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Subject: Research Project

Research Proposal

Submitted to:
Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Malik
The Department of Economics and Business Administration
University of Education, LMC, Lahore

Submitted by:
Syeda Umm e Rubab
Serial # 13
B.B.A Evening
Chapter 1

1 Introduction

In this chapter, background of the study, statement of the problem is discussed. Based on

research problem, objectives, research questions and hypotheses work derived. At the end of the

chapter, significance of the study is presented.

1.1 Background of the study:

Many milestones can be achieved with the help of computer or internet which is very useful for

present and future prospect. Twentieth century is the century of computer and technology but

21st century is the century of social media and connectivity. In this world, media has a broad,

massive and diverse perception. Whenever we describe the media it means, we talk about the

persistent as well as constant change, development of the society and technologies. By means of

media we come to know what is happening around us we stay updated. Social media is very

beneficial and pleasant invention. It has arisen as one of the most important tools where young

people are able to discuss and show their opinion on the matters of daily life as well as the issues

of national and international importance. Social media networks, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

and others are not only innovative in the world of internet but rapidly increasing their effects on

the opinion of masses. In Pakistan, youth is using the social networks as the platform to acquire

the knowledge and to enhance political awareness to float their political ideas. In recent,

common man, students, leaders and even political parties had started to use the social media for

the spread of their ideas and opinions for national and international issues and to win the support

of common man. Owen opined that with the beginning of internet, digital communication
technologies have increased the participation of youth in social media. Social Media is like a hot

cake for the young and offers them to get connected with their near ones and as a platform to

exchange their political views Social Networks are playing vital and vibrant role for the

betterment of youth as it helps and provides a platform to gain the basic political knowledge. A

few years back in Pakistan, govt. controlled TV, print media, and a very few private channels

were there to provide information and to educate the youth and were the only sources for the

people to get information and entertainment. Print media was not free and was censored with

different tactics of govt. Now it is the time of digital communication, the internet and the social

networks have changed the sense of information and communication. In Pakistan, social media is

rapidly growing like the other countries of the world and has attracted a number of Pakistani

youth and has played vital role in enhancing the level of political socialization among the youth

of Pakistan. A number of political leaders and political workers and even political parties have

created their personal accounts and official pages to share the views and news of politics. The

main objective of this was to find out the impact of social media networks in enhancing the

political awareness among Pakistani youth.

Social Media refers to array of applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and

YouTube etc. and websites through which people share the information and appreciate major

events that happens around them. Social media is in progress from the early of the 21st century.

Social media tools provide better way of opportunities and interaction to learn different foreign

languages. With the advent of social media, the world becomes a global village. Through social

media platforms, users can connect with other people within seconds, share their ideas, and

provide comments on different area of interest and issues. People of different culture can also

talk on any issue and also search for information about other countries. The National Youth
Policy (NYP)-2014 has defined ‘youth’ as persons in the age-group of 15-29 years. Youths and

students use social media for varied purpose like learning, entertainment, and also for innovation.

Social media influence youth’s life and it has both positive and negative impacts. Assad Ali et al

(2016) from their studies, found that social media plays vital role in providing learning and job

opportunities to the students. In the recent time, companies have online system of recruitment

and selection, few companies have own page or group to inform their employees about the

company’s position. Mostly companies use it for promotion of their product and services.

In today’s era social media is being used everywhere. Even in remote and rural area people know

Facebook and twitter and are being used. Social media is a platform where people use it for

being in touch with their friends and acquaintance

1.2 Problem statement:

Social media has destroying the life of the young generation. Our young generation waste their

precious time on social networking sites. Only 20% youth use these social sites for educational

work but rest of the youth use it for chatting purpose. One of the main findings from GenY

Survey conducted by TCS amongst the ‘Post-Millennial’ during 2012-13 indicates that one out

of every four youngsters have an access of internet for more than 1 hour in a day,73.65%

youngsters use internet for academic research work, more than 62% use it for social media

activities such as chat/connect/blog. Another survey report published on social media chimps in

the form of info graphic reflects the impact of social media to even greater extent. Girls aged 16-

17 years are most inclined to cyber bullying attacks. The reports above altogether gave a mixed

bag of reaction. While they put social media in a good perspective, most of the times they also

highlight the downside of their excessive use of social media.

1.3 Objective:

1) To find out the impact of social media network in enhancing the awareness among

Pakistani youth

2) To give policy recommendation to the relevant general public

1.4 Hypothesis:

H1 There is a negative impact of social media on young generation

Ho There is a positive impact of social media on youth communication skills and education.

1.5 Research question:

1. What is the effect of social media in youth’s life?

2. What is the main purpose of the social media?

3. What are main the purpose for using social networking sites?

4. What are the uses of the social networking sites?

1.6 Significance of the study:

This study is expedient to apply social media in right direction for youth and create cognizance

among youth that proper use of social media become a solid tool to educate, inform and groomed

the mentality level of youth social media refine their living style of public especially for youth it

is also create an responsiveness that how it is effecting the social life the deteriorate social norm,

society standards and ethics of society and create awareness among youth the aspect of social

Chapter 2

2. Literature Review

1. This research was conducted in Nov 2014 to check the impact of social networking sites in

changing the mind sets of youth. This was survey type research and data was collected

through questionnaire. The sampling technique used in this study was non-random sampling

and the sample size was 300 youngsters. The rate of return was 97% after the fill up of

questionnaire. These findings show that the majority of the respondents show the agreement

with these influences of social media. The social media referencing which is used in the

research tool are Face book, Skype, YouTube, Twitter and MySpace. The study showed that

average participation of female respondents was greater than the male respondents which was

66 people.

2. According to Rabia Ali the article attempts to explore the effects of social media on youth in

contemporary Pakistan that especially focused on the change in family relations. This study

used quantitative research methodology the researchers used survey method to collect the

data. Data was collected through structured questionnaire from 175 Masters level students

from the International Islamic University Islamabad who were excessively using SNS. The

respondents were selected by using Random sampling technique and stratified sampling

technique. The findings show that the majority (94%) of the respondents acknowledged that

excessive use of social media affects family relationships negatively. They reported to have

experienced being isolated and alienated from relatives, friends and from themselves. This in

turn was reported to lead to introvert personalities. These findings concluded that the use of
SNS among youth is reducing the bonding of the youth with their family and is changing the

value system.

3. The article titled as impact of media on youth in Pakistan by Amir Razi in 2013, he

concluded that media has a great impact in one’s life. It also highlight advantages as well as

dis-advantages of media. So that it can create good impact on local bodies. Media is helping

us undoubtedly but some children are misusing the media and ruining themselves and their

studies. If one can give proper time to his studies along with use of cell phone than one

should go for it. We can use media and communication in a positive way, unlimited use of

media can destroy our youth’s brain.

4. Another study was conducted to test the impact of social networking sites within the youth

and various problem associated with it This is often a survey sort analysis and here the

information is collected through tests. The tests are related to favor kind of social media for

youth to see the perspective of youth towards social networking sites. Negative use of social

media is deteriorating the connection among the countries, how adversely and positively is

the youth affected by the employment of these websites but also will help the youth to

understand the effective utilization of these networks. The paper also emphasizes the users on

various sites like Facebook, Twitter. The aim of the study is to analyze the growing issues on

youth due to the constant use of Social Network.

5. The purpose of this research is to through a light on the pattern of the social media usage and

its impact on youth. The new age social networking culture has been accepted and got an

enthusiastic response. It is evident from the studies that social media has both positive and

negative impact on youths. Youths must be clear on purpose of using social media and how
long they are on online and make it beneficial to their personal and social networking


2.1 Theoretical literature:

This study can be explained, using the media systems dependency (MSD) theory. The media

systems dependency theory was first proposed by Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melivin Defleur

in 1976, and consists of a complex system in which the media, individuals, their personal

environment, and the social environment have dependency relationships with each other.

Each component depends on the others components in a system by drawing on resource in

order to satisfy goals. Particular attention is given to the resources of media systems in

modern society and the consideration conditions which will increase or decrease individuals

reliance on media system. In another way, media systems dependency theory is a relationship

in which the capacity of individuals to attain their goals is contingent upon the information

resources of the media systems (wikipedia, 2012).

2.2 Empirical literature:

Relationship of social media with youth, mental health, family relationship, social

networking and its impact.

Sushma Rawath(2019)surveyed 50 youth respondent from different social networking sites. This

study conducted by the researcher determents that there is a relationship between youth and

media as it is creating negative role in our Muslim society because it has a great impact on our

life styles. (Prof. Amir Razi, 2013) The outcome of the study shows that there is a direct

relationship of the excessive use of social media with family. it can be concluded that the use of

SNS among youth is reducing the bonding of the youth with their family and is changing the
value system(Rabia Ali,2016). Research on social media and adolescent mental health has

proliferated in recent years, with many studies exploring whether more frequent use of social

media is associated with various mental health concerns, including depression and externalizing

problems. The findings from these studies have been mixed, with many revealing a small but

significant negative effect of social media use on mental health (Jacqueline Nesi) .Shabnoor

siddique in his research study defined social media “the many relatively inexpensive and widely

accessible electronic tools that facilitate anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on

a common effort, or build relationship”

Independent Variable Expected relation Dependent variable

Social media Positive/Negative youth
Social media Positive /Negative Mental health
Social media Positive/Negative Family relationship
Social media Positive/Negative Social networking

2.3 Research Gap:

Researcher felt that information bias by the respondent may slightly weaken the precision of

findings. In addition, future investigations must continue to move beyond previous notions of

“screen time” as a primary contributor to mental health, and instead consider the specific social

media experiences and individual characteristics that may make certain adolescents particularly

vulnerable to social media’s positive or negative effects. Finally, the translation of basic social

media research findings into clinical and policy application remains an area of critical need in the

field. As the presence of new media only continues to grow, it will be essential to develop

evidence-based approaches for encouraging healthy social media use in youth, and to effectively

utilize these tools for mental health screening and intervention. This project has several

noteworthy limitations. Firstly, it is unclear exactly how youth with mental illness are using and
interacting with the Internet and social media in order to obtain information regarding their

experiences. These findings are pertinent primarily to youth who are attempting to access

information online.

Chapter 3

3. Methodology:
3.1: Research design:

This is a quantitative research. In this study all the information will be collected through a survey

type questionnaire. Primary data will be collected through structured questionnaire.

3.2: Sampling technique:

The sampling techniques used in this study will convenience sampling as per convenience of the


3.3: Population:

The data will be collected from Lahore (university students) in this way probability method is

used in which population size is known. No of respondent N=30 which will be discussed in

tabular form.

3.4: Sample size:

Sample size will be approximately consisting of 100 students.

3.5: Statistical analysis:

The collected data will be analyzed through SPSS version 21, and result will be shown in chart

and tabular form.

3.6: Data collection procedure:

For questionnaire likert scale will be used students have to choose an option between strongly

agreed or strongly disagreed. Informed consent will be taken before filling up the questionnaire.

Questionnaire for youth:

There are different types of questions that would be mentioned in questionnaire some of which

are following

1. Is social media a tool that should be utilized by teachers.

2. Do you think due to social networking sites you spent less time with your family.

3. Social media has a positive impact on our life styles.

4. State of mind during use of social media.

5. Tool of social media use.

3.7: Variables:




3.8: Gantt chart:

2020 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 July 29


Formation of


Analysis and




Chapter 4
4. Results and discussion
4.1: Modes of data analysis:
Convenience sampling is used for data collection as per convenience of the students. In this
research both primary and secondary data is used. Primary data collected from survey type
questionnaire. Secondary data will be collected from various articles. Data will be collected from
Lahore ( University Students). This research is conducted about 95 participants from online. For
statistical analysis, SPSS (Statistical package for social students) software is used to check the
dependability of variables.
4.2: Data Analysis and findings:
This table (1) shows that 63% are male who fill this questionnaire and 37% are female who fill
this questionnaire.
Table 1 Gender discrimination
Gender Discrimination percentages
Male 63%
Female 37%

This table (2) shows that 89% of the respondents belong to the age of 21-30 and 5% belongs to
the age of under 20.
Table 2 Details of Age of the respondents
Age of respondents percentages
Under 20 5%
21-30 89%
31-40 3%
Above 40 3%

This table (3) shows that 12% of the respondents done intermediate 70% are graduate and 17%
are done masters.

Table 3 Qualification of the respondents

Qualification percentages
Matric 1%
Intermediate 12%
Graduation 70%
Masters 17%

This table (4) shows that 56% of the respondents use whatsaap 30% use instagram 11% use
Facebook and 3% respondents use twitter. So majority of the youngster uses whatsaap.
Table 4 which social networking sites mostly used
Social networking sites Percentages
Instagram 30%
Facebook 11%
Twitter 3%
Whatsaap 56%
This table (5) shows that 41% of the youth are agree that due to the use of social sites they spent
less time with their family 26% responses are neutral and 20% youth responses are strongly
agree and only 13% responses are disagree.
Table 5 Do you think due to social networking sites you spent less time you’re
your family
Spent less time with family Percentages
Strongly disagree 0%
Disagree 13%
Neutral 26%
Agree 41%
Strongly agree 20%

This table (6) shows that 50% of the youth are agree that social media has both positive and
negative impact on our life styles. 30% are strongly agree with this statement 14% responses are
Table 6 do you thing social media has a positive and negative impact of our life styles
Positive/Negative impact Percentages
Strongly disagree 6%
Disagree 0%
Neutral 14%
Agree 50%
Strongly agree 30%

This table (7) shows, 35% of the respondent spend 2-3 hours in a day on social media, 21% of
the respondents spend 3-4 hours a day, 13% of the respondent spend 4-5 hours a day and 31% of
the respondents spend more than 5 hours a day on social media.
Table 7 Numbers of hours spend in a day on social media
Parameters Percentages
2-3 35%
3-4 21%
4-5 13%
Above 5 31%

This table (8) shows that 42% of the respondents get benefits like entertainment, 46% of the
respondents said that they have personal benefits of learning new skills from social media, 24%
of the respondents get benefits of staying connected with new people through social media and
12% of the respondents get benefits in studies from social sites.
Table 8 what are personal benefits of using social networking sites
Personal benefits Percentages
Entertainment 42%
Learning new skills 46%
Connected with new people 24%
Help with studies 12%

This table (9) shows that 46% of the respondents said that their purpose of using social media is
to connected with their friends, 35% of the respondents use these sites to interact with new
people, 8% of the respondents use these sites to sharing their posts and 11% of the respondents
use these sites to organize events.
Table 9 why do you use these social networking sites
Purpose of using social sites Percentage
Connected with friends 46%
Interact with new people 35%
Sharing post 8%
Organize events 11%

This table (10) shows that 5% of the respondents are disagree, 25% of the respondents are
neutral, 48% of the respondents are agree with these privacy policy and 22% are strongly agree
with privacy policy in social networking sites.
Table 10 Do you think privacy policy are affecting in social networking sites
Privacy policy are affecting in social Percentages
networking sites
Strongly disagree 0%
Disagree 5%
Neutral 25%
Agree 48%
Strongly agree 22%

This table (11) shows that 57% of the respondents are strongly agree that social media affects the
life of youngsters, 29% of the respondents are agree, 8% of the respondents are neutral.
Table 11 Does social media affects the life of youngsters
Effects of social media Percentages
Strongly disagree 3%
Disagree 3%
Neutral 8%
Agree 29%
Strongly agree 57%

4.3 Chi Square test:

Respondent* Education

This table shows that the significance level is .187 so in this case we accept H1 (Alternative
hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation. As we know that if our value is less than 0.05 it will be significant and if its
value is greater than 0.05 it will be insignificance.
Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-

Pearson Chi-Square 274.902 255 .187
Likelihood Ratio 152.821 255 1.000
N of Valid Cases 99

Respondent * social networking you mostly use:

This table shows that the significance level is .501 so in this case we accept H1 (Alternative
Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation.
Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-

Pearson Chi-Square 254.250 255 .501
Likelihood Ratio 186.202 255 1.000
N of Valid Cases 99

Respondent* social media has positive and negative impact on our life styles
This table shows that the significance level is .122 so its mean we accept H1 (Alternative
Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation
Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 370.536a 340 .122

Likelihood Ratio 226.529 340 1.000
N of Valid Cases 99

Respondent * due to social networking sites you spent less time with your family
This table shows that the significance level is .104 its mean we accept H1(Alternative
Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation.
Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 373.200a 340 .104

Likelihood Ratio 255.439 340 1.000
N of Valid Cases 99

Respondent * hours spent on these sites

This table shows that the significance level is .490 in this case we accept H1 (Alternative
Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation.
Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 254.879a 255 .490

Respondent * personal benefits
Likelihood Ratio 237.548 255 .777 of using social networking sites
N of Valid Cases 99
This table shows that the significance
level is .065 in this case we accept H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null
Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on young generation.
Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-

Pearson Chi-Square 648.149 595 .065
Likelihood Ratio 276.116 595 1.000
N of Valid Cases 99

Respondent * why do you use social networking sites

This table shows that the significance level is .354 in this case we accept H1 (Alternative
Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation.

Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-

Pearson Chi-Square 262.859 255 .354
Likelihood Ratio 211.717 255 .978
N of Valid Cases 99

Respondent * privacy policy are effective in social sites

This table shows that the significance level is .195 in this case we accept H1 (Alternative
Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation.

Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-

Pearson Chi-Square 274.171 255 .195
Likelihood Ratio 221.030 255 .939
N of Valid Cases 99

Respondent * social media effect the life of youngsters

This table shows that the significance level is .617 in this case we accept H1 (Alternative
Hypothesis) and we reject Ho (Null Hypothesis). It is insignificant. It shows negative impact on
young generation.
Chi-Square Tests

Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Pearson Chi-Square 331.630a 340 .617

Likelihood Ratio 205.149 340 1.000
N of Valid Cases 99

Chapter 5

5. conclusion & Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion:

This research deals with a survey type questionnaire on the usage of the social media networking
sites in the domain of the youth. The social media, which is used in the research tool are
whatsaap, Facebook, twitter, instagram. This survey type questionnaire was filled by 100
students. All the participants actively respond to this questionnaire. The return average of this
questionnaire was 97 percent. The female respondent of the questionnaire is greater as compared
to male respondents. The level of qualification of the respondents varies from graduation to
Masters Programs and them were belongs to different educational institutions in Lahore. The
questionnaire is filled by the university students. The final results of the survey shows that 56%
users like whatsaap. 30% users like instagram, 11% users like to use facebook and 3% users like
twitter. This research, finds that mostly users in university use social media in different forms
like chatting, video sharing, and comments. This shows that they don’t focus on their studies and
educational activities while using internet, instead they start connecting with friends and people
on social media networking sites they utilize time between 30 to 60 minutes. But the actual
results may could be different it shows that 35% of the respondent spend 2 to 3 hours on social
networking sites. Social media has both positive as well as negative impact on the users.
According to research it is concluded that social media is popular among youth especially
whatsaap and Facebook. It left positive and negative both effects but the ratio of negative effects
is higher than the positive. The result of this research is insignificant.

5.2 Implications:

First kind of this research is focus on the impact of social media on Pakistani youth. Now a day,
social media is not only a source of education but it turns into a platform of making friends,
connecting people, and unnecessary chatting. Educational institutes and other organizational
setups are suffering from these negative effects.

5.3 Limitations:

The study was conducted in the higher education sector in Pakistan so findings cannot be
generalized. Due to covid-19 limited data is collected. In this study survey method is used.
Questionnaire was filled online. No of respondents N 100, So the collection of the results is

5.4 future Recommendations:

Future study can be collected personally from universities, and other institutions in Pakistan.
They can increase their No of respondents. They can collect the data in better way So their actual
results of research may vary.

1-Impact of Media on Youth in Pakistan

By Prof Amir Razi, Iqra Faheem & Syed Atif ALi The University of Lahore, Pakistan

2-Social media and youth in Pakistan: Implications on family relations

R Ali - Global Media Journal, 2016 -



Sushma Rawath.S

Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Surana College, Bengaluru


Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Surana College, Bengaluru

Venkatesh Kumar

Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Surana College, Bangaluru.

4-The Impact of Social Media on Youth: A Case Study of Bahawalpur City

Ghulam Shabir

, Yousef Mahmood Yousef Hameed

, Ghulam Safdar

Syed Muhammad Farouq Shah Gilani


Department of Media Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, PAKISTAN,


Faculty of Media, Middle East University, Amman, JORDAN.

5- Evelyn D. Markwei, Doreen Appiah, “The Impact of Social Media on Ghanaian Youth “ in

The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adult, June 2016

6-AkashdeepBhardwaj, Vinay Avasthi1, Sam Goundar. “Impact of Social Networking on Indian

Youth - A Survey”, in International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication, September


7-Wikipedia. List of social networking websites. Retrieved February 12, 2012

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