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Efficient MIMO Channel Estimation With Optimal

Training Sequences
Oomke Weikert and Udo Zölzer
Department of Signal Processing and Communications
Helmut Schmidt University - University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Germany
Email: {oomke.weikert, udo.zoelzer}

Abstract—In a real MIMO communication system an exact symbols only require a small fraction of the frame. In the
MIMO channel estimate is required. In comparison to a single MIMO case, only a small part of the frame may remain for
antenna system with only one channel to be estimated, in a the payload. Especially by consecutive channel measurements
MIMO system with four transmit and four receive antennas 16
channels have to be estimated. The increased number of required most of the frame is needed for training symbols. In this case
training symbols may reduce the higher data rate of a MIMO the potential higher data rate of a MIMO system can not be
system. The objective of this paper is to present an efficient achieved.
MIMO channel estimation. On the basis of the required accuracy The objective of this paper is to present an efficient MIMO
of the estimate, optimal training sequences of minimum length
channel estimation with optimal training sequences of mini-
are determined.
mum length. The simultaneous channel estimation reduces the
I. I NTRODUCTION required number of training symbols. To reduce the complexity
of the estimation, the MIMO channel is considered as a
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems provide superposition of several multiple-input single-output (MISO)
higher data rates that data-demanding applications require. channels, as proposed by [3]. With optimal training sequences
A real MIMO communication system [1] requires an exact the minimum mean square error of the channel estimate is
knowledge of the MIMO channel. To make a statement about achieved. Depending on the required accuracy of the channel
the achievable MIMO channel capacity and the maximal estimate, an equation to determine the required number of
possible data rate, the MIMO channel estimate is required. optimal training symbols is derived.
On the basis of the MIMO channel capacity the configuration The paper is organized as follows. The fundamentals of
of the transmitter and receiver can be evaluated and optimized MIMO systems are described in section II. In Section III the
[2]. Furthermore the MIMO channel estimate is a requirement Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel estimation of
for the equalization at the receiver. The derivation of a MIMO MIMO frequency selective channels is shown. A criterion for
channel model for a specified environment implies an exact optimal training sequences is derived in section IV and optimal
knowledge of the channel impulse responses of the MIMO training sequence design is presented. On the basis of the
channel. required accuracy of the estimate, optimal training sequences
For all these applications the channels from every transmit of minimum length are determined. Section V covers the
to every receive antenna have to be estimated simultaneously normalization of measured MIMO channels. A summary and
and not consecutively. Consecutive measurements of these conclusion marks can be found in Section VI.
channels do not meet the objectives. By consecutive measure-
ments only correlations introduced by the antennas might be II. F UNDAMENTALS
measured. More important are correlations between different
propagation paths which are caused by the environment. These We consider a frequency selective MIMO wireless system
correlations are introduced during the transmission. Only by with NT transmit and NR receive antennas. The symbol
simultaneous measurement of all channels these correlations transmitted by antenna m at time instant k is denoted by
can be measured. sm (k). The transmitted symbols are arranged in the vector
The estimation of frequency selective MIMO channels is s(k) = [s1 (k), . . . , sNT (k)]T (1)
based on the transmission of training sequences. For a classical
system with one transmit and one receive antenna one channel of length NT , where (·)T denotes the transpose operation.
has to be estimated. For a MIMO system with four transmit Between every transmit antenna m and every receive an-
and four receive antennas 16 channels have to be estimated. tenna n there is a complex single-input single-output (SISO)
Due to the increased number of channels to be estimated, an channel impulse response hn,m (k) of length L + 1, described
increased number of training symbols is required. Assuming by the vector
a frame of constant length, consisting of the payload and the
training symbols, in a classical one antenna system the training hn,m = [hn,m (0), . . . , hn,m (L)]T . (2)
Assuming the same channel order L for all channels, the the receive vector
frequency selective MIMO channel can be described by L + 1
complex channel matrices xn = [xn (L), . . . , xn (NP − 1)]T (10)

of length NP −L, containing the last NP −L received training

 
h1,1 (k) · · · h1,NT (k)
.. .. .. symbols xn (k) of receive antenna n, can be written as
H(k) =  , k = 0, ..., L (3)
 
. . .
hNR ,1 (k) · · · hNR ,NT (k) xn = S1 hn,1 + . . . + SNT hn,NT + n (11)
 
of the dimension NR × NT . The channel energy is normalized hn,1
by the condition [4] = [S1 , . . . , SNT ]  ..
+n (12)
 
X n o hn,NT
E |hn,m (k)| := 1 ∀ n, m. (4)
with the additive noise n.
The matrix
The symbol received by antenna n at time instant k is denoted S = [S1 , . . . , SNT ] (13)
by xn (k). The symbols received by the NR antennas are
arranged in a vector of dimension (NP − L) × NT (L + 1) contains the transmitted
training symbols of all transmit antennas. The matrix S as well
x(k) = [x1 (k), . . . , xNR (k)]T (5)
as all matrices Sm are cyclic. The vector
of length NR , which can be expressed with (1), (3) and n(k)
hn = [hTn,1 , . . . , hTn,NT ]T (14)
as noise vector of length NR as
X of length NT (L + 1) contains the elements of the channel
x(k) = H(i) s(k − i) + n(k). (6) impulse responses hn,m (k), k = 0, ..., L, between all transmit
i=0 antennas and the n-th receive antenna. The elements of the
We assume additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) with zero channel impulse responses hn,m (k), k = 0, ..., L, have to be
mean and variance σn2 per receive antenna, i.e. the spatial estimated. The receive vector xn follows to
correlation matrix of the noise is given by xn = S hn + n. (15)
Rnn = E{n(k) n (k)} = σn2 INR (7)
where I is the identity matrix and (·)H denotes the complex- A. Least Square Channel Estimation
conjugate (Hermitian) transpose. The linear Least Square (LS) channel estimate is given
by [5]
−1 H
ĥn,LS = SH S

To reduce the complexity of the estimation, the channel is or generally for non-white noise
modeled as a superposition of NR multiple-input single-output −1 H −1
ĥn,LS = SH R−1

(MISO) channels, as proposed in [3]. Each MISO channel has nn S S Rnn xn (17)
NT (L + 1) unknowns.
where (·)H and (·)−1 denote the complex-conjugate (Hermi-
The receive signal xn (k) of the n-th MISO channel can be
tian) transpose and the inverse, respectively.
expressed as
X B. Minimum Mean Square Error Channel Estimation
xn (k) = hn,m (i) sm (k − i) + n(k). (8)
m=1 i=0 The Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) channel esti-
mate is given by [5]
The number of training symbols per transmit antenna and
per frame is NP . As the first L training symbols are influenced −1 −1
ĥn,MMSE = SH R−1 SH R−1
nn S + Rhh nn xn , (18)
by unknown previous symbols, only the last NP − L received
training symbols can be used for channel estimation. where Rhh = E{hn hH n } is the correlation matrix of the
With the matrix Sm of dimension (NP −L)×(L+1), which channel impulse response vector hn . At the receiver the
contains the transmitted training symbols of transmitantenna correlation matrix of the channel Rhh is unknown. As the
m, given by channel may change from measurement to measurement past
  estimates of hn cannot be used to calculate Rhh . It is assumed
sm (L) ··· sm (0) that the SISO channel impulse responses of the MIMO channel
 sm (L + 1) sm (1) 
Sm =   , (9) E{hn1 ,m1 (k1 ) h∗n2 ,m2 (k2 )} = 0
 
.. ..
 . .  (19)
sm (NP − 1) · · · sm (NP − (L + 1)) for n1 6= n2 or m1 6= m2 ∀ k1 , k2
as well as the elements of the channel impulse responses The Mean Square Error (MSE) of a MISO channel
E{hn1 ,m1 (k1 ) h∗n2 ,m2 (k2 )} = 0
n o
(20) MSEMISO = E [ĥn − hn ]H [ĥn − hn ] = tr (Ree ) (30)
for n1 = n2 & m1 = m2 & k1 6= k2
is the trace of the error correlation matrix Ree . The trace of a
are uncorrelated from each other. It follows that matrix denoted by tr (·) is the sum of the diagonal elements.
Rhh = E{hn hH Given Rhh specified in (25) and for additive white noise the
n} (21)
2 2 2 2
 Mean Square Error follows to
= diag σn,1 (0), ..., σn,1 (L), σn,2 (0), ..., σn,N T
(22)  2
−1 !
MSEMISO = σn2 tr SH S + n2 I . (31)
is a diagonal matrix with σh
n o
2 2
E |hn,m (k)| = σn,m (k). (23) For the Least Square channel estimation the term σn2 /σh2 has
to be set to zero.
The power delay profile (PDP) describes by the values
σn,m (k), k = 0, . . . , L how the power is distributed over the
taps of the channel impulse response. The PDP may change IV. T RAINING S EQUENCES
over time and is unknown at the receiver. It is supposed that all
SISO channels of the MIMO channel have the same channel A. Minimum Number of Training Symbols
order and the same PDP. Supposing a constant PDP with equal For channel estimation there are NT (L + 1) unknowns in
values σn,m (k) = σh2 ∀k and taking into consideration the every MISO channel, as remarked before. There have to be
normalization condition (4) it follows that leastwise as many training symbols as unknowns to estimate
2 1 the channel and as only the last NP − L training symbols may
E |hn,m (k)| = σn,m (k) = σh2 = ∀ n, m, k. be used for the estimation, the number of training symbols NP
(24) per transmit antenna and per frame has to be at least
This leads to the approximation
NP ≥ NT (L + 1) + L. (32)
Rhh = σh2 INT (L+1) = IN (L+1) . (25)
L+1 T B. Criterion for Optimal Training Sequences
Given Rhh specified above, the MMSE channel estimate is The training sequences should be designed so that the
given by Mean Square Error of the channel estimation is minimized.
 −1 Such training sequences are called optimal. The energy of the
−1 1
ĥn,MMSE = S Rnn S + 2 I SH R−1
nn xn , (26) training sequences
and in the case of additive white noise the MMSE channel s2m (k) = a2 = constant > 0 ∀k (33)
estimate follows to
should be constant and equal. The SISO channels of the
σn2 MIMO channel as well as the elements of the channel impulse

ĥn,MMSE = S S + 2 I SH xn . (27) responses are assumed to be uncorrelated from each other.
Additive white Gaussian noise is assumed. If the matrix S,
Setting the term σn2 /σh2 in (27) to zero yields the Least Square which contains the training sequences, holds the criterion
channel estimate in the casei−1of additive white noise.
h 2
H σn
The term S S + σ2 I SH can be calculated one-time SH S + n2 I = λ I, (34)
h σh
in advance as it only depends on the known training symbols
and the noise power σn2 . with
λ= (NP − L) a + n2
C. Mean Square Error of the Channel Estimation σh
The correlation matrix of the error of the channel estimation the Mean Square Error (MSE) is minimized. The proof is given
is given by in [4]. The Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) follows
n o to [4]
Ree = E [hn − ĥn ][hn − ĥn ]H . (28) NT (L + 1)
MMSEMISO = σn2 σ2
. (36)
For the Minimum Mean Square Error channel estimation it (NP − L) · a2 + σn2
follows to [5]
For the Least Square channel estimation the term σn2 /σh2 has
−1 −1
Ree = SH R−1
nn S + Rhh . (29) to be set to zero.
30 0 0.0005
0.001 0.000.08007 0.0006 0.0004
0.0009 0.0006 0.0005
28 0.001 0.0008 07
0.0009 0.00
0.002 0.001 0.0008 07
26 0.0009
24 0.003
0.005 0.003
22 0.004
0 0.005
20 0.01 0.007 .006 0.004
0.008 0.005
0.009 0.006
18 0.01 0.008 0.006
0.009 0.007
SNR in dB

16 0.02 0.01 0.009

0.04 0.03 0.02
0.05 0.04
10 0.08 0.07 6 0.05 0.04
0.1 0.09 0.06 0.05
8 0.08 0.07
0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07
6 0.2 0.09
4 0.4
0.5 0.3 0.2
2 0.6 0.4
0.7 0.3
0.8 0.5 0.4
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3
NP − L
NT (L + 1)

Fig. 1. Required number of training symbols, lines with the same MMSESISO,LS

C. Design of Optimal Training Sequences M is a natural number greater than zero and needs to be
The matrix S is cyclic. A matrix which holds (34) has or- coprime to N .
thogonal columns. A cyclic matrix S with orthogonal columns The length N = NT (L + 1) of the required perfect root-of-
can be constructed by writing a perfect root-of-unity sequence unity sequence s(k) is equal to the number of columns of S.
(PRUS) into the first row of S and then filling any next row The sequence s(k) is written into the first row of S. Any next
with the one element right shifted version of the previous row is the one element right shifted version of the previous
row [6]. row. The training sequence for each transmit antenna can be
A root-of-unity sequence s(k) of length N has complex extracted from the matrix S, taking into account (13) and (9).
root-of-unity elements with absolut value one and may have
P different phases. The elements of a root-of-unity sequence D. Required Number of Training Symbols
s(k) are of the form

The MSE related to one of the NT · NR SISO channels of
s(k) = ej P f (k)
with k = 0, ..., N − 1 and 0 ≤ f (k) ≤ P, the MIMO channel is given by
with f (k) as a whole-number sequence. A root-of-unity se- 1
quence is said to be perfect if all of its out-of-phase periodic NT
autocorrelation terms are equal to zero [6]. To preserve the comparability with a single-input single-output
A perfect root-of-unity sequence s(k) can be constructed (SISO) system in terms of equal total transmit energy P , the
for any length N by the Frank-Zadoff-Chu-sequences [6] [7] transmit symbols are multiplied by the factor √N 1
transmission. The energy of a training symbol is given by
( 2
ejπM k /N for N even
s(k) = with k = 0, ..., N − 1.
ejπM k(k+1)/N for N odd P
(38) s2m (k) = a2 = PS = = konstant ∀k (40)
with the transmit power PS of each transmit antenna and the For a comparability based on the same SNR one has to
total transmit power P = 1. choose (43), for a comparability based on the same path loss
With (36), (39) and (40) the Minimum Mean Square Error select (44). It is not possible to have both. One has to decide
(MMSE) of the Least Square channel estimation follows to which one is more important.
σn2 NT (L + 1)
MMSESISO,LS = . (41)
If the channel matrices fulfill the normalization condition (4), Efficient MIMO channel estimation with optimal training
the term σP2 in (41) can be replaced by the average signal to sequences was presented. With optimal training sequences
noise ratio ρ. The Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) of the minimum mean square error of the channel estimate is
the Least Square channel estimation follows to achieved. On the basis of the required accuracy of the estimate,
1 NT (L + 1) optimal training sequences of minimum length are determined.
ρ (NP − L)
with the signal to noise ratio ρ as a non-logarithmic value. R EFERENCES
The required number of training symbols for the Least
[1] O. Weikert and U. Zölzer, “A Flexible Laboratory MIMO System Using
Square channel estimation depending on the signal to noise Four Transmit and Four Receive Antennas,” in Proc. 10th International
ratio (SNR) and the required accuracy of the channel estimate OFDM-Workshop 2005, Hamburg, Germany, September 2005.
is shown in Figure 1. The required accuracy of the channel [2] F. Hagebölling, O. Weikert, and U. Zölzer, “Deterministic Prediction of
the Channel Capacity of Frequency Selective MIMO-Systems,” in Proc.
estimate is specified by the MMSE. Figure 1 shows lines with 11th International OFDM-Workshop 2006, Hamburg, Germany, August
the same MMSESISO,LS . For an accuracy of the channel esti- 2006.
mate of MMSESISO,LS = 5·10−3 for each of the NT ·NR SISO [3] C. Fragouli, N. Al-Dhahir, and W. Turin, “Training-Based Channel
Estimation for Multiple-Antenna Broadband Transmission,” IEEE Trans-
channels of the MIMO channel, at least NP = 2·NT (L+1)+L actions on Wireless Communications, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 384–391, March
training symbols per transmit antenna are required for a SNR 2003.
of 20dB. [4] O. Weikert, Blinde Demodulation in MIMO-Übertragungssystemen.
Ph.D. dissertation, Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal
Armed Forces Hamburg,, ISBN 978-3-86624-273-9, 2007.
[5] A. Mertins, Signal Analysis. Wiley, 1999.
V. N ORMALIZING M EASURED MIMO C HANNELS [6] H. D. Lüke, Korrelationssignale. Springer Verlag, 1992.
[7] D. C. Chu, “Polyphase codes with good periodic correlation properties,”
Simulating MIMO systems it is possible to create channel IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, pp. 531–532, July 1972.
matrices H(k) with random entries hn,m (k) for which (4)
holds. Measured systems have to be normalized to fulfill
the requirements of the capacity calculation. Normalizing a
measured MIMO channel to fulfill (4), one has to multiply
every contained SISO channel with another normalization
factor and by doing so one would rate the path loss differently
for every SISO channel. To avoid this, (4) is relaxed to
|hn,m (k)| = NT · NR . (43)
m=1 n=1 k=0

By this normalization only one normalization factor is intro-

duced for all SISO channels while the mean energy of the
channel still equals one.
Comparing different MIMO channels by their capacity, the
same problem as above occurs. Applying (43) every single
MIMO channel is normalized by one single factor, but this
factor differs from system to system. By introducing the
|hn,m (k, i)| = NM · NT · NR (44)
i=1 m=1 n=1 k=0

one normalization factor for all NM different MIMO systems

is obtained. However the capacity is calculated for every single
MIMO channel and those not necessary fulfill (43) when being
normalized to (44). The error causes extra noise for each
MIMO channel resulting the MIMO channels to differ in their
signal to noise ratio (SNR).

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