnSY~~m
5-47 Free Undamped Single Deg. of Freedom V1 ra
. o~nafl'l - .. . .
tural frequency of os~illa~on is,:
. . . /~gL +Ka
\J . 1
•. · 2
. '(llerefort·na . ·~ ·. .; . . :,
f. :::: ~
2 I . ,.
0 1t ' • -- - .

1 ~mgt+Ka

fa ::: -21t ·· ·mL2_.• · ,Hz
· . ...Ans. 1
Therefore, nawral frequency of ?scillation is,
.. .
f Si.
= '
~7t : - ~ ...;

•1 rn = -2nl '1mgL+Ka
mL ' Hz
I Ex. 5.4.33
Find the natural frequency of vibration for .the system shown
in Fig. P. 5 .4.33(A): Establish the condition for system to be
non vibratory, In terms.<;>f '_b'. .

. l
I fl •• ~- • .

..:.·. ' I I

Fig. P. S.4.32{B)(c)
L-r . :
Frolll Fig. P. 5.4.32(B)(c) ; · ·

Kinetic e_n~rgy of mass = 2I ,1 0 0

,. . . a.

potential energy of mass =mg ~ - L cos 0) -0

. . 1 2 1 2
potential energy o_f spnng = 2 Kx =2 Ka 92 .,
Fig. P. 5.4.33(A)
'Jbe total kin_e tic energy is, KE ~-~Io a2 Soln.:
. I

'Jbe toal potential energy is; · Fig. P. 5.4.33(B)(a) shows · the· system ·when mass 'm' is
displaced through an angle '9~ due to which the spring- K 1 is
2 2
PE ::: mg (L- L cos 0) +!Ka 0 stretchCd by distance 'x' and the spring 'K2' is compressed
by distance 'x'. · · '' ·· ··
According to energy method,
dt(KE+PE) = 0

.. ~(!10 e +mg(L -Lcos0)+!Ka2 02 ) = o


I • .. · 1 2 •·
210 200~mgLsiri00+2Ka 280 = o
-, .
10 0 + mgL0 + Ka 8 = 0 L

10 S-i; (mgL+ Ka2) 0

= 0
.. ( mgL + Ka ) 0
.. 0+ Io .. . , .· = 0 ... (b)

This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion of a

. I''

given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental

equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, (a) Dlsp~ced Position
2 mgL+Ka .
= Fig. P. 5.4.33(B)
1-, .

-9 Ttdllan1led9i
"Y"" Put1llt<1t1ans
, .. . . . . _, .. ! .

D namlca of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech

I •
• !·

! ~ • i p,quation (b) can be written as, ·
(b) F.B.D. of System L-b ~ \J~

From Fig. P. 5.4.33(B)(b);

Fig. P. 5.4.33(B)
.• L-~ Sb

Deflection In both springs = x ~ a 9

Spring force or restoring force by spring, Ki Ki x K1 a 9 = =
:.b 2: L-~ ...(c) """-

' Spring for!!e or restoring force by spring ~ ~ x2 ~ a 9 = = Energy Method


' 1. Mass moment of moment of inertia about O, 10 = m L .

l Equilibrium Method
,1 \ I
From Fig. P. 5.4.33(B)(b) ; \.
-r ./
L [Inertia torque+ Ext~mal -torques] = 0 I
... I

' :. I0 6 + (K1 x a+~ x a) - ·mg L sin e 0 = I
.. I
0 + (K a 6 a + ~ a 0 a) - mg L sin e =0
~ 0 1 0 l

I0 e+.( K1 +~)a 0-mgL0 2


... [ ·: sine ::! el


This F.quation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a
Fig. P. S.4.33(B)
_given system. C!Jmparing this equation with the fundamental
equation of simple bannonicmotion, we get,
. · . ., ( K1 + ~ ) a2 - rogL From Fig. P. 5.4.33(B)(c);
. (I)
n I0 = Kinetic energy of mass
- "/_(_K_1_+_Kz_)_a..,...2--m-gL-
.. (l)Jl = .\j · I0 •
Potential energy of mass = - mg CL - L cos6)
1 2 1 ·. . .
Potential energy of spnng 1 = zK x =zK a 6
2 2
( K1 + K2 ) a - mgL ' 1 1
2 , rad/sec
: or = mL .

The~fore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system

I· ' '

Potential energy of spnng 2 =

· - , -

z~ x =2~ a 6
1 2 1 2 2

" 1 '2
is, The total kinetii:: energy is, KE = 210 0

= Si
. ·, i ·.


'f = -
ye K1 + Kz ) a1 - mgL
L2 .,Hz
•.. Ans.
The total potential energy is,
PE = - mg (L - L cos 8) + 2 K, a.. e + 2 ~a 6
. 1 ·2 2· 1 2 2

Condition for system to be non~vibratory

for non vibration motion, f ~ O.

. . 1-,
- '- -.- - l-- , '
\. I / ~0 \ - 9
........ ..A ' \ /

I (\"' \


' J :

(•) Dllpla~ ~Olldoa

is Equation (d) is ~e di~erential.equat.ion of motion for a .

'f'1 ys•oro companng this equation with the fundamental ·
·veo s "' ' . .
g1 • of sirople barmomc motion, we get, . _
equaUOD l
2 - ( K1 + Ki ) a - mgL .
(J.)n = 1

_ " /,...(_K_1_+_Ki_)_a..,..2--m-gL
:• (J)n - \J 10 •

· -" / ( Ki + 'Kz) a1 - mgL

or O>n = \J mL , rad/sec

Therefore. natural frequency of" vibration for a given system :

. :: ! . . .
(b) F .B.D. of System

Fig. P. 5.4.34(B)

From Fig. P. 5.4.34(B){a);

. Deflection in both spring 1, X1 = a0
ex. 5.4.34 . . '
Spring force or restoring force due to spring 1,
. d the natu.ral frequency of vibration of a system shown in
Frn . .
Ft = Ki X1 Ki a a =
fig. p, 5.4.34(A). :. Compression of spring :2 x2 = b0
Spring force or restoring force due t0 spring :2,
F1 =
Ki X2 = Ki b0
b Mass moment of inertia about 0, 10 = ·-mLi
Equilibrium Method
From Fig. P. 5.4.34(B)(b) :.
L [Inertia torque+ External torques]= 0
:. Io 0 + K 1 a0 x a+ K 1 b0 x b + mg sin 0 x L =0
:. 10 0 + ( K1 a1 + K1 ~+riigL)0=0 ; .. ( 0 is smalL sin0 ~ 0)
K1 ai + K1 ~+ mgL) .
Fig. P. 5.4.34(A) .. e+ ( 10
e =o ...(a)

Soln.: This is Equation (a) the differential equation of motion for a

Fig. P. 5.4.34(B)(a) shows the system when mass 'm' is given system. Comparing this equation with the fundamental
displaced through an angle '0', due to which the spring K1 is equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, ·
stretched by distance x1 and the spring Kz is compressed by . l . Ki a2+Kzb2+mgL
distance x2• (J)
= · 1

. '

; 1 1 I


Energy Method

·'!, • I


• ! a I·
I', Ii
I. ! :
, •/

,I '
111 i. I
; :1. I
. .) ,.
...' i'
l . -{- -
. . . r,... .
\. I I

r-e . . ... ·.
. .; ...·.
. (c) i--~~~.-
. ~

'I Fig. P. 5.4..34(B) I !• , j'

I From Fig. P. 5.4.34(B)(c)
Fig. P. S.4.3S(A)
"''1 ,, . 1 .
.'i/ Kinetic energy of mass = 2' Io 92 Sain.:
Mass moment
. ..
of inertia ~f systeJD, 10
. ' .
=. mL2
Potential energy of mass= mg (L...:. L cos9)

J1f Due to weight 'mg'_the system i;~· initially deflected b

. I
Potential energy of spring 1 = . f x; =f a
Ki K1 2
9 2 angle '4>' and spring· 'K' is deflected by distance '5' Y8lllal!
. ·
in Fig. P. 5.4.35(B)(b).
· · ~. - - -·· . . . . as sbo
- - .. 1111
Potential energy of spring .i =f K;z x: = f K;z b 9 2 2
· From Fig. P. 5.4.35(B)(a), for equilibrium,
. J: ' ; . -:' :;·_·_,-,
The·total kinetic energy is, KE = f I 8 0
mg x Lz Ko x a . . ...(a)
When system i~ deflecte~ through _an angle '9', the spriogis
The total potential energy is, stretched by distance 'x' ~d total deflection ·0 r sprio .
mg(L-Lc~s9)+fK1 a 2 02 +fKzb2 0
PB= ( x + 5) as shown in Fig. P..5.4.35{B)(b). · · · g

According to Energy method,

·ctr (KB+PE) =0
d ( 1. •2 . 1 2 2 1 2 2) •.
· · dt 2I 0 0 7° 1:1g (L- L cos. 0) + 2. K1 a 0 + 2 K;z b ' ~ =0
-2 I 0
... ·1 2 ·1 2.
20 0 + mgL sin 0 0 + 2 K1 a 20 0 + K;z b 20 0 z =0 0
Io + mgL0 + (Ki a2 +Ki il) e =0 ... [ ·: sin e ~ e J
. .. (K. a~+Kz
.-. 0 + . I
b+mgL) =0

••• (b)
. 0

This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a - :• , ·- mg

given system, comparing this equation with the fundamental ."
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, Fig. P. 5.4.35(B)(a): Initial Deflection of_System

v TtdllllllM~
'tliif' PullJI Cl tllll

- -------- ----- - - - - --- - - - - ···--·-------~~~......-..--~lli!jl


scanned w ith CilffiScannef

i .. :-.~

·~of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 ·- Mech)

• D ne.llll .
· ·. 5-51 Free Undamped Single Deg. of Freedom Vibration System .
bf'IL.1"1 Method :
~<111111 ,., ,·_·
fig. P. 5.4.35(B)(c) ;
frOtn ..
, ·a torqu e +External torques] · O ,
< ~11ertJ
µ a-t J( (x + o) a- mg cos.($+:. 0) ex L =o ,
;. • . I e+ Kxa + Koa - mgL = 0

. Le·: cos :($+S) -=·l ~ 1 l

J0 + Kxa·+ mgL• - mgL = o ..
...[".'from Equation (a) _Ko a~ ~gL]
_ 10 _0..+ Kxa ·- =·__o__
10 0+ Ka 2
B = O .-
a •••

ii+(~ )e~-~-:~·o

.. -' · ·l

\ f .. ·; -

tJ·on (b) is the differential equation of m u· f

on or a given system. Companng this equation w1~ the fun
0 · . . · . . dam ta! ati6n of
'fltis Equa en equ
. ( • ti"
hanno01c mo on, we ge., •· •
s1(1)P1e · 2
Ka ·

I ' ~

or ron = ~ , rad/sec

! • J

' ..
'. '1 I

.. · ·/ I-:',
0 ----\HT .
; l
(x + 8) ,.~f~ JA · . Spring Force
_,,,.:::-"._____._----i [\ e . F .. K (x + S} .
' '.
- l :."

mg mg cos (4> + 0}.
. • ,

(b) Displace.d Position (c) F..B.D of System

Fig. P. 5.4.35(B) ' I

Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a gi~en system is, . .i

fn = 27t .'
or - fo . = 21t I~
mL:t ' Hz
.' ·~- ,,, .•.•Ans.

Publl t1 tt ons.

---· Sct11w 1~ witt 1 Ct111 &.:tl r w1tt

. . ..
. . ~
. ....- .:. ..\;
. ·~

' .,·
: I,•• : :
,• ' 5.52 Free Undanlped Slngl<i De : of·, Fr~edom Vibrauon
• .· .. , :,' •,
s -..
:: ~ ; •
;-.:·1: ·: Dynamics of Ma~hlne (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) .·
: . (1)0 = . -
·, ~ .: .i'".: Energy Method

~ ,radls ,
• • .· , , 1 .•
' I :·, ··: =
; I: :. <D,.

I '

.. i Therefore. natural trequency of yibration aor a .. . · · ·

is. ,. &ivcn..~~ ·
~ ~
0 f. = 21t : '

L sin (9 + 9)
or "= 1-~·ib.
.I .
• • ,f
•.I ex. s.4.36 'I

Find the natural frequency of vibration for a sy

Fig. P. 5.4.SS(A). Establish the condition

... mg
vibrato<Y· Ystein

· Fig. P. 5.4.3S(B)(d) .. .1.· •

From Fig. P. 5.4.3S(B)(d) ; K b

The kinetic energy
- of mass = l2 Io e•2
Potential energy 0 f mass= - mgL sin· .(cp + 0) rngL sin e =- o~--------.....___;.--~~1-
. (as cj> is small, it is neglected ]
Potential energy of spring = ! K (x + '0)
Fig. P. S.4.36(A)

The total kinetic energy is, KE =!Io 92

The total p<?tential energy is, PE = - m~ sine + kK (x +'0)2 Equllibrlum Method
oue to weight 'mg' th_e system is initially deflected b 5
.According to energy method, angle '4" and spring K is deflected by distance •a• Y 1llall
d in Fig. P. 5.4.36(B)(a). as shown ·
dt (KE + PE) =0
~ ~1 K (x + '0) l =O
d [ 21
• · dt 1 0·2 - mgL sin 0

mgL cos 0 0 + 2 K 2 (x + 5) ~
1 . •. ·. 1 -··
2 Io 26 0 - = O·

. Ioee-mgLS+K(x+5)~=0 .. . c·:_cose ~ 1J
I 00-mgL0+K(a0+5)a0 . = O . .
• •• • p •

... [ ·: x = a0 and x =a9]

• •• · ·:: 2 • .. •
I 0 0 - mgL 0 + Ka 0 0 + K5a0
. (a)
:. 1))-mgL+Ka20+Koa = o Fig•. P. 5.4.36(B)
...r: from Equation (i) Koa ~ mgLJ
From Fig. P. 5.4.36(B)(a), for ~uilibrium, ...(a)
.. . (c) mgLz Koa
When system is deflected through angle '0', the spring ~
This Equati~n (c) is the differential equation of motion for a stretched by distance 'x' and total deflection in spring is
given system. Comparing this equation with the fundamental (x + 8) as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.36(B){b) and (c).
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get.,

Scanned with CamSconner

ib tion system
(MU - Sem 5 - Mech) · · 5-53 . Free Undamped Single Deg. of Freedom V ra

. · . ~- Ka1 -mgb . . .
;. '°n = •o ~ rad/s .
. . . • fi r a given systern
Therefore, natural frequency of v1brauon o


Condition for system to be vibratory

The condition for vibratory mo~on is
f 0 .> 0
b aln(++ 9)
. 27t
..L\} Kl - 10
• _
> ·o
_ ·(b) Displaced Position ' 2
Ka -mgb . > . 0
Ka2 > mgb
Spring Force 2
K(x + 6) mg > b
0 Ka2 ••.Ans.
.. b < mg
Energy Method '
. !

b ": Lein(+ + 8) - b eoe8

(c) F.B.D. of System b +Lain(++ 8)

Fig. P. 5.4.36(8) .
from fig. P. 5.4.36(B)(b); ·, bcoe9
i;; L 1ln(+ + 8)

L [Inertia torque+ External to~ques] = o

:. r., a+ K (x + 5) a - mg [L +b sin (cj> + 0)] = O ·-
(d) .
a+ Kxa + K5a - mgL - mgb sin ( cj> + 0) = o Fig. P: 5:~.36(8)
I., 0 + Kxa + mgL - mgL - mgb sin 0 = . O From Fig. P. 5.4.36(B)(d) ;
. 1 - • - ..
· Kinetic energy of mass = 210 0
... [From Equation (a) ic&.::::: miL and cj> =O] .. · ' :,

.. I0 0+Kxa-mgb0 =· O .:... 1 • Potential energy of mass= - mg [b +L :sin ($ + 0) - b cos 0] · ·

:~ = - mg. [b·+ L su'i e.:. b cos e1
,· . .
.. .(": sine. ::::: e1
... r: 4' is small, it is neglected]
10 S+ Ki 0 - mgb0 . = 0
= -mgb-mgLsin e +mgb cos 0
.. r : x ::::: a e1. - Potential energy of spring = ~ K (x + 8)2
•• -2 - .
10 0 + ( Ka - mgb ) 0 = 0
.. (Ka
-mgb) · The total kinetic energy is, . KE = l I
-· 2 0

:... e + \: lo e = 0 ... (b)

The total potential energy is,
PE = - mgb - mg L sin 0 + mg b cos 0 + ~ K (~ + o)2
This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this equation with the fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, - . According to energy method,·
Ka -mgb d
dt (KE + PE) = 0

i!iann '
- - - -- - - ·- - - - - -- - -·--
~ . ' ,

. :'

,..Dynamics of Machinery "(MU - Sem ·s - Mech). ,.;.i -.. ' ; 5-54 .· Free Undamped Single De

,\ :tf ~Io fi
1 • .•
- ~gb - mgL ~in~:+ m~~ cos~·+ fK (X} .o)
. ,
2] =0
Fig. p, 5.4:37(B)(a) shows the system when be .. ..
-1 20 0 · · · 1 • through ari ·angle '0' due · to 1which the uain 1s de~ ·
:·1 2· o . -:-mgLcos0 0-mgb sin 00 .+ 2K 2 (x.+.o) x_=O . , , . PPer .
' stretched by distance x and lower spnng is c sPtin . .
•' • " .. . OllJpre gl&
.· . Io a S- mgL a - mgb0 a + K (x + o) ~ = 0 same distance x · -. .:- s~ ~

r:a is small, co;:~ ,,; 1 ~d sin 0 = 0] - .. . ·.'"

., ·..:..' Io a S- mgLa - mgb0 ~ ~ K (ae - ~) aa =· 0

... ... r: x,= a0 and~.=: aa]

. I
· · Io 0 - mgL- mgb 0 + Ka2 0 + Koa · = · 0.

I0 S+ Ka2 0 - ~gbe .= ..0 ' ..

. . . [".• from Equation (i) Koa == mgLJ . ,(a) Displaced Position
,, rv 2
I 0 +lea -mg~ 0
I0 0 =
.. .at(Ka2 ~mgb)e = o :':: ••• (c)

1:'1is Equation (c) is the differe~tia1 equation of motion for a

given system. Comparing this equation with the fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, .
2 . ' • -
2 Ka -mgb .
CJ) =
• I
Io . . (b) F.B.D. of Beam
' I ' '". • :. .. ~, • ' .-. . f
'. . .· Ka -mgb Fi~. :P. s.4.310i)'. .
· · con = , rad/s
Equilibrium Method
Therefore, natural fr~ue~'cy ~f ~ibradon for a give~ system
' '·. 1, . ·:. l

is, I From Fig. P. 5.4.37(B)(b), .,.· . , '. : .....\.

L [Inertia t?rque +External !orqu~s] =0 / . ·~

I0 e+ 2Kx x L + Ki 0 ' • . . .
=, 0,
·' . - - • - 1' • .

... Ans. I e+2KL 0+Ki0=0 ,~

/ 0 ' ' ;~ -~ l . • 1: • • - : t• 'I

•• 2
Ex. 5.4.37 -, I . Io e + (2KL· + Kt> e =0 - ·; >)

Determine the natural frequency of vibration for a system - .. 0+ ( 2 KL~+~) . :: 0 i· ; .

shown in Fig. P. 5.4.37(A). Assume the mass of the beam
as 'm'. 'This Equation (a) is the differential equation motion for a of
given system. Comparing this . equation wiih fundamental
equation of sii'npl~ harmonic motion, we get,
2 2 KL2 +Ki
OJn . =. ;- I . - . . r ",

. =.. "'\jI 2 KL~Io + Ki

:. OJ0
, rad/s
. . ~'. ' • .' • ' ;,1 : : •• . . •:
Therefore, natural frequency of v1brat1on for a given system
• I ' • . , • 1 ·. •' · · ' .. I.

, ..... ·,,· .. . _·,j1..:

Fig. P. 5.437(A)

&Aim1o;od willi Cam Sctnme r

of Machine · (MU • Sem 5 • Mech)
8111105 • of Freedom Vibration S
. l~KL+JCi . lberefore, natural frCQuency of vibration for a given system
rd :1:1
· ~n . Io ,Hz ...Ans. is,
~of niass 'm', the mass moment of inenia 'lo' about
, . c.O·is. mL2
Ia == 12 or _.Ans.
J ·'
. ' oment of inertia of beam about o is ,
Jllass 111 · 2
2 2 For a beam of mass. 'm', the mass moment of inertia 'lo'
'flit ( L) mL mL
J0 == Ia+m 2 = J2+4 aboutC.G.
2 2
16mL .. or · mL
:= 48 I o -- ·-' 3

'fbtrefore. ~atural frequency of vibratki~, for a given system The mass moment of inertia of beam about 0 is, ·


js, ...L - f2KL7K. .. Io = la + m (

fa= _2n'\J ~ - =
mL mL ' 16mL
2 2

1 ~ f 3(2 KL1 + °Ki) . ·_' .

or rn := 21t \j mL , Hz ••.Ans. = 3

~,,ergY Method Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given system

fro!Il Fig. P. 5.4.37(B)(a) and (b); is,
, . 1 '2 ' .. .
J(inetic energy of beam ~ 2 I0 9
otential energy of two linear springs
, p ' .
_! [2Kx2]:::Kx2=KI}02 ·
. -. .. . •..Ans.

Potential energy of toisiorial ·spring. = ~ ~· 92 • :' : ; ~. -

Ex. 5.4.38
. .. I . ·2
The total kinetic energy JS, KE = 2:1o 9 ' - ' : . o! ' Determine the natural freq~ency of vibration for a system
shown in Fig. P. 5.4.38(A). Take mass of the beam as 5 kg.
The total ~tential energy iS, PE = KI..2 9 +~ ~ 92
2 I

According to Energy method,

.dt (KE + PE) = 'I 0
K1= 100 N-m/rad
d( 1 •2 2 2 1 2 ) ' .;.. ' ... .
.. dt 21 0 8 KL 8 +2~ 8 = O

f 10 2S S+ KL2 28 S+!~ 28 S ·~ o a:='600mm

e+ 2KI..2 9 +~ 9 = 0
10 ., 14----L = 1000 mm---w

. I e+ ( 2KI..2 + ~ ) 9 =
0 0

. (2KLI +Ki) 0 = 0
.. e.+

... (b) Fig. P ..s.4.38(A)

0 .
- This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental Fig. P. 5.4.38(B)(a) shows the system when beam is deflected
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, through an angl~ '0' due to which upper spring is stretched by
2. 2KI-2+~ distance 'x1' and lower spring is compressed by distance 'x
(J)D = . 1

From Fig. P. 5.4.38(B)(b);

, rad/s Spring force in upper spring = K.1 X1 =Kl ae
Spring force in lower spring =K 1 x1 = Ki L0
m ·
.... -
: ..:
.: '

' . . ,·,·
. , ..'

.· D namlcs of Machine
MU •Sam 5 • Mech ' 5.56
Free Undam ed Single De .·of Freed...; V;t,au:. ,
' I, . ,' , ' , ' The JJlllSS moment of inertia of beam about . 5>11 · ,(
.. .. ,,' ' • 2 2 IS,
•I ·'o ' ,•
10 = la+~(¥) =~ +!!f.,~lL
; I • • I
.. .. 48'
• ' ' j

, ''. •• Io = 3

Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a gj

fa= 2n
.J.. K 1 a + K, L + ~
mL2 -
' . ·.'i '. 3
_ /3 ( K1 a + K,.L1 +~)
I . 'i ' ' (a) Dfaplaced PosfUoo ·.
or r,, = . \J ' mL ' llz
Now, Ki = 200 ; K, = 500 N/mm ; ~ ::: l!XJ N. ~,
' I
a =0.6 m ; L = 1.0 m ; m =5 kg lllftai1 ;
. ;' ;!. '
: . ''
' I I
..fa=in ~
,' !''
or r,, = 3.196 Hz
Energy Method
I . (b) F.B.D. of Beam
I ~ .'J From Fig. P. 5.4.38(B)(b);
. Ffg~ P. 5.4.38(B) 1 ·2
Equilibrium Method : .Kinetic energy of beam =2 I 0 0
• I

From Fig. P. 5.4.38(B)(b) . I 2 1 · ,-

Potential energy of upper spnng := 2 K1 x1 =21(1 al 92
L [Inertia t~rque +External torques] = O . . I 2 I ·
.. Potential energy o~ lower spnng =2 Ki x2 = 2~I/ 82
Io e + Kl X1 a + ~ X2 L +Ki e = 0 . al .
Potential energy of torston spnng =2I K. e2 . .
I)i+ K1 a e +~L e +Kie
2 2
= O· . . ..

I0 a+ ( K 1 a + ~ L + K.) 0
2 2
= 0
The total ki~etic energy is, KE = t1 ~ 0

.. . (K 2
L 2 The total potential energy is, ·

1 a +K2 +Ki)
9+ I
. 0
= 0 .•• (a)
PE =tK1a292 + t~ L2 92 +tK. 92
This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a
According to Energy method,
given system. Comparing this equation . with fundamental I .

I equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,

K1 a
dt (KE + PE)

Therefore, natural frequency of vi~ration for a given system

fn = 2n •• •. f
2 I

or f - -
1 VK, '
a2 +~L2 + Ki
10 ,Hz
I0 0 + ( K 1 a + ~ L + K°i) 0 -- 0 .

.• (K1a2+K2L2+Ki)
:. 0 + I .. __· 9 =0 ...(b)
0 .
For a beam of mass m, the mass moment of inertia '10 ' about
C.G. Titis Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a
. .
mL2 given system.
Ia = 12

Scoonoo w it h C<i1nScanna-

f Machinery (MU : sem 5 - Mech) 5-57 Free Undamped
. Sin le De . of Freedom Vibration System
111ICS o I
. g this equation with fundamental equation of simple Therefore, stiffne!s of cantilever beam is,
C~ l])Otioll, we get, .. -W W. 3El
" .IJS11'1olll K a2+~L2+Ki Ka S WL1 = 17"
= =
'.. ·' ::!.1---=---- 3El
(J) == Io
• - {~K-1-a'""2-+-~-L""'2_+_1Ci_
The cantilever beam can be consider as a spring with stiffness
'Ka'· .
: : '\j · 1. , rad/s
The cantilever beam and helical tension spring behave ~
natural frequency of vibration for a given system two springs in series [Fig. P. 5.4.39(A)]. Hence, stiffness
'fbCrefotC• . equivalent spring can be found as follows _:
js, 1 1 1
Kc = K 1 +K
1 I . I L3 1 1a..3 + 3El
" ·if=
3El +i(=3fil:t°K~ 3EIK
or fa = I!.
~of [ll.8SS 'm' the mass moment of inertia 'lo' about 3EIK ... (a)
or · Kc = KL3 +3El
fora . ,
~, mL2 Therefore, natural frequency of. vibration of equivalent
Io = 12 syslem shown in Fig. P. 5.4.39(B)(c) is,
JJiass l])Oment of inertia of bCam about O is, 1 - [K;
. 'Jbe 2 mL2 mL2 L fD = • 21t\J "i:'
10 = r"O +m(-)
. 2 -
- -
12 +4- ·
! - I
r.... = 21t. \J m (KI/ + 3EI)' Hz

= 48

.. I,,


'jberefore. naniral frequency of vibration for a given. sysiem

1 f.
I ' .

(b) (c)
or I,, = Fig. P. 5.4.39(B) .
1. When K :oo
EX. 5.4.39 The equivalent stiffness of spnng is,
1 1 1 l 1 1
Faid the natural frequency of vibration for the system shown -Ke -- -+---+---+O
K K - K oo - K
1 1 1
in fig. P. 5.4.39(A). Neglect the mass of cantilever beam.
>Jso, find the natural frequency of vibration when : :. Kc = K1 =¥!
(i) K = oo; and (ii) I =

The natural frequency of vibration of system is,
EI j __ [K; __ ...!.. - /K;
fn = 21t -\J "i:' 27t -\J ~

or fn =
· 1_
rm .
-\J mLJ' Hz ..Ans.

Thus, for K =oo, the system is similar to the system shown in

Fig. P. 5.4.39(B)(d). · '
Fig. P. 5.4.39(A) 14-- -- - -- L - - - - - - - - '

- The deflection of cantilever beam due to weight w =mg is, EI
cS = EI ... [From Table 5.3.1)
3 Fig. P. 5.4.39(B)(d) : System When K; oo

V PulH lc ttle ns
.· :" ... .. .. .·. .• .
.. : ·.· : '

. . . . . ; .• ..

."b nam1cs of Machine (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)' · ·:• 5~58

·2 . . When ·I =-
The equivalent stiffness C)f sp.ring is,
. ..1.. 1' 1 ..· t •. ' r r j oo, the systerii is similar to'tb· . : . :: •;~~ ·
Thus ,1•0 -· - - . . . esys .. ., ..... , ..
Ko = K1 +j( . Fig. p, 5.4.39(B)(e). . . ,- - :. .·~ 8~: .
.,. 3 ., . ... ·"· .I\
L "r 'I

. - . L3 ..J " I

"'. . ' Ko .1 ::: :. j&;+i(

• . •!•

.. ..L
= o+l.
K •...

. '. !;/" .; . . Ke = K
·.· , The natural frequency of vibration of system is, Fig. P. 5.4.39~)(e) : Sys~',D When I::"" .
Ex. 5.4.40 . · . - . · .· · -~
•• : j
Determine the natural frequency of vibrati~n for the system .shown in f'.ig. P., 5.4.~0(A). Ne~lect.the m'ass of beam AB .
~ - -· • . I •

·.· ".
; ; I

. "
,· . r
' I '
I ! ..I
~ ! ,.. i
1·/ )
: !' !
~: i .'
. : ' ·.~ .'
I ' '
I ,
'.r . ,
.'/' '
:~ :
' •"I
f,. J
'i· I
I . ) ~ -
Fig. P. 5.4.40(A)

I . Soln.:
I ;
Beam AB • w hi
, ch is
· pivoted
· ·at point
. 0, is weightless. . .
The system sho~n in Fig. P. 5.4.40(A) can be converted to the eq~ivalent system shown in Fig; P. 5.4.40(B)(a), such that,
Torque exerted by spring K 1 at pivot '0' =Torque exerted by sprlng 'K1' at pivot '0' ': ·, · .
K 1 (a9) a = K' (LS) L

-· ;:
.. ( ·.

I <. - (•) (b) (c)

:: _.. _ ,,
Fig. P. 5.4.40(B)

The .system with two springs K; and K2, shown in Figs. P. 5.4.40(B)(a) and 5.4.40(B)(b), can be converted to spring-mass syst
shown in Fig. P._ 5.4.40(B)(c), such that,
1 I I 1 1
K = - K-+~ = a +~
. e . ·I
L . 1

Scanned with CamScanner

. .· . of Freedom Vibration System

the natural frequency of VibraLiOn of equivalent ' Equlllbrlum Method

· ,efoto•
'fJie . shown in From Fig. P. S.4.41(b),
,, 5ystef1l~'.4.40(B)(c) is;· .
fi$· J'. : ..L - fK. L [Inertia torque+ External torque!]= 0
,p == 2n 01 \J ..
.. 10 0 + mg sin 0 x r =0
a K, K 1
• ·· 1 .•. [ ·: sin 0 ~ 0 J
rp 2n ...Ans. 10 0 +mgOr = 0

.. e+ - . (mgr)
ID e = 0

54 41
V· ·: th;natural frequency of oscillation of a cylindrical
111a dad from a point on its circumf!'lrence.
This Equation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
D8 5pan - · . equ~tion of simple harmonic motion, we get.
diSC 5U . . i
50111·: p, 5.4.41(a) shows ~ cylindrical disc suspended from a
. 2
(!) =
,. fi~~t 00· its ~irc~mference .a~d Fig. P. 5.4.4l(b) the
n lo ,.

~ ,rad/s .
p0 . ctrical disc m d1spJaced JX?Slt1on.
cylin · · . •• C.On =
_ mass [l'Jonient of.merti'a of cylindrical disc about O,kg·m2
J.,et. Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for cylindrical disc
. I.,- 2 . 2 is,
mr 2 3mr .
::: 1u+rnr2 =T+mr or 1o = 2 ....(a) .
' ' . ' fn-- - ~
21t- · ..

fD = 2~.~ '~
= -2~~ @, .
. --\j T
L_ - {Tg
'' ' or f,, · = 2 1t:\j 3r , Hz
Energy Method

(a) Eqnllibrlum Position r r cos 9


(r-r ~9)
' \
'' '

Fig. P. 5.4.41

From Fig. P. 5.4.41(c)

The kinetic energy of the cylindrical disc is
1 : .
KE = 210 02

The potential energy of the cylindncal disc

(b) Displaced Position
PE = mg (r - r cos 0)
Fig. P. 5.4.41

e Ttdll111wl11l9i
~ Publlt;i\tons

SConned with CiJmScooner

'. . ·: : . ...
~ : ' .
II• · · * ... ',•. • · . ...

namlcs of M~chlne (MU ._ Sem 5 ~ Mech) J • -·


. J\ccordi~g to energy method;' . ' ..

d .. . . .
d't(KE+PE) .= o - . ):;-,

:t [!1J) ms ,<;·:_r.'co~o)];
· o. -. ~·

1 . • .. . ·. • :. " ...
: ,I I

! ;;r ·
2 Io 2 9 9 + mgr sin 9 9 = 0

I 0 0+mgrsin0 = o.
1 0 + mgr9 = 0 •. . [ ·; sin 9::::: 0 J
a+(~~)e = 0 •.•(c) (b) Displaced Podtloa · .

This Equation (c) is the differ~~tial equation of motion for a . Fig. P. S.4.42
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental •
Let. I 0 =mass moment of inertia of semi~irc"'--
.._.i:.• ..
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get. , . mr ~~
or 10 = T , kg-m2 0
2 mgr
(l)n -
Io Equlllbrlum Method
-~ . From Fig. P. 5.4.42(b);
•• (l)n = ·-\J J.-- ,rad/s
Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for cylindrical disc
L [Inertia torque+ External torques]= o
.• 4r
is, . . 1 0 + mg sin0 · 3'n = 0

=0 ..
...[ • .;~a
.... ::: &1 ;

or =0 ...(b) .

This Equation (b) is the. differential

thi equation
. of motion
. f....
given system. Companng s equation with ~ t
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, 1al

31t 10

Ex. 5.4.42 -~
\J ~,radls
Determine the natural frequency of oscillation of a
semicircular disc suspended its center. Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for semiciitular
Soln.: disc is,
Fig. P. 5.4.42(a) shows a semicircular disc suspended at its
(J)n 1 _ ~
center and Fig. P. 5.4.42(b) shows the . disc when it is · ~ = ~\j~ ,Hz
displaced through angle '0'.
= ~\J ~..212
1 -
2n\J 3m: ,Hz
,-sg_ ...Am.
fn =
Energy Method
From Fig. P. 5.4.42(c) ;
, The kinetic energy of semicircular disc is

1 l<E = 11 rl
. ~0 2 °·
(a) Equfllbrfum Posldoa The potential energy of semicircular disc is,

Fig. r. 5.4.42(Contd•••) PE = mg G~ -i; cos B)

-------------------------------1-----------------------~J.M;;;..;; : 1IJ' ,.- 11u11111 •
1' . ~· ,
. . . . ~m ·
5-61 Free Undamped Single Deg. of Freedom Vibration Sys. m
.: .· • 11.-" '


(r-~) .

(a) EqUJubrlu~ Po1ldon

_Fig. P. S.4.42 ,.

. _,,:..g to Energy method,

,.ccoru»· · .
... _·, Ji_ (KE +PE)
dt .
=O r--------

-4.[ t . .; c· 4r 4r ) ] \
Io 0 + mg 37t - 37t cos 8 =0 \
.. dt .
-21 I0 2 8• 8•• + mg -34r •
7t sine e =
•• 4r . .~
10 e +mg 31t e =O ... [ ·: sine ~ e] . (b) Duplaced Po1l~n
. (4mgr)
.. e+ 3nl0 =O •••(c) Flg.P. S.4.43

'}bis E(iuatio!J (c) is the differential equation of motion for a From Fig. P. 5.4.43(b);
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental L [Inertia torque +External torques] ·= 0
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, •• 4
.. IP 8 + mg sine x ~
4mgr 3 = O
- (J)., = -37t I,, ... [·:Body is oscillating about point P so ta1cing 19 ]

= ~,rad/s ·• 4r
IP8+mgJne = o. ... [ ·: sin0 :::< 0]

Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for semicircular .. . (4mgr)

e+ J;ti"" e = 0 •••(a)
disc is,
This Equation (a) is the differential equation of moti~n for a
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental !

equation of simple hannonic motion, we get,

2 4mgr
(l)n = 3n IP
= ~ ,rad/s
•.. Ans.
•• Wn ·

~S'.4,.a lfulli.·N~t9t.!1~FM,~:~ ·,- :_l:.:<"k~;~~it'~'_d{,~) Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for half solid
~the naturaJ, frequ~ncy ot·oscniaii&rcii;iih'aif(.; '. cylinder is,
~·. o~ -~mass · '~·- · a~d r~dius.-· :r.::w.hep-'.'p;~:~fQ,fil~j1 (J)n
rom mean. P.Q~''tio d I . ed . , ?'. ,,,, " •'
- .n.~!l ..r~-~--· ..t'.:.::..:..;;.:::.:......:•.i:.1~:t~.13<J
, •.,
~ fn = 27t
Equlllbrfum Method or fn = 2nI~
3't I . ' Hz .. ·...(b)
p '
Fig. P. 5.4.43(a) shows a half solid cylinder resting at point
'p' (i.e. mean position) and Fig. P. 5A.43(b) shows its where, IP = mass moment inertia of half solid
displace position from mean position. . cylinder about point 'P'.

. . PUbltcatlOftS

. .... .. ! •.••. • .. ..
..;..: ,t



NoW' mass moment of inertia of body about . . .

· I
•• p
I + m (GP)2 .
l>O•nt 'ti• ·
i r2
16r2 ) . ··
. . IP = m ( 2- 97t'l +m(r-~)1 .·
16 2) 37t .
.. .\. . Fig. P. 5.4.43 ·· ~ = ( m 2- ~2 +·'in(r1 1~1
From Fjg. P. 5.4.43(c) 2[ 1 ~~-~)
2-.9;(+ 1 +~_j_J ~
16 .
The kinetic energy of half solid cylinder is, . . IP = mr

= 21ii0
,_ I
•• p
= mr
. z[l ...lJ ,.
The potential ~nergy of half solid cylinder is;
. .. PE = mg[ 4r _-1!,·
-. .. . . 31t 31t cos
. J = ~z[91t-16J
. 61t
According to Energy method . - . ....- frequency of oscillati~n of b
Hence, the natural '°lid
:t (KE + PE) =. 'o , : . ~ ..-'.· cylinder is,

. . dt
d[ 2
1 IP 0•2 + mg ( 4 - 4
3~ 3~ ~~s e) J= o 3n mr2 {_97t -
. 67t
l · ·· 4r . ·
2 1ii 2 e 0: + mg 31t sin 0 0 = .0
4r e
r s+mg 31t
,, =. 0 = 21t
. .. . .[ ·: sin 0 ~ e]
1 ·..: · / - 8g . .
.. a+(r;!~ e) = o· ..(c)
or fn = ln .\j r (91t-16) 'Hz . ...AU!,
T_IDs Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a
given system, comparing this equation- ~ith fundamental
Ex. 5.4.44
~uation of simple hannonic motion, we get,
: · of 20 kg is allowed to swing
A flywheel having a mass . as
4mgr pendulum about a knife-edge at the inner side of th . 9
(l)n = -31t 1i> .
t e 1me peno
· d for one· osc1·11at'ion ·1s 1.2 seconds d t nm.. tt
h t · . . e ermine

:. "'• = ~,ra~s the mass moment of inertia· of the flywheel about .

geometric axis. Take inner radius of flywheel as il

Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for half solid

Soln. : E_quilibrium Method . · m.
~ig. P. 5.4.44(a) shows· a .flyw,heel ;uspended fr_ompoint 'O'
cylinder is,
and Fig. P. 5.4.44(b)
.. shows when it displaced through angle uug
from mean posit.Jon. .
From Fig. P. S.4.44(b) ;
•.. Ans.
L (Inertia torque+ External torques] = O
The mass moment of inertia of half solid cylinder about point ·
.. I0 0+mgsin0 x 0.15 =O ., .. ..
'p' can be ·determined as follows. .. '
·... ['; sin0:::0J
From Fig. P. 5.4.43(a), 10 0 + 0.15 mg ~ =0
Mass moment inertia about point 0 is,
. (0.15mg) e = o··
. e+
I _:. !Q!.. : 1 0
0 - ·2 ·
. . V"b tion sy·stem
.. · ·,·', 5-63 Free Undamped Sin le Deg. of ·Freedom 1 ra
· . . . f fl . heel about the
Hence the mass moment of inertia o • Y'I' ·
geo~etrical axis is,

·' I0 = 1 -mr2 · 0
:. : .. 2 .
· · 10 = 1.073 -20 x (Q. l~) . ' ·
2 ..•Ans···
or IG = 0.6234kg-m
Energy Method

0.15 0.15 cos 9 /
' (0.15-0.15 cos 0)

•I· 1.,

. . . •.~ .• (c)
= ~ • Fig. P. 5.4.44 :
From Fig. P. 5.4.44(c);
. 1
. e ki~etic energy of flywheel is, KE = 2
Th !o ~.·2
The pc;tential energy
. .. . of flywheel is,
< PE= mg(0.15-0.15cos8)
According to Energy method,
(b) Displaced Position d '
dt (KE + PE) = 0
Fig. P. 5.4.44

Comparing this Equation (a) "'.'ith fund~enta! equation of

. :t [!•o 8 2
+ ~g (0.15 ~ ~.15 cos8)] =


simple harmonic motion, we. get,


, ..
. • ..

2 8 _8 +mg 0.15 sin8 e

• .:

.- --o .
lo e + 0.15 nige = .o·:.:c·:· sin8 ~ e]

•· 8+
. (0.15mg) I 8 = 0 •.. (c)
(I)II = 0

Comparing this Equation (b) with .fundamental equation of

Therefore, the natural frequency of oscillation is, simple hann'onic motion, we get, . . \ .' .
0.15mg '· ·
fll =

(l)n - ---r-
But, fll =

= ~ 'rad/s
•• (1)n
Therefore, the natural frequency of oscillation tS,.
.. l

27t = 27t I 0
fn = t;: =21t
.1 (J)o .. '
.. _1
1.2 =
.l.~ 0.15 x 20 x 9.81
27t 10
.. 1 =~ i .. ~! / l ' .1•--.·

_tP 27t \j I:- :,: '.-r- .-!< ..
Io = 1.073 kg-m
Now, I0 = I 2. . I 1 = .l.~ 0.15 x 20 x 9.81
a +mr .. 1.2 2n I
• 0

lo = 1.073 kg-m

~ T1chbo111l1dgi
T Pu bltt a tlan s

~------ Sc;mrlt!l.I with CamSca rmtll

Now, 10 =Io + mr2 . .. ,
Hence, .me mnss moment of inertia of flywheel about the
geometrical axis is, I a+K a20+~b20 = 0
o I 2 ·
. Io = Io-mr
I0 =
2 . •• (Ka a2 + K2 b )
/ · .: '
., .
· · ' ·',! :.

or le = 0.6234 kg-m2 •••Ans.
. 9+
I0 . 0 ""0
This .Equation (a) is the differential cquati ·
• • '
. 1
Ex. 5.4.45 . . on of
; . . ·I
given syste~. CJomhpann~ this .equation With lllfu0ij°'1 f,...
Determine the natural frequency of osclllatlo~ ·~f .the syste~ , equation of s1mp e armomc motion, we get, . ~"' 1
shown In Fig. P. 5.4~ 4s(A). 2 K, a2 + ~ b2 ."'i
(l)a = I0 _

.·.,.I . ,,....K_1_8_2r-+-~-b2-

v .

... O>n = . lo • rad/s


. '
·.1 '
. ..1'
"'' Fig. P. 5.4.45(A)
: ; i '·
' I Fig. P. 5.4.45(B)(a) shows the system when beam is displaced For a beam of mass 'm', the mass moment inertJ
.! ~ugh an angle '0', due to which left spring K is stretched by
1 C.G. is, · . · · al ~
distance 'x' and right spnng
· K · '
z• 1s compressed by distance x2. !!!!:..2 _ m (a+ b)2 .!!!.._(!~2 + b2 + 2 _'..
·I Io = 12 :-- . 12 - ~

·tI; i
, .....r'.' . And mass moment of inertia I 0 about the pi~ot .
. !
= I
2 -
m (a + b2 +2 ruu
; ; Io o+mc - 12 +mc2
2 2
a +b +2ab 2 ]
= m[ . 12 +c

,- Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for ~ g·

. • 1vcn sy&le
(a) DI.placed PosJtfon is · Ill

n- 21t

Energy Method
From Fig. P. 5.4.45(B)(a);

Kinetic energy of beam =z

1 ·2
10 0
(b) F.B.D. of System
Fig. P. S.4.4501) Potential energy of spnng 1 = 21 K 1x 12 = 21 K 1a2 e2
. 2
From Fig. P. 5.4.45(B)(a) Potential energy of sprmg = 21 Ki x22 =21 Ki b220
Deflection of spring 1 = X1 ::::: ae The total kinetic energy is, KE = fI ii0

Force due to spring 1 = K 1 x1 ::= K 1 a0

The total potential energy is, PE = 21 K1. a2 02 +21 ~ b292
Deflection of spring 2 = x be 1 :::::

According to energy method,

Force due to spring 2 = K:z x1 =K:z b0 d
Equilibrium Method dt (KE +PE) = O

From Fig. P. 5A.45(B)(a) ;

L [Inertia torque+ External torques]= 0

. . P1•l l C1lllll
5-65 . ·of Freedom Vibration S tem ·.

,, " Since wire rope and cantilever beam.experience same
, the 11own
r.. = 0 load W a mg. they can be modeled as two springs as 5
t =0 in Fig. P. 5.4A6(D)(a).
...i.js 13qu11
tion (b) is the differential equation of motio r
• •
1:• system. companng. this .equation with fundamental
give11. of simple harmonic mouon, we get,
..,., K 1 a2 +Ki b~ .
n aor a
"' 0 : ..(b) K-
(•) <'>
. i · , • r· ••

Fig. P. 5.4.46(B)
:. O>a

fore. natural frequency of vibration for a given system Cantilever beam <Ki-a.>
fbere. :. . ·,,
Deflection in cantilever beam is,
is. Wb3
81 3EI .
.·' . ;:

Stiffness of beam is,

,. !
w w3
= s-=Wb
I --
for beaIJl of mass 'm', the mass moment inertia I about 3EJ
3 3 2 2.
3EI 3Eat
mL _m(a+b) = tl" = 12b3 = 4b3
Ia = 12 12
Wire rope CKrope) :
( a2 + b2 + 2 ab)
= m 12 -. ;Deflection in rope (axially loaded) is, . '".
And, m~s- rii~ment oi inertia 10 about the pivot point c) is, B1 = AE .
2 2
'- 2 _ (a + b + 2 ab) 2
Io = '<:l+mc :- m 12 +me : Stiffness of rope is,
2 2
a + b + 2 ab
w w
= m[ 12 +c
K,,,pe =. Bz =WL
· Therefore, natural frequency of vibration for a given s'ystem 2
AE nd E
= T=4L
From Fig. }>. 5-.4~46{B) ; . ,.
Wire rope and cantilever ~ are considered as springs in
.series. Therefore equivalent stiffness given by,
1 l l 1 1
Kc =
Kbcam + K,,,pe =
F.at3 + 1t d2 E
Ahoisting drum, carrying a steel wire rope of diameter 'd' is
mounted at the end of a cantilever the beam as · shown in = 4b3 (b
Eat3+ 1t d2 E
4L 4
=E ;? + 1t d2
L )
Fig. P. 5.4.46(A). Determine the naturai frequ·ency of a
4 (1t d b + Lat3)
2 3
system, neglecting the weight of drum. . , ..,1 .. , . 1 " .it. .. Ke = 'E rr.at3 d2 "
E( 1t at3 d )
·· Kc =4 1td b +. Lat~
2 3

·- Therefore, natural frequency of vibratioq of given system is,

= .!.- fK
21t -\J -;
,}. •·-.
E c·
nat d )
4m 1tdlb3+Lat3 ,Hz ... Ans.
Fig. P. S.4.46(A)
~ Tt"b••lriwe
. . PUblltltlODS

Scanned with Cam Scenner

' .
~ . ~ : ~·!?.-.~.)
., . I
, : .. ·i . •',"/
·: ·<:
' .
.r.. .::
A slender bar of length 'L' Is supported symmetrically on two
rollers rotating In opposite direction with the same speed as
:'.i: '"·;: .:; shown In Fig. P. 5.4.47(A), The coefficient of friction between
the bar and the roller mater/al is 'µ'. Write the equation of
• : . f
'' I
I motion for the system and find the natural frequency of I • ,
., r
oscillation of the slender bar. What will be the effect on the
:: r:
system, it the direction of rotation of rol!ers Is reversed ?

.. i
I~ • ,_.-------L--------i F ·=· C':g)x
,", I ,. ·Determination of Natural Fre~~ency .
... / f,'" ·3. \'


' ·l : ""' [Inertia force + Extern~ forces

k.J ..
:or Restoring
:. ~ + F = 0 ;. · .~ .
: /
' <. .. . ., •• · (µmg)
' • .. i
. ·(! .
.. mx+ -a- x - 0

...I. ••
.. (µg)
x+ a x =0 .••(a)
I FJg. P. 5.4.47(A).
" I j ! ·'·
Soln.: This Equation (a) is the differential equation of In .
; :/ :. . otionrer a
' ! ·Fig. P. 5.4.47(A) shows the b~ in displaced position. Due to
given system. Compann~ . th'is _equation
With fundanic
' f ' ' ••
, . equatio.n of simpl~ b~omc motion, we get, 11taJ
1, 1'
shifting of bar reactions RA and R 8 will not be same. The ,. . . z µg
., / . frictional force between bar and rollers acts as a restoring
' '.
,: ;." force. (J)n = a
.. I
:I .:
Inertia Fon:e,
•• O>n = ~ , rad/s
I: Therefore, natural frequency of.osci_llation for a given
, . . , .. · · . . .. 8Ystelll
•( . f: . ~

i I

----28---- or ...Ans,
Fig. P. 5.4.47(B) : Displac~ Position 4. Effect of Reversing _Direction of Rotation of Rollers
1. Determination ot Reactions t • ••
" · When the direetion of ~otation o(the rollers reversC<i, then are
the direction of frictional forces change and the resul1ant
From Fig. P. 5.4.47(B)(a); . /
frictional force becomes [Fig. P. 5.4.47(B)(b)],
Taking moment about point 'B •; Reabrtig F0tte,

RA x2a = mg(a-x)

••• RA = 2a
,I .

Taking moment about point 'A', ·.

R8 x2a = mg (a + x)

mg (a +x) . (b) . -
••• 'RJi = 2a Fig. ~- 5.4.47(B) ': Displaced position · - ..

2. Determination of Restoring Force ~ F = ~. ( µ:g) x

Frictional force at point.'A' is, ·
µmg(a-x) -
FA = µRA= 2a
_;...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'.~~-'--~~~~~~~~~-;1-~h;~1HW1141*~• I

Tf' Pu~llClt l tll

ics of Machine MU • Sam 5 • Mech !. 5-67
. " 11ttf'l'I
untion of molion becomes
. ..
x~ =a9
Velocity of mass ma =
j\lld t)1CI eq ., . (µmg) ~ ..
mx- a x=O Acceleratlon or mass m1 = Xa cs a9
.x-. (µg)
7 x =o ... (b)
Displacement or mass mi = Xi. a= Ce.
.. x,=c0
Velocity ofnws mi
. . Acceleration of mass fDi = Xi c0 =
Deftectfon (extension) of spring 1 = =
x1 a9
Deftectlon (compression) ofsprlng 2 = Xi= c9 ·
DenectJon (compr~lon) ofsprlng 3 = x3 = b0
Equilibrium method
L [Inertia torque~ External torques] =0
:. 10 0+ m1 ~I a+ lllz ~2 c + K 1 x 1 a+ ~·x, c + ~ X3 b = 0
•• '2.. 2° 2 2
. lo8+m 1 a 8+mzc 0+K1 a 9+Kzc
0+~b ~~~()


This Equation (a) is the differentiaJ equation of motion for a

given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
z K, a2 + Kz c2 + ~ b2
= J0 + m 1 a + mz c
J!ig. P. S.4.48(A)
K 1 a + Kz c + K;, b
soin. : :. <On = 10 +m18 +m2 c
, rad/s
fig. p, 5.4.48(B) shows the position of the system for lhe
Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for a given system
small angular displacement '0'.
is, ·
. (J)n
fn = 27t
.. K 1 a + Kz c + K 3 b
. rn = ln 10 + m 1 a +m2 c -
,Hz ...Ans.
Energy Method

From Fig. P. 5.4.48(B), we can write,

Kinetic energy of bell crank lever =!I2 00 =l2 I
2 2

. 1 •2 1 •2
Ki netic energy of mass m1 = 2 m1 x1 =2 m1 a2 0
Ki netic energy of mass mz = 2:1 lllz x•22 ='21 ~ c2 e'2,
2 2 2
PotentiaJ energy of spring K 1 =. l2 K I x 1-2
- ! K a 9

1· 2 1 2 2
Potential energy of spring Kz 2 Kz x2 2 Kz c 9 =
Potential energy of spring K3 = ~ K, x; =~ K, 1>
Fig. P. S.4.48(B) : Displaced Position·
The total kinetic energy is, KE
From Fig. P. 5.4.48(B) ;
1 .2 1 1
Displacement of mass m 1 = x1 =a9 2 '2
=210 8 + 2 m1 a 0 + 2 ~ c 0
2 ·2

wt. TIG&a. .leCmi

• 'u•llcatlon s
. -. . .. .. '
.... ...• "..· .
.' ., .

.·. . .' ~
, ,. .... .....-. ...... i. ,.- .

. ! .· •'
·•i : ;J .

. ' '

~ .

-~. '

y . .- •
··1 112 sin (45-e)

1)} + m 1 ~
a+ ~ c 2
O_+ K 1 a
0 + ~ c2 0 + K3 b 0 = 0
I .·
. (a)
Fig. p, 5.4.49(B) : Displ_aced Position.
(Io+ m 1 a + ~ c S+ ( K 1 a1 + ~ c1 + K3 b2 ) 9 = 0
2 2
) ,
.. 9+ ( K1 a. + K 1 c +
' K3 b
Io + m1 ai + m l .Ci
2 2
9 =0 . .Mass roome~t= [ml .L~shaped
(l 2]
U~m 2) lo
of inertia'of

rod about •0 , .
~s. Equ_
ation. (b) is the differential equation of motion f9r.a · I

given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental ml2 "!!Jf:. _~ ~

.. Io= 6+ 2 or ~o - 3 mt .
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get, ··~a)

w~ = (K 1a
+ ~ c ·+ K~ b )
2 7 From Fig. P. 5.4.45(B)(a) ;
'• L '[Inerti'a torque+ External torques)
,. . I 0 + m1 ~ + ~ c · :::: 0
.· .. ·' · I l .
K 1 a + K2 c + K3 b . 1 e.f _mgz sin (45 + 0)- mg 2 sm (45 -0)
• • (l)n =' % 2 , rad/s .. 0
:::: 0
1o + m1 a . + m 2 c ..
Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for a given system
.. l
I 0 +mg [sin (45 + 0)- sin (45 - 0)]
0 =0
is, ···
.. mgl
I0 0 + - 2 - (2 cos 45 · sin0] =0
.. . sin 0
· 10 0 + µi~ l -{i... =0
or .. mgle
I0 6 +· ..Ji = 0
Ex. 5.4.49
... [-'." sinB:::ei
L-shaped rod is suspended as shown in Fig. P:;·5·1·~?(A) ·
_The length·.of each side is 'f while mass of each 'side ls m. -e+ -
.. (mg l) .. = o
Determine the natural frequency of oscillations of the " ' I Io "'2 0 .
..· (
mg l
2~ z2 "2. =
J 0

.. ('- rE:i '.

:. 9 + ~ 2itz. j 9 = 0 ...(b)

': - ! '\ r"!I'his:12quation (b) is the differential equation of motion for a

given system. Compa_rlng this ·equation with fundamental
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
Fig. P. S.4.49(A) 2 '3g

. · (J)n = 2l "2.
.. "· = ~,radls
Equllibrlum Method
The L-shaped rod is displaced by a small angle '0' in
anticlockwise direction as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.49(B)(a).

Scanned w ith c.:imScanner

:-. of Machinery {MU • Sem 5. Mech) Free UndAmped Sin le De . of Freedom Vibration System
~- . .· - 5-69
nanual trcquency of oscillation for a o1
~fore• . . "'"ven system
e+(2:;' =0
· 0 +( 21~)0 = o

This Equation (c) is the differential e.quation of motion for a
given system. Comparing this e.quation with fundamental
e.quation of simple harmonic motion. we get,
2 3g
(I)D = u -.[2

:~ co 0 = ~' radls
Therefore; natural frequency of oscillation for a given systelll

(b) .
Fig. P. S.4.49(8) ••• Ans.

~~X: ~~~- MU
·. ·- Dec. 13..,.-.8 ~Marks
r·,;r •.. .. ~ _«· <~j. _
\;; <~-:~~- /·'.·J ·:)j
fto01fig. P. 5.4.49(B)(b).
.,:....tfo energy of the L-shaped
,.....~ . . rod
potaitial energ)' of the left rod
= !2 I 92
~~,,slendef ~<>d 'oJ'~~,a:·;fli~~g· ~~s;,mo~·k~nlatinai
~thO~ siiPPI~~{ori ~'.:cJ[V~6;tihci~ ~-~~ij;-~~~ ·i~dlu~t~fl
:::-oig [~cos(45-0)-~cos45] lt9§_gl
~~~-1~· . f}g~; ~;~.?'.{~<~>: FHifi·':~~
.of.the·r6d.".·,.-?-: ·:>: :.-~· ~ ·~, ;; :,-"....:'.!. ~:· :;;;.,~/"""·, ~-· .~
-- - • .._.____..........-~~~.:.-....=.....:.:..._~;:.:~~~·"".~~~--'''

pat.ential energy of the right rod ---L---•

::: rog (~cos45-~cos(45+0)]
1be total kinetic energy is, KE = ! 1 02

'Ille total potential energy is,

[ 2cos(45-0)-2~45
/ J. 1 ·[' I
+mg 2cos4S-2cos(45+0)]
Fig._P. S.4.SO(A)
Aceording to energy method, Soln.:
dt(KE+ PE) =0 Equilibrium Method : . . /
Fig. P. 5.4.50(B)(b) shows a slender rod in displaced position.
d{I '
:.d 2~ e1+mg2(cos45-cos
(45 + 0))-mg2(cos (45-0)-cos 45)} ~ O

did l · 2 +mg l [2cos45-cos(45+0)-cos(45-S))} =O

{ 2Io6
I •- l . • .
zI,,206 +mg2C o +sin (45 + 0) 0-sin (45-0) aJ = 0
• . l
r,,e +mg7)2 cos 45 · sin0J =o

- m2 /·sine
-.[2 = 0
(a) Equilibrium position {b) Displaced position
Fig. P. S.4.50(B)

- -{2
I0 0 +
0 ... [ ·: sin 0 ::< e] Considering rotary motion of slender bar at about point 'O'.
L [Inertia torque+ External torques) = 0
- (mg/) e
0+ - - = 0
10 0 + mgr sin0 =O
Io -{2

scanned w1ttl CamScanner

. :.. ' : ~~~D~n~a~m~l~cs~o~f~M~a~c~h~ln~e~ryW(~M~U~-~S~e~m~5~-~M~e~ch~):=;:=;:;;;;;:~5~-7~0~F~re::e~·U~n~d;a~m-e=d~S~in~g=le=D==e=ii. ;;;of;;;F~re~e~d~o~rn~Vi~1bra!!ori ·i;;.

. ·. ~t[!'Ioe +mgr(~)]
lo0+ mgr0 = 0 ., .. . ['.'sin 0 =e] '
' . cos 0 - · o·

... .. (mgr) ...(a)

1 • ••
-I 20e+mgr
[ cos 0 . sin e + (12- cos 0) sin 0
cos 0 -
Je ~

. e+ - e Io =0 2 0 "' 0
.. sin0
This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a Io 0 + mgr cos2 0 = 0


given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
.. tan0 0
equation of simple harmonic motion; we get, 10 0+mgt~ =
2 mgr
= 0+ mgr0
.. .
. (1)2
Io I0 = 0 ··· [ • tan0:.:9
. Cllld CQs

·· con = ~ , r~d/s
... (mgr)
.... a+ T e = o
' 6~11

Therefore, natural frequency oi oscillation for a given system This Equation (b) is the differential equatio
. C . th' . n of lllou
is, given" system. ompann~ IS .equation . With ru on f0r
equation of simple barmomc m~Uon, we get, n~
, I
., = co., .f =1- ~
· · mgr ·
' fn 2n or
,Hz 1o (I)~ = mgr
I : .: (l)D·
- ~
= ~ .
l . o · 1 .r'ad!a
/. Now, mass moment of inertia of slender rod about 'O' is, 0

Therefore, natural frequency. of oscillation for a &ivc

I 1· I o .= I G +ID (r0)
2 .
= ]2 .. . - ·- . .·. n,.llk
i. JS, ' . , "'Q
~ !
... [neglecting ·m (~) 2," since 0 is ~ery small]

' -
. . ! ~ :·
Therefore, natural frequency o~ slender rod is,
.f., = 2~- ~
-\J Tr -.. ' "
Now, mass moment of_inertia of slen~er ~od about.'o• is
' -. . 2 mz2 • '

rn = 'in"\j 7,Hz ..•Ans. Io = Ia + m (r0) = U
... [neglecting m {r0) , since e-is v

Energy Method , . . ery Slllal!

From Fig. P. 5.4.50(B)(c) ;

The kinetic energy of slender rod is,
Tb~O:: o~:~ft{'fo~de<?fa, I

' . 2 0 il.
The potential energy of slender rod is,
-·:· t ~. tn~'~ .- . .~-
PE = mg (co: 0 - r) •, '

Ex. 5.4.51 '· '

(~s e:.r)
Find th~ natural frequency of vibration of ~he system shoWn
in Fig. P. 5.4.51 (A). . . ·
r f .
r cos a Cylllnder
' ~:, ~
-· -- - ,.

Fig. P. 5.4.SO(B){c)
According to energy method,
.:· ,., d . . .. ;

dt (KE + PE) , .=. :~

. I; 1.. ,J . ' , . ...


I "

Fig. P. 5.4.Sl(A)

· i- ....

scanned wlth camscanner

5-71 . o1 Freedom Vibration S stem

:. <1>,. .. ~, .
50111· : 111 Method • .. r a given system
ea11lllbrlLI S J(B)(a) shows a system in displaced position. Therefore, natural f~uency of oscillatJOD 10
fiS· p.S.4. is,
fn = 21t

or f0 = 2~ ~.Hz
The mass moment of inertia of system about 'O' is,
I =Ml of cylinder about 'O' +MI of pendulum aboUt ·o·

- .
2 +Mr2 )+m(L-d

Io=23 Mr2 +m. (L -r)2 ...(b)

,,. __,
~ ~~'.~ -
• :c'i/..' Therefore, the natuial f~uency of vibration of a given
system is,
. mgL Hz
(•) EqaiUbrlum Position r =1- 3 ~'
" 21t 2
2Mr +m(L-rr
Energy Method


111 _,,., :·.

I t-tn '
I' I 9 L
111 ••
• I, I I 9
· I I -o
I ol
)ti.. _. _/ \ ' .
-+P. &- \
- - \ l j mg sin 9 \ , (L-l cos 8)

.i--:e mg . mg

(b) Displaced ~o!ltfori

(c) ·
Fig. P. 5.4.51(B) Fig. P. 5.4.Sl(B)

Considering motion of system about point 'O'. From Fig. P. 5.4.5l(B)(c)_;, ..

L(Inertia torque+ External torques] =0 The kinetic energy of system is, KE=· ~ I 02 0

I0 + mgL sin0 =0 The potential energy of pendulum is, 'PE = mg (L- L cos8)
~ccording to energy method,
J0 8 +mgL0 =0 :.. f • sine::::: aJ d
' '

. (mgL)
:. a+ I =0 •••(a)
dt (KE+ PE) =0


This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion for a ·

+mg'(L-Lcos0)) .. :t (~I0 e 2
I . .. ., -
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental 210 20 0 + mgL sin0 · 0 = 0
equation of simple harmonic motion, we get,
.2 mgL .. 10 0 + mgL0 = 0 ... [ ·: sine ::: 0]
wn = I0
:. 9+ ( ml~L) e = o •••(c)
.. ,
···· ~ '. ·~
. . '.!·: ·':
• •1~
. ~ ~ . ".
. i "'."'t .
\ ; ~·(· .~a
. Of Freedom. V~ ~· _. . : ::.
·~ ,: ... :
1:hls Equation (c) is the differential equation of motion for a .
. siven system. Comparins" this equation with fundamental ·
~equation of simple honnonlc moilon, we get,
2 mgL
... con= T

,i ...
•• mn "" #.-. rad/s

Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for a given system

,, I ... , . is,
'; : con
I. fn = 2n
or J - /miL
f" = l;VT·Hz
The mass moment of inertia of system about ·o· is,
. I~ ,;;
· Ml of cylin'der about 'O' + MI of pendulum a~t 'O'

(a) EquWbrl~ Position

Therefore, the natural frequency . of vibration of a given
system is,

•••Ans. ·
:zMr +m (L-r>2 ,Hz
3 2

Fig. P . .5.4.52(a) shows cylinder of radius ·•r• which rolls
without ·slipping on a concave cylindrical surface of radius ·
Let the cylinder rolls through an angle '0' as shown in
Fig. P. 5.4.52(b).
From Fig. P. 5.4.52(b);
, . 1!
(b) Displaced Position 'I
Arc CP = Arc CP'
•• RB = 1°' Fig. P. 5.4.52
+= r This Equation (a) is the differential equation of motion ba
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamental
Translatory displacement ot center of cylinder = (R - r) 9 . equation of simple bannonic motion, we get,
Total rotational displacement ot cylinder = +- 0 2 mgr

L [Inertia torque +External torques] =0 con = Ic (R - r)

.. Ic (~-0) +mgr sine= O

•• co0 =
- JniT
·v ~,rad/s · ·
/c _(~ ~- B) + mgrlJ = 0 ... f ·: sine ~ 0 J Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for a given system
R ) ..
Ic ( ( - 1 0 + mgrlJ . = 0
of Machine MU - Sem 5 • Mech) . .: ,_ . 5-73
I - .,--;gr £rm (A-r)1 if+ mg (A-r) (1-COS 9)]
f0 = ~\J ~,Hz
3 2 • •• •
ITlent of inertia of cylinder nbout point •c• is 4 m (R - r) 2 O O-r mg (R - r) sin6 • 0

'fll<'fl111ss rno r, = .1 + mr2 = 2l mr2 + mr2 '

0 23 m (R - 1"
r) 0 + mg (R - r) 0 = 0
3 l ...[ ·: sin0 ~ 0 J
I, = 2mr ...(b)

· natural frequency ofoscillation is,. ..0+ (mg(R-r)J

3 0=0
'fhtrefote· _L mgr 2<R-r)1
fn = 21t 3 2
2mr (R-r) '• •• "( 2g ) " . _(c)
:. 0 + 3 (R - r) e :: 0
1- · ~ . This Equation (c) is the differential equation of mOtion for a
:. fn - 21t \J ~ .,Hz ...Ans. given system. Comparing this equation with. nindaIJlental
equation.of si~p~e harmonic motion, we get,
rgY Method .
~fl' fi'g p. 5.4.52(c) : 2 2g
ftoll1 .
. ergY (Translatory) of cylinder =
!(inettc ell
!m [(R- r).el
ro., = 3 (R-r)

J(inetic eoer&Y (Rolary) of cylinder = ! 1 (~

0 _ S)1 :. Q)ll = ~ t nulls
'. nergyofcylinder =mg [(R-r)-(R - r)cos0] . -
po1enl1 81e Therefore, natural frequency of oscillation for a given system
=mg ~ - r) [l - cos6] is,
. I · 2 I ·;
.•• 1 kinetic energy is, KE=2m [(R-r) 6) +110 ($-S)2
1'be (OW'

•• 1 pctential energy is, PE =mg CR - r) [I - cos 0) fn = 21t

'fbe (Olll'

r. = 1~
3 (R- r) ' _Hz

i\'9' MU - Dec. 11. 10 Marks

(R - r) cos 9 II
, \

' \

I mg

Fig. P. S.4.52(c)
According to energy method,
d .
dt(KE + PE) = 0 0

:. did[12m((R-r)0)
· 2 1 ·· 2
+21o($-0) +mg(R - r)(1 - cose)] = o Fig. P. S.4.53


1 (Ra
di 2m(R-r)2 0· 2 +21o -r- 0· ) +mg(R - r) (1 - cos0) J = O
Soln.: Displacement of mass m1 =x1
Displacement of mass ll12 =x2
= 1e1

= l3 0
dt 2 (R -r,12 92+Hmr2
11 1 (R-r)
~ 2 2
0. +mg(R-r) (1-cos0) ] = o '
Acceleration of mass m 1 =~i = 11 a
d[ 1 • 1
di 2m(R-r)2e2+4m(R-r)2a2 +mg(R - r)(1 - cosei] = o
Acceleration of mass TDz =~2 =.. l3 e
Deflection of spring 1 =x, = _Ii a

SCanne<I with CamSca~r

. ':~
·. ·:'·~
•• . .....
:\ :,:,
.. .. 1.1 , .

. . .. ... ~ .·;, ·:· ·: ,~,'~

..:.:~·~·o~·n~a~m~lcs~·~o~f~M~a~c~h~ln~e~~M~u~~~s~e:m~5~~~M!:ec~h~·~·~"·~·;i..·-~:·5~.7~4~------;;~~~··· 1 1 ,.iF;i ire oia~om~··~Vib·r~.-· :\


·; Equiv11ient spring. K., ~- (~1+Ki;) The kinetic energy of the' system is,

. . Deflection of spring, K• . = x3 = '2 0 K.E. = !mil+~± GY ...... ',

Equilibrium method,
l: Inertia torque + External torques =0 KE. = ~ (m+?)x2

Therefore, from above equation
, , we get M-,Utvatent

system. , lllaa1r.c
m. = m+ 7
1 . "·

.. f .· ~ -
n = 2n · ..

Fig.~· 5.4.55

r1 = 25 mm =0.025 m
.. d, = 0.05m
r2 = 35 mm =0.035 m
.. Cli = 0.07m
= 60cm=0.6m
9 2
G = 40 x 10 N/m
The torsional stiffness of annular shaft is given by
1t 4 4
GJ G32(d2 -d1) 1

Ki=-,= l
9 1t 4
40 x 10 x 32 (0.07 - 0.05~

Fig. P. S.4.54
We know that effect of gravity and static deflections cancel
potential energy calculations and ~us can be ignored.
The potential energy due to both springs of the system is,

P.E. = 2I (K) x.2 + 2I (2K) x2

P.E. = f (~K) x 2
~t 'n '. be the number of turns in the spring and th~ load iri1'
Therefore, from above equation we get equivalent stiffness of divide the spring into n 1 and n; turns. .
the system, Therefore, n =n1 + n2

Scanned with CamScanner

. ·. ' 5·75 . Free Undamp~d Single Deg. of Freedom Vibration System ·.

JoW• I( ex n
1• ·fflless,
#~8 511 J( ex J... and ~ ex l. ·
'J'llerefore, nI n2
. t·"O springs are in parallel. Therefore, their equivalent
'fl!C: .. .
·tf11ess js, K = (1(1+ ~)
sU o
'lj .· ... , . Soln.:
J(e n1 n =
.Given: W =9810 N, v 2 rD!s, d = 0.01m,V=20 m.
(n;·+ n2) . E = 200 GPa =200 x 109 N/m

K.E. of machine = Strain energy stored in cable

1w 2
2 g = l~v
" l 9810 (2)2 1 cl 1t 2
2 9.81 = 2 200 x 109 x 4 (0.01) x 20
cr = 713.64x106 N/m26
__ cr l 713.64 x 10 x 20 =0 ,v,13 m
Amplitude E 7 200X 109 .VI
Stiffness of cable is,
'· - AE _1! (O Ol)2 200 x 10
k = -4 . x 20
for ntlniJnUill ~n• .I .. k =785397 Nim

T~e ~liod is;
dro0 ~ ' .
-_dn1 = 0
21t~ =21t
-0.5 = 9.81 x 785397
or[ron1 (:-n,)] X (~) {-n, (-l)~ (n-n1)} =0 = 0.2242s ••. Ans.
or o,-n+_n, = 0
or 01 = 2

Given: r, = .3o ·mm =0.03 m

.. d, = 0.06m
Consider a spring of stiffness k inclined at angle e to the r2 = 40mm=0.04m
direction of motion as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.57. .. ~ = 0.08m
When mass m moves with displacement x, then l . = 80cm'=0.8m .
corresponding elongation in spring is x cos 8. . 9 2
Therefore spring force along the·axis of spring is lex cos 0.
G = 40x 10 N/m

Fig. P. s :4.59
Fig. P. 5.4.57
The torsional stiffness of annular.shaft is given by
- Component of sPrlng force in the direction of motion of mass
iskx cos20. = GJ
4 4
There~ore effective
· spring constant is lex cos2 0. l = l

• • Ttdlbtwlt•ti

Scanned w ith CamScanner

a- !
~ =. 1.37444 x 105 N-m/rad ••• Ans. i.e.

and a = !r
Jet us find out the energy of the system.

Given : t =0.25 ·, KB of sliding mas~s= . ! cM +2~) (~)2

1 . ..
We know that time period is, KE of the 2nd roller = 2 I (0)2
t = 2~- rm·
"\J k 1 Where, I =
1 2
or oe ~ · PE of the spring = ! Kx

As the system is conservativ~.
"!J. Total energy = constant
~ = ·~
1 . 1 . l
2 (M + 2m)(x)2 + 2 I (8)2 + 21oc2 ::
or !l
t, =~
First case when sp~lng constant Increased by 60% 21 (M + 2m) (x)'2 + 2l [ l2 mr2] [x/r
. ]2+ 2l kx2 :: constant
Taking derivatives,
~ = \[h
(M+2m)2~(~)+![!m2~(~) ]+k2xi ::: o
ti = x \[h =
0.25 0.19 sec. .. .Ans.
..x ( M+2m+2m
I ) +loc ' :: o
(b) Second case when spring constant decreased by
. and wn = \} M + ~12 m
0.25 = #, "•Ans.

~= 0.25 x {l; = 0.29 sec. •••Ans.

1 • .

Let p density of shaft material, A its cross-sectional area then

mass M.l. of the shaft,
]5 = (A '. p · l) d /8
Consider small element dy of the shaft at a distance of y ffOOI
fixed end. Let 0 be velocity of the rotor then linearly velocityor

the dy element is Z= ( f ) S

Fig. P. 5.4.61

Sliding masses (M + 2m) of Block and two rollers rotating
rolJer mass m and radius r of 200 roller.
Fi . P. 5.4.62
·••~o~tM:a:o•h~ln•e~~M·U~-~S·e•m•5•·•M•ec._h'--._. .~~~77~~F~r:ee~U~nda~~~:a~?:i~·of~F:reed<>m:=:;:;~vt:A~:atSon;
. _.s-.~~ 1·
,r111c:,! (inertin of the element, 1
O rnent 0 :2 .. '°~ ••• ,A,,..
18.41 rad/tee.' . ·~

· J\tVS 111° di a (A · p · dy) (d /8) Raylelgh'• method

· h shnfl clement is,
)(Soft o 2 . Totil dcOection a1
~J J(B ~di . z = A • l.'2 mm + 1.37 mm • 2.89 mm • 0.0289 m

"" ~(A • P • dy) (d /8>[ ( 7) o]

w, -~ ,
1000 x 0.02&9 .... 1000xo.028~1
of t11e shnfl "'
zA • p · d /8 0 r
l 2'If2
y dy = [ 9.81 1000 (O.D289)2 + 1000 (0.02.89) J
0 •••Ans.
. 'foll'I JCS
" =·-2I A·p·d/80';'%
2 ' l l tl·
· -=-;aa2
. l 3 23

1(13 of the rotor

:: !• ce>2 ,. ' ' I

. pE of shaft :: !Ki

I . 2 !1 "2 1 2
. of the system :: 2 1 <0> + 2 3 9 . + 2 Ki (0) =constant
~et energY .
. g derivauves,
1 I ·" 1 . /~= x cos (c:t-6) ::: x cos c:t
!.izee+z5z00 +2Kizaa =O ,
z /
:. (I+~) e+ Ki 0=0.
l f inass M.I. of shaft is to be added to mass M.I. of rotor. I
'fbUS 3 0

Fig. P. S.4.64

The inertia effects of a linear spring with one end fixed and
the other end connected to a moving body can be approximated by
pladng a particle whose mass is ~rd of the mass of the spring at
1000 N 1000N
the point where the spring is connected to the body .

~· . l:2anj K x cos a.

Fig. P. 5.4.63

ounkertey's method
Deflection due to 1000 N alone at A is 1.52 mm.
81 = 0.0152m
Deflection due to 1000 N alone at B is,
02 = 0.0137 m

Oln1 = ~ = ~ = 25.4 rad/sec.

Si~larly, ron2 = 26.75 rad/sec.
1 I 1 F.B.D.
""""! = ----i- + ----z-
0)c (J)nl (J)n2

1 1 1 Fig. P. 5.4.64
.·. z =
25.42 + 26.752
• Publ\ta\ttns
amlcs of Machine (MU - Sam 5.- Mech) 5-78 . Free Undam

Considering horizontal forces, Sofn.:

~ (Inertia force + Extemafforces] _ = O e .. ~
- ' ( ~) •• 2 t ' - -- ·'
~m + 3; .x .+K~cos ax= 0 •• x =-re ...... ~

2 . . .• ..
•• Kcos cx · 5=2R0; .,
. . x+ ( m~\ = 0 . 0::::~
I 21{
\m+TJ Toral K.E. = 2+ m ~2 +i 162
Comparing with equation of S.H.M.
== l 2 ·2 I
2 mr a +2192
crl = K cos ex Total P.E. = -2I Kc52 -l
-2 I<(2~0)2
(m+~ I
= 2K4R202::::2I<l{2 2

. 6
w= Total energy of the system = f mi 92 +! ·2
I ._ - 216 +21\J{lijl
= -c
2 ·2
f, =
2 mr +l)a +2~291
According to energy methoc( -
'I '
' .

·. . . dt (KE +PE) q =
·. · i T, = £. co• a~ ""' :t [t
(mr2 +: r/ + 2 KR2 0 2] : : 0
' i
'i ... z-cmr
2 • ••
+1)200 +2KR

ee .. 0
1 2 •• -
2 (mr + n 20 + 4 KR2 e =o·
' K '•
·j' I

No slip

Stepped pulley
/' mass=m
<· M.I. =I
;· ~ig. P. 5.4.65

MU Dec. 18. 10 Marks

Fig. P. 5.4.66(A)

Scanned with CamScanner

.:1 '·

. ' - 5·79 Free Unda~ped Single Deg~ of Freedom Vibration System~

... . ,,, . '
.. . . ·,




:' ._' . r ~ . • .' ..'

~· .,

.: ' ) • .: • • ' 1. .. ~ • • • •

.• ! • ,;•I


; .

.... .. ,., -- (c) 1 •• •

. ..r -·

I ' ,.• . '·. . ! • ... : ' . ~ ~ ~ . .. - :....:: : .


• ' • • •- t : ;· - ~ .:

(fl . (". .. 1 •• -: ·-.. ··'\:

Fig. P. 5.4.66(B)

From Fig. P. 5.4.66(B)(a)

I:[ Inertia force T·External fori:e~l =0
Two sprlngs ~ and ks are in parallel, therefore stiffness of
equivalent s~ring is, :.m ~+ k,x + k2x cos2 45° + Keix cos230° = 0
Ke 1 = Jc..+ ks ... (i)
:.m x +.( k 1 +0.5k2 + 0.75 Kei) x = 0 , .1 ...(iii) .'
From Fig. P. 5.4.66(B)(b), two spring k3 and Kei are in series,
therefore stiffness or_equivalent spring is,
... (k' + 0.5k2m+ 0.75 Kei)
.. x+
_ x-:-
1 r 1 · i 1 - . ( This .equation (iii) is the differential equation of. motion for
-Kei = - +-
Ke1 k3 (14 +ks) k3
given system. Comparing this equation with fundamen~ equation
._I_ kJ +~ +k5 'of simple harmonic motion, we get . .. ..
Kez = k314+ kJks · ro02 = ·k, .:. :o.5 k1 +0.75Ke:i
.. ·,
kj~ kjk~
:.Kei = k3+14 +ks
+ ... (ii)
k1 + 0.5k2 + 0.75 Kez
Equilibrium method :
Wn = \} m ,, rad/sec
.-...• - • • I -

From Fig. P. 5.4.66(B)(f), considering horizontal forces Therefore, natural frequen'cy of ~ibration. for a given system
acting on mass 'm' is,

- - - .-- - - -- .- • T1"hii111111gi-
~· t •• :
; . •4
. Y Putl:llt~tlons

&.am n..dw1lt1 C11r11&;iu 11•tc"

'.. D. namlcs·of Machl~er)-. (MU.• Sem 5 - Mech) . 5~80 .

,i., fn = 21t
or J_~K 1 + 0.5K:2 + 0.75 K~ H
': · fn = 2n m

5.5 · List of Formulae

i ;: 1. . Equlllbrlum Method
' ' '
L [Inertia force+ External force] = 0,
L [Inertia torque+ External torque]= 0
2. Energy Method "
dt (KE +PE) =0
3. Rayleigh's Method .
(KE)m:u (PE)max .
Natural Frequency and TJ~e Petlod [ Ans.: fn
=.211t --\J~
. . ......
.• (J)n ·· ... ··
fD : ii• Hz 3. Fin.~ the natural frequency of the ·.system s
. 3 .·. , . hoWn ;.
·. . .. 1 F1g. . . "'
tP. ..= fn ,S
5. For Spring Mass System
mg = KcS
K = g .
m cS
6. Mass Moment of Inertia about Axis Through C.G.
Solid circular disc : lo = Fig.3

Circular rim or ring : lo = mr

2 :· .. 1 - . {2µ'9K ] ".·-.
mt [ A.ns. :_f0 =.21t -\j---a-
Rod or beam : lo 12
7. Mass Moment of Inertia about Parailel Axis
2 4. Find the equation of motion ·of the uniform rigidbar
10 = Jo+m(OG)
of length I and having mass 'm' as shown in Fig. .
Also find the natural frequency of the system.

1. Find the natural frequency of the system shown in .· '•• ·-

Fig.~ ·
, ;•• ~I · .' ..

I - ·- 1. -_

. 1 _ ~] ,·
Fig. 4
. .; l' .I ' I•

.[ Ans. : 2n - \J~ ' ;.

• tedlbnlldli
. . Pd ll[l tl ll l
I. (M.U ,S , . 5 M h
1 '1.:0~t~M~a~c~h~n:e2ry~~-~e~m~~·~ec~)~
· · V'bration System
. . . .~5~-8~1~F~r:e~eU~n~da~m~p~e~d~S~l~ng~le~D=eig:~o~f!F~re:ed~om~~·~;;;;. ~.~;;;;;;;;;;;

P oe.roi:

i~no.:f,=$, , KT'+!:;K, J - -

! . clined ma_no.meter shown In Fig. 5 Is usect to

i ~~:re pressure.' If the total length of mercury in
I 6· rfl
tube is /, find an expression for the natural

ncY of oscillation of.the mercury. .
. . - . - .


' t '.

.' [ . 1
Ans. : f" =27t
Chapter Ends ... .

,. ' . :·

• .:_•.
' .
. •
~ ~ '· I .s. ' ~..

. ·; ,,.:. 1
':r i :~ .:.. ~' ..
I.·; . • '

·.,• .
• • j ·. ) •

....'.:..... ~; .
. '.
, ..

;J I


.'{ ';··
: .'·
. Syllabus:
' . V. · - d: damped· Logarithmic decrement· Co 1 ·
1sc.o~s ~~m~ed system. ~ ~nd~r d~mped, criti~ll~ damp.a.' ' over _

'I ' ' u Olllb's darnpirig,
.: .
6.1 -. Introduction to Damping


.; .


The damper absorbs the energy of the vibratory system, thereby reducing the amplitude of vibration.
If damping is present in the vibration systemI the amplitude
of vibration decreases
with time. The rate of amplitude decay depends
upon the type and amount of damping.
The important parameters in damped free vibrations are :
I. Frequency of damped vibrations
2. Rate of decay of amplitude

6.2 Types of Campings

~ (MU - May 12, Dec. 12, May 14. Dec. 141

Based on the method of providing the resistance to the vibrations, the dampings are classified in to three 1~
Fig. 6.2.1 :

Fluid Dashpot Damping

Viscous Damping
Eddy Current Damping

Types of Damping " Coulomb or Dry Friction Damping

Material or Solid or Structural or

Hysteresis Damping

Fig 6.2.1 : Types of Damplngs

Scanned w ith CamScafll'lef

- 5v<te·rn
.' ' Vibration r:
, · ~I~ of Machine MU • Som 5 • Mech
..· . roe of FreedOm . .
· the flow m
b .. width of the slot across ' fl w m
t;. "' oamplng ... d' ection of o ,
v1•00 Ilength of the slot in uie If
..· 1• iho mosl commonly used damping · mechanism to
'f111S lsth nmplltude of vibrntions. When system vibrates In a h "" thickness of the slot or fluid-film. m 2
,, .•..tuce e
C(!lum like: r, gas, water or oil, ll1e resistance is µ absolute viscosity of the fluid. N-slm. Fig 6 2.2.
as shown Jn 1 • •
flUI~ by the fluid to the Vibrating . body which CDUSCli Consider the fluid dashpot damper. 2 .
offe 10 dissipate. Let, AP = crosMe.ctional area of the piston. m
rsY ·
e11c. 9 daJllplng the damping
v1scou, . ..
resistance depends upon :
. IP = length of piston m • ~-r rn
;, Ill Relative velocity of v1brotlng body and • ton and cy1JnU<- '
e = radial clearance between the P15 •st.on
(a) iuneters of the damper (like: viscosity of lhe fluid between the P1
dm = mean diameter.of an annular area
(b) pared in damper an d d'1mens1ons
of damper).
~ . '
and cylinder, m • 2
. ous damping, the two surfaces having relative motion absolute visd>sityofthe fluid. N-s/m
Jo vise arnted by a viscous fluid film.
µ = the two ends of the
arc seP . , . Af> = pressure difference across
'd-tilm offers resistance to motton of one surface with .
piston, NI m 2 ~
dam • force or force ........0
'}11iS UI _,._ Th' • . ~,..; g
to another suuace. 1s resistance is known as .
5 1
re JlC' g resistance or damping rorce. F = damping resistance or pmg -
d11J1JP1n N • I f . . on the piston, N
According to ewton s aw o v1scos1ty, the damping
Q = flow rate of fluid through. an annul~ Area
. tnnce is given by' . between the piston and cylinder, m /s ·
feSIS""' •
•1 , ' -· F = - µAV = (~'\ x x=relative velocity or velocity of piston, mis
y . \ .y.) v =
or F =ex ... (6.2.1)
i.e. F oc x .•. (6.2.2)
.. ,,
F :::
v ::: ;( =relative velocity between two surfaces, mis
c =.damping coefficient or damping force per unit
velocity,,N-s/m . _- · ' •. . ,,
·Fro.ID Equation (6.2.1) it ,is seen that, in viscous damping, the
damping r~sistance or damping fc;>rce is directly proportional
to the.relative,velocity. !herefore, the viscous ~cunping is a
linear type damping., . ., .. ,
1be.constan't of proportional 'c' in Equation (6'. 2.1) is .lqiown. Piston
- as damping ~efficient and is defined as the. dampi~g force ·
·.. ' per ~it velocity. ' .. . · - ' ., · cYtJnder
The value of damping coefficient 'c' depends up0n-: i' ' Viscous Fluid
(a) The viscosity of fluid · .: . . . 1 ' ' ·
(b) The dimensions of damPer> ·
Examples of viscous damping : . ,. , , Fig. 6.2.2 : Fluid Dashpot Damper
: ~ .. ..
(i) Fluid dashpot damping.' · Appl).ing above· Equatiol_! (a) for the flow rate of fluid
.' ' I\· '. through an annular area between the piston and cylinder in
(ii) Eddy current damping:
fluid dashpot damper,
.. ·:·
(I) Fluid dashpot damping

The' fluid dashpot damper consist of a piston moving inside a

. ";cyiinder filled with viscous fluid, as ·~.ho~ in Fig. 6.2.2.

The expre~sion' for . a 'damping coeffi~ie~t ' 'c' of ~ :fluid

I •

and h
= 7tdm

} . .. (b)

Substituting Equation (b) in Equation (a), the rate. of fluid

dashpot damper can be obtained by using a theory·of fluid , flow through ari annular area between the piston and cylinder
flow through a rectangular slot [hydrostatic lubrication] in fluid dashpot dcunper is,
- · ·The flow rate of.fluid through"a.finite slot is given· by; _: . ~P7t dm e3
· , .,.APbh3 ·, ., . • . · ~ .
Q = 12 µIP . . · .(c)
Q = 12µ/ ..... · .. ·· ··' " ' ' ... (a)
Where, ~.AP ·=_pre·ssure difference, NI m - •


Sc.:inned with CamScanner

Dynamics 0 f M . .
'• . achlnery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
.;;.. ~ :The dniti~ing resi~tance ~r force actlng on th~ piston is;··
F = AP. ' \ · , ... (d)
• · AP = FI'\ · . · .. .(e)
. Q = v . Ap
or Q . = AP x . . .. (f)
Substituti Eq .
ng uations (e) and (f) in Equation (c), we get,
XAp =

12µ/p~J = coeffi<'.ient of friction
3 x.
Where, µ
•. . F , -- [ ... (g)
· · : 1tdm e . RN = : normal.reacti~~. .~twee
. n two
. surfaces · .. , . . . . . · · _lllatliig
Again, F ':::: . ~ x ...(h)
The varlation of •µ• with respect to sliding Ve! • · .
:o~paring Equations. (g) and (h), the damplng coefficient 'c' . . h . OCity '\''
Js given by, · · · · different surface con di tions JS s. own m Fig. 6.z.4. f~
' .

c =.. [ ~ ~Pe~] 1
N-_slm ...(6.2.3) · r . , ..

Thus, the dampJ"ng coeffiCJent

(a) The viscosity of fluid,µ
'c' depends upon:
Dry Friction (8rnooti

(b) The clearance between the piston and cylinder, e
~ry Friction (Rougt, ' )
(c) The length 'Ip' and di~eter '~'of piston.
(ll) .Lubricated Surfaces ~us Damping)
Eddy current damping ·. ;. ' '·'·
Eddy current dampi~g is based ~n the principle of magnetic Slldlngvelocft)',v ·-

flux. It consist of a magnet and non - ferrous metal, as shown ! • :

in Fig. 6.2.3. FJg. 6.2.4 : Coefficient of Friction Versus Sliding Veloeity
When the plate moves between north and south poles of a 'From Fig. 6.2.4 it is seeri that, for ideally SmoOtb Sllrf
magnet, in_ a direction J)<?rpendicular to magnetic flux, a · coefficient of friction.·'µ.'. ~s ~n~ependent ·of velocity.a;:;
current is induced in the plate and it is proportional to the rough surf:ices, c~fficJent _of frictJ~~ ·~·. ,d.ecrease,s ,~omewhat
velocity of the plate. This current is in the fonn of eddy initially _with the mcrease m .;e10~1ty, an,d then is practicaU
constant .; ' · ' .,, · "· · · · Y
current that sets up a 1D:3gnetic field in. a direction opposing
the original magnetic field that causes them. Thus, there is For all pr~tical purpo~e 'µ' is taken as .<'.Onstant -~ugbout
the velocity range. . ·
resistance to the motion of the plate in a magnetic field which .... '

results in damping. 6.2.1 Material or Solid or Structural or

Hysteresis Damping
. I

This type of damping occurs in all vibrating 'systems due to

elasticity of material. The ~ou.nt ot'such damping is very
small. When materials are defonned, energy is absorbed and
• ' ' ' I '

dissipated to surrounding in the form of heat. This effect is

due to the internal friction of the molecules of material. ·
When a body with material damping is subjected lo
vibrations, the .stress-
'• .
strain. diagram for a 'vibratmg
not a straight line but forms a hysteresis loop, as shown in
· Plate Fig. ~:2.5. I '• , . ~·" · ... "

The _area under hysteresis loop represents _the eoergy

Fig. 6.2.3 : Eddy Current Damper dissipa~ due to molecular.friction ~r cycle per unit volume
This type of dampin~ is used in vibro~ters and in vibration of the body: The size of hysteresis loop depe~d~'. u.pon the
. control devices.. type of a material of'lhe vibrating body. · · · ··


Scanned with CamSeanner

· t"1 n System
·s-4 Free Dampoo Single De ree of Freedom V1bra 0
.- ~ - .. ··
The drunpi~g Fo.rce is given by,
Alea Under F = CV
Hysteriata Loop ·
.. 250. = 179.68xv •. V ·= 1.39 mis
. (Energy Loet)
The velocity of piston is,
...ADS· .
v . = 1.39 m/sec.
Ex. 6.2.2
The following data refers to a fluid dashpot damper :
Diameter of piston 60 mm =
Length of piston 50 mm=
Radial clearance between piston and cylinder 2 mm . =
I •I 1 ".
If the vibrating system exerts_a force of 400 N on dashpot at
the relative velocity of 2 .6 mis, determine the absolute
viscosity of the fluid to be used in dashpot. -
'J.5 : ffyste~S (,ooP f°-r
Elas~c Material Subjected to
fig· 6 .- - ·· · Vibrations -· ·. · Given : · Diameter of piston, dp = 60 mm= 0 .06 m,
' Length of piston, Ip =50 mrit =0.05 m
~- . . . . . · .
Radial clearance, =
e 2 mm= 0.002m
ot is used m a vibrating system to damp out th
,. oashp . f 1· . e =400 N
". rations. The d1am~ter ~ cy ~nder. 1s 85 mm and is filled Damping force, F
VlbrnPletelY with an 011 having viscosity of 40 cP. The length Damping velocity, v = 2.6 mis
cO d·arneter of piston are 60 mm and 80 mm respectively
and 1 the damp1~g Diameter of cylfuder,
calculate •
· of a dashpot. 11 the· · D = dp .t _2 e = 0.06 + 2 x 0.002 = 0.064 m
·ng resistance 1s 250 NJ_ detennine the velocity of
~rnP l . . Mean diameter of an annular area between the piston and
piston. cylinder,
Given: Diameter of cylinder, D = 85 mm =·o.085 m, dm = D ~ dp - 0.064; 0 .06 = 0.062 m
Diameter of piston, dp =80 mm =0.08 m .
Cross -sectional area of piston,
Length of piston, · lp = 60 mm = 0.06 m,
. Damping resistance, F =250 N Ap = .1t4 dp2 .= 41t x ( 0.06 )2
9 • I . .3 2
Viscosity of oil,µ= 40 cP = 40 x 10- N-sec/mm2 = 2.8274 x io- m
= 3
40 x 10- N-sec/m
Radial clearance between the piston and cylinder, 'F ,;,, CV •• 400 =c x 2.6
D-dr 85-80 :; c = 153.85 N-s/m
e = 2 = - 2 - =2.5rnm
The damping coefficient is, · · .; ._ .
= 0.0025 m 12µlpA

Mean diameter of an annular area between the piston and C = jp

.1t dm e
cylinder, 3
D+dr 85 + 80 .
153 85
= 12 µ x o.o5 x2c2.8274 x io-
dm = 2 = - 2 - =82.5mm 1t x 0.06 x ( 0 .002 )
6 2
= 0.0825 m ·· µ = . 8.2054 x 10- N-s!rn
- Cross-section area of piston, = 8.2054 x 10:..
. 1'C 1'C . : '·
Ap =
4 dp =4 x ( 0.08 ) 2
µ = 8.2054x10- 3
= 5.026 x 10- 3
6.2.2 Comparis~nbetween Viscous and
- The damping coefficient ·of dash pot is, Coulomb Dampings ·
12 µle Ae
c = nd:er ~' • ' "' I

3 3
= 12 x40 x 10- x 0.06 x ( 5.026x10- /
1t x 0.0825 x ( 0.0025 )

or c = 179.68 N-s/m ... Ans.

Scanned with CamScannff

."· : "





. Examples
· of viscou s d ampmg
· 1s
· shock absorber used
· in two wheeJers. Examples of coulomb damping is the . .. . ..
dry surfaces as occurs in riveted joints.friction Of two

Syllabus Topic : Viscous ·Damped System - Under Damped, Critically Damped, Over Darn
. . ~
6.3 D . . . •

amped Free Vibrations.with Viscous Damping

.... , . . . ~
F" 6 3 , . .. : . , :.. ' ·. .. 1 (PJIU • N .
• • • . . ··

tg. . .l(a) shows schematic mathematical model of spring-~~-dashpot system. called as viscous damped systetn. . O'l.1~

' . ·. I
Spring Force Damping Force
Kx cX

Motion at
.. · m~ . Body
'. Inertia Force
(a) EqaWbrfum or Mean (b) Displaced Po1lUon (c) F.B.D. of Mus In
Postdon Displaced po11Uon

Fig. 6.3.1: Dmoped Free Vibration with Viscous DllJ:1:lping

Let, m = mass of the body, kg , '. ( i.e. mg =kB ). .
K =stiffness of the spring, Nim .; · According to D' Alembert's principle, the sum of inertia i
c =damping coefficient; N-s/m and external forces acting on the body is zero. Therefore, ~

x = displacement of the ' body from equilibrium (mean)

:. L Iriertia force+ External forces= 0
position, m :. mX +ex + Kx = 0 . ...(6.3.I)
x = velocity of the body, mis, This' Equation (6.3.1) is the fundamental differential equation
.. I . 2 of motion for a single degree of freedom system having
x =acceleration of the body, mis damped free vibrations.
The system is displaced in downward direction through a The Equation (6.3.1) is a linear differenti!tl equation of the
distance 'x ' from the equilibrium (or mean) position, as second order and its solution can be written in the form,
shown in Fig. 6.3. l(b).
. . - ' x = eSt ...(a)
The forces acting on the.body or mass is displaced position where, e =base of natural logarithms= 2.71828,
are Fig. 6.3.l(c) : ' · .
S = constant to be determined, t =time, s
·" (i) · Inertia force, mX (upward) Differentiating Equation (a) with respect-to"i;, we ge~
(ii) Damping force, ex (upward) x = S.es1 · ...(b)

(iii) Spring force, Kx (upward). - Again differentiating Equation (b) with respect to 't', we get.
- ·· · Th~ ~eight of the body 'mg' l"s not ·considered because, it is ... ...(c)
nullified by the spring force ' kc5' due to static deflection

_. J
~ ·:·::::.:

Scanned with CamScannel"

"; ....

;· · fos of Machine MU •· Sem 5~· Mech . 6·6

• · Equations (n), (b) nnd (c) In Equation (6 3 )
511tistitUU08 . . . . • •1 WC where,
· · ·i>rations radfs
, gel. s1 S es• + K es1 c 0 w0 .. natural frequency of undamped free V> • ..
52e +C
,. J11 . ;m1 + cS + K = 0 . (0 =-/&
... . ... (6.3.2) a \.J m
e 8quation (6.3.~) is ~ailed ns characteristic equation of Again from F.quation (6.3.7),
'(11 ...,, free v1brallon system, It is in th.. fi f
the 'c ..11untion for w
h' h .
1c two roots s and
... orm o a
s ... . c - 2~- /& orcc=2~ •••(6.3.8)
qundraU ...., ·, 1 2 ... c given c - \.Jm
· - bY: Prom Equations (6.3.7) and (6.3.8) it is seen that:
S1,2 {i) Critical damping coefficient 'c,' is only dependent on
the mass of body and the stiffness of the spring.
,, K ·
or (ii) Critical damping coefficient is independent of ~e
m ... (6.3.3)
damping coeffici.enl 'c' and hence actual damPlllg

;~ +\} (fm ) -~
i.e. S1 = ;,;(6.3.4)
2. Damping Factor or Damping Ratio ( e)
~1,. = .;~~~(2~) ~! ...

and (6.3.S)

'fherefore. the two solutions to differential Equation (6.3 .I)

are :
X = eS11 }
_ S2t
and x ..- e . i ... (d)
'fhe general solution to the differential Equation (6.3.l) is, /.
- A Sit sl '
-.... (6.3.9)
·- x - .- e +Be 2 ... (6.3.6)

whe~. A and_B are ~bitrary constants which are determined 6.3.1 General Solution to Differential
erom the initial cond1t1ons.
.., Equation and Types of Damped
for further analysis of general equatiop of motion for damped Systems
free vibrations, given by Equation (6.3.6), it is desirable to
define following two tenns : Using the parameters : critical damping coefficient 'cc' and
.--- damping factor ·e', the roots S 1 and S2 can !le wiitten as
1. Critical Damping Coefficient ( cc)
, follows:
2. Damping Factor or Damping Ratio ( ~ )
From Equation (6.3.9)
.1. - Critical Damping Coefficient ( Cc)
_ The critical damping coefficient 'cc' is defined as that value c
of the damping coefficient 'c' that makes the expression .. 2m =e (l)n
... (e)
· .withi~ the radial sign of Equation (6.3.3) to zero, thereby . 2 K
and ron ••• (f)
giving two equal roots of 'S' (i.e. S1 and S2) .. m
In other words, the critical damping coefficient 'cc' is that
. .
Substituting Equations (e) and (f) in Equation (6.3.3), we get,
value of damping coefficient 'c' at which the frequency of /i:Z i Z
free damped vibrations is zero and. the motion is aP<:ri.odic. SI, 2 = - .,i: ~o ± •'I., (J)o - (J)o

Mathematically, Equation (6.3.3); = [-~±~] (J)n

.. S1 = · ( - f,+~ l~n ...(g)
and S2 = [- ~-~] roo ...(h)
Depending upon the value of damping factor or damping ratio
' f,', there are thiee types or cases of damped systems :

Case l : Over-D~m~ System ( ~ > 1 )

Case 2 : Critically Damped System ( f, = 1 )
Case 3 : Under-Damped System ( ~ < 1 )
s.. = (I) .
2m 0
..' .
or . cc = 2m ·con ... (6.3.7).
,_- Putlllt~tlO l' S

scanned w ith Camscanner

Mathematically; for over-damped system ;
... (i)
I t~ ', I;> I o~ c>c
. :. . . c
In over-damped system the dampu;g is comp"aratively large.
Th .
e two roots S1 and S2 are given by: .

r S1 · = [~l;+~]ro0 }... (j)

S2 = [ -:--!;-~] wn
In. this. case
. two r oots ·s.l and. S real and negative
: · ..
Hence, in over-damped system the solution to the differential
Equation (6.3.1) is, \
.x = A e[-:.e+~] ron t + B ee-~-r] ron t I
...(6.3.10) A '<...... Ae [~+~f,,~1]'°nt i
... · ... ___ [_ . .'. .

The values of constants A and B, in Equation (6.3.10), are

detennined from initial conditions as follows :
Let us·c~n_s.i~r, ini~ally i.e. at t =O, the displacement is 'X0 ' 0

and velocity is zero. ·
~.e. at t = 0 ; x = Xo
- ·· at ' t=O; x=O
B \.

From Equation (6.3.10),

x = Ae
[ - i; + ~ 1(J)D t + B e[ - i; + Vi;-
- i
(J)D f
Fig. 6.3.2: ~isplacement Versus Time <;urve for Oyer-Damped
. System · .. · · · .
2. .. Critically Damped System (I;= 1)
Differentiating Equation (m) with respect to 't', we get,
. [ -~] c-i;+..../c/-1Jro,,t
x =A -l;+vl; - I ro0 e
-~1 (-i;+~]Wnt
+B [ -1;-vl; - I ro0 e ...(n)

Substituting Equation (k) in Equation (m), .

Xo = A+B ...(o) ..
.In such case, the two roots S 1 and S2 are given by,
Substituting Equation (l) in Equation (n), S = - ron ..:[Putting;= I in Equation (g)] ·, .•.(r)
0 = A f.-l;+ri) (1)
+B (-~-£!) (J)o ... (p)
S = - ro ... [Putting ; = 1 in Equation (h)] .. .

From Equations (o) and (p), we get, The two roots are real and equal. As the roots are'"equal, in
critically damped system, the solution to the differential
( 1;+.g:}) X.a
A - ~r;r-; Equation (6.3.1) is given by,
. 2vl; -1 x = Aes1t+Btes2t
[-i;+.g:}]?Si ...(q)
=. A e + B t e -W I

2 Ti .
.• x .n
and B = ...(6.3.12) .
or x = (A+Bt)e-mnt
The values of constants A and B, in Equation (6.3.12), are
Substituting Equation (q) in Equation (6.3.10), we get, · determined from initial conditions as follows :
• p u 111 c111tt•
~ 0 fl8rt'I
JCS Of Machinery MU - Sem 5 - Mech)
. ,· . . 6-8 Free Damped Single Degree of Freedom Vibration System
. · 05{der, initially i.e. at t = 0, the displaeemei1t i~ 'X ,
.i,et us co . . 0 .. .:. .. Applicatio~·of critic~ wi.nipi~~ is in hyd~aulic. d~r cloSer,_in
,, toeitY as zero.
which it is necessary that the door to return to its original
jllldVC t:::O: x=Xo
.• al ...(t) position, arte'r it has been opened, within shortest possible
I"" t:::O; x• = 0 time.
' I

at ...(u)
p,quation (6.3.12), 3. Un~er·Damped System ( ~ < 1 ) :
ftolll x = (A+Bt)e-Cllnl + (MU· Dec.12)
. ... (v) ~~~~"""""........,,~""""",,....,.,._,.,.,.:,,.,.,,,,,..,...,=""'-:-=T.
·fferen U·ating.Equation (v) with respeet to .'t' , we get,
Pl . I ·'-(I) •
. X = Be , a -(A+Bt)ro e-Cllnt '. ( )
n ... W
·tutinS Equation (t) in Equation (v), ·
substl .
Xo = A:. A=X0
· 't11tin.g Equation (u) in Equation (w) In such case, the two roots S1 and S2 are complex conjugate
SubSll '
0 = B-A ro0 • (imaginary) and are given by, .
.. B = A w0 or B = x0 ro n ... X
( ) S1 = [-;+i~] o.> 0 ••• (y)

Substituting Equations (w) and (x) in .Equation (6.3.12), we and S2 = [- l;- i ~] W 0

•• • (z)

get. where, i =~ is the imaginary unit of the complex root.

-. the solution to the differential equation. is, ·
. Therefore, .

._...(6.3.13) .
· (-~+·l~)ro~·t '· (-~-i~)ront
. x = Ae '. +Be

. :. x: :·e-~~1{~~[· 1 Pi~1~:~e[-1P]~1}
. . . ...(6.3.14)
putting~ :w 0 ;,. .rod, in Equation (6.3.14), we get,
•• x = e:.tCOn'[Ae 1Di1 _'.+Be- 11Di1'] " •.. (6.3.15)
· Acco!_dii:ig_to. Euler's th_eo~m, ~e' abo~e Equation (6.3.15)
can also be written as, ·:
where, X and <I> are constants to be determined from initial

Fig. 6.3.3 : Disp~cement Versus ~e Curve for Crltically' The Equation (6.3.16) describe the simple harmonic motion
Damped System - · ~ . of ax_igular frequency 'rod', and amplitude ~ e- t lllu ', which
decreases ~x~nentially. fn~e~~· in -
with . a5 shown in fune,
_ From F.quation (6.3.13) it is seen that, as time 't' increases, Fig. 6.3.4.
displacement 'x' decreases. (Ast~ oo, x-:...+ O)
Thus the resultant motion is oscillatory having frequency 'ro '
_ fig. 6.3.3 shows the displacement versus time curve for and decreasing amplitude x e-'t~'. which ultimately dies o~t
critically damped system. The displace~ent versus time after some considerable time.
curve for critically damped system lies below any of the The natural frequency of damped vibrations is given by,
curves for over damped system.
Q)d = [~] (J)n
... (6.3.17)
The motion represented by Equation (6.3.13), in critically ln Equation (6.3.17), as ~ < 1, the natural frequency of
damped system is also aperiodic. Therefore, the system is damped vibrations 'rod' is always less th~ the· natural
non-vibratory. frequency of undamped vibrations 'ro ' ·
. ' ' . . n
- In this type of damping, once the system is disturbed it will The time period for damped vibration is given by, ~-
move back rapidly close to its equilibrium position (not tp - 21t . 21t .
- (I) - -~, s. ...(6.3.18) .
exactly to equilibrium position) in shortest possible time, d con "'J l .,... ~ .
~- that .it will take infinite time to come exactly to Fig. 6.3.5 shows the compai:ison of.responses of various types
· · equilibrium position. of damping conditions. · · "· · · · · · ·. ·' ' ·

~ . .. •·

' :: . j

.. V TtclK11111ldti ·
Y Put111c1t1ons

Scanned with CamScanner

• ,: ' ·~ _ ·~- / " ·- t - '
· ';

; Dynamies of ~chine~ (Mu'-Se~ ·s. Mech) 6-9 ·

-· )

. ;

.· ~-{a>nt

--~l---------- ..



Fig. 6.3.5 : Displacement Versus TllDe Plot for Various Types or Damping Conditions
University Question

In case of over damped system once the system is displaced from the mean position, it will take infinite time to come back to the
mean position.
In case of critically damped once the system is disturbed it will more back rapidly close to the mean position in shortest possible
time, after that it will take infinite time to come exactly at mean position.
In case of under damped system once the system is displaced from the mean position, it will move with simple harmonic motion of
angular frequency rod and which decreased exponentially with increase in time.

r::r Peak Amplitude and Peak Frequency + (MU. Dec. 15)

University Question
< ·' ;
. ) •,
... . ,_

. :.·--

' ,.
f 1 • _,

Fig. 6.3.6

< . The maximutn .. ~a1tie of i magnification ' factor occurs at Woon = --.} 1 _ 2~,.2 if 0 ~ l; ~ lNZ and at
. rre'lueocY tfz For the small d~ping case i.e:tl;. s; 1Ni;. the value of the driving frequency corresponding to the maximum
~<ftl' ~O if~ 2: l . factor is callCd as peak frequency which is denoted by O> and which is given by .
..w " ·ficauon ~ c r;::, , P
-.111·' 0fJllBgn1 1 - 21;, for 0 :si I;. :s; .1/v 2 · : . . -- . . ·
.I••~ ::: (l)D . . ... - - '
. '"'. o>p ~·.

SyiI ab us Topic: Logarithmic Decrement

+ (MU· Nov.10, May 11, May 12, Dec.14, Dec. 18)

~~vibrations, two importan~ parameters indicative of vibrations are: natliral frequency.of damped vibrations; and rate of
~. f aJllPlitude. - '
ltJ;3Yo · 2n 2~ ·
.....---tp= Old tp• Old----.i
. ,....
-------------- .,;

.. ·

Fig. 6.4.1: Displacement Versus Tim~ Curve for Under Damped System

Theraie 0 decay of
~ a~plitude is measured by parameter known Aslogarithmic decrement .
'!be~ of decay ~f amplitude is proportional to the amount of ~roping present in ·a system. The.larger the damping, the grater will . .
lt~erate f . . . .
. o decay.

:'··.,.,;...,: .

Scanned with CamScanner

Ji:tWC:lSWCO 4l!M pauuc::is

·.· .-. . "w~\i~w1·;
' ~'~.~ .
':'.'-: )\
•. ... -...
' .;if.:'(!,,:
-... ,
~:· ;-,;- ~ _;~
#~<. , , ~. - \ . ~. ·.~'.i:.~:?~"4'~', ~
··": Dyn~~i~·ot Machin~rY'(Mu .~ s9iri'5- M~ti) ·-
. ; I ;-, ', \'- ; . i ·J,

6~ 1· 1.. _Free.Damped Slngle:oe ree of FreeC!O,n·.~ib ;~<<::~~ >· .,:

, . ' . . :. . . ... t~tt~"''Y..; ~1.
The i~garithitiic : decrement ~an'· · ~1~~· 1;»r. ,,..., '-•,o;.-1
. . . , ,. . . : .. . · .. . . e dctb:::;:o,, ·:I
foIIOWS • . .. : · :, , :-••11t~· · :I

. ·o = Jog [xx. ?J = 1~8o[~1J = lo8o[-xX2]"' .. --'. '·".··[r:,.1.~~)_\

~ x '.""''0&. ~·.'

• .1 2. 3 "

;. _= tog.[xJ +log.[~]+1og0 [--:x~]+i [)(\}

Fig. 6.4. l shows the free vibrations of an under-damped , . . 3 O&. ~l
-x; J . ·. ~
Let A and B are the corres~odiog points on the· two . =.: tog.
Xo X1 X2
X2. X3 .....
xn-1 . )( . .

successive cycles where displacement is maximum.

-:- Therefore, periodi~ time is, . or log.[~.~]
tp = ~-ti ... (a)
1 [ x{JJ
cod. .
.. }' = ' ;Iog.,
Xn . .
-~ . :: ;' ' . . . ,. 21t Wb~re, Xo = amplitude at the starting positio~,
··. or tp·· = · " ...(6.4.1) - X,;.= amplitude afte~ ~n'-. cycles. , ,
(~)'Pn •·,
. . •
. i

The amplitudes at time 't' and ·~· are :

. ;': .. · :x 1 • = ::Xe-~~ 1 sin [cod t1 + ~ )_ .. ·-...,.._.-...
...(b) .
"(Z(!ttc/r ' -. ... .
Damped Free Torsional Vibration

"'·"-- _--'fa = , Xe -~<Un12 , . ' . ,. e .;:· -,., •

" .•. sm C .~d~+~J ,, _.-_•. -· · . · " I
. :.
= Xe - ~<Un <11+~ l sin [ rod ( t1 + ~ ) + ~ 1 1 ;;~; .··:·; ... , ~~ .,. ~· ~
.. -
: ·... [·: ·~ = t~ +~]
f' ~··-. j;?~ .~~j..
. ... =_, xe-~W,.(11 +Ip) Sin ( (J)d ti+ (l)d ~ + cp) • ; "t ,.

.. - . .. . 27t
:= ' Xe - ~<Un (11 +~ l sin [ co~ t 1 + rod ;- + cl> 1
.' •' i •
= Xe - i; <Un <11 +~>sin [rod t 1 + 21t + ~ 1
Or Xz = Xe-~W,.(IJ+i,)sin[COdtl+~) ... (c) . , .. Viscous Fulk!
(a) Actual System ·~ ;
.r • '

From Equations (b) and (c),

x1 Xe-i;'% 1 lsin(rodt1+~)
X2 = . Xe-i;f%(li+lp)sin[rodtl+cp) J'

= e- i;00nc11-11 - 1p>

or x1 = eli<Un~ .. . (d)

Hence, the logariilimic decrement is given by,

o= lo~(~) ...(e) Disc .'.

..__ _ _ _ Viscous Fulk!

Substituting Equation (d) in Equation (e), we get
i;w I 21t
o = log e (e 0 P) • = ~ ro n tp = ~ ron -(l)d
.. 21t) Mean
. ... ( •.. tP =rod Pos~ : ..,,·, ~-; ~ ;:

.Je,a:a .. .
:; 0 =d; oj0 21t . .. . [ ... rod =(~r1-:?) ron]
(~)000 ff{/ K9 G0 . : : :
' ,,

•• c5 = v:;:
25 .•• (6.4.2) ~ ~&placed
ie Postion
(b) Equivalent System
Or I; = '\/4
- 1t2 +c5i - Fig. 6.5.1 : Damped Free Torsional .Vibrations ·
.- rr.oai

. -r ,. 111

·. . · . , , . t M£lchlnet'Y (MU • Sam 5 - Mech

ree of f:reedorO ·v.t)r8tion·S\tstsnl" ~.:
-·• .'; , . :· . ;n1as 0 . .
.,.- . 'i

~· . aft-disc-damper system shown in Fig. 6.5.1.

t·:\: 'P f..
r.:. ·'.

f, ..: · ·· ·der a sh · · · .· 2 ·~~

coos• . Let, I = mass moment of inertia of disc about an axis of rotation, kg-m . ~.
f: :.. " Ki = torsional stiffness of the shaft (rad), N- mfrad

II, . c = torsional damping coefficient, N.m-s/rad

e. = angular displacement of the disc 'from the mean position, rad F
e = angular velocity of the disc, rad/s \.,.
e = angular acceleration'ofthe disc, ~ad/s

D 'Alembert's principle,
,.,,ord· g. to +External
' ' I

torque ] = . 0
• , ' ,i

. . torciue ..
(' [lneitia . . . . .. . (6.5 1)
µ ..... c 9 ... Ki 9 = 0 . ··- •
J9 I . ",

'on (6.5. l) is the f~ndam~ntal differential equation of motion for a single degree of freedom system having damped free
1 Equab - . ' - . • . . . •
~ • al vibrations. This ~uation (6.5.1) for the torsional system is similar to the Equation (6.3.1) for the longitudinal system- ·
torsion . . . . :
. aineters used in damped free long1tudinal vibrations and torsional vibrations are given in Table 6.5.1.
~~ .
Table 6.5.1 : Damped Free Longitudinal and Torsional Vibrations

<-:./'..~".:' ....

Displacement x,m 0, rad

z. I Velocity x, mis e. rad/s

' . .. ~· . ..
•• 2 .. 2
Acceleration x, mis 0, rad/s
4. .Mass/Mass Moment of ril. kg ·· I, kg-m

Inertia ~ r.

Stiffness :·K., Nim ~.N-m/rad

Damping Coefficient c, N-s/m c 1, N-m-s/rad

7. Differential Equation of mx +ex +Kx=O I0 + c, 0 + ~ 0= 0.

8. Critical Damping I cc= 2 ~ = 2m wn, N-s/m cc.t = 2.--JK:i = 21 o)n• N-m-s/r~ .
9. . I Damping Factor or I;= cc i; =.S.'.
Damping Ratio

10: · I Two Roots of S1.2 = [-r,;±~ lw 0 S1.2 = [ :- !;±~) Clln

Characteri.stic Equation

IEquation of Motion for

Underdamped System
x =X

e-~Wn' sin[ wd t +cl>], m
cod =~ co0 , rad/s
I 0

·. · where,
=P e-~ront sin [rod t +<I> ),rad
rod =(-{W;)ro0 , radls

12. I~garithmic Decremen.t o- 25 .

. -~
; o- 21t$ .
O=~loge[~J O=~l~~[tJ :
PU,llca\laa ,

· -------
.aauue:ioswco Lll !M pauue:'!)


,. ~~~ ··;:s.~ .,......

Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) . ·
· • ··?-·.· .:~'-; ; . ,,,
,. .( .... · . .. :-, ... . , ·. · _- , ·.~:-"· 1 · ..····- .,.. . ·:·· o = Xsincl>
A machine .Weighs 18 kg and is supported on spring and Since x·* 0, therefore, q, = 0. : .:~· ~:t~· .
.· ,
dashpots. The total stiffness of springs is 12 N/mm and o~ substituting t =0 and x = 120..~ 10- 3. ml . : "· "\
damping coefficient. is 0.2 N-s/mm. The system is Initially at
·' · · ·· . '· ... ' . s •n """lllati
ti;., '.'·l·
rest and a velocity of 120 .mm/s is imparted to the mass,. . 1, .
we get, . _. . . · ,llfl ( 1
Determine : (i) The displacement and velocity of mass as a 120 x 10- 3 = .- 5.55
. .
X sin <I>+ X cos <I> (. 25 2·
, . 16) ·
function of time · = ~ 5.55 X sin (0) +X cos(0)(
.. I
(ii) and the displacement and velocity after 0.5 sec. .
I • • 120x·10 "·
' -3 ;
= X ( 25.216 ~
·: . X = 0.00475 .
Given : Mass of machine, m = 18 kg,
=12 N/mm =12 x 10 3
Tim Equation (a),.for_Jisplacement
x = '
0.00475 ~
-S.5Sl ·•
, · s.~n ( 25.216 t) .. ,
vel?~itr: ~n ~e ~~~ ·.~. . ·~~lit.
l ·:

Total stiffness of springs, K N/m
The Equation (b), for
Damping.coefficient, c == 0.2 N-s/mm =0.2 x 10 N-s/m
At t =O; x=O, x = - 5.55 x 0.00475 x e-·s.s~ sin (2s.216 t) +0 1

3 e-S.SSI sin (:5.21~~.~S (25.216 t~ . ·~)S

At i =O; · x=l20mmls==120xl0- m/s
,. ·.(1;-:i .. !... '! . .

- l,. ; J:~·
' ~. \

t ... ... '•.
X = 0.0047S e -s.sSt [ 5 55 . ' . .
- • . , SID ( 25.216 t) .
+ ( 25.216) cos ( 25.216 t) )

X·· -· -,,
1 I j ! ,. • e ~

Fig. P. 6.5.1
1. Natural Circular Frequency.and Damping Factor - 3;-·-- Displacement and-Velocity after 0.5 s - ..
Natural circular frequency of the system is, . ,_ _ The displac~ment after 0.5 sec is, -~ '_' . : .. <'
~ - s.ssxo.s . ( · . , . .
·- 12 x 10 -
= 18 = 25.82 rad/s. x =0.0047 5 e · . sm 25 .21 6 x 0.5) = 1.2325 l( 10·i m

or x = 0.012325 mm . . .. ...Ans,
Damping factor is, ~ ~ .£.
cc The velocity after 0.5 sec is,
c - 0.2x 10
= -2mwn
- = 2x 18 x 25 .82 or.
~ = 0.2151 x= 0.00475 X ~- x o.s I

Natural ci.icular freque ncy ofdamped vibration is, [ - 5.55 sin (25.216 x 0.5) + (25.216) cos (25.216 xO.S)]
• . • • . ~ .l

wd = [~] w0 , radls = ["J'1-( 0.2151) ] x 25.82 x = 7.393 x 1ffi mis

or rod - = 25.216 rad/s -- x = 7.393 mm/s ...Am.

. 1·.

2. Equations for Dlspla.cement and Velocity

Since ~ <i, s ystem is under daIDped. i1terefore the equation

of motion for under damped system is,
x-- = - xe- ~ ""' 1

= X e-~..i,, sin ( ~d t +<I>)


X ec- o.21s1-" zs.s2J1 sin (25.216 t +<I>)

Xe -S.5S t siif (25.216 t +<j>) ... (a)
Soln.: ~ . ... ; ..

or x =
Given: ·:. , · • f

Di!f~re~tiating a~oye e.:ciu~t~~n ~ith re~~ct to 't', we g~t, -

x ?i
m =20 kg, K= 10 kg I cm ·= 1010 N = 9sioli
x = X sin ( 25.216 t_+ cjl) ( - 5.55.) 'e - s.s~ t , .m .· ··.. ro

c= kg-s _0.15 x 9.81 Ns · Ns

+Xe - 5.55t cos (25.21 6 t + "')
(25.216) . ... (b) 015
. cm . - -2 = 147.lSm ffi
=0 and x =0 in Equation
- Substituting t

J: ·~·
... -
(a), we get,
.. . -- - -
- '
· - .. •... .
. · v -;-------
.. 'fi6 J1dilll 111 ,,
p11JICI ...
JaUUC:JoSWCO ln!M pauu~

:1'Q"l:'. r';· F;>-::::.i.: :1.:.··,--(·
nr.._-.~.~ ~r ·r .
':·-: '· :·.~;, . .-,
.-:-·.: ;
~'):~~-~ : -~.::·~(:'.. \ • . ~·. • • • • • .I ••

....<'·'1'!<·•·~ f"aA<1C1• ' '

~\1 .+\/;·<<~ ~9ry.._• (MU . 1
-_.Sam 5 .; Meeh .,· _> . 6 14
-.-;.r..'·-- .·, .. ·'",.,· :··,-. · .. ...-· .•... .. • .. '\ ·
, .. le Degree of Freedom
. . tJon.SyS 9
t m

;~ t;'..,'.'.'~.;,;;;;;;;; ;:':' ;' . . .. ,-,. . .·.·.·. "' ..... . ·- ~ J,•1L ;,,,o;~:£~i.sj9 ;,;: ·
. · •.-;;,;.·o .I"!':: . -· "'·- Vibra
~ •c• ·..'.c4)
·~Jj~~ r._""o · . :. z . -- ~ . · Tofindoutdiip.l~ement~. l sec:_
;_::.; .
v'c . :i:O' . _, == 10 x JO . .m/s . 0.1 mis . . Pu
J ·'- ·' 1 . · .,: 10 CDJt 5· · . • ,., .. t t =1 •sec m
.- ....., ..... _ .... _,. _.
Equation (3) :
r r j:i:i,o., r. . ~,!- .. - , :. x = 4 578 10-~.3 -3.676><1. sin (2LS39)
...~ -··"· .· ·' UJ.,""'
.. .. _ .., .. . . x e
- ... -~::::22.147 · radls
.... ",:-. '·. ·= · 4:312xl0~~m.

L: .·. Ola "' '\J-Z!J · To find out velocity. after 1 ~ .•,,, :_

; ;. . · .'· ro==2x20x~.147=885.889 Pu . . . ... _ . • , .. ··
; • . "' 2 Jil ,0 · . ., • - - . t t =1 sec m Equauon (4),
·· ·.
I· ·.
Cc '. c . 147.15 166 < 1 . i = 4.578 x 10- 3 (e - 3·676 x 21.839 x cos (21.839)
;· . "' c:- s~5.,
· -~gg9~· ·
~ .. ...'.·
- 3.676 e - 3.676 ·sin (2i.S39 )j
; · . .'· in ~s underd~ped~. . = 4.578 x 10- 3 [0.5133 :.:: 0.03462)' : ·; .
sY~ [. r7?] - .:. ' ... .- · ··-:
' ' .'· "' vl-i,. (l}n ·
~x22J47 :: · ro,r.21.839 ·
' . • " .. J ' ,-. .. ; " ·:" . ,, ,.
radls.- .- ,, .1
x = 2.1916x10- 3 m · '

. ·;.Jt-u... "'- . . . . Ex. 6.5.3 ; .,-} '

oJ/' . of rno~pn for ~der dain.i)ed ·system
equanon - -· ,~ 1 •
is:, . If the syst~~
shown in Fig. p. 6.5.3(a) is d~bpped from an
'!be _. Jx .:'e - ~ sin (rod t.+ <jl) a what be' the

·x - . t • ( l ' elevation h on ' hard surface' will resulting
. _ _·.
' ' X .e
:= . SlD .2 •839 t + _ljl) - motion of the mass 'm'. Assume l; ..~ 1. • _ . , _... t ..-
:. X • -3.676t.sin(21.839t.+' .i.) ., •r : '
x := X e 'I' ... (1) : \. .

•• . • . · · • - 3· .. sin (21.839 t + "')
, ..t - ~" ·::..·-X · e . 'I'
¢erentiate w.r.t. t;
• :=
d ce-3.6761
X·dt · • ·c2
; sm · 1.839 r+'<I>)] ·,

.. dt ,. .'
-3.~ 1 .5!.di ~n (21.83~ t + cp) +~in (21.839 t +<I>) .dt
·d ~~~st]
. ·: ·
. - [ · : , •1 . ... .t
. ·, d i
j.: X e · . .
'· '
-. '
x := x h

,~1 cos (21.8391+cp)21.839 +sin (21.839 t + <!») ~- 3.676 e -3.676~) ! ,·
x. = x Fig. P. ·6 .S.3(a)
!•-UM' 21.839 cos (21.8391 + cl>) - 3.676 sin (21.839 t + cp) e -3.6181)
. ...(2) -: ... , . ~ .o. J
Soln.: '~ ) ," : \ I ;

Since ; < l, the system is.:under damped. Therefore the

Using the B.C: at · t = 0, x = 0
equation of uiotlon for undei qamped system is,
· fromF.quatiOn (1) · . -·~ -= x e-~COnl sin ( (J)d t+ ·q ,) ...- ..;::· .:;car::
0 . = X e- · sin (0 + <!>) = X ·sin (cp) • • ~ _ft . . . . . .

x .'i' 0, · and -·"··' - .. . x =· xci::

· -...,00 )-~%
.e · · . 0
· c rod .• :+ "'
·Sill "")· · ,~·
...· '·....
.. sin9 =0 ' .: ; ·+Xe-em,, cos ( c.0.i:f +ct>) rod ·<.~(b) ·

:. Ql = sin- I (0) =0 At' the imp'act i.e. when system 'stari\ii~~~illg' t ~ ·x ·d: o' o,
~d velocicy will b~ 'v' ~ sho~ iJ:~'Fig. P.'6:~;3~)° 'ai;id.(c).' '. _;
Using th.e B.C., · at t = 0, i = 0.1 mis • • '•' I •• • J ,•· , I . ' • ' · ;. • •

.. From Equation (2),

S_ub~tituting t=0 and x =0 in Equatioi:i (a), w~.g~t. :,-. :. ,
o = x sin qi since X * o,·therefore ct>" = o ·:
.. 0.1 =X [e- 0 21.839 cos (0)- 3.676 sin (0) e -~ : .,. · ,_ ·~

Substituting t = 0 and x=v in Equation (b) we get,

•• 0.1 = x. 21.839 o · ·0 ' - -. ~ i· ' .' ::)
-3 v = X ( - !; ro e sin ( 0 ) + X e cos ( 0 ) ood 0
.. x 7 4.578 ~- 10
= o·+x (J)d ':.' v '= x rod .. "
· " Dispiacement equation is given by; : r: ".
From F'.quation (1) :. x = (J)dv
•· '' > ·; I }t ,

:. x =4.'518-x io- 3 e - 3·6761 • Sin (21.839 t) ~ ... (3) Therefore equation of motion i.e. Equation (a) becomes,
- . ... : . ... ·. , ·-. - ;J
Diit :
ert,n_ti'!!C w.r.t t; - . ~-~!Ont.
:. x .. - j - : . - (
Ji . .• .. - ,'
,. • _:. . . ; , 1 , • • ; • . ,X - . <Od ·~ • . .smJ ~d t) ,,'!'. .. •••(c)
~578x10- [e - · x21.839.x cos (21.839 t)
3 3 6761

: ~ .. .. .... -- - - - - - - .. - -- -·. ....... -- - .. -

. .-0 l•tllllll••ld1•
Y PUbllc:~tlOn$

· : r'r···.· . '. •, ....
a.mies.Of Mac-.hln·a·· ·.. MU --,.Sein
.' s. ·~ ,Mech
. .. -. _,.....

(b) Before Impact .. .
" Fig. P. 6.5.4

1. Natural Clrc.ula_
r.Frequency and
. .. Damplng FllCto
The natural circular frequency is,
I ,I 1 • ' • ;r·,
~ fiI;:i03
". :- \J.IRiil -- -\J-W-
., ro . - -
'J •i I

= Js.12 lld/1
The damping.fact?r 'is,
c c
· . ~ = - or · ~=- -= 15\X)
cc · 2mroa ~
(c) Arter Impact = 1.936
Fig. P. 6.5.3
2. Expression for Displacement
According to the principle of conservation of energy, the
. Since .~ > l, the system is over damped. There~
maximum kinetic energy at the impact must be equal to the equation of motion of over damped system is, ~-~
maximum potential ~_!l~rgy of the sys~em before impact. .
x = Ae [-~+-'\J'> -· /Ti] <mt
_, ... t :
. :. "(KE)nw: = (PE>max
1 = .A e [- 1.936 ~-v t.9362'~ 1] 38.-.721
.. -m
2 v2 mgh ... __

+ B. e [- 1.93~ - - r.::r:] 3_8.'7~.t.~ .'. .. . , ... ..

. . · 'I · ·~"~ .- .
:. v = "2Pfi ~- and
A ec-10.11>1 + B eC-139.14 J t ...(a)
. or .x =
Therefore equation of motion becomes,
Differentiating Equation (a) w.r.t. time, we get,
~2gh 1 · . c1 . . .
• (rot) · ••.Ans. ·
·-' x = .- ro . e-c
-10.nt -139.I4t
. Zm>t sm d x = -1 0.77 A e . - 139.14 Be ·'- . • ...(b)
Substituting t =0 and x =O.Oi in Equation (b), we get,
0 0
0.01 = A e + B e
The system shown ·ir( Fig. P. 6.5.4 has spring stiffness 'of· ' a.. 0.01 = A+B .. ' , ...(c)
15 kN/m, a . visc9us damper having damping coefficient
1500 N-s/m an~ . a mass of 10 kg. The mass is displaced by Substituting t =0 and i =- IO in. Equatl~n (b), we get,
, "I • " , r
0.01 m. and released with a velocity of 10 mis in the direction 0 . 0
- 10 == -10.77 Ae -139.14Be .
of return .motion . .Find an expression for ttie displacement x
- 10 = - 10.77 A - 139.14 B -.. . ...(d)
of the mass in terms of time 't'; and the displacement of
Solving Equat~o;is (c) and (d), we get,·
mass after. 111 oo·sec.
Soln.: A = -0.0670.
.. : ...'
B = o.o77o
Given : Mass, m = 10 kg,
Substituting these values of A~d B in Equation (a), we gel.
Spring stiffness, K. =15 kN/~ =15 x 103 ~/m . 139 4 1
x = 0.0670 e - cio.7:7 >1 + 0.0770 e-: ~ .1 > ..JJt..
Damping coefficient, c =1500 N-s/m at t = 1/100 the displacement is, ..
At t =O; x =0.0lm, x = 0.06.~0e-10.11 ~0.01. +.0.~77~e~ 139.14xo.01
• ,1 • 1. , :; 1. . or x . = - o·.041 m . " '.Ans.
Negative sign indicates the displaceme~t is on.oppasitC side
• ! ... (Negative sign indf~a~s direction of motion is return)
· of inean"position. · ' · · ·

Sl;<irn1tldwitl1 Ca m&.:ur1nei
fl- dariiPed
,'no". Syst&m~ •hewn
14 kN/m, lo Fig.
viscous p t6·.,_5•5 has a
da'""'pe. Pring
. F=ree Darn· 9d
Sin le De
r.e OfFi"8c!om \>iillltlon. Sys·------:-j
-,~ . 1
,. stlifllent 1400 N-s/m .and a rnass of a.a
' " kg."0Vi
It I ng domPing
. . t. -_ O ~~
. and • o in &i•ati0n
• C<J.. we gci.. i,
,io1~ 12th•
1 position When rece;,es on Is Ot 'est In ils ". . o = A e' + 8 •" . . •.'

right lhal Imparts: •n inltl
mpu1.. to"'• o= k+ .
,cti"ghl m/sec to the mass .. O lnstqlltanoous - Substituting • Oand. . 8 ·• · · ...(c)
( rmlne an expression for the dispt 1 • •- 2S in e.i....., {b) we ..._
I) oete in tenns of time 't' . . •cement 'l( of the - 2S • - I0.74 A•' -1 SI .27 8 e'

hal will be the
the initial J>OS1t1on ? . . .
.. ·
displacenient 0 f
mas. the
'" - 2S -- - IO·74 A- 151.27 B
SotVing F.q ·
'"ion (e) ond (d), · •·· · we~
. ...(d)

from • time
hat lenglh of . · w111. · be ·lllquirect
· · f .·.. . . . A =the
Sub•titulJng . -0.117 B =0.117 . .
(il W ·n the position Of maximurn displace: the mas. IO se va1u,,. of A and B iti &J,,..;on (•). we ...,
• . • _ o. ,·,.,.., ·

°t ' ~-::· x· -· .~•quired

tta1 ,·. . · , \ + " . •nt ? ,, . 15UH .
3. Tim• · 117 +.
0 177 • """""
Direction- - ;I
Veloclty · _ ·,The •·. ..,. ·u.. for
. Attaining Maximum Dlaptacement
ltnpe- r-...... "<iotttono. ,• o,
att=: x• X•-is l'lll1ec
. Wi '1tain lhe P<l$;ti0n Of nwdmn,;, <li'Pla<eD>ent
When Veloei.ty J...._. • •
0 ~mes zero Le. x == o
·· == -I0.74 x 10·14L=-\si.21xo.171e- ., .2'1
· · t == o.01ss2 sec .. . _ . 1 1 1

• ;Maximum '.- ·. ·~, ··~Ads.· ·.

TI,.~ <li'Placeinent at
xlllax :: -0.177 e-•0.74xo.o~m +O.l
~f..,;,. func;~- 0:01~~;. i..
Fig. P. 6.S.s 77
XlllQ :: - 0.1343 Dl •••Ans.

sofn.: . displa~ment is on opposite side

Negative sign indicates 'the
of the tnean Position.

Given·. Mass• m· = 8.6 kg, Ex. 6.5.6
Spring stiffness, K = 14kN/m=14 x 103 N /rn . .
Damping coefficient, c = 1400 N s Im A spririg-mass-dashpot system consists of spring of stiffness
At t = O; x = 0.0lm, 400 Nim and the mass of 4 kg. The mass is displaced
· 20 mm beyond the equilibrium position ·and released. Find
At . t' =. O; . ~ = - 25 m I s the equation of motion of the mass, if th.a damping coefficient
. \; of
the :dashpot is (i) 160 N-s/m (ii) 80 N-s/m..
( Negative sign indicates direction of ~oti.on is return )
1. . Natural Frequency and Damping Factor: . .:·_, . : .. · Given:
Mass, m == 4 kg, Spring stiffu~s. K == •400 Nim
The natural ' " 1s;
circu~arfrequency . "' . . ·. ·. . ··. : , :. ..... .•:
': . The natura} circular frequ~~cy is, , . -.
. . . . "' IB -~ fi4Xlir · - ..
_ (l)n = \Jii= \J~=403~~s co. :: ~ =~== lOrad/s
The damping factor is, ·· · ·· · · The damping factor when c is 160 N-sec/m is, :· •: -.

~ ~ w; ~ ~1 · = •-cc
c - _£__ 1400 =2.01 '. I

. .= c,. . .. or - 2m 2 X 8.6 x 40.34 . _ . ..

2 c1 160
. Expression for Displacement . . or ): - - ==2
'>1 · = 2m co · 2 x 4 x 10 ' ; '.
'Since· .~ >· 1, the
. Th~dampingfact~rwhenci~80N-sec/mis, ..!,; ~.
I. · system is• ..over damped.
._ Therefore
· ' the ' , n . • . ·•'.", _' .._,- l

equ~on ~f motion of over damped system is, ···

' I ' • Ci ; ' Ci
.. ·· ·
" •"80 ' ' " ".'' '
x = AeH•'\fT.l-..•+Be[-~-~.]-.• ..,., ·... 1. ~ . =. . "C:°' .or . ~=2mco 1 ·=~ x ~x.10~ ~ --;.
• ~

=· ·A· e[-2.01
"· .. +·...'IIc2.01)2-1], .40.341
· · ·,[
+ .Be -: 201
_ ... /(2.od-1}40.34t
.: .. 'I , EquaUon of Molar For ~ 2 = _.·' · -. . ·1 .:

or x = Ae-10.74t +Be-m.27i .•:(a) ·

·. - · When' ~. = i. t!ie system is . over_' '.~·. Theref~ the .
· 1.ffierentiating
; , ; '. Equati"on (a) w·rt· ·.time• get, ~e .· equation of motion ofover damped system lS, . . 1,:- 'l

·, . · · ISi 271 ic
[ . r.r:]
= Ae-~·-\J~ [-~-· ~] ... ' . ' · .
-1 '1n.~ +Be .· -\J~ .-·
'1Q t '
x ::: : ·- 10.74 A e-10.11 t -151.27 Be- .
-· 101 +B e[-.2 - ¥ 1 ] 10.t ,~· 1
= f(;Tt]
· 'J'"'
Ae· [-2+· .•
..., . ': ··· ·' ., ., . :' ;.. .
·. ·_ ;
. .·

. ., ·. , ...>. --PYnarit1~
. . . ... .__ .
of M~c~lne (MU .· · .·.
,-Sem 5 .- .MeQh) , ... ._, • s~.17..
. Free·barriped.Si~
- r.•- -
or x · == Ae-2.6'i·~-B~ . ~.37.J2t ' : · 4
. - - • • ·-- .. ,
. ... • ·-=- ,._. ~ - ·· ·~" ,- .:t •

•' ' :, . e ; .. (a)

Differe~ti~ting Equatl~~ (~) ~.t.t tiiri~.· ~e ge(.·: ·' " .. .:.1·f"
=- 2·67. A ie-2.611
• ' ·- , I '

-. ; x .
. -37.32~e-37.321 . ...(b)
Substituting t
. .
=.0 and x .= 0.02_m m. ·Equation
(a), _we g~l,
t. · 0.()20 = A+B , ...(c)

Substituting i:.; o'ihid '= ·o·in Equation~) we get, x . ···.\..

0 ~":'~· i.6i A 1.e0 -'.37.:fa Az ~o ·· 1
F' p .
, . . • ·r . . .. 1g. •..6.S.~ :,
. · .-. 0 :::; . - 2.67 A- 37.32 B . ...(d) • < •

-'- :.SolvingEquatio~s- Cc) a:id(d),w~~et, _ . . ;: ,. .,_. ' 1. ~nlt~a,•. ~ec?llYelocl~-~~ ~~n. B~'rrel , . , ... ·'.. :·
'~ i
=· "-'.A = :0 .0215 ·· l . ~· .B - l.54x.Io- 3 . The natu{al circular frequency of th~ sy .l;e "· .. ,, .. ·
• • •- ) . !.. , . .. ·· · s mis
~u'bstituting values of .(\. and B in .Equation (a), the equation (l)n =- {E: =="' ~- • .
of motion· of system for l; =2 is, . . . .. , \J m \J 750iF-
' . ' ~ 24.49,.,.,
' ' . ' ,, '
The potential energy in ·spring is; " : -. · ·
x =:= .o.021se-~67t-:-134~~o-:-3e~37-:2'. . . . ,: . :•• Ans. 1 -1. --2

2 ·· . Equation of Motion for ~ =1 .... • ....

• . ~
.PE =·
?<IO x12
2 K x x 300 =- 3

or P.E. = 150,000 N-m . ;.

~~n _l; = 1, the system is diitically' dairi~.' Theref~fe the' The kinetic energy of the barrel is, ·
~u~tiori. of motion of critically dampCd system is, ' . d'
l ·2 1 ..
X = (A+Bl)e- Dln 1 .'· K.E. = 2 m_". .:=2xsoox/ ... ~:' ;
. '2 ' ' .
... x or K.E. = 250 v , N-m
,. ' . ..
.-. x - ~ A~-101+Bte-101 ...(e)
( K.E. )max _,. (P.E. )~
Differentiating Equation (e) w.r.t tim~: ~e ge~.
:. 250 v2 = 150000
-' ·'. ""-' x =_ -IOAe-101 +Be-101 -10Bte-101 '...(f)_ v2 = 600 '.
...:. ,·,·Substituting t-~ 0 and x =0.0~ min ~u~ti~n «~>:.~e.get, .. r.
or v - 24.49 m/sec ", :. •; .:.Ani_
:~· -~· -:. _._ · 0.02 =· ~.Ae0 +BxOxe0- .·
,.: - .. . .• •·. ' .. ' ' I ,~'. • ( .. ' ~ 2. Damping Coefficient ' ( _

:. A ·~ . 0.02
,. ;- The critical damping coefficie~·t is:·. ~·: ·. ·
Substituting t = 0 and = 0 in Equation (f), we get, x i
-. .. '
c~ .
= 2mwn·=2x500x24.49
.. o··· =· 0
~ 10Ae +Be -tOBX'Oxe 0 0
' ' · ' ·· ' cc =·• 24.49 x 103 N-s/m .... Al\
= -10x0.02~B T?e _dashpot ~ll?ws b~l to ~me back to its.initialpOsitioo
wilhm the mmunum ti~ :without oscillations. Hence, ~ I
0.2 . system must b~ critic~y damped systefil · ' ·· ;
. . ·' " I
Substituting,valu~ of A and Bin .Equation (e) tJ,te equation of ,Therefore', /" .::· ,.

motion of system for; = I is, c

~ = .. cc =
... c =Ce·...
x = 0.02e- 101
+0.2-te- 101
Ex. 6.5.7 or c = 24.49 x 103 N-s/m ...Am.
A gun of cannon is so designed that on firing, the barrel Ex. 6.5.8 .· -·. :· -~ .:." I
recoils against a spring. A dashpot at the end of the recoil . A spring-mass-damper system has a mass of 4 kg, a 1
allows the barrel to come back to its initial position within the
' stiffness of spring is .-300 Nim and damping ooefficienl d i
minimum time without any oscillations. The gun barrel has a
35 N sec/m'. Determine : : '.
mass of 500 kg and a· recoil spring of stiffness of 300 N/mm. - . '
The barrei recoils 1 m on firing. Determine : (i) Natural frequency of dam,ped vibration. · ! : . I
(i) the initial recoil velocity of the gun barrel ; and . (ii) Natural frequency .of the system, if· instead of~ I
(ii) , the damping coefficie.n t of .tre dashpot engaged at the dainping dry friction damping is present:·· " ·' ' · ,.
' end of the r~~il stroke . .what type of damping i_s it ? . Soln.: i' _ /

Soln.: Given: Mass, m 4 kg,_. = ~pring ~tiffn~ss~ ~ =300~ ._gN f

Given : Mass o_f gun barrel, ·m '= 500 kg, . ·· Damping coefficient, c =35 N-s/m, Frictional force,F,-
r 3 .:,
Stiffne5s· sprlng; K =300 N/mm =300 x 10
-1 N Im
.l.rT~ It ,, ,,.Jl[I ~

Scan ned w ith CamScanner

; 2.89 -.. ··:-··· , __ ,, . ,.,., .. , .

- rA:Jt2' +. 2 .859 '

.== -v4
.. ( .' ·:.~:
or i; = ·o.4178 '
.: . ' I :~ ' . , .

1: Stiffness
· of Spring ·. · .·..·. .· .
ped ·brations is,
_, The natural circular rrequency ?f daJJ1 vi .
d~piJJS factor
. is. c . 35 ). _ : =
~ =~ ~ 2.09 radfs , ·.' _., .. ,_,
'111'°' .E- .· · or i;
~ : : : c, • '
:== 2mro = 2 x4 x 8.66 0.50 rod ~ 3 ·· ·· . -! ;.
, n : ' .. • ; .:

I / ;

,. i\ • Jar fu:q11ericy of_damped yibrjltiqris is, ; but, rod = ron -----:-::'l:"l

...i.e II..
1_.:,,1cifCU ,
. a(UIP"'
= ·.wn ~
(J)d .
1 ~.,, .
. ,
; _, .
- '' '..·. ' . J:.· j ' I
:. 2.09 = ro~ -{I - ( 0.41_7 8 )
- = s.66 "l -( 0.5 )2 ~ 7.49.cidls •• ro
::: · 2.30 rad/S -
· . erequencY of damped vibration ~s. Now
'{11"' 11 aturitl rod 7.49
·~· ~ rg ._.
fd ::: z;=~ (l)n = '\J.ln . ~

t ·• ' ;

::: t.19Hz
I • •

••• Ans. .. . . . . : .
~ ·:- .
or f d - 2.30 . =
-· requencY W!th orv Friction o~mplrig' 1322.s2N1m
~ •• AJIS·

Natural F , -
i tural
rrequencY of the system under dry friction
'J1!t oa . . when there is no damper) is, 4. Damping Coefficient
I , da111P~~ (1.e . : - ~mK ·= - @9.400
or ron = \J in \J- 4
•.• Ans. c
8.66 rad/sec . ;.- " 0.4178 - 2 x 250 x 2.30
1 ,• • - 'J I . .
••• Ans.
. . c .=·'_480.47 N-s/m '..... , ..-

Ex. 6.5.10 · ·. ·' - \

In a damped vibrating system, the mass having 20 kg makes

40 oscillations in 25 sec. The ·amplitude of natural vibrations
decreases to one eighth -- of . the -' 'i nitial . value after
8 oscillations. Determine : ' 't ._ . , ,

(i) the logarithmic decrem~nt; _.

(ii) the damping factor arid damping c0effiCient; and
Given: Mass of motor cycle, m = 250 kg, (iii) thespringstiffness. .: ;, ._._ ·-. ., _ -.· :,- : ; ~ ;: :" .
Tune period of vibration, 1i> = 3 s
1. Logarithmic Decrement Xo = Initial amplitude,
Given: Mass, m =, Number of oscillations. n =8
x =Amplitude after one complete oscillation 1. Logarithmic Decrement ·
. 1 ~ . '

::: .-5!. Let. Xo ___ _::_ Initial amplitude,

18 x~· ·.::;,, Final .iunplitude 'afief 8 oscillations ,-.
or -
= 18 x8 = ~
The logarithmic decrement is, ~ --.

o = ~ lo!:e ( :~ . ::: I lo!:e ( ~ ... (when n = 1)

r\ - ~-
= I lo!:e ( 18) or o = 2.89 ! . \ · . .. X9
2· Damping Factor
\J 1-
27t i; ,:_1.
0 =
t p - - - fp - - - -· fp - - - - - - . - 5 t p -
, . t'
.. c; = "41ti + 02
· ; ·, -, F~g. P. 6.5.10
i. r

Scanned w ith C:amScanne r

.:., · ··. .·· .~: . ""). .. ·:.:· ... ! ·. ··; .
I .·, .~ '; •
. :·~." . :.-
,.._. ' ,·

. .:
.,.(when n =8)

1 ; • 'f • .·, .. ' 4 \ .·: . ~

=g loge ( 8)
• l '
:• •, \ .. . . . .- ~: • J •

~ ..
= 0.2599 · ••• Ans•
2. Damplng._Factor ·.
The damping factor is;
. ·O
~41t'l + (,2.
= ~41t2 + ( 0.2599 )

Fig. P. 6.5.11
or ~ = 0.0409 ••. Ans. '
· 3. Spring Stiffness Tue logarithmic decre~~nt is, .._ .
-. . '
- --,, .... ~e natural frequency of damped vibra~ons is! .'- .,,, . 0 = ~loge(~)
N 40
fd = ~ =25 ..
:" '" 'i ::.· i .-f(I'
= ~lo~(~) . ·

...(when n:::
' .

or .... _fd = 1.6 Hz.

.' 1
The natural circular rrequen~y of damped vibrations is, :== .5 lo~ (3.33)
rod . = · fd x 21t = 1.6 x 21t = 10.<;>5 rad/s
or S = 0.2407 . ·
But rod . = cp ·~ -
0 2. Damping Factor
- - --- . - :. 10.05 _: =-, (J)~ • 1 ~ ( ~.0409 )2 ..J
- ' Tue damping f~tor is~
·: . ron = 10.09 rad/s
- ·.. Now, ·
'.• ... :. IK
-\Jm- =
~41t + ( 0.2407/
. 1') 2

:. 10.09 - '1fo or ~ = 0.0382

"'· :.:• _K ,":" . 2036.16 Nim . ••• Ans.
3. Spring Stiffness
4. Damping Coefficient ..
The natural frequenc; of dampCd vibra~ons is,
c N 28 · . - . ·· - ··.
~ -= cc fd = ~ =16 orfd=1.75 Hz
or ~ = 2m ro • ' The natural circular frequency·ot damped Vibrations is,

c - (J)d = fd x 21t
or .. . - .. 0.0409 = .2 x 20 x 10.09
= 1.75 x 21t 10.99 rad/s
or c = 16.50 N-s/m .•. Ans.
but, rod = (J)D~
.. 10.99 = (J)0 " 1 - ( 0.0382 )'l '

.. (J)D = 11.00 rad/s


(J)n =~ ..-. '

'' -
11 =
'1¥ ...Al
K = 968N/m ..
Given : Mass, m =8 kg, · : Number·of oscillations, n =5
-..-_--..-,-,_-;_-.~-.-.-..--~~::---~--:~~:--~:----------------------------------..:.......------------~-~~;::~=~~ -
Scanned wrth CamScsnne<
Free Damped Single Degree of Freedom Vibration Sys~~~'·
., ex:s:s.1·3· .. -· . .. .·:
. 6:5.12 tree vibrations, mass · is· 2 kg, and . sp~n·
A mass suspended from a helical spring vibrates in a ~seous
~· d8r11Ped0 N/!11· It is.ob~erved th~t ~~-.i';litial amplitude: fluid medium whose resistanee varies. dlrectly With the speed.
ll s 1s 10 d to 1 mm in. 10 osc1llat1ons. Find.
reduce . . .: · • .. It Is observed that 1 the frequency of ·damped ·vibration .1s
sV 111,,, IS • constant c; and ., . . . .. . 10 · 0 f Its
120 per minute and the amplitude decreases to. 20OL
1oO ttie d8f1'1P'~~requency of vibrations·... --- ·. -;;. ': Initial value in one complete cycle. Find the frequency of the
(i) n8tura . . .. . .·. : ,.. , .. ..
tf19 . -- free undamped vibrations of the system. .. . .·.
OI) i . . ' ·, : .. . Soln. : · · : · ·· · ' ~ · '· · ~
50111·: wiss, ID ; i kg, Spring_stiffness, K =100 N/m, . 120. . .
Glftl>: Utude, JCo =lOO mm, Given: Frequency of damped vibration, fd =60 2 Hz
' .
·ual aJilP
JDl ber of oscillations, n =10,- Fmal ~pllt~de;·~io= 1 ~
1. Logarithmic D9crement
rJu.fll ·•· -. Let, Xo = lnitiat amplitu~.
hmlc 0ecrement ·
1.ogarlt t • _ _. x1 =Final amplitude after one complete cycle =0.2 Xo
1. . decrement. is,
. ·~ ~ L .
111elogart ' o =. ~.~~gc (~) . . " ·: . . ,: .
•• x1 - . 0.2

-·. -s {0.16~ (~)

·.= ·
...(when n.: : 10)
.The logarithmic d~ement. is,
• . , . ·., .. ~ = !t~ge·~)

. (100)
:. 0 =.·1010~
-1-· ," B .= -too-
l oe
' · ~ ..(when n =1)
' . or 0 = 0.4605

uency ·
I . ..,
· · ···
r •• B = 11 1~~ "( 0.2.
1 ) ,,
Natural Freq .
2. ~n~~uw
___1 c: ....-ular frequency is, . .. ,
or B = 1.6094
. wo
·· _IB:
= -\J;;,=-\j2=1.on rad/s
-~ 2. Damping Factor
The damping factor is,
'!be natural frequency is, . - . . ' ·.. ·. · 0 ., ..

. fo =
~ 7.071
~ = "141l+s 2
.. .1.6094

or ~ = 1.125Hz •.•Ans. = "141t~·+.( 1:6094')2 :
'!be natural circular frequency of damped vibrations is,- .. ; =.. 0.248 !
rod =w0 ~=1.011 v1-c o.0731 )~ ·
3. Frequency of Undamped Free Vibrations
!l' (J)d =7.052 rad/s The circular frequency ·of dam~ vibration is,
The natural frequency of damped vibra~on is, . ·· ·
.• ' (J)

7 .052 : . -.. .
,. ~ ' •• • ' • I ' ' 1) (J)d =- fd x 21t = 2 x 21t = 12.56 rad/s
f = ~---
d 21t - 27t . '. ,- 1 •·. . . Now,
or rd = 1.1223 Hz .. , . ...Ans. O)d : ~II~
3. Damping Constant (c) : . 12.56 = ..,J-1---(-0-.24-8_)..,.2 . •·...

The damping factor is, :'. (1)0 = 12.96 rad/s

The natural frequency is, . .
i; = ..J4 1t2.+ oi , I .• r
~ 12.96 ·· ·. ' .'
0.4605 fll = 21t=~
= "4 n 2 + ( 0.4605 )'l or ~ = 2.06Hz · •.• Ans.
= 0.0731 "·
Now, Ex: 6.5.14
c A mass of 1 kg is supported· on. ~ · sp~in.g o~ · 9S~O Nim and :
i; = 2m w0 has a dashpot having damping coefficient of 6 N-sec/m. Find ·
' the damped natural · frequency: Also find the·· logarithmic
.. 0.0731 = 2 x2x7.071 decrement and amplitude after 4 cycles, if ·. the Initial
displacement is 5 mm.· ~: : · · · . --- . · ·
.. c = 2.067 n-s/m .•• Ans. -· ... : ' ... ~· ·

.. ..

Sconned with ComScunner

.... . . · .. ·,. ·. .
. ' :

. ... . .. ,_ 1:;.6~_riarilics.'.of:~c·flfn~iY-<M~. ~ Sem'. s'~ M.eeh):.} ,.__ , 6~21:, Free oarnp'ed~Sin

Soln.: :. ' : : :· :. -' .'.: Soln.: . . ,..
a1~~~· ~ ~:
.,_,,., .. : • ,. ¥ass,
:··".,.!ll ... ···. . .·... : " · ·. ,. .. ·.
7. ~, . S~ffness of spring, K;,. 9800 N/m,
Given· ~Mass .. m · =10 kg, r·~-~: .. . ~·;·:.'::.~ < ...~ i~;
·~..:.; ·.~::;'.:
stlttness'6rspring, K =·1000 Nim;··· ·.: , ;,,_,~-. .;~}::>.::·;~
:- . . ;>

·'..; " D,~ping:c~fficient,. c = N-sec/m. · . · · 6

::-> _ :~:·Initihlampli~ude;x -=5mm,
0 '

\• \, 'pfORf~P1itUde,x~:.Nhnihet6fCY~1eS:n=4
. ,· . . . . . . .
,. ·. :· '. . .. ~ --.

~ i .r,'·
. ~::;:::~~~t~:ilod"' :~: ·.· ;.'·S
The natural circular frequency is,
·_, ;· ..• , f .•.
:--:~ :·; ~ ~·: ..
1 • Damped Natural ~~~uen~~ ' : : .. -;- : •". ., · "
: -. ; . ~.

·' (On
. .: "\J
- IBm.-- fFiX>
- \JW."
·· -~·

The·.~atural circular frequency is,

= ~· =~"
(0 = 10 .~d/g . 1 ,.
' . , ,. -(On ·' .. ·'· " • or 0

· The damping fac,, .

• J • • • • •• ) • •
,i_·: , .
or ron = 98.99 rad/s
The damping facto~ is,
,,.. • .. .. ." c .. , ' . c .. . 6 ,. .
. I; = ~or
c l;=-2--=2
mC9n x 1 X 9899


The circular frequency of damped vibrations is, The circular frequency of damped vibrations·is,
,, : . .. . .------~ 2
~n '1~_-_1; _:: 1~~
rod = ro~ ~ = 98.99-.J1 - ( 0.030 ) rod_· = .
or rod = 6.61 rad/s ·
or rod '=:= ·98.95"i·ad/s
The frequency.of damped vibrations is, The CreqUency of damped vibrati?ns is,
rod 6.61 ·
• • •
. :~
• ••
.. ' I
' - c.i>d
: .. . ' I..
.. 98.99;

f - ---- f d -- -21t--- - o r.... , · f d --

21t ..
• nz ....A
d . - _21t - . ~1t
or fd · ,.;. · 15.74 Hz ••• Ans. 2. Logarithmic Decrement ( 5 ) . ...: ·_ . .
' -~ :.. -


2. Logarithmic Decrement ( 5 ) The logarithmic decrement is, · "· " " ·

. \ - 21t. i; 27t x 0.75
The logarithmic decrement is,
21t I; . 27t x 0.030 'I'.
0 =
...JI-F; '11 - co.75 r
0 -
-.. --../1..,.f/ --../1 -;: ( 0.030 )
1 or a = 7.12 ..." }.
or a = 0.1885 ••• Ans.
3. Amplitude After.-Fo-ur Cycles \ ~ •• • I( '

but, B = ~loge (~)

•::: r-. ."
" .
= _4t'~~~e c~x
, 4
).:---'. ;.~. -.: . :-: ._ :.
.. •• Soln.: ',.~'.; .' • ,-.. I • '

.. . (when n =4) Given : Frequency of damped,

. . vibration, fd =5 Hz, n ='45~

= ~~O&e (~)
1. Logarithmic Decrement
.". 0.1885
Let. , xo =Initial amplitude,
0.1885 x4 . ~=_:~lo&e (~) x =
Final amplitude after one complete cycle 0.25 io.i
. _& _ _ 1_
o.7543 =: ·iog~-(~) ,•I • I
X45 - 0.2S
The logarithmic decrement is, .
= .&
2.126 X4 ~-.
0 = .~·~Oge(~)
.. = 2.126
= J51o&e(~)
X4 ...(when n=
··-- •..Ans.
·-or X4 - 2.Js mm
.. 0 is
= 10&e (o.~ )
or ~ = 0.03. -:-

.~J .•
,, ·.:~

Scarmed wit h CamScanne r
_'·.•'; ··1

~{~~~~ ·~··.:: ·.
<·.:·:.- , . ·. :bf Machin~rY (Mlf.~ Sem~s ;.t~etb ,.. -: _.,·: .. .. , .,.',
. . · . ·· _. . · · . _ : , . >. . · · • - Free.Damped sin le-00 ·- ~ee.ot Fre~Ciorri Vibratlon·systErm.-·
6 22

4• . Resistance of Dashpot at Unit Velocity -, · ·-·

_·· , pln9.factor ..
0 111 . . g factoris, - D
,. dlll11p1n &: -- 0.03 . amping factor is, ; -· '•

i; ,=
"4 1t'J. + fl - ..,"/4 7t7 + ( 0.03:;"5) I. ' • •• •
. ~
o 0.9485
· - ·· " · - '\/41{+ o1
i; =, 0.00477
.. •.. Ans. = 0.1492' ' .
' • 1.

~ mo,u~t~d
mas,s is on ,three springs h _c_·
I; =
~chine N/mm
and is fitted with a dashpot io' da I eac_
A'" ss 1 . 't . f mp out
sti«ne rinQ vibrations, 1 1s ound that the· arnplitud .. 0.1492 = 2 x75c x20 .. .. ...
of . ns- 0 u ·40 t 6 . e o1 ; ..

~br&~o dirninis.hes from - . : _m!TI o. mm in two complete

~br&uobeterrnine : . • . '. . ··· .· :.: •.-_._ c 447.SON-s/m ••• Ans. =
cfle5· tance of dashpot at unit velocity;
. _ - . Thik is the requi~ r~~istanee 'o f dashpot at unit velocity.
~~- .
frequency ratio of damp~d vibratiqn.s )to undamped
5: · · Ratio of Damped Vibration to Undamped Vibrations
") the . nd
(11 'brations, a ., .. .
1 . . The circular frequency of damped vii>~on is.~··" • . :· ~··
. -"th time i:>e~i~.d .C?.f ~-an:iped ~tbrallo~s.
(iii) 0 -· -· .' . (l)d = ~ . ' =20"1 -. ( 0.1492 )1.

So1"· :. Mass of machine, m· =7 5 kg, _. :. = 19.77 r3dls

.G1~en ~ess of each sp~g, . K ~- l~ N/mm - · The frequency tc!-tio of"· damped vibrations to undamped
Jnitial lill?p~tude._- Xo = 40 nµn.
vibrations is, · · .. ·
. '

final amplitude, X2 =6 mm, """'2()·.'.
NUillber of cycles, ·n =2 . . ·. • : 'co :_.'.'... ;': ,I ". -, ·_ •.

E utvalent Stiffness . ·_i ;· • ' .I I · - '

or ..._!!
; (I)~ < :
= 0.9888 ' . ' . . . . '· •. ', ·- - • I i: ..1 .. ~
- - f
1. q ' ,-·-- -· -··-- .-- ---.
'Ibe machine is mounted on 3 springs. It is assumed that these 6. · · Time Period of ·camped Vibration
springs are in parallel as shown in Fig. P. 6~5 .17.
3 . '\. . - . ·- .,
The time period of~ vibration is:
.! .· ..; ·. ,. - 2Tt ' 21t
-.-~ =.. - = 19.77
-. ··: - ' " . - - - I- -, - - (J)d

_ ---o~ ~· - _o..3~?~~ ••• Ans.

Ex. 6.5.18
Aflywhe~I of mass.20· kg~ and ·radius-of' gyration o~3 ·rp ·r'r\akes
(a) Acta~ System (b) Equivalent System tor~ionai
·' I .
vibratibns· under· ''ci tor'sion spririi { o(' stiffness
. . . . • ,. - . ' . • • ' . . \
Fig. P. 6.5.17 5'.' N-m/rad: A' viscous damp'~r is fitted to · reduce, the
I ~ 1 1. j ' l • , • . : • • • ' • . •, , '

_ Tue equivalent stiffness <?f. spring is, ,_ amplitude by a·tactor 100 over two complete cycles' fmd :· :
i.: r• '' I =-"· ·, , 1,. . • .. : ·. . .. ···.=-. ~!:
Ke = K 1 +Ki+K3 =3x K=3x·10 (i) damping factor; (ii) damping coefficient; and .. ,
'= 30N/mm (iii) periodictime.Qfdamped~s~illatlon°s .. :: ' ·' - ': -, . ··
Soln. : · .. · · ::·· - · · · · · · .. · ·· · · · ··
:. ~ = 30 x 10 NI m
\ . \ -· :- . :.: ' '• • ·i:-~· :" ';
- '• '\ o\'•:. •: • f
Given : _ . Mass of flywheel, m = ,20 kg,
2. Natu.ral Clrcula·r ~requency .. ._ • ' ._ ._ ' I • f -.. •, ,

The natural circular frequency of system is,
·. ..•
'-· ·- · ·
• · 1
=.··. ::. ,Radius of gyration,-k =0.3 m ...
• • I ' •'

Torsional spring stiffness, ~ =5 N m/rad, _<

.•:• -~- - ffin ~ ~=~=20rad/s Number of cycles, n =2 . . :: . :.;,

,. 1. Logarithmic Decrement ..-· 11. - .... ~ : i •. •, ._ ...\

3. Logarithmic Oecr~ment
,_ . . ....
. ,' . ·-,·~ ~·- . · ' . , ,. :•·
- . The logarithmic decrepient is, ' ' ~ Amplitude re~ucti~n. Xii=. x/' 1~ .·=· ·. , :::w,j

8 ~ ~log~ (~) '~

. ,, .:

. ' ..
Mass moment of inertia of flywheel is,.___ I r ; l . ' : . ' _-:'. -:

I = mk =2Q x .(0.3 )i. :::.1.8 kg~m

2 2

" 0 .= ." ~l~ge (~) ':·:<wh~n n'=.~. )

. ' . Natural circular fre<iuency of torsional vibrations iS,' · . _.

= ~lo~(~) (J)n·, -
~:-. ::-- -J1:_
'.-.- -:\J! - 1·· 6666·.'. radis
-\Ji~- . _.
• I ~r ;:.

&= 0.9485
V Ttdlllaewle,1i
,.- P'1bllt.a. 'Uons

scanned with CamScanner

--, ·. ·----:-::·. .-. -·, ·
-,··, . - · !· . ; .
__ . ." -"
:~,,. ~;~\\\\\~\·
. . .. ..· ' ·"·
' ·.,:;._
,, ,. l"'1W
\ \\'II
. ·-' - '' - ., -' · !, ,f.. {j1' 1\~

. ;~.:. •_,_,_,0_~~~~ics ~f ~achinefyJMU _·sem 5 7 M~h) .. 6-23 Free Damped Single De ree of Fre0do~v •<. • • '::· :.'.~!~1, .~

·.,..... ·.·
·. ·.:. a
11 . . . ,_·. . = ·1c,&1·c i) . ·.·.· Q~11 - 1
= 2 og,, ( 100) · . . e_ 2 . . . · . •· ~i

or . S = 2.3025 o = 0.405
2• Damping Factor 2> · Dampli:i~ !orque .~t Unit ye1oc1ty . . ...._, :·'. -(~ · .f
The damping factor is, : · : -. :·: Th~ dampin~ fac_tor is, . :. '. .. : .'..· , ,: ·.r
.' .., . 0 ' .. '
s -; s2 2.3025 - s.=· ~4- 1ti +s2 ~~1t :~ ~, . . I
'-~ ~· = ,0;0642 '·· ·_. ~ . l
.··.:--.. . - ,Y4 n +.S - ,Y4 n2 + ( 2.3025 )

or ~ = 0.344. ' .. ·_·. . ,. .
. ... ' • . • • ~J .
!.'1 , ... ., -~ ,:
or .
The torsional stiffness of shaft is,
3. · Damping Coefficient _. ,:•
.. . c . 4.5 x 1010 .i . . - .
J(- ' ;- ~ Gl~ · .·. ... x32(0.t2)4
s -- ='· ~ · &"1 L~ .
,.. . . n .

. ' . ... -..f, " 0.344 : = 2x1.8x1.6666

c . or Ki = ·.1.5268 x 106 N-m/ rad
The natural circular frequency of system is .
«; = 2.063 N-m-Sectrad (J)n = - ;f!i ~ 1.526~ X IO
This is the damping coefficlent of a damper. .\fl· , 0.08 -
4. Periodic Time of Damped Oscillations or (J)D ;:;:; 4368.63_rad/s
The circular frequency of damPecJ torsi~nal vibrations is, Now,s = ~ ·. ·.r . ., .. : 'J . ~ f . '
2 I (l)D
(l)d . •"'.. C00 ~ =: 1.6666,YL-:- ( 0.344 / , '. ~ ! . '·'
or md = 1.5648 rad/s .. 0.0642 =
2 x 0.08 x 4368.63 ..
The time period of~ vibrations is,
' :. «; = 44.87 N-m-slrad
. . ...All!,
• 2n 21t
~ = ;;;- =1.5648 or ~ =4.01 sec ••• Am. The torsional damping coefficient c1 is the damp~ ·,,..,,
. . .. g ~·~Ile
' •. d .
pt:r unit velocity. · · '·
Ex.- 6:5.19 3. Time Period of Damped Vibrations
I!- disc of mass moment of inertia 0.08 kg-m is attach~d to 2
The circular frequency of damped vibrations is;
-~ncf o( the ·shaft whose diameter is 120 m·m and length is
GOO mm long. When it ·vibrates it is observed that, the rod ~ . ffin ~ =4.368.63 ,Y l - ( 0.0642 )2
amplitudes on the same side _of the rest. position for the or ffid =· 4359.61 rad/s
. ,.
suceessive cycles_are 9°, 6° and 4°. Determine : . . The time period of d~ped vibrations is,

= -21t
(i) the logarithmic decrement; ,
tP or. - . t, , =0.00144s ...Am. ,
(ii) the damping torque at unit velocity; and . (l)d

(iii) the periodic time of observation. 4. Frequency, If Disc Is Removed From·Viscous Fluid
What would be the frequency, if the disc is removed from .' : . ··: -' . ..
viscous fluid. Assume modulus of rigidity of shaft material as The frequency of disc if it is removed from viS<:ousfluid is,
- . -. : . - . ~
10 2
4.5 x 10 NI m •
f 0 = ,695.28 ~ ... Ans.
Given : M. I. of disc, I ;:;:; 0.08 kg. m ,

Diameter of shaft, d
=120 mm;:;:;
- . .
0.12 m
Length of shaft, L :: 600 mm = 0.6 m ·

1. Logarithmic Decrement
Let, Xo ;:;:; ·Initial amplitude,
. x1 = Second amplitude, ... "2 =Third amplitude
x,.. 9 3 . x- . 6 3
~ or~---- Soln.:
•• Xj =- --
6 .- 2 ' X2 - 4 - 2
Given : Mass, m =20 kg, stiffness, k =4000 Nim___-.
, .... . prett....wr.
i• JI C1litt l
•· • • >·
.: . Vibration 5ysten:i
6:24 Free Damped Single Degree of.Fr.eedom ._.... ·-' --~~ :' - «· c.:-
. . of Machinery (MU - Sam - Mech) r :
sf'Tl'c;s ,. -· ~-. _... ··~ ...."·..""'. . .. , ._,,,.. - ···"I ..... ......... .. · ;. ......... _ . . .: ...._ ....._ .. _..:.. ~.... - > ~ ·• • .• l t'

. .~,,P~~:;~::•;;, '
1· 1 ~- , •
~ln~lffo~n.i~I E~~~ilon Mo~~~
. ... ·- - . . .- . .
of .., ' · ·:;, ' ' , , ;,
mass 111
- · . Fig. P. 6.5.2l(b) ~hows·~the : system w~e: the spring •J{'
fP • r of cycle""
~uinbe . x1 x2 deflected through··a' angle '0' , due to ~hie
- .. - will be stretched by a"distance a x= e.
t.- '

Fig. p. 6.5.20 '. ·- l

........ic decrement is,
fbe Jogan~ I . .

5 ""
nlo~e (..&)
1 ·
1 50
-- log,, (31.)
. Xn .. - ~ '
, -
... (when n = 3 ) • (b)

0 Spring ForCe F '"' Kx

"" 3 Joge3s
," ......... .. '· ~ i- .

·••• Ans.
5 "" o.1188 ..
oamplng force
2. daJJlPing factor is,
'!be - .

. -- l;
l; '
"4 n~-+ 2
8 =.v4.n 2
+ <0.1188 >2 '• ,1,

.. , -...
:. Ans.
. ,· (c)' . ·_L '
or - •- I ·. •
frequency of damped vibration . . . ..-..1. Fig. P. 6.5.21
'!be natural circular frequency of damped vibrations is,
(l}d = fd X 21t = 1.6 X 27t =10.05 rad/s ·.I .,
From Fig. P. 6.5.2l(c),

(l)d = (l)n ~- L [ Inertia torque + External torqu~ ] =0 .-_ ..

(l)d = ~ "I - (0.0189)2 ·· lo0+cxa+Kxa
: · ~·] ~ -·

... .. . rod = 199.96 rad/s .. . .. IoS+ca

e+Ka2e = o . ... ('..·· x=aS.ruidx~-_a0] .. _. (a)
fd _· = ~ =31.82Hz
27t . - •.'.A·ns.
.. (cI:'"'a 2
• (K·a2-
). · '·
T 0=0 . ..... .
. •. .._.(b)

Ex. 6.5.21 This is the fundame~tal differential equation of motion for

Establish differential equation of motion and find expressions
single . 'de&ree of rreedom of a system having viscous
for : the critical damping coefficient, and the frequency of .
vibrations; for the system shown in Fig. P. 6.5.21 (a}. If
damping. This is a lineal-' differential equation of the second
m=2 kg, K = 4000 Nim, I= 200 mm 'and a= 75 mm find the order and its solution can be written as substituting
• .., .' • • • i 1} ~1 I ' : :.. ·:

value of damping coefficient for which the system is criti~ally

damped. e . =. e~:.-. \ ~:·· e = s est
.·:;. / rJ t : ~ 11•

st ';
- · -

.. e =.... s e ..
Ther~fure· &i~ation -Cb)·~·aE·b~ written as,
t_·_ . l .. 2 '. •
52 st £..!...s sL Ka sL _
e + I0 e + .. I 0 . '' • e. .. ..-:-. . .,. 0
J.~ :~ . .. j ... ;~
.' ·.-,- ·. ., ' .· ..

• • , 4

s2 + ( _c_ .a2) s +; (KIoa2) . ·= . o :, :
Io ~.
•.t; .
... (c)


Fig. P. 6.S.21(a)

Scanned w ith C;1mScanner
, ... r·
' ! • ·;.::;..~


2 fd =~
21t .•
= ... ['.' c=cc]
r,- ~ 2~h}~~~~rr. H. ......
21 0 Io
2 4 or
c a Ka2
> :: : ~
41 = lo ·
... -...............· ' 4. , Damping Coefficient
K a2 41
2 .
When m =2 kg, K =400 Nim. l =200 _mm -~d a= 75
cc . :=. - 10 · x7 The critical damping coefficient is, :· .. · ,nun.
2 4KI
.. c . .. = --,- 2l. r.;-::' . 2 x 0.2 . .
.c • .a
·" •. _. cc _ =. a""~. m = 0.'!75 ~4000 Xi
... cc = 2 a .JKi "~ 2 ..JKID? ... ["'l=mll · ·· or cc = 477.02 N-s/m
a -;---:-:--------------:-:--~~.;.,,.__~~~·~~
or cc = 281~ •••Ans. Ex. 6:5.22
< . . A door along with "door~closing ·system shown .
.Alternate Solution Fig. P: 6.5.22(~), has a mo~ent of inertia of 25 kg·m2 abo:
From Equation (a), the hinge aX1s. If the -stiffness . of torsional sprin .
20 N-m/rad, find the most ~uitable
value o_ f the da~iri~
I 0 S+ca2 e+Ka2 0 ·= 0 ,,,,. •· ... (d)
Equation (d) can be written as, /

Door {Top View)

' '

For critically damped torsional vibrations,·

Cu: = 2 la COn ~ .. ;· '

~- =2, V~ flll
I ,
= 21 -
-"le o \JI ~.lo . .. ., : ' ~

, I
:. cca2 = 2VKa inf .. ,,·
· .
,. 2 .I z ~ 2al_r.;-::
= -z
a .
vKa mt =-r"\'Km
a .~ •.
Soln: :
21 -. From Fig. P. 6.5.22(b) shows the system when door is
= -.../Km
a '
... Ans.
deflected through an angle '8'.
But, From Fig. P. 6.5.22(c).

3. Frequency of Damped Vibrations

The.circular damped frequency is, · '.

(l)d = (l)n V. ·r:-c'lS =

1 .,..
v 2
(l)n - (l)n

. Fig. P. 6.s~22ci>> .
\"'' ...!
~ - ..
.' '.,
· 6-26 F ·
.. ... ' ·. ·~ • : ··.- - ~.~:·.. -~~e-~~~~ed Sin le Degree of Freedom Vibration System·.
-- .. .. ~ -~ ... _-:....,..-.. ._...~~- ..·- - .. . ~ ........... .·. ...,:_ .'

---- . ~ . ·10 0 +c a 2
e+ Ki a = 0
. ••.(i)
. · lnerti;;:~.qu;. 10
Damping Force.Fe• cX
Fig. P •.6.5.2~(c)


:1 .. . (b)
... [ ••• x =~e an.d.. : . > ·;i· .i.;·.
, - .. X=a0]
•• • 1 ••
.. ·~

.. 29+tr 0=0 .
~ a+ c a ..'t. . . . :· . . . ..(i)
~ .
'Jbe above Equatton (1) can be wntten as, ' +•' • •

• • ( ' :. ~ I:
r ..:. :..·i
Kie = K,. Fig. P. 6.5.23(B)
for criticallY dain~ ~orsioriai vibiatioii~; l
! The above Equation (i) ~ ~ ·~tte~ ~. . · ·: ·i: ·
· Cle = 2X\}K,.e1a · ' . ' I • • : J • ~ : _, , ,• : - • _,, : • 'j ·. ,.{

';ca~ = 2x~
cc= 7~ ' Where,
cte =ca • . ,..
2 .
·. J • • ~ I''"°; • i .

= o.~5 2'120 x 25
For critically damped torsional vibrations,
•. cc = 17888.54 N sec'ni ... Aris. J • ,; i
cie = 2xvKiero
.. .. . ·.·
I , f •
= 2x~ . \...

2 . . 2
cc = 7-JK:I:, = .0.12 v2s ~20 .;


Fig. P. 6.5.23(A)

- From Fig. P. 6.5.23(B) shows - the system when door is
Fig~ P. 6.5.24(a)
deflected through an angle ·e·. . -- ' .
From Fig. P.6.5.23(B). l i.! '
,Soln. : ·.
L[Inertia torque + External°torqu~s ) =o · '
~- Fig. P: ~..S.~(b) sh~~~ the system when it defleeted through
1 • - • • -
an 3:0g~e .0.- · /' '. _.\ \ _ r. . _ ,
' ··~ : ·.ff• • ' I

Scanned w ill1 CamScat111K

.·.:.. . . - -- ,.-- ·-"""; · .,

2s. . r· ..
Sm . , r : . . :...


(b) or
Damping Force, Alternate SoluUon
... ...

Fa• cl(
m --- ----------·re
. -
Spring Force,
F •Ky 0
From Equation (a),

I0 e+9a2ce+t6a2Ke
• .
= 0
(c) 2
•. 2 • 2
Fig. P. 6.5.24 .. m(2a) 0+9a c0+16a K0=0 _
-- 2 • 2
Let, 4m a2 8 + 9a c 8 + 16 a K 8 =O- - ·
'·:. ·-~,
Deflection in spring = y = 4a The above Equation (d) can be written as,

Spring force due to spring = Ky = K 4a 0

I0 8+c1e0+~8 ·= 0
Damping force due to damper = dx::: c 3 a a Where, 10 = 4m a c1e= 9a c
2 2 .
~= 16 a K

From Fig. P. 6.5.24{c).

For critically damped system,
L [Inertia torque+ External torque]=' O Cte = 2'1 ~10
S+ c x. 3a + Ky . 4a ..
I0 .;," 0
.. 9a cc
= 2 '116 a K .4m a'l
· · I0 S+ 9 a2 ca+ 16 a2 K 9 - = O. .. .(a) .. cc = 9a
2V64 a4 K. tn
.. 9 a c ·· 16 a2 K '1K m
9+-I-e+ I 9 -o- .. cc = 196 ... ~
o 0

2 c c
_ 9a c · 16 a2 K But 1;
.-. - 9 + m ( 2a 9 + m ( 2a )2 9 . _=. 6 = cc = 196 '1K m
9c) · (4 K) _. 9c
:. e·· + ( 4m e+ m 9 = 0 .. .(b) . = I6'1Km
This is a linear differential Equation of the second order and From Equation {b) we can write,
its solution can be written assubsequently - (!) = ~4K
.. 2 St
e = est .. e = s est : . . e =s e
The circular damped frequency is,
Therefore, . ' (l)d = (!)
1-~ ="12 22
D 2 D

S 2 e St + ( -49c -) S St • (' 4 K ) t O
m.· e -+· - m e =
s_ .• _.(c)
f I '
. or 4K ~ 4Kx( 9c ) ,red's
The.Equ~tion (c) is;the quadric E<iuati~n for which two roots m m 16ffe
are: \- The frequency of damped _vibration is,
' .' , I· lo. 1 4K_ 4K x (. 9c _\ ,lh ..kus.
(s~c)±~(:~)2-(4:) , \16~
or fd Zn m m

""'i. \ •
Fig'..P. 6.S.25(a)
. . .J• •

. sho~s the
. sy~tem in displaced position.
' (b)
: 'p. 6.5.25(b}
Let. a :: angular displacement of pulley. rad

:: d"splacement of mass ml and spring
. i :K,, m = r, e
lCz :: displac.e ment of mass Il12 and spring ~. m = r2 e
From Fig. P. 6.5.25(c)
~[Inertia torque + External tor~ue] = 0

But, x1 =r1 e ;x 1 =r1 8 X1 =r1 8

-" T' f
) '
and xi =r2 e ;x2 =r2 e ~· =r2 e (c)
~·~· . ..~',..
~ 'i
Fig. P.'6.S.25 ··. _ , _.· I

' :>.
:. (~+m1 r;~~r;)e . •
+cr{e +(K 1 r;~~~;)e=o
. I'

... (a)
Where I =I>T + mI r2I + --;.
m_ r2
. '
' ,,

c-c2J( K i '- 2
ie- r1~'1e= 1r1+~r2 I
Cylinder Of •
. - Equation (a) is called the fundamen'ta:I differential equation of 'R' and mass 'm'
~cition for a single degree of freedom of a system having
't'!scous damping. The system is.said to be critically damped
When~= I.Therefore, .

2-~ffi0=~l~~·2~~ .
;. . . ..
Fig. P. 6.5.26 t .· ). . ·. , I ....

Scarmt!ll with CamSca rnM

Considering linear motion of roiler
' - '
L i!lertia force + External fo~e O -'.; =:
··.-... - ··· . _~... ·. ..-., .. __.,.:·.. i· ~· ··-· . ·-·~·
+K x ...:; p; = o-
.. . .
0 m x ··+c x equating it to zero.
. F, _ = · (m x+ Gx+ Kx) I

~op spring force ·= (219\

Considering rotary motion of roller ·
L fuerti~. torq~e' + Ex~mal m,rq~e ~ :0 -
moment = · (2K.· x) zt3
' ,.
Bottom spring force =:.KX
Io 0 +F,.R =·· 0
- 1 2 •• .. • ·- I i
moment . =.i .I<X l/3
2 mR 0 + (m x + c x + Kx) R.::= o !. . . ..... ~.~

I .. . .: . Inertia force for disc -:: :·mx

-2 mR
:;<. · ..
0 + cR2
'·- ·a +KR
. ·-:
.. -., j, j

-...__ . . .... . . .
-~ '
·' moment =: l/3
3 "
2 me + ce +·~ e = o
Rotary motion of slender b_cu:. : .,.
8.+ ( ;~) e~ ( ;!fe = 0 Inertia torque = I<!>
;1.. ;-.; 2
For natural frequency _c =.0, therefore
. l
As slender bar mass M.I. = 12ml
e.. +(2K)
3m S = ,O

. ( . i ..- Inertia torque -· (1~ nll2) (3~l) =in
.. CJl·
n = 3m ..
= .
or (J) '
n = \[! ~~cl/sec.
I - ' ~?
.Damping force.. Cx ; . ~~ -.' - :

Adding and equating to zero, - '. ': .·

1 . .. .. . 1 ..
2 x K lf3 +K x l/3 + mx l/3 +1mrx +'-;pnlx +C x113:

' I

' ·1
··[7· 1~] · .· . c . .
i.e. mx 12 +17 + Kx +3~. =~

Let, m,, = (. 127+2[

Ir) m .
. I ,

·"' .. ~
The equivalent sy~tem is "as shown in Fig. P. 6.5.27(b)
:.:.: ; : :~ ,' ·::.:· ...._ -· A ..
ci' Mc= [i2+~tl 'Ii

Thick disk .
- of mass m,
no sl_ip _ ~ ,
I ~I t • • ._ ,

•: . • ._" I/ I i,";
•· ••••• ' •·.• ··:, • • ; f \

t . ;r.: .;~ r~ ~ , d; :· t" ·

- ,..: Fig.P.6.s:21(a)

,. · i:r· ·: - . '

;oln.: F!g. P. 6.5.~7.(b)

~ ! '. . '; ': ! ._ .

x be the displacement ofthe.diSc ·· ,: i1

... ,.. ,
....- . . -- -- ... .,
.- ·•Tedi

Scanned with CamScan nElf


. . .. .. . .. .. . vu:iration system .
ree of Freedom - _ , . . . .-·· · ·~
. .. . 9 . .· -· ." jf·
re +c j6L2e +K:4 e 0 of mass m
K =2 x 105NJni c= 400 N-slm .
Fig. p~ 6.5.28(a)
L =1.2 m m=.1okg
(i) =350 rad/sec ·: Y = 0.01 m

!O'n·: . Iar displacement of inverted pendulum. _ Fig. P. ·6.5:290.-~ _ I ~ - ,,. ' • • • •

betbeangu ... ,
lt4 0 . y Soln.: ' •,' I,
0 ~t~-(b h) - The F.B.D. of the system is shoWri ln--Fig. P:6.5.29(B),
tan 2 4 +z
. K .(~0-~YL: :
.. x =2
( '

.. y ~ ( 4
.. Spring fiorce = Kx=K- 29
. 3 .
l)ulllping force = cy = c · 4 L 0 (a) External forees
y ·· ·-.

4 ..
I I ~


(b) Effective forces

Fig. P. 6.S.29(B) : F.B.D. of system
~- '

Talcing moments about 'O'

-k(~LS-y)(~L}-t cLe (~)::; 112mr} 8 +imLe C*L)

]_ 2.. .l.. 2 .2.. 2 3 . 3
Fig. P. 6.5.28(b) 48 mL e + 16 cL 0 + 16 kL 0 =4 kLy(t) = 4 kYL sin oot ... (1)
. .

. ~ torque + External torque] =o _The natural frequency of and ·d amping ratio are

:. ro+cy x2.Le Kx L 9
+ ·2 -kr..2 ·
. 4 = 0 . 16 . . - "~27k . ., _-, ,·
:. IO+ }. • 3
- ·mL
· 2 . 7m
= - ..
·: ~4L+K· ~ 0·~=
48, . - .• '
0 - ,. ,·~ • ~ I '•. • ~',• '
f ~ •

Scanned with CamScanner

.. '' · .. ' •

namlc:S of Machine. MU • Sam s . Mech

(l)D =
27 {2X ·10 l rnd
7 (10 kg) =277.Ss
. I

i6C L2 Ce = C1 + ~ + C:J ... Ans.

2~_co0 = ;2·
'1 1
~ -
= -- 3c
14 mro0 -
3 (400)
14 (10 kg) (277.7)

iJ.L ;, I ••

= 0.0309
From Equation (1) we can write,
3 3 5
F0 . =4 KLY =4.(2 x 10 )(l.2)(0.01)

= 1800N-m
(a) Actual System
mcq = 487 mL2 = 487 (10) (1 .2)
=2.1 kg-m2
r 11
The frequency ratio for the system is
(J) 350 . Pivot
r = (J)n = 277.8 = 1.26 ' x
The magnification factor is t
. l ..
m(l.26,0.0309) = 1.69
'\/[1 - ci.26>1l + [2 co.0309> c1.26>Jl .
The steady-state amplitude is, (b) Equivalent System
M"'lro e Fig. P. 6.5.30(B)
= m {l.26,0.0309)

e = F 0 m (l.26,0i0309) _ (1800 N-m)(l.69) (il) When three dampers are in series

M ro · · 2- ( rad) If three dampers are in series and subjected to force F, then,
. oq n c2.1 kg-m J 277.8s
F = C1X1. F=~X2• F=~X3 and F=c.x
0 = O.o188 rad= l.08°
But, x= X1 + X2 + X3
.. c.
= -+-+-
Cl ~ ~
1 1 1 1
.. c. = -+-+-
C1 Ci S

------12 .
'1 ..,

I ~• •

Fig. P. 6.5.30(A)

Soln.: (a) Actual System ·. (b) Equivalent System

(i) When three dampers are in parallel
Fig. P. 6.S.30(C)
Let, x be the displacem~nt' of dampers and c. be the
equivalent damper in parallel, then for damping forces, we get,

t!"f'tm"IT9..n_..._ ...,.... _ _ ..... . . ~.~ -- --- -- · .: _ __ ___ _ _

. ..

Machir\erY (MU>~sern s -·Mech) :.~ ·

. . . . .· fr!iCS o1· . . . Free Damped Singie Degre~ of Freeda~ Vibratio~·sysilim
L , o~n9 daJllpers are connected to a rigid bar as
1[L·..· ."'11eJ1
~• p. 6.5.30(D>: .
r. YT y
c,JI) sJIOlfll
jJI f)g• . . .

Soln.: -- .
Given : m =0.5 kg, x =2 1llill. xn = 20
IDID, n = 10
tual System. ' (b) Equivalent System Stiffiiess of spring is,
I (•) j\C .
Fig. J.>; 6.5.30(D) _~ -
. .
. .K· ·= .~ = 0.5 x 9:_831 = 2452.5 Nim
i ·- ·. X . . 2X10 .
: .0 . .
Now, .

con = ···~ =~ =·7o.o3~-r:~s ....Ans.

and f = ~ =-7.0.03 11.14 Hz = ..• Ans. .
D 21t., · 21t . ,
It is given that the sy~~e~· co~pletes 10 full cycles ~~·- stops
at the extreme position on the side on which it displac~. therefore
in this position spring foree will be equal to friction foree.
F,;' -= KxA =Fr _.. - ·'
..The loss of amplitude per cycle is,
. 4F 4KxA- .
~ ·... - .
501n.: . /!;. = 1(=~_ =4XA
mass ro =2 kg, Spring stiffness, ·' ·t. -('
Given: ' .• The amplitude is t~ reduce' from X,, to XA in 10 cycles; d
!{ ::l )( 10
3 Nim. Fnct:Ional force, F, =2 N •• . XA = ·X,,-:.D A . ., .
oecrease in amplinide. Xo-X,, = 22 cm =_220 mm XA = Xn-nX4 _XA

Loss of Amplitude Per Cycle ·~ "! · _ · 20 .

1. XA = 4n + 1 '; 4 X 10 + 1 . ,- • :
'!be Joss of amplinide per cycle is, _ -
4 Fr 4x2 -3
= 0.488mm . ••• ~ns.
/!;. = K = l x 103= 8 ?< 10 m ' The Fmal rest position will be at'o :48s-irim · · '. . ', t , ! ·' .:.

The coulomb damping is, -. . .

or Ii = 8 mm •••Ans. ,
Fr = KxA = 2452.5 x 0.488 x 10
. , , .. .. . . ._3··

2. No. of cycles
F, = .t .•196N .... ., 0,, :-. r :: · .· ~Ans.
Jn determining the number of cycles, we know that,
x,, = Xo-n !!;.
.. Xo-X,, = n /!;.

.. 220 = nx8
.. n = 27.5 half cycles ...Ans.
Neglect mass
3. Time Elapsed Before Stopping 21
. l of rod

The time elapsed before the mass stops is,

' ~ . l'I ' •
•' I• · - ·· ' '
. 27t
t = n x - =27.5x ~
wn K : ~.. I '.
. . m
I .! :
- 27.5 x 21t
. .· : I ' ......

K= 100 N/cm c= {Ns/m . m=50kg

' ~-
. or t = 7.72s ••• Ans.
Fig. P. 6.5.33(A) ,)
; ---· .. ' t' . .

r. .

B Tedtb•wld.9i
: Publications

Scmm!!'ll w ilh Cm11Scm11lt'r

. ~··- ·, . . ··. · .
. .• " ·I

. ·.I" .. . . . . '. :~q::~;·:}.~~~;.'~

·• Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem s - Me~h 6·33 Free Damped Sin le Degree of Freedom Vibrati~ : ::-:··,:<:\
· Soln. : '· · ·
· . ..; . = 14.14"11-1.76 x. 10~.-= 14 ;13 · .·. . .· ···1
.. .., ·>" : ~~ .. ·.
The natural frequency 1s, . .· · :... . ·::, .
. I

'. ' ~ ' .·-,..,

• . ·•.; ~ : • f

The dainped ~equency is,

~ 14.13 . .
rd = 21t =~ =2.24 I;Iz .

(a) The Iogari~mic decrement is,

2$ 21t x 3.53 x 10·'

O =~r-;:j
' "\/ 1 -
1- 3.53 x 10-
= 2.21 X·lo-
. .

Fig. P. 6.5.33(B)
·; .I. '
,. peflection in spring = y=210
Spring force = Ky=K210 For a critically damped system

Damping force = ex - c10 : .. [x '=:101

0(t) = e-oi,,t[A+Bt]
From Fig. P. 6.5.33(B)(b), 0 (0) = 2. and 0 (0) =O
l: [Inertia torque+ External torque] ~ O 7t
IS + cxl + Icy . 21 - Hence, A 2 .. =
·. a(t) = B e-oi,,t· - con e-.,,;1 (A + Bt) ' ·
Ie +cfe +K4z20 = 0

T 0+ (4¥)
..a+ (c8. 0 = B -conA .
-I- 0 = 0 7t
B = A (t)n =2 X (J)n
·· (4mcfi20a·+ (4m
• " .•.

z2 ° =
4Kf} o· .... [I= m(21)2)
a+ ''
'e c1) = e- oi,,l ~+~ro0 t J
a+ (4~) 8+ (!)0 = 0 7t 7t-oi,,t . 1· ·
Also 180 = 2e (l +cont)
The system is critically damped when Wn l
or e . = 90 (1 ·'i_: ro t)

= (!) Solving the above equation; we get

= 6.516
(1)0 t ' .
= (!) Moment of inertia of the door about the x-axis
.. cc = 8m~=8~
J = ~ ID ( a2 + b 2
) +m ( ~)
.. = 8 -../100 x 50 z' .
. .. . ·2 .• • .•
cc = 5656.85 Ns/m = ( 0.75 a
+ 0.5 b ) m ·
. 350
The damping factor is, Here a = 1 ~· b = 40 mm and m = .
9. 81
=35.678 kg
c . 1 6 -4 .. ' - l
. .,, = cc = 5656.85 = 1.? x lO I = [0.75 x 1+0.5 x (0.04)2 ] x 35.678 =26.787 kgm
The natural circular frequency of system is, .;. · ~ _1-ffr .
-\J T = \J 26.7.87. =0.0611 rad/s
ro0 . = V! =~ = 14.1~ raru:sec.
con =

6.516 --
The damped circular natural frequency is, (1)0

Wd = ron ff-2- - 6.516

= Q.06i1 =106.64s •••A~


Scanned with Ca mSc.lroner

. . · · Vibration
1 S
Free Damped Single De ree of Freedom
. • . actS as
The frictional force, which is constant in r:nagJU~:.,piJJg js
· , fJ'ctiODUo"~
. damping force. Therefore, coulomb or dry n
also know as constant damping.
·•RI'! .
I E>cfemal FOf'CS

. .. (i) w .mg
Fig. 6.6.1

In displaced position the forces acting on the mass are :

(i) Spring force, Kx (opposite to displacement x)
· ·. ' . · (ii) Fri<:tion force, Fr (opposite to velocity x)

~ ( opposite ~ ~leration
(iii) Inertia force, m x)
Cons1der a spring-mass system. show m. Fi1g. 6 ·6 ·2 ' with IJ)3SS
'm' sliding on a dry surface. Let µ be the coefficient of dry
fri6tion between the two s~f~s. In equilibrium. position, the
spring us unstretched and no fractional force acts on the 1Jl3SS·
•..Ans. - ' Equllbrium '( Mean)

' re the value A.

=x Fig. 6.6.2: Spring-mass System with Coulomb or
0wJ\/ (vo + l; ron xo)2 t (xo rod)2 :·.'·;· ·: · Dry·Friction Damping
y( +- l; )2 + (x rod)2 ••.Ans.
v0 Olnx0
:. A =
The displacement x, velocity xand acceleration i are taken as
p~siti\:e towards the right side of the equilibrium (or mean)
""' Syllabus Topic : Coulomb's Damping ·· position and taken as negative towards the left side of the
;;quilibrium (or mean) position.
6.6 Free Vibrations with Coulomb or In one cycle, the. motion of mass can be divided_into four
Dry Friction Damping quarters.· · ! '
. (

Coulomb damping is the damping that occurs when· two •., " • f'
drY First Quarter : Mass Is on right side of equl!I°brlum
orunlubricated surfaces slide against each other. ·. ·· · position and moving towards right
.. ,
Coulomb's law of dry friction states that, when twQ surfaces
Second Quarter : Mass Is on right side of equilibrium
are in contact with each other, the force required to produce
sliding between them is proportional to lumnal force or position and moving towards left.
nannal reaction between two surfaces In another' words, the Third Quarter : Mass Is on left· side· of equlllbrlum
/rictional force is directly proportional to the normal
'eaction. : position and moving towards left

Fourth Quarter : Ma~s Is· on left side of ·equlllbrlum

µ = coefficient of friction . · position and moving towar~s right
• '!be fri · ·
CtiooaI force 'F ' .
bod r is always opposes the motion of the
y. Hence d .
body th . ' epending upon the direction of motion of
'_ e direction of frictional force· Wili' ci.lso change.

St:ilrm!KI wilh Cu111S1.:arnlt.'I

. ,;.• . · ·: ,. ' . <; • . .- ,_ . \
, '• . ·.··.·
·.· ' ·•. ...~ ·~ : . .--~ . . . .· . . •. . .. .

_,;, Oynamies of Machi - .·. . . .. . . .

,:.::._ ; : ·. · . . . . ·. , nery (MU.-: Sem .5 :.. Mech) .·· · ·. 6~35 .
..._:::. -;:;_.,:,,.. . .:..·~ ~ . . .. .
• , : ~ • • "_'; • ,l.~.~ I ' •

·t'_: .:?·':---;.~' : :,;. L' .· -~ ~ ··-. ·.-·· .

·· :' {: .i
; • .. • 1 I• • '· ~.;~ (

Mean : •' ·. ,. .J . :
.Position .· /t----....J\A/\ .· .... • '

\ -· ·: : i. : ~' ...·:

; . +x,+X.+x .. '~ .:·

·~ ·.. .
First. Motion
Quadrant ·
F ~I__ '.
(•) r I
K II .

'. Second ,;/ t - - - - - " - - - Motion

Quadrant I

t •I . I
·: "~-; ·: t . ~ .. . !-i . : .
.. ~ .
. ''! . . , ~ '1.
Fr I
,, . ' .. : ~ . ·, (b) I

.. .'· ·
-.-; -x.-x.-x I
.Third .• i..-- Motion
· Quadrant
; .


.' -~ ;. ·~

Fourth ~otion·.
Quadrant I

. ;.-

~. '· ,:. :- ·-· ---m(-x)


I . ~:


- ".'; .. Fig. 6.6.3 L· ,· _. • t • ;

\ 'I. ~ • , .I

First Quarter : Mass is on right side of equilibrium

or mx + Kx-F; = 0 ...(b)
;- · - position and mo_v ing tow~ right
~~ Quarter : .Mass is on left side of. equilibriWI
.~ Fro~ Fig. 6.6.3 ; position and moving towards left · .·
~ [ Inertia force + External for~es ] = 0

From 6.6.3(c) ; " · ••

- mx - Kx - Fr = 0 L [ In~rtia force + External for~s j = 0
I• ... ,
or .m~-x)+K(-x)....:Fr=O
or . mx+Kx~F( = 0 ... (a)
·,·- Second Quarter : Mass is on right side of equilibrium or r mx+Kx -Fr=O :..(,
-:- Fourth Quarter : Mass is on left side of equilibriu
position ~d moving towards left.
position and moving towards right
From Fig. 6.6.3(b); From Fig. 6.6.3(d) ;

t ·cin·~~-~ -i~r~e- +.~~~e~~ ior~s 1~ o-· L [ Inertia force + External forces ] . = 0

- mX - Kx +Fr = 0 m(-x)+K( - x)-Fr = 0 ·. ~ : .. . .

scanned with CamScanner -

· · f Machine (MU - Sem 5 -. Mech) 5 em
. . 6·36 ree of FreedOm Vibration
,....JcS 0 . -.
0 fl"''' .. .
..- ~+
•• + ..r., Fr = O .. K F
.. .~: . . .
pJ1' ·••• (d) ·x +-x _=.J: ·
m m · = o. ~ ~ ~

~d ~o
fltS' .
.,. urtb Quarter of cycle : The dlffcrenti I
of .motion for first and fourth . quarter of cycle X+ffi FJ = 0
. K[ x-j(· ••. (i)

" ~11au005 ) and (d) are similar and can be written as

uations (a
+ Kx + F. = 0 ; .. . . . I
.. Kx·+ft
x+ m = o

Let, y

.. y
= x- ft

· Substituting Equations (j) in Equation (i) we get,

} .. ..

· '"+~[x+~]
J( Ill .. .
-= 0 .. . (e)
= 0

Let, ·y = x +=-t
m ... (t) The Equation (k) represents the simple harJDOIDC motion
·about y = O i.c,
•• y = x
• ting &juation (0 i~ E(iuation (e),_we get,

= ft
511bsUtu '·. . · ..•.. [Refer Fig. 6.6.4]
.. J(
+ -y .=
0 ...(g) i.e.x K
." Y Jil
The natural frequency, of dainped vibr3tions for this part of
-a,, ation (g) represents ~e si~ple hamionic motion
'}lie l-"fu . cycle is,
, bout y:::: 0 i,e. , . .. F
a . F . . ... (l)
x +jt = 0 i.e. x =-}( ....[ Refer Fig. 6.6.4 ]
'fbe natural frequency .of damped vibrations for this part of From Equations {h) and (I) it is seen that. the natural
frequency of damped vibrations f~r the system with coulomb
cycle is,
damping is same as that of nablral frequency of undamped
' ...(h)
·' •, · · · vibrations.
second and Third Quarter of <;:ycle : .T he time period is given by,
, The differential Equations .of motion ·for ~ond and third 21t
quarter of cycle [Equations (b) and (c)] are simil~ and can be
~ = c;;-.s n

written as, .

mi + Kx - F, = 0

2wn .,

l .·

--- ---- ------""""e . ;

t =21t

P (l)n

' .

Fi~. 6.6.4 ·: Displace~ent vs ~e Plot for Coulomb o; Dry Friction Dampm°g

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- . . ·.. 1-, . ,·
. · ..

....!.. ' .
Fig. 66 4 . ., '
am . · · shows a rate of decay · of vibrations i.e. -loss of
·. Plitude per cycle with coulomb damping
- ' Co~sj der cyde startizig from · point A · (i.e. extreme left
position). !
Atpo· A · .. -.
tnt • the velocity of maii's 'in' is zero hence total the
energy Of·the" system,'. Which is du~ to ef~tic deformation
; _,_. __(strain energy) is given by, ..

. ... u~ ~, iKx~. . , . ... (m)

As the system moves from point A to point B ·(i.e. from
extreme left position to extreme right position), because of
coulomb damping, there is decay of vibrations. At point B,
. the amplitude reduces to 'X8 '. At point B, the velocity of I = mass moment of ine~-~ ~f diS<: under torsionai
vibrations about an axis, _kg-m2 . · .. · ··
. " inass 'm' in again zero, hence the total energy of the system,
-. ~hicb is straj.n ~n.~~gy:is giyen by, . , Ki = torsional stiffiness of rod or shaft supporting the
disc, N-m/rad .
-.. U8 ~- 'tKx~ ... (n) T, = · Frictional torque due to coulomb danip~n~.~N-rn
The loss of energy in half cycle from point A to point B is, a = ~gular displacement' of disc from_m~ i>Ositio~. rad
I 2 1 2
L\.U = UA - _Ua =2KXA-2KXa a = angular v~locity of ~s~, rad/s
I,. _: ,,•

. ' .
or .A. U
= t K ex!_-Xi)
... (6.6.1) a = angular acceleration of disc, rad/s2

The loss of energy is due to work done against frictional The natural frequency of damped Torsional vibrations is
. (
· given by, '

force. This work done against frictional force is given by,

W = Force x Distance traveled
.- • 11 '·'· )

w =
or F,(XA +XB) .•• (6.6.2)
. The loss of amplitude in one cycle. is·given by, ·
From Equations (6.6.1) and (6.6.2),
Loss:of energy = Work done against friction A = ~·rad ' ' .:··<6.6.8)
= .!lU W ''
Ex. 6.6.1
t K cx1 - xi > = F, <xA + xs >
A vibrating system having 50 kg mass and spring stiffness of
t K (?CA - Xs ) ( XA + Xa ) = F, ( XA + Xa ) 500 Nim is damped by coulom~ damping with limiting
frictional force equal .to _6 : N: If the mass is given inttial
2F, displacemer:it of 300 mm, determine :
. ... XA-XB = K
(i) .the lo!>S of amplitude per ?ycle ..
The l~ss of amplitude in half cycle from point A to point B is, (ii) · the number of cycles before s~oppmg .
2F, (iii) the time elapsed before stopping and
XA-XB = K ••.(6.6.3)
(iv) the distance at which mass stops from the mean
Similarly the loss of amplitude in half cycle from point B to position
point C is, Sorn.:
2F, . Given : mass. ~ =so'kg, Spnng stiffness, K =500 Nim,
... (6.6.4)
·K · Frictional force, F, = 6 N .
Hence total loss of amplitude in one cycle is, Initial displacement of mass Xo = 300_..1_llIIl
A = XA - Xe = (XA - Xa ) + CXa - Xe) 1. Loss of Amplitude Per Cycle : ---:·
2F, 2F,
The Joss of amplitude per cycle is, , . -~
= K + K
A = '4KF. -- 4x6
=48 x 10-3 m
4 F, ... (6.6.5)
or .1 = K
. . the difference between any two
or A = 48mm
['bus in coulomb dampmg, . .
uCC:Ssive amplitudes is con_.s~~ and ·~:giv~n b~, . ~
u::::==~=-~~~~::. .:.: .~.:_~_:_~~~:...._~~-=-~~~~~_;_~~~,~-~~
:..:.: 19' ,..11<

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2. Dlatance of which Maaa Stopa.from Mean PoaftJon ,
' 1't IS
. . In determining the number of cycles before s,wpping•. ,
assumed that the .Kyatem comes at the equilibrium poSJtJOn,
therefore x. = o, ·
x0 -nA;
. x"0

" = x0 - n6 ;
.. 0 = IO-n x 0.88 ••• AJJS·
11.36 cych:s
•• 11 . =
AmpHtude of motion at the end of first cyde i$,
= x0 -f6=J0-JX0.88
•• x 1 = 9.1Zmm
;c6 = 121nm
ring force ncling on the mass when the mass is at a
'fhesP of 12 mm ,.1orm tie
I mean pos1llon
. . .1s, · ·
I' .
,, ..8.8.3
, MU - May 13, 10 Marks
J • / •
-I • • - ,

:A'. mass oJ 500 kg Is suspended with a spring. lJle _syst~;
· F8 1 = ·KXx6 =500xl2xI0- 3 ' . iyi~.ra.te~ wifh,.a n.~tural freq~ency cf ~ r~d/s.' .If .t he . initial
Fs = 6N r~r:nplitude.1s
~ ~ ... • • .
24• mm

subsequent half amplitudes . are 20_·1
1·, ~ / .., . mm, determine
. . , stiffness
the . . spring
. -- ot' . ,,,and .coulOmb
' :
At a distance of 12 n_in: from the mean : position, the spring ~~ampln'g'force. Also find the number of cycles corresponding·
- is equal to the fnctJonal force and hence, the mass stops !.': . ... • ~'. ' • .. - - •

force . . ·:i. · ,, ;.~Q,.5_Q%'.~~Q~Pti6n~~J.i'9.Jnt1fal_ampJjtu~e. ______ ·--'~ . ·----- .:

:. x = 12nun •••Ans.
Soln. : G~yen : Mass, m =500 kg,
Number of Cycles Before Stopping
Natural circular frequency, con =3 rad/s,
1be mass will come to the rest at a distance of 12 mm from Initial amplitude, x0 =24 mm,
the mean position, after completing the six 'cycles: Therefore, · Subsequent half amplitudes, x1 20 mm, x2 = = 16 mm
n = 6 · ...Ans. 1. Stiffness of Spring
Time Elapsed Before Stopping The natural circular frequency is given by,
1be time elapsed before the mass stops is, con=~ :. 3=~
.21t . 21t 6x2
't = n x- = 6 x-- = ·
., ,
. ro" _
. -\J 1n
IR _~

or t = 11.922 s ••• Ans.


·Given ·· mass ' m -_ 35 kg, spnng

. stiffness,
. K = 1.7 x 10s Nim,
coefficient of friction, µ =0.11 ·
Fig. P. 6.6.3
Initial displacement of mass , x0 ,,; 1O mm
' Loss of Amplitude Per Cycle ·
:. K = 4500 Nim
The loss of ampIi tude per cycle is", or K = 4.5 Nlmm ••• Ans..
0 2. . Damping Force
A 4F, ....:. 4-µRN_- ~
u = K- K - K The loss of amplitude per half c ycle is,
. - 4 x 0.11 x 35 x 9.81 . ' !!.
1.7 x 10
2 =
Xo-X 1 = 24-20=4 mm
.1 '

= 8.88x10- 4 m :.. The loss of amplitude per cycle is,

~ ort::.. = 0.88mm •••Ans. 6. = Xo- X2 =24 - 16 =8 nun


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. • ,.

~narnics of ~-achinery. (MU - Sam s - Mech) 6 _39. Free Damp~ ~in. ..L9._o~~-r~.e of F~e~~om Vi~rauo;; (S · ;~ . ·1
4:F· . · ·· Ex. 6.6.5 ·. . : · · 1'· · ·~ :.... - · -~ · .. : ·. · !
. - ·:: .-.Therefore . :,:\ .= .~K . . . . . 4 x Fr
... . . . .. ··8= 4.5 .. ·A h. ft·.havl~g· length 1 m and· diameter
s a · ·· . · ·
rn~' : '· ·.. · ·:· ~
is fix - .•
. ,
. . Fr =-·9 N '1 ' :."" · ·: .. .' .·.·.Ans. .
one e
nd ' and carries
. . ·
pulley of mass moment. 6d a1
. · · . . . .of i .
· 3• Number of Cycles Corresp~ndln~ ~~ so % 20 kg-m at other end. A band . brake .ex~rts. a CQ "ellia.

Reduction of Its Initial Amplitude . t"onal torque of 500 N-m around. the clrc;:urnfere
f nc1 . . .. nce '01
. Amplitude at 50% of the initial amplitude is, If the pulley : is ~isplaced · by 45° and · . ~e
puIIeY. . - . . . reie~. ..
x,, = 0.5 x 24 = 12 mm . ~~
determine : .
We know that. the number of cycles before. ttie pulley corn · ' ·
(i) . . , estoresi .
.. 12 = 24-nx8 and · · •
n = 1.S cycles ••. Ans. (ii) the final settling position <?f the pulley. .
Ex. 6.6.4 Take modulus of rigidity of sh~ft material .as 84GN 1rn2

A mass placed on rough surface is attached to a spring arid Soln.: . -. ,

is given an initial displacement of 100 mm from its Given : Length of shaft, l =1 m.
equilibrium position. After completing five cycles of
Diameter of shaft, d = 40 mm= 0.04 m,
oscillations in 2 sec, the· final position of the mass is found to . 2
be 10 mm from its equilibrium position. Find the coefficient of M.I. of pulley, I= 20 kg-m •
friction between the surface and the mass. : · Frictional torque exerts by band brake,' Tr = 500 N-m .
Soln.: 'I 45 X 1t . ' , ,
Given: Initial displacement of inass, Xo =I 00

mm =0.1 m. Initial displacement of pulley, Bo 180 = 0.785 rad =

Final displacement of mass, xn =10 mm= 0.01 m. Modulus of rigidity of shaft material,
Number of cycles, n ::::: 5 G · = 84GN/m2 =84x109 r:Hm2 "
Tune period for one oscillation is,
. 2 1. . Torsional Stiffness of Shaft.:
~ = 5=0.4s
The torsional stiffness of shaft is,
Circular frequency of oscillation is; - ," 9 7t ' ·4
GJ 84 x IO x32x(0.04) ·
,,,"'n = -~
But Ki = T= 1 .. or
Ki = 21.11 x 10 N-m/rad
O)D =~
2. Number of Cycles Before Pulley comes to Rest

21t 21t
= t;=o.4 The angular displacement after 'n' cycles is,
~ = 15.708 rad/s en = Bo-DX~,

.. m = ( 15.708 )2 It is assumed that after n cycles the amplitude is zero.
Therefore, en 0 =
- " :Mass will stops at 10 mm from. its equilibrium position nx4x500
(i.e. x,, = IO mm), and it will take 5 cycles. ~erefore 0 = 0.785 - 21.11 x 103
= :xo-ny = 0.785 .. n =8.28
x0 n x 4x500
21.11 x 10
4F 20xµR,,
0.01 = O.l-(5)Jf = 0.l- K or n = 8 cycles ' I'
Thus the pulley comes to the rest after eight cycles., ,
I I : I •

3. Final Setting Position of Pulley
= 0.1 K
. ,1, -, ·••

... [ ••• R0 =W =mg ] The final settling position ofthe pulley is, · : ' · . ·" ·
, 4Tr
20 x µg en . 00 - n x Ki =
0.01 = 0.1 Kim
20 x µx 9.81
8 x 4 x 5~ = 0.027 rad
= o.785 - '2l:ll x 10
-=. O.l - ( 15.708 ) 2
.. µ = 0.1131 ••• Ans• or en = 1.55°

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,. . .···

Free Dam

!. ·.

.• . " . = 15.6 inm .

2. Distance ofwhlch,.l_llUS stO~ from mean position.
Xn = Xo-n A
:. 0 = x0 -n_ ~
· .·. 0 = 100-n x 15.6
••• Ans.
:. n = 6.41 cycles
So'"' : in::=: ~ 0 kg, sprin~ stiffness, k 3000 N~ni . :
= The mass will c~mplete at least six full cycles. At the end of
]Jass. cient
•··· offri".ction,µ=0.12,
. . , . ·,.. six full cycles, the amplitude is given by
. coeffi .· . I ement of mas~ XO= x6 = Xo-6 .A.
·tial dasp ac
of J\Pl
plitude per cycle · . · . . . x6 = 100-6x' 15.6 .
.~ . 4Fr _i!!fili -~ . . x6 = 6.4mm
l· A .= K ·- ·K - K

List of formulae
c~efflclent· for viscous bamper°{c) 2
1. ... ..:; . . 12µIPA · ·, .
c = 7tdme
3 , N-s/m . •.

'VlsCOSlty 9 · 2 ,I
2. i
= . 10- N-s/mm ·
meters for Longitudinal and Torsional Damplngs
3. para

(i) Differential Equation : nix+cx+Kx=e

(ii) Critical Damping Coefficient: ' ca =2..JK:'i

,, ' .
'. =2~ N-sjm = 2I .ro0 , N-m-s/rad
" . (l)n•

c . :.·. c .
(iii) Damping Factor : i;=:z .J. ···. .. . l;=...l
' c . cc:t

(iv) Two Roots of Char;tcteristic Equation

(v) Equatio~ of motion : . '

(a) Over-damP.ed System :

c;> o I

(b) Critically-damped System x=Xa [ 1 t (l)n t ]e- O>n t

'(; =1)
0= ~ e-~~ . sin( rod t + ~)
. e- tWn l sm
• ( "') 1
(c) Under-damped ·system x=X Wd 1 +"'
' 2
c;<t) . where, where, rod = 1 - E, ro0

(l)d =~ (1)0· . .•.

' (vi) : Logarithmic Decrement ( S } : ·' · s-

21t s
·-· " i
1 . [~~
.. ~=~log 1:1
'· . . ~

·-·---- Scanned w ith CamScanner

:-'. Dyna~lcS ofMachinery (MU - Seni 5 - Meeh)
4. .Dry friction (Coulomb) Dampl_n g . .
. (i) . . . .
Natural circular fr;
· equency of damped vibrations :

· con = -~·K
'iii'' for longitUdinal vibrations ro
=. ~ ·. . : for torsional ~;~ration~
. ."1
(ii) .Loss of amplitµde in cycle : .
4Fr for torsional vibrations
A · ·= · K for longitudinal vibrations

4. A mass of 20 kg i~ displaced by 50 rnrn · .

. ~ ' ''
mean position then it subjected a couiornb fro?! its
of so N. A spring of stiffness 1000 Nim is s fnct1o0
1. to the mass. Determine; ·· ·. . . . attacned
Find the natural frequency -of damped vibrations of
the system shown In Fig. ..1. Neglect the mass of (i) the number of half cycles elapsed b f ..
rod. e ore 11..
mass co~es to rest ; •ie

(ii) the time elapsed before the mass co

rest ; and · -· . · . _ roes to
(iii) . the final extensi~n of the spring. '· .
[~ns. : n =5, tµ =O. 7025,_x =1~-69. mm.J .
5. A shock absorber is to be designed so Iha .
overshoot is 10% of the initial displacement ~its
released. Determine the logarithmic decrement en
damping factor. _If the dampi~g factor is rtidu~~
one half of this value, what will be the overshoet?

. [Ans. : S = 2.29, ~ 0.3435, 33.~5 %) = ·

: Fig. I 6. The disc of a torsional pendulum has a mass

. . . -- ·- moment of inertia of 0.068 kg.m and is immersed i

Ans ·f
.. d
; ·-·
2 I
m . 4fma .
2 2
J a viscous fluid ; It is supported by a shaft havin~
diameter of 1cm and length of 38 cm. •The modulus
2. A weightless rigid rod of length '4a' is provided at of rigidity of shaft material is 40 .GN/m2 • When
one · end, and supported on a spring of pendulum is under oscillation, the amplitudes on the
980 Nim at other end as, shown in Fig. 2. At the mid same side of the rest position_for successive cycles
of rod, th.e mass· of 5 kg is attached. If the damper are 5°, 3° and 1.8°. Determine :
having damping coefficient of 98 N-s/m is placed (i) the logarithmic decrement ;
between the mid of mass and spring, find : ·(ii) the damping coefficient at unit velocity;
(i) the dampe~ natural frequency of the system. (iii) ·periodic time of the vibration ; · .
(ii) the crit_ical damping coefficient of damper. (iv)
what would be the frequency of the vibrations,
(iii) the logarithmic decrement. if the disc is removed from the viscous
[Ans. : 8 =0.511, c1 0.431 N-m Is I rad, =

tP = 0.1619 S, fn = 6.20 Hz)
7. A gun ·barrel of mass 545 kg has a ·recoil spring of
stiffness 297000 N/m. The barrel recoils 1.2 mon
firing. Determine.
(i) the initial ~ecoil velocity of the gun barrel;
[Ans.: fd = 2.75 Hz, Cc= 0.127, 8 = 8.05] (ii) the critical damping coefficient of dashpot
3. A typical spring mass-damper system is having a which is engaged at the end of the recoil
mass of -1O kg, spring of stiffness 1000 Nim and stroke.
damping coefficient of 150 N-s/m. Determine: _ [Ans. : v = 28.01 mis, Cc= 25445.2 N s/m]
(i) the damping factor ; and
(ii) :the circular dam~ed .~requency.
[Ans.:;= 0.75, cod= 6.'6 2 rad/sj
Chapter Ends...

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• ,.; '. • ~ I • I

' _.-I ~ ..- ,

Free Undamped Multidegre.~ _

. .'' :; . of. Freedom Vibration System!~_,.
' I

. '. , - ~ .

introd~c_tion_to f~ee_ multi-de~ree ~f !reedo~ vibration systems.
" '

introduction to Tw~ Degrees oi ·: of a total system from equilibrium positi?~ as sh'?~_ j11
7,1 Freedom Systems ·
·-Fig. 7.1.l(a). Hence, such system. is'called-aS syste~
. _having
two degrees of freedom system. __
The discussions so far have been limited to single degree of Similarly, consider.tWo rotors· A and B mounted an a sbiifi as
· shown in Fig. 7. l.1 (b). - The system requires two angular
. freedom systems.
displacements 0 A and 0B lo specify the motion from mean Or
eq~ilibrium positiOn.' Tbis is also a'n example 'of two degree of
freedom system.
- , A systems having two degrees of freedom have two equations
~f motion, one for each mass. They Me gene'rally in the form
of coupled differential equations (i.e. each equation
involves both the co-ordinates).
. If ~ h~oru~ motion is assumed for each co-ordinate, the
equations ·of motion lead to a frequency equation which gives
two natural frequencies for the - system. When initial
excitation is given to the system, it vibrates at one of these
two natural frequencies.
Thus a two degrees of freedom system has two natural
•.. ·frequ~nci~s. · '
..>' . f ' . • •
A two degrees of freedom system has two normal modes o f
vibrations corresponding to the two natural frequencies. ·
. x2 7.2 Free Undamped Longitudinal
(a) Two Masses and Two springs system Vibrations of Two Degrees of
Freedom System ·; .

Consider a spring mass system having two degrees of

freedom as shown in Fig. 7.2.1.
. The following assumptions are made in analysis of two
degrees of freedom systems :
Rotor A · 1. The masses are co~strained to m~ve in the dir .
.. spring axis. , , . . ection of
2. The given springs are weightless.
(b) Two Rotor System 3. . .Also x 2 >_x 1 -
· Fig. 7.1.1 : Two Degrees of Freedom Systems
where• x1 = displacement of mass m afte ti'·
r me •t• m
~ ---~n~ider two masses and two springs system which requires
. 1
X2 = displacement of m~ss ~ · aft . · •
· : ·
Independent co-ordinates x1 and x2 to ~pecify the motion · · · . . . 2 er_time 't', m

Scanned with CamScanner
, . .: ·,_ .. '
. . . . ~ '. : ..
·~·· ": . .
'. '
. .·, ,. ... ··. ..' )"L~·~~'~~~~
._..... >:·•/3:
\ ·J ••••

·~·· ~- ·. . . . . . ,• • ,· '· . • < ...

... . . Free·Undamp. ..Multide

. ···'ree
· .... of
.· ·F
.. ·-,.-::,'...'·"-'
. • ······
. . . ~:·· . .. . ree.' vk
Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Se~ s ·- Mech) . .
7 -2 , . 2 .. ; . '·._.
' -- ~ . .. [.,.. 01 ro + CK1 + ~)].X1-:- Ki.){2 =:o ..."; ·· ·
+IQ-~1·ro~x1/~:( .
: • . :[(K1
-;;.;;;. ·: .!! = ; --;i - ~ _·· '>"·· .
,. ,,. · · ·• X2 CCK1 +KJ:~ m1.O>J :': . _..
·- ' ·, . ' _.. .. ·....... "'·'. -."•('
.. ..... · Substituting · Equations '. (7.2.5);;'(?.2.6) : o.;.:.· · :·
Equation (7.2.4) we get, .. ·· · ·. ': '_ : }~!d. (7:ti
_ .,,_
roz x z. sin rot+ (Ki+~). Xi sin_ rot -.Ki. -..X. ·sin..·
1 Cllt _ 0
.. ·... :
, [-m2ro2·+· (Ki+~)]Y--z.:..KiX1=· Q , ,,., . · ...: <
.!i. = . ((K2+ K3).~ ~~2] ·.'. . :
·· Xz .. Kz . ':···_(7,
From Equations (7.2.9) and (7.2.10) we get, .,
.. ' ' Ki . .. [(Ki +~) -1ni

[(K1 +Ki)-m1 ol] _ =

m1coJ [(Kz + Kj) -IDiroJ = i:<: .
[(K + K:z) -

:. (K + K;) (K2 + i<J) - m1ro (1<2 + K3)-:- ~ (K1, ~ K2) +m,~fu4 ·~

2 2
(a) EquWbrlum ·. ·. (c) F.B.D. ~f Miasses
~ + K,K,- [m,(K,+.KJ .m, (K, + i<,1Jm" +m,m;,', ~
(b) Displaced 1
. ·" ·:eoSition ,:_. ·- · Position · ;. K,K, + K,K, +

_Fig. 7.2.1 : Spring ~ass _Sys~m having Two D~grees ~f : . m m2'!>4- [m1(K2_+~) + m2(K1 +K2))m ~ [K1t<; +.K21(3+,~K,]

Freedom . .·. •,.(7.

From F.B:ri. of two ~asses m 1 ~d m~ the two di~ferential · in co ,and give
The ab·ove· Equation (7.2.11) is quadratic .

equations of motion are :

values of.co2, (two positive values
. of·.ro and two~
... (7.2.l) values of ro). The two positive values of cO ·~:Ye" ~·
· frequencies ron1 and COnz of the' system. · '
012 + K:z
X2 (X2 - x ) + K3 x2 = 0 ... (7 .2.2) Therefore, Equation (7 .2.11) is 'called as frequency eq~

. . By rearranging the terms o~ Equations (7.2.1) _and (7.2.2) we Consider following three special cases to study the beha
; get, 2. of the s stem.
... (7.2.3) m 1 =Illz =m; K 1 =Ki= Kand K3 = o
Case I
... (7.2.4) m 1 = 012 =m and K1 = K3 =K
Case II
m = m; 012 =2m and K1 = K3 =Kand Ki
Case III 1
Assuming masses m and m2 execute harmonic vibration at
frequency co, the so~utions for x1 and x2 under steady state
Case I : m1 =m2 = m; K1 =K2 =Kand K3 = 0
condition are :
. ... (7.2.5)
X1 = ,XI sin rot
... (7.2.6)
Xi = Xz sin rot
where, X and X are the amplitudes of vibration of the two
1 2
masses m and IDz under steady state conditions.

X = - X I CO 2 •
SID cot ...(7.2.7)

. , Xz = - .v. ~ ro2 SID• rot . . .(7 .2.8)

Substituting Equations (7.2.5), (7.2.6) and (7.2.7) in X2

Equation (7.2.3) we get , . Fig. 1.2:2_: ~ase:1 . .. . ;. ',

- m X ro2 sin rot+ (K 1 +Ki) X 1 sin rot - ~ X2 sin wt= 0
' -1 ..1 . 2 '.
~ Xz =0
. . '
- .m X1 ro ·+ (K1+Ki) X1 -

Scanoed wit h camScanner

. ..

· · · ·: Free Unciam ·: Mul~degree ·ofFree. Vib; s~··

,- S~bstituting ol = 0/ =·( 2.6J) ~ i~ EqU~on (c). we:get. .
• D2 m - .. '· . '"
= 2K-m (2.6'.3°~ ) . -.

.. = 2K-2.63 K
': ~ ••• .I '

.. c~) = -=ii:63 1
Xz 2 .
... (~)2 = -1.587
2 ••• (e)
. 2 3Km ± ...)5K m
.. (I} -= 2m
The Equations (d) and (e) which defines the way .two masses
.. (I}
= ~±~K
2m 2 m
m1 and mz move and called as mode shape eq~atiom.
The two .principal mode shapes for case I ·are shown in
.. (I}
= (l.5 ± .1.13) Km Fig. 7.2.3. . :

= (0.37) !
The first ratio of the amplitudes of the two masses is+ 0.614.
.. anq ro: 2 =(2.63) m
K which means that the two motions are in phase i .e. the two
(J}D 1
.. (X:'\
= 0.6-_2 ~ , rad/s
masses move up or down together such that ~), = 0.614,
.. O>a1 •
with frequency Cllnt• ....
and (J}nl = 1.62 ~ , rad/s •..(a) The second ratio of the amplitudes of the two masses is
- 1.587 , which means that the two motions are out of phase,
'Jberefore. root and ronl are the two natural frequencies of th
~ · 72 e i.e when one mass moves up the other moves down or vice-
tern shown in Fig. . .2.
sys •
versa such that ( ~) =.- 1.587, with frequency m..z·
Mode Shapes 2

A system with two degrees of freedom can vibrate in two

principal modes of vibrations correspondent to is two natural
- FromF.q~on (7.2.9)
= ...(b)
Xz (a) First Mode Shape at Cllni for ( ~) =0.614
- =
When m1 m, K 1 =K 2 =K, Equation (b) becomes, . . . 1

~ K
Xz = 2K -m ro2 ...(c)

-Sb' · ro2 = ro 2
u stltuting K
= ( 0.37) ~ in Equation (c) we get,

.. (~ = K

.. (!i.'
= 2K-0.37 K

(~) =
(b) Second Mode Shape at mni for ( = _ 1 _587
.. (~ •••(d)
i 1 .Fig. 7.2.3_: P_rincipal Mode Sha'i>es fo; Case I

f . •
it ubllcall•ns

Scanned w ith CamScannel'"

·-=·:· ... : ...
-:, ...- . ..-

.·,· .··

When · m1= ,~ ;,,, · m .a nd K

~uation (7.2~11) becomes, ...:. t = K3 = K ' frequency
mm ro .-Cm (Ki+ K) + m ( K +:i<;)Jcil + rKKi + ~K + KKJ =o
2 4 -- ' ·- '. .
m ro - 2m (K + Ki)ro2 + (K2 + 2K:Ki) =0
. :·. · ro2 - +2m(K+JS)±y4m2(K+~)2 . 4m2(K2+2~)
2m2 . ·

•• w2 ~. 2m ( K + ~ j
2ril2 ±
.y 4m2(·K~ + 2
2KK2+ K }-4m2( K2 +
.· ' . . ·. . . . . .. 2m2 2 . ·-
K +v 4m2K
...... :,.. ,, .. (J,)2
= --~~-"±~
m 2m2

'_.-1 • '. ~
·K+:Ki . 2m:Ki
.. cii = m ±--2-
. . , 2m .

.. (!)2
K+:Ki Ki
= m m:

.. (l)
nl = -1 .,
. ' .
.. . ...(j)
and (I)
n2 m The two principal mode shapes for Case -II . ar.eshown·
Fig: 7.2.5.. . . ID
• • ronl = ~' rad/s . The. first ratio of the amplitude
. of
. the two masse
· .
' .. s IS +I
-· which means that the two amplit)ldes are equal aiid '
and ron2 = ~' racYs •.•(f) motions ar~ in phase i.e. the two masses move up or d~wo
.. '
together, with frequency ronr · Wn

·~ .' ~

_Fig. 7.2.4 : Case II

(a) Equilibrium . (b) First Mode Shape at
Therefore ro and ro are the two natural frequencies of the Position ro 0 /or (ii)1 =1
nJ . n2
system shown in Fig. 7.2.4. ... ·,

Fig. 7.2.S (Contd...)

·· .
.1 ·

. ·,

Scanned wrth CamScanner
f;1.-·;·>··· ·,
. - .·. -.,.
~,/: · ·cs·-~~··~~ch~i~ne~iy~<M:u~--~s:em~·~s~·~i~M~ec?·~h~-~~~=-==-~
:· ~-
: . -~'·FreeUndamp.
·~·~~-·~·~· ~·Multidegree_
~~-~-~·~-~-~-0 t-~f~_-r~ee:·~V;;;i~b;;.;.
', . . ' s·-~~
; ; .--·•

r" >: of IV• 7-5 .

;,._ : nsf'l'I' . . , .. · ~ .,- .. :· . .. ~-· ... :i, '. :. .. .
. · .. -,.,·:, . ·- · \[4i'K.tri-"'· .,_ ·. .-
,, - ~ - ~: -··
(1)2 9K ± "
... = 4m 4m2
. .:.~ ·•
"'4i K
,.. l 9K
.. · · _ro = 4m ± 4 m

.: ~

·• ro
= (2.4± ::!Ii)
. . K
. . al = (2.zs ± 1.60> ill
.. w: 1
= (0.65) !. and
~0 2 ":".(~·.85 )m

.. . :.
~ •• ronl =. 0.80 ~ • rad/s .. • -

I · and co~ = 1.962 ~ , rad/s < . • •• (k)
Therefore '°ni and conl are the two
·: . of the
system shown in Fig. 7 .2.6. ·;.
'. fig: 1.2.S·_ : Prlricip9J Mode ~hapeS. fo~_ Ca~ n_ 2. Mode Shapes
. . d ~tio of the amplitudes of the tWo· mass~ is - 1 F!,o~ J?quation (7 .2.9),
e secon . , ' Ki .... 2 ••• ( l)
'!bbicb means that the tv:o amplitudes are equal but two _.... - - .' x, __.
w . are out of phase i.e.. when one. mass moves up • the
Xz = [(K1 + Kz) - m1 ro ] .
-~~s rooves down or vice-versa, WJth frequency co
other ,,_... . . . n2. when, m 1 = m, K 1 = K and Kz = 2K the Equation (l)
_ m • m_ =2m ; K 1 =K 3· =K and ll' 2K
ease II1 : IP1 - ' ~~ A~
= becomes,
!i 2K
Xz = [(K + 2K) - m ro ]
.. , ..
·! i - 2K 2 ••••(m)
·· Xz " - 3K - mro ·

Substituting w2 =wul2 =(0.65)

in Equation (m), we get,

( ~)
Xz 1
=.. 3.K_-
m(0.65 ~)
/ 2K
= 3K-0.65 K
/ 2
, I .: '· .._-.•
... = 2.35

=_, -0.851 • •• (n)

substi~tlng Equati~n (m), we

Fig. 7.2.6 : Case ill
· Again
. .. . . .., , .
cl =. ro. n2 =- (3.85)
. m
: .... ·~ . ":.:·...:
- Refer Fig. 7.2.6 get,
1. Natural Frequencies (~}.' ; .·~ 2K

. - .. '.VIJen~ m1 =m, mi = 2m, K 1 = K3 =.K _an.4 . ~ = ~~. the ~

l . ·. ·
' ' ....
I ) • I• I
. X2 2 -
3K -
, -
m (3.SS mK)
frequency Equation (7 .2.11) becomes,· \ . .- --· ·

(~)2 . =
4 2K
m•2m 00 - [m (2K + K) + 2m (K +21<)] o:l + [K 2K +2K K + KK) = 0· 3K.:....3.85 K - : "-<.
:. · 2 "~_i.2 (I) - [3 Km + 6 Km Jol + (2 Kl + i Kl + K2J 0 . . .
= . .·,.

·.(~\ = 2ic
, •; I
2 2 4 2 2 .
'· .. .
· · m (I) - 9 Km ro + 5K = 0
I' .., l ~
' ·-0.85 K ·
;:. ol = 9 Km± Y,....8_l_K_,2,_m_,2,_--4-(_2_m..,.2 _5_K..,,..l
- (~~
. 2
2 - -0.85
. -

(~)2 = -2.3529 ••• (o)

5carmed with c amscanner

'.' ,'-; · ... ., , • ~· .' : ,:· i. . ; ·. . '·.' ''.. ; •. ">:.... '·... .~ '1 ' . ·.' ·. '

. ,, _· .: . ··
. · ..·
··. ,
·!· . . ·. ,· .

. ·.· . · :. .· - .· -::-_ :_.:.>.:<~'.·Ytl

. ~· . Free Undam ·• Multlde rea of.F. _ .: _- \<.~~~
; ·D ruimles 6t Machinery
. ·Mu~ sem ·s ~Mech} ·. · · · ·· r~e . · . · ·· · · .· · · .·f T - .. · ree;,~·:.:;/>;
·7 3 Other Exams>1es o . wo ~gt. -:.. >;i:
... The i~o- Pnri~i~-~ocie sh~~·· ro~ ca~ nare sh~~ in .. · Freedom S~stem . · . · ~ ,~Of :
Fig.7,2.7. . . . . ~: '.
" The following two s~s~ms. Of two degrees :Of ., ·~ ;
.... '\
<;. discussed in subsequent section : . .· ~~Ill ~. '::
system• of two degrees , .
·-: ; of freedom ·.

:~ i ~· "..·.
2. Double Pendulum

Fig. C7.l : Systems of two degrees of ~om

.· 7.3.1 Two M~sses Fixed on "[lghuy

Stretched Str~ng ..

Consider two
' masses m1' anfi . D1z 'fixed on. a
h .
stretchCd between two fixed, _suppo~s. ~ sboWnstri~g
Fig. 7.3.l(a). · . , lll
(a) Equilibrium (b) First Mode Shape at
Position .·,. con I for (.&_) =0.851 At any instant the string is stretched and the two Illas
X2 I displaced be the distances x1 and x2 from mean po . ~ ~
. Sltion at
shown in Fig. 7.3.l(b). · · '
Let T be the tension in the string.

· Mean

. (a) Equilibrium Position

Posltlon \
I'-,\.... ___

---11·-- - . - -- · ri----1:.+r---~--
(c) Second Mode Shape at
ro 02 for("*)~ = - 2.3529 (b) Displaced Position

., Fig. 7.3.1 : Two Masses fixed on a Tightly Stretched String
Fig. 7.2.7: Principal Mode Shapes for Case ill
The amplitudes of vibration of two masses are so small and
The first ratio of the amplitudes of the two masses is + 0.851, . tension 'T' is so large that it remains appreciably co~stant
which. mCa.ns thai the two motions are in phase, i.e. the two during the vibrations of the two masses.
masses move up or down together such that ~) - ex-" =0.851, The F.B.D. of two masses are 'shown in Fig. 7.3.2(a) and (b).
1 T
I '

with frequericy·ronl'
The second ratio of the amplitudes of the two masses is
' I
- 2.3529, which· ineans that the two motions are out of phase
i.e. when one mass moves up, the other moves down or vice

~) =.- 2.3529, with frequency mnl.

versa such that (
2 (a) F.B.D. of Mass m1
(b) F.B.D. o!Maa mi
Fig; 7.3.2 ·: F.B.D of Two Masses

Scunned w it h Ca mScanner
:'.: ' .
· .' -·

~ . : '\~ ·. .. . . •) ,~ .
- ; ; .1 ••• >. •• • t" •• ~ .. .. ~...· ·-.·~ •• ~ .. ·:·~f;•

h·';:·>" · . ·- ·'it Machintf (MU- sem .s·:·:Mech)-.. ./ >... ._.... ...• . . '..: .·-: .- ,..:. · .;· ,: "' . - .. , ;.:.. ;~, f.~~~::vlb; ~-
ri:: · :·_.": ·'11i1c5·0 . . . ·· · . 71 , .. . ·< , .-:Free-Undam : Multid reeo ·
-..._ . .. '.: . . orizantal components ·of ~nsion . T . ..:. ·_. . . . . -.. . ( T .. -T) .·. . ( !.)
X, sin rot; 0 .
' .; . . .. he cos 92 and T ~~;,>~approximately' equal .
;_'f . . -:- ~zco2. si!1'ro
.. t~ .T"!". T . .XzSID ~.- . .1-z . . .
,<:,.-; '!!-':. 'l' co8 !a... aJDplitude of vibration ts small; e ' 8 and e : "2 "3

.:.: · ~~-~; 1 (sill~;;); Therefore, no ~-sultant force ·ac~ afong ~ · rD.iXz ~ + ( 'f..+f }x;-(~) X 1 =0
. ~' .re a)s0 difeCtion.' I. • .• . I
:. -
3 .

~+~ }~~wzJ ~-~: =i"" (~) X,

r)- inzulJ
,.. . • J!(ltitonral p of two masses m, and lllz, the two differential ; .• . [ (
j:rotll fl.lJ. f.JJlOtion are : ·
,. ..nuaOons o . T . 9 . . '. ."[(,'f;~ 7.3 6)
<i't ' -: · L .TSID 91 +
t11 "l ..-
SID 2 = . 0 '· ...(7.3.I) '
· :.
': 12.. ' ?
= ' TR,, .
·-< .
. ~ .~ ~ ::_ Tsin 9z + T 'sin'9j ' '::!:" O' . ... (7.3.2) Equations (7.3.5; and'" (7.~.~) 'gives th.e mode shapes for the .
.., fig. 7.3.2(b), - . system -
fto.... _ ~ ·· Th be · obtained by Equating
sin 91 :: tan 0, -. 1, e frequency equation can
...(a) . F.q . 6
uat10ns (7.3.5) and (7.3. ). ~·
.... . . - (x;.:... x2) From Equations (7.3.5) and (7.3.6)
sin_.ez =tan 9z = Li ...(b) : , .·
T fl ·. · . " '
[ ( T ·· T)
i;+J; - 01zro
and . sin 93=tan
. ,
. ...(c) 9~ ~- ~ [( .! .! ) .
l +l - m,w
2] - = :'
-- ·Tllz
S~b~~tmg ·~~ues of sin 0 1, Sin 92 and sin 9 in .
~ + TT + T = 0
·•'. , ,
. . . I 2

-. ~· [ (,~·+~)-ml~;][ c~ ~ ~- )~~~~]~ ~.Z._}

T2 T2

~ T2 T2 m~ m ro2T . m~rozT - - c T2

. ..

· Pl1 1 1
'2 . 11 '2 + 11 ~ --r- +]+ '2~ --'2- ---;;- -~- +m1m~ '2 1
.. Tfic,-·xz)+T~ · - ·o .' 2 . • . - . z
lilz Xz -
Rearranging the above equations,· '
'2 '3. - m,R¥i>c -[ { f +i ) m2 r+i )m, Jw2 T+{ T + [1,1~ .~~-+ ,_:~.l..= 0
+, -
- ..· ( T.T)" CT) . .. . . . . r - · : •• c7.3.6(a))
ro1 ~. + r;+I; Xi - I; Xz = O ...(7.3.3) . The above Equation (7.3.6(a)) is quadratic in ro2 and gives
T T) (T) two vatues of w2'ctwo positive values ro and two negative
Jll.i ~ +( ~+i; Xz- I; Xi =O •••(7.3.4) values 'of w). The two positive values of ro give the natural
_ Consider masses m1 and IDz executing harmonic vfuration at frequencies wn1 and 00112 of the system.
· frequency w. Therefore. the solutions_for x1 and Xz under Therefore Equation (7.3.6(a)) is known as frequency
steady state conditions are: · Equation.
x1 = X1 sin rot ...(d) ~ Special ·e ase of System
Xz = X 2 sin rot ...(e)
Let us consider a special case of a system when m 1 ::::; ~ =m
and 11 =12 =l. ·
X1 and X2 are the amplitudes of vibration of two masses
under steady state conditions.
Therefore Equations (7.3.5) and. (7.3.6) becomes, ·: ' .'· "
~ T/l
- Therefore, X1 = - XI 2.SID Wt (I) ...(f) Xz = ( 2T. /l.,... m ro2) ...(h)

Xz ...(g) = - X 2 w2.stn cot and : ·~ = (2ii1~~ro2) ·

. X2 T/l ... (i)
- Substituting Equations (d), (e) and (f) in F.quation (7.3.3) we
get, 1. Natural Frequencies

-m1X1 w2 sin rot+ ( ~+ ~) X 1sin Wt-( r) Xz sin rot= 0

From Equations (h) and (i) we get.
·T ll · ._ (2T /l - m co2 ) ·

... ~m1X1w2+([ +~) x,-(~)Xz=O ( 2T /l - m w2) -

2 2 .
T /l
( 2T ll - m w) · ~;(T /l)
.. _[(~+~)-m1 ol]x 1 = (~)Xz
2T 2 T 2 . 2
·· (-1) - 41 mro +m ro"= 2
{~) ·
!J. = T /l. 2

.. Xz . [ (~ + ~)-m1ci] . ...(7 .3.5) ·· m ro

z " 4Tm
- 7 CJl
+ 7-7
4T2 T2
= O : ·.· ;
. '
Substitutin Eq . · z • 4Tm 3'f.
g uations (d), (e) and·(g) in Equation (7.3.4), we
··--· -
.. m (I) -1 ro
+zr .= 0 . l ,.

- t, .

Sc1mned with ComScanner

· .. . . .. ".
:~· ....:' . . .•-.: . . :
·. . · ·

• •• • 1 .

.....:··· .: '::·· , • t,

~- ! . • . · . .... ' Fr~e Ur.idain

:· Oyn~inlcs of M~chine (MU:... Sem 5 - Mech) : -s. :,.: ..· c. .~~,·..'.-•-
_, . . , .-.. , .-.- ' -

(b) Friat Mod~ Shape at ~111 for (~
...·• ...
1 •

..• . ·- . ~
= Im ...
2 3T .. ~: .'.
and cou2 = Im
·· _·IT. ' "
:._.:. CO~i . · =-. \J Tm, rad/s
. ·•
(c) second Mode Shape at co81 for (~)
and con2 = .\jlm'' radls
- [ii - . - " •••(j) ;
• • I • ' •
2 .. _ 1

Therefore m and CJ> are the two natural frequ~ndes of the Fi . 73.3 : Principal Mode Shapes for Two Masses Fixed 011·
n2 . . . .
Tightly Stretched S~g . ·
. , nl
. system shown in Fig. 7.3.1. ·· - · · . g.
• 1

2. Mode Shapes · 1'•,

· · From Equation (7 .35);· ~:. The second ratio of the amplitude of the two ma~ses is_
. . ~
~ Tll ...(k} which means that· the tw? amplitudes· are equal and two
X2 = (2T/l :... mco) motions_are out of phase i.~. when one mas~ m~ves up lhe
i -

... 2 ..
with frequency~
. .
ro =
co01 =·1~ in Equation (k) we get. other mass moves down. or vice-versa,
. .. . • . Dl

Tll Double Pendulum

, 1 'i
(~)1 · = 2T
-1--m ( T) ,
·Consider double pendulum having two poirit misses m1 and
Tll Ill:z ·suspended by ·ine~tensit>le strings of len~s 11 au~ ~
.. (~)I = 2T T
l - l
respectively~~ sho~ in Flg. 7.3.4. . . . ..
The masses m1 and mi are considered to have only horizontal
.. (~), = T/l

(~), = 1 ...(l}

Again substituting ro2 =w~ = :~ in Equation (/), we get.

2T ( 3T)
l -m .lm
T 11
= 2T 3T
-1 --z-
= - T/l
(•)In Equilibrium Pc>tldon (b) .I n Displaced pOtltioa
= -1 ...(m) Fig. 7.3.4 : Dou~le Pendulum I

['he two pri~cipal mode shapes for given system are shown in Let, 01' 02 = angles of upper and lowe~ strings with i
<ig. 7.3.3. the vertical, \
'be first ratio of the amplitudes of the two masses is + l, ·= horizontal displacements of masses mi and~ .
ruch means that the two amplitudes are . equal and two
totions ate in phase Le. the_two mas_ses _move up or down from equilibrium position: ' ; ' 1

1gether with frequency W0 1·

-~ .

Scanned w ith c amScannef


.. '

- X 1 sin Wt ·...(h) .

Fig. 7.3.5: F.B.D. of Two Masses , "'where, · ' "2 = Xi sin wt -- ~ ; •.. (i)

· that there is rio motion in vertical "d" . : xi and Xi are the amplitUdes of vibrati~~ .o f th~ two iDa.sses
. J.JSUU"'· · • irection. The ·under Steady state conditions. .. - . . . -: : ·· .· ·. / · · · ·
"' · rtt"cal components o. f forces acting on each mas · .Therefore
ve " .:..:A Therefore'. " .. .. . . . , be
s must ., ,
. ;.
' baJanl.NU· '. : .
: ...:
= -X1 W2 SID. Wt : ...(j)
and Dti g
. ce e and 02
SJ.ll I .
are"small, therefore cos 0
. I
= I and c
e -_ 1,
' Hence above equations can be written as,

.. T1 = mI g+ T.2 ...(a)
Substituting Equation (b) in Equation (a), we get,

T1 = m 1 g·+Dtig ••• (7.3.11)

or .T1 = ( m1+ D1i) g ...(c)
_ From F.B.D. of two masses m 1 and, 1112 the two differential
On substituting Equations (h), (i) and ( j) in Equation (7 .3.10)-
equations of motions in horizontal direction are : ,we get,
. v 2 • .!!!l .. .. -.!!!1. •
...(7.3.7) - Dlz ,,..2 w sm cot + ,_ g X 2 sm cot-. g x1 SID cot =o
.. I "2 12
Dlz Xi + T2 sin 82 = 0 ...(7.3.8) ... - m2 X2 ol .+ .!!!1.l2 g X2 _ .!!!1.l2 g X. 1= 0
- FromFig. 7.3.4(b),

sin 81 = ..&
z, '. .. (d)
:.,, ( Tg-m;co ) X2
=.1:gx 1

··: (Jti-Xi) .&. _ ID;!g 112- m2 cl

and •. X2 - ilz g / l2 ... (7 .3.12)
sin 82 = Ii ... (e)
Equation (7.3.11) or (7.3:12), gives the mode shapes of the
- Substituting the values of sin 8 1 and sin 02 in Equation (7.3.7) system ~
and (7.3.8), we get,
From Equation (7.3.11) and (7.3.12),
.. X ( X2-X1)
m1 X1 + T1 f:" ·-:- T2 . Li = 0 mi·g
[ z;:--m2w
.. ( Jti-XI) m1+Dlz · ~] 2 = m2 g/ lz
~Xi· +.T2_ Li = 0
[ 11 + Z2 g - m, w
. . ..

- Rearranging the above_equations, , .. : .. {[m•~mz+~]g-m1 ro {~-m2 ro2}=[~. ~~&] 2


Scanned with CamScanner

.. ~•: . .· . '· ~· .· ..
.· .._·: ' :- '. ,-··:. ' •/

· ····, , ·'·. . . . "· '' .· ·: · " . . · '" " .

..-~ - Dynamics of Machin~ry (MU .- Sem s ~Mee~) 7-10 ··

t-~~:;;,~J~; <~;"~~~;.;;~,;::~:5? ~f ~, - -
2 '
,. r·
...... ·' -·'

... (7.3.13)
. ·•• § : . \ ' ~ • •.

- .,., , ':f'he _abo_ve (1 is ~uation ·~·.1:>' q~adrati~

in al and gives _ ~o ' . g
. -values of a> (Two positive values of ·co and two negauve
· ., values .of c.o).•The two positive values ·of co give the natural
and ro112 · = "(2+{2~T
frequencies 0>n1 and ~ of the system. .· . 2 . . g 2

'"'"" :. ' Therefore, Equation (7.3 .13) : · is - known as freqUency

. . . ron1 , = 0.58 [ and ro112 3.4142 ! =

~, ~dis
equation. • 'l

The frequency equation can be obtained by eq~ating • • _ 0001 = ?..7615 •••(II)

:8<Jua~ons (7.3.11) and (7.3.12).

co_~- = _· _1;~-~7-~·:~j
· {!l , dis
:!: . ' . ,
. ! J '; •• •

. and
'7 Special Case of System
. .
' "
-, i ' .·· -
. ( n_
To make the analysis simple, let us consider a 'special case Therefore·. Wn1 and oln2 _are .two D~ ~ue~ci~~ Of the
;· when mi = · m;z ,
, m ~d 11__ = .l;z = l. Therefore = .. double pendulum shown m Fig. 7 .3.~. , · ·
• •I '

Equation-(7.3.11) and (7.3.12) becomes. Mode Shapes

; -r·:.
.KL . . .. . .. .... mg/I
- .2 .
From Equation (!).
i ... . -~
· ..• ,,,: .:_ ...... " -X2 (2~+~)g·~~(i = _ gll
= - - J· •1.... ·i.·-.. ··
' " ~ 2 :..(p)'
2 ' ·1. -ro_ ·· .it·' .·· ·
•· , 1 . .: •• _&·· · ._ ,-mg/I-mro
X2 =
;':- &
gfl •. ...(l)
Substituting ol =ci.>: 1 =o:ss 7iii Equation (p), we get,
or X2 . - ~ 2
x) gll
' ~-o.'ssr ·
l - (J)

( i; i =
& - g/1-(J) •..(m)
and Xz - ~ - g/ l . gll
.. - (~)
X2 I
= 2.42,g/ l
Natural Frequencies '.
i ·'
'From Equation (l ) and (m) we can write, · ,.
. l 2
g/l = g/
.. (~)i = 2.42 .- . . "
- ls.· 2 gil -
l :- (I) .. = 0.414 ...(q)

( g fl - wl ( -1 '- ro
2)' = 7g 3g -
Again substituting
ro 3.4142
l in· above

2 . : 2
d8- K 2_ls.w2+ro4-_g_ = Equation (p) we get.
z2 -zro l_ r O
( ~) =
. -- z...2 X2 z ¥-3.4142!
-z.18. OJ+
2· i
- . ..._. l ·x) "gtz :,:,.:

4g 16 .. ( i! 2 = -0.4142 g/l '
z2 zZ
0)2 ' = 2 .. (~)2 - = -~0.~142 '
I6g 8g
= - 2A142 · " · ...(r)
': -z-T ·
4g l ' Xz l '
ro2 = 21 ± 2 . ' . - • . teDl are shoWD LO
The two principal mode shapes for given sys .
-- M ' .. , Fig. 7.3.6.

Scanned with camScanner

7-fi . .

~1.n.: . ·'
1. Frequency equation .· al · ·"g· ·the
move . . on
I Let at any instant, the two masses m1 and ~ ts x and ~
. '• . -· direction, of . spring · axis
. W)'th dispJac.emen
, i

respectively. ' ses are sboWD . ~

,- Assuming ~ > x 1, the F.B.D of. two mas . .
Fig. P. 7.3.l(B)(c). .

(b) Flnt Mode Shape at <Dn

·. (Xt · 1
ror ~X) - 0.414
2 l

(a) :EquWbrlam

Fig. P. 7.3.l(B)

The two differential equations of motion are,

m·1 ~ 1 + K 1x 1 -;- ~ ( x 2 ~ x 1) = 0
J '"·

(c) Second Mode Shape at mn and 012 ~ + ~ ( ~ - x 1) = 0

for(~) •-2.4142 or m 1 ~1 +(K1 +~x 1 -~~= 0 . .. (a)
. X2 l . . .

Fig. 7.3.6: Principal Mode Sha~. for__Do'-ble P~nd~um . and mi ~2 - ~x 1 +~~ = 0 •••(b)_
Assuming that the masses m 1 and ~ execute harmonic
The first ratio of amp~tudes of the two masses is. + 0 .414, . '
· which means that the two motions are in phase, i.e. the two vibration at frequency oo, the solutlons for x 1 and x 2 under

masses move left or right together such that(~} =o·.414, steady state conditions are, .

with frequency ronl.

_ The second ratio of amplitudes of the two masses is - 2.4142

=- X 1 -sin- rot
.= . ~ sin rot } ...(c)
• which means that the two motions out of phase, are
Le. when mass moves left the other mass moves right or vice- 2

(~) =- 2.4142 :::,, withfrequency ronl. = - X 1 ro sin rot

_} '
versa &uch that
x2 = - °"v 2 ro2 sm
oot . .. (d)
Ex. 7.3.1 Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation·(a),
Fig. P. 7.3.1 (A) shows a vibrating system - m1 X 1 ro sin rot.+ (Ki + Ki> X 1 sin rot - Ki~ s~ rot = 0
having two masses m 1 = 2 kg, m 2 0.5 kg and = ..
- m 1 X 1 ro + (K1 +Ki) X 1 - ~ X 2 =0

two springs of stiffnesses

K," 30 NI m, K2 = 1O N I m. Determine : .. [(K.1 + zj·- m1 002] X 1 = ~ ~
~) two natural frequencies ·;
(iQ the ratio of amplitudes for the two .modes
of Vibration ; and Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (b),

(i~ 'th~ ilnrycipa1 mode shapes. '•; .:. . mi~ ol sin rot . :. ~ X 1 sin rot+K:z ~sin rot·= o
. . . -·.. . - ·.·.· 2
· · - mi X200 - Ki X1 + Ki X2 = 0
. .. <~ - ~002)~ = ~x1
: , ·._, -:..~~.;..__----.;;;,.._;_;__...;.;___;;__...;____.:;F..:!ig:?:.• .:.:
= (A~)~ . L...;;.,.....:..__ ___ :-------...:......:.:._...:_..:....:.__...:._~-:......:....-_:..._

,_. Pu'll c au. 11 ~

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- . :·· -. . . .!!· .· Clea~ Daaol) . ~;·(rf

.xl· .. ,.-K:i
=-•'''° .• ,•' 1
. •1
~..... ,·
~.-.·.. ;, }<'romEQuations
I·•:· . • ' . ,
(e) ~d (f),
. ._ ~ ', ' ! ~ : ·'.·,• •
. , . .
' ~.I .'·. ,; 2. • ~.:, I
. .. l . . ~ --;. .
, ' '· .. IS _ . (Kz-~ro ) . :. . -

[(K1 +JS) ...:m1 ro2] - Kz .. · ··.'

' :. [(Kj + KJ ~·m1co
J(JS- ~ol) ·= K 2 . . .•

(K, + Kz) Kz- (K1 + Kz) tDzCll2 - m1ro Kz +'m1~ro =K~

2 4

:. m,111zc1)' - [(K1 + Kz) D1z + in1 ~ ro2 + ( K1 + Kz) Kz- K: =0

4 . 2 2 ...
m,111zro - [(K1 +JS)~+ m1 Kzl ro + K1 Kz + K2 - K2 = ~- (d) Frist M.o de Shape at COn 1 =3.16 ..;.dis:'
(K1 + KJ K2j K1K2 ·· ; ·. · for(~' - o.5 .. , · . . ·.
Q) -
.. .
mi .
. +-
. mz
m11Dz . . .
=0 •.•(g)
.' ··• X2·11
: .. --·.
2. · .. Natural frequencies
_ · .. ..
, Putting m1 =2 kg, mi =0:5 kg, K1 =30 Nim
. and~ ~)o Nim in F.qua.tion (g), we get, · - -. · '
"::· ~: - [30'+ 10 +..!Q.] (1)2+ 30 x 10 =0 ~
.... - . . 2 : . ' 0.5 2 x 05 ''
4 2
(I) - 40 (I) + 300 0
(1)2 +40 (40)'l-4 x 300
= 2
.. (Jl = 20±10
2 2
.. (I)
= 10 and con2 =30 (e) Second Mode Shape at ron2=S.47 rad/s
' . ,. .· .. Iior (:&)
X .. -0~
·" " .·;,,
. '
.. (J)nl = 3.16 rad/s ~ l 2..
• ' I I
•••Ans. Fig. P. 7.3.lcB) : Prlndpal Mode Shapes
and Q)nl = 5.47rad/s
' .
3.' · R.a tio of Amplitudes ''

- · ·.The amplitude ratio for first mode of vibration is,

., • •I
~ IS
~ = [(K1 +Kz)-m1 o/] .

.. (~2.)1 = _ _ _ ·. __..,..2rs. . .
<K1 + Kz)- m1 conl
m1 =1.5 kg , :;·"· , ..
10 . i ffi2= 0.80 kg ... I . '
= (30 + 10) - 2 x 10
= '=
K 1 K 2 4000 Nim · , . '·

~) = 0.5
or (

~e amplitude ratio for _

s econd mode of vibration is

:. -,(~)2 [(K1+Kz~-m1CO~)
_. .· ;. '...·
= ,. .
- • - • • I,

= (30 + 10)- 2 x 30 X2
1r ·- ·' I', '.1·:
Fig. P. 7.3.l(A)
·.' ~ . or (i:-) 2
= -05 •••Ans
4. Principal "1ode shapes ... ... "

1. . Frequency_equ~tion ' ';· . . , .·. :_.. .~; . '' ';

The two principal _mode shapes for given system are shown in
Let at any i~stant, the two· masses m1 and II1z move along
Fig. P. 7.3.l(B).
direction of spring axis With dispfa~ments - x;' 'and
; .. ·
.. ;,. .- .._-..
. '. ~ . •'.
' ~----'"~
- 1111..~--.'~/
·... · ' .··." . .

:' ':::,, ,:~r~~- Unciarn1i ~ultide. r~e'· af .Ffee'.iVitf.:Sys;_.:. .._.-._, r,. :

F~~m Etj1~atidns Ce) ancl(f-), . ,,

;-·;:-_. ··: ' ~.:~Y ....;__ · ·· Ki . - -· - {!,(;) "1.icu2 ) ·
.... :,l . . ... ,,

( (K, + Kz) -' m1 ro2] = ,/ .'fi.

, :. [(K, +Ki>- m ro1~ :_ 111iro1 ::; "~:- _: 1 _
(Kt +Kz>Kz- (K, +Kz)01zio2~mlro2Ki+m,~ro4=K:
! ... • - .' : ·, -
lllilllzc.o - [(K1 + Kz) lll.z ~ m1K.z] ro2 + ( K Kz) Kz- K2 =O

' • - 2
: lll1Illzro - [(K1 + Kz> Illz + m1 ro2 + K1 Kz + K:- K2 =0
' . ,. - -- •
trn .. 2><2

4_[i.K1 +Kz)
- + - UJ2+-= 0
"K1~ . Ki] _·
.illbrlllJJl (b)DlaplacecI (c)F.iu)· - ni1 D1z m ·-(g) - mz
(•)~don . . • - ,, .
· Poaltlon • or l\faaaea
. 1

Natural frequ~·ncle~ .. .: I :-. . l• •• ,1

\z,·. Fig. P. 7.3.2(B) ~ ,, . •"·

1.5 kg, · lllz. ~· 0.8 kg, K
•• " r
Putting m1 :::

~~ dlffoi;en~al_ equatio~s o[ m6tj.on ar~. 1 4000 Nim

'[he and Kz = 4000 Nim in Equation (g), we gel,
: 1111:~1 . + K,i, - -~ ·( ~2 - X1) = 0 .
- [!..000 + 40oo +
4000] + 4000 x 4000 -- 0
. ~d- -~~2 ;K;-Cx2 _~x-,) - =~ 0- .. : .... 4
..• ""
1.5 x0.8
3 2
. ' . '··t•, ' •, I ' • (J) - 10.33 x 10 ro + 13.33 x 106 = 0
. r1 !I11 X1 + ( K1 + Ki) X1 - Ki X2 = 0
.. . (a)
and ~ ~2 -Kix(+··Kix2- =-O

steady state conditions are, •.• Ans.

XI = X 1 sin c.ot
- . " .' Ratio 9f Amplitudes . • ·1
X2 = X 2 sin cot The amplitude ratio for first mode.of.vibration is,
!~ ~ Ki ·.
Therefore, X1 = -
x 1 _oo2 sµi

-- .. , , ':
x2 . - = [(K + Kz)- m m2 )

... ·. . ·c x2·
x 2 c.ot } ,,
," ;.(d) " :'ii. ·" ..
- l
1 1
Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a), · ·

-m1 X1 cu2 sin cot+ (K1 +Ki) X 1 sin cot - Ki X2 sin cot= 0
or ·(x)
. .x2
== 0.697
.. - ~1 X1 co + (K, + ~"2) X1 - ~"2 X2 = 0
. 2 TC TC ••.Ans.
• •• • • ' J • • '~
The amplitude ratio for second mode of vibration is .

'· (§:-), = [(K, + i<,~- m, co: ]:~ ·...

::: 4000
'· (4000 + 4000)-1.5 x 8818.38
- Substituting Equations (c) and-(d) in Equation (b),
- ~ X2 ol sin cot- Ki Xi sin rot+ Ki Xi sin·wt= O
or (~)2 = -0.765 .• ~ '
. ·: . .. . , ••.Am
I • ' • ,' )

2 - .
.. -IllzX2 w ~ KiXI"+KiX2 -= 0 '•.
1 . .. • ' • •

4. Principal mode shapes , , - . ( : •. c •~' '.• ·.• : 1

JJ: .. . I . •
,,. i ·:· ..· -....
:. . . (~ ,-: ~ ro2) ?'2 = Ki x, .
'. ... -· . . . X .K -111zm2) -
' •'
The two pnncipal mode shapes_fC?r given system are shown i
. ~ .
.!i.(~2-"'--~- . .. : , .
• . .
- ' '
.. X
1 . '
,= Kz · - Fig. P. 7.3.2(B).
, I . ·'

1l'ir Ttdllatwl11
V Publlt>1t\c

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.. · ·."·

amles 'of Machine . (MU - Sam s - Mech)

..:' . .· F ;t· ·· .. .., ... _,
' ..
1·. . • .

~. ;' .
·" . '

ti . •
·i (•) Equlllbrl~ P~tlon i·
·, .•.

.. 'J '

_{d) Fint Mode Shape at co 81 = 38.87 rad/s

for (..!ll:XX) - 0.697 •
l I
, '

Fig. P. _7.3.J(B).

,- The two differential equations of motion are; ;•. ; ;_

.. .' m1 x1 - K ( "2 - X1)' = o· ..·' .. ·: .' .

(e) Second Mode Shape at roii,2 = 93.90 nulls and II1i Xz + K( X2-X1) = 0
. · or

Fig. P. 7.3.2(B) : Principal M.ode Shapes ID1. X1 +Kx1 -K x2 = 0 ••:(1

Ex. 7.3.3 and mi "2 -K X1 +K ~ 0 . ...n=
- . Assuming that the masses m1 and II1z executes hannoni
Find natural frequen_cies and mode shapes for the system vibration at frequeney w, the solutions for x1 and x1 undi
shown in Fig.__P. 7.3.3(A). Take m1 .= 15 kg, m2 = 20 kg steady state conditions are,
and K = 200 N I m X1 = X 1 sin wt.
~ = Xz sin rot ...(c

x 2' . "
Therefore, X1 = - 1 w sm rot
x2 = .- X 2 w2 sin ~t } ••(d

Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),

Fig. P. 7.3.J(A)
- m1 X1 w2 sin wt+ K X 1 sin wt- K Xz sin rot= 0
Soln.: .. - m1 X1 ro2 + K X 1 - K X2· = 0 .. .. , '
1. · Frequency Equation .. (K-m1 ro )X1 2
= K·Xz ·· ,·
Let at any instant. the two masses m1 and mi move along the !J.. K ...(el
direction Of spring axis with displacements Xi . "2 and .. X2 = ( K - m1 co2) "
respectively'. Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equatl~n (b),
Assuming "2 > xi' the F.B.D of two mass~s are shown in
2 ' '
- mi X2 ro sin cot - K X 1 sin cot + K Xz sin rot = 0
Fig. P. 7.3.3(B)(c). 2 '
:. -miXzco -KX 1 +KX2 = 0

---------~-----:-----:---..,...-------------------------------------------------------------..~.-T~-~ put11C 11 "


Scanned with CamSc11nner

. ' .···
· Vib>
s . ' '°'.:'
7-15 . . Free Undamp. Multid ree of Fr~~-'.~.. . .· · ·
. : -- ,,
4. Prtnc1pa1 Mc>de st,iip.8 ·· .. · . ... . . .
. ' . . . ysteiii are shOwn tD
The two principal mode shapes for givens .
Fig. P. 7.3._3(B).
\ . '!. ~

(K'- 1niol) • ~ j ·, ~

,K . .. .· '

(d) First Mode Shape at <Out== 0'

X2 2
·=1 .

·1.' .'

.ro4,-23.33 ro . .. = ,0
+ 23.33 ± v,....c-23-.3-3)-2_-o (~) Secon~ Mod~ Shape at ron2 4.830.rad/s =
.. .• (1)2 •, -2- - .. . - for (Xl' = - 1.3337
. X212 · .
. 2 = 23.33 ± 23.33 .
~ (I) 2 2. Fig. P. 7.3.3(B)
2 2
•• roDI = 0 and wn2 =23.33 "

.. mat = 0 rad/s
and wnl = 4.830 rad Is ••. Ans.
It is seen that as if one of the natural frequ~ncies 'o f the
s:fstero is rero, the system is not__ vibrating. There is no 'Soln.: ..
relative motion between masses m1 an~ mi and system can be ·1. Frequency Equation
moved as a rigid body. Such systems are known as semi-
definite systems.
Let at any instant, the two masses m 1 and move along the mz
direction of spring axis with displacements x 1 and Xz
3. Ratio of Amplitudes respectively. · · · . ,. .
The amplitude ratio for first mode of vibration is, Assuming x2 > x 1, the _F.B.D of two masses are shoWn in_
. & -- K 1 Fig. P. 7.3.4(A)(c).
X2 K- m 1 w The two differential eqriations of motion are,

.. (~) = K m 1 x 1 -K-(x2 -x1) =0

K-m1 Wn1 .
= ..
200-15 xO or m1 x1 +K x 1- K x2 = 0 · •. . (a)
(~)1 = 1 •..Ans. . and tn.i Xz - K x 1 + K Xz = 0 ... (b)

- The amplitude for second mode of vibration is, Assuming that the masses m 1 .and mz executes harmonic
vibration at frequency w, the solutions for x 1 and x 2 under
( ~2)2 = K-m1K wn2 steady state conditions are, . ·'

200 · X1 = X 1 sin (J)l }
200- 15 x 23.33
Xz = X 2 sin ~t , ...(c)
or ( ~\ = - 1.3337 ...Ans.

· wtidl1aew1uti
V fl' u1t11c.atlons

Sc1mned wit h Ca mScilnnM

., ··......

!' . ' • !": ) '; """ r1'- •• _


j (a) Equlllbrlam Position i

w I
.! ' · -' .

2 20

~ .. . '

!. ... ,;· '!'. .= T ±,2 .:. ... , :,.·.

• l

(b) Displaced Posldon -- - . .. ..

. ~ii,
:. . Cllnt = orad /s ·' ·

an~ .; ro~ :~ • 4.472 rad Is :.•AIL\

t' . ( • •

It is seen that . as if one of the natural frequencies of the

(c) F.B.D. ofMUleS
system is zero,
. the ·system is not vibrating.
.. There is
. no
relative motion between masses m 1 and mi and system can be
Fig. P. 7.3.4(A} moved as a rigid body. Such systems are known as se1111..

Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in :Equation (a), definite systems.

Ratio of Amplitudes
- m1 X 1 ro2 sin cot + K X 1 ~in cot - K X 2 sin rot = 0
' . The amplitude

. ratio for first m~e of vibration is,

.·.. -m1 X1 ol +KX~ -KX2 .= 0 . . .. ; . _.: ...
'·. . ~ K .. ,
v .- K - mf coi ..
.. (K - ID1
co ) X1 = K~ . . . -'"'2
,, . -·

!i = K K
.. (~)
... (e) ·, .
Xz . (K-m 1 Cll1)
.. = K-m1 Oln1
Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in :Equation (b), 10
.. .- .
10.:..1xo ·
- 1Dz x; ro2 sin cot-K X 1 sin cot+ K ~sin cot= 0
(~) I
= 1. ...Ans:

(K-~rol~ = . KX 1 The amplitude for second mode of vibration is,

!J. (K - IDzW ) K- ..
•• X2 = K ...(f)
(~)2 = K-m1 ron2 '·

From Equations (e) and (f), 10

= 10-lx20
'. '

(K-:- m1 cl)
or (~) : = -1 ••.AllS.
2 2
(K- m 1ro ) (K- IDzWl
= K
4. Principal Mode Shapes

The two principal mode shapes for given system are shown in
Fig. P. 7.3.4(A)

&:<ir111ti<l wilt1Ca111Suttm1t1r
.. . ,·
. .' ....
· .. , ·.. :
.. ·.·

(MU ... :Sem 5 ~Mech)

· · · ' . . · r~e~.Vib. S~· ·
•• :.. ' . 'i .~, ... '. •; ' ~ · {-....'. ,. .

7'.~ 17 · Free Undamp. Multide ree of~. ·~ . ..... ···

2. · F=r&qi'.iencv. Eci~at1on-; ~,;.: .·; .·~.~, .· .. ,~:- ,_. · '·" .·
"· .... '

. t M'ode Shape at ron 1 =O rad/s

(d)f'•~ .for(*)1 - 1 ·- ·. .

(b) Equilibrium Position I·

:. ~ X2

. , nd Mode Shape at coa1 ='4.472 rad/s

(e) sec:o x
. . .
X2 _2 . _
_(c) Displaced Po.s ition
Fig. P. 7.3.4(A) mx2
. ' ·.....
... ,.,

(d) F.B.D. of Coaches

Fig. P. 7.3.S(B) · ·

Let at;any instant the two coaches move along the direction of
spring axis with displacement x 1 and x 2 respectively.
Assuming ~ > ~ 1 ; the --F :B.D ~f two coaches are shown in
Fig. P. 7.3.5(B)(c).
Fig. P. 7.3.S(A) . - ::.·: " .' _i ·-:- .. · :
The two diffe~ritial equations of motion are,
': ··1 .·
so1n.: m x1 - ~( x2 - xi) = 0
1. Equivalent Spring . ,, and m_x2 + _Kc ( x2 -x 1) = 0
or ·' ·
Tue·two-coaches ~e connected by coupling whe~. the two
. , 1:
springs are in series. Therefor.e equivalent spring is, . .. (a)
1 1 1 ..
Kc = K +K and ·.m , ~
- Kc X1 +Kc X2 .
2 Assuming that the masses m 1 and ~ execute harmonic
.. Kc = K ., vibration at frequency ffi, -the solutions for x and x under
1 2
steady state
. .
conditions are, '
.. K 40 x 106
Kc = 2=
or _Kc = 20x 10 N/m


= X 1 sin rot
= X2 sin cot } ... (c)

- TheequivaJent system is shown in Fig. P. 7.3.5(a)(B). = x co2 sm


X1 - 1
Ke= Kl2
x2 = - x~·co2 sin ~t .,.(d)
Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equation (a),
- m X1 ol sin ffit +Ke X 1 sin cot - Ke X 2 sin cot= O
.. - mX 1 ro +KeX 1 -KeX2 - 0
Fig. P. 7.3.S(a)(B): Equivalent System 2
( Ke - m ro ) X1 ==
X2 = ...(e)
, ... -'-: ·:.
D Ttdila..t1qi
V Publlc~tlons

Scllnned w i1h CamSc::l!lnner

. . -... ·
. ,;_ .: '''

:-···: ....~\··:
· · : ,._-, . · <Dynami~ofMachlne · ·· Mu ~-s~~·s'~;M~h · . . ' "1:1~(, . _, . .~
·. _Sub~tituting
. · - . Eq~~ons (c) an ; '.. .ti:1~ . · . • ·. · .(b
· d (d.)·.m .LAtuation .. ) ,':- ..:/·~
-. .'.. 5.
mX · · · 0 The two principal mod~ shapes for gi~cn system •. "'· ·, _.·. .
- . . . 2 sin rot - ,K. X~ sin rot + K 0 X 2sin rot:::
··.. · . -~~~ ·
. ; '· ·
Fig. P.'7:3.5_.(D) . . ·.
. --. ·. ..·. -_-mX2CJ.l-K.x, t K. X2 - o .. . .~.:_: .

CK.-m co2) X~ '= ,· K 0 x;

!J. . ; . -. (Ke - m ro2) ·~ . ,
...(f) :
•·. . "2· ·= - - K,. - '
From Equation (e)' and (f ), · ·-· ·, : !~ •

(e) First Mo~e Shape at con 1 = Orad/a
for (XL) -1
X2 t
· · CK.
- Di co2) (K •m ol). 0 -
2 2 2
. Ke. - . 2 Ke m ro + mro" = K .
.-·-2 " - . .. " 2 --- 2

·· mro -2Kem ro
4 .2K, . i ."
.. ro-mm ,;,·''o ...(g)

3. Na_tllra.~ Frequencies
(0 Second Mode Shape at ro n2 =141.42 ~d'1S·:, ,·: ··
Putting m = 2000 kg ·
Eq~ation (g),
-~d .. ' K. = 20 x 10 Nim in

.·. '
., .. ... .
lor (~) --
X l 2 . 1- -.-. ' . . . '

. ~ 2 x 20 x 106 2 Fig. P . 7.3S(D)

.. (J) -.: 2000 ·'· (J) =
.. 2
C.0 -20000 CO, · .- . 0 Ex. 7.3.6 .. .-
.. . ro2 + 20000 ~ :J...c-20000--)-2-_-o SeH:'P the differential equations of motion for _the system
= 2 st:iown in Fig. P_. 7.3.6(A) and de,te~ine·: · · ·. ..
(i): _ The natural frequencies ; ·
' .. (ii)' .:Th~ ratio·of amplitudes for the two modes; and
2 2 -
• • (J)
=0 and ' ron2 =20000
• ; 'I ' I I j..• (iii) The principal mode shapes when K = 40 Nim and
.. O>nl = . 0 rad/s m::10kg.
and Q)n2 = 141.42 rad is ...Ans.
Since one of the ~atural frequency "is. zero, system is not
vibrating. There is no relative motion between two coaches,
and system can be n:iove as a rigid body.
Fig. P. 7.3.6{A)
4. Ratio of Amplitudes
. . . Soln.:
The amplitude ratio for first mode ofvibratiori is,
·· -. -- X K .; ·.}. 1. Frequency Equation
-~ - K-mro2
·• , i; r, x2 · ·_ - _, · · ,. Let at any instant the two masses move in the horizontal
6 direction with displacements x 1 and x2•
K' 20x 10
.. (~.)! = · K-m ro = 20x106 -2000 x 0
Ass)lming x2 > x1,' the F.B.D of two masses are shown ir
Fig. P. 7.3.6(B){c).

(~)1 = 1 '
• .•
The two. differential
. equations
.. of motion are, •' 1' ' , I

The amplitude ratio for second mode of vibration is, m x1 - K Xj - 2K ( x2 - X1) =0

X2 2
= K·
K-mron2 :
and 2 m Xi + 2 K ( X2 - X1) + 3 K x~ =' 0
· 2o x 106 · or
= 20 x 106 -2000 x 20000
.. ...(b
and 2 m Xi + 5 K x2 - 2 K xi .= 0

or (¥}.
..... ._.-.
-' ~
·. . ·- - . .
~·- ·
" . ...Ans.
• # •••• • :.
··. : "'.

t,1.t.l.(J' . :· .
·. .vib. ·S~· ·

'~~ ~~ .· · · ·. · .· f F ·r ee
.-.. .;·. ._
,l · . .
,,......ros. o. 1 Machine
~s. t
MU • Sem 5 • Mech
the masses executes. harmonic vibrati'
Free Uridarn
reeo . •
:: . : i'. .. -

1 ~.,,wa
·~ ~
the soluaons or x 1 ,and x2 under Stead on at .
fi · .c ll-x40 2 ' llx(40) ·
= .o -.
-""-Y o>, Y state · .c.o ~ _2,_x.....1-..0;;... co + 2 x ( 10)2 .- ,.·.
· I :e...Qll~- · ·
. . p·.- •tioDS afO• . . . .
• I ' •,

. .- , coodi ~ . . X1 = X1 s~n ~t } ·,
i: · ··= , . ·Xz . =X 2 sm rot
•.• (c) ~
' .. ~. .. 2
= - X1 ro. sin rot
rote. · ..·
· "••
. . _
.. ol = 11 ±5.74
. x2 = .- _X2 co 2
sin c.ot
...(d) .. (1)
DI = S.26 and CD.a= 16.74
. . •.' .. con! = 2.29 nxils
and co112 = 4.09 rad/s
3. Ratio of Amplitudes
j (a) EqaWb~um Position j The amplitude ratio ·for fi~t mOde of vibration is.
. . '
~- G-1,
I Xz -
(3 K-m ol)
2K . _ 2x40
·· . .( !i-~ --
x;J1 · 3 K-m ro = 3 x40- l0 x S.26

,· . or (~) = 1.186
The amplitude ratio for second mode of vibration is.
· 2K
= 3 K-mron2 ··
Fig. P. 7.3.6(B) = 3x40-10x16 . 74

substituting Equations (c) and (d) in Equations (a), .. ( ~XX2) = -1.6877 ••.Ans.
, -' mX 1 ol sfu cot+ 3 K X 1 sin cot-' 2 K X 2 sin cot= o
2 . 4. Principal Mode Shapes· · ' ' ·
.. -mXio> +3KX 1 -2KX2= 0 .'
2 The two principal mode shapes for given system are shown in
.. (3K-mco )XI = 2KX2
. .· ~ . Fig. P. 7.3.6(B).
!J. 2K
.. X2 = 3 K - m m1 J
. ••• (e)

- Substitu~g Equations (c) and (d) in Equations (b),

2 • • . . .
- 2 m ~ o> sm wt + 5 K X2 sm wt - 2 K X 1 sin rot =o
.. -2mX2co + .5KX2 -:-2KX 1 = 0
.. (5K- 2mw2>Xi = 2KX 1
(d) First Mode Shape at eon 1 = 2.29 r~d/~
!i 5 K-2 m co
- x ...
.. X2 = 2K ...(f)
for Cx~) 1 =1.186
- FromEquation·s (e) and (f),
2K · (5 K- 2 m w2)
(3 K- m w2) = 2K
.. (3 K- m ol) (5 K - 2 mw2) = (2 K)2
.. 15K2 6 K 2 2
- mw -SKmw +2m2 w4 -4K2 =0
2. 2 4
.. . m co - 11 K m w2 + 11 K2 = 0
. 2
:. m"- filro2+
= ::0 ...(g)
(e) Sec~nd Mode Shai>c at mn = ; rad/s
2. Natural Frequencies 2 4 09
for (~1 ,;,. ~- 1.6877 ·-
, Putting K =40 Nim and · m = 10 kg in Equation (g),

Scanned w it h CamScan ner

. • ·1· . ~. ·.

\.. :.,: .

~=:;;;,i;:·O~n~a=m~_ics~.~~f~M~a~c~h~ln~e~ry~-.~(M~U~.;-";'~S~e~m~S~-~M~~~ch~)~--··~7~..2~0~-=-~--·~~,F~r~e:e~U~n~d~am~p=;·M-u;;;ltiliid~eg!;r~e~e~o~f~i=r:e ·:;·~:V~i~. s·· <

. .

Ex. 7.3~7 - - As~ng _that the -m:isses · executes :han:ilonic vibrau ·. -. ,:.
' · · - - - · -· - . -- · . ·frequency _co the sol.ubons for x, _and .Xz und_er _SIC8(l"o!~at- -
0 etermine the .natural frequencies for the sy'stem ~hown In •,' conditions are, , ,. · J ...... "'
. ·. · · x1 - . X 1 sin cot
1g. P. 7.3.7(A). Take·.- _,, - . }
- -Xz = ~sincot ·
K, =1000 NJ~. ...(c)
K2=500N/m x1 = :--X 1 <isinoot:. }
m, =so kg, :-. '. I .. 2 •
... • X2 -- - - J:':Z (I) SID (l)t
m2=10 kg · Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in ~uation (a), ·..(d)
- m, X, co2 sin rot+ (Ki + ~) x, sin ro~ - ~ "2 sin mt::::: 0
··· x 'I co2+(K1 ,+1nx,...:K~X2=0
. ·.- - ID1 _ _--V ._ • _! , - .''

.. <K; +- ~-~;·cl)x, - =· ~x~

. - : ·:. ~ ·-"~ > . IS
X2 - (K, + ~ - m1 oo'l ...(c)
. Substitutin'g Equations (c) iU:id (d) in Equation (b),
_.:·~; xito2 sin. wt~ ~·xi·~~ rot:+:~ X2 ~in ~t = ci -./-n..', 1
- •
. 2 . -. .. - . - - \··.- .
• • •- 01:z X 2 w - ~ x,·+ ~ -"2 = ?
···.~ 2 ' ' , f.

Fig. P. 7.3.7(A) .. (~ - IDz w ) X2 = ~ X1

Soln.: ~ ~ .: (Ki-ffii<1l}
The ·e quivalent system sbo'wn in Fi~. P:7.3~7~)(a). .. x2_·:; ~~ ...(f)

Frequency Equat10n -. From Equations (e) and (f),

Ki (Ki- IDz<1l}
~t. at _a ny instant the two masses move in the horizontal
(K 1 + ~ -mLw~) ~
direction with displacement x 1 and x 2•
~- m oh (~ ; .~ .K~
Assuming x2 > x1, the F.B.D of two masses are shown in . . (K1 + D1:z00 ) . , ..
. 1 . 2' ' - • - ,, . . l ' •

. . K, Ki- K, ~<.t/ + .K2 - Ki ~(1) - ~

m,mzoo~ ~ K'2
Fig. P. 7.3.7(B)(b) - m1W +
The two differential equations of ~otion are,
IDzW4 -{K 1 m 2 + ~ Dl:z+ ~-m,)W '+ K1 ~ _= 0
.. 1
. m1 x1 + K1 x1 - ~ ( ~ - x1) =O (& _b .b) 2 K1K2 - =O •••(g)
.. ..
(!) -
m +m + m.
·-. _
(!) +, _m1m2
and IDz X2 + ~ (Xz-X1) = Q 1 1

.. . (a) 2. Natural frequencies .

.. ...(b) Putting K1 1000 NI m, ~
= = 500 Nim, m1'. =50 kg and
and IDz~ - ~x 1 .+ ~ x 2 = 0 IDz = 10 kg in Equation (g),
4 (1000 500 500) 2 1000 x 500 0..
(I) - 50+50:10 (J) + 50 x ~~ =

00 - 80 al+ 1000 = O
•• 2 = +so -± '1(so[-4 xlOOO

(J)2 = 80 ±~
2 2
002 = 40± 24.49
(b) Dbplaced Position •• 00 = 15.50 ) i
and wn2 = 64.49 .
. ''.
.• :
. . ron1 = 3.93 rad /s
and · wn2 = 8.03 rad I s .. i..~ • ·, l
(c) F.B.D. of Masses
• 1 1--

Fig. P. 7.3.7(B)

scanned willi CamScanner

· . . : . .· - . . . . . . . .: V'b S~ >
1~21 : :,; ·· ',;Free Undamp.·Multidegree·ot-Free·: • . •

The resul~t spring fori:e ac~ng ~n eac_h rod is, .>: :.. . ·~ ~· ...
·ls·". .. shown. ..In . " . . F. =; K (X-;i:-: X1) ..· . ... --
frequency of the ·
. ... F, -=K(a02 77a01) ' . "
m, m, =3 kg; . • • - ·" •• . .• :· 1

. · · F' :: · K a (02 - 01) ..

Talcing moments about points A an~ B. '!'.e get. · ' · : .•
11 el + m; g sin 0, l - Ka (02 - 01) a 0 =
and Iz 82 + mz g sin 0 2 l +Ka (02 .:._ 0 1) a= 0
I Sin~ 0 1 and 0 2 are small, ~in 0 1 =0, and: sin 82 === 02 · · · ·
( '

.: · I
•• •[ • I
=·m1 fJ ...(a)
•• f and ll1z 1
82 + ll1z g l 82-t Ka2 (0~ ~ 01) =0 ·.~ -c:: .Ii= Illz 11 ...(b)
Fig. P. 7.3.S{A) The solution for 0 1 and 02 under steady -siite.conditions are,

50111·: .81 = cl>1 s'.n wt}

Frequency Equation
·:' ·., . .
02 = c!>
sm wt ...(c)
'}be ma5ses m 1 and mi are considered to have only h . Where, cl> 1 and «Pi are the ampli.tudes of vibration o~ the two
~ . .. .. d 8 be th - . onzontaI pendulum under steady state.condition~. · " .
lllotion: Let 8 1 an 2 e angles of string with the vertical
Th~fore , . . ·. . - - . -.
· as sboWD in Fig. P. 7.3.8(B). . .. " . · ' . ...
Ji.. ' . :• '"l:
2 •.
- - c!> 1 W SID rot

. 0 2 = - .<t>2 ro~ ~~rot _

. .. Substituting Equations (c) and (d)in Equation (a), .:
· x1•a01 - m1 'f cl>1 w2sin wt+ m1g I~ sin rot + Ka2 (ci>1sin ~t - 4>z sin cot) ;:: 0
1 2 2 .. -
·· ~ m1 l CJl . cj> 1 + m 1 g l cj>1 + Ka (cj>1 :-. ci>2 );::: O ,
I 2 2 . . . . ·-·. • .'
,.L, -:-m, l CJl . cl>1.+ m1g l cj>1+ Ka2 c!>1- Ka2 «Pi= O .
. . - :~· . (!Jl,1 g l +Kai.:_ m, [2 ro2> cl>i . ~ ~2 ct>2
,. I
I • \
T. I

.!J... Ka2
· ~ •••(e)

• •• (m1 g l + Ka2 - m 1 f ro2>


- . Substituting Equations(~) and (d) ·in Equations (b),

Fig. P. 7.3.S(B): Displaced Position ·
- ~ /! <I>:! w sin wt + ~ ~ i <1>-z si~ rot + Ka2(G>2 sin wt - ~· ~in rot) ;,; O
- · Assuming Xi> x, (82 > 8,), the F.B.D of system is shown in
Fig. P. 7.3.8(C). . .. -mz l2 w2 cl>2+ mi g l cl>2 + Ka2 («Pi-<!>1) = 0
. 2 2
.. - IDz l CJl <Pi+ mi g l <Pi+ Ka2 «Pi - Ka2 <j>1 =O
·· (lllz g l + Ka - mi f _w'J cj>2 ;::: · Ka2 cl>i . _ _
.!i. ._ (mzg l + Ka2 - 01zfo>2)
•• cl>2 - Ka2 - . • •• (f)

Fig. P. 7.3.S(C): F.B.D of System

' .._:·

Scanned with CamScannet'

:-· ... . _, .
.. · .. . .
.._..;; ·". . . . ,· .

niclll:ltro' ....:c2m.; ~gr+ K~2:I112f +Ka':m1·ftol . ~ Soln.:
+ Ka . ~1· gl+Ka2 mzgi+m ~g2f =O : 1• .Frequency Equation ·,),:' ' .
· .
4 [ 2g ·
co - l
J .. ica2g g:i ·. ·
m2+-,. +--::r+-f = o... (g)
K~2g .C ·· , ·.. .
'-:- :,'-i .<
. Dl1l : Ulz' D1i l m1 ,- . ... ·'. 1.· ·.
. : : : .: ':. - ~ .' • !

2. Natural Frequencies ·~ .. ..'

.'~ .:.
From Equation (g), · '
.. ro'._[2x 9.81+50 x (0.1)2 50 x (0.1) ] ol

0.2 . . 3 x (0.2)2 + 5 x (0.2)2 . . ' . •.

2 2 2
+ 50 x (0.1) x 9.81+50 x (0.1) x 9.81 + (9.81) ..;. 0 . ,. .... ·.,:·· .
(0.2)~ .~ .
3 3
5 x (0.2) . 3 x (0.2)

CJ)' - 104.79 ro + 2732.89 == 0
•• (J)2 = + 104.76 ±'\/ (104.76)2 - 4 x 2732.89 '

.I •.

. . 002 =: 52.38 ± 3.28
· · :. ro ·= 49;1 and o/n2·= 55.66
. ,. ' Fig. P. 7.3.9CB): Dispiaced.Postti~~ · ·: ·
>. m~1 = 7 rad /s and =7.46 ·rad Is (J)n2 .•. Ans.
· The rods .are considered to ha~e only horizontal:... ti' ·
. I fod. . . ...,oon let
Ex. 7.3.9 01 and 02 be the ang es o r s.wtth vertical and let X1 ~d x.
be the horizontal displacements of the rods. .' 1
Two uniform rods AB and CD having lengths o:oa m and
Assuming X2 > X1 • .·t he F.B.D of ·system· is sho .
0:1 . m respectively are pivoted at their upper ends as shown . W!l IQ
Fig. P. 7.3.9(B).
in .Fig. P. 7.3.9(A). The mass 'of rods AB and CD are 3 kg · The resulting spring force acting on each rod is,
and 5 kg respectively. The stiffness of spri~g is 2000 NI m. Fs = ~ (JLi-X1)
Determine. : :. Fa = K Cl2 02 - 'l.101)
(i) The natural f~equencies, neglecting effect of gravity ;
(ii) The angular amplitude of rod CD for second mode of

vibration, if rod AB moves through 1° on either side of

the vertical; and
(iii) The maximum force in spring during second mode of
vlbratio.n. C

Fig. P. 7.3.9(C): FBD of System

Taking moments about point A and C, we get,

11 01 - K Cl2 02 - 11 01) 11 =0
• , 1

Fig. P. 7.3.9(A)

. '

scanned with c am.scanner
WJ?r ··"·· .. ..
o/:r··:· : ·= amz .. t
....· ;: l
"' cc:oo
· -.

.. ...... ·· 1~·M....a..~ti1~~,y (MU - Sem·s·. M--h·>-· ._ .

f< .
; .~9rtJI
. · ·cs o . .· .. .
"""'. ._.. , 7-23 .. •
'.·: • ·· i

~ ~

L '
· >· ·· · ·
• •
..... ·
• • . . ,. . •
' •• - • . • • ; :. • •
· ·· · ··Vib:
• ·' ) •

. · . moment of inertia of; unifonn roct is .. · · Free Uiidariip. Multidegfee of Free.

1J)JISS . . . 3 •
. ';
5iPce . ... .. .
fore .
tbeie z . '
I. Jll1 I·.1.. 01

+ K(l1 01 -lz0z')l1= 0
. .

~ ez..., K Cl1 .01 -Lz0J ii= ·o :. co• - 3 (m, + IDz) K ro2 =o •: : . ;.'; . •-. ·. (i)
..:(h) m11Ili -
,nd 3
earrangm. g :Equations (a) and
. (b), we get, 2.·.· Natural Frequencies <-'
. ··• r·. . -.

F ml.. . -...
~ -0 1 + K11 e 1 = K1ie From Equation (i)
3 2
rozz .· .. . •..(c) 2

and 3 02 ,+ Kii0i =· Kl1 01

:. (J)2 = 2 .
...(d) .
. ns for 01 and.02 under Steady state conditions are,
e solutto
e =
. } .
<1>1 sm oot . :. ro'- = ~ (m, + ~) K ±1 (m, + m,) K
2 . m1 ~ ~IDi
. B21 ~ '$2 sin i:.ot ' '· . , , ()
. -2
. + m.,) K
= 0 . and ro 2 - 3 (m,
~ and «l>z are the amplitudes of Ute vibration of two
, .. . ... e :. ro 2
· IDi
rodS . steady state co~ditions "
D.I n2 ml
:. :. cont = Orad/s ...Ans.
e1 . = - <1>1 c.o
2 '
sin rot
1· •- I'
and ron2 = " /,....3_C_m,_+_m.,_)_K~
·\J m1~
rad Is

e2 . = - 47 oo~ sin oot . . ...(f) :. (J)n2 "' /3 (3 + 5) 200Q

Substituting Equations (e) an~ (f) .~ F.quation. (d), we get· == \J 3x5 •
• ~ •

= 56.56 rad Is
:. ~13 ~ ~ ci sin oot + K 11 <1>1 sin oot =K 12 ~ sin oo ·
: • .CJlnz · .. . .: ••.Ans.
I 2 Since effect of gravity is neglected, therefore first natural
- m1 l 2 frequency is· zero. If effect
· of gravity
· ts· ~ns'1der· then first
3 ' <1>1 oo .+ K 11 cl>1 = K ii $i natural frequency will also·be non-zero. ·
3. Ratio of Amplitudes
ID1 l 2\ ..
.. ( Kl1 - ~w) $ 1 K1i ~
The amplitude ratio for second mode of vibration is,

( ~)2 = (
.. ~· = --(g) 't'2
m l 1 2)
Kl 1 -~oon2
Substituting Equations (e) and (f) in F.quations (d), 20oo x 0.1

- 3 ~ii. al sin wt+ K Li <!lz sin wt = K 1 <1>1 sin wt

= 2000 x 0.08 3x ~-08 x (56.56)2
- ~l 2
.. ---!....2...
3 $i w + K 1i $i. = K 11 <1>1

. ·'. ~ 0

.. ( K I.z _
2 2
00 ) $2 = K 11 <1>1 - 2.08 ... (When <1>1 = 1 )

Dlil 2"1 '2 = - .0.48 - .•.Ans.
( K 12 --t-2-w J Therefore when rod . AB moves through 1°, then rod CD
Kli moves through aiigle - 0.48°. The negative sign indicates it
- From F.quations (g) and (h), we get, moves out of phase with rod AB.

Klz ( K l z- i 12 w2)
Maximum Spring Force During Second Mode of

(K 11 - m~l1 c1>2) = Kl1 The spring force during second mode of vibration is,
= K[ l2 <1>2 - l1 <l>il
.·. (K1, _¥m~ (K1,-'; ~m~ =K2 1~
or .- Fs = K [Ii 47 sin oot - 11 $ 1·sin rot]
:.~ 1 , _:!._mi3 li~ 2 Km31 l1'2 co2 + ·m1 ID:i
The maximum spring seco~d Jn<?<i~ of vibration
1'2 (J) - 9 l1Z, 00c_K2 / Z,:O is,

Scanoeod with CamScaona-

,• ;. .
.......·. .. •,, .,. .·.. ' .·.~ .
.· ·:.·
,_.. .' · =·
·· .. ...

··... :free Undam

7-24. ··":,
. ~ .. ' . i
. ··
= . 2cxx{o:1x~~o.4k~fs5-0:·08x:1 x"~l~ ; · .~.:·
, ,, . .· . \ . · .1 •.:••;
. \ ·-:: !• - ·. .• . '
·· . . •.

:. .. FllllaX - - 4.468 N . . ·· " .. •. ' . ~-. .. •'

or F..WC 4.468 N · ... •..Ans.

- ~. -7.3.10 . '

Find the natural frequency of vibratio~ .for the system shown

in Fig. P. 7.3.10(A}. . . · . .

. (c) F.B.D of system · · ·

., Fig. P.- 7.3.lO(B) : }<'.B.D of System

Let the whole system is moved to the right by distan
the mass 012 is displaced by an angle e . as sown
bee x aitd.
Fig. P. 7.3.lO(B)(b) ., . . · · · :· Ill

Therefore total displacement of mass mi is (x +l 0)

Let T be the tension in string.
Fig. P. 7.3.lO(A) The F.B.D .o f system is shown i~ Fig. P. 7.3.10cB)(c).
Sol.n .: From F.B.D of mass mz-we can write,
1. Frequency Eq~atlon

Tcos0-ni2 g =0
Tcos0 = rnzg
or T = rnzg ... [ as_0 is small , cos e=l ]
The differential equations 1of
motion in • horizontal _dir..""'~u·on
are, ·
,_ ,. m1 x -Tsin· ~
and IDz ( x + l 0) + T sin 0 = 0
., '!,#.
t.' - . m 1 x -T0 = 0
and - · rnz(x+l0)+T0 =·o
· (a) Equillibrium Position
or ml x -mzg e = 0

and ffii(X+l0)+rnzg8 .= 0
m1 x -rnz g e ' = 0 ...(a)
and x +l e + g e. =o ...(b)
' 1.' The solutions for i. and 8 under steady state conditions are,
I' ... · . x , = X sin rot · } ., '
I . e .= <1> rot si~
. " ...(c)
' where, X and <1> are amp~tudes of m1 and IDz respectively

..; I
Therefore; . ":'
•• 1 '
x= - X co2 sin_~t- : } '

' I ~ '
e = - ~ o:l sin rot ...(d)
(b) Displaced·Position . J •, ,l

Fig. P. 7.3.10.(B) : F.B.D of Sys~ni (Contd•.•.)


Sconned w 11h CamScanner

·, ·-·

...(e) ·, . . I .
. .. Equations (c) and (d)in F.quation (b), ,.
5titutlflg 2
,, 5ub i sin rot -_I q, ro si.n rot+. g cj> sin oot =o
~" .. 2 ,., 0
xcl- lcj>(I) +g:r = . t
.. - ~ ·, 2) .+. .
.. · (g-lro ·:' . = XCil

. . .. . x
- .
{g-i co2)
(J)i , •..(f) '. Soln. :.
Fig.P. 7.3.ll(A) ·

uation (e) and (f) we can write 1. Frequency Equation

fto!ll Eq mi g g- l
Let the whole system is moved to the right by distance x ~d
(1)2 -

-m, ro = o/ - •• ~ .' ~ j •' • ' : the mass ~ is displaced by an angle 9 as, shown ':°
- .- 2 . 2 Fig. P. 7.3.ll(B). Therefore total displacement of mass Illz 15
.. . - m,. ro (g - l ~)
= ~ g (l)2 . . ... = (x +le)
i -- -

_ m, g ol -t m1 l ro
= ~ g (l)2
.. 1111 .0-
l / - ( m1+ mi ) g ro =0
.(m1 + m2) g · 2
.. ol' - m1I ro =0 ...(g)

Natural Frequencies
frolllEquation (g) ·

+ ( m~~lm,) g±V[<m1 :s» gJ +·a

ri = 2 ...

Jm, + n:z) g + (m, ID:i) g

:. ol = 2m l
- 2m l
(a) Equllllbrlum Position
• Cl :::
0 ..
" a.I
2 (m, + n:z) g
andron2== ~I . !
. _:.-..
:. ma1 ::: O, rad I s .. ...Ans:
~ ,.....<_m,_+_m,_)g-
and mil::: \J IDi 1 , rad I s ...Ans.

:Ei:7.i3~11' MU - May 11, Dec. 13, 10 Marks

T .\V -...-..,... ,. ,•·
;~~·P::t7ihcA>' ·stiows

·carribinetffrler1i:iofil" I I
'.,.: ,.1 ,· ~:~~....·,,,~,~--:.-N ·""' - •·····<~
,.·, .. ,.
~ i.system;_:. Determine an expresslon;>f .":
~ ""'"!"··~ · ~ ,.:.,.,;~·~':,.·i."· ~"-;-f,/:./'--:"'.f.:._,~>-:>:;.~,~/i'.
i. i.
:[aj~§~ies.:< Arso • obtained ·, tile :.. ::eq~"iHo"n~~; I.
r~~~~ti~~:.~:i~:,'.::~fd':.tM'' L
_ j..
x--+i_e_.: ~ ·.-
x+IQ ~

(b) Displaced Posltton

Fig. P. 7.3.ll(B)

'V Puttnc~tlen

ScurnM,'!J with C..mSt:.;mr"'°'

T·eos e '= · Inz)f
--.- . ~i:'~· ~ _;' = · ~g . .... [ as: e is snfull; cos = 1] e
~t "!be the tensio~ in spring: The F.B.D of system is shown
. •o,(f)
tn Fig. P. 7.3.ll(C) .
From Equations (e) and (f), ·
. Dl:i g
(K-m1 o:h

. . (K- m 1 ci >C&- zro\ = II1z g ro


2 . · 2 1 4 · . 2
.. Kg - K l ro - m1 g ~ + m1 _ro - II1z g c.o
. . :• 2
m l ro4 - ( ro1 g t' mi g + K l ) ro + Kg =O
1 - 2
-.· ·• ! . .. m 1 Iro4 -[(m1 +IJl:i)g+Kl]ro _~' K~~o_
. ' •·. - m2cx· + 19) 2. Natural Frequencies
( ,
' . ,
From Equation (g),
""2'g ' ,
. _ + <m. + IDi) g ~Kl ±yC<m, + IDz) g + Krt-4~
Fig. P. 7.3.ll(C) !: F.B.D of System • • Q) - 2 Dtil

The differential equations of motion in horizontal direction . J

are, This is equation for the two.natural frequencies.

m 1 x+ Kx ·_ T sin 8 = O (i) When K=- 0

and 111z ( x + I e) + T sin e = o

or m1 x +Kx-T0 = O

and m 2 (x + 10) + T 0 = 0

or ml x + Kx - D1z g e = 0
.. .. . (ii) When IJ1:i =0
and ID:z <x + z e) + 111z g e = 0
When mi =0, the equation for natural frequencies becomes I

or ml x + Kx - lD:z g e =0 ...(a)
+ D1i g + KZ±yHD1i g) +K rJ2 -4.D1i·l Kg
J= 2D1il •..Am.
and x+l e +g0 = 0 .,..(b)
The solutions for x and 8 under steady state conditions are (ill) When I =0 ... i '

= x sin wt -
8 = <I> sin rot } ...(c)
When l

= 0, the equation for natural frequencies becomes,
+ (m1 + mll g ±"1[(m1 + mll g + 0] - O
w here, x a.rld cj> are amplitudes' of ml and D1z respectively, (J)l
~2 = 00 ...Ans.
x•• = - X ro2 sin rot }

•• Ex. 7.3.12
8 = - <I> w2 sin rot ... (d)
Substituting Equations (c) and (d), in Equation (a),
De~ennine the natural frequencies of the system shown ir
. m 1 X ro sin rot + KX sin rot - ID:z g <I> su; rot =0 Fig. P. 7.3.12(A). Assume that cord is inextensible and then

- m 1 X ro + KX_- ~ g <I> = O is no slip between cord and pulley. Take K1 =30 NI m
. 2
.. ( K- m1 ro ) X = IDz g <P ~ =50 NI m, m1 =2 kg and m2 =8 kg

• T1cH1..iMI
• Pub ll t1ll tl

scanned w ith camSc.:mner

c .'·'.
·- ;

. .
.. ·
7-27 ·: . •.

t ....
. tn• ."-~~(x-ra) : ,;, ·"o~:, · : : I ' «-' · ·. '. •• , . •

r· !Uld

re+ l<i .r a. r~ I<; ex ~~ a> r:~ o-' . .
.. ·- -
rn, x.+ IS x - ~ r 0 =O I_ :' • • . :
~ ' ·,'.

or ..

.. tn, x + Ki x - .~ r 0 =O ...(a)
Fig. P. 7.3.U(A) 10+(1( J() 2 . . . (b.)
r 0 - Ki r x
1 + '"2 0 . ·· · =
I' 501n.: 'The solutions for x and 0 under.steady state conditions are,
. '
. Fre<luency Equation

: : :.~; }
' 1.
· .the mass moves downward_by distance .,, ·. ... 'Therefore ...(c)
Let. .. " !Uld PUlley '
"' tes through an angle 8 about O in clackwise d. . -
shown in Fig. P. 7.3.12(B). . ·. . irection as x = - X <Jl sin rot

""'e deflecti~n in spring 1 is r 0 and deflection in sp,.;h . 0 = - $ ro2 sin rot ·

llJ g IS ...(d)
(x..:. r 0). ·--· - I . .
• ...
Substituting Equations (c) and (d) in F.quation (a),
- rn, X CJ.> sin <Ot +Ki X sin <Ot ~Ki r $sin cot 0

.. -m1 X<0 +1<.ix-Kir$ =o
.. (l<.i-m1 <0 )X = I<.ir$
. K !Sr
· · ' - ·= <Kr m1 u6 ...(e)

:- Substituting
Equations (c) and (d) in F.quation (b),
- I $ <O sin <Ot + ( K1 + Ki )r2 $ sin (J)t - Ki r X sin cot =0
2 2 ....
-I$w +(K1 +:Ki)r $-1<.irX =0
.. · [(K1 +Ki>r2-Ico2 ]$ = ~ix
. 2 2
(•) Eqalllbrlum Position (b) Displaced PoslUon . .. ,! - ",(K1 + Ki)r - I w
.. 41 - Kir .•.(f)
Fig. P. 7.3.12(B)

. The F.B.D. of system is shown in Fig. P. 7 .3.12(C).


t Kix- ril)

li9IJ t x .
Fig. P. 7.J:li(C): F.B.D. of System

• From F.B.D of system shown in Fig. P. '.:~'.l 2(C), the

differential equations of motion are,


Sconned w it h ComScnnner
. "·!._:~~. '": - ·.<.
. ~·· :
' ~ .
. .-: ' ·· ..
. \ .. ,.; :~namic8 of M~~hlnerY'. (M~ :::Sem:5 ~ MEJch)
.. . ·2. _,· Nat~~al:Freque~cles .
Putting K ...:. 30 Ni v . · . , .. ·. ,· .'. .-
:.~ ' .'
·· . . 1- ~· ":~ =59 NI m. m1 =2 kg and "
IDz =8 ~g in Equation (g), · · · ·· · ·.. ,.
. 4 ( 2 (30 + 50) . . ') . . .
. . w . .:. §Q.. 2 · ' 2 x 30 x·50 '
. s + 2 ro + · 2x8 =o·
• ' .2 . " '' The amplitude for second mode of vibration is, ..
·· C0-45w+l87.5=0
~l , _ .
('XJ2 K · '. 50
'.' .1

) 2"""--4-(1-8-7.-5)
+ 45 .± '\/,..(4-5....
. -. K-m1con2 =50- I XlOQ
.. :i• .. . 2
. (I) (-®2 = -1
• 1

.. (J)2
Prlnclpal mode shapes
.. (J)
and (I)

•• Cl>nl = 6.35 rad /s ••.Ans.

and con2 = 2.1563 rad Is ••.Ans. Fig. P. 7.3.13
.. .~

"(f;)I .---1.
There is no nodes in the system.

Syllabus Topic:
· Introduction to Free Multl·De
. gree
of Freedom Vibration Systems

Given : m 1 =IDz = 1 kg; K

For a semi-definite system.
' (m1 +m;) K
=50 Nim
M·ulti-Degr~e of Freedom Systems
- -
Cl) -
ID1 .Illz
= 0

(J)4 (1 + 1) 50 2
lxl co = 0

.. co' - 100 ol 0
col·/ - 100 ro
= 0 The procedure for analysing a multi-degree of freedom
a= 1, b = - 100 and c = O system is only an extension of the method used for analysing
2 2 two degree of freedom systems. - ·
2 -b ±yb -4ac -(-100) ±Y(- 100) -0
W= 2a 2 However, the use of influence coefficient and writing the
equation in matrix forms make the anil!ysis more simpler.
100± 100
In general for a system with n-degrees of freedom, there are
100 + 100
.. (J) .
= 2
and 0)2 =0 . 'n' number of differential equation of motion, 'n' number of
natural frequencies and an even 'n' number of principal mode
2 2
nl = 0 and
= 100
(J) of vibration.

ron2 = 10 rad/s The problem of multi-degree of freedom system can be

(J)nl =0 and
solved by using exact analysis method and ·approximate
If one of the natural frequency of the system is zero, the
analysis method.
;tern is not •vibrating. There is no relative motion between the
sses m 1··and ~and system can be moved as a rigid body. Such .In exact method the differential equations can be established
terns are known as semi-definite systen::is. using Newton's· second law of motio~. by.using Lagrange's ·
The amplitude ratio for first mode of vibration is; equation or by using matrix method (eigen-values and eigen
vectors) etc. . , .

Scanned w ith CamSc11nner

T ..
~· .· . .'
~:r :;· ·· . ~o~t~M:a:ch=l~ne:'ry~·~(M:U:·:s;em:S;·=M~e=ch~~~~
i, . ·. 0 ·1111rril05.
;f:.· .
te · analysis method the solutions ma
7~:2~9~·==.o;;i=;;:;;~~~~~~~~· ~·~~·of·~_Free.
Free Undam . : Multldegree ~-.~ ~··~· v~·i=b~
. -.s;;y:'s:, ·
in;, . . .
-. · 1 · 11pprox•l11ning Stodola method, Holzer's method Ytl e From F.B.D. of masses m , nl:l. . ;.' m; - 1'N ~· ~on's
,. :o ~1D.Jo~ b;t:~tion,
.. Rayleigh-Ritz method . and Du~=le1y~ 1
differential equations of mot.ion, according to e ,.
f fllll"'"
od etC· . . • second law can be written as,

Jlleth m, x+ K Ki('~ - ic 1 ) = 0
uatlon ·of Motion (By using .. 1 1

t.O ~~wton's Second Law) . _ llti X2 + ~ ( X2 - Xi)-~ ( x3 - "2) = 0

Ider an
multi-degree system having n-d ·
~ X3 + ~ ( x~ - "2) - K4 ( x4 - ~ ) ' =·0 I : :.(7;5,l)

coos . . ... ... ...... +., ... ................ = 0

.. of frcedolll· " ..'. xn are the . displacements frorii u·le
X X2• 3' • mo xn + Kn ( xn - xn - I ) = 0
''. position of the.respective masses at any instant
'f)le')ibrtUlll . ..
eqUI . / . .. . By rearranging the terms of above·equations we get. .
' • • ' , ' j • 1·

m1 Xi + ( K1 + Kz) X1 - Kz "2 = 0

J:' ·. lni X2 - ~
: m3 x 3 -
.. x, + ( Kz + K3 )
~ JCi + ( K 3 + ~4 ) "2- K 4 x 4.= 0
?'2 - ~~= 0
~tm1~1 · ·~ .

. ' =
........... + .... .. ... .......... 0 /

m.,xn:-~xn-i+~xn =

:;i;)t .:
The above equations are the required equations of motion
' % - ~:-~ ~2~2 which can also be written in the matrix form as,

m1 0
K3(x3- X2) .o 012 0 ... 0 0 ... OJ
.~. .~. ' .~
[ m3 :::
o·o 0 ..: m0

~4(x.- X3) (K, +Kz) -Kz

I -Ki (Kz+~)
II " + 'o . . - K:i
I [ ... ...
K n~l (xn-1 - xn-2> 0 0

=HJ .. . 0 .; •

,. . .. . . :1 '
, . • ..Or in short we can write Equation (7.5.3),

[m] {·X }+[K] {x} = 0 ·. . :.(7.5.4)

\ ·, i"•
I '
.;•: .

(1) Equilibrium (b) Disp.laced (c) F B D or masses , . ·· [m] is a . square mass matrix, of nth order .and· with ~nly ·
P~ition Position · .• • •
Fig. 7.S.1: Spring mass system having n-degrees of freedom ·diagonal elements in this case; '•I' • • '·
. ' . . ~ . '.1•' . .
[KJ is a square stiffness matrix also of order n, th~s ma~ .
The foliowing assumptions are made in analysis .of .m~lti-
being a symmetrical one;
deg;ee of freedom systems : . ,--· , .
[x] is a column matrix o.f n : elements corresponding to the
1. The masses are constrained to move in the direction of ' I . . •
dynamic disp~acelll_ents o~ ~e ~spec_tive n ~sses. . ·.. " ...- .-
spring axis.
2. Equation (7 .5.4) is similar t?, the equation of motion of single
The given springs are weightless. ;degree of freedom system,

mX+Kx ;:: 0

Scanned w ith CamScannar
. , ·.,,
,':. . .·

I . ,'.

Soln.: . . :"·;'
. The .differential . equation of motion '.ob~ .
appIymg Newton's second
. law to each
. masses.
. . .. ."-

m1 X1 + K1 X1+ Kzx(x1 - Xz) = 0 . .. : ..

~xz+Ki (Xz-X1) +x3.(Xz-"3) _=_. 0 ... ···: .,.

l1lJ X3 + Kl (x~ - Xz) .+ K• ~3 = 0 . , .. ; ~ .

Fig. P. 7.5.1 :. A three degree of freedom system or m1 X1 +(K1 +Ki> x1 -~· = 0

Soln.: ~Xz +('Kz+~)Xz-~X3-'Kzx1= 0

. The first step is to write the differential equations of motion m3 x3 +(K3 +K.Jx3-~Xz = o
for the three masses by Newton• s second law of motion. . The above equation can be put in matrix form as,
These are

4mx 1 =
2 mx2 ;;;::
-3Kx 1 -K(x
-x2 )'
K ( x.·-x2°>-K< Xz ·- X3)
[:1 ~2 : ]{~}+[ (K~:~ (~-+~) -~ ]{~}::o
o o m3 ~ 0 - ~ (!<,+ !<.) x, ·
mx = K ( x2 - x3 ) . To determine natural frequency assu~, K1 = ~ Kz :: :: IC
= = =
and m ~ m3 m, therefore, above matrtx can be Written

[:: ~] {:}+[- ~: -:] {~}=O "·

These can be arranged in the following forms,
.. .,
4 mx. +4 Kx. -Kx2 =0
x -Kx K
2m 2 +2Kx2 -Kx3 = o·

Kxz + Kx3
O O m ...
0 -K 2K ~
m X3 - =0

~ ~~} .l .~ ~ {~} o
These are further written in matrix form as follows, 1

2~ TI fa}+[~~ .~~ ~~H::1 =m

or m [ 0 O +Kr - - - :] ::

_] {
0 0 1 ·· 0 -1 2 X3
X3 .
_ For harmonic motion, the above equation become
Which in sh~rt will be .~e same as Equation (7.8.4) that is,
-mcl+2K -K 0 ] {x}
[m] { x}+ [K] {x} = 0 . -K - UM
+2K -K . ~ =O
where · [ 2
O -K -mco +2K 3
= mass matrix [4m
~ 2m
0 TI The frequency equation is given by

[ 4K
-K . OJ (-row2 +2K)[(-mw2 +2K)2 -K1 +K[-K(-mro2 +2K)]::O

[KJ = Stiffness_~trix - ~ 2K -K
-K " K or (-/.. + 2)(/...2-41.. +2) =· o
It may be noted tha.t both ~s lll!d 'stiffness matrices are 2

square matrices. Mass matrix in this case has only diagonal terms. Where, . /.. = moo
Stiffness matrix is a symmetrical matrix. This gives,
1.., = 2 -"2. =0.5858,
or w; ~ 0.7654 \ [ : ,
C.03 = 1.847... \J;
. " fl- fK


Fig. P. 7.5.2 . .. : ·,'

·. . ~ . .: ·: .• ,.~11..wl
• PUDll< .• llll

Scanned w ith CamSeanoer


10.82 rad/sec

' : (1)2 ;: 1.414~ . ~ i.4~~~

= 11.99 rad/sec
Ol3 = 1.8478'1! = 1.8478
= 26:13 "rad/sec
Fig. P. 7;5.3
,• .

Fig. P. 7.5.4
• I
.. . ·-
.K1 = K·' m1 =m
Ki = 2K; IDz
~ = K·' In.! =1
K4 = 2K
The differential equation of motion can be obtained by
applying Newton's 2od law of motion to each~·

m,:X.1+K,x,+~X(X1-"2) . = 0

~ ~ + ~ (JCi- x1) + ~ C"2- x:J = 0

m3 x; + K (x x;) + K x = 0
3 3- 4 3

x + (K + ~) ":t - ~ x = 0

· or m1 1 1 2

:llli X~ +<Ki+~) Xi-K3 X3 - ~X1 = 0

1 0
or m 0 1
m3x;+(K3+K4)x3-K3Xi = o
[ The above equation can be put in matrix form as,
0 0

For harmonic motion, the above equation become

-m~':2K -~K
·[-"'-'; K ' ] ·{::} =0
~ubstiru,ting values ofinj, ~.In.! and K 1, ~and K 3 ,
0 - K - ffi(J} + 2K X3
The frequency equation is given by
+2K) [(- mol + 2K) 2
Kl + K (- K (...: mro
~ ·. ,. ... .
+2K)] =0
0- O
m 0 ·-· 'j·:.{~ x; :} ·[ - . - 21<
· · · x; + -2K.-

(- A.+ 2) (A. - 41.. + 2) =o

2 ~
_ .!!!fQ_
Where, ,. A- K
[: 0
2 ..
. 0 .. .. -K

This gives,

').! ==2-"'2 = 0.5858, Ai =2, ~.,; 3.4142 ...

_,., T1clllae.i1•1i
'9' Pvt1111c~t•oas

Scanned w ith CamScanner
: ; ;:·:-

• ' " • I • : ' '. ~I , •· -. -····

~ . -.~... . ...:·. . . ' ·. ' . . . . •·• <. ·
. .-~:DYnamies o(Machi,ne;y.(Mi/;·5·~~-s--Mech) · .~-~ .:-,·. .· 'l=ree undarrip: Multid ·.... .- ·. · · · : :-.\.
1-32 ;:.•
·.-.- ... . __ree_otFr~; ·v(· \'.[ ._-..
. . Oticu.~ating. M".i K gives Genefalised coordinates are. in~clent ·p -·_. ... : . . . .
' . ~ .
. specify the system completely; If energy~:~:." :

[~ .1
. . . ltpr~- ·.. ~II:!)

, 3K · - ~
m m .o available, the equations of ~tion t:an be..~tain~,l°'.1'.'aii ·•.

-'· J
0 . 3K -2K
0 help · of Lagrang:'s ·equauon. .The genera] . fi Willi~- .
m O [ ciK . 3K =
· .~ ~ - =! eq uatiOn iii terms of generalised coordfua.tes 18
· ~ ik . .onn
0 0 £
0 -K 3K
' •0
m m
-2K -6K
d (ffi
dt axJ - axl .+ ax;
err av
giv-i.:: .. ."lit
~ uy, . :;._;
= . .
. . . ..
m m ...0.61
Let, cl>::~m where, , T. = total kinetic energy Of the sy . '. )

M"'K ='
3~ -2~
.-4> .
J V = total potential energy of·~ 'lcrii
1, 2, 3, ..... n 8YSftin
0. 6cj> -24> n = degree of freedom of the system
[ 30-A - 2cj> Qi - generalized external force
· det -:cj> 30-A . -0 ] For a conservative system generalised force Q., ~,..:_
I on IL.

'• . 6 ) l'
system is zero, so Equation (7.. 1 1or such a system can be . "IC
-24> 6cj>-A.
3cj>-A. -2cj> 0. ' as, " .
. - 2cj> 3<1>- ,A. -cl>" I
d (ffi err av
ax) - dx; + ax
,,, O"
= : 0.:'. ' dt 1 ...(7.6.2)
' 0 -2cj> 6cj>-A. .

••• 3cj>-A. I 3cj>-A. -

- 2cj> 6cj> - A.
~ I + 2 ... , .- 2cj>
'I' O
:-- q,
6cj> - A.
I- -
. For example, if the kinetic and ·pOtential ener,,; ·
. .
system are given as,
.2 1

K.E. = T=zm1x1+2'IlliX2
•• (3cj>- A.) [(3cj> -A.)(6cj>-A.) - 2q,2J + 2cj> [- 2cp (6cj>-A.)] ~ 0 ...(7.6J)

(3cj>-A.)[18cj> -3cj>A.-6cj>A.+A.2 -2cj>2]-4cp2 (6cj>-A.)=0
. l
P.E. = V = 2 K1 x1 + 2
l Ki (Jei - x,)2 , . ....(7.6.4)
•• (3$-A.) [16 <1> - ·9cj>A. +A.
24 cj>3 + 4 cj>2 A.= O l- Lagrange's equation can be used to obtain the equation
. s Of
27cj> A. + 3cj>A. - 16cj>2 A.+ 9cj> A.2 -A.3 .:_ 24q,3 + 4q,?_ = o
2 2
•• 484> - 1 motion from the above two equations. . .

24cj> - 39cj> A.+ 12 cj>A. -A.3

3 2 2
=O d
aXi ·= . ID1X1
Divide throughoµt by cj>3

24_39.2:. ·+'12A. _A.

2 3
= ·o . ,. or
·· dx = 0
<I> q,2 <1>3 1

A. av
Let, ~ = 13
24 - 3913 + 12132 - j33 := 0 First equation of motion can be written as,
.. The characteristic equation is :
3 2 .
m1x1 + K 1x1 -Ki(Jei- x1) = 0
-13 + 1213 - 39 13 + 24 = 0 For second equation,
131 . = 6.746; :·
132 = 0.798;I . :t (a;)
ax 2
= ID.ix, ·
j33 = 4.455

~ -- ~ .. ax2 = 0
.. (1)1 =· m = i.597
·6.746- -m
.. (1)2 ;;;::
. ~m ax2
Second eq~ati?n of motion can be written as
.. (1)3 = ~-;;;::2.110- ~ - .
·m IDzX2 + Kz C:icz - x1) 0·
Alternate method
Syllabus Topic: Lagrangian Method . If the Lagrangian is,
L = K.E. -P.E.=T-V
7.6 .· Lagrange's Equations
Then, the Lagrange's equation becomes,

The equations of motion of a vibrating system are written in

terms of generalised coordinates by· making use of
:t (;:)-~~ = ·o
Lagrange's equations.

scanned witti CamScanner

. ' E m~t•
. . . ..
• - ~ •• . . ; ...•. •

t -~ •

' ' >..

·. Fr . . .·. . . ·. · . · ··
.,., .· . . ·~ ee UOdamp, Multid~ree of Free. Vib. Sys.

••• Am.

_Fig, P. 7.6.t ::: "'\ /Th> 00 + l~

' \J 10x15

~ ·.and·-. . · .
1 · Cad/sec:
The amplitude ratio ::: 7.30 ••• Ans.
Solll• : re are two generalised CO-Ordinates
'fh:e conn~ded by a spring of stiffness K ~ and both · (~'
. .·

oissses .. K.E. =t ~ !2-rn ic2 ~! .2

:: 1.0

I I 2 lni\ (~' ~0- 320
P.E. =V ::: 2 I((Xi _ xi)2 N (02 = =-1. 49
ge's equation is, Ex. 7.6.2

UP :,(:t)-~+~ =o Find the netural frequencies of the system shown in

Fig, P, 7.S.2(A)(•) by using Lagrange's equation. Take,
.. ~(~) =
K 90 Nim, I= 0.25 m,_m1 ::: 2 kg, m == 0.5 kg ·
at x-.;
~ ::: 0 ,· . , I

first equation of motion is,

x =O
m1 1 + K(x 1 - x2)

Siinilarly, :t (~ = filiX2
' ... (i) ; : ·:.. - . , ·,

.. \
· Fig. P. 7.6.2(A)(a)
at Soln.:
a;; ==
' .
av lnitiallY. the pendulum rod is vertical and it is displaced by an
-ax2 ' = K(x2 - x1) . '.· angle e as ·shown in Fig. P. 7.6.2(A) and free bcxty diagram of
Second equation of motion is, forces is shown ~
Fig. P. 7.6.2(A). Let us assume that Tis the
tension in the pendulum rod.
+ K(x2 - x1) = 0
.. . (ii)
Assuming the solution of the form .

x1 =
A 1 sin rot and x2 == Ai sin cot
The F.quation (i) and (ii) can be written as,
_; ID1<ilA1 + K(Al -Ai) = .0
- m,c,,';,, + K(A, - A
) = 0
cl = K-~co
. A - 2
Amplitude ratio ~ == · K- m K
The frequency equation is obtained as
2 (b) ··; ..
K - m 1ro
K Fig. P. 7.6.2(~)(Contd •••)

004 00~- Cm1 + ID;i) o· ' ....

- K. m1 Ini · .· =

I 1°)' ·'

$conned w ith CnmScnnner

. .
~ .:_ .. .
·.·. .~.. ·. ·· ·
.· .' -; ·.· > ..-·,·;·".;
'":·· '·
. . _·( . • . ·; I I . . . ·• ' . . : • • • • ~ • : • • •

Free Un~amp. ·Mult'.deg·r~e .of Free,'V~. S~: .•

mitw" = -(g"-::10:i2) nt-..(in 1 :+~ ,' l,' · •. &;
. ' -vco J --
. 4 ·• · i [g (mj + Jil7) +Kl] · ~ ~ ·~ O . . -.·
or co.. - co · · m1l . · · m1l : : .... : ,. ·."
19.81(2 .+ 0.5)+9ox0.25J 90x9.81 · .. •,

4 2
ro - (1) 2 x 0.25 + 2 x 0.25 = 0 ...;·\

4 2
(1) - (1) (94.05)+1765.8 = 0
Solving above eguation we get, :
..', v
1 = 8.25 rad/sec.
(1)2 = ·5.08 rad/sec.

_ .Cc) _
Fig. P. 7.6.2(A) ·- ··' ".. ....
. ... .:
K::E:' ~ T ..= ~!m1X2 +~lllz(l2 92 + i 2 + hl9 cos 0)
' •' .' ,·· I .

. .. .· 1 2 .
P.E. = V = 2-Kx + lllzgl (1 - cos 0)'
Applying .~grange's equation

:t ( : : ) = m1 + x IOiX + ffiilS c?s 0- ffii l Eh sin 0

ox - 0 ·'
.. ax = Kx

So equation of motion can be written as ·

t 1. ~
•• •• •• •2
ml X + lllz X + lllz l 8 COS 8 - m 2 [ 0 sin S + Kx =0 Fig. P. 7.6.3
when Sis very small sin S =Sand cos S =1. •J, Soln.:
Then above equation can be written as
Let us give x vertical disp~~cement to mass m1 as shown.
(m1 + Dlz)x + IDzlS + Kx = 0 Since there is no slip between tbe ·cord and cylinder, so vertical
i-· •• displacement x causes the cylinder to rotate by angel 0.
'Similarly, d caT) = lllzl S + IDzXl
dt as 1 ·2 .. 1 ·2
oT K.E. =T = 2 /S +1m1x
ae = 0 1 2 2 ·2 1 . ·2
=4m r 0 .+2m1x ·
.. as = milg8 1 2 -l 22 .·
and P.E. =V = 2~cx-r0) +1K1r0
So the seeond equation of motion can be written as
Lagrange's Equation can be written as,
m/8 + mzxl + IDilgS = 0 ; ...
or re+ge = -x
d (aT)
dt a:- -
aT .. av
ax. + ax:
= .O.
'. ···. .. . .
Let x =A sin wt

e =Q> sin wt
} For principal modes
~t ( : : ) =....-;~
mx L t;! ; , . . :,

Solving the equations .. oT

ox = 0 : ''
• • I • I ~

[K - (m1 + lllz)Jo>2JA = ~lo?q, -".

ox = ~(x - r0)
(g-l rol<!>. = o/A
The amplitude ratio is given as, So first equation of motion is,;.· __ · _.. :.
' I •'
2 2
IDz/{I} 2 = g - ~w
. K :- (m1 -+: ajro _. w

Scanned with carnScal'IOel"

• r ,, • ••
•- ... . ... . .... . ' .
' ·... . . ~· .

(MU -:sen; s.. Meoh) <. .. 7-35 ' . .; =~ ·:-~ .

·. . .

·· · . ;.'Fr~e ·u~dam~. Multici~ ·,;9~~6t F.r~·.:vib. SY5· ·:

. .;·:.: .. . ·
'·; ..., •r .·'

a0 · = Jllir2··0 4
. co -SOw2+i4o ·= o ·
·· a0
·= · 0
so ±y2soo
- 960

50± 39.24
= 2
. tion of ·motion is, (J.) 1 = "1/44.62 ~sec= 6.68 rad/sec ... Ans.
econdequa .
s i9+cK/+K/)0-~rx = o co2 = -../5.38 rad/sec= 2.32 rad/sec ... Ans. .
l1Ji_ • . the equations Ex. 7.6.4
w11ung ,' .
Consider two pendulums of length L as shown in

and ./ S . = Ki (x - r 0) r - ·K/0 Fig. P. 7.6.4. Determine the natural frequency of each

pendulum. If K 1oo Nim, m1 2 kg, 'rn2 s kg, L = 0.20 m, = =
. _·l m/ =moment of inertia of'cylinder
WJiere / - 2
a= 0.10 m.
'. . . .
. ~ve equation b~omes
A. H •

IlltX +~X- ~r0 =0

2 .
/0.. + N\P-1 r2+~r) 0-~xc _= ' O .,

Let us . assume the solution of

..the form
x = As~ wt,
x = - w2A· sm. wt
0 - cj> sin wt,
II 0..= -
Subs.tituting these values in the above equations
w cj> sin wt Fig."~. 7.6.4
- cil Am1 +~A -
= ~rcj> 0
. I 2 ·2 I 2 "2
·' 2 2
-ch~+(K1r +~r )cl>-KiAr = 0 K.E.=T = 2m1 L 01 +2D1zL 0 _
. 2
(Kz - W m1)A - ~<j> = 0, . -. ·
P.E. = V= m1 gL( i-cos 0 1 ~+~gL( I-cos 02 )+2K(a02 '....a01)
I - 2

A K r
= Ki- w
t .
m1 ·
Lagrange's equation can be written as,

" .
. :t (~) = m1 L 0 1
2 ..

2 2
K 1r + JSr - co I
Kir ae = 0
av .
ae . ·= . ml gL sm 01-:-Ka< a02-a81)
First equation of motion is,
-~r+K1 K/ +-~ r2-~tm.ir2ro2 -oi2 K,ml-olm1K2r2:t 002m11<w2 iml=O .
m1L 1+ m1 ~sin 0 1 .- Ka
02 - 0 1 ) =0
4~ 2(K_m r2 2 2) 2 - 01being very small sin 0 1 =0 1
(J)2 -ro ~+K 1 m1r +m1Kir +K1Kir =0 .
S +m
(J)2~K,m.,r2 t + 1 t +
2m JSr~ 2K1..K/ m1 L 1 1 gLe 1 - ·Ka2 ce2 -01 ) = o
~+ 2K m/ =O ... ::
OrlJl'- 1
m1IDir m 1II1:zr m1II1:zr m1roir Similarly, second equation of motion can be written as,
rr} -(J)2 ~ + 2K, + ~) + ESJS = 0 . 2 •• 2
ffii L 0 2 + IDz gL 02 +Ka ( 02 - 0 1 ) = 0
\in;- fili ID2 ID11Il:z
.Let us say 0 1 and 02 are very smalL
1Jl'-(J)2[2CK,+JS) +.&]+~ =
' 0 Taking moments about points A and B, we haye
.Mi m1 m1 IIl:z
j S~bstituting ~e values of vanous parameters m1 L 01
2 ••
= m1 gL 0 1 - Ka ( 0 1 - 0 2 )

1Jl -ol[M40+6Ql 60] 2x40x60 _ 2.. 2
i 10 + 2 + 2x10 - 0 . fDi L 02 - ffii gL 02 + Ka ( 0 2 - 0 1 .)
j 4 2
Let us assume the solution of the form,
l (20+30)+:240 = 0

L Sconned w ith CamSca nner

. :..·.. .., ··. ·. · ..
.. ~~· .. .,
.·.: . .
,._ <'·t \~
·. .
. . .· '

• . .-, . Dynamics.of Machinery (MU - s

.. . .
. .. . .
.. . . . .· .
ree of Free.: V ·~ -~
7-36 -.
·.·;'.'-·:-·>·' .._,,, _._. ,_ ""' ··.. ,~ : ..... · . . . .em 5-Mech} . . ·. - . •. . .•'· '_,.__ . . _,._ .: ...... ''. ......·. :··· · ~ .. .. it>. s
el • = c1>1 .si~ «ot,'. .. 8
= . , sin ·~t ·- ·· ·.• ,... , •..." Lagrange's equation for the system_!11'1Y be.wnueh":~· ..
Putting these ~~':!es .in the ~hove equ~tions,
2 2
E..(n)_.2!+ av .
dt OX1 OX;
OXt .: :
:o . . . . . .
.. . ..
- m1 ci:i2 L cp• +_m;
gi, q,1 Ka2 ·(<Pi_"' ) = O +
2 2 . . 't'2
- Illi (I) L «P2 + 012 gL «Iii+ Ka2.( ~--:- cp1 ) =O
(-m~ (1)2L2 + m1 gL+ Ka2) <!>, -Ka2 «P:i.=.O . ax, .
' 2 2 . . ·.
(- m:i 00 L + m2 gL + Ka2 ) c1>:i. ~ Ka2 cp1 = O ' = 0
q,; Ka 2
«P2 = - 002 m1 L2 + m1 gL + Ka2 · ax. · = K1X1+~(X1-Xz)
2 . 2 . 2
=-co Ill;iL +~gL+Ka = ( K1 + Kz)x, ~ ~Xz
Substituting the values o_f above terms in la
. . The _frt;qu~ncy. ~quation can be writte~ as · f · grange·,
2 2 .. . . • equation, we obtain the equations o motion as,
(-w m1L +m, gL+Ka2)(-w2 mzL2 +"'2gL+Ka2)-K2 a =0
4 4 2
ro m, 012; ; ro m, 1llz gL3.-: ffi~ m1 L2 Ka2 __ 0)2 m1 IDz gL3
. . x
m1 1 + ( K1 + Kz) X1 - Kz Xz = 0 •..Ans.
It is a two degrees of freedom system, so there will be ·
+ m1 012 g L + m1gL Ka2 - .w2 L2 Ka2 + Kn2 gL +K2 a
2 4
mz mz •
equations of mots on. ·
-K a =0
4 4 2 ' Similarly,
IT1z L - co [rn1 oli gL3 + m1 L2 Ka2 + ~ L2 Ka2 + m1 "'2gL ]
ro m1

=+ Ka
+ m1 mz g2L2 +m
gL Ka2 +Ka2 mz gL = O
J K a2 g2 Ka2 g Ka2 g
004 _ [ 2
L m_
L2 + -;:;r:: I
ro + :"'IL + ----:"!L + --:--;"!L
.. Dlz ml
=0 -aX:i
01' ~ ­
= o
(J)4 -002[ 2.x 9.81+IOOx0.10 x 0.10
. 0.2
5 x 0.2 x 0.2 + 2 x 0.2 x 0.2
+ 9.81 x 9.81 100 x 0.1x0.1x9.81 100 x 0.1x0.1 x 9.81
0.2 x 0.2 + 5 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 + 2 x 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2
4 2 . •
° The second equation may be obtained by substituting the
above values in Lagrange's equation as ·
co - (J) (98.1 + 5 + 12.5) + 2405.9 + 245.25 + 613.125 =0
- 00
(115.6) + 3264.275 =0 •••Ans,
2 115.6 ±yrl~33'.'."'"6__
.3...,..6---l-30-5-7.-l li5.6±17.5
(J.) = 2 :. .. : . =;: . - 2 Ex. 7.6.6
ro 1 =8.15 rad/sec . ... Ans. Find the natura~ fr~quency and amplitude ratio of the system
...Ans. shown in Rg. P. 7.6.6 by using Lagrange's equation.
ro2 =. 7 rad/sec

Ex. 7.6.5
Derive the equations of motion for the system shown in
Fig. P. 7.6.5
. by using
.. Lagrange's Equation if K1 = K2 =
' }

K3 =1 and m1 =m2 = 1. .., ' . Fig. p . 7.6.6

The equation of motion can be obtained by using Lagrange's
Lagrange's equation is,

·· Fig. P. 7.6.5 · : ·
• : ,j :t(~T)
~ ~ +~~ I I
The kinetic energy of tlie system
. ,.. 1: .. 2 1 1' • 2 •
K.E~ :::;T .,; 2m1 x1 +z ~ x2 = T

Scanned w ith CamScannt'I"

t'. . "· ...: .' 'c;S
,. .: . ·•Machlne ' · MU _:.. Sam s ~ Mech.
01 .
~· n1:1rYl' ..
,,.. . ·'...---
or .= 0 ..
~a "1

§:!_ . = Kx1 + K( X1 :_ ~)
A,) ~
l\. Az ca, _ - mcl + 2K .
, _:

['>"'. -.. · a"1 ···..'

· ation of motion is, · K
= -m( I.5~y +2K
e11rst_equ . . . .:
'}11; :. i+ ix1 + K ( X1 -: X2) =0
. ' in x,
:; + 2 Kx1 - Kx2 . =. ' 0 =-4 .;.Ans.
JJ1 "'J ... (i)
· fi r second equation Qf motio~, - 2mc1.i2 + 2K
Si¢tarlY (o or ) . .. . ' .... K
,!!. -----
dt •
= .2mx2 . . '

-2m( o.s~Y +2K ·
; E'.[ ·. = 0
ox2 = K
EY - = ~ + K(x1 -x2 ) (-1) ·
'ox = .1
=0.72 ... Ans.
Ex. 7.6.7 .
tion of motion can be written as
'Jbeequa . . . Use free . ~ody diagram method to derive the . differential
2m~ +2Kx2-KX1 = 0 equations governin'g the . motion the system of cit
... (ii) us assume the
. motion . is periodic and is. compo
" · sed 0
f Rg.,P. 7.6.7 u_sin~ x1, Xi.
x3 as generalized coordinates.
nic motion of vanous amphtudes and frequencies.
baJ1llO Say · xI = A I sin cot
"2 = Az sin cot
So Equation (i) can be written as,
_ in
ol A1 + 2KA1 - ~ =o ·
2 Fig. P. 7.6.7
(-moo + 2K) A 1 = KAz
A1 . K
So Az = (- mco2 + 2K) The kinetic energy of the system is,
-2m co + 2K 1 ·2 1 •2 1 ·2
= K.E. = T=2x 1 +12m is +22m x 3
2(-mcl+2K)(-mro +K)-K
2 2
=O The potential energy of the system is,
· 2• 1 2 +-2K(
P.E. = V =-Kx 1 1
2(m ro -mKro2 -2mK2 22 2
ffi + K )-K =O
2 I 2
x -x )2 +-K(
2 I 2
x_ -x )2
·--;, ·-z ,
4 2 2
2m ro -6mKw +4K -K
= O The lagrangian is ·
ro' _ 3K (1)2 +.2, ( K) 1.2 · 1 ' ·2 i ·
L = T - V =- x +- 2m x +- 2m x
·2 ·
m 2 m = O 2 I 2 2 2 3 "
1 2 1 2 I 2
2 I
2 ·-z I
2 3
Lagrange' s first equation of motion is,

3K± v9K
- 6K
_,.. _ _,..
2 2 .£.(aL) aL
dt axi - ax( =
m m m
= 3K K -~
2m ±zm -v 3
:t ( m X1 } + ( Kx1 + 2K ( x2 - ~I ) {- i;) =0
.. -
m x 1 + 3Kx 1 - 2Kxz = 0 · . . . (i)
= 1.5 Kim ± 0.86 Kim Lagrange's second equation of motion is,
co1 = 1.5~ ... Ans. .£.( ()L) ()L _
dt a. - aXz - o
Wz = 0.8~- ...Ans.
-"2 .

.B...,.. T1daK111wl1f9e

Scanned with C&mScannef

.. .., . .· .. -.; .. :.' :::'_:3
: Free Undamp.·M~ltide ree .of Free...Vib. S.
•• • • • • : · · :. . ='

. ;·;
..-~ ·· ... .··. ' ..... _.. i ..__,,..,........
<:.: ;: .,, ..;· ·.. ·:·., . ' ·.

·. :·.~ ,. . Dynamics
>~, of Machine,Y (MU"~ - Sem 5.- Mech) inx~2Kx+4KL0 - .=' .o ·~
.2mX;-iKx, +·3Kx,~Kx, .=
..,.,..,_:;; '"· .. . ..,. , ...·.· .....,...,._.... .. , . , .....·""· . .- . .·. · ·-· .. . ... ·· - ..., . · . , ... -- ··. .
o ...(ii) ..
. :· .~

Lagrange's~(~~~)ti~~iDD~on i•
0 f.(~)c¥.'
• .. • . . "'" . .·. = Q, ' '

..· d< ax, -ax, - ~(1e)+[K(dL• )(-h}+K(~~~~•,}'OL)]·Moo

·· 1 - KL ·0· = M (t)
.. ddt ·( 2mx ) :HK cx3 .- x2 )(I)].= . o 10+4KLx+16 s ··-(ii)
~- ~
2 ~n a' tion
· ~ ' (i)• and (ii)
2m + K
, x - = 0 .. .(iii) Rearranging and rewriting m · fi0?11
· ma· t'nx · . :':u.
Rearranging and writing in matrix form Equation (i), (ii) and 1

l.J [t]+'rK ~r-:t:J~rn [~ n[~}[;: i: [~]=[M~t)] ...A,.

(iii) leads to, . · leads to, · ] ·

[g f
• ,. 3 . ex.
use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential equations
governing the motion of syst~m of Fig. ~· 7.6.9 using x1 and
Ex. 7.6.8 x as: generalized coord1~ates. Wnte the differential
~se La~~ange'~ equations to derive th~..~ifferential equations 2

governing the motion of th~ system of Flg. P. ?-6.8 .using x equati?n~ in matrix form.
L .. . L _..__ _L_
and e ·as generalized c:oordinates'. Write the differential 4 4 2
equati~ns in matri~ form.
L_..._-=L L
4 4----~2

· "Fig. P.7.6.9

Fig. P. 7.6.8 The kinetic energy of the system is,
_! ("~)2 l (~)2 '
Sofn.: K.E. = T- 2m 2 +2 I L
The kinetic energy of the system is,
1 · 2 1 °2 The potential energy of the system is,
K.E. = T=2mx + 210 1
P.E. = V =zK 4x1 +4x2
3 1 .) ··c 2

The potential energy of the system is. 2

I 1 I
P.E. V = =1( -4
K x L8 ) + K ( x + L8 ) 2 2 The Lagrangian is, .
The Lagrangian is, L=T-V=2m
· i (x7+ x) +21 (xT-x ) 2

L = T-V 2 2
1 ( 3
4x, +4x2
1 ) 1 2
= -I mX2 + -t10
·2- I c x - -I L8 )
- K - -1 K ( x +-I L0 )
2 2 2 4 2 2
If variations ·ox and 8~ are introduced, the work done by the
If the variations ox and oe are introduced, the virtual work external moment is
done by the external moment is
= M(t) o 0 BW = M(t)S(x2 ~x 1 )
Application of Lagrange's equations leads to
d(aL) = -t1 M (t) l
+ L M (t) OJCi

aX - aL

dt ax = QI . ' -
Application of Lagrange's equation~ leads to,

~(rm)+[ K( x-±LO )(l)+K( x+kL8 )<t) J=0

.: :.·

Scanned with Com$canner

. '.:... .

. 7-39 -
':; ' -•' ' ' ., ' ' -" '' ' : " ,: ' ,'' vn, .5~;'
· · " Free Undamp: Multldegree of free. • .... _

The system's potential energy is, . '

P.E. = V=l K(x-rll )2 +l3K(2r6 1 ~ 2r6,)'l

2 2 I ·
The Lagrangian is,
L=T - v:lf 2 +11 2 +linX2 -l K(x-r61
0 >
-~3K(2r6 1 -2r6 )2
2 . .

Application of Lagrange's equations leads to

00 1

:t (I e) + [ K ( x - r6 1 ) (- r) + 3K ( 2r6 1 - 2r62 ) (2r) ) .=0 .

' 2 2 ' ... (i)
10,+l3Kr 0 1 -I2Kr 02 -Krx= o
:t (aa~ )- ;~
02 ;

1t ( 12 0
2) + 3K ( 2r01- 2re; )(- 2r) = o
.. . (ti)

d ( . ) '
:. dt nµ: .+K(x-r6 1 )(1) = 0

-mX- Kr 0 1 + Kx = o ...(iii)
Rearranging ·and writing in matrix form Equation (i), (ii) and
(iii) leads to,
EX· 7.6.10 . . • •
use Lagrange's equations to derive the d1fferent1al
. equations
ming the motion of the system of Fig. P. 7.6.10 using
gov:_ and8 as generalized coordinates. Write the differential
X11 wl
equations in matrix form.
92 3K
u~ !J[~]r~·: -,~:~ TJ[;Hn ••• Ans.
/2 Ex. 7.6.11
Use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential equations
. governing the motion of the system of Fig. P. 7 .6.11 using 8 1
and 02 as generalized coordinates. Also write the differential
equations in matrix form.

l Fig. P. 7.6.10
•·•1 8
ld&ntic:al slender

I·Soln.: ;

The kinetic
· energy of the system is,

I ·2 1 ·2 . I ·2 Fig. P. 7.~.11
K.E. = T = 2110 I + 2Iz 02 + 2 mx


Scanned with CamScanner
. •.. ~ . .. . '

': ·

'7-40 .
Dyn~mic$ of Machine . {MU- Sem 5-:Mech) : .
.. .·
• • .. - <!
: ·- · >:: .·.
'·~ .
The Kinetic energy of th~ sys~in ls, ." .' .. .
-KR ·.=T=f~(~ieJ 2

+l..l.mL2 ii +lm
212 . !. 2
0 )2
2 . 2 . 2.12
(lL +LL~2-~~·2. ! ;.
) :,

. The potential energy of the system is,

P.E. = V
= ·-mg L2 cos 0I _....;mg-cos
I (a sm
0 +-K
2 2 2
· 0 )2
· 0 -a sin

The Jagrangian is,

23 I
+llmL2 92 +ingLcos 0 +mgL2 cos 02
23 2 2 I
. 1 ' ... . ! • • : • '

K ( a sin 02 - a sin 0 1 )2

Application of Lagrange's equations leads to,

. .
;t ( a~)-;~ .· = ·o
a91 . .·
or L=T-V
· I9 2 ·2 1 . -.~ 3 ·
_!!mL202 +--8 mL 0i+2mgLcos 81 +.-4 mL'cose
-z3 , I 2 _ . 2
~ (fml2e1) + [ mg~ sin 0 1+ K (a sin 02- a sin 0 1) (-a cos 01 ) J.: 0 . 2

-~K[ ( a+~L )sin8 .- asin0 J+k~MR2 a: 2 1

· or lmL
I 2
) 0I -Ka
02 =0 2
... (i)
_...( ·: .x=Ra]
( · aL. )- a9
aL = 0
Application of Lagrange's equations leads¥>.
a02 .
_'laeb. ··. = 0
~ (~ml2e2) + [mg~ sin 02+ K (a sin 02- a sin 01) (a co~.02 ) J= O dt
a 01

.. . (ii)

Rearranging and writing in matrix form Equation (i) and (ii)

. . . .• (i)
leads to,

••• Ans.
! (~mL2 0 +~R2 0 2 2) +

[ ~ mgL sin 02 + K ( at L
) sin 02 - a sin:e 1_(a cos ~2 ) J=.0
or ( tmL +~R ) e-Ka2 e, + [ i<{ a +~L ) +~mgL] 8 =0
2 2
2 2

... (ii)
Rearranging and writing in matrix form Equation (i) and
· oo~~~ .

Fig. P. 7.6.12

\ .... ·. vr1C.bdf1qt
"i"" PUbllClllOll

Scanned with CarnScanner
~'' ; ·.··. i Ma~hin~iY (MU ~ sen; 5- Mech)
1· ::· · , ~sr1'i0S o ... . .
V yz.;.: . . ;; , :
f· 6.13 . l<S of mass m and radius r of Fig ·p: . Soln.:
I· vel1·dent1Gt111sllP·dlS. 7.6.13

Li· • . I • • •
Use Lagrange S equations to de .
· nve the
! '(11
•11101.1 •
rential equations using x, and
~ as
I· ,a11vernin9 oordlnates.

l fgene'8lited
'_· - 1

Fig. P. 7.6.13
= 0 ... (i)
, ,1 , " .
= 0
50111· : . tic energy of the system is,
'!be 10ne 11., . 1 ( • ( i )2 :1. )2 = 0
- T == ! Ill x~ + mr2 ~ :+- 2mi~ +-2l mr2 ~
~.e. - 2 _ 2 · r.
tential energy of the system is, . roXi-Kxl +2Kxz-Kx3 = 0 ... (ii)
'!bepO 1 · 2 1 Kx2 12K(2 ·2 · , , . • 1 d ( oL) oL
--Kx +- 2 2 +-2 X -2x· ) =0
p,E."' V -2 I 2 2 1 dt OX3 -OX3

I. 'Ibe Lagrangian is; · d (

:. dt· • )
mx3 +K(x3-Xz)(l}
= 0
L::T-V . .
' l3 ' ·2 1 ·2 1 •2 1 -
).J.inXZ +-2-2 D1X2 :__2Kx1 -22Kx2 -22K ( 2x2-2xi' )2 IllX3 -KXz + Kx3 = 0 ... (ill) .
-22 l -
Rearranging and writing in ~tiix form Equation (i), (tl) and
Application of Lagrange's equations leads to, (iii) leads to,

t:·] ['
!(1niX,) (-2)] ,;,o

+ [ Kx +2K ( 2x2 -2x 1 )
~ 2 . 1
3 .. [ 2m
0 m
0 0O x + 0 c
2 mx 1 -+: 9Kx1- SKx2 = 0 ...(i) 0 0 m 2
O -c
. · x3 . --
~Gin.Xi) + [ 2Kxz + 2K ( 2x2 - 2x 1 ) (2) ] =0
3 ..
2 IOX2-:- 8Kx 1 + 10Kx2 =0 - ... (ii)
-K {KUJ=[g] ... Ans.

Rearranging and writing in matrix form Equation (i) and (ii) .

leads to,

0 ] [ ..x 1 ]
~ +
[ 9K -SK]
- SK ·10:K
[ x J~ = [.·o0] ·:·Ans.
.' X1
0 2

Ex. 7.6.14
·Use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential equations ·
governing the motion of the system of Fig. P. 7.6.14 using
I x,, X2, and x3 as generalized coordinates..
I Fig. P. 7.6.15
The kinetic energy Of the system at an instant is;
I 1 •2 1 1 . (~I )
2 •2 .
I ' .' Fig. P. 7.6.14 KE
· ·
= T=-mx +--ma2 -
2 1 · 22 a +-mx

~ Scanned wit h CamSca nner

. ._. ·"' . ;' ; .. ' •

! .. ,··. ,'. ; ,·.. ·.:.." •

I· . .:· , c.: · 1·
·. . . ...· . ;•

... :···

· · Free Undamp. Multidegr!'l.e ~f Fi~ · '.' .· .'. ::
.·~ ·. . .. . .': . .·~:: .' .... '·· ..'·..,;,;.:, c>~::. •v.,. :..-.
. . La~ges's equati.o n is, · - · ·:·.·: ·::·:::·'.·\ . .
~ ( iJT:'\_ft +~u = o. · · · . . -- ...
· t ag1J · u g1 u si . . · '.. · .
:t (~J =' m1 z;· 01 .+c.[l~0 1 :II ~aJ·~·- d'..
Where sin 0 = 0, cos (0 1 - 0i) = 1 and
dt cos (01 -0i) 0 =
i001l = o.
= m1 g .' ' sm 0 t + II1z g
1 · 0 ·· ·
1 sm 1 = g (m1 + m;i I e,

The first Equation of motion becomes,

... (i)
.. ..
·,(m +IDz)11 0 1 +II1z'202 +(m1 +~g0 1 =O
1 ···Gl
.The second equation of motion is,
l1 0 2 +g02 +l1 0 1 =O
IDX2 - Kx 1 + 3Kx2 0
Rearranging and writing in matrix forin. Equation (i) and (ii)
leads to,

[~om :J[~}[~ 3~H~:J·m · . ~

Fig. P. 7.6.17
I ·2 1 ·2
KE ::: T~2 mx1 +z102
1 2 1 2
PE = 2 Kxl +1K(r62-X1)
Substituting into lagrange's equation, the equation of motion
are, .

iml + 2 Kxl - Kr 02 = o;
•• 2
102 -:- Kr x 1 +Kr 02 = 0
Rearranging and writing in matrix form,

Fig. P. 7.6.16
[: :J [~J +[ _: -;][ :J= [:J ••• Am.

T = ~Illiv2+t1Div2

v: = ( 11e1 )
, v~
1. Find the two natural frequencies and mode shapes
' I

for the system shown in Fig. 1.

= ( l,e, ) ..+ ( l,e2 ) + 21 10 1 2 1 02 cos c0 1 - 02)
U = m 1 g11 (I_- cos 0 1
) +Illig [11 (1 - cos 01) + 12 <! - cos 02)]

· ':

SCllnned w ith CamScanner

Fig.4 , I

I , ·; X2
[ Ana. : ro01 = VK;Tm ;
' 1

Fig. I
:conz = . . /K, +m2Kz .,
. \J ·
'[ ,\ns. : . w01 = 3.87 rad I s; 00112 = 9.38 rad/ 8 ·.
(~) = 1 ~ - (~) = -1]
·(~) = 0.69; (~} ~ -0.76] ·; s.
1 2

X2 . 2 · ·
Determine the two ~atural frequencies and. mode .
shapes for the system shown in Fig. 5 . .

·Find the two natu'ral frequencies 'of the system

shown in Fig. 2. ·· ·

m 1=2kg
m2= 1 kg Fig. 5
K,•300 Nim
. ' K3=200 Nim
I· [ -A~s. : %1 = ..I_
mI (3+.J3)
2 ; wn2 = T

'( -;~)(~) =-1-"3.(~) = -1 +-{3]

'.,.. .... 1 2
'. 6. A shift carries two identical rotors A and B each
. _having ·mass of 400 kg and radius of · gyration of
· 0.4 m. They are key0d to the shaft of 600 mm
length at two ends. The diameter of shaft is 75 mm
for the first .250 mm of its length, 125 mm for the
next 100 mm length and 85 mm for the remaining of
its length. Find the natural frequency of torsional
Fig.2 vibration. Assume G =84 x 109 N/m2 •
[Ans. : Wn1 = 12.88 rad Is; ron2 -~ 30._56 rad / s ] [Ans. : f;, =22.10 Hz) .
An electric motor drives a pump through gear pair.
3. Set up the differential equations of motion for the The speed of motor is 4 times that of pump. The
system shown in Fig. 3 and deter.m ine: motor has mass moment of inertia of 3 kg-m2 _and is
(i) · The natural frequencies ; and at a distance of 900 mm from the gear. The mass
{ii) ·The principal mode shapes moment of inertia of pump impeller has 16 kg-m2
and is at a 'distance of 600 mm from the gear. The
motor shaft is 50 mm and pump shaft is 70 mm in
diameters. Determine the natural frequency of the
system neglecting the inertia of gears. Assume
G =
84 x 10 N/m •

Fig.3 =
[ Ans. : f0 22.5 Hz ]
[Ans. : ·co01 = 1.5 '\/KI m ; ~· ; I • • 1
8. Use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential
= 0.8 '\/Kim ;
co02 equations governing the motion of the system of

(~) = 0.72; (~)

'Fig. 8 using 01 and 02 as generalized coordinates.·
= -4] Assume s~ail 0 1 and 02• ·
1 2
-· ~

• Free Undamp. Multldegree of Free. Vib. S ·

Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 • Mech) 7-44 .. . . . . . . Ys•.

AB : Slender bar a1 mass m

B '

Fig. 8 Fig. If
[Ans.: · ·

~ 2t][~}
. . . 1 L2

[~:L' i_~L'U:}[ ~:imgl K{~'+i~ •?moL]J ~~

=T g11 2
.1Qi(L2 1KL -3KL
9 3
9. Use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential
equations governing t~e motion of the system of
3 K; . [ :, J·P Ji
"2 F (t)
Fig. 9 using x and ' e as generalized coordinates. 2 .o ·K
. Assume small e.
AB : Bar of mass 2 m and centrnidal moment of Inertia I 12. Use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential
equations governing the motion' of the system of
J• ; -i-
4-;,.,", . ...,,,..•..
Fig. 12 using x1 , and x2 as generalized coordinates.
Assume the disk rolls without slip.
~~-f!i:"llJW:K""' • •.·

::~ :- • •


r-x 1

'' • ~:I

Fig. 9

. 3m . . 2mL
1 ] x 2K
(Ans. : [ 1 ml · 1 2 [ ··] +[ 0
. 2 ·.1+4mL e
10.. Use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential
·- equations governing the motion of the system of
Fig. 2 using x1 and "2 as generalized coordinates.

- · [;+Iz ;-& J[x]

[Ans: : m I 3 I .. 1 + 13. Use Lagrange's equations to derive the differential
2~i: 2m +i: ~· equations governing the motion of the system of
Fig. 13 using x1 , Xi• and e as generalized
[~ ~][~]=[g]1 coordinates. ,,

11. Use Lagrange's equations to derive the motion of

the · system of Fig. 11 using x;, x2 , and 0 as
generalized coordinates.

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· . >


; .·· r
• ~- : I • •

• j. ~ •

,. • , , , , ~ , 1' I
r\ • . :"
, , '

. '

·: ..

. ·• _; ...
Chapter Ends-·· ·
l' . '. ~ - .. aaa

.; . '

I •

• I
' ;

i . ·~


I .
L scanned with CamScanner
. '•
.---, .
. .
. .
..' ·--~~l·,,

.. .:/..~,,,.',. ·-~~

,":,"~ ~
~·; ... ..,,

·r,~ ....

T .... • • • ' ' ,.

..· ' -'

. ·~'· .. · '
..; • . .·.' ...

. ~~P]'~
.-~ . '':

. .

um~ Forced Single Degree of Freeda

• • , ; Vibration System . Ill



A~alysi~ of linear and torsional systems subjected to _harmonic force excitation and harmonic motion eXCitauon
(excluding elastic damper).

8.1 Introduction to Forced Vibrations Syllabus Topic :Analysis of Linear and Torsional
Systems Subjected toHarmonlc Force Excitation
and Harmonic Motion Excitation (Excluding Elastic

In forced vibrations, there is an impressed force acting on the 8.2 Forced Damped Vibrations with
system which keeps it vibrating. Constant Harmonic Excitation
The vibrations of air compressors, l.C. engines, turbines,
The harmonic excitation forces which are commonly
pumps, etc, are the examples of forced vibrations.
produced by the unbalance in rotating machines, are often
All the rotating machines like : compressors, pumps, turbines encountered in engineering systems.
etc. are, though, carefully designed and manufactured, still Consider the system having spring-mass-damper system
there are some unbalanced forces acting on such machines excited by a harmonic force F 0 sin rot, as shown in Fig. 8.21.
which act as harmonic excitation forces. where, F0 = magnitude of external exciting harmonic
The problem becomes more severe when frequency of
force, N
external excitation force coincides with the natural frequency
of a system, which results in resonance and the system starts circular frequency of external exciting
vibrating dangerously with the large amplitude. force, rad/s
In ·order avoid the resonance either the operational speed is At any instant, when the mass is displaced from the
changed or structure altered to change its natural frequency. equilibrium · position the forces acting on the system
In addition, sufficient amount of damping may be provided to are :
keep the vibrating amplitude as low as possible and
(i) External harmonic force, F0 sin rot, (downwards)
components are designed to withstand the dynamic loads.
In general, the external periodic forces acting on the system (ii) x (upwards)
Inertia force, m
are of two types :harmonic forces and non-harmonic forces.
(iii) Damping force, x (upwards)
This chapter deals with the study of the single degree of
(iv) Spring force, Kx (upwards)
freedom, damped systems which subjected to a single
harmonic force.

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•, ·.· . . --,--- ............... -----
. , .Forced Sin le Degree of Freedom Vibration System

.. = complementary function of x, m
S. = damping ratio or Damping factor

-_-:-Ix (l)d = naturai Circular frequency of damped free

vibrations, rad/s
con = .natural circular frequency of undamped
; . free vibrations, rad/s
·· PosttiOn ;i
After Time t · t time,s = . .
xi' $1 = constants, to be de~ned from initial

F0 einr0t · •.
· · ~is. complementary
rfUlll position (b) Displaced Position
(•)t4uillb . . -· . function 'xc' is based on the .system
. . . kx . . being underdamped. In case the system is overdamped or
. Critically damped, the above · given compleme~fury fun~ti~n
by Equation (8.2.3), will change accordingly." ·
,., a.2.2 · ··Particular Integral( x ·) · '.
. p
F 0 slnwt
(c) F.B.D. of Mass
· The second part is the particular ~tegral, which -can be
. Obtained by any of the following two methods. · · •.
Fig:8.2.1 .
1. Analytical method (Differen'tial equation method)
Consider F.B.D. of mass sho~ in i:;'ig. 8.2. I~c) ;
2. Graphical method
1 [Inertia force + Extern~ force] =O · 1. Analytical _
m ethod (Differential equation method)
mx+ ci + Kx - F0 sin cot = 0 I , • ' . '

The Particular integral is of the form,

· mi+~a +KX = F sinoot
0 . ~ =, X sin (cot-+> --(8.2.4)
The Equation (8.2.1) is a linear, second order differential
Where, xP = particular integral, m
equation. The solution of this equation consist of two parts : X = amplitude of steai:ly state Vibrations of the
system, m
I. - Complementary Function (xc)
<I> = angle by which the displacement vector lags the .force
2. Particiilar Integral (xs) vector. (phase angle or phase difference)
3. Complete Solution for Differential Equation . co = Circular frequency of external exciting
harmonic force, rad/s
4. Magnification Factor or Dynamic Magnifier (MF)
Phase angle or phase difl'ere~ce is. the angle by which the
5. Frequency Response Curves ~
d~splacement Vector "P lags ; the ·force vector F sin wt
6. . Plot of Phase Angle ($) Versus [Fig. 8.2.2). 0
(ro I ro0 ) .
Frequency · Ratio
•, . Differentiating Equation (8.2.4) with respect to time 't', we
- The complete solution to the linear, second order differential
&iuatioo (8.2.1) is dxp ; d . . .
dt . = dt [X sin (~t-<l>)J
x = .•.(8.2.2)
821 -'·"P = (l)Xcos((l)t - cj>)
' · · Complementary Function( xc ) ... (b)
xP = mXs~{~t-~+~)
• The complementary fun~tion is obtained · by considering no
forcing fun ti' . .
c on i.e. considering Equation (8.2.1) as,
.. . Force Vector, F0 ·

m x +ex + kx = o ..:(a)
This &iuati o ( ) · ·
free . • n a LS same as the equation obtained for ~ped
· b Vibration system. The solution of Equation (a) is given
Y, . . . . . . . ··. .

-Reference Axis
Fig. 8.2.2 : Phase Angle or Phase Difference

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..Dynamic$. of Machinery (Ml.f- .Sein 5 - Meeh)

-'- Again differentiating Eciuatiori (b) with respect to time· 't' • we ·
d . . . . : ·,
dt [ ro x, cos crot..:. cjl)J ..
xP = - ro2 X sin (rot-.<!>)
~-mco2 .. . .. . •,.. .~
;, ·: .
o~ = ··co2xsin(cot-cjl+n) •••(c)
. . . : .. ~g. 8.2.3
Substituting values of x , ~· and X:, in Equation (8.2.1), we Substi~tlng values of sin'~ and coscjl and .
. . . p .

get, in we get, .
. .
from Eqllati,,,.
~· ~
. F .
mro2 X sin (rot :... cjl · + n) + c co X sin ( rot-q, + ;)
+ K X sin (rot~ $)~F0 si~ rot. . ..(d)
' r ' " • j_: ' '••

:. ~ mw2 X sin (wt-cjl) + cro X. cos (wt-cjl) +.KX sin (wt-cjl) . , =F0 sin rot

cK- mro) X sin (rot- cjl) + c co X cos (~t- cjl)=FD sin cot •
·CK-:- mro2> X [sin rot ·cosct coscot x sin cjl]
+ C(J) X [coscot ·coscjl -1; sin rot· sin cjl]=FD sin cot
. ~ - - ... . - - . . or •••(8.2.8)
or[(K- mco2) X coscjl + c co X sin cjl] sin cot
+ [cro x coscjl- CK-: mro2> x sin cp] coscot =FD sin rot FIK
. '· . . .. . .... -
Comparing·· the coefficients of sincot and cosc.ot on left hand
and right hand side separately, we get,
- Again,X =
'1(1 -m~:f (C:J2 +

· (K- mro2) X cos<P + c ro X sin <I> = FD ...(e) Weknowthat, ~· = K~'m =f;r=(:~; n

C(J) X coscjl- (K- mro X sin cp
) =0 ...(f)

From Equation (f), ...(i)

cro X coscjl = (K- mcol X sin <P
. sin p C(J) X
··cos <P = (K-mco~X · K
...(8.2.5) cco
r tan cjl = ··K- JD{J)2 or K = ...Q)

:. cj> = tan-I[ C (I) 2'1 ... (8.2.6) ar Amplitude of Vibrations (X)

K-mro J
Substituting Equations (i) and G) in <Equation (h), ·The
From Equation (e), amplitude of vibrations is,

[(K- mco2> coscjl + Clt>sin cp] X = FD X F /K ' ..:(8.2.9)
= (K- mm~ cos <I>+ cw sin cjl
Fa ...(8.2.7) '1[1-(:~2r +[2;(:~
x x . •.••(8.2.10)
Determination of sin 4' and coscjl

The Equation (8.2.5) can be shown in the vector form. as

= '1[1-(;:JJ +[2~(:~ J
F . . · .. ., .
shown in Fig. 8.2.3. · where, x st = K =deflection due to force Foor zero frequency
From Fig. 8.2.3, we get, deflection or static deflection

. qr Phase ·Angle (,)· , - ' '

... (g) The Equation (8.. 2.3) can be written as

= tan-Ir cro I K~
· mco

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... . · ,- ·_ • ' Q "( '.!9.' A


. ee of Freedom VibraUon tern

:&· 82
8 ·2 ·4(a} shows the rePr-~ntatioo ~r the f~r fa~ ·~d
ig. · ·4Cb) shows the vector ilddition of UM! four force.3. ·
, ;, . .cular integral can be written as,
~~·'. . . thC partJ cp)
~·''. . ~e~ce. ·){ sin (wt -
.; :~,, · .~· F sin (co - cJ>) .



~; ....-· 1-(?~·
J . [
2;- (J.)
. -.

· al method '
z, .cular integral is of the fonn,
')be parU xP = X sin (Cllt- +> .lJ) ...(8. (a) GraphicaI R.epresen.tatfon or Foiu:s
. ting Equation (8.2.13) with respect to time 't' , we
1)1·fferentta - b
dxP d ·
dt = dt [X sin (wt- cp)]
:.xP = coXcos(cot-<j>) ...(l)
orxP = w X sin (wt ~· cp + ~)
Again differentiating Equation (l) w_ith respect to time 't', we
a2~ -. a ..
_d 7 = dt [coX cos (cot - cp)] .

. .:.~ = -co2 X sin (cot-cp) · . .: . '

(b) Vector Diagram
~·p =
or o.> X sin (rot- cp + n) .
·... (m) . Fig. 8.2.4 : Graphical Method
From Fig. 8.2.4(b)
Substituting values of xp• ~ and x~ in Equation (8.2.1), we ad be
. tan$ Od =~=
uxhsin(rot-cj>+n) + ccnX sin ( cnt-cjl+~) +KX sin (cot-$) be C(J)X . CWIK
=P,sin rot
= oc-:-ab' =KX - lll(J)ZX - mco""I
-11K/Xsin(~t-cjl)+ccoXsin ( oot-<1>+¥) +KXsin(cot-$)

:.F,snmt+ mco
Xsin (cot-cjl)-cro Xsin { cot-q, +I )-K Xsin (cot-~) =
. - 0...(8.2.14)
- ~e four terms in Equation (8.2.14) r~pr~e~ts the four forces ...(8.2.15)
.(m magnitude as well as direction) acting on the body. These
four forces are :
. (i) External harmonic force, + F sin wt
(ii) Inertia. force, + inco2 X sin (co: :.. _ cj>)
Oil) b
· (
a.nipmg force, - cro X .sin \rot - cj> + 2
(iv) s .
, ,;._, Pnng force, - K X sin (cot - cj>)
•ne Vector
~these four forces is zero:

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.': '., : · .FjK · · 1. , , ' ,· - .

·. o/x .. ' ·:..(8.2.16)

Hence, the particular integral is of the form,

xP· ,,= X sin (oot- cp)

F sin (oot - <j>)
(•) Tnllllent Vlbrailont
' 2"

where, •. (8.2.17)

8.2.3 . Complete Solution for Differential

·Equation · •· ··
The complete solution for differential Equation (8.2.1) is, (b) Steady State Vlbratlont

X = Xe+ XP
:. x = xi e-~llln 1
• 's io l°'11- ~i c.o n t +cl> 11
' ...(8.2.18)

(c) Complete SolaUon

r:r Two Parts of Complete Solution
Fig. 8.2.5 : Forced Damped Vibrations with Constant
1.. Transient Vibrations . -
Harmonic Excitation
This is the complete solution to an , ~derdamped system
subjected to sinusoidal excitation. The first part of the ; 8.2.4 Magnification Factor ·or Dynamic
complete solution i.e.' complementary function, is seen to Magnifier (MF)
decay with time and vanishes ultimately. This part is callcl as
transient vibrations. The transient vibrationstake place at
the damped frequency of the system (i.e. at rod), as shown in
Fig. 8.2.S(a).

Z. Steady State Vibrations

· The second part of complete solution i.e. particular solution,

is seen to be a sinusoidal vibration with a constant amplitude It is denoted by M.F.
and is called as steady state vibrations. The steady state ·X F/K 1
M.F. = Xst
~[ f- (;j]+[2~:~2X F /K
vibrations takes place at the frequency of excitation (i.e. at
ro), as shown in Fig. 8.2.S(b)."

Complete Solution
or M. F. = ...(8.2.19)
The complete solution is obtained by superposition of
transient and steady state vibrations~ as · shown in
Fig. 8.2.S(c). . .
The magnification factor or dynamic magnifier is the factor
After the ti'ansierit. vibrations die out, the complete
solution consist of steady state vibrations only. by which the static deflection Xs1 produced by a static force
The two constants X 1 and <1>; [Equation (8.2.18)] 'Fo' must be multiplied in order to obtain the amplitude of

detennined by applying the initial conditions to the forced vibrations 'X' produced by the harmonic force
F0 sin oot. ·
complete solution by Equation (8.2.18).
:.X = X,t' M. F. . '. ... (8.2.20)

Scanned with carnScanne<

. .
~orcerj ...
Sin le D .
. ·.
. . . . ,
:···"'!""~~ . :'. ,; :
. . .

i ...~:

. %.?~'ill
· Atye . ree·ofF · ... · .· .·
. '"""°"' Vibiation S}istOiii
<•1) .~or •ds 1o&eq"'nc
>cro Yor '>citation lite . . '. . . ·.
f:actor ~
·18 J... c factor· c.i:,
. . . .. ·· -' .: lllagnilication factor .
8.~.6 ·p
uelow ; ."1 lllore th · . . ·. ·
•••ty. · · "" 0·707, lite magnification
lot Of F>h .. . ..
f:r~ ase An I
. -'t.lfency ~ntl 9 e (~) Versus
. . o_((1)/(1))

. n

2 3
Frequency Ratio ( ~ )------~ 3 Frequency Ratio(~) -

v.,,.,, Fr~nency Ratio !or llilferent

con 7
}U.6: Frequency ResPonse Curve For Different Damping Fig. SJ. ' Pita,, Angle
Conditions · · · Damping Conditions

Fig. 8.2.6 shows the plot of magnification factor CM.F.) . - llte plot Of phase angle(~)~"'"' fr"!•ency ratio (0> / 0>,) r ,
ltrnlS frequency ratio (co I con) for different Values Of different. damping conditions is shown in Fig. 8.2.7. These
d!mping factor @, plotted using Equation (8.2.19). curves are plotted using E.quation (8.2.11).

·Observations made from frequency response curve <>- Observattons

' - · ratio curves
,,;.de from Phasa angle vs f"'q•ency
I The magnification factor CM.F.) is maximum when
(oiimJ =1. This condition is known as resonance
ij As lhe damping factor (~) decreases, the InaJtimum value of (i) The phase angle varies from _0° at low frequency ratio to 180°
at yery high frequency ratio.
iilagnification factor (M.F.) increases. (ii) At resonance frequency (i.e. at oo =ffi ) the phase angle is 90°

i !hen tbere is no damping (/; " O), the magnification factoc , and damping does not have any effect on phase angle.
l ru.F.) infinity at (m / co0 ) = 1. However, the system (iii) At frequency ratio (oo I 00 less than unity, higher the
~ Olay go lllto destruction much before that.

.damping factor-higher is the phase angle, whereas at

~ro frequency frequency (oo I 000) greater than unity, higher the damping
I~on factor (M.F.) is unity for all values of damping
= 0) the
I At of excitation (i.e. .when ro
is the phase angle. In other Words, below
resonance frequency, the phase angle increases with increase

! rs. In Other Words, the damping does not have any effect
•"'8ni&at;on factor at zero frequency of excitation.
in damping factor; whereas above resonance frequency, the
phase angle decreases with increase in damping factor.

L Scanned with CamScanner

"'ff' Pu'11 c it1c111i
'•: . ..
··.. ·' . ::_.
. '·' _: ~·: : ;:,

,· ;oynamics of Machinery (MU. - Sem 5 - Mech) ·.·· · Forced Single Degree of Freed~m ·V: - _· . . . ·
.. _ . . ... .. ibretJo11·. .
(iv) The variation in phase angle because of damping. Iftb~re is _ .4. is Phase Difference (t>)<:·.. ·..·.. ·- _ . ,, S ~~·
no damping, (~ = O) the phase angle is eitber·o 0 or 180° and
· at ·resonanbe the phase -angle suddenly changes frOm 0° .
. . The ph~e difference between force and di -
' .[
= tan-I
2S (J)J
(.~\2 =tan-1[·~·-l(,f] '> ,
.·: : ·
SpJacelllent is . ,

' ' 1-\c;;::; - ::. 1-(l~ "' .

. ' ~ . · . .
A spring-mass damper system has a mass of 80 kg = tan~! [0.2~32] =tan-I (oa) .
suspended from a spring having stiffness of 1000 Nim. and a
viscous damper with a damping coefficient of BO N-slm. If the or ., = 90°
_mass is subject_ed to a periodic disturbing force of 50 N at
undamped natural frequency, determine:
1. · the undamped natural frequency ;
2. the damped natural frequ_ency ; _
3. . th~ amplitude of forced vibrations of mass ; and
4. · the pha~e difference between force and displacement
Given :Mass, m=80 kg
Stiffness of spring, K . = 1000 Nim
Damping coefficient, c = 80 N-sec/m
Disturbing force, F0 = 50 N .
Fig. P.8.2.2
1. Undamped Natural Frequency (roJ
The undamped natural circular frequency is,
Given: Mass, m = 15 kg
W0 = ~=~ Stiffness of spring, K = 245 Nim ' '

or CD 0 = 3.53 rad/s ...Ans. Damper velocity, v = 0 .12 m/sec

2. Damped Natural Frequency (mcJ
Disturbing force, F0 = 49N ·.
1. Undamped Natural Frequency (ron)
.. The damping factor is,
c c 80 The undamped natural circular frequency is,
l; = cc 2 m (!)n = 2 x 80 x 3.53
or; = 0.1416
·. w n = . ~ =-"'1W- or (I) n = 4.04 rad/s ...Ans.

The damped naru.ral circular frequency is, 2. Damping coefficient, c

(!)d = Wn~ ·Force 49
v. .
= 3.53 1---co_.1_4_16-.l C = Velocity =0.12 =408.33 N.sec/m
orcod = 3.49 rad/s ...Ans. 3. The damping factor is,
c c 408.33
3. Amplitude of Forced Vibrations (X)
~ = cc = 2 m CJ.)n 2 x 15 x 4.04
· The disturbing force is acting on the mass at undamped or ~ = 3.36
natural frequency (i.e. ro = ro,,)
Since 9 1 So system is over damped and complete system is
Therefore, the amplitude of forced vibrations is, a periodic.

X = ~-======FjK=::======= Ex. 8.2.3

A mass of 90 kg is suspended from a spring which deflects
by 20 mm. If the damping coefficient is 0.25 times the critical
damping coefficient, find ·the natural frequency of damped
50/ 1000 vibrations and the ratio of successive ·amplitudes for damped
= Yfl-(I)l 2 +[2x0.1416x1]2 vibrations.If the mass is subjected to a harmonic force of 300
N at frequency equal to 0.75 times the natural undamped
X = 0.1765 m •.•Ans. frequency, determine the amplitude of forced vibrations and
phase angle.

. .

'in~~ (Mu:: ilem S•Mecihj , ...: ~~.;~ri,.

. ·

·: ';.
" .

,.~ iCS ~>

'0 · ··..
··: • .
ii.a , . , ...: c ; . . ,. .: ,:•• ·,;: ...
' 1iisCh . .,, • • • •• • • •· .· • .,, . . ' ' - •.., ForOoci Sin 19 ·oegf9e ofFieedOrn Vobiatio . ·

ki , .· ~io ~
< . .·
. ·, t
' . : .:
',"i ... ; ,, :.:·. .• '
. ' ... . ·· Ph_Isa Angie · .-. ... -. .._ .·,. . - - ··· ." ·.

5 nim = 20 10· 3 tit
' , ' .. . ,BO The Ph... ingle is, ' '
J... ·:;· ,
" ;,flllOlll
.. ··. nJV..

"' r.,...•.
~~;· ~;,Jcde....oiJ!g c ·c force. Foc ==- . o300N'
,75"3,. (I)
""".. o.25 c , •. .
· · . ,, . . . .. . ~- .0 tin''

I - ((J)

~) .. xO?fl
'=lan-•[2·· x0.25

I - (0.75) •
f'~ . · I freq'··- ~·ring. .of Damped
.. . uency . . . , '· . . ' .
.. .
VJbratlona ("Ii) 0, 4' = 40. · Ans.
~f "'· •
. . • ,. • • ••
•, . ,111r8 lS, , :. ' · ·' · · ·

~statJC ~ 20 x 10-=! ':" 44145 N/~

·. ; . . "' mg 90 x 9.8! ' . . 600

~ =--.
1· "11e stiffll force
' I" - . . . :
. I{ , pe . . . " . , .
' ·- ~. ractor...£'.·= 0.25 .. ' : "': . .•1; , : '
In a Vibrating SYstern, a .mass oi 3 kg iS suspended by .
. h8
8spr'1ng of Stiffness
1200 Nim· · and It is Subjecte· d t o a harmonic
"11edal11 ~

. I" ::: Cc
Xcitation Of 20 N. If the damper is provided woth •
,j, . damping coefficient of 75 1
~natura1 cirCular frequency is,·: 1. the resonance frequency ;
. : ..'.;
~-= ;. ' @45 _:. '2 21'4 ...,~,
•·. ~.

· 11JeUll 2. the Phase 'angle at resonance ; '

. . o>n· -- . m -\/--go-. - . . t""'S .:.
3. the amplitude at resonance ; .

at circular frequency is; ~- the frequency co'n:esponding to pe.ik arnplUude; and

,,,.~ 3'"' ~ ,;
0 · ··
5. the damped frequency ;
(I) - 0)0 2214 ,[j'_ (0.25)' • So1n.:
d • . .. . . : Given :Mass, m=3 kg ,.
= 2i.44 rad/s . .
or · Cl)d ... ' Stiffness of spring, ·
··.Ans. K = 1200.N/m .
. of · . . . . (XXo)
ce~sl~e A~plitudes Excitation force,
Po = 20N

. Sue.. . . . .
2. Ratio
. . ' . 'thinic decrement is,
· • 1
· Damping coefficien t, .c = 75 N-sec/m .

"" ·2~ = 1.622

1 Resonance Freque.ncy (coJ
'" ""'"'
0 -
23 =
~l - (0,25) The nattira.I circular frequency is, _ . . . , '' -· .

. _/R _JIW
0=~lo~(~) '

(J)n =
.., ' , l ( 1
\jfii.·= \ { 3
: , • ~ ',
• •. i · I '

or(J)0 = 20 rad/s
o =+lo~(~) The resonant frequency is
... (when n= 1)
. _. - . co~. · ~ ~n := 20 rad I s \_ ~ _·
:-.!·~~. =-~~~(~) 2. · Phase Angie' of Reso~anc~ (~)
' .. -· '

• ·Xo 1.622
··x1 = e_
= 5.063 .
1 - (1) lJ =tan- I [oo]
. X1
. Amplitude of Forc'ed Vibrations (X)
The amplitude of forced vibrations is,
' = 90°
. The damping factor is, .•.Ans.
X - FjK

.\JG-(:J lc~:.J,
75. --·· .
cC -
"~ = .£. -c =
-2m(J)D 2x3 x 2o =0.625
, 3. Amplitude of resonance (X)~-·-:\

. 300 / 44145 . The amplitude at resonance !~· .. -· .

- ~(0.75)2) 2
+ [2 x 0.25 (0.75)] .
x =
: ·po/ K > ':

mo =-o.1s]
... [ ... JQ..
. ...:. 1' :

Scan ned w ith CamScanner

. . .. ' .. D .namlos of Mac:ln8 MU • sem 5 • Moch · . B,9 . ... Fomed Sin ~ D tee of Fre•~ . ~ ·. . ·•
· Q\.lorn Vib ··· ·, · · c '11:
·x · ~ . ~·: .. , '~r..; ·~s. ."· [ja"°'peCtNaturalFreque·n~y ' -'~···'·"· • ~-ta~~<·:·\1
.)> '- '·-'·:,· :;·..
. vr . .
.: . . ;011200
. ·
J - (1)1 + ( 2x 0.625 x l

1. . .. . •· ;
. , .- . . . '" .
The damped circular natural tt..~
·•."'iuency is .
. . ' . ' ·:·.. .. .;.. .,

X = O.OlJJ m ...Ans. . • (I)~ = n...J 1..:- ~'2

(I) V =. 20_ 1 - .(0.6~:. ../•.
4. frequency.Corresponding to Peak Aniplltude .. cod = lS.61 rad/sec - ·· ·· ·
. '·
~ ·; . .
- ;•
Ex. 8.2.5 . ·.· -...\\
The frequency nt which tJ1e nmplltude becomes maximum is
In a forced vibratory system a bod '. · ·
cn1lcd as frequency or peak amplitude (cop). vibrates in a viscous fluid. The . harmy havtng < ·
F0 /K .
20 N acting on the mass resu1t8 a reC:lc ·exe1u11g in ~'
Now,X- 15 mm with ~ period ~f 0.1 s sec. Det~nance ao,Pli ~ c
coefficient of viscous fluid. rrnlne the lu<Je c
If the system is excited by the same harrno ·· · ~
=frequency at peak amplitude, rad/s frequency of 5 cycles/s. What will be th ni~ force b
vibrations with and without damper ? e arnphtucies Of~:
where, (J)P

~iveo : Mass, m = 2 kg, Exciting force p ·
• o =20N
Amplitude, X =15 mm:·::: O.Dl5 ni '
... (a)
Time period, ~ =0.15.s,
Frequency of vibration, f =5 eyelets.
1. Damping Coefficient (c)
= a, in Equation (a), we get,
- ·
The circular frequency of forced
x 1 21t 27t
... (b) ro = 'T : : ; .0.15 =41.88 rad Is
At resonance;· the circular freq~enc.y of ti. , · •
. . . Oiced Vib ·
For maximum amplitude, equal'to natural cucular frequency. ., rati
··.... ,

.' ! (~) = 0 :.C.O

Now,ro n
= (J) n

=41:88 rad/s
- .· .

Differentiating Equation (b) with respect to 'a' and equating

to zero, we get,
41.88 = ~
! (x~)- = o~r;:~ ~~·: ;22~(:)~
2 o)(2 fJ 0 K = 3507.86 N trii. : ,' ·
. . ·. i 2 The amplitude of vi~rations is,·;
-4a+4a +Ba~ F /K ·
X = -r===o=::;;::·=~=

0 =·- 4a + 4a3 ~ 8a~


F 0 /K :.~
= "\/r1 - (1)2]2 + [29< 1t·l ·: w = w 0]

2 2
, j .. ..,
...... . .. ;. -
·. ' ..

a = 1-2~ .'

a = ..../1 -.~~2 : c J
=... 2x-2--
F /K 0
{ '"
c .. .. ·: ~· 7 -2inro · -
; . n
mron . .
, . :. . I

F0 • 2m ro n .'
cop =con~ I
or x = 2Kc

ro~- =· 20-..../1 :.. 2co.625) 2 20 x 2 xi x4i.s's ) i.

,.. .. 0.015 = 2 x 3507.86 x c

or COP = 9.35 rad/s . ...Ans.
.. c ; = 31.83 N-s/m
This is the frequency corresponding to the peak amplitude. .. • ~ t f ..... :

.. WTedlll
Y ~ 1111<


scanned w ith camScanner

.--~ .

8 10
, r.-,.
. ~ ·, ,.l
- '. ~ - ·' . Forc9ct Sl~gle Degree of ~reedom\'ibratiori Sysi~~
So1n.: . .
. ; Gt~en:ni=SOk - -. . .
: -·.· .. , g, K =.12kN/m;,, 12 x 103 Nim ·
: ..
'~: ·· Fo::;_4o~. c,;,; lCXl.N-S/m : - - . ,• ·.
•• • . • . j • •
• • ·~ J

Then · · ··
aturaJ circular frequency is, ' .._,


.( . :. ~·

"• J. •• •I
<On - ~~=~ ;,·iS.49.rad/~
~ . , - The resonance frequency is, , . -
. ·.·. ,··
en' ;;' (l)n = 15.49 ;ad/~
The damping factor i~. - . · ·
: . _·.
,. of or: fi. - ie~r vibrations -a~
. . (I) = 31.41 rad/s and ".:th
.. , ~ - £ _£___ - - 100 0645 .
~puwde '_. .. . - a =2mro 0
- 2 x 50 x 15.49 = O.

dall1per. . · ===F~
2 /=K:;====:;;- The amplitude at reso~ance is,
Ti-(:,)']+[ ~~J.
,' . , ,
FJK 40/12x103 -3

t, • X =~ 2x0.0645 _=25.80. x.10 . m

' 20 / 3507 .86 orX = 25.80 mm . ;

· ========;,===========:::::::
The resonant phase angle is, . . ._
:: [ (31.41)2] + [2 x 0·..190', x 31.41]
' •· ~ 'bn{ !{~;] ~~~. f~J ...
1- 41.88 41.88

•..Ans. [.'.OO=roJ
'X :: 0:0109 m
cl I. .
Jitude of forced vibration at ro =31.41 rad/s and without
AJllJl . :.<1> = 90°
daJ!lper. F 9 /K The frequency at peak amplitude is,
= (l)n--J l - ~\ =15.49 '11 -..2(0.0645)2
1-(:J . (l)p

= 15.4_2 ~ad/s
31.41) :. ..
1 - ( 41.88 . 'p-.

The amplitude at peak frequency is,

X1 = 0.0130 m. F/k
cl x
• Percentage increase in amplitude of vibrations ~hen- damper
[1-( ::)2J[2~ ::J
. 40/12 x10 3
~ ; .- " -.
0.0130 - 0 .0109 lOO _ 1Jf_ x = -.. ,;:::====2,;::2========;-2
0.0109 x - 19.56 70 ••.Ans.
" [1- (0.99) J + [2 x 0.0645 x 0.99]
x = 0.02589 in
or X = 25.89 inm
peak phase angle is,

. I
. ,.
' • I ; ~
.. _,. • • • . I• , • '• :

- ·[ 2 x 0.0645 x 0.99] -i
<I> = ~ ( . 1' ....: (0.99)2 :: _tan . _6 ,4175

~ = 81.14° •.• Ans.

(! . .

Scanned w it h CamSca nner
Forced Single Degree of Fi'eed~m \ti~rau ·. ·.. ..· .
· ·.· ~ ·1~1
, . ... . -··- -· , ·. . ons-y~ • ;,1
1. · Damped natural circular frequency (~.;> -« ; · .. · ,~
The ruimped ~atural,~ freqiie~cy is, .. - ··.,, «. ::
(I) = (l)d =.. 27tfd
' . ... ' \ . ... . . . ( ' ~ ~~:
co = 27t x 10 =62.83 _l'lllh ·. .
Soln.: . . ' ;..,\
. -3 2. Amplitude of Forced.Vlbra~lon 8 (X) lls.
m=5kg, F0 =36N, . X=15mm=l5xl0 m
1 The . disturbing force is acting on the mass. ··
T=0.32sec, :.f=,:=3.125Hz . · at Und~.......
. ; natural frequency (1.e. ro = ro0 ) · . ~"PC(!

ron = 2 7tf = 21tX3.125 = 19.634 rad/s _ , Therefore, the amplitude of forced vibrations is
'· ., rad
At resonance :ro =ron = 19.634 - - ~ ., ' .:5 x = ~~ . '. --=~
. -. .
ro;- =, ~ ·._ "~ ' [1-(ro:) J~[~(:j}, i-(~
:. 19.634 = "\j
- !Rs5
= 1-(:~2
K 0.02
.. (i9.634)2 =
.. K = 1927.469 Nim
• ..!!L = .. · . 62.83
1.41 :.ro0 =T41.=.44,56 rad/s
x = Dynamic amplitude
• • (l)n

Xo .. ..
~ ,: . . 44~56 ~
- . ...; r=-= 1) But,ro0 = =
c1-rl2 +c2~r):z( (J)n

Xo .. m = 2.51 kg
:.X = ~

X2~ = Xo
Xo . (~). . .Fo
.:.s = 2X = ·z x =2xK
= 2 x 15 x 1927.469 x 10-

:.s = 0.622 Also,

Soln.: ! ·;~ - : '-

• .- :I
Giyen : Mass, m = 2.5 kg, Exciting foi;ce: F0 .= 3_0 N,
2x5 x 19.634 x 0.622 . - • , •. 11
Amplitude, X = 14 mm= 0.014 m
: ' ,, .. ·; . ·. '

- = ~ 122.123 Ns/m Time period, tP =0.22s, !,·

Frequency of vibration, f = 4 Hz. · : .~- . ,
1. Damping Coefficient (c)
' ..

The circular frequency ·of forced vibrations is,

27t 27t : .
.w = -t =0.22 ~- 2~.55 rad /s
1 At resonance, the circular frequency of forced vibrations equal to
;iven: Mass,m = ? ·_
natural circular frequency. . .· . , . ..
Stiffness of spring, K ='· 5000 Nim I .• J _.

Frequency, fd = · 10 Hz
Disturbing force, F0 = 100 N
Amplitude: ~ = io ~·=-0.02 m . ..

.. , ...,

scanned w ith CamScanner

·•.· :·:•· i
· ·- l

. .....
<:a~12 .. ,.... Forceci.Sin' le 0 te~;o(Freedom. vibration s~ern .
·-· .·
__._F 0 / .K 30 / 2f137 .75
X1 =
._, .. .....1.:...(25.13)
.[i-(:.)1 +[2~!;J

. , .. . .. . ·28.55

F /K ... · ' .or "2 =,0.065 in.

l~C:rease in ·amplitude of vibrations when dam~r is removed

:::: ..Jf1 - (~)'l2 + l29< 1)2

, .- .·. Xi-X 1 = o.065-0.01514=0.0496m.
. " · ••[ ' CO == <Onl
= 49.6 mm
~-3 Forced Vibrations Due to Rotating
. ..

. ( . ~=-]
. 2m
. . Unbalance
. n
.+ (MU - Dee. 15)
· F 0 ·2nioo~
or X = 2Kc
' I·' ·, •

30 x 2 x 2.5><28.55 'J

.. 0.014 = 2 x2037.75 x c ~
:...· - All rotating machines such as : Centrifugal pumps, wrbines.
c = 75.05 N-s/m .••Ans.
•, - ·· t electric motor, etc, have some amount of unbalance left in
.. ·. g factor is, " thein even after balancing . with the help of precession
alllpUl . c 75.05 '• . .
jbC d ·.
!; = 2m con =2 X2:5x28.55.•:'.::0 ._525 balancing machines. unbalance is a common source of
forced vibrations.
· de of forced Vibrations Under New
Af11PlitU . The unbalance in rotating machines is m~ in terms of
i condition
an ~~valenl ~s 'm0 ' rotating with its c:entre of gravity at a
of vibrations is, . ~·-
1bC rrequencY distance 'e' from the axis of rotation. ...... . ~..·
. J =... 27t ' . . , .• l .... . - .'• ., .
The centrifugal force due Lo unbalance mass ' II\,' acts as
:. 4 harmonic excitation force.
- 27t
. . !•_' :
Consider a machine with a rotating unbalance supported on a
:.oo = · 25.13 rad/s . •. 1

i spring and a damper (i.e. mounted on an' elastic support),

shoWll in Fig. 8.3.1.

X1~-~~========:::;;:::=======::;: Let, m = total mass of machine including - unbalanced

[1-(~JJ +[ 2;~}: (,: .. .·_.,.

mass, kg

11\i = imbalanced mass,"kg

30 / 2037.75

. ·c··2s·:13)-21 -[ 2 --·· · --25.13]·.. e = eccentricity of the unbalanced mass, m

[ 1 -:- 28.55 525 J~ xo. x 28.55 . co = angular velocity of rotation of unbalanced mass
or X1 = 0.0154m ...Ans. (i.e. circularfrequency of external excitation

Amplitude of forced vibration at (1) ,;, 25.13 . raciiS" and without force), racl/s

damper, K = spring stiffness of the support , Nim

F 0 /K
c = dainpirig coefficient, N-s/m
·. ((1))
1.- con . It is assumed that the system is constrained to move vertically
so as to ·discuss it within the scope of vib~tions of single
degree of freedom system.

Scanned with CamScanner

..· .; .~ "·:1. . -··~'·.
' . . '..
.- . ,·
. ...
-~ ·'·
;' , ·· ·.

Y .~Dynarnics of Machinery.(MU> sem 5 ~· Meeh)

• • :'. .. ':.. ,·, . .... . . ...... . "" ...;· . .- · · " · - - ... - _ ... ._ " : ·'
... ... - v .

_.. :·· ' ·- .~ ..

·, , ' · .

.~ ;
-~ ' .

. · '
(c) DiSplaced Positon with A
(b) Displaced Position with of Rotation of Rotation 0:gle
(a) Equilibrium Position Angle of Rotation of Unbalanced Rotating M
Unbalanced Rotating Equal to '©t' ass.
: Mass Equal to Zero
- .
...:. ··.- \ I•.

: Rota~g Unbalance
. -:·
Fig•. 8.3..l _

· "Ibis
. Equation ·(8.3.1) is the linear' second order difti
Let, equation, of motion for a forced d"m""'...1 ', · · CfentiaJ
.. ~ VIbfatio .
Total vertical displacement of mass of machlne excluding rotating.ipibalance. · ns due to
·ti:nbalan~oo rotating mass (m - 'm.,) =x. .. .
mx +c x+ Kx .. : = Fo sin rot .., .. :.
Total vertical displacement of unbalanced rotating maSS 'm,,' :'·

·,;, '(x + e sin rot) Hence,

- -Inertia force due to mass or'ma'chi~e excluding unbalanced . Hence, ·.:.(8.3.2)
. rotating mass (m - m.,) = (m - m.,) x The complete solution for differential l<nuati
"-":! on ·(8.3.1) is
force due to · unbalanced rotating mass . '
Inertia X = Xc+Xp
m., (x ~ ro e sin rot)
'm.,' = m.,d? (x + e sin wt) = I • - • .. ~
x1e-t<Dnt SID[\fl~~ . .
.. .•• x - ront+, 1]
•• 2 l . .
, =
. (m.,x - m.,ro e sin wt) ' . t. --,Mo==e=ro=sin~(ro=it=-~'~~== ,;,(8.3.3)
Spring force =Kx
Damping force =c x. K
Consider F. B. D. of machine shown in Fig. -8.3,_2. Amplitude of Steady State vibrations :·
~-. . The amplitude of steady state vibrati~ns is,
, "':'""- -
--., _,
~ -
··x . . . := .
%ero2-/K - -.:- -

% e ro Im ro~
= [.. .K =;=mro.J
.... 2

Kx -. cX
Fig. 83.2: F.B.D. of Machine 2·

: L[ ~ertiaforce + Exte.mal forces ] = 0 ~(_!Q_)

m \con
· :'.:. _.(m m.,)'x :t. (m x- m ro< sin rot) +ex· +Kx=O
'7 . .
x =
. .. , . o . o . ,

.. mX-m;+mx
o - mow2 e sm
. rot +. ·
c x + Kx .=0

m0 ro2 e sm

rot ...(8.3.1)

Sca nned w ith CamScannE!f

. \ • • 1,. ·, ·!.,_ • ! : ' .' . . ~. "
· (MU .- Sem 5 ;.Mech)·., -·. . .. ·

' ~ 1i:S ~~- Po~~ Sing~ ti ,;,. ~ Fre~om.,,\,;-.-~~

... ·0··:h'i·n·"a· ry
• ,._k",. a·· . ,. . ..
bt . (-cocon':\' . i ',14 ' : ; sYttein
('·.'·..... v.!

;. .
::. _-,--
• uauo
. [_· 1 - ( : .n
f] 2~!J. .. .
) .

ta ' ·
'" , "·(8.3.4) :
' ... 01ia . . ·. . '
(i) ' lVbc,; the •J>c<d h - ·

"'1pJilude (~)
. ,· '
•r:vatlona made trorn Plot
h ~ di-~onlcis
· .· · · ·
steady-"8le .

t .t:<l
( 11JiS ~ ' steady.•Ste
·o(· .4) ·gives· the · dimensionless
. '
·. fi m
· . . rn, e I ., in ,..._ Hence, all curves start ro .
; pfitUde. phase angle is, ·

: ~j\ogle:'Ibe { ~(~ ] ·- .. "

~ .

1 resonance i.e. when..!!!.= 1) (--L.) ,,~

= . Hence,
• = tan 7 l -(.;:j --(8.3.5) ·.'Present
" di"'••ion1..,
in the system.
con , moe/ m
amplitude is· limited ooiY ·by the damping

(ili) Wiren the ·frequency raiio (0> I 0>,,) is v..-y, . the
e.3· P~~fitude Versus Frequency Ratio
:, Dimensloiiless Steady-St8te
dirnensio~less amplitude ( - e/rn
X .) hl
trends to unity. i.e.

A ' '+ (1\IU • Dec. 12) . -4 · · Forced Vibrations Due to
Rec1procat1ng Unbalance

llte UOhalanee in recii>'Ocating machines SUcb u •LC engine.,

reci"'-og COmp'"''"" recii>'ocating pumps, etc is an
another source of forced vibrations.

I- Conoide, "<iProcating nwcbine U shoWn in Fig. 8.4.L '
.let. tn • lobil .,;,, of the reciJ>rocating ma<bine, kg
lll.o :: mass Of Parts, kg

::: length of connecting rod, m .

r ::: length of ctank, m
n ,;. obliquity ratio
::: l 1 r

OJ . == angular veloc.ity of crank, rad/s

OJt :: angle filade by Crank with horizontal reference axis.

1 ·1

Ii> iJJ ,A Plot of Dimensionless Aruplitude (~ ~ ru) Vs - - Reference Axis

Frequency Ratio ( ~)
The plot of (~elm
- X - )· versus frequency ratio (: ) for

diftierent "41llp1ng
Aft- • condi
. ·tion
· is
• shown' . Fig· .8.3.3. These in
"1ves are Plotted with the help
- . .,,. ' t' •
ofEqu:~oin (~-3.4)
. -

.. ; Fig. S.4.1 : Reciprocating Unbalance

• 'J •1.
-, The mertia
• • 1orce
& due to the mais. of reciprocating
. . Parts .acts as

~-.tation force in. reciprocating machines. .

"IS'e T9e1i"-"1tqi
~ Pubnt•t•e .. ,

Sc1m ned w ilh CamScan ner

. . ,. ' ..

... :· ; ;· . ' •·. :

,- ...
. .:·7. -·
· /·

. .' ,very _small and hence, can . neglected. Therefore, the inertia w0 = 7539 rad/s.
force due to reciprocating mass is given by,
. . 2
F1 ·= mo r CD sin cot •..(8.4.2) ,2. Damping Fact~r@
. From Equation (8.4.2) it is seen that, the exciting force due to We know that,
reciprocating unbalance is same as due to rotating unbalance, ; -
discussed in earlier section. · x
Therefore, analysis of the rotating unbalance is also applicable
to reciprocating unbalance. · · (~) .
Ex. 8.4.1
The rotating machine having total mass of 20 kg is having an

eccentric mass of 1.5 kg with eccentricity 25 mm. The
! •
. machine rotates at 720 r.p.m. If the amplitude of vibrations,
which is 20 mm, lags the e~entric mass by 90~. determine: lllo e ,
~ = ___; - 1.5 x 0.025
(i) the natural circular frequency of the system; 2 m X - 2 x 20 x o.02
(ii) the_ damping factor; and .or ~ .= .' 0.046 ·~Ans.
(iii) the amplitude and. phase angle when eccentric mass . Amplitude at 1440 r.p.m. :
rotates at 1440 r.p.m. · ·
Soln.: When eccentric mass rotates at 1449 r.p.m.,
21t>< 1440 I •
Given :Total mass of machine, m =20 kg co = =.150.79 rad/s.
Eccentric mass, m,, = 1.5 kg
Eccentricity, e 25 mm= 0.025 m
·The amplitude of vibrations at co =150.79 rad/sis, ;
Speed of eccentric mass, N = 720 r.p.m.
:.w =
75.39 rad/sec x =
Phase angle, <jl = 90°
Amplitude of vibration, X = 20 mm= 0.02 m
1.5 x 0.0~ (150.79)

1. Natural Circular Frequency (co,J ( 20 . - ) 75.39

1. [ - Ts39-
The phase angle is, 2
150.79) ·c l50.79)J
[ 1 - ( 75.39 + 2 x 0.04~ x

<l> - -f1-(;J2
i<(:J J
tan or
x =
0.002495 m .
= 2.49mm ••.Ans.
4. Phase Angle at 1440 r.p.m.

.. 90° = mn-[ i<(:JJ The phase angle at co .= 150.79 rad/sis, \

• (!) .
~ ~-· 1-c:~· ·.

= [

- (::~
tan (90°) = 1 2

= -1[2 tan ¥N/)] . x 0.046 x (

.-.oo . =
[ 2~(:~
J = tan - I
1 (150.79)

(- 0.06133)
- 75.39

:.+ = 176.49° or 356.49° .;.Ans.

- . . ·- -·

$canned w ith Cam$canner

( \ >':: ..•..· . ' (MU -·. seen s .--Mech) , · . ·

rr',~i"' ~achin~IY ~ a~~6

.· ...
of . ..• .:: , ·,, ' ,'. : .• roe of " - : Vlbiatlon System
... . . .· . . engi ne of total mass kg Is Plac0c1 : 3~0 . (20x0.06~ {157.08) .
f iJ
,1"9~g•· ea<~ Valo~1y
cY1;nde" spriiig Is compressed by 2 mm, A ){ · , ._ 300 ) _ 10.03 _ ,

1'..;", 1
r·.m1'IO~ .-sP" ..., 9 400ttached
ffetl•· to the
of damping . . .attq
. engln,e
force d~mp ·out. the
, relative \
' ) [i - (.L7507.0.Q_3s )i] ·. [2 x 0.04
2+ ·· 76 x 17507.0
.038] .

:,'f /I'~•""
1 0~·· ~
an~ -x = s.40 nun ,, .-, ,, -" ·•••A.ns.
~ ~s· a:-.4:-.:-3-----------~------ .
1h• ;s °µrocaling
.15 130 mass of theengine
mm, The engineIsls runnlniJ
20 kg at -){ ·,; 0_
, ..n1 01 t~e the a '
piston mplitude of steady-state Vibrations Ex.
ifl'· .econda·,
find 'nbalance.. ·, . . · An .el · · h.. , · t The
1 0
r1l n1 u ' ctrlc motor Is supported on a spring ·and das po ·
,,- s · : •Pnng has a stiffnass 5ooo Nim and dashpot otters
r#', ' of engine, ; restatance of 30o N at 2.5 .mfa. The ·unbalanced mass of
si• · o~ch
m =JOO kg 8
mm= o.ooz ·· • 1
.Gl e": 'fo.1oi
0 ""''spnng,
· 0 = 2Dampinn forcem. 400 mot
·S kgI rotates at 50 mm radius ·· and total mass of· efectllc
M~i'ooJI ~ct'

ent, c = Relative velocity == 01' (') h
or s SO kg. If the motor runs at 340 r.p.m, detennone ·
.,,,ping c-oeu• 2000 -N-sec/m.
o .
I t e damping factor ', .I
JP· . .
.arts,. m0 =20 kg ("
· (Ii) the amplitude of steady-Stale vibretions; and
rreciPr. ·
... , ocating P ·. s = 2r = 130 riun : Iii) the Phase angle ;
f 11 ° · ..stroke,
· •• r ' 65 mm=0.065.0?:
· ,. , (iy) . _.the
- resonance speed ; ,
. e .N _ . 1500 r.p.m.
...>Pl!ofeogtn • \ (v) the amplitude at resonance ; and . .
sf"~ . I 210< 1500 .
ro = · 60 = 157.058 rad/s. ; (Vi) the resultant force exerted by spring and dashpot on the
' , ·,
m~oc ·
Ing Factor (;) ·so1n.:
1 oamP . .
' The toad taken by each springis ~g . Stiffness of spring, K
J ., ' ••

re stiffness of each is,_ . Damping coefficient, c = 300

25 = 120 N-s/m
Tberefo mg/ 4 300 x 9.81 .-. ;
K =.. 8 4 x 0.002 Unbalanced mass, m0 = 1.S kg
. . 6
K = 0 .367875x 10 N/m Eccentrici~, e = so mm= 0.05 m
or • alent
Tueeqmv stiffness of four ·springs is, 6 Mass of electric motOr, m' ,; · SO kg
= 4K=4 x0.367875
x IO
. ... Speed of electric motor, N = 340 r.p.m
or Ke -- 300 x 9.81 =· 1:4715 x 106
0.002 NI m. i _ _
~40 · 35.60 rad/s
The natural circular frequency is, ·1. Damping Factor <e
= ~ =~,...l-A-7-~500--x-10:'?;6 =70.03 rad/s
ron ,-
The natural circular frequency of system' is, .
- The damping factor 'is, . AIR A&>
c . roll = \Jm = \f 50_= 10 rad/s
~=~ 2000
=0.0476 The damping factor is,
n 2 x 300 x 70.03
2. Amplitude of Forced Vibrations (X) · · . '•'
~ = zc =~
c 120
The amplitude of forced vibration due to reciproca_ting
or ~ = 0.12
, unbalance is, ·· •••Ans.
2. Amplitude of Steady-State Vibrations (X)
The frequency ratio is,

.!Q.. --
10 -- 3.560

The amplitude of steady . state vibrations due to rotating
unbalance is,

Scanned wit h Ca mSca nner

--------~~-~ ' :'' .
. .. · .. ·._ : · ...·~~
... . .... :. ~ .-

• I ( • , ' ' . .~·:~·, :"!;.~

· re~. of F.reei::loir) Vib :<.:,,.·· · ·. · ¢
.. ·····
. rations' ..·~·
The resultant force acting on motor is · · . ~ ·. ·
; _::..- ' ._.: ·-.(1.5 x 0.05) (3.560)2
. 50 .
1. - .
\'·· : p~_' \}'f;+F; · ~ :~~5

·) ·· .,.'''. :':··:·
• t . "1

"' •' . . . . ""·~U, ~'-'J?J ,+.(6,93~ :.. .

-...,.:·. = ~ 1 ~ (3560)2 ] ~ +[2 ~· 0.12 x~.560 ]"'l " · · F. = 10.68 N , · · . · · 1) . ·

: . . · ';'- X : : 1.624i x 10- 3

m -·
X = 1.6241 mm
. 3. . Phase Angle t
. The phase angle is,

" :=~{i~J
~' ~
-1[2 x 0.12(3.560)
.. . 1 • ' ' ' •

x 3.560]· .,. Given:

<P = .~ 1-
. M = 400kg, m., e = 0.45 kg-Ill
•·.' • ._ 1·. I' ..,

N1 = 400rpm; Ni = 600 rprn· '

cp tan-I (-0.07319) " k = 1x106 Nim; ~ ·= ·; 0.1
4' = 175.81°or 355.81° ..~AnS. The naniral frequency of system is·
4. Resonance Speed

Resonance will occur, when 0> =0>0
. i
.. . ; roo = ~ ~R =SOrad/s
Maximum angular speed is
The resonance speed is, 27tX N2 2nx 600 .. . ..
N . - ro0x60 -~ ro = 60 60 =62.83 rad/s '
- 27t - 27t
The·frequency ratio is,
orN = 95;49 r.p:in. ...Ans.

5. Amplitude of Resonance r = ro =.62.83

50 = 1.25

The amplitude of vibration due to rotating unbalance is, The maximum steady s.tate amplitude due to rotating
. . (~)(:J2 . unbalance is,
x = ~-;=====:::;.:==::=:==:-

[; ~ (:J2] +[2~:J
At resonance ( i.e. at ro =w0 )

x = (~)
2~ - x = '\/c1 - i.251 2 + c2 x 0.1 x i.2512
~- {1.5 ~00.0~ X = 2.85 x 10-3 m
X - 2x0.12 X = 2.85mm · ...Ans.
X =<6.25 x 10- 3
m For amplitude 1.9 mm,
or X = 6.2Smm ...Ans.

6. Resultant Force on Motor

The spring force acting on motor is,

F1 = KX
= 5000 x I.6241x10- 3
or F9 = 8.1205 N
0.45 2 .
The damping force acting on motor is
. . Fd ~ ~ = i ..: ,,,,
~1 jQ ... : .. .... j I !j 11 : .. . n-: 1.9x10""3 +;i 400. r · · :...
"(1 -l)
·.·· + (2 x 0.1 x d
= 120 x 35.60 x I.6241 x 10- 3 2
1.68 = r
or Fd = 6.9381 N '\/o -r2)2 :r <2 x 0.1 x d

Scanned with c amscanner

;~ a;:1a· - · . _ . · · . . . . · · .· . · :11on systein
ForcecLSrngle De ree:of:Freedom Vlbra . . ..
·.''· " :.-•.-··. ·.~·,.,...,"' "··· · . . -. . .. ' ... · • • D of supp<>rt ·
.· - The analysis of forced vibrations due.·«> ex~t~tl~ - 1at1ve
can be done by considering abs0lute·rurip_ U tude and re . .
. amplitude of mass with ~pec.t .to the supi)ort or base·

' :. ~ '._' ' I,•

8.5_~ 1. , Absolute Amplitude ._ ·
' Let, Y =- ~~solu~ harmonic displacement of the support
= Y sin cot :
·Y = Y sin cot. · . ..
. I

:.y = Y co coscot
~ ::= 2.36:.r==l.S.3 .: r:
. ' ' ' - : ·. ,
r x = absolute displacement of the mass m
::= 1.18 .....__ . Absolute deflection of spring = (x ...:_ y) ..
;:::; Oln')(
1 18 := 50 x 1.18
• .
. - ···.Absolute velocity between two ends ,of damper= ( x- y-) .
_ ·59.43 rad/s . The F.B.D. of mass in displaced positior,i . is shown · in
Fig, 8.5.1(<;), •. • ' I . . • •
(J) . - . i:.o>< 60 - 59.43 x 60 = 561.52
·· .-. N
::=, ~ - • 21t . ·. . . ,. . r~lll ...Ans. From Fig. 8.5.l(c) ; . .
than 567.52 rpin for The differential equation of ~otion can be written as, _
f rotating
. unbalance should be less
9 -
. ' . ' . . . . '.
'' - .:·,, ' . - ..
~o bier to be less than 1. mm. .. .. . mx "t c(x- y)+K(x .~y) = 0 .. .. _... (a)
1bt ·tude oftbe tulll . .
sJl!Pu . d Vibrations Due to Excitation ._m ~ + c ~ .- cy + Kx - K~ = ._9 ·.
s.5 Fo rcepport lnste_ad of Mass m x_· +ex +Kx . = :KY-f:CY
· .of 5u · .
~ ~ (MU-May1 1_ ,May13) ... . ; .m.x + c x +.Kx = K (Y s~n wt) + c cY,co cosrot)
Absolute AmPlitude mx' +ex +Kx = Y (K sin wt + cro coscot)
. ... ~ '
1. Rel.ative Amplitude
2. .. mx +ex +Kx

Jn roanY cases '

the excitation of the system is through the
• · • ·
·, =Y.../K2+c2002 (.../ 2K 2 2sinwt+ '1 :~cm 2 2c~s -~t) .
rt or base instead of bemg applied to the mass. : K + c ~ ·1 , • • . K, +c CJ.) I . . • ' .'·

supp<> • • _ ,
such case. the support or base is considered· to be exi::ited 'o'r m x' +c x +Kx =Y VK2 + c2w [cosa sin wt+ sin a. coscot]
by a sinusoidal motion y ;:::: y
.Jn · _wt as sh. own m
__ . sm 'F'8
1g. .5.1. K .
where, coscx = --::==;::::::;' . .. (b)
• For example, the control panel of a machine. The vibrations '\/K2 +c2w2
of control panel is due to the excitation of the base frame. C(I)
and sin a =::= -;::::::;::==:;;::::;- ••• (c)
"K2 + c2co2 .

. 'x.X.X
•. m x' + c x+ Kx .;,y VK2 + c2co2 (sin cot+ a) ... (8.5.1)
The Equation (8.5.1) is known as absolute ·differential -
equation ofmotic:>n which is similar to Equation (8.2.1) i.e. m
x.· + c x +. Kx.;,
. .
. 0
sin .cot
. '
where, F 2co"""2
= Y '\/,....K...,~-+-c.,,,.. .
0 ••• (8.5.2)

(•) Equlllbrhun Position

Therefo're, ·the complete solution of the Equation (8.5.1) is
(b) Displaced Position . given by,, . . .
_,, x = Xe +Xp ... (d)
iwhere, Xe = X 1 e-~UJnt sin [wdt + $]
~ = x sin (cot+ a - ·~r
I - . ·Of
.: ' xP ·= · Xsin [wt -:- (c!>-a.)]
K(x-y) c<x-y>
.-, - 1. Steady-State Ab~olute Amplitude (X)

.Flg. 8~.~. (c}· F.B.D.ofmass·~-i ~J •I!''::_· , ; ":· .' r". ·.·

,. 1 ' ·iThe steady-state absolute amplitude 'X;· is .gi~~ri 'b y
· '.
. _Forced Vibration Due to ~citation of Support·· ·
:· .. " . ·,. -.• . ··. -··.1.
> ..
, 1 ,, .1,:
'':~~ ~
.. :
Forced Single o
..~aml~ of Machinery (MU - Seiri 5 • M·ech)
' 8-19
.: · ~ " ' .. . ,l .

=· cx· ~:vL ·}:. '.'. ·.

. :.z
... .z .

andx 0
' = i" + y' ·_ ..... ' ···(~ : ·~1
The differential Equation of motion for
. th-e' systern
.' ··· .' . · ·.· · · :1.~
•• • •• . ·- IS,. '
' I
. mx+c(x-Y)+K(x-y) · = ,0 ' · ·. -,
Substituting_ Equations (t). in Equation (g)• we get, . .•"·(g)
...(8.5.3) .
m( z+y·) ci + Kz. = O
mz +ci+Kz = -mY
.· z + ci + Kz = ·malY ••sin-~t •..(8.S.6)
. •.•(8.5.4) ' ...[':y =-Y-<1is· .
or y · = _ . · .. ID COl]
Tue Equation
. ·(8.5.6).. is .known
_ - as relative equau
··motion which is similar to Equation (8.5.1) on of
Observations made from Equation (8.5.4) · ' 2
Hence, F0 .= mro Y..
' . . x
When ci><<Clln, then y =1 : It means ·that the complete
1. Therefore,
. the
. complete solution of the Equation ·(8.5.6) is
·system can move as a rigid body at low frequencies. .given by, . · ~ 1_ - ' ' I '. I•

. When then
xy =O : It oieans that the mass is
_ z . = zc+~- _ ...(b)
e-~Wnt s~ [rodt + ~1 ]
<s»>(l) ,
where, zc = Z 1 - ' } ' • .• •
stationary at high frequencies.
. .. .•. (i)
3. · When !"= ..../2 : At :
=..Ji, for all values of damping
. ~ = Z sin (rot - c>)

.factor~ the amplitude ~tio ~ =1. Therefore, the steady-stat,!! amplitude Z ·is given b ·
. (8.5.2). '
. 'lar to Equauon
. sUDl
Equabon · .·. .· · · y ·the

2. Phase Angle <+- a) 1.

Steady-State flelatlve Amplitude (Z)
. .. • •i •. . .
.. · : ,, ·
• • ••

From Equation (b) and (c) we can write .Th~ stea~y-s1;ate r~lative amplitude is given by, .
C(l) : .mco2 Y /K
tana· = K z ,;,
• 1-


:.a = .taii-{2 ~J
From Equation (8.3.5),

2. Phase Angle _ , I

The angle by which. the relative displacement .'z' ·lags the

support displacement 'y~ is given by, ·, . •.
From Equation (e), it is seen that the displacement of the mass
(i.e. x) lags that of the support (i.e. y) by an angle Cc> - a), ...(8.5.8)
Hence the phase angle is,

c+~a) = tan-
c?.rJ-tan-• [2~J
1-2~JQ.. •••(8.5.5) Ex. 8.5.1
The suspension system a vehicle has a spring constant of
500 kN/m and a damping ratio of 0.5. The vehicle has a
speed of 80 km/hr, The road surface varies sinusoidally with
8.5.2 Relativ~
an amplitu~e of 1O cm ~nd a wavelength of_5 m. If the mass
Let, z =relative displacement of mass with resj>ect to the of a vehicle is 1000 kg determine its amplitude of
support =(x - y) oscillations. - ' ·

. ..-~.. .
J ••
. . ·--.·~m~Jl>2ft1~
· ,:;~:ew~
- i~:w~®~••lllll•
. :~
· ~ -.
· <,~a,~ . .. . .

< ' For'"'" Siii le D!'llroe Of Fre8<iom Vlbrauon S ·

·: ..
·= soox103 N/rn :
· ·ng ratio, ~ == ·o.s ·· '·
patflPI .
of vehicle, v ==
speed . :.. . 80kinfhr:::::~
. .. . . 360Q
== 22.22tn1~
fsine curve, ·. Y == - Io cm::: 0. I m· AvehiciOhos · , . . . .
, ;.tnP
f sine curve, ,...; ==
m of its sus ~
rnass of SOo kg and the total spring constant

'oO<f Ill P:nsoon SYslern is 19600 NJrn, The profile of lhe
, «•~ 1eogth o .
Freqiiency 01 Forced Vibratt
(,;,) . ,
. ·,· ..
mm ay • as a sine wave Of amplltude 1O
circular - . .' . :· ' 008 ·. . or 1.s rn:De1errniiie
~ freq~ency_ (i). and
lhe ac1Yave1en91h
't' ; · : ·
1. . . ..:.1 circular of the_system is, .,.
. '{benaiui..... ~ _ _ ,. .. •..... (,•1
.) n ica1 speed of the Vehicle ; and ·
. K . .. lhea · · · .·
O>n = m -
' · ::_, ,. ' rnphtude of steady state motion of the mass : .
... /500 x 10"3 (a) When dOven al Critical and WiiliOut dampinQ.
= \J 1000 - ::::: 22.36 rad/s · • (b) When·dOven_al Critical speed and ha.nng daniping
factor of o.s. .. . . .. . . . ;.
.. . l

(c) When dnven al .60 km/hr and ha,,;ng damping

factor 0.4.
Soln.: ·'
• ';I I • • • o ~: ~ • !
Given : Mass of ve1Uc1e; In · "= 500 kg -.: ·' I ;· •·

Stiffness of spring, K = 19600 Nim" . ·

'viavCiength of o;~ waV~. ~ · ~
Amplitiide of wave y = . 10 mm= o.oi m
ts m

Fig. P. 8.5.1
The time period is,

Ttme period ~avelength

== Velocity I'

... ~ ==
A. 5
v =22:'22 =0.225 s J
Fig. P. 8.5.2
The circular frequency of forced vibrations is, ~. ,•
1. . Critical Speed of Vehlcle r . . • • • !' • r

27t 27t
(I) == ~ =o.m The natural circular frequency of the system is,

== 27 .92 rad/s. · .... , = ..\J"il=

lli ..\j50Q=6.26lrarl/s.
@600 ·,..
We know that,

2. Vertical Amplitude of Vibration of Vehicle (X)

. Wavelen&!h
The Steady-state amplitude due to excitation of support, ' Time penod = Velocity
X- ..:. Y-:YI+ (1<{}> ..• t,, -- -v
·-···- "'. cri " - - v

-'\/[1-({Jl'+~::J' .',
The critical speed of vehicle win be ~t resonance.
( i.e. when O> = O>n ) .. · ' ·
2 7t A.
:.Ciln =vc ,
The circular frequency
' ''
( ''
27t· 15

- ~--.:...._--:. . . .,;c. : :.: .=-~-=.:=--~~:.....;..:..::;....;;:..:..:....L_~.:. ;.;,_ .:.._~~~..:. . .: . ~....:._----:-------,..............

:.6.261 = Ve
. ....

Scanned with CamScanner

. ... .... · '· . ',
. •. .
~ ......

·~ . " .· .~oynainlcs:ot Machina·ry (MU '.:~ sem ;s:-7' Me:Cti)). :..~,.c ..:·:;., ,:8::-21 .
.. - - '· - : . . ·. 1.4947 3600 x
· . :.·\Y:c =
J.4947 mis ~ .·· . 1000

. ·'
.2; · _· . Amplitude of Steady-State Motion .. :
or X = 0.868mm
The steady-state amplitude due to excitation to support is,
o~4 vehi~I~ ~~ 0 ; ··50 b..~·Ans..
;< . ·. y~;/+0~:~' ... Therefore at ; =
amplitude is 0.868 mm:
· · · · . """'nt, the
X = ... (a) Ex. 8.5.3
.[~·-(:j] ·+[2;:~ A vehicle moves over a road surface havin . , . ·
: wa~elengt~ . ~.. :6P~X1rriate1y
. .. : : .: . ~ . ~ • !
the sinusoidal profile .with _a_ 0
(I) When ; =0 and co =C.On . amplitude of 80 mm. The v~~1.~le 1s moving with a an? an
55 km/hr. Calculate the cnt1cal speed of th~ ·· h~eloc1ty 01
. • .' i ~~ •: \ .. ·. :. : r·, , ... ..,, ~- .,r ' ·-· . ·, .·
:;-. · -. When there is no ·damping (i.e. ; =· 0) and speed is critical 'b t' . 25. Ve ICle .,,
amplitude of v1 ra ion 1s mm .and mass ·0 1 '. the
. (i.e. w =con) Equation (a) becomes, 500 kg. _ __ _ · ;,: · Vehicle is

Soln.: ..
Therefore, when there is no damping and spOOd is critical, the Given : Mass of vehicle, m = 500 kg
speed is amplitude is becomes, infinity: Wavelength, A. = 10 m · , · ·,
(II) When ; = 0.5 and co = mn ·· Amplitude of sinusoidal profile, Y;=80 mm.= 0.08 m

When ; =0.5 a'n<l s~ is critical (i.e. co ~· wn .) ~uation .( a)

Velocity of vehicle, v = 55km/hr
. . . •
becomes, ._ ·.
= 3600 ' ··
= Yyl~ (2$)
X . =· ·15.27 mis
= O.Dl y1 + (2 x 0.5)2 Amplitude of vibration, X · = 25 mm =0:025 m
X = 14.142 x IO - m

1r _x _=· 14.142 mm •..Ans.

·- - ..
Therefore, when ; =0.5 an~~~ is critical, the amplitude is
14.142 x 10- 3 mm. . . ..

II) When;= 0.4 and v ~ 50 km/hr

50x1000 ·
v = 3600 = 13.88 mis
We know that,
· ; Fig. p, 8.5.3
2: 21t A.
~ = v (I)
= .v ~ ::i -~· . 1. Forced Circular. Fr~quency ,
21t 1.5
= 13.88 .. ' · '
(J.) = 58.17.rad/s We know ·thai; .. . · ~, , .. ·
, .. , .. A. . ' . . .,.·
~.. = -v .. ·.
' Time.period Wavelength '·. ,. 1! 1
The steady-state amplitude is, - · Velocity _ · :·.:. · ~

Yj_J ~(2f.!)' = ~v
• 27t -- . : ......·21t 10
X= • J
__ _.. :.:. -.:· .. ~ .. ..
... .. ..
· ·~

= 9.599 rad/s. ,
\/[1-(;jJ' +[2~::]'
I . '~ , \

For forced vibrations du6to excita°tl-~n of supp~rt, the steady·

state amplitude is given by,


Scanned with CamSc&n ner

. ' ~ . ~:: .'. .:

I~ •I • l

i;--;--.·. '·
Fig. P. 8.5.4 .
~- ·, : ' -.~ ~ ~ .·_.:, . .•. : . Forced Circular Frequency (co)
- _: · The nattirai circular frequency is, ·· ·.

~ =°\) 5 °?5~ 03 = 18.257 radts

~ •.; ; . J ..•I," ~

oon =
o.ozs ;: ;: ""' We know that,

,. '
Tiineperi~ = Wavelengt!!_
0.08 '· · ' Velocity
o.OZ5 :.~ = ~ · .21t . _ .. ~
v co v • : ~. t • -

. :'.co
~-o.ozs : : o.08 . ' .
= 4.68 rad/s
Steady~State Amplltud~ Due to Excitation. of
:.Wn · Support (X) · ·: . ·
. l Speed of Vehicle (Ve)
!. cntlca .
Atthe en'tical speed of vehicle, ro =ffin• therefore,
· 21t _A. • -1E._ 10 '
-(J)n = Vc ''4.68 = Ve

:. v c = 7 .4484 mlsec 7 .4484 x 3600

J "c = 26.81 km/hr ...Ans. x =
tts:'s.4@!il©@ijGl •l§W l:Ml1l®Fffla:'.:_zc,Y . ' . ·.. . .. 2 2 ·... - . . 2

~moto'r:.~rirnoViri~fr~1fi; ~ : s p~~, aN1_og~_k@h ):~. 34.9 0 ]

[ 1 -(18.257) .
. :+
~ x .o.5 (18.257
34.90 ) ]
~~oLlsoo' kg;.h ..passes .ove-r·a.'roi:Jgfr.road:
'.Wh1 ·;:
~ -~· ·;:>' , .... ~..,·t\~ /."-:f::.-;~{i{
l .. -,... .;. .... '-, ·. .:. . . : . .. - ' ·' -·.' ' .; '·
X = 0.049m·:
~~dat . ~urface with · an ampht~g~:;9f,\.75From'.~: or
~a~~n~h" at·s :m:.The suspenSioii''
!::- '···. ·· _~ ; ·, .· , ; . .
•.·- .. . ·-- ~ . ,... :-;-: + ·«-··~·.,vf;
X = 49mm . /
F~~t~o.JROO W~m ·and ·dampi~g~m,~~;9t- : ·,,, 3. Tlme~g •
~di~~~~nt.:._a[Tipl!tude· ofthe. ~[l~f@.'.!lm.!:!L ~9.
!oln.: c. · 2i:- ·,· .
. .
(J) 'J
Gireo: _Velocity of car, v = lOOkm/hr We irnow that,~ =
' I
. [

tan-' l -(i;J ,
'?(J) . .-

100 x 1000 .. ;, ". ' · ~

= 3600 =27 .77 m/sec )

=tan_ 1 [2x0.5x~J
I : ' '

Mass of car, m = 1500 kg .

~litude of sinusoidal surface, y · = 75 mm,,; 0.075 m
avelength f .
.... ··: ·1:- (1 :is~ ) i.' · J ; · ;·
' ' .:
sinusoidal surface, ').. =5m .' . ~ .
;; ·tan~'[o:72o8_ ( ·'·.; >.. ·: : . ·i , · :
Stiffness ~f spring, K = 500 N/mm ., ,. \ ' _, ~, . t ••

, or~
. -- . - I .,

= 500 ~ 10~ Nim

Damping ratio, s ~ - 0.5 \ . and, a =
·· ·.·... . . : . . ' .. ~ .... ' ·•·. ·. ,.. •, ' - •~
. ·.··-~·· .·-.•..:i,: · ...
' '.. .·: ·.·:·.· .' • .r . . . . .. '
. 1:".'

·.. .': ..
. ... .
, 0:::':·~_.r oyn~~,~~C>t MachinerY (MU ~ :s.enfs./ Mec~r: ~ ..,_;..... ~ia:23 .• ._.. . · Forced.·Sing . r.a· e'· o·t F.r.·e·:·e·'do.·rn
. le.Deg ; ........ : ·:· ·".{':.;·\ ·;°t.1.1_\....
. ra,u ~ · .. ·
. . . ·..
0 ,~.
· = tUi-i f l.8765] /' · .. _· ·· . (iii) the amplitude of niachirie when" dash . .· ... SySI~· ::,.1
' frequency of ~upp~~ is . . . . _Jlot ,IS retrioYE!(! ill \!
· ora. = 62.37° or 24i37°
'! .- . . .· ...... :.. ._··:·-· (a) 8 rad/sec (b) equal tonatural ·f - · · · . ._ a. ~ .
. The phase lag is, · . . \
, . . requency .
Soln;: ... ' . ·. WO . . . .· \ ..· . ·· of.~Chi~. '.,,
(«?...:a) ;:; 144.21° - 62.37° .
Given :Mass of machine, m - - ·
_ . : ... _:· («?-a) . ;:; 81.84° - . 9.81 :=: ~-9:38 kg
Phase lag _ .!!::..!& _ 81.84° · " n . _: .. · .. Deflection o.f spring, B . . · ..
;:; w - w - 34.90 x180° 200 ·· m
Stiffness of spring, K = - = 2000 ,..,,
0.l ·. wm
Time lag = 0.04092 s •••Ans.
Damping coefficient, c = 800 N-sec1in
Amplitude ofsupp•1rt, Y -.:.;,;,. -. 2o nii'ti=o.oim ·r .- . ,
Frequency of support, .. _~ ..= 8 ra~sec
1. Amplitude of Mac~lne. (X)
The natural frequency of the system is,
·~- IE' A . @90-. ' .
ron =-\Jm = \J2038 ~_?.90radfs
; '
The damping factor is,

· Soln.: ~ c c · . . :· goo '..' •:

3 = cc . ;:; 2 m ro =2 X 20.38 x 9.gQ "' 1.9825
Given:m=:l200 kg,Y .= 0.05 m, A.= 6in, - K=400 x 10 Nim
. . l.

100x1000 - ' The frequency ratio is, . '·~--

~~.5,v=;=.Ipo..knYh'.'.':.. c ~.60 .,. .=. 27.7.7ml~- - .. . . . •l

JQ.. 8
= =0.8080 . ; ·, .
(l)n = {! - 000

· · .:._ /400x103 · For forced vibration du~ ~o ·kx~ifutio~' ~f suppcirt, ~~::

:= \J..
1200 .._ . = 18.2.6 rad/~
. . b
state ampIitude is given y, ; : , i ·,·'..

- 27t
·vy1 +(2~c;)·:~ -- ~--
...: to . _.= . 27,77 . . · :.w ~: ~· 29.08 rad/s

.Steady state ~plitude due to excitation ·ofsupport is .' ""! .. .

• •, . . : • r . ... ' ... y .... ·
\J11 + '(2~ roJ
w_\2", . . - .
'~ .t• • • -
"· o.o2'11 ·+c2.; ·I.9825 ~ ·~:~o~~/
x = = r ·-:-./-;=:=[ :-=c:=:o== .2.=+=:==[2=x=
.8::=08:=:0::=;/r::]:;: . l=.9=825=x=o.=so=80=:;]2
'\f [1-(;j J+[2~:~ ·:
• > ..

.?: . • ..
:.X = 0.02082 m
o.osy1 ( '. '' : ;·. or :. · X = . 20.82 riun .;.ADS.
x ;:;
[1-( ;~:~~) ]2 +[2x0.5 ( ;~:~~)J·
' 2. Relative Amplitude between Machine and
Support (Z)
: .~ .: l ; ..... !....
X = 0.0425m
The relative amplitude between machine and support is,
X = 42.SOmm •.• Ans.

Ex. 8.5.6:
I -•
' .y (~ .2 ·.. > .... ,
.A machine of 200 N is supported by. a spring and dashpot.
. ,'f'- = ' ,,, . :
.. • . i·
The spring is stretched by 100 mm due to weight of machine
and the dashpot has a coefficient° damping 800 N-s/m. If of •' • '. t
[;. ((0~2] ··+·[·
1- -
. . •.
• .. •

: r ·
the support is vibrating· with ·an amplitude of · 20 mm and
frequency of 8 rad/sec, detemiine: =. '' . .
0.02 x (0.8080)
• ; : . - .. ) ;,,!··
the amplitude of machine.; ·
'v 2 2
1 - (0.8080) ] + [ 2 x 1.9825
x 0.8080
. . .. . t! 1. :
(ii) the relative ampfit~d~ betw,een viachin~ and support; = 4.052x I0- 3 m
and · ' 1 .
i :. Z
' or ••.ADS· .
z = .4:05~~ ---···· · - ·- ... ·- . - .
• - ~ • • • ,# .\. •.. ,,. , ·

•' • ' 1 1 ' ,

scanned with CamScanner

. .· : -..
"·- - .-~

_ FJk
1+ ·c.., co0. . ..;·; ..
· 2~ ~
'. ·: ·', .,,· . .
- ~

= FJK _ F0 mo>0
. . C -
KC :>
( w~\ ] · +[ 3co]

. [ 1 - \ffiJ . 2; "CO:" ' 0.01 . = 25 x 2.03 x 31.4 l

2003.52xC ·
. ,. - 8 radls and i; = 0 : C = 79.56 N-s/m .
wfien (l) - . . . v
"'1[I-(:.') J
The damping factor is, ,
QI . X = s = ~- . 7956 .
2mOJn 2x 2.03 x '.31..41 ." · ·

0.02 Amplitude of forced vibration under new condition.

x =
.. '1u.- co.8osoh7 - The frequency of vibration is,

.. ·x =
0.057614 m -
f - 21t
x - . 57.61 mm
.. · l ~' )

••.Ans. · :.i:o = 25.13 rad/sec. I

; WfieU(l) ,,; ~n
and I;= 0 l

'. ' y
(ii) "
x ... ,
Amplitude of forced vibration with damper is,
0 X - . F/K . , .l
x = ·oo
•..Ans. . -'\/[1-(:JT +[i<;J j
2 I

25.13)1 + [ 2 x 0.6238 x (25.13)]

[ 1- ( 3L41 31.41
X1 = 0.01116·
Amplitude of fo,rced vibratlon without damper' is .
:. - . F jK . · 25/2003.52
X2 -. l - (.w_\1 l- (~)2
; - \coJ . · 31.41
X2 = 0.0346 -
Soln. :_
20 Percentage increase in ~mplitude of vib~tion when damper is
· ··· W = 20N, :. m = 9 _81 = 2.03 kg removed,

Fo = 25N, XcX, · 0.0346-0.01176

= x1 x 100 0 _01176 x 100 =194.82 %
x = 0.01 m
tp 0.25 . .• ~.: . ~ ~ .
. ... ···. '
f = 4Hz ;

The circular frequency of forced vibrations is,

2n 2n ·
co = l;
=Q.2 = 31.41 rad/s
At resonance, .
(I) = con =31.41 rad/s Soln.:
Given :Deflection of spring, 3 = 0.1 m

.. 31.41
.. a-
: .con = ~ =~ =9.90 rad/s
Wavelength A. = 20 m
'!be :. .K = 2003.52 Nim
. a.Jnphtude of vibration is,
Amplitude of sinusoidal profile, Y =100 mm = O. l -m
:X ::: F IK
Velocity of vehicle, v = 60 kmfhr _6 0 ~~000

~-\1[1-(~'J'+~(;J]' = 16.66 Q1/s

Scanned w ith CamScanner

· . ,, •.• . ~ ... f •


Fig. P.8.S.8 :. v c = "31.51 mlsec

1. Forced Circular Frequency or vc =·113.44 kmfhr
We kDow that. · ···.\a,,

Time period = Wavelengili ·.

Velocity ··
2it A. . 1. A machine of · 50 kg is supported ·
= v = 16.66 structure of total stiffness 20 kN/m olhn an etasuc
00 . e darn .
factor is 0.2. A . simple harmonic dist do.· Ptn9
:.oo = 5.23 rad/s. . h h'
acts on t e mac me, the force is
U1utng force
For forced vibrations due to excitation of support, the steady- newtons. Find the amplitude of the vibrau:~n 101
. state amplitude is given by, the phase angle. s anct

y [Ans.: X =3.86mm,cl>=14.93°}
x = ... (a) 2. A vehicle moves .over the road surface maki
approximately ~inusoidal profile with a waveten;~
1-4 m and amplitude of 80 mm. The spring of vehicle
is compressed by 0.1 m under its own weight.
When l; =0 the above Equation (a) becomes, Determine:

~[1:cf0l' ~[c~·-lr
(i) the critical speed of vehicle; and
(ii) the amplitude of vibrations, when vehicle
x = ·moves at a speed of 60 km/hr.
[Ans.: Ve= 79.5 km/hr, X =0.186 m]

Chapter Ends...


scanned with c arr&:anner

. · -:·.,_. ·;
·' ·'~ . ~ · '~J_
- ...
., -:: ·· :
•. . .: .. -
.. .=-~·~! ··.:-~ ~-·
•...... ._... . ' '• .
' ·.. "; :"~ -· .:.. ~·,_ ; ,( ' ) . .
~·:·, ~-:
,·-·.-· -~. -.·· ......,: .. _.

. ... 1 -. • • -. : • .!~·. . , -. :· _ ...... ,-;:._--·_-:.. · ·· • :! r.· ..

. .... .,, ' • .. .
~ ..... .-·.' :-;.,,_. ! ~-: .,. ·,.: ._ :1~.',::~ ~·~.·. •.~.; ~-~-_.-:_.~ ..: :..?~,;,_\_ ~, ':· ... .
. ~
-,._ '•t
.., _ ' . . ~

·: .- ..... .. .

. Vibr~\~~~;s~\ation 8nd '. •· . '' ···.

~ran~missibU\ty . ·. '·

- \otroduction The vibratio~ · l · ·. · ·· · · ' ·

'g,1 __;;.:--- ~ - ma . lSO ation ,may be obtained by placing isolating
y (MU ·May 16) bodtenals ' called •n.tbrat·ton 1S01a
. ' tors m
. between the vibrating
. . .

;Iftl1m!A:~~~t~~~;~~~~-f~~K~~~f' . y and the supporting foundation or structure.

~~- --·c•·"l·'·"_f·'·~~\ "-'<< .. ., " .,- •,-,~·-\~,,~ A\l the isolating . t · l . . · . . : · .
~i~the:J1'e~n1_rtg: otvibrat\oti"~O\ii on. "-·
~ ~~~ . . .
Vibrations are produced in machines having unbalanced
-· . _ ma ena s are elastic and posses .dampmg
properties. The various types of isolating materials ~e : -.
.!YPes of Isolating Materlais,
, masses or forces. These vibrations are transmitted to the
foundation upon which the machines are mounted, which is 1. Rubber •••=:••.. :·

Therefore. it is essential to isolate the machines from
foundations so that the adjoining structure is not set into
heaV)'''ibrations. This is known as vibration isolation.
Objectives of Vibration Isolation:
The basic obj~tives of ..-ibra.ticn isolation are : Fig.C9.1 : Types of isolating materials

li) To protecl the de.licate machine (e.g. measuring

-+ 1. Rubber
The rubber is generally used for vibration isolation, where
instruments) from exce.ssive vibrations transmitted to it
load is light and frequency of vibrations is high. The type of
from its supporting sLTucture. loading may be compression or shear in nature. Its properties
(ti) To prevent v1brator;,1 forces generated by machine from are influenced by : heat, gasoline, ?il etc. Therefore, it cannot
be used at high temperature in the presence of gasoline and
tll!ing transmitted to its supporting structure.
- The effectiveness cf isolation may be measured in tenns of -+ 2. Felt
the force or motion tran.srrun.ed to that existence. Accordingly The felt is used as a vibration isolator for heavy loads and
it is known as force i:s.olationor motion isolation. Tue lesser low frequency vibrations. Since it is weaker in shear, it is
the force or motion t:rd!ls miued the greater is the isolation. used only for compressive loads. ·
-+ 3. Cork
....___Syllabus Top le : Ty pica\ \so\ators & Mounts Though cork is·not perfectly elastic, at high loads it becomes
flexible. It is suitable for compressive loads.
9.t1 \librat\on lsolators -+ 4. Metallic springs or mounts
The metallic springs are used as vibration isolators for heavy .
~ (MU-May 16)
loads and high frequency vibrations. Generally two types of
springs are used : helical springs and leaf springs. The springs
are not affected by air, water, oil or temperature. Therefore,
they can be used under all working conditions.

Scanned with camScanoef

... I '

-~;,.~- o ria~ics of Machinery (MU~ serri s - Mech)

. . . ·.~ '· ::''.-;\~"~:ti
• • '. ; 9-2 Vibratlonlsolation. and T . . ., "·l ·)
· ~analll~ : ~~r'.
., . _ . . .
:··: 9.2 . ;' Vibration Transmisslblllty (i) From the machme to the supporurf .. . . 1bll · ..~~
th . . . . g Slructu . -~
~ (MU - May 16, May 17) . .. e mach~ne IS m~un~; or " ~: ·~ ,: . ~ll W!iit ~ ~ re
{n) From the supporting structure'to th · •'' . . ". · · _Ii '1
. . • . ,. . . . .. e lllachtne . ", .
.· -::- • ., :The trans~ss1on of the..v1b~ations ~an t>e· < . . · -., . , .;; s
· " the following the terms ·: · : ' . : ·. }j~fi~ ~~ One · ·
. · , ' "• ·',• I Of
1. Force Transmissibility . ..· . ·: '..•· ·

2. Transmissibility Versus Freq~ency ~ti~".~

3. Motion Transmissibility ·· ·' ' ·

- · The ~ibrations (force or motion) are transmitted :

Syllabus Topic : Force Transmisslblllty
9.2.1 · Force Transmissibility( TR )

Force transmitted to the foundation ·

· Force Transmissibility = Force impressed upon the system
Force transmis'sibility measures the effectiveness of the vibration isolating material.
Consider the mass 'm' is supported on the foundation ~Y means of an !solator and excited by the external force F0 sin (J)l, ~ ~h~~
in Flg. 9.2.l(a).
Let, K = equivalent stiffness of isolator, Nim . ii

c = damping coefficient of i~olator, N-s/m

x x

Foundation Foundation

(a) Actual System {b) Equivalent System

' . ,.

t .-

0 Reference

(c) F.B.D. of Mass (d) Vector Diagram of forces Acting on Mass

Fig. 9.2.1 : Force Transmissibility

Scanned w ith Cam.Scanner

···.· , . .,. :1··•ac11111"''. '.···- ........ .,, o ~ Mech)' . - .. " . ;;.;.., .. .
· ~a •..:
'. '

1~. ~:~·j!:-~.~- ~-v~ lb~ra~.1o~n 1~so~1a'~i 1~ n~' .~·n·dT~~. ra~ ~smi~ sl~b ui·~ ~:
. ,.
' 0

¥•,.%/.'1"• condtbon,
r.1ass ' . the vanous forces....' ~
'i. '.t ' :...

t/flgo ·.
..,sdY state . . .· . , oa
•ng ,. Fro"1Pig.9·2.2(b)··
'Ile force ltans . , ·' ._: ··; .r . .., , . ·_,.

~ (~

x~ . .(~)
F, _ , (iOt) • +
/ ·;,;."'
< Iii' ;aipressed force, F sin cot (do'Nnwllrd,) .

.f' .!l',,ai niX (upwants) . . .-.p, • .
'I~) : . •D8!"""'•
force, -..,ll ( Iii
Suhobt11ting , . ....

.r'· Jll"'I'
I!""' .. KxcX(upwanls)
·¢1 9· . f"""'·
''f(1l!·,_ 5Ja'

vector d'iagram of forces acting on. the lllass.
lbC ll.! shoWS the • •nd l'Jg, 9.2.t(d)
Chapter· s·,·n
!\ • · F . e(a),Value
• "•

''[·1- Ii:-
We !let,

+[2i:c;'~ ' K
of ·:X fonn R,.:uation (8.2.9) from

, w
+ (cc.o) ,
. rransmttted to Foundation

pl"'0ffoU! forces
acting on. mass,. the two forces
. are Fig. 9.2.2(a)
. ltansll>ittect
V"' . , dabOD .
~ ibef()llll. g force Kx (downwards).
Spf111 .
@_ •
force, ex (downwards). . _
~ tDtal force transimtted to the fo11ndaoon, F, Is the Vector
~ Or

1IO two forces acting on the foundation. These two
.. ring force and damping force .., 900 out of
i..;>J;J,e. p . F' 922(b
,,...... 'th each other• as shown in 1g. . . ).

· .
fig. 9.2.2(b) shows the force th
fl'' and force impressed upon
'F to, the foundation.
e mass, o. ---- ::.[-.. 1f:: 2~!:]
1+(2~!) ' . ..
rr Fo

~ · Force Transrnisslblllty (Tr)

Kx cX

?m;L»»»mL -
1• •
· ~ •
(a) F.B.n. of Foundation

,, ' ,.1 '•

r::il" Angle of Lag

Tu~· &ogle'thr<iUgh Whfoh u;,· transmitted
1mpres~ r.;;, F;'is (~·- a)
. '

force F~ tags the

Where, ... ~·; ""-l°ti"J =tan-•[YJ

Reference axis
' •' .
or a = tan- f ~~] .· •. (9.2.3)
. '
-(b) Vetfor Dlagrlllll of Tra1mnttted : Therefore[,the an~e of]l~~ is given b.y.·
llld ltnpressed Forces . · . , : ' '. i;- .
Fig. 9.2.2 : Force Transmissibility tan- 1 2~ J!t
·-(£): -.· [ .·roJ
· I ' Oln
.' <+-al=•£ ...(9.2.4)

Scanned with CamScanner

" ' . -.· ..•·.·~

~ • '· Dy~a;nics of Machin~~ (MU -B~m s -Mech) ·. 9-4 Vibration Isolation an·d· T.'r.a
. ' : n, ' . t 'l;)'j
. .. . .. • • .• . • •. ,·
. srn·1~lbii'
.. .. ·.:-
. , .·Trilnsmlssiblllt.yVersus Frequency .· ... 4. When (ro/ron) = 1, the transmissibiJih; fs ·I ll· · :.~. .
..·9. .2.2·. . ., axun .·. .·..''
Ratio damping controls the transmissibility. .. · um. 'the ··•
5. ·when (ro/ro") ="'2, the tr~smissibi·li~y·· ·i : ' : : · ' :.1
(MU. No~. 10, May 11, May 12, May 14, May 15) . · . · ·- · s equal •-
This means, ·the transmitted foree is . ...'.'Jallt. .')
. ed ·u· & •
impress exc1 ng aorce, irrespective of~ equal .'.'J
,_ the·· ·~
this value of frequency ratio (ro/CJl0 ), the transflli~g: At ,
is independent of the damping. · · . ss1b1lity
6. · When (ro/ron) °>'\f7. , the ~3.nsmissibility is less than . 1

This means, the transnutted force is alwa 0 ne.

The plot of transmissibility (T.) versus freq~en~y ratio (O>/ro?) .. ys less 1h._
the impressed force. The bette . "IClll
fi r different damping conditions is shown m Fig. 9.2.3. This . isolation 1s
. poss1.ble m
. th'1s range. In this r r v1bratjon
c~rves are plotted with the help of Equation (9.2.2). . . ange, &reatt
amount of dampmg gives greater transmissib'Ii . r
hence, damping is unfavorable. . 1 ty, artd
I .I
I I 7 In order to have low value of transmiss'b'l·
lo I · 'b ; ,. . I I tty, the
I II .
01 operation of v1 rating system generally kept .
range (ro/ro0 ) >"/2 . Tu this range, zero damping ; ~
I uJ uJ I
I ci I
I ideally suitable as this"would give extremely low v
I . 'b'li B .
of transnuss1 1 ty. ut (~mce the sys~m has to Pass
through the resonance i.e. ro = ro0 )".in reaching the
operating point and. zero damping will give very high
transmissibility (though for a moment only), so
. . . . . . me
amount of dampmg ts generally , in the
system. ··
Regions of Transmissibility Vs Frequency Ratio Curve
The transmissibility curve can· be divided into. three distinct
frequency regions, as shown in Fig..9.2.3. ·
Frequency regions · ·
of transmlsslbility curve

(i) Spring controlled region

(ii) Damping controlled region

(iii) Mass controlled region

Spring Damping Mass Controlled

Controlled Controlled Region Fig.C9.2 :Frequency regions oftrans?"55ibility C\lrve
1 {
Region __ ,_Reglo~

: Frequency ratio ( ~) ~ ,
,... .-:··--·--- -
(i) Spring controlled regl~~ ' · . " ' ''. ,

The region where·(ro/~n) is' ·~miin, is' ciilieci spring controlled


Fig. 9.2.3: TransmissibUity Versu,s Frequ~iicy Ratio

region. In this region, the larger value of spring stiffness
The following points are observed from the transrn!ssibility
• .~ :-.~ . • I.- •, I' gives high value of natural frequency (ro0 ) and consequently
versus frequency rat10 curves. ·· ·· ·
lower frequency ratio (ro/w0 ).
1. AH the curves start from the un_it yalue of
"transrcissibility filid pass· through the unit vilue of (ii), D~ping controlled reglc;>n .

transmi~~ibility a~ frequenc~ ratio (ro:J ~ :./2 · The middle region is' "called : damping ' controlled region
which should be generally ,a~o~4~d. Wh~n damping is zero
2. The transffiissibility tends to zero as the frequency ratio and w = w0 , the transmissibiliiy :te_nds. to:infinity. Therefore,
· (_ w_\ tends to infinity:·'.- :.. -· · some amount of. damping -is · generally incoi-porated in the
~w0 ) ' . •· system. ., • · ' -· : i_1

3. When (w/w0 ) <'/2.,

the trarismissibility'.is.greater than (iii)Mass controlled region
one. This means, the transmitted force is 3.lways greater The region where f. (rolw;) is large ·_call.¢ ·..uiass controlled
than the impressed exciting f~r~~·.'. In thi.s r~ge, the
region. Th~ larger value of'mass gives lower value of na~
greater ·?ID~~~t of · d.imping , gives' lower :
frequency (ron) .' and ' :consequently higher.. frequency rauo
(ro/000 ).

scanned with CamScanner

~· •. . ' ·' : . ~
~ I • .+ • - \ •
. " '. .;. ·. .

·· r . c:: -50mm =0.05 m

SI>Ceci, N - =·.1500 r.p.m~
1. ,:.(!) _:: ; 1.~5QQ = 157.08 rad/sec.
refore. x ~ll'IPlltude of Forced Vibrations due to
eclprocatlng Unbalance (X) .·
'file == -y·
'fr -
.-x . == absolute.amplitude of lb~ ...(9.2.5) .
lllass Cbody) .
'I'he natural circular frequency is,

·- - ~~ . · _ amplitude of the base excitation

' . y - . (I)
= -..\Jm ="'
. IB \Jriif
100 = 100 racl/s.
- The frequency-ratio is,
I · ,-.'

(l)n . ::
;7oo~ = 1.5708
'I'he amplitude of forcect vibratiotts due tO reciprocating
Unbalance is, · : . · _.

. ' .. (~)(£-)' ..
Fig. 9 .2.4 : Motion Transmissibility x= ~1-(;;;)]'+[2;*3
SUbSOlll~9 2 5) the motion lransmissibility is given by,
. . g Equation (8.5.4) from · chapter 8 ·-· in

Xfil"tton j-~-~-(-~-~~y • -:;jv: - (l.5708>' i' + [ 2 x 0.3 (l.5708) ~

:.x = 2.12x 10- ~ ·
3 · ·

~[·-C:.) ']' ~~
-- .X .= 2.12 nun ·
... (9.2.6) 2.
r,y- + [ Impressed Force ( F ) . ;..Ans.

Phase Angle or Angle of Lag The impressed fo~e is, ' . - .

The phase angle or angle of lag is given by, · - · _ :.. '-.-F.0 : ·~'- . ~CJ?2r=-3x(l57.08) 2xo.os
. '
.· _ , , orF0 3700.64 N
Force Transmlsslblllty (Tr)
£1-•l = ... (9.2.7) The transmissibility is~' ~ · ·
. - -

- Thus, the transmissibility is same whether- it. is force

transmission or motion transmission. >}1+(2s£;)
Ex. 9.2.1
T, • '\f [1-(£) ]'+[~£J
llTlachine having a mass of 1oo kg is. ru_nning .at a of sp~
1500 r.p.m. It is mounted on a spring of Stiffness 10 Nim \)1 + ( 2 x 0.3 x 1.5708)2
and damper having damping factor 0.3. A 3 kg piston within · - · -\j-;:c=1=_=c1=.5=10=8::;>r::l::;:=::+=
. c=2=x=o=.3=(=1.=s7=0:=8::::)]2::;;-
1 Rlachine has a reciprocating .motion With ·• .stroke of
lo or
Tr :: 0.7879 - ' .

111illnl. Detennine : ..... · : •»
4. - ·.. - •• .. ' :: ·- .~; t'' ".
· I arnplitude of Vibrations of the machine; and Transmitted Force
00 the force transmitted to the foundatirin.
Cit . ->' ~

-. .!
.. ~' '. :r ·-·-·= .& F
.. -_ ' 1.·

=Mas& of lllacbine, m = 100 kg " \_:FT - --
• . - :..:--o.7879 = noo.64
..._. , ess of springs, }( = 106 Nim
~:. .·: :.-.F~ . ::0

Damping factor, ~ __ = _0.3. __ .291S:99:N ••• Ans.

The force transmitted
· -. .. - is :915.~9 N. _ the- foundation_

Scanned with CamScarmer

·:. .... . -. ·: ~ .~ ~ ' : .
I• ' I ·.· . ·.
. . . . . . .

. . Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) . 9-6

;rJ. ~~:f.
~~: ...-=o-·90
.... .._.,, • .,
achrne ._ .. g .·
.. ..:r.;::.rrftz~::
,, ---.· ". ..,. . ,·.a :·20
· · '.·.:k ·•· mass."has . :..rotor
... kg.:
"~· :.;
. .. .....·,•'· .
. t~qS~ri1Hc.1w:::r:~~ ·moi.int1n~ springs 11ave':s~.1~n:~~f ·
· ~f:@ci~.!J,ipl~~: r~ti.<f~~o~~.: r~?.· oper~t.l~g .ep''~~::~~;\ r):::-..1
&-;eol)s_tr~l_i:i~~ ;·t~:· '!l'?·Y.t
~~tioY:r:p:m;·~· arld ;:the ·:l!ni_t I_ ;YP., · ·Transmitted Force ·

~f~tr:~1t~Jf:~Q~.~·~ili~1'.' :,·/!i1F8~~:i,~~,~~~~~~~:~~:~~~~r~f't~·
·, .. ,.
1.(ll_..,,,<Jtie. ayp_~ ,., ,. .f(lP. ....~.. :;;~),, .. }'~., •• ,,,,..,. ......·.. T, = .!.l: 0.317 :: ~ -. ·
t ."·t i r,.,,.lf,
~- :.Y" r~~j' ~ ;')!;..";!:.- ·· :~•-:li ~\·.~j] -:·~.'·,- ,~..,.. ~ ~ 11
- . ~Uk' .Q.:.liP.;®.RP... n. ,,::~~. .s..:~1
'J , _,~.,..'JC..-·..c/f".'~-·~ "'~f~'4 t-~'i~rtth'

. . 39,47
FT = 12.S3N
Given :Mass of machine, m = 90kg . '.
Stiffness of springs, K = 85000N/m
· 'Damping factor, ~ _ = 0.02
Mass of reciprocating parts, I ; .. ·:
mo = 20kg
.. :r . = 0.5 mm = 0.0005 m Soln.:
Given : Isolation = 85% = 0.85
Speed, N = 600r.p.m. .
"• " ·'
N1 1600 rpm =
21tX 600 .. = 60 = 62.83 rad/sec. 21tX 1600
:.ro1 = 60 =167.55 rad/sec
1. Amplitude of Forced Vibrations due to N2 = 2200rpm
Reciprocating Unbalance (X)
21tX2200 ' '
- The natural circular frequency is, :.ro2 = , . 60 = 230.38 rad/sec

~ lli - ill@· ~ = 0
con "= - \J~ =:: ·\J 90 = 30.73 rad/s. We know that,
; _...,. · ··The frequency ratio is, Isolation+ Transmissibility = 1
• .fil. _·· 62.83 - 2 04 .. 0.85 + T, = 1
con - 30.73 - ..
Tr = 0.15
... .. - . The ;mplitude of forced vibrations due to reciprocating .
unbalance i~;

· " -r ..
- .
X - .-:- -. -
e~J(~)' 2 2
' The transmissibility is,

0[i·-{;j]·:+[2~-=~ when~=O

(Jo ~ 6.0005~ <2.04

\ 90 ) .. '
> : T,=--=~[===1

-(;~~J = \}[(::f- 1J.=(::Y- 1

1 1

2 2 2
... , \j[I - (2:04) ] + [ 2 x 0.02 (2.04) J
. .. ' -3 when ro = 167.55 rad/s
X = '1.46 x 10 m
2. lmpre~sed Fore~ ( F~)
X = 0.146mm ! ·· .
'., ,'
...Ans. 0.15 . c~~~2_s
- I •',\

:.ron1 = 60.51 rad/sec

The impressed force is,'::· : · . ·
. . .-.. . . "· " . . ·. ., . . . . , . I .
·~ -:__ ·.. :··: ·p .·: ;,. m olr-= .20 £(62.83) 2x 0.0005
: (• I~ i: • 1 ' ~ 1
' • , 0 , . 1 ( , ' ; \
whe~ '. ':··.:,· · ,. ,o)·:· =_ ?3?,- ~~ rad{s·e c ;0.15_= ( (.230.88 )2 -·i)
- or F0 = 39.47 N ,,. .. t {I :'i '- j • ' ' ;, ;:_ : ' • - • • \ .\ (l)n2 •
I ~ \ •

Force Transmisslbility (Tr) ;-.; -' :.ron2 ·;· = 83.20 rad/sec

The transmissibility is, We know that,
:· g~ ·.".';_... _··.·.,,_;: . '. . ., ..
(J)n _·,~ .-·. :.··:r
~-\J 8 . . '· J'I ... ,- , ) : • , . ·t
The maximum static deflection is,

i,_j i• r I r 'i •
... l . I '

-- __ J -

Scanned with Ca mScanner

.. . el)' .(MU ·- Sam 5 - Mech) · · :. _ . . . . ·. . . . . missibif' .
, . . ·~of Mfl~.hi~
.i. . --·. -.. . '. . ... "·:· · , - -.· ..,.. '·.:
. Vlbratlc:m lsolatJon and-Trans .. ·
ftii:. - .... :
• '.

' ' fl'!' ,• . ~ .. .. ··-·. ... .. ·,,.

}. ::0 11s .• · ~· :X{ s, · -3 · . . Taking positive sign,

§., .
• tJO? '. · 67....
v tO z
JD . . . s;, . Ans.
. 3 ... al·· =· 22.28
li .:::: • . deflection is u 2 = 1.41 x IO"'.' m. ·
J . .It static . a = 4.72 .
'F . . ·11i0l11 . . . . . . .&
l' IY.tJtell11 . .·. ...
. = 4.72
·i·' , . con·
~-1')~".,,itiJT . ' ·ghS 400 N and has a rotating unbalance
Natural ctrcu18r Frequenc)' (w,J
I _g.~·'· ;tan wei er used has a damping factor'. of o. 2 .
i ~ 01~fi.JgB fhB darfl~ the spring used for mo·unting ·such J!!.
= 4.72
p~50 855
N..of11~tiffn the un balanced force is transmitted to the
0 (I) .
' ~~ 111e
· ..idY 10~ of . at a constant'speed of 800 r.p.m. ...llll = 4.72
. ~ nlY running . . . COD
. tiBt o fan is . .. • . .. .~ . . . . ·" . .
. r'ff1B .. · . ,.. ..,, . 400 · -, ,, · ... . ,',(l)a = 17.74 rad/s.
fi?" ' •. · .. . . . · m . = 400N=ffi ':::40.77kg 3. Stiffnesa of spring (K}
sar~" ·fiigiil fan . .' . ' .
ofcentrl -~ -2
'· ~fas5 . . .
·. ce ' m·o = 250 N-cm - . x .10
,: .
9 81
fsSofto · · . =0.25kg-m

. .
:.17.74 =
·ng factor, .· ; ·. = 0.2 ! .. -' '
T . = iO%'= 0.1 K
f" rcans painP'
r ·

:z;{ . = 800 r.p .m.

. :.(17.74)2 = 40:77
f. :

21tX 800 . . .. :. K := 12830.63 Nim _ · = · · 60 = 83.77 rad/s. . -~··'. .'Ple'. requir~ stiffness ~f ~Pri!lg_ is 12s:30.63 NI~
..... . . ~·
; Ex. 9'.2.5 ' . .
. ncy Ratio ( co I con) ~ ::: . . .,
Freque .
; A 'refrigerator u'nit ~f mas~ 30 kg is t~ be supp~rted : by .three
The transroissibility is, · · · · · ;·
~ Springs. The unit operates SoO r.p:m·. If 1Oo/o' of at'shaking _ the

. · force of refrigerator unit is to be transmitted to the supporting

strucfure,'determine the spring constant. ·
T, ... (a) ! Sain.': · •..
, Given·: Mass of refrigerator, m=30 kg
: S~. ?f.!e~ge~or unit, N = 500 r.p.m..
Putting ...!Q. =a in Equation (a), we get, 21D< 500 · - 52 35 rad/ ·
. ·.·.·co
O)n . '
· · =· 60 - · sec.

'./1 +(2~a)
= --------
Transmissibility, Tr = 10% = 0.1
.. . :
V[ 1 - a + (2 ~ aJ2. .. 1 2
• '• I
Natural Circular Frequency (con)

.. 0.1 =
V1 + (2 x 0.2 a) 2
. The transmissibility is,

V(1 - ~/) 2 + (2 x0.2 x a) 2 , . + -(2s-~, . ..

. •'.\),.._1
.. ·0.1 =
Vl+0.16 ·a :: ·r« " TR = --;:::=-===::::::;;=:::==::;;-
••· . :\][L(£)']'+[~j'
4 ... (a)
Vl + a -2a + 0:16 a2
.. (0.1} 2 = ·I+ 0.16 a 2
1+. a4 - 1'.84-a2 ·; ' Since damping is not present (i ..~. ~ = . ~)). Equation (a)
becomes, · · •· ' ' ·
1 i+·o.1.i'ia2 .- 1. '! ' ..
:.1 + a4 -1.84 a2 1 .. 1 ~
= . ~.f
Tr = ---;===~:;:;==--;::::::::::=:==
'\f [i-cc:0f 11c~'- 1f . ·
(O.i)2 ·
:.1 + a4 -1 •84 a2
a .- 17.84 a2 - 99
= focr+ 16 ~2 ·· ·
= o' ·i\l
~. \.: ..... 1•. \

' ! -· .'

'o r
1 . ~: . . - -- 1

T, - .(~>;~._ ~:~· .- ..
a2 = 17.84' ±yo7~84{+ 4(1) (99)
·""' cc, 2 = rs::3~'-
. 't'1.84·£26.13 ·1 ~ ' "VII - - ;
;274.05 ; 0 : :' ; : ' \\ .
:;~- .1 = : l '.i \/

Sc anned with CamScanner

- ~ ,; . ..,,-........... · .,:l
. -.~ .: .
. ..
...· .;
-'. . ·. -.. ··-. ·. :·.·<1:1
·' • :..
:~ '. ~
. . •:
. . .. . --....··~:

· ·. ·


hi. -· · M
. u
·· ....sem s - Mech) . •.. '•:_9-8 ' ' ···- . :~'. -f: '.' __:: . ~.Vibration lsoiatfoli
. _
and Tr. .ansrni
' .-.. >- ~· _.·. . .·_
-: .
. .... ·
::bynamic5'.ot.Mac . nery · - 1 · ·. ·. _, • : . 1 · . · .· . 86lbl1i :
. ·:.ron ·. = 249.13 =
. ....
... . . .

Spring Constant (K) ·


.. .
ro · _ ·15.78 rad/s. ·
~[i-C7Jl~ '
T = 1 - . I .

.~'.2.-.-1 ~·...
. ~ springs having stiffness K ~ us".'1· Ass~ming ·"w =
. (~1. . , .
r .•
they are in parallel, the ~uiv_alent spnng stiffne~s is,
,. . \eon;~1 ·
Kc = 3K . 701.74 l
Therefore, the natural circular. frequency of the system
:.---r-1o= 1 .L
is, 637.94

ron = ~ :.ro0 = 25.25 rad/s ·

Four springs having stiffness K are Used A . .
, • SSUming the
-- orron =~ are in parallel, the equivalent spring stiffness i
K 4K . , S,

.. 15.78 = ~0 Therefore, the natural circular frequency is, •.

-K = 2490.0SN/m ...Ans. . (I}
= ·-"\Jm
- Therefore, required . stiffness of each spring
2490.08 Nim. oro>n -. = ~
Ex.'9.2.6 :. 25.25 = --\J~60K
60 ,.. . .
A machine of m~ss 60 kg- is placed on four springs. The
mass of . reciprocating parts of a machine is 3 kg which K = 9596.19 Nim
moves through stroke of 100 mm. The speed of crank is a Logarithmic Decrement (8) ,
; ·- '·' .•. .···,
800 r.p.m. The damping is introduced into the system to · 2.
re~~c~ .. the . amplitudes of successive vibrations by 20%. The logarithmic decrement is, . ,, . . 1 ·. '
Find: -
(i»" .The. stiffness of each spring,.if the damper is .removed
o =n 1 ·
. c
x · · ·.. .
th . • I

and the f~rce transmitted to the foundation is { 16) · of I -

:.o = loge(?) I ..
··-. ... (whenn= l)
the impressed force; . ,
= loge 0.8 Xo
. (~)
(ii) The force transmitted to the foundation at 800 r.p.m.and
(iii} The for~e transmitted to the foundation at resonance.
= l~g~( 0~8)
Given :Mass of machine, m ..= . ~ kg oro = 0.2231
Mass of reciprocating parts, m,, = 3 kg .3 . . Damping Ratio (!;)
Stroke, S =2r -· = 100 mm= 0.1 m 21ts·
0 = ·~ ·
• I
:r =
· 0.05. m-
•1 ....
Crank speed, N · = 800 r.p.m. .. 0.2231 = ·~ -·-_··'
21tX 800 '
:.w = 60
83.77 rad/s. :.; = 0.035
' I

Let, Fil-st amplitudeXo ; .4. Transmitted Force at 800 r.p.m. ',

. .f
Second amplitude x1 = 0.8 x0 The impressed fore~ is,
.. 2 . .' .
1. Stiffness of Each Spring (K) Fo moro r = I ~ - ! - h •

The transinissibility' is,

• • 1

~ = ·3 ~ (83.7.?)2x 0.05 £ ..,. , I .

= 1052.61 N
orF0 .·

. :· Tr.. ·=- --;:==V=

· r-1==+:( Tlie frequency ratio is, ;
. ~ ., .- -~· ··-
.!!?_ 83.77
= 25.25 ::: 332
[1-(£)] +[2;C:J. (I)
D ' ' ~. '

The transmissibility considering damping is,

In absence of dam in (i.e. =0), • • • • ' I - ·~ ..

scanned w ith c am.scanner

. : . - - - · -. · · . " -_ rr.~;b;1;ty
>Vibration lsolatiOn and.Trans

. : -.: .:.., •

~ - . [ 1-(3.32) .
·" 1052·~1 '. '
··Fr = 107.79 N
= es:,,'!!.'f- 1
·· ·
force at Resonance ...Ans. .1...24x 10 3
5rri1tted . ·· o/ -- ITQ
= 1
' .n.e jmpressed force
5. frll11 2
at resonance (i.e. -at (I)' ::: (I)n) is '
- .2
.."<>wn r = 3 x (25.25) x 0.0s ,
•" Fo -_ "' .'.(I)~ = 2053.33

= 95.63 N
... (1)0 = 45 ..313 rad/5
0 ('
- ·Four springs having stiffness Kare used. Assumin.g they.~
·ssi'bility at resonance i.e. ·at (I)::: ,(I) nJ'is•
, F.
..J1 +(2~· 2 are in paralJeJ, the equivalent spring stiffness is,
Tr = !1
- ~
2~ , . ·
Ke -5K . =
Therefo~e•.the natural circular frequency is,
0 -:--

' ·'·95,63
...]1+(2x0.035[ '
~ . = · · · 2x0.035 ;. ·' I : . m, = ~
' r; .,
:.Fr :::: 1369.48 N
...Ans. =~
:. 45.313 ·-~
= \JIT14_
:. K = ·sn.12 Nim ·~·-
Transmitted Force at 1500 r.p.m.
- The impress'ed forceis,

~o = ·m,,ro~r- =·3.56 x (157.07)2x 0.0005

or :F0 ::;:; 4~.91 N_.
- The frequency ratio is, ·
(I) 157.07 _.·
00: = 45.313 =3·46
Soln. : . - The transnlissibility considering damping is,
Given: Mass of motor, m
Mass of armature, m
::: 125/9.81=12.74 kg i. - h : -)_1+(~£)~
0 = 35/9.81=3.56 kg 0

r = 0.05 cm = 0.000s m T, - p
Crank_speeci,_N -_ = 1500. r.p.m.
,',(!) = 2nx
- 601500

=. , 157.07 rad/s.
• ' 1(, . . = (;;f-1 1
... [·:ro::Q)

of E:a~h s·prln~.(i<}-
· • Stittne8'& :· '' .'_.!:{_' = _....;1..___
.(3.16)2 - l
'Ibe transrnissibility is,

= - .. :. >/-1. ;-(-~~-
· ...A,~ -'
T, .·.... "' Ex. 9.~.~ ...
.,,_.,, .' . ,_
i~· .... . ,_ , .

"\/11 ~(~]'.+[~:J ;
An instrument panel of an, aircraft mounted on· isolators. :
The isolator has a· negligible damping and It deflects 6 ·mm

- In •bsence of damping (Le, ~ ,; 0), . .' .• " .

under the Weight Of 30 kg, Find the. percentage . Of• motion -.

transmitted to the instrument board, ff the Vibration of' the

aircraft is at 2400 r.p.m.

~---__:_-...:...,-: .: . _.·:._. :.;:_ -:-:-:~"7':--:--:------,...-------;~~......

• "1•. ! .:' :';1
. ;.

• • l ·• •
·. ' -

"" .....
' ' '·' '
" ' ' ' ' '

Scanned w ith CamSc<Jnner

' -, .. :

· . ,.[)yil~·mi::S of Machin~ · · MU;. Sem 5 - Mech) . 9-10 ' ·r

'·. Damping coefficient of each isolator, C::50N.sJrn . : .

·sorn.: . .,
Gl~en :Negligible damping, ~=
Damping coefficient offour isolator c =4 x
. . 50 -~ · .. .
·· · ·.. ·
Amplitude of support, Y = 0.05 ~rn ,;, - , ~., · , . J
· '·'

Deflection of isolator, S = 6 mm =0.006 m o.os >: 10., . . . :

Excitation frequency, co = 60 rad/s . · ·Ill •· · ·
Mass of instrument, m · = 30 kg
2 7tX 2400 . Total mass of machine, m :: 50 kg
Exciting frequency, w 60 = = 251.32 rad/s.
The natural circular freciuency of - · :
'Ystcrn b
1• Stiffness of Isolator (K)
.·. (1) = .;;.;:.i: =- ~ •
The stiffness of isolator is, n \J-SO :: 20.98 fad/a
_ .!!!& _ 30 x 9.81 _ N· The frequency ratio is,
K - 6 - 0.006 - 49050 m 60
. '

20:98 2.86 . =
2. · Natural Clrcular
• ·r.
(ro,J ·
The damping factor is,
The natural circular frequency is, c c 200
~ = ;;.e. =~ :-:----::::~_
(l)n = -\J m=·--\J~
_ .[R ""To = 40.43 rad/sec. c, 2 m con 2 x 50 x 20.98 =0.09~
1. Amplitude of Vibrations (X) .
3. Frequency Ratio
For forced vibrations due to excitation of su
The frequency ratio is, state amplitude is given by, PPQrt, the Sltady
25 32
·- y~
JQ. - 1. - 6 2153
- 40.43 - •

_,, ; ·Motion Transmlsslblllty
.. ' ..
(Tr) ' . x =
The motion transmissibility is, · ·, ·
'\/ [1-(£)']' +[2<;:;]
Tr .= -:-;::::::!::=::::::::::;;::::=:=:::::::,

= 3
0.05 x 10- >/1+(2x0.095 x 28§1_

[1-(;;)] +[2s;J " ( 1-(2.86)2) 2 + (.2 X 0.095 X2~

- If the damping is negligible (s = O), the motion
transmissibility is,
.X = 7.9x 10- 6 m
1 or ·x = 0.0079 mm
2. Relative Amplitude (Z)

The steady state relative amplitude between mass and SUP!XJrt


y(:J2 "

or .
d ~ \ }.
Tr = 0.02657 z = ----------
:.Tr = 2.657 %
'\/[1-(:0']' ~ £]
I , .
\ :·

Therefore, the percentage motion transmitted to the +[

· instrument board is 2.657 %
= -;:==o=.o=s=:x:=;10:::·=

Ex. 9.2.9 "I/[ 1 - (2.86) 2 ] 2 + (2 x 0.095 x 286 i2

A machine is supported by four isolators, · each having a :.Z = 5.680x 10- 5 m
stiffness of 5500 Nim and damping coefficient of 50 N·s/m. or Z = 0.0568 mm .
The ' machine is · to· be isolated from ·a support having an 3. Dynamic Load on Each ls.olator
amplitude ·of 0.05 _mm : so: rad/s. If the total mass. of . - -
- The spring force is,
macf1ine is 50 kg, dete~ine : · . · .. . ' . -5
(i) ':the amplitude of vibration of the machine ··
F5 · = Ke Z= 22000 x5.68x 10
(ii) . the dynamic load on each isolator due to the vibrations.
or Fs = 1.2496 N
- The damping force is,
Soln. :Given : Stiffness of each isolator, K=5500 Nim
Fd = ceco Z =200 x 60 x 4.5442 X 10- 5
Stiffness of four isolator.Ke =4 x 5500 = 22000 N/m
or Fd _ = 0.681(5 N
. ·. . .t.4 8 or111 •- ··, . · ·· · . .
.~~of isolator~
·~ ' 0 · ~·11
• . ...
. .. . . . ·... . . ,· missibilltY
'~,~~.~/-:; •;·.f111v-: . .dynamic. load on four . . ·. .. · · .. ·d Trans _

r ~~~~~ =.J(l.24~),
't . - .,_,
is . ; V1brat1on Isolation an · . . · .. :.:':'
force or ·. . .•..
We kno~ ilfai,
· '':. . _ ·: ' ~-~· . .
+(0:6816? ... .... ·

. _a ·::::
·. J
. . t 4234
• toad o

. i.

n each ISOiator IS,
.··· ... ... =.jf :."w,, ~ ·
.of ~.r11a.1111c
1.4234 · , .,
. filevr g, == ~ , . .. . 70;24 . ; ·.·· . .. .. ' : ·;· '·'
. ;. y : :: 4
. _ _ ••• ADS·
i;:, .

f' . :;: : ·,.. o;3558N. ... Ails. , . . u1 = . 1.98 x .10 m

. . .
· .The.minimum static deflectimds = 1.11 x 1 O '3 m. o2


== 1so/o =0.75
,ol~·: 1atlon . 1SOO r.p.m. ;.
.rso N1 ==
Given : Isolation
Gl t0· · · 21D< 1500 = 157.07 rad/sec 65%=0.65
:::: 60
== zOOO r.p:m.
N1 = 1800 r.p.m. ,',(1)1 = .znx.601800 ISS.49 rad/sec .
Z1D< 2000 ~ 209.43 rad/sec N2 = 2300 r.p.m. . ·· ·
21tX 2300 _ · 85 rad/sec
60 240 . .
:.O)z 60
~ = 0.045, m=13 kg
~ :::: 0
We know that,
kJJOW that,
we. .+ rransOJ.iSSl I "b'lity =
Isolation·+ Transmissibility =
0.65 +Tr .1
rsoJal!On 0.75 +Tr = 1

Tr = 0.35
Tr = 0.25
smissibility is, I +( 2 ~ :::~
""I+ (
· The transmissibility is,: ". Tr
II<"" 2C, -;)'
.··. .
T, \)[1-(:~'J +~::J

·'. ~. -:".j[l - .a2]2 + [~a] 2
when; = 0
'. ;J 1 + (2 x 0 .045a)2
"10 - a2>2 + (2 x 0.04?~l
1 0 35
Tr = ·
\)[1-(-;J]. Solving above equation we get,

· \)[(:r
oo = 157 .07 rad/s
1 Talcing, : oo
.ill& =
a = .QL= 1.95

= ro 1 = 188.49 rad/s

0.25 =( 157.07 - 1
, ) 96.65 rad/s
(J)n l
We know that,
.'.(l)n1 = 70.24 rad/sec
·~ (l)
= 209.43 rad/sec (J)n = ~ ·, .

·= ~
0.25 I
= :.o)n1
ea::32 -1) 96.65 = \[f3 .
.'.(J)ll2 :::
93.66 rad/sec
. 3
:. _K = 121.43 x 10 ~/mm
The minimum stiffuess is K = 121.43 x10 N/mm.

Scanned with CamScanner

... ,.

The angle of lag is, ,

('-a) = 170.20° - 47.o9 o "."

. .
: , . m =1000 kg, F0 =3000 N,N =1800 r.p.m.
. 21tN 21tX 1800
:.w = 60 _ = 60 =188.49 rad/s
xst ::; 2 mm= 2 x 10- 3 m
~ = 0.2
.The stiffness of spring Is,
~ · 1000x9.81 6
...K =.=_ .x = 2 x 10-3 =4.90 x 19 Nim

-~~~ .
<00 = -\J~\J~ =70.0~ rad/s
= 70.03 =2·69
Given :Mass of machine, m=lO kg
The transmitting is,
Mass of reciprocating parts, m0 "'. 2 kg .
Stroke, S =2r= . I 00 mm =0.1 m
.. r ·= 0.05 m
Crank speed, N = lOOOr.p.m.
. 21tX 1000 ".
; 'J
= 60 -=104.71 rad/s.
- I + (2 x 0.2 x 2.69)
T. = [1 - (2.69/]
+ [2 x 0.2 x 2.69]2 ' · . Let, First ~plitude, x0
'T.' = o.2307 · Second amplitude, x 1=0.7 x0
. (

The transmitted force, 1. Stiffness of Each Spring (K)

F1 = T.F0 =0.2307 x 3000 = 692.1 N The transmissibility is,
Amplitude of vibration is

=~ [ 1-(:~2]\[2~:j2
3000/4.90 x 106 ..
x =0),
--V [t-(2.69)
f +[2 x 0.2 x 2.69]
2 In absence of damping (i.e. ~
1 1
= ---;:::::==:=:=::;;=------

X = 9.67 x 10-
X = 0.0967mm
The phase angle is,
"1 [1-(j']' "1[(:;f1]'
or T, =

~JQ. J
' = ran-•[ 1-(=~ . J_
20 = ·, .
- t(2 x 0.2 x 2.6~)
= tan 1 - (2.69)2 )

scanned with eams.canner

. ... - - •Y18Ch) .

I.Ji' .>;;·
.. •"'(;~·~· ·~-~.,~!'·~~~~~~--~~~~l'\r,:·
"~,. ~~:::-:~~~::!::~~~~~:===~"'
0 fM"' .. _,_.. · .... ..... ·-, -·,
. .- . .·-.. ·.

l"'"""lltOci "°""' 11 " - - .

itc • · """' . ·• • . laola11on ransrnios
• •,... : S; • .. Vibration and T ,

''-~LP:: 1J,.1m...,~.~ ~ .._._u. . ., •••·.,.Jlt.

1 .·.• ·. .. .

,\:f ~·.:•Dl~.s:A. 'JP' •

• (I)
2 09
Z 114 rad/s
. .. .

';;r,> · •· ·· ' - 2 • stiffness

, o>n .... • · K are used. Assuming they , ' • """'• <•2•(22.3'f><O.QS ..
·,fr' ••• gs bay..,ng priog stiffness"·
• . ·. . . . · are, .. orF• • •c2.16 N · · . ., •
;I "r"'1,the al••"
· ::: •4K . . . '.llie ••nsrn·,.,•.,.!1· · ,.
. -'mny*'·""'"'-o.e. ""'""'.i ,.,
,1 ..,, e<J•"
•:; r·.J'ierore·J(.tbC nntu••
1 .·
g, frequ~ncy
.. .
• · "·
T, " . f:t
P, •· '\,/1 +:zi;
~ . :::\.fm
~. -~ ':
"52.16 ~I + C2 :..'. OJ>SG1'
• 2 x O,OS(,

21-: · 1¥a 6.
:.FT • '"8.6??; .
lhe rnPlltucte Of Vlbrauon at re&onance
·:. J{ = 1304.16 N/m . ..
. "·Ans,
I.e. When
(;j :: .
:. · 1 Decrement (8)
· 11hmc
Logar . decrement is,
']be 1ogart . 1 (.&\ X
\ m
,_ 0 = ii' log x j e : : (hy =(2 x 0.05())1 = 0.7971 m ... Ans_

:.o = log.e(~)
... (when n:::: 1)

• log,( 0}.. )=log,( i?)

oro = 0.3566 Soln.:
Mass of centrjfu~ fan, m =50 kg ;
i Damping Ratio (~)
B Isolation+ Transmissibitity =l
; .= "./4n 1 + o2
:. 0.75 +T,· l:.T, =0.25 =
0.3566 Damping factor, ~ = 0.07
::; = "./4n2 + _0.35662
Speed, N = 1200 r.p.m
:.; = 0.056 2?tX 1200 '
:.Cl) = _ 60 =125.66 n1<1/s.
Transmitted Force at 1000 r.p.m. 1. F~~e~cy Rauo ( co I eon)
The impressed force is, - The lransmissibility is,
F0 = m0 (J)2r = 2 x (104.71) 2x 0.05
.. .
orF0 =
1096.41 N =
Th freq
. 1s,
e uency ratio· . co
con 104.71
. _. _458
22 84
- . .
T, '\f [1-(:,)']' +[~~ ... (a)

Tbe ~ansmissibility considering damping is,

- Puttlng ...!!!. =a in Equation (a), we get.

T -- !.:I -F - ~\J-/1+(~j' -...J,_1_+-<2-~-a_,~

F0 --;=======::;:==~ Tr=-------
'1 [ l - a } 2 + (2 ~a{
r - 2

.. 0.25 V1 + (2 x 0.07 a) 2
VI+ (2 x 0.056 x 4.58) 2 = -.Jo - a2) 2 + (2 x 0.07 x a)-,,
:::: -:...__ 2
-..J 1 + 0.0196 a.'-
vf 2 2
1-(4.58) ] + [ 2 x 0.056 x 4.58]
= -..J 1 +a4 -2a1., + 0.0196 a"l
Fr :::: 92,49 N
:. (0.25) 2 = .
1 +0.0196 a·
l+ a - l.98a'

Scanned with CamScnnner

·.· '>". ', . . · ·' .' .

= 2
Talcing posit~ve sigh, . ) .
~ i~ I .· •• • •
· a ::::: S.18a =2.27, = 2.27
. . .
" .., ~
~ . . .. . :.5 = 21.48 x 10- 3m ,;,21.48 nun ...Ans .
2. Natural Circular Frequency (mJ .. .
~ ;.... ; ' Therefore, required static deflection 0
f · ·
each spring .IS
J!t = 2.27 ... 125.66 "==' ·2.; 7 21.48 mm.

= 55.18.rad/s. re; ·

a: Stiffness of spring (K) ··

oo = ~m ·:.· 5·5.18 " ·. -· .

·._ fK
.. . ="\J 50
= 50
K = 152.29 Nim ...Ans. Given : M = 200 kg, , 0.02 kg mme=
. M ...
5st =T =
5 mm 5 x 10-3 m =
Mg '
.. K = 5st ,.";\ .: . l.i·:

200 x 9.81
.. K =
5 x 10- 3 ' '

.. K· = 39 ..24 x 10 N/m·
::N =1200 rpm
Given : · Mass of refrigerator, m= 200 kg 2nN 2nx 1200
Speed of rerrlgecit~r uni~N ~ . 500 r'. p.m. :. (!) = 60 - 60 ,,; i25.664 racl/s
2nx500 ·· ·· · _ .
:.oo = 60
= 52.35 rad/sec.
- - lli: - "" f39.24 x 104
- .\J M. -; _\j. · 200.
Transmissibility, Tr = 1 :: Isolation= 1 - 0.80 = 0.20
= 44.2944 rad/s
1. Natural Circular Frequen_cy (w,J .' a) Assume ~ = 0 for. isolator
. . '

(J) 125.664
r = (l)n = 44.2944 = 2.837?

X = Ainpiitude of washing machine ..

me) r2
= (M"J 0 _ r2/
0.02 (2.8370)
=200x . 2
- Since damping is not presen ~ (i.e. ~ = 0), Equation (a)
. ' ...j 1 - (2.8370l
1 1 = 11.4188 x io-5 m
T, = '\f [1~(!J] 2
b) Force transmitted to the foundation
2 2 1
· FT = IDcWn r_("i":?).
- -- ., - - . ... ..l'
orT;- = o.oi x ,(44:2944)2• ci.8370)2 1 - 2.837?'
= 44.8069 N.

Sc;1mned w ith Cam$c::ormer

~ ··1 .. ·'...
.. . . ; ':

!:',.r • •. V~ra11on J"r~n•missibilify

,chi•• ~ unbOlan~
f 100 kg is supportE>d on lsoiator . f . .. lso18tion arid .

d~t~rblng force
f./'. . . kN/m and has a rotating . D...'rnine : : . . '- . ..
,.s .ao
o.~5 .
ii •" P" resUlts In.a. or 40o N·•I (I) • ihe •mplitude of Oiaci.1ne · ': '· ·
'.· ,Pif",ad
!. ,,,,.. w111ch . 00 r.p.m. ·if the damping f•ctoris (ii) lhii Phase anglit; •nd. · · . • .
of :30 · · . •
·: :··de8~~~ine:mp•i·tude of vi-~ration.
(ill) the force translTlltted 10 ihe · ·,
: . ) the . 0 transmitte~ . . ..
·3, !Ano.: )( • Fy =.2132 NJ
. ·. 0. ") the.fore . - .. - · 5 2 N]
' mm, F-r-- 3. . .
,-: ' _01 ~5.': x:: 0 .04
.A , ·: ... . . . . . . . ..
· cenlrifuga1 coniprOssor weighing 981 N h~s
_., [~..,achinet~ffness
. . . . 1 mass1200 75 kg is mountE>d on an isoiaior
. rotating UnbalanCed of 0.1 kQ-rn. The·Isolator has 8a
damping factor of 0.2. The cornpreSsor ·runs at
;· . ;,~ing 2s ~ reciprocating Part Of 2 kg has 1!Q mm
:· A 8 x 10 N/rn and a damping J.SOo r.p.m. If lhe iso1a1or transmit only 10% of the
~- · factor
· -If
· ke.
o. t·h e crank speed is 3000 r.p.rn..
. un1io1anCed force lo
spring stittness. ih9 fo~ndation;:delormine
· its
tro.. ·,
. . . . . . .. . -. ., . ... _.. .. -, .
'lAna. : . K == 11 x 104 Ntrn)

- - ... - -
.. . -· .·- . ·· ..

. : .:- ··· ·.
Chapter Ends.·· .
· 1:




. ·f

I! t '

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.. .. .' . .. . ,·,.

...~'::.:i~~-'c,~>\·:;};~;. .~:.;:: ..
., } · .·, r ·

' ·~. t. .· . ·~ .


I <.' t ~ ' ' J • I • ,;

. ...
; I •

I : . ._
I•. •

r" . -. ~- ,.. ' .

. i
f •• I
·· ... ..

Syllabus .. ·- .,_

. 'principle
- .
seismic -instruments, -vibrometer' -ac-ceierometer- - undamped
'and damped, lntroduct
' "ion' to COnd'
. ". · .
·monitorin and fault dia nosis. · · · · · tlloning ·

The vibration measurement process starts b

·10.1 Introduction · vibratory motion from vibrating machine Y sensing u_;
. . . 1 . or structure
_ converting 1t mto an e ectrtcal signal With th and
Now a days the measurement of vibrations becomes
transducer or pickup. e .help of
necessary due to the following reasons :
1. The measurement of natural frequencies of machine or
The output signal from transducer, which is · th
. in e form
voltage or current. 1s too small to record it. or
structure, which is vibrating, is useful for selecting the
operational speeds for the machine or machine mounted on Therefore the signal conversion unit is used to am li
the structure. The operational speeds are selected such that signals from the transducer to the required value. . p fy the ·
they should be far off from the natural frequency so as to The output signals from signal conversion unit is dis·1
avoid the resonance. display unit for visual inspection. This inform P. ay ~
• ation is
2. To know the actual values of vibration characteristics of a recorded and stored m computer for later use.
machine or structure, because the theoretically calculated Finally, the data can be analysed· to know the v'b .
I Talion
values may be different from the actual values due to characteristics of vibratory machine or structure.
assumptions made in the analysis.
3. In design and development of vibration isolation system, it is 10.3 Classification of Vibration
necessary to know the frequencies of vibrations and the Measuring Instruments
forces developed due to vibrations.
4. To know the information of ground vibration due to (MU· May 11) · .+
earthquake, fluctuating wind velocities on structure or The vibratory response of a vibrating system can·be expressed
buildings, random vibrations due to ocean waves, etc. in tenns of various parameters such as :

10.2 Vibration Measurement Process (i) Displacement (i.e. amplitude),

(ii) Velocity,
-. .
-+ , (MU -..May'" 15,,• May
. , ~
'" .....,, •' .,
(iii)· Acceleration,
~-••m'":.J,_.1 rri•,.(:.t-1 ".u' · . . . ):.· ·· (. ,. / ... · ~... _. · ·~::;~ ';~(~~z:~~~~ (iv) Frequency and .
~a:.>~.;Exp1airi with a·nea1 ·sketch:.-th~.-prin~;i)1~:~r'~6~iii~il},
;~\-ti:~\:-· '1;. , • • ,~ .. ·. . .• ' . • ... ' - ~ (v) Induced stress.
it~~l~c .:m.e~suryngmstruments.. ,. · :., _.,_, .-
Fig. 10.2.1 shows the basic feature~ of a vibration The choice of parameter depends upon the objective and the
measurement process. field of application. For example, the vibration in a vehicle is
normally expressed in terms of the acceleration which is
related to passenger comfort. On the other hand, if the fatigue
failure of an eleme~t is primary concern, then it should be
then expressed in tenns of the induced dynamic stresses.
A large number of instruments including mechanical,
electrical, magnetic, electronics and optical have been
'ig. 10.2.1 : Basic Features of Vibration Measurem~nt Process developed to measure the various vibration parameters.

scanned w ith CamScanner

10-2 · · · · tnstrument5
Vibration Measunng · __
can be
. Syllabus Topic ': Principle of Seismic
Instruments, Vlbrometer,· Accelerometer .-
- · Undamped and Damped · ·· -m

1o.4 Vlbrometers (Amplitude Measuring

Instruments)· . _ . ·-

pa..ive R~ngType Vibrometen or seismometer is an instrunie'nt which ·~easures

tnstrurnenl• ln•""'-ta .
1jll',,.iru .
the displacement (i.e. amplitude) of a vibrating machine or
structure.· -
'ti · tion of Vibration Measuring Instruments The various types of amplitude measuring .instruments (i.e.
1 : c1ass• 1ca
(lg.lo.3· at1on . eased on Contact Between vibrometers) are as follows: _ . . . . . . ·.. ·' - ·- - · -
c1assiflC system and Measurlnglnstrument
1. Vibrstlo9 . , ~ · .- · .
. type mstruments
co11tacling . . . ;-
ro -ny the contacting type measuring instruments are •1 i.Sty1os: Reeording.lnstrunient: '"\ ::. :'-''
~ ed for a . system whose characteristics remain . 2, Seismic Instrument or Seismometer
us f ted when the instrument is connected to it. ·;:.-or:Vibration Pickup ·.
~~~ .
tacting type instruments 3i 0ptical Recording Instrument; • :•,
!'ioll.COil '.
(Ul n~n..:Contacting type measuring instruments are used
4, ..Simple _Potentiometer
for a very light and fl ex1' ble .v1'brating
The · ·system having a
small .vibratory response, so that its charact~ristics •!5: Capacitance Pickup
remain unaffected due to non-contact between vibrating
system and measuring instruments. ' 6/ Mutual lnductan,c~ Pickup•

t Classlficatlon Based on Requlr~ment of Power

Fig. ClO.l : Types of amplitude measuring instruments
Source - ,
ro Acth·e instruments 10~4.1 Stylus Recording Instrument
In active measuring instruments, a separate · power Fig. 10.4.l shows a stylus recording instrument which is used
source is required for measuring the vibratory response to measure the amplitude of a vibf!lting -machine or a
ofa vibratory machine or a system·. structure. Y
1 '

lil Passive instruments

' In passive measuring instruments, no separate power
source is required for measuring the vibratory response Drum
of a vibratory machine or a system.
3. Classification Based on Method of
ro Indicating type instruments
.~ The indicating instruments indicate the reading on a dial
or scale at any ~ven instant. _. .
(i) llttotdi y
ng type instruments
" The recording instruments record . the readings ·over a
period 0 f .
time and store them·for-.later use. ·.

Fig. 10.4.1 : Stylus Rec~rdmglnstrume~t

scanned wit h CamScanner


• . Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech)

>. I(conslstS of a drum which is rotating about Y~Y axis and a·

. scyl~s· ~hl~h ispi~o~ at-a fulcrum 'O'. _To the other end of
the . stylus.; a .link is attached which pickups the vibratory
. .-·motion (i.e. amplitude ofvib.ration) from vibrating machine or
. , ·· ·, structure.
- . The motion between the rotating· dniin and linear movement
~f , styius, plot an ampiitude of vibratory motion on paper
which is attached on drum.
From two successive amplitudes, .the logarithmic decrement is
obttl~ed which further gives damping factor and damped
· circular freciuency of vibrations
Though this instrument is very cheap and simple, it cannot be
used for high frequency and high acceleration vibratory system. (b)
This is due to the fact tha~ elasticity and mass of stylus recording Fig. ,0.4.2 ; Seismic Instrument or Seismorne~r . .
instrument constitutes vibration of its own. When the frequency of
It consist of a frame or a casing· in which ·th ·
vibration comes closer to the natural frequency of vibration of e mass 'bl' 18.
supported by means of spring 'K' and dashpot 'c' lb ·
stylus recording instrument, th~ resonance occurs. or casing is fastened to the vibrating body so tha.t. e:frame
. . . · , It Vtb111tes
along with the v1bratmg body. ·
10.4.2 Seismic Instrument or Seismometer or
Vibration Pick-up The seismometer, shown in Fig. 10.4.2(a) is equ·ival
• ent to a
.spring-mass-damper system shown in Fig 10 4 2(b) h .
~ (MU - May 13, May 17) . • . · • • • av1ng
base or support exc1tatlon. Consider vibr:ating body (base)
has a harmonic motion y =Y sin wt

Let, y = displacem~nt of the vibrating ~Y =y sin cot

x .= absolute displacement of the mass m
z = relative displacement of the mass with respect to
frame or casing =x- y
A seismic instrument consist of a spring-mass-damper system Then, tbe differential equatio~ ·of motion can be written as,
in a casing, which is mounted on the vibrating machine or mx + c (x- y) + K (x -y) = 0
structure to measure the displacement or amplitude of
... in x +cz+Kz
= 0
vibratory motion, as shown in Fig. 10.4.2. .. .. .
.. m(z + y)+cz+Kz . = o· ...[ ·:
•, X=z + y]
.. .
mz + cz+Kz = - my
m z + c z + Kz = 2
mw Y sin rot
Signal Detection Col • • •• 2 .
...[.y=-oo Ystn(J)t]
Hence, the steady state amplitude 'Z' of the mass with respect
to the frame or casing is given by, ·
molY /K
,...._--- - Frame or calling z =
"°"""~t----- Masa
'\/[1-(:JI +[ ><:J 2
Y (ro I ro0 )
or z = ----;:::::::::==:::;;::':#=====; ....(!0.4.1)

[1-(:J }+[ 2~:J

~---- Vibrating Machine
or Structure The phase difference between the excitlng motion ~d the

(a) ...(I0.4.2)
Fig. 10.4.2(Contd...j

Scanned with ComSconner

·.. .~ .- '

. ·r· - . ,. ·. . ' . frument~

·Vibration:Measuring ns _ -

0 1 2
Frequency Ratio ( :n-) -:--
Fig. 10.4.4 : Phase-Frequency Curve
i .

I , 2 3
FrequencyRatb (-l,) -
Strain Sensing
Fig. 10.4.3 : Response Curve of Vibration Measuring

. From F.quations (10.4. 1), (10.4.2) and Figs. (10.4.3), (10.4.4)

it is seen that when ( ~) is very large (:n >> 1) , then

Z:::. Y and qi:: 180° irrespective of the value of damping
factor~- From Fig. 10.4.3 it is seen that, if damping factor~ is . '

. about 0.7, it is possible to have better approximation of ~ .

Fig. 10.4.S : Vibration
. .' .
relation Z =Y over a wide range of frequency ratio (co I wn ). 10.4.3 Optical Recording Instrument
• Thus, the relative amplitude recorded . on dial 'Z' is equal to
the amplitude of th~ vibrating body 'Y'. s ·ucb instrument is The optical recording instrument is shown in Fig. 10.4.6.
I .~ ' I
called seislllometer.

The ratio ( ~) is made larger by keeping ~e· ~atural

~uency 'con' of instrument low. This can be achieved by
keepmg.vaJue of mass large and stiffness of spring l?w· This
~lits ~ bulky
,.., cations.
instrument which is not desirable in all
, The reia . . Ugh\ Souroe
live am Ii . · · ·
. P. tude Z can be measured by stram sensrng
, lhe cer Which is rigidly fixed to the seismic mass. ·· ·
~lati~tp~ Voltage from the transducer is proportional to the Fig. io.4.6 : Optical Recording Illstrunient .
Insti-.,_ splacement y of vibrating body. Hence, such
~"lllent · · . · ·
. . . 1S called as vibration
. pick-ups [Fig. 10.4.SJ. · .. . .
• TuhK1un11ledgi

Scanned with CamScanoer

·. . . .

.· • ~- : oy~~micS of Machinery. MU - Sem 5 - Mech) " 10-5 .

·- A iight source_send~ . the light signal through a lens to a 10.4.6

mirror. The mirror is,attiched to a 'vibrating body by means of
,: · ~s~rrie. linkage. · ' ; The mutual inductance pick-up is also an~ · .. · . ·
. . . . . . . D-contactl
_ ; The" light whicli is.
reflected from the mirror' falls on a pick-up, which 1s very ·useful for a . non- · ·. ng ~..
' .lll.agnetj •C
. . ~-e~sitized . film on : the . revolving drum and plots the
. • . • f
vibratory surface which is shown in Fig.
10_4_9_ c lllela!Uc
displacement of vibratory motion.
Such instruments have the advantage of wide range of
: frequency becau~e of the less mass ~d-negligible inertia. AltemaUng
- : - Primary Coll
Supply (A. C.) -
1o.4.4 Simple Potentlom.e ter
i • ,

.' A _simple P9te.~tiom~ter is sho~n in _Fig. 10.4.7 ._ It ~onsis~ of

' a voltmeter, a ~attery and a resistance. , _
A needle is connected to the vibrating body and it is allowed
:•. to slide on-.the ~esistance,
The change in voltage due to movemen.t of needle on the

resistance is recorded. This voltage is· proportional to the
amplitude of vibrations . .

Fig. 10.4.9 : Mutual Inductance Pick-~p

. Voltmeter
~Battery _
If the muniaI inductance between the
primary and sec
Needle coils is Lm, then the voltage induced across
I . . • COil
will be, · · ·
e = L~roiP ·
ToVl~tlng '
Body e = voltage induced across sec~ndary ~oil
Fig. 10.4.7 ': Simple_Potentiometer Lm = mutuiil inductance betwee~-p~aiy ihid ·
secondary coil
10.4.5 Capacitance Pick-Up . iP ·, ·= .high frequency primary coil current

TI1e capacitance pick-up is. a non-contacting active type

co = the frequency.of iP·
· :· vibration measuring instrument, which generates an output The mutual inductance Lm changes due to the variation in the gap between the vibrating surface and the pick-up}This
. proportional t? the displacement of the vibratory body. ..
changes the field due to eddy current in the vibrating body. .
It pas one plate of the capacitor attached_to the vibratory body This field opposes the field ·setup by the primary coil. The
and other being the probe kept at some. dista~ce from the output voltage is modulated by the vibratory motion and
vibratory surface, as shown in Fig. 10.4.8 . . demodulated output is proportional to the displacement
The change in· capacitance due ·to variation in the air gap is Such a . pick-up can be used for. a very wide range of
utilized in a.n-. RC circuif· to indicate the amount of the frequency. ·.

vibrat_o ry displacement.
10.5 Velocity Pick-~ps (Velometers)
The size of the probe to be· used depends upon the range of
amplitude to be measured. The range of amplitude covered by Velocity pick-up orvelometer is an instrument which
.such a pick-up is 0.025 to 10 mm. · '· ' measures the velocity of a vibrating boay:,·.
- · ~ We know that for seismic instrument the steady state relative
' 1 ainplitude is given by,'
)utput Voltage C :..=..Battery
Z = X -yor . , z. -- . ·x· :__'y_. .•.(10.5.l)
Whe~,_ the. ratio ( co / co0 ) is very large _o dn o~er words the
natural. frequency of the instrument 'ron' is very small as

' :~ '.--; · · compare to the fr~quency of vibration of the body ~ then,

Equation (10.5.1) becomes ·~ ·· ·
Fig. 10.4.8 : Capacitance Pick~U ' - ~. < ;
• Tecl~dfi
. pt1•llC l llOI\
. . . - ·,

. .10-6 ... . . ..- . . lnstrum~nt~

-··-1_; . Vibration;Measunng . . ,, · · · ··
. -·-· .. · .........
.... [ ·:wn is_~mall,_~~ o] . ~ .-

• . · \reiocity ~f the vib~tin!{ ~Ody). -~us;. th~

·,'\_.< ,;.y (1.e· . directly proportional to .the velocity of
'. .
, · ·ce· utude z_.: is·. . . , .
·' ,1• ... i
;?;~'\,e l).ltl~ : - .. , . .. . . . ..
/' ~I~_A;.
.. yJ ter can ' .used as a velocity
be m~ring
·. '. ~ . tTloJJle \'e)OCI·ty pick-up or· velometer, if i_t satisfies
. se11S

;, ·-~~e~t o:onditions : . ' . . , ' '·-

. iiP uowJ.llg · ency co should be very small, and
. tJiefo' aturalfreQU . n . '· . . .. ' . .
· Jt s n . rate the output signal proporttonal to the
-(I) 00Id gene . . . ·, . ·;
. Jt sh . of the vibrating body.
ity . .
(~) · ·ve veloC . . . . ·· . .
· reJatI ~f velocity pickups which are. commonly
. are tWO- types . . . .
111eie follows :
, usedareas . ·.. ,
--~----. ! ... '.

rypes o f velocity pickups
. l.
Fig.10.S.1: Active Type Velocity Pick-u,p
1. Active Type Pick-Up
10.5.2 Passive Type Pick-Up
2 Passive Type Pick-Up (Electromagnetic Pick-Up)
· (Electromagnetic Pick-Up)
Fig. 10.5.2 shows the electromagnetic pick-up.
Ffg. CI0.2 : Types of velocity ·pickups

10.5.1 Active Type Pick-up ,· Magnet

• fig. .10.5.1 shows the active type velocity pick-up which is Coil
similar to seismometer in construction, with slight Output Voltage
It consist of seismic mass 'm' with wire coils, supported by
spring 'K' and dasbpot 'c'.

The magnet is fixed to the frame ·and frame is fitted on the

\10rating body.
"Fig. 10;5.2 : Electromagnetic Pick-up ·
Due to relative motion between coil and magnet, a voltage is
induced across the coil. The output voltage across the coil is 11ie change in air ' g~p bet~een the 'vihratmg' ~uifac~ ~nd the
Proportional to the relative velocity (since the output voltage · .
pick-up changes
the. ~a~~tic
reluc~ce of ..
th~' path.
is PTOportionaJ to the rate of cutting the magnetic field).
As a result the magnetiC flux cutting .a cross the coil changes.
thus inducing the voltage across the c~ll which is given by,
• The output voltage signal is calibrated to give the velocity of
.; e = , :_Ni[~] .·
: J!1dx
• Iust like a seismometer, in velometer also the damping factor
or e = -N·d
. x.-dt

is kept abOut 0.7 or less ~an 0.7.

1· . " .

e . .-
• A Veloine . · · ·.
,=. - N~
"dx .,
·· ·
. ter With low frequency i.e. I to 5 Hz .is used to
havin~ vibrating
: Where, N = Number of coils . · . ,··.
llle.as11re the Velocity of vibration of-a body.
' frequ
., ency between 10 to 2000 Hz. . · = Velocity of oscillation ·o r'vibration
l'be sens"1tl' ·
.. ··
VJ.ty of such_ instrument may be. in the range of
-~t Rate of change of flu~
20 trJ.Vfcnv · . · ·
sec to 350 mv/cmfsec. ~ = Change of !tux with respect to distance

Scanned w it h CamScanner
-: ·
.. .. ...
. '• ~ .. ' ~. . t '. • .... ~ : ;
·'· . . .· :--,.' · ~·j~
'.'} ~
.. . <>·:-' ·:;·.~

... ·· . ·u-. '_ Sem. 5 - Mech)

..... ·' M ·.h. · 'IM . : ..rn-7 . .
1: -..
< -
Vibration ·Maa8lir1n , . : ·. ;\ ·~'.·Y'1
:.·: 0y,;arriic~>°of ac 1ne , . . fns1~ -.,- ·:
No~ fo~ a given range of air gap, ~mains ~onstant ""Y ~·· · :.;

dcj> I d,x ·Hence, z i.e. acceleration of ilie vib · ·

. . . . rating bod
·. and if number:of roils is fixed then', .. . relative ,amplitude ~ 1s directly proportion 1 Y. lli ·
"b . bod ·' , a to the Us'~- .
., . 0 f the. VI .ratmg y. . - .aceeier ~IC ,
o.: x . ...(10.5.3)
,· e , • . , . . .•. ~u.Oti ,
Once the acceleration 1s recorded ~· ·.. . . ·
The induced outPut voltage i~ ~brated to give the velocity displacement is obtained by integr . ating' ' the · V~loeji.; .
. . ' ., itid
of vibratory body. · Therefore, if the seismometer can· be u ed · ...
The air gap.should be kept within 3 to 5 mm and should be
. . . . .· s asan
measunng mstrument if 1t satisfies th llCce!etati
·several times the amplitude of ~-ibration: conditions : . e foUoWin on
. g ~o ·
A typical plot of the voltage. induced per unit velocity versus .(i) It's natural frequency •w •should~ · .
.(u'") I h d n very high •h ·
ttie air gap is shown in Fig. 10:5.3. t s .oul generate output signal pro . • "''d
The frequency rang~ of operation of such pick-.u p is 0 to 2000 relative acceleration of the vibratin ~rtiona1 to the
Since the frequency· rati.00> j m is v g Y._ ·
Hz. • . .• n ery smau .the.
One of the limitation of this twe of instrument is that·· the frequency ·of the mstrument should be lar . ' natural
the frequency of vibrating body. This is ge a~ compared tO
vibratii:ig body has to . be ferromagnetic:. For · a non- . . · possible Wh
ferromagnetic body, a piece of ferromagnetic substance has to s~isllllc mKas(~ m his sma~ and the spring has large Valen the
stif~~s~ i.e. s ort spn_ng) Due to their Small size ue.of
be attached on the vibrating body surface. .
sensitivity, the accelerometer ·are common! u . 3'.1d high
. . . .. Y sed m v1b .
measurement. . - · ·. · ration
Fig. 10.6.1 shows piezoel~tric cr;~tal accel (
erometer whi
used to measure_the acceleration of vibrating

.ch is
YWtth higher
bod .
frequencies. · ·· • . ·
A piezoelectric crystals are very stiff (i.e th h ·
· · ey ave a hi
natural frequency, ·generally IO kHz to few MH gb
· al · ·
produces a sign proportional to their deformau·on.
z) and

It is seen from equation for steady state amplitUde th.

. her value o f ro , the z 1s
h1g · extremely small. at, for

0 2 4 6 8
AlrGap (mm) ...
Fig. 10.S.3: Voltage \•ersus air gap curve ;. ;

0.6 Acceleration Pick-Ups

+ (MU - Dec. 12)

1tcceleration pick-up or accelerom.eler is an instrument that ' · . • •• 1·

measures the accel.eration ofa vibrating body.

(a) Actuw Accelerometer
We know . that for seismic instrument, steady state relative
amplitude is given by,

... (10.6.1)

When; the frequency ratio (CD Iron) is very small or in other

w.o rds the natural frequency of instrument 'ron' is very high as
compare to the frequency of vibration of the body 'm', then
Equation (10.6.l) becomes,
Z :::: Y ( ro I ro0 ) ... (10.6.2)

Z :::: Y ro .... [ ·:ro0 is constant for a given instrument]
Z :::: - y (i.e. acceleration of the vibrating body)
(b) Schematic of Accelerometer
Fig. 10.6.1 : Accelerometer

Sc::amlP.<I wirh Carn.<;r.1111flff

. .. .. e;hinefY ·\••· .... ---··· - ............., . . . :,,. '. 1o~a
. . .. ·of ,.;,18 .. ·.i
. .·· . ···, · ·· "·" ~
! •• , .... . " ·., . • . • " : .. • • •••
· Vlbratfoh.Measuring·in'strumen
(11~ :..6~ 1·
J ;:

·eioel~tfl c
•. .· . ·d<. ' . . . .. . . . a . ·10
. • • crystal is capable . of gerierating ·

"\ , ,_ ,.ef .11 ;~1 al even for a small e1o~tion. If the signals Difference between vlbrometer
•. a.ccelerometer · · ·· ··
L·floll'.~ · ble sigit .. ufier is used to amplify ~em. :_ .· · '

ft.·. ~~\ . ~- ~~ ' a plo~of Y( ·~ . ·)~v~~;~s (co ./ co )

.. : ' '

vii''. · sbows · ·· . ro CO . n
y, ,ie 6.l(a) , . . .0 ·. ;
;..· ; JO· . . bows a plot of. <I> versus (ro / .co ) for
I ~$ . . 1(b) s . . . . .. , D
'1 . 1o.6· · &. t i: ·
;,- . fi$· daIDPing iac or "=>· . • . ..
.• ~ · 10 6 2 ~ ll · .
aJue5 of . ·
'· . ·()IJS., . . . own in Fig. . . . o owmg points are
i,,fl , tots sh
. 'tbt J'
~;,ef"eJ : .J1lllg
. e of operating frequency fo~ acc.elerometer is
1. Mass of More Less
r.1) . 'fbt ben damping factor ; =0.707_. Device
1• aPD1u01 w ·
2. Natural
Ill .· 707 the useful frequency range is O. s (m / Less Very' high
for~ : ~.Z
frequency of
with ·a maximum error less than o.oi %. device
- . . :
gowever for the damping factor I;= 0.707 still wider
. 3. Practical Measures the Measures the
frequency range O ::; ( ro I ron) $ 0.5 can ·be used, but applicability displacement of . acceleration of a
rror is increases. vibrating body vibrating body
the o/o e 4. Error More Very less
for~ == o.707. the phase angle <I> varies Ii.nearly with estimation
· (ii} ((l) / orD ) and hence . v.rith co (because ro0 is constant).

Therefore, damping factor of 0.707 is usually kept in 10.7 Frequency Measuring-Instruments

In many applications where · the system is undergoing.
1.05 vibrations, it ·is essential to measure .the frequency of
z; = 0.6
Most of the frequency measuring insti-uments are of the
mechanical type and based oi;i th~ principle 'or resonance.
The following instruments. are used to .measure the frequency
of vibrating body :
Frequency measuring
Instruments ·
0 0.25 0.5 0.75
(~)- 1. Single-Reed Frequency Meter or Fullarton
(a) 2. Multi-Reed Frequency.Meter or Frahm

3. Stroboscope

Fig. Cl0.3 : Frequency measuring instrnments

10.7.1 Single-Reed Freque~cy Meter or

Fullarton Tachometer

Fig. 10.7.1 shows Single-reed frequency meter or Fullarton ·

tachometer, which consist of a thin strip or reed' with a~ riiass
· .attached at one of its ends.
The other end of the strip is pressed over the vibrating body
(b) whose, natural frequency is to be measured. the . free or
Fig.10.6.2 cantilever length of strip or reed 'l' can be changed by means
of screw mechanism, therefore each free length of strip
corresponds to a different natural frequency of strip. _ _ _.

: . ·:.: -·· ··:~ ~J_.(;..;:(:0~l~u.~
' •.. . 10-9 · -· · · . ·. . Vlbratlo~ Mea . · -.. ·( ·: '2)1~
-' . . . , ., . . SUrin f . -:: ·''
: :_ J'Th~ ~re~ m~~ism is. adjusted to change the, lengtl;i oJ ~~p · When a reference point on a 'vibrat: · . l\a~ ··;
· . . . .. · •ng bOdy • . ."
. till .·the a:mplit~de of vibratlo.i:i. _becom~ .~.aximuin. At that · pulsating light · which is generated is view ·~
instant, the excitation frequency of vibrating body is equal to appear to be stationary when frequ by strobO.,}<l.'l.itli11. ':
. al ency of th -'."-Otle 1• ,, •
, .; .. •the natural frequency of strip i.e. resonance conditiori occlirs. 1s equ to the frequency vibrating bod e Piil&ati 1 "ii ·:
_ - , ,·Since the reed is calibrated along i~ length in temis of :it.s of vibrating body is read directlv f Y· l'hereforc f ng Ii~ J
• •. J rom control , ' rcq ~ :J
n~tural . frequency, the frequency of vibrating b_ody is read. The advantage of stroboscope is that • . Panct ~ :~
. direetly from the strip.' . .. contact with vibrating body. He .1t.does llot ha 1
' . . nee, It IS ~ :
non con~ ~ :
frequency measunng instrument . ':
Free Encl of S1rip Which The lowest frequency Upto 15 Hz can be _ ' . · ~ ;
11 ID be Pl9IMd OWi
~Body · the help of stroboscope. Fig. 10 measured cas· . . .
stroboscope. ·7.3 shows Uy 'liitJi .
. .a IY!b~.
Control Panel "'~

Fig~ 10.7.1: Single-Reed frequency meter or Fullarton


10.7.2 Multi-Reed Frequency Meter or Fig. 10.7.3: Stroboscope.

Frahm's Tachometer

10.8 Measurement of Damping
, Fig. 10.7.2 shows Multi-reed .frequency meter or Frahm's
tachometer, which consist of number of strips or reeds in the
The damping coefficient for viscous dam .
form of cantilevers, ca!rying small masses at their free ends. . . . .. Ptng can be
detemuned by an expenmental method given bel
Each reed has a different natural frequency and accordingly . ow.
marked on it. Fig. 10.8.l(a) shows the experimenutl set~up whi h .
: . . . c COnsists
When this instrument is mounted over the vibrating body of disc nnmersed m 011, whose damping coeffi · .
. c1ent 1s to be
whose natural frequency is to be measured, then the reed determined and pen arrangement with damper. _
~hose natural frequ~ncy is nearest to the excitation frequency
of the vibrating body vibrates with maximum amplitude due The disc is suspended with the help of thin rod. At th
. . . e1ower
to resonance condition. end of disc, the cone having negligible ~s is attached to
Therefore ·the frequency of the vibrating body can be found provide the better resistance during .torsional oscillations of
from the known frequency of the vibrating reed.
disc. -
Ma$S Reeds 'Mth Different Natural Frequency The hollow drum is mounted on top of the disc ~ver which the
paper is attached.
When disc performs the torsional o.scillations and pen falls
down at constant rate, the relative motion bCtWeen thepen and

the hollow drum plots the amplitude versus time graph 00

paper, which is shown in Fig. 10.8.l(b).
By measuring two successive amplitudes i.e. Xo and x1 from
plot of amplitude versus time, the logarithmic decrement '3'
Fig. 10.7.2: Multi-Reed Instrument or Frahm's Tachometer can be determined as follows :
10.7.3 Stroboscope 8 = lo~(~) ...(10.8.1)

Stroboscope ·is an instrument which produces the light pulses

but, 8 25
= V1:f; ..(10.8.2)
at equal interval oftime which can be varied.

The frequency of light pulses which are produced can be
changed and read easily from control panel instrument·

, '9" p1 .i1C l l
.... ·. .•.~easuring;lnsirume'
·-.,: ' ..' • .-. - . .. ;.Vibration
'lli.;· r.:._ . . ·. - <nts. .
.. ' fron, ·l!qnation- U0.8'2) damping faotoc • '~'- can ·be
~Uation qo. 6.. noe
8 is . kn0wn experimefilally -
_.. .•- · . · - - -
· 'I'hedarn· ' · · · · · "" ·
. Plllg factor is also given by,
~::: ..£.=~-- c ·-- - c
Cc . 2 l<on -: : :._. ~-- . :2-'Kl =
21 ~ · - ·v.r..,i
~Vk;i- --- __.. ..·. -~ · "·•' _"-.
. Ic ·
Or C :::

-------...J Dlac
- ~

c - = dainping coefficient of ~ii. N-s/m

. .... (10.8.4)

. ~
~ ::: dainpiog facto; Of oil
-~ - tors· . . 1 ·rm- . . GJ -d
- tooa sti _ ess of_rod = T· N-m/~
! . . ..

G · = modulus of rigidity foi"rod material, N/ m2 ;

•' , ..
J - polar' I f• • f ..!L4 4 _-
- _ moment o inert.ta o rod = u • m :
::: d~ameter of rod, m.
L =.· length of rod, m
' " . . . ,: -. ·2 - .
-. · -=mr
= massmomentofineniaofdisc_ . .
T ._-kg-m2 ·

Ill = mass of disc, kg

' •. -
.r :::: radius of the disc; m . ·.;

Thus, the damping coefficient of·oiJ can·be determined from

Equation (10.8.3). · ,. - ·

10.9 Vibration Exciters

Vii>,.;;.;; excite,. "' •haur, "" "'•d tO · Produce lh<

required cyclic excitation J_~rce a~ a re9uired frequency. • l ~ . •

The cyclic excitation force produced by the exciter can be

st~dy its dynamic
• • • • • • , . , • • 1 '

applied to the machine or st:nicture so as to

(b) Plot of Amplitude Versus Time characteristics
Fig.10.s.1: MeasurementofDamping
The excitation foree is usually a sinuSOidal o' random type
- S<jl!amg both sides of Equation (10.8.1), we get,
4 7t 2,..2
<; signal applied with a number of discrete frequencies over a
02 =--., specific frequency range of interest. : · ·
1- i;-
-'·I:."F = 4it~
02 The following three types of vibrati~n' exciters are comm.only
' -' us~ in se_veral applica~ons :

:.~ :::
02 ' ~I ::, '

• . : , 1' . :· ~.;

~i+o"'t ._ Types of vibration exciters ."

(:, ' . -·: ...· _,. .J;
..• ~2 :::
02 ,.-

~i + o"t
' '/
1. Mechanical Exciters -
... ~ ::: 0
~47t2 + r,"1 ... (10.8.3) 2. ElectrOdynamic Exciters

3. Hydraulic at:id Pneumatic Exciters

Fig. C 10'.4 : Types of vibration excih?~ i·

Sca nned with C amSca nne r

. . :..· ·.. .''
.. :; ' ... --
·.. ,;
· ·~ . ;J :· "': ' :

· . ··•. ··

• ,.,:•'.
.·.· ·,vit>rat16ri·Meastirin
10.9.1 .· Mechanical Excl~ers ··c ·
,, · :In: ~echmti~al exdt~~. -~ scotch yoke m~h~is~·~~~\;~ used .
to· produce the . harmonic excitation ·force as shown · in mm2r'~n;.,. . 2

Fig. 10.9. ~. · ~ "" >~"" ~CD-rrn~t .:-.>

..-. /
. (!) .... - , ..... ~ · :.~.'- ~· • '

·/ .
I r .m . .m r-..
I ' CD .
I I \'r 1. r · \
.,-- mL~-~l _Olt I · •.. \
. \ . . II mco\'t..."': cot ·;..l. .
~ .... ~ _.... /
' . I ""'
. . '
' 1I · ./ I .
'--+-"" .

Fig. 10.9.2 : Mechanical Exciter (Excitin F

g orceDueto
Rotating Masses) · 'l'wo
·.·. -
10.9.2 Electrodynamic Exciters

Fig. 10.9.3 shows an electrodynamic exci't

. · . . er or shaker .
1s also known _as electromagnetic exciter. Which

Fig.10.9.1: Mechanical Exciter (Scotch Yoke Mechanism)

In this system, the crank of mechanism is driven with constant

speed or variable speed by the motor.
The other end of the crank slides in a slotted rod which
reciprocates in the vertical guide.
The harmonic force that can be applied on the structure by the
exciter, to which the exciter is attached, is given by,
F = mol r sin wt ... (10.9.1)
Where, m = mass attached to the scotch yoke
mechanism, kg (a) Actual Electrodynamic Exciter
ro · = crank speed, rad/s Structure or Component
To Be Excited
r = radius of crank, m
· · The hannonic force· can also be created by means of two / _ Flexl>le Support

masses rotating at the same speed but in opposite directions as Moving

shown in Fig. 10.9.2. Element

When two masses of equal magnitude, rotate at an angular

velocity 'm' at radius 'r', then the vertical sinusoidal force
generated is given by, ·
F = 2m ro r sin cot ...(10.9.2)
'here, m = rotating unbalanced mass, kg
co = crank speed, rad/s (b) Schematic of Electrodynamic Exciter
r = Radius of crank, m Fig. 10.9.3 : Electrodynamic Excl~r
The horizontal components of two unbalanced forces act It consists of : heavy magnet, coil, moving element, flexible
opposite to each other, hence the resultant horizontal force support and exciter table.
will be zero.
r.s:(. " inefY.-(MU -.~em o - Mech) ·' "10~12 . . . .- .. . < .
I;:~·.·.,: ·' of Maol1 . -.. -- .. .. .. ' . . " . . ~ ln~t~ments . . ~'


. i~ . .·.. . asses thro ugh. the. · .coil placed in


if:.· ·d(ll
"""' · rna.gneti'c·
·.· . · " . ... ."'... 1· . ., ·- . · · . ..
.. Vibration Measunng .. ,
" 0t p 1;,., 0.9.1 . . .
· · ,¢re 1 ped which is proportional to current a d A · ; . :.,
·s deve 0o .. .I t th . .. n . . seismic· Instrument . having.. . vibr~ting.· . ~ass ot'NI5 kg . is .
/i"·· ·. rce 1 . fi. ce acce era es e component place(I
". ·.n·.rJ!L" .

~ ~
supported b . . . . . .. with

~i~g, A pOn Is attached to .the mass which

. · fo . 1)tls · · · on n..e . . · . Y a spring having stiffness 1000 · m · ·
•ff ;cµui<· · . · · • •. · · • •·
.:~i¢. tadb.eleo..f. force given by; ..
. ·di!gtble
. ' . " ·-· d s a curve on paper Which .Is mounted ·on a rotating
. - 111tll ·1 ,, • · · · · (10 V1bratin · ~um._
.. · The instrument is placed · on a vibrating . surface ·
· e

, !ll8g - JJI · _. · .. · · · ... ·9·3) · th g .at 5 rad/s having amplitude of 1o mm. Determin
f .... · gnetkflux intensitY in Wb i m .. : • • e amplitude of ·curve traced on .paper if the · vibrations are
.8 "" Jlla : . . sinusoidal. · · ·
,,; ~urrent in coil, A . Sain. :

1 "" length of c~il, m Given : Mass, m = kg

· . · ·tude
~.. .• ~i01....-
, d~- ·
. · 0· f ~ccelerating force produced depends upon
~gttl . enl, anc.i the mass of moving element.
·• .

tlJeiJI"":· t passing throug~ · the ~oil _varies harmonically

~ llit curren. . J\.C. current), the force produced
· · · also Varies
N Spring stiffness,
c· Iegligible dainping,
trcu ar frequenc f .b .
. .- 0 .- " .
Yo v1 ration, oo=5 rad/s.
· Amplitude of vibration, y = 10 mm= 0.01 m
~ =.
= 1000 Nim

·~itb ti·ine (1.e·

. · - · The n~al c~rcular frequency of vibration, -,

~u ~amic exciters ·,.."'." Used to generate the fo- .. . ." ID,. ~ ~ =~ ~ 14.142
. r~d/;. •
1bt e30 d displacements upto 25 mm and frequencies in · The · seismic in~trumen~
is placed on the vibrating surface.
.., IN!
0 7
Hz to 20 Hz. · Therefore, !he ampliwde of c;.,,e .!raced on paper i• the.
steady state relative amplitude. It is give~ by, .. _
Ii< Hydraulic and Pneumatic Exciters z - . mY ro' I K

•:: ,,@anical and electrcx!ynamic excitera are generally

used for limited force and limited frequency range. When
· ~ \![I C ( c:'.)°J{i; .,: ] 2

when ~=O,
. are to be used for larger force capacity and wider
mY 00 /K
mY 002 /K
CreqUency range, the hydraulic or pneumatic exciters are
z = \ ! [ I -( w: )']' = I '-( w: )
fig..10.9.4 shows the block diagram of a hydraulic or
pneumatic exciter.

In this arrangement. an electrically actuated serv'o valve

or Z = 0.001428 m
Z = 1.4286mm · · •..Ans.
operates a main control valve to regulate the flow of fluid (i.e.
Ex.10.9.2 ·
oil in case of hydraulic exciter or air in case of pneumatic
In a. seismic instrument if mass m · = 0.1 kg, stiffness of
exciter) to each end of the cylinder.
spring, K ,;. 1 N/mm and damping rati·o, ; = 0.5, determine
The exciting force of high magnitude and frequency (upto 400 the amplitude of recorded motion if the motion of vibrating
body is 3 sin 200 t (mm). ·· ·
llz) can be obtained by using such exciters. Soln.:
Given: · Mass, m - 0.1 kg , ·
F (Exciting
Force) Stiffness of spring; K - 1 N/mm = 1000 Nim
"· 1 Servo Valve Damping ratio, ~ = · 0.5
Control Signal Harmonic motion, y = 3 sin 200t
:. Maximum displacement of vibrating body; Y=3 mm
• . ' • • • I •

. . Circular frequency of vibrating body, oo = 200 rad/s.

. The patura1 circular frequency of instrument is,

·= ~.;.~· = '1ooradis.:.·
oon ' .
- ' I"
g, l0.9.4 : liydraulic and Pne~atic Exciter \

Scan ned w ith CamScamer

:-. -. ~ ··-'
.· ..... _ . ~

. : : . . . !'.": ,. : ·~: ...

. .
· . ·oynami6s of.Mactiiner)i (MU - serr:i s ~Mech) 10~13
VibratioirMeas ..
. .:.•' .... ...... . un11
- .·· Tbei~que~cy rati~ is: . Soln.: .., .
.. - :.-:
•.I . . . ·· :;:-··· · · .. . :· co ·< 200 · · .· ~... . .. ·. . ~

,., . ,. .
.=.? . - =100 =:' 2 '. . .. r
(l)Q ·- - ·' ..
G_iven :Speed of machine; N . ::: :250, · ·· ·

· The·s~Ciy-srate amplitud~· of recorded motion is, . · '·:'. ·Excitation freque~cy, ro . ::: · l._10< ~ , " · · ·
.. . I - 2
. . ... · .. : . . - 60 =26:17 .. .
Natural frequency of ins~ment, f =S Hz. · -
I • • I •

Y ( co I ron ) .
.. lldta... ...

z =·' ---::============;;- . ,; 0 . .. ·. .
\ f' ' '· .. Amplitude of vibrati~n. Z ;: .. 5. mm
~ "· "• : ' i
...,,··.· -· .. J.: Damping ratio, ~ ,0 = ·~
; ' Natural circular frequency of. instrument . · ·
• 18 l
roo = fnx 21t::: 5 X 2n =31.41 , . 1
= ..Jr 1 -h 2
+ ( 2l; r ) 2
The steady-state relativ~ amplitude of vib r:vs.. i
3 (2 ) 2 . . ration 18 .

= ..Jr1-(2/J2 +(2x0.5x2J2 ·.Z= .. ~~~ ·

or z = 3.3283mm ...Ans. ~:. , •. \J [ 1~(~)] +[:;;-]
. y (ro I ro.) 2 . . n
Ex. 10.9.3
A vibrometer co~sists of a seismic mass of {kg, spri~g of
stiffness 50 Nim and a damping factor of 0.7. The amplitude
.. z. ~ . I ~(:f .[·"/;•ri]
· of displacement shown on vibrometer scale is 10 mm. If the
~. ' ; :y (26.17)
vibrometer is mounted ·on a machine vibrating · at 30 rad/s, _31.41 -
deter~ine the amplitude of vibration of a machine. 5 = ,•· ' *"'7 . ·. : . ,: .
Soln.: 1-(26.17) ·. .. .
31.41 - . .-
Given : Seismic mass rri- = · 1 kg .. y =' 1.8352
Stiffness of _spring, K = 50 Nim . . Displacement of vibrating machines is 1. ;
. ' . ·- ;
: , ;•

Damping actor; l; = 0.7 835

- ·The velocity of vibrating machine is, . ' ..... nun
' 3
Relative amplitude of, Z = 10 mm= IO x 10- m .
· . Y = ro·Y =26.17 x M352 =48.02 mtn/s .
Circular frequency of vibrating machine°,.co=30 rad/s.
The acceleration of vibrating machine is,
The natural circular frequency of vibrometer is, 2 2
C.00 =~ = ~ = 7.07 rad/s Ex. 10.9.5 .. . -
The frequency ratio is, A fullarton tachometer is used to measure the trequ ·
' 30 (I)
. . ). · . . ency of
v1brat1on system. A mass of 0.02 kg 1s attached at thee · d
r = ;;;- = 7.07 = 4.243
0 the re~d so that its resonance is at a frequency of 50Hz~Th~
The steady-state amplitudes of vibration is, re_ed. 1~- of 50 .m il) long and 5 mm wid.~.. qetennine the
Y(co/ro ) 2 thickness of . reed. Take_ modulus of elasticitY for reed
9 2
· material as 200 x 10 N I m •
Soln.: ,_ -; :

Given : Mass, m = 0.02 ~g

Frequency · f0 = 50 Hz
Length a reed, I = 50 mm = 0.05 m
10 x 10- 3 Width of reed, b = 5 mm =.0.005m
- vr 1-( 4.243 )1 2 + r 2 x 0.1x4.243 J2 Modulus of elasticity, E=2 x 1011 NI m2
.Y = lOx 10- 3 m The reed is similar to a cantilever beam. Therefore static
or Y = lOmm ...Ans. deflection of reed due to mass m is, .

· Ex.10.9.4 mg z3 o.oi"x 9~81 x co.05/

o= 3 EI ~ 3 x 2 x 1011x I .
A seismic instrument is used to find the displacement,
velocity and acceleration of a machine running at 250 rpm. If ~ =· 4.08 x 10-
u I ,m
the natural frequency the-instrument is 5 Hz and it recordsoi
'the displacement 5 mm, the displacement, velocity and The frequency tran~~erse vibrations of reed is~
acceleration of the vibrating machi~e as~uming .n o damping. . _. /g ' • I '". • ._,

..= 2~\jf; ·-
·._ .
:·'. :<·~~ .

-13 . 1 0 00
4.11x10;, .~li><
90~ .hil:. . , ' 5 )( t
J :: J2 9 >< 10- 3. m or t. . ::: o.99 nun
o.9 freed is 0.99 mm.
:: . )aleSS 0 · - ... · •
;. I fore tfllC . .... ...
~ - -·· '

. . 1 "' • O.Ot kg ; r,.=ISO Hz ; N =600<h.p.m.,

2 2 ( ')):_)~ ~ ::: 628.30 rad!s
="vo-rJ+ ~ . .. .. .(1) '· : .(J) :::

. r 1perce
J,t accuracy in measunnent, fiulQ flquation (I), we
. .. , . ... .
Actual A.CC:Cletat.ion, y (1)2~.81 mfs2
. f1D . •' . ' 1
i -
. ,.,
• . '· . '• , ·•
M....,,ed Aeceter.ui 00 , '= •.s .,,,,, z... ·
µii 9 -
0.9 - ...J ( 1 - r
2 )2 ( ')):)
+ ""=r .\
~ 'Ibe dan:iI>ed natural frequency is,
. (J)d
. 2 2 . 1 ' fd ::: ---
r4 _zf2 + 1 + 41; r = 0 .99"7 2rt
.•\ (J)d ::: 150 x 2n =942.48 rad/s
. ,~
I . Substitutmg =0.71 the above equation can be Written.,
J64r2-0.0· 203=0 . .
' -
The 'leady-•tate amplitu<L, Of vibration i~
r'+0.0 orl = 0.1345 . Z - - Y ( (J)/(J)n )2
r = 0.3667

The highest frequency ~t . Which the ampij~de can . be

·.· -"\f ['-C~) J+[ ~c~) f
. . ~ . y (r)2 .. · .
1-WI'th 1 percent accuracy is, therefore, · ,.
0.3667 x 20 = 7.335 kHz. .. . 2Z =
:;r[ 1-r'J' +[2gj" ...[-:~=r J


. ... (1) Now, . .&

measunnen~ from F.quatioii (I), we mnn (J) ... (1)
~re For 3 percent accuracy in ..cod ~-

' 0.97 :::: - 1 <o _ (~) • 628.32 __ r

.2 V ( 1 - r2 )2 + (129-.f or ·• ;;;; · - n··942A8

r -2r + 1 + 4,1:2 r2

:::: -
:.r :Q.6667 n or r2 ::: 0.4444(i :_ ~l

1 8 I; ~ 0.22 the above equati~n <'an be written"'
... (2)
:f<ro~ Equation (1) and (2), we get
~ - 1.4375 ~2 + 0.4794 . ::: 0

, .r ' · 0r2 -0.062 · ~ .o . . ·. ..

:.~ = 0.5260
and ~-9115
::: 1.76
lbe . . · r == 1.32 or~ = 0.7253 ·and 0.9547
Taking ; = 0.7253 . .. .. .
" •' h fr°')Uency at Which- . the amplitude can be
'. IJ2". ""-7.97i..t.-
•It .3 • therefore, Now, rod = inn~ . · .
I-. ".
, '\.QZ, Percent accuracy 1s,
g42.48 = ron'\/ 1 - (0.7253j'l
I . . : . ·· ..
ron = 1368.90 rad/s
The spring stitfu~Ss is, .

~ ... .... . . . . ....._. ...... _

Scanned Wilh Ca mScanner
- . - . .
:D namlcs of Machine MU • Sem 5 • Mech) . 10·15
·.· , . ... . . . . . . .... .. •. ,.. - 2 .
.· · · K =
m =O.olx(1368.89) · .• •. .·..

K ~ J 8738.56 N/m ... Ans.

:~ .'
·.·The druriping constnnl is•.
. c :::: 2 mco0~ = 2 x 0.01 x 1368.90 x 0.7253 ·

:. LOI = ZE,·~t -'t,'1
4 2
Soln.: :.'t, -'f. + 0.2430 = 0
fn =5.75 Hz, 'f. =0.65, y = ± 2% = 1.02 or 0.98 For - I% error ···frii)

. The steady state relative amplitude of vibration ·is, 0.99 = I

y ( (1)/(.00) 2 .
't,. -
'f,. + 0.2550 = 0
Equation (iv) gives imaginary roots and i<n · • -... . ... (i~l
2 "-'iUation (1u) giv
z 'f. = 0.570178 and 0.42982 ts.
:.y ... [put ro/ro0 =r] :.'f. = 0.7551 and 0.6556
2 ...Ans_
From response curve of vibration measuring instrument we
K = m ron =0.07 x (90 x 2n)2
an see that the curve for 'f. = 0.65 does not go beyond ZJY = 1. = 22.38 x 10 Nim

'herefore, to get frequency for 2% error we will take ZJY = 0.98.

The damping constant is,
... ~

= v[1.-:- r]2 2 +[2 x 0.65xr] 2 .

:. 0.98 c = 2'f,.wn m =2 x 0.7551 x (90 x 27t) X 0.07
c = 59.77 N-s/m
0.04 r + 0.31
r2 -1 =0
Solving above equation and talcing positive value we get,
.f (.0
.. r = 1.56 :.f
= - = 1.56

= 1.55 x 5.75 =9.00 Hz ... Ans.

!n.: fn = lOOHz

en :error± I%= J.01or0.99. f =90 Hz,m =0.07 kg 0

:. (l)D = fnx 2n =100 X 2n =628.31 racl/s
The ratio of recorded and the true velocity is given by, c = 20N-s/m; N = 3000 ipm
z · ;. (wlw )2 · 2 nN . 2nx 3000
R y = =. .;.. .
-;==:::::::==;;:!!::===:=:::;; :. (I) = 6()= 60
=314.15 racl/s
[1-(;j] .+[2s(;j] But, r =~- (l)n -
314.15 -0 499
628.31 - ·
.·r2 .
... (i)
:. R = ~(I -d + (2sd The steady state ampIi tude of recorded acceleration is,
. Y(co I ro;/
For its value to be maximum when .
z =- -========-
(l)n = r= ~or _·
I .
[1-(:j2r +[2s:J
Put equation (ii) in equation (i) we get

l -· • . •

,....... ..-... ...-.-i.r~

- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -· -----·-,~~~.·-------
- · .Y = co; y·=.104.71xo.s3s=56.~0 ' mmfs
. . .. Tile displacement of vibrating"machine is, - ~
. ' ' .' . ·:. z
Y= co2v.,,; (104.702>< 6.s3s = 5898.73 mmfs

. 1

lo9 ~ -;;:_(O 499)2'{+ [29< 0.499]2

'\f [1-- . . . - - .
_ 0 .8 190
~ .- - .c . ''
c :::: -
-Cc 2Jll -
~ ~ n
i~ o
.- o.st9 .
~ r;z=m >< 628.31 .
Given :N
~ o.ot94kg . •;.Ans. = 1000 rpm,
•• JJl,;::.
(l)n \j
'! II1
:. (J) = 21tX 1000
60 - 104.71 racl/s .

628.31 ::
0.0194 con =
...\Jm= f.Ifiliifil 31,
[!_ -\J~= . 6..22. rad/s
. z= 10 inm

= 7658.6 N/m · .•. Ans.

~ =0
The steady state relative amplitude is,
- 2
Y(c.o I <.0 0 )

z .= '\f[1-(;)'J' +[is (oo:)] '.

.. z = _1___(_:_)~-..,,-
- ... (:l; _= O]

N _ 1000 rpm , 10 = _v(~~:~~}

__.__ ___.___2 •• Y=89.03 mm
2itX 1000
:.w = 60 104.71 rad/s.
O)n= 20 rad/s . . Displacement of vibrating mac_h ine is 89.03 mm.
z = 0.5 mm= 0.5 x 10- m3 The velocity of vibrating machine is, _

~ = 0 y = ro· Y.= 104.71 'x 89.03 = 9:32 x 103 mm/~

The steady Slate relati ve amplirude is, The acceleration of vibrating machine is,
y ((l) I WO ) y =
olY =(104.71) x 89.03 = 976.14 x 103 mmJs2
z = --;=====::====:::;;
'./[1 -(;~J' +[~(:~]'
y (W I ffi n)2
.. z ::: ---__,,.._
...c:~ =01

·· o.s = v(¥) Soln.:

., , Given :m = 0.01 kg, <; = 0.707" · ·error 2% max
l -(1~071)-
· Maximum frequency of the signal to be measured = 200 Hz
• h·
y -- - 0 .:>-3 8 mm If an accelero~eter mass~stiffne~s:~~ping system has base
" ulspJ motion y =Y sin cot - · . : ·
acernent of . . . 2 .
'!be VeJ0c· vibrating machine is 0.538 mm.
·then Z r
y = [ (1 - r2/ + (2~r)2 ]_I~
lty Of Vibratj
- ng machine is,

Scanned wi th CamScanner
~ . '. : . ··.·

. '. .,. . Vibration Measurin

. .,,
· : , ·.· ·. · · . . . · (MU _seni s·- Mech
oynari'llCS -Of Mach1ner)' . .. .
:z . :.. y· (o>)z are the accele~auons ..
Z(o>n) . - . ·· . · .}

. ·And · z ·1
..;: yronh-
y (a>)
-· - z "'1
-: ((1 - r2)2 + (2g) ]

· ·· : ·· %'for positive value of r.

As error 1s 2 . . . ·
. 2 Soln. ~We know that steady state amplitude is,
- 0..98;
1 I7'!
z =--__.;__ _ _ _ __
. y(::J2
••. 0.98 . = [ (1 :- r2)2 + (2(0.707) r)~]

. Expanding,
1 '1[1-(C:j ]'+[><£}
(1 - rJ2 + 2r2 = 0.98"% = t.041 ;

1-zl + r' + 2r2== I.041

. For undamped system l; = an~0 ::..9t] ,
'put .[·: r
(l)n '

Giving r == · OAS ==w-n

Therefore ZIY = r2 I (1 - r2) '
Put Z=Y for true response,
As ro ::::: 200 Hz ;
. 1 = r2 t (1 - r2)
200 -
Ms =
444.44 Hz 2r2 = l
l_f"E . l_f"I 1
f == 2n \j m:. 444.44 =?;\J o.?1 r = -J2or

K = 77.98 kN/m
Henct: accelerometer parameter are m =0.01kg,K=77.98 kN/m,
~::::: 0.707.

051 = 10 mm= 10 x 10- 3 m, Z =1 mm

N =4000 rpm,
w ="6o =418.88rad/s.
~iven : Damping actor, l; = 0 .2
:.wn =~=~
Relative amplitude of, Z = 8 mm= 8 x 10- m
= 31.3209 rad/s.
Circular frequency of vibrating machine, w =40 rad/s.
00 418.88
The natural circular frequency of vi bro meter is, r = (J}n =
31.3209 :::: .13.3738

W0 = 4 rad/s The steady-state amplitudes of vibration is,

. . 40
(1) 2
The frequency rauo 1s, r =- = - =10 z = Yr
-'./ (1 - r + (2 ~ d

The steady-state amp]jtudes of vibration is,

2 z = Yr2
Z _ Y(wlw ) (1- r2)2

-'.f[ -(w:)J +[ w:)J'

l 2S (
l = Y(13.3738)
(1 - 13.3738 )

V[ 1 - r2J2 + [ 2~ r]2 :n =r]
:. z = (i) Maximum displacement = y = 0.9944 mm .
... .[-;
(ii) Maximum veloci'ty = (J} y = 418.88 x 0.9944
s x 10- 3 = y (10)2
vc 1- c10)~ + c2 x 0.2 x 10 12 2
Y = 416.5473 .mm/s

·· Y = 8.07x 10- 3 m (iii) Maximum acceleration= ol y = (418.88)2x 0.9944

Y = 174483.35 mm!s

$cpnned w it h CamSconner
to FFT SPectrum".. ......' T. .
,. ..• _,;;> ... ot '"~
~;;~~::r > u. i ... .· .· .
rff1•' NI, ' . -,· : mat,,;;.atic'i./.proce</ui-e
-- -

.to Obtqin I/
.... -,0

Ir- •
Vibration Measuring msuume
._' _ -_ -. - __ - : - - -
· ...·. ·· ·· · ·


- :_~

;ft:>,:" irat#Jorf11 '~: ~ut sig~al. ie

J - ~' -- aciven mp . - .
7;-' jr elf'
,,,;,;1 of .
. _ ·ell ts rep
resented by an ·equation or a graph or •
. u
• _ $isi1
al will
oints Wl
'th time ·as an tndependent Variabl .
. e ts
A_ { tfaUl P · · ther equattop or graph or -a set of d ta
, s~ o_ . d into ano . . . a - -n

, ·jig.llsfofllle re frequeocy
. . . .mdependen~
is the - variable' by usin g
\.,,tie (a) Signal~ In 'rime D<mWn
p0 . a.nsforrn· . _
_k ••
fier tr ucal se t of data. pomts can be converted
- to a
~~ ' . .
transfo~a~on pro.gramme ~n a digital

A (Ila sing fourier

tf11111·\) .
speC . .
uter. . .. . -
the met
hod to obtain the spectrum using computer is
fast fio urier transform (FFT).
fh!IS• _ . '
-- ~
co//edas . . .
coosider the acceleration ttme
. plot
• '- of-. a machine . structure that (b) Signals in Frequency Domain
.. d to the excessive vibrations which is shown in Fig. 10.10.1 : Representation or Signals In Different Form
is subJecte . . . . .. .
fjg. 10.l O.l(a). From this plot, tt is v~ry .,,. -. difficult to identify
Fig. 10.I0.2 shows the block diagram of FFT analyzer.
the cause of vibrations.
. The input sign°rus are supplied through a filter. The filter is
· Used to reject unwanted signals.
_ U the acceleration-time plot is transfomred . into the
acceIer:ation-frequency plot, the resulting frequency spectrum The next part is attenuator which sets the level of the signals
is shown in Fig. 10.10.l(b). -·to be fed to the analog to digital (AID). convener. This is
necessary to prevent the over loading of the converter.
_ Fiom frequency spectrum it can be seen that, the peak
The digital computer requires the data in the digital form.
response of the system at 50 Hz. This frequency c~n e~siiy be ·
Therefore, analog signals from attenuator are converted into
. relaied, for example, to the rotational speed of 'the motor.
digital signals in AID convener.
Thus, the frequency spectrum shows a strong evidence that,
The converted data is stored in the memory of the computer.
the motor might be the cause of vibrations.
-The input signals are sampled for a specific period of time
Hence, by changing the motor or by changing its speed of
called window. The sample rate, the window time and starting
operation, the resonance condition can be avoided.
time are determined from the front panel controls of FFr
- The instrument ~hich converts the input signal, with time analyzer. Once the sampling period is over and all the samples
as an independent variable, into frequency spectrum and are digitised, the computer starts the calculations.
~pl - . . al
,ays zt ,zn
graphical form is called as spectrum a.n yzer The computer has a programme for the calculation, and using
or FFr analyzer.
this programme all the spectral components are calculated and·
'Sucha 1 . . (" all the values are stored in the computer mem~ry.
. ~a Yzer receives analog voltage signals 1.e.
through th
Velocity, accOieration) fr0ffi ·a. amplifier The all digitised values stored in the colnputer memocy ~
, e filter for computations. . given to the digital to analog (DIA) convener which convens
l'he anal . ·· - . the digital signals fr?m computer into analog signals and send
_usecito finct t signals in numerical or .- graphical...fonn can be
to the cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) to display the
. he natural frequencies, mode shapes, etc. spectrum.
l~ - -
b .


1 ..
' ·-..._~ " " " ' " • '•

. .:a: -- -·--..~ .. - -- ... - ............. ,,____,, __

· .. ··. •


' ... ' oy~amicif of Machln'er}i (MU • Sem 5 • Mech) ' ' 10:19

Signal c:i:::::OI Filter
' .' ~ ·-

. AID Dig Ital

feitlcal .
Input r--...:·'.;.'.' '~.· .·
.·' . ~ : 'i;;,
~~- ~
Converter Computer . . .)
· From
· Amplifier . . ·.

Fig.10.10.2: Block Diagram ofFFT Analyzer ·

The ac~al FFT analyzer is shown in Fig. I0.10.3.

R/F Input

Directional Key
Soft Keys
Time Display
Rotary Knob.

.-. Floppy Drive


Fig. 10.10.3 : FFT Analyzer

10.10.1 · Applications of FFT Spectrum . The condition of the machines may be detennined by
measuring physical parameters like : ·. vibration, .noise,
i... · FFf analyzer can be used for obtaining the frequency temperature, wear debris, oil contamination etc. The changes
. , response characteristics of a vibrating structure or body.
in .. these parameters are called as signatures. The signatures
2. FFf analyzer can also be used in experimental modal analysis
or ' ~ode) testing for determination of natural frequency, indicate the change in condition or health or'machine. The
-' damping ratio and mode shapes etc. through vibration testing. analysis of signatures helps in predicting and preventing the
3. FFT analyzer . can be used for extracting the useful fail ure of the machine.
information from sampled signals.
The above parameters are me~sured or monitored
i. FFT analyzer is widely used in vibration and noise
monitoring systems. continuously or at regular intervals of time, depending upon
the applications.
Syllabus Topic : Introduction to Conditioning
· · · Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Co~dition Monito~ing _Techniques ,
0.11 Introduction to Vibration·Monitoring ~ (MU - oec.18)
(Condition Monitoring and
Diagnosis) of Machines
Condition monitoring of machine implies, the detennination
of condition of a machine and its chang.: with time.

pu1111t1 11cn'

10~20 ··
· Vibratiori Mea~c'.ir;~·gi~stru~ents.

be found.-in, increa~i~g -co~~ntration: :111u~. _the severity

' 1, of the wear can he ·;i~~-tified.'' . ,'observing _the by.
concentration, size, shape and colour of the particles.
- This. monitoring technique is suitable for condition
.monitoring ; of machitte .compo11ents. like . : ·bearings, ·
gears, etc. .1

... ~ .s.
Vibration Monitoring
- Vibration monitoring is most- co~monly used for
machine condition .monitoring: Vibratlon signature of a
machine are seen to be very much related to the health
?fa machine. · ·
.- Thus· .measurement of vibration . levels of machine
component can provide useful information regarding
. Condition Monitoring Techniques
10Jt.1. .. .. faults like unbalance, ffiisalignment, lack of oii; wear,
fig· · - d Aural Monitoring. _ etc. .
ViSUal Ml . • - .
~ J. d aural momtonng methods are basic fonns of - Fig. 10.11.2 sho~s the fr~uency spectrum of vibration
Visual an hn' · in ball bearings for original new and old ball bearings.
, . . . .on monitoring tee 1ques m which a skilled ·.
conditl . h . . . · The increased level of .vibrations and · additional peaks
operator or technician
. . avmg .an mtimate knowledge
. of ' indicate the bearing i~ def~cted. · .
hines can identify the frulure of machine, just by ,
!!lac fl rd
visual observation o arge amp 1tu es of vibrations or
' 500

by listening the sounds caused by damaged Parts of •

~ ~-1-· ·,_ /f\'\
/-\ . I .r, .
/ \ -. /
_ ..
-/'" ... .
/f · \., I \ I ' I .... .....
Sometimes a microphone is used to hear· the machine . 300 ,,,..,.... _, \ ./ \_/ _ ......... ...(,~ B~ls N -
200.i. , /
• 2, Operational Variables Monitorin~
100 200 300 -400 500
In operation variables monitoring method, the Frequency (Hz) -

performance of machine is observed with regards to its

function work. Fig.10.11.2::-Vibratio~ ~pectrum For Ball Bearings
Any deviation from the intended performance indicates a 10.11.2 Vibration Monit~~ing Techniques
malfuitction of the machine.
~ 3; Temperature Monitoring ~

- Temperature monitoring involves measuring the surface .

temperature of a machine.
- A rapid increase in . temperature occurs due to more ·
friction and wear of machine parts, which indicates the '
IIlaJfunction such as inadequate lubrication between two ,
lllating Parts.

- lbis monitOting technique uses devices like optical . The vibration monitoring t~hniques ru.;·~l~~sified as follows :

PYrometers, thermocouples and
Wearn . etc.thermo~eters [Fig. 10.11.3.] ·.

ebris Monitoring VlbraU~n Monitoring Technl~ues

~ Wear deb · -
. SUrf; ns are generated due to friction between two ·
l'h aces of the machine parts.
· ese Wear • · · · il
Particles can be found in the lubricating o s
0r Time Domain 1 • • i• j •c..

-..:::i""ge. Which can -be used tO .identify

. the. extent of .
' ~~he ""te of w
.-...:::: •
11 ··
. -- · . "
· ·
· ·" ·
·a1 can
-.· Fig.10.11.3 : Vibra'tiOii MoriitOririg Techniques
~ .'";
ear increase, the part.tcles of maten • l ..

·*V T•thK.no111\ed~
.... ·: ::.,·' : ,. ·; ... •.
'~ . .' .· . •'·. ,,,·

. .. ·
. ~ ' .

"• :o.,·n~mlcS -.
->.,· ;: >~r , ..
ofMachine . (MU - Sem·s · .Mech)
·- 1()-21 :\fibrati6ri Measu ·· : ·-· ·•- · · : .··. ' ·'{;
nng lnstn; :. ·' .
. ..· _. ; . , . · . l'l'le111s
~· 1;. :1'~; Dom~in AnaiysiS :· frequency spectrum when it is in ruunaged.·
, . , . ,, . COlldjtj '

.. _ .. Time domairi analysis uses the acceieration-time histoiy .

nature and location of fault can easily be' d · ·.on. the
. .. ~te-0.
· of the signal. Another advantage of frequency ·Spectru ' . ·· , · ..
Iha · Ill· IS .'1
The damages such as .broken teeth in gears can be element in machine has identifiable fr · ~ each
· · . . .· · ·equency
. • therei·
· identified easily · from the acceleration-time histoiy of ' the change m the spectrum at given fr ·. . . ore
- . .. equency can
the casing of n gear box. . attributed directly to that correspo ct· , be
, . n mg l?lach·
For example Fig. 10.11.4 shows the acceleration-time component, ~ shown in Fig. 10.11.s. inc
.signal ofa single stage gear box.
The peaks in freq~ency spectrum ;u.e
. . re1atcd to Varj
000 . components, as shown in Fig. 10.IU(b). OUs

The analytical equations are avaiJabJ t fi ·

. e o ind .the fault
frequencies of standard components like . beari · ·
. . . · ngs, gear ·
boxes, motors, pumps, fans, etc.


. (a) Time Domilin Spectrum of a Good Gear Box


0 (a) Machine Elements or.Components

20 40 80 80 100 120
Bearings (1)
llme(ma)- f
(b) Time Domain Spectrum of a Bad Gear Box of Vlbration (m)

Fig. 10.11.4 : Time Domain Analysis

Frequency (H,)-
~ 2. Frequency Domain Analysis ·
(b) Frequency Spectrum of Machine When it is in Good
Frequency domain analysis or frequency spectrum is the
plot of amplitude of vibrations versus frequency, which
is converted from time domain signals by using FFf
Bearings (1) Beamgs(4)
spectrum analyzer. Baaringa (6)

The frequency spectrum provides . the valuable

· Amplltude
of Vibration (m)
information about the condition of a machine.
A frequency spectrum of any machine is somewhat
unique therefore as long as the excitation forces are Frequency (H,) -

constant or vary by small amounts, the measured

(c) Frequency Spectrum ofMachhie When it is in Bad
vibration level of the machine also remain constant or Condition ·
varies by small amounts. Fig. 10.11.S
When machine starts developing faults, its vibration 10.11.3 Instrumentation Systems for
level or shape of frequency spectrum changes Condition Monitoring
. .
. accordingly, By comparing . frequency spectrum of Depending upon the degree of sophistication, following three
machine when . it is in good condition, with the types of instrumentation systems can be used for condition
monitoring of machines :
y 1
pua1u1111 i


Scanned w ith Camscanner

.. . ~


· '··· · · ·· Vibration Measuring Instruments · .

- In ~~-ili~ data Cannot bC an~lyzed jn the fi~ld, it ~m~Y ~

recorded on a magnetic tape.recorder and it analysed lD
.. the laboratory separately such system 'is called field
measuring system; which is shown in Fig. 10.11_.8.

•g. I0.11.7 : Portable Condition Monitoring System
·u~rt· Monitoring System
t J. '

·' . · le pOC

. ;
· ·
. . .
· '
hown in Fig. 10.11.6.
. ondition . momtonng ' system
baste c .: .
. consist of .
.. a
ket sized vibration met~r, strobosco}le and [-.. :H>--H ~:- H ~ J · (a) Recording la Field

t ass
be3dSe •
'file v1bra
(i.e. acce
. .

: tion meter measures the overall vibration levels
Ieration or velocity) over smtable. frequency
. . .
: _· ~~r H ~fder '

(b) Analysis la Labonto~"Y

ranges. .
, . rall vibration levels can also be plotted against
'file ove , . . , .. . Fig. 10.11.8 : Field Measuring System
~ (iine to find how rapidly the ".ondition of ~achine is

·-t"3. ·Computer Based Condition Monitoring System
Th~ measured vibration level is compared with standard
In computer based condition monitoring system [Fig .
. Jevel set for particular machine and take corrective
10.11.9] a mini-computer is used i, for analysis and
action. if is needed.
storage cif data-from a large number of .machines.
The stroboscope indicates the speed of machine and I " !

11eadset helps in bearing the machine vibration by an . - A .F Fr spectrum analyzer would give an instantaneous

experienced operator over a period of time and find its picture of frequency spectrum..Each :recorded spectrum

condition. · can be compared with a reference spe~trum which stored

earlier in computer for important co~1ponents.
:.. .' In .case any of the ~pectrurn level excee.d s beyond the'.
Vlbratlon permissible spectrum level, a control signal is sent to the
I ' ( ,I
. machine concerned.

The output result can also be printed· which is available

in the memory' bank.

Fig. 10.11.6 : Basic Condition Monitoring System - · This .monitoring system is very usefu\l and .economical
for monitoring the number of machines.
.. 2. Portable Condition Monitoring System

- The portable condition monitoring system c~~sist of Slgnll•

piezo-electric accelerometer, FFT analyzer and recorder, Clllfer..-il
Methinet .
as shoWJ!jn Fig. 10.11.7 . .
- ~e FFr analyzer stores the vibration spectrum, taking
signals from accelerometer from different measurement
points. Conlrd Signe! ta Mactllne
- Each recorded spectrum can be compared with a
reference spectrum which recorded earlier at that · Fig. 10.11.9 : Computer Based Condition Monitoring System
Particular measurement point when maclune
· was ·m
w . conct·ttion.
good · Any change in spectrum
" · d'1cates f ault,
hich neects further mvesti
. . ation
. ..

.::.:.-=::. - -- - - ···-·---

Scanned with Cam Scanner

.' .. . :: ·· . .··

.· . ·· ,> ~
.. . ,
•' , '.' ,' '·..; ·· 1. .,· ...
'''. .

• •.• Dyna~i~s of Machinery (MU - Sern 5'.- Mech) . ·.. : 10.~23 ·_x:.:
··. ,1O.l f.4 ·Analysi$ of Re~ults · .: . , .
·· 10.12 case studies . :.· .· ·•.·
· · ·· ·. ·th. ·· · . I.ts are taken. from vibration -monitoring system,
Once e resu . · .. . In order to come up with .state of the art
: ~
'·v· >
i'n ·b· .: ·; _': . · ' .
is to identify: the cause'
s of vibrations so · · · i raff • ·'
. . . .. . l
. th.e next s ep . . . . as to technique, it is necessary to do the experimentar · on analisi
· . . . . ion and s.
· take the ~orrective action. date mformat1on .about ne_w d~velopments, latest tools, &et,upio
and :.methodologies ado~ted m _actual practice. Ren~~1que
Therefiore, know ledge of identifying .the fault from measured
. section the two c_ase studies are taken up for reviewin · ' lD this
:data is verj important. trend~ Of vibration based con~ition monitoring·· Usg ~e ~Urtent
Cd m ac1u3.1
F~;lowing table gives
practice. .. · . . · ·· ·
the general guidelines for identifying
1. Bearing fault Analysis using frequ~n ·
the causes of vibrations. Analysis . · cy
Table 10.11.1 : Guidelines for Identifying Causes of Vibrations
Vibration basedcondition monitoring in proc . · .
got now a day's · very big .importance:
· Diagness. tndustry has
. · osing the (
before happenmg can save the millions of doll . au1ts
and can save the time· as well. It has been foundars
th Of lndustn.~,
monitonng o f ro11'mg ~lement· bearings
· has e at· bcondition
, . . na led co l
l. Unbalanc Same as Radial saving of over 50% as compared with the Id .. s
Amplitude methods. · '· 0
e due to running of
Rotating speed The most commoi:i method of monitoring the co d' .
vibrations . element b earmg
rolling . is. b y usmg
. vibration signaln Ilion .of
proportiona Measure the v1 rations of machine recorded b ana1Ys1s
'b . . ·
. y Ve1OC1ty
1 to sensor or Accelerometer continuously which is ·m,
. of the machme.
the casmg . · . .. OUntect On
force due to In rotating machines mainly faults occurs due·
bearings. · to faulty
parts. Following table sl~ows percentages of failure of rotating
machines due to vanous components :
2. Unbalanc Same as Radial Amplitude
e due to Speed of of
Reciproc reciprocatin Bearing 40%
ating g parts Stator 38%
Parts Rotor
lto 10%
unbalanced Other 12%
force due to
A vibration sign<!-1 produced by the process, allows ~onitoring
reciprocatin and making ~oriclusions about the operational state of the
g parts. machine, in addition to that allows taking appropriate
3. Misalign Usually 2 x Radial and measures to extend the time of use ~d to minimize. costs
ment of Speed axial vibrations resultant from the machine's down time which results in cost
Coupling effectiveness.
are large as
, Bearing
compare to Bearing· has Inner Race, Outer race, Balls as rolling elements.
or Shaft
axial Each bearing is associated with it some characteristic
vibrations. frequencies which are dependent on bearing geometry. Fig.
4. Rolling Usually at Radial and 10.12.1 shows the basic elements of bearing.
Bearing ball or axial vibrations
Defect roller speed - Outer.
are fairly raceway
large as
compare to . ~

vibrations. Balls

Fig.10.12.1: Sectional view.bearing ...


vy TecUa..IHtt
Pu•11c111o u

Scanned w ith CamScanner

".. . 0 ry l•v1u - .:>1:1111 ::> - Mech) . · .
./ r _ f fy1achln . .. . :.10.24 · '• .• : ·: : • ~-. :· •· ..;_:7.£:

f:•·:·. , .9r11;o5.O 0
f mechamsms that can lead· to be ..
• d ilrtng
• 'p
~d corrosi~n ~~ng •Oder. i,
h•mcal amages, cracks, wear •nd . 1\, ·.,
. Vibration Measurin Instruments
· ,,..;.diDg etc. Wear results in gra'.;"· ·. •details;
· •. or •Yi•O 21i3 Z,· wilh roilowing ·
t defidencY
·1!1f illc . g components when lubrication is
. not
uai : · · ·
J~btl·cD'1 uo• 11 of .0 11 be tween metal
beann 6
to metal increases . ro0r

~ ~ofaflle fficU ases .the bearing

~e . . component temperatu re, ·
·Air . incre the detenoration pro~ess. Bearing h
. I . .. IO (Inner Diameter) : 17 mm .
· r;~t$u~eds u~
~ sr·11
nment of high humidity may subiecledl at 2. OD(O
· ·
uter.diameter) : 40 rrim
es •' an e. n an d produce su .~ected rust
nv1ro b" J lo 3,
~1· .·"idauo
, Particle s and nan diameter : 6 mm
Cf'1al .• o ·cJes c,an produce. rapid wear.
Aa'" irt1 · . · 4. . Cage diameter : 30 mm
SV'is' .rMSe IPt>eafl" . gs with angular
. contact With the. cage• th e :
p •·
·tbll bal· tatIC . and the inner nng· rotates at the shaft Sl"li>AA
I""'-\!. · Number or balls : 8.
Frequency ""~J · .
fO! ·pg
' ('ll1er fl ctefl sue
1s s. , fault frequencies can be calculatec1
. by th e .
· cbafa ations :
· ·· od c
... ... Ys1s is the most commonly used meth ior
~ wiog eqll
fol o. all pass freq
uency outer race (BPFO)
n d
analyzing a v·b . . •
1 ration signal. 1be most basic type of frequency

, ·~ BPFO = 2 f (1 .c 0 cosp) analysis is an FPr or Fast Pouri~r Tr~sfonn.,

which converts

... (1) . a signal from the time domain into the frequency domain.
F equency inner Race (BPFI) :
sail pass r . n ( d . ) ApProxirnations are low frequency components and details
BPFI ~ 2 f 1 + 0 cos a are,high frequency cOmponen~.

all pass Roller Fr~quency

. (BPRF) : Calculated frequencies by formulae given above
( .. d ·
f 1-: (ocos ~)
.2) l. BPFQ =i53.6 Hz.
2. . BPFI = 240 Hz.
'f is the shaft frequency, 'n' is the ,number of balls, 'Wis · 3. BPRF=80Hz
, thwhere t angle between inner race and outer race 'd' is the
e cootac . . h d" . ,
. t r 'D' is beanng pitc iameter. · Fig. 10.12.3 shows FFT of Healthy Bearing.
balld1ame e . .. . .
eons! er • . .~ .. :· .
. . ·a experimental set up shown m . Fig. 10.12.2, the .
· Accelerometer is ~oun~ed <?n ~otor .verti~~al_ly .1t. has, smgle . c 2 '

annels for recordmg signals. Smee 1t ha~ mbuilt electronics a

: . i< oot necessity of any kind. of signal Conditloniog , litl .5
circuit §1


0 I 11 . I
l I
0 200 . 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Fig. 10.12.3 : Healthy Bearing

Table Il shows the Acceleration value at each frequency in

• !.
tablular fonn.

Table 10.12.1 : Frequency vs Acceleration for healthy bearing

Fig.10.12.2: _Experimental setup

Following are the motor specifications

I. I<Wlflp: 0.37/0.5. 0.23
2. 248 0.07
Speed : 2880 RPM at no load 347
3. o:os·
Voltage ~230 V "
4. 548 0.04
Frequency : 50 Hz. ' . 743
5. 0.05
Current: 2.6 A 971 0.03
1040 0.02 ·
., ..... .. .

Scanned with CamScanner

<: ·~ :
I . ··
. .·. ·
'. ~·- ~. ... . .
. ".
'· . · ..

·...::i:>yn~~ic~ of Mac.i1lriery (MU - seni 5 - Mech) . ·' 10-25

· Note carefully in abov~ FFI'. the magnitude of 50 Hz_and 149 : .2.

Hz comp;nent~.- First hannonic at 50 Hz indicate that there is .
unbalance in power supply. '
As shown in Fig. 10.12.3, it can be noted that at a 149 Hz
there is dominating component,th,an in Fig. 10.12.4 and if we ·
compare our calculated result of frequency for outer.race th:n
it is at 153.6 Hz. Hence we can conclude.that there IS fault m '
·outer race. ·

10 -

,' . ..
., ~ 6
. v-149 Hz •,


I I I. I ti l. •••
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14Po 1600
Frequency ·
Fig. 10.12.4: Outer rac~ fault Fig. 10.12.6

Table 10.12.2 : Frequency vs Acceleration for faulty bearing Consider a gearbox in a large plant connected ~ith the a
industry. The gearbox had an input shaft with p per
· · dri' I bll · · a 20 tooth
p101on vmg a arge u gear with 130 teeth which, in turn
drives another bull gear of the same size. The two '
. . , gears are
50 7.4 connected to 1arge stee1 rollers about 24 inches 1·0 ct·
· •· •a.meter
The two output gears tum at 52 rpm and the pi~on turn ·
149 3.5 . p· . sat
302 rpm ass hown m 1g. 10.12.6. · .

248 0.53 . The lub~cating oil in the gearbox was regul_arly subjected to
'analysis, ~d the last report stated that ~ere were iron
348 0.66 particles in the oil. The maintenance ·supervisor asked if we
could determine the source of the oil contamination and the
489 0.89
first thing we did Was to examine the vibration Spectra
976 0.57 measured .near the bearings.
The spectra looked normal, without evidence of bearing to~es.
992 l.2 so we suspected that the metal was coming from one or more
of the gears as shown in Fig. 10.12.7. The problem then
1023 l.8
became to identify the faulty gear (if any), so as to allow the
maintenance effort to proceed without delay.
Fig. 10.12.5 shows the time domain signal which is recorded
by Accelerometer. PCE axial LOU
· x10 - 3 · Clean signal 110
. V RPM : 301 (5.02)'
a,---..~....,..~..,...~"T-~.---..~ ......~......---. V max 91.5 (6960 CPM 23)
6 90 Gear mesh frequency harmonics ·

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

-60 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Fig.10.12.7
Fig. 10.12.5: Time domain graph of healthy bearing
• Teclbtll~
• ' u • IU' 11e1 nt

Scon ned w i th Cam.Scanner

f-f:!r < chi~erY (MU - Sem ·s - Mech) . . '·· -
----,---::--:-;-::;:~ .. ..... -:- - - .. ~ '- ::--,
. " : 'c·:· ." ' . :; " .;: : ; ·'. · · .:, -..~
~«:.· . tN'a. . : .·:: . :. ·. .,.' . . . . ::,~ ::1
':/:,' ~ o ·synchronous ave~ging of the gearbo·". ;
~· 9~ rfot1ll · . . . . ic .
, Jed tO VC.
• .·
·e involves the .Use c;>f lachornet
,N..; 5
er • .·
;"~ Vibration Meas~ring Instruments
1 ,.. .

~~ i:0. si.giiattlf
. niztng·. trigger
. in the vibration analyze r to .. . I
if' .A sY
·es of waveform
. sa~ples
: h" . h th. at are averaged ,-

r J s<~
. .

rtant part of t IS . IS t at the beginning Of

f'.:. ..
·.11!ef· 'file unpO • at exactly the sarne time in th e :..
0 rd mus. t occur
': pJlltl
rec gear .in question.
. . . . I
. " .
f ·oP. { tJie· . :.entir
. ·e· vibration signal
· that .comes frorn th e·
·s al . . th•)lasize . it in the time domain average and •Ii th e -·06
~i. bO eJllPp1panents from the other;gears, shaft 'Pill and "
. etc. to be averaged ouL This P•Oduces a. ti111e 10 10 20 ~
' • g "'"'
1#10 show , the individual
. ". . . teeth
. on
. the
: . .· &ear, W'th
I Fig.10.12,930

,efoJ1ll . ·nation from other components from. the . , _ 45

contrunl .· , . . ;
doing synchronous averaging, the analysis .
On h" . . · ·• the
at t '8 data, We found lhat the keyway m
<ii , Whell
· . · . Pinion sh ft

..,. · the analyzer are ·so the ; time t<cord a ·was badly worn such that d" g..,. could be
r· " ofa I ·
ans .. . . . rotated
. b ·

••tafllete i'ttle mme that one revolution on the gear. , · ack and fonh on the sh.rt by about one-half of a

.ioi• . 1 .;,plished since the time tecord length (f) is ;
tooth at the edge of the g..,, There w., alro visible clearance
' '

ciproca of . '
line spacing (DF) in the spectmlll, It . between the shaft anct the bore of the .pinion, The bull gean;
io• matter of choosiog a frequency span and """'her . showed no sign of damage.
jjnes so;l/DF is longer
. _.than l .divided by the&<% Spee<)· in . -
, of tffz). Of course, 1t 1s possible to. look. at the spectrum
As. mentioned earlier, synchronous averaging is not a new
, ""
iaken from , synchronized wavefonn, hut. .we. did . not bother
technique, but it seems to be Seldom USed in industry. It is not
~ ·do ·"thi
. s since the waveform
.. provided
· the needed .
jnforuiation. . . . , a difficult thing to do, and can result in information about a
using synchronous · averaging, the number of averages machine thitt is almost impossible to obtain any other way.
sed must be quite large; usua11 y in
· When · the viclllity
· · · of.100 or so.
Furthermore, there are many analyzers on the market that do
u. th.e tests described
. here,
. we used 90 averages. (See Fig. .
it, from Stnal! battery-powered Units to larger mains-powered
I0.1 2.sfor the"setup details). · · · _systems.

The · following photos of the pinion
damage : ., illustrate the
One revolution
·--- of pinion ·--

Gear With damaged tooth '
Averaged wave forms

Fig. 10.12.8

• In many cases of synchronous averaging" the time record is

much interesting that the spectrum, · ~ince
·the spectrum '.
no time information and the time.domain shows any .
in the gear meshing. In this case, all the spectra

Were Unremarkable, simply showing the gear mesh frequency 1
sorne harmonics. 1• • ·; -· . .

Fig.10.12.10: This .photo shows the spalting in the Pinion bore
' When We d'd synchronous averaging on each of th e two bull ·
! :'°''~ere
L caused by the gear turning back and forth on the shall

~- '-Wau~ When We Performed

Was no indication of any defei:t in the .waveform. '
, the same test on· the pmion,
· · the
. Vefonn told another story. There was - b . : area on ,
. the g an o vrnus . ·
ear uWhere.
"'! non ·. the ..meshing with the bull gear was .very noisy
• niforrn. (See Fig. 10.12.9).

Scanned w ith CamScan ner

, •.· ·
.. ~ :· ' · · · , ~
'~ .
. . ...·~ . -: .
• • o w • : • \

' • • •


. ·Vibration °Measunn
4. . For Acce.l eratlon Pick-Ups
.(~ro) .« ~.
. n .

1. Why the measurement of vibr~tion ·. · · --

. sis neces
[Section 10.1] . · sa'Y?
2. How vibration measuring instrum .
ents are cla . .
[Section 10.3} · ssifi0d?

3. Explain the w.orking principles of :

(i) Vibrometers . [Section 10.
(ii) Velocity pick-ups [Section 10.
(iii) Accele'rometers [Section 1o.6] ·
(iv} Frequency mea.suring instruments
[Section 10.7}

4. What are the various types of amplitude · .

instruments ?[Section 10.4]
5. Explain the working principle of seismic instrull'lent.
Discuss the response curve and variation of phase
angle with frequency ratio ?[Section 10:4.2]
6. ·Explain the working of active type velocity' pick-up
and passive type velocity pick-up.

Fig. 10.12.U : This photo is a close-up of the edge or a [Sectloris10.5.1 and 10.5.2)
damaged tooth 7. Explain the working of accelerometer.
Note the upset metal at the end of the contact area
[Section 10.6]
10.13 List of Formulae 8. What are the various types of frequency measuring
instruments ? Explain the working of fullarton
1. Steady-State Relative Amplitude for VlbraUon
Pick-Up tachometer.[Sections 10.7 and 10.7.1]
9. Write short notes on :
(i) Fraham.tachometer[Sectlon 10.7.2]
(ii} Stroboscope.[Sectlon 10.7.3]

2. Phase Difference Between Exciting Motion 10. What are vibration exciters? Explain the working c
and Relative Motion for VlbratlonPlck-Up various types of vibration exciters.[Sectlon 10.9]
-if ~ ( w I w" )] . 11. Explain the experimental method for determinin
<I> = tan L1 - ( w I Wn) the damping coefficient of oil used in viscou
3. For Vibration Pick - Ups and Velocity damper.[Sectlon 10.8]
12. What is FFT? With the help of block diagran

(~) >>1
explain the working of FFT analyzer. State tt

Scm1r1~witl 1Can1Sc<lr11M!'I
--.... -~
.· , ' ": ..

. Vi~rati~ri Measuring Instruments .

.What . do you mean .by: ·'~ib~~ti~~ · ·~o'~ii~~ng of·
. machines? Explain _\,aiio~~-~ . ~Jes· ': 0~ .: vibra.,t ion _
- monitoring technique~, ·- .. '. .-- - , -- ..- ; .. .

. [Sectlons10.11.1 (5) a~d, 1'0.11.2] . ·•..

w . ., " . " ' ·. ' .
.· hat are the various instrum'entation -systems used
for condition monitoring? [Sectl~n 10.·f1~3] _, ,;
What ~re. the v;riou-~ types of vibration tes~ used t6 .
know the system -characteristics?[Section 10.12].

Chapter Ends ...

oaa :

·.,' -' .

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. .,. ··~ !: ,. . .: . . ' .· .·... ·.

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Syllab.u s

Critical speed of single rotor, undamped and damped.

11.1 - Introduction

~ (MU· May 12, Dec.13, May 15, May 16, Dec. 16)

Syllabus Topic : Critical speed of Single Rotor,


When a· rotor is mounted on a shaft, its center of gravity

usually does not coincide with the axis of rotation of the shaft 11.2 Critical Speed of Shaft Carrying
This center of gravity is normally displaced from the axis of Single Rotor (Without Damping) .
rotation, although the amount of displacement may be very ~ (MU - Dec. 14, May 15, May 16, Dec.16, Dec.1~
small. ' . . ' .. ' !£:'

This displacement of centre of gravity may be due to one or

more of the following causes :
I. Eccentric mounting of the rotor on the shaft
2. Lack of straightness of the shaft,
3. Bending o_f shaft under the action of gravity in case of
horizontal shaft,
4. Non-homogeneous rotor material, and
5. Unbalanced magnetic pulJ in case of electrical
Consider a vertical shaft having negligible inertia and
carrying a single rotor, as shown in Fig. 11.2.l.
As a result of this initial eccentricity of the center of gravity Fig. 11.2. l(a) shows the shaft in stationary condition, while
from the axis of rotation, shaft is subjected to a centrifugal Fig. 11.2.1 (b) shows the shaft in rotating condition.
force when it begins to rotate. Let, 0 = point of intersection of bearing centre line with the
This centrifugal force acts radially outwards, which makes the rotor. It is the point on the axis of rotation,
· shaft to bend in the direction of eccentricity of the C. G. s = geometric centre of the rotor
This further increases the eccentricity, and hence the G = centre of gravity of the rotor
magnitude of centrifugal force. In this way the effect is m = mass of the rotor, kg
cumulative and ultimately the shaft may fail. e = eccentricity of the rotor i.e. distance between the
Because of this unb~lanced centrifugal force, a shaft starts C.G. of rotor and geometric center 'S', m
vibrating violently in the direction perpendicular to the axis of y = deflection of geometric center 'S' from point 'O'
the shaft. This phenomenon is known as whirling of shaft. due to centrifugal force, m

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·. ...

';··- ~.. '...i . ..:

:.. Rotor Dynamics ··

- ..-- . '
•-, ~- I - '

• r- _ _. · , , ': ••

. ..,

·. [· •
• Cl)==-
2 . KJ
II · m . -~~(11.2.1) j
Frorn Equati (1 . . . . . ·.· . I
the shaft •on• . 1.2.J)
. 11" clear that,.,
. .the angui., 'Speed of. ' 'j
. " •ncrease,, the deflection of the shaft 'y'
lllcreases. IVben '0>'. hecollles equal to 'm,;, the defleotion of
(a) Shaft in Stationary Condition the sbaft 'y' hecon.e, infin;ty. . . ·. . '
I ,
.1n..,;the ''"oi at Which the defleciion ofthe ,i,,,ft tends io be
"/Uiity is ,.,..,, Q, <riticaJ 'P"d oe Wh"1U,g ip<ed. .

- given by, the ttitioaJ

'Ibe.eron:, ' Speed or Speed of shaft is
coc ::: co0

coc::: ~·~s } ·
... (H.2.2)
or oo, = ~.<ad/, . r:

or Ne ::: ~==fn~ . }
or Ne ::: , fn.{!.r.p.~. ..
.~ .(11~2.3)
· Where, Ne ::: Critical speed, in r.p.s.
o ·: : Static deflection of the shaft, m
Hence, Equation (11.2.I) can be Written as,
(CO/coc )2 e
{b) Shaft in Rotating Condition ·Y == 1-(co/col
... (11.2.4)
Fig. 11.2.l
11.2.1 Ranges of Shatt Speed
~shaft is in rotating C-Ondition as shown in Fig. 11.2.l(b),
1h:n there are two forces acting on the shaft : From Equation (11.2.4) it is seen that, there are three ranges
of shaft speed 'co' :
I. Cenbifugai Force = ., •>' (y + e) : It acts iu radially
oUt\varct direction through point G. Ranges of shaft speed
< •"estoriJlg Force ::: Ky : It acts .m radially inward
direction through point G. 1
. Shaft speed (oo) <Critical speed (we)
. ~g farce. lberefore,
""lnihlin..,. condi-tion, the centrifugal foree is equal to
. Shaft speed (oo) = Critical speed (<oc)
Centrifugal force ::: Restoring force
·· rnul (y + e) ::: Ky a. Shaft speed (oo) > Critical speed (<oc)

Scanned with Ca mSca nner

.• _.oyn0mics~Machin0~(MU-Sem5-Mech) ; _,. '.
11-3 ... , ,_ . ... . . _·•··. "
.;+ · .1.. ·SbaftsPeed (0>) .c:Cri~cal speed (~3 , ·:. ··-.1. : ' · '-:ve ..-i-:.
. ._......;...·-·+ve '·;,;q
Wlien the · s~ of shaft. is less than the critieal speed •·· . .. · :Yj
(i.e. ro<roc); the.deflectionofshaft ~y· is positive. · , ·. · ··- ..·.; ·, _'.' -~..1
In this speed rarige, the deflection of shaft 'y' and eccentricity . .. .<~\
'e' are on opposite side of.the ·geometri_c ·centre of the rotor ... .' ,
··s· - . ..
- ..
This means, th~ rotor rotate~ with heavy side outwards; as
· shown in Fig. I l.2:2(a).
In this speed range, the deflection of.shaft 'y' increases with
shaft speed '(I)'.
-+ 2. Shaft speed (ro) = Critical speed (me) . ·. ·
When the speed of'shaft is equal to ...tiie critical speed
. (i.e. ro ;, roe ), the deflection of shaft 'y' tends to be infinity
and the shaft vibrates with large amplitude. This may lead to
the failure of the shaft.
-+ 3• . ~haft speed (co)> Critical spi:ed (roe)
·When the speed of shaft is greater than the critical speed (i.e.
ro >roe>, the deflection of shaft 'y' is negative. . (c) When co >>fi>c
- .In this speed range, the deflection of shaft 'y' and eccentricity
'e' are on the same side of the geometric centre of the rotor Fig. 11.2.2 : Ranges of Shaft Speed
'S'. Ex. 11.2.1
. ' .
This means, the rotor rotates with light side outwards, as A vertical shaft of 12 mm diameter rotates in sl .
shown in Fig. ll.2.2(b). bearings and a disc of mass 15 kg is mou~ted eevthe Oournal)
. · on e shaft 1
In this speed range, !YI > !el. As the shaft speed 'm' increases, mid span. The distance between two bearings i a
· . s 0·5 m. lithe
the deflection of shaft 'y' approaches - e. C.G. of rotor 1s 0.8 mm from the axis of the shaft d t .
· . , e ermine.
Whe_n ro >> ooc, y =- e ; which means that the centre of (i) the critical speed of rotation of 'the shaft; and ·
gravity of rotor 'G' approaches the axis of rotation 'O' and (ii) the speed range in ~hich the bending stress in sha .
exceed 125 N I mm . · ft Will
the rotor rotates about its C.G, as shown in
Fig. l 1.2.2(c). This principle is used in running high speed Assume E =2 x 105 N I mm2.
turbines by speeding up the rotor rapidly beyond the critical Soln.:
speed. When 'y' approaches -1 the value of
' - e', the rotor runs steaclily.
-va,. ' +ve

Fig. P. 11.2.l(a)

(a) When ro < COc · (b} When ro ><De Given : Diameter of shaft, d = 12 mm= 0.012 hi
Fig. ll.2.-2(Contd._) Mass of disc, m = 15 kg
~·~ Ttdllao•lfllgi
w\' p YflllCillllOn S

Scanned w ith CamScanner

~~.·.'. ,\' \.' ... · rJl8c;;11u •- ·• · '"ll:ICO .~~)
1f.W>~1~·of ~ngs,l. =o:s m·: . . '· ·· - ·
----- - •• , . .. ,3 _ . ' - .

., _.· ·-,\ :~
t :'Q ·. . ll t\\'O · - 0 8 - .. ; . .· .
. . rJ'ee _ (licitY· e - . mm== 0.8 X-10-:3: . ' -
.-.i,e ~tl = 125N/ 2 1- Ill .Rotor c:>ynarriics
'l ~et1dlllg
··. · . stress. O'b ,. nun
125x106N /ni2 - "' Y • l.os$x 10-•,. . ' '·
-, ... _ .· ;,,
- ··The •it,,.•[ dctl«iiao •lahall y
°'• ·•mt ••Bative. When "' > "'~ He-.·
will be positiv•
;.\ . . 1asticity, B = _2 x 10s NI nun2' .
, .i.1lllsofe = 2 x 1011 NI m2
"' < ..
Poaitivcaa wcu as nc&ative value of y, ·
. 2 ·
tion of Shaft (S) .. :i::y · ·== · ~
(corwJ e
.· . pefleC . . . · I - (w I c;;;.r
;t'dC shaft is supported in sleeve (jou
- e tlJe . . . rnal) .be . . (CO!(J)J2e .
~ , Sill~ is tong beanng,. it may .be assumed th
- _\~1i1cb rted between fixed ends. . ·
at the shaft
==~ ;
iS sllPpO the deflection of shaft is (NINJ2e
· .n.erefore.
_:jjJ_ =
3 '
mg l ==~
5 ::: 192 El E n . 5 x 10 _ 3 ::: ~
... :l:Ios <NINJ2 x0.8x1
. o- 3
192 X64<14
15 x 9:81 x <0.5)3 - ..
:. ± l.3563 == -:---...!:..__
11 1t - ·
192 x ~ x 10 . x 64(0.012)4 . 1-(N!NJ
3 - 'faking positive sign for y,
. 5 ::: 0.4706x 10- m-: l.3563- l.3563 (N1I = (N I NJ2 NJ2
·· · ·-speed of Shaft (N~) 1
cridCI1 l.3563 = .2.3563 (N1 IN/
~ • 'fhe critical speed of shhl°t is, (N 1INJ
= 0.5756
-. . ~ Jg . ..
(NI I NJ = 0.7587
. · roe = ~\JB" .. . ~. = 0.7587 NC
roe =o.4706x 10'"=3' _
.. N1 = 0.7587 x 1378.74
or N1 ~ 1_<146,04 r.p.m.
or roe = 144.38 rad/s -.Ans.
'faking negative sign for y,
. ~ _ 144.38 -1.3563 + l.3563(N2 / ~ (N lNi NJ2
.. NC = 2 1t - 2 1t 2
:. - 1.3563 = - 0.3563(N / Nc) 2
.. Ne = 22.98 r.p.s. = 22.98 x 60 r.p.m. 2
:. <N2 I Ni = 3.BQ66
oc Nc = 1378.74 r.p.m • ..Ans.
:. (N2 /NJ = 1.951
1 Speed Range For crn > 125 N I mm 2 :
N2 = 1.951 NC
_ ReferFig.P.11.2.l(a) . . N2 = 1.951 x 1378.74
When the shaft rotates, the dynamic load acting on the :. N2 = · 2690.0 r.p.m. · ·
shaft can be obtained from the relation, - .. Therefore, the speed range is from 1046.04 r.p.m. to
M . M 2690.0 r.p.m.
ah = z= 1td3 / 32 200r ·-
-;r t
. . W fl
32M W l [
= ~xf Forfixedbeam,M=fj I
(Jb =
-;r fJ_____ j
l25x io6 - ~ wd x 0.5 I I
- 1t x (0.012?- 1048.04 1378.74

wd ::: 339.29N ·Slwftsi-s, N(t.p . n . ) - 2llaO

~ .The deflection of shaft due to dynamic load 'Wd;is, Fig. P. 11.2.t(b) ·..
. .3 3
I- or y ::: ~ _ 3~9.29x(0:5) Fig. P.11.2.l(b) shows the speed range in ·Which bending
; : .. 192 EI - II 1t . stress in shaft will exceed 125 Nlnun2
. 192 X 2 X 10 , X64(0.012) ·-t ..

..... ------ .,· -•~., ll"\--119' ~ ' ' '·"'-\ " •t'o \ t - •·,.._ , _ _ _
. ~:Dynamics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 1·1 -5

Ex.11.2.2 . . or Ne = 2523.13 r.p.m. '- .. .,.. " .

A vertical shaffof 20 mm in diameter and .soo mm long is 3. Unsafe Speed Range ' ' · ....... ' ·....\11s;
. • 1"-;·~:. :1
held in short bearings at the ends. A 5 kg disc is mounted on Refer Fig. P. l 1.2.2(a);
the shaft midway between the bearings. CG of the disc is When the shaft rotates, the .dynantlc l~~· ..
o.s mm away from the axis of the 2shaft. If the allowable shaft can be 'obtained fr~m the relation acting on the
tensile stress for the shaft is 70 N/mm , determine : · . '' M · M •
crb = -Z = 3
(i) . the critical speed of the shaft ; and . ... . ' . • I 1t d I 32

(ii) the range of the speed which 32M ., ·32 '. Wdl .; .
Take E = 200 GPa. ' • )f
= ~ - = nd3 x7 ·. .. ·:.
'. ,0: · "', · ,[':p~;~plysupPo<f"1~..,,~ ,-~~
J ~ .•
Given: Diameter of shaft, ., ~ = 20 mm =0.02 m
8 wd l . " " "; .. ; 4 J
Distance between two bearings, l =
600 riun = 0.6 m or crb = 1t d~, . " ... .,.. 1
Mass of disc, m = 5 kg
· Eccentricity, e ··,;, ·0.5 min= 0.5 x 103 m 70 x 106
s xwdxo.6

= n x co:o2) 3
Allowable tensile stress, crb ·= .106 N/m2 76-x
Modulus of elasticity, E = 200 x l091'Um2 · Wd.-·=: .366.52 N
The deflec.tfon of shaft dynamic load 'W, is
3 . d .
wd z 366.51 x (0.6)3
Y = 48 EI= . . .
. 48. ~.2 x.w".>:< ~O.O~)·
or y = 1.0499 X 10 - 3 m I II.

The value of 'y' will be positive when ro < co d

. ~~
negative when ro > ro0 • Hence, taking positive as well as
negative value of y,
e. ~J2e .· (N !N./e
(ro I ron) ·(w I
± Y = 1-(w!ro/ = 1-(ro!ro/ = 1-(NtN/
. (Ni Nc)2 X 0:5 X 10- 3
± 1'.0499 x 10- 3
= I . - - I ~ (NI Ni
.. ± 2.09 = · l - (NI N0 )
Fig. P. ll.2.2{a)
1. - Taking positive sign for y,
Static Deflection of Shaft (l>)
2.09 - 2.09 (N1 IN/ = (N1 / N.}2
Since the shaft is supported in short bearings, it may be
_ assumed that shaft is simply supported.
2.09 = 3.09 CN1 IN.{ .
' 2
Therefore; the deflection of simply supported beam is,
. . . (NI I NC) = 0.6795
.. (NI /Nc) = p. ~243
s =48Ei -
1td' =
5 x 9.81 x (0.6) . .. -.
NI = 0.8243 NC
48 EX64 . 48 x 200 x 10 X~(0.02)' ..
NI = 0.8243 x 2523.13
or S = 1.4051x10-• m or N1 · = 2079.93 r.p.m. ...Am.
2. Crltlcal Spffd of Shaft (NJ - Taking negative sigu for y ,
- The critical speed of shaft is, - 2.09 + 2.09 (N2 / N/ = (N2 / N/
ro. - .... /g ... I 9.81 . .. - 2.09 = -.l.09 (N2 / NJ2
- .\J°& = \J l.4051 x It?° <N2!N/· = 1.9174
or ro0 = 264.23 rad/s (N2 / N 0 ) = · L3847 :
.. roe 264.23
.Ne = - = - .. ., r1 ,
N2 = •
1:3847 NC
21t 2 .n " " . N2 = 1.3847 ~-2523.13
or NC = 42.05 r.p.s. _or '~ ,·
_._. · N2 = 3493.81 r.p.m.·

.. NC = 42.05 x 60 r.p.m.
- .• \I

Therefore, the range of s~d which is unsafe is from

2079.93 r.p.m. to 3493.81 r.p.m.

....... ~
. 11-6

·. Rotor Dynamics .
)' ::: (CJ)/ W,)'l~ . . (2:3631lX0.02 X j 0 :.; l
I - (c,, I u>J'Z = I - (2.3631)'
'· Y = - .0.02436x 10~ m 1
" Y a .. 0.02436 mm ...Ans.
Negative sign indicates that I.he deflection is ool of pha5-e
wiu1 CCnlrifugaJ force~ Jn other word&. the deflection of
· &haft and eccentricity are on the side of the
Reomclric centre of lhe rotor ·s·.
2523. 13 . 3-493.81
Shllft Speed, N (r.p.m.) - 4. 0 .
Ynam1c Load on Bearf nga
Fig. P. 11.2.2(b)·
- ~e dynamic load on bearings due to ddlection of ~haft
' p. 11.2.2(b) show~ unsafe
. speed range.
= x0.02436 x 10-

Wd Ky = 73639.43 3

or Wd = 1.793 N ·-Ans.
miiss of 6 kg Is . mounted. nildway on a
tJ_Or hav.n9 d · shaft of _
diameter 1O mm and length . - : The load on bearings due to self weighr for horizont.a.I

upporte · · · f t · O 02 ·shaft is,

.,Ai s.
~r' "The ce nter
. a gravity o ro orIf1s h. mm away from
~mm· . center of the rotor. t e rotor rotates at W = mg= 6 x 9.81 = 58.86
~ geo:'.nt~nd the ampli~ude
of steady vibrations and st~te - If shaft is vertical, then net dynamic load on each
~r.p~mic force transmitted, to .the bearings. Assume for beari~g (neglecting ~If weight) is,
~ &yn . I E = 200 GPa. · · D _ .~ _ 1.793 .
~rnatena, . ._ .. . " b - 2- 2
~.: • t or ~ = 0.896N
~: Mass of rotor, m . = 6 kg ~..Ans.
Diameterofshaft, d = 10~ ·=0.0lm, ; '.i:;
- If shaft is horizontal, then net dynamic load on each
bearing (considering self weight) is,
Length of shaft, l _ = . 400 mm= 0.4 m
D _ W + W...d 58.86+1.793
Eccentricity, e = 0.02 mm =0.02 x 10-3 m "b - 2 - 2
Speed of rotor N = 2500 r.p.m. - - . - _ - -- or ~ = 30.32 N •••Ans.
:. (l) ·2nN 21t x 2500 Ex.11.2.4
= 60- 60
A rotor a has mass of 12 kg and is mounted on a 24 mm
= 261.79 rad/s
Modulus of elasticity, E = 200 x 109 N / m2 diameter horizontal shaft supported at its ends by two ball
bearings. The ·bearings are 1 m apart. The shaft rotates at
I. Static Deflection ·of shaft (~)
2400 r.p.m. If the center of mass of rotor is 0.11 mm away
- The slatic deflection of simply supported shaft is, from the geometric axis of the rotor, due to manufacturing
W z3 mg p defects, find the amplitude of the steady state vibrations and
0 : = 48Ei = 7td4 the dynamic force2
transmitted to the bearings. Assume
E =200 GN/m
48E64 , .-
6 x 9.81 x (0.4) 3:
Given: Mass of rotor, m = 12 kg
= ~---------------
48 x 2 x 10 x ~ (0.01)
11 4
Diameter of shaft, d = 24 mm = 0.024 m
or 0 = 0.7993 x
w-3 m Length of shaft, l = 1m
l C~u = 2400 r.p.m.
. cai Speed of Shaft(~~) Speed of shaft, N
' ' lb 27tN 27t x 2400
. e criticarspeed of shart is, '_. - :. co = 60- 60 . - 251.32 rad/sec
Eccentricity, e = 0.ll mm= 0.11x10- 3 m
coc =. . /g _"" / 9.81 Modulus of elasticity, E = .200 GN I m2 = 200 x 109 N / m 2
I or \j&- \J 0.7993 x 10 3
il (l)C ::: 110 77 .:I I : \ ' ·• 1. static Deflection of Shaft (~)
, 4lll • raws ..
Plltude of S . . .. . ... , . .. . .
· teady-St~!_e· Vibrations (y) _ The sfaiic deflection of simply supported shaft is,
.!!t 261.79 't.
Wf . mgf . . 12x9.8t X(l)3
1· , coc = Tio:n = 2.3631 ·· o- 48 EI - 7td4 - c;i 1t
, 'the Ii , 48EM 48X200x 10 X&i(0.024)4
. ·. p tude of Vibrations is ' or o= 752.94 x 10~ m

Scanned with CamScanner

. ·-

,. oynamcs
.i ~. .
of Machinery (MU Sem 5 - Mech) . 11 ·7
·' ' Rotor byn .· ·
.. arn1ca
. 4-
.. , Crltlcal ~peed _ofShaft (we): · , . · 9.81 . .. :
2 l.S4 x 103 = 79·76 ra~s ,.
The stlffness of shaft is,
. w !!!& 12 x 9.81 (l)c 79.76 . ·
K = -r= B .=752.94X 10- 6 . . Ne = 21t =""2n' x 60 =761.60 r.p.m. _
or · · . K .. = 156347.11 N/m : When the shaft rotates, the dynamic load acting 0 h ·.
. , . n s aft is
. The CritiCal speed of shaft is, 0b = ~ = --4-- = 32 ": = 32 ro~ '
. _· fR - 156347.11 7td /32 1td 1td3 8
.(l)c . I : \J In - " 12
or 0)
= 114.14 rad/s . .- . :'' ~ I ''.~ l} or " ob =
3 •.. Amplitude of Steady-state Vibrations (Y) '· 6
4 x (J)d x 1
70x10 = 1t x (0.015)3
Cl) 251.32
00" = TI4.14=2.2017,
(l)d = 185.55 N ,. . . _, . I !
·· The.amplitude of vibration is, · · ., · · The deflection of shaft due to dynamic load
. 2 . 2 . 10- 3 3 •
·· (ro I ro,) e · (2.2017) x 0.11 x
Y = 1 - (ro / ro/- 1-(2.2017)
2 =· ~ - . 185.55 x i3 .
.y 192 EI - · · · 9 1t ..
= · -0.1385x10- 3 m ,. . 192x.200x 10 X6;j(O.O.IS)4 .
or . y = - 0.1385 mm , ...Ans. - 1.94 x to- 3 m · ·
(N/Nc)2 . I . , , . ! .
Negative sign indicates the displacement is out of phase ·:

with centrifugal force. Now, ; ±y = 1-(N!Ncf ·. ·: ::····.

4. Dynamic Load on Bearings (N/Nc)2
± 1.94 x 10-3 = 1 -(N!Ncf
.- The dynamic·load on bearings due to deflection is,
. -3
wd = Ky = 156347.11x0.1385 x ·10 Taking positive signI for y, we get
or Wd = 21.67 N
N 1 = 708.81 r.p.m. ·
- The load on bearings due to self weight is, Taking negative sign for y, we get
W _= mg=l2x9.81=117.72N N2 = 828.41 r.p.m.
The net dynamic load on each bearing for horizontal
_shaft is, ·
w + wd 111.12 + 21.66
2 2

I= 2.5 kg-m , =60 cm= 0.6 m
G =80 X 10 9
, ' f 01 =100 Hz arid f =200 Hz 02

When torsional frequency is 100 Hz

. 9 · 1t:. 2 .• '
Given : d =15 mm= 0.015 m, l = 1 m, m = 15 kg l 80 x 10 x32d 1
e= 0.3 ·m, E = 200 GPa = 200 x 109 N/m2 :. 100 = 21t 0.6 x 2.5.
crb =70 MPa =70 x 10 N/m
6 2
= 8.68 x 10- 3
The deflection of shaft is,
ro 1· mgl
15x9.8lx1 3
:. d 1 = 8.68 mm ••• Ans.
0 =192 EL= n =--....:..:::..~~~---
(ii) When torsiona~ frequei;icy is 200 Hz
- 192 Ex 64 d
1?2 x 200 x 109 x ~ (0.015)4 . . . . .... ··;,, ..: ..''

o=1.54 x 10- 3.m _L- - ~

·The critical speed is, fn2 .= 2n ·\J~

Scanned w ith CamSc~nner

W·,. -~:.: .· . (MU - Sem 5- Mech).
fP .. · f Machinery
'·-· >. ~o . .
.. .
9:-:- . 80x109\~31~
r··. :nll ., in
:~,·;·. • 'j)I'"' ..
.o 0.6
. -3
x 2.s- .. . .
>i'> ~·'.
. "· ~., ~-' :·~;' ...
. '

. Where ·'· .' ....

. · .. . .'= . , . ·Rofor·Dynaniics
.· . ~ -
;·_ ··. . - 11.36 xlO
•'. .:·:. . . - 17.36 mm
. ·.
' CQy:::tbeline ·· ··· ~ · · - · . - .
- J)Ue to <lain :- .·.,. ar V~locity Of P<>int 'S', mis ·
~~~~ \ dz - i. ·'· • •
. . Ping force, the . . · . _
··· a straight r ·., . P<>1:11ts 0, S and G are no longer on
..· . · the range of -~haft diameter is s.68 .lllni F· •ne, but the f . .. :' .
·~fo~ . . - - --- . ig. lI.3.lCb). Y Oflll a triangle as shown in

r,,,. fop~ '
Critli:al speed of Singla llotor, Da
_ .

~Cal spi!ed of Shaft Carrying

, crit le Rotor (With Damping)
I Sil19 _ , . .
·· ' rtical rotating shaft having negligible ine..: .
.'der ave ' , . '"a and
~gastn. gle rotor of mass m as shoWn m.Fig. l l ·3.l(a).
. support~ in bearings, -will hav~ sollle ,..,..
. the S ' • ·• • · -•OUnt
,Ill, . due to fnction or m the form of air resistan
/daJIIP!Dg . ce.
r&ect of damping is considered then the ""al .
Jthe eu• _ ...., ys1s '. -
!L'C0111es slightly different.

0 = point intersection of bearing centre line With the
rotor. It is the point on the axis of rotation.
s = geometric centre of the rotor,
G = centre of gravity of the rotor, (a) Deflected Position of Shaft
m = mass of the rotor, kg

e = eccentricity of the rotor i.e. distance between the

C.G. of rotor and ge.ometric centre 'S'; m /
y = defl«:tion of geometric centre 'S', from point ·o· I
due to centrifugal force, m -4---
t = l:ransv~e stiffness of the shaft. Nfm \
Ill = angular Speed of the shaft, rad/s \,
~. = natural circular frequency of lateral or transverse
"--r I I '

vibrations of the shaft, rad/s -. I I I ••

c =.damping coefficient of the system: N-s/m ..

' b+ = Phase angle be.tween e and y . (b) Forces Acting on Shaft in Deflected Position
. Fig.U.3.I
displaced: I>osition, three forces are acting on the shaft .

l - For the forces acting on the shaft, at equilibrium,

Centrifugal Force LFx · ; O;
along OG. =moo a : It is actmg at pomt 'G'
2 • • • · and . . - Ky+ m(I) a cos 'V = O
LFY, = O;
t ltesto . :• - C(l)y + mm2a sm
• 'V =0
: It is acting at point 'S' ~ong
... (b)
so.- ting Force =Ky _ It is essential to eliminate ''If' and 'a' from Equations (a.)
~ and (b).

~Ping ·Force ::: croy: It is acting at point 'S' in a From Fig. 11.3.2 ;
direction. oPI>os1te · t 'S'
· to the linear velocity of pom

Scanned wit h CamScanner

·:- ·..
. . . -.
·,: ·:·:
- :'' 11-9 ', . . ·-. ·: .· .. : -- . ;,~.: ..,. . . :.-.. Rotor 9-Ynarnies ..
•. Substituting the value· ~f sin ell.from Equation <8) in~~ _ .
(f), we get, .
-· . . . ·.. .- . - . . .
"4Uation .

c coy

.. y
,' ·

.. y

Fig. ~1.3.2 . .. 1•· ··. :· •

a sin 'If = e sill ell .. or
... (d)
and a cos 'If , = y + ~ cos ell ,
On substituting the val~es, of 'a cos 'I'' from Equation (d) in Equation (l 1.3.4) gives the deflectfon of th~ geo~etric ·
Equation (a) we get, . . 'al undeflected position. . . . center
of the rotor from the m1ti _ _
-Ky~ino{cY+ec~sell) = O It is seen that Equations (ll.3.3) and (11.3.4) foL~hirling of
shaft ~e s~e ,as. that .f~r the forced damped vibrations with
- Ky + mco2 y + mco2e cos "''f =0 rotating and reciprocating unbalance. In case · of forced
(K- mcol y = mco 2
e cos ell ...(e) damped vibrations due to rotating or reciprocating unbalan
· terms of the small mass m , whereasce,
the unbalance was m 0
On substituting the value of a sin 'If from Equation (c) in this case the unbalance is defined in terms ~f the total mass
Equation (b), we get, 'm' with eccentricity 'e'. · ... -

- ccoy + mco2e sin cp = 0 :. c coy. = roco2 e sm

• "'
'f ...(f) · 11.3.1 Various Possible Phase Angles
Dividing Equation (f) by Equation (e), we get, From Equation (11.3.3) following observations are made:
C(1) (i) When co « ron ; <P :::: _0°, (Heavy side out)
tan4' = ...(11.3.1)
I (K-mro1 (ii) When co < wn ; 0° < <P < 90° (Heavy side out)
2l;((I) I (l)D) (iii) When O> =W 0 ;. <P =90°
or tan ell = 1 -(co I w0) (iv) When w > con ; 90° < <P < 180° (Light side out) ·
(v) When w >> w0 ; <P ::::::: 180° and y : : : : - e (Light side out
.. I)
. -1 [ 2l;(w I wo)
l - ((I) I (l)D)
J ruid rotor rotates about its C.G.)
Fig. 11.3.4 shows various possible phase angles with

or <P = . tan-I
[ 2l;(w I (l)c)
1 - (co I roe)
J ...(11.3.3)
damping .

Equation (11.3.2) gives · the phase angle between the

eccentricity line and deflection tine i.e. angle by which
deflection lags. Equation (11.3.l) may be represented in the
vector form as shO\m in Fig. 11.3.3.
From Fig. 11.3.3 we can also write, "
(b) When e < (l)n
. (a) When ro << e 0
• CCI)
Sm¢ = / 2 2'2 ...(g)
v (cro) + (K - mro,

(c) When m • Clln (d) When Cll > C>n (e) When (I)» con
aody = - e

Fig. 11.3.4 : Possible Phase Angles (With Damping)

Fig.11.3.3 - J

Scanned w it h CamScanner
'· ·11-.10
. . i . <t, . ;~~
.t: . ' ' ' ' ;c8';
· Aote>r oyriam
. ' the rotor'• due to
. .The.magnitude Of the Varyirig lorque acting mi
· gr~vitational force is given by, .
T = ·· mgecosrot . •..(a)
: - .· .':Due to · this · varying · torque T, the rotor · wr
. ·11 : retard
..· ·' (tirom (l)t = ·-9()0 to+ 90°) and accelerate (from rot-+90°to
270°) during rotation. · · ·· ·· · · ·' · • .
. - . The
by, .angular a.cCeler~tion or retardation of the rotor -~s

: '.:

. . .... . ; a. . I . =---- mg e cos cot

· Where, . I = mass moment of inertia of rotor, kg- m
-~ -Cb)

Hence, the tangential acceleration or. retardation of the ·point

G is given by, _ ·-

f t = mg e Icos co t ... (c)

f .-
Hence the tangential force acting at point G ~s given by.
· · . Horizontal Shaft With Singl~ Roto~ =
fig.U.4.1 mass of rotor; kg ,. · · ·· . · ':. "
F m·f1
2 2
Let. Ill - . . . •,
· e = eccentnc1ty of rotor, m ·. F =m e I cos cot ... (d)
From Fig. 11.4.3,
'!be··iorque on the rotor due to gravitational
• • force 'mg' retards
· !be shaft when point G lies on the nght.. - side of center 0 and The vertical comp~nent. of the tangential force is given by•
accelera . · the shaft when the point
tes . G lies on the left side of Fv ;= F.cos rot
2 2 2
· 0 as shown ·in Fig. 11.4.2. - .
center m g e cos cot
. I =
m2 ge2·
= --n-x 2 cos2 co t
2 2
m ge
= 2 r.(I + cos 2co t)

2 2
• •
... [ • 2cos e
=(1 +cos 2 e)]

m ge m ge1

= --n-+
or Fv 21 cos 2co t . · ' •••(11.4.1)

(a) When G Lies o~ Right Side of 0

< :.Jb) \Vii ' '.' \ . ..
This Equation (11.4. ! ) gives the . fore~ acting at P<>int G in
· ·· .e n G Lies on Left Sjde of O vertically downward direction.
:Fig. ll.4.2 -.
The fir~t~ o'rthe above Equntion (11.4.ins constant llnd
causes small additional deflection of the shaft.

Scanned with CamScanner

•··. '._· 1• .· . • . "· __ _ .. -~

•·····<:·, _.:-._ : . :~
. . .. ,.· .-· ,-.:.

· · Dynamic$ of Machinery (Mi.I - Sam 5 - Mech) :: 11-11

. . - ·. ' '

.:., . The ·second part of Equation (I L4.l) is variable and has a

. .:-, '' The ampllfude,of'vibdti-~ri~ i~'.._.'
· frequency of 2<1>. Hence, if the shaft·iuunning at speed of ' '

: ~ '. , ()) .I 2 Or (J)e / ,2 i.e. half Of Critical Speed, the Variation Of

...... '"· " y"" "e(rotro.)2 . :'-'.'.(}

,:J[ i5':.".


. 000 or we.. This leads

· "·' force
~. '
. at the .frequency
. of
!'-.(00."»J 'J,' + ('JI, (I)
· to resonance, · and hence large amount of vibrations .occur.
This effect is called as ''half frequency whir)"; ;, ' .. y = - 5 x 10- 3 x (0.8924) 2 ' '"

',• .·_ . ,· ' : V[l (0.8924)] · +(2XQI\•

. ,;
~- .
."...sxo. 89~
or y . = 0.018024 m ... - ""+)
A disc of mass 5 kg is mounted midway between two short
bearings, 500 mm apart. The diameter of shaft is 1O mm. 4. · Dynamic Load on Shaft
The CG of the disc is 5 mm away from the geometric center.
~ ,' i

-:-_ . ':fhe dynamic load· on the sh;ut . th

The equivalent viscous damping at the cente.r of disc may be . ~ . . is e vecto
spnng •Orce and dampirig force wbi h . . r surn of
taken as 40 N sec/m. If the shaft rotates at 740 r.p.m. find . c is given by .
the maximum stress in the shaft and compare it with dead 1 . . Fd = V(Ky)i + (croyf YVKz + (~ • =
. load stress in the shaft. Also determine the power required to . " - o.01so24v<37699.11>2 +(40><774?>
drive the shaft at this speed. Assume E 200 GPa. = or Fd = 679.48N · ·
Soln.: The load on shaft due to its own wei ht . ·- .
. - , . . · g or Static load i~
Given: Mass of disc, m = S_kg · Fs = mg= 5 X 9.81 49.05 N ' ' =
·~ :..... ~
Bearing span, l = . 500 mm =0.5 m ·- - The total maximum load on shaft is,

Diameter of shaft, cl = 10 mm= O.ot m . ' . F max = Fd + F, = 679.48 + 49.05

Eccentricity, e = 5 mm'= 5 x 10- m 3 or F max = 728'.53 N
Damping coefficient, c = 40 N sec/m 5. Maximum Stress In Shaft
." .
Speed of shaft, N = 740 r.p.m. Consider Fig; P. 11.4.1 (a).
2 740
:. co = 77.49 rad/sec ... :. Fmax

Modulus of elasticity, E = 9
200 x 10 N/m
· '"
1. Static Deflection of Shaft (6) '
Since the shaft is supported in short bearings it may be
Fmu ----11 = ~ ---~-~. 12= ~ - - - . i FllllX
-2- T
assumed that shaft is simply supported.
Fig. P. 11.4.l(a) ,
- Therefore deflection of simply s'upported shaft is,
wz3 mgr . 5 x 9.81 x (0.5) - The maxiinum bending moment due to maximum load
8 =ITTi= nd= 91t 4 on shaft is,
48 E 64 48 x 200 x 10 64(0.01)
f max ' I 72S.5; x 0.5 ..
or a=
1.3010 x 10- m
3 (Mb)max = -4- = 4 91.066 N.m =
"; " ...: ; · The stiffness of shaft is, - Therefore, the corresponding maximum bending stress
w !!!& 5 x 9.81 is,
K = a= a = 1.3010x 10- 3 (Mb)max •d 91.066 0.01
or K = 37699.11 Nim (crb)max · = --1---x-2= x-
. 2-
i!. Critical Speed of Shaft (roe)
(crb)max = 9.2759 xl08 NI m2
The critical speed of shaft is,
or (a.Jmax = 927.59 NI m 2 ...Ans.

roe= _~=~ 6. Static Load Stress In Shaft ·

or roe = 86.83 rad/s Consider Fig. P.11.4.l(b);
Amplitude of Vibrations (y) F,

= 86.83 =o.8924 . F,
I I -2
The dalnping fador is; 11= ~ 12= '2
c c ' 40'":: -
l; = cc ~.2mro0 =2 x 5 x 86.83 °· 046
Fig. P.11.4.l(b)

Scanned w ith Ca mScanner

f~'.-: · of
. ·. . ......"' ' .. ·.
. :1H2
,~icS ~oad

I ~ • . ~ ~ · :, '~.~t.~'
,: ..
' ::- .0 moment due to static is, ·: ._, ,_. . ·- ·
. : , ··.,·:- ·:- .
e. odi g z ·49.05 x 0.5 ' •· ;.
'(II f)e
_ ~=
. 'Cl )(
-·.· 4 - 6 13 11.T
- . . •.,·.rn. ' . '. \;

~)s =the. · corres

::"; :, . · ponding static load .t-r ·' • .. . .. . .
·'.·. .,- . s ess is, ...
y · · fofC• rM'. )_ d
·.~: 'fbete ~x- 12.26 o01
. x-:.....:.
·' ... C1b = I 2 641t x (0._01)4 2
. 8 2 .
0.6245 x 10 NI m .
(C1tlc . =6 z.4S NI mm2 ,.. •

·~. r(<1Jc : ed to Drive Shaft

flequ _r .
powe; ·ng torque is, ·
daJllP ·
=croy =40 x 77.49 x ~o.01so24)2
- 2 • · ,
flie rd = (croy) y
_ 1.0069 N-m
. or rd. - 740 . . .
. ·. - the shaft at r.p.m, the power requ·· ed. ·
. ,, -To cJrive . torque is,
. Ille the dampmg . . tr to •••(b) .

overco 27tN Td 2n x 740 x 1.9069

p = 60 = 60 -
P = 78.07 Watt
or · P = o.07803kW
g t ID; yj
,-- i =1
- 0- - - , ra~s . ...(c)
l: . ·2
'nsider a shaft having negligible inertia and carrying the . ID;Yi
i =1 ·.
· :tiple rotors. Let m" m2, m3 and m4 be. the mass of each Therefore, the natural frequency is,
rotor and Y1• Y2· Y3 and Y4 be the corresponding deflections, as
shown in Fig. 11.5.1.
m1 m2
g t llliY1
<.:-l i= 1
~~""I n ,Hz
I: m 1 y21 ·
i= 1 .

'---..... __ . ' ...(lt.5.1)

--- 11.5.2 Dunkerley•s Method

Fig. 11.S.1 : Shaft Carrying Multiple Rotors - The critical Speed of shaft carrying a multiple rotor or number
· The critical Speed of shaft carrying number ~f rotors can be of point loads along with uniformly distributed load· is
found by following two methods : obtained from Dunkerley's empirical formula, which is given
by, .
c_~l_tlca~_speed of shaft carfyi~g l 2 l I I I . 1
·;~ ·multiple rotors methods' ~+
( (J)c) = ((J)cS· + ( OOaf + (roc3)"7. + ( (J)c4y. + .... + ( oocsr
where, ooc : Critical speed· of shaft carrying number of
point loads and unifonniy distributed load, rad/s
ooc1 = Critical speed of ~haft neglecting its mass and all
points loads except point load 1, rad/s
. Ilg. C1I.2 ' C11'ti • I to
• cat speed of shaft carrying multip e ro rs ooa = Critical speed of shaft neglecting its mass and all
methods Point loads except point load 2, rad/s
.s 1 ~ . ooc3 = Critical speed of shaft neglecting its mass and all
· ayleigh's Method . point loads except point load 3, rad/s
, ibis lllethOd . - ' . 00 . -

kineu c4 = Critical speed of shaft neglecting its mass and all

is hasect on the principle that, the maxunum
, lhe c is equal to the maximum potential energy. point loads except point load 4, rad/s
. ~unurn ki ti.
I ne c energy is given by, rocs . =-· Critical speed ofshaft considering its mass and
neglecting all pointloads, rad/s

Scanned with CamSconner

··..... . · 1 I · '
,.· - ~· . :-: ~ ' ·~
..... .
_ .'' ., ,.
... •
- .. :.
.. ~·
. . .. ~. . ': . '.'.
· ~~mies: of Machine (MU - Sem 5 - Mech) 11-13 . , ·':·. ......... . :,.:· >· Rotoo ··· ··
. . ' ing ~ve;nl
.. c ons1'de'r a' shaft
carry . loads. with. unifonnly .
. . . pojnJ and Carries three. masses of 70 kgo:-90 kg r .· anci Ylla~
distributed load, as shown in Fig. 11.5.2. . .· · .· 2 m and 2 ..5 m respectively from the left su 50 kg .at 1 I'll
· w1 . W2 . · · W3 wfunlt length natural fr9juency · •of transverse ·· vib .PPo~. Fil'\(j th' .
. . · - .. ..• r~tions: '
E 200x10 N / ,m • · . ·
... . ~· : -~ ... l

Soln.: ., ..
Diameter of shaft, d = 50 mm =0.0 Ill
length of shaft, · l = 3m
Fig. 11.s.2 : Shaft Carrying Several Point Loads With
1. Static Deflectlona
Uniformly Distributed Load
Refer Fig. P. 11.5.1 :
Let, The static deflection due to mass m is
51, 52, 53 , = static deflections of shaft due to load W 1, 2 2 · I •
m gl l2
W 2 and W3 when considered separately l) = I I = 70x9.81 X(l) x(2)2
c51 = stntic deflection of shaft due to self weight I 3 EI l 11 7t = 4 97 1 -l
.3 x 2 xlO x (0.05)• x 3. . · x 0 Ill
or due to the uniformly distributed load.
We know t11at, natural frequ'ency of transverse vibrations or
critical speed due to load W 1 is,

OOc1 =
radfs . ~,
" 1 m - - r - - - - - - 2 m-:-----..1, natural frequ~ncy of transverse vibrations or critical
speed due loads W2 and W 3 are, ..,______ 2 m -----*-'...:_-1 m ' .
14------- 2.5 m ------.i.....o.s m
(l)c2 = ~ .radfs . 14-------- 3 m-------~-1
~ , radfs .
Fig. P. 11.5.1
and roc3 . =
The static deflection due to mass ll'2 is,
Also the natural frequency of transverse vibrations or critical 2 2·
~· g l 11 2 2
speed due to uniformly distributed load or self weight of the 90 x 9.81 x (2) x (1)2 - -3
shaft is, 02= 3Ell II 1t - 6.39 X lQ m
3 x 2 x 10 x 64 (0.05) x 3 .

The static deflection due to mass m3 is,

2 2
m3 g 1·, 12 2
Notes: - 50 x 9.81 x (2.5) x (0.5)2 -3
3 EI l - =l.38X10 I

3 x 2 x 10 x ~ (0.05) x 3
11 4
The static deflection due to point load for a simply supported
beam is given by, The static deflection due to self weight is,
w 12I 122 s: _ 5 mg f_ 5 x lO x 9.81 x (3/
0 = u, - 384 EI - = 1.68 x 10-3 m
3 Ell 384 x 2 x 10 x ~ (0.05)
11 4
The static deflection due to uniformly distributed load for. a
simply supported beam is given by,
2. Natural Frequencies Due to Individual Loads
· · swt
o = 384EI The natural frequency of transverse vibrations due
where, 11 and 12 = distance of point load from both ends individual masses are,

E = modul~s of elasticity for the shaft material, N/m2

·moment or·mertla
· · or s hf
roc1 =~ =\}4.9;:!o-3=44.43 ract/s
I = a t= n d 4 , m4

=~ = '163:::o-' =39,18 ~s
= total length of shaft, m ro,,

ro,,, = ~ = '11. 3:::0 =84.31 rad/s

Ex. 11.5.1
a. shaft of 50 mm diameter and 3 m length has a mass of
1o kg per meter length. 1.t is simply supported at the ends

Scanned w ith CamSc::anner

.... ....-

s..· · ·.· < ': ·.··.ti..nerY

. · (MU :.. Sam 5 - Mech)
90 1
~;:> . of N' ·· ·. ·· 9.81 . . · · · ..

' 1;_t.,
:·:· ~I~~g 11
257 . cl 68 X 10 -:-3 .=86.01, rad/g ·.·
1. '\J . . .
- ,,,, -::;. • • •

, .·._. 1 5 rtey's methOd,

' · 1P <lunke . 1 1
~J I· . tO"' 1 +--:-!· + ... +~(
~ I ' .•~Ilg 1 ~ _.;.-:-z) ((l)cA) or
., r . . ~ (l)CI)
U t-'!.t ((J)c.J l ·1 .,;._ l
' /Y 1 2+ 2+---- ~• I

f1>~(lil&I) ·
11 . h -- <4 493
..., · ~ ) + (39.18) (84.31) (86.oi)Z
. -
.~~ ; (o>J uiae
f forrn :::.:-----:-~~:-:----:-------------_.__:.----

~Ill S~d
:peed o1Sh81t . Of· O;>"-
. . .... ,
crl .JI<. radls
I .., tn •
~ii ,radls
o>, . . ft
tton of Sha .
peflGC ·

o= wr
· ....... m with point load 'W' at end
. , . :. . . . , . . . . .. .
3 EI (at free end)

· .
r beam with U.D.L.
of 'w' per

unit length wt
o= 8 El (at free end)

Siroply supported beam with an eccentric point Wa" •

j, , o- 3
El 1 (at point load)

Simply supported beam with a central point load

'W' · .r w i3
o=48 El (at center)

o= 384 x
s wt
EI (at center)
Simply supported beam with U.D.L. of 'w' per unit
length ..

3 3
Wa b
Fixed beam with eccentric point load 'W' o- 3 EI z3 (at load)

Scanned with CamSca nner

: ' '· : ~. : ' .- : :_
· : l .. . , . . ...
. :, , .
·-,... -

.' ~

.: Dyn~mics of Machin~ry (MU - Sem 5 ~ Mech)

. . ·. w i3 ;. . : ·- '. .
= : 192E_I (at.~e~ter) ·: .
Fixed beam with a central poi'!t load_'W' 5
7. . ~ . ~

wt ·
8. Fixed beam with U.D.L. of 'w' per unit length =348 EI (!rt ce_nter) _

.3. Amplitude of Vibrations (without Damping)
(co I roe) e
Y = 1-(co!co/
1. A shaft of 12 mm diameter rotates in long b · .
.4. Amplitude ·of Vibrations and Phase Angle (With_ . . . earing
Damping) . having rotor of mass 15 kg at mid span . The length
of shaft is 500 mm. While the CG of rotor is o.s mm
(i) Amplitude ofvibratfons
2 from axis of the shaft. Determine the critical speed
e (m I Ole)
of shaft. Also determine the speed range in which
the bending stress in shaft W!ll exceed 110 N/mm2. ·

(ii) Phase angle Take E =200 GN I m2•

cp = tan
_1 [ 2~ (ro I ro,)
J [Ans. : Ne = 1420.08 r.p.m., N1 = 1098.76 r.p.m.
N2 _
= 2473.45 r.p.m.]
5. Vertical Force Acting on Horizontal Shaft
2 2 2· 2
2. A rotor of mass 12 kg mounted on 24 mm diameter
m ge m ge
horizontal shaft supported in two short bearings
FY = ·2 1 +2J cos 2ro t
which are 1 rn apart. The shaft rotates at
6. Critical Speed of Shaft Carrying Multiple Rotors 2500 r.p.m: If the CG· of the rotor is 0.8 mm away
(i) Rayleigh's method _ from the axis of shaft, find the dynamic force
g L Ill; Y; transmitted to the bearings. Take E =200 GN f m2•
coc = ~ 2 , rad/s
""'Ill;Y1 [Ans.: 136.13 N]
(ii) Dunkerley's method
1- I I 1 1 I
""""I=~+~+~+~+ ... +~
(J)c (J)cl (J)c2 (J)c3 (J)C4 (J)a

Chapter Ends...

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Ir.· . .-:· .. ·, - - <. "· :

~?~- ·. .• ~
. ? .• • - ,.. .; ~ .... : :-'·.; . ; · • •
...· --·
: :· .:; . :- · ~ -

. d;~


,,HJi -..
I'.. narnic balanci~g of _multi r~tor system, balancing of reciprocating masses in In-line engines,
#"'. ·and DY d" g other radial engines).
...t1il'les (eJCclll in•l::f...::~=--------------------------------
- .
~~ - .

- duction to Balancing -
12.1.2 : Need of Balancing
d~ -
~ . t of a number of moving parts. The motion
. e cons1s . . In comparison ·with the static forces. the dynamic forces are
ma)' be of rotary _or rectp~tmg type. These
,i.inacJliD very large in magnitude.
o.11ing parts ponents are subjected to different forces.
. 1'1115 or com For example., consider-2 tonne rotor of steam turbine running
P' s of Forces Acti~g on at 3000 r.p.m. The distance of centre of gravity of rotor froID:
~'·1 ~fmponents of Machme axls ~f . rotation is 2 mm due tO: imPerfect -machining.
inaccurate pitch of blades. non-homogeneity of materials, etc.
~ are two types of forces acting on any machine
Th~n. the resultant dynamic force (c~ntrifugal force) will ~
-t: - equal to,
· ~s~s of forces acting -on '_ 2
· 2 2 (~nx300Q'\
~':_components of machine Fe = mr ro =1000 x 1000 \: 60 )
3 - - -
= 197.39x10 Nor 197.39 kN.
-1,_""$ tatic forces --~:~-- ='-
The dynamic force of such high order produces hammering
2. Inertia or. dyhart}icJorces~; action, sets up vibrations, and has a tendency to lift the-
- - ... . -_; -- - :". ~

machine from the foundation. ·

.r~ctll: Types of forces acting on components of ~chine It is realized that, no foundation will normally be _able to
withs~d fOtte of such high magnitude and freq~ency.
• 1. Static forces - Hence to avoid the unpleasant effects, precise balancing is
- The static forces acting on the machine components are essential.
due to the weight of components. - ·Balancing is the process of correcting or eliniinating, ·either
· l Inertia or dynam..ic forces partially or completely. the' 'effects due to resultant : inertia
- Th .
e mertia or dynamic forces are due to acceleration of forces and couple8 - acting· ·on the ~~chine : parts or
Varl.onr - ·
...., components or members of the machine. The components.
actelerati.on may be due to change in magnitude and I or Thus, the purpose of balancmg is to avoid the vibration of the
Chancre in direc.
, , ~ ti on of velocity.
machine by balancing the resultant inertia forces and couples.
~ f~ may not be in e<iuilibrium, With the ~lt The balancing is highly essenti'ai~ especially - in high speed
1, '!be eXlst a resultant force and couple.
applications such as : electric motors, generators, .... ~ ·
hi ~tant inertia force or dynamic force may change pumps, air crafts, machine tools, etc. ·
! ·- th~~tude or direction or both~ al~ough in most of --
nly ~hange of direction takes place.
.. -

1 -.

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,, •. {

·. :-·};;~
.( ; _.
"i,' ;.
. 12-2
.·o ·. if:o~n~~lcs of Machine~ (MU =Se~ 5 - Mech) .- ~


- - .- .Uabus Topic : static and Dynamic . ' -~.~

-· ., - sybalancing of multi rotor system . .··.
' \

72.2 .Static and oynarnlc Balancing 1.:,.

; .

- . M 10 oec11 oec.12,May13,Dec.13,~ec.14) _•;

~(MU· ay _. __' . . · ' · ·

·(b) Vibratory. Motion~f_S(atically Unbaiantfcl Sy~ · ·:

Fig. 12.2.2 : Static Unbal8nce _ . Ill
1. Static Balancing
A statically unbalanced system shows a vibrato - .
Dynamic (Complete) Balancing
2. shown in Fig. 12.2.2(a). . ry motion as

In any system having one or more rota~g masses, i~ the 12.2.2 .Dynamlc.(Complete) Balancing
centre of mass of the system does not lie on the runs of - ·
rotation, then the system is called unbalanced. · ·!h.e ~~~tern is sai~ .to be dyn~cally (C<!mpletely) .;;;,. .
Fig. 12.2.1 shows the rotating ma~s having: its centre of mass
1f1t satisfies followmg two.conditions: . .'.IDced.
(C.G) at a distance 'r' from the axis of rotallon. . m·- Th~ ~resultant

of all the dy~ic. fiorc es -(·centrifugal
. :.
_ _ ._ . - • - . -· : .-. Centrifugal Foroe • mrco2 1 forces) acting on the system during rot t"
. a ion must b
zero. e
i.e. L Dynamic forces acting on the system = O.
If this condition is 'satisfied, _the· system is said
statically balanced. · · . · · , - . .. . , ·to be
(ii) ' The resultant
. fi
couples ·due to all the dynam'~~~
(centrifugal forces) acting on the system dunng .
rotation, abou~ any plane, must be zero. . , .
' · 1
Fig. 12.2.1 : Unbalanced System i.e. :E .C ouple d.ue to dynamic for~s acting on the
system = 0. . ·-. . .·, - · . ._ ·
The dynamic force (centrifugal force) an~i~g due to
If both these conditions are satisfied,"tben -fue system is said
unbalance is
. to be dynamically (completely) balanced. · . . ,
F c - m r co'2 ...(12.2.1)
A dynamically unbalanced system shows a vibratory motion
where, m ' == ' mass of the rotating body, kg. as shown in Fig. 12.2.3(b). · · - ·
r = .- distance of centre of mass (C.G.) from th~ axi~ of
rotation; m. ,.... , I
-/~Is of C.G.
Axis of
w = angular speed of rotation, rad/s. /' . Rotation
This dynamic force (centrifugal force) acts in radially
-outward direction.

12.2.1 Static Balancing -. .. '. '' \.' :

The system is said to be statically balanced. if the centre of

mass (C.G). ·of the system of masses lies on the axis of
rotation. (a) Dynamically Unbalanced Sy~tem
For the system to be statically balanced, the resultant of all
. the dynamic forces (centrifugal forces) acting on the system
during rotation must be zero. i.e. :E Dynamic forces
(centrifugal forces) acting on the system= 0 .
. -· ·[Axis of Rotation
. - . vAxlsof_C.G.


__,,..- ---- ----(a) Statically UnbalancedSystem

Fig. 12.2.2 contd ...
(b) Vibratory Motion of Dynamically Unbalanced_.System
Fig.12.2.3: Dynamic Unbalance

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- :,· 12.3
_ . ,_ , :: - · .. ->-- ,-, '-·~ . . :-: earanclng
The . balancin 0·f · · -- - -- - :J
discusse<l" g masses rotating in a , single plane are -. :: l
· - - .1n subsequenfsections .. _ · _ _. 1
12 5
' ' 1 Ba,l.iinclng of Slngle Rotatln!i Mass
Consider a single mass 'm' aitached to a shfilt. which is
_rotating With an angular velocity 'co', let 'r'- ~-the
distance of
C.G. of mass ' ' · - - - ·
. m from the axis of rotation, as shown 1D
Fig. 12.5.I. · . .

fig. 12.3.1 : Study of Balancing .

Fig. 12.S.1 : Single Unbalanced Rotating Ma5s .

ianclng of Rotating Masses a dynamic f~rce

During the rotation of__shaft, (centrifugal
. : 2
_. force) equal tom r m acts in a radially outward direction as
. ._ rotating system. havmg one or more rotating masses, if shown in Fig. 12.5.I. .
!be centre. of mass (C.G.)- of the system does not lie on -the
. f tation, then the system is unbalanced. -
This -unbalruiced force results -in increase in l~ad on the
bearings, increased bending mome~t ~n . ·t he shaft and
. 'Jbe un balance -in rotating system · is mainly due· to the - -vibrations ~f the sy~tem. · - -
ronowing factors : - '
J.Errors and tolerances in manufacturing and assembly. Thls· d~~c force can·b~ b~anced b~ either or'tb~
two methods:
2 Non-homogeneity of material.
3. Unsymmetrical shapes of the rotors _due to functional I.
Balancing by single. mass rotating in the same plane
requirements. _(Internal balancing)
. When an unbalance mass is rotating about an axis, it Balancing by two masses rotafuig ill two different
exix:riences a centrifugal force in a radially outward ~lanes (E~t~mal balancing). - . ·' -·
direction. This force is also called as disturbing force of the
!)'Stem. 1. Balancing by single mass rotating in the same
- The magnitude of centrifugal force or disturbing force is plane (Internal balancing) - · .-, -. _
~ven by,
To balance the single rotating mass a counter mass or
Pc = m ro}
balancing mass 'mb' is placed iri the plane of rotation of
where, Fe = centrifugal force or disturbing force, N the' disturbiiig mass at a radius 'rb' -an~ exactly opp~site
m = mass of the rotating body, kg.
to it, such that the centrifugal fore~ due to the · two
r = distance of centre of mass (C.G.) from the
masses are.eq~al and opposite. Mathematlcaliy,
axis of rotation, m . 2 - 2 - - .. .
ro = angular speed of rotation, rad/s. _m r co =~ rb co or m r = mb rb . ••. (12.5.1)
1~.S' . • •
B~lancmg of Masses Rotating m
The · product 'mb rb' may be split in any convenient

~ePlane ·
way._The .value of 'rb' is kept larger so as to reduce the
valu~ o~balancing mass 'mb', as shown in Fig. 12.5.2.
· Many a fun -
. e·'I'hee
es, one or several masses are rotating in a single
- .
This balanci~g of a-disturbing mass' by a single
llnpeu :icamples of such cases are ·: steam turbme rotors, _ . balancing mass in the same plane is known as Internal
. lurbio ers . of centrifugal pumps, impellers of ,hydraulic balancing.

~----::___:__~..:__~~~~~~~~_:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·;;.:::;;::=~- • Tedlh•l•llti
P~bllt•tlons ·

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.·. :·· . .. . ., · ·" .· . . . .·: .. ,: . ·. . .
,. · ·. . . ·: :.~ .·_
, - _·,. ·:_:~
~ -'.~ .~ _..::~l'
:...• :-'Dynami'c5 of Machinery (MU ~ Ser'n 5 ~ Mech) : ., 12·4-
-~-: ·~· ·
' ' ., · ..::··

·. .. :s:
• i : ...: :'; . ·• . '\ " \ • . .
. . . . ·- . -. , .,... : ·_· .. .. ,. 'i ···; . '. ·'a;i,
The balancing masses · · - ·. ~lri
. . · .. · · !Ul'anged IQ · . ·
ways: - . .. onc()fUic
., . . . , • ·. . . . .- . l\Yo
.C~ I: - ·Balancing masses-are P~~-~ . .· ; . ~ . . , .
'. ) ~O-~ltrtre11tp1·m·~ .
OD . opposite side . ·-Of the :p
. , aneor · ~
. dls~rblng mass · · . · . · , • rota~ · or
To achieve the complete bal . " ' ·. ' . ·- ·,.
.. ancmg, . the t: II
cond1tions must be satisfied : · . . :. .,· :. _. 0}~ing ·tWo
· · · ' (i) The centrifugal force of disturb
· . . · ·: .
I lDg mass ' ;
equa to the sum of the CCntrifu · In lllust be
balancing masses 'mbr' and 'm bl, &al forces of. '"-
Fig. 12.S.2 : Balancing by Single Mass
. . 10us '<{I;

mrol = · 2 · '
2. Balancing by two masses rotating In different 11\,1 rbl co + mb2 rb2 (1)2
planes (External bal.ancln_g)
or mr· mb r + :
1 bl mb2 r (
+ .(MU - May 16) (ii) The sum of moments due to
.· bl ... 12.S.2)
centrifugal fo
any ~mt zero, . . . : recs about
Th~s taking moments about plan. A .
. l e , we get,
.<m.,1 rb1 ro 11 • = .<~2 rb2 Wl Li
or r ·1·· . ··
mb1rb1l1 · · =. · m·b2b22
_ . Disturbing

'"'\·· mrco2

(J) ' \ \ \
If the balancing mass cannot be placed .in the plane of
. rotation of the disturbing mass, then it is not possible to __ j_j_j_~~~~
balance the disturbing mass by a single balancing mass. \ I I
) /. I

If a single balancing mass is placed in a plane parallel to "'· rb1I / / /
\ ·I--' I

the plane of rotation of disturbing mass, the dynamic mb1 ~/ /I

. / , .
force (centrifugal force) can be balanced. However this
· arrangement will introduce an unbalanced couple.
In order to achieve the complete balancing of the
system, at least ·two balancing masses are required to be
placed in two planes parallel to the plane of disturbing
Fig. 12.5.3 i B_~ancing by Two ~iisses on Opposite Sides of
Disturbing Mass
To achieve the complete balancing, two balancing
masses '111r,1 ' and 'mb2 ' are placed in two different
. planes parallel to the plane of rotation of the disturbing
mass in such a way that, they satisfy the following two
conditions :
(i) The resultant dynamic force acting on the shaft must
be equal to zero. For this; the line of action three
dynamic forces (centrifugal forces) must be the
same. This is the condition for static balancing.
(ii) The resultant couple due to dynamic forces
(centrifugal forces) acting on the shaft must. be
equal to zero. In other words, the algebraic sum of
the moments due to dynamic forces (centrifugal
forces) about any point in the plane must be zero.
H both conditions (i) and (ii) are satisfied, then the Fig. 12.5.4 : Balancing by Two Masses on Same Side of
system is said to be dynamically balanced. Disturbing Mass

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• ' ~.: • • . ~:• I .. ' •



. ·,
mr ,., · ' .. · ' t . I

·' .. . r
'· . • .•
:. ;

1 cm-..,..--2cm
/ 1 - - + . - - - 12

-' • .1 - ' : " '. .J I T•

I ~ : ,1

Fig. P.~2.5.1
From Equation (i) and (ii) we g~t, . .
' ,.
. '
2r2 + r2 - = 4
and r 1 = 2.66 Dun
•• r2 = 1.33 mm
•.• Ans.
12.s.2 Balancing of Several Masses Rotating ·
in Same Plane , ' ~

<8~: 1 nun'- - tg-ni>

,. Coisidc, the nUlllher of masses (say follr) m,, m;, m, and m, . (b) Force Polygon
altaChed to a shaft at a distance of r 1, r 2, r and r4 from the ·
axis of rotation of shaft 3 Fig. 12.s.s : Balancing or S~veral M4sses Ro1:8ting in
· · · Same Plane ·· · ·
.' 'I'he lllasses are at angular . . . ·. e ,
. .. positions e2 • eJ and 94 with : •'

bcrizo.1a1 line 0){, ·as 'sho\Vn iii

Fi~. ii.S.5(~). The angular (ii) Calculate the
centrifugal forces exerted ·by · individual
Positions are llleas~ed in. antldoelci,ise 'Ciirebti~~. masses on the rotating shaft.
Fc1 = m1 rt;
. .: . , :

~~~~~~~· ~
- ~;«-~·~~:·,~~~ --
.;.: ,:r
FC2 = IDi r2; '. ,

· ~- .. .. . ·!~~'~
0 .::. ' ""!' ,·
~· . .
I .

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· :· ·> :' ?~
.· . ,-· :. · --
-:.·. '.'1 " .• ' . '
.-.1... ··"·· :''

\.;.· '· , 1.~·o ·~amic5 .citMach1~erv Mu~s0ms-)tiech> . ~ - - .. ·; '· :12-s · .,· . ..~..... :'1;_~..;:~ ~ : • . ·.:. :-:- .i.:·,··aa·.. ; ,\

·. ~:.: (·_.· .; ·-.,,. ·_-. f'ci :· ""..·,m _·i·r·]··; ~ ·.: ' . . · .: .'f' ··.:. ' IF;~ 35x 110xc0i W +. 15x90xoos22o~'+2Sx 130 x . . :-~: f~~
0 · ,,;· 2949.1 :..:1034.f:~: 1111 COS290·~m.r.~9
.5 +m ·.. _. •
. FC4 = ni4 r4 : · • . ·. _: :_ • , · :. ·
, ·.. -. . .-+ . . I .. m4 r4 cos84 = - ...c3026~5gm :.... 1Jun . : ... ,r4cos94 .
Also, lry=m1r1sln8 1 +~r~sin~+m~r 3 slne
(iii) Draw the force polygon such that ' oa ' represents the : · · :. ;.(l)
centrifugal force exerted by the ma5s m 1 in ·given· 3
' :. O"'35 x 110 x sin 40° + 15 x 90 x sin 2200 +25 +in. r•·sin 04
direction with some s~itable scale. Smtllarly draw · X 130xsJn~o ..
~· -+ :. O = 2474.78- 867.78- 3054 +mer.sine.
.. ffi4 r, sin 84 ::: 1447 .05 gm-mm . . . .+ lll.4 ~.sin a
· ...;.+ 0 25
• ab •, ' .be ' .and ' cd ' to represent the centrifugal
forces exerted. · by the masses. m2, . m3 and m4 ' ' - • , : I • j

· .Squaring ~d adding Equations (1) and (2),

··: . respectively. . , .. · ·
(m, f4 cos 84) + (m4 f4 sin 0,i = (- 3026 5)2
.. .(2)

,. \ 4 ·· 2 2 2 2 2 • i '. . . . ·. ·+0447.05)2
(iv) · The closing side of the force polygon '.do ' represents .. m" r" cos 84 + m, r4 sm 04 = (- 3026:5)2 + ·. . -
the balancing centrifugal. for~e (in ·magnitude ~d 2 2 2 • 2 . . . 0447.05)2 ...
direction), as ~hown_ in Fig. 12.5.~(b).
m4 r4 [cos 8 4 + sm 84] 3026 5 )2 -
+ 0447.05) 2
= . (-
. ,. '
' . • . 2 2 •
(v) Determine the magnitude of balancing mass 'mb' at a .. . m• r, = (- 3026.5)2 + 0447.05) 2 ... . ·,
given radius of rotation 'rb' sue~· ~a~·
.. m4·r, = ...J<-: 3026.5)2 i: (1447.05] . .
Balancing centrifugal force = Jl1t, rb _:== do x scale ." m4 f4 ·":' . 33_54.6361 gm- .:· ' .
Analytical Method
Also, Dividing Equation (2) by (1) . n:1lll · ' • .;
.. . m4 r4 sin 04 ..:_ : 1447.05 .1 r: :. ' , . ·"·•'·''
Refer Fig. 12.5.5(a) ; . ·
m4 f4 COS 84 , ~i :-- 3026.5 .; .. ' ·,
(i) ~esolve the centrifugal forces horizontally and
vertically and find their sums. :. tan 84 = : -.~ ·~ ·-.. ; ...
:EFH = m 1 r1 cos0 1 +~r2 cos02 -25.5525°
·+ m3 r 3 COS 83 + m 4 r 4 COS 84 ...(12.5.6)
Ex.12.5.3 .... ; t
· and :E Fv = m1 r 1 sin 0 1 + m2 r 2 sin 8 2 :

The four masses m1, m2, m~ and rri.• havirig the'wra"~

· d..-
+ m3 r3 sin 8 3 + m4 r4 sin 8 4 ...(12.5.7) · .
:mm and 300 mm are ·
rotation as 100 mm, 120 mm, 250. ,,
(ii) Calculate the magnitude of resultant centrifugal force.
200 kg, 250 kg, 150 kg and 100 kg in magn1ude 't ·
Fer = '\) (L FH )2 + ( L Fv { . ...(12.5.8) '
respectively. The angles between ..the success'i·ve masses
. ·
(iii) Calculate the angle made by the -resultant centrifugal
are 45°,70° and 140° respe~ively. Find the position and
force with horizontal line OX
magnitude of the balancing ~ass r~quired, if its radius of
tan 0, =Th
L FH .. } ...(12.5.9) rotation is 3_so_~~- j _,_ ~.f ·:
Soln. : · . l I..~
8, . = . tan-
(i~~ m1 =200 kg:
_. -

• 1,"•

I - ( t

- . - - ..
or Given: r 1 =100
. . .... - ~

(iv) The balancing centrifugal force FO> should be equal in ~ = 250 kg, r2 =120 m1n = 0.12.m,
.. ,
magnitude of the resultant centrifugal force Fer but in
m3 =150 kg, r3 = 250 mm= 0.25 m,
opposite direction i.e. 0b = (a; + 180°).
m4 =100 kg; ri =300 ·mm = 0.3 Dl,
(v) Determine the magnitude and radius of rotation of·
rb = 350 mm .,;;.0.35 m; i .,.. ·_ " ~;~lf,I -,.:.; r·• ..1
balance mass by using relation :
0 . : - ., . . .
II1i, rb = Fer 0 1 = 0 (Assuming m 1 lies horizonta'lly)
,,.. . . . ,.~ .. .
MU - Ma 17. 5 Marks 82 = 45°
8 = 45°·+.70° ·;,;, ·11s 0

. ..

..... J. -
\=.-.. .
• t· .

84 = 115° + 140° =255°
We know that centrifugal force is proportional to the product
. of mass and radius' of rotation of. each mass. Therefore,
m1 r1 = 200 x 0.1 =20 kg~m .. ;: ... _ .. ,.._
lilz r2 = 250 >;< 0.I2=:=30kg-m . ..... , - ~
Soln.: = 15.~ ~ o.~·5 , ~-37.5 ~~;m~ i;i 1 ·,_ :· ,,'· i

--- .- ---·. -·-

For static balance, ~4, r4 . = _lOO:x ?.}"~-;~~kg~~ __. n .,,,
l:Fx=O, LFy=O .. R=O ·
__ I:Fx=m1 r 1cos01 +~I2 cos 02 +ID r cos 0 3 +m4 r4 cos 04 __
-- .!~,~~

5'.:armOO w ith CamScamM

.. .· .. ·-. ....~... ·- ';.'.,. . ·. ;, .. . .·/ ~- .~··--·
; ·,

~ .; .-· ,-. ·. .

• ·•• • -~ ~ ' ';. ..: f·.1' • •


·~1"'! '1l!.~ltjfu!"'1 r~.., 00....,..fallr.••• ••,<;11ca11y '

·· > 8
l: F • m, r, ""e, + m, ,, ~·.•,;+;
m, ,, eos e, +"'"•cos e,
= cos 0-~ 30 cos"4s·+ J7.5 ~OS. i lS .+ 30 cos 255
.. : ., ~!:
r FH 20 x
:". - .. ·, ' ., ., . ' . ' .. .... . ' - - q
r FH = 20·+ 2i.21- 15.s4- i16
I or , :EFH = 17.60kg-m . -.
·-·:' •''. .. · ... j
.r Fv =ml r. sin a. + ~ r2' sin 02 + ·m3 r3 sin 03 + m4 I4 sm 04 .
:'f :.; " .. , . ..... ·I.: .' i'li .. ' ·, ;, . -.. .· .. ; • .. : .. ... .. ' . -

.' ' t F~! : = . 2o'sin 0 +30 siri-,45 ~ 37.5 siri .l.15 +3o si~ 2S5
I 0

~I :_ . .. tF~ ,;; o :+.-2tzf.:+.-:3:3:9s ::.. 2s:97 -,,..•:· ·- ,•: ...
' ' ~i'- r F~ ~ 26.ii (g'~m. · '··. .... ,: ...._: ...:,;-- i ·t: .. ,, -,·~ ... -
., I . •'' ' ' ' '- · /
·Calculate the magilibide of. reSultant
centrifugal'~ force • ; - ' · , ; ' • ' ' ,

(a) Configuration Diagram '·'·Fer · = °\)(:EFid ·i+:··o:.Fv·r :- " :_.· :i ..->, . .. ·

= v7i1.6Q ) + <26.21 r· ·"-2
. ,.,.:·_,_ '
or F0 = 31.~7 kg-m - --- - ~ - -- - · - " " t
~r·~ t • . •.: . 1 ._:I,'•.-.; t j

magnitud~. of,bala~ct'. ~~~ , ·. ·: ;

,\ 1

r (iii) Determine the

I Fer = mb · rb •• 3i:s7 -.,; ---~ ><"0:~5-·
, = 90.~ kg ·-; ; . , --~ ..., ,. :••·A..ns.

or:.. ....-. mb
,, ' -... -. ... "· -- - .--
.. . . . .-•... : .).. ~ ... ... .
i Calculate the angle made by resultant centrifugal force
with tb'e° liorizontiti u.De · ' · " · " '._; ' -" -·· · ..,_: :
f 'f ; ~\
". '1 • . : \:,. -:,1· I . ' ' I:'F f'.; -,~ 26.2.1 .', ,, .. .-: : 1,

l, - .:··.. ·.:. ti ,, e, ...·ss· ... , • .-,. · tan· ;.- e-~ : .~ "= ~

LEH- =1 -:17.60
---.. =="l.4892•:.;'c. ,
·~· .· .. . ·:"'.
f a - ' "' 'Clu; " -,=··
,. tan
• .; · 1;4892'\''
-I( J' '
20 kg.m

(b) Force Polygon

.: :";~ Fig. P. U.S.3 - :::: eb = er+ 180° = 56.11° + 180°
•. ! - _: or eb = 236.11°

Scanned with CamScanner

,: 'i2.6 .;Balanclng of.Sev~ral Masses
Rotating In Different Planes
·'+ ; (MU - Dec. 12)
Trimsferred to a single pl~e which is called as reference '

plane (R.~) . .
The ;~ffect of tr~sferririg any· rotating mass -to a' reference L
mL rL

plane'is to produce : '.: ., ' · -·· "

a ~ ffi2 · ' f2 ,,
2 m2r2 ,, . r
12 .
·... • (i) · ·· Centrifugal force otniagnitude, Fe·= ril r ro ; and · c m3 . f3 m3 .r 3
. .' ~ I ' .. .. . ~ ~ . •' - • . : 'I • • - • .J ·, ' 13
(ii) Couple whose magnitude is equal to the product of M IDM rM IDMrM
'• .... IM
.· ..·
«:e~trifugru force and the dista'.nc~ ~f the reference plane~
from the disturbing mass C,;. Fe l = m r ro2 l.
•· r-;~ ~, : J I J

For complete balancing of any system, the following two '

• ~ "'· '·1 ..;.: • ~ • • ~ ~ · .: : • t f

conditions must be satisfied :

. · ·"~ ci>"- !Re~uitai;t of ' all ' ce'ritrffug:tl ' I

:force( inust ; tie zero '
i; ~ . .; ' . \ .' . 2 ,. -:' . · ·1 I. . • • • ~1 - " '• ' . '

· ( L m r m ::: 0 i.e. I: in r = 0) ; and · 1 • : ' • -·

·( . , :t, -· 1 • - - .;1 ", ..

(ii) Resultant coupl~ must, _b e ~ero (L m r oi ·; = 0.

i.e. I: m r l =0)
. . .
-:- . Consider masses m 1, fil-i· m 3 and m 4 revolving in planes A, B, '.
' : ; ~~ • ' . I • 1. : • '. • "."'- • •• • I • - - •

, .c..D
• ,
respectiyely" as .. shown in Fig. 12.6.l(a). The relative
• ·- - ; • • •r • • •

angular positions of these masses

. .
. ..
in Fig.
12.6.l(b). i

Such system is balanced by two mass.e s ~mL' and 'MM'. which

. t ~ - • -- . • ,. .. '

,,,are p~t in planes Land M respectively.

' .>. ' , .,
,. ,i ~ • • .., , .' I • ·; ~

The complete balancing of . such . syste~ can be done by

following two methods :

1. Graphical Method

f • : ''J · -.
2. Analytical Method : t

r f I

(iii) Draw the couple pol~gon, [Fig. 12.6.I(c)] taking some

12.s.1 Balancing by Graphical Method "· suitable scale. Since couple m 1 r 1 11 is negative, draw couple-
- , .
' ' ..- ' ~ ~~ ~ '

The procedure followed in balancing is as.. follows : m1 .r 1 1 rad~ally inward · in "reverse direction of Omr The
mz r2. 12 is positive; 's' '~ draw couple m:i r2 ~ radially
- , I
.) Take one of tpe plane say 'L' as a reference plane (R.P.). The couple
outward i.e. in t~e direction of _o~. s,imilarly couples m3 f3
. r --· - ••. - -· 1

·distance of other planes to the right of R.P. are taken as :

, .. , , ' ~

positive and to- -the .left of

R.P. are
taken as negative. 13 and ID4 r4 l4 are dra~n. Closing vector (i.e. d'o') represents
i} _Tabulate the centrifugal _forces ~d couples due to centrifugal : the COUp)e IDM rM [M which is called M~alancing COUple.
forces [Table 12.6.l}. The planes are tabulated in the same '. (iv) Knowing the radius of rotation 'rm', the magnitude of
' '. ' ' I~•'; • ' ., 0, : I " : , , f, - : ". • , • • ' '1 J

order as they located from left to right. balancing mass 'm~' can be obtained as follows:
,• _i.
I ; , ,I_' •: , _.'' d'o' x Scale of couple polygon= P1M rM lM
-~ ' ' - :_ ~ - - .
= -rM 1-Mx Scale of couple polygon.
,·,.. ::. 3.

Sconned with Co mSconner

· · 12~9 .·.•
.: 1

, , , "•!
.··: .·. '::-, . . _ ,,;: , .,: -<·' .. -~. Balancin .:;

~ .: .. _. f • • .

' .~ ~ "' .
..: ., ' I'°

,.. : ~ . '

,_____ ,M~~~~

. - ....
' 14 ------1 ,, .

. . (a) Posltlom of Planes ofMllllel

. ' ..
J •.



"" (Scale:lmm•-ki-m) o m1r1 a

(Scale : 1 lllDI • _ t&-m)
(c) Couple Polygon (cl) Force Polyton

Fig. 12.6.t ·: Baiancing of Several Masses Rotating in Different Planes

' ' . '

,1nofu,er balancing mai>s :mL' can be found _b y drawing the_. .(ix) Draw the ~gul~ positions of balancing masses mM and mL
!tie!X!lygon (Fig. 12.6.l(d)]. _ · as shown in Fig. 12.6.l(b). ·
Draw oa , to represent m 1 r 1, parallel to Om 1. · '12.6.2 Balancing by Anatyticat.Met~o~ _
~ .
· From 'a' draw ab , to represent~ r2 , parallel to Offii. Following two conditions must be satisfied for the complete
'. l • •

~ . .-b~ancing of the system: ...

·From 'b' draw cd , to represent m 3 r 3, parallel to Orn3•
. 1. I, (Couples due to centrifugal forces)= 0
~ -
• From 'c' draw cd , to represent m 4 r 4 , parallel to Om4 • or I.mrl=O ··
2. I. (Centrifugal forces)= 0 .
· ·· From 'd' draw de , to represent mM· rw ·parallel to · ·- ·· or · r. m r =0
. -t ReferringTable _12.6.1 andFig., 1~·~·1; ,
loin eo to represent the balancing centrifugal force mL I

1: 1. I, (Couples due' ~o centrlfugal -forces) = O.

'"Knowing the radius of rotation 'rL', the magnitude of or, I. m rl = Q. ,-

balaiicing mass 'ML' can be obtained as follows .: (i) · ·Resolve the couples horizontally and vertically and find
',•, 1:_,. their summation
t-0 l<Sc
. · a1e of force polygon =m r
"" ' · . .. .L L '· ;_ ·'L(mrl)8 ' - O; · ...(12:6.1)
. ·,. --+ . .' .. · . ·' . . .
eo ·· · .· ~ m, 11 1, cos o+ m212 ~cos 02 + m3 r3 ~ cos _03 +·m"'' r1.1l,.icos01.1 +"'4.r4 i4. c::oS- e.,;, o
·· mL = - x Scale of force polygon · -~
)Jlni .. . rL ' . .. . . - : . t· ., __ . . . -- -

Ill force pol . :,.. mM rM1t,.cos 0t.1= m, r,·r:cos~ -:. m2 r2 ~cos 02 -m3r3~ ~s 0 3- m. r44C:OS e,
'Ill•· ygon, the angular position of balancmg masses
..,, is oblitined .:1 ·" .. • , ••• ~a)
f • • ..... j ~

~-·~·-·-·~~~~~----~~~~~~-·---·~~-Pu~t_c_H_=_m__r_z__c_o_s_o_-_m~-~_z__c_o_s_0_~-,mif3~r;3 ~l3~c~o;sh;e;;:3 1 1 1 2 2 2

, . . ltlkb.•w\M1i
·' ·..,. """I" .. Ub,l t ~\,t\ft\

Sca nned w ith CamScanner

.• . .. : . -· -..· .-· . · . ~
~· ... . : <- . . ~ ·. ,
- . ·: . . -.. " .
....:~.-~ ·~
MU • Sem 5 • Mech) 12~10 . -. ..

-m. r,. 1, cos a,., Equation (i) becomes,

··. '
.~ ..
Equation (a) becomes; . mL rL sin eL' ,;, . Fv . .- . '" :-;
. "'
MM CM IM COS 8M SI CH :_._ ·~.:(b) (II) Calculate
the: magnitude
. .
or balancl
ng lllass ni
. ···G) .
:t (m r /)y = o; ...(12.6.2) . From F.quations (h) ~d (j),' ·. L

- m1 r, f, sin o+ m2 r2 ~sin 9a + m, r, ~sin e, m., r., i.. sin Ow+~ r. 4sin a." o .:<mLrLcos0d2+(mLrLsineLl =Fl +Fl
. II V
:. m., r11 " sin 0111 • m1 r, /1 sin 0- m2 r2 ~sin 02 - ms rs~ sin 03 :- m. r4 '•.sin 04
...(c) ,
mLrL =-~\./~
r If + F:.
.. ' (U) , Calculate the angle made by the bala v ...(k)
Put Cv = m1 r 1 11 sin 0;... m2 r2 12 sin 02 - m3 ,r 3 13 sin 03 horizontal line OX . Deing niL "1tb ~
- m4 r4 / 4 sin 04•
. · Again from F.quations (h) and (j),
- . Equation (c) becomes, m,, rL sin eL Fv
mllt rMIM sin~ = Cv ...(d) mLrLcos8L = F;
(ll) Calculate the magnitude or balancing mass mM

... (e)

(iii) Calculate the angle made by balancing mass mM with the

horizontal line OX .
Again from Equations (b) and (d),
mM rM lM sin 0M Cv
mMrMlMcos0M = CH
=c- H

or ~ = ·tan
_1[ Cv
J ...(0

2. l: (Centrifugal forces)= o · -
···'.:· or · = 0
'.i) Resolve the forces . horizontally and vertically. and find
their summation
l:(mr)8 = 0 ...(12.6.3)
i, r, cos e+ mL/ Lcos eL + m2r2cos 02+ m3r3cos 03+ m,,. r~ cos Bt.t + m4r4cos 04=o
Given : m1 20 kg, = r 1 =60 mm=.0.06 m, 81 =0
·mLrL cos ~L=-[~ir1 .cosO + ~r2 .cos 02 +m3 r3 cos 03 . :
IDi =15 kg, r2 = 80 mm =0.08 m, 02 = 65°
... (g)
m3 =17 kg, r3 .= 100 mm= O.IO m, 03 =145°
Put FH =- [m1 r1 ·cos 0 + m2 r2 cos 82 +~3 r3 cos 83
- + mM·rM cos.SM+ m4 r4 cos 8~] · m4 =14kg, f4 = 60 mm= 0.06 m, 0, =270°
Equation (g) becomes, rL = rM =7 cm
,, : , mLrLcos~ = F8 , ... (h) Let us consider the two balancing masses II\. and mM in plane
l: ( mr)v = O; ...(12.6.4) L and M respectively .
m 1 r1 sin 0 + mL rL sin SL+ ~ r2 sin 82 +.m3 r3 sin 83 The positions of plane and angular positions of masses are
+ IDM rM sin 8M - lll~ r4 sin 84 =0 . shown in Figs. P. 12.6.l(a) and (b) respectively.
•'. ffiL rL SiD ()L =- [ml rt sin 0 - ~ f2 sin 8~ Mass·mM is piaced between planes A and B. · ·
_: ~ r3 Sin 03-inM rM sine; ~ m4 r4 Si~ 0~] ·: '. .. (i) Mass mL is placed between planes C and D. .· •
Put Fv = - [m1 r 1 sin 0 - Jl1i r2 sin 02 - m3 r3 sin 83 - From Fig. P. 12.6.l(a), it can be seen that Land Mare at the
' · ·· 1 • - : '"~ mMrMsin0~-m4 r4 sin84 ] distances of 50 mn1and240 mm respectively, fiom plane A.
·_:;-1·. •: : •.: ..
. ..

Scan ned w ith C11 mSconner

!ij~ - .oJfl0fljfl6
.,.' · . 01iv•
~ ·
I}' (MU. Sam 5. Mech)
.. - . , - • . •.• ' 1an
as the reference p
'' " .,._ • . .
e. Hence• the
'_ ·1211
·~- --~ ... - ' •
- ·. • t » , : - ; I ' .
. . -, '. •' i. '. "
.. . .
BafanCln --·:
-··· -, ·, . _.~ - .... _.. _ .· .-·-- ... . .- -·~· . , --- . .,•......, - .., ~., - ·-· - .. - -··
. . • fl"

~ti111 ,-- 5 ~ed . plane are taken as positive Wbil , ... ~ • '
" is P tigbt ~~ thi~en· as negative. .,,.,. _,; · ' · e i · (•u) Draw a'b' = 0.06 kg- m2, parallel to.- ~tnz fro~ pomt a .. : ·
?' y we e are .._
":J tO .he platl .15 iven in Table P. 12 6 1 · · . (iv)· ~
l'..i "of'" le data g · · · ' · '· : Form b' draw b'c'. = 0.21 kg- m2, parallel to 0tn:1: '.
" it'' dco\11' - 261
p~-i ~ gll '(sbleP.· 1 • • · ·.. () - i · · • ~ ·

l~ v From c' diaw c'd' ;,;, 0.2f kg~ ·m2, parall~l ~ ~M4·
._, - ~

(vi) Join d'o' to represent the balancing couple 0.013~ .r;nM·

From Fig. P. 12.6.l{c), by ~~ement, '' ·'

0 0
d'o' = 43 mm
~ - : - .
1.2 . 0.05 0.06 . (vii) Now d'.o' scale of couple polygon= 0.0133 mM
1.7 0.13 0.221 ·- - 43 x0.005 " ~ 0.0133 m~ ' - : -
0.07mM o'."i9 0.0133 ;, MM =· 16.17 kg - ·, · . '.: • •• .Ans.
mM (viii) From couple polygon, we get the angular position of
o.84 0.25 - 0.21 balancing mass mM with respect to position of mass m1 ·
, 14 Therefore~ · ·· · ·· ·
.polygon .. -. - -
em = go ••• Ans•
~le·uaUY couple polygon Fig. P. 12.6.l(c) is drawn form (ix) Show the angular position of mass mM in-:
~ IDl iven in column 6 of Table P. 12.6.1 with scale
· tbedatag 2 - · Fig. P. 12.6.l(b)
_ 0 ()()5 kg-ID · · -· -
- 1Jl)lll- .
~ . .,
'a' =- o.06 kg- m· , parallel to Om 1• It will be in
praw O
@) posite direction of om •.
the OP

c D

m L= 25.71 kg. ·
(a) Positions of Planes of Masses (b) Angular Positions of Masses


d / b
0.21 /
b' /
mL!L= 1.8/
/ -
a' -0.06 o'
......."-=--4-- o .0133m M= 0.216 0
/ 40· ,. -

d' 1.2
(Scale : 1 mm = 0.005 kg-m 2) (Scale : 1 mm= O.OS kg-m) ·

(c) Couple Polygon (d) Force Polygon

--- ~ r- • '"•~~ .-.--.. .--~ - -

Scanned with CamScanner

~:: .
.·.·; ·-{-,1.

·- ·:
. ..·
. :· .
. ·.-: ~
; ;
.. '
'.· . ·,~
·1 . .

. MU - Sem 5 • Mech· · 12~12 ~: . :i

:.,· .
·force ·polygon
2. (viii) By ·~easurement.
;;: ,,; 4i ~
. .. .. !'.
... ...
(i) Now draw lhe force . polygon Fig.P.12.6.l(d) · from
(ix) Now, co x scale of force polygon .. O.Q7 II\.""
the dala of column 4 In Table P.l2.6.l with scale
' . 42 x 0.05 . _ om m(
l mm"' 0.05 kg-m.
(ii) Drnw on = 1.2 kg-m, parnllel lo Om 1• -A .
(x) From force polygon, the angular · - . . . na.
- · P<>s1tion of Illas
(iii) From 'n' draw ab =
1.2 kg-m, parallel lo O~.
is, · · _ ' II\.

(iv) From 'b' draw be =1.7 kg-m, parallel to Om3• 0L e; 220°
~ '
(v) From 'c' draw Cd =0.84 kg-m, t>araltel to 0m 4• (xi) Show the angular position
Of Illass
II\. in.
(vi) From 'd' draw de =0.07 mM =0.07 x 16.17 = 1.13 Fig. P. 12.6. l(b).

~ .
(vii) Join 'e' to 'o' . eo represents 0.07 mL'


1 9 10 90 -8 -720
2(R.P) mL 10 lOmL 0 0
2 7 12 84 18 672
3 8 14 112 24 2688
M mM 10 lOmM 36 360mM
4 6 12 72 48 3456
From couple polygon

od = 360 IDM = 2300 ;

mM = 6.38 kg ••• An
and_ 0M = 30° •••All
from force polygon, .
oe = lOML= 150;
ML = 15kg •••A1
•• ':. f

and 0L = 30° ••• A

-, '

Scanned w ith CamScanoer

.... ~ . - -· • : I \... '~ ~ '. 1', ~ • • :• ..: '
. ealancin ' • ...-~,
I . • .

. : ~, ~. (' 1 ,

"' ' '

' .... '·· :~. ·:/ ..

: . l;M ~
I . ., ....,;
-1 '
' r3 ." · ·I
I : •,I

\ ',:·
(b) Angular Positions of Masses ..
•' , : I'



(c) Couple Polygon
(d) Force Polygon
Fig. P. 12.6.2

m3 =17 kg, .r3 =100 mm= 0.10 m., 0 3 = 145°
~shaft carries four unbalanced masses m1, _
m2, m3 m4 = 14 kg, r4 = 60 mm= 0.06m, 04 =T10°
l:\ol magnitudes 20 kg, 15 kg, 17 kg, and 14 kg rL= ·rM =7 cm
~at radii 60 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm and 80 mm Let us consider the ...two balancing-masses mL and mt.tin plane
. . ~

diely. The masses m 2 , m3 and m 4 revolve in planes Land M respectively.

nn, 180 mm and 300 mm respectively form the plane ol The positions of plane ~d angular pos!tions of masses are
1m, and are angularilty located at 65°, 145° an·d. 270° shown in Figs:·P. 12.6.3 (a) and P. 12.6.3(b) respectively:
~. measured in anticlockwise direction from the Mass mL is_placed betw~n plane_s A and B.
11\i looking from the mass end of the shaft. The shaft is
~ss mM is placed between planes C and D.
Mcally balanced by two masses, both located at
From Fig. P. 12.6.3(a), it can be seen that L and M are at ·
illlradii and revolving in plane midway between those of
distances of SO m and 240 m respectively from plane A.
>esm,anct m2 and midway between those of masses m3
~. Determine the magnitudes of the balancing masses Plane L . is assumed as the · reference plane. Hence the
tl!ir 18!1""-<~ - • d
-~uvely angular positions by analytical metho ·
distaDces to the right of this plane are taken as positiv e, 'while :
l: to the left of the plane are taken as negative'.
•- r ~

\• .
The forces and couples data is given in Table P. 12.6.3.
. . .. . ' ' ; . .

Scanned w itti CamScanner

· ;:
.. " · :. >
. ·. ......: -:· "~ .... ', '. :
"; \ '
:. . .. ''·
·~ -::
·_ 12.:14 ·e< ,,;• . ' -~· : ... . ' ... c._ . .. . .
.. ... ·.· . . . _. - .. . . .. ~-- ,. .. _-· :· ~~~:~~ ~~lallclri ~:
-o.oocos·o + o.06cosss._0.221cos145 + o.0133~MCOS!lw +o.2i ~~~~-· ::-,.~ ..
. .'.'; . . .'. 0.0133~ COS 0M = 0.215675 ?. ·, • ">-·,. Q . .
.''.~· ·< mM COS 0M = 16.2162 '. • ' . ,-
:t (mrl)v = o ·: , :... ···(a) .

m 1' ~1 l~ sin 0 -t ~ r2 l2·$i~ 02 + ni3 ~'3 ~~ sine' 3+ n}M rM·~. l ·

' • I . s' .
+ m4 r4 l 4 SID 04 =0 : . . . : : . M Ill 01.!
~0.00 slnO + 0.06 sin 65 +0.221sin145 +0.0133 m11 s;n e . · . ·
·. • . • '. . M + 0.21sin2'7o,.o
..... 0.0133mM _sm !3M .. =. 0.02886 •

., mM sin 0M = 2.17
(U) Calculate the magnitude of balancing mass·ni .. ·--(b)
• . •. - . r.t
From Equations (a) and (b); ·
(a) Positions of Planes_ofMas~es 2
,; I · - • I' •J 1 • f l •• ( mM .<;:OS• •~M
) ~ ( 2·-IDM sin 0M. >2. ~' (16.2162)
. '. -
2 + (2
mM = 267.674
;, mM = 16.36 kg
(iii) Calculate the angle made, by -the. balancing lllass "·Ans.
massm1 · ~ th
From Equations (a) ·and (b),
mM sin eM 2.17
mM COS 0M = 16.2162
tan 0M - · 0.13381
0M = 7.6218° Or (7.6218°+180°)
or 0M = 7.6218° or 187.6218° .
m = 25.71 kg. M As both the terms given by Equations (a) and (b)° are
L (b) Angular Positions of .asses positive therefore the angle is in first quadrant
Fig. P. 12.6.3 · : . . . ,. 0M = 7.6~18° .•.Ans.
(iv) Draw the angular position ofmM in Fig. P.12.6.3(1>).
Table P.12.6.3
2. Balancing of Forces . · .
l: (Centrifugal forces)= 0
or Lmr =0
(i) Resolve the forces horizontally and. vertically and find
'. ~
·their summation - I ·. ' • ; ' \ '· '

· . '' . .
, - I

A m 1 =20 0.06 1.2 -0.05 ~ . .' .: . ' . ,. '

0.07mL .
C~S 0 -f. m~ r~ COS 0L + ~·r2 COS 02'+,ID3 f3 COS 83 . ·
L(R.P.) mL O.Q7 0 0
m 1 r1 .-
B mi= 15 0.08 1.2 CJ.05 . 0.06
+ mM rM COS 0M + ID4 r4 COS 04:: 0
' C .-· m 3 = 17 0.10 . 1.7 0.13 0.221 . . ' - .
. .1.2
. .cosO - c~s65
.. + 0.07mL coseL + 1.2 .
+ 1.7 co~14~
. .. ~
M IDM 0.07 0.07mM 0.19 0.0133
mM .+ 0.07 x 16.36 cos7.6218 +.0.84cos270=0/ 1
, · ,
·~ ·• .

D m4 =14 0.06 0.84 .0.25 0.21 . 0.07 IDL COS 0L = .-1.44966 .. --:· ::. ·: ...(c:

1. ~alanclng of Couples mLcos eL. = - .207094

· t
· ··. ·, r.< ··· .·, · ..
. .:. . · l: (mr)v =0 :
l:(Couple5 due to centrifugal forces)= 0 ·
... ,·- or . Lmr.l ·.= · 0 1.2-sinO + o.o7 mL sineL +1.2 sin6S +1:7 -sin145 ' ·
l . . . -. .. . !

(i). Resolve. the couples horizontally. and ,vertically a~d find + 0.07 ~ ·16.36 sin7.62i8 + 0.84 sin270 = ·o·
their summation .. - 1'
,· .. l /.-. •

0.07.mL'sin e~ =
l: (mrl) 0.
8 = " . -1 .3745
. ...(d
· m; ·r1 11 cos 0 + IDz r2 Li cos 02 + m3 r3 . l3 cos 03
= -19.6357
+ mM rM IM cos eM + ID4 r4 l4 cos 94 0 = .' ' I

-·- • • T1cUMlt4
. P Utl lltifl O
- - ·••t1Cn) · 12~15

l'·'~~ '°~i.uie
r--·· ·0ft.4fl!;""·- • ·
:·.,1 .·..::~

of ba,lancing '!!lass .,, fro;,,

r~~ ~'\ ~
P . .. ' · •· , ·" · . . • . '" ;; • . Ba1a,;c1n '
· . . i.....l

is.,,. · · · · · ·
' • d (d) ; . . . . ' ,. . . ' th . . h ""<!as tbC rof°""ce Plane. Hence the dUtao= IQ_.
(')· : )2 = (-.20.7094) , + (- 19.6357)2
the t'llg t of this Plane are la1cen as positive while to the left of

·.. - ...
( ,;,, "" ::. · 814.44 ' • · · "'the ,;:::•:"" ncsalive. . • ·' · '.
··ei,) · · ·
'· .... ....
-1- · 84kg
__ -28.s3 · -'.;.
~ . . ·!!lass .,_L A."ilh
. , •or ·· · inade .by the haJanc1ng
Al.": . •kt angle -ve..._(t> p) ·.
' 1 · an .CO.plcsdataisgiveninTot>Ie P. 12.6,4.
· ·" ·' ·· ·
~....... w .
·:·. ·. . .~.: .. ..
···,··:1 ·-{)..' J.
·c'·-'"'"'1 : Equatl
. ·ons (c) and (d), :_. ..-
. ~ ffOtJI
.. 11 ~- :
..., sin 0L - 19.6357 '.

. ~
. ' IIlL· COS
0L = -20.7094
. } ·; . ·~ . ·.:
... -
tan 0L 0.9481 ·.\,,

. . .-: 0L = ' 43.4755° or (43.4755° + 0)
:. 0L 180
= 43.4755° or 223.475°.. · :•

, f..S bOth
. . is. .in
o"•le ththe angle 0L
th~.third. qU!i-drant.
e terms given by Equations (c) and (d) are
o ·
. ,
. . :. L = 223.475 ···Ans. . (a) Positions !If Planes of Masses

.. :·:..:

ti. : . .
Fig. P. 12.6.4 . , .
. : '
m: .
.· · ·. Table P. 12.6.4 ·
m1=21 kg,
r 1 =60 IDm=0.06m, 0 =O
~ = 16 kg, -
r2 =80 mm= 0.08 m, e2 =65°
m3 = 18 kg,
r3 =100 mm= 0.10 m, 83 = 1450
m4 = 15 k g, r4 =60 mm - .
- 0 06m, 84 7' 270~
, rL =rM =70nun 0.07 m =
~IS consider the two balancing masses mL and mM lD P
faoe L ··
r' lildMl'CSpectiveiy. ·
B ll'2 = 16

c m3 = 18 . 0.10
Of Plaoe aod angular positions of ...,ses are shown 1.8
inFigs. l(a)-Q. 6(a) and l(b)-Q. 6(a) 'M ,
0.Q7 0.Q7 mM
J !Cspectively. . ' 0.19
!~ It\.~ piaced between planes Aand B.
~\is Placed between planes C and D. •·
D fil4= 15 0.06 0.9 : 0.25

/I,-~~~ l(a}\!. 6(a), it can be seen that Land M "~at di 0mces

.' 1. Balancing of Couples
:E(Couples due to centnfugal foi~s) ;,,. 0

~-----_:___.:_,__:_______~~~ .:. _- . . .,. . ~ - - - - "."- - - - -~ ~, ~·r~tp:~ ~ ~.~.~ 0~~

"aod 240 m '"Pectively from plaqe A. ._ ,, ,
or Imrl : = ·"~ o ..,·: ... ·
..' ..

Scanned Wflh CamScanner

~ I ,. • .· .
. . ·,
..•.. , · · ·~
12-16 .. ·•)_( .; .. : ~: '!:: ~ J . ·· .: -.~~-·: :~,.1~;.'

• ·. R
. (l) eso1ve
rouples bOrizontally.and vertically and ftod
. .. . . ._. . , . . . . _.-.,
·: ::· ,. • · ·o.ff7 mLcosei.
. .. .their summadoo "~ .
;-.mLco~0L = - 21.76'
: .. . '"''·:~. ;'._-(°-. .. c} ··
. r
.~(mrl)H . · = . o·· . ~ ! , , ,I
, • I •' .' · • • I
. . ~;
I "

r 1 cos92 + ~ 3 r3l3 cos03 + mt.t r ~M<:os0M + ln4 I: (mr)v = O: "· "·

m1 r1l 1COs o+ m...
--~ 2'2 . . . • "
ri4cos04 = 0 , . · 1.26 sinO + 0.(f] mL sin0L + L28 sin65 . .
· ·· · ·· _,, "+: 1.8 s111145
- -0.063cos o + 0.064cos 65 + 0.234cos 145 + 0.013~ _mt.f(:os0M + · + 0.(f] x 17.28 sin 8.18 + 0.9 sin270 = 0 . . ·-'· ; .,
o.225cos 270 0 = /•
0,07 IDL Sin 0L = - 1.46
0.0133mwos0M = 0.2276
IDL sin 0L . = . - 20.92
:.mMcos0M = 17. 11 ,. .. (a)
. . ,. ...(d)
" (ii) Calculate the magnitude of balancing
l: (mrl)v - 0
Equation (c) and (d) IDaSs tnL fl°Obl
1 sin o +. ··-~
ID1 rI I
m~ r2' . "sin02 + m3 r3l 3
sin 0 3+ mM iM1,_; sin· 0~ + m4
' • 2
r 4/ 4 sin 04 = 0 mLcos0L ) . + ( mL sin 0J~ = : (-21.76)2 + (-20_ )2
2 92
_ o.063 sin o + 0.064 sin 65 + 0.234 sin 145 + 0.0133 mM sin 0M mL = . 911.14 · .

+ 0.225 sin 270 = 0 = 30.18 kg I '

.t ••
, • 0.0133mM.sin 0M = 0.0327 I, . • . , . ,.,Ans.
(ill) Calcu~te the angle made by the b&iancln ·
;, mM sin 0M = 2.46 .. .(b) mass mI ·- ·. g mass tnL With

(ll) Calculate the magnitude of balancing mass mM From Equations (c) and (d),

From Equations (a) and (b), . mLsin 0L -20.92

2 2 2 2 ffiL COS 0L = -21.76
( IDwOS0M ) + ( IDM Sin 0M ) =(17 .11 ) + (2.46)
2 tan0L = 0.9613
mM = 298.80
:.eL = 43.87° or (43.87° + 180°)
:.mM = 17.28 kg •••Ans.
;, 0L = 43.87° or 223.87°
(ill) Calculate the angle made by the balancing mass mM with
As both the tenns given by Equations (c) and (d) are negativ ~
massm1 angle 0L is in the third quadrant e, ~
From Equations (a) and (b), ;,0L = 223.87° ...Am.
mM Sin 0M
IDMCOS 0M = 17.11 Ex.12.6.5
tan0M = 0.1437 Four masses A, B, C, D are completely balanced. Masses c
and D make angles of 90° and 210° respectively with B in
.:.0M = 8.18° or (8.18° + 180°)
the.same sense. The planes containing B and C are 300 mm
Or 0M = 8.18° Or 188.18°
apart. Masses A, B, C and D can be assumed to be
As both the terms given by Equations (a) and (b) are positive concentrated at radii of 360, 480, 240 and 300 mm
therefore the angle is in first quadrant respectively. The masses B, C and Dare 15 kg., 25 kg. and
:.0M = 8.18° -.Ans. 20 kg respectively. Determine :
(i) the mass A and its angular position
(iv) Draw the angular position of mM in Fig. l(b)-Q. 6(a).
(ii) the position of planes·A and D:
2. Balancing of Forces ~oln.: ·:-
L (Centrifugal forces) = 0 Given : mA =magnitude of mass A, rA = 360 mm= 0.36 m
OTLillf = 0 m 8 = 32 kg, r8 = 480 mm= 0.48 m
(i) Resolve the forces horiz.onta.Uy and vertically and find me= 52 kg. . ·re= 240 mm= 0.24 m .
their summation
m 0 = 42 kg, r0 = 300 mm= 0.3 m
l: (mr),i . = O;
L BOC = 90°, L BOD = 210°, L COD =120°
m, r1COS 0 + mL rLcos0L + ~ f2COS82 + ID3 f3COS~3 x = distance between the planes, B and D
+ mM r~seM + ID4 r4cos0, = 0 y = distance between the planes A and B

l.26cos0 + 0.07~ cos0L + l.28cos65 + 1.8cosl45 The positions of planes and angular positions of masses.are
shown in Fig. P. 12.6.4(A)(a) and (b).
+ 0.07 x 17.28cos 8.18 + 0.9cos270 =0 The forces and couples data is given in Table P. 12.6.S
1?' pulllClllllDS
•...-.:....,;;;;i. . -.w..... _1'-)--~ 12•17

~' : ~~=
-·. ". ' ,;. • • f ..... ;· -
..·:··· .,., Ba\ancln ·~\

. - ~.

. l
0.24 . (; .i
0.3 \

. •t /,·
1 , ,. -ve -(R.P.) :--+ve , I, •• •·


• l . ,. ..
• I
' I \

(a) Assumed Positions ofP\~es m,.,=22kg .• 1.· .

,. ~b) Angular Positions ofMasaes :··.:

· :· "'' ·,.,,# rf '.1,. ::. •• • .

. I "' I
· . 'O~'/ ..

I h.
0 .36mA; . 1.8
I \
. I .
I • I I .,"
0---~~~~~~-Jb . I ' .
7.2. : o• .
... ' .., ..
· (c) Force Polygon (d) Couple Polygon
Fig. P.·12.6.S(A) \
\. force Po\ygon .. ·'--.~ ' \
(vi) Also, from force polygon, the angular position of
The magnitude and angular position of mass mA mass mA is, ·
can be obtained by drawing the force polygon · eA = 238° from Pbin~ B. ...A.ns.
lfig. P. 12.6.S(A)(d)1. 2. . Coup\e Polygon ·
(i) Draw ob =7 .2 kg-m. parallel to Oms· The position ·of plan~s ·A and D may ~ .o btained by
--7 drawing the couple polygon {Fig.~· 12:6.S(A)(d)1. ·
(li) From 'b' draw be =6 kg-m, parallel to Olllc ~ . . . - 2
(i) Draw o'c' ·parallel to 0Inc and equal to 2.8 kg-m .
(iii) From 'c' draw ;i =6 kg-m, parallel~ Omo· ~ '.
(ii) From point c' draw c' d' parallel to Om0 and from
--7 :
(iv) Join d and o, do represents 0.2 mA
point o' !haw o'd'· parallel to : · Om.._, respectively, -
--7 . ; . . . . --T
By measurement do =3.6 kg.m such that they interest at pofot d'. The veetor c'd'
represents 6 x.
. :• : -
. (v) Now, ~ = 0.36 mA ~
(iii) By m.easuremen~ cd' =2.26 kg.~ 2

' •.
= 0 .36mA
,-: ' .· . •:I ' , I
.•.Ans. •. ~
:. m;. = lOkg (iv) Now, cd' =6 x

.:~-:,~..;;;:-~o~·!!na~m~-:;ics~.o::.t;.:M:a:c~h;ln~e~ry;.,:(~M;;;U=-=·;;;S;.;;e•m,;,.5""'=·;.;M;;;ec.,..h•).- -~·=·=-..1i;-2-.1.a___.r•.·='·m
2.26 =
·.. .·. x ,· '·; ;·
6x ' re= 12 cm= 0.12 m;
' - ;=··.·. ~.'~-. . -:.----~~~I;
· ·• •"=
' ·.. :o-

Illo = 40 kg ; '
- - . . - . ro 15 c111 ::o.1s =
.:.:., -; :" -·'
- ·.378'm
0 .. · , ......- LBOC=.90° ; ._ L BOD= 210° ; L ~OD = ,1200 - ·Ill i
· or ,", x ·.. 378mm · ••.Ans.
' i· -(v)' From c9~pi;_ pojy~on it is. seen. ~at the_direction. of
. .,\ .
=.' Magnitude OrlllUs A, ...··· . .. 1

x =. Distance between the ~mnc· B

-. . vector c1' ~ is opposite t~ the direction of mass IDo· · . . s andn
_Therefore, ·the plane of mass.m 0 is 0.3.7 8 m or 378 Y = Distanee betw~n -the plan . · ' llld
. ·- - . . esAandB
'} . -· - _. mm towards left of plane B and not toward right of The . positi~n ?f _the planes. an~ the angiitar · : . . _
. . . -. position of th
plane of B as already as~um~.._- masses is shown m Fig. P. 12.6.6(A)(a) and (b). .- -. c
-+ .. 2
(vi) By measurement, d'o' =3.5 kg·m Assuming the plane B as the reti
erence pl
--+ : and the mass B (m8 ) along · the. horizontal r anc CR.P.)
(vii) Now, d'o' =- 0.36 mA y : · . . . .. . ·. me as sbo .
Fig. ~.12.'6 .6(.t\)(b), the data may be tabuiated be wn 1n
3.5 = -0.36 mA 'y . .-:-, . . . ~ . as ~:
.· '
Table P. 12.6.6
/3.s "·= - ·..::o.36 x 1o~y·
. ' '. ·
:. y = 0.9722m :-·. :· ...Ans.
The negi1:tive sign indicates that the plane A .is not' towa'rds
left of B as assumed, but it is 0.9722 m o~ 972 mm iowaros
right of plane B. '' ·
3. Actual Positions of P;lanes " . :; . ..
. ,, ,

r:: , , -y -0.18
The actual positions of planes are s~own in Fig. P. 12.6.5(B) mA ··Y
B . 30 0.24 7.2 0
-ve -(R.P.) -+ve 0
c 50 0.12 . 6 0.3 1.8
40 0.15 6 x 6x
The magnitude and angular position of mass A m be
' • ay
determined by drawing the force polygon as shown in
Fig.P.12.6.6(A)(c). Since --the masses are to be completely

Lx=378 !
y =972
_j· balanced, .~e~efort: .the force polygon must be closed figure. The
closing side ( is proportional to 0.18 mA. By measurement,
~ I
Fig. P. 12.6.S(B) : Actual Position of Planes 0.18 mA = do= 3.6 kg-m or mA = 20 kg ... Ans,
In order to find the angular positlon ·~f m~~ ·:A, ·~~ o{ in
I• I
, ~· ; •. ' 1•!'~1·, i,1' ,

Fig. P. 12.6.6(A)(b) parallel to do. By measurement, we find that

the anguiar positi~n of mass A fro~. in~; Bin th~-anticlockwise
. ;
direction is L AOB =236°. . ...Ans.
~I ~
(R.P.) , , .: . - · + "I

-ve ... • • +ve

': ·,.

, I j'

r3oo-lx ~
• •
' ' ~ ,I.
Soln.: ,(• • 'I

Given: • 1 '' ! I :

(a) Position of Planes

·A = 18 cm = 0.18 m ; ma = 30 kg ; ra = 24 cm = 0.24 m ,.

!le= 50 kg;
. ~ I r '
•' l.i ... } ...
'. -~ . .,
; . ~ ...

;2 . . From point c'.' and ·o1; draw ;ines parallel to OD aod. OA

.respectively, Such that they int.erseCt at point . d'. :BY
measurement, we fi~d that . . .
. ·-+ . .. . .
:· 6x = c'd' = ~.3 kg-m ()!' x =.0.383 111 ~

B -- · 'Vje see _from the couple polygon that th~ direction of c'd' is
240 0. pgosite to the direction of mass D. Therefore the plane of JI13SS D
18 •383 m or 383 mm towards left of plane B and not towards right
···.. 30 kg of plane B as already assumed. . ••• .ADS·
Again by measurement from coup~e polygon.
-+ 2
; ...:oJ8 IDA• y = o'd' =·3.6 kg-m
111,.. . . . . -: 0.18 x 2oY = 3.6 or y 1m =-
(b) J\,ngular Position o~Masses ·: The negative sign indi~s
that the :plane A · is not towards .
left of B as assumed but it' i~ 1 m or 1000 mm towards right of
plane B.. . ••• ADS·
6x /"I The a~tual positions of planes are as follows.
/ II (RP.) ..
-ve +ve
·· · - :/ '. • • j

1.8 I
- I
' ··!
~-----b o'
~ 383 -1-- 300 --l - I
(c) force Polygon : (d) Couple Polygon 1. _' 1000~
Fig. P. 12.6.6(~) .
-Fig: P. 12.6.6(8)
roe pasition of planes A and D may be obtained by drawing
eCCllPle polygon, as shown in Fig: P. 12.6.6(A)(d). The couple
1ygon is drawn as discussed below :
~ 1 ,. _ 1, ~·

. 0raw-o'c' ·parallel to OC and equa1 ·to1:8 kg-m , to ·some.
sui.table scale. '..'. • : i . . ~ :

.. • I

magnitude of mass A; . , fA. = 150 mih. = 0.15 m
25 kg -, - rs= 200
. '
mm= 0.2 m

··,: .
01c == 40 kg ca= 100~=0.l m : ....... ::

I ,


... .
- :
__T_~bl~ ~· p.6.7
· ·<·····. ·~
·~ ~<,~
_. .:_;
-y -o.15m.._ -~{
. '·
0 -o '.
0 .25 1

- (R.P.) -

rc. ·- .

(a) Assumed Positions ofPlanes (b) Angular Positions or Masses

· •(Scale : l mm ""0.5 ~-m) . ,. · (Scale: .2cm=1 kg-ml)

c '"; .


·.; . ! ' : '"

. _ _ _ _ __, b

.. .
' i . .
" ~·

(c) i;:orce Polygon . (d) Couple Polygon . ·' : . . . . .. . 1

Fig. P.:12.6.7(A)

1. Force polygon Ex.12.6.8

A shaft carries four rotating masses A, B, C and ti which are
= mr_; L3 =0.1 5 mA. = ~7 .3 kg completely balanced .. The niasses B, C ~rid .D af~ ·50 kg.,
c.f 0.5 IDA
.r =

80 kg. and 70 kg. respectively. The masses C an·d D make

2. · Couple polygon angles of 9o0 and 195° respectively with mass B the mass In
0.9 same sense. The masses A, B, C and D are concentrated at
2 = 63. x; x = 0.0714 m or x = 71.4 mm
radius 75 mm,, 50 mm and 90 mm respectively. The
2 plane of rotation of masses B and C are 250 mm apart.
(b) = 0.15 mAy; y = - 0.385 m=-385 mm
2 Determine : .. . ,
- (R.F.)- (i) The mass A and its angular position ·: · ,
(ii) The position of lanes of A and D. ....
'.·r!,. I

::, ...
Given data:
•! mA =· magnitude of mass: rA =o.75 m of A;' .
me = 50 kg • ·· · ·re · =·,· 0.100 m
0.0714 m
~ = 80 kg :re = . 0.050m
y---0.385m 0.25m
, . -IIJ> = 70kg .: . :. r0 _ =,, ?·~m

Fig. P. 12.6.7(B)
LBOC = 90° LBOP = 195

.·-:: · ·

Sl;ilrmW with Can&.:arm~

' .·. ' .
.. ~· ·

. . . . .. .. ~ . . . , :. :.· ~ /1_
, --,.: . : eaia'ncin!L
' . .·-,. j

. Table P. U.6JI ·.
' -1 • ; ~

IDA 0.075
?·075~: · -y -0.075 IDA Y
- 50 0.100 ..
~ : •.
0 0
80 0.050
c 4 ; 0.25 1
,d '

70 0.090
6.3 x 6.3 x

r ..

· ed Positions of Plan~
(•) iUSUJll . (b) Angular Positions of Mas~
6.3 c

\ 4

\ \
. "

. . (d)
Fig. P.12.6.S(A)

ooxscale = 0.08 mA;

13x0.5 = 0.08 mA
mA = 81.25 kg

d'c' = scale =7 .6 x
4xo.1· = 7.6 x
x = 0.05263 m 0.05265

~o' x scale =
52.63 mm
0.08 IIly - -- - ....
-0.619 m. 0.25m
t) ,,
11 x0.1 = - 0.08 x 81.25 y
y = -0.616 m.
~12.6:9---- ___________.:. ________Fig. P. 12.6.S(B)
Dare lour masses carried by a rotating shaft at radii 110, 140, 210 and 160 mm respecitiv~l.,( Th~ P1aries. ;~
t.ilhereq _- 00 mm apart and the mass~ of B, C ~nd D are, 7 .kg _and 5 kg .respectively.
revolve are spaced 7_ .
: uil'ed mass A and the relative angular positions of the four masses so that the shaft is in ~~ple~e .balance.
~ .. . ., .
. ...... _,


Scanned w ith camscanner

. <. .
. ·.. '· . - .' '·. . -
• • • ! ; ;· ·_.
. .
".: -·>O~ri'.a,;,ics of Machinery (MU - Sem 5 - Mech . ' " 12-22 • '- ,: .. ' i·., • •
' .I·,. ~·
..: ., .. : , B~{i~ . /_.~.=..;

soiri.: .·-
· Given:
· ·m
::: To be found,
·.. -~
rA = 110_mm ,= _0 .ll m
. .. ! ~

m8 '.. =:: _12 kg, r8 == .140 mm·= 0.14 m . . • .,: :.

. IDc ~ :: 7 kg.- = 210mm=0.21 m
, .. , ..(

mD = .5kg, r0 = 160mm-== 0.16m_.

Let us assUm.e that the plane _A is a reference plane (R.P.) 'The positions "of the planes and maSses
are shoWn •
Figs. P. 12.6.9(a) and (b). Ill

·,, rce and. couple data is given in -rable P._12.6.9

The10 . .
Table P. 12.6.9

A(R.P.) mA
0.14 1.68 0.7 .
B 12 l.176
1.47 1.4 ·- -- -- -
c 7 · 0.21
0.8 2.1
D 5 0.16

c D

700 ---100-.i.-- 700 -l

(a) Assumed Positions of Planes (b) Angular Poslti~ns of Ma111es




-- . - 1.68
o' 1.176 b'

(Scale : 1 mm== 0.05 kg-m2) (Scale: 1 mm== O.OS kg-m) -· · ·:

·,. · (c) Couple Polygon (d) Force Polygon
Fig. P.12.6.9--
' ·'
Couple_polygon - . . ,.

· · ·The angular positions of masses me and m0 'are obtained by drawing Lite couple polygon [Fig~ P. 12.6.9(c)] from the data·given
1:.. ' .·, .·
:._; . .. '
l ~ .~ .

. pt t lt Cl rfllS

__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ .;....;.~ _ __ _ _ ,,,,,
_~~.f'!!~\:i- .....,__ _ _ _ _
·_;c;;.....,, __fmmntt

Scanned wrth CamScanner

r ..
~g(... t ~ach1ne
l;~-~- " ~o

'· -:12-23
: 1 : .

(_.-• . r11 . .. suine that the mass Illa is in horizontal
, us SS . . ·" " ,
· i,et hoWD in Fig.}>. 12.6.9(b): Now"dra respectively from the shaft axis. ·The centre pulley has a
0) ·on as s . . .. , . • w
~tt - uple pO-Iygon . as sho~
in Fig. P. 12.6.9(c). ·
Shaft . .
of 0 kg and ·it's .centre of gravify, is._ .20 mm from the
.; . - ·
tlJ.ecO ~ · 2 · - axis. If the PUll~ys are arranged so as to give the static
· .i...,W o'b' = 1.176 kg- m, Para\lel
L~- . .:
lo Om.
· B
lo bat~n~. determine : ·,
(~J :tars ·W>Ie scale (1mm=0.05 kg-m2 ) • . 1
· itie angular relat_iv~of ~siti~n~ ~e-p~ll~ys;
50llle sUJ .. •. . -- - . . .
pO. ill ts._o' and _h' - ~w two ~es equai lo · · the dynamic forces produced on the when the
f oflll · · 2
2 and 2.058 kg-m -~~ely such that
· -· · shaft rotates at 340 r.p.m. · ..
··(iii) . .·_
1 681':g-Ill i . : . . ; . - -: . . .· - .'- . Sotn. ~
· . tersect at c'.
f.beY lll · · _, Given • Shaft · - - ·
• speed == N =340 r.p.m
_ f'loW f:roIIl couple polygon we _g7.t · the angular ....
2 ~N - 2 n ~340 =35.61 rad/s.

0") sitions . of masses -...: m_ and m_ from m_ mass :. m =

. -o -a·
pO . ; • ' • -· -
mA =50 kg,
'Jberefore, rA =20mm= 0.020m
Be = 119°
m8 =60kg, · ." r8 =20mm=0.020m
and 0n = 263°
-Ans. Ille = ·25,kg, ·· re= 15 mm= 0.015 m
polygon Let
fOrce . _ R~. = dynamic reaction of bearing L due to
I dfaW the fiorce polygon [Fig.·P. 12.6.9(a)] to obtain the unbalanced dynamic couple, N.
inagnitude an
d direction of mass mA•
RM == dynamic reaction at bearing M due to
{)raw ob . = 1.68 kg-m. parallel lo Oms to some unbalanced dynami~·couple, N
suitable scale (1 mm= 0.05 kg-m) Fig.P.12.6.IO(a) shows the actual system, while
-7 Fig.P.12.6.IO(b) shows the equivalent system with masses
(ri) From 'b' draw be = 1.47 kg-m, parallel lo Olllc-
revolving ·at given radii in different planes. The plane of
(ill) From 'c' draw cd = 0.8 kg-m, parallel lo OIIlo. bearing i; is selected as_referen~ plane (R. P.)
(Iv) Join d and o. Vector do represents 0.11 mA . The force and couple data is given in Table P. 12.6.10
-7 Table
. P. 12.6.10
. ..
(v) By measurement do =22 mm
(vi) Now, do x Scale of force polygon= 0.11 mA

22x0.05 = 0.11 mA,

1.1 = 0.11 mA
1.1 A 50 0.02
:. mA
=lOkg ...Ans.
1 -0.5 -0.5
L(R.P.) RL /m2 0
(vii) Also from force polygon, the angular position of mass 0
IIIA is, B 60 0.020 i.2 -·: ' - 1.0 1.2

~ ·, . M . 2"
RM/ 00 ·· 2.0 2.RM/ol
!t12.s.10 - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - -
4111... • -
~ ~IS ' d "c 25 " . 0.015 - 0.375 ---
~- suPPorted between beari~gs - 2.0 m apart an 0.94
-~ 3 o.s m beyond _bearing at each ·end. The shaft
'~ leriooi~Ulleys ?~e at each end and one at the middle of
~ their. lhe masses of end pulleys are 50 kg and 25 kg ., 'l

centre of gravtty are 20 mm and 15 . mm

-·- ~ - ......~~"'~ - ----- -

Scanned w ith CamScanner

. . .~ : ~ ' I' . . .. - ·
·. :,. ··
~ ~ i·~· ': • • ~/.~( :..1' .• '
·,,.:_.. I : - . ', ' .' ..... •

. ·.-:..·. \ :~·~ ' .,·. . . : .. ":.

.'i . .
. ,:·
' ' I ' t

m; ..,·cs of Machfner)' (MU' ~ Sem' 5 - Mech) .
. ·: . , ~-.:. Dyna . · .. . .
:. .. . . ' .· .. ' ' . . . . . . " . ' '

' ' . . . . :. . ' .; :~. _; ·. :.t

'. ' ' .• •. "'~ :~ ": ~·
... ·.., :·-: . •r • :

. . · PulleY A . .. . -Y8 ~(R.P.) ~+ve

• • I • i ·' . ~ I ! ·' " . ~ ~
' , PulleyB ~ .' .... - ,· ..
..-=- • • •
A L B M c
' l ..

,, . •. .
!. •·
'"··. .' ~.

,· ... : ..-.
0.5 m - - - - - 2.0 m - - - - i - p.5m 0.5 m -1---- 2 m -----.i.e.. 0.5 m
(a) Actual Sy1t.em (b) Ec:iutftient sY1tein

r' : .
· (SCaJe : 1 mm= 0.025 kg-:m)
.: · ·:··.~ ·- ~-· ·~:--
(c) Force Polygon (d) Angular Positions
... b'

~I : •.

(Scale :1 mm= 0.025 kg-m 2 ) (Scale : 1 mm =0.025 kg-m)

' ' . . .... .
(e) Couple Polygon (f) Force Polygon
Fig. P. 12.6.10
Force Polygon (iv) Now in Fig. P. 12.6.IO(d), draw OmB parallel to vector
~ ~
Refer Fig: P.12.6.lO(c); ab .and Orne parallel to vector bo , to represent
· (i) Let us assume that force due to ~s of pulley A acts in angular positions of masses mB arid Dlc .
horizontal direction.
2. Couple Polygon
(ti) · Draw· ~ = 1 kg-m, parallel to OmA to some suitable Refer· Fig. P. 12.6.lO(e) ; • ''C.

scale (1 mm =0.025 kg-m). .........+

~ ~
(i) Draw o'a' = - 0.5 kg-m2, parallel to omA in opposite
(iii) From points 'a' and 'o', draw ab . and ob equal to · direction with some suitable scale
· 1.2 kg-m and 0.375 kg-m 2
(1 mm= 0.025 kg-m ) .'
respectively with scale. These vectors intersect at point .........+ .
(ii) From a' draw a'b' =.1.2 kg-m2, parallel to OmB.
. .........+ .. 2 . : -
(iv) From force polygon, the angular positions of masses (iii) From b' draw b'c' =0.94 kg-m , parallel to OIDc-
Join~'o', · ~ector ;,J repre.sents 2!f.
mB and Ille are obtained. They are,
SB= 165° and 0c = 285°. (iv)

~; '

scanned w ith CamScanner

·.. · :· : ·,. : :~; ..,.,.: __ ;7·:.~ _:.:~Z:_~

. }:_} · f. ~ac
(- · ·1111~ o . .
· .
. . \lfernent
111~ .
U ~ 60 mm
Mo-=ec;-h: i..,.._~· · -12-2s~-------:...--~~~_;.,;;!:

< ·-.eaJancin . :·_:

The ·closing aide of the · polygon i.e. · vc:coot co


,;' JJf ·.:-1' scale of.couple polygon =-:::f!

. (~) c'O :i- . ,. . CO RL
2R rcprescnta .(;; • ' i
,. ·
p .. ·, :.:;r'o
1.5 = --;T
. oOJ.--1
,,( .::: (l) ·,
, : Rm
. 'I measurement; co
=30 mm- .
I/Ji- .P. ~ 7 = 0.75kg.m. Now ~ ·Sea · RL
'.;r .: :
(I) ' •
. ' >< • le offotce polygon :: ""::l
!' 0 75 (J)
. Ri.
.:;. . ' c;; = 0.75
,. :iJllic force at the bearing Mis g.iven by,
· :, Dynamic force at the bearing Lia gjvcn by.
· (~i) OY11 _ .
0 7500
2 =o.75 (35.61) 2
- .
P.r.t - ~ = 0.75 w
=0.75 x (35.61)2
.... 951.105 N. A
... ns. or
ltr.t' -
Ri. = 951.05 N
. polygon . Thus the dynamic forces at the two bearings are equal in
force . · ·th~ .
~ dr w once agam e 1orce polygon considering th
~ow a . e magnitude but opposite in direction.
, . forces at beanngs M and L, as shoWn .
d)'llaIJ!lC . 1D

fi1g•.P iz.6.lO(f)

m1 =15 kg. r 1 =0.5m, 01 =O

IIlz = 30 kg, r 2 =0.6m, e 2 =.60°
fit.=?, -rL =0.25 m, 0L=?
mM=?, fM =0.25 m, 0m = ?
21tX 240
N=240rpm, :. oo· 60 =:25.13 rad/s
The forces and couples data is given in table

L 0.25 . ~ 0.25 llli. 0 0

A 15 0.5 7.5 0.7 5.25

B 30 0.6 18 . 1.7 30.6

M 0.25 0.25~ 2.7 0.675 lt\.(

From couple polygon,

o'b' ' =_0.675 mM
33.33 = 0.675 mM
:. MM = 49.38 kg
4 ' \ l

OM:::: 235° ••• Am_

orce polygon,

~ = 0.25mL

l~- Scanned with CamScanner
~ '·. ·.. ......... .
; . -~~.'
. ..
'. \ : ····

. . ~

. ·~ ~· ..... ·:"'

·:;.. ~· . - ,• .
.In = 10 kg and 9L = 220°. ., ·!
..; . ··· ..:
. L .· . , ~' -i. . .. i ·: ·,·· .·An.;. ·..
-ve-(R.P.)-+ve . .. ' -.
~ . . ,'· .

-·.·· _.·.
. •
. L.'
. B ·, ~
A · ·.. :.;

181 .. 1 · 181
i..~----2 m ----..-! I
1---~- 3 m - - - - - - - - t • ;
i ,J. ~ •• ~ ~ •.

· (a) ~ositi~ns of Planes of Masses . (b) Angular Positions of Mass~'

_, I • . .J ·• · '

. I
I o'
o' . '.

(c) Couple Polygon (d) Force Polygon .

Fig. P. 12.6.11

Ex.12.6.12 (R.P.) ~-i:ve

A shaft carries four weights A, 8, C, D of 120, 20~, 300 and '?
160 N respectively spaced 18 cm apart..Measuring clockwise I
from A, B is 240°, C is 135° and D is 270°. The radii are I
15 cm, 12 cm, 6 cm and 18 cm and the speed of the shaft is I
120 rpm. Find the magnitude and direction relative to A of I

the resultant moment at a plane midway between A and B.

· Given:

MA = 120N , rA=15cm ' SA= oo ·

(a) Position of planes of masses
Ms= 200N , rs= 12cm , BB =240° Fig. P. 12.6.12 Contd.-

Mc= 300N , re= 6cm Sc= 135°

Mn= 160N ' r~= 18cm S0 =270°

scanned with CamScan ner

rnlCS of Machine (MU • Sem 5 • Mech ' 12-27 • .i.
: "

. . ~- ·.eaJa cin

Rdci = 16.17 N-m


.. RL 16.17 (2.1t ~120) =2553.46 N •••Ans.

From Equation (i) and (ii) f
l ' ~
RL I w sin 02
RdCJlcos 02
= 6.74
. tan ~L = 2.18

0L = 65.36° ••• A.ns.

Therefore the resultant reaction of magnitude RL =2553.46

act at the angle 0L =65.36° ·
(b) Angular positions of masses
Fig. P. 12.6.12

Let RL is the dynamic reaction at plane L

= 3 kg; LCOB = 75°; LDOB =200°

- 1 ••

in ' ·· -·.:
I ' . Let r = Radius of rotation of each mass and
0.15 18 .0 0
A(R.P.) 120
l = Distance between consecutive planes
Rdro .
0.9 9 Rdro
L The position of the planes and angular position' of the masses
24 0.18 ' 4.32 '
B 200 0.12 . are shown in Fig. Pl2.6.13(a) and (b) respectively. Assuming plane
0.36 6.48
0.06 18
c 300 A as reference plane, the various data may be tabular shown in
0.54 15.55 '
0.18 28.8 Table P.12.6.13.
D 160
' ~ · Table P.12.6.13
~nalytlcal Method ·
r " -~-- --' . .
._ - - .
(i) Resolving
· i
coup es
h rizontally ·and vertically and find .
o . _. ' _ .

'ilieir-swmnation : '
· > · ......... •

r :E ( IIlI'Oa : =: __o·
- - - . - --_ . o + 6.48 cos 13So + 15.SS cos 2700 = .o
9 RJol cos eL + 4.3 2 cos 240 . .• . ··. . " . . .
2 Cos 0 ::: 6.74 ... (1) A IDA r IDA 0 0
Ri,:.I (J) , L (R.P.)
. :E (.rorOv == O· . . . 0
• o 6 48 sin 1350 + 15.55 sm 270 = 0 B 3 r 3 3
9 R . /ro2 sin 0L + 4.32 sin 240 + . ("11)
).; 2 • 0 ::: 14.70 .... c Ille ·r Ille 2l
RL/(J) sill L
D mo r mo 3l
' '· · s (i) and (ii) 2 . 2
Form Equation 2 _ ( 6 74) ·+ ( 14.70)
z (R /(1)2 sin 0L) - ·
(RL/CJl cos 0L) + L

Scanned w ilh CamSca nner
. .
,j '

' '
.. ·.

·, ~~~~
'0 ; Machinery (MU - .Sam 5 - Mech)

-ve - (R.P.) -+ve

r·r rr
1-·,_..J_ I _..J_ J -I
(a) Position ofpJanes (b) Angular position of masses

·• ~ . i c
. mA ; 1.. 1.~

<___ ...---.
0 3 b

o' 3
(c) Couple polygon (d) Force polygon
. ,.·

1. First it is assumed that the plane B is in horizontal direction.
Since the given system is completely balanced, the couple
polygon should be closed Draw vector o'b' using some
suitable . scale in the horizontal direction and draw · a
perpendicular line at b' in the direction of OC. Now draw a Since revolving weights WA and Wd together with distance of
line 60° inclined in the direction of OD so as to intersect the plane D
from others ·are unknown, a choice of plane A as re~e
i1 rence
· perpendicular line from o' at c', as shown in Fig. P.12.6.13(c). plane reduces the number of unknowns to a manageable
. value.
2. In Fig.P.12.6.13 the vector b'c' is proportional to 2 Ille and Thus the table is as follows :
vector o'c' is proportional to 3 ·m0 . By measurement, we get,
2 lllc; =. vector b'c' = 2 kg or Ille = 1 kg ••. Ans.
and 3 mo = vector c'o' = 4 kg or m0 = 1.33 kg••• Ans.
3. No~ dra~ the force polygon using the data in column (4) of
Table 2, as shown in Fig. P.12.6.13(d), using some suitable A w. 20cm 2ow. 0 0
scale. The closing side of the polygon represents force due to 15cm 540
B 36 25cm 13500
mass A. By measurement, we get,
mA = vector do = 2.4 kg •••Ans. c 25 15cm 375 75cm ' 28125

4. The anguJar position of mass A is determined by drawing a D wd 20cm 20Wd (75 + x) (1500+
parallel line OA is Fig.P.12.6.13(b), parallel to vector do in 20x)Wr
the same direCtion. By measurement,
As is clear from the above table, there are two unknown
we get LBOA = 190° measured anticlockwise from m8 •
- - forces. W d rd is completely unknown while W• r. is.known only in
direction. Thus force polygon can be drawn. It also follows from
the above table that couple polygon in plane A will be a triangle
with three sides as~= 13500, cc= 28125 and cd = (1500 +_20x)
Wd. Since the couples ~ and cc are completely known, couple
polygon is completed as at Fig.P.12.6.14(c). By measurement,
cd = c0 =29700. Thus equating
(1500 + 20x) wd = 29700 ...0)

Scanned w ith CamScan ner

MU • Sam 5 • Mech
12·29 . '.' . , Balancln · "

/A · /B /C /D
jR.P. I i I
i I ·i i
· r ·r
I 25 cm I 50 cm
_ 7·
.' x
· ·1


d~_w...:•:..r•:..=-3_e_o-i c

a b


Fig. P.12.6.14

Further, since lhe direction of centrifugal force on Wd will be The position of planes and angular position of masses are
same as that of cd = c0 lhe force polygon for plane A is as shown in shown in Fig. P. 12.6.15
Fig. P. 12.6.14(d). Note lhat direction of force (W. r1 ) is along the The forces and couples data is given in Table. P. 12.6.15
rndius OA. By measurement from Fig. P. 12.6.14(d).
Table. P .12.6.15
Cd = w. r = 389.92

w. = ffg· = 19.49 kg
38 9 ••• Ans.

Also do' = Wdrd =320

31;i·2 = 16N ... Ans. m1 1 unit m1 0 0
Therefore, wd =
2 3 1 unit 3 , 1 3
3 ffi3 1 unit ~ 2 2lll:J
4 ID4 1 unit ID4 3 3m4
From couple polygon,
... Ans. ~
be = 2~
.. 3.4 = 2m3
:. m3 = l .7kg ...Ans.
Also, ac = 3 m4
5.2 = 3 ffi4
.. m, = 1.73 kg ...Ans.
From force polygon
ad = m1
.. m1 = 2.4kg . ..Ans.
and 0I · = 195°
.•• Ans.

$°Tldib. .1.qi
P u1111 c att oni
. ·. ;.. ~-· . . ·.· ·~.
.. -,;~
. •. . . ..


·: • ."DYflaml~ of ~achinery :(MU - Sem s - Mech) .. ! : • . • ' ~ . • 'I . :::• I . :.,· ·.

.== ' .

. .
~ 1 unit .. I .. ..
1 unit. 11 unit I.
(a) Position of planes (b) Angular positions of mas.,es

a 3 b
a 3
(c) Couple polygon (d) Force polygon

Fig. P.12.6.15 ·
(i) Determination of unbalanced forces (ineru· &
12.1 Balancing of Reciprocating Masses . . . a •Orces) due
to reciprocating parts.
(ii) Balancing of the unbalanced . forces by convenient
In applications like :'I.e. engines, reciprocating compressors
and reciprocating pumps, the reciprocating parts are subjected
to continuous acceleration and retardation. 12.8.1 Primary ~nd Sec~ndary ...Unbalanced
Due to this continuous acceleration and retardation, the
Forces Due to Reciprocating Masses·
· inertia force acts on the reciprocating parts which is in a Consider a horizontal reciprocating engine mechanism
. . . .~
~lion opposite to the direction of acceleration. shown in Fig. 12.8.1.
This inertia force is a disturbin~ force or unbalanced Let, m = mass .of the reciprocating parts,
dynamic force acting on the reciprocating parts. (I) = angular speed of the crank, rad/s
Hence, the balancing of the reciprocating parts or masses r = radius of crank. m • • ••• .1

-means eliminating, partially or completely the eff~t of inertia = length .o.~ f onnecting rod, m ..
force by using suitable balancing masses. - n = obliquity ratio i.e. ratio of length of
The balancing of reciprocating masses is divided into connecti~g ~od to er~ radius =l / r
following areas: e = angle made by crank with the i.d.c. position
1. Balancing of Reciprocating Masses in Single Cylinder f = acceleration·of the reeiprocatiilg niass, m /s2

Engine F1 = inertia fo~ce ~ue to reciproc~ting mass, N

2. Balance of Reciprocating Masses in Multi-Cylinder The acceleration of the reciprocating mass of a slider crank
Inline Engines mechanism is given by,

3. Balance of Reciprocating Masses in V-Engines f = (I)

2 cos28J
r [ cos e.+--n-

The inertia force due to reciprocating mass is given by,

12.8 Balancing of Reciprocating Masses F1 = m ffi
2 [ · · cos28J
r .c os 8 +-n- . ...(12.8.l)
In Single Cylinder Engines
In reciprocating engine mechanism, this inertia force is an
The balancing of reciprocating masses in single cylinder unbalanced force.
engine involves :

ScOllnned with CamScanner
. ··';..:
.. . ..... .

:·-. ·;· . ·.;>:·.-- .., . '~ ... -. .. . .:: .eaiancin&"
c _;.--.\.-., .
----- ~---:-·"
I m,I ·"'•
-·.· /
I\ "\
---- T_-----:.____ I - - '\ ·
\:u ---- I Q
_ l.d.~\---...:__ ,___:._~:__j_ ___ .
I ' \ . .- .
f . ne of Stmke

F~ \ , "jo.d.c
\ I I



I ./·/

' Fi . I
g. 12.8.l : Reciprocating li'....:_ u
"'•ai;me lY1tthanism .
balanced force due to reciprocatin·g .
•l.P un - .
mass 1s
case of low od
. ::: F1::: Ill OJ
i r e cos 2 O:l
r Lcos + n J
unbalan~ ~
or m erate speed engines the secondary
. '
orce ts small and is generally neglected. But in
case of high ....,....i • •
fu _ cos2e} st"""' engmes, the secondary unbalanced force ts
ulrcos0+mroz r-u- ..(12.8.2)
- taken into account. ,
. fu - JJl
It is important to note that, ·m a smg
· le cylin
· der reciprocating
· · ·
. · ::: Fp+Fs
~ 2 engines, all reciprocating and rotating masses are in the single
.11 ::: PrimarY unbalanced force= m {I) r cos e ...(12.8.3) l ·. .
P ane. Hen~e. for complete balance only forces (primary and
1 cos2e
fs ::: secondary unbalancedforce = m (1) r ~ secondary) have to be balanced and there is no unbalanced
...(12.8.4) 12.8.2 D\fference Between Unbalanced .
unbalanced force or inenia force 'Fu' acts along the line
~ sUQkc and i~ dire~.tion
is opposite to that of the
Force Due to Reciprocating Mass and
Rotating Mass
· tttlcnlion of rcctprocaung mass. . .
I ' ... : ' •

'\bllS. in reciprocating engine mechanism. the unbalanced The unbalanced force due to reciprocating mass varies in
fatc consists of two ~: magnitude but constant in direction (along the li.rie of stroke),
while the unbalanced force due to rotating mass is constant in
\. Primary unbilinced force ( F p ) magnitude ( m ol ) but varies in direction.
l Secondary unb:il:inced force ( F s ) Therefore a single rotating mass can not be used to balance a
reciprocating mass completely .
. Ptlmary unbalanced force ( Fp)
However, a single rotating.. mass can. be used to partially
. f 1:mcl r cos 0 is termed as the primary unbalanced force balance the reciprocating mass. ·
mis due to the S.H..\L of the reciprocating parts. 12.8.3 Partial Balancing of Primary
. Tit primary unb31.anced force is maximum when a =0° or Unbalanced Force in Reciprocating
iro• i.e. twice in one rm.alien of the crank. Engine ·
\ Secondary unbalanced force ( Fs)
.+ (MU -May 12, Dec.12, May 14, May 15)
. F, = tn !Jl1 r cos 2 e is termed as the secondary unbalanWi
n •
frrte and is due to the obliquity of the arrangemenL .a. ,>':Exp1a10
·•• " ;"'" X,.,""'f"'•.

· ,."-
•11; secondary unbalanced force ·is maximum when
··'').;( :</oet.1v·
ho°, 900, 1800 and 3600 i.e. four times in one rotation of :~~ ~.-ff;ii~~e:~
~trank. In case of low or moderate speed engine, .the secondary
. 1'nns, the frequency of secondary unbalanced force is twice as . unbalanced. force is small and hence c,an.~ neglec~. . -
Tue pron unbalanced force
• a
. ry
. . acting on the. reciprocating
a:iatofthe primary unbalanced force. .
engine is given by.
· liowcver, the magnitude of the secondary unbalanced force ts. Fp = m (J)
I cos e
- ti,..__
ll "'lUCS that of the primary unbalanced force. Therefore. tDJL---------------~-~~:;; ~~-~~-
y , ~~·~ :":!~

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