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Amenah Firas

Unit 3
1. Present Perfect & Simple Past
The present perfect is a present tense, it always tells us something about now.
‘Tom has lost his key’ = he doesn’t have his key now.
The past simple tells us only about the past.
Shakespeare wrote many plays. (he’s dead)
My sister has written many books. (she still writes books)
The past simple refers to finished past, there’s no present result
I hurt my back. (it’s better now)
I’ve hurt my back. (it hurts now)
It refers to definite past {last night, three weeks ago, on Monday, at 9:00}
Adverbs found with present perfect: {recently, before, since, for, yet, never,

2. Past Continuous & Past Perfect

The past continuous (was/were + is used to express an activity in
progress in past, to interrupt past activity, to describe past situation or activity,
and to express an incomplete activity in the past.
This time last year, I was living in Mosul.
What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?

The past perfect (had + p.p.) is used to look back to a time in the past and refer
to an action that happened before then.
She was crying because her cat had died.
When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.

Amenah Firas

3. Time Clauses
We can use time conjunctions (because, since, after, before, that, although,
when, until, as soon as, and which) to talk about two actions that happen one
after the other, i.e. (two simple sentences : complex sentence)
The students are studying because they have a test tomorrow.
After they finished studying, Ali and Sarah went to the movies.
When I opened the door, the cat jumped out.
I sat outside until the sun went down.
As soon as the guests left, I started tidying up.
Before I met you, I didn’t know the meaning of happiness

4. Writing
Correcting mistakes finding and correcting language mistakes in this
letter that a student has written to her friend. Read the letter and correct
the mistakes.

23, St. Mary’s Road,

Dublin 4, Ireland
Tuesday, 10 May

Dear Stephanie

How are you? I’m very well. I came Dublin two weeks ago for
study at a language school. I want learn English as is a very
important language. I’m stay with a irish family. They have got
two son and a daughter. Mr Kendall is teacher and Mrs Kendall
work in a hospital. The irish is very kind, but they speak very

I study in the morning. My teachers name is Ann. She said me

that my English is OK, but I do a lot of mistakes. Ann don’t give
us too much homework, so in the afternoons I go always
sightseeing. Dublin is much more big than my city. I like very
much painting and I’m very interesting for modern art. I’ve met a
girl named martina. She came from spain. Last night we go to the
cinema, but the film wasn’t exiting.

Do you like visit me? Why doesn’t you come for a weekend?

I’d love to see you.

Amenah Firas

Write to me soon.
Love, Kati

5. Conversation
Ex: People are talking. Number the sentences in the correct order.
1. ---- B: Sure, that sounds like fun.
2. ---- B: Oh, I don't have plans yet. What about you?
3. ---- A: What are you doing this weekend, Cassy?
4. ---- A: I want to play tennis on Saturday. Do you want to play?
5. ---- A: Great! Let's meet at 1:00.

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