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Dikir Barat performance is popular in many parts of Malaysia and of course every each
of people will say it is the art in Kelantan. In Kelantan, the Dikir Barat is regarded as a
traditional art form that is very important to be keep and protect. Besides the performance, Dikir
Barat recordings are also popular in this country to their residents. It was reported in 2006 that
were about five major production houses in Kelantan which is successfully releasing around 20
Dikir Barat albums a year.

In my research, controversy arose over the Kelantan government’s decision to ban the
performance of Dikir Barat. The government acknowledged that some organizers of Dikir Barat
included other forms of the entertainment that were contrary to Islamic teachings. The ban was
delayed, and the government then allowed the group to perform as long as they agreed to abide
by certain conditions. Performances are only allowed by groups affiliated with the Persatuan
Dikir Barat Negeri and female Dikir Barat singers, comedians and other forms of entertainment
are strictly prohibited during the performance. The performance of Dikir Barat in other state of
Malaysia are not subject to such rules.

The performance of Dikir Barat in Kelantan continues to attract the attention of people
because Dikir Barat songs often infused with dangdut (a type of Indonesian folk music)
elements, Malay dance forms Zapin and joget and even pop, rock techno music. Older and
popular Dikir Barat songs are also remixed to appeal to a wider audience and changing tastes.

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