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This unit shall be under the College of Education (CoEd), in coordination with its head and staff directly
answerable and accountable to the Dean of the College of Education. It shall be headed by a
Coordinator, mandated by the Dean of the College of Education to serve in the unit endowed with the
following functions and responsibilities:

 Train students from the Tertiary Levels in the College of Education develop their speaking ability
in the English language, as well as their other communicative skills in the same language;
 Conduct special language enhancement programs for the said levels, focusing on the students
with difficulty in speaking the English language;
 Determine the readiness and ability of the student in the said level to undergo speech training
and improvement sessions;
 Coordinate with the Dean of the College of Education regarding the speech and communication
needs of the students.
 Orient the students on the importance of their training or speech program, as well as the
significance of maintaining the operability, technicality, and efficiency of the speech laboratory;
 Conduct regular observation, check-up, and evaluation, with the assistance of the designated
ICT technician, on the resent condition of the various gadgets and other technologies provided
in the laboratory;
 Coordinate regularly with the concerned officials in the College of Education of the school;
administration regarding the performance of the students trained in the laboratory;
 Submit written reports to the College Dean, copy furnished the school administration, at least
twice a month regarding the:
 progress/performance of the trainees,
 problem/difficulties met by the trainees,
 technical and technological problems met in the laboratory,
 solution/actions taken, including those possible ones to be taken,
 to solve the problems; and
 Conduct debriefing sessions, interview/case studies of students trained in the speech

Service Hours:
Monday – Friday
7:30AM – 8:30PM
Rules and Regulations
 Only students who are officially enrolled English 3 with the subjects that needs the use of the
speech laboratory can avail the facilities in the Speech Laboratory.
 Students who failed to attend the general orientation regarding the use of the facilities should
see the Speech Laboratory In-charge before being allowed to touch anything.
 Students who may cause damage to the equipment shall be held liable and therefore be
charged the amount to pay for the damaged part/s of the equipment.
 Students should not be allowed to go out from the room unless very necessary so that the class
will not be disturbed.
 Students caught vandalizing shall be dealt with accordingly.
 Students are not allowed to smoke in the Speech Laboratory.
 Eating and drinking are not allowed in the Speech Laboratory.
 Silence and Cleanliness must be observed by everyone while inside the Speech Laboratory.

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