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ofbill for the followi intra state transaction of
i n d the

goords/services. The rate
600 450 900 750
40 32 20 30

a m o u n t o f for the following inter-state transaction of goods/services. The rate

Find 5%:
2. being
9,600 6,000 10,800 9,000 7,200
Discount% 20 50 40 30 40

he amount of
of bill for the following transaction of goods/services from Patna (Bihar)
(Rajasthan) :
to Ajmer

18 18 12 12

MRP(in 12,000 15,000 5,200 8,000

Discount% 30 40 30 40

Eind the amount for the following transation of goods/services within Gujarat
4. F
MRP (in item 300 600 480

Number of items 40 50 70

GST% 12 12 18

5. A dealer in Kanpur (U.P.) supplies goods worth R 5,000 to a dealer in Meerut (U.P.). The
dealer in Meerut supplies the same goods/services to a dealer in Delhi at a profit of
2000. Find the cost of goods/services in Delhi as per GST system. The rate of GST is

6. Ashok deposits T 3,200 per month in a cumulative deposit account for 3 years at the rate
of 9% per annum. Find the maturity value of this account.
7. Mrs. Kama has a recurring deposit account in Punjab National Bank for 3 years at 8%
p.a. If she
gets 9,990 as interest at the time find
of maturity,
G) the monthly instalment. (ii) the maturity value of the account.
8. A man has a 5 year recurring deposit account in a bank and deposits{ 240 per month. If
he receives 17,694 at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest.
9. Sheela has a recurring deposit account in a bank of R 2,000 per month at the rate of 10%
per annum. If she gets 83,100 at the time of maturity, find the total time (in years) for
which the account was held.
10. A man deposits 900 per month in a recurring account for 2 years. If he gets 1,800 as
nterest at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest.


What is the market value of 4 % (R 100) share, when an investment of 1,800 produces
an income of 72 ?

nd the market value of 12% ? 25 shares o
on an
investment of ? 20,(M).
on real number lines
0. The and B
given diagram represents two sets A o
5 6
-4-3-2 -10 1 2 3 4
1i 2 3 4
(1) Write down A and B in set-builder notation.
S e n t A U B , AnB. A'B.A
-B and B A on separate number lines
7. Find the values of x, which satisfy the inequation
s < xEN
Graph the solution set on the real number nne
State for each of whether it is true or Taisc.
i8. the following statements
If (a a) ( <a, and x < b.
(a) -

b) < 0, -

then x
(6) If a <0 and b <0, then (a + b) > 0.
C it a and b are any two integers such that a > b, then a > bb,
(d) If p =q+2, then p > 4.
(C) It a and b are two negative integers such tnat

a<b, then
19. Given 20 5x< 5x + 8), find the smallest value of x when
)xel (i) xe W (iii) xeN
20. If xeZ, solve : 2 + 4r < 2r 5 3x. Also, represent its solution on the real number

21. Solve
X+3 -2 2-x
22. Solve : + 3 2(6+x)
6-x 15
23. Find the value of k for which the roots of the following equation are real and equal
k - 2(2k - 1) x +4 = 0.

atb ba + b)
when#0and a0
rod of the quadratic equation 2r2 + pr 15 ) and the quadratic equation
4 0 has equal roots, find the value of k.

are bought at (r - 8) each and (x 2) some other articles are hought at

)each. l tIhe totai cost ol all these articles is 76, how many articles of first
26. (
were bough1 ?
NO digit number, tne unit s digit exceeds its ten's digit by 2. The product of the
27 and the sum of ts digits is equal to 144. Find the number.
umber and
given number
t i n e taken
taken by
by aa persor
person to cover 150 km was 2.5 hours more than the time taken in
8. ioumey. If
If he retumed at a speed of 10 km/hour more than the speed of go1ng.
the speed per hour in each direction ?

akes 9 days more than B to do a certain piece of work. Together they can do the work
takes 9 d
29. A How many days will A alone take to do the work ?
in 6 days.
man bought.
a certain number of chairs for 7 10,000. He kept one for his own use and
30. A
sold the rest at the rate 50 more than he gave for one chair. Besides getting his own
hair for nothing, he made a profit of 450. How many chairs did he buy?

figure, ne area of unshaded portion is 75%

31. In the given 80 m
sorenaonne* °******

shaded portion. Find the value of x.

of the area of the


32. Solve for x: Va+x+ya-X = b.

13. If a:b=2:3,b:c=4:5 and c : d=6:7, fnd: a:b:c:d.

34. If Y2a++V24-1

= x, prove that x - 4ax + 1 = 0

35. Find the compounded ratio of :

() (a -b): (a + b) and (b + ab): (a* -ab)

i) + ): (- y; (r* + ) :(x+ y¥ and ( -2 : ( - )
(ii) ( - 25) :(+3x - 10); (r -4) : (*+3x + 2) and (r + 1): (+ 2x).
36. The ratio of the prices of two fans was 16: 23. Two years later, when the price of the
first fan had risen by 10% and that of the second by 477, the ratio of their prices became
11: 20. Find the original prices of the two fans.


37. Given that x + 2 and x - 3 are factors of r + ax + b. Calculate the values of a and b.
Also, find the remaining factor.
38. Use the remainder theorem to factorise the expression 2 + 9x* + 7x - 6. Hence, solve

the equation 2r+ 9 + 7x - 6 0.

39. When 2+ 52 2x + 8 is divided by (x - a) the remainder is 2a + Sa'. Find the
value of a.
40. What number should be added to x - 9r - 2x + 3 so that the remainder may be 5 when

divided by (x - 2)?
. Let R and R, are remainders when the polynomials r + 2r - Sax - 7 and

+ a x - 12x +6 are divided by (r + 1) and (r - 2) respectively. If 2R, + R, = 6; find

the value of a.
42 Find matrix B, if matrix A = matrix C- and AB 3C

(4 3
43.Find the matrices A and B. if 2A + B 7nd A - 26 |I

3 -2and A 4 3
44.If A=4 aB SB+2X lo
3 4 24
a Given
A= and B=7 find the matrix X such that AX =B.

find the matrix X such that

b) Given A B |-2 16};

-8 and

A-2 -8


11 and common difference 9.
46. Find the 15th term of the A.P. with second term

47. How many three digit numbers are divisible by 7 ?

48. Find the sum of terms of the A.P. : 4,9, 14,. . , 89,
49. Daya gets pocket money from his father every day. Out of the pocket money, he saves
and s0 Find:
2.75 on first day, F3.00 on day,second 3.25 on third day on.

) the amount saved by Daya on 14th day

(i) the amount saved by Daya on 30h day.
(i) the total amount saved by him in 30 days.
50. If the sum of first m terms of an A.P. is n and sum of first n terms of the same A.P. is m,
show that sum of first (m + n) terms of it is - (m + n).


51.r term of a G.P. N7 and its 6th term is 729;
find the product of its fis and 7 teris
52. Find geometric means between and 27
48 24 . gto 10 terms.
the um of the sequence96
Find +

AFind the sum &Kfirst n terms of
4+44 +444 + *°*

(i) 0t017 +0-777 +

55. Pad (using GP) the value of 0*23.

56. Find the values of m and n, in each case; If

) (4, -3) on reflection in x-axis gives (-m, n).

i) (m, 5) on reflection in y-axis gives (-5,
n 2) -

(m +3, -4)
(ii) (-6, n + 2) on reflection origin gives
co-ordinates (-2, 4) and (-4, 1) respectively. Find:
57. Points A and B have the
the image of A in the line x 0. =

) the co-ordinates of A,
the image of B in y-axis.
(ii) the co-ordinates of B,
the image of A in the line BB
(ii) the co-ordinates of A",

the angle hetween the lines A'A" and BB'. Assign a special name to the figure


B, is the reflection of triangle A, (4, -5) is the
.riangle OA, OAB in rigin, where
of A and B,7,0) is the image of B.
the co-odinates ofA and B represent
(i) Write down
and draw a diagram to

Give a special name to the quadrilateral ABA,B, Give reason.

Find the co-ordinates ot A. the image of A under reflection in -axis foo
(ini) Find
eflection in yaxis.
followed by
Find the ordinates of
co-on B,, the image of B under reflection in

reflection in orngin.


what ratio does the point Mp, -1) divide the line segment joining
0 In Hence, find the value of p.
and B(6. 2)?
centroid of this tiangic
4). B(T. -1) and C(6, y) are the vertices of AABC. If the
60. A(4.
find the values of x andy.
ABC is at the origin, on

of triangle ABC. P and Q are points

B(=1, 2) and C(5, 8) are the vertices a
61, A(2. 5),
such that AP: PB =AQ:QC 1:2.
AB and AC respectively
co-ordinates of points P and Q
(a) Find the
that BC 3 x PQ. =

b) Show + 7) and (a
4, b + 3)
are tne -

b 4), (a 1, b
that the points (a, b), (a + 3,
+ -

62. Show
vertices of a parallelogram.


A(1, 5), B(-3, 7) and C(15, 9). B.
63. Given points the mid-point of AC and the point
of a line passing through
() Find the equation to AB.
equation of the line through C and parallel P. Find
the at a point
i) Find above, intersect each other
obtained in parts () and (i)
(i) The ines
of the point P.
the co-ordinates PABC.
names of the figure
giving reason, a special (1, 3;
(iv) Assign, AB. If B =

bisector of the line segment

64. The line x 4y 6 is the
- =

co-ordinates of point A. this line meets

find the and (2, -2). If
through the points (7, -3)
of a line passing co-ordinates of points
P and Q
65. Find the equation find the
P and y-axis at point Q;
r-axis at point ABC. Find
are the
vertices of a triangle
and C (1, -2)
66. A (-3, 1), B (4, 4) equation of
altitude AE.
median BD,
(i) the
of the points (4, -3)
() the equation bisector of the
line segment joining
of perpendicular
67. Find the equation find the
and (3, 1). to each other, perpendicular
Dx = 4 are
= 3 and 3y

(p -

68. (a) If (p + 1)x + y find the value

value of p. 1)x 5 = are mutually
+3 = 0 and 8y -(2p-
(b) Ify + (2p+ 1)x the
the equation of
of p. (1, 2) and
A of a square the c o - o r d i n a t e s
of the other
diagonal and
of the vertex
69. The
the equation
10. Find
diagonal BD is x + 2y

of the centre of the square.

M is
opposite mid-poi
sides of B
AB;,n e segment AB: AXB and MYB
are equilatleral triangles on
71. In the XY
XY cuts AB at 2, Prove that AZ = 2 ZB.
cuts B
the givenen figure, if AC
. C
length of CR.
= 3 cm and CB = 6 cm, find

Hint CR =CK +
72. The
given figure
to DC showsa a trapezium
and which AB in is arallel
If BO OD diagonals AC and BD
intersect O.
at point O A
)A AOD 7: find

i) A AOB
(i) A
(iv) A ABD C

A model
of a ship is
)the length of
made to a scale of1:160.
the ship, if the ud
(i) length of its model is 12 m.
L d O the deck of the ship, if the area of the deck of its model 1s Iz m2
une volume of the
14. In ship, if the volume of its model is 1:2 m°.
trapezium ABCD, AB/DC and DC =2 AB. E,
drawn parallel
AB cuts AD in F and BC in E
that 4 BE = 3
EC. Diagonal DB
such F
G. Prove that 7 intersects FE at pont
EF 10 AB. =

. In
triangle ABC, D is mid-point of AB and CD is AB. Bisector
meets CD at E perpendicular to or LABC
and AC at F. Prove that
) E is equidistant from A and B. i) F is equidistant from AB and BC.
76. Use
graph paper for this question. Take 2 cm 1 unit on both =
the axes.
i) Plot the points A(1, 1), B(5, and
3) C(2, 7).
(i) Construct the locus of points
equidistant from A and B.
ii) Construct the locus of points
equidistant from AB and AC.
(iv) Locate the point P such that PA = PB and P is equidistant from AB and AC.
(v) Measure and record the length PA in cm.

77. In the given figure, ZADC 130° and BC
=BE. Find 130
2CBE if AB 1 CE.

78. In the given figure, 20AB = 30° and 20CB = 57

find BOC and ZAOC.


In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle. If
oien figu chord
o AR chond AC. OP I AB and 00 1 AC; show that:

the given figure, AB and XY are diameters of a circle

0 In centre 0. It

30°, find

(i) APY

( ) BPY

(iv) 0 A N .

In the adjoining figure; AB AD, BD CD


SI (a) =

and DBC 2 ZABD.


Prove that: ABCD is a cyclic quadilateral.

diameter oft a circle with centre O. Chord

b) AB is a
CD is equal to radius OC. AC and BD produced
intersect at P. Prove that ZAPB =60°.


82. In the given AC
figure, AB and=
LABC 72°. OA and OB are two C

) angle subtended by the chord AB at the centre.


83. In the given figure, PQ, PR and ST are tangents to the QAa
same circle. If P = 40° and 2QRT =75°, find a, b 75
and c.

84. In the given figure, ZABC = 90° and BC is diameter

ofthe given circle. Show that:
) AC x AD = AB?
i) AC x CD = BC.

5. In the given tigure; AB, BC and CA nTe *
to the
given cincle. If AB 12 em, BC C
AC =
10 em, find the lengths of AD, B:


inside the circle. If

S6. (a) AB and CD at a point P
are two chonds of a circle intersecting
() AB = 24 em, AP = 4 cm and PD » 8 cm. determine
3 em, PB 6-5 determine
a AP = 2.5 em and CD = cm,
outside the circle. If
) AB and CD ane two chonds of a cirele intersecting at a point P
() PA = 8 cm, PC = $5 cm and PD = 4 cm, determine AB.
C = 30 cm, CD = 14 enm and PA = 24 cm, determine AB.

OConstruct a triangle ABC in which AC = 5 cm, BC = 7 cm and AB = 0 Cn.

) Mark D, the mid-point of AB.

i ) Construct a circle which touches BC at C and passes througn D.

d6. Using nuler and compasses only; draw a circle of radius 4 em. Produce AB, a diameter of
nis circle, upto point X so that BX = 4 cm. Construct a circle to touch AB at X and to

touch the circle, drawn earlier, externally.

0. A Cyindncal bucket 28 cm in diameter and 72 cm high is full of water. "The wateris
wide. Find the height of he water
empued nto a rectangular tank 66 cm long and 28 cm

level in the tank.

90. A tent is of the shape of a right circular cylinder upto height of 3 metres and then becomes
a right circular cone with a maximum height of 13:5 metres above the ground. Calculate
the cost of painting the inner surface of the tent at 4 per sq. metre, if the radius of the
base is 14 metres.
91. A copper wire of diameter 6 mm is evenly wrapped on the cylinder of length 18 cm and
diameter 49 cm to cover the whole surface. Find
G) the length (ii) the volume of the wire.
92. A pool has a uniform circular cross-section of radius 5 m and uniform depth 14 m. It is
filled by a pipe which delivers water at the rate of 20 litres per sec. Calculate, in minutes,
the time taken to fill the pool. If the pool is emptied in 42 min. by another eylindrical
which water flows at 2 m per sec, calculate the radius of the pipe in cm.
pipe through
93. A test tube consists of a hemisphere and a cylinder of the same radius. The volume of
water required to fill the whole tube is 2849/3 cm' and 2618/3 cm of water is required
to fill the tube to a level which is 2 cm below the top of the tube. Find the radius of the
tube and the length of its cylindrical part.
94. A sphere is placed in an inverted hoilow conical vessel of base radius 5 cm and vertical
height 12 cm. If the highest point of the sphere is at the level of the base of the cone,
find the radius of the sphere. Show that the volume of the sphere and the conical vessel
are as 40: 81.
95 The difference between the outer and the inner curved surface areas of a hollow cylinder,
14cm long, is 88 sq. cm. Find the outer and the inner radii of the cylinder, given that
metal used is 176 cu. cm.
the volume of

Prove that

+ cos A +sec A sin 'A

(1+ cos (ii)
sin A 1cosA sec A 1CosA
+ cot A) sec A + cosec A
A (

(1 + tan A) + cCOs
itl sin A
+2 sin A cos A =

tan A + cot A
sin A tan A + co8 A cot A
y3; evaluate
1 and tan B

Iftan A

A cos B -
sin A sin B
(i) cos

B + cos A sin B
ii) sin A
of two
high light house, the angles depression
from the top of a 100 m
As observed behind the other, find the
it are 30° and 45°. If one ship is directly
ships approaching
between the two ships.
2A ) (tan 3A -

1) =
0; find all possible values of A.
(a) 1f (2


b) If cos A = A1 find the value of
41 sin A tan A

towards it and
a ship is sailing directly
a light house, it is observed that
From the top of in 10 minutes. Assuming that
of the ship changes from 30° to 45°
the angle of depression
calculate in how much more time (in minutes) wil
the ship is sailing with uniform speed;
the ship reach the light house?

given below:
(a) Calculate the mean mark in the distribution

31-40 41-50 51-60

1-10 11-20 21-30
15 8 6 5
Frequency 7 9

the median class, (ii) the modal class.

Also, state : (i)
mean, the median and the mode of the following distribution
(b) Calculate the
3 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency 358 9

Draw an ogive for the following distribution:

Income in 120-140 140-160 160-180 180-200 200-220 220-240

No. of employees 30 72 90 80 70 28

Use the ogive drawn determine

) the median income,
Gi) the number of employees whose income exceeds 190.
The result of an examination is tabulated below:

Marks (less than) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

No. of candidates 0 25 42 65 95 120 128 135 148 150

Draw the ogive for the above data and from it determine:
) the number of candidates who got marks less than 45.
() the number of candidates who got marks more than 75.

104. A bag balls being of the same
g contains a red blue ball and a yellow ball, all the
ball, a same
size. If a ball is drawn from the bag, without looking into it, find the probability that the
ball drawn is
i) yellow (ii) red (iii) blue.
105. A
bag contains 6 red balls, 8 blue balls and 10 yellow balls, all the balls being
ng ofof the
same size. If a ball is find the
drawn from the bag, without looking into it, probability obability
that the ball drawn is
i) yellow (i) red (iii) blue (iv) not yellow (v) not blue.
w o dice are thrown at the same time. Write down all the possible outcomes. Find the
probability of getting the sum of two numbers appearing on the top of the dice as
(i) 13 (ii) less than 13 ii) 10 (iv) less than 10.
0 i v e cards: the ten, jack, queen, king and ace of diamonds are well-shuffled with their
face downwards. One card is
then picked up at randomn.
d) What is the probability that the card is the ? queen
t the that the second card
queen is drawn and put aside, what is the probability picked
up is (a) an ace ? (b) a queen ?
06. 0) 20 bulbs
A lot of
lot. What is the
contains 4 defective bulbs. One bulb is drawn at random from the
probability that this bulb is defective ?
() Suppose the bulb drawn in (i) is not defective and is not replaced. Now one bulb is
drawn at random from the rest. What is the probability that this bulb is not defective ?

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