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Black – Director Red – TLTs Blue –


I hereby declare the ceremony of the South Bay Pathfinder Club to order.
For the light of our program we turn to the Spirit of Pathfindering. The
candle, which I now light, represents this spirit. It is the Spirit of
Adventure, Fun, Learning, Comradery, Awareness, and Awakening, and
above all, a Spirit of Reverence and a Spirit of service to God and Man.
However, this light in and of itself is not complete or sufficient. We will
now ask the Teen Leaders to light the complementary lights representing
the AY Class program.

The AJY Friend Class is a course of study in learning, skills and physical
fitness that will help one to be a better neighbor now and a friend of God
throughout eternity.
The AJY Companion Class is a course of study in learning, skills and physical
fitness that will give more meaning to life and a companionship with Jesus
Christ every hour of the day.
The AJY Explorer Class is a course of study that will help one to find new
adventure in exploring God’s Word and His created works.
The AJY Ranger Class is a course of study that will open up new areas of
discovery in the natural and spiritual world to secure true and genuine
The AJY Voyager Class is a course of study that will help one to navigate a
straight course across both the physical and spiritual sea of life.
The AJY Guide Class is a course of study that will prepare one to guide others
toward God’s kingdom.

These candles that are now lit represent the curriculum upon which the
Pathfinder ministry is based. This is the foundation upon which all the
programs and activities are built. The Pathfinder program stands for high
ideals, that will help each pathfinder “increase in wisdom and stature and
in favor with God and men.” We will now call upon the pathfinder to light
the Pledge candles.

By the Grace of God means – Only as I rely on God to help me can I do his
I will be pure means – I will fill my mind with that which is right and true and
spend my time in activities that build a strong, clean character.
I will be kind means – I will be considerate and kind, not only to my fellow men
but also to all of God’s creation.
I will be true means – I will be honest and upright in study, work and play and
can always be counted upon to do my very best.
I will keep the Pathfinder Law means – I will seek to understand the meaning of
the Low and will strive to live up to its spirit, realizing that obedience to law is
essential in any organization.
I will be a servant of God means – I will pledge myself to God first, last and
best in everything I am called upon to be or do.
I will be a friend of man means – I will live to bless others and do to them what
I would have them do to me.

The Pathfinder Pledge describes the high ideals that the Pathfinder
organization has placed upon its members. It is the goal of each Pathfinder
club that its members will live up to the meaning of the Pledge as explained
by these Pathfinders. On behalf of the candidates, we accept the vow to the
pledge. We will now ask the pathfinders to light the Law Candles.

Keep the Morning Watch means – I will have prayer and personal Bible study
each day.

Do my honest part – By the power of God, I will help others and do my duty
and my honest share, wherever I may be.
Care for my body means – I will be temperate in all things and strive to reach a
high standard of physical fitness.
Keep a level eye means – I will not lie, cheat, or deceive and will despite and
will despise dirty talk or evil thinking.
Be courteous and obedient means – I will be kind and thoughtful of others,
reflecting the love of Jesus in all my associations with others.

Walk softly in the sanctuary means – In any devotional exercise, I will be quiet
careful and reverent.
Keep a song in my heart means – I will be cheerful and happy and let the
influence of my life be sunshine to others.
Go on God’s errands means – I will always be ready to share my faith and go
about doing good, as did Jesus.

The Pathfinder Law is a more detailed list of the type of behavior for which
Pathfindering strives. It is the goal of each Pathfinder club that its
members will live up to the meaning of the Law as explained by these
Pathfinders. On behalf of the candidates, we accept the vow to the Law.
Will the candidates for membership please come forward. Before you this
evening, are____ Pathfinders who have learned about the Pathfinder
program and who are now taking the step of publicly affirming their desire
to serve their God in this organization. ______________ Do you desire
membership in the South Bay Pathfinder Club and accept the vow to the
pledge and law and will strive to live up to its ideals in all your daily
activities? (Response) (Repeat as Needed)
We hereby declare that these Pathfinders are accepted into the fellowship
of the South Bay Pathfinder club of the Southern California Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists. Each of you is now being presented with a candle
which you may now light from the Spirit of Pathfindering candle. We
charge you in the presence of these witnesses to let your light shine before
others in the spirit of Pathfindering.

We will now ask _________ to pray that God will give you strength to live
up to the high ideals of our club and to be a faithful and loyal club member.
I would like to invite the Pathfinders who wish to reaffirm their own vow to
stand at prayer attention while the candidates kneel in front of the table.
You may now place your candle on the table to signify that your light has
been added to the ministry of our club. Your counselor is now presenting
you with the Pathfinder scarf and induction pin to show that you are now a
full-fledged member of the South Bay Pathfinders. As you return to you
seats, remember that as long as you wear this uniform your behavior not

only reflects your character, but also reflects on the organization as a

Will the candidates for Teen Leadership please come forward. As high as
the ideals are for Pathfinder membership, the standards for Teen Leaders
are even higher. Not only are you responsible for being true to the Pledge
and Law in your own life, but now you have accepted the responsibility of
helping the pathfinders live up to those same high standards. It is
important for you now to look on your actions not only as to your own
relationship with God, but as how it may be perceived by those you are
entrusted to lead. Let none of you ever be guilty of leading even one of
your Pathfinders into wrongdoing.

__________Do you desire to accept the responsibility of Teen Leadership in

the South Bay Pathfinder club, striving not only to live for God but also to
lead others to him? (Response) We hereby declare that __________ is
accepted into the Teen Leadership Training Program of the South Bay
Pathfinder Club. You are now being presented with a candle which you
may now light from the Spirit of Pathfindering candle. We charge you in
the presence of these witnesses to let your light shine before others in the
spirit of Pathfindering. We will now ask ____________ to pray that God
will give you strength to live up to the high ideals of our club and to be a
faithful and loyal club staff member. I would like to invite the Teen
Leaders who wish to reaffirm their own vow to stand at prayer attention
while we kneel in front of the table. (Prayer)

You may now place your candle on the table to signify that your light has
been added to the ministry of our club. I now present you with the uniform
insignia that shows that you have accepted the commitment to lead young
people to Jesus. As you now return to your seat, please remember the
commitment you made this evening will be reflected in all aspects of your
life, in or out of the uniform. To be an example to the young people is a 24-
hour a day commitment. Let the Lord use you as His instrument to lead
the younger children to Him.

I hereby declare the Induction Service of the South Bay Pathfinders to be

concluded. May we have the lights please.

(Teen Leaders will then extinguish the candles and return to their seats with the

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