Do You Prefer Your Life To Be A Guided Tour or A Journey Without A Map?

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3. Do you prefer your life to be a guided tour or a journey without a map?

An explorer is born into every human being. It is humanity's relentless exploratory

hunger that took them back and forth to the moon. If we have faith in in Darwin's
theory of evolution, how far the apes' descendants have come from where they started
is mind-boggling. It was a fascinating journey from the discovery of fire and the
inventing of the fire to the cure of cancer and automation of almost everything.

Life is intended to be fun, isn't it? What's fun in going after a guided tour? The
adventure is unpredictable. You get nervous about it because you don't know what's
going to come next or what the next destination is. This is what I'd like my life to be
like! A Travel Without a Guide! You discover the unexplored without a map. You've
got options, options to step forward.

You may end up meeting some great people in your life on this unplanned trip, or you
may get more from your life than you ever imagined. Life will also take you to places
you can never really imagine. So, rather than doing it as per your strategy, it is good to
leave your chances open. It's never a negative, even though you hit the dead end, but
you will end up knowing something different.

Failures make you stronger. You are killing the chances of making things better by
preparing everything. Spontaneous acts may also give better outcomes than expected
ones. It is properly said that the best things in life come only by chance. There will be
moments where you feel guilty about things that don't go according to your schedule,
but believe your stars; it's just for the best.

If she had plotted her life for Cinderella, she would never have seen her shoe slipping
and the prince coming to meet her. Einstein would never have thought that just an
apple dropping on his head would discover a grand idea, or that Hitler's existence had
unfolded as per his scheme, then there would always be aggression against Jews. It's
all happening for good. Only leave open the possibilities and let the forces flow by
themselves. Best things in life are unchecked.

This path of accelerated development in which humans are placed was possible
because we learn from both ourselves and external knowledge. What separates us
from all living creatures is our capacity to think and speak in an articulate manner,
which empowers us to pass on to our future descendants the wisdom we have acquired
in our lives to expand on it. Now, discussing the problem of whether our lives should
be a guided tour or a trip without a map: well, it should be a mixture of both. We are
on two different journeys, one of which is our own personal quest, the other of which
is a mutual quest as a species.

We also have our own personal and spiritual journeys as individuals to walk on, and
the perspective of nobody else will help us achieve our destination, as every human
has a special psyche. We are programmed to embrace too many norms and limits in
our lives. It is when we uncover those limits and embark on the road of self-
actualization that we continue to live as our true selves.

There's no self-actualization blueprint, no one can lead you to realise your true self,
it's a path that every person needs to go through on their own. In comparison, it is of
serious significance for humanity to advance, to walk along the pathways of our
ancestors and search for the unseen, or we would have to start discovering fire once

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