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Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

by Susan Dillon

New York • Toronto • London • Auckland • Sydney

Mexico City • New Delhi • Hong Kong • Buenos Aires
A great big thanks to . . .
• teacher Ms. Donna Del Guercio for her
big help in the creation of this book
• the Math for Laughs “activity testers”
• everyone in Maplewood Community
Music, the t’bone four, and my
esteemed teacher for the music,
friendship, love
• Liam for his love of robots, Jackson for
his love of math, and Luke for his love
of pretty much everything

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the reproducible pages
of this book for classroom use only. No other part of this publication may be
reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding
permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.
Cover design by Jannie Ho
Interior design by Ellen Matlach for Boultinghouse & Boultinghouse, Inc.
Interior illustrations by Teresa Anderko
ISBN-13 978-0-439-54885-4
ISBN-10 0-439-54885-3
Copyright © 2006 by Susan Dillon
All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Reproducible Markers and Ribbons. . . 6
Racetrack Record Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Easy as 1-2-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
O-Bot the Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Addition Steeplechase . . . . . . . . . 16
Space Race. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Sub-Sea Adventure. . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Downhill Ski. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Fast Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Falling Leaves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

A & S Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Quick Sandcastle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
It’s a fact: Students need to know their math facts!
According to the Principles and Standards for
How can students see and celebrate improvement?
School Mathematics published by the National
There are several ways students can track their
Council on the Teaching of Mathematics (NCTM),
speed and accuracy as you use certain favorite
fluency is a goal of grades 1 and 2: “By fluency we
activity sheets from this book again and again.
mean that students are able to compute efficiently
To improve students’ facts calculations, assign
and accurately with single-digit numbers.” One
the same activity sheet every day for three days or
way to achieve this fluency is to practice.
more as classwork or homework. Make plenty of
Inspired by my fifth-grade son and my work

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
photocopies! Let students keep track of their own
with elementary-age children, I created Fast Facts
improvement with the Racetrack on page 7.
based on the idea that students love a race.
Whether it’s a friendly game with classmates or
measuring their own self-improvement, students
Before beginning the activity sheet, students should
get pumped up for practice when you throw in a
go to the stopwatch icon, located at the bottom
little healthy competition as incentive.
left corner of the activity sheet. Direct students to
This book contains reproducible activity sheets
fill in the number of minutes and seconds they will
to reinforce your lessons and get students on track
have to solve the problems. You can take care of
to faster mental computation of addition and
the timing. Students will complete as many
subtraction facts. Each section includes four sheets.
problems accurately as possible. There are different
The first one is easiest (rated level 1), the second is
ways you can approach this. For example, if you
more difficult (level 2), and the third contains the
start the activity with 10 minutes to complete the
most difficult problems (level 3). The last features
sheet, each time you revisit the same activity, you
blanks that you can fill in with any problems you
can reduce the amount of allotted time gradually.
choose. All activity sheets contain 18 problems.
Or, if you start the activity with 1 minute, each
Knowing math facts is a key building block to
time you revisit the activity, students can try to
advanced math, and to a lifetime of mental math
increase the number of problems they can solve in
competency. NCTM states: “Ambitious standards
that time.
are required to achieve a society that has the
capability to think and reason mathematically. . . .”
From tallying a grocery bill to estimating the Accuracy
mileage of the drive to the store—without a Emphasize that while the goal is for work to be
calculator—students will use these skills for the rest done quickly it must also be done accurately. Each
of their lives. activity sheet has a bull’s eye at the bottom right
So . . . have fun with the fast facts! corner. This area is for recording the accuracy of
the work done (the total answers minus the
incorrect answers equals the correct answers). You
can fill in this section, or students can grade their
own sheets while you call out the correct answers
from the answer key (page 48). Depending on the
needs of your students, you can also create and
display an answer key for individual activity sheets
by filling in the answers and copying the
completed sheet onto an overhead transparency.

matching the number of problems on the activity
Assessment sheet. Students can indicate their progress by
Even the youngest students can maintain their own
attaching a racer to the segment that represents
Racetrack (page 7) with some guidance. They can
the number of problems they solved accurately
judge for themselves if they were faster and/or
within an allotted time. The goal is to increase
more accurate than the last race. Ask them to
this number, getting closer to the finish line (18
compare their speed and accuracy for this race with
correct answers).
the last race: “Did you get more answers right this
time?” Or, pointing to the time, ask: “Do you think Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction Scholastic Teaching Resources

this number is smaller than this number? If so, that

3 2 1 17
means you were faster!” Feel free to urge students Name Milo
Race 3 Race 2

who experience a one-time nose-dive in speed or Activity sheet O-Bot the Robot Level 1
Time to
complete activity
Total correct
More accurate
than last race?
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Race 1 5 minutes 13
accuracy to try a race again. After completing the

Race 2 5 minutes 16 Yes No

Race 3 5 minutes 18 Yes No

required races, ask students: “How did you do?”

Race 1
How did you do on this activity?

Let them answer in their own words. 7 8 9 10 11 12

Challenge The number of segments you include can also
Note that activity sheets in each section gradually
relate to the number of times you plan to use a
increase in difficulty depending on grade-
certain sheet. For example, if you direct students
appropriate content. You may want to skip to more
to complete the “O-Bot the Robot Level 1” sheet
challenging sheets for older students. Keep in mind
three times in three days, the track could be
though that the easiest sheets are great speed
divided into thirds. In this case, students only use
practice for even the most advanced students. Since
one copy of a racer icon. If a student improves
the activity sheets have 18 problems, consider
timing and/or accuracy, she or he should take the
cutting some problems for the youngest students.
racer and put it in the next segment on the track,
When revisiting an activity sheet multiple times, you
advancing toward the finish.
can make it different and more challenging by
asking students to complete answers right to left, Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction Scholastic Teaching Resources

bottom to top, or starting somewhere in the middle

of the activity (for instance, “start at the letter d”). Name Milo

Use the blank sheet to write problems that are Activity sheet O-Bot the Robot Level 1
Time to
complete activity
Total correct
More accurate
than last race?

Race 1 5 minutes 13
better geared toward your lessons. Race 2 4 minutes 13 Yes No

Race 3 4 minutes 16 Yes No

How did you do on this activity?


Photocopy and distribute at least one copy per

student of the racetrack on page 7. Students Either way you approach the activities,
should write their name in the space provided on encourage students’ improvement with medals!
the racetrack, along with the name of the activity You can buy these at any party goods store. Or,
sheet they will use. Students also get a new copy use the reproducible version on page 6 and attach
of a racer icon each time they complete an activity directly to students’ shirts with tape, or with a
sheet. On the icon, they should write Race 1, safety pin attached to the back of the cut-out with
Race 2, Race 3, and so on. Choose from the masking tape. Using a rubber stamp with a simple,
reproducible samples on page 6 or have students positive saying such as “Great effort!” or “Wow!” is
draw their own. A racer begins on the starting line also an effective way to motivate students or
(attach to individual tracks with tape). acknowledge their improvement.
The track is divided into 18 segments,

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

Activity sheet
Time to Total correct More accurate
complete activity answers than last race?

Race 1

Race 2 Yes No

Race 3 Yes No

How did you do on this activity?

Name Date

Easy as 1-2-3
Addition is as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 0 + 2 = j. 1 + 2 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 3 + 1 = k. 5 + 1 =

c. 0 + 5 = l. 0 + 7 =

d. 3 + 3 = m. 3 + 4 =

e. 2 + 4 = n. 4 + 0 =

f. 1 + 3 = o. 1 + 4 =

g. 4 + 0 = p. 4 + 3 =

h. 1 + 5 = q. 3 + 5 =

i. 3 + 2 = r. 2 + 3 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Easy as 1-2-3
Addition is as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 7 + 2 = j. 6 + 6 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. 5 + 5 = k. 2 + 9 =

c. 3 + 6 = l. 4 + 7 =

d. 5 + 7 = m. 9 + 3 =

e. 8 + 5 = n. 7 + 4 =

f. 3 + 8 = o. 4 + 6 =

g. 5 + 6 = p. 2 + 7 =

h. 8 + 3 = q. 6 + 5 =

i. 9 + 5 = r. 9 + 4 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 9

Name Date

Easy as 1-2-3
Addition is as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 7 + 8 = j. 8 + 4 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 9 + 9 = k. 5 + 6 =

c. 4 + 8 = l. 6 + 8 =

d. 8 + 5 = m. 7 + 5 =

e. 6 + 6 = n. 6 + 9 =

f. 8 + 8 = o. 9 + 8 =

g. 9 + 7 = p. 4 + 9 =

h. 5 + 9 = q. 7 + 7 =

i. 6 + 7 = r. 5 + 8 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Easy as 1-2-3
Addition is as easy as 1, 2, and 3! Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. + = j. + =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. + = k. + =

c. + = l. + =

d. + = m. + =

e. + = n. + =

f. + = o. + =

g. + = p. + =

h. + = q. + =

i. + = r. + =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 11

Name Date

O-Bot the Robot

O-Bot is a special robot made with math! Solve the problems to build
the robot from head to toe. Try to get those facts fast!

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
a. 2 + 2 =

b. 1 + 4 =

c. 4 + 2 = f. 2 + 4 = j. 0 + 4 =

d. 1 + 2 = g. 3 + 3 = k. 4 + 1 =

e. 5 + 0 = h. 2 + 1 = l. 3 + 2 =

i. 1 + 5 =

m. 3 + 4 = p. 3 + 5 =

n. 5 + 1 = q. 4 + 3 =

o. 1 + 7 = r. 5 + 2 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

12 minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

O-Bot the Robot

O-Bot is a special robot made with math! Solve the problems to build
the robot from head to toe. Try to get those facts fast!
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a. 2 + 6 =

b. 3 + 7 =

c. 5 + 6 = f. 5 + 5 = j. 2 + 9 =

d. 8 + 2 = g. 9 + 3 = k. 8 + 4 =

e. 7 + 4 = h. 4 + 6 = l. 5 + 7 =

i. 8 + 3 =

m. 6 + 6 = p. 7 + 6 =

n. 9 + 5 = q. 3 + 8 =

o. 4 + 8 = r. 7 + 5 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 13

Name Date

O-Bot the Robot

O-Bot is a special robot made with math! Solve the problems to build
the robot from head to toe. Try to get those facts fast!

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
a. 6 + 8 =

b. 5 + 6 =

c. 8 + 7 = f. 5 + 9 = j. 7 + 7 =

d. 4 + 9 = g. 8 + 8 = k. 8 + 6 =

e. 8 + 4 = h. 6 + 5 = l. 9 + 9 =

i. 6 + 9 =

m. 9 + 6 = p. 9 + 7 =

n. 6 + 6 = q. 8 + 9 =

o. 4 + 8 = r. 8 + 5 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

14 minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

O-Bot the Robot

O-Bot is a special robot made with math! Solve the problems to build
the robot from head to toe. Try to get those facts fast!
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a. + =

b. + =

c. + = f. + = j. + =

d. + = g. + = k. + =

e. + = h. + = l. + =

i. + =

m. + = p. + =

n. + = q. + =

o. + = r. + =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 15

Name Date

Addition Steeplechase
Ride through the course without a spill by solving the problems.
Put the answers on the rider’s back. Try to get those facts fast!

f. 5 + 0 =
a. 5 + 2 =
g. 1 + 3 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 2 + 4 =
h. 2 + 1 =

c. 1 + 7 = e. 4 + 3 = i. 4 + 0 =

d. 2 + 2 = j. 0 + 8 =

k. 2 + 5 =

l. 3 + 3 =
n. 2 + 3 =
m. 1 + 4 =
o. 0 + 6 =

p. 1 + 5 =

q. 3 + 4 =

r. 4 + 2 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Addition Steeplechase
Ride through the course without a spill by solving the problems.
Put the answers on the rider’s back. Try to get those facts fast!

f. 8 + 5 =
a. 5 + 5 =
g. 5 + 6 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. 2 + 9 =
h. 2 + 8 =

c. 7 + 4 = e. 3 + 5 = i. 4 + 6 =

d. 8 + 2 = j. 8 + 4 =

k. 9 + 3 =

l. 2 + 7 =
n. 6 + 3 =
m. 4 + 8 =
o. 6 + 5 =

p. 9 + 4 =

q. 3 + 9 =

r. 6 + 4 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 17

Name Date

Addition Steeplechase
Ride through the course without a spill by solving the problems.
Put the answers on the rider’s back. Try to get those facts fast!

f. 5 + 9 =
a. 7 + 9 =
g. 9 + 7 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 4 + 8 =
h. 5 + 8 =

c. 6 + 5 = e. 9 + 6 = i. 7 + 6 =

d. 8 + 4 = j. 8 + 8 =

k. 7 + 5 =

l. 7 + 7 =
n. 6 + 7 =
m. 8 + 9 =
o. 4 + 9 =

p. 6 + 8 =

q. 9 + 9 =

r. 5 + 7 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Addition Steeplechase
Ride through the course without a spill by solving the problems.
Put the answers on the rider’s back. Try to get those facts fast!

f. + =
a. + =
g. + =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. + =
h. + =

c. + = e. + = i. + =

d. + = j. + =

k. + =

l. + =
n. + =
m. + =
o. + =

p. + =

q. + =

r. + =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 19

Name Date

Space Race
Solve the problems below and you’ll be a “star”!
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 3 + 5 = c. 4 + 1 =

b. 0 + 9 = d. 2 + 4 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
e. 5 + 2 =

f. 0 + 5 =

g. 3 + 3 =

h. 1 + 4 =

i. 5 + 1 =
n. 4 + 2 =
j. 2 + 5 =
o. 1 + 6 =
k. 1 + 8 =

p. 3 + 1 =

l. 4 + 3 = q. 0 + 7 =

m. 2 + 2 = r. 2 + 3 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Space Race
Solve the problems below and you’ll be a “star”!
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 8 + 3 = c. 2 + 6 =

b. 6 + 4 = d. 4 + 8 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

e. 9 + 3 =

f. 5 + 5 =

g. 8 + 4 =

h. 2 + 7 =

i. 5 + 7 =
n. 6 + 6 =
j. 7 + 4 =
o. 8 + 5 =
k. 9 + 4 =

p. 3 + 8 =

l. 2 + 8 = q. 4 + 6 =

m. 3 + 7 = r. 2 + 9 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 21

Name Date

Space Race
Solve the problems below and you’ll be a “star”!
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 9 + 6 = c. 4 + 7 =

b. 6 + 5 = d. 7 + 7 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
e. 8 + 5 =

f. 5 + 6 =

g. 7 + 9 =

h. 9 + 8 =

i. 4 + 8 =
n. 6 + 7 =
j. 6 + 6 =
o. 8 + 8 =
k. 9 + 9 =

p. 6 + 9 =

l. 5 + 9 = q. 4 + 6 =

m. 8 + 4 = r. 7 + 6 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Space Race
Solve the problems below and you’ll be a “star”!
Try to get those facts fast!

a. + = c. + =

b. + = d. + =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

e. + =

f. + =

g. + =

h. + =

i. + =
n. + =
j. + =
o. + =
k. + =

p. + =

l. + = q. + =

m. + = r. + =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 23

Name Date

Sub-Sea Adventure
What do you see in the deep blue sea? Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 5 – 1 =

b. 3 – 2 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
c. 2 – 1 =

d. 5 – 2 = e. 4 – 3 =

f. 6 – 0 = i. 4 – 2 =

g. 3 – 1 = j. 7 – 0 =

h. 5 – 4 = k. 2 – 2 =

l. 6 – 5 =

m. 3 – 3 = o. 9 – 0 = q. 7 – 2 =

n. 6 – 1 = p. 7 – 1 = r. 5 – 5 =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Sub-Sea Adventure
What do you see in the deep blue sea? Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 8 – 3 =

b. 7 – 4 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

c. 11 – 7 =

d. 12 – 3 = e. 8 – 4 =

f. 9 – 7 = i. 6 – 4 =

g. 9 – 3 = j. 8 – 2 =

h. 12 – 5 = k. 9 – 4 =

l. 13 – 4 =

m. 10 – 6 = o. 8 – 4 = q. 13 – 5 =

n. 11 – 8 = p. 7 – 3 = r. 9 – 6 =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 25

Name Date

Sub-Sea Adventure
What do you see in the deep blue sea? Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 16 – 8 =

b. 15 – 6 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
c. 12 – 7 =

d. 18 – 9 = e. 14 – 8 =

f. 13 – 6 = i. 16 – 9 =

g. 16 – 7 = j. 14 – 7 =

h. 17 – 9 = k. 10 – 5 =

l. 13 – 8 =

m. 14 – 6 = o. 14 – 9 = q. 13 – 7 =

n. 15 – 8 = p. 11 – 6 = r. 17 – 8 =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Sub-Sea Adventure
What do you see in the deep blue sea? Solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. – =

b. – =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

c. – =

d. – = e. – =

f. – = i. – =

g. – = j. – =

h. – = k. – =

l. – =

m. – = o. – = q. – =

n. – = p. – = r. – =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 27

Name Date

Downhill Ski
You’re skiing in a big race. To win, solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 7 – 4 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 6 – 2 =
k. 6 – 0 =
c. 3 – 3 =
l. 4 – 4 =
d. 10 – 9 =
m. 9 – 2 =
e. 8 – 0 =

f. 11 – 2 =
n. 8 – 1 =
g. 4 – 3 =
o. 6 – 6 =

h. 7 – 5 =
p. 7 – 2 =
i. 8 – 7 =
q. 5 – 3 =
j. 8 – 5 =
r. 10 – 2 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Downhill Ski
You’re skiing in a big race. To win, solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 12 – 8 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. 9 – 6 =
k. 7 – 3 =
c. 8 – 4 =
l. 10 – 8 =
d. 11 – 9 =
m. 7 – 4 =
e. 11 – 4 =

f. 13 – 9 =
n. 9 – 4 =
g. 12 – 3 =
o. 11 – 3 =

h. 14 – 5 =
p. 8 – 6 =
i. 10 – 6 =
q. 10 – 7 =
j. 12 – 4 =
r. 11 – 3 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 29

Name Date

Downhill Ski
You’re skiing in a big race. To win, solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. 17 – 8 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 12 – 7 =
k. 16 – 7 =
c. 13 – 5 =
l. 11 – 6 =
d. 15 – 8 =
m. 12 – 5 =
e. 16 – 9 =

f. 14 – 5 =
n. 15 – 7 =
g. 13 – 8 =
o. 13 – 7 =

h. 18 – 9 =
p. 12 – 6 =
i. 13 – 6 =
q. 14 – 8 =
j. 16 – 8 =
r. 14 – 7 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Downhill Ski
You’re skiing in a big race. To win, solve the problems below.
Try to get those facts fast!

a. – =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. – =
k. – =
c. – =
l. – =
d. – =
m. – =
e. – =

f. – =
n. – =
g. – =
o. – =

h. – =
p. – =
i. – =
q. – =
j. – =
r. – =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 31

Name Date

Fast Food
It’s a huge picnic, just for you! Quick, chow down by solving the problems
below. Try to get those facts fast!

d. 9 – 8 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
a. 6 – 3 = e. 2 – 0 =
b. 10 – 1 =

c. 7 – 5 =
k. 4 – 3 =
f. 8 – 2 =
l. 10 – 9 =
g. 5 – 3 =
m. 5 – 1 =
h. 6 – 4 =
n. 7 – 2 =

o. 6 – 0 =

p. 5 – 2 =
i. 6 – 2 =
q. 8 – 7 =
j. 7 – 6 =
r. 9 – 0 =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Fast Food
It’s a huge picnic, just for you! Quick, chow down by solving the problems
below. Try to get those facts fast!

d. 8 – 4 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a. 13 – 4 = e. 10 – 3 =
b. 12 – 9 =

c. 9 – 6 =
k. 11 – 3 =
f. 13 – 9 =
l. 8 – 6 =
g. 11 – 7 =
m. 10 – 7 =
h. 12 – 4 =
n. 12 – 3 =

o. 8 – 5 =

p. 10 – 8 =
i. 9 – 3 =
q. 8 – 3 =
j. 11 – 9 =
r. 14 – 5 =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 33

Name Date

Fast Food
It’s a huge picnic, just for you! Quick, chow down by solving the problems
below. Try to get those facts fast!

d. 12 – 6 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
a. 12 – 7 = e. 10 – 5 =
b. 13 – 5 =

c. 18 – 9 =
k. 12 – 5 =
f. 13 – 9 =
l. 16 – 9 =
g. 15 – 7 =
m. 15 – 6 =
h. 17 – 8 =
n. 15 – 8 =

o. 14 – 5 =

p. 15 – 9 =
i. 14 – 7 =
q. 16 – 8 =
j. 13 – 4 =
r. 17 – 9 =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Fast Food
It’s a huge picnic, just for you! Quick, chow down by solving the problems
below. Try to get those facts fast!

d. – =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

a. – = e. – =
b. – =

c. – =
k. – =
f. – =
l. – =
g. – =
m. – =
h. – =
n. – =

o. – =

p. – =
i. – =
q. – =
j. – =
r. – =
★ Record your time and correct answers ★
on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 35

Name Date

Falling Leaves
Autumn is here, and leaves are falling off our favorite tree. Solve the
problems before they hit the ground. Try to get those facts fast!

a. 2 – 2 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 10 – 1 =

c. 7 – 4 = e. 9 – 8 =
h. 7 – 1 =
d. 7 – 6 = f. 8 – 2 =
i. 4 – 0 =
g. 6 – 3 =
j. 8 – 5 =

n. 8 – 0 =
p. 3 – 2 =
o. 10 – 9 =
k. 6 – 2 =
q. 7 – 5 =
l. 6 – 6 =
r. 9 – 2 =
m. 5 – 3 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Falling Leaves
Autumn is here, and leaves are falling off our favorite tree. Solve the
problems before they hit the ground. Try to get those facts fast!

a. 10 – 6 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. 12 – 9 =

c. 11 – 3 = e. 10 – 3 =
h. 12 – 8 =
d. 8 – 5 = f. 9 – 7 =
i. 6 – 3 =
g. 14 – 5 =
j. 9 – 5 =

n. 8 – 6 =
p. 8 – 3 =
o. 12 – 4 =
k. 10 – 7 =
q. 11 – 4 =
l. 11 – 8 =
r. 11 – 9 =
m. 13 – 4 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 37

Name Date

Falling Leaves
Autumn is here, and leaves are falling off our favorite tree. Solve the
problems before they hit the ground. Try to get those facts fast!

a. 13 – 7 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 14 – 9 =

c. 13 – 5 = e. 12 – 6 =
h. 15 – 8 =
d. 17 – 8 = f. 18 – 9 =
i. 12 – 7 =
g. 14 – 6 =
j. 16 – 9 =

n. 13 – 6 =
p. 14 – 5 =
o. 15 – 9 =
k. 14 – 8 =
q. 16 – 8 =
l. 17 – 9 =
r. 15 – 6 =
m. 11 – 5 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Falling Leaves
Autumn is here, and leaves are falling off our favorite tree. Solve the
problems before they hit the ground. Try to get those facts fast!

a. – =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. – =

c. – = e. – =
h. – =
d. – = f. – =
i. – =
g. – =
j. – =

n. – =
p. – =
o. – =
k. – =
q. – =
l. – =
r. – =
m. – =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 39

Name Date

A & S Airport
What a busy airport! Solve the problems below so the planes can take off
and land. Try to get those facts fast!
a. 2 + 5 = c. 5 + 1 =

b. 10 – 2 = d. 6 – 3 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
e. 4 + 3 =

f. 7 – 4 =

g. 0 + 8 = i. 4 + 2 =

h. 2 – 2 = j. 5 – 4 =

o. 1 + 8 =

p. 6 – 2 =

k. 5 + 2 = m. 2 + 2 = q. 3 + 3 =

l. 7 – 2 = n. 7 – 1 = r. 7 – 5 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

A & S Airport
What a busy airport! Solve the problems below so the planes can take off
and land. Try to get those facts fast!
a. 3 + 6 = c. 5 + 5 =

b. 7 – 4 = d. 10 – 7 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

e. 8 + 2 =

f. 14 – 5 =

g. 4 + 6 = i. 7 + 4 =

h. 8 – 5 = j. 11 – 7 =

o. 7 + 5 =

p. 12 – 9 =

k. 6 + 6 = m. 3 + 8 = q. 9 + 2 =

l. 12 – 4 = n. 11 – 4 = r. 6 – 3 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 41

Name Date

A & S Airport
What a busy airport! Solve the problems below so the planes can take off
and land. Try to get those facts fast!
a. 6 + 5 = c. 9 + 9 =

b. 11 – 6 = d. 15 – 6 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
e. 8 + 4 =

f. 16 – 7 =

g. 5 + 6 = i. 7 + 9 =

h. 12 – 7 = j. 12 – 6 =

o. 7 + 7 =

p. 13 – 6 =

k. 8 + 7 = m. 9 + 5 = q. 9 + 8 =

l. 15 – 7 = n. 18 – 9 = r. 15 – 8 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

A & S Airport
What a busy airport! Solve the problems below so the planes can take off
and land. Try to get those facts fast!
a. + = c. + =

b. – = d. – =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

e. + =

f. – =

g. + = i. + =

h. – = j. – =

o. + =

p. – =

k. + = m. + = q. + =

l. – = n. – = r. – =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 43

Name Date

Quick Sandcastle
What a big sandcastle! Solve the problems below before the waves wash it
away. Try to get those facts fast!

a. 5 + 1 = e. 4 + 3 = g. 3 + 1 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 3 – 2 = f. 6 – 0 = h. 5 – 4 =

c. 2 + 1 = i. 4 + 2 =

d. 5 – 2 = j. 7 – 0 =

k. 2 + 2 =

l. 6 – 5 =

m. 3 + 3 = p. 7 – 1 =

n. 6 – 1 = q. 7 + 2 =

o. 9 + 0 = r. 5 – 5 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Quick Sandcastle
What a big sandcastle! Solve the problems below before the waves wash it
away. Try to get those facts fast!

a. 3 + 8 = e. 6 + 3 = g. 4 + 6 =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. 8 – 4 = f. 10 – 7 = h. 9 – 5 =

c. 5 + 5 = i. 2 + 7 =

d. 13 – 4 = j. 11 – 8 =

k. 8 + 5 =

l. 12 – 3 =

m. 4 + 6 = p. 9 – 3 =

n. 8 – 6 = q. 5 + 6 =

o. 7 + 5 = r. 13 – 5 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 45

Name Date

Quick Sandcastle
What a big sandcastle! Solve the problems below before the waves wash it
away. Try to get those facts fast!

a. 6 + 7 = e. 8 + 6 = g. 6 + 6 =

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
b. 14 – 5 = f. 14 – 7 = h. 13 – 6 =

c. 9 + 9 = i. 4 + 9 =

d. 10 – 5 = j. 15 – 8 =

k. 7 + 5 =

l. 12 – 7 =

m. 7 + 8 = p. 16 – 7 =

n. 18 – 9 = q. 6 + 9 =

o. 5 + 8 = r. 14 – 6 =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers:

Name Date

Quick Sandcastle
What a big sandcastle! Solve the problems below before the waves wash it
away. Try to get those facts fast!

a. + = e. + = g. + =
Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources

b. – = f. – = h. – =

c. + = i. + =

d. – = j. – =

k. + =

l. – =

m. + = p. – =

n. – = q. + =

o. + = r. – =

★ Record your time and correct answers ★

on your Racetrack chart. Total answers:

Time to complete: Incorrect answers:

minutes seconds Correct answers: 47

Answer Key
Addition Subtraction Addition/Subtraction
Page 8 Page 12 Page 16 Page 20 Page 24 Page 28 Page 32 Page 36 Page 40 Page 44
a. 2 a. 4 a. 7 a. 8 a. 4 a. 3 a. 3 a. 0 a. 7 a. 6
b. 4 b. 5 b. 6 b. 9 b. 1 b. 4 b. 9 b. 9 b. 8 b. 1
c. 5 c. 6 c. 8 c. 5 c. 1 c. 0 c. 2 c. 3 c. 6 c. 3
d. 6 d. 3 d. 4 d. 6 d. 3 d. 1 d. 1 d. 1 d. 3 d. 3
e. 6 e. 5 e. 7 e. 7 e. 1 e. 8 e. 2 e. 1 e. 7 e. 7
f. 4 f. 6 f. 5 f. 5 f. 6 f. 9 f. 6 f. 6 f. 3 f. 6
g. 4 g. 6 g. 4 g. 6 g. 2 g. 1 g. 2 g. 3 g. 8 g. 4
h. 6 h. 3 h. 3 h. 5 h. 1 h. 2 h. 2 h. 6 h. 0 h. 1
i. 5 i. 6 i. 4 i. 6 i. 2 i. 1 i. 4 i. 4 i. 6 i. 6
j. 3 j. 4 j. 8 j. 7 j. 7 j. 3 j. 1 j. 3 j. 1 j. 7
k. 6 k. 5 k. 7 k. 9 k. 0 k. 6 k. 1 k. 4 k. 7 k. 4
l. 7 l. 5 l. 6 l. 7 l. 1 l. 0 l. 1 l. 0 l. 5 l. 1
m. 7 m. 7 m. 5 m. 4 m. 0 m. 7 m. 4 m. 2 m. 4 m. 6
n. 4 n. 6 n. 5 n. 6 n. 5 n. 7 n. 5 n. 8 n. 6 n. 5
o. 5 o. 8 o. 6 o. 7 o. 9 o. 0 o. 6 o. 1 o. 9 o. 9
p. 7 p. 8 p. 6 p. 4 p. 6 p. 5 p. 3 p. 1 p. 4 p. 6

Fast Facts: Addition & Subtraction © Susan Dillon, Scholastic Teaching Resources
q. 8 q. 7 q. 7 q. 7 q. 5 q. 2 q. 1 q. 2 q. 6 q. 9
r. 5 r. 7 r. 6 r. 5 r. 0 r. 8 r. 9 r. 7 r. 2 r. 0
Page 9 Page 13 Page 17 Page 21 Page 25 Page 29 Page 33 Page 37 Page 41 Page 45
a. 9 a. 8 a. 10 a. 11 a. 5 a. 4 a. 9 a. 4 a. 9 a. 11
b. 10 b. 10 b. 11 b. 10 b. 3 b. 3 b. 3 b. 3 b. 3 b. 4
c. 9 c. 11 c. 11 c. 8 c. 4 c. 4 c. 3 c. 8 c. 10 c. 10
d. 12 d. 10 d. 10 d. 12 d. 9 d. 2 d. 4 d. 3 d. 3 d. 9
e. 13 e. 11 e. 8 e. 12 e. 4 e. 7 e. 7 e. 7 e. 10 e. 9
f. 11 f. 10 f. 13 f. 10 f. 2 f. 4 f. 4 f. 2 f. 9 f. 3
g. 11 g. 12 g. 11 g. 12 g. 6 g. 9 g. 4 g. 9 g. 10 g. 10
h. 11 h. 10 h. 10 h. 9 h. 7 h. 9 h. 8 h. 4 h. 3 h. 4
i. 14 i. 11 i. 10 i. 12 i. 2 i. 4 i. 6 i. 3 i. 11 i. 9
j. 12 j. 11 j. 12 j. 11 j. 6 j. 8 j. 2 j. 4 j. 4 j. 3
k. 11 k. 12 k. 12 k. 13 k. 5 k. 4 k. 8 k. 3 k. 12 k. 13
l. 11 l. 12 l. 9 l. 10 l. 9 l. 2 l. 2 l. 3 l. 8 l. 9
m. 12 m. 12 m. 12 m. 10 m. 4 m. 3 m. 3 m. 9 m. 11 m. 10
n. 11 n. 14 n. 9 n. 12 n. 3 n. 5 n. 9 n. 2 n. 7 n. 2
o. 10 o. 12 o. 11 o. 13 o. 4 o. 8 o. 3 o. 8 o. 12 o. 12
p. 9 p. 13 p. 13 p. 11 p. 4 p. 2 p. 2 p. 5 p. 3 p. 6
q. 11 q. 11 q. 12 q. 10 q. 8 q. 3 q. 5 q. 7 q. 11 q. 11
r. 13 r. 12 r. 10 r. 11 r. 3 r. 8 r. 9 r. 2 r. 3 r. 8
Page 10 Page 14 Page 18 Page 22 Page 26 Page 30 Page 34 Page 38 Page 42 Page 46
a. 15 a. 14 a. 16 a. 15 a. 8 a. 9 a. 5 a. 6 a. 11 a. 13
b. 18 b. 11 b. 12 b. 11 b. 9 b. 5 b. 8 b. 5 b. 5 b. 9
c. 12 c. 15 c. 11 c. 11 c. 5 c. 8 c. 9 c. 8 c. 18 c. 18
d. 13 d. 13 d. 12 d. 14 d. 9 d. 7 d. 6 d. 9 d. 9 d. 5
e. 12 e. 12 e. 15 e. 13 e. 6 e. 7 e. 5 e. 6 e. 12 e. 14
f. 16 f. 14 f. 14 f. 11 f. 7 f. 9 f. 4 f. 9 f. 9 f. 7
g. 16 g. 16 g. 16 g. 16 g. 9 g. 5 g. 8 g. 8 g. 11 g. 12
h. 14 h. 11 h. 13 h. 17 h. 8 h. 9 h. 9 h. 7 h. 5 h. 7
i. 13 i. 15 i. 13 i. 12 i. 7 i. 7 i. 7 i. 5 i. 16 i. 13
j. 12 j. 14 j. 16 j. 12 j. 7 j. 8 j. 9 j. 7 j. 6 j. 7
k. 11 k. 14 k. 12 k. 18 k. 5 k. 9 k. 7 k. 6 k. 15 k. 12
l. 14 l. 18 l. 14 l. 14 l. 5 l. 5 l. 7 l. 8 l. 8 l. 5
m. 12 m. 15 m. 17 m. 12 m. 8 m. 7 m. 9 m. 6 m. 14 m. 15
n. 15 n. 12 n. 13 n. 13 n. 7 n. 8 n. 7 n. 7 n. 9 n. 9
o. 17 o. 12 o. 13 o. 16 o. 5 o. 6 o. 9 o. 6 o. 14 o. 13
p. 13 p. 16 p. 14 p. 15 p. 5 p. 6 p. 6 p. 9 p. 7 p. 9
q. 14 q. 17 q. 18 q. 10 q. 6 q. 6 q. 8 q. 8 q. 17 q. 15
r. 13 r. 13 r. 12 r. 13 r. 9 r. 7 r. 8 r. 9 r. 7 r. 8


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