13-Syeda Umm e Rubab-Bsf1603090-Semi Final

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Chapter 4

4.0: Results and discussion

4.1: Modes of data analysis:
Convenience sampling is used for data collection as per convenience of the students. In this
research both primary and secondary data is used. Primary data collected from survey type
questionnaire. Secondary data will be collected from various articles. Data will be collected from
Lahore ( University Students). This research is conducted about 95 participants from online. For
statistical analysis, SPSS (Statistical package for social students) software is used to check the
dependability of variables.
4.2: Data Analysis and findings:
This table (1) shows that 63% are male who fill this questionnaire and 37% are female who fill
this questionnaire.
Table 1 Gender discrimination
Gender Discrimination percentages
Male 63%
Female 37%

This table (2) shows that 89% of the respondents belong to the age of 21-30 and 5% belongs to
the age of under 20.
Table 2 Details of Age of the respondents
Age of respondents percentages
Under 20 5%
21-30 89%
31-40 3%
Above 40 3%

This table (3) shows that 12% of the respondents done intermediate 70% are graduate and 17%
are done masters.

Table 3 Qualification of the respondents

Qualification percentages
Matric 1%
Intermediate 12%
Graduation 70%
Masters 17%
This table (4) shows that 56% of the respondents use whatsaap 30% use instagram 11% use
Facebook and 3% respondents use twitter. So majority of the youngster uses whatsaap.
Table 4 which social networking sites mostly used
Social networking sites percentages
Instagram 30%
Facebook 11%
Twitter 3%
Whatsaap 56%

This table (5) shows that 41% of the youth are agree that due to use of social sites they spent less
time with your family 26% responses are neutral and 20% youth responses are strongly agree
and only 13% responses are disagree.
Table 5 Do you think due to social networking sites you spent less time you’re
your family
Spent less time with family percentages
Strongly disagree 0%
Disagree 13%
Neutral 26%
Agree 41%
Strongly agree 20%

This table (6) shows that 50% of the youth are agree that social media has both positive and
negative impact on our life styles. 30% are strongly agree with this statement 14% responses are
Table 6 do you thing social media has a positive and negative impact of our life styles
Positive/Negative impact percentages
Strongly disagree 6%
Disagree 0%
Neutral 14%
Agree 50%
Strongly agree 30%

This table (7) shows, 35% of the respondent spend 2-3 hours in a day on social media, 21% of
the respondents spend 3-4 hours a day, 13% of the respondent spend 4-5 hours a day and 31% of
the respondents spend more than 5 hours a day on social media.
Table 7 Numbers of hours spend in a day on social media
Parameters Percentages
2-3 35%
3-4 21%
4-5 13%
Above 5 31%

This table (8) shows that 42% of the respondents get benefits like entertainment, 46% of the
respondents said that they have personal benefits of learning new skills from social media, 24%
of the respondents get benefits of staying connected with new people through social media and
12% of the respondents get benefits in studies from social sites.
Table 8 what are personal benefits of using social networking sites
Personal benefits Percentages
Entertainment 42%
Learning new skills 46%
Connected with new people 24%
Help with studies 12%

This table (9) shows that 46% of the respondents said that their purpose of using social media is
to connected with their friends, 35% of the respondents use these sites to interact with new
people, 8% of the respondents use these sites to sharing their posts and 11% of the respondents
use these sites to organize events.
Table 9 why do you use these social networking sites
Purpose of using social sites Percentage
Connected with friends 46%
Interact with new people 35%
Sharing post 8%
Organize events 11%

This table (10) shows that 5% of the respondents are disagree, 25% of the respondents are
neutral, 48% of the respondents are agree with these privacy policy and 22% are strongly agree
with privacy policy in social networking sites.
Table 10 Do you think privacy policy are affecting in social networking sites
Privacy policy are affecting in social Percentages
networking sites
Strongly disagree 0%
Disagree 5%
Neutral 25%
Agree 48%
Strongly agree 22%

This table (11) shows that 57% of the respondents are strongly agree that social media affects the
life of youngsters, 29% of the respondents are agree, 8% of the respondents are neutral.
Table 11 Does social media affects the life of youngsters
Effects of social media Percentages
Strongly disagree 3%
Disagree 3%
Neutral 8%
Agree 29%
Strongly agree 57%

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