Reflection On Bridging Engineering and Writing

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There's no doubt that writing plays a crucial role in every career and subject- and this not just

limited to
professional life but also plays a role in personal life as well. Communication, regardless of whether it is
verbal or written, is vital in executing work or expressing oneself effectively.

Had I watched Dr Retnanto’s video at the beginning of the semester, I would definitely have given more
importance to peer review and asked some of my friends to read over my written work before
submission. I would also have made more of an effort to contact the CTL for feedback on my lab reports
or English project submissions to ensure that the point that I was trying to get across was clear to the
reader. Often times, what we write is very clear to us but not always to our readers so it’s important to
ensure that before we publish or submit our work we ensure that is getting the point that we are making
across to our readers in a clear and concise way.

Watching Dr Alberto's video, I gained an understanding of the importance of email etiquette, especially
about the importance of having a descriptive subject line. Previously, I rarely ever paid much attention
to the subject line but now am more aware that it immediately gives the recipient(s) an idea of what the
email would be about, and it helps them to more clearly organize their emails if need be.

The advice that I would give someone who hasn’t yet taken ENGL 104 would be to take advantage of the
opportunity to improve their writing skills in order to improve their written communication so that they
can compose effectively. Writing is a crucial skill that is required in other courses too, particularly in
CHEM117 where you need to write lab reports that describe and explain the results that you obtain in
an experiment. In order to produce a successful lab report, it is important to have these writing skills so
you can effectively get your point across in a way that your lab instructor/peer would get a full
understanding of what your whole experiment was about.

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