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Foreign Literature

Jimenez and Vera (2010) according to them, the elementary education among indigenous
students in Bolivia and found access to education gaps. They suggested that government
intervention is crucial to address the gaps by conducting seminars and trainings among
teachers to improve instructions. It was observed that there is a high dropout rate among
students in the rural areas compared to those in the urban areas due to the lack of teaching
skills of some teachers. This was also emphasized in the study conducted by Lukong (2016)
where intervention was also undertaken by the government on the educational system that
will be provided in Cameroon. For this undertaking, he stressed that it should be holistic
and encompassing, irrespective of the age, gender, ethnicity of the students. Among the IP
students, the local language must be used as the medium of instruction to enable to
students to understand or grasp the learning and/or instructions provided by the teachers.
Moreover, education should also focus on value formation, culture, livelihood, and other
curricular instructions that can be used for IP students learning. This is tantamount to
providing tailored type of education for a better appreciation by the students who will
attend the class.

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