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Nicole S.

Lomentigar November 20, 2020

Grade 11 STEM – St. Alberto Magno Ms. Kimberly Rose P. Vitobina

The Persistence of Memory
It was not mentioned, but it was probably the author
himself because he shared that he is inclined to drawing,
and he is even open for art commissions.

Nina Sheppard
Alice Cassill
Christopher Fearnley
Natalie (Nat), Iris, and Ben
The timeframe in the story corresponds to the digital and
futuristic age where everyone is currently involved. The
place however, is not specifically mentioned but the
author suggests that the story took place in the United
States of America due to the advancements in technology.

Never-ending questions start to arise as Nina begins to
have a series of strange dreams of a place that she never
had been to before. These bad dreams have persistently
disturbed her peaceful recovery stage, but surprisingly,
the persistence of these nightmares has also sent her on a
mission—to find the reasons and the people behind the
death of the woman in her dreams, Alice Cassill.

Nina sets out to find the answers behind Alice Cassill's death. She encounters
different struggles such as trying to figure out if Christopher Fearnley is really
guilty of killing Alice or not. She also manages to trace the bits of information
she has gathered about Alice, and she uses these to continually seek the
information she has been looking for. As soon as she was left with the last piece
of the puzzle of her problem, there would be an unforeseen betrayal that would
make her question her very existence. Thanks to her persistence, she was able to
pull her situation through, but has everything really paid off?

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