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Department of Education

Region I
Division of City Schools
Dagupan City
Dagupan City National High School

A Business Plan entitled:

Presented to:

Pina T. Cochangco

(Entrepreneurship Adviser)

Presented By:

Lopez, Regine Julia A.

De Asis, Angelico O.

Fernandez, Denmark M.

De Vera, Jessieca M.

Dela Cruz, Maria Angelica A.

July, 2017
A. Description of Business

The business is all about putting up a stall wherein a single dish contains a
variety of products for the customers to digest. The proponents offer a variety of
tasty meals from corndog, potato balls and potato spring rolls packed with nutrients
suitable for the kids and adults alike. Therefore, the proponents came up with the
name “Stix Snax”. Which is a perfect description of our products. The intention of the
business is to provide snacks that are nutritious at the same time, preserving the
taste of the original product.

How can a snack be a nutritional one? The proponents charged the usual
ingredients for the meatballs and the spring rolls into mashed potato. Since potato is
a good source of various vitamins, the proponent then came up with this idea. The
mashed potatoes were wrapped into a lumpia wrapper then add some seasonings to
spice up the taste. One of the company’s priorities is to provide outstanding and
friendly customer service and support for the customers and to enjoy their stay.

The location of our main branch is at Arellano Street, Dagupan City in front or
near University of Pangasinan. With a budget of 12000 pesos, including the rent and
for the supplies, the proponents scouted the area, as it is a good opportunity for the
business to be recognized. It is also near the city proper and packed with people
from the city. Arellano is also a good location for our business to rise.

The main branch will be open from Monday to Saturday with hours as follows.


Days Time

Monday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Tuesday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Wednesday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Thursday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm


The branch will placed in our rented space at Arellano Street, Dagupan City, in
front or near the University of Pangasinan for the main reason in reaching the large
amount of customers both passersby and students. The cost to open the branch is P10
000. This will not cover the purchase of raw materials and equipment. The capital will be
funded by the proponents who are the following; Angelico De Asis, Denmark
Fernandez, Regina Julia Lopez, Jessieca De Vera and Maria Angelica Dela Cruz. Each
member will be general partners and will have a share in its liability in case we incur any
loss. The Stix Snax will reach its customers through different ways in promoting:
traditional and advance technology form. The business will use tarpaulins and flyers to
promote and introduce the foods that we offer. We will be putting posters on nearby
places in our opening day. We will also create our own page on Facebook and
Instagram where it includes some information about the products and spread it
throughout the social media.

Company Ownership

The owner of JADAR company , producer of Stix Snax are five ABM Students in
Dagupan City National High School, namely; Regine Julia Lopez, Angelico De Asis,
Denmark Fernandez, Jessieca De Vera, and Maria Angelica Dela Cruz. The said
company were organize as a partnership in a private sector. The members of the
company will contribute and divide the shares equally distributed among them. JADAR
Company will take responsibility for customer support and feedbacks given.

Our company offers a variety of appetizers that will surely capture the appetite of
the customers. The set-up of the selling aspect has four options: a.) Corn dog only; b.)
Potato balls only; c.) Potato sticks only; and d.) Mixed appetizers. The products are
made in the main premise of the company.

The company focuses on giving its customers healthy and delicious appetizers to sizzle
and fire up their appetite. Our business will be successful because we offer
mouthwatering appetizers at an affordable price, and it is delicious and healthy.


Being located in front or near the University of Pangasinan, Arellano Street,

Dagupan City, the students, professors, bank-goers, or the residents in general will be
the target customers as it is within the city. The products we sell are for all ages having
an approximate number of potential customers.

Our company provides appetizers that sizzles the appetite of our customers at a
very affordable price.
B. Products/Services

Our product Stix Snax is different from other products produced in the market.
Stix Snax was produced with accordance of the satisfaction and safety for the
customers. The product will be ensured with its preparation whilst the employees are
wearing sanitary gloves and hairnet to avoid any indiscreet mixture to the product. The
employees will also use sanitized utensils and will work on a smudge-free, DOH
approved workstation to prevent viruses and bacteria from getting through the product.

Stix Snax offers high quality products with an affordable price. Our products are
designed to sizzle and boost the appetite of our customers. We offer delicious and
savory Corndog, nutritious potato cheese sticks and potato balls. Our products are
made from the finest and quality ingredients. We provide satisfaction to our customers.
The customer is always right.

Figure 1: Market Positioning with Competitors

Product Description

We aim to be the fourth quadrant of the market position where our products are
recognized as high quality on a low price. Stix Snax offers the following:

a. The first product that our company offers is Corndog. The hotdog is coated in
thick layer of flour and cornmeal combined. Then the mixture is deep-fried
into vegetable oil until it enriches the golden brown color of the corndog.
b. The second product that our company offers is Potato Cheese Stick. Not just
any cheese sticks, The Stix Snax modification adds nutritional value to the
product. Potatoes were mashed into bits and were wrapped using the lumpia
wrapper available in the market. Fried and dipped in ketchup, the Potato
Cheese Sticks are your to-go snack.
c. The next product that our company offers is Potato Balls. Coated with
breadcrumbs, it is rich in cheese and potato that can provide you vitamins
while eating a delicious snack.
d. Our company offers a combination of the three products. All of your favorite
snack in one can be yours for a cheap price.

Table 2: Product Description

Corndog Potato Cheese Stick Potato Balls Mixed

C. Market Analysis

Product Strategies

One of the visions of Stix Snax is to produce an affordable delicious snack that
sizzle the consumers’ appetites. We offer a variety of products that the consumers can
choose that would satisfy to their tastes. Ranging from Corndogs, Potato Cheese Sticks
and Potato Balls, or these products can be purchased in one combined. Stix Snax
products are the perfect product to support an active and healthy lifestyle.

The company is trying to offer the current trends in the market today, specifically
the snacking styles of the millennial.

For the product to be recognized, we will provide a limited count of free samples
for the students to taste-test our products first before buying. They will have the option if
they wanted to buy our product or not. From the taste-test sampling, we can gain benefit
from their feedback to know what changes we can make for the improvement of the

The company selected the subject as for its food stall primarily because of its
location. A perfect area for the students to come around during the school’s break and
lunch period. This will encourage hungry students from their classes to take the time to
stop for a delicious home-cooked snack they can enjoy.

Pricing Strategies

Our company provides products that are affordable while keeping the quality of
the product. The company carefully analyzed the cost that would benefit both the
consumers and the company itself. Since we aim for having a low price high quality
product, we ensured that students with low budget can afford our products as well. Most
factors were considered for the pricing system of our products. The materials and
equipment expenses are calculated before and after the operating time of the business
to keep track of our budget.

Promotional Strategies

Stix Snax will conduct a promotion in communicating with consumers, and

retailers about its product in a variety of ways. All the information needed, from the
company to the products and how they are made, will be available through online and in
person. The company’s promotional effort and strategies will try to make the product
gain attention to be recognized among the consumers. The promotional strategies ro be
used will be genuine and unique among those competing brands.

 Location – since our main branch is located at Arellano District, Dagupan City,
we wanted to expand and set up a small stall at Dagupan City National High
School. Location of the food stall is in front of PAGCOR building so that students
can have easy access of our products and won’t be crowded. We will post
signage near and in our stall for them to recognize us.
 Media – with the company having a chance to show off in the public, the
company will do their best to reach out to potential customers that would want
our product. Whilst the market trend constantly changing, the company strives to
keep up since millennial are having constant urges to what’s new in the market.
 Print – the employees will distribute flyers to inform and encourage potential
customers. The employees will also post print ads within the bulletin board of the
Summary of the Survey

Question 1: We are selling appetizers (Corndog, potato cheese sticks and potato balls).
On a scale of 1-10, what is the likelihood that you will buy our product?

Table 3: Survey Results

Rate No. of Responses Total Equivalent

1 7 7
2 5 10
3 7 21
4 4 16
5 39 195
6 17 102
7 22 154
8 31 248
9 7 63
10 61 610
Total: 200 1426

total equivalent
Mean rate =
total responses

142 6

= 7.13

The rate at which the 200 students are willing to buy our products, which are the
corndog, potato cheese sticks and potato balls, is 7.13.
Question 2: What kind of combinations of our products do you prefer to buy?

Table 4: Survey Results for Question 2

Type of Combination No. Of Responses

By Ones 42

By Twos 68

Combination of Three 90

Total: 200

Table 4 shows that out of 200 students that took the survey, 42 of them wanted
to buy our products by ones, 68 wanted to buy our products by twos, and 90 wanted to
buy in a combination of three.
Question 3: How much are you willing to pay per package or per bundle of appetizers?

Table 5: Survey Results for Question 3

Price of the Product (in pesos) No. of Respondents

18 93
20 65
22 18
25 24

Total: 200

Table 5 shows that out of 200 respondents, 93 of them are willing to buy our
product to be sold at 18 pesos.
Question 4: Do you want to receive a free taste/sample before buying our product?

Table 6: Survey Results for Question 4

Yes/No No. of Respondents

Yes 192

No 8

Total 200

Table 6 shows that 192 of the respondents are willing to receive a free sample of
our products before they can buy it.

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