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Stage blocking is the term used to demarcate the movement of the actors and
characters on stage at the time of a theatrical production in form of an act, a
drama, a role play or a Skit. Every movement by the actors, some them such as
moving left to right while delivery dialogues, climbing stairs, moving chairs etc all
of them come under the category of blocking. Usually while preparing for a
theatrical production, it is imperative to give utmost importance to character
blocking and their movement across the stage.
The Philosophy behind stage Blocking:
Directors also use blocking to express the relationship between characters. The
distance between the actors on stage may also be used as a symbolic tool to
establish the dynamics of the relationship shared between any two characters of
the story.

We often see that movement towards or away from characters denote their
positive or negative approach towards that character respectively. For example, a
postman brings the letter you’ve been waiting for long and hence you move
closer to him on stage. In another scenario your dad tells you you’ve been an
embarrassment hence you away from him on stage. Blocking and movement of
characters on stage portray emotions and to dramatize the effect of their

Blocking of movement in theatre is often used to demarcate the
lighting of the characters and the scene on stage as well. Hence it is
essential to get the blocking and overall movement of the characters on
stage perfectly in synchronization with the light and sound
departments so as to successfully produce the play to its truest

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